Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

he grinned a little. "i know right? she claims it's all for her 'secrete identities' but we know better don't we?" she asked with a smirk. "you can't just get generic loafers?" he asked that ignorant man question. "oh well, i suppose it doesn't matter. it makes girls happy, and if girls are happy then guys are happy... girls can be mean when their unhappy." he admitted with a smile as he glanced at her, hoping she knew he was teasing her. "Tony? have anything to do with any kind of Exam? your chances are slim to none." Steve quipped as he took the bags and held her hand, smiling a little. "i'm sorry our date was so... bad." Steve muttered with a wince. "all my information is completely out dated... i'd ask Tony or clint for help but.... i don't think i want that kind of date.. oh! i know. i'll ask pepper. then our next date will be better!... we, i mean... if you want another date, that is... if you don't i totally understand but i really like you so maybe we could go... uh... to lunch sometime maybe?"

Loki smirked. "i am way more immature than you." Loki stated simply. "and more mentally damaged to." he sounded challenging. everything was a contest with Loki, so was it really all tat surprising? "how about if you're the one doing the tying up?" Loki asked with a smirk. "i am quite helpless you know. it wouldn't take much effort to pin me down and have you're wicked way with me." and that sounded more inviting than anything else. "when was the last time you where touched, Tony stark?" Loki asked, stroking a hand down Tony's arm. "when was the last time you had the satisfaction of being completely in control. of being the one in power. of being on top of another, owning them?" he asked, his eyes lit with desire and delight. "when was the last time you had a true submissive in your bed?" granted, Loki wasn't a submissive all the time, just when he wanted to be. "ill wear it for a few days and see how it functions." Loki agreed with a nod. "and the creatures are quite frightening u suppose. growing up around them, i guess i don't fear them as much as i aught to." he admitted with another yawn. "aliens? like in Planet 51?" another cartoon movie. it was weird how Loki seamed so fixated on cartoons. "where are we going?" he demanded suddenly. "i have not finished exploiting you for your technology yet!" he complained. he didn't want to fall asleep! he knew exactly where Tony was taking him. "stop pushing me damn you! i'm not an invalid! i demand to have solid food!" Loki complained, though he made no move to push himself. he was tired, and complaining simply because he was tired. "i hate you all..."
Anna's eyes widened as she considered the man in front of her,resisting the urge to yell at him like he was a normal guy who'd asked the qurstion.it wasn't his fault he didn't know better."no I can't wear the same shoes,cause running shoes just don't look sexy with s evening gown."she saud smiling as they headed back to the tower snickering a little,amused that he was teasing her."id deny it,but you're right we can be mean."she said smiling slightly before grinning."you see why I have to blackmail him into going.he'd avoid them if he could."she said before looking startled."it wasnt so bad,it gave me a look into how you were raised though...and no never ask tony or clint unless you want a indepth answer to how sex is awesome and makes even the worst date good."she laughed quietly blushing before nodding,"ask pepper...and I would love to go onto another date."she decided smiling at them as they reached the tower and headed up.

Tony rolled his eyes refusing to get into a competition with loki,knowing if they did they'd be down here all day. Flushing slightly at loki's words he smirked."I do like tying someone up.as long as its not me."he mused before shuddering as loki touched him,his eyes closing slightly such a strong reaction to a simple touch said more then anything just hoe long it'd been since he'd been touched,much less dominated someone like loki was offering. Swallowing he shook his head stepping away so loki couldn't touch him, fighting his attraction because he didn't want loki hurt more then he already was. Smirking slightly he rolled his eyes."yea I guess growing up with them would dull the fear some..."he mused before nodding,"good. We'll see how it works then.."he said before grinning as he kept walking only stopping to get the elevator and smirking as it opened on the new couple."loki stop complaining. I'll bring you back down after you rest "he said as he stepped in with anna and steve smirking a little."so,how was the date?" "It was fine tony."anna said blushing sounding annoyed,hoping that steve understood it wasn't the date she had a problem with,but that tony stark of all people was asking about it.
Steve smiled sheepishly when she fixed him with that look, looking like a naughty puppy, looking all sweet and adorable because he KNEW he'd said a no no. "well i know you can't wear running shoes with dressing clothes!" he complained with a roll of his eyes. "i'm not that ignorant you know." he assured her, offering her a smile. "you could always just tie him up and drag him down there." he pointed out with a small chuckle. "great! i'm glad.." he admitted, fidgeting. "i had a lot of fun, i thought it would be... you know... weird." he admitted sheepishly. "but i really kind of liked it." he admitted before stepping into the Elevator.

