Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“Jarvis. Tony’s AI, Butler, nursemaid....anything you need a actual person to do, without having a person.”Natasha said looking amused even as they headed upstairs.

“Ahhh, is that what it is?Hmph. Having to people that smart in bed would just be horrible. Can you imagine, we’d probably talk ourselves to death and never do anything. And he can’t, it was fairly adorable, watching him go down the elevator shaft.”he snickered before pouting. “Damn...I shoulda told him that.To bad steve would never believe it, clint wouldn’t be able to work it.”he pouted a little looking at the food before sighing. “You’re probably right....Jarvis, order some breakfast food and have it delivered.” “Did you try cooking again?”Natasha grinned as they walked into the kitchen raising a eyebrow at the billionaire, gesturing to his eye.”What happened to you?” “Capsicle.”Tony sulked.

Anna smiled yawning as she ran her fingers through her hair before snickering. “Oh gods, he’s trying to feed loki. I knew it was a bad idea telling loki he could eat solid food...”she giggled a little before rubbing a hand over her face, starting to wake up. “Zombie are the living dead, kinda shuffling....remind me later, we’ll have a zombie movie marathon.”She looked amused as she stretched, “Go run. By the time you get home, I’ll be ready to go.”She yawned, now that she was waking up, she was getting excited about their morning date.
River blinked a little. "so in other words then, this Jarvis person is Tony's babysitter." he mused, looking, well, amused as he walked upstairs with the others.

Bruce snickered a little and shook his head. "you're lucky the only thing he did was punch you." Bruce commented with a chuckle. "he'd punch you again if he heard you calling him cute you know." he pointed with a snicker. "and Steve really wouldn't beleive it, besides, he already punched Clint just for flirting with Anna." he pointed out with a grin as he watched Tony sulk at the food. "Make sure you order enough for everyone Jarvis!" Bruce ordered as he settled into a chair and sipped at his Coffee, watching Clint, Natasha and River walk in. "he hit you too!? Damn he's pissy lately." Clint complained, wincing as he touched his broken nose, River lifting an eyebrow. "...where's the giant kitty?" Bruce asked, River snorting. "don't call me a kitty." he demanded. "i'll go for the throat and i'm bugger than you." "...you're the kitty?" "Shape-Shifter. Jaguar." "well i got the Jungle Cat part right at least. who are you exactly?" "River Yaguara." "River Jaguar... fitting." "mmm, i'm Loki's roommate." "...Loki has a roommate?!" "yes." "...that's... creepy." "Loki lives to go against preconceived notions." "God of chaos... i can see it."

he grinned. "yeah he's trying to feed Loki. i think Loki's smarter than to eat runny eggs... though, how Tony managed to burn them, and leave them runny is completely beyond me." Steve admitted with a sigh before he blinked at her. "...isn't 'living dead' sort of contradictory?" he asked, looking baffled before he chuckled. "alright, i'll make it a short run." he promised. "i can go for another jog later if i still feel hyper." he assured her with a smile as he headed out to get changed. pausing in the kitchen to stare at the new stranger before deciding to ignore it, and Tony and Clint as he headed out for his run. "...i'd say he's still annoyed." Bruce commented with a grin.
“Oh gods, he’s going to stay annoyed isnt he?”He grumbled looking annoyed with the idea before laughing. “Be he is. And he wouldn’t dare.”he sulked a little looking bemused with the idea before frowning at the food in front of him before looking at clint.”Yea. Well, locking Anna in the elevator probably hadn’t been my best idea.”He muttered before looking at river, raising a eyebrow. “Loki’s sleeping still.”Tony said looking amused before sighing softly. “And he’s acting high, you might not want to see him.”Tony said before looking at steve as he left. “Me to.”he agreed with bruce’s observation.

“Yea, I would hope loki would eat those....and tony excels at doing the impposible.”she said smiling slightly before shrugging. “Don’t ask me about the name, but yes it is.”She said looking amused with how baffled he looked before watching him go, getting up to get ready to go. Tugging on a pair of jeans and a dark blue sweater she headed into the kitchen, tilting her head as she studied the bruised ones. “Whatever happened to you?” “Steve punched me.”Tony sulked a little. “Why?” “Apparently doesn’t like being called spandex.”Tony said knowing better then to admit to what he’d done, and hoping no one would rat him out. Anna would kill him if she knew.
"probobly he'll be abboyed for some time." Bruce admitted with a grin. "at least until he gets a kiss from Anna." he admitted with a snicker. "it got the job done, though you could have chosen a less traumatic method." Bruce admitted. "still, it's a lot less dangerous than the things you usually do, and in five years Steve might be able to admit that it was a good thing." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "Loki's acting High? you didn't give him Painkillers did you!?" River demanded, looking very worried. "you can't give him painkillers he'll go off his rocker!" "relax. it's not earth painkillers. it's asgaurdian." Bruce promised River who hessitated and then relaxed. "what happens when you give him asperin?" "i'm not sure, but he... it's hard to explain, he took some once for a headach and he just, when it started kicking in he started to see thing i guess, hallucinate. whether they where things that really existed at one time for him, or ust all in his head i don't know, but after a while he stopped trying to get away from them and just sat down and started screaming." River admitted, Bruce looking more than a little stunned. "it took me almost six hours to get him to calm down, and he couldn't talk for weeks after because he ruptured something in his voice box." River admitted. "what is he acting like now?" "like a guy who smoked a bag of weed mostly." "...that's not so bad."

he turned to blink at Anna and offered her a smile. "you are Loki's doctor, yes?" he asked her, looking curious. "how is he healing?" very well actually. though he would have some scars he was in much better shape. he no longer had to worry about bursting his lung or internal bleeding. he wasn't healed completely inside, but he was well outside of the worry zone. "he punched me too." Clint whined, touching his nose. "apparently i upset him when i flirted with you... i guess i shouldn't have teased him when he was still upset over finding out men could have sex together." "...he didn't know about gay sex?" River asked, looking highly skeptical." "he's from the nineteen twenties... or was it the fourties?" "it was both. he was born in nineteen twenty and was frozen in nineteen fourty." "oh."
“Well, hopefully he’ll kiss her soon.”Tony said before tilting his head. “....maybe.And it was less dangerous then the usual crap...”he squirmed a little looking uncomfortable that he’d emotionally traumatized his friend simply to make sure that anna and steve got together. Sipping his coffee he needed. “No I didn’t. I was there last time he freaked out remember?Didn’t want it to be there for another.”he said making a face, looking amused then wincing at the idea of loki messing up his voice. “we’ve been watching disney. It’s sorta disturbing actually.”he said before smiling slightly at anna.

