Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“He is!I know he is. Just like you, but he’s better at it. Sneakier.”Anna frowned at clint. Frowning as she looked at loki, sulking as tony nodded in agreement.”I’m perfectly fine to treat myself!I just have to stay in bed and take my medicine.”She said sulking as she rested her head on Steve’s shoulder. “Yes, and you’d damn well better stay out of it. You drank like two cases of it, and didn’t gain any weight. That’s soooo wrong.”Tony frowned making a face at steve, looking amused because he usually found the man’s obession with coca cola amusing. “Okay....steve’s got to stay though...can’t go to class yet....”Anna muttered, watching them through tired eyes. While she was louder and more prone to saying things, she was also more obedient when she was high.

Tony frowned at his friend taking a step back, shaking off loki’s hand. He’d not told them for a reason dammit, and having this conversation was one of them. Though steve’s confusion made him smile a little, though it still hurt that anna had told clint, who would probably tell fury and natasha and well probably keep him from being iron man and...swallowing around the panic that the thought brought up he sighed quietly. He knew she hadn’t done it on purpose, but it still made him angry with her. “Cocaine is a drug....tony didn’t want to feel anything so he’s been drugging himself so he didn’t have to...”Anna muttered in answer to steve’s confused question, already starting to drift off.

“Well, you worry me to, birdbrain. I mean, you want me to build jarvis a body just so you can have sex with it?How worrying is that?”Tony said as he took another step back, lashing out at clint because he soooo didn’t want to have this conversation, but knowing there was no way out of it. “...I’m going to the lab.”he said because he knew it wasn’t going to keep clint (and probably steve once he figured out what was going on)from following him, but if he had to talk to the archer, he was going to do it away from anna and her mouth, and have it somewhere he felt safe....not to mention he might, might be able to distract clint witht the half done AI’s body.
Steve scowled at them. "Clint are you cheating!?" "Anna is too!" "...that's just not right!" Steve complained, tossing his cards onto the makeshift table and sulking. "no wonder i keep losing!" Bruce had to laugh at that. "actually, i think your just bad at this game." Bruce admitted with a grin. "i don't start classes until Monday. it's only Tuesday." Steve pointed out with a smile. "i'll be here for a while yet." he promised, kissing her forehead before he scowled at Tony. "you have imported Coca Cola don't you, that's why you don't want me to see it." he stated with a sniff. Steve had very strict opinions on where Coke was supposed to come from. starting and ending in America.

Loki looked a little hurt at being brushed off like that, but said nothing because he knew the mechanic was upset. "a drug?" Steve asked, looking confused. "is Tony sick?" "i'll explain later Steve, alright?" Bruce promised as he gathered up the cards. "...well, yes. but it's no worse than some of the things you've done." Clint pointed out. "i mean, you did screw those twins and their mother. at the same time." he pointed out. he let Tony flee and then followed him after making sure everyone was alright. he slipped into the lab and watched Tony for a long moment and then. "i'm not going to tell Natasha." he promised Tony. "and i'm not going to tell Fury either. his bright idea would be to send you to Rehab and that's just not going to help." he admitted as he sat down. "listen, Tony... i know you have ahabit of running away from things. running away from your pain, or your fear, or your guilt..." he looked at the other. "we're worried about you, and not because of the Drugs... or because of the Alcohol or because you haven't had sex in three months... although, those are worrying... i think you might be Depressed Tony and i... i can't for the life of me understand why. i know Loki does, he told me so himself that he knew why you where upset but i can't make the little bastard tell me WHY... Loki's terrified your going to snap, Pepper's in tears all the time because she thinks she's done something wrong, Anna's this close to an emotional collapse and even Thor's noticed that your not as happy as you should be... and he's pretty oblivious... i don't care what wrongs you think you commited... but i want to help you. in any way i can.. please Tony. your frightening me a bit. i keep seeing you laying dead somewhere because you just.. didn't care to get out of the way."
Anna giggled a little at steve’s complaining, “You should learn to cheat to, cap. It makes playing more fun.”She muttered yawning. “Good.”She decided snuggling into him, glad he was going to be around. “Yep. It’s definitely imported.”Tony grinned because it was, and he was so enjoying the thought, because he knew steve and him were talking about two different things.

