Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Tony shifted his houlder, drawing him closer, before wincing a little. “No, I’m sorry loki.”he muttered stroking his back, pressing a kiss to his head. “Because,....because you were under the thrall loki. It’s worse because you know he made you beg.”he muttered looking anxious about him before nodding. “Yea.Hold on.”He said stepping out of the shower and drying him off before sighing. Setting loki down on the counter he stripped out of his own clothes and drying them both off before pulling on some spare clothes. “You want our private room, cause we’re still down on the med floor, with anna and steve...”He said looking up at loki, letting him decide.

“I did. Tony traq’d me after that.”she muttered blushing and wincing, shaking her head. “No, beautiful.Extremely so. Makes me glad you weren’t wake to see the warrior woman.”she teased finishing his bath before heading to get the box. Opening it she looked in, gently pulling it out, her hands going even more gentle as she realized it was his mother’s. “It’s beautiful.”She muttered before opening it, eyes widening as she saw the ring, nearly dropping it when she saw it. “I...I...Yes.”She stuttered, for once so unhinged at the sight of ring. Tears filling her eyes, the emotions of the last week and right this moment crashing into her. Sliding on the ring on she leaned down to kiss him lightly.”Yes.”She muttered before leaning back, biting her lip. Wanting nothing more then to climb in the bed and cuddle up against him, wanting held but not wanting to hurt him.
Loki shook his head. "you don't need to be sorry." he whispered. "you never have to be sorry... you're my reason for life you know." he whispered, kissing the other's temple. he silently let the other dry him off and smiled as he saw a naked Tony. he felt the desire to have his lover, but there was no real lust. there probobly wouldn't be for some time. "yeah... private room..." he whispered. "i... i can't face..." he was scared Steve and Anna would be mad at him, would hate him for what he did. he slipped silently through the room, wrapped in his massive fluffy towel, unnoticed by the two newly engaged.

"he drugged you? i'll punch him for that when i can sit up." he promised with a smile before he scoffed. "as if anything in the nine realms could compare to your beauty. even a sunset cannot compare." he stated with a smile. he was such a romantic sap. "it's been in the family for a while, the Box anyway." he admitted with a smile. "the Ring was new." he admitted with a smile before he beamed at her and kissed her deeply, watching Loki flee the room followed by Tony. "come sleep with me." he ordered softly. "so long as you don't lay on me, it will be fine." he promised, kissing her again. "i love you."
Tony slumped a little as tony kissed his temple, closing his eyes. “I know...I love you.”he muttered looking amused when he saw the other watching him, “If you’re going to watch me strip, I’ll put on a show or something.”He teased a little before sighing.”You know they’re not angry with you, you know.But we’ll give them privacy for now. Anna’s still upset. Emotional anna is liable to hit me for something stupid.”Tony grumbled pretending it was his own fear of his best friend to leave them alone, instead of loki unable to face them. Smiling as he headed for his own bedroom, gathering some food on the way. “You need to eat, loki, then get some sleep.”He muttered as he settled into the bed with the other.

“He did.And go ahead.”Anna snickered at getting tony in trouble before flushing brightly, “Such a sap.”She teased before looking at the box in her hand, blushing more. “They’re both beautiful.”She muttered before kissing him back, turning her head to watch the other two leave before huffing a sigh, knowing they needed time, and not about to tell them they were engaged when the two were falling apart. Looking nervous before nodding. “Okay....well. Okay.I guess.”She said looking a little worried before climbing in next to him, kissing him back. “I love you to.”She muttered laying down, gently laying her head on his shoulder, curling up against his side, ever so gentle in touching him, as if she was afraid of breaking her super soldier.
Loki smiled as he heard those wonderful words before he chuckled at the others flippancy. it was normal, it was nice. "i will always desire you." he admitted with a smile. "i'm just finding it hard to be aroused at the moment." he admitted with a sigh before he grimaced. "i'm sure they are..." he admitted with a shrug. "but... i'll worry about it later." he decided, grinning as Tony made excuses. it was nice that Tony was trying to make him feel better, but he knew the truth. he was a coward... but he was also so very tired. he'd deal with the backlash of his actions when he woke up.

