Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Steve snickered a little. "your just jealous that i have more experience than you now." he teased. "besides. Tony's more stunned that i, the good, noble boyscout was in a whore house. he doesn't seam to realize that i was a virgin when i finally slept with Anna. which made the concept of Tony being my son very hard to digest, i have to tell you." he admitted with a shake of his head. "...so... we just need to get Thor, hide Loki and kill the guy... easy peasy..." but he didn't sound so sure.

Loki shuddered. "i'm not safe. i'm never safe." he muttered softly as he looked up at Tony. "i'm trying. trying so hard but he's CALLING for me Tony." he whispered, tears misting his eyes. "he's calling and it's such a sweet, sweet sound and i'm so afraid..." he whispered, shuddering against tony as he tightened his grip. "please don't leave me..."
"No.that can't be it. Poor innocent steve rogers can't be more experienced then me."bucky snickered a little though shaking his head raising a eyebrow."...I don't know what disturbs me more.you stayed a virgin or tony's your son.he looks like howard.though I can see you in him if I look."bucky teased. "Don't worry its disturbing my best friend is also my stepson....so weird."anna smiled before growing serioud."thor should be back soon."she muttered not looking so sure it'd be easy but wanting the god to hurry up.

"You are safe.I'll make you safe."tony groeled possessively not about to let the man go now that he had him."I'm not going anywhere.and neither are you. You're mine remember.and I share with no one,especially not insane power hungry alien.nope not happening."
Steve snickered. "oh but i assure you, i am." he teased with a smile as he shook his head. "i didn't have many a chance to have sex while i was fighting a war Bucky. and i WAS frozen, not exactly a chance for sex there either." he admitted with a shrug. "yeah, he does look a bit like Howard, i wonder how the bastard managed that one?" he muttered, head cocked to the side. "he's technically not your Stepson yet." he pointed out, looking highly amused.

Loki nodded, he didn't seam to honestly beleive the other, but he nodded and relaxed a little. he knew though, that before the week was out, he would be under Thanatos's call once again. he could only hope to keep himself from doing something he couldn't live with. like hurting Tony or Anna... or any of the people he now loved. that would be the first thing Thanatos tried though, to punish Loki. "...Tony?...i love you." Loki whispered.
“I know, but it’s still weird.”Bucky made a face before smiling a little watching them. “...I dunno.Bruce is the science guy for genes if you want to know.”She muttered before flushing a little, “True. But it wont stop him from making the jokes.Cause you know, there’s so many incest jokes for him to make now.”She said before sighing. “I’m going to bed. Enjoy your night you two.”She smiled getting up to leave the two friends alone before heading for her own room, seeking to deal with her own emotional minefield in private instead of figuring out what was going on with her head. Just wanting privacy for awhile.

Tony scowled a little into loki’s hair, knowing he wasn’t being believed, but desperate to hold onto him. Shifting his hold he sighed quietly, closing his eyes as he snuggled against the man. “I love you to, loki. And even...even if you fall to him, I’m not letting you go. I’ll come after you.”He promised nuzzling him a little.
Steve chuckled. "it is." he agreed. "but. then again. having a dead pepper pots, and then a dead you suddenly showing up is pretty damn weird too so... welcome to the Avengers!" Steve chirped sheepishly before he scowled at Anna. "don't give him IDEAS." he complained in dismay. "honestly!" he smiled and gave her a kiss. "sleep well. i'll be up to check up on you in an hour." he assured her. they had to wake her up every hour now, to make sure she would wake up. she could go right back to sleep, but he was still a touch paranoid.

Loki did relax completely this time, under the knowladge that Tony would save him if he fell, took away a lot of the stress. made resisting the call easier. "thank you." he whispered. "thank you..." and he let himself fall asleep... even though he knew... he was certain, he wasn't going to wake up as himself. but he was so tired. too tired. he would resist, for Tony, always for Tony. but the all was growing ever sweeter, and ever stronger.
“Well...yes. I would see that as a weird life.”Bucky smirked a little, his smile widening. “I don’t need help coming up with ideas to make fun of you with.”The man snickered. “I’ll see you then.”Anna smiled tiredly, watching them for a moment before leaving.

