
Sigyn sighed quietly looking pained because she knew what it was going to cost him to call off the army but she wouldn't let the world burn just for her. Leaning against natasha she didn't say anything knowing if she did she'd tell him to forget it,let the army come instead of hurting himself. Glancing up as tony and bruce moved to help loki she opened her mouth to stop them before selphiar beat her to it. Grinning as tony startled so badly he nearly fell over from where he was crouching at loki's side."get some bandages."she said pulling away from natasha struggling to focus as she listened to the others talk. Struggling to focus on the present and what going on around her,her panic to great to think to clearly.

Tony smiled slightly as loki came back to himself dnough to talk,dark eyes worried."it seems we both are bad for our health when we're pissed.want some alcohol to dull thr pain?"he muttered wuietly to look his eyes soft and concerned as the billionaire crouched down on his toes,looking like a kid inspecting his newrst find as he hovered ptotective next to loki

"Slepipnir, its been to long. Do I have to scold you for not visiting?"sigyn teased a little as she moved over and hugged him before rolling her eyes."you know you only came to see who pissed your father off.its always your uncle you know that."she said though her tone was teasing there was pain and fear in her eyes. Sitting down so she could help bruce tend to loki's words she nearly jammed a needle through his wrist at slepinir's next words."no,ecause there is no wedding. It only worked the first time because loki was a prince, even odin would balked at stealing a prince's prize. Besides there's no one I could marry even if that was the l-"she stopped abruprly flushing bright red before focusing intently on what she was doing instead of looking up at who she wanted t.clint. not wanting to see what he was thinking of slepinir's words.
Loki shuddered as he shook his head. he didn't want bandages, he wanted to chew his hand off, maybe then the ungodly itch would STOP! he lay there, panting when it finally eased enough for him to think. "no pain... just itching... god it itches..." Loki whimpered, rubbing his bleeding wrists on the carpet, trying to itch. "Don't do that!" Bruce snapped, catching Loki's wrists. "you're going to get dirt in your wounds and then it WILL hurt." "won't hurt. i can turn off my nerve endings." he admitted. "being a shapshifter rules..." Sleipnir snickered at that and shook his head as Loki let Bruce do the stitches and wrap the wounds. "besides, your alcohol is crappy." he grumbled. "it's not good for anything but making things blow up." he admitted with a grin as he watched Tony. "you look like a little kid whose discovered a jellyfish on the beach. the only thing your missing is a stick to poke me with... don't poke me Sleipnir!" he complained as a stick prodded Loki on the side. "what? i was just making the experience complete. now you know how a jellyfish feels." "have you ever had the urge to drown your own children?" he asked Sigyn. "i have that urge sometimes." he admitted, which only made Sleipnir laugh.

"i was up on the tops." Sleipnir admitted with a grin. "i've discovered an entirely new world! it's not actually considered part of the Nine Realms, but i think only because no one else knows it exists." he admitted as he hugged his mother. "well, i know it was Thor." Sleipnir had never really liked Thor. "i just want to know what he did this time, but considering i can't feel your marriage Bonds anymore, it's pretty obvious what happened." Sleipnir admitted. "and being married to a prince has nothing to do with it. Father isn't even a prince anymore, he's a King. King of the Jotun and if he wants to marry you again, he could under the same reasons that Odin wants to marry you. Loki has the right... but that would start a war. we don't want that. you just need to find someone you love, in the next..." "twenty three hours." Loki informed Sleipnir who lifted his eyebrows. "... either way, so long as you Love your husband, the Marriage will protect you." he stated and Clint stood up, nodding. "lets do it!" he demanded, offering her a smile. "i'd be glad to marry you. it's a bit early, but we can at least protect you while we get to know each other more." he promised, kissing her knuckles. "will you marry me Sigyn?"
"Don't rub it. you'll make it worse."Tony scolded a little before looking amused that even pained, the man was still hating on his alcohol. "It's good to drink. But you're a spoiled little bitch, so I'll forgive you for not having amazing taste for midgardian ale."He said before wincing as he stood, "Fine. I'm going to go eat your share of the pizza."Tony looked annoyed at the teasing even as he laughed at sleipnir's response, annoyed that he had actually been worried about the annoyance. "Sometimes, though he's not nearly as bad as the other two, or you. You're the worst."She teased looking amused.

Eyes widening as she looked at sleipnir sigyn smiled. "You shall have to tell me all about it."Sigyn said smiling wincing at sleipnir's observation. "Yes...well..I didn't mean for it to happen." "You make it sound like you had accidental sex."Natasha teased, just to watch sigyn and clint blush, smirking a little. "no, no wars. I just stopped one, I don't want to fight if I don't have to."Sigyn muttered flushing a little as she stared down at the floor, nearly jumping out of her skin when Clint stood up. Looking up at him she studied the assassin, a small unsure smile twisting her lips, but not voicing what she was thinking before nodding hesitantly. "y-yes."She said blushing a little at admitting to being in love, or at least starting to fall in love with clint.

"great."Tony grinned, his smirk turning evil as he studied the two. "I have your wedding gift."He smirked to himself, looking way to pleased with himself to be safe. The thought that had just came to him, was just really cruel....and considering what he'd gone through the last six months, not really surprising he was lashing out with a practical joke. "Jarvis? Call Pepper would you?"Tony paused smirking when she answered and put it on speaker phone."Virginia!I am getting married!I need a judge to meet me at the Z NYC hotel, and rent the honeymoon suite will you? You have my credit card, just get me the room and the upper balcony room for the ceremony. And you're welcome to come if you want, have the judge there by 8 pm. See you soon."Tony grinned as he hung up, getting off the phone before she could protest, shrugging at the people staring at him."What?If it's me getting married, a judge will do after hours and you can have a romantic sorta night instead of just going to the courthouse. I have enough money, let me do this."He said not saying that it was more fucking with pepper's head then getting the couple a romantic night.

the view from the hotel. XD
Loki laughed. "i am a spoiled little bitch." he agreed. "mostly i'm a bitch. but i like being a bitch. it's less work during Sex." "Father!" Sleipnir protested with a laugh. "no. don't eat my Pizza! Tony... leave my Pizza alone. i like Pizza..." "is he high?" "little bit." "Sigyn! save my Pizza!" Loki demanded, after trying and failing to sit up, scowling at Bruce who was pinning him down. "he's exaughsted and isn't fully aware of what he's saying. don't mind him." Sleipnir stated with a smile. "he'll be fine after a nap." Sleipnir promised with a chuckle. "you should see him after he does major spellwork, like the one he did to give me human form." he admitted. "he was loopy for days, which was probobly a good thing because Odin couldn't scream at him for 'losing me'." Sleipnir admitted with a chuckle. "he actually went through court singing love songs. it was great." Sleipnir admitted with a snicker as Loki looked up at Sigyn with a lazy grin. "i am the worst. totally the worst. i'm almost as worst as Tony..." there was a pause and then. "there was bad English in there somewhere." Loki muttered, frowning a little. "it's my fault!" Loki declared, waving his hand. "i broke the marriage contract for falling in lust with a guy!" Sleipnir snickered again, watching his father was always amusing. "my bad..." "Loki if you don't lay still, i'm going to tie you still!" Bruce complained, fighting his own amusement as he worked on stitching the second wrist.