he smiled a little and nodded. "i am." he agreed with a smile. "My mother had great taste. someday, when we have children, the ring will probobly go to our eldest son. it's a ritual. Mother would have gotten married using gran's ring, but we had to sell it to buy food." he admitted. "...poor Loki." Steve muttered with a sigh. "i can't imagine the pain he's in right now..." he admitted as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. "i'm not made of glass you know." he admitted with a smile. "besides, even if i was in agony, the pain would be nothing compared to the joy of having you close." he assured her. "now. go to sleep. your exaughsted and i'm not much better." he admitted with a sigh, closing his eyes and luxuriating in having hsi Fiance close.
“Hm, me to. But I can still totally give you a show.”Tony snickered a little before nodding.”Fine. Just remind me to have a video camera if you go try and be nice to her while she’s still emotional. She tried to injure a valkyrie. I don’t want to deal with her now.”He snickered a little being his ridculous self simply because it made loki smile.

“Well, I hope that’s going to be a little while. We’re going to have enough problems with Tony’s kid.”She muttered shuddering at the thought, but quietly pleased he’d already been thinking about them having kids. “I know....and we’re going to make it worse.”She muttered not looking forward to it. “...You are such a romantic sap.”She grumbled but settled closer to him, pleased to be close, and drifting to sleep.

A day later tony smiled a little as he leaned his head back to look at clint as he came into the room, looking just as worried about his friend.”you okay?”He muttered absently stroking loki’s hair, having convinced him into the public living room because anna and bruce had wanted to talk to him, but he wasn’t leaving loki alone, which meant he was going to be asking clint to stay with him.”Hey. You okay with staying with Loki?I have to go talk to bruce and anna, and they told me to come alone....I think they’re going to do medical things to me. I wonder if I can convince Steve to yell at her, and leave me alone...”he looked thoughtful though teasing, his eyes serious as he looked at the archer. Looking seriously concerned for both the man in his arms and one of his really good friends. Wondering how clint was doing.
Loki chuckled a little before he grimaced at the idea of Anna being emotional, snorting at Tony. that was hilarious, Tony being afraid of such a Tiny woman.

"...good point..." if it was even Tony's kid... who knew. and with Loki being the 'Matra'... who knew what genetics the baby would have. "i am a romantic." he agreed with a chuckle as he let himself drift to sleep.

Clint looked up at him, blinking a little as Loki nodded. "i'm alright." he muttered, well aware that tony knew that was a lie Loki had woken several times last night, screaming. nightmares where clinging to him, dreaming about killing his freinds, dreaming about being raped, dreaming about a world under Thanatos' rule. he was tired, timid, and all around not the Loki they all knew and loved. "yeah, i can stay with him." Clint agreed. "i hope you don't have to get probed." Clint teased, smirking. remembering a story Tony had told once about Anna giving him a prostate exam. "i doubt it. Steve would simply veiw it as being for your own good anyway." he admitted with a grin as he watched Loki settle into a chair, curling up in it as he usually did. like he was a giant cat, and pulled out a book to read. "go on tony." Loki suggested. "the sooner your finished getting poked, prodded, and probed the sooner i can go back to bed." Loki teased, though his tone was a little flat, he was doing much better.

Bruce was barely able to sit still he was so nervous, holding a cup of hot tea in trembling hands. "...god, Anna... how are we going to TEL him!?" he demanded softly, watching for Tony. "Thor got us some books about Jotun pregnancy, so at least we'll know what we're getting into... but... i'm worried about how they're going to handle this..."
“Hm, okay.”Tony muttered kissing loki’s head, letting the lie go because he had no idea how to help that. Wincing a little at clint’s words he made a face. “That was scarring. But at least I’m not the only one who has a exam, birdboy. You have your own physical to go to as soon as her and Jarvis corner you.”He pointed out smirking a little before moving away from loki, “Fine, fine I’m going.”he grumbled as he headed downstairs. Glad to see loki at least teasing, even if it fell a little flat.

“....You need to go somewhere else? I can do this on my own.”She said looking worried about him before sighing. “They’ll handle it how Tony always handles things. He’ll help loki with whatever feelings he feels, and help with the pregnancy and shove down what he’s feeling until it explodes in his face....remind me to remind Loki tony’s not allowed taking drugs anymore. And jarvis.We don’t need him losing himself like that....alcohol, bad, but its better then drugs.”She muttered knowing tony’s coping mechanism of seeking oblivion was going to come out, and that they had to at least keep him from the drugs.

