Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“I was not!”Tony sulked blushing slightly, because steve was right. At age 13 and a junior in college, the great dane pups, not the mention the adults, towered over the stark heir. “There is no picture, you don’t have to see them.”Tony ordered looking put out that everyone was ganging up on him. “I’ll show you, no matter how much he denies it, a picture exists.”Anna said grinning a little. “Ah, that’s right...and no, you’re not allowed calling me a puppy. It’s....no, just no. I can’t be a superhero as a puppy.”Tony sulked making a face. “Ahhh, well there’s plenty of blackmail to dig up, just find something. We have our own rules of engagement in Tower Stark, I’ll have to tell you about them.”Anna teased looking amused at loki, tilting her head a little.

“If we investigated every woman Stark brought home, we’d never do anything but that.”Natasha pointed out. “But now that you’ve mentioned we should have, I might have to.”she added smiling slightly. “As you demand, your highness.”Tony rolled his eyes a little. “That’s really cool. I’m taking notes on how this works, I mean it wouldnt help much for us humans, but Thor gets hurt enough that I hate not having a idea on how to help him the best...”Anna said looking intrigued at the idea, then watching tony’s face at loki’s demand. Wondering what in the world he was upset about. “...Fine. She should be home-”Tony stopped smiling as Pepper walked in, though it looked a tad strained. “Sorry guys. My meeting ran over this afternoon. Anything interesting happen today?”Pepper asked as she walked in, pausing to kiss tony’s cheek before smiling at river and loki. “Hello.”She said coolly, not sure what to think about the ‘supervillian’ living in her house, but willing to let tony do whatever he wanted, even if it included letting loki live here.....even if she wasnt sure about it.
Loki grinned a little. "but i want to see the picture. i'll have Thor bring some of my pictures, just to make things even." he promised with a chuckle. "i will forever and always call you my puppy." Loki teased with a grin. "and i'm fairly sure you'll get used to it." he promised with a smirk. "i suppose Superheros have to have a Rules of engagement as well." Loki agreed. "you will explain the Stark Tower rules to me then?" he asked with a smile. "why bother learning them? you'll just break them." "that's no fun. breaking rules is easy. it's slipping around the rules that's a fun challenge." Loki purred and River sighed. "you make my brain hurt Loki... you really do." he complained, shaking his head. "and besides, Tiffany isn't 'just another girl tony brought home." River commented. "she's 'a girl whose friends with the criminal mastermind who threw Tony out the window, who Tony brought home." "...he has a good point." Clint admitted, making a face. "we did know she was friends with Loki... we just didn't suspect her because she's cute and sweet." Clint admitted, Loki rolling his eyes. "she is, isn't she?"

"i'll have Thor get you some books." Tony promised Anna. "there are many medicinal books that will show you how best to help an Asgaurdian, with and without Magic." Loki admitted. "and some of out sorcery might be able to cross with earth technology. it's never really been attempted before." Loki admitted. "we might be able to use Asgaurdian medicine on humans, but i wouldn't exactly suggest just grabbing someone and making them drink a potion." Loki warned before looking up at Pepper when she walked in. "...good evening." Loki stated, studying Pepper intently. "you look smarter than i thought you would." Loki admitted, his head tilted. "Loki! be nice!" River admonished, Loki scowling at River. "i am being nice! i said she looked smart didn't i?" "you insinuated you think she's ugly." "of course i didn't! all women are pretty." Loki complained, looking confused and River sighed. "i think this is another cultural difference." "is it? perhaps it's simply because Piper... er, Pepper? frightens me a little." Loki mused, not letting on that Pepper wasn't human. wasn't even alive. he could see her, up close now, and KNEW that Pepper Potts was dead. and that the thing standing in front of him, was a Tony Stark made robot. "in any case, find out if Alec and Tiffany still have jobs will you? i'm getting tired again. tally ho! i wish to finish sleeping beauty before you're infernal babblings put me to sleep!" "...sometimes, i really hate him." River admitted, looking amused.
Tony grinned at that, before huffing. “Fine. I’ll show you the picture as soon as thor brings some of your pictures.”He said before pouting a little. “I guess I can.” “He is sorta adorable like a puppy isn’t he?”Anna smirked looking amused at the idea before nodding, “I will. When tony’s not around to listen in, since some of the rules are about him, so he can’t know about them.” “It’s my tower, I get to know them.” “No, because its so amusing watching you no understand what’s going on for once.”Anna snickered a little before laughing at river’s words. “Definitely more fun working around them.”Tony agreed before shrugging. “He does, but we thought she was human, and Tony can take care of himself. Not to mention she’s cute and sweet.”Natasha said smiling slightly.

