Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“Pastries are amazing.”Tony agreed tilting his head. “True...we’ll look to get you a building.”Tony said amused. “It gives everyone nightmares.”Tony pointed out smiling slightly, though looking vaguely concerned with that. “You’ll be better soon. Your potion is helping, just not as quick as you want it to.”Anna said looking at loki.”Besides, if you’d been human, you’d still be in bed. So don’t complain.”She said, “Go to sleep loki. And take tony with you.He needs to rest to.” “Why?I can get some work done?” “.....”Anna stared at her friend, daring him to force the topic, cause she would and blurting out why she wanted him to rest would be annoying for them both. “Fine.Come on, reindeer.”Tony sighed as he got up, smiling slightly as he left the room with loki.

“Well. At least they’ll rest for a few hours. Though I’m betting they’ll both be bored soon.”Anna said looking thoughtful because she knew tony hated being trapped inside, even if he preferred the indoors, he didn’t like being forced to. And though he could leave, she had a feeling he stuck around because he didnt want to leave loki alone, even if he knew they wouldn’t hurt loki.
Loki looked quite pleased by the idea. "it has to be a smaller one. i work better in smaller spaces." he admitted with a nod. "you, actually LIKE Thor." Loki grumbled as Thor smirked. "i Do love you Brother." he chirped, making Loki glare at him. "silence you oaf and stop speaking of emotions!" he demanded before glaring at Anna. "i am not used to being bedridden." he growled. "usually Frigga heals me quite quickly." he admitted. "or my own magic does. the longest i've ever been bedridden was when i was six, and that was only for four days because i had the Summer Sickness." he grumbled. "i beleive you humans call it the Pox." he admitted. "i hate sleeping all the time, don't tell me what to do!" yeah, Loki was tired. he was asleep before they even reached the bedroom.

"Yes, Loki is going to start getting very anxious. he hates being trapped." Thor admitted. "we will have to find a way to keep him entertained without him straining himself." Thor admitted with a sigh. "i'm half tempted to go and fetch Hela simply so she'll heal him and he'll stop whining."
“I’m sure we can find a building that suits you. And its not like money will stop us from getting the right one.”Tony snorted amused before smiling. “Thor amuses me.” “I know, but it will be good for you to rest. Just think, you have something no one else in the world can say they’ve had. Tony Stark waiting on them hand and foot.”She teased a little looking amused though as loki fell asleep, quickly followed by tony who snuggled up against him to nap.

“Well, if you think that would be better, you might want to....but for now, me and steve will plan a night out. We’ll take them somewhere peaceful or something, without a audience or anything, but out.”She mused looking thoughtful before looking at her boyfriend. “Tony has a private box at the opera, if you want to go....I mean, loki’ll probably fall asleep through some of it, but it could be like a double date or something....”She said blushing ever so slightly, well aware the others were snickering silently at them. Because it had taken them so long to get together, she knew the other’s found her and steve quite cute.
Loki snorted a little. "this is true." he admitted with a shrug. "Thor amuses everyone." Loki grumbled with a roll of his eyes. "this is true. Tony is rather nice to me. it's a little weird." Loki admitted with a playful grin.

Thor nodded. "i do have to go and get the list of books Loki wants... and i'll have to tell Father about Loki's plans... i'm not sure how he's going to feel about that..." Thor admitted, looking hesitant. "i'll pack up all of Loki's personal effects as well and bring them here..." he decided before grinning as Steve flushed brightly. "i don't know what an Opera is but i'll go with you." he agreed with a smile. "and Tony and Loki would probobly love to get out for a few hours. we can always ditch them after and do something after too." he admitted with a smile.
Anna smiled a little.”I’m sure it’ll be fine Thor. Odin was his father to, surely he would want him happy, no matter how it happens.”Anna said though she didn’t look so sure about that before grinning pleased with the idea. “Well, I’ll get the tickets and get everything ready. It’ll be fun.”

