Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“I love it!That would be great.”Anna giggled a little as the AI walked into the room, loking like his tall blond and stunning self. “A M&M and pepperoni pizza right?”The AI smiled at the man. “Of course. Tony’s not hear to bitch about it.”Anna grinned looking him over before watching him call for pizza, smirking at loki. “I’m texting tony and telling him they’re banned from the tower until our party’s over. The resulting sulk fest would be epic.”She giggled.

“I was kinda freaking out, leave me alone.”Tony sulked before laughing. “True. But it’d be so amusing to watch the all american hero get chewed out by his girlfriend. Proof that not even you, do everything right.”Tony snickered amusing himself with that, before sighing quietly. “I...it wasn’t torture in the strictest sense...it’s...I ended up with the arc reactor, and in a cave, which for me then, was paramount to the ends of the earth...I thought I had dealt with the memories...but apparently I didn’t. And Stane is the one who sold me out. And then proceeded to sell them weapons”Tony sighed before frowning. “Well...I guess I could have been wrong. I mean, I blew up the house he was in, but it’s as likely he got out before I fired...I don’t know. We’ll keep a eye out,see if any more ghosts from christmases past show up."Tony snickered at the lame joke, but it showed that he was dealing a little"...but you asked me why I was freaking out, so there you go. I had a bad memory slap me in the face....and then try using my own hand gerande on me. It was unpleasant.”Tony whined as he sat up, raising his arms to look at them, looking relieved that though his skin was red, he was relatively okay, the jeans and t-shirt he was wearing still in good form. Glancing at the others he shot steve a look, calm now that he was mostly free. “So. Tell me. How long do you think it’ll be before Fury informs Loki and Anna we’re MIA? I mean, our comms are out, I fucked up jarvis in the suit, and the planes currently down for the count....and the Tel-Aviv air force base is a 50 miles, that way.”
Loki blinked and then. "...what's an M&M?" he asked curiously. "and why would Tony complain about it?" he asked, looking baffled. "oh! i almost forgot, a Meat Lovers Pizza with Anchovies for River... nasty man that he is." he grumbled with a shake of his head. "thanks Jarvis, you're the best." Loki chirped as he tapped away on his cell phone. "do it! i love a sulking Tony." he admitted with a smirk. "he gets so much more creative when trying to express his ire." he admitted before pausing. "i'll need to go get plates for the Pizza, wait here with Anna alright Jarvis?" Loki asked, shooting the man a grin. "How are you liking the new body by the way?... say, before i forget... can you eat?" Loki asked, looking puzzled. he knew Pepper could, but... how did that even work?

Steve rolled his eyes. "you're a cruel man Tony Stark." he complained with a lopsided smile. "you where a civilian Tony, it was torture no matter how you look at it." he pointed out. "particularly after the shitty things Howard did to you." Clint stated sternly. "don't undermine your strength, or your pain." he ordered gently before looking up at the sky with a sigh. "this is going to suck..." he grumbled. "you blew up our chopper Tony." Clint whined as he examined the broken husk of the jet they'd rode in. "now we're going to have to walk." he complained, Bruce piping up. "Tony these pants are great!" he admitted as he walked over, wearing nothing but the stretching pants that Tony had made for him. "all free." Steve commented as he broke off the last piece of footwear. "let Bruce catch a look at your ribs and then we'll see what we can do about finding a secure location to bunk for the night. even if we managed to walk twelve miles a day, it would still take us four or five days to get to the Base. though i have no doubt Rhodey is already being dispatched in a sweeping formation to find out of we're dead or not."
“It’s...oh. You’re just going to have to wait. I don’t care if you pout, you can eat it on pizza. And tony complains because he says its a crime against perfectly good pizza and absolutely disgusting.”Anna grinned a little “I know. Tony doesn’t tell me nearly enough that I am the best.”Jarvis gave a dignified sniff watching the two, because even as he talked, he was aware that tony wasn’t online, that he couldn’t reach the engineer. But he wasn’t willing to worry them just yet. “I will.And he does....like really. He gets so creative, more then normal.”Anna giggled as she picked up her phone to shoot tony a text before nodding. “Go.” “I’ll stay. And it’s...weird, and greatly saddening that mr. Barton had to go away so soon.”Jarvis pouted, such a good imitation of tony that anna burst out laughing. “And I can. it...I do not know how Tony managed it, but he did.”Jarvis said because he wasn’t quite sure how pepper and him could eat, but it worked and tony was just good like that. “Go.”Jarvis said waving the god out looking amused.