“You’re welcome.”Tony muttered smiling quietly as he snuggled in to sleep.

Tony blew out a frustrated breath as he flipped up the helmet, glaring at the warehouse. “I swear to god, Barnes, if I step in one more rat infested warehouse in the next day, I’m going to kill you.”Tony scowled starting to rget to the end of his rope, running on fumes. “It’s not my fault we’re trying to find a stupid alien, stupid thing. This is where I woke up. He must have moved.”Bucky’s scowl was just as dark as he punted one of the rats across the warehouse as it tried to bite him. “Cap?”He yelled looking around for the blond smiling slightly. Because despite everything, he was enjoying being back with his best friend.

“Loki?You awake?”Anna smiled a little as she slipped into tony’s room, squinting a little in the low light. Having promised tony to keep a eye on the man, she was starting to worry more then she had been before. As his friend, watching him slip away scared her, as his doctor it terrified her to see a patient starting to look this bad. And in the process of focusing on loki, she was ignoring her own hurting heart and torn apart feelings, because she didn't want to face them yet. For the moment, she was working on taking care of loki.
Steve rolled his eyes as Tony complained, again. Bruce shook his head as he looked around, eyes canning the empty space for any hint of a clue and he grimaced as he found one. "yeah... this is the place." he called, pointing. there was a massive bloodstain on the floor. "Alchemy." he explained, examining the massive circle on the floor, drawn in blood. "this is how he's been returning Souls to life. a mix of Alchemy, necromancy and sorcery." Bruce muttered, having been studying all of Loki's books obsessively. he wished he could consult the God... but he was a little lost at the moment.

Loki was laying in bed, as he usually was, his emerald eyes dull as he struggled with himself against the sweet Call. he was holding out shockingly well, especially since Clint, who had only gotten a secondary dose the first time around, was almost as bad as he was. Loki refused to drink, and refused to eat, only an I.V in his arm kept him alive and, for the most part, healthy. he wasn't starving to death at any rate, and he never tried to yank it out. he was gaunt, and didn't seam to recognize anyone, and three times he had just gotten up, and tried to walk out of the tower. he was stopped each time, but it was very troubling. he turned to look at her, blinking his pretty eyes before he reached for her. one of his rare moments of lucidity. "A..nna...?"
“Damn. Fucking hell. HE couldn’t just do us a favor and be here?”Tony scowled even as he moved over to look at the clue, frowning at the bloodstain, shivering a little. “No matter how much I’m enjoying having some of the dead around...and torturing my father.... This is beyond creepy.”Tony growled staring down before sighing. “We should get out of here. I mean...if he doesn’t know we’re here. He might return to use the site, and I can set Jarvis to watching it.”he muttered looking anxious about both his boyfriend and friend, feeling both clint and loki slipping away.

Anna looked pale and shaken, nodding quietly as she sat down on the edge of the bed, gently stroking his hair.”Yea, it’s me sweetheart.”She muttered before shifting, laying down next to him, gently cuddling the man as he reached out for her. “How are you feeling?Is there anything I can do better?”she asked, taking advantage of his semi-lucidity to find out if she could help him more.
Bruce shrugged. "bad guys are never so nice." he pointed out with a small smile. "by the way.. we really should let Howard out before he starves to death." he pointed out. "he won't be much fun to torture if he starves to death prematurely." he pointed out. "we might be able to get an energy reading off of him and the other dead too, see if we can't find something to track back to... Him?" he asked curiously. "he won't be back." Steve stated with a sigh. "they cleaned their tracks, including fingerprints." he pointed out. "they won't be back here."