“Good.I would like that.”Anna said pleased with the idea before smirking, “If anyone can figure out how to cross asgardian with midgardian, it’s me and tony. We’ll figure something out.”She said pleased with the idea before laughing. “I’ll only make you drink your potions, I wont try them on humans.”she added looking amused. Pepper looked startled at Loki’s words, before frowning, feeling insulted.”What?”She said simply. “Yes, I think I’ve had this problem with thor before.”She added looking amused, and even knowing she was a robot wouldn’t help loki much, because Tony had done the near impossible, made a robot so lifelike that even those who knew her, couldn’t tell the difference. “Come on then.”Tony said smiling slightly as he kissed pepper goodbye before pushing loki towards his room settlign him into bed even as he asked jarvis to turn on sleeping beauty for them.
Loki grinned a little and nodded. "he is adorable like a puppy. and he drools like a puppy, and humps everything in sight like a puppy. and makes messes on the floor like a puppy." Loki teased with an impish grin. "are there rules about me?" Loki asked curiously, blinking when everyone nodded. "do i get to know them?" he pouted when everyone shook their heads. "so unfair." he grumbled before smiling as he nodded. "we just have to wait for Thor to get back, i'll make a list of what he needs to bring. he'll forget otherwise." he admitted before he smiled as he watched her getting all excited. "once we can figure out if any of asgaurdian ingredients are safe for humans, then it should be alright. we know for a fact that the Golden Apples are not something a human should ingest." he admitted. "but we don't know anything else. no human has ever been to asgaurd before." he admitted before he turned his attention to Pepper. "perhaps you and i could chat sometime Miss Potts?" he offered with a smile. "we could collaborate on ways to make Tony suffer, don't you think?" he asked with a grin as he let Tony lead him away, humming as he examined his nails. "i like her. she's amusing." Loki chirped to Tony.

he was annoyed by the end of the movie though. "that's it?! he kisses her and that wakes her up!? that's a load of crap!" he complained. "that's not how magic spells WORK dammit!" he complained, glaring at the TV screen. "and she's so helpless! Women don't just fall over and wait for a man to save them! these cartoons are sexist!" what a thing for Loki of all people to bitch about.
“I do not make a mess on the floor!”Tony sputtered looking indignant at the words, sulking because they were ganging up on him. “You and tony can whine about it together.”Anna said snickering as he pouted, before smiling. “Hopefully he is back soon. He did not think the task he had would take that long, and I know he was worried about you.”Anna said looking thoughtful. “Of course, loki.”Pepper said though she didn’t look to sure about the idea. “...Something about you finding her amusing worries me. Should I be worried you’re going to steal my girlfriend?”He muttered looking amused though.

“It’s a cartoon for a reason, reindeer. Not real life. Magic doesn’t exist for us....so if it was a real spell, how would it have worked?”Tony asked, curious despite himself, before smirking slightly. “I take it no asgardian woman would have simply waited for a rescue?Cause while it’s not true of alot of them, there’s alot of women here who just want someone to rescue them.”he said looking amused that this was what loki was bitching about, settled back on the bed with a sigh, “Jarvis, what time is it?”He asked. “Just after nine, sir. If you want a dose, you can.”Jarvis said, and if he could have sounded disproving, he did. Because tony,despite being a junkie, had set a schedule for himself, evenly spaced to keep from accidently overdosing or chancing being to high to function. As it was, he had his doses spaced so that he was high, but still able to be himself. Ignoring the god for a moment he sighed as the drug hit his system, he closed his eyes as he glanced at the other.”I thought you were tired.”he mused, showing no signs of wanting to go back to his girlfriend, and his own bedroom. Actually looking content to stay where he was.
Loki smirked as Clint piped up. "you do when you're drunk." he pointed out, Loki snickering a little as he grabbed another piece of Garlic bread and hummed to himself. "the Dark Elves are a pain in the ass, but it's nothing that Thor can't handle. especially if Hela is there." he admitted with a nod. "he'll be back soon." he promised before offering Pepper a smile. "i don't date girls." Loki stated simply. "i'm not going to steel you're girlfriend." he promised with a chuckle. he glared at Tony at the end of the Cartoon though. "if it was a real spell, it would have spread through touch." he explained. "it is not possible to affect spells through emptiness." he admitted with a shake of his head. "you have to be touching the person, or have to enchant something they will touch. a castle is much too big to be enchanted that way, and if it was a real spell, anyone affected would also have become contagious." he admitted with a shake of his head. "meaning that if he kissed her while she was enchanted, he too would have fallen asleep. most spells are impossible to make last 'forever', and so in a matter of days, they all would have woken up on their own... besides, what kind of creeper kisses a sleeping girl?"