“That was a awesome night. They were amazing.”Tony said looking thoughtful as he considered the twins and their mother before settling at his workbench, turning his head slightly to look at the assassin, before returning to the leg he was putting together. It creeped him out a little bit to be working on another body, not because he really cared what clint would get up to, but because the last time he’d done this was to pepper. “...I’ve had sex in the last three months. Or did you forget I spent months fucking my way around europe?”He growled looking annoyed at having this conversation before scowling. “If you’re going to be down here, come here. Help me hold the parts here.”he demanded helping clint get ahold of the knee joint sohe could put the pieces together, frowning as he worked, listening to the other talked. “...Loki likes knowing things other’s don’t. And pepper is unhappy because I haven’t had sex with her and instead chose the rest of the world, and Anna...anna has steve now. She should be looking after him. And you all have better things to worry about than me.”He muttered frowning a little because he so didn’t want to be having this conversation, because if clint kept it up, he was going to tell him what was really wrong, and he couldn’t do that. He just wanted to be left alone.
Steve scowled. "cheating is wrong though... you're not supposed to cheat." he complained, shaking his head.

"...it was creepy Tony. like, seriously." Clint complained as he shook his head a little. "Tony. i might not be as good as Nat is. but i DO know you well enough to know when you're lying through you're teeth. you had sex with Tiff, and that's been it save one or two drunken flings." he stated. "you had hardly any sex in Europe." he pointed out. "and while that would normally be a good thing... it's you." he admitted with a small smile. he moved over and held the piece together without complaint. "Loki does like knowing things. but i think he wants to help you, more than he wants to hold it against you." Clint admitted. "Pepper is not unhappy because of that and you know it Tony." Clint stated with a small scowl. "she knows you are going to sleep around, she understands that you're never going to be completely loyal to her physically. but she doesn't understand why you won't even look her in the eyes and neither do i." Clint admitted with a sigh. "Tony, don't you understand? you're our freind. our family. we wouldn't have lives if it wasn't for you. you made this team, whether you want to admit it or not. if you hadn't accepted him, Bruce never would have stayed. if you hadn't offered me a chance to have a real home, i would have left ages ago. you're not afraid of Nat, so she stays because you make her feel normal. you helped Steve more than anyone else in this world has by helping him adjust... in a sense, you're like our Father. and if you're not Happy... or even sane, Tony... then it effects us all, because we love you, and we want you to be happy too. Nat, Bruce, Anna especially and yes, Pepper too... we just want to help. but we can't if you won't let us in... i'm tired of you pushing me away Tony. it hurts to know that you don't trust me. and it hurts Pepper even more."
“...”Tony glanced up staring at the man for a moment but not about to lie more then he had to, and since he’d been caught in the lie....well. He couldn’t. He offered a weak smirk. “Are you saying it’s not a good thing I’m not sleeping with everything in sight?”he muttered staring down at the parts he was working on, flinching a little at clint’s words. Because he knew it was true, pepper wasn’t happy with him because he could barely stand to be near her, it gave him hives. But as much as he didn’t want her around him, it also ripped him apart to not consider her being there. “...Cap’s the one who did it, not me. He’s the hero, you know.”He muttered staring down at the tools in his hands, because he heartily believed it. It wasn’t him that had brought them all together, but the other’s. Smirking at clint a little. “Father, eh?”He said looking amused before growling quietly, losing his temper quite epically in a moment as the words left clint’s mouth. “It can’t hurt pepper, she’s not real!It doesn’t matter how I treat her anymore, because it’s not pepper.”Tony snarled lashing out at the man before his eyes widened as he realized what he’d said. Was he taking lessons from Anna here, and just blurting out whatever came to him? Hopefully the man would come up with a reasonable explanation instead of what tony really had done because he knew just how insane it made him look. And he was, fairly certain he wasn't sane at the moment.
Clint smiled a little, pleased that Tony wasn't trying to deny it anymore. "well, it is you." he pointed out again with a shake of his head. "Tony... i don't think you give yourself enough credit. yes, Steve is a good captain. a good leader on the battlefield." Clint admitted. "but in real life... in this day and age? without you, Steve would be drowning... did you know he was suicidal when the Avengers mission finally came? he was well and truly going to go out to Brooklyn, find his old apartment, and shoot himself in the head. it wasn't until you offered him a place here, with lessons on the modern day, that he finally found a place where he didn't have to be afraid, where he could fit in despite being from a completely different time. you gave him that Tony. you saved him... please don't tell him i told you though. he'll kick my ass." Clint pleaded with a smile. "i've never had a life myself you know. before the Avengers, all i had was the next mission. i didn't even know i didn't have a life." he admitted. "neither did Natasha. we where soldiers, machines. we did our job, we slept in the headquarters and then we did another mission." he admitted. "i watch TV now Tony. i never had a chance to do that before. i have a Facebook page. i couldn't have had that before." he pointed out. "i had no freinds, or family except Nat. you gave me freinds and family."