“I am, but you’re to perfect. It makes me feel like I’m failing sometimes.”Tony said wrinkling his nose, looking like a sulking two year old, and while it was said as a joke, there was some truth to it before sighing. “...I know I’m like amazing, strong and all...and Anna’s going to kill us...”he groaned before wincing. “I’m sorry!Next time I have a panic attack I’ll avoid everything!”Tony whined before grinning looking at bruce. Bouncing between emotions so fast you just knew he was nearly manic. “They are. Again, I’m amazing. Have you seen my lab?I make miracles happen daily.”Tony grinned before bouncing up to his feet, yelping as the motion made his whole rib cage ache. “sleeping would be nice....and no doubt, but it’s a big fucking desert, trust me, I wandered for like days the last time I got out of this hellhole before he found me and fucking hell...I’m so glad I blew it up. It’s great.”Tony said as he wandered over to bruce, raising his arms to let bruce look at his ribs, only two on the left side were broken, both he was plenty of bruised. Walking would be hard after awhile, but he could do it. “...Should we worry about how manic he’s being?”Natasha muttered as she looked at steve, shooting a glance towards tony who was babbling about how he was going to make bruce alot of different pants in alot of colors in stretchy fabric so he’d have something for every occassion.
Loki snorted a little and shook his head. "well, considering what Tony puts in his mouth i don't think he has any right to comment on your food choices." he pointed out with a grin as he smirked at Jarvis. "don't worry, Clint will be back soon enough, he's practically drooling for you." he admitted with a snicker. "good, order yourself any kind of Pizza you want then too, it's all going on Tony's tab so order all the kinds of pop, the Garlic bread, Pizza wings, aaand... five of those dessert Pizza's." he ordered with an impish little smirk as he headed off to wait for the Pizza man and his freinds to show up. what he got instead was a gun in his face and a very cool Agent, who Loki distinctly remembered killing, demanding to know what he thought he was doing in Stark Tower. "...Jarvis!... there's a Dead Guy threatening me with a Gun... should i be worried!?"

Steve chuckled a little. "Loki wouldn't like you if you where perfect." Steve pointed out with a grin. "Anna is going to kill us." he agreed, watching Tony get up and go over to Bruce. "i have seen your lab." Bruce agreed. "mine is better." he stated, just to argue. if he had Tony focused on defending his Lab, he's worry less about what had just happened. "...i think he's in shock." Steve muttered back to Natasha. "can't much blame him... he did just come face to face with the man who haunted his nightmares until he found new things to have nightmares about." he pointed out. "he'll be better with some sleep... i think. come on, lets see if we can't salvage something." he ordered, letting Bruce handle the manic Tony. by the time the sun started to go down, they had managed to find three tents, enough sleeping bags to go around with plenty of blankets, and some canned food. being the boyscout he was, Steve was able to start a fire, and being the survivalist he was Bruce had wild plants to supplement the wild hare that Clint had caught with his bow. they had found entire jugs of water too in the Cave that they'd managed to partially dig out. "we should stay here. these are the coordinates Fury gave us. this is where they'll start the search, right?"
“....Urgh!I don’t want to hear about your sex life when I get harassed about yoga sex. I don’t want to know about your yoga sex!”Anna whined before smiling. “He better be back soon.”Jarvis muttered smiling as they got ready for food. “....What?Probably.”Jarvis yelped frowning, before getting up, helping anna upstairs to, pausing as he saw the agent. “Agent coulson, put the gun down before you shoot Mr. Stark’s boyfriend. He wont be happy about that.”Jarvis said simply, edging closer, not sure what he could do to stop him, but needing to get closer.

“True.”Tony smirked a little before smirking. “In a violent and bloody way most likely.”he decided wincing as he let bruce look at his ribs, sputtering. “What?WHAT?!No it’s not. Though, is it your lab, it’s in my building. It’s on loan permanently,but it’s still my lab. So both my labs are the BEST!’Tony sputtered. “True....we’ll keep a eye on him....I have a feeling a manic Stark is best left to the professionals....Anna and Loki to deal with.”Natasha snickered a little before starting to help steve. Tony frowned at steve from where he was curled up in the corner of the caved mouth, having given in and slept at the spot because it was some protection, and the cave held warmth better then the outdoors, frowning at steve,”You are such a boy scout.”Tony muttered sipping the water and eating before thinking over Steve’s question.”Yea...they’ll start. It’ll probably be a day or two before they get another team out here though. We get all the nice toys, we got here faster then anyone else can. And even if Rhodey is the one running the serach from Tel-Aviv, you still have to deal with the politics of traveling overload, and not to mention landmines making mince meat of vehicles that make traveling dangerous and...”Tony paused frowning slightly. “Sorry....yea. We can stay. We’ll just have to wait it out, and pray to all that is holy, that Fury doesn’t tell Loki and Anna we’re missing cause that’s going to be ugly and Anna’ll totally lose her mind and go insane and...”Tony sighed frowning again.”....Someone else talk so I’ll stop.”
Loki snorted. "i was talking about his nasty as hell Tuna." Loki pointed out. "Tuna is disgusting. and so is that hot sauce he puts on said Tuna." Loki stated with a sniff. "he has to brush his teath a minimum of three times before he gets to touch his lips to mine after he eats that nasty crap." he admitted as he stalked out. he had his hands up as Coulson tried to question him and the blue eyes of the dead man flicked over to Jarvis. "yes? and just who are you?" he demanded. "do you have clearance to be in this area Sir?" "he's Jarvis." "...i'm sorry, repeat that." "Tony Starks A.I program given a fully physical form. he's an Android... Robot... something like that." Loki tried to explain. "you've been Dead... at least, i'm sure you where dead... i sort of did a number on you. sorry about that by the way... if you call Fury, he'll vouch for me... sort of. i'm really kind of harmless at the moment, see? i can't even use magic. this stops it... please don't shoot me i JUST got better..." Coulson looked quite unimpressed as he stared at Loki before turning his attention to Jarvis. the voice did sound very familiar. "where are the Avengers?" "uh... Saudi Arabia? or was it Pakistan?.... something like that. terrorists causing problems... actually... we should have heard back from them by now..." Loki admitted, suddenly looking a little worried. "Jarvis?... you can reach them can't you?"