“Yea. And he’s healing well. It’s a good thing he’s asgardian, he’s healing faster then I would have thought possible. He’s going to be sore for awhile still,and still a little hurt as his body heals, but he’s not a danger anymore.”She said smiling at river before looking at clint, raising a eyebrow blushing slightly at the idea of steve getting upset over clint flirting with her. “See, I told you she wouldn’t believe you.”Natasha teased looking at clint, amused at the look on anna’s face, like she didn’t know what to think before smirking. “It makes for some awkward moments, what with him being a 90 year old virgin.”She snickered. “He is not!”Anna defended before flushing. “...and how do you know the good captain has had sex?Is there something you would like to tell us?”tony smirked watching her, amusement in his dark eyes. “N-no. It just came up when you made me tell him about gay sex. Which I hate you both for.”She glared at both clint and tony, smirking a little when Tony pretty much fled with his coffee towards loki’s bedroom. “Tell me when the food gets here!”The billionaire called as he stepped into loki’s room.

“Reindeer?”The man smiled as he stepped inside, focusing on the sleepy godling.
Clint and Bruce both snickered at Tony. "yeah, at least she wasn't being held hostage or something. although, that could have been fun to play out." Clint admitted with a grin. "fake a kidnapping, Steve saves the damsel in distress, that would have been awesome... of course, neither of them would have ever have forgiven us..." he mused, shaking his head. "Loki likes Cartoons, yeah." River admitted with a grin. "Tom and Jerry is his favorite." River admitted with a snicker. "which is hilarious because he HATES the Merlin movies and cartoons." he admitted with a snicker. "he points at the screen and complains, CONSTANTLY about how 'That's not the way it WORKS!' as if humans are supposed to understand that magic is a science." he rolled his eyes. "i mean really... no one cares that sorcerers do not use wands." River complained, making both Bruce and Clint snigger.

"so he'd going to retain all muscle capabilities?" yes, Loki would be able to do everything he could have done before hand. "i wonder if Asgaurdian medicine would work with human anatomy?" River wondered, Bruce perking up at the idea. "that's a good question, we don't know much about God physiology. i wonder what their DNA looks like?" "it looks a lot like ours, i got to see a sample of Loki's DNA while we where at the hospital and they where trying to decide of Anesthesia would work on him... it doesn't, by the way. it just made him really giggly according to the surgeon." "so the DNA is similar, but the reactions are different?" Bruce mused. 'it looks like it. i think it might be the chemical compositions that makes him what he is. he's very different from someone like Thor genetically, they might both react differently to certain things... if i wasn't afraid of how massive Thor is, i'd give him an aspirin just to see what happens." River admitted, looking curious. "i have no doubt Thor would react rather differently than a Jotun." "why are you a stripper?" Clint asked, curious. "because i can't get a better paying job without a high school education." "...oh." "plus i like the way people look at me when i dance for them."

"...wow. that's mean." River commented. "making the girl explain to the guy she has a crush on, how two guys get it on." "and then she had to give me a prostate exam." Clint admitted with a smirk. "like, directly after... which, might be why i got a broken nose more than my flirting did... now that i think about it." Clint admitted, sounding amused as Tony fled.

Loki was just waking up when Tony came in and he blinked at the other. "Stark... are you aware that you are very annoying?" Loki demanded sluggishly. "i want my wheelie chair..." he demanded, rubbing his eyes sluggishly. "and i want a bath.. and my bandages itch..." well, they did need to change the bandages. Bruce could probobly help Loki get nice and clean. small as Loki was, he was still a bit too heavy for Anna to lift into a bathtub... of course, Loki probobly wouldn't let the Hulk anywhere near himself, so River would probobly have to do it. good thing he was there! still didn't stop Loki from complaining about everything. which meant Loki was probobly feeling pretty lousy. he only complained like that when he was feeling particularly lousy.
“That’s true...maybe if they ever have a fight?I mean, nothing could end a fight faster then a pretend kidnapping.”Tony mused before smirking. “I’ve been subjected to watching that to. Though now I might have to get him to watch harry potter with me now, just to watch.”Tony sniggered at the idea before looking at anna equally curious. “he will.”Anna reassured before tilting her head.”He said human drugs and asgardian drugs don’t cancel each other out. Like cigarettes interact with human medicine...but when he’s feeling better maybe he’ll tell us more?”Anna said looking pleased with the idea before smirking as natasha looked interested in the stripper. “You look good when you dance.”Natasha said smirking a little before nodding. “It was very mean, especially after he interrupted Steve asking her out.”Natasha put in rolling her eyes. Anna frowned looking at clint, “I think you deserve to have your nose broken.”She chirped as natasha went to get the food from the delivery boy as jarvis informed them that the food was there. Raising a eyebrow as anna didn’t get any from the eggs and bacon, and pancakes tony had delivered. “Breakfast plans?”the assassin smirked. “Yes.”Anna muttered squirming a little, embarassed. She never really had done relationships, so this was weird for her, to be going dates.

“Everyone thinks I’m annoying, but they love me anyways.”Tony smirked a little before reaching out into the hallway and pushing the chair into the room. Helping the man into the chair he paused, “I’ll be right back. River’s here, so he can help you bath.”He decided letting loki get himself to the bathroom before walking into the kitchen again, pausing to study them all before looking at river. “Loki needs help getting a bath.”He said simply.
Clint snorted. "yeah, that will go down well. instead of being beaten up, he'll just kill us. never kidnap a loved one when the person is already aggravated Tony. it only ends badly." Clint warned with a chuckle. "Asgaurdian medicine doesn't interact with earth medicine? i wonder if that's a chemical component, or a magical one?" River wondered, Bruce nodding. "and if it's a chemical, can we replicate the effects? some medication cannot be taken together, if we can replicate the ability to prevent interaction, a person could take medicine for seizures and for bi-polar and for all sorts of other things, without having to worry about the person dying because of interactions between the medicines." "it would be a medical breakthrough, you could even prevent side effects, or create much more effective medicine." "of course i look good when i dance, i've only been doing it since i was old enough to." he pointed out with a grin. "plus, being a shape-shifter, i can move my body in many more ways than most humans are capable of." "hey, speaking of. if you bite someone, will they turn into a whatever you are?" River lifted an eyebrow. "do i look like a werewolf to you?" "sort of, yeah." Clint admitted and that seamed to stump River for a bit. "i don't know. the only people i bite are the ones i want dead." "good point."

"i don't deserve to have my nose broken! it was an ACCIDENT!" he complained, sulking. "i didn't know he didn't know about Gay people!" he complained, shaking his head. "and i didn't know he was asking her out! Natasha's the one that made me go! i was going to skip the appointment!" "not exactly something you want to admit to there Clint." "why is everyone against me!?" Clint complained, River smiling. "because Karma is a bitch and you're an easy target." "...i don't like you anymore." he complained as he grabbed his share of the food, River chuckling as he took a piece of Bacon. "i don't suppose you have any milk?" "...are you going to do weird things to it?" "...talking to Tony have we?" River asked with a grin. "i promise not to put alcohol in my milk. i don't have any anyway." "...then yes we have milk." Clint commented as he poured a glass of milk for anyone who wanted some. by the time he sat back down Clint was back from his run. "i'll get cleaned up and then we'll head out yeah?" he asked Anna with a smile, completely drenched. "bring an umbrella okay?" "is it raining?" "yupo."