Loki smirked a little. "i like to be tied up." Loki admitted with a chuckle. and wasn't that just a bitch? after all the times he'd been helpless, tied down and abused, he still liked it so long as he trusted the person he was with... and for some reason... he trusted Tony, and it had been so long since he'd felt true pleasure. breaking in virgins for money was just not the same as having someone hold you, make you orgasm, cradle you and fill you with all the pleasure in the world. "i won't stop complaining! i'm not tired damn you!" he frowned before glaring as Steve watched him. "What are you looking at!?" Steve snorted and looked away. "You are my doctor! tell Tony i'm not tired! i'm NOT!" Loki complained even as he tried to hide another yawn. he was such a child, getting cranky when he was tired. "think of it this way Loki. if you take a nap now, you'll be able to have the strength to feed yourself when i make Spaghetti tonight." "...i like spaghetti..." Loki muttered, wondering if he was being tricked. "fine. i'll take a nap. but only because i want Spaghetti, not because i'm tired." "of course."
Anna smiled a little at the sheepish look, squeezing his hand a little. “well, at least that’s one guy I know. Clint asked me once why I was wearing high heels with a dress when boots were more comfortable....the fact that he was wearing combat boots with a tux, just amused me.”She rolled her eyes before smiling slightly, “I could do that, but its easier to blackmail him.”She said smiling, before looking at him just as sheepishly. “Me to...but I guess it helps when we’re friends before....and that I’ve already seen you naked. Cause well, there’s perks of being your doctor.”She teased a little looking amused as she followed him to the elevator.

Tony turned staring at the other, looking curious as he considered just what he could do to the other man. “...interesting.”He mused looking thoughtful as he considered what he could do with the man before smiling slightly. “You are to.”Tony countered. Anna bit her lip to keep from laughing at the cranky act from a god older then them all, “Tony, he’s not tired.”She said simply looking down at loki, rolling her eyes a little as he yawned before smirking as steve tricked loki into resting. “now that’s been decided on, you have to come down for your exam as he rests tony.” “What?Why?” “Because you’ve avoided a actual phyiscal since before...killian. You are coming down.” “I am not.” “Tony?You know that thing you didnt want clint to know really ha-” “Okay!I’ll be down as soon as I put loki in bed.”Tony rushed to cut her off as he stepped off the elevator with loki, pushing him into the other’s room, leaving a laughing anna behind.

"You need anything?"Tony said as he gently picked the other up, settling him into the bed.
he looked amused. "Clint was wearing his combat boots with a suit? now that is just sad." he muttered with a shake of his head. "i guess dressing up comes easier for me since growing up, i had to wear fancy clothes most of the time." he admitted. "it was improper for a man of my social standing, or a boy rather, to wear 'common clothes'." he admitted with a shrug before he went beat, bright red. "i'd managed to forget that." Steve admitted, looking highly embarrassed, but also amused. now he understood why Tony and Clint talked about never dating their doctor.

"i'm not!" Loki growled, glaring at Tony. "see! she agrees with me! stop telling me what to do!" he demanded before relaxing as he decided he was still getting his way. Steve looked like he was trying very hard not to laugh. "an exam?" Loki asked suddenly. "are you taking a test Tony? i didn't interrupt your studying did i?" "no Loki, it's a medical exam, to make sure Tony is healthy. going to the hospital when you're hurt is one thing, but a medical exam is preventative for bad diseases. a person should have a medical exam every year so that a doctor can check for various problems." "...hmm. i see... interesting concept." Loki admitted. "Asgaurdians don't have very many diseases, and they are usually more annoying than they are deadly, save a few." he admitted. "so we don't usually need such things." "humans are awash with deadly diseases." Steve admitted. "...what did Tony do that Clint doesn't know about?" Steve asked, looking incredibly curious as Loki and Tony where swept out of hearing range.

"no." Loki murmured as he snuggled into the bed. "and i'm not tired..." he grumbled even as he closed his eyes. "Tony?... when you're done, will you come back? i feel better when your here." he admitted softly. too tired to censor himself. "it's safe when your here..."
“He was...it didn’t help that Tony decided to follw his example, and wear boots to. I thought pepper was going to kill them both.”she snickered a little rolling her eyes before snickering as he blushed. “Yea, I bet you wont forget about that again.”She teased a little though she looked nervous, not sure if he’d be okay, she knew why tony and clint hadn’t tried to date her, beyond just the friendship, they were a little weirded out with her being their doctor.

“It wont work loki, he’ll always tell you what to do.”Anna said sharing a look with steve and trying not to laugh. “No, I’m not.”tony looked startled at loki’s words, for a moment forgetting he wasn’t human, as asgardians wouldn’t get sick. “well, we have to be careful,since we’re not immortal, or gods, our bodies don’t hold up as well.”Anna said watching tony and loki walk away before smirking at steve. “....it’s what they did together.”She snickered as she waited for tony to return. She waited long enough to give steve plenty of time to think of something truly scandalous before smirking. “Tony allowed them both to get drunk enough that they made out at the new years party in his bedroom. Damned near were having sex, until pepper interrupted....and clint thinks he was dreaming. It’s been quite the piece of blackmail to keep tony doing what I want when he doesn’t want to.”She smiled leaning up to kiss his cheek. “Now go cook, we’ll be back soon.”She said before heading down to wait for tony.

Tony smiled looking down, unable to resist the urge to gently stroke the other’s hair out of his face, sighing quietly. “I’ll be back, I promise. And then we’ll have all the spaghetti that you want.”He promised before walking out, not wanting to look at the warm feeling that spread in his chest at the the idea of loki feeling safer with him.