Bruce smirked at Tony. "my lab is better." he stated sternly. "because my Lab has life in it." he stated with a smug little smirk. "i have animals, AND plants. and a few insects, fish, and birds too for that matter." he admitted with a snicker. "and besides... well. alright you might have a point there. i did buy all my stuff using your money, so i suppose you can claim the lab as yours... but my research is ten times more amazing." he teased with a grin. this was common banter between the two. "Anna and Loki aren't here though." Steve pointed out. "and they're going to be pretty pissed when they realize we've lost contact." he admitted. they all watched Tony for a long moment and then. "they won't just send a chopper?" Steve asked, confused and Clint shook his head. "they might, but choppers are expensive and they'll want to make sure we haven't left before actually searching for us." he pointed out. "in any case, after three days Fury has to tell Anna and Loki, you know that. still, it will be easy to stay here. there's a natural spring in the back for all the water we'll need. if we're not found in five days, we'll pack up and head out." Steve decided. "Anna might panic, but Loki will help her, you know he will. and River will help Loki. they'll be alright until we can get back to them."
“Oh...yea. Well, that is fairly nasty. Did I ever tell you about the time he mixed it up with cat food and ate it, because Howard said tuna was only good enough to feed to the cat, and to stop eating it?....I think he only did it to make howard stop talking to him, but it was epic to see Howard’s face when he saw the newspaper with tony eating cat food on the front of it.”Anna snickered because it had been one of those drunken encounters that everyone knew about but was never discussed in tony’s presence. “I am jarvis.”Jarvis said frowning a little, sounding like his normal british self before snickering.”You’re not harmless, but since it’s only tony you’re trying to kill by to much sex, we’re letting you pretend you’re okay.”Jarvis teased a little. “Afghanistan.”Anna corrected sighing softly. “Lower the gun will you?If he gets hurt, I’m going to have to side with tony and not help you when he beats you up.”Anna said before looking just as freaked as she saw loki start to worry, and jarvis’ closed down features. “I...I am sorry, loki. I have lost contact with the suit, and am unable to find them on the shield comms. Fury is already starting to get a team together to find out what happened but-Anna!”Jarvis yelped a little as the injured woman panicked rushing out of the room, holing up in steve’s room. Crawling under his bed, wrapped up in his clothes, and blanket. Hiding because she didn’t want to face the idea that her best friend and boyfriend, not to mention the rest of her friends, were gone.

“No, no it’s not. I have robots. And new elements I discovered. And awesome blow torches. And a norse god I want to fuck over the table when I get home. My labs better.”Tony whined, settling down at the normal banter. “No. Between the price, and well, they know they were looking at terrorists with stark tech. They’ll wonder if we got shot down before we even made it close. They’ll bring cars the first time around.”Tony said getting up, sipping his water as he paced, because he had to much nervous energy to sit still for the moment, wondering if it would make it worse or better to warn steve just how badly Anna was going to flip out.
"oh that is so nasty!" Loki complained, making a face at her. "why in the hell would he do that!? Gross!" he complained. "...You certainly sound like Jarvis..." Coulson muttered, looking more than a little freaked out. "Tony's building Androids now?" "yep." Loki admitted. "Bruce and Anna are thinking of ways to make this technology available for prosthetics." Loki admitted as he watched Coulson intently. at this range, he would be dead. his magic couldn't help him here. "Jarvis! you know it's not my fault! Tony just has no self control." Loki complained with a smirk. "Anna! you're supposed to be in bed resting!" Loki accused, scowling as he moved over to her, completely ignoring Coulson now that he had dropped the gun and gently helped her into a chair. "Anna?" Coulson asked, looking baffled. "that's Loki! scourge of the earth! he tried to kill me!" "uh, actually, i'm pretty sure i DID kill you." Loki admitted before turning to stare at Jarvis, horror etched onto his face. "...Tony's... out of contact?!" he demanded, his throat closing up before he turned and raced after Anna, following her up into the bedroom. "Anna! Anna... come on, come out from under the bed. i'm sure it's just Tony being stupid. i bet he blew up their plane again. he's done that before you know." Loki tried to sooth. "he's been out of contact before and he always comes out just fine doesn't he?" he asked softly. "he's fine, you'll see, he and the rest will come back and we can take turns beating them for making us worry."