The next evening Tony smirked a little as he did up his tie, looking bemused as he glanced at his best friend. “You know it’s weird you’re inviting loki instead of pepper right?I mean, this is what amounts to a double date.” “Not so weird as Pepper’s in washington on business, and said you needed to get out of the tower before you go insane. Tony, we both know you can’t stand tight spots, and even as roomy as it is, the tower is a cage if you don’t leave it.” “....” “Fine. Be that way. I’m going to go see if Steve’s ready.”

Anna rolled her eyes a little as she got up off the bed she was sitting on, straightening her evening dress, blushing her black hair out of her face, the usually straight strands curly and bouncy. Glad she’d gotten Tony to tell steve exactly what to wear, because she was so looking forward to seeing him out of his normal workout clothes, or the captain america suit, she was interested to see how much he cleaned up. “Steve?”she smiled knocking on the door, blushing ever so slightly as she shifted in her high heels. Because while they made her uncomfortable a bit, she was enjoying being a few inches taller and not quite as doll like and delicate next to her boyfriend.

“You need help dressing?”Tony asked as he knocked on Loki’s door pausing long enough to get the okay to come in before stepping into the room, looking dashing and years younger then he really was. For once, completely, totally sober, having resisting shooting or drinking all day just so he could have the pleasure of going to the opera with Loki.
Steve smiled as she walked in. "i'm decent." he promised, examining himself in the mirror. "i look silly." he complained, scowling as he looked at the diagram taped to the mirror as he fussed with his Tie, trying to tie it properly and muttering a rather foul word under his mouth as he failed. "do you know how to do this? i can't make it work." he complained, holding the mangled tie to her with pleading eyes. he looked handsome though, very handsom as Tony had gotten Steve out to be fitted for a suit. the gray suit made his bright blue eyes stand out, and he must have had help with his hair because it had been chopped short and spiked.

Loki looked up as Tony walked in. he was dressed impeccably... except for his pants. "i can't stand up long enough to get my pants on..." Loki grumbled. he looked very good in a suit, and his long hair was swept back and held in place perfectly. "why are we going to this thing again?" Loki asked. "it is a.. play, yes?" he asked, torn between annoyance at being made to go out. and curiosity.


i found pictures!
Anna smiled as she stepped into the room, pausing in the doorway to stare at him, for a moment at a loss as she stared at her beautiful boyfriend. Grinning a little at his mutter, “I didn’t know you even knew that words.”She teased as she stepped closer, taking the tie from him. “Who do you think taught tony?”She teased a little slipping the tie around his neck and tying it with quick deft fingers, resting her hands on his chest as she stared up at him. Swallowing hard. “You look amazing.”She said biting her lip, struggling to resist the urge to slide her hands under that jacket, slid it off and.....oh yea. Had to stop that line of thought before she got to distracted and they didn’t leave. “I like the haircut. It looks good.”she smiled quietly as she stepped back, looking amused.

Tony smiled biting his lip to keep from laughing. It was so cute to see him looking amazing and not in pants. He actually looked like he’d already gone on a date. “You know, this is how most of my dates end. With my date with no pants.”He teased walking over and helping the other up, holding him up as he helped him into his pants before nodding. “It is, yes. I don’t know what opera Anna chose, but it’ll be fine. She thought since you were complaining about being stuck inside, it would do us all well to get out for the night. It’ll be fine, Loki.”he promised settling him into the wheelchair.

*drools*And because you need one to. Tony
Steve smiled a little, looking quite sheepish. "you weren't supposed to hear that..." he admitted with a smile. "thanks." he muttered, glad that she could tie a tie. "you do too." he admitted, rather breathlessly. "you like it? Clint cut it for me... it's short..." he muttered, biting his lip as he run his hand through his hair. "i don't think i've ever had it this short before." he admitted, smiling at her as he followed her step, hesitating before he leaned down and kissed her, smack dab on the lips. "i've been wanting to do that sine we had coffee." he admitted, blushing hard. "i hope you don't think it too forward of me."