When the two child prodigies returned, just in time for dinner, it was obvious that neither were happy with each other, for once anna was pissed and going that scary kind of quiet that pepper once told her was. ‘she skipped straight past moody, into that scary kind of bitchy.’ But equally obvious from her helpless look at his back as tony headed for loki’s room, that she was helpless in doing anything, since he was her patient, she couldn’t tell the other’s, at least as long as tony refused to tell them, all she could do was given them enough to figure out the puzzle on their own. Heading into the kitchen she huffed in anger, needing some time with her captain to ground herself and not kill iron man.

“...loki?”Tony muttered sitting quietly on the edge of loki’s bed,gently stroking his hair out of the man’s face before getting control of himself and dropping his hand. “Loki, food’s done.”
he snorted, he couldn't help it. "Clint i can understand, but Tony!? the man knows better than that!" Steve complained with a shake of his head before he grinned at her and shrugged. "i probobly will. after all, if i can forget that Natasha knows twenty ways to kill me with two fingers, then i'm pretty sure you being a doctor isn't going to be that much trouble." he admitted. "besides, at least i know you like my body if you still agreed to go out on a date with me." he teased with an impish grin. "did together?" he asked before he looked utterly delighted. "oh that's just TOO good!" he gasped, snickering. "i won't tell a soul i know, lest you lose you're blackmail, but KNOWING that!!!" he laughed again shaking his head. "Clint will MURDER him when he finds out!" Steve admitted with a laugh as he headed off to make the Spaghetti and meatballs, Garlic break, and salad. he was just piling everything up into communal serving dishes when Anna returned. "Anna?" he asked, looking worried. "you alright? what has Tony done this time?"

Loki smiled sleepily as he nuzzled the hand in his hair, clearly as touch starved as Tony was. "okay." Loki mumbled. "tell the gay man in spandex that he is required to make Garlic bread." he ordered. he was sleeping peacefully when Tony came in, looking as sweet and innocent as a child. he groaned as he was woken, his eyes fluttering open. "tired." Loki complained. "sleep..." he mumbled even as he shifted around in an attempt to wake up enough to sit up. he'd had his third potion, and you could see that Loki's strength was close to returning. "food?" Loki asked hopefully as he let Tony settle him into the wheelchair. "i was promised Garlic bread..."
“Tony lives to piss people off. CLint doing it, just gave him a excuse to do so.”she snickered a little before.”...that’s true. Natasha’s scary sometimes.”She smirked before flushing, ducking her head. “Oh, yes...well, you are good looking.”She blushed a little before laughing at his look of delight. “Why do you think he’s doing things he doesn’t want to do?He knows clint will murder him. Not that it’s all tony’s fault, but he did supply the alcohol....and the party....”Anna snickered. Rubbing a hand over her face as she walked into the kitchen he sighed quietly, angrily. “I’m fine.”She snapped before sighing. “No I’m not, but...”She trailed off giving him a helpless look. “...Tony trustes me....I wish he didn’t....”She said having a feeling she’d only gotten a chance to treat the infected track marks, and to give him hell over using again, because he trusted her to adhere to the law and their friendship, and not tell anyone what he was doing. And she would, even if it sent her screaming mad. She bent rules, hell she’d learned from tony, but she couldn’t break this one, because more then the law, it would break tony’s trust, and she didn’t know if he’d survive that.

Tony smiled a little as he looked at the sleeping man, looking amused as loki complained. “I thought you weren’t tired.”He teased a little, pleased though that the man was well enough to be like this. “You were. And steve makes amazing garlic bread.”he promised as he helped loki settle into the wheelchair before pushing him towards the dining room, smirking as natasha and clint walked in, it was fairly amazing that he could act so normal around someone he’d made out with....but then again, if running into past conquests bothered tony stark, he’d never leave his house. “Hey you two.”He smiled a little. “Hey tony.”Natasha smiled a little, tilting her head as she studied the god, “What’s for dinner?” “Spaghetti, meatballs and garlic bread.”
Steve snickered a little and shook his head. "this is true." he agreed with a sigh and a roll of his eyes before he blushed. "...you look really nice too..." he admitted shyly before he grinned at her. "i have SO got to find my own blackmail on him. it would make living with him SO much easier." he admitted, shaking his head. when she came in he gave her a worried look and he moved over to her and wrapped her up into a hug. "Tony's doing something stupid, and life endangering again and you have proof of it, but can't say anything because he's your client and patient as well as best freind and you don't dare risk his trust." Steve murmured. "i'll see what i can do. i promise." he assured her, gently kissing her on the forehead before pulling away as he heard voices approaching, not wanting Tony to suspect anything.