"uh... it might... er, actually be my fault..." Clint admitted, bright red. "i... er... sort of." "fucked my wife? yeah i know, but i allowed it so that wouldn't have broken the marriage... i don't think... it was both out faults. i'll castrate you later." "...i'm gonna go hide in the woods for a while." Clint decided with a chuckle. "can't we knock him out or something?" "sure." Sleipnir stated, reaching out and pressing two fingers to Loki's forehead. just like that, Loki was out, dead to the world and asleep. "so we're having a wedding!" Sleipnir crowed, delighted before he pouted as he realized it was only a courtroom wedding. Clint was staring, gaping really at Tony before he started to laugh, well aware that this was Tony getting revenge. Pepper would, of course, do as she was told and then question Tony on if he was sober or not when they got there. as expected, Loki was put to bed and Sleipnir stayed with his father while the 'happy couple' got hitched. Clint was laughing as they landed in the Hotel, holding hands with Sigyn and whispering playful, comforting things in her ear while Bruce talked to the manager, asking if they'd gotten the honeymoon suite booked. now they just had to wait for Pepper and the Judge.

"Anthony Edward Stark!!!!" speak of the devil, there was pepper in all her furious glory. "If this is a joke, or a prank, i am going to make you wish you had never been born! i can't beleive you just all of a sudden decide you want to host a wedding in the middle of hte worlds most expensive hotel. which would be fine, totally, if i had a MONTH in advance! do you know, how much of your money you just blew!?" she demanded, ranting about how hard it had been to get the room and how his 'poor bride' was having to suffer such a 'mediocre' wedding when Tony could clearly, at least afford to stand her in a church like normal people. it was the first time they had seen Pepper in months, and she looked... awful. there where circles under her eyes which her makeup had failed to hide. she was pale and looked like she had dropped weight. apparently she wasn't doing any better than Tony was.
"...."Tony frowned at the jotun tilting his head towards the man in front of him, a light blush crossing his features as he thought about that. "That's just mean loki."Sigyn snickered as she studied the billionaire, amused. "And no, I wont save the pizza."She added looking amused as tony sat down to eat. "That was horrible. Especially since I was down since I'd just magicked thor's hammer in not responding to him for days. So tiring, but worth it."Sigyn snickered amused before looking down at loki again. "You're worse then tony, definitely."she teased before her eyes widened slightly. "Our marriage broke because it was never what it needed to be, for either us of, loks."Sigyn pointed out looking up at clint, smirking at how embarassed he was. "He helped you fuck her you know. Its not like he didn't know you were using his bedroom."Natasha pointed out to her partner, amused. "Hey, no casterating the bird, I have use for him."Sigyn said looking amused as she shifted, leaning into clint, looking amused as she stared at tony, knowing to why he'd done it.

"Did I blow my allowance for the week mom? "Tony said raising a eyebrow at the woman in front of him, the smirk playing at his lips saying he was jerking her chain before he got a good look at her, his shoulders loosening a little as he looked at her, his heart taking a battering at how she ranted at him, but for once he looked more concerned the hurt. Probably because it was the first time he'd seen her in awhile, and she looked horrible. Sighing tiredly, he smiled. While his head was a mess, he didn't look any worse for the wear then he usually did, but she did. "Pepper, I'm sorry. It is a joke, but the wedding's real. Just not for me. For them."He said tilting his head towards clint and sigyn, "Besides, my bank account can afford to take the hit, they need married, tonight."He said his voice worried as he glanced towards the clock. while he knew they had time, he'd feel better when it was done.
Loki giggled a little and then looked horrified that he had done so. which set Sleipnir to laughing again at his poor father. as the youngest of four, and an accident, Sleipnir was allowed to get away with a LOT. including laughing at his father. "it was funny as hell." Sleipnir admitted with a grin. "particularly when i'd convinced him that the fuzzy bunny slippers on his feet where real bunnies." Sleipnir admitted with a snicker. "Thor was in a rage for WEEKS after that." Loki mused. "it was awesome, because he didn't know who to blame, because it was pretty obvious i hadn't done it, and Sigyn was all innocence back then." Loki admitted with a nod. "i so am worse than Tony. people hate me so much more. i'm more annoying, and better at sarcasm... mmm but he's a lot better at looking sexy..." he murmured, rambling on about how sexy Tony was until Sleipnir put him out.

Pepper looked like she wanted to beat him after his sarcastic little comment. she was practically frothing at the mouth. "l don't understand!" she complained, pinching her nose and uttered a single short sob. "you make my life so difficult! you're never where your supposed to be, you never work on what your supposed to, you never do what i tell you to and that makes running your god damn company three times harder than it should be!" she complained. "now you talk about people getting married but apparently it's not you and that sucks because maybe a woman would shut you up and make you behave for the few short weeks i need to get through the invintory and all the other shit that needs to be done!" Pepper gasped. "and i've been setting things on FIRE Tony! i've been lighting things on fire, with my brain and i can't stop to do anything about it because Stark Industries is literally collapsing because you won't give me even the slightest consideration! let alone HELP me run your fucked up business!" Pepper paused and then looked quite shocked at herself. "i..i'm sorry, i shouldn't have yelled at you but i HATE you SO much..."
What do you mean?I'll still all innocent over here."Sigyn said snickering a little as she shot a look at the billionaire who was doing a damnably good job of pretending none of them existed.

"You don't want to know. It's part of the avengers issues, and you never want to hear about why these two need to get married.Now."Tony said watching her for a moment before his shoulders tensed swallowing hard. "Take a vacation p...virginia." I can do the work that needs done, instead of working on my other projects, and run a company. I did for years, I can do it again..."Tony muttered wincing as he corrected himself, swallowing hard, looking at a loss. Because he so totally sucked, and he knew it. No matter how hard loki tried to convince him he was okay, that he would ruin everything if he was back in charge, he didn't like seeing her like this, and he'd make himself miserable if he could take care of her. "I think you should be glad your boyfriend's not here to witness this, Stark. otherwise he'd be picking little tiny pieces of pepper off the walls. And that would ruin my wedding."Sigyn said as he walked up behind them, resting her chin on his shoulder, though her tone was friendly and happy, there was a chilling ice to her eyes as she looked at the woman who'd caused tony so much pain that she was frankly amazed he hadn't ate his gun yet. "Now, are you staying for my wedding ms. potts?"She said raising a eyebrow, looking every inch asgardian, and as cold and had that whole 'you are beneth me' vibe loki was so very good at projecting onto people. "He's not my boyfriend, Sigyn."Tony corrected looking at the woman as she leaned against him annoyed, but knowing better then to pull away. He liked his body parts were they were, and causing a scene wasn't a way to keep them there.
she stared at him, shocked for a moment and then. "what, like some Alien prince wants to kidnap her and make her his sex slave and only marrying Clint can save her!?" Pepper demanded sarcastically before pausing as everyone shuffled. "...oh... that's just... i need to sit down..." she complained, collapsing into a nearby chair. " "No! Tony, just no, after all the crap i had to fix from when you where in charge last time, no. i just. i need you, to do, what your supposed to do. because i have assholes from Washington calling me ten times a day, wondering when your going to get that new armor made and i have assholes from Hammer industries actually trying to Sue us.. they are trying to Sue us Tony. and then i have the assholes from other corporations who don't want anything to do with me, because i'm a woman, and i'm not a genius, and i'm not tony stark... and who are you?" she asked, suddenly realizing that there where other people there. "never mind, i don't care. you're probobly the alien princess who needs saving, like the whole world always needs saving..." Pepper stated and Clint realized just why this looked familiar. it was Tony, two months ago before Loki showed up and Tony found just a little bit of stability. Pepper was very close to stepping over the edge... only there wasn't a Bruce and a Steve there to help Pepper like there had been for Tony. "i just.. i just..." "you, Pepper Potts, need an assistant." Clint stated suddenly, Pepper jerking, shocked as she gaped at Clint before she blinked several times. "yes. yes i do." she decided before turning on her heal and leaving and Clint sighed, closing her eyes. "christ... she just about had a full blown mental breakdown right there..." he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. "she needs help bad.... before she finds her way up to Stark Tower and jumps off of it. come on, lets get married." he ordered, smiling at Sigyn. "i'm sorry we couldn't do the fanfair and funtimes, but we can have a second wedding later, alright?" he promised her with a smile, clasping her hand in his and kissing her knuckles.
"Something like that."Tony said his face shutting down a little before sighing quietly as he sat down across from her, biting his lip a little. "I try Pepper...then I just can't...I get distracted by more interesting things. I already made armor, I don't want to give the army something better, just so they'll keep going blowing up everyone else...and hammer is a moron. Just tell him to go suck dick. And if no one wants to deal with you, I'll break out the suit, go visit them myself. How about that?"Tony said offering her a small smile, because he knew he was fucking up, but he wasn't able to stop. he was so smart, so talented, his head refused to settle into one project, he was usually working on ten, if he wasn't off saving the world or building his suit over again. "I'm Sigyn.Get help, Pepper."She said quietly looking worried for the woman and watching tony, before watching peper leave. "We'll see that she gets help. Hell, I've been around long enough I'm sure I can figure out how to help her."Sigyn muttered before looking up at clint. "But that's not a concern for tonight. Let's go stop thor from declaring war on earth, and then we'll take care of pepper."she muttered glancing at clint as the man slumped back into his chair. "O-okay."Sigyn stuttered a little looking up at him, looking pleased that he not only wanted to marry her once, but twice. Grinning as she got tony to his feet and settled into getting married.