he froze, stunned at Tony's revelation and he stared at the Mechanic for a long silent moment, hand pressed to his mouth in stunned horror. "oh Tony..." he breathed, everything suddenly making sense. "oh Tony i am SO sorry." he breathed, shocked beyond beleif. "i am SO, so sorry." he pulled Tony into a tight hug, holding him tight. "god... i understand now... Tony i... fuck... i can't tell anyone can i?" he asked, looking at Tony. "you don't want anyone to know because you think it's your fault... Pepper doesn't even know does she?" he asked, swallowing thickly. "that's why Loki wouldn't tell me... because..." he took a deep breath and closed his eyes and then opened them. "we can deal with this. just tell Pepper you where having a sexual crises and realize that you thought you loved her but you don't actually love her like that... she already thinks so, you know." he admitted. "i heard her talking to Anna. she thinks you're avoiding her because you think she's more your mother than a lover and your freaked out because of that. we can make this work Tony... i'm sure of it..."
“...”Tony stared at the other man for a long moment before shrugging. Because he really hadn’t realized just how much the other’s had come together because of him, instead of themselves. Shaking his head a little because he hadn’t known that about steve, offering the other man a small smile. “...Anna had alot to do with that to.Though if they don’t have sex in the near future I’m going to beat them both outside the head...they’re insane.”He muttered staring down at the table before smirking.”....you know I only gave you that tablet and tv cause you were almost as bad as steve at working it right?”He mutered, not wanting to look at the emotional reaction he was having at realizing he had a family. A family that included both him and anna in it, that they werent the outcasts anymore.

Yelping as he was suddenly hugged he tensed, waiting for it to hurt, having long gotten used to hugs meaning being hurt, even after being with anna and her surprise hugs, and getting hugged by pepper....his earliest memories of hugs were pain. Swallowing hard as he squirmed out of the other’s hold he moved back to his work bench, focusing on the project, not looking at his friend. “No.,,,you can’t tell them. Though if you want to talk about how creepy it is, you can tell loki. He knows.”he muttered looking so defeated in that moment as he stared at his tools,but for once he wasn’t trying to work. He just couldn’t stand to see whatever look was on clint’s face. “....it would be pointless to have a pepper who knew she was dead.And it was my fault, Barton, and no one can convince he otherwise. I was there, it was.”he muttered. Before nodding slightly. “I’ll...I’ll talk to her. It’ll be easier since she’s already thinking that....”he muttered before huffing out a sigh, refusing to look at the anger boiling under the surface, because he didn’t want to be angry with anna, but the man was. He was pissed at the injured woman, and he knew part of it was because he was having this conversation, and the one about the drugs, but mostly because she had frightened him with nearly dying, and it was easier being angry with her then considering he might have been doing if she’d died.
Clint smiled a little and shook his head. "Anna had nothing to do with it. if anything, she made it worse because he didn't beleive he could ever catch her attention." Clint admitted. "it was very nerve wracking having to listen to him sob all over me about how no one was ever going to love him when he got drunk after meeting Anna the first time." he admitted, shuddering a little. "back when we where all still living separately." he admitted with a chuckle. "he cried all over Fury too. the man was mortified. Steve doesn't remember it at all though." he admitted with a snicker. "besides, Steve will never have sex with Anna while she's hurt." he pointed out before he smiled. "Tony, if you hadn't given me those things, it would have been something else. you gave me a chance to have a life. all of us a chance to live somewhere safe and free from persecution."

he let the other loose as soon as he struggled and nodded. "eventually they will have to be told Tony." he warned softly. "but for now, maybe even for the next few years, i won't tell a soul." he promised. "it's not that creepy... i've seen you do creepier." he admitted with a smirk. "like when i found you naked with that miniature pony in your bed and three rabbits chewing on your sheets." Tony had gotten drunk and bought a petting Zoo, and had taken the pony and rabbits with the intent to go back for the others, he'd passed out before he could though, and thus, pony in the bed. "i'm sure i can convince you otherwise eventually." Clint admitted with a nod. "but i won't try now." he promised. "come on then." he ordered, nudging Tony to his feet. "we're going to go beat each other up." he ordered, leading Tony to the workout room, which was blissfully empty.
“...Bloody hell. I;m sorta sad I wasn’t around to see that. There would have been years worth of blackmail there for fury.”tony said, provign that he was still thinking like himself, he would never pass up the chance to blackmail someone. “True, but they need to sometime soon. I mean, who would resist steve for long, even if the good captain is resisting?”he snorted a little before shrugging a little looking vaguely pleased at the idea that he’d given them a chance at a good life.

