Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“well, now you have the time, and more importantly, people who would want to go with you. And not just anna, tony would probably go if you asked him.”Morgan smiled a little before snickering.”They did. You might want to watch them, they’re amusing.”She said looking amused before nodding.”It would be helpful, and you wouldn’t feel to badly about asking tony or anna, cause you know even if they’re trying to be helpful, you’ll probably feel bad about asking for help.”She said looking amused at the idea of captain america having a facebook before looking up at bruce, nodding towards the door.having a feeling it would be better to leave the two alone. Anna sniffled as she tried to calm herself, pressing her face into steve’s chest, “N-nothing. Just can’t stop crying.”she hiccuped a little not wanting to say that she’d finally broken down in a sobbing mess because she was so scared for him, and for tony. She was feeling so helpless.

Tony smirked looking up at the man straddling his waist, rolling his hips a little, groaning as he felt the other’s body tighten around him a little. “Hm, I’m always looking for chances to let you ‘reward’ me, but this time it really is a real thing.”Craning his neck to look at the clock he smirked. “As of right now, I’ve been completely sober for 48 hours.”
he nodded a little. "it would be hilarious to have Tony stark come to class to help me." Steve admitted with a smirk. "i can see all the ladies having fits already." he admitted with a chuckle. he was too worried about Anna to keep up the banter after that and he simply held her and stroked her hair, kissing her forehead and shaking his head. "all this stress..." he muttered softly. "it's just not good for us, is it?" he asked softly. "don't worry... i talked to a psychiatrist who promised not to perform a Lobotomy on me." he promised. "i'm feeling much better, so now i can hopefully help you too." he promised.

Loki smirked as Tony groaned. he loved being in charge. "...holy shit. you have. congratulations." Loki chirped, looking decidedly wicked. "i think that does deserve a good reward... what shall i do to you? oh i know!" he paused as someone knocked on the door and he sighed. "no one reads the bloody sign..." he had hung a 'do not disturb' sign on the door, but apparently, someone couldn't read. "Anna's having a breakdown and i think she needs Tony..." Bruce commented through the door.
Anna was quietly giving a watery giggle at steve’s promise. Shifting, resting her head on his chest. Raising her head she leaned back to look up at him, rubbing a hand over her face to get rid of the tears, sliding a hand through his hair, leaning in to kiss him. “Good. She better not touch you.”She grumbled but looking slightly amused at steve’s joke, offering a shaky breath calmer now.

Tony snickered looking pleased. “Thanks. It’s been a interesting two days.”He said before laughing, resting his hands on the other’s hips. “I think you should do whatever you want.”he muttered before wincing as bruce knocked on the door, rolling his hips a litle as he looked up at loki, worry showing in his face even as he sat up. Looking worried and totally distracted from having sex. “What’s wrong, bruce?”Tony said even as he looked for his clothes, and despite going out of his way to avoid his friend, he was worried enough about her after being reminded of steve’s near suicide, that he needed to go see her.
he smiled a little as she giggled, relaxing as she calmed, kissing her gently. "not with a ten foot pole." he promised, looking quite proud of himself for using such a modern day phrase. "now, are you going to tell me whats wrong, or am i going to have to pout at you?" he asked with a small smile. "i'm told it's a dastardly pout that no woman can resist." he paused. "i'm not sure why Tony said that, but i'd really rather not think too much about it."

"Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "it has." he agreed, leaning down and kissing the other again. "tell you what. for every day you remain sober, i'll let you have sex with me." he teased with a grin before looking up as Bruce knocked, letting Tony get up. Sex was good, but Anna was more important. "i don't know. she just burst into tears and i couldn't get her to calm down. i think she's upset because Steve wasn't there when she woke up and because you're avoiding her." he admitted as Loki got a pair of pants on and followed Tony into the hall.
Anna kissed him back before sighing quietly, “Hm, good.”She said smiling at him, amused at his use of the common phrase, biting her lip a little. Shifting as she got comfortable, feeling like a idiot now that she was calmer.Shifting she sat sideways in his lap, resting her head on his shoulder. “Because tony is a horrible liar if he’s not given a chance to come up with a good lie. You pouting at him, makes it hard for him to lie to you. Says you look to cute to lie to....”Anna muttered rolling her eyes swallowing hard. “....Tony hates me.”She muttered, focusing on what was wrong overall, instead of him because she knew he’d be upset she was so upset over him.