When the ceremony was over Sigyn grinned, smirking at tony as she offered the shaken man a hug. "Go home. Snuggle up to loki while he's high." "I am NOT snuggling with loki!Go have sex with your husband, stop bothering me."Tony growled looking annoyed with the teasing, leaning down to kiss the shorter woman's cheek. "Have fun, and get back to the tower fairly early. Who knows when point break with show up."He said looking amused as him and bruce headed back to the tower. Sigyn smiled watching them go, before nudging clint a little. "You ready to go see that room he paid a riddiculous amount of money on?I bet the bed's amazing. And the shower....and the floor...and any surface we want to test out really."She teased already heading for the elevator, grinning as she cast a illusion only he could see, and let him see her walking naked towards their bedroom, no matter if the wedding was forced on them, she had every intention of enjoying it.
Pepper groaned at him. "you always have some god damned excuse..." but she didn't sound like she hated it for him this time because he was right, and she knew it. but he didn't have to take a call every ten minutes because people weren't happy. "Hammer is a moron, but his Legal team is not.." she grumbled as she left, muttering under her breath about unnecessary distractions and 'why couldn't Tony have booked the damn Hotel when i have to...', and off with more mumbles. she was so close to snapping it was frightening. "she mostly needs help. she needs an assistant, that will help a lot with the stress, and then she'll get off Tony's ass." Clint decided, smiling as he signed the marriage certificate with a flourish. "why not?" Clint asked curiously. "Loki could probobly use the cuddles and i know you could. just because you like women, doesn't mean you can't like men." he pointed out with a grin. "just ask me, or Steve." he admitted with a grin. "we like both." he admitted, leaning over and kissing Sigyn as he lead her away, laughing a little as he raced after her. "you little Minx!" he complained with a grin, catching up to her and scooping her into his arms, sprinting to the elivator and devouring her mouth as they headed up.

"they don't mean anything by it, you know that don't you Tony?" Bruce asked, glancing at Tony. "they don't realize that your... struggling with your emotions right now. but it really is alright if your attracted to Loki. you should know that Loki would never force you into anything. he'd probobly wait years for you to decide if you're willing to try a gay relationship or not." Bruce admitted. "i've had one." he admitted with a smile. "most men have actually, even if they don't realize it. give it a try Tony. you deserve to be happy. Loki understands you, and you understand him. you would be good for each other." he promised with a smile. "and if you decide you can't be gay, or Bi, then Loki will understand."
Tony winced looking at her shrugging a little. "You know it's true. I'm horrible at focusing."He pointed out before smiling as he watched the two, looking amused before growing serious, tilting his head a little at Clint. "...Don't you have a wife to seduce?Besides, you and steve should cuddle sometime so I can take a picture. It's fairly adorable."He said looking amused as he watched the other two go before looking up at bruce, "I know."He grumbled before making a face. "Anyone who understands the prima donna should get their head examined."He muttered refusing to think to hard on what he was going to do, but in the morning found tony stark cuddled up to loki in the guest room, actually looking fairly peaceful and well rested there. For once his mind had stopped racing so he could actually sleep, probably a good thing since he was about to have more house guests then he'd gone to bed with.

Sigyn whined a little, shifting as she frowned slightly as she rolled on her stomach, sore and tired, burying her face against clint's chest and ignoring the sunlight pouring in from the windows.They did get a few hours sleep, but not a lot. She just hadn't been able to keep her hands off him, even if she knew she needed sleep. but after so long of not having someone, she was overly eager to be with him. "....I'm sore....I blame you. I dont think I've ever had sex in such a marathon....or in so many places....or positions..."she grumbled good naturedly teasing her husband as she cataloged just how sore she was. Sore, but not hurt. Having seen some of what asgardians sex lives could be like as the immortals gave in and did marathon after marathon, it was no wonder she knew just what kind of injuries you could get after to much sex. "...Mother, if you're done having sex, Hela sent me over here to pick you up."Jormugandr called from the front sitting room looking amused as he flipped through a magazine. "Jor?What?"Sigyn sat up, wincing, sputtering a little. "Sorry. Hela thought you might need a escort back to the tower, seeing as you've probably worn out our new stepdad and yourself enough to not be able to do magic."Jorgumandr sounded way to amused at interrupting his adopted mother's sex life to be truly sorry for being there. As the eldest, he'd spent the most time with loki and picked up most of his bad habits of teasing sigyn and everyone around him. "Also, Fen and Hela are here to. Making themselves quite at home in the tower when I left."
Pepper just glared at him before she left, Clint laughing as he nodded. "i do have a wife to seduce." he admitted with a smile. "besides, i wouldn't mind snuggling Steve at all." he admitted with a smirk. "and neither would Sigyn for that matter." he admitted with a laugh. "besides, your just pissed off i have a picture of you, Loki, and Natasha being affectionate." he teased with a snicker. "besides, you ARE a Prima Donna Tony. is it so surprising that you understand Loki?" he teased with a smirk. Loki was wrapped around Tony in the morning, clinging to Tony as he slept. like Tony was some massive teddy bear. "...Tony?" Loki asked sluggishly. "did i crawl into your bed? i'm sorry..." he mumbled, slowly letting ony go and sitting up slowly, rubbing his eyes. "ugh. i made an idiot of myself last night..." he grumbled as he shook his head and rubbed his head. "god my head hurts..." he groaned. "i wish i could turn the nerves off in my brain, but the last time i did that i was dead for almost an entire minute until Sigyn fixed it." he admitted, sighing a little. "...Tony?... did you throw a party?" he asked, wondering what those loud sounds where. it was Sleipnir and Fenris wrestling, as they often did. Hela watching on in amusement as she made sarcastic commentary on how much they both sucked.