Loki scowled at Tony. "i can hear you laughing at me Tony Stark." he grumbled before he snorted. "yes well... play nice and i might let you take my pants off tonight too." he promised with a chuckle as he button and zipped his pants. "at least Thor isn't coming with us. god he's driving me nuts!" Loki complained. "i think he's upset that i don't want to go back to Asgaurd." he admitted with a shake of his head. "and i hate being trapped." he admitted. "i know logically i'm not... but i FEEL trapped." he admitted with a sigh. "...what if we're attacked?" he asked, looking highly worried. "what if..." he bit his lip. he was mostly worried about someone recognizing him.
Anna smiled slightly blushing at how breathless he sounded, swallowing hard. “I do. I’ll have to tell clint he did a good job...you fit in better now. Not such a dated haircut. Not that I didn’t like it long but...”She started cut off by the kiss, kissing him back. Blushing as she looked up at him, “Oh...well I’ve been wanting to to.”She smiled before grinning a little. “To forward would have been groping me against the wall, not kissing me.”She teased him a little, reaching up, gently running her fingers through his hair before stepping away. “Come on, we better be going. I want to get there before it gets to crowded. I know we shouldn’t have problems, but I’d rather have loki in the private box before it gets to busy...”She muttered rambling because the kiss made her think of other things, and she needed to think of something else. Slipping a hand into his she smiled as she headed out into the hall and away from the temptation of his bed.

“Ah, but I wasn’t doing it outloud. And I always play nice.”He said smirking a little amused as he pushed the other out of the bedroom, “He’s just worried about you. And probably. He likes asgard, and even knowing how it was for you, he still wants you to come home.”He said before sighing softly. “I know what you mean, Loki, about being trapped. And we’re going with Steve and Anna, and I’m taking one of the suits. We’ll be fine.”He promised smirking a little as he nudged loki’s shoulder a little with his hand. “Look at the adorable couple.”he teased amused as he watched anna and steve walk out of the bedroom.
he smiled a little. "he'll be delighted." he agreed with a smile as he ran fingers through his hair, biting his lip a little after he kissed her. "oh, good." he breathed, visibly relaxing. so very glad that she wasn't upset with him. "er... groping?" he asked, looking confused. "your right, we don't want anyone giving Loki a hard time, Tony will probobly try to hurt anyone who does." he admitted with a shake of his head.

Loki chuckled a little and shook his head. "i don't think you're capable of playing nice Tony." he admitted with a grin. "and it matters that you where laughing at all." he complained with a sulk before he sighed. "i know Thor is worried, but he's loud, and obnoxious, and he can't touch me without breaking me." he complained. "besides, Asgaurd was never my home. it was just a place to park my stuff until i found a better place." he admitted with a sigh. "well... i guess it will be alright." he agreed before smirking as he watched Steve flush bright red. "my but he does look handsome." he stated with a smirk. "that blush is quite fetching. makes me wonder if he hasn't been doing anything naughty?"
Anna smiled as he relaxed, “Hm, yes.”She smiled slipping a arm around his waist ,and palming his ass, copping a feel.”You know, groping.”She said with wicked laughter in her voice as she stepped away from him, nodding a little. “Tony probably would.”she agreed, still blushing and looking amused that she’d dared cop a feel on captain america. It just seemed...weird to do, even if she was pretty sure he wouldn’t care.

“I can to.”Tony made a face before smirking a little. “I know loki. He’ll calm down soon. Hopefully.”he said grinning as he looked up at steve, nodding. “He does look good. And it is. Both of them are blushing, Reindeer, and they DID come out of the bedroom. I think you’re right, they’ve been naughty.” “We have not.”Anna scowled blushing and flustered as they headed down to the garage, barely noticing she snuggled closer to steve as they rode the elevator down, finding it vaguely amusing that tony to was stepping closer to loki as the doors closed. Looking amused as they walked out of it, she let out a quiet sigh, glad her blush had gone away as they climbed into the limo. “So, what are we seeing, Anna?” “It’s a surprise.”
he gasped as he felt her hand on his ass and he gaped at her, more than a little stunned. "o..oh!" he muttered, suddenly understanding what she meant about groping. "well... uhm. i'll make sure not to do that then." he agreed with a smile and a furious blush.

