
Loki snickered a little and touched the table next to him before handing her an award that had suddenly appeared. it left him more than a little tired, but since he was going to bed anyway, he didn't give a damn. the woman in loose flowing robes was made of pure gold, and underneath it was etched 'turns Gay Men Straight'. "there you go... you turned his suits pink!?" Loki demanded, breathless from trying to contain his laughter. "he's going to blame ME for that you know!" he complained with a grin.

"A House warming party?" Bruce asked, looking skeptical as he took the invitation. "to Loki's new house... this is probobly a trap..." he admitted, not that it would stop any of them from going. "...we can make that. easily enough. remember Natasha, they're gods. they forget us mortals can't travel instantaneously." he pointed out before going bright red as he looked at... himself as a female. nearly completely naked and green. "you know... i look pretty good with breasts." he admitted with a smirk, Bruce and Steve laughing. "well we know that Tony's having this framed." Clint laughed as Steve examined the pictured curiously. "they got the costumes dead on. i bet Loki helped with this." Bruce mused "he can't have. his magic is bound, remember?" Clint complained "that didn't stop him from turning Tony's suits pink. or from transporting himself." Steve reminded them. "i don't think it's bound completely, just heavily repressed." "meaning?" "meaning he can still do small things, but he can't do the big flashy things.... i think."

Loki grinned down at her. "explore? i hear there are caves around here." he admitted, leaping over the side of the porch. magic or not, Loki was still a god, and they could achieve some pretty awesome sauce stunts. he landed in the sand next to her, barefoot and shirtless, wearing the typical crappy man shorts that where entirely too colorful. "let's go! maybe there are some mortals around here that we can scare." he mused with a playful grin as he took her hand and pointed out to sea. "i hear there are sharks in the water too. it would be pretty awesome to go and see. maybe we can feed Banner to one?"
"Thank you.its a very good award."she looked amused before nodding."I did.and that's the point. The best pranks are the ones you get blamed for."she pointed out snuggling down to sleep.

"It probably is a trap...set up for their own amusement. If they wantrd to cause damage,they would have done it without inviting us to their home."tony pointed out before wincing at bruce's observation."don't say that around might actually find yourself with breasts."he warned makkng natasha laugh. "You spent time with him stark,hows his magic?"natasha asked wanting to know before they went into their house."its repressed. He has it,but it drains him,where before he had a unlimited supply.."tony shrugged."but sigyn is