Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“Silence is sometimes nice. I wish for silence most of the time.”Tony muttered looking around himself, at a loss to offer what comfort he could, because he knew there was no help for loki, not when the man so clearly despised everything. Glancing at loki he quirked a eyebrow. “Only if untreated, and I own a medical company. I can get the medicine to fix myself.”Tony responded to the idea of getting salmonella, before smirking a little, the lust darkening his eyes for a moment as he considered loki at his mercy. No matter what he said, he wasn’t able to deny that he found the man attractive. Eyes widening at the idea of the chitauri torturing him, opening his mouth to ask about that, digging his heels in as he was flung out of the door, barely having time to get his hands up to brace before he hit the wall opposite of the door, before twisting to glare at the door. Very annoyed at being manhandled as he pulled out his phone, glaring hard at the phone even as he read the text. Huffing out a sigh he tried to decide if he was really just going to leave it there, before growling, “Loki. I still want that damned plant. Bring it to the cafe tomorrow, I’ll get it there.”he said, letting the man know that he wasn’t going to leave him alone, even if he wasn’t sure what compelled him to seek loki’s company, he was going to follow the desire....at least until it had run its course. Looking unsurely at the door he wasn’t sure if loki had heard him before he left the house, knowing better then skip dinner, no matter how much clint joked about it, he had enough issues as it was, without the avengers crawling over him for skipping dinner.

“So, does showing up make clint stop making bad jokes?”Tony asked as he walked into the Italian resturant, having stopped long enough to change into better jeans and a button down shirt, looking more like himself then he had in a few months, smiling slightly as he walked into the private dining room. “No, never. He’ll keep it up until someone hits him.”Natasha said looking amused as she watched the billionaire, like steve, she was starting to suspect something was wrong as she watched him pause at the sight of pepper waiting for him. Trouble in paradise? “Hey tony.”Pepper smiled happily, looking up at the man as he sat down next to her, kissing his cheek lightly.
Loki snorted. "my entire life is silence." he grumbled. and it was true. once River left at six, there was no one to talk to for Loki save Tiffany. and he felt bad enough about calling her in the middle of the night babbling about nightmares as it was. "well... i could kill you by paper-cut." Loki mused before he realized he had said too much and forced the other out. he heard the order, but said nothing, closing his eyes. he had been... pleased, to have someone to talk to and now... well, he would suffer in silence and he would give no one the honor of breaking him. Loki wasn't going to die and he sure as hell wasn't going to kill himself. he was going to make a life on this god fucked up planet and he would have his moments of happiness just to piss of the people who thought to punish him. he sighed, relieved when Tony finally left and he could be alone for a while.

"i do not make bad jokes!" he complained, Thor laughing. "Clint is very amusing!" Thor agreed. "Friend Tony! it is good to see you!" he declared happily. "Steve has informed me of your interaction with my Brother! he seams to think that Loki is up to something." everyone rolled their eyes at that as Steve grumbled. "he IS up to something..." "even if he is. Loki can do very little. he is constantly being watched by Shield, and he hasn't even enough magic to do the simplest tasks. all he can do now is talk to animals." Thor stated with a snort. "perhaps he will free all the animals in the Zoo and they will take command of the world for him?" "He could be!" Steve complained, Thor snickering. "Loki hates animals save for snakes, fish, and the occasional Doe." Thor stated with a roll of his eyes. "he is not up to anything Friend Steve." Thor promised. "what is Raviolis?" Thor asked curiously, examining his menu with his head cocked to the side. "Tony? are you alright? you look a little pale..." Clint muttered as he examined the man.
“It’s good to see you to, thor.How are you?”Tony said smiling slightly at the over enthusiastic asgardian, before looking at clint. “He isn’t. Except making a wicked cup of coffee.”Tony mused. Natasha stared at the man laughing quietly. “Tony,give up. You’ll never convince him loki’s not up to something.”Natasha said before laughing at the idea of the zoo. “I don’t think he’ll be doing that. Fish don’t make very good threatening creatures.”The assassin said smiling a little. “Raviolis are pasta pockets filled with either cheese or meat.”Tony answered looking at the asgardian before tilting his head at clint, “Fine. Just waiting to get yelled at.”Tony muttered as he looked over the menu, looking like his usual sulking self when they dragged him out. He wasn’t opposed to being social, but he’d started to hate it after aftghanistan, and even if he pretended to enjoy it well, but it grated on his nerves. Put in with the most recent problem of pepper dying, the man was skating on spiraling totally out of control. “For what?”Pepper glanced at her boyfriend, the AI so lifelike that she wasn’t aware that she wasn’t real, programmed to forget, to pretend to be really pepper potts. Oh yes, tony had outdone himself. “Well, I spent the day screwing around instead of getting work done.” Pepper studied the man, raising a eyebrow. “Do you mean, literally screwing around?” “no.”Tony sputtered a little. “It’s fine then.”Pepper said having calmed down from the phone call earlier. Natasha frowned watching the two of them, glancing at clint and raising a eyebrow.
"i am well Friend Tony!" Thor stated happily. how was it that Loki, who hated humans, could speak better 'earthling' than Thor could? honestly. "Peace has finally been restored to the nine realms!" he admitted, nodding sagely. "Loki makes Coffee? how delightful, Loki always did enjoy making weird things." Thor admitted with a smile. "i am glad that he has settled into place here. i was a bit worried..." he admitted with a grimace before he looked curiously at the interaction's with the group. Clint glanced at Natasha, looking just as worried as she as. Pepper was acting... weird, and so was Tony.