Loki rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth as he was moved into the wheelchair with a grunt. "i hate being so helpless." he grumbled as he squirmed around to get comfortable before he moved himself into the bathroom so he could relieve himself. "i'll help him." River promised. "he'd probobly attack anyone else." River admitted with a sigh. "how someone so skinny can kick so hard is beyond me." River grumbled as he turned to Tony. "which room is he in? i've been meaning to talk to him anyway."
“Well...that’s true.”Tony made a face as he considered that, before smirking slightly as he considered the medical ramifications of being able to get things to work together, looking as excited as anna did at the idea, and it was actaully fairly amazing that the two weren’t starting to babble about it, but for the moment, the two were to focused on other things, anna on her date, and tony on loki. “I can’t wait until loki’s feel well enough to talk to about it. I love thor, but I have a feeling loki’ll be better with the medical knowledge.”Anna said looking pleased before smiling slightly at natasha’s interest in the jaguar. “I kinda wanna test it out, even if it’s a little weird to consider letting you bite someone.”Natasha said looking thoughtful before snickering at clint’s whining. “Anna’s the one who ordered you down to go for your appointment.”Natasha said looking annoyed with her partner before laughing quietly, nodding. “Tony bitched that we weren’t allowed doing weird shit to either alcohol or milk....and River, no alcohol?You do know who’s tower you’re sitting in right?”She snickered a little as she sipped her milk. “Okay. And I will.”She said blushing ever so slightly as she looked at the drenched super solider, resisting the urge to squirm at the sight of his clothes clinging to a body like that. AFter all, she’d seen him naked, surely she was capable of not imaging joining him in the shower when he looked like that. “Go get ready, I’ll be ready to go when your done.”She smiled as she went to get her rainjacket and a umbrella, looking nervous as she waited.

“Well, it’s kinda adorable actually. I mean, you are so sleeping beauty. Or maybe snow white...”Tony smirked looking amused, making sure the man was comfortable before leaving. “Which is why you get to bath him. He’s already thorwn me out a window, I have no desire to be kicked.”Tony whined leaning down to kiss anna’s cheek.”have fun.”He smirked as he led river back to loki’s room, knocking on the bathroom door. “reindeer?
River grinned a little as he considered the idea as well. sitting there with so many people was more than a little unnerving. he tended to stay on his own. singular, with maybe one or two close companions. having so many people who didn't seam to care that he was... well, odd, was very... strange. he wasn't sure how to handle that sort of thing to be honest. "i don't know about Thor, but Loki loves to talk about things." River admitted with a smirk. "just be warned, once you get him started, he's hard to stop, and he'll sulk for DAYS if you interrupt him in the middle of a good lecture." he admitted with a snicker. "i don't see why he'd need to bite anyone. all i need is a saliva sample." Bruce commented suddenly. "once i have that, i can introduce it to a live blood sample and see what happens. i'll need a small sample of Rivers blood for comparison, but it's a repetitively simple process." Bruce admitted with a smile. "i'd be willing, it's a good thing to know in case of accidents." River admitted before he smirked at Natasha. "Tony would never forgive me if i 'ruined' his Alcohol like that." he admitted with a snicker before most of the men in the room smirked as Steve came in soaking wet.

Steve didn't take long to return, mostly dry and his hair sticking up all over, he must have run a towel through it to get it mostly dry and then neglected to come it back down again. it looked good like that. "ready?" he asked her with a smile as he opened the umbrella for her and made sure that she stayed as dry as possible, uncaring if he got wet. he couldn't exactly catch a cold after all. "i hope you don't mind walking... i haven't figured out how to drive these cars yet..." he admitted with a grimace. "Tony won't let me touch any of them after i crashed one of them into a bridge." he admitted with a sigh. "and it's too cold to take one of the bikes." he admitted, offering her a sheepish smile. "it will only be a short walk though... just a block..." he had a feeling he was failing the date...

Loki glared at Tony so furiously it almost hurt. "and how would YOU like to be locked away from you're technology for the rest of you're life and then be stabbed with no hope or chance of protecting yourself!? how would YOU like to lay in bed for hours on end wondering whether someone is going to hate you enough to finish the job!?" Loki demanded, his voice tight with rage... and fear. he slammed the door of the bathroom closed behind him and slid the lock home. River studied Tony as he came back down and nodded. "you made Loki angry didn't you? don't worry i can calm him down." River promised as he walked up with Tony. "Go away you insignificant worm!" "Loki open the damn door." "you go to hell!" then there was a pause. "River?" the lock slid free and River snorted, shaking his head as he walked into the bathroom. "yelling at Tony isn't going to make you feel better Loki." "it makes me feel better." "no it doesn't." "...no it doesn't..." Loki agreed with a sigh. "he just... infuriates me SO much!
Anna smiled a little as she looked at the man, studying river. “You’re among a group of some of the weirdest people I’ve had a pleasure of ever meeting. Don’t look so weirded out.”She teased a little before grinning. “Thor’s about the same....just louder. And I guess it’s a good thing I’m used to not interrupting tony, it’ll be fun.”Anna grinned pleased with the thought. “Well, you could do that. But maybe I want him to bite me.”Natasha said wtih a playful little smirk before nodding. “True. He’d never stop whining if you did that.”She said looking amused as she looked up at steve, oh gods, anna was going to have such a problem keeping her hands to herself. And the thought made her snicker quietly.

“I am.”Anna smiled at him, as she got up off the couch, blushing slightly as she looked over at him, trying very hard to not think about how that messy look just begged her to bury her hands in it. It was definitely hard to not drag him down for a kiss. Smiling as they walked she shrugged,”Don’t worry, I don’t mind.”She reassured before smiling. “And he did howl for weeks after that.But I’ve never been on a bike before, we’ll have to go on one when its drier.”She smiled as they stepped into the small cafe as she shrugged off her coat, looking for a seat. Shivering slightly, because despite saying mostly dry, it was still chilly out.