"no asgaurdian, woman or otherwise, needs rescuing." he stated with a roll of his eyes. "most of them travel in packs anyway, making it impossible to hurt them, and no Asgaurdian would attack another asgaurdian. Odin is an ass but he values the safety of his people, and anyone caught attacking another is severely punished." he admitted with a shrug of his shoulders. "you know. when even your robot voice sounds disapproving, that tells me something." Loki admitted as he watched Tony. "i am tired, but i want to make sure you're not going to go crazy first." clearly Loki was wary of human drugs after what they'd done to him. he no doubt expected Tony to react much the same way he had. when it didn't happen, Loki relaxed and settled in to sleep, wondering how best to deal with the Pepper situation and whether he should tell Anna or not... could he break Tony's trust that way?
“Interesting. Magic is interesting, simply because I wonder how it works with the tech I work on...maybe while you’re here we can make it work?I mean, I have a computer that’s already doing illusions, I wonder what else we could do with it...”He muttered looking thoughtful before snickering, “Well, it’s a good thing you’ve never read the original if you think that’s creepy.”He snickered quietly, “In the grimm’s version of sleeping beauty, they had to have sex to break the spell...definitely creepy things there.”He mused.

“Ah, well not to mention you’re all stronger then the average...though I guess if you’re fighting other asgardians, it really doesn’t matter if your stronger then humans...”he mused looking thoughtful before frowning slightly. “And what does it tell you?Jarvis is a computer, he has no feelings about what I do.”he said, resisting the urge to squirm because it wasn’t true. Once he’d perfected the art of making ‘pepper’ he’d made sure jarvis had the same upgrade....which, with clint asking for a body for jarvis, really wouldn’t be that much of a change really. Settling down he frowned, “I don’t go insane on drugs Loki.”He grumbled snuggling down into the bed to sleep.

In the morning Anna frowned as she turned to look at clint, tilting her head towards the door she was standing in front of. “Does anyone but me and steve find it weird Tony spent the night with loki, instead of with pepper?”She said, wanting the assassin’s opinion on it, because he was usually very good at reading people.

Yawning tony sighed, shifting, his nose brushing against loki’s neck as the man snuggled against loki’s back, absently tracing mathematical equations on loki’s t-shirt covered stomach(not even really aware he was being careful not to touch stitches or healing skin), not even really aware that it wasn’t pepper he was holding, just that the person he was holding was warm and content to lay with him, and the equations he was working on was his mental way of sorting out what he needed to do for his suit.
Loki chuckled a little. "there are ways to incorporate magic with what you do. but i'm afraid i can't help you with that." he admitted, showing Tony the ring of runes etched into his wrist. "you see these? this cut's me off from my magic. my magic is still there, of course, it still works and does things, but i can't control it. when i'm frightened, it reacts, when i'm hurt, it heals me, but other than that, there's nothing else i can do with it." he admitted. "i'll have Thor bring some basic magic down to you as well." he promised. "if the idiot ever comes back anyway. he tends to get distracted." he admitted with a shake of his head. "sometimes i think he might have ADD, or maybe he was just dropped on his head too many times." Loki muttered with a shrug. "Jarvis is not 'just a computer' Tony." Loki stated with a roll of his eyes. "i can't touch my magic, but he's been sentient for a long time, i can feel that. after all, our thoughts and feelings are nothing more than a computer program." he admitted. "nothing but electrical signals, just like a computer. Jarvis is just as much a being as you and i are." he admitted simply before he laid down and closed his eyes.

Clint blinked, looking stunned as he glanced into the room, his head cocked to the side. "pretty weird, yeah." he admitted. "he's definitely hiding from pepper." Clint muttered. "but for gods sake why!?" he wondered before he made a face as he realized Tony and Loki where cuddling. "gross." a shame that Loki wasn't well enough for sex. too much arching would pull on the stitches and snap them if Loki wasn't careful. which meant that sex was out.

Loki mumbled something as he felt the fingers tracing his body, shifting so that he could enjoy the sensation even more. touch was a very rare thing for someone like Loki. not many people wanted to touch a Jotun after all, not even when the guy didn't even know he was a Jotun. "hmmm, tickles." Loki complained after a long moment, snuggling deeper into Tony, eyes still closed. he wanted to luxuriate in the moment while he had it.
“Yea I know, but you understand magical theory better then thor does, even if you can’t do magic, you can talk me through it.”He said thoughtfully before smiling. “He is a little ADD, but he does have more then just this world to take care of.”He muttered before wincing, sighing quietly. “...shut up loki.”he grumbled, because he knew there was no way he could talk around the fact that jarvis wasn’t just a computer.

Anna nodded smirking for a moment before walking away from the door so loki and tony wouldn’t wake to find them spying,”Just be glad they’re not having sex.”She said shrugging. “I don’t know. I mean, yes,there’s stuff he’s not telling her, but this is tony we’re talking about. That wouldn’t keep him from having sex. I want to know what the hell’s going on. So,any thoughts, master assassin?”She teased a little as she headed for the kitchen to start breakfast, looking amused that for once she’d managed to beat steve in, and was actually going to get a chance to cook instead of the super soldier.