“...I know...but...not now. I mean....I knew I couldn’t do it forever...but....I miss her Clint. I just...wanted time to say goodbye.”he muttered pushing a few screws around the table before smirking. “I wasn’t doing anything with them, despite what you think!I was trying to rescue the petting zoo, and got distracted by the keeper....”he sulked a little at the teasing before smiling, “You think you can beat me up?”He said looking amused but let the other nudge him to his feet and following the other to the gym, pleased that it was empty. Smiling a little, for once totally relaxed in the other’s company, knowing that he knew, made all the difference. Settling in to fight with the man, to work off some of the anger and fear, before he went to deal with Loki, because he knew he’d probably upset him, and that just made him feel even worse.

“....I upset tony didn’t I?”Anna muttered raising her head off Steve’s chest to interrupt loki, steve and bruce’s talk, frowning slightly. Despite just a hour having past, the woman was more calm, more herself. And...even if she wasn’t exactly aware of what she’d said, she knew she’d hurt him. And despite the orders to stay in bed she was already moving to get up, needing to go find tony.
Clint snickered a little at that and nodded. "completely. i still bring it up tot he man on occasion just to watch him splutter." he admitted with a grin."it's hilarious." he admitted with a snicker before he shook his head. "i still don't know how you and i managed to resist him." he admitted with a grin. "it's a shame he's so straight... although, as feminine as he is, that's a bit of a shock isn't it?" he asked with a grin. "no. not now. you're just not ready, and it won't hurt them, thinking that Pepper is still alive." he promised. "but, i hate to tell you this, but this isn't saying goodbye Tony... this is clinging." he admitted with a shake of his head. "sure, sure. the horse was being 'rescued' that's what you always say, but the reason why is always different. i'm not sure how much i beleive you." he admitted with a smirk.

"only a little. Clint's handling him right now." Steve promised softly, clinging to her so she couldn't get up. "it's alright. once he realizes we're not mad at him or upset with him he'll calm down." Steve promised. "and he'll only be angrier with you if you get out of bed and hurt yourself further." Steve warned. "stay in bed." he ordered sternly. "Clint's talking to Tony right now. they need their privacy and Loki needs attention. apparently the asshole thought we wouldn't want him here anymore once he was better." "i said i was sorry! it's not like it wouldn't be well within the realm of understanding for you to still hate me!" Loki complained. "oh, i will always hate you Loki, but you make Tony happy and that's enough for me." Bruce commented simply.
“I’m going to have to mention it next time I see him.It’d be worth staying sober to see.”Tony snickered a little before grinning. “It is a bit of a shock...though I did crawl in bed naked with him once....he nearly had a heart attack.”Tony snickered at that before glaring at the other, sighing quietly.”Shut up. Let me deal with it clint.”he growled looking annoyed with the other man’s observation before laughing, “Do I look like loki to you? I don’t screw horses. I was saving it.”He said smiling slightly though, relaxed as they fought.

Anna glared at the man as he held her down, frowning slightly. “....okay. As long as you’re sure he’s okay...”she muttered relaxing back into bed as she considered that, knowing he was right. Tony was going to be bad enough as it was, she would just have to wait. “...Loki always needs attention.”She muttered before shifting, resting her head on steve’s chest before glaring at the asgardian. “You make tony happy. And you know what’s wrong, AND most importantly, you haven’t told me about asgardian medicine yet. You’re not allowed to leave even if you wanted to. You have to stay and teach me since I;m on bed rest and not allowed to do anything, apparently even kissing my boyfriend, so you can teach me medicine.”Anna decided smiling at him, a round about way of saying that he had to stay because they liked him.
Clint snickered a little and shook his head. "i know, Steve still hides anytime he sees you with a bottle in your hands." he admitted, looking very very amused. "besides, according to Loki, he never had sex with a horse and we are all sick bastards for even suggesting a thing." he admitted looking highly amused as he paired and struck at tony. amusingly enough, they where well matched... though, they both got their asses kicked by Steve and Natasha on a regular basis... none of them wanted to risk sparring with Bruce. not only did the biology master know some sort of ancient Asian fighting thing, but he had a nasty habit of going green rage monster on your ass if you hit him too many times.