“Oh, you mean I wouldn’t already be having sex?”He muttered smirking a little before sighing. “Damn...”He grumbled as he pulled on his jeans, frowning slightly. “I’ve been avoiding her for her own good....and she’s upset Steve’s so upset....”Tony said looking concerned because he suspected whatever was bothering her was deeper then that, but he needed to talk to her before he told anyone. “Come on then. Let’s go see her.”He muttered looking at loki, not about to go down by himself, not trusting himself to be with her, knocking lightly on the door when they got downstairs.
he smiled a little and nodded before snorting at her. "Tony is a terrible liar." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head as he nuzzled her before shaking his head. "Tony loves you. he's avoiding you because he's a damned idiot and thinks that he's protecting you by staying away." he pointed out. "he's been sober for almost two days though. that's a good thing right?" he asked with a smile. wondering if that would make her feel better. he hoped so, a little less worry at least.

Loki smirked. "unfortunately for you, if i have to i can weave a impotence spell..." here he paused. "i can have Thor use his brain and weave an impotence spell on you triggered towards whether you're high or not." he teased with a grin. "so yes, i can make you suffer." he teased, well aware that Thor could never weave such a complex spell, but Tony didn't. "she's upset, because she thinks you hate her Tony." Loki stated firmly. "she's upset because she thinks your going to try and suicide. not that i'd ever let you, i'm much too selfish." he admitted simply.
Anna sighed quietly, biting her lip to keep from moaning as he nuzzled her, resisting the urge to squirm in his lap. Even if she was hurt, sitting in her boyfriend’s lap, her extremely good looking, fit boyfriend made her want to do alot of other things. Especially when he was holding her. “...really?”She said sounding amazed, turning her head to look up at him. “That’s good.Really, really good.”She muttered quietly, relaxing a little. “How are you?”She muttered quietly worried about her boyfriend to.

“.....No, I’m fairly certain I can stay sober. At least, from drugs. I might end up back on alcohol. Let’s do one addiction at a time.”Tony said snickering a little, though he looked a little worried about that. While he didn’t want to get high, it disturbed him a little to consider loki doing that...yea, he was definitely going to be sober. And while he wasn’t drinking nearly as much as normal, he knew better then to think it’d last. Frowning a little before sighing.”...You are to selfish.But it’s okay, so am I.”He muttered smiling as they stepped into the room, pausing in the doorway, wincing at the cute couple scene, “....we can come back if you two need to talk...”He said his eyebrows drawn together in concern as he looked at them both, having been avoiding them, he hadn’t realized just how exhausted both of them were, and it just made him worry more.
Loki chuckled a little. "i care little about alcohol, you can use that as you please so long as it doesn't annoy me." he admitted. "besides, you have to have some sort of Vice, do you not?" he asked curiously. "i'd suggest sticking to Sex, but from what i understand humans have silly ideas about only having sex with one person at a time." he admitted, looking a little bit confused by the idea. "well good. you cling to me, i'll cling to you, and we'll both take turns seducing sexy people." he decided with a chuckle.

he smiled a little as he held her. he loved holding her, even if he was... swelling, in certain areas. "yeah. really." he admitted with a nod. "i'm... better." Steve admitted. "i didn't realize until i started talking to Bruce's lady freind how much being in this time was bothering me." he admitted. "did you know that there have been people on the moon!?" he demanded. "i thought they where playing a prank on me... she suggested that you take me on history dates. go to museums and stuff, and watch historical movies to help me adjust to things." he admitted with a smile. "think you'd be willing to be my history teacher?... and show me how to use a computer? i'd ask Tony, but he makes me feel weird when he's that close to me... i mean, does he really have to press his chest into my back when he's showing me how to use google?" he complained, sulking a little, mostly just to see if he could make her giggle again. he looked up as Tony came in and tilted his head. "no. i think we're alright for a little while." Steve admitted, well aware that Anna was worried about Tony.
“I do. I...function better when I give into vices...and I do have alot of sex you know, just...I...”He blushed ever so slightly. “I like you, and being human, I tend to want to try for monogamy. It probably wont work, god knows I’ve failed in every other relationship at not having sex with other people, but I do try sometimes.”Tony snickered a little.