Tony sighed quietly, shifting to let loki turn enough, shifting to snuggle tighter against the man’s back, pressed bodily up against him from shoulder to hip, the taller man easily spooning the jotun as he started to wake up. “....shhhh...I’m working on math things...”he muttered before raising his head to look down at the jotun tucked in against him before letting his head drop back to loki’s shoulder, still drawing math problems. “You want me to stop?”He muttered, still sleepy enough to not care that he was snuggling loki instead of pepper, sleepy enough to understand that he had no future that involved pepper, and that he might with loki...if only he could acknowledge that fact when he was fully awake.
Loki nodded. "this is true. Thor wouldn't know theory if it reared up and bit him in the ass." Loki grinned viciously. "River taught me that one. i rather like it." he admitted with a nod. "don't tell me to shut up Tony." Loki grumbled. "i am a god you puny worm..."

Clint snorted. "Loki's in too much pain to have sex." he stated simply. "right now i think that you know more than any of us." Clint admitted, his eyes narrowed. "but... i think Loki suspects something, that's why he wanted to talk to Pepper. he thinks he knows whats wrong, doesn't he? i saw a look... Loki gave pepper this funny little look before Tony wheeled him away... he knows something."

Loki sighed softly and he smiled a little. "mmm math things." Loki agreed softly. "mmm no. don't stop." Loki mumbled. "doesn't tickle no more." he mumbled, all too content to just lay there. "i've never been held before. i like it." he mumbled, drifting back into a doze. letting Tony work out those math problems on his belly. "you made a mistake." Loki mumbled after a moment. "you have to take the square root of the radius, not the length..." he mumbled, half asleep, but still smart enough to spot a blunder.
“He is, but since when do either of them do what’s good for them?”She pointed out before looking at him, looking frustrated, but tilting her head.”...you might be right about me knowing things....”She muttered frustrated because she wanted to tell them, wanted to get their help in getting tony off the drugs again, but like loki, she was feeling lost, trapped between the need to tell, and not to break tony’s trust. Before nodding. “Loki knows something’s wrong....and he did give her a odd look....but I don’t know what loki figured out, and I don’t know why he’s pulling away from pepper...what...what I know is something else.”She said giving him that narrow eyed, frustrated look that was usually reserved for when she was dealing with tony.

“Okay...”Tony muttered sighing quietly as he shifted, doing math in a dazed amusement, since loki wasn’t moving away, and tony was sleep deprived despite sleeping the night through, the man could stay sleepy all day. Whining a little as loki corrected him, he pinched his side lightly, not really to hurt, looking amused though as he pretended to ‘erase’ the problem off loki’s stomach and started over. “....You coming down to the lab with me after breakfast...?”He muttered after awhile.
he shook his head. "no i mean, literally. Loki hurts too much to have sex. it's a physical reaction. i'm as bad as Tony is, but i sure as hell can't get it up when i'm damaged like that." he pointed out. "they'll be fine until Loki's healed enough to not hurt himself further... then we'll have to worry about them screwing like rabbits." he admitted, looking at her. "ah... Tony's doing something medically dangerous." Clint muttered, closing his eyes. "i'll try and talk to him." he promised. "and i'll talk to Loki too, see if i can't get him to let something slip."

Loki smiled a little, grunting as he was pinched. "jerk." he muttered. "yeah, i'll go to the lab." he agreed. "i like the lab." he admitted with a smile. "when's breakfast? can i sleep a little more?" he asked hopefully without opening his eyes. a half an hour later the smell of breakfast roused him properly and he slowly started to sit up. "bathroom." Loki demanded as he carefully settled himself into his wheelchair and rolled off to the bathroom so he could pee.

"morning." Clint commented, watching Tony and Loki as they came in. "be silent and make me food." Loki commanded, rubbing his eye as he tried to wake up, Clint snorting as he shook his head. "as if." "aaw, did someone wake up grumpy?" "piss off Alec." Loki demanded sluggishly, ignoring the giggles from Tiffany as she, Alec, and River stepped in. "well, we've been fired!" Alec admitted, clapping his hands together. "on the plus side, i get to sue!" he admitted with a grin. "i'm going to use the money to buy my own business! not coffee though, i hate Coffee." Alec admitted with a sigh. "i'm going to sue too." Tiffany admitted with a bright grin. "if we get the money-" "pessimist." "-i'm going to open a bookstore!" Loki had to chuckle. "yes Alec, we all know you want to run a flower shop." "piss off Loki, it's not a Flower shop!" "well, you'll grow flowers at any rate." "and you'll own what, a bakery!?" "much more masculine." "well you won't be getting any of MY Fruits!" "i don't want you're fruit, talk to Clint about cherries if you have to." Alec went bright red and he glared at Loki. "you pervert! at least i know you're feeling alright. you wouldn't be pissing me off this much if you weren't." "it's a gift." Loki stated as he watched Anna fold a napkin into a paper crane. "now boys, lets not fight in front of our hosts. it makes us look bad." Tiffany complained with a pout. "and they ARE superheros and i DO intend on getting laid with at least one of them." "....i'm leaving." Steve stated, turning on his heal when he'd just walked in, and walked right back out again, Tiffany giggling ever so adorably.