he smiled a little, leaning into her hand. "Th..irsty..." he muttered, trying to talk through his parched throat. the IV did a lot of things, but it did not sooth a dry throat. he gulped down three glasses of water, though he needed help, too weak from fighting to manage to sit up, or hold the glass of water on his own. "Scared." Loki whispered, leaning against her, seeking comfort. "want Tony..." downstairs, Clint had torn out Jarvis's 'intestines' all metal wires, and had crawled out a window and was escaping. it wouldn't really hurt Jarvis, but his 'body' had 'died', leaving him forced to return to the house Mainframe, giving clint the few minutes he needed to make his way out until he was beyond tracking.
“I have hope that someday, one will be.”Tony said before sulking a little before nodding. “Fine.I’ll feed him when we get home.”He sulked before looking interested, tilting his head.”Now that...is a interesting idea-”He stopped, pausing. Tilting his head as he heard Jarvis. “Fuck. Clint’s gone.Get back to the tower, check the other’s. I’m going to see if I can catch up to Barton.”Tony scowled behind the faceplate, looking extremely annoyed as he took off after the assassin, only to return home within a hour, looking disappointed and frustrated as he stripped out of the suit. Shaking his head when the other’s looked at him.”No luck.”He said quietly, feeling like a failure for not catching up, already heading for his bedroom, needing to check in with Loki, needing to make sure he was okay, that loki wasn’t gone to.

“Here.I got you.”Anna muttered helping loki drink before shifting, letting him rest his head on her chest, gently stroking his hair.”I know. Me to.I’m scared to sweetheart...and he’s coming home.He’ll be here soon.”She muttered,”J?” “Sir has just arrived home. I will send him in as soon as he is free.”
Bruce chuckled a little. "run of the mill bad guys do that. cops deal with small fries like that. unfortunately, we have to handle the actually smart bad guys." he pointed out with a shake of his head and a sigh before he went tense. "Clint's gone!?" he demanded before he turned and raced Steve for the door. "it's alright tony. Clint is a master assassin, and a spy. he probobly dropped off the radar before you even realized he was missing. i doubt even Natasha could have found him by the time we had word." Steve assured Tony.

"thank you." he muttered as she helped him to drink, closing his eyes. "we lost Clint." he whispered. "HE has him now..." he muttered, shuddering at the thought of following Clint, very soon. "i don't have much longer." Loki whispered. "make him hurry." he muttered before closing his eyes, conserving his strength as much as possible. honestly, Loki was lucky his Magic was bound, or he would have been lost to Thanatos' thrall as soon as he'd called.
“I know...but I should have been faster.”Tony looked upset before offering a sigh. Heading for his bedroom. “Loki?”Tony muttered as he stepped into his room, slipping itno bed as Anna moved away, easily taking her spot, nodding quietly as she whispered to him.”I heard you anted me, beautiful?”He muttered gently stroking his hair, trying not to sound as anxious as he was.

Anna smiled tiredly as she walked out of the bedroom, looking up at her boyfriend with a tired smile, walking into his arms, hugging him.”Loki’s...loki’s’ slipping away.”She said sounding anxious and scared, and so very worried about what was goign to happen. The anxiety and strain showing even more as the anxiety just made her think of her other problems, the ones she was avoiding, and without a answer to them, or how to help loki, she was being pushed over the edge.
Steve shook his head. "there would have been no stopping Clint anyway. he would have been gunning to kill,a nd you wouldn't have. he is a good asset, HE won't hurt Clint." Steve assured Tony. "we'll get him back as soon as he slaughter Him." he assured Tony, watching the other leave wit a sigh. "Tony..." Loki muttered, reaching out for his boyfriend. "want a kiss." he whispered, trying to tug the other down. but he was too tired. he knew as soon as he stopped fighting, there would be no more pain, no more exhaustion. "i can't last much longer Tony." Loki warned, resting against the other. "i love you." he muttered, nuzzling the other before, he finally could not take it any longer, and gave in, his green eyes glowing blue as he straightened a little before collapsing. still too exaughsted to leave yet. if Tony acted fast, they could strap Loki down or place a tracer on him or something useful.