"Excuse me sirs.." a man stated suddenly, looking rather worried. "a young man asked me to give this to Mister Stark..." a young waiter admitted, looking more than a little traumatized. "he was very insistent that i give it to you now and give you this note as well." he handed Tony a potted plant.. THE potted plant. the half dead one from Loki's room. tucked just inside the pot was a note with very fancy handwriting. "Do not come here again. leave Loki Alone, you've done enough damage. R" well if that wasn't just annoying. "whose that from?" Steve asked suspiciously, trying to catch a glance at the note. "Tony you're acting... weird, are you sure you're alright? maybe you're sick?" Steve asked, worried. "come on. we'll take the food to Go and go eat at the tower." Steve decided, wondering if maybe it was all the people in the restaurant that was making Tony twitchy.
Tony smiled slightly at thor’s words, amused at the thought that the man who hated humans, could speak better then the brother who loved them. “Good. Peace is good.”He muttered amused at thor’s sagely look before nodding. “He makes coffee well enough I cant complain about it.”he mused before shrugging. Natasha shifted tilting her head towards clint muttering. “Trouble in paradise?”she muttered watching the couple, wondering if they were having a fight, at least that would be a explanation to tony’s weird mood.

Tony looked startled at the apperance of the waiter, glancing up as he rested his chin in his hand. “Hm?”He said looking thoughtful before frowning at the plant in the waiter’s hand, taking the note. Scowling darkly at the note, he crunched it up in his hand before half tossing the plant towards steve. “Save that thing. I’ll just kill it if it’s left with me.”he grumbled before nodding. “I’m fine, okay?Seriously, can’t you all just leave me alone.”he growled working himself into a fine temper before taking a deep breath, knowing he was in a foul mood because he’d gone to long between fixes, and the thing with loki was bothering him, wondering if he’d done some real damage. “Get the food to go. I’ll meet you back at the tower. I have to go pick up my car.”He said leaving without waiting for a answer, or offering a explanation on the plant before he did so. Even as he did it, he knew he was making a mistake, but if loki didn’t want to see him again, he could damn well tell him to fuck off himself, and not send river to do it in a stupid note. Growling the whole way to loki’s house he barely parked the car before he was out of it, knocking on the door. “Reindeer, open the door.”he growled.
Thor beamed a little. "Peace is good!" he agreed. "it's got to be..." Clint agreed softly. "i'm sure Pepper's been acting really weird for a while now... not as weird as Tony has been but... weird..." he admitted snorting as Steve caught the plant, looking astonished as he examined the thing. "oh... this is easy. you just gave it too much sun." Steve stated simply, blinking at Tony. "where in the blazes did you get a plant anyway?" he asked before everyone fell silent as Tony had his little temper tantrum. "...i think we need to invest in a psychiatrist..." Steve finally decided. "something is really, really wrong." he stated, looking at Pepper, his eyes filled with deep worry.

when he got to the apartment, it was filled with the sounds of things smashing and it was River who opened the door, his face as stoic as ever, but his eyes fixed with a look of rage... and Worry. "what the hell are you doing here!? i told you to stay away from Loki!" he snarled before ducking, and yanking Tony's head down with him, a cup, or mug, or something glass ailing over their heads to smash into pieces. "Loki was doing great! he hadn't had an Episode in MONTHS and then YOU show up and he starts getting nervous Again!" River snarled. "it took me MONTHS to get him to stop flinching anytime i so much as looked at him and now he's gone into another flashback! so just LEAVE!" River demanded before whipping his head around, gasping. "Loki NO!" he demanded, moving into the room where Loki was about to smash apart something with a wooden spoon. Loki whipped around, fast as lightening, and struck River hard across the face with the spoon. River didn't even flinch. he just let his head swing with the strike and then turned and looked at Loki, who looked as if it was a mortal insult that River was unaffected because he swung again, striking River on the other side, the spoon shattering, blood springing into existence as the broken spoon cut into his skin. again, River didn't even Twitch and Loki roared and swung the spoon down, like it was a Knife that he intended on burying into River's chest. River didn't give him the chance, he grabbed Loki, and restrained him in two skinny arms, pinning Loki's back to his own chest, he simply stood there as Loki screamed and raged and kicked. helpless, and unable to do anything. "Stark! if you're going to be here, then be useful!" River finally demanded. "Make a Pot of Coffee for me and find the Whiskey in the fridge. and get me the Cigarettes there on the table."
“Tony’s always been weird. And tony screwing everything that moves has gotten out of hand...might explain why pepper’s being weird.”Natasha muttered back, looking amused as steve caught the plant. “Good. Then get the fucking thing in shade or something.You heard the waiter, someone dropped it off for me.”Tony growled at steve looking vaguely annoyed as he left. Pepper nodded as she watched tony leave, her eyes dark and worried, biting her lip.”I think we should...and he has been like this for months....I try to talk to him, and he just turns me away...he doesn’t even stay in bed with me anymore...”Pepper said before her eyes widened at the admittance, having not meant to say it, but it had upset her more then anything else could.