Steve nodded. "he's fine, though he's going to be upset with you for a few days." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "you told everyone that he was doing drugs." he explained when he realized she didn't know what she had done. "he'll forgive you in a while but... well Clint's handling it." he promised her. "and i don't always need attention... i just..." he shrugged. "Bruce noticed i'd been crying is all..." he muttered. "so i had to explain why." he smiled at her. "yes Bruce said much the same thing." he admitted with a chuckle. "Thor brought my medical books and i think Frigga added to them." he admitted. "i'll bring them down later, when you're a little more awake." he promised. "i'm not an expert on medicine, but i know enough, since most asgaurdian medicine is made from magic induced potions." he admitted with a shrug.
“Uh-huh, well loki’s annoying sometimes.”Tony snickered a little as tehy fought because it amused the billionaire greatly that loki wouldn’t tell them about the horse. It was fairly amusing really.

Anna frowned a little before sighing quietly, slumping back into her pillows.”Damn.”She muttered looking worried as she stared at the blankets, because she knew just how angry he was going to be. Before smiling at him. “Okay. I would enjoy that.”he said looking pleased because she was looking forward to learning more about medicine. Even if it wasn’t human medicine, it was something new. A rarity for a child prodigy who’d found medicine early in her life.

Nearly two days later Tony smiled a little as he stepped into anna’s room, offering a small smile to the woman laying in the bed. While he’d seen loki, had slept next to him, the billionaire hadn’t talked, or apologized for losing his temper. Just needing the space to think over and calm down, he was glad when loki had just given him the space without getting angry, had understood he needed space to get his head straight for a few hours again. “Hey guys.”he muttered smiling as he walked into anna’s room, looking amused at the sight of anna and loki talking about medicine while steve watched on. Wondering if the good captain had even gotten any sleep since the woman had been hurt. “How are you guys?”He muttered as he crossed the room.
Loki knew what was troubling Tony, and while being brushed off had hurt, Loki could understand that too. he didn't like it, but he understood it. as the days passed and no one treated Tony differently he was sure that the man would relax again. he was more worried about Steve, who had dark circles under his eyes. the good Captain couldn't sleep, he kept waking up from nightmares where Anna was dead in his arms and he had to immidiatly go over to check on her. Loki had helped Bruce 'connect' to himself, and it seamed to have worked. Bruce had never looked so calm and peaceful in his entire life. he no longer avoided dangerous situations like the plague. he had even climbed into the ring with River just that morning and tried his hand at sparring with no ill effects. that had gone a long way in giving Bruce a reason to get along with Loki. the biology and medical texts helped a lot too.

"see? the verax root directly effects the brain symmetry and... hey Tony." Loki chirped before turning his attention back to the book, making Steve snort and grin. "we're fine." Loki promised with a grin. "i was able to do some Tai Chi this morning. i wasn't able to do a full ten forms, but i was able to get some exercise at least." he admitted. "did you find the magic texts i left for you? in the lab?" he asked, hoping Tony hadn't missed them. he knew how curious Tony was about magic.
"Oh.I see.that-hey tony-makes sense."anna frowned a litlle as she stufied the flower,treating tony like she always did,knowing that while he'd been hiding from them all,even going as far as to sleep in his own bedroom with pepper, that if they acted like finding this out was a everyday event,he'd go back to himself. "I heard bruce sparred with river."tony said smiling slightly happy for his friend before nodding at loki's question,pleased both at that the asgardian was feeling better,and that he'd gotten him a book.the fact that he'd found the books saying he was reafy to be part of the world again,instead of burying himself in work."I came up to see if I can steal you away from anna to see if I can make magic and tech work.I mean,I kbow you can't do anything,but you can help mr understanf the theory behind it."he smiled slightly looking pleased with the idea before focusing on anna."but first,id like a private word with anna."he said though his face was calm,the man was still unreasonably angry with her and needed to vent to move on from it. Anna studied him for a long moment looking thoughtful,wondering if he was going to kick her out after so many years and offered a small nod."okay..."
Loki nodded. "yes, and when you enhance the effects with Magic, it actually makes the Brain's healing center work twice as fast, added with the Thorrol Rool which triples the cell birth and formation, you have the base for a healing potion." Loki chirped with a grin. while their terminology was vastly different, it was fairly easy to 'talk shop'. "Bruce sparred with River?" Loki asked, looking surprised. "who won?" Bruce had. "sure. i think Anna and Steve need a nap." he admitted, tossing a slightly concerned glance at Steve, who looked like he was about ready to fall asleep in the chair. "i like studying Magical Theory anyway, and the Magic restriction isn't for forever." Loki agreed with a grin before he hesitated, glancing at Anna before nodding as well and heading out, pulling Tony down for a gentle kiss. "no hitting." he ordered before he wheeled himself out. "come, Captain!" Loki demanded, Steve rolling his eyes at Loki's bossiness and leaned down to kiss Anna, on the lips even, before he too headed out.
Do think that’d work with humans?I mean, it’s not that different, even if we don’t have our own magic to manipulate...”Tony looked thoughtful. “Yea. And Bruce. Stayed in control and everything.”Tony smiled a little before looking at his best friend, looking worried for steve. “I’d never hit her.”Tony made a face at the order, smiling as he settled down to talk with the woman. The quiet talking escalating into actually fighting, and Anna didn’t know what had happened exactly, but she noticed when tony snapped. It wasn’t that hard to notice really, not when he was both kissing her and choking her. And even as she begged him to let go, he didn’t. Raising a hand she signed to Jarvis, because the AI wouldn’t interfer when tony restricted him to privacy, unless asked to do so. And anna need help, she couldn’t get away from the man without hurting him, and even as he made starbursts appear in front of her eyes, she knew he didn’t know her, knew she couldn’t hurt him. So she did the one thing she could. Ask jarvis to get loki, hoping the god could get through to a man who’d obviously snapped.