btw. [ur;l=http://media.animevice.com/uploads/2/27577/498613-475474.jpg]Tiffany[/url] and Alec.
Anna flushed as she considered that, “I knew that....I mean...I am a doctor you know.”She muttered so cutely embarassed, much like steve on occassion, at least when it came to discussing the whole patient/friend sex life lines. It left her feeling odd sometimes, to be treating friends. Looking at clint she smiled pleased, “You do that, god knows I tried.... And maybe you can get loki to tell you something.”She smiled happy with him, kissing his cheek before returning to cooking.

“As soon as anna or steve cook it...don’t smell anything yet, so it’s okay.”Tony yawned snuggling back into the bed not wanting up before grumbling tiredly helping loki get up and heading for breakfast.

“Anna’s cooking. Don’t ever trust Clint to cook things.”Tony yawned smiling at his best friend as she rolled her eyes as she slid a stack of waffles onto a plate on the table, letting them get what they wanted. “Oh, I better make more...”She muttered as she set about cooking more, giggling a little as she listened to the first. “If you don’t get the money, ask tony.” “....Why am I suddenly everyone’s piggy bank?”Tony whined tiredly, not that he really cared. “Because you ARE a pig, and you enjoy helping people.” “do not.” “Do to. Now eat.”Anna ordered as she started to eat, laughing a little as she looked at clint. “Are you feeling the need to discuss fruits now?”She teased looking at alec in amusement and curiosity, to many years spent with tony to not be a pain in the ass. “Does it count that you already did sleep with one of them?”Anna added before pouting, poking the girl in the shoulder.”Look what you did!You chased him away.”She sulked. “Capsicle always runs away from these conversations, you know.”Tony said smirking, “Captain!Come back. Your girlfriend’s sulking.”He looked at tiffany smirking a little. “By the way, I’d leave the good captain alone, I have it on good authority that she punches hard and has no problem sticking people with needles when angry.” “Are we talking from personal experience now, tony?”Natasha smirked as she walked into the room. “Who do you think she used as a pincushion for her labs in college?”Tony sulked though there was laughter in his eyes. Anna laughed quietly looking at alec, "Don't worry about arguing. We spend a obnoxious amount of time arguing really..."
Clint chuckled a little. "yeah, i know. but sometimes doctors have so much information crammed up in their head, they forget simpler things... like how Tony can never remember anyone's birthday because he has so much science geek in his head." he teased with a smile. "Steve knows too right? he'd probobly have better luck with Tony..." Clint admitted with a sigh.

Clint smirked a little as Tony came in. "at least i don't TRY, like SOME people i know." Clint stated from behind his newspaper. "i'll help if you like?" Tiffany offered Anna, rushing over to help the girl cook. "sorry about being here so early, but we where worried about Loki. he was hurt pretty bad, you know?" she asked, offering Loki a beaming smile, which got her a scowl in return. "he's never been a morning person." she muttered with a sigh. "besides, i couldn't take money from Tony! then i'd be a prostitute!" she complained, Alec snorting. "Tiff, that's not how that works." "it isn't?" "no. and i'm pretty sure you're not worth three thousand bucks." "hey!" she turned to Anna with a pout. "why are men so mean?" "oi!" Clint complained. "i'm not mean!" he looked up at Anna with a smirk when she commented ont he fruit. "Anna... Tiffany is insinuating that Alec is a virgin. you know. pluck the cherry?" "of course it doesn't count!" Tiffany gasped, clutching her heart. "how could you say such a thing! there are four men on this Avengers team." she complained before blinking as Steve turned tail. "aaaw, he's taken?" Tiffany complained, pouting at Anna.

"you smart girls always get the good ones." she grumbled. "are Clint and Bruce taken?" Clint choked on his coffee and Loki started to snicker. "don't be fooled by her cuteness. underneath all that blond hair and adorableness is a whore." "Loki! i am not! i'm just a girl who knows what she wants in life." "Sex?" "sex!" "god why do i know you?" Alec groaned as he shook his head. "inhuman attract one another." "...oh... you... know?" "no. but River does." "i only know that you're not completely human. i don't know what you can, or cannot do." "i do." Clint admitted. "they ping on Shield every once and a while. they are classified as simply dangerous. much like Natasha and i am." "that's because we've never killed anyone. not even in self defense. we prefer to run away." "we're very good at running away." Tiffany agreed with a giggle.
Anna smiled amused at his explanation of her forgetting simple things before nodding."steve knows to...I thought if enough of us ganged up on him we might get through to him...and steve's always had more luck talking to him..if I can't get through.."