Clint snickered a little. "your sore!? i didn't even know humans could bend that way... i think you broke me." he admitted with a laugh. "still... we are SO doing that again." he ordered, leaning over to kiss her before gasping as he heard the sound of someone speaking. "who the fuck is that!?" he demanded, scrambling for a weapon and cursing as he realized that he hadn't brought any with him. "Jor? as in your son?" Clint demanded, flushing brilliantly. "why is he in our room when we're both naked!?" Clint demanded in a hiss. highly embarrassed. "i am not worn out!" he protested before flushing even more. "...oh Tony is NOT going to be happy..." Clint muttered, shaking his head a little with a snort. "come on Sigyn, up we get... we'll stop at Krispy Kreams and get doughnuts, because we are awesome, and deserve it."
Tony whined quietly as the other man moved,shifting to snuggle into him,curling up around his body. to tired to move, not wanting to get up yet. not when he was actually sleeping so well. "'re in your bed.I crawled in with you."He muttered before snickering sleepily, "You did, but it was fairly cute. though if you casterate clint, Sigyn will kill you."Tony muttered before looking thoughtful."You could do that?That's fairly cool actually, even if it was deadly."He muttered before frowning. "No.I sent the wedding couple to a hotel."He frowned slightly getting up, "Come on. We better go make sure hulk's not ripping apart my apartment or something."Tony said looking concerned as he headed out into the living room, looking annoyed as he saw the three."....uh.who are you?"He said looking at hela and the wrestling two, already having a bad feeling he knew.

"Hmmm but such a good way to break."She muttered grinning as she kissed him back before wincing. "Yes, that Jor. And he's in the front room, can't see us. thank god."She muttered glad that the bedroom was the honeymoon suite and had a sitting room where jormugandr was. "And he's here because he enjoys embarassing me, along with standing as a escort."She said wincing as he hissed at her, not wanting him to be angry with her for jor's inability to respect other's boundaries. After such a good night, she just wanted to relax a little before she had to face thor again. "You're human, having sex with a asgardian.If your not worn out, you're doing something wrong."Jor called snickering. "No, he's not.he was definitely doing sex right."she muttered low enough for just clint to hear,not about to admit having amazing sex to aman who would never stop teasing them if she did. glancing at her husband, offering him a shy smile before signing." We should get back over there before tony loses his mind or something."Sigyn muttered whining as he urged her to get up, not wanting to."We are awesome,and we just had a awesome short honeymoon. I dont want to go back."She muttered looking annoyed with the idea of thor waiting for her before sighing as she slowly got up and got dressed, moving carefully, sore and tired."Good morning, mother."Jor smiled as the two came out of the bedroom, the tall blond bending down to kiss her lightly on the cheek, before smiling at clint."Sorry. I know I shouldn't have just shown up,but the amusement of just showing up to surprise her was to much to resist."
Loki blinked a little at Tony and then. "oh. well that's alright then." Loki decided, grinning as he snuggled Tony a little more. "i didn't have a single nightmare last night. you must be my lucky charm." Loki teased happily. slowly seducing Tony, because going too fast would scar both of them. "i suppose i'll have to let him keep his man orbs then." he grumbled with a sigh as he looked at his wrists. "these are simply going to have to go..." he growled, his eyes narrowed. "i'll have to, what is it you say? Ramp up production?" he asked with a grin before frowning a little. "married? so Sigyn agreed!?" he asked, stunned before he grinned viciously. "well, at least i don't have to kill Thor now." he mused as he got out of bed and got changed. showing Tony that Asgaurdian men didn't wear underwear. Loki didn't even seam to realize it wasn't alright to strip naked in front of other people. but then, Thor was the same way, so it was probobly a god like thing. "...Fenris! Sleipnir! Enough!" Loki hissed, causing both the wrestling boys to stop. "what have i told you about wrestling in mortals homes?!" "that it annoys them." "and where are you!?" "in a mortals home?" "and!?" "...sorry father." Sleipnir grumbled with a sigh as he let Fenris up where he'd been rubbing the boys face into a pile of summoned mud. "Good morning Hela." Loki stated, giving her the stink eye too, she just smiled serenely. "Tony... this is Hela and Fenris... my children... where is Jor?" "with mother." Hela explained, using an emery board to shape her perfect nails. "we're here as backup, we felt the Call..." "your mother is going to kill me." "and figured you'd finally fallen in love with some dude." "lovely Hela." "so we came to protect Mother. never imagined we'd already have a new Step-dad. my but mortals are pretty, i had forgotten." she admitted, grinning as she examined Tony, flicking her fingers at the pile of mud, which vanished as if it had never existed. not a trace.

he laughed and nodded. "a very good way to break." he agreed before sighing in relief. "so long as he can't see me..." he grumbled, though he was curious about children that came from Loki and Hela. and if they where anything like the mortal legends suggested. "so your son is a mini Loki... lovely." he groaned as he pulled on his pants. "i should have figured... at least we got a whole night without being bothered." he mused, smiling at her before he glared through the door at Jor's comment before he grinned at her. "i SO was." he agreed with a laugh. he HAD to have done something right when she started cursing in a dozen different languages. "oh i'm sure Loki will loose it before Tony will. Tony will find this whole situation very amusing." he admitted, pulling on his shirt. "i don't either, but your protected from Thor now... according to Sleipnir, and Loki seams to think it will work too." he admitted, smiling at her. "because i do love you." he promised, smiling at her. "it might only be a kernel of love, but it is love, and i have no doubt it will grow to be massive." he promised, giving her a longer kiss. "... you are SO your fathers son..." Clint groaned as he scowled at Jormungandr. "this is why i hate mornings. bad things always happen in mornings, like having to get out of bed, and burning yourself because the Coffee is too hot... and other men's kids coming over to torment you about sleeping with their mother."
"I wouldn't go that far. You didn't get lucky after all."tony said before flushing. Even if he normally said what he was thinking,when he was waking up there was absolutely no filter between brain and mouth."hmm id like you out of those bonds.would make stufying magic-tech easier then using least you understand most of the time what I'm trying to do."he said yawning."yes sigyn agreed,though I don't think she thinks this will actually work."he said before pausing to watch the other get up startled at the sight of a naked loki before rolling out of bed to get up."you know on earth,you usually don't just undress in front of people."tony said before following him out trying not to laugh as loki disciplined his sons."sorry father!"fenris whined trying to get up from thr mud calming as he realized thr mortal who's house they were in was laughing inztead of angry."its okay loki.its not like you haven't made a mess of the penthouse 'wrestling'"tony pointed out before smiling."hello."he said to them all looking nervous.even if he wasn't dating loki...and only tony refused to admit that he was actually dating loki....he still liked the man,and these were his kids."jor said something about going to suprise her and if clint didn't freak out,then he was good enough for mom." Fenris supplied looking happy. "...if he interrupts something, sigtn's going to kill you loki."tony said snickering before he blushed at hela's words."thanks...."he said before looking at loki."do I have to worry about her pouncing on md like you did?"