Tony frowned, “If he doesn’t want me near him, he has better ways of telling me to get the fuck away from him, then sending you to tell me to stay away.”Tony growled looking fairly annoyed with being yelled at before ducking with river, wincing as the glass hit the wall, before glaring at river. “No shit he has a flashback, being around him gives me some to!”He growled really, really pissed......though under all that was worry. And damned if he didn’t hate that he was actually worrying about the other man. Already moving when river yelled at him he moved into the kitchen, gathering the things river asked for before walking back in, the bottle of whiskey under one arm, a cup of coffee in his hand, and the cigarettes in other. “I have tranquilizers in the car, if it would help to drug him.”he said looking vaguely thoughtful as he considered the restrained god in from of him.
Clint nodded. "could be." he agreed softly. "...Tony?" Steve asked, looking worried. "who?" he sighed as Tony left, shaking his head. "i wonder if the thing with Killian screwed with him more than we thought it did?" Steve mused as he gently set a hand on Peppers, trying to comfort her. "i'm sure it will be alright. we just... have to find a way to help him, that's all."

River snorted. "if you really think that Loki sent me to tell you to piss off, then you don't know him very well." River grumbled. "Loki's going to be rather pissed at me once he figures out that i tried to chase you away." he admitted with a sigh. "i'm going to have another black eye... he always hits me there." he grumbled before he narrowed his eyes at Tony. "yes, but you don't try to kill yourself or others during YOUR Flashbacks." River pointed out with a shake of his head. "stick the Coffee under Loki's nose. careful not to spill it on him or he'll bitch for hours. the smell calms him a little bit." River explained. "and god no. i tried drugging him once. the guy went completely ape shit. like... totally insane. he thought he could fly, he ran around the apartment flapping his wings, yelling about how SMALL the people where. they looked like ants!" River snorted. "definitely no tranquilizers. especially since we ended up having to take three people to the hospital because Loki thought he was an eagle and dive bombed them. i'm lucky they didn't press charges. but i lied and told them he was an old Vet just back from the war. they where pretty compassionate after that." he admitted, watching as Loki slowly calmed down, going limp in River's arms. "Loki doesn't know i know of course." River admitted as he picked Loki up and gently settled the now limp as a rag doll god onto the couch. "i was in Manhattan that day." River admitted with a shake of his head. "i used to cross paths with Loki all the time, for two months." River admitted as he sat down and poured two tumblers of Whiskey and shoved the Coffee and one of the tumblers over to Tony. "he was skinny, and filthy, and it wasn't until i caught him digging in the trash bins behind the Club i work at, that i realized he was homeless... on the streets of New York no less... he was lucky some punk kid hadn't tried to gut him." River shook his head. "i cleaned him up, called in a favor, and got him a job at the Blue Moon Cafe... but he kept having these... awful flashbacks. sometimes he'd be violent, screaming and raging at people who weren't there..." River shuddered. "and sometimes he'd just... go still. limp and blank with dead eyes... i hate those..." River admitted, unloading because he seamed to realize Tony wasn't going to leave. "it's like he's dead, his body just hasn't realized it."
Pepper looked up at steve, nodding quietly. “I think it might have.”She said sounding unsure if they would indeed be able to help tony.