Bruce smirked. "i created an entirely new breed of creature, made Mice have super healing abilities, and cross bread fourteen different tomatoes into a super fruit." he stated simply with a smirk before he paused. "...admittedly, i do not have a sexy man whore to bend over any surface i want." he admitted with a chuckle. "and i highly doubt Morgana would let me do things like that either." "alright, so they'll send the Cars out first... does that mean we want to risk hiking out tomorrow?" Clint asked nervously. "no. Tony's ribs will make it hard for him to keep up. we'll wait three days as planned, we don't want to aggravate his injuries and make them worse." Steve admitted. "and we need time to acclimate to the weather here." "we'll want to walk in early morning and late evening. it's going to be far too hot to walk during the daytime. we might even be able to walk at night of the moon is bright enough." Bruce mused as he examined the expanse of the Desert.
“Because he was sixteen, and said it was good advertising for them to see Tony Stark eating it on the front page...I’m serious. He probably did it to get rid of Howard for awhile.”She snickered. “I am jarvis. And...Tony made this body because Hawkeye expressed a interest in it...and he is interested in the prosthetics.”Jarvis said simply before smirking. “I know. He truly has no self control.”He snickered a little. “well, I would be if you kept from getting in trouble.”Anna scowled a little as she let the man help her sit down before looking at coulson.”he’s right. I’ve seen the footage you were definitely dead...”she muttered looking confused. “He is.For about a hour.”Jarvis muttered looking anxious. “...I know...he says its a ugly jet and should stop following him around...”Anna muttered shifting, burying her face in the blanket she’d dragged under the bed with her. Because despite her fear of small spaces, the bed was her and tony’s default hiding place if they panicked and didn’t think clearly enough, some part of them remembering that howard had never been able to drag them out from under it. “...No.I’m staying here...and I’m soooo going to beat him.”She muttered, even if she was calmer, she wasn’t going anywhere.

“....I hate you.”Tony twitched a little before smirking. “It’s very true. My man whore is the bestest.”Tony smirked.”Oh!So you do want morgana to do those things.”he snickered a little relaxing. “Then we’ll wait three days, then start walking if they haven’t found us. But I’m sure they will. I mean, I’m tony stark, and Rhodey’s in Tel-Aviv, and there’s going to be a pissed off god looking for me. They’ll look.”He snickered a little as he settled in to wait, and within moments was asleep, to overwrought to stay awake once he stopped moving.

It was two days later Tony smirked as he squinted at the hummer driving closer, stepping out of the cave he headed towards it, holding out a phone as Rhodey got out of the car. “Your phone. Now. This minute.” “Not even a hello?” “Give me the fucking phone Rhodes. There’s a assassin, two assassins over there at the moment willing to indulge me because I’m hurt and need to call home. Give me the fucking phone.”Tony snarled annoyed at his friend’s teasing, relaxing a little as he Rhodes handed him the phone, already dialing home, and hoping, praying loki was up still, and he knew it was selfish, but he wanted to know that he was waiting for him.
Loki looked horribly disgusted as he shook his head. "so, gross." he complained with another shake of his head. "he's washing his mouth out with soap when he gets home." he grumbled with a shake of his head. "Clint Barton is gay?" Coulson asked, more than a little stunned. "...Tony Stark is having sexual relations with Loki? what the hell have i missed?" he asked to no one in particular. even he couldn't miss the look of worry etched into Loki's face when he found out Tony was MIA. "alright, you stay under there..." he paused as the doorbell rang. "that's the Pizza... i think our party just turned into mass comfort central."

"good." Bruce stated with a smirk. "i never said that!" Bruce protested at the comment of Morgana, flushing brightly.

"i wouldn't piss with Tony right now Rhodey." Clint muttered to the Air Force general. "he's upset because he's worried about how Tony and Anna are reacting to things." Steve explained, watching Tony dial the Tower. which was answered by loki. "I don't care who you are or what you want. don't call this number again until after Fury has called telling me if Tony is coming home or not." Loki ordered before hanging up, giving Tony no chance to reply. well... Loki was certainly waiting for him, to the point where he was probobly kipped in front of the phone. two seconds later the phone in Tony's hand rang. "Jarvis says you are an important person and a freind of Tony, have you found him, do you know where he is?! SAY SOMETHING DAMN YOU! Yes Jarvis, i AM aware that breathing is an important part of my life cycle."
“Clint’s sex-flexible. Just consider him and tony in the same category and you wont go insane thinking about it....and yes, he is.And you’ve missed alot.”Anna teased a little.

Rhodey swallowed hard looking them over.”I noticed. So, any of you hurt worse then the demanding diva?”He said nodding his head towards tony, who had taken to running around just in his slacks since it was so hot with the strips of bandages they’d rigged to hold his ribs. “No. Let’s get out of here.”Natasha said looking eagerly at the hummer before climbing in, bullying tony into following even if he wasn’t really paying attention. Looking pleased at the cool air that hit her, the air condition feeling like heaven as they started back towards Tel-Aviv. Tony opened his mouth to speak when loki answered before frowning. “....he hung up on me.”Tony muttered as he looked at the others, looking dumbfounded before picking it up. “....I would say something if you gave me a moment. Breath loki.”Tony ordered.