"No he can't see us. He knows better. Id really hurt him for that,on or not."sigtn muttered before nodding."hes the oldest, hes had time to pick up most of loki's habits."sigyn snickered before flushing"...I forgot I knew some of those languages.."she said quietly blushing embarassing at her so strong reaction to him. Starting to dress she paused to look up at him,"I love you to...that's what matters. We'll learn more about each other as we go."she said smiling a little before following the other two towards the krisoy creme near the tower snickering at clint's complainign."if it makes you feel better about all of us bekng ehr clint,we're old enough to not be worried you're traling our mommy away or ask silly wuestions like why are you and mommy wrestling in the bed."jormugandr said smirking."jor!behave."sigyn said blushing so hard it looked like she was going to pass out.jormugandr really was as bad as loki.
Loki snickered a little. "unlike humans, i don't have to have sex to glean pleasure from being in the same bed as another person." he admitted with a chuckle. "as touch starved as i am, hand holding is enough pleasure for me." he admitted with a shrug. "while i do like Sex a lot... and i do mean a lot... like, a lot a lot, i do not have to have sex in order to be happy in a relationship, as i was with Sigyn. god knows i wouldn't touch her bits with a twenty foot pole..." he wrinkled his nose. "breasts are just so... breasty." he admitted with a shake of his head. "it won't take me much longer to remove my shackles, i've been working on them since they where put on. stupid Asgaurdians. they forget that i was the one who helped design this technology." he admitted with a smirk before he blinked at Tony, looking honestly startled. "they don't?" he asked, shocked. "what do you do? go into other rooms? that seams like such a horrible waste of time." he admitted before he focused on his trouble making children. "that was different, i was TRYING to make noise and a mess." Loki pointed out before turning a stern glare to his children. "...why is it MY fault if HER son interrupts!? he takes after her more than me, if it's anyone's fault it's her. she's a bad influence." Loki grumbled as Hela laughed, amused by her father. Loki examined her and then Tony and then he shrugged. "Probably, i can't control her anymore than i can control the rest of my brood." he admitted with a sigh. "i wish they where small enough to stick in a corner again." he admitted with a chuckle as Hela rolled her eyes and stood up, brushing herself off. "we're too old to be controlled Father." she commented, smiling as she kissed his cheek. "how are you feeling?" she asked, examining his wrists. like Frigga, Hela was a master healer, she could fix anything if it was bad enough to need immediate healing. "hmm... you'll live." "gee, thanks." Loki mused with a chuckle.

Clint sighed a little. "can i hurt him then?" he asked hopefully. "i could punt kick him off the roof. that would be fun." he mused with a grin. "i can't say i'm really all that surprised... i mean, between you and Loki, your kids where bound to be worse than the both of you." he pointed out before he leered at her, wiggling his eyebrows. "what say we ditch the kid and go for round fifty two?" he offered with a grin. they hadn't had THAT much sex of course, but he'd lost count after round five. "...." he stared at Jormungandr for a long moment and then, before he could stop himself, he started to laugh. he was SO Loki's son! "come on, help me carry this, we need to have enough doughnuts for everyone. that's at least five doughnuts per person...." he demanded before he started ordering doughnuts for everyone in the Avengers, before letting Sigyn take over for the Asgaurdians. he was even nice enough to order Thor's favorite, even if he wanted to beat the man's head in, he knew Steve and Bruce would be annoyed if he wasn't polite, at the very least. he gave the boxes on top of boxes to Jor as he started ordering the coffee. from Bruce's caramel frappachino, to Loki's Espresso... pure Espresso. he had a feeling the man was going to need it. that done, and too much Coffee to carry, he gave half the load to Sigyn and led the way back to the Tower where he paused as he caught sight of Hela and Fenris. " many do you have?!" he demanded of Sigyn, feeling a curl of terror. "PLEASE tell me they won't ALL torment me..." "of course not. that's Jor's job." Sleipnir stated as he sniffed around the food that had been brought in, helping himself to a cake doughnut, with nothing on it. just the doughnut. so gross. of course, he HAD lived the first half of his life as a horse, so he probobly ate like one too.
"Ahhh, poor loki. You shoulda cuddled sigyn."He teased a little rolling his eyes a little, blushing ever so slightly at the idea of him liking sex. Tony liked sex, loki liked sex...was definitely sending the confused bisexual into even more confusion as he thought about that. "Ha. Well, she's probably glad for that."he teased a little before smirking. "Ah, yes that would make them fairly stupid. But its a good thing they forgot.'Tony pointed out before nodding. "Yea, that's what most of humanity does. Unless your dating or having sex, most people walk into a different room."He said smirking. " Because somehow I think she'll say he takes after you. And since he is interrupting her wedding night...well the morning after, you're definitely getting blamed somehow."Tony said snickering as fenris nodded. "You know mother. She says we all take after you father." "Hm, I get the feeling even when they were that small, they weren't that under control."Tony pointed out watching hela look at loki's wrists."Well, that's a relief. I'm kinda getting used to having the idiot around."Tony said rolling his eyes a little.

"Hm, not yet. He's least as well as he ever does."Sigyn snickered before pouting, looking annoyed with her husband."Don't group me with them!I am not that bad!"She pouted before laughing stealing a kiss. "Oh yea I could go for that. But I thought you were sore."She teased smiling slightly as clint started to laugh, starting to relax. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad then. Looking amused as she helped him carry the food and drinks, she smiled as she listened to jormugandr and what he'd been up to before pausing at the sight of all her children. She had known they'd be here, but seeing them was different. Flincing a little at clint's reaction she swallowed hard, "Just the four."She said quietly studying his face, before smiling a little. "Sleipnir, stop being so picky."She said smiling a little as she mussed up his hair, moving in to set all the food and drinks down before starting to nibble on her own cream filled dounut. "Thor's here."She muttered shuddering as she felt the maigc that brought him light the air.

"Brother?"Thor said as he stepped in from the balcony, looking at the others, before nodding towards sigyn who moved closer to clint. "I have been told I acted to hastily yesterday. I must apologize. To both you, and lady sigyn."Thor said nodding to them both as he looked at the dounuts and picked up the sprinkle covered one as Tony offered it to him, looking a little unsure now that it wasn't just loki, but the three kids who were definitely not friendly with their uncle. "I am married, Thor. You can't take me home."Sigyn said her voice sounding unsure, hesitant. "I was told. Though none are as powerful as you, Odin does have seers working for him still, and he sends his congradulations on your nupitals, lady sigyn, friend barton."Thor said, looking truly contrite at his actions the day before. Though it was good, and he was always apologetic after he did something rash, Sigyn still didn't trust him, didn't trust odin to not be scheming something. but since asgard was backing off for the moment, she'd just stay leery.
Loki snorted a little. "i do cuddle Sigyn, but Sigyn and i have been forced apart for a very long time." he admitted. "thousands of years. i married her when we where still rather young. Odin didn't like that and sent her to earth, promising she could come back when she agreed to be his fourth wife." Loki admitted. "in the end, it was probobly best that we where separated, we could not be used against each other that way. until i started feeling attraction for you, and her for Barton and Rogers, everyone believed we where very madly in love..." Loki paused. "i suppose we where, just in a familial sense." he admitted with a chuckle. "this is the first true taste of freedom either of us has felt since we where born." he admitted. "if Jormungandr was here, he could break them easily enough, he's very good at unraveling things, and it would be easier to have them removed from 'outside' rather than inside." he admitted. "i don't recall that." Loki admitted. "when i lived on earth last, many people actually bathed together. like the roman's, and the Greeks." he admitted. "nudity is not common anymore then... i suppose that would explain a few things. i do with Sigyn had told me." he grumbled. "i always get blamed anyway." he admitted with a sigh. "at least when they where little, i could bully them into behaving, either with threats or bribes... now they just ignore me and chaos chaos... i'd be proud, but most of that chaos is aimed at me."