Anna swallowed hard as she felt him harden against her ass, damn...this was going to be interesting. Wondering if she could convince him to have sex, or at least let her help him with his...’problem’, before focusing on his words. “I know. Stark industries has some of the original video down in the archives from the moon landing.”She said before looking startled, wincing as she thought about that, and having felt a little stupid for not thinking of it herself. “I’d love to be your tutor. I’ll choose a movie, and we can watch one while we eat tonight.”She smiled before her mouth fell open, before starting to laugh. “No, he really doesn’t. But he’s tony, and he likes making people uncomfortable, especially if he knows it bothers them that he’s bi, and finds them cute....but really, who couldn’t find you cute?Everyone likes Cap.”she teased a little before looking up at her best friend. “Come on you two.”She smiled a little.

“How are you?”Tony said hestitating, moving over to sit on the bed looking concerned for her, yelping a little as he suddenly found himself with his arms full of crying girl, looking vaguely uncomfortable as she clung to him. Swallowing hard as he wrapped her arms around her, he smiled slightly stroking her hair. “Shush, its okay anna.” “No it’s not!You left me, when I needed you.”She said sounding anxious. “I know, I’m sorry, sweetheart.”Tony muttered knowing it was more then just this time that she was most upset about, knowing that her real fear of him leaving her was from being raised with howard, and knowing the memory of what caused that fear was buried so deep she probably didn’t know it consciously. But he knew it, and he hated himself for bringing it to the surface again. “How are you?”Anna muttered leaning back to look at him, rubbing her tears away. “I’m fine. Sober. Having sex, you know, being me.”
Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "and lucky for you, if you screw up, i won't actually give a shit." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "Sex is just pleasure after all. it's when you start taking other people on dates that i'm going to get annoyed." he admitted with a chuckle.

he flushed a little as she squirmed and he nodded. "original video?" he asked, looking curious. "how did they video record all that anyway?" he wondered. "great!" he chirped, looking delighted to have someone teach him about all the things he'd missed. "i'd like that, it'll be like a small date while we're still at home." he admitted with a smile before he fidgeted. "it doesn't bother me at all that he's bi... it bothers me that he's flirting with me." he grumbled before he pouted at her. "i'm not cute..." he complained, Loki smirking. "you are cute..." the God stated before looking in stunned shock as the girl started to sob into Tony's chest. Loki and Steve shared a glance and then moved off to the side so they wouldn't disturb the two, requiring after each others health. "so talking to the psycho woman really helped?" Loki asked, looking more than a little skeptical, but when Steve nodded eagerly he seamed to be considering the idea. "she even told me i could get sleeping pills if the nightmares still bother me. i'm a little worried that she'd give me sleeping pills for something so minor though..." in Steve's day and age, the only sleeping pills where highly addictive, and extremely easy to abuse. they where also extremely easy to overdose on. Steve didn't realize that they had new, non habit forming pills that he could take that where neither addictive nor dangerous.
“Ah, well, I think I can refrain from dating someone else. Most people annoy me...though I might go on a date with anna, cause you know, she’s going to beat my head in and require make up presents.”Tony snickered a little.

“Hmhmm.When he wasn’t searching for you in the ice, Howard spent time with the NASA crew....and I don’t know. I just know that all the videos downstairs in the corner Tony’s regulated for things that concern Howard.”Anna said shrugging a little before nodding. “It’ll be fun.”She said before snickering. “Yes, and if you would stop being so adorable at finding it bothersome, he’d stop flirting. He does it because he has no intention of actually seducing you...and because you find it annoying.”Anna snickered a little.

Soon enough the quiet crying was settled as Tony moved over to the other’s side, looking bemused and worried. Glad that anna had managed to relax enough to stop crying and go get a bath, her faith in the world and her place in it once again settled, letting her relax enough to do normal things. “They’re not so bad. I used to take them until they stopped working.”Tony said overhearing the words about the sleeping pills before sighing quietly, turning his head to make sure the bathroom door was shut before biting his lip. Wondering if he should tell steve, knowing anna didn’t remember, had locked the memory away, and knowing Steve would have a time bomb on his hands until they got things settled. “....She’s going to be okay.She has abandonment issues....extremely so. If...If she freaks out, just go with it. She’ll get her bearings again, but...you’ve been worrying her, and I have been to.She’s afraid we’ll leave her...so...”He sighed quietly before smirking a little because he knew that he was about to cross some line, but also that the two would get around to it eventually and well...he figured him having this conversation with steve, was better then letting anna try it. “....As much as I tease her about it, she hasn’t had sex since we were in college....abandonment issues and all....So.. She might want to have sex with you, and dude, who wouldn’t-”Tony grinned, flirting because like anna said, he liked unsettling the other. “but it’s going to be hard for her to trust, even if you are the world’s biggest boy scout ,and she loves you....”He sighed quietly because he was really hoping he wouldn't have to explain in detail the abandonment issues, because he was pretty sure Steve'd try to kill him if he did.
Loki chuckled a little. "i don't mind if you go on Dates with Anna." he promised the other with a grin. "just make sure to pick me up something nice." he ordered.