“You two wanted to talk?”Tony said as he knocked on the glass of the lab door before stepping inside.
Loki smiled a little as he was kissed. "hah! it was hilarious hearing about it though. besides, i've already had my physical. it's a requirement for Shield." he admitted simply. "had it two months ago." he admitted simply. "good. go away, you're distracting me from my studies." he ordered with a smile.

"no. i'm just... worried." he admitted, running his hand through his hair. "i have control." he assured her, misunderstanding her concern. "Loki can control Tony." he admitted with a smile. "and Pot won't be too bad." he pointed out. "so long as he doesn't go stronger i think it will be fine." he admitted before looking up at Tony, swallowing thickly and closing his eyes. "your going to want to sit down Tony." he warned. "i don't... really know how to tell you this..." he admitted before he decided to be technical about it. Tony wouldn't react well to 'overly emotional gushing'. "as you might be aware, Loki can, and has, been pregnant." he admitted. "his system throws out pregnancy hormones three days or so, after conception..." he studied tony intently. "on the day he woke up i took blood samples... Loki is pregnant." he explained softly. "and due to the nature of his body... we can't tell if it's your baby, or... His..." he explained softly. "Loki's going to react very badly to this of course... but there is a very high chance that the child is, indeed yours." he admitted. "we wanted to tell you first, so you could break the news to Loki as gently as possible."
“Okay.As long as your sure.”Anna said tilting her head, willing to let him misunderstand she’d worried about his control, and not about how tony was going to hate them both. If he was pissed at her, she could deal with that. But tehre should be at least one doctor he could talk to, but well...they were here. They could do this. “Are you going to tell me anna’s pregnant, cause I’m so not ready to be a sibling. I like being a only child mom.”Tony said even as he sat down, deflecting, sensing that whatever they were going to say, he wasn’t going to hear. “Yea. He told me.”Tony frowned a little frowning, and it was a reflection of how out of it he was, that he didn’t immediately pick up where this was going. “....”Tony stared at them, wincing as anna’s hand caught his, barely realizing that he’d been reaching to turn on his bracelets. “No. You don’t get to destroy things. You are going to come to the gym with me, and you can beat up that reinforced punching bag you have for steve, but you don’t get to destroy my lab.”She said moving the out of sorts and pissed billionaire towards the door before turning a little towards bruce. “Will you let Loki know that I’m kidnapping Tony for awhile, and steve that it’s going to be a bit before I’m back?Give me a hour, then come find us.”She asked before disappearing downstairs to the gym with the pissed and upset billionaire.

When Bruce came down to find them, both anna and tony were laying on the floor, panting. It was obvious they'd put the boxing ring to good use, thank god anna had been sparring with steve, otherwise she would have never been up to keeping up with tony as he worked out the stress and emotions. The two panting, bleeding a little, but it was obvious that he was also calmer. "What...what do I do?"He muttered tilting his head back to look up at bruce.
he nodded. "very sure." he assured her before shaking his head. "no. Steve's much too careful for an accidental pregnancy. when Anna has babies it will be because she wants them." he admitted with a weak chuckle at the terrible jokes. "..." he watched Anna take Tony and 'distracted' him. "i'll inform him." he promised, heading off to tell Loki that the 'doctors things' was being delayed because Tony was being a baby, which amused Loki to no end. "...let me patch you up." he decided with a sigh. "first, you have to make a decision. if it's not yours, can you bring yourself to keep it? He was evil, but the baby is not." he warned. "then, once you decide that, you have to keep Loki from doing something stupid. Loki will kill himself if he tries to terminate the baby himself. you will have to talk him calm, make him understand that it could be your baby. if you both don't want it, you MUST bring him to ME. if you or him try to terminate the fetus, you run a very high risk of killing Loki in the process. the baby WILL protect itself. if you both decide you want to keep it, then i will need to run medical scans right away. Loki will only have about three months of pregnancy." h warned. "he will get very large, and very grouchy, very quickly." Bruce had been reading those pregnancy books. "other than that. the decision on whether to terminate, keep, or put the baby up for adoption can only be up to you and Loki. once you both have decided, you need to tell me so i can take the proper steps." Bruce admitted, watching Tony. "it might take you several days to reach a decision. that's perfectly fine. so long as you decide within the week, or else the Fetus will be too old to terminate."
“....I...I don’t know....”Tony said staring down at the floor even as he let bruce look him over, and while he had a split lip, it wasn’t so bad. “Tony, you have time. Talk to loki, let him decide. You have a big heart, don’t worry about fucking up as a father, can you accept the child if its not yours?Figure that out. Then talk to loki.”Anna said shifting, gently stroking tony’s hair out of his face. “...okay. I cna do that.”Tony said still looking shaken before pushing to his feet. “I’ll talk to loki.”he muttered looking worried even as he headed back to the penthouse. “loki?You awake?”Tony called as he walked inside, looking worried and distracted, his head whirling with to many thoughts.