Clint laughed and shook his head. "no, no you misunderstand. think about it. You and Loki, separately, are fine. not so bad. you and Loki together is disaster waiting to happen because you're both entirely too mischievous. which is great when it's aimed at someone who isn't me... now, Loki gave your kids that mischievousness streak, and you gave them that pinch of uncontrollable chaos, and they added in their own Chaos BOOM! you have kids that are three times worse than their parents. happens all the time. don't blame yourself." Clint reassured her, laughter seeping into his voice. "...just four? i can handle four..." Clint muttered. "at least Sleipnir doesn't make fun of me..." he mused, examining the two new children, Hela looking Clint up and down. "Mother! my have you ever caught yourself a yummy man." Hela purred and Clint went bright red and hid behind Sigyn. "your children frighten me on a primal level..." Clint informed Loki who burst into laughter, delighted that his children where frightening. "i live to be picky." Sleipnir stated with a smile. "you know i don't like sugar all that much, it does weird things to me." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i am, essentially, still a horse mother, can you really expect me to change all that much?" he asked with a chuckle as Clint sat down with his Bavarian cream, butter-cream glazed doughnut, moaning happily as he took a swallow of his common, normal coffee.... like steve's. just a calming cup of black coffee, though Steve added a splash of creamer to his. not like Sleipnir, who was drinking his favorite Iced Chai.

Loki turned away from Thor. "now i am your brother again? you are such a hypocrite Thor." Loki hissed, refusing to look upon the Blonde Warrior, but he didn't leave the room as he would have a few hundred years ago. he had found it hurt Thor much more to be ignored. Clint also was ignoring Thor, aside from the side long glares he was offering the man. "Odin should have trusted his Seers when they told him fucking with Sigyn would destroy the nine realms." Loki stated, his voice as cold as ice. "or where you not aware of the warning he had gotten the first time he decided to make Sigyn into little more than a slave!?" Loki demanded, finally turning to his brother. "do you have ANY idea what you almost DID!?" Loki demanded before he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "of course you don't. you don't think at all. i'm sick of looking at you." Loki informed the man as he stalked out of the room, pausing at the threshold before turning to look at Thor. "you are not my brother." he stated, Sleipnir humming as he took another doughnut, wondering if Thor would recognize him. after all, no one on Asgaurd really knew what had happened to the best horse in the nine realms. the eight legged beast who had been taken from Loki to serve as Odin's personal stead. Thor had even ridden Sleipnir on occasion. "i do beleive i am quite annoyed as well." Hela admitted, narrowing her eyes at Thor. "it took me three hours to calm down the Dead. they didn't much like you messing with my mother." she examined her nails, as sharp as knives when she wanted them to be. "i don't think i like it either." she admitted, staring at Thor. "do choose your choices a little better in the future, won't you uncle? i'd hate to have to help kill you."
"Ah. That explains some things. Definitely can see how that can harm both you you."Tony said looking amused before snickering slightly. "Yea, being attracted to people does tend to ruin a pretend marriage. Though I can't wait until her and legolas try to seduce Cap. That'll be amusing."Tony said looking amused before sighing."Well, he'll be back with sigyn and clint."He pointed out before making a face."Definitely not like that now."He smirked before nodding. "Ahhh, I see. Definitely not little enough to bully anymore."Tony snickered a little.

"Ahhh, I see. Don't worry, they'll be making fun of tony and loki to. So it wont all be aimed at you."She said looking pleased at his description before sighing quietly as she nodded."Just four, and ignore Hela's flirting. She does it with everyone.And fenris will just be like a puppy."Sigyn said laughing amused as the second youngest wrapped his arms around her, the wolf pup snuggling into her. "mother!" "hey fen."She muttered gently running her fingers through his hair as he clung to her, amused. Wondering how long it would take clint to realize though she claimed all of them, none of them were really hers. Just adopted because they were loki's children and she loved them, but none shared her genetic code, she'd been holding off having her own kids,and while she loved them,something had been holding her off from having kids with loki. "Horses like sugar cubes, slep."Sigyn pointed out with a smirk as she shifted to sit down as she let fenris cuddle against her, while he was nearly 500 years old, he still was in that awkward growing puppy stage. "...I heard a moan. I think I'm jealous."Sigyn teased her husband looking amused.

"I am sorry, loki."Thor said hanging his head a little before looking annoyed at being ignored before sighing. "I did not know until last night when her marriage was seen. I came to apologize."Thor said before wincing as he watched loki walk away before looking at the four children glaring at him. "I think I will go speak with father. There are things that need done."Jormugandr said simply before walking out. "I will try, hela. I am sorry."Thor said looking at his niece as he studied sleipnir, almost knowing him but not sure. "....I have some calls to make. I'll see you later."Sigyn said after a few moments, studying them all, before leaving the room, heading for clint's bedroom. While she did have some calls to make, most especially to her agent to tell her she was retiring from supermodeling, but she was really just running away from thor without actually running. The man scared her to badly to sit and just eat dounuts and coffee trusting the rest of to do make sure he was gone soon, and that nothing else went wrong. "Well. Talk about to serious of mornings."Tony grumbled as he downed his coffee, rubbing a hand over his face knowing he had things to be doing, but since it was his tower and thor had shown himself a little untrustworthy, he had no desire to leave him alone, even if the other's were with him.

"Father?Did you want some help with your bindings?"Jor said as he stepped into the room, looking around him in curiousity. "and I would like to hear about your and mother's new romances. She was understandably distracted from telling me anything."Jor said smiling at his father as he sat down next to the man, looking amused though there was a current of anger in his face, that said he was seriously annoyed with his uncle and near lashing out at the man.
Clint nodded a little. "so... it's not so bad...." he muttered, relaxing. "i can handle flirting, and childishness... and Sleipnir seams to like me, so really i only have to handle Jor's horrible sense of humor. that's easy enough, i do it to Tony all the time." he mused with a grin we he watched Fenris, his head cocked to the side. "so, none of the legends are right then?" he asked, curious. "because i was pretty sure Fenris was supposed to be a massive Wolf that was forever chained up, and that Hela was... er, well half Zombie... wow, humans are jerks..." Sleipnir laughed. "there are grains of truth in the legends." Sleipnir admitted, Hela nodding. "yes. and i do too, but that is actual sugar, not processed beets and chemical flavoring." he pointed out, making a face at them. "why must humans use artificial sweeteners in everything?" "makes us feel better about eating crap." was Bruce's acknowledgment. "you should be jealous." he stated with a smirk. "although, after last night, i'm not sure i can manage an orgasm." "...gross." Bruce complained, having thus far been silent. Steve wasn't visible anywhere. he was actually with Pepper, the woman having called late last night, terrified out of her skull because she was hearing voices that weren't there. perfect excuse not to see the Happy Couple. while he'd never said anything, he'd had a major crush on Clint since they'd met. the Cap was just feeling a little heartbroken.