Loki grunted at Tony. "hate you. stop picking on me..." Loki complained, sulking a little as he shook his head. "i like Garlic bread." he admitted with a smile as he shook his head, studying Natasha intently even as she studied him. "you hate me." Loki stated after a moment. "because i stole your boy-toy." he stated, well aware that Clint was making faint choking sounds. "he was bad at sex." "I didn't have sex with you!" Clint protested, Loki looking surprised. "...you didn't? hmm... maybe that was just fantasies then." Clint made another few choking sounds and Loki looked quite smug. "he's fucking with me... god i hate him." Clint grumbled, wondering how pissed Tony would be if he 'accidentally' smothered Loki in the bastards sleep. they where ust settling into the dining room with the food when River stepped in, as wet as a drowned rat and looking quite upset. "River! shit you're soaked! you have being wet..." Clint had already gone off to get a towel. "sit down before you fall down... what's wrong, why aren't you at work!?" "....i've been fired..." River commented stiffly. "and the Landlady is kicking us out. i have a week to find a new place and move our stuff..." "what? why!?" Steve demanded, looking shocked and river hesitated. "...it's because you're freinds with me. you're boss and the landlady found out who i really am... shit River, i'm so sorry!" "don't blame yourself Loki, it's not you're fault."
“It does make living with him easier.”Anna agreed snickering a little. Sighing quietly though when he wrapped her up in a hug, she shifted, wrapping her arms around his waist, leaning against him, head resting on his chest. “....”She didn’t say anything, but a slight nod, “...can’t risk him not letting me help...”She muttered before looking pleased at the promise to help, blushing a little as she stepped back, heading into the dining room with the food amused as they settled down to eat.

“I shall never stop picking on you, reindeer.”he teased a little looking amused though, snickering at loki’s teasing. “I do hate you, but not just for that.”Natasha said rolling her eyes a little, willing to play nice because it was so rare for tony to actually be getting along with someone. “....you had fantasies about the reindeer?....is this sort of a bestiality thing, cause you’re a hawk and he’s a reindeer...”Tony piped up raising a eyebrow, if he kept it up clint was going to be ‘accidently’ smothering them both in their sleep. “and no, he’s not fucking with you, he’s eating right now.”Natasha said smirking at clint, because she couldn’t help it!Teasing clint, was one of her favorite pastime. She knew he knew she didn’t really mean anything by it. Looking up startled as river came in, tony tilted his head frowning a little. “Well, does this mean you’re officially moving in with me reindeer?”Tony said smirking at loki, wondering if he coudl push enough of the man’s buttons to get him to agree with staying around, without actually having to admit that he wanted him there.
he grinned a little at her and nodded. "your about the only person he actually trusts right now and you can't risk that. not when you're all he really has." Steve admitted. "he needs you, and we can't risk his trust on anything or he really will go suicidal."