“Ah, well, I know him well enough to want to toss him out my window.”Tony grumbled though there was no heat to it, just a vague worry, talking because he was tony stark, and he had no idea when to shut up, and he talked when he was nervous. “How do you know? I live by myself for a reason, river.”Tony said sounding annoyed that anyone would dare make a assumption about him without bothering to think it through before smirking a little as he held the glass of coffee up. “He bitches no matter what.”He pointed out before wincing. “Okay, no drugs.”Well, at least not for loki. Though the sight of the god coming so undone was making tony twitch for his own fix even more, as if loki’s memories were making him think of his own. “....I think I’m sorta sorry I wasn’t in New York now....it wouldn’t have been overly pleasant, but he could have stayed in the tower...”he muttered because while he wasn’t sure he could have stood it, he would have at least allowed loki to live there....there was enough floors to keep away from each other if they didn’t want to see each other. Listening to the other unload he sighed quietly “I know the feeling. Come on. Sit him down on the couch, he’s going to be bitchy as it is without him waking up with you holding him up.”Tony muttered before pausing,glancing towards the bathroom. “Be right back.”he said darting for the bathroom after setting the coffee down, the sounds of him moving around in there sounding like he was goign to the bathroom instead of doing what he was actually doing. Sighing as the drugs hit his system he pulled his shirt sleeve down again to hide the track marks before looking at himself in the mirror, wondering what in the hell he was doing here, when it was obvious he was just messing up someone else’s life....Sighing quietly as his body calmed and stopped twitching he flushed the toliet, pretended to wash his hands before walking back into the living room, settling down on the couch, nodding towards the pack of cigarettes.”Can I have one of those?”
River snorted. "everyone wants to throw Loki out the window. besides, if your flashbacks resulted in such violence, you'd already be dead." River stated simply. "or in a psych ward." River pointed out. "not to mention it would be splashed all over the news. big stuff, Iron Man going mad." River commented simply. "it's not like i haven't noticed your... activities." he pointed out. "you're on the brink of a complete psychotic break, but you're not there yet." he pointed out. "he is very good at bitching isn't he?" River asked, sounding amused. "Loki would never have trusted you enough to accept your help." River admitted with a sigh. "the only reason why he trusted me was because he had no other choice. he was too weak to fight me by the time i finally took him home." River admitted. "once i started feeding him... well, he was kind of like a wild dog i guess. he still flinched, but he stuck around for the food." River shrugged. "he didn't like it much when i started calling him 'puppy'." River admitted, face breaking into a wicked little grin. "that was the first time he ever punched me... crawled into a corner stammering apologies after, but he still hit me." which had been a very good breakthrough. sort of. Loki had, in a sense, defended himself. "wouldn't be the first time he woke up in such a condition." River admitted with a snort. he listened to Tony making sounds in the bathroom, his nose twitching. he knew that smell all too well. Tony Stark was worse than he'd thought.

"Go ahead." River offered, pushing the pack over to Tony. "...i'm sorry." River finally said. "i shouldn't have sent you that note. i was just upset because Loki was freaking out." River admitted as he picked up his Whiskey and reached behind him for the fridge, pulling out the milk he poured the half full tumbler until it was half whiskey half milk. well that explained Loki's comment on River drinking nasty things. the man pulled out his cigarette and took a drink of the Whiskey with a sigh as he rubbed the bleeding side of his face. there where two large bruises, and a long gash that seamed to have stopped bleeding. "at least he didn't break my bone this time." river grumbled. "the last time he hit me with that damn spoon he broke my jaw." River admitted. "would you mind staying here? with Loki for an hour or so? i have to go tell Alec and Tiffany that Loki's not going to be to work for a few days." he admitted with a sigh. "which is going to take forever because Tiffany never shuts up."
“Very true. Though if you listen to Rogers I’m already Stark raving mad.”Tony muttered rolling his eyes at the pun steve had made, before eyeing the man next to him. “I think you would have had to be living in a hole in the ground to not know what I’ve been up to. Damned reporters follow me everywhere.”he grumbled before nodding. “He is. Even in the middle of a fight, he’s a drama queen.”He smirked a little before shrugging. “I know, but...I could have tried, instead of you know, blowing 100 million on the race track.”Tony said shrugging a little as he stared at the floor, before snickering. “Call him reindeer next time, I nearly get clobbered every time I do.”he said looking amused but glad that loki had moved to defend himself, even if he’d apologized for it. “No it wouldn’t be, but he still wont be happy about it.”he pointed out.