Anna huffed a sigh looking at bruce.”Damn. Well...I guess thats as good as we can expect right now...though you might send Morgana up to talk to them later...”She said looking worried, before smiling.”I’m going to go talk to Steve. Call if you need anything.”She said before leaving, needing her own comfort. Because no matter what was decided, she knew the decision was going to tear tony apart, and she needed steve’s steadyfast belief that everything could be okay to find herself steady again.
Bruce watched the other intently, looking more than a little worried about the 'man of iron'. "that's right. you have all of us to help if you decide you want to keep it. and if you want to adopt, we can make sure it goes into a very loving home." he promised. "you don't have to do this alone." he promised. "you have a big family now Tony, and we'll help you in any way we can." he promised. "do you want us to go with you?" he asked, even if he knew tony was going to say no. "yeah, i'll go warn her now." he promised, heading off to the other room to warn the others of what was happening.

"Yeah Tony! i'm here." Loki called, still all curled up on a chair and reading. Clint took one look at Tony's face and knew he had to skedaddle. he just headed off to find out what was going on and to see if Jarvis's body was functioning again. he wanted to get laid. "...Tony? what is it? what's wrong?" Loki demanded, looking worried as he too noticed the look on the others face. "Tony?"
“I know.”Tony muttered looking down at the floor before frowning.”No.I’ll do it on my own.”He said before walking out. Tony twitched a little as Clint fled, making a face. “Loki, calm down.”He muttered looking worried at the other, moving to climb up into the chair with him, curling up with him, shifting till loki was sleeping in his lap.”There’s something you need to know. And before that, you have to know that no matter what you decide, I’m with you, okay?””He pressed a kiss to his head.”You’re pregnant Loki. While there’s a chance that it’s,....his.....there’s a chance it’s mine to.”He said quietly.

"Loki's pregnant."Anna said smiling slightly as Clint walked into their room, amused that Jarvis had come down in person to check on steve, when the AI could have just as simply used the computers to look.And knew that Clint would show up sooner rather then later to find jarvis after tony kicked him out. And if anything, they were all gathering, talking, seeking support because all of them knew just how devastating this new problem was going to do on two people as emotionally screwy as tony and loki
"oh my god, you have cancer, or aids, or some other horrible human killing disease!" Loki gasped, panicked. "we'll get my Mother! she can fix you! i am a Prince! i will DEMAND it...." he paused as Tony told him to calm down and he blinked at the other. silent for the moment as he snuggled into the other, looking concerned. "...Tony?" he was frightened now. "Tony what are you...." he froze, stock stiff in Tony's arms. "...let me go." Loki demanded, words calm but voice hysterical. "Let e GO! i have to get it out! I HAVE TO GET IT OUT!!!!" he screamed, struggling to get free of Tony's arms so he could reach for his stomach and gouge the filthy beasts spawn out of his stomach. too panicked to realize that it could be Tony's baby, too shocked to understand that he would kill himself if he tried such a thing, screaming and struggling against Tony, begging and pleading for the 'filthy monster' to be removed before finally collapsing and sobbing into Tony's chest, trembling violently as he wept himself to sleep. it was an expected reaction, but no less heart hurting.