Steve scowled a little. "i really hate Howard..." he grumbled, shaking his head. "he was a fucking dick." woah! Steve swore! he did it so rarely it was always a shock to hear it. "i'm not adorable!" he complained, sulking even more.

"i suppose Sleeping medication must have advanced too. some of the medical things i've come across are just amazing. like painkillers. i've never seen so many! we used to have Anacin when we had headaches or muscle aches, but we couldn't afford it." he admitted with a shrug. it was hard to remember that Steve had grown up during the great depression. he was lucky to afford clothes honestly. "abandonment issues?" Steve asked curiously, wondering what that meant. "she's afraid of people leaving her..." he decided. "that makes sense." he admitted, biting his lip a little. "it's because of Howard right? filthy bastard." he grumbled, shaking her head a little. "i won't leave her, and eventually she'll realize that." Steve decided with a nod. before he inched away from Tony, shooting the other a disgruntled look as Loki snickered. "when we have sex... it will be because she wants it, not because i want it." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i won't hurt her." he promised, well aware that Tony was playing 'big brother'. he'd been doing so all along. trying to protect Anna... though, he hadn't done it the right way. "i'm going to try and get her to talk to Morgana too." he admitted. "and she's going to tutor me in history."
“Hm, yea. Though its not addicting, you can’t take it all the time, otherwise you emd up with a immunity to it. Which is one of the reason I drink, I can sleep drunk.”Tony said looking amused though he did look a little thoughtful. Because it was so weird sometimes to be reminded of how steve was. He knew it, but sometiems it just hit him again. Wincing a little he nodded. “yea...she doesn’t like being left alone. Which is actually a very good reason she lives here. Even if no one else is here, Jarvis is, and can get her someone if she needs them.”Tony said before swallowing, flinching slightly, glancing away. Because while it was howard’s fault, tony stark was never able to forgive himself for the part he’d played. Swallowing hard he winced a little, “Don’t look at me like that. It’s not like I’m totally comfortable discussing her having sex...it’s just...she’s all I had for awhile, Steve.”he muttered looking away looking out of sorts because he had no idea to help her, and really hoping steve would be able to do better then he had. “Good. Cause if you did, I might have to put on the suit, and go a few rounds. So don’t hurt her.”He snickered a little before grinning. “Good. On both accounts. Now, she’s in there being all wet and soapy, go have fun. Me and loki are going back to the sex this crisis interrupted.”he said because while he did want to have sex, the man was mostly just wanting to get away, needing to escape the memories threatening to drag him down. Even if he'd brought it up because it was a good thing for steve to know, he was still uncomfortable with the thoughts
Steve nodded. "i'll keep that in mind... i just need it for long enough to get some sleep. no more than a few days i think." a little hopeful, but doable. with one stress gone, the others where lessened. he might even be able to sleep without them... maybe. "i'll do my best to never leave her alone then, and you have to stop avoiding her!" Steve ordered sternly. "it won't help you and it won't help her if you stay away." he growled. studying Tony long enough to get an affirmation before he snorted a little. "Tony. you're you, you like talking about sex, particularly if it's embarrassing to someone." he pointed out. "she's your family Tony, i expect you to protect her. especially from herself." he admitted with a smile. "and if you want to try and beat me up, you should come up for air and join us in the training room once an a while." he teased with a shake of his head as he knocked on the bathroom door and walked in with his eyes closed. "just wanted to check on you, you where being too quiet." he admitted, his head tilted. "you alright?"