Tony looked startled back at the man, having not meant more then that it was cute to see him all relaxed for once, instead of throwing him out his own window. Sighing softly he looked at river nodding. “I’m going down to the lab. I have to get some work done, I’ll be up in awhile.”he said retreating because the man wasn’t handling his attraction to loki well, and he’d rather deal with his gadgets and things instead of the furious god he wanted to screw. Heading down to the lab he worked for awhile, glaring at the parts he was working on-the jarvis body that clint had requested, because well, he wanted to see if he could do what he did with pepper again. Having never really considered putting jarvis in one, but it would be a little helpful. But after awhile he pushed the parts away, looking annoyed because he couldn’t concentrate enough to work-even drugged, having shot up as soon as he got away from everyone- but he was to annoyed with loki for being upset with him to concentrate. Huffing out a sigh he frowned before heading back up to loki’s room, hoping that the god was done with his bath and in a slightly better mood.
River shrugged. "i've never... people don't usually like me too much. they can sense i'm an apex predator." he admitted after a moment of silence. "it's odd to me to be sitting here and to not have people inching away from me, or looking at me funny. particularly when they know what i can actually do." "that's the way it is for most of us here." Bruce commented to River calmly. "you've seen what happens to me, right?" "er... are you the one that shoots arrows or the one with the shield?" "...i'm the one that turns green and destroys things." "oh. yes i see your point. i just kind of figured he was an out of control Mascot, i didn't realize that he turned into a person..." he paused. "i said that wrong..." Bruce just chuckled. "i know what you mean." he assured the awkward River who turned to grin a sly little smile at Natasha. "oh, biting? perhaps you'd like to be tied down and spanked too? helpless beneath me, hmm?" he asked, flirting without care for who was listening. "i bet you would be a most responsive lover. so loud and unrestrained. like a virgin."

Steve smiled a little. "i'm glad." he breathed, relieved that she didn't seam to care that he was a bit of a looser. "i'd be glad to take you out on the bike, and even show you how to drive it if you like?" he offered with a smile, taking her coat when she shrugged it off. "are you cold? here, we'll sit near the fireplace." he suggested, gently guiding her over to the fireplace that was merrily crackling away. he pulled her chair out for her and gently pushed her back into place and didn't seam to notice most of the couples where watching them. the men with annoyance for being shown up, and the women with soft sighs because really, who made men like that these days?

River nodded. "don't work too hard Tony." River stated with a smile. "and don't take Loki's anger personally. he's just snapping because he's scared and you're a convenient target." he promised the man. "Loki's so used to being nearly all powerful and now he's even more helpless than an average human, it's a pretty big shock to him, even after all these months. he just needs more time to adjust and gain some trust in the new situation." he promised. when Tony came back up, Loki was clean and River was carefully examining the stitches. it was suddenly obvious just how lucky Loki really was to be alive. there where stitches in his stomach, in his chest and on his back, one of which had missed his kidney by no more than a centimeter. one on his ribs showed where he had been stabbed in the lung, forcing it to deflate, and there was even a wound over his heart, which had been the last one before someone had pulled the attacker off. half an inch deeper, and Loki would have had his heart pierced. "i can't beleive how much i missed!" Loki was complaining. "i mean LOOK! Edwardo is marrying Silvya! when the hell did that happen!? and where the hell did that baby come from!? i missed three days and now i have no idea whats going on! i HATE soap Opera's!" and yet, he was still staring, fixated on the screen as "Hope for the Hopeless" played on the screen. Loki's favorite daytime show. he recorded it every day, and watched it right after River went to work every night. "Tony! tell River that this show is NOT crap!" Loki was certainly in a better mood. "it's crap." River stated as he grabbed the new bandages and started wrapping them in place. "it's BORING Crap."
Anna laughed looking amused, “Don’t worry. Half the time Stark calls him a mascot, and tries to convince him he should have his own football team with him as the mascot/quarterback....though he was drunk at the time, so he might not have been serious.”She mused snickering a little, just wanting river to feel comfort, because he was important to loki, and loki was important to tony. Natasha flushed nodding a little squirming slightly before looking at Clint, raising a eyebrow. “Want to weigh in on whether he’s right or not?”Teasing clint because she could. And making a mental note to take him out so he could pick someone up.

“That would be fun.”She said then her eyes went wide as he offered to teach her. “Really? Tony never lets me near his bike. He says its to precious to leave in my clumsy hands, though it amazes me he’ll let me doctor him, but not drive his bike...seriously weird guy.”She snickered a little before nodding, smiling as he led her to her chair. “thanks steve.”She smiled quietly as she shifted, sighing as the warmth of the fire started warming her up, blushing as she realized that people were watching them. Biting her lip as she searched for a topic of discussion, and hating that she didn’t lead a very exciting life, and most of the stories she could involved tony, and it seemed a little weird to just talk about her best friend...and any of the other stories she had, he already knew since he lived in the tower to....she looked awkward and out of sorts, before laughing quietly. “....I just remembered why I don’t date alot. This is awkward.”She said looking up at him, sipping the hot coco she ordered.

Tony flicked his eyes over the stitches, locking his expression into careful neutrality even as his stomach twisted and he felt sick at the sight of all those stitches, and the knowledge, the absolute certainty that he felt that this was his fault. Swallowing hard he glanced at the screen, before smirking. “It isn’t. I watch this in the lab all the time.”Tony said smirking at river, and it was true, though he did it mostly because it annoyed pepper to listen to him talk about it, and even if it wasn’t the real-pepper he annoyed, he still enjoyed the old habits. “Hey. Loki...I was thinking about what you yelled at me before....well, I’d hate having the gadgets taken...but I can make you something, if you wanted....”Tony fidgeted looking nervous, moving over to the bed he thought over what river had told him, fidgeting with the starkpad he was holding as he sat down,pulling up the file on it that he wanted, letting it go 3D as he showed a basic version of a repulsor, just a single glove, more a single simple weapon instead of like the ones made for his suit. Having been talking to jarvis about it even as he worked on a body for the AI. “It wouldnt be much I know, and its not like you’re leaving the tower any time soon but....”He trailed off looking awkward as he looked away from the god.
River had to chuckle at that. "Tony stark is a bit like a two year old. doesn't realize when he says things he really shouldn't say... a two year old with an alcohol problem and has more sex in a month than most people do in their entire lives... but still a two year old. "i hate you right now, so much." Clint complained, sulking because River was straight and flirting with Natasha instead of him.

he smiled. "i'm less attached to things that can be replaced than he is... plus, i didn't build my bike from scratch like he did with his." he pointed out with a smile. "and you're only realizing now that Tony is weird? you did grow up with him right?" he asked, looking amused. "your welcome." he murmured with a smile at her as he ordered himself a cup of black coffee. he couldn't understand why someone would ruin a good cup of coffee with milk and sugar, or worse, flavored creamer, uck! "i've... never dated..." he admitted with a bright blush. "so i have no idea what i'm doing... i sort of remember a little bit from dating lessons i got from Bucky..." he admitted a little sheepishly. "uhm, i think we're supposed to talk about the weather, and our favorite foods, and hobbies and stuff..." he frowned. "i think he said something about not holding hands until the third date, but i'm not sure how accurate that is in this time period..."