"I could to expriment."tony frowned a little."with what?poisoning us?"anna said smiling as she looked at tiffany,letting the girl help her cook."thanks.and don't worry about how early it is, were usually up early...well except tony,who'd work from bed if he could figure out how to fit his lab in his bedroom....and they are fairly mean aren't they?well,clints right.him and tony are fairly nice...if only cause they want laid."she teased looking amused at the sulking men who were actually nice because that was them and not usually cause they wanted sex."I knew that ..."anna said blushing at clint's words not about to admit she hadn't.

"He is.and no they're not."tony smirked as clint choked.anna groaned a little."oh god we've found tony's female counterpart. We better seperate them otherwise they'll never come up for air." "Hey I'm not that bad....though she is pretty...and she is good at sex.." "stop!stark,just stop."natasha ordered before he could get on a roll,knowing they'd never hear the end of it until him and tiffany had sex again if they let him get started
"Tony... just don't cook." Clint ordered with a chuckle. "it's better for everyone if you don't. you have too much smart things in your head to have to worry about cooking. leave the cooking to Pepper and the baking to Loki." he looked up. "i don't suppose Loki might be healthy enough to make some of those cookies?" "nope." Loki stated simply. "i have to be able to stand up and bend over and i can't do that." "...what if you had help?" "that would indicate a willingness to share my personal space with others. as well as sharing recipes. no." "damn..." Clint grumbled, Loki looking amused. "well, as long as we're not interrupting." Anna decided with a smile. "i'll make you some Cookies Clint." she offered. "they aren't as good as Loki's, but i like them." she admitted with a giggle. "aaw Tony's a sweetheart." Tiffany admitted with a happy little smile. "oh good! that means i can seduce Clint and Bruce!" "...who are you and why are you seducing me?" Bruce asked sleepily as he shuffled into the kitchen, blinking at Tiffany and Alec who where both laughing. "...isn't it too early for this?" Bruce complained even as he sat down and stole Clint's paper. "i can't have sex anyway." "...you can't? why not?" "every time i try i turn into a giant green rage-monster." "...seriously? Sex set's 'Him' Off?" Clint asked, looking a little stunned as Bruce nodded and helped himself to the waffles. "mmhmm." "...that really sucks..."

"...i could help with that." Loki piped up suddenly, causing everyone to turn and stare at him in stunned shock. Loki, willingly helping someone? "it would cost you of course." shock over, hell hadn't frozen and puppies weren't giving birth to kittens. "and here i thought Loki was practicing to become a good guy." Clint grumbled, Bruce looking curious. "what would you want?" he demanded of Loki who paused to ponder that. "i'm sure i'll think of something." Loki mused with a grin as Clint rolled his eyes. "it's going to be long and humiliating." "as long as he doesn't ask me for sexual favors." Bruce muttered, Loki smirking. "i have Stark for that." "leaving again." Steve decided with a sigh. "why is it every time i gather up the courage to walk in here, you people are talking about sex?" "we have no lives." Alec stated, looking amused.
Tony pouted a little as he was forbidden to cook but didn't look totally lost at the loss.it wasn't that big of a deal.perking up he smirked at loki."I could help you cook thrm.putting them in the oven wouldn't be that hard "he said looking interested in the idea. "Loki, that's not fair...I guess I'll just have to let tiffant cook for me..."tony said sulking as loki refused the help before laughing as bruce came into the room."this is tiffany and alec,loki's friends from work.'anna said smiling as bruce shuffled into the room,before frowning."why didn't you ever tell me that?I miht be able to help."anna said looking annoyed at her friend.not sure how she could help with the sex,but willing to try.

Both anna and tony stared at loki before starting to laugh."okay,hes back to being himself.for a minute there I was worried.good deeds without payment would just be to weird.."anna teased offering loki a small smile so he knew she was just teasing before getting up and grabbing steves wrist and dragging him into the room sitting him down next to her before starting to eat again."stay.you need to eat and just look at it this way.you might learn something."she teased kissing his cheek.
Loki narrowed his eyes at Tony. "...yeah, no you burn everything you touch Stark." Loki complained with a sniff. "but if you really want Cookies that bad, then Tony can help me make them." he decided with a sigh. "oh yay!" Tiffany chirped happily. "i love Loki's cookies! Andrew is going to be so angry when he realizes he fired the guy who was making all the pastries!" she admitted with a wicked little grin. "the only reason we had any customers at all is because i have big boobs and because Loki makes fantastic cookies and pastries!" she admitted with a nod. "no ones going to go to the Blue Moon Cafe without us there. he'll be calling us within the week." "and we're NOT going back." Alec stated with a roll of his eyes. "we're suing, remember." "oh yeah... i do remember that." Tiffany agreed with a smile.