Loki smiled as he took Tony's hand and lead him back up to the bedroom. "do you need to talk about it?" Loki asked softly. wondering if Tony needed to talk or if he'd be alright just fucking Loki into the mattress.
“Hm, tell Morgana then. She’s the doctor, she’ll figure it out.”Tony said smiling a little before looking amused, wincing at steve’s order. “Sir, yes, sir.”Tony snickered a little, relaxed enough, back to himself enough to be making fun of the good captain before smiling. “I know it wasn’t....but it took me awhile to get my head around it.”he whined a little disliking that everyone but him had been able to see just how bad it had been...well, he’d known what she’d think but in his broken state, hadn’t been able to fix it without having one of them needle him into coming down and seeing her. “”....I’ll take that as permission to discuss your sex life from now on.”He decided grinning as he headed for the door, pouting. “I can beat you up perfectly fine!And no, I wont come up for air. I have a god who wants to suck my cock, there’s no chance I’m not having sex.”Tony called out amused as they left. Anna loooked up startled as he came in, smirking a little as she looked at her boyfriend, amused as he walked in with his eyes clothes. “Fine. Just enjoying a bubble bath and reading a book.”seh said looking amused as she reclined in the tub that could really probably hold a football team and have room left over. No one would ever accuse tony stark of not having the best and biggest things. “Joining me?”She teased, blushing ever so slightly.

Tony was quiet as he squeezed the other’s hand, biting his lip a little. Tugging the man into his arms he lowered his head to kiss him slowly before raising his head again, studying loki for a long moment before moving away. All the nervous energy, the worry for anna, his anxiety about maybe talking to morgana if Loki thought it’d probably be a good idea, was translating into a need to move. “...My father spent my childhood searching for steve under the ice. To the point it’d weeks before either me or anna would see him. Then he’d be around for a few weeks, then go again.”Tony sighed quietly as he paced. “When I was 18 I went to Malaysia to work on a new water system for the country as the final semester of my engineering degree. So I was gone, and I foolishly had left Anna here, she wanted to stay, she was finishing her own degree, so she stayed here, which was okay, cause howard was supposed to be out to see for the weeks I was gone, so it wasn’t that bad.....”He shuddered swallowing, turning to stare out the window, working on the nerve to say what happened next. Because he was probably talking to the only person in the world who didn’t know that howard stark had died while he was gone.
Steve nodded a little. "and don't you forget it Grunt!" Steve joked back with a grin. "you'd make a terrible soldier i hope you know." he admitted with a grin. "i know tony. you had to get over the trauma too." Steve admitted with a nod. "Don't you DARE Tony Stark!" he complained, glaring at Tony, baring his teeth at the other. he really was feeling better, usually he'd blush and mutter nonsensical things and avoid the conversation. now he was actually engaging in the conversation. "and you can't beat me up Tony Stark, you've tried!" Steve taunted. "and Sex is not an accepted combat method!" he called before hesitating as he heard Anna's offer. "...uhm... is that ok? are we... are we allowed to do that?" he asked, biting his lip before shrugging off his shirt and hesitantly opening his eyes, remembering what Morgana had told him. "i'll leave my shorts on." he decided, stripping off his jeans and leaving his boxers on.

Loki smiled as he kissed the other quite happily before he watched Tony pace as he spoke, not interrupting, just listening intently. "something happened didn't it? something you never forgave yourself for." he muttered, reaching out and tugging Tony into his lap and wrapped his arms around the other and danced his fingers along Tony's inner thighs. distracting his anxiety with his own touch. "did she get hurt?"
“I would be horrible.”Tony agreed looking amused before smirking. “You can’t forbid me!”Tony snickered as steve growled at him. “Yes, yes I’ve fairly certain sex is a good combat move!I’m so sexy evil villians would stop to stare!” Anna blushed as she set her book aside, smiling as she turned, resting her arms on the edge of the tub, chin pillowed on her hands as she watched him undress. “We’re allowed doing whatever we want.”Anna smiled swallowing hard as she looked him over, blushing as she nodded.”If you want.”She said looking amused as she settled back into the tub, and while she was completely naked, there was also so many bubbles in the tub that it really wouldn’t matter. Shifting her legs so he wouldn’t brush her as he got in, not that she cared if he touched her but she wasn’t sure how he’d take it. Smiling as he got in. “So, I was thinking a romance movie for tonight?I mean, there’s titanic, or maybe gone with the wind or....do you have a idea?Cause Tony has like the world’s biggest movie collection.”