"Must you call me that infernal nickname!?" Loki demanded with a sigh. "i know." Loki stated, smirking at Natasha. "you also hate me because i broke your toys. and because i'm prettier than you." "...Manhattan isn't a toy..." "...it isn't?" "god i want to hurt you." Clint grumbled before he glared at Tony. "i want to hurt you too. i never had any fantasies about anything! if i had anything it was nightmares." "so i guess i was alone in wondering what your body would feel like. shame." Loki sighed, making Clint's eye twitch. "i'm going to hurt you too!" he growled at Nat when she piped up with her two cents. "...i... what?" Loki asked, shooting Tony a confused look. "oh no. i am NOT joining your superhero club." Loki scoffed before turning his attention to River. "you'll find a new job..." "i'm a stripper Loki, of course i'll find a job... but it's going to take years to build my reputation back up!" River groaned,shaking his head. "i'll have to start looking here in Manhattan, i'll be black-walled out of the New York proper if that fucker has his way." "i never did like your boss... i suppose i'm fired too. Alec wouldn't fire me, but he's not the boss..." "Tiffany is going to be pissed..." Loki muttered with a sigh. "i suppose i could work for Tony. make him coffee and shit..." he glanced at Tony. "i want five hundred and week and unlimited budget for ingredients." Clint had to snort at that. "i thought you didn't want to join our 'superhero' club?" "i'm not you idiot. i'm becoming Tony Stark's personal Barista."
“Yes.”Tony said simply at the demand of if he had to call loki names, before laughing quietly. “Mahattan’s always been my toy.”Tony pointed out. “You could hurt him when he’s feeling better you know, tony has a boxing ring and everything. Just go pound on him in it.”Anna pointed out smiling slightly at clint looking amused, because he was dealing easier with this then she’d ever thought was possible. “I wasn’t asking you to. You are definitely not superhero material, not like me..”He snickered a little before looking at river. “....Would me taking to him have a effect? I mean, I’ve spent a riddiculous amount of time in strip bars, I can see if I can stop him from being black walled...”He said looking thoughtful. “You’d come work for me?”he looked startled at that, snickering slightly at the idea of having his personal barista. “Careful loki, he might think you’re offering more then you really are. Coffee and sex are addictions for him.”Anna warned snickering slightly.
Loki sighed and rolled his eyes. "exactly. i was... annoyed, so i contrived to break Thor's favorite toy." Loki stated with a shrug, Clint snorting. "you where bad at it." Clint stated. "you couldn't focus on a damn thing." "....i was half insane at the time you know." Loki complained with a roll of his eyes. "or did you think i was always bat shit crazy?... that is what you say right?... what does bat poop have to do with being insane anyway?" "not much." Steve mused, clearly fighting back an amused grin. "i don't know." River admitted. "Thompson is an ass, he's never liked me much but he kept me because he didn't have an excuse to fire me. and because i was the best dancer he had. i suppose i could list you as one of my contacts, that would get people's attention..." he admitted witha sigh. "besides, i need to stay close to Loki. he's a trouble magnet." "i am NOT!" "you blew up my TV." "i only did that ONCE! and it was an ACCIDENT!" Loki complained, shoving his fork in river's direction. "you shredded my couch." "better than shredding you!" "you ate all the paper in the house." "it was delicious." "including my tax forms." "i don't know what those are." Loki complained before he smirked at Tony. "of course i would, i have to exploit you for every little bit i can get from you." he stated with a sniff, not about to admit that he was scared to leave. "besides, what's wrong with Coffee and sex? i like coffee and sex. you're just jealous that i'm hogging all of River's attention." "Loki... don't be mean." River demanded with a roll of his eyes, Loki sulking. "how much do you have saved up anyway?" "i don't know... how much is this?" River asked, pulling out a coffee can and Loki sighed, took it, and obediently started counting out the ones, fives, and twenties. the occasional fifty making an appearance. "you have enough for a down payment on a relatively medium rate apartment and about five months rent along with enough left over for groceries for a month." Loki stated once he'd finished counting. Clint and Steve both looked a little astonished that River didn't know how to count his own money.
Anna tilted her he'd studying the god in front of her, concern both for him and for tony showing in her eyes.wondering if they'd be good for each other.or they'd make it worse."not quite sure how bats and shit ended up meaning insane,but yes you got the saying right."she looked amused."which does he own,o I can make sure to never go back...and you could list me as a contact, if you really wanted to. God knows I've spent enough time in strip clubs."tony snickered a little not in the least bit disturbed at his name listed on a resume before looking at loki."wow...you are a trouble magnet...that's more then I get into in a year.."he said looking amused. ."it is not.you're such a liar."anna said rolling her eyes as she looked at her friend before gaping at loki."you ate paper?" "Definitely not jealous of you loki."anna snickered. Tony tilted his head thouhtfully, as if considering what the man was saying,not sure what he felt over the idea that loki didn't want to leave even if he didn't want to admit."I think I like the idea of my personal barista."he said and despite the man having told him about river,he hadn't thought about what it meant."river...I mean you can move out,but you can stay...not like I don't have the room in the tower."he mused even as he looked at anna,thr two geniuses already planning to teach river,and trying how to do it without making him feel stupid.
Loki blinked a little. "well. so long as i'm not the only one whose clueless then." he decided with a shrug. "Thompson owns the Cat's Cradle, the Naughty Nightmare and the Raging Rumpet clubs." one with female dancers, one with male dancers and one with both. "i'd really appreciate it if i could use you as a contact. Thompson has a... history and many people will take anything he says with a grain of salt, but most people can't afford to piss him off either. hiring me when he's black-walled me could get people into trouble unless they have someone a little more up on the hierarchy backing them up. and even he wouldn't be stupid enough to face up against Tony Stark." River admitted with a smile. "it's not MY fault the TV exploded!" Loki complained. "and i thought Paper was food... it smelled good.." Loki grumbled. "and it was everywhere. it was used to wrap food at any rate, i was hungry!" Loki complained as River rolled his eyes. "it took a week to explain to Loki that paper wasn't a food and that i wasn't going to beat him if he ate stuff from my refrigerator." River admitted, which shocked a good portion of the room. "good. i'm hierd then." Loki chirped. "like i said, five hundred a week to be paid on tursdays and you have to pay any hospital bills that are incurred while i am in your tenure. because i am certain that any damages to my person from henceforth will be because you pissed someone off and they blew up your house." River snorted at that and then looked surprised at Tony, no, not surprised, completely and totally stunned! "you... you would let me stay here?" he asked, Clint grinning. "hey, we don't mind the shedding." River made a face at Clint's joke. "i do NOT 'shed'."
“....I’ve been to all those. Not overly impressed. I mean, they were nice, but not as good as some as the european ones.” “it disturbs me that you can offer a opinion like that.”Anna said rolling her eyes a little. “You’re just a prude. And go ahead, if he wants to pick a fight with me, I’ll end it.”He said looking thoughtful. “Maybe I should start my own club...” “You wont do that.”Natasha said. “Why not?” “because you don’t like the company you do have, you wont start another one.” “But this one would have stripper’s.”Tony said before snickering at the roommates arguing. “Ahhh...well that’s still disturbing. I’m amazed it didn’t like mess him up or anything.”Anna said as she considered that loki had been eating paper. “....why do you assume it’ll be me pissing off someone?”Tony sulked a little before frowning, looking genuinely confused at river’s surprise that he’d let him stay. “Why wouldn’t I? I let them move in didn’t I? You have to be more tolerable then Anna.” “Hey!Just because you’re annoyed with me, doesn’t mean you should be a bastard.”Anna scowled looking annoyed before smirking at river. “What he’s trying to say is that he has 8 floors of purely residential apartment/pent houses, and only 5 of them full. If you want one, claim one. We usually hang up here in his penthouse anyways, since it’s the biggest one and has all the cool toys.”
River shrugged. "i was the only reason why the Naughty Nightmare made any sort of actual income." River admitted. "and none of them are as good as the European ones. they can go fully sky-clad there." he admitted with a grin. "and you can touch them." he pointed out. "of course, they also let you have sex with them and i'm NOT a prostitute." River admitted with a shrug. "i dance." "it's actually easy Tony. just buy one already in existence and keep all the staff that's already been hired. the Boss can stay the boss, you'll just gain a small percentage of the overall income. then you can go whenever you want, and you don't have to deal with the shit. like an investor." Steve stated simply before pausing as everyone stared at him. "what? i WAS going to collage before i was enlisted you know. Business Major." "...you are a business major?" Clint asked, shocked as Clint nodded. "two years, never graduated though. i think everything a bit outdated, but it should still be a viable practice, investing i mean." "my digestive system is a great deal stronger than a humans is. Jotun have a tendency to ingest raw meat, so paper would pose little threat to me." Loki admitted with a shrug before he grinned as river hesitated, looking wary. "i won't fight." "no one is asking you to." Steve promised. "...i won't kill for you." "we're not murderers River." Clint complained with a roll of his eyes. "...i won't dance for you." "...not even a little?" Clint asked, sulking. he wanted to see River half naked again, even if the man was straight. "i don't do sexual favors." "god, what kind of Evil people do you think we ARE?" Steve finally demanded, looking rather mortified. "...i guess it wouldn't hurt to stay." clearly, River had been taken advantage of before. but Loki liked these people, and even River knew what a superhero was. so why not? at least he wouldn't be gettign beat up or anything. besides... he wouldn't mind giving Natasha a private dance or twenty.
“Fully sky clad and definitely in the open.” “....did you go to amsterdam when you were in europe?” “Yea. Can’t beat amsterdam in terms of the red light district on new year’s.”Tony grinned before staring at steve for a long moment before smirking. “....You should go back. I mean, yea, it’s a little dated, and we have those stupid save the day things, but I think you’d enjoy school. Just think Anna can be your tutor.” “Tony!” “What?You’re going to tutor him in that anyways, you might as well help with classes if he takes them.”Tony said looking totally unrepentant, even if he knew she was ready to beat his head in for his cocaine addiction already, pushing her buttons now was just amusing. “...Interesting. Can I run tests on you?I mean, when you’re feeling better. Thor let me when he first joined, but it would be interesting to see how a...jotun...differs.”Anna said looking at loki in unrepentant excitement, she loved new things, especially doctory things. Tony stared at river, tilting his head. “He’d dance for natasha.”He said after a moment. “Really?”Natasha smirked looking interested in the thought. “Well, I’m evil, I’m not sure about capsicle or hawk or spidey. Not to mention I’m pretty sure the midget-” “Hey!Don’t make fun. Just because I’m shorter then you, and you are short to tony, doesn’t mean you get to call me names.”Anna protested, whining a little, at barely 5’6” the woman was towered over by the rest of the people she worked with. “is. But you’re being invited to stay because I have every intention of having a barista, and I’m sure loki’d move out if you left.”Tony smirked continuing like anna hadn’t interrupted smiling as he finished eating.
River snorted a little as he shook his head a little. "Amsterdam. i've never been but i've heard about it." River admitted, looking vaugly amused, as well as disturbed. "you probobly liked the lady boys the best right?" he asked with a smirk as he polished off the last peice of spaghetti on his plate before he jerked and stared at it in shock, having been completely unaware someone had served him, let alone that he'd eaten it. "go back to collage? why when i can just mooch off of you?" Steve asked with a grin, though he was clearly interested in the idea. "i don't know if it would work, considering that i have to leave constantly to save your ass from yourself, or to save the world." Steve pointed out, looking amused before he offered Tony a glare. "keep picking on Anna and i'll knock out your teeth." he warned. clearly, he was still annoyed with Tony.