“Tony?!Tony, is that you?”Anna said her voice holding a edge of frantic demanding, even if she didn’t ask the question seh wanted to, it was there. A need to know they were alright. Glad that Jarvis had been kind enough to put the phone on speaker phone for them. “yea, it’s me. Hold on, I’ll put you guys on speaker phone.”the relieved, pleased smile curled his lips as he slumped back into his seat, flicking a thumb over the speaker phone, though worry still tightened his features, not liking how both of them sounded.
"god... i missed air conditioning." Clint groaned, Steve nodding eagerly. "me too. i didn't have it growing up, but New York was never as hot as this place was." he groaned as he crawled into the Humvee. Clint had to fight back laughter when Tony was hung up on, shaking his head. "TONY!" Loki gasped, sounding so relieved. actually, it almost sounded like he was fighting back tears. "you little bastard when you get home i'm kicking your scrawny ass!" Loki raged before promptly bursting into tears. "Hey Anna! i'll be home soon sweetheart." Steve promised, tone soothing. "no ones hurt bad, and only Tony's hurt and that's just a few broken ribs." he assured her. "we're all fine and we'll be home soon alright?" he promised as Clint leaned forward. "Jarvis? you there? i'll be home too, really soon. make sure to get the lube ready... and would you mind terribly if i took a shower before we had that sex? i reak." "CLINT! Dammit! we're not talking about sex!" "but i promised Jarvis i'd have sex with him! i can't let him think i'm backing out just because Tony blew up the chopper!"

millions of miles away Loki glanced at Anna with a raised eyebrow while River and the other freinds laughed at the byplay. "well... their fine..." Loki grumbled with a sigh. "come on. lets get ready for them. we're going to need food, water, a lot of hot shower room, and a dozen galleons of soap. because Tony is NOT crawling in bed if he stinks as much as i think he does." he didn't care that the speaker was still on and that Tony had heard him.
“Me to. This is like the best amazing invention ever.”Natasha groaned looking amazed. “Hey, don’t go hating on me because I’m beautiful. And you can’t kick my ass. Anna might be able to.” “I will!”Anna said prompting bursting into tears to at the sound of steve’s voice, that frantic heart breaking sobs as she practically climbed into loki’s lap and snuggled him because she couldn’t hold her boys. “O-okay.”Anna sniffled after a few minutes. “Yea, I’m here, but I was being polite and letting the insane two get their babbling out of the way. I, for one, have been sleeping in a bed and not under it, and eating.And no, I don’t mind. I think I’m probably the only one in the tower suited for sex right now. Sorry Tony.”Jarvis said primly. “I didn’t mean to!”Tony whined looking annoyed, though rhodey looked relieved at the bantering. They couldn’t be to bad if they were like this.

“Yes, lots of soap. Tony smells, even when he’s not been eating tuna.” “What?I do not stink!” “You do.”Rhodey responded rolling his eyes.”You’re going to need lots of good smelling soap there Loki.”the general said looking amused. “....I see you didn’t add lube to your list.”Anna teased loki though there was a franticness to it that said she was still upset, even as she moved into the other rooms to get things ready, glad that they didn’t have to use the phone per se, when jarvis could just do a whole house speaker phone to keep talking. Needing a few minutes to just talk to them all, and knowing rhodey-she assumed it was his phone- wouldn’t mind.
"i can SO kick your ass Stark!" Loki stated sternly. "and your not getting sex for like... a month!" he complained, shaking his head a little as he cradled Anna. "now Jarvis, it's not nice to tell people who are within striking distance that they are insane." Clint warned with a grin. "Loki's been sleeping under the bed?" "it's safe under the bed." Loki stated simply. "at least, that's what Anna tells me." Loki admitted with a shrug. "you still did it!" Clint complained. "my favorite jacket was in there you know!" he whined. "and my favorite record." "it's called a CD Steve." "a what?" "oh my god... the little disk that has your music on it? it's called a CD not a record." "oh." "i will make sure to get the strongest scent available... don't they have those little bottles of scented oils in the store? i'll get that and add it tot he soap." Loki decided. "and Tony's not getting any sex until i'm certain he's taken at least two showers, brushed his teeth three times, and has seen a doctor." Loki stated with a sniff. "do you want Pizza, or cheeseburgers?" "just order both." Clint ordered Loki. "Jarvis knows what kind of Pizza and Burgers we all like, he'll handle it." Clint assured Loki who hummed his agreement. "Anna? how are you feeling?" Steve finally asked. "you've been following the Doctor's orders right? you're not supposed to be on your feet yet, you haven't been straining yourself, right?"
“You can not. Well, right now you can, I have broken ribs, and you should be nice to me because of it.’Tony whined though he was glad the two were relaxed enough to actually be joking. “It’s not, but they’re both been insane these two days, and it’s only fair to inform them of it. And no.”Jarvis said simply, which made Tony wince avoiding looking at steve, because he knew what that meant, and it was going to be horrible when they get home. “It is.Best place to hide really.”Tony muttered his shoulders hunched a little before wincing as the move made his ribs ache. “...Sorry. I have pictures of the favorite jacket, I can remake it you know. And The cd to.”Tony huffed a little sighing quietly. “They do. I’ll get the ones tony likes.”Anna promised. “The alcohol scented ones?That would be nice.”Tony chirped a little sounding pleased at the idea before sighing.”Fine...and does seeing bruce count?Cause he’s already looked at my ribs.”Tony said before smiling as he rested his head back against the seat, content to just let the other’s talk. “I’m fine.And I have been.Only getting up to go to the bathroom.”Anna said not about to admit to just how weird she’d been acting in sleeping under his bed, and even as she thought about it, she started digging the blankets and clothes out from under it, setting his room back to normal. “Just come home, okay?I’ll see you when you get here.’Anna said before hanging up on her end, needing a few moments to get herself back together. Knowing they had a few hours until they got back.