"no you can't. and i know he will, but right now he's overbearing and annoying. and if he tries to pick me up one more time i'm going to break his nose!" he grumbled. "very naughty." Loki teased with a smirk. he thought about commenting when Steve wrapped an arm around her waist and held her close but decided not to in case they teased back with the way Tony's hand was on his arm. calming and soothing. "is it far away?" Loki asked curiously as he was helped into the Limo by Happy the Driver. "thank you." Loki stated to Happy as the wheelchair was folded and put in the trunk.
“Well, I wouldn’t mind, I was just keeping in mind that you might get a nosebleed or offend your 1940s sensibilities if you did such a action.”She teased looking amused.

“Well, I would pay to see that. It’d be quite amusing really.”Tony said snickering a little before nodding. “Agreed.”Tony said also thinking about teasing them, but since Anna was more then capable of outting him, and steve would probably give him another black eye, he refrained. “Not to far. Just a few minutes.”Anna said smiling as they moved through traffic, it was only about a half hour before they got to the opera house, laughter escaping tony’s mouth as he realized what’s playing.”I think she’s making fun of you reindeer, tonight’s show’s ‘Ride of the Valkyries.’” “Not making fun. Just trying to find something we’d all enjoy, and I enjoy wagner.”Anna smiled as she got out of the limo smiling as happy got loki settled back into the wheelchair. Looking around them she smiled, glad that it was indeed less crowded since they got here early. Heading into the opera house she grinned, looking like a little kid. It was one of the few good memories she had over howard stark, attending the opera with him and tony.
Loki rolled his eyes. "i've done it before you know." he admitted with a smirk. "Broke Thor's nose i mean. i've broken his Jaw before too." he admitted. "he was annoying me." he admitted with a chuckle. "Ride of the Valkyrie?" Loki asked curiously. "what do you lot know about Valkyrie?" he asked, wondering if this was another silly human butchering of true myths. "the Valkyrie are the guardians of those who have fallen in battle. they take the heroes of the battlefield to Valhalla." he admitted with a smile. "and they take the worst criminals, those with truly black souls, to the lowest pit of Niflheim." he admitted with a smile. "based in truth, or butchered, anything that honors the Valkyrie is to be watched with great delight." he admitted with a nod as he let Tony push him into the Theater. nothing at all happened, no one recognized anyone, least of all Loki and they where able to watch the entire play. Loki even stayed awake during the entire thing. it wasn't until they where leaving that there was a problem.

"EVERYONE ON THE GROUND!" the gunshot rippled through the air, men in masks rounded everyone up, forcing them into a large group where they where stripped of valuables. robbers, the Avengers just couldn't catch a break. Steve of course... couldn't stand by and watch the men heckle old ladies and pretty girls. he just had to stand up to their defense. the result ended with Tony in the Iron Man suit, Loki on the ground huddled in a corner, and three people being shot. no one died though, and the robbers where caught and everything was fine... until they realized that Anna had been shot. twice.
“It’s a story about a valkyrie who falls in love with one of the heros she is transporting to vahalla.”Anna said smiling a little, “It is a good story and I asked thor about it once, he said it’s pretty close.”Anna said smiling a little looking amused as they walked in. Happy and pleased as they all got a chance to watch the play together, chattering excitedly with loki when it was over, picking out the things that were truth and myth, moving to stay with loki when the gunshot fired.

“One day, I’m going to get a break.”Tony cursed as he pulled on the suit, snarling as he took care of things with steve, looking around for loki, relieved when he saw that he was okay walking towards him, hoping anna was with him when he didn’t see her. Cursing as a booted foot slid in blood and going down with a crah of metal that rattled him as he laid there for a moment before turning to look, cursing as he fought to get out of the suit quickly, “Steve!Get over here!”He cursed as he realized what he was seeing, scrambling to his feet as he moved to the woman’s side, looking vaguely amused as he realized anna was holding her own carotid shut with her fingers, and one of the waitresses were holding a shirt against her side. “Move. Get a ambulance here. Now.”Tony snarled at the girl, knowing he should be nicer but he couldn’t, not looking down at anna’s face as she held her neck, watching her bleed out.