"i truly don't think you are Uncle. after all, this isn't the first time you've done such things. and you've never had remorse for them." she'd never forgiven Thor for killing the entire mainland of Atlantis. which had, ironically enough, not been in the Atlantic, but had actually been what was now Hawaii. only it had actually been a large chunk of land, instead of a series of islands. all those people dead, simply because he'd thought they where harboring a fugitive of Asgard. they hadn't been, and an entire race of people died. people that Hela then had to settle in Niflheim. "i'd better go with her, she's pretty shaken up." Clint muttered, voice low. almost a whisper. forgetting that Thor's superhuman ears could hear every word. "she's terrified of Odin... she hasn't really... come down from the fear yet..." he admitted to Tony before following Sigyn out of the room. Sleipnir just continued to sit there. "humans are always overly dramatic... actually so are Asgaurdians... and Jotun too." there was a pause then. "hmm, maybe it's me whose weird." he pondered as he took another bite of doughnut. "would you like another?" Sleipnir asked, offering another sprinkle doughnut to Thor, who would probobly not notice the high strength laxative running throughout the doughnut. that would teach the bugger to mess with his family.

"oh, Jor... yes please." Loki chirped, having been struggling to unbind the bandages so he could see the markings. "leave the Tattoo's though. we don't want your Dear Uncle to realize i am no longer bound. he is an idiot, but even he would notice if my Tattoo's vanished. i'm surprised he didn't demand to know why my wrists where covered in bandages... i wonder if i could convince him i tried to kill myself? would that be too cruel do you think?" he mused as he finally managed to get the wrappings off, handing his wrists to Jormungandr. "i am glad you are here Jor..." Loki admitted. "you and the others... i missed you very much, and i fear we're going to need the help. Odin will not let this lie so smoothly. he will be furious that Sigyn slipped through his fingers yet again."
"Hey!I don't have a horrible sense of humor."Tony whined looking annoyed. "He is a wolf, some of the time. And jorgumandr's a serpent sometimes to. Humans are idiots sometimes, mixed legends with make believe."Sigyn said smiling, looking amused as fenris changed just to see what his step dad would do, laughing as the hip high wolf nudged clint a little, tail wagging. Acting more like a puppy then a wolf. Sigyn smiled as she fed him his doughnut, knowing he preferred this form and would probably stay that way for awhile. "True. Last night was awesome, and a little to much all at once."Sigyn snickered a little looking amused as bruce's complaint, tilting her head a little as she realized they were missing someone. "Where's cap?" "With pepper. She needed help last night."Tony answered, because while he'd wanted to go with, he'd been afraid that his presence would make the voices worse, and he knew steve had been glad to help.

"I did not mean for atlantis to sink."Thor said knowing what she meant, before looking around the table, frowning slightly as clint stood. Listening he inwardly smirked, well. At least the girl was still afraid. Might make shaking her up even more easier. "Yea, warhorse, I'm pretty sure it's just you."Tony teased looking amused as he watched thor eat his doughnut, having seen sleipnir sprinkling the laxative, but to pissed to say anything. Grinning even wider as thor ran out, heading for the bathroom. Oh yea, definitely amusing.

"Hm, they are kinda pretty, in a weird sort of way.And he's not dear in any sort of way.That's disturbing."Jor complained even as he closed his eyes and started to work on the bindings, before nodding slightly. "Definitely could probably convince him, he's stupid enough to believe it."jor said before smiling a little, "I know. And no matter how peaceful it looks, this isn't over. We'll just have to wait and see. It'll be interesting to see how mother handles being actually married, instead of just friends with her husband. I see newly wed fights and temper tantrums in the future."jor snickered a little because he knew the circumstances of their wedding, and quick marriage, and getting to know each other would most likely cause problems somewhere.

"Yes...I know. But I don't want to anymore....yes, it is sudden but..No I wont change my mind..."Sigyn was talking on the phone, nearly jumping out of her skin when clint came into the room, actually so startled she dropped the phone, looking at him with wide eyes for a moment before flushing, and picking up the phone again. "Sorry. Dropped the phone. Just see to it that the money gets sent to the charity, and the announcement made. Goodbye."Sigyn sighed softly, rubbing a hand over her face as she looked up at him, concern flickering over her face."Something wrong?"She said studying him.
Clint jumped when Fenris changed and then a gleam entered his eyes. "oh that could be fun." he mused with a smirk. "i wonder how people would react to me taking a massive wolf for a walk? you're big enough that your mother could probobly ride you like a horse..." he muttered, examining Fenris. "that is really very cool." he admitted, his head tilted. "we'll have to take him to the park or something so he can burn off some of that puppy energy." granted, he wasn't exactly a puppy... "help with what?" Clint asked, startled, wondering why Cap had gone and not Tony or Bruce, someone who actually cared what happened to the woman. "you sank Atlantis?!" Bruce demanded, looking shocked. "Atlantis was real!?" Steve asked, even more shocked. "hmm, it must be." Sleipnir mused with a smile. "i do wonder whatever is wrong with him?" the Horse mused as he watched Thor rush off, his pretty little head tipped to the side. "i do hope he's feeling alright." Sleipnir mused, Bruce lifting an eyebrow. "why do that?" "he used the whip." was Sleipnir's calm response, but it made Bruce wince. people didn't use whips on horses anymore, not in America anyway. they did use crops sometimes, but never whips. Bruce couldn't imagine how much that must have hurt. he didn't begrudge Sleipnir the chance to have his pound of revenge.

Loki chuckled a little and he shook his head. "i do like them, they are fancy, in their own sort of way, they just piss me off when they punish me." he admitted with a scowl. "and your right, i hate him and wish him all eternity in the lowest pits of Nifelheim." he growled. "but i wouldn't want to make Hela have to deal with him." he grumbled, shaking his head. "i will have to do that. make it look as if Tony and Sigyn are the only reason why i'm alive. he's a dick, an ass, and entirly too much like Odin, but he does have some sort of affection for me at least. i think so anyway." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "oh there's going to be fights. massive, raging fights that drive everyone out of the Tower." Loki admitted with a smile. "but they are made for each other. they'll calm down once they get Steve into their circle."

Clint smiled at her. "i just wanted to come check on you." he admitted. "wanted to make sure you weren't having a panic attack or something with Lumpy so close by." he admitted. "did you just quit you're job?" he asked looking worried. "how come? i thought you liked being a model?" he asked, worried that she had quit because she thought she couldn't work and be married to him at the same time. "do you want to leave? the Tower i mean... i don't feel comfortable being here with Thor here... something... i'm gettign a bad feeling about him." he admitted with a frown. "i don't like him so close to you." he admitted softly. "is that wrong of me?"
"I did that once. Scared most of london into thinking their horses were wolves really."Sigyn said snickering before nodding. "We will.Going to the park with him is fun."She snickered before growing serious. "...she was hearing voices. Cap told me to stay,since so much of her current situation seems to be focused on me, I was afraid of triggering a worse episode."Tony explained seeing the look on clint's face, not about to admit that he'd also stepped aside knowing steve needed to get away from sigyn and clint. They'd figure out how to bring steve in, when they were ready. "I did, but accident."Thor said looking serious, "It was where your islands were. I think their called the hawiian islands now."the man said. "Ouch. We should make sure he stays sick, between you and sigyn, I'm sure there's a perfect reason to leave him sick."Tony muttered looking a little disturbed at the idea of thor using a horse whip.

"Yea, well anything that punishes you, you hate. Including mother when she refuses to cook for you."Jor said before nodding a little. "Yea, hela would probably kill you for that. And weirdly, he does like you. He's just not very good at being a family person. To much time with odin I think."Jor muttered wincing a little he felt the magic give a slight pop, the bonds gone, before glancing up at loki smirking. "I can't wait. It'll be interesting to see mother really fighting with someone, instead of whatever you two called fighting."He pointed out because really, they hadn't fought. They had spats of course, but nothing compared to what jor was sure was going to be fighting with sigyn and clint as they learned more about each other. "And now that we've discussed mother, tell me more about your womanizing billionaire."