"sure, you can run some tests." Loki promised. "Tony mentioned you'd like to talk about Asgaurdian medicine too?" he offered, his head tilted. "we'll talk sometime." he promised before smirking as River grinned. "yeah, i might be willing to dance for Natasha." he admitted with a shrug. "i might even let her touch." he admitted with a grin. "Tony... you are aware that Anna is bigger than me?" Loki demanded, his voice annoyed as he glared at Tony. loki was barely 5'5". and he was very sensitive about how tiny he was too. he tended to get very violent. "well, considering Loki would never forgive me if i made him move out-" this got a snort from Loki. "-then i suppose i'll just have to stay... but you all have to help me move my crap." "it's a lot of crap... we're going to need a moving van thing." Loki commented, smirking as River scowled at him. "it's crap i need." "it's crap you never use."
“You should go. We should all go.”Tony muased before smirking a little, “I’m not that picky.” “Anyone could have told you that, looking at your sexual exploits....you probably put Thor to shame, and you haven’t had nearly as long as to get the reputation.”NAtasha teased looking amused. “Yea. And who says you can mooch off me forever?Besides, Pepper could use a assistant, since she doesn’t want my help.”Tony sulked a little but inwardly pleased that his friend was happy with the idea of going back to school. “We’ll see what classes are open.I’m sure there’s something.”Anna muttered raising a eyebrow a little as tony just started back at steve for a moment, wondering why his friend was annoyed with him before wincing, remembering now. Not realizing anna had given steve yet another reason to be annoyed with him as he spiraled out of control.