"there's nothing a doctor can do for me Anna." Bruce stated looking amused. "i've already been to a dozen. i've visited Tibetan monks, and Chinese herbalists. nothing can be done. haven't tried magic though." "it's not Magic." Loki stated simply. "at least, not really. it's the way you've built up your mind." "my mind?" Bruce asked, looking startled. "yes, your mind. how bored does that poor beast of yours get in there? is it any wonder he's a raving madman?" "..." Bruce looked so shocked it was almost funny. "i'm pretty sure i learned all i needed to learn from Bucky Anna." he stated with a roll of his eyes as he sat down next to her, offering her a smile at the kiss. "so you're all 'superhero's' too then?" Steve asked Tiffany, River, and Alec. "not exactly." River muttered with a chuckle. "we don't fight crime or save the world... though i did my best to help while in Manhattan." Alec nodded. "we can just do things that normal people can't do." "Like what?" Loki asked, looking curious. "i wonder why it is that some humans can do magical feats, and others cant?" he pondered. "people like Bruce shouldn't be able to do what they do... not without some sort of magic... i wonder if maybe you have Asgaurdian blood in you somewhere down the line?"
"I do not...and if you're so worried about me burning them,make steve help.hes good in the kitchen."tony grumbled looking amused at the idea of how embarrassed andrew was going to be when he realized he'd just screwed himself up."I might have to go.putely on a fact finding mission to see how bad blue moon's going to suck."tony grinned at the idea. Anna rolled her eyes a little but shot bruce an annoyed look still."I don't care.you should have still told me."she muttered because she hated not having the chance to even try.

Tony stared at loki for a long moment before smirking."its like we've been only conversing with one side,when there's actually two different people...I never considered trying to treat the hulk like a person...I mean like a normal one.."tony frowned thinking that over."you might have,but it'll do you good to have a refresher course...besides tou can't just avoid the conversations just because were talking about sex..."she muttered smiling at him,even though she was blushing ever so slightly."you know...that might explain why some are like us and others aren't loki...maybe it is asgardian blood..."anna said looking excited at the thought of that,ecause it meant time in the lab,eeing if she could pinpoint it.
Loki sneered. "Steve does not get to help me because i do not like him." he stated with a sniff, making Clint snicker. "no, if you go to the Blue Moon it will attract customers simply because you went there." River commented. "watch their failure through their security cameras instead. Loki says you can do that." "he can do that." "mostly because it never came up and i never thought about it. i've been celibate for years after all. can't even masturbate." "you poor... poor guy." Tiffany muttered, looking more than a little horrified by the idea of being unable to do anything like that.

"well, i have tried talking to the big guy but he never really responds." Bruce admitted. "of course he doesn't. idiot." Loki stated with a roll of his eyes. "see me later, i'll fix it..." Loki ordered with a sigh. "but you'll owe me a favor!" "...i have to agree to said favor." "of course." he agreed as Steve shook his head. "why do i need a refresher course when you can teach me everything i need to know?... that didn't come out right..." he admitted looking vaguely mortified. "besides, why can't i avoid the conversations?" "because that's all we talk about?" "...good point..." "you midgaurdians have ways of testing for that sort of thing, don't you?" Loki asked, looking curious. "you've done tests on Thor? see if you can't find similarities in Alec and Tiffany and River." "i hate needles." Alec groaned, but didn't protest aside from that. "anyway me and Tiff have to get going soon. we're meeting lawyer." "we are?" "yes." "oh." "how did you two survive being roommates for so long?" River asked, looking amused at Tiffany and Alec. "how did you survive Loki?" Alec shot back, River smirking. "good point." "hey!"
"I feel vaguely disturbed that you like me enough that you'll forgive me messing up pastries."tony snickered a little rolling his eyes.he huffed a little."as if id ever invade someones privacy like that I'm offend-" "oh come off it tony. You don't do wounded innocence well enough to get away with that."anna snickered a little shaking her head before looking at bruce.'...I'm sorry bruce.."she muttered looking sad at the thought.

"Oh,so you want anna to shoe you everything?I dunno steve,she miht have to read a book first."tony teased looking at thr absolute mortification on the black haired doctor's face."shut up tony!"anna demanded in a slight high pitched squeak."we do. I'm going to have to take a sample to work from when he gets back."anna said tilting her head a little at the sound of a crack of thunder on a otherwise clear day,shooting loki a amused look as Thor made his way into penthouse."ready to be fussed over?"
Loki snorted a little. "you won't remember the recipe and won't argue with me about what i put in the cookies." Loki stated simply. "plus you take orders well." "...he does?" Clint asked, looking surprised. "he will if he wants cookies." "good point. make him some muffins and he'll agree to give you his first born too." "what would i want with a Tony brat?" Loki asked, wrinkling his nose as Bruce shrugged. "one get's used to it." Bruce admitted with a smile. "well, if she's rusty we'll just have to figure it out together." he decided with a nod. "and you lot can keep your noses out of it." "you tell them Steve." Bruce commented. "of course, if your going to punch someone every time they flirt or annoy Anna, you might consider having that practice sooner, rather than later." "whose side are you on?" Steve demanded of Bruce, who simply snickered.