“...So, how many of us are glad our rooms are soundproof?I plan to have lots and lots of loud and awesome sex.”Tony grinned tiredly as he pushed a hand through his dark hair as he climbed out of the limo, having gotten back from Tel Aviv in record time, coming in just under 7 hours, and actually brow beating fury into letting them go home before debriefing. “Loki?Anna?”He said as he stepped into the elevator, smirking a little at Jarvis’ words. “Upstairs Tony. Living room.”The AI said smiling a little. “Steve!”Anna scrambled up off the couch as they came into the room, pouncing on her boyfriend in a bear hug, hitting him hard enough to actually knock the super solider back a step. Jarvis by far was more reserved, but their was relief in his features as he looked them over.”So. Tony didn’t lie, you are all fine.”he said looking relieved.
Loki snorted. "i ca always kick your ass Stark, even without magic." Loki informed him. inside he was still deeply shaken by the sudden loss of Tony, and he was still trying to struggle through what he was really feeling. he'd never been one for strong positive emotions, he'd never had a reason to be happy or joyful or to really feel love... though he certainly did love Thor, and Odin it wasn't the same really. "you better remake my favorite jacket! and it better be just the way i like it!" "i'll have Anna make me my record... CD, you'll sneak some nasty music on it if you do it." Steve commented. "...yes, Bruce counts, but i want him to examine you HERE, where there is actual medical equipment... also, i spent about nine thousand dollars. Jarvis said it was ok." Loki stated, sneaking it in just before Anna hung up. actually, Loki hadn't done a thing. Jarvis had overheard Loki and River talking about a place for River to stay and a place where Loki could run his own bakery and had bought a building that was right across the street and had hired a team to remodel the entire place. a bakery on the bottom, and an apartment up top. River, Alec, and Tiffany had their new apartment and Loki had his Bakery, win win.

"are you talking about Sex again!?" Steve demanded, grouchy because he was tired and worried about Anna. "everything is about Sex Cap, you'll get used to it." Steve promised, chuckling when Steve actually growled at him. "Hello handsome!" Clint chirped, grinning at Jarvis. "how are you enjoying the bo...dy..." he stopped and stared as Coulson came out to greet them. he had, of course, been debriefed, and Fury had decided to make Coulson stay with Loki and the others until they could figure out what the hell was going on. Coulson wasn't the only one back from the dead either. Fury had called in earlier, informing them that Obediah Stane was walking around causing problems. they'd solved that tricky little puzzle by simply killing him again. he was too dangerous to let walk around after all.

"Hey ann... uuuuh..." he grunted as she hit him and he wrapped his arms around her. "Anna! i stink, i'm covered in filth." he protested, even as he continued to hold her. "i'm fine, see? not a scratch... let me catch a shower fast and then i'll let you snuggle me for the rest of the week alright?...uhm... isn't he... dead?" "apparently not." Coulson admitted. "it's good to see you all in one piece though. admittedly, i'm not the only one whose been coming back from the dead. we had to re-kill Obediah Stane. and Ivan Vanko as well." Coulson admitted. "granted, it wasn't hard when they didn't have Tony's technology helping them."
“Can not.”Tony scowled a little though he sounded more amused then anything else, before smirking. “I would not. I prefer not getting my ass kicked for messing with your music. And I promise. If I can make jarvis a amazing body, I’m fairly certain I can make a jacket.”Tony rolled his eyes before shrugging. “Okay. You’ll have to tell me about it later.”He said not really worried about the money, settling in to rest.

“I am, but I live on sex and alcohol, and you-you just need laid.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little, equally as grouchy because he was worried to, but his worry came off as grouchy sarcasm, before staring at the dead man in front of him.”....I don’t think Raza’s the only dead man to come back, Clint.”he muttered torn somewhere between relief and annoyance at not getting to kill Stane again, but also glad that he hadn’t had to deal with it.

“Hey.”Anna muttered pressing her face into Steve’s chest ignoring the stink and grime as she snuggled closer, her hands absently searching his chest to make sure he really wasn’t hurt. “Bloody hell....”Tony muttered his shoulders slumping. “Can we table the discussion on dead people till tomorrow? I for one, would like time alone with my boyfriend, and I’m sure our esteemed leader would like to keep anna from beating him up, not to mention jarvis and clint want to break the bed and...”Tony was rambling a bit, nervous about how loki was doing, smiling as he looked at the asgardian. “...Yea. Alone time.”He said simply, tilting his head a little, calming.
Steve snorted. "good, you can be taught then." he mused with a smirk. "i don't need laid, i need you to shut up." Steve grumbled as he shook his head. "i think you're right Tony." Clint admitted, looking more than a little shocked. "...uh... you know... that's... er. three people dead who have had to be re-killed. four in total... i have a bad feeling about this Tony..." Clint admitted, glancing at the other. wondering if Pepper Potts was going to make an appearance... or worse...