“Hey, st. Clair, no dying on me okay?You still need to have sex with cap.”Tony said gently sliding a hand under hers, fingers finding the vein, knowing she was losing enough blood to pass out, pinching it closed. Glad to see that it was only a graze, but it was a major vein, and he needed to get it closed.”Steve!I need super a knife and tape or something.”Tony growled angry because he knew she was bleeding out and there wasn’t a damned thing he could do about it, taking the knife steve offered him, and really wishing the ambulance would hurry the fuck up. Glancing at steve he swallowed. “Put pressure on her side. It’s slowing, but it’s her neck that’s the danger.”he muttered, glad that he’d played doctor with anna enough to know what he was doing, praying she’d forgive him as he widened the cut on her neck, just enough to get his fingers in it, careful to not cut her carotid, desperate as he used the tape to close the wound, careful to not cut off her brain totally, glad it was only one side, and not both, otherwise this would never work. Cursing as he glanced up at the medics as they came in, he shifted as they put her on a stretcher, before kneeling on it over her.”You’re going to have to move us both, rogers, if I take my hands out of here without a operation room, she’s going to bleed out before we have a chance to save her.....”he growled, knowing the medics wouldn’t listen to him, and trusting steve to get them moving before anna bled out.”...and get Reindeer back to the tower, have thor or clint come get him...”He muttered as his world narrowed down to the woman between his knees. Having no intention of watching her bleed out, the rest of the world melting away until tony stark’s whole world was focused on where his hands were.
Steve was panting hard and he had a black eye and a split lip from where one of the robbers had gotten a lucky shot with the butt of a rifle. he raced over to Tony, going pale as he realized how hurt Anna was, trembling as he did exactly as Tony demanded, hands steady as he followed every order Tony gave him. "it's alright Anna... it's alright." he whispered, frightened to talk too loudly, as if it might effect how well she recovered. he handed over a knife from his pocket without a word and was handed some tape from an old lady with a purse the size of a briefcase. he placed pressure on her side, pale and terrified about loosing Anna before he even really had her. "i got you." Steve promised, picking up the one side without issue while the two doctors picked up the other side, turning to look at Loki. "Stay put!" he demanded, Loki nodding once. "i'll call Clint and River as soon as we have Anna in the hands of proper doctors." he promised Tony.

an hour later, Loki had been brought to the hospital with Clint, River... and everyone else. Loki had, apparently been hurt in the scuffle, flung out of his wheelchair by one of the robbers he'd popped several of his stitches and was waiting for his turn to be stitched up. he wasn't hurt bad though, just in a bit of pain. two hours later, Loki was better, and Anna was still in surgery, but Loki had somehow acquired a six year old buddy who refused to let go of Loki's hand, much to the child's mother's amusement. apparently the child had been terrified of getting stitches, as she'd been shot in the scuffle. so Loki had shown her his own stitches, and promised her it wouldn't hurt a bit and let her watch him get his stitches restitched. now the child, a little girl named Lilia, wouldn't leave Loki's side and was chattering all their ears off about unicorns and mermaids. at least she was a bit of a distraction, and didn't seam to realize that she was surrounded by superheros.
“....I want a unicorn. Do you know where I can buy one?”Tony said smiling tiredly at the little girl as he stepped into the waiting room, though he was down to his dress slacks and a doctor’s scrub shirt, it was obvious he’d been staying with the surgical team, offering advice and staying close since he knew anna’s medical history so they’d let his stay, but with the way his hair was sticking up every which way and looked a little matted with blood, it was obvious he’d been on the verge of ripping it out. All in all, he looked cleaned up and free of blood, but like he’d been gutted. Looking at his friends he offered steve a small smile, “She’s out of surgery and stable. She’s awake to, at least for a few minutes. I came to see if you want to see her before they put her under again so she can rest.”he said his hands twitching a little, the only reason he’d been this calm and collected under pressure, hadn’t gone to get a fix of coke to keep calm, was because he knew Anna needed his head clear enough to help. Twitchy and needing a fix, and struggling to not give into the pure despair of nearly getting his best friend killed.