Steve shuddered and nodded. "i know... there's nothing we can do. god i feel horrible..." he whispered, holding his arm out to her. "come sit with me... you look exaughsted." he admitted, looking incredibly worried about her. "do you want to go lay down and take a nap?"
Tony sighed quietly, kissing him slowly, looking amused and worried.”I always am willing to give in to demands of kisses.”he muttered before flinching, holding him close.”I love you to. Don’t forget, I’m coming after you.”He said quietly, wincing as the other collapsed, eyes widening as he looked at him before scrambling to his feet, looking around the room before grinning, snagging the pair of handcuffs on his floor-thank god he was kinky- snapping it on loki’s wrist. Knowing it wouldn’t hold him long, but at least it’d last long enough for him to find something traceable on the man. Sliding a starkphone, one of the avengers comm, a few other traceable things, not about to not have backup plans for the man.”I love you.”He whispered as he undid the handcuffs, pressing a kiss to his forehead, closing his eyes as he waited to see if he really would recover enough to get up.

“I know. It hurts to not be able to see, and watching him slip away....Tony’s going insane.”She muttered shaking her head, smiling a little as he held her, closing her eyes, slumping into him. “Okay.”She muttered letting him pull her close, content to just be with him, before bristling a little. “No, I’m fine.Tired, but I’m okay. If I sleep now I wont get any sleep tonight.”She said smiling a little, not about to admit she just wanted to sleep, but knew she couldn’t. And about to admit missing sex, cause well, she’d been avoiding it for the last few days, and she was feeling weird and out of sorts and sex had been her way of connecting, or letting all her shields down to let him close. The fact she was actually avoiding it without really trying to disguise the fact she was avoiding sex, was just worrying. Cause like tony, it was a way of connecting, of showing she wanted her lover as close as he could get, to allow him to touch her heart.
Loki smiled as he shared one last kiss. "Don't let me go." Loki whispered. he was under the Thrall, but still fighting as Tony managed to handcuff him, immidiatly yanking at the reinforced handcuffs laced with leather. they had used those cuffs often actually, Loki loved them. he didn't seam to be paying attention to what Tony was doing as he struggled to free himself, snarling in rage as he turned hate filled eyes on Tony. "i despise you." Loki hissed in response to the i love you and kiss to the forehead. but the tears gathering in Loki's eyes told Tony he wasn't all gone just yet, and he loved him too. he reared back, backhanding Tony hard before he raced out the door, strength regained thanks to His magic and His will. he breezed past the others, unseen thanks to the little bit of magic he could access while under His Thrall. Steve and Anna never even saw him.

"it does suck." Steve agreed softly, shuddering. "i think we're all going insane..." he admitted softly before he shook his head. "you are not fine... take a nap, if you can't sleep tonight i'll just stay up with you." he promised. "Anna? please... i'm worried about you..." Steve whispered before pausing and looking around, certain he'd seen a flicker of something... nope, nothing there. "we can't help anyone if you're dead on your feet Anna... please..."
“I wont.”Tony growled watching him, wincing as the other fought against him, looking vaguely amused that the man was more concerned about getting free then the fact that he was putting alot of traceable things on him. Hopefully it’d pass anyone’s notice. “Yea, well I’m kinda a hatable kind of guy. Just deal with it.”Tony said wincing a little as he saw the tears, collapsing as he was backhanded, passing out from the sheer force of it. It would give loki time to get out for sure before he had to worry about being followed.

“No.I’m fine. Really.”Anna scowled at him looking annoyed before huffing out a sigh.”Fine. I’ll go lay down.Alone. Cause I don’t want to be demanding or annoying or going on and on and keep you up when you could be with bucky or doing something important, like you know, not having sex.Ever. Cause that would totally be epic, to never have sex or hear complaining or-”the words drifted out of the hallway as she walked for her bedroom, the tail end of her conversation with ‘steve’- which pretty much was her just rambling to herself, and not really talking to him anymore. She really did need rest, even if what was making her anxious and rambling like tony was more to do with steve, then lack of sleep. Like tony, she rambled when she was upset.
Loki just snarled wordlessly at Tony's quip and he hit the man just for being a mouthy bastard.