Tony sighed quietly nodding, resisting for a moment as he was stopped, before settling into loki’s lap, resting his head on the other’s shoulder, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the touch. “Hmm...sort of.”He muttered swallowing. “Do you know what a sensory deprivation tank is?”He asked turning his head just enough to make sure loki knew before swallowing hard.”Howard came home early, and needed help on his newest gadget....Anna was busy, trying to finish her thesis for class. Howard lost his temper, locked her in the tank because it was his usual way of punishing us, and even at 18, Anna wasn’t big enough to fight with him....He got drunk.....drowned in the swimming pool. And since we were living upstate at the mansion, which is in the middle no where, no one knew he was dead until I got back from Malaysia....5 days after. She’s....she’s never been the same after that.”Tony shuddered, because he knew it wasn’t his fault, but he still blamed himself for not protecting her.
Steve smiled a little. "yeah, that's what i've been told but i keep..." he shrugged. "it's so weird." he admitted as he smiled at her. "i'm still running on outdated rules i think." he admitted sheepishly as he settled into the water with a sigh. "oh that feels nice." he muttered. "you know... i don't think i've ever sat in a real bathtub before." he admitted with a smile. "when i was a kid, we sat in a big metal tub and took our baths. and in the military, there is no baths, it's just cold showers." he admitted with a chuckle. "Gone with the Wind?!" he asked, perking up immidiatly. "i heard a lot about that one, it came out just before i went into the service. we can watch it on your television?" he asked hopefully. "i remember the Titanic. my mother remembered the day it went down." he admitted. "we learned about it in school. i suppose the last survivors are dead by now.."

Loki smiled a little as Tony sagged into him. feeling powerful and loved, even if he knew Tony would never admit to such feelings. "i know the theory." Loki agreed. "we use them, of a sort, as therapy for some of the higher strung Aeser." he admitted. "people who hear or see too much go in them when they feel overwhelmed." he admitted. "but they are personal things." he admitted with a shrug before he tensed a little. "that filthy bastard." he growled as he nuzzled Tony's neck. "no wonder you both hate bed-rest so much... Howard practically beat any stillness out of the both of you." he muttered as he shook his head and wrapped his arms around Tony, simply holding him a little. "i'm so sorry you had such a dick of a father Tony..."
“It’s fairly cute though, I mean, you’re so cute when running on rules I’ve never even heard of.”She teased him a little before looking surprised, laughing. “Oh...that sucks. I love taking baths. They’re just relaxing.”She said before smirking, biting her lip to keep from saying the first thing that came to mind when mentioning cold showers....oh what the hell, she was naked in the bathtub with him, she figured she might as well make the joke. “I bet lots of guys with you had to take cold showers. You’re just to hot for anyone’s good.”She teased before nodding. “We’ll watch it then. It’s good.”She said before wincing at his words, “I hadn’t considered that...sorry...its sorta weird having a boyfriend who remembers it going down...”She muttered blushing a little before shifting shifting to sit next to him, glad that tony had gotten the bathtub with benches, hesitating for a moment before resting her head on his shoulder, content to be next to him...and maybe, just maybe, trying her own awkward seduction. She was going to kill tony, he made this look so easy, she had no idea how to go on seducing someone.

Tony smiled a little resting his head on the other’s shoulder before nodding. “Yea, that’s what they’re supposed to be used for here to.”He muttered before wincing, tilting his head away to let loki nuzzle him more. “...He left us without a way to express anything, to have only the restless ideas spitting out, without a way to express them. And even now, when we can play on tablets, and talk to people when we’re on bedrest....”He shrugged helplessly before laughing quietly. “Me to. Steve wishes he killed him in the war, and most days I agree.”he huffed out a sigh before shifting. “Now. I’m going to get horribly drunk, are you joining me?”
Steve snorted a little and shook his head. "yes well... at least your nice about it." he admitted with a smile. "several people when i was still in the barracks liked to taunt me about it." he admitted with a sigh. "sometimes, i think i should have hit them." he admitted with a chuckle before he offered her a narrowed look. "...your not nice." he complained before he shook his head. "but no. being... that way, back then was a one way ticket to being dead. if you where gay, you hid it." he admitted with a shrug. "i wouldn't mind watching the movie on the Titanic." he admitted. "is it very accurate?" he asked curiously before he flushed as his very naked girlfriend snuggled up to him. he did the only thing any decent man would do. he ignored his erection and wrapped his arm around her and snuggled.