“Tony?Are you hurt?”Natasha said looking him over, searching for a wound, knowing the man well enough to know he would have hidden it in the need to get anna help and to stay close. “No.None of this is mine.”Tony said vaguely waving towards his blood sticky hair before looking at steve. “you coming?I want to get out of here, get a shower....There’s nothing else I can do for her tonight. I have to get back to the tower so I can make sure her lab is put together enough to move her into it tomorrow. they said I could so don't argue. I just have to make sure she's stable tonight."Tony said staring and it was obvious that after two hours of keeping it together, that he was starting to unravel.
the little girl looked up at Tony and nodded. "oh yes! they sell Unicorns at the Mall! big fluffy ones!" she admitted beaming at him. "you should get a unicorn, they make everything all better!" she admitted happily. "oh thank God." Steve whispered, leaping to his feet and racing out into the room where the doctor was waiting to take him to Anna.

"Tony is fine." Loki stated simply as he smiled at Lilia. "i have to go now. i hope you can meet a Unicorn. and remember, don't scratch your stitches and eat your vegetables." he ordered, patting her head and wheeling over to Tony. "come on Tony." he demanded. "take us home, Steve won't leave Anna until they kick him out. we'll come back for him then." he promised. "if they even do anyway, he IS the Captain after all. i don't know that they would dare take him from Anna's side." he admitted. "Bruce will help set up the lab in the morning, right now. you need a bath and a shot of caffeine and a good long sleep." Loki ordered, leading the way out to the Car. Clint decided to go back to the police station to torment the buglers and Steve was clearly not leaving the hospital anytime soon. which left Tony and Loki alone. "have your fix Tony." Loki demanded once they where alone in the car. "and then you have to hold me because i think i swallowed my heart..." he whispered, his eyes welling up with tears. "this is all my fault... if i hadn't complained about being bored... she never would have been there... we never would have been there..."
Tony smiled tiredly looking amused though. “I’ll have to go get one then.”Tony said smiling before looking at loki, looking startled at being ordered about. “I should get things set up tonight....and they wont kick him out. He IS capsicle after all, and anna asked for him...and...”Tony rambled a little as he walked, smiling as both clint and natasha headed down to the police station to torment the buglers. Looking at Loki he sighed tiredly as he leaned forward to get into the stash he kept in the limo, barely letting the other finish talking before he had the needle in his arm. Leaning back in his seat he shifted wrapping his arms around loki, pressing a kiss to his hair. “you don’t know that. She loves ‘ride of the valkyries’ and her and steve had just started dating. They do those date things you know, instead of spending the time in bed. And it’s NOT your fault. It’s mine. I’ve always gotten her in trouble, this is just another time I got someone hurt by being around me.”Tony huffed a little smiling tiredly as happy pulled into the garage at the tony, not even bothering with the wheelchair and just carrying loki upstairs and settling him into bed. “I’ll be right back....”he muttered settling loki into bed, disappearing into the bathroom. Though it was nearly a hour before he came back in,his skin raw and red from scrubbing, having freaked out the moment he;d seen just how much blood was still in his hair, desperate to forget the feel of his friend bleeding out under his hands. Climbing into bed with loki he was quiet as he shifted, arms wrapping around the other’s waist, tugging him close. “...I cant lose her reindeer....I can’t....”He muttered having done enough shot of coke, the man was going down hard as the drugs made him extremely tired, unlike most people, his physical response to the drugs was to sleep, hsi mind slowing down enough that he wouldn’t think.