Steve frowned a little. "what's that supposed to mean!? why are you angry at me this time!?" he demanded, following her. knowing he should just let her go sleep, but he was tired too, and cranky, upset and worried and he wanted to have a fight. "oh, for the love of... don't tell me you're jealous!?" he demanded. "Bucky is my freind Anna! i'm not going to have sex with him! is that why you've been ignoring me!? you think i'm going to cheat on you!?" he demanded, outraged that she could think such a thing. it didn't take long for them to dissolve into just outright screaming at each other, stunning the hell out of most of the Avengers. after all, it was Steve! Steve who hadn't even yelled at Tony! Steve who got into fights sure, but never turned red in the face and screamed at someone. and Anna was the same way! oh she'd yelled before of course, but never like this! "...what do we do?" Bruce asked Morgana, looking incredably anxious.
“Nothing!And I’m angry cause you’re hovering!”Anna yelled, before the two quickly devolved into arguing over bucky and anything that came out of her mouth. Helpless to stop the anger escaping. “I...I don’t know. How long have they been like this?” “Nearly twenty minutes.”Bucky said as he stepped out of the kitchen, two buckets of water in his hands, handing one to Tony, raising a eyebrow at the bruise darkening his cheek even as tony took the bucket. “Later. Let’s deal with this first.”Tony said hefting his bucket before throwing the ice cold water on them both, raising a eyebrow as the two turned to glare at him. “Now. You two are going to go talk to morgana-” “We are?” “Yes. Because loki’s gone and I don’t need you two at each other’s throat while I need steve to have his head in the game. So clear up whatever this is, while I go figure out where Loki’s going.”
Steve wasn't even aware there where other people in the vicinity he was so angry. why he was angry, he didn't know, but he was. Bruce sighed as he stepped out of the way, glancing at Morgana, faintly amused that the two most level headed people in the tower where screaming at each other like children. he gasped as he felt the ice cold water hit him and he turned to glare at Tony and Bucky, still very angry. "...Loki's gone?" Steve asked, suddenly subdued and feeling horrifically guilty about getting into a screaming match with the woman he loved when the world was collapsing around them. "i'm sorry Tony." he muttered, setting ha hand over his face, struggling to regain his composure. "anna?...i'm sorry. i shouldn't have said those things... they aren't true." he'd called her a hormonal bitch who couldn't decide what the hell she wanted' at one point.
Morgana offered bruce a equally faintly amused smile, because it was about time the two most level headed people let go. While she didn’t really like them just screaming it out, she wasn’t surprised that it had come to this. They were just bottling things up, it had been bound to explode. “He is.And it’s okay. Well no it’s not, but you are going to talk about whatever this is, cause I know you didn’t mean any of what you screamed at her, and she didn’t mean any of hers either. Well, at least not most of it. She might have been serious about never having sex again.”Tony said looking thoughtful. “I wasn’t.”Anna said sounding subdued and quiet, hurt still in her features, even if she knew he hadn’t meant it, it had still hurt. “Come on you two, we’re going to go in the living room, and you’re going to talk.”Morgana said hustling the two towards the living room, even as Bucky followed Tony down to the lab. He might not be able to help with any of the tech, but he could keep tony company.