“Awesome.And I would love to. I mean how-”Anna stuttered to a stop at tony’s amused look. “Later.”She said smiling pleased though that loki said it was okay to ask him things sometime. She was definitely excited about the idea. “Hmmm, I could go for that.”Natasha smirked a little, pleased with the idea of a private dance. “You know...I’m amazed it’s taken him this long to convince a stripper to move in.”Anna mused before starting a little at loki’s defense, looking at the man, so used to tony’s teasing, that it really didn’t bother her even if she protested it. “No....I’m sorry. I’ve been teasing her about it since high school....”Tony said staring at the god, looking out of sorts for actually being scolded for it, instead of anna’s usual annoyed patience....though considering how very pissed she was with him, he figured he should probably stop before loki decided to tell everyone what was going on with the coke...or anna simply exploded. “Sorry.”He said simply, giving them his best puppy dog look, not wanting to piss them off more before smirking at river. “Well, if you pack it up, we could have people move it. I mean, I’m rich, why should I have to work when I can have others do it?”he smirked, though he would be perfectly willing to move stuff, he actually enjoed doing every day stuff like moving things, cause it was such a rarity he could pretend he wasn’t obscenely rich, and could just be a normal guy.....not that he wanted to be of course, but it was nice sometimes.
River shook his head. "no thank you. you go and have fun with the lady boys of Amsterdam. i have no interests in harlots." River admitted simply. "he puts ME to shame, and i got it on with a horse.... and a troll." Loki pointed out, looking amused as everyone stared at him. "oh, and a Demon, that was the best..." Loki admitted with a smirk. "never, ever open a summoning circle to a Demon and forget to step outside the Circle." Loki warned with a snicker. "you have to let me mooch off you forever. after all, i know things you don't want me to know about." Steve admitted with a wicked smirk before he nodded. "alright, i'll think about it. i could do with something a bit more productive to do here and there. running is great, but i can't run all day every day." he admitted with a nod, smiling at Anna, deciding to ignore Tony. he was still pissed at Tony for the elevator incident, and on top of that, he was upsetting Anna again. that just wasn't going to stand.

Loki had to grin at Anna's excitement. "we can talk more when Tony's being boring." Loki agreed with a chuckle. "you know... me too." Steve admitted, looking a little startled as he realized Tony HAD just invited a stripper to stay with them. "yeah... shame he's not gay." Clint grumbled, River chuckling a little. "i'm not. no. but Alec is." "you are NOT setting Alec up with an assassin River!" loki growled, the stripper blinking. "but why not?" "because i said so!" "but Alec would love Clint!" Loki just glared at River who shrugged. "i think Alec would like having an assassin for a lover." Loki just sighed. "you're probobly right." he groaned, shaking his head. "but if he comes, you KNOW Tiffany is going to show up, and she's so annoying... i can't hardly handle her during work, i don't want her in my private life too." he whined, River smirking. "you love Tiffany. you told me so. she's like that annoying little sister you always wanted." "emphasis on the annoying." Loki grumbled. "they're just normal humans. i don't know if they could handle people like the Avengers." "...normal? you think Alec and Tiffany... you mean they don't register to your magic the way i do?" "...well, no. should they?" "yes." River admitted, looking amused. "they really should." "...i'll have all my stuff packed in a few days then." River promised, Loki rolling his eyes. "just hire people to do it for you." "i can do that?" "yes. you can." "i'll do that then... do i have enough money for that?" "make Tony pay for it." Loki ordered with a shrug, River looking confused. "why?" "because you can and he won't complain." "...that's a pretty lousy reason loki." "you need to be a tad more selfish River."
“....I’m feeling suddenly inadequate, if you’ve had sex with a horse.”Tony said after a long moment before looking interested in loki’s story about the demon. “No. Stark, don’t. Not at the table.”Natasha ordered seeing the look on tony’s face before smirking slightly. Tony eyed his best friend, shooting a almost panicked look towards Anna before swallowing, wrinkling his nose. “....Anna, it’s not fair telling him things.” “I only told him you raised great danes, don’t get your panties in a twist.” “I’m not wearing any, and I don’t believe you.”Tony grumbled eyeing the woman across the table from him. “Not to mention, you shoes would last longer if you went to class instead of just ran.”Anna said smiling at steve, blushing ever so slightly.