Loki turned and looked at Tony. "pretty awful right?" Loki asked with a grimace. "but it's just one more scar in a sea of others. in a few months i won't even be able to tell these new ones from the old ones." Loki admitted, proving he was still adept at hiding all his other scars because suddenly they seamed to flutter into view. there where strips down his back, like someone had taken great joy in whipping him so long ago that the scars had stopped being lumpy. there where teeth and claw marks, other marks where he looked like he'd been scarred by flames up the right side of his stomach. "say, where is Thor?" Loki asked suddenly. "he usually hovered annoyingly over me when i've been injured..." he admitted, sounding almost... upset, that Thor wasn't there. "Made me something?" Loki asked looking startled before he looked stunned as he stared at the appliance. "i... you, made that for me?" Loki asked, breathless with stunned shock. "no ones ever..." Loki swallowed thickly and closed his eyes, looking quite emotional. "thank you, Stark that... means a lot to me." Loki finally managed to say without breaking into sobs. he'd never gotten a present from anyone but Thor before.
Natasha laughed at that, “He did never learn when to keep his mouth shut...probably why he likes loki, they’re both all snark.”She snickered looking amused as she kissed clint’s cheek amused that he was sulking.

“He was obsessed with that thing, for years....it was one of the few things him and howard actually did together....”She rolled her eyes because it was a rarity that the two stark men had worked on something together, and if they did, it was something that could go very very fast and had a potential to kill them. Cars and bikes.”.and I think he focuses on the things he has, things to be replaced, because he doesn’t want to care about others....the fact that he has more people right at this moment who care about him, then he has ever before, has to be freaking him out a little....”Making a face at steve’s teasing she huffed. “I did, but it still astounds me that he’ll let me pull shrapnel out of his heart, but wont let me drive his car.”She rolled her eyes before blushing looking up at him. “Well, I guess we could...but that’s like first date stuff, and I mean this is a first date, but we’ve known each other for a year...its awkward, and like the things you don’t know about me, all involve tony, and I’m fairly certain you don’t want to hear about him...”She muttered before smiling, reaching across the table for his hand, sipping her drink before ordering some bacon and eggs from the waiter, looking bemused.”....oh...that’s not so accurate anymore...I mean, most dates end in sex by the third one, but I’ve never been on dates, except when I had to ‘date’ tony so people would stop bothering him at science conventions....so this is weird for me....”

Tony nodded a little before sighing quietly as they looked at the rest of the scars, eyes widening a little. “....been adventuring with thor have you?”He muttered recognizing some of the claw marks from the other asgardian prince, remembering thor’s stories about their younger years. “It’s not so bad. I look like this to...but on a less all over scale...I haven’t had centuries to gain them,...”He mused before tilting his head slightly. “Thor was required to take care of battle in niflehiem, it seems the dark elves were giving...hela?...a problem, and she requested his help.”He said not about to question what he knew, that the girl was thor’s niece, not sure how loki would take them knowing about his kids. Before wincing a little as loki stared at him. “It’s not made yet...I wanted to ask your opinion on it before I actually built it...”he muttered as he turned the design on the starkpad so loki could see it fully before swallowing hard, flushing at the other’s thanks, staring down at the tablet, biting his lip a little. “Your welcome.....now do you want me to stay here, or do you want me to go away?”He asked not sure if the other man was still mad at him, and willing to go away if loki wanted him to. Having only really come up because he hadn’t been able to concentrate on work.
Steve chuckled and nodded before he winced. "and that's why it's so important... because it's one thing that actually has a fondness attached to it. do you think he even realizes he's clinging to that stupid bike simply because Howard wasn't screaming at him while they where making it?" he wondered. "and you're probobly right, Tony isn't the sort of person to connect to people very easily. and lately it just seams that much worse." he admitted, biting his lip a little. "it does seam a little silly." he admitted with a chuckle. "but then, Tony Stark's reasoning abilities was always a little bit screwed up." he pointed out with a smile. "it's not all that awkward." he admitted with a smile. "i've been in a lot worse situations." he admitted before he looked at her curiously. "do any of those stories involve blackmail material on Tony?" he asked hopefully. "i wouldn't mind talking about Tony if it means we get to use it to torment him a little bit once he's feeling better." he admitted with a grin before he stared at her in stunned shock. "s..sex ont he third date!? ...god. we weren't allowed to have sex until we where married..." he admitted, looking more than a little stunned. "well, normal people anyway, no one in the Army followed that rule save for a few of us, because of the whore houses and stuff." here he flushed. "i went once but... i was more than a little horrified and i left after a kiss because i felt... wrong. it felt wrong to just, use a girl like that." he admitted sheepishly. "yeah... it's pretty weird..." he admitted with a small sigh. maybe we should have done something that was a little more interactive..." he glanced outside and smiled when he realized that the sun had come out. "it's stopped raining... maybe after breakfast we could go for a walk?"

Loki snorted. "no." he admitted simply. "i was in the Tournaments." Loki admitted. the Tournaments was a great show, the people who participated showered with Glory... if they lived. only three or five people participated at a time, and usually only the Winner lived. it was a lot like the Gladiator rings. only the people who participated where always willing and signed up for it themselves. they faced mighty beasts of various dangers, and sometimes they faced other beings who had been captured breaking various laws. Jotun where common in the Tournaments, kidnapped from their homes and promised freedom if they won. the Jotun usually won. "i won twice." Loki admitted, looking very proud of that. "Hela!?" Loki demanded, his head whipping around to stare at Tony. "Hela is in trouble?!" he demanded, his voice filled with fierceness. had he not been so helpless, he would have gone himself. but he couldn't even change his shape... "still, it was a very... kind thing for you to do." Loki admitted, touching the picture. "will you need to measure me?" he asked, curious about how Tony went about making such a thing, deciding to leave his daughters fate in the hands of her uncle. Thor wouldn't let anyone hurt Hela. "Stay, please..." Loki asked hopefully. "all done." River stated as he taped the end of the bandage in place. "you're healing very well. i'm amazed at Asgaurdian medicine." "it's magic. the herbs and fruits used are pumped full of magic before being mixed." Loki explained. "i'll show you sometime. i might be able to do a few minor potions with what little magic i have and earth ingredients."
“Probably not. He’s tried very hard to forget that howard was ever a part of his life, even if he does cling to the things that mattered to howard. The company, that bike...”Anna shurgged a little before nodding. “It has been worse lately, he’s always used his intellect, money, sex, alcohol...to keep people from figuring out exactly what effected him...now that he has enough people close to him, to know him really, it’s freaking him out.”She said laughing quietly before smiling a little, nodding. “Of course. How do you think I get him to his own doctor visits? Plenty of blackmail things, and alot of it before he was old enough to cover his tracks. He learned to drive at 8, wrecked howard’s car and blamed it on howard driving while under the influence. The old man never did figure out it was tony.”She snickered before grinning wider at his words, looking amused at his astonishment of sex. “Well, most people I guess. Though if you count tony, it’s the first date, always, and most people just kinda have sex when they feel like it....”She trailed off blushing ever so slightly as she studied the man across from her, stamping down on the feeling that had her wanting to mess up his hair even more. Eyes widening at the admittance of whorehouses she swallowed hard, wicked laughter showing in her face. “...who knew you and Tony would have a building in common?Whorehouses, really...”She teased giggling a little amused that he was so cutely adorable. “You didn’t do horrible,steve,”she said having a feeling he was feeling badly about this being so awkward, smiling a little.” breakfast is always good. It’s just...different when its a date.”Grinning she loked out the window she nodded as she ate. “I would like that. Might as well enjoy the weather before it starts raining again.”