Anna stirred slightly when steve came into the room, looking up at him with half closed eyes, obviously drugged and hurting.”...cap...”she mouthed, looking up at him before closing her eyes again. Because talking hurt to much, even considering talking hurt. Turning her hand out, she reached for his, needing the human contact to know she was still alive, even as the drugs took her under again.
Lilia nodded quite sagely and Loki bit back the urge to laugh. "you won't be good for anything tonight." Loki scolded. "she won't be ready to be moved until tomorrow evening at the earliest as you very well know." he stated. "you have all day tomorrow to make it perfect for her." he assured Tony. "i do know that." he whispered. "i do know it. anytime i make a freind something bad happens to them. Sigyn died. Thormin died. i got River, Tiffany and Alec fired and Tiffany was stabbed. now Anna's been shot because i liked her." he muttered. "you'll get hurt too, and i should leave before i get you hurt but i'm too selfish and i want you too much..." he admitted, sounding quite guilt ridden. "you're the closest thing to happiness i've ever had..." he whispered. he settled into bed with a wince, feeling week and tired and in a great deal of pain. there was nothing he could take for it though, human medicine did nothing for him, and often made things worse and human drugs where even more bad for him. he had used all of his healing potions, and asgaurdian Pain medication was entirly too addictive to be used without a healer there to moderate every single ounce. he winced as he was tugged but was careful not to let Tony see as he snuggled back into the other, desperate for the contact. "you won't. Thor will get Frigga... she can't heal humans much, but Frigga can heal her enough that she won't relapse." he hoped.

Steve smiled and took her hand. "sleep. i'll stay with you." he promised softly, and indeed, no one came and tried to make him leave, and he was there, holding her hand anytime she woke up.
“I know, but everything needs cleaned and...”Tony trailed off f tiredly before nodding, slumping back into the seat. “Loki, no you don’t. If you wont let me blame myself for getting pepper killed, I’m not letting you take blame for this because she would have gone anyways.”Tony said before looking startled at the idea of loki wanting to stay with him, his eyes serious.”....I’ll get you hurt if you stay, you know....everyone gets hurt around me....”he muttered, just as guilt ridden as loki. But he couldn’t send loki away, not when loki knew the whole truth, it was.....he didn’t feel quite as alone. Snuggling into him he smiled quietly, starting to fall asleep, to tired and drugged to notice the wince. “Good.That would be good...”he muttered as he fell asleep.

The next afternoon found tony cleaning and rearranging everything, glad that the whole lab was set up more like a apartment then a actual doctor’s office. Wondering if he could convince Steve to stay down here with her in the bed, instead of letting her be by herself.....though in all honesty he probably couldn’t keep him out of the room. Cleaning and making sure everything was in near reach if she needed it, even if he knew anna was going to kill him for touching everything. But he’d needed to make sure everything was as sterlized as he could make it, while it wasn’t the bullet through her side that worried him-it’d been a clean shot through and through missing everything but muscle at her waist- but her neck was the danger. And even stitched together he knew just how dangerous a carotid nick could be. Glancing at loki as the man wheeled into the med lab, “Time to go?”He asked figuring steve had called to say the doctor’s either had let her go, or anna had ordered to be let go. Knowing she hated hospitals, which was why he wanted her home so badly...even more because he wanted her somewhere he could watch her, make sure she was okay, and most importantly jarvis could keep a eye on her. Even if he knew that the attention would bother her, he was going to hover.

Anna stirred,blinking slowly, while she didn’t know exactly what happened, she was hurt and knew it. At least remembered enough of try moving to quickly. Tapping her fingernails against his palm to get his attention she swallowed carefully, and while she could talk, the vibrations from talking made her neck hurt, and she didn’t want to. Carefully moving she drew the words in his palm, going slow enough that she knew he’d figure out what the words where. ‘Are you, loki or tony hurt?
Loki snorted. "but you still blame yourself." he whispered. "you still think it's your fault. you're argument is baseless." he whispered, shaking his head. "and she would not have gone anyways..." he grumbled, sniffling a little. "yeah, good." he whispered.