"....Tony! Flee with me!" Loki demanded, trying to wheel his chair away from the table, glaring furiously as he realized Clint's foot was in the way. "you bastard!" "Brother!" "don't you hug me you big brute!" Loki demanded, trying to kick Thor as the massive man approached. "i have already been told to do no hugging Brother." "Can't you use my name you neanderthal!?" "of course not! you are my brother!" "well i hate you." "but you are still my brother!" Thor seamed to be delighting in the verbal sparring. of course, Loki wasn't denying his brother so that was probobly why. "how are you feeling?" "....i'm alright." Loki admitted with a sigh, realizing he wasn't going to get his brother to go away. "it's best in the mornings. the pains pretty dull then so long as i don't move too much. it's the afternoons that are the worst, and then i take my potion and fall asleep." he sounded annoyed by that and Thor chuckled. "you always did hate 'wasting precious time' Brother... but i am glad that you're getting better." "yeah well... the potions certainly help." Loki grumbled, looking away from Thor. awkward and more than a little uncertain of how to handle his brother after he'd tried to kill the Thunder god.
“Oh, that makes sense.”Tony snickered a little before frowning, “I do?” “Tony will do anything for cookies.”Anna snickered a little before wincing, she knew tony’s stance on kids, even if they were just teasing him, he might take it badly. “No first borns here. Not having kids.”Tony rolled his eyes. Anna stared at steve flushing brightly as she shifted, burying her face against steve’s shoulder to avoid looking at any of their laughing, snickering friends. “Very true. Me and clint only have so many body parts he can break. You better have sex soon, capsicle.”Tony said with a serious smile that said he was only teasing him, that he knew how hard it was going to be for steve to do the 20th century thing, instead of acting like they would have in 1940s.

“No.”Tony said smirking as he watched thor came in, not moving out of his chair. “He’s doing better, I promise Thor.”Anna said smiling quietly, “and he’s been spending time with Tony, so its not exactly a waste of time. I’m sure they’re working on something in the lab.”she looked amused. Tony smirked looking at loki then thor, before poking the hurt god in the shoulder to get his attention.”I’m going down to the lab. You still coming?”Tony said with that playful smirk that said he knew exactly how he had worded that.
Loki nodded. "any human will do anything for a taste of a gods cookies." Loki stated with a smirk. "no kids for you, hmm? you can share mine then. they're fully grown, so you won't actually have to do anything." he promised, looking amused. "i'm not having sex until Anna says it's alright!" Steve growled. "so you'll just have to deal with broken noses and black eyes, and knocked in teeth if you don't stop picking on her!" he warned, Clint immidiatly ducking behind his newspaper.

"i've been sleeping my life away." Loki grumbled as Thor chuckled. "oh, speaking of working on things." Loki stated, shoving something into Thor's chest. "i need those books. specifically Thor, not just ones that look like they might be similar." Loki warned. "those specific books. and i want my boots. i left them in my cell." he complained with a sniff. "of course i'm coming Stark." Loki stated with his nose in the air. "you wouldn't be able to manage without me." he stated as he headed for the Elevator. "Loki." Thor called out, the god pausing. "i am glad you are safe." "...yeah... thanks for coming to visit... i guess." Loki muttered, Thor beaming at him as Loki headed down to the lab with Tony. "i guess he has forgiven me." Thor chirped, looking quite happy. "thank you all for taking him in... i know he did... terrible, terrible things... and he is... well, very difficult to live with, but it means a lot to me that you would protect him..."
“No, I’ve read the myths about your kids. And I know you. Even as adults, I’m sure they’re a handful.”Tony said looking amused though. Anna blushed harder ducking her head to hide against steve’s chest, just to embarassed to look at any of them even if she managed to kick both clint and tony.

Tony winced rubbing his shin before smiling slightly, looking bemused as loki demanded thor get books. “Are you sure it’s a good idea to ask him to bring oyu things?Knowing Point break, he’ll bring the whole library.”Tony teased them both looking amused before pushing the wheelchair out of the room heading downstairs.”And I’m perfectly capable of building my suit without your presence, I probably should do it without you anyways.”he grumbled as he entered the lab, though it was easier to think about locking himsefl up in the catastrophically tight iron man suit, if loki was there to talk to, to distract him from what he was actually doing.

Anna smiled looking up at Thor, smiling a little as they all became distracted from her sex life. “We didn’t do it just for you, Thor. Tony’s obsessed. He needed loki to be alright...though I have no idea why. It’s not that hard to visit with him, when he’s making a effort to be pleasant...mostly it’s been kinda like dealing with two tony’s.”she said looking amused.
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