“Oh...those are like the gladitor fights right?Thor said something about them.”Tony said looking amused and interested in the idea before his eyes widened, amazed that loki could have won twice. “That is impressive.”he said thoughtful before wincing, nodding a little. “Not alot, but she felt easier asking for help. Thor said to tell you if you asked, that he was capable of dealing with a few rebellious dead and dark elves and that he’d be back soon.”Tony reassured the man before flushing a little, “haven’t you heard, I’m a philanthropist, helping people is kinda what I do...”he muttered still looking vaguely uncomfortable with just how pleased loki was with the weapon before nodding. “I’ll have to get you do to the lab sometime, as soon as your up to sitting for a few hours. It’s easier to have you there while I build it instead of running back and forth to make sure it fits and all”Tony said thoughtfully before nodding as he settled onto the bed, “Oh, by the way, speaking of asgardian medicine, be prepared, Anna’s prepared to pounce on you to tell her everything about it as soon as she thinks your up to the discussion.”Tony snickered a little.
he nodded a little. "now that people know what he hides behind, he's floundering trying to find new ways to pretend that nothing is wrong..." he mused. "really? that does sound like a Tony thing to do." he admitted with a smirk as he drained the last of his coffee and ate the last bite of his waffle. "i think there's a difference between a date and what Tony does." Steve admitted with a shake of his head. "he calls them one night stands right?" he asked, looking a little baffled. "...you can laugh." he assured her, still looking rather mortified. "besides... it was Bucky's idea! not mine..." he grumbled. "and i only went the ones, and i didn't DO anything in there other than look in abject horror... and get a kiss... but i fled after the kiss." he sulked. "Bucky never let me live it down, the ass.." he admitted with a sigh as he smiled at her. "yeah, Dates are apparently fraught with peril." he admitted with a sly grin. "why, you never know when the person you're dating decides you've said something wrong and throws a soda... or in Tony's case, an alcoholic beverage in your face." ah, Steve was referring to the last public Party Tony had gone to, where no less than three woman had tossed their drinks into tony's face, right on security camera... and camera phone. he smiled and pulled her chair out for her, helped her into her jacket, and opened the door for her. "where shall we go? we could do this thing called 'window shopping'. apparently you walk down the rows of shops and look in windows at things you'd like to have, but never buy."

Loki nodded. "yes." he admitted with a grin. "i'm one of the only warriors to ever come out against a Sideraut single-handed." he admitted, looking very, very proud of himself s he stroked scars that lined his throat. "thats where these came from... although, humans seam to think that these came fro me trying to kill myself. i usually hide them with makeup." which would explain why only a few people had ever seen them. "hey Tony? can you bring me a pad of paper and some pencils?" Loki asked after a moment. "i'll draw you some of the monsters Thor and i have fought against." he promised with a grin. "it will be fun." Loki stated, not about to admit that he liked to Draw as well as bake. he already felt like a silly woman. "i'd enjoy speaking with her about medicine." Loki admitted. "and as long as i stay sitting and supported, i can go anywhere." he admitted. "i'm curious about you're lab." Loki admitted as River snorted and carefully lifted Loki into the wheelchair and tucked a pillow into place along Loki's back. "i'll see you tomorrow Loki, i need to go get some sleep or i won't be able to dance properly tonight." River admitted with a yawn as he headed off, Loki rolling his eyes. "River can name every single plant that grows in the park here in New York by common and scientific name and yet he dances for a living... ugh."
“And he’s not exactly doing a great job of it, I mean. I’ve always known something was wrong, but you guys....he can’t figure out how to hide from all of us.”She sighed softly before grinning. “True.Tony doesnt date, unless you’re talking about pepper. And he does. Since they only last a night...or day...or for however long he’s having sex...”Anna rolled her eyes a little looking amused before giggling at his permission to laugh, grinning. “Can I tell tony you were in one, and not tell him you didn’t do anything?I just can imagine the look on his face.”She smiled before nodding, grinning. “Well, you don’t have to worry about me throwing things at you....and that was definitely funny to see tony get a drink thrown at him. It’s so rare people actually throw drinks at him....though does it count one of them was pepper?I mean, she’s dating him.”She gigggled a little before pulling on her jacket and heading outside with him. “I would like to window shop.Let’s just take the long way back to the tower, go a few blocks over then walk back, it’ll be a good walk.”She smiled as she blushed for a moment before slipping her hand into his, holding his hand loosely, wondering if he’d pull away.

“....a siderut sounds like someone was doing sex wrong...”he said thoughtfully smirking a little before tilting his head, wondering just how much the other had manged to hide with makeup and magic, before nodding. “I will.”He said moving to get up before pausing. “Well, she’s out on a date at the moment, but she’ll probably talk to you when she gets back.”He said looking amused before grinning as river helped him into the wheelchair, already pushing him towards the door. “It’s a lab. Machinery, chemicals, lights....cars. You know, the every day sorta stuff.”Tony said thoughtfully looking amused as river left, raising a eyebrow a little.”Then why is he working as a dancer?”he asked wondering if it had been a simple matter of money that kept river from having a better job. Smirking as tehy took the elevator down to the lab. Smiling as tehy walked into the huge open area, that even as big as it was, was cluttered with half finished projects, machinery, computers, a work area....pretty much everything a genius engineer could want. Looking at loki as he pushed him towards the workbench he smiled a little.”You want real pad and paper to draw, or a tablet with a pen....I usually end up drawing with the computer, cause I actually do suck with paper and pen. Anna tells me no matter how hard I try, it looks like a blob."
he nodded. "i see. so he's struggling to find a new way to hide his... exposure and is failing." Steve sighed. "that's... depressing." he admitted with a shake of his head. "and he doesn't even go on dates with Pepper anymore. i don't think he's had sex in months..." Steve admitted, wrinkling his nose. "i didn't even know he could do that without imploding." he admitted before he grinned. "only if you record the look on his face for me to see later." he ordered with a chuckle. "and it counts double if it was Pepper. since he's supposed to not annoy her." he pointed out with a chuckle, offering her a smile. "i think that's a good plan. maybe we'll even see something we actually simply can't live without." he mused with a grin before he paused. "actually.. remind me later to get a new pair of running shoes, mine are falling apart again." Steve went through so many shoes it wasn't funny. but then, he tended to go on three to four mile run's every morning and every evening to burn off enough energy to be able to sleep. he umped, startled when her hand settled in his, but then his hand curled around hers, blushing hard. not because he was embarrassed, but because he was still stuck int he thirties and forties and hand holding was just so intimate to him. he offered her a beaming smile, even through the blush and chattered at her as they walked, about the things they saw in the windows mostly.