Steve chuckled as she snuggled him. "hi." he murmured with a smile as he stroked her hair. "yes, please. let us discuss this in some other time." Loki demanded, practically vibrating with the need to take Tony upstairs and scrub him pink before tossing him on the bed and having an all night fuck fest to reaffirm that he was alive. "come on Jarvis, you can help me shower." Clint decided with a grin as he headed up to his room as River moved over to Natasha, checking her over as well. they'd had great strides in their relationship and to suddenly have her gone... well, that was rather upsetting. he ushered her towards her room as well, intending on helping her shower too. Bruce just sighed, tired as he headed up for his own room as Tiffany flirted with Coulson. she was almost worse than Tony!... Coulson didn't even seam to understand what she was doing...
"...don't say that....I really don't want to think about that."tony whined a little looking shaken at the idea that had just came to him.if it wasn't just the people they defeated,pepper could indeed be making a appearance."tomorrow. I'm going to shower and bed,I suggest we all follow the same plan"tony said offering loki a small smile,vaguely amused at the other's near vibrating,wrapping a arm around his shoulders and heading for his bedroom."I'm sorry....Im so sorry reindeer..."he muttered into loki's hair as he kissed his head heading for the bathroom and stripped down. Though his ribs were a dark purplish color,he was doing well moving and keeping his cool. Steeping into the shower he sihed wuietly relaxing.

Anna smiled as she watched the couples disappear,knowing morgan was waiting for bruce,ande others would be able to take care of the rest,smirking,knowing tony was going to be endlessly curious about clint's sex life when him and the AI came up for air.twisting her head to look up at steve she offered him a small smile."come on...lets get you cleaned up."she said herding her tired super soldier towards his room,hoping he was tired enough to just follow her commands to clean up and rest instead of wondering just how badly she'd freaked if she'd been sleeping under his bed."strip. I want to look you over myself and make sure your not hurt."she ordered looking annoyed,though her annoyance was hiding her worry.
Clint nodded at Tony, swallowing as he wondered what the fallout would be if Pepper suddenly returned. "i agree Tony, we all reek to high heavens!" Clint agreed, trying to get rid of the high level of anxiety clinging in the room. it didn't work and he left with Jarvis to hopefully get laid. "you better be fucking Sorry." Loki growled, gripping Tony's hair and forcing the other man's head back and kissing him hard. "there! that will teach you!" Loki grumbled. "now get your ass int he shower, you stink like hog." he complained, stripping Tony and forcing him into the shower and washed the man himself, looking angry, furious even, but his fingers where gentle and calm. Loki clearly hadn't handled the shock of Tony being probobly dead very well, and was struggling to figure out how to properly react.

Steve smiled at her a little. "yeah... i really like showers." he admitted as he let her manipulate him naked and into the shower, not even seaming to realize he was naked in front of her as he scrubbed himself so hard he was pink by the time he got out. particularly since he scrubbed himself three times and washed his hair twice and was still certain he hadn't gotten all the sand out. he made no protest when Anna examined him head to toe and smiled when she declared him unhurt and he pulled on some clean clothes with a content sigh. Clean clothes where amazing. they really where. "come have a nap with me?" he asked hopefully. "i'm exaughsted..."
“I am.”Tony muttered yelping as his head was yanked back, moaning as he kissed him back, leaning into him. “It does teach me.”He muttered before smiling slightly, moving into the shower. “Fine, fine I’m getting in.”He muttered relaxing at the knowledge that he was at home. Pleased now, before kissing the other as he washed his hair out. “I really am sorry Loki....let’s go to bed, do what we do best...and we can talk in the morning...”he muttered groping the other’s ass before picking him up and heading for bed.

Anna smiled, flushing ever so slightly at the sight of her naked boyfriend, which was only worse since he was so completely unaware of it. “easy there, you’re going to hurt yourself.”she muttered even as she looked him over, humming pleased as she realized that he was unhurt.”Of course. And me to. I’m glad you’re home.”she blushed more shifting into the bed with him, snuggling down to sleep.

The morning found Tony laying in bed, and despite feeling exhausted, and he had slept for a few hours, the man was wide awake and absently stroking loki’s hair, enjoying being home, and in a bed. Laying back into the mattress as he played with blank hair he craned his neck to the side as he felt the other wake, looking down into his face.”....so on a scale of one to ten, one being okay, to ten being worst, just how much of a apology do I owe you all? I am, I know it was bad, but tell me just how bad I fucked up...”he muttered looking anxious to see how the two most important people in his life had handled it.

...Sleep well?”Anna muttered when she realized steve was awake, leaning back half seated on the mattress, working on a starkpad, having started working on a prosthesis while they were gone, simply to keep her mind going and not going insane, glancing down at the super solider using her stomach as a resting place. To pleased to have him home to complain about being used as a teddy bear instead of her using him.
Loki huffed at the other. "don't be an ass." he ordered, looking a little amused now before he nodded. "yes. you owe me at least two rounds of being on top and three of being on bottom." he ordered firmly as he let the other carry him into the bedroom. he looked up at Tony as he woke up and hummed, perfectly content to just lay there. "hmmm, me? about a five." Loki admitted. "after all that sex... a three maybe." he admitted with a smile before he bit his lip. "Anna? i'd say right up there around a nine." he admitted. "she was... it was pretty bad. she wouldn't leave Steve's room, and she had to have his scent all over... she was almost like a wild animal there for a while." he admitted. "in any case, it's not like you did it on purpose... i was close to murdering Fury when i realized just where that fucker had sent you."