Tony was quite as he lit a cigarette taking a long drag before glancing at the other man.”As you should be. Getting a plant in the middle of dinner, with my girlfriend and the rest of the avengers breathing down my neck was horrible. I have enough problems keeping them off my back without having to explain why people are giving me half dead plants that I didn’t want in the first place, and that I pawned off on Steve so he could keep it alive....Not to mention you had me worried enough to leave in the middle of dinner. Now I’m going to have to figure out what to tell them, cause god knows I wont ever hear the end of it from clint about running away to have sex or whatever else he decides the plant meant.”Tony whined as he smoked, his eye twitching a little at the mixing of alcohol. “.....I think I’m going to kick you out of your own house, if your going to do weird things with perfectly good alcohol.”he said snagging the bottle and adding some to the coffee before taking a sip. “...Yea. I can stay. And tell her she sounds like a squishy toy, it’ll make her shut up as she tries to figure out what the hell that means..”Tony said snickering, remembering his conversation with loki about sleeping with the girl, before pulling out his phone, trying to decide which one to text before messaging clint to tell them to go ahead and eat without him, figuring the assassin would be the one least likely to bitch at him for being gone.
River stared at Tony for a moment and then. "that was a really, really bad pun." River complained with a shake of his head. "it's worse than when Loki discovered knock Knock jokes... ugh." he complained before he snorted. "you're Tony Stark, of course they follow you everywhere. if you didn't do such scandalous things, they wouldn't follow you." he pointed out. "besides, you didn't know Loki was on the streets. from what i understand, Loki's brother... er, Thoth? it started with a TH anyway, doesn't even really know where Loki is. Odin just tossed Loki out on his ass and no one bothered to think about how Loki would survive. apparently that's how it's done, because the same thing happened to Thoth, just kicked him out and let him struggle on his own." he shrugged. "reindeer? why in the blazes would you call him reindeer?" River asked, looking completely baffled. "that's like calling me Kitten..." he complained, shaking his head. "no sense... no sense at all." he groaned before shrugging. "Loki insisted i send it to you in the middle of his ranting. i think he knew he wouldn't be at work tomorrow." River admitted. "Steve, he's the gay dude in the red white and blue spandex right? or is he the guy with the bow and arrow?"

"just tell them the truth... or something close to it. i left you a note saying Loki was in trouble and you came. they'd beleive that. you are a 'save people who can't be saved' kind of guy." he pointed out. "it's my house, i can drink my nasty shit if i want to." River complained, baring a single tooth in a mimicry of a snarl. "a squishy toy?" he asked, liftign an eyebrow. "really? that could be amusing." River agreed as he drained the last of his drink and headed out. Clint responded for Tony to be careful and to not let Loki kill him. apparently Clint was a little too observant. still, no one seamed to be worrying about him with a sarcastic remark like that. "River?" Loki croaked from the couch. "River... are you dead?" Loki asked, in a tone that suggested he had asked that many times. "If your not dead... can i get a glass of water? i think you crushed my arms..."
“I know, and thank god I’m not the one who originally thought of it. My intelligence score would have taken a dip if I had.”tony smirked a little before laughing. “Oh gods, loki and knock knock jokes....that’s a horrible thought.”Tony smirked before shrugging. “I enjoy the scandalous things, I wont let anyone keep me from living life, even if the reporters annoy me.”Tony muttered before snickering. “I’m calling thor Thoth from now on. That’s a awesome name...”he said sounding thoughtful before smirking. “His helmet, has these great giant horns. He lookes like a fucking reindeer with it on.”Tony smirked a little huffing a little, “Yea, that’s the capsicle. But he’s not gay, oddly enough, though I still maintain he needs to go on a date. And clint’s with the bow and arrows.”Tony smirked a little enjoying the thought of telling steve everyone thought he was gay with the whole spandex thing.

“I guess I am.”Tony snorted thinking that over for a moment, to strung out to actually really be concerned with what the rest of the avengers were thinking about, eyeing the man for a moment as he took a drag off the cigarette. “Fine, drink it if you must.”he grumbled amused at the growling before nodding as he closed his eyes slumping back into his seat. “Yep. Loki told me I was like a dog who humped everything, even his squishy toys. Hence, tiffany is a squishy toy.”He explained knowing the other would laugh before reading the text, making a face. Annoyed that they had figured it out, even if it was easier to not have to think of something to say since they all knew where he’d gone. “Nope. And I’m not river, Rudolph.”Tony said as he put out the cigarette, closing his eyes before getting up. “But I can get that water, and he might have crushed your arms. You fought like a banshee.”Tony said as he returned with a glass of water, holding it out towards the man.
River looked a little relieved that it hadn't been Tony who had thought of the joke. "Yes, knock Knock Jokes, it was really very amusing." he admitted with a snort. "he even got a book of knock Knock jokes... i think he still has it, but i threatened to nail his balls to the wall if he told me one more of the terrible things." he grumbled. "he's quite protective of them." he admitted with a smirk. "i really should find that blasted book and burn it or something, just in case." River mused. "Thor, Thoth, it's all the same." he stated with a shrug. "oh yeah, that ugly thing." he muttered with a snort. "i'd forgotten. still he looks more like a kid playing dress up for a school play than he does anything else." he pointed out. "Do you have nicknames for everyone?" River asked, looking slightly started. "...Loki always did have a good way with analogies." he agreed with a chuckle.