Loki rolled his eyes. "Sidernaut." he corrected. "it is a creature that has an average intelligence. smarter than most of your silly superhero club." Loki teased. "they have an array of weapons with which to attack, or defend. including Armor that is an inch thick, made of material not unlike your PVC pipe plastic. they grow to be Ten Feet tall, and have hammer like 'pincer' arms that they can use to bash rocks to dust, or cut trees in half. they have two kinds of poison, one on the sharp spines that cover their entire body, which creates a temporary muscle paralysis that only affects the muscles, and the other is a highly toxic substance that dissolves you like a super concentrated form of stomach acid." he admitted, smirking at Tony. "still think it sounds like sex? i haven't even gotten to the silk webbing, which burns like acid and helps in the predigestion while it's wrapping you up in a cocoon. Thor and i are one of the only ones who have faced such a creature and lived." there was that pride in his voice again.

"i don't much like Cars..." Loki admitted, making a face. "they are very... unnerving." he admitted with a sigh as he shook his head. "he's working as a dancer for two reasons. one, he likes it. he loves getting unrestrained sexual attention. sometimes i don't wonder if he's one of those mythical sex beasts. an inubus? he does give off funny readings to my magic." he admitted. "he might be something like that... in any case. the second reason, is that he doesn't have a high school education. he never went to school. he can read smaller words and his math is terrible, he can barely write. he knows nothing other than wild stuff that his Aunt taught him on the preservation." Loki admitted. "he knows twenty ways to heal a sore stomach with herbs that have funny names, but he can't spell them, or even recite the entire alphabet. that's why i do all the shopping, he doesn't know how to count money." Loki admitted. "he just shoves it all in a jar in the fridge and it builds up. he understands a few basic things, but not enough to be able to get a real job that pays as much as his dancing does... hell Stark, he pulls in five hundred a day in tips alone!" Loki admitted, sulking. "if i was pretty, i'd dance too." there was a pause. "or maybe not... i'd kill the first person who touched my ass..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "paper and pencil, i can't draw on the computer, not enough fine detail control." he admitted smiling as he took the paper and pencil and started to sketch.
“Exactly.And it is depressing.”She agreed before wincing a little, sighing quietly. “I think you’re right. Which is disturbing for a whole lot of reasons...I don’t think he’s gone this long without having sex since he discovered what sex was.”She said looking amused though because she wasn’t sure if tony hadn’t imploded....only emotionally instead of physically. Nodding a little.”I’ll record it, his reaction to you going into a whorehouse is going to be awesome.”She giggled before smirking as they walked. “We might some something.”She said looking amused before smiling. “There’s probably a shoe store if you want to stop and get some.”She said smiling quietly, blushing hard herself as he jumped, smiling back at him as they walked. Pausing as they neared the tower, tugging him to a stop. “There. Do you want to pick up your shoes? You’re going to need some, if you want to go for your run tonight.”She said looking up at him, her blush darkening as she considered what else they could do to wear him out. Glancing away as she tried very hard to not let her thoughts show on her face.

“Most of the us?”Tony raised a eyebrow, “I hope your not including me in that.”he sulked a little before looking a little weirded out, before swallowing. “No...well, actually it sounds like some of the drunken sex I’ve had, I mean I’ve had a girl hit me with a traquelizer once, that was weird, and one that had a thing for needles and kept stabbling me with them and....”He paused, shaking his head to clear it. “Sorry.”He winced realizing that his lack of a sex life was starting to get to him, unlike everyone thought, he did on occasion in college go a few months without sex as he worked on projects, but it’d also had a bad habit of making him lose focus. He’d learned quickly that it was easier to just have sex, to have amazing harsh sex to drive the memories away long enough to let him focus on work again. He tended to ramble more when he was sex starved. He looked a little amazed at the idea of loki and thor facing the creature, shuddering. “That gives me a new respect for you, reindeer.”

“....unnerving?And good, because you’re not allowed driving mine. No one is since steve wrecked one.”He sulked a little before frowning, tilting his head thoughtfully as he considered that. Wondering if he should tell loki what river was, but then again, it wasn’t his secret to tell. Smirking he raised a eyebrow. “Hm, but if he’s one, doesn’t that mean I should be to?”he asked sounding amused before frowning a little. “Interesting.”Tony muttered filing the thoughts on river’s education and medical knowledge away for a talk with anna, maybe they could help him? Laughing at loki’s sulking he flicked a look over the other, a smirk curling his lips. “You are pretty. I could teach you to pole dance, that would be hot.”he muttered his eyes going a little unfocused as he considered that before wincing as he considered what he’d just said. Yea...he liked men, but this was loki he was talking about. Though he didn’t know why he was resisting quite as hard as he was....Handing the pen and paper over he smiled as he settled in to work, every now and then burrowing loki’s hand to get a measurement, and at the end of the hour leaning back from his worktable with a pleased smile. “Try this one.”He said holding up the bracelet/glove thing moving over towards the other.
he nodded. "he really needs to... what is it he says? Get laid? i really don't know what laying has to do with anything, but it's what he says." Clint admitted, looking more than a little baffled. "he'll never let me live it down either, or he'll do his best. he'll get pretty frustrated i think, when i fail to react the way he thinks i should be." Steve admitted with a snicker. "i would like to stop if you don't mind?... do girls still like shoes? maybe we can find you something that you like too." he offered her with a smile, heading inside to get a pair of good running shoes that would maybe last him longer than a month.