Loki spent the morning sleeping, too tired and hurting to do anything else. he had sent Thor to go get Frigga for Anna. Thor happily agreed, and vanished and promised to be back by that night. "he wheeled into the lab hours later looking like hell. pale and sallow from pain, but managing to wheel himself. "i don't know. Clint called Steve but Anna hasn't woken up yet. i just wanted to let you know that she's still stable and steady." he admitted. "i sent Thor to get Frigga, she won't come for me of course, but she'll come for Anna." he promised. "i'm sure of it. especially since Thor thinks so very highly of her."

Steve smiled as she stirred and he tightened his grip on her hand to let her know he was paying attention. "..." he took a moment to understand what she had written before shake his head. "no Love. Me and Tony are fine. Loki popped a few stitches and has a fat lip and a black eye when he tried to stop the robbers from hurting an old lady, but he's not hurt too bad." he promised before he looked amused. "he helped a little girl who was waiting to get herself some stitches and we spent several hours listening to her chatter about unicorns because Loki was too nice to make her go away." he knew she'd get a kick out of that. "she actually mailed Tony a stuffed Unicorn. she asked me for the adress, i can't wait to see the look on his face when he gets it."
Tony slumped a little before running his head through his hair, looking at the other. “well, good. And maybe while she’s here she can heal you. I mean, she’s already here.”Tony muttered walking towards the other looking annoyed. “What are you doing up?You should get back to bed.”he said abandoning the books he had been collecting and moved over to loki, already moving to get him back upstairs. “You could have just asked jarvis to get me you know, you didn’t have to come down here.”he said looking annoyed, but also relieved that anna was still okay.

Anna smiled a little in relief, glad that they were okay, before laughing, wincing as the movement made her throat feel like it was on fire. She’d never really considered just how much you moved your neck with simple things, until it started hurting. Stilling she swallowed carefully, “Tony...will like that...”She said slowly, carefully offering him a small smile. “I’m okay....don’t look so worried....”She muttered closing her eyes, exhausted by the small effort. Even with the blood transfusions she’d had, her body was still playing catch up on just how much blood she’d lost. “Want to go home....”
Loki nodded. "i doubt she'll bother with me." he admitted with a shrug. "i am being punished after all, and i doubt she'll believe when someone tries to tell her i was attacked without provocation... simply being in existence seams to be a provocation." he admitted with a sigh. "i didn't want to lay in bed anymore." he admitted with a shake of his head. "and i didn't want to bother you until Clint told me what Steve said." he admitted. "finish setting up the Lab for her, i'm just going to sit here a moment. i'm tired of being alone." he wasn't about to admit he'd woken from a nightmare and had come to Tony for comfort. it was entirely too embarrassing.

he smiled before looking worried as she winced. "try not to talk." he ordered softly, stroking the side of her face that didn't have the stitches by it. "of course i'm going to worry." he whispered. "i was so scared last night... both Tony and Loki seam to think that this is their fault of course... i'm not sure how to convince them otherwise though." he admitted softly. "Tony's working on sterilizing your room so you can be taken home, and Thor was sent to get Frigga to see if she can't do anything for you."
Tony sighed quietly shaking his head."well i'll try. I mean you weren't doing anything wrong...well unless you count watching good opera bad,which in some peoples opinion might be bad I guess..."tony sighed quietly rubbing a hand over his face as he realized he was rambling. Damn he was worse then he thought,and fairly glad he'd already taken his dose of coke for the morning otherwise it'd probably be worse."well thanks for that. I was getting worried when he never called for a ride,though its not really surprising they didn't kick him out."he said as he returned to getting things ready,talking simply becaude it was keeping him from thinking about anna and wondering if she thought he abandoned her,with coming home instead of staying with steve to look after her.

Anna sighed quietly at the order nodding,raising a hand and miming texting,knowing that even if he didn't know how to work it well,tony had given him a starkphone, using the notepad feature wouldn't be to bad.quiet until he handed it over she offered him a tired smile."scared me to...tony doing anything doctory is cause for worry... she joked a little before sighing.they always blame themselves...we'll convince them somehow...and did they say when I can go?don't like hospitals...rather be in my personal lab. Less chance of getting sick,and you guys are all there.its home.
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