But when loki got downstairs tony was huddled into a corner with anna slumped onto the ground in front of him, half naked and out cold, the man still not in his right mind as he was clawing at his wrists as if he was trying to cut them, but to out of it to go get a actual weapon, so he was using what he had, his nails. And it was equally obvious that he knew who she was again, because he was babbling about killing his best friend, nearly raping his best friend, and that he didn’t deserve to be alive, but still, something was keeping the genius from getting a weapon, maybe a part of his mind knew that she was still alive even if he couldn’t see it. He really did think he had killed her.
Loki shrugged. "i don't know. humans can't employ the use of magic, they lack the specific genetic code to use or employ it most of the time. in large doses, pure bred humans actually find Magic quite poisonous. it's why we had to only heal Anna as much as her body could handle, which wasn't much." he admitted. "i'm not entirely sure how a potion would effect a human. btu there is a way to test. all you need is a blood sample, it's the blood that goes sour first in magical poisoning." he admitted. "just get a sample of pure human blood, Anna's preferably. and we'll test what Thor's magic, compared to a potion, does to it." he admitted with a smile.

Loki hated how slow he had to be. this chair was awful! he hated to have to wait for the elevator when he could have leaped down the stairs in a matter of seconds. For Jarvis to call him like that, the A.I sounded frantic. Steve was with him though, and Bruce so that was good. he gasped when they finally reached the room and Steve was the first one to act. he leaped onto Tony, grabbing the man's wrists and pinning the man to the floor so he couldn't hurt himself anymore as Bruce rushed in and started checking on Anna, making sure she wasn't hurt too badly. Tony had broken her stitches, thank god they had fully healed the arteries and veins, she wouldn't bleed to death. in fact, there was very little blood at all. Bruce picked her up and simply raced down to the medical bay so he could redo her stitches and get her out of harms way if Tony attacked her again. "shit... he's completely snapped!" Steve complained as he struggled to contain Tony. "can he take tranquilizers right now Jarvis!?" Loki demanded, the A.I chiming a negative. Tony still had Cocaine in his system.

"tie his hands in front of him so he can't claw anymore." Loki demanded, Steve nodding as he grabbed a special ribbon he always carried on him. Thor had given it to him, it could contain even the Hulks brutal strength, and Steve had used it before to contain the massive green beast. it would hold Tony perfectly well. the golden ribbon wound around Tony's wrists by itself and solidified, holding him still. "good, now we need to clean those scratches." Loki admitted heading deeper into Ana's lab for the sterile water, peroxide, and bandages she always kept on hand. loki could only hope Tony didn't need stitches himself. he was also glad that he had paid attention to Anna when she explained how humans cared for deep cuts. he made Steve apply pressure until the cuts stopped bleeding and examined them. not very deep, good. he gently washed the cuts and picked out a few pieces of fingernail and cleaned around the wounds with hydrogen peroxide, making sure not to get any in the wounds. then bandaged them so Tony wouldn't rub them.
Anna grinned at that thought."we'll have to test that out...after you get done exprimenting with tony of course."she teased looking up at the asgardian.