“Now. What happened?”Morgana said watching anna pace around the space in front of the couch, trying to figure out what was going on. Because while she’d expected it to happen sooner or later, she had no idea why it was happening now. “He did.Well. The 1940s did.”Anna muttered sounding anxious and worked up, the skin around her eyes tight as she tried to think, tried to get out what had upset her enough. “It’s not my fault sex wasn’t talked about!”She blurted after a moment, flushed and embarassed, looking so very anxious about talking about it.
Bruce smiled back, a little glad that they had let go now, instead of in the middle of a battle or something. "... Tony?...don't make me hurt you." Steve demanded, glaring at the man before he sighed and followed Morgana, shaking his head. not sure he could explain what happened. he wasn't sure, she'd said something and then he'd said something and then he was angry and... just... "i happened?" Steve asked, looking confused. "i don't understa..." he paused, blinking at her and then. "that's what this is about!? what you said during your concussion!?" he demanded, looking horrified. "Anna no! i wasn't upset about that at all! we're not in the 1940's! of COURSE i don't care if you talk about sex! yes it's embarrassing, but i'm getting used to it!" he promised her. "and Bucky's opinion doesn't matter anyway!" he assured her.
Morgana’s mouth fell open a little, looking startled. Having not thought that would be the answer, swallowing hard before sneaking out of the room, just wanting them to talk, and figuring it would be better for them to talk alone. Anna flushed brighter at his words before staring at the floor, shrugging a little. “And...and you said...I was never ending...I mean...I didn’t mean to force you to have sex if you didn’t want to...It’s just...fun. I don’t mean to make you feel bad,I just...I like sex. Always have, even if I had more control then tony when it came to having it.”She tugged at the bottom of her shirt, her shoulders slouched, looking so upset and confused, maybe she’d misunderstood?She had had a concussion after all. And he had been talking to bucky....maybe she'd misunderstood a joke?
Steve reached out and took her arms. "i was trying to tease you. i'm so sorry! i love that we have sex every night." he admitted, blushing hard. "and more than that sometimes. it makes me feel so close to you, connected..." he admitted. "i like sex too..." he admitted, blushing hard. "and i know that you and Tony need the close physical affection... when you stopped... i thought, maybe..." he looked deeply ashamed of himself. "i thought you didn't want me anymore." he whispered softly. "i thought i did something wrong during sex, or said something wrong and that was why you didn't... wouldn't..." he sighed and shook his head. "this is all my fault, i'm so sorry..."
“Oh.Well.”Anna flushed burying her face against his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist. Cuddling against him, closing her eyes. “Apparently being concussed doesn’t let me think clearly.”She muttered, using it as a excuse because she knew even unhurt and if she’d not been really paying attention, she probably would have misunderstood his words anyways. No matter how good she was at talking, or how intelligent she was, she was constantly failing at figuring out what other’s meant, the fact that she loved Steve, made her even more blind to things. “No, I want you.And you can’t do wrong with sex, I mean, have you looked at yourself recently.”She teased nuzzling her face against his chest, sighing softly. “I’m sorry to....I shouldn’t have gotten upset without saying anything.”She muttered before swallowing hard, “...You better go see to tony now. I mean...we’re okay, right?Tony needs help finding loki.”he muttered stepping back from the mood, needing time to find her bearings again now that she understood what he’d meant.
he smiled a little and shook his head. "i suspect not." he admitted with a smile. "we're going to have to work on our communication skills." he muttered with a small sigh and a shake of his head. "i think... next time... if we're upset about something, we should tell the other right away." he decided. "then, we can talk about it... instead of me letting you piss me off and both of us dissolving into a screaming match." he flushed hard. "god, even tony's never done that. i'be never been more ashamed of myself in my life!" he admitted with a shake of his head. "well... that's true i guess..." he muttered, flushing hard. "but... well you where my first and... i'm still uncomfortable doing a lot of the things you like... it's hard for me to hit a woman, even if she enjoys it..." spanking wasn't exactly hitting, but Steve wasn't the kind of guy to really see a difference. "i thought maybe you where mad because i wouldn't do what you wanted me to..." he admitted, sounding quite sheepish. "...uhm. i don't think i can actually help..." he admitted, shaking his head. "but you need a nap. you're exaughsted... and i am too." he admitted, shaking his head. "and i think i need to talk to Morgana a bit more..." he admitted. "she says i have a guilt complex... i don't know what that means but i'm supposed to talk to her when i feel guilty about something so... will you be alright for a while on your own?" he knew she needed space and was trying to give it to her... but wasn't willing to leave her until he was sure she was going to be alright.
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