Steve smiled a little as he shook his head. "sorry... i still feel grimy." he admitted. "i've never been covered in so much dirt for so long in my entire life. i might have had to take cold baths as a kid, but at least i had them!" he admitted with a shake of his head. " "i'm glad i'm home too." he admitted with a smile. he smiled as eh woke up and gently pressed a kiss to her belly. "morning." he mumbled, chuckling as he realized she was working. "i'm glad your feeling better." he admitted, smiling at her as he watched her. "was it bad?... i'm sorry i was gone for so long without a word. but it's Fury's fault. that bastard never should have made Tony go back there... he was fine until he caught sight of Raza..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i'm going to punch that one eyed idiot the next time i see him."
Tony hummed quietly, pressing a kiss to his hair, before smirking. “So glad lots of sex can make things a little better.”he snickered quietly feeling sore and worn out, but better then he had in days. “...Fucking hell.Damn.”he muttered wincing a little because he hadn’t really thought it’d be that bad. He’d figured bad, but not sliding right off the cliff kind of breaking. “...,The only time I’ve seen her lose it that badly was the first time I was in afghanistan....I guess I’ll have to do something amazing for her...maybe convince steve he needs laid.”Tony snickered a little before smiling. “Yea, I’m sure you were. I was to. But I was doing fine, until I saw Raza, seeing him....sent me right back to when I was there the first time....thankfully the other’s were forgiving once they realized I was okay... Though I think steve’s annoyed with me...well they all are...but I’m fairly certain they’re all more annoyed with Fury for not at least giving me the option of going or not.” Not that he would have sat it out, but it would have been nice to know where exactly he’d gone.

Anna swallowed, shivering as his lips brushed her stomach through the thin cotton of her t-shirt. “Morning. And I’m fine.”Anna said smiling a little as she sat the tablet aside, shifting to lay down next to him on her side, face to face, just content to be with him. “It wasn’t....it was okay. I mean...it was bad but not horrible.”Oh if there ever was a lie, but she wasn’t about to admit she’d slept under his bed, in a pile of his clothes and blankets, at least not if she didn’t have him. “No he shouldn’t have. Fury’s stupid.You should. And tell tony, he’ll record it so he can watch you punching him over and over”she muttered snickering a little before leaning in to kiss him gently, shifting closer, just needing to be as close as she could be. “How are you?I mean, I know you’re phyiscally okay, but....how are you?”She sadi looking worried.
Loki snorted a little. "sex can fix anything." he stated with a grin. "yeah, she was pretty bad, but i was able to get her to eat and drink and everything else." he admitted. "i even got her out from under the bed a few times, once for a shower." he admitted. "so i think she was better than she would have been if she'd been alone." he admitted before he snorted. "Steve's not going to have sex with her when she's that injured. she's still got pretty bad holes in her you know." he pointed out with a shake of his head. "take her on a shopping spree, that should help." he admitted with a grin. "i'm pretty sure they all understand." Loki promised. "Fury's probobly going to suffer once Anna get's her strength back. she's going to be the one the most angry with him once she calms down." he admitted with a smirk as he straddled the other, his fingers gently tracing the bruised ribs. "looks painful... are you sure you're alright?"

he smiled as she laid down next to him, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to her lips. "it wasn't okay. Tony did tell me a little bit... about what Howard did to you." he admitted, stroking her hair. "i'm going to have Tony work on something new." he admitted. "i think one of those chip things should be implanted in me, so that no matter where i am, you can always know if i'm alive and where i am." he decided with a smile. "maybe it could even record my Vitals so you can know right away if i'm going to need your medical attention... what do you think?" he asked curiously. "oh, i'll only punch him the once, i'll eave the rest of his punishment to you and Loki. you two will certainly make him suffer appropriately." he admitted with a smile. "i'm fine. i'm used to things like that. i was more worried about you and Loki." he admitted, shaking his head. "worried about Tony too for that matter. he was pretty manic there for a bit.
“It can. I’m glad someone else shares my opinion.”he snickered a little before looking a little relieved at that. “Well good. At least steve wont worry to badly about her not eating or anything.”he muttered before smirking. “I dunno, anna’s fairly convincing when she wants to be. And she’s healing well.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “It would. I’ll take her shopping for something appropriately scandalous to steve.”he snickered before sighing quietly, “She will most definitely be the one most pissed.”He said before wincing, closing his eyes as he rested his hands on loki’s hips, rocking up into him a little. “...I’m fine. As you could see after a night of twisting me up like a pretzel.”he teased a little.

Steve sighed quietly closing her eyes, simply to enjoy the touch. “....Oh. Well....yes, it was bad.horrible.”she muttered biting her lip a little as she tried to relax. Before blinking slowly, looking startled before nodding. “That would be good.”She said looking him over, smiling.”I’ll ask him. He’ll probably be working on one for himself anyways.”She shifted, snuggling into him, before smiling. “We will.It will do him good to know he’s upset people.”She muttered before wincing, “No doubt. He’ll probably go down to the lab to work for awhile until we drag him out.He’ll be manic until he gets a handle on things...”She said smiling slightly resting her head on his chest, closing her eyes as she thought. Because despite the reassurance, she was starting to worry, and her overactive mind gnawed over the problem like a dog with a bone.... And knowing she needed to talk to tony, maybe the other genius could help her sort her head out...but she had no idea how to talk to him without steve getting suspicious....sighing quietly, she relaxed, knowing she’d get time to talk to tony later.
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