Anna stirred as bruce picked her up,groaning as she rested her head on his chest. Thankfully the only real damage tony had done was to his own mental health and bruising up anna's already sore neck. She was going to kill him when she realized how much it hurt to talk. Wincing as bruce did the stitches,she blinked slowly as she started waking up."...bruce...tony...didn't know who I was...he didn't know anyone...not even when jarvis tried to talk to him..."she muttered remembering the AI trying to kesp tony calm until loki and the others got there. More then herself,she was scared for tony because she didn't kbow what in their conversation had caused him to snap.

Tony struggled against thr ribbon tying him,even if part of his rational mind chimed in that it was unbreakable, the broken part demanded that he spill his own blood to make sure the others were safe,that he couldn't hurt anna agin.looking up at the asgardian and super soldier he looked up at the with so much pain in his face."stop...it'd b better for everyone...you'd all be safer...let me.."he said and for the first time since he'd started his passive suicide,it seemed the man was willing to actively try.
Bruce nodded. "i know Anna, i know." Bruce muttered. "try not to talk. you've suffered minimal damage, but on top of the damage already done you're going to be very sore for a while." he admitted. "i'm going to have a tablet brought up so you can talk through that until your throat recovers. trying to talk too much right now could irrevocably damage your vocal cords." he warned. "Steve and Loki are handling Tony right now." he explained. "they'll keep him from hurting himself. that's what he was trying to do when we got to you." he explained. "he seams to think he killed you."

Steve shook his head. "don't be stupid Tony." he demanded. "we're not letting you do anything. you're just having a bit of a psychotic break that's all." he promised, Loki snorting. "listen to me right now Tony Stark! don't be a fucking Coward!" Loki hissed, staring at Tony with those brilliant blue eyes of his. "you DARE think that you can leave me after i admitted my feelings to you!? You DARE think you can leave when i NEED you!?" he demanded, his eyes burning. "don't be an idiot. i'll keep you alive if i have to force-feed you and keep you strapped up for the rest of your life!" he snarled. "we are NOT safer without you! where would we go!?" he demanded, kissing the other gently. "i need you Tony... don't leave me." he whispered, stroking Tony's hair before Steve picked Tony up and settled him ontot he bed. "Bruce is already fixing Anna up." he promised.
Anna sighed quietly, looking frustrated at not being able to talk, and that she couldn’t help tony. But she knew if she tried, she’d make it worse. Whatever had caused him to snap, had involved her...she was afraid that if she tried to talk to him, it’d be even worse. Looking relieved that the other’s were taking care of tony, she nodded wincing, nodding as she sat up slowly, reaching across the table to grab one of the notepads, which until he got the tablet would have to be enough. he was trying to. I don’t know who he thought I was, but he was determined to make sure they couldn’t hurt him anymore....said something about never again being hurt...” she looked worried slumping back into the pillows.

Tony winced looking up at Steve, struggling harder.”I killed anna, you should want me to go away, rogers!let me go.”He demanded looking up at his best friend’s boyfriend, before his head snapped around to look at loki, startled and confused at the other’s reaction, looking so confused. “...but you’d be better....I keep getting everyone hurt...”Tony muttered before he was cut off by the kiss, kissing him back before looking even more confused at steve’s words as he settled back into the bed. The drugs that were slowly making their way out of his system, coupled with the emotional reaction to anna asking about losing pepper, had left him reeling, and he was feeling at a loss to struggle to what was going on.”....anna’s....alive?But....”
Bruce smiled a little as she grimaced. "i know Anna, but it's only for a couple of weeks." he promised before he frowned a little as he read what she wrote. "i think Tony just had a flashback Anna. he probobly thought he was in that Cave again. attacking his guards because they where hurting him and Yensen. they did torture him you know." he admitted. "that's probobly what he meant by that. Loki should be able to help him i'm sure." Bruce muttered with a sigh. "Tony's going to be annoyed, but i'm going to bring in an old freind. she's a psychologist." he admitted. "i think it would be good if several of us had chats with her. Tony especially. Loki too for that matter."