"I'm fine. Just finding and taking care of business."Sigyn said smiling slightly, "Iumpy?"She raised a eyebrow before nodding, "I did. And I do.But...I would have had to move on soon anyways. I always do. Someone always realizes I'm looking 20, forever, instead of aging.Even in this age of plastic surgery, its hard passing unnoticed."She said because while it was true, it wasn't the whole truth. and she had a sense he'd hate it if she told him she quit to protect him. Because if she was still a model, her life would be under constant survillence from the press, which would make his life a little difficult as a agent of shield, since he'd be along for the ride as soon as the world realized she was married. "Yea, that's call common sense, and I don't like him close to me either."She offered him a small smile before shaking her head. "No, its not wrong. I'd trust him on a mission, as a avenger, but simply being here in the I don't want him anywhere near me, or you for that matter."She said thoughtfully. "We could take fen to the park.Go for a walk."She said smiling as she walked towards the door, pausing to kiss him lightly.
Clint laughed a little and nodded. "i'll have to pick up a Frisbee or something." he mused with a smile. "can he shrink by any chance? the last thing we need is someone calling Animal control." he admitted with a grimace before his eyes widened. "hearing voices? shit she's worse than i thought she was..." he admitted, looking just a touch worried now. "it would explain a bit though... she was snapping at Tony because she wanted to push him away. she was scared of hurting him." Bruce muttered. "they tend to do that, crazy people." he admitted. "after what happened to her, it's no wonder she's having a psychotic episode. who knows what Killian did to her. we fixed the physical problems, but none of us thought about what it might have done to her mind. you where right to stay away Tony, she probobly would have gotten violent if she'd been too close to you." he admitted before he looked highly interested. "i wonder if there's anything left?" "nope." Sleipnir stated. "Odin thought humans where too dangerous with such magical knowladge and capabilities and destroyed what was left and took what he wanted. just like the great library of Alexandria, and Eden." Sleipnir stated simply. "Odin doesn't like it when the other realms become close to threatening him." the horse boy admitted as he examined a magazine about cars that Tony had laying around. "hmm, Horsepower? do you have tiny horses running these?"

Loki snorted. "so i'm told." he grumbled. "it's not like you and you're mother are any different." he pointed out. "honestly? i don't think Thor likes anyone but himself. if he could kill Odin and take the Throne for himself and banish anyone else i think he'd be perfectly happy." he admitted with a sigh before yelping as his bonds snapped. "that stung a bit. thank you Jor. that saved me a lot of time and effort." he admitted with a smile as he examined the markings, and the raw chew marks. "it will be frightening..." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "your mother and i snipe at each other." he informed Jormungandr. "just like when you and Sleipnir decide you both hate each other for no real reason." he sighed a little as he shook his head. "Tony is... broken." he admitted. "but that's part of what makes him attractive, because i'm broken too. he's sarcastic and funny, he's simply gorgeous, and he's so smart sometimes he even looses me." he admitted with a smile. "i love watching him work on a problem, and then get that look of delight on his face when he realizes he's solved some crucial problem on a completely other project. he's hyper, never still, and that makes me think of... converting all that energy into something a little less productive." Loki admitted with a grin. "he's also fun to tease... was that what you where looking for?"

he shrugged. "well it certainly isn't a brain he's got up there. i figure it's just a mass of fat, so... lumpy. plus as muscled as he is, he sort of looks a bit lumpy." he admitted with a shrug before he grimaced a little at her explanation. "oh man, that really sucks Sig. i'm sorry..." he muttered, setting a hand on her arm. "we'll find you a better job, something you like just as much... i know! i'll give you five hundred a month to do nothing but pick on Loki." he decided, grinning at her. "hows that? i'll add another five hundred if you throw Tony into the mix." he decided with a smile. "alright, i'll get the Frisbee and find a collar big enough for him... you can't take animals out into the city without a collar and a leash." he admitted, smiling as he was kissed. "i promise. i won't let you be bored." he muttered, "we'll find you the greatest job ever, where no one will care that you don't age..."
"He can. A bit. Enough to look like a large puppy."She said smiling as she rubbed fenris' ears. "Yea. I didn't realize it was that bad."Tony sighed softly looking a little guilty for not realizing what she was doing. He figured she'd hated him, and hadn't thought of what killian had done, having thought he'd fixed the problem, so he'd never considered what else it could have done. "I'm going to drag loki down to the lab later to help." " that a cleverly disguised desire to see him naked?"Sigyn sniped as she left the room, "No. I meant I could get him to help with the blood work, I mean, if she's still feeling affects from what killian did, maybe it's still in her blood to."He said. "Damn. Now that would have been awesome."Tony sulked a little looking annoyed at the idea of not being able to have anything from atlantis, or eden, or the library. That would have been awesome. Glancing at the magazine sleipnir was looking at he smiled a little."No. Its just a way of measuring how many horses it would take to do the same amount of work that the machines doing."

"Hey, me and mother are totally different. We don't find the same men attractive for one thing. He's good looking, but I think I'll take my sex partners female."Jor snickered a little before nodding."He probably would. Which means of the two, he's probably more dangerous, because odin likes his son. Thor willl see the world burn to have mother to use for his own ends."He muttered before nodding. "Your welcome. And me and slei don't snipe, we discuss things in a reasonably loud tone. At least according to fen that's what we do."He said looking amused before tilting his head looking thoughtful. "He sounds good for you, father. And don't think to hard, you might scare him off."He teased a little before nodding."Exactly what I wanted to know. Oh, by the way, Clint finds being a step dad marginally weird. It was fairly amusing to listen him freak out when he realized I was waiting for them this morning."

"Ahhh, you know that makes sense. I like it. You'll have to add it to tony's list of nicknames for everyone."Sigyn snickered a little before nodding. "It does.And hmmm, just for that?I'd do that for free."She teased looking up at him,"Wait, here."Sigyn said reaching out and picking up one of the pens off the bedside table, magicking it into a collar and leash."There we go."she said grinning, "And I'm sure you'll keep me from being bored. Maybe I'll stay here and help tony figure out how to do magic. That would be fairly amusing."She said looking amused as she rounded up fenris, letting the other's know they were going out, and leaving before she had a chance to figure out where thor was, not wanting to pause long enough just in case he came out of the bathroom. Fairly quiet, content to just be with him as they went to the park, because she was thinking. Sighing in frustration she realized she couldn't lie to him. Because while she didn't want to fight over it, she was new at relationships, and didn't know how bad lying to him would be, and since he'd asked her point blank if it was because of him, she didn't want to lie. At a loss on how to do this whole relationship thing, and for a moment she hated herself for never having a relationship for, so she knew how to handle this."Hey...besides, you know, not aging, you do make a living as a agent, going undercover sometimes, and you know, just the whole avenger thing. Me being constantly in the spotlight, would mean you would join me. And I wont let you be in danger of getting your cover blown, because you had to marry me. I mean, its not that hard. I'd have had to find a new job soon enough..."She shrugged smiling as fenris barked at squirrels, tugging at the leash, watching the path in front of her, instead of the man at her side. Sounding slightly unsure and worried about his reaction, because she so totally didn't know what to expect at her confession.But she knew one thing, she never wanted to lie to him.
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