"..Stark?" Loki asked, sounding rather sluggish. "you saw that then?" he asked with a sigh. "i suppose you must think me incurably insane then." he muttered. "River went to talk to Alec then?" Loki asked, carefully, slowly managing to settle himself into a sitting position, looking as weak as a kitten. "i hate those..." Loki admitted, trembling as he stroked his hair back away from his face. "i can't tell whose trying to hurt me and whose trying to help me... or even whose real and what's just a figment of my horrible imagination." he admitted with another shudder. "i haven't had an Episode in almost a month now." he admitted, sulking. "and then Alec had to go and fucking talk about..." Loki sighed, closing his eyes as he took the glass of water and nearly spilled it all over himself, but managed to drain the whole thing in three swift gulps. "how badly did i hurt River? he didn't... have to go to the hospital did he?"
“I’m going to have to get him to tell me some. That’ll be fun.”Tony sadi looking amused with the idea before shaking his head.”You can’t burn it. That’ll get him bitching and going to the bookstore, and probably like asking me to buy him books so he could tell more of the jokes and then it’ll just be horrible.”Tony said snickering a little before smirking. “He does look like a little kid, though I can’t ever tell him that. He’ll flip.”he snorted amused before wincing at the other’s startled look, blowing out smoke. “yea. I do.”He said simply, not about to admit to what they were. Capsicle. Birdbrain. Spidey. Point Break. And of course, reindeer. “Go. He’ll be fine.”He said amused as he watched river go.

“Yea, it’s me.”Tony said before snorting. “I thought you were incurably insane before that, reindeer.”He pointed out before shrugging. “But you’re not so bad, insane I mean. Just traumatized.”tony muttered before nodding. “He went to tell him you’d be out for a few days...and tell tiffany how she’s a squishy toy....he should be back soon enough.”he said looking at the other slightly in perplexity, as if he wasn’t sure teh other would want him to stay or not. “I’ve had some like that. I nearly killed Pepper with a suit once, when she startled me awake.”He muttered before studying the other.”Talk about what?”He asked, curious, because he wanted to know what topic he had to avoid in the future as to not bring about a episode....and mentally kicked himself for considering future visits. He should definitely be leaving now.”And no. He’s going to look like a raccoon for awhile, you gave him a nice set of black eyes, but no real damage, reindeer. Personally, the most damaging part of this whole thing was you made him send me that damned plant in the middle of dinner.”He grumbled, trying to make the other man think about something else. And he had a feeling making fun of him always cheered loki.
River groaned. "PLEASE don't get him started again!" the stripper demanded with a shake of his head. quite pleased with his manipulations. honestly, sending Tony that note, pure genius. now Tony would feel simply honor bound to help Loki, which was good. very good, since Loki didn't exactly want to get help. "besides Loki can buy his own damn books." River complained with a roll of his eyes. "and i doubt he'd notice at all if i burned that crappy book." River admitted with a roll of his eyes.

Loki rolled his eyes a little. "don't mock me Stark." he demanded before he snorted. "he's not really going to tell her that?" Loki demanded, feeling vaguely mortified that his only Female freind was going to be referred to as a squishy toy, just because he'd insulted Stark. she was so going to hate him. Loki gave the other a rather baffled look. "why where you sleeping in your suit?" Loki of course, did not know about the amazing Nanobots in Tony's system that allowed for certain robotic parts of his suit to seek out and attach to his person. "..." Loki hesitated, his eyes going blank for a moment as he struggled to contain himself. "...Talked about the scars..." Loki finally admitted, hesitantly dragging up the sleeve of his long shirt. he always wore long sleeves actually. how had no one noticed that? along the inside of his arm where marks... like someone had taken a branding iron and held them to his skin, carving weird little symbols. "The Chitauri..." Loki explained softly. "Blood Magic of some sort." he shrugged. "i'm not sure what it was supposed to do to me, but it didn't work so they tried... other things..." he admitted before his lip twitched at the joke. "he sent you the plant in the middle of dinner? he's such an ass sometimes. i told him to give it to Tiffany so she could deliver it for me." he complained, shaking his head. "i don't think he likes you very much..." Loki admitted as he gently laid himself back down with a sigh. "don't tell anyone?" Loki asked suddenly. "about... the Chitauri i mean..."
“I wasn’t trying to.”He said before smirking a little. “I don’t know. He might. Though only if she wont stop talking. I told him it was a way to make her shut up.”He said looking over at loki, smirking slightly. “I wasn’t. I’ve improved on the suit since you’ve seen me. I can assemble it within moments now, and the fact that I thought I was being attacked...yea...it wasn’t pretty.”he said shaking his head before studying the other, eyes widening as he looked at the scars. “Huh. How was it thor didn’t know about that?”He said sounding a little curious, but the tone said he’d be willing to drop it if loki didn’t want to talk. After all, tony had things he definitely didn’t want to talk about. “He did. Definitely wasn’t fun trying to explain why I was getting half dead plants from random people.”He grumbled before stretching his legs out, “Feeling’s mutual. He does weird shit to alcohol. We just wont like each other.”he grumbled before shrugging. “I wont. Now rest, I’m going to lay over here and rest.”Tony said as he closed his eyes as he reclined back in his chair, closing his eyes. He wasn’t high, but he wasn’t exactly sober either. Since the feeling so rarely lasted longer then a hour, he wanted to enjoy it as long as he could,before he had to consider going home.
loki snorted a little and shook his head. "she's going to make my life a living hell you know." he pointed out with a sigh before snorting. "knowing river, he'll call her a squishy toy before she even opens her mouth." he admitted shaking his head. "hmm. you're suits are rather... cathartic for you i suppose?" he mused. "Thor is blind and no one else cared." Loki admitted with a shrug. "while i had the magic, i hid them with glamors, but i am very good at subverting attention away from my scars." Loki admitted, smirking at Tony. "after all, you have seen me without a top yourself, yet never noticed anything odd." he pointed out. "it's a skill i have worked very hard to perfect." he admitted with a shrug. "Alec noticed them and tried to press me into telling him who hurt me. he's lucky i didn't kill him then and there... and then that fucking blender attacked me and you followed me home and..." he sighed and shook his head. "too much aggravation at one time..." he admitted with a small pout. "he has a complete obsession with milk." Loki admitted. "he drinks almost a galleon a day." he admitted with a yawn. "he usually picks up a jug after work, but sometimes he forgets." he admitted. "he puts milk in almost everything too. especially alcohol." Loki admitted with a chuckle. he fell still and silent after a while, and an hour and four minutes later River returned bearing massive piles of food from Tiffany and three massive cups of Coffee.