he nodded a little. "yeah. i can understand how hellish that must be... that's why your afraid of the dark isn't it?" he asked softly. well aware that Tony left the bathroom light on and the door cracked for a reason. "hers must be even worse... i wonder..." he muttered, frowning a little. "she must be claustrophobic as well..." he admitted, biting his lip. "i wonder if there's a way to help with that?" he mused, shaking his head a little. "we'll have to think about that, hmm?"
“You should have. And I live with tony, whatever gave you the idea I was nice?”she teased before wincing. “Yea...I could see how it’s weird for you to be in this time, especially with tony, who is so very open about being attracted to someone, no matter what gender.”Anna snickered a little before smiling. “It’s...well, the ship sinks. They have a love story in it, so its not totally accurate, but it’s still good.”She smirked at his words, because she knew he drew, and there was so the scene that she was going to tease him over in the movie. “Let’s watch titanic, and we’ll watch gone with the wind after that.”She said smiling, turning her head, pressing a kiss to his shoulder as she moved away, “come on. Let’s go watch our movie.”She said flashing a smirk over her shoulder at him as she climbed out of the tub and wrapped herself up in a towel, not even caring she’d flashed him....after living with tony so long, nudity really didn’t bother her. Smirking as she slipped back into her pj’s, heading for the bedroom, giving him a moment to collect himself.

“Yea. And why I don’t stay in the suit longer then I have to. Or take the elevator when I don’t have to. And why the hell this place is built on a open floor place for the most part, can’t be shut in a room when its not all boxy small rooms. Or why Anna hoards food because she had to go nearly a week without...”Tony smiled sadly before nodding. “It is....she’s....I don’t think she really remembers those days, she was out of her mind by the time I got home. But....she knows she was left. Something deep in her knows that she was abandoned by everyone...so now...she doesn’t do well with the idea of being left. It sends her right back to there.”Tony muttered and the self hatred was in his voice at the idea that he’d helped send her back to those moments, that he’d been so focused on himself, that he hadn’t focused on her. "And we will. Though I think Morgana will help alot...and steve will do wonders for her...."
he huffed a little. "i don't know. lots of things." he admitted with a smile. "you are very nice when you want to be." he admitted with a small chuckle. "yeah Tony's pretty baffling sometimes." he admitted. "honestly it kind of freaked me out a little bit at first but... well so long as it's not me what do i care?" he asked with a shrug. "well everyone knows the Ship sinks." he pointed out with a smile. "and i do like a good romance story." he agreed before he choked as she got out, his eyes wide. "i'll.. uh... be there in a second." he muttered with a bright flush. he joined her five minutes later, looking quite shy. which only made it all the more obvious about what he'd done in there. especially since he didn't have a hard on anymore. "so... how do you make the movie play?"

he nodded. "have you tried putting in air conditioning in the suit? air conditioning makes the 'stale' feeling much better." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Howard Stark had much too easy of a death." he grumbled as he kissed tony's temple. "i can understand why she'd block that sort of memory." he admitted softly. "you have your own issues Tony." he muttered. "you can't always be there, and you can't control everything. you need to take care of yourself too, not just others." he admitted, kissing Tony's neck and nibbling gently on the skin. "do you think Morgana could help me?" he asked softly. "i don't even know whats wrong with me really..." he admitted running the tips of his fingers over Tony's cock. just trying to keep the other calm.
Anna smiled a little, “He can be. Hell, I have problems understanding him sometimes, and I’ve known him for nearly 20 years.”She snickered a little before smiling.”Well yea, I’m fairly certain everyone knows that...and good. Romance movies are awesome.”she smiled before nodding, “Okay.”She said blushing, amused that he’d stayed behind, looking up from where she was cuddled in the bed she blushed as she looked up at him, biting her lip as she considered what he’d obviously done before looking away, willing to pretend he hadn't done what they both knew he had done. Finding it fairly hot and arousing and wondering if she could convince him to let her watch next time and...swallowing as she forced herself to think of something else she smiled “Jarvis, play the movie.”She smiled shifting to let him crawl in with her, shifting, snuggling into his side, head resting on his chest, smiling as they settled into watching the movie. Blushing when they got to the drawing scene, smirking a little as she tapped her fingers against his chest to get his attention. “So. You’re a artist. And you’ve gone to europe. Did you draw your french girls?”She teased glancing up at him, amusement bright in her eyes as the scene between jack drawing rose started.