"...oh, my, god..." Clint gasped, stunned beyond belief. "do... do we know who...." "no... it could be either Tony's or... His..." Bruce admitted, sipping at a tumbler of vodka to try and sooth his nerves. soon the others joined them, Tiffany had curled up in Bucky's lap and was weeping on him, River was stiff as a board and no doubt trying to understand how this could have happened to his cub. Alec was whispering into empty air, speaking to Hela, who was spreading the word to Thor and Frigga, who soon appeared as well to join them in the worry for Loki. "Loki will not terminate the child." Frigga admitted suddenly, her voice a sigh. "he values life far too much. and once he calms down he will understand that a child cannot be born evil. Thanatos' baby will not be Evil unless it is raised to be. give it love and care, and it will grow up good and well." she explained to the assembled group. "and if it is Tony's baby, even if there is a chance, Loki will kill anyone who dares try to harm it." she admitted, accepting the glass of whiskey someone had handed to her. "Loki just has to calm down first."
"What?no I'm not sick."tony frowned refusing to look at the warm part of his chest that warmed at the thought of loki being more worried about him thrn himself."no! Loki!no!"tony growled catching his arms pining him before slumping as he did.his heart breaking to see him like this.muttering sweet nothings as the other cried, watching over him as he slept,his mind a million thouhts a minute as he waited to see what loki would do when he woke.

"No...and its horrible.I can't give them any comfort because until we get the child here..."anna sipped her own drink looking shaken herself,cuddling against steve's side,eeking comfort in knowing he was there."well.tonys smart enough to give him the higher odds of it being his child then...the others....so we just have to wait.."anna groaned a little."I hate waiting."she muttered twisting her engagement ring arounf her finger absently, they hadn't told anyone yet since it seemed wrong to be happy when thia was going on,but just feeling the ring gave her comfort.
Loki relaxed at the promise that Tony wasn't sick. he sobbed into the others chest wildly, terrified and hurting in his heart.

"there are ways to tell how old a Fetus is." Frigga admitted softly. "i can do the test as soon as he is calm enough for my magic to work with his. where i to attempt it while he is panicked or upset, he might accidentally launch me out a window." she admitted softly. "the chances of it being Tony's child are indeed very high." she admitted. "he has not yet started morning sickness, which means at maximum, the fetus had to have been conceived within the last two weeks." she admitted. "Thanatos had one day, Tony has had weeks." she admitted, watching Anna. no one else had noticed the ring save Natasha, but both assassin and Goddess knew now was not the time to spread the news.

it was several hours before Loki was awake, and calm enough to rationalize. "i won't kill it." he finally whispered. "i can't. no matter who the father is, it's only an innocent little baby. babies can't be born evil..." Loki admitted. "i can't kill it Tony... please don't ask me too..."
“Good. We’ll just hope he’s calm.”Anna smirked a little at that, “And tony being tony, there was alot of sex in there.”Anna snickered a little because she knew tony was totally incapble of keeping his hands off loki.

“Okay.”Tony said simply, tiredly as he stirred from where he was laying back against the headboard, offering the man a tired smile as he shifted to look at him.”Besides. I’ve had so much more sex with you then he ever did. Jarvis did the math. Given how many times we’ve had sex, and how long you were with, there’s a more then 56% chance it’s mine.”He mtutered, resorting to math and engineering like he always did when he was upset and trying to not worry.
Loki smiled, relaxing. "if it's not yours... we can give it up for adoption." he whispered. "if you don't want to keep it i mean." he admitted, nuzzling him a little. "i'll only be pregnant for about three months." he admitted. "and i have been through this before, i know what to expect and whats going to happen." he promised, looking up at Tony. "if... if you.. don't mind though... i'd... i'd like to keep it." he whispered. "i know there's a chance that it's father was... Him... but... but it's also half Me, and...." he buried his face in the others neck. "i know you might not want anything to do with a child that isn't yours but... i don't know if i can just give it up..." he whispered.
“No we can’t.”Tony frowned a little before huffing out a sigh.”No. We can’t. I can’t. Loki...”He bit his lip looking anxious at the idea, sighing as he held him. “I saw what being taken in by my father did to Anna...and even if the adoptive parents seem okay, I mean Howard appeared amazing if you didn’t know him, they can still screw up a child...and even if it’s not mine, I mean, I’d rather trust myself and you, and anna and steve, and clint...and jarvis....and the rest with a child rather leaving it up to chance. I mean, I know I’m a fuckup, but you, and Steve and Anna more then make up for me being apart of this child’s life, no matter who’s its biological father...”he babbled sounding a little anxious, wanting to make sure loki knew that he was okay with keeping it. He was totally going to freak out later about being a dad, but that was just his problems, not the child’s father or anything, he was just so sure he’d be howard.
Loki sagged into Tony's arms, so relieved that he could cry. "Gods, Tony... thank you." he breathed, sniffling. "i.. was... so... sure...you'd." he clung to the other, struggling to get himself under control as he clung desperately to Tony, just needing the comfort. "you'll make a wonderful father." Loki tried to reassure the other after a moment. "you're not a fuck up tony." he stated firmly as he slowly stood up and straightened himself out. "come on... let's go to the Doctor." he ordered. "he'll want to look me over." Loki admitted, wiping his eyes. "and i want a hug from my mother and brother." he admitted, his smile trembling, but there. "come on. you have to be there. if you're going to be the Pater you need to see what your in for." he admitted with a smile.