"he still asleep?" River asked, Loki stirring. "no..." Loki slurred. "Not 'sleep..." he mumbled, rolling over onto his side and yelping as he promptly rolled right off the couch. "Have a nice fall Loki?" "Shut up... hate you." he mumbled unhappily. "i smell food... feed me." he mumbled, holding a hand out, the hand with the black markings that blocked him from his magic. "you are so bossy Loki." River complained even as he handed Loki a sandwich, the man not even sitting up or getting up off the floor as he devoured his sandwich, River rolling his eyes. "you are such a lazy igit." River complained, making faces at Loki who grunted, but made no defense.
“I know. But River made my life hell, cause now I’m never going to hear the end of it about that stupid plant. So we’re even.”Tony snorted a little before shrugging a little. “Yes. I work when I’m stressed, pepper tells me I need a better way of dealing.”Tony said flinching a little at the words, because it was true, and not. Like so many things in his life. Frowning a little he glanced at the man, “Sorry, I was sorta distracted by the sight of you actually having like, muscles to be paying attention to scars. It’s not every day a god strips for you.”Tony said before smiling as loki fell asleep, settling in to rest him.

Tony was up and out of the seat before he’d made the connection that it was just river coming back in, tensing for a moment before shrugging. “He was.”Tony muttered hoping they’d both ignore the reaction before snickering at the demand for food. “You’re going to get sick eating on the floor like that. There’s like germs and everything down there.”Tony said twitching a little, even if it wasn’t unknown for tony stark to be found eating on the floor himself after a week long bender. Rubbing a hand over his face he moved towards the door. “I should probably get home, before the others think you killed me or something.”He muttered needing space, and needing to get his head around that he’d actually been enjoying spending time with loki. It was sorta creeping him out really....and though he said it, he also didn’t sound happy about leaving. Torn between leaving and staying, and knowing there was no escape, not if he didn’t want steve talking endlessly at him, natasha and clint taking the more direct route and beating him bloody to figure out what was wrong.
Loki snorted a little. "River's good at that." he admitted with a shake of his head. "no, you don't 'work' Tony." Loki corrected with a snort. "you Create. There is a significant difference you know." he admitted simply. "my having muscles is a surprise?" Loki asked, looking amused. "i cannot eat enough to keep up with the metabolic rate of my magic, so i'm always very thin, but why would it be so shocking that i... an asgaurdian... who tried to take over the world... wouldn't have muscles?" Loki asked, looking very, very, very amused.

River lifted an eyebrow at tony and muttered something about always attracting twitchy people as he fed Loki who snickered. "i'm a God. what the hell do i care about Germs?" Loki demanded, River snorting. "your Ego still had no boundaries Loki." River stated, making loki twitch. the man had obviously forgotten that the stripper was there. "you don't have to leave if you don't want to." River stated with a shrug. "Loki's going to sleep the rest of the night though, and he's going to be hell in the morning." River admitted with a sigh as he looked at the watch on his wrist. "i'd feel better if you stayed actually, i have to be to work in a half an hour..." River admitted. "and my boss is going to be super pissed if he finds out i skived off work for Loki, again." River admitted as he picked Loki up and carried him into the bedroom. "you could sleep on my bed, just keep an ear out if Loki has a nightmare or another flashback... i'll buy you some good whiskey if you do?" River bribed, glancing in the bedroom, worried. "i don't like leaving him alone after a Flashback... sometimes he has others..."
"I guess your riht...the projects get more ridiculous the more stressed I am..."he looked thoughtful as he considered that be shrugging,blushing ever so slightly."you're just so much smaller the thor I assumrd there was no muscle under that armor. Sorry."he said looking away from thr amused god.