“No...it seemed frivolous to put air conditioning in when it’s lightweight enough that I really don’t sweat in it...”Tony said before smirking, turning his head a little into the other’s kiss. “He had the worst kind of death. Totally unrecognized, alone without anyone there. A death that would have humiliated him.”Tony sighed quietly before nodding. “I know...I just....hate not being able to help everyone, or myself....”he sighed quietly moaning as he tilted his head away, settling back against the other’s chest, lose limbed and relaxing despite the serious topic. “I think she probably could. As long as you want help, she could probably help...you saw how much better Cap is doing, and he only talked to her for a few hours...”Tony muttered groaning, shivering as he pressed his cock up into the other’s hand, closing his eyes as he slumped into him. More then anything, the trust tony had for the other said how much he cared for loki, even if he couldn’t say the words, he trusted loki when he was at his most vulnerable.
he nodded a little. "he's a little spastic." he looked pleased again to have used another modern word. "Romance Movies have to be better than some of the stuff i've seen Clint watching anyway." he admitted. in his day and age, violence, gore, and two people in the same bad was very much unheard of. to watch Clint watch the Vampire Diaries made Steve highly squeamish. he smiled shyly at her as he settled into the bed with her before he blinked as the Movie started to play, blinking in a little bit of shock. "oh... does he put the movie in too?" he asked as he settled in next to her. "it's in Color!" he was still amazed by such things. he offered her an unamused stare when she commented. "you chose this movie JUST to ask me that, didn't you?" he demanded with a sigh. "you're not allowed to be around Tony anymore. maybe we can bleed his bad influence off of you." he grumbled as he watched the scene curiously. "do people really do that?" poor boy hadn't discovered porn yet.

Loki smiled. "try it, the cool air will help with the feeling of being closed in." he assured. "it used to help me." he admitted. "this is true, but i really think that he should have been tortured to death." he grumbled, shaking his head. "Tony, you save lives. you've saved the entire earth. you don't have to help every single person you come across. sometimes there's nothing you can do, you have to trust in the professionals." he admitted with a smile. "i think i will talk to her." he decided, grinning as Tony went completely limp. god he loved Tony when he got like this, so pliable. he slid his hand into the other's pants and pushed them down, just enough so that he could free Tony's cock, and gave the man what he wanted. a slow, luxurious masterbation with long fingers that touched just right. Loki prolonged the pleasure, making the oncoming orgasm an hour later so strong, he was rather shocked tony stayed awake after it.
“He really is.”Anna said smiling amused at the man’s use of the word before grinning.”Yea, clint’s got a thing for horror movies. They’re not all horrible, just not like anything you used to watch.”she smiled a little before smiling. “Sorta. They’re not dvd’s, Tony just...loaded them onto the computer mainframe, like the memory part, and just set it to play on whatever screen he wants it on. If you think this is amazing, you should see what he’s done to his personal tv. Talk about overcompesating for something.”Anna snickered before smiling at his amazement it was in color. Flushing a little as he stared at her, she scrambled to figure out if he was upset with her for asking before smiling. “No, I would NEVER do that. How dare you accuse me of such planning.”She giggled a little shifting to rest her head on his chest before raising a eyebrow. “What, have sex, or have sex on tv?”She smirked a little sitting up, leaning down to kiss him lightly. “You have to ask clint about porn sometime.”She grinned at the idea, and really wanting to be around for that conversation.

“Oh...well that makes sense.I’ll have to put it in.”Tony said before smiling a little. “I know...but it feels like I should...I designed things that got people killed more...I should be able to help everyone...”He muttered but he didn’t sound nearly as sure, because he knew how ridiculous the idea was. Groaning as he came a hour later, every muscle in his body straining with the effort he slumped back into the bed, panting as he turned his head to look at loki, so intense was the pleasure tha the was sleepy but not crashing yet. After all, the man was used to intense pleasure, so he had more control of staying awake then normal people would. “...somehow it seems wrong that I didn’t do anything for you...”he muttered stirring as he raised a hand to drag the other down for a kiss, still off kilter with the world despite loki resetting his balance mostly, he was still unsteady enough with everything he was still being pliable.
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