twenty minutes later Bruce was staring at the screen in shock, the machine pressed to Loki's belly simply had to be malfunctioning. there was NO way... "Anna?.... do you, er... see what i see?" "what?! what do you see!?" Loki demanded, suddenly looking worried. "...it's nothing. it's just a glitch... let me get the other machine." he demanded, turning the one off and wheeling the other over, pressing it to Loki's belly as well before gaping. "okay... it wasn't a glitch... your... er... having quadruplets..." "...i'm sorry?" "...two sets of twins..." "...this is YOUR fault!" Loki complained, pointing at Steve who blanched. "MY fault!? why is it MY Fault!?" "you gave Tony super sperm!" "let me see." Frigga demanded, looking like she wanted to laugh, gently placing her hands on Loki's belly. "oh my..." she breathed, looking stunned. "oh that's... how strange..." "what?!" "...two of the Fetus are several days older than the other two." "...what?!" "...you where already pregnant when..." "...oh..." "yes.. it looks like He tried to terminate the first set of Twins so you would carry His offspring instead. he failed though, instead he simply created a 'second womb' of sorts. you're literally carrying two sets of twins." "..." Loki just sighed. really, he'd given birth to a wolf and a snake... this was not that surprising considering it was him.
Tony startled a little as the other cried, brushing his hair. “Shush, it’s okay.”he muttered before wrinkling his nose. “I’m so glad you have more faith then I know I deserve, reindeer.”he grumbled rolling his eyes but letting the argument on his fuck up-ness go for the moment before nodding. “Let’s go then.”he said smiling.

“I...yea.”Anna stared looking out of sorts, tilting her head as she watched it, before wincing a little. “Bloody hell.”she muttered before turning to look at tony, reaching out and catching tony as he swayed on his feet. “Steve, this does mean you are a grandfather now. I think you need to marry grandmom, i really don’t want to explain to my kids why they’re grandparents are living in sin.” “....Tony. Shut up.”Anna ordered rolling her eyes knowing tony was acting out because he was freaking out. “....I’d wonder about this. But this isn’t really the weirdest thing you’ve given birth to.We’ll be okay.”Tony muttered nudging loki, teasing him just a little to make him smile
he nodded a little. "i will always have faith in you." he whispered, kissing him gently. Loki looked a little concerned when Tony swayed and his lip twitched at the joke as Steve rolled his eyes. "oh for fucks sake Tony!" Steve complained, making Loki laugh in delight at Steve cursing. "...it really isn't." Loki agreed with a chuckle as he prodded his belly. "i've never carried more than one at a time before though." he admitted, his head tilted. "yes, the symptoms are going to be a bit worse because of the extra hormones." "..." Loki had been horrible after the first month. he'd been more of a banshee than anything else. while pregnant he'd taken on three Valkyrie and won because they had the indecency to comment on how big his belly was getting. "...Tony? i apologize in advance." Loki finally muttered with a sigh. "this... is going to be horrible." Loki grumbled as he shook his head. "so... i'm hungry." Loki decided. "do we have any sardines?" "...gross..."
Tony’s eyes went comically wide. “I just made captain america curse!That was epic. Anna, did you hear that?” “He curses alot. During sex. Now shush.”Anna said totally sounding serious before making her friend sit down. “This shall be very interesting, brother.”Thor said offering him a sympathic smile. “Hm/Well...okay.”Tony muttered looking a little shell shocked. Before raising a eyebrow. “...okay. Gross food it is. Come on.”Tony smiled settling easily into taking care of loki. He could do that, totally.