"Wrll...I guess I can stay...I mean since your going out again.."tony said perking up at the mrntion of using his bed and good alcohol."good. I'll stay then."he said even as he headed for thr bedroom not about to admit he was very very glad to have the excuse not to go home.

But despite river's fears,it wasnt loki's fears that woke thrm up after river left,but tony's. The choked screams and even worse heartbreaking pleas for pepper to noy leave,thay she just had to hold on a little longer so tony could figure out the math, relieving the desperate scramble that had had him cursing himself for not being smart enough to fix it before pepper died. Yet the sound of tony falling out of bed was soon followed by the sounds of tony cursing quietly as he sought to regain control and not wake up loki, despite being in the dreamy hazy still of half aslrep,he was aware of where he was now,and knee that he couldn't wake up loki,afraid that loki would be having his own flashback.panting ever so slightly as he listened, trying to see if he'd waken the asgardian.
Loki shrugged. "Creating things that you love are always worth it, no matter how complicated or silly." Loki stated simply with a smile. "don't feel badly, most people would assume i am rather weak when it comes to physical abilities. it is a matter i have long since found rather useful. no one would expect me to be able to kick Thor's ass after all, even if i am more than capable of it. people treat me like glass, and that is fine by me." he admitted with a yawn.

River relaxed and offered Tony a smile. "thank you Tony. sleep well."

as Tony strained his ears for hints of Loki being awake, he heard it, the soft sound of a door quietly being shut before soft feet, that would have been silent if not for the fact that there was no other noise. had Tony not been paying such close attention, he might not have heard them at all. then the door to River's bedroom opened and Loki slipped in, closing the door just as quietly before he knelt down next to Tony, looking worried. "going to be sick?" Loki asked softly, a small bag lined bin in Loki's hands, offering it to Tony whether the man was going to be sick or not. "here. a glass of water." Loki offered, settling the cool glass into Tony's hand. "i always keep a glass next to my bed." he admitted. "come on. let's get you back into bed." Loki ordered softly, making no mention of the nightmares. though, if Loki had them too, then it was no wonder the man knew how to make a person who just had one feel better.
Tony groaned slightly as he realized the other was indeed awake, sighing quietly as he slumped bacj against the side of the bed, looking up at the god as he came into the room, shaking his head as he looked at him, vaguely amazed that loki seemed to be a caring person at the moment. “No.”He muttered but took the glass of water, sipping it slowly. “....you offer a alcoholic water, thanks reindeer.”he muttered rolling his eyes a little even as he pushed up off the floor and climbed back into the bed, sighing quietly as he laid back against the pillows, finishing the water before he leaned down to find his jacket, wanting the drugs in it. Knowing that if he wasn’t drugged, he wasn’t going to get any more sleep tonight. Barely sparing a glance for the man with him, after all he was a asgardian, probably didn’t know about drugs, sliding the needle into his arm, sighing quietly as it hit his system, relaxing.
Loki smiled a little. "alcohol will make you sick." he stated simply before he paused. "well... it makes most people sick." he admitted with a shrug, watching Tony curiously. "those are illegal you know." Loki stated after a moment. "and for good reason for that matter." Loki admitted, making sure to stay as far away from the needle as he could. he didn't say anything else about it though, he just checked that Tony wasn't going to do anything stupid and then headed back out.

in the morning, it was clear Loki hadn't gone back to bed. there was confections everywhere. freshly made cakes lined the counter, muffins sat on the table, a plate of brownies sat on one of the chairs, and Loki was eating a cookie from a tray he'd just yanked out of the stove. apparently Tony wasn't the only one who 'worked' when he was stressed out or upset. "not a word Stark." Loki warned when he saw the man's reaction. honestly... the God of chaos was baking cookies and brownies... there was just something wrong with that...
“Not sicker then I already feel.”He muttered before flicking a glance up at the other, his eye twitching slightly. “Don’t make me stab you...”He threatened tiredly, sounding annoyed that the god was commenting on it, but there was no real threat to the words, just a absolute resignation and desire to sleep. Though coke usually made most people high and hyper, for tony, it made his mind still long enough to let him actually relax. Shiting he sighed quietly as he settled down to sleep.

“...”Tony swallowed as he watched into the kitchen,studying the food for a long moment before picking up the tray of brownies and sitting in the chair, nibbling on one. Though he looked serious, there was laughter in his eyes. “These aren’t bad.”he muttered figuring that was a safe reaction before running his fingers through his hair, “....Can I take some of these home with me?Steve might forgive me for running out on our talk if I feed him amazing things.”
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