“oh, you mean all the time? You can tell him to stop with the tech babble you know, just threaten to tell clint about that thing, or steve about that other thing or...” “Okay okay, what is this, blackmail Tony day?” “Yes.” “Mean.”Tony grumbled before watching the two friends argue before smirking, “I like Tiffany. She’s squishy, and squeaks.....I think you’re right. River, you should invite them.”Tony said looking thoughtful, not so much because he really liked her, but because the man could feel the sexual tension on the air, and even if he was attracted to loki, the man was burning himself up. He was having problems resisting not having sex, when his frustration and addictions were so deeply inbred into him and well...he’d already had sex with her. He couldn’t see the harm in it. Before frowning, looking interested in the words. “really?”he asked curious to what alec and tiffany could before before laughing. “He’s right, I couldn’t spend my fortune in a dozen lifetimes, even with how I spend it. Just pay someone.”Tony shrugged, proving loki right, he just didn’t care how he blew his fortune....the fact that he could have just as easily spent a million dollars as he did spend 30 bucks, just proved how obscenely rich he was.
Loki grinned. "horses are hung, but it's over in seconds. very boring." Loki admitted. "even the troll was better than that." he admitted with a shrug. "i'll tell you later." Loki promised tony with a chuckle before looking curious at what kind of blackmail Steve might have on Tony. "oh yes, Great Danes." Steve admitted with a smirk. "she showed me pictures, you where cute." Steve teased with a snicker. "you'd look nice in a pair of panties. red lace ones." Loki mused as he popped a meatball into his mouth as Steve flushed a little and nodded. "i'd have something to do with all that energy i have." he agreed with a smile. "i think i might like that idea." he admitted as Loki chuckled. "i like Tony's tech babble." Loki admitted. "it's rather calming, and i learn things i didn't know before." he admitted with a chuckle. "besides, i don't have blackmail on Tony yet." Loki pointed out before lifting an eyebrow at Tony. "puppy." he commented with a snicker.

"i'll invite them over then." River agreed. "they've been worried about Loki... though, i don't know if they've managed to keep their jobs or not." he admitted with a sigh. "well... i don't know how..." River admitted with a sigh and Clint smiled. "hey, don't worry about it, most people don't. just give us you're address and we'll have it all taken care of." Clint promised River, who looked quite heartened by how nice everyone was being to him. "thank you for letting me come and live with you." River muttered, watching them all curiously. "i'll let Tiffany and Alec know that they are welcome to come and visit." he promised as Loki handed Clint a slip of paper. "the address." Clint nodded and tucked it away, fully intending on snooping through Loki's things to see if the man was up to something. "...i hope my fish isn't dead..." "he's not. i made sure." river promised.
Tony frowned staring at steve for a long moment, before shrugging. “It was fun. And I’ve never cute. Nor adorable.”Tony sulked a little before staring at loki, shaking his head. “No, just no.”He said before grinning at steve. “I know what-” “If you even finish that sentence I’ll let him give you another black eye, Stark.”Anna said rolling her eyes, because sometimes, tony just couldn’t help himself. “What about the puppy?”Tony muttered looking at loki, making a face at him. “Just pretend you do. Cause there’s always the chance I told you.”Anna pointed out.

“Cool. I kinda want to meet tiffany, I mean, we all had to listen to them, it’d be nice for a introduction.”Natasha snickered a little before shrugging. “It’s not that big of a deal, river. We’re all kinda mooching off the billionaire there. I think he was lonely.” “I was not. You being here just means you have to deal less with Fury, and we’re all better for that.”Tony pointed out snickering a little before looking at loki, smiling slightly. “We watching Sleepign beauty tonight, or do you want to do something else?”he said stretching as he got up, needing to get up to hide the twitches that came with needing a fix, for once not aware of the innuendo that could be taken from his words.
Steve snorted a little and rolled his eyes. "you where cute. all chubby cheeked with big eyes, tinier than the dog itself was." he teased, Loki grinning. "i would like to see this adorable version of Tony." Loki ordered, looking quite delighted, and curious. "you are a puppy Stark, remember? humps everything?" Loki asked with a grin. "you keep making comments that refer to Tiffany as a squeaky toy, you might as well start calling yourself puppy dog or something similar." he mused with a grin before he smirked at Anna. "oh no, that would be cheating. i might be the god of lies and mischief, but what fun is it when there are no rules? if i want blackmail, i will have to dig it up for myself." "a megalomaniac Super-villain with rules of engagement. now there's a scary thought." Clint muttered under his breath, Loki snorting at him. "we both know i'm a shitty super-villain." Loki stated with a sulk. "i couldn't even conquer an island."

"you would like Tiffany." River admitted with a grin, ignoring Tony's sulking. "so long as you don't annoy her. honestly, i am surprised you didn't give them a background check." he teased, Loki lifting an eyebrow. "but then, they are much better at blending in than i am." he admitted with a shrug. "i am uncertain if Shield even knows about them." "Shield knows about you?" Loki asked, looking quite startled as River nodded. "yes, i have not dealt with Shield since i was ten though." River admitted. "i am sure they keep some sort of tab on me, but since i keep a low profile and don't destroy things, i am rather low on their priorities." River admitted with a chuckle as Loki glanced at Tony. "i desire to finish Sleeping beauty. and then i want to watch that other movie you mentioned before." Loki demanded imperiously, River grinning. "and just think, he might actually stay awake for it." he mused. "that magic medicine really works." "it enhances my own magical healing abilities." Loki explained with a shrug. "oh, and i desire to meet Pepper. i've not met her yet." Loki demanded. "i wish to gloat in the face of her failures." "...what has she failed at?" River asked, Loki shrugging. "i don't know. i'm sure i'll find something."
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