Steve lifted an eyebrow. "i won't let you go. you're being stupid you idiot." Steve stated simply. "you don't get us hurt Tony." he didn't say anything about Tony attacking Anna just now. "yes, Anna's alive. she just fainted Tony." Loki promised. "Mother healed her perfectly and all you did was leave a few bruises... Anna's going to hit you though." he warned, looking faintly amused as he motioned for Steve to leave as Loki settled himself close to Tony. "Anna's fine, and so is everyone else." he promised softly. "...you thought she was someone else, she'll understand, she'll forgive you Tony, same as i do." he promised. knowing Tony would never admit that it wasn't his fault... but forgiveness was another thing entirely.
Anna made a face sighing quietly as she knew that it was okay, but she was going to hate this whole no talking thing. Nodding she looked thoughtful. “I know...and he will be annoyed with that. But it will help....and you know, the only good thing about this, is he didn’t die this time, and he might give up the coke.”She looked thoughtful because she had a idea that if they talked to him, they might be able to convince him to let them wean him off the drugs, maybe if loki tried. Glancing up at steve when he came in,she offered him a small smile.”hey.She muttered standing up carefully, reaching for him, needing held. Just wanting to relax, and be with him, and not worry about tony. Knowing that for the moment, things were okay. They’d deal when bruce’s friend showed up.

“I am not.Stop calling me names.”Tony sulked but he wasn’t fighting, just protesting because he knew he should, relaxing into loki at his promise. “....I can deal with her hitting. She doesn’t hit that hard...”he said quietly starting to cry when he realized that his friend was okay, crumbling under the guilt that drug him under. Knowing that she would forgive him was totally different from believing it. He’d have to wait, and see. Not sure if he could forgive himself. After a few minutes he calmed, sighing as he rested his head on loki’s chest, just contenting himself with being held, and willing to say what had snapped, at least not right now. Later he’d talk to clint or loki...but for now he couldn’t.

Two days later tony looked up annoyed as he glanced at bruce before returning to the video game he was playing with clint, having bullied the archer into playing need for speed with him, and since he was taking a few days off from everything to get his head straight....well at least back to the unsteady balance he had had....he had nothing better to do then spend the day discussing magical theory with loki, while playing video games, and avoiding anna, which was really easy since she wasn’t out of bed yet. But he wasn’t sure if he could stand to see her afraid of him, so he was avoiding everyone but bruce, loki and clint. Only keeping bruce in the loop of people he was talking to because the man had refused to go away even when told to, and the doctor refused to let tony doctor himself, so the three men were taking care of the billionaire who was slowly accepting that he needed help.
he smiled a little. "better annoyed then dead." he admitted with a shake of his head. "giving up the drugs would be very helpful." he admitted with a nod before smiling as Steve came in. he took his leave, letting Steve snuggle her and comfort her.

Loki snorted. "you are and i refuse. calling you names is most pleasing to me." Loki stated with a superior sniff. "and when you're being an idiot i shall mock you as i please." he stated before wrapping his arms around Tony tightly, holding him, cradling him. not saying a word and not trying to get Tony to talk either.

Bruce smiled a little and watched Tony, his head tilted. "whose winning?" he asked, examining the TV, where Clint and Tony where neck and neck. Clint loved to play video games. "Loki's doing that Tai Chi thing again with River." he admitted as he flopped down next to the others. "it's amazing how fluid they are. i've never seen anything like it." they moved slow, fluid, every motion perfect and exact and with specific purpose. it was really amazing to watch... especially when the practitioners where naked. Loki was well enough now to do everything on his own save climb stairs or stand more than twenty minutes at a time, but he was well enough for an hour of Tai Chi so long as he was careful. to say Loki was happy was an understatement. and he was even happier when Clint started giving him knife and gun lessons. "by the way, i have a freind here." Bruce admitted with a glance at Tony. "Seduce her and i'll eat you alive." he growled before smiling pleasantly at the other. "i'd like you to meet her actually. we went to medical school together." he admitted.
“I am.”Tony declared looking amused as he played, bumping clint’s car a little as he pulled in front, knowing the assassin would catch up soon enough. They both liked winning to much to give up easily but....Tony hit the pause before tilting his head back to look at the doctor. “Are they doing it naked again?”he asked looking interested, because he wasn’t above going down to watch them do it naked. Cause while Loki was well enough to do anything he wanted, Tony was still worried about hurting him, and besides a few kisses here and there, tony stark had actually refrained from seducing the man yet. Because after hurting anna, the man was totally terrified of hurting loki when he couldn’t defend himself....so he was waiting for clint to give him lessons, so loki had a chance to defend himself, before he seduced him. “A friend? And....why not?I’ve been told its weird I haven’t had sex in months. I should get to seduce her if I have to see her, because I know there’s a reason she’s here.”Tony stared at the man, ignoring the game for a moment, focusing on Bruce. Sensing the trap, but having no idea what it was.
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