Loki snorted. "please, Stark. we all know that your brain is of a God like quality. you're immature as hell and even more annoying but your brain is gorgeous." Loki admitted. which was a pretty damn high quality compliment there, especially when coming from Loki of all people. "...needles?" Loki asked, looking stunned. "you play with... needles?" he looked quite frightened by the idea, not that he'd begrudge Tony if he liked it, but Loki hated the things. they scared the shit out of him. even sewing needles... but then, when one had had their lips sewn shut for a month, well the fear sort of clung to you. it had taken that long for Loki to find a acid that would eat through the wire thread that one of the crueler Asgaurdians had used. Thor didn't know about that incident of course. only Loki, the drunken group who had watched, and the bastard who'd done it knew about that. "as well you should be awed of my greatness." Loki stated with a sniff. "Cars and i do not get along." not since he'd been hit by one... this had been before the Tesseract incident of course. before the whole 'i am the king of Asgaurd' too for that matter. "you do not have resonating magical signatures, therefore there is no way that you can be a sex feeding demon." Loki stated with a roll of his eyes as he sketched. "...i am anything but pretty Tony Stark, you have seen the scars." he stated simply.

by the time Tony had finished the Glove, Loki had managed four sketches. he was completely bothered by the interruptions, when Tony needed one hand, he just drew with the other. ambidextrous, very impressive. but then, most everything was with Loki. he took the glove and slid it on and flexed his fingers, looking amazed. "you put it together so quickly! how does it work?" he asked curiously, twisting his hand and yelping as he shot off a bright light of power, snatching it off his hand, looking quite horrified. "sorry!" well, at least Loki hadn't broken anything. Loki smiled sheepishly at Tony. "well it certainly works well." he admitted, handing his drawings to Tony. "the top one is a Sidernaut. the other is a Claxon, it's the other beast i faced. underneath that is a Figulo, Thor's battled that one, and underneath that is a Tripola." he admitted, smiling a little. "they aren't very good drawings..." he muttered as he examined his glove curiously.
“Yea, that’s the words.”Anna said smiling slightly before grinning. “Hm, he wont, but it might cheer him up a little.”She snickered a little before shaking her head. “No, I don’t mind. And I do like shoes, though don’t have alot of them.”She mused as she walked inside with him, looking through the shoes and ending up getting a few pairs of both normal work shoes and one pair of black high heels, definitely date ‘fuck me’ high heels....not that she was going to tell him what they were called. “You find anything?”She asked when she paid for hers, looking bemused, because this had to be one of the odder dates that anyone had been on, but she was having fun.

“Thanks,reindeer.”He grinned looking before pouting. “I’m not that immature.”He sulked a little before tilting his head a little. “Don’t look so stunned. She tied me up before she stabbed me with them...it was vaguely weird and disturbing okay. One of the few one night stands I regret.”He said shuddering a little because it had been one of the few one night stands he’d had since killian, and it seemed that he’d kept choosing people that were dangerous for him when he did have sex.....his suicidal streak coming into play, making sure that even if he game into his addiction for sex, he’d done himself some sort of harm, even if it wasn’t permanent. “I’m not that awed.”He rolled his eyes before smirking slightly, not even asking about the cars. He’d get it from the man later, before laughing. “Ah, well, then I just have to be human who’s good at sex.”he hummed sounding a little disappointed at not being a demon, at least then he’d have a reasonable excuse for as much sex as he has beside him using sex to hide from himself. Frowning at loki he made a face. “So?Scars just add to the prettiness.”He muttered blushing a little as he looked away.

Tony smiled a little, “The trigger is-”He started yelping as the repulsor went off, eyes widening as loki shot it off before looking at the man’s reaction, starting to laugh. “I destroyed my tool box first time I did that. At least you didn’t hit anything. And you know you have a weapon now.”He snickered as he tried not to figure how he could put those talanted hands to work, quite impressed at how easily loki had switched hands. Taking the draws he looked at them, paling slightly as he studied them.”these are pretty good. Better then I can do....and I think I’m very glad I’m never going to see any of them...they’re quite disturbing, and look like something out of a alien vs. predators movie.”
he grinned. "it might." he agreed with a nod. "it's been my understanding that all women have a lot of shoes. even Natasha." he admitted. "she has fourteen pairs." he paused. "why do girls need fourteen pairs of shoes? i guess i can't say much since i have more shoes than most men. i have a nice pair of loafers in blue and brown, my Captain America Boots, weather boots, and tennis shoes... so..." he frowned. "but still! fourteen!" he complained, looking baffled as he shook his head and found the shoes he needed. "yes i did. and they where on sale, two for one!" Steve admitted when she asked him if he found something. he looked quite delighted to have found such a good deal on shoes, and considering how fast he went through them, who could blame him?

"you are that immature." Loki stated with a smirk. "but i suppose i'm not that much more mature than you are." yeah, considering he'd thrown a temper tantrum big enough to take out Manhattan, that wasn't a shock. "well as long as you regret it." Loki mused. "i've never been able to handle needles after..." he shuddered and looked away. "in any case, you should be awed by my might." he stated with a smirk. "i can beat up Thor half the time you know. we're actually evenly matched... or, we would be if i wasn't..." helpless without his magic. "some humans are actually addicted to sex." Loki admitted with a grin. "many Asgaurdians are as well. a lot of Asgaurdians tend to use Sex as some sort of mental therapy as well." he admitted with a nod. "My Scars are hideous." Loki scoffed, nose stuck in the air. "but you can have you're delusions if you want." he assured Tony before grimacing as he set off the repulser. "it's a bit bulky... i won't be able to use it at work..." he admitted, biting his lip even as he pulled it on. it made him feel better. he could defend himself now if someone decided he needed to die. "these beasts are usually found in the lower levels of Yggdrasil." Loki admitted. "they are creatures of despair, darkness, and destruction." he admitted. "most of them are as stupid as a rock." he admitted. "but they have no chance of getting into Midgaurd unless someone lets them in." he admitted. "and no one would be stupid enough to try and slip one of those beasts past Heimdall..." Loki admitted as he yawned. "i don't know what Alien verses predator is..." he admitted, blinking at tony. "is it an exciting movie?"
“Yea, it’s fairly surprsing natasha shares the shoe obsession. Clint makes fun of her for it.”She giggled a little before smiling sheepishly. “We need shoes to go with a bunch of different outfits.”She shrugged smiling as he found what he wanted, “Good.”She said pleased as she paid for them, taking the bag from the sales assosicate who just kept staring at captain america, after all it wasnt often he went out and about shopping. “So, what are my chances of convincing tony to come down for his exam?”She mused as they walked back to the tower, giving him his shoes to carry as she went back to holding his hand.

“Well, as long as you’re aware that you’re just as immature.”Tony snorted amused before shuddering. “I do. Greatly. Never again am I letting a stranger tie me up in my own bed. It was creepy.”He whined a little before smirking, tilting his head slightly, nodding. Ignoring the helpless sentence of the god, not wanting to get in a discussion about thor and loki, not when he knew it would just upset loki at being helpless still. “Hmm, sex is good for not thinking about things.”He agreed, because he was like that to, he used sex so he didn’t think about anything. “They’re not delusions, but whatever.”he rolled his eyes for the moment giving up on convincing the god of the idea he weas good looking, because he soooo didn’t want to think about why it bothered to hear loki talking like that so much. “Well, it is only the first one. Try it for a few days, if you still think its to bulky, I’ll see what I can do about it.”he said smiling slightly before laughing. “Well, good. I don’t want them having anyway of getting near them. They’re disturbing.”Tony said smiling as he got up. “Its a old movie about aliens. We’ll watch it after we watch all of slee[ing beauty..”he said amused as he got up and started pushing the other upstairs, not even bothering to ask if he wanted to leave, having a feeling loki would prostest needing the rest, simply because he could.
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