A few weeks later Anna grinned happily, pleased as she kissed steve hard, smirking. “Bruce cleared you for getting out of bed. I know, I know, it was longer then necessary, but you’re allowed getting here.”She smiled grinning at him, pleased. And most of all, by taking care of him, she’d managed to avoid the hormonal loki.

“Loki?”Tony said as he stepped out of the shower, rubbing a towel over his hair, having taken a quick shower just to get clean before laying down, after a night spent in the lab as loki slept-having only been doing work when loki was deeply asleep so loki didn’t have to be alone- the man was running on coffee and even less sleep then normal.
Steve rolled his eyes and tossed Loki a wink. the God was practically dead he was laughing so hard. "oh shut up thor." Loki complained, scowling at his brother. "go and get me a Frigget." he demanded. the purple fruit was so sweet that usually only children could eat them. it was like rolling a bag of skittles into a ball, stuffed them inside of a few dozen rolls of Air-heads Taffy, and topped it with a glazed sugar coating. it was disgusting to most asgaurdians, who ate very little sugar in the first place, but Loki always craved it when he was pregnant.

Steve looked so excited at finally being able to leave his bead that he tried to jump out and ended up on the floor. "....ooooooowwwwww....." he was still hurt of course, but much less so, and he was able to regain his feet quite quickly. "i can have sex again!" he declared. "woohoo!!!!" he grinned at her and pulled her into a kiss. "and i can eat breakfast with a hormonal Loki! i've heard it's an experience." boy was it ever.

"Shut up! Go away.... what are you standing there for! get your ass over here!" Loki demanded. "look at me! i'm FAT!" Loki wailed, glaring at himself in the full body mirror that had been conjured. "this is half your fault Tony Stark and i demand you tell me i'm beautiful and you better mean it!" Loki demanded, stamping his dainty little foot before he sulked at the other. "your not afraid of me anymore. go get Clint, he cringes properly still." yep, that was Loki, he wanted people to fear him, that was never going to change. "Tony?... i want to go to Asgaurd for a few days." Loki admitted. "Mother said that Father wants to bless the babies, but the Allfather can't come down here..." Loki admitted. well, that was very nice. over the last few weeks Loki had almost completely recovered, and had even gotten over the whole 'i'm adopted and no one loves me' thing he'd had going on. he now saw Odin as a Father again, and Frigga was referred to as Mother... Loki still refused to claim Thor as his brother of course, but Thor knew it was just because Loki loved to irritate him.
Anna yelped startled as he fell, so startled she didn’t catch him before smiling, looking pleased as he got up. Raising a eyebrow.”....did you seriously ask Bruce if you were cleared for sex?”She teased leaning in to kiss him, hands resting against his chest. “It’s something. Which is why no one-and by no one, I mean tony and Loki- don’t know we’re engaged yet. I was so not having the hormonal one freak out on me or something. Or have tony freak out...definitely not something to enjoy...”She muttered smiling up at him, shifting, nudging herself under his arm, content to snuggle him as they walked, a arm around his waist as they headed for the kitchen.

“...”Tony sighed softly as he finished drying his hair, before smiling. “I always mean it, you know. You are beautiful, amazing. Much better then anna, no matter what she says. And you definitely look younger then your kids grandparents.”Tony hummed refusing to be scared before smiling. “Come on. We’re going to go get breakfast, Clint should be awake by now. And steve’s up and out of bed according to Jarvis.”He smiled before looking unsure, tilting his head, “...are you sure that’s a good idea?”He said cause while he knew rationally that loki’s family had accepted him and was happy, it still made him uncomfortable to consider that odin was the one who’d binded his magic away. And that this caused so much pain to them all, and that this was just a little uncomfortable for him to consider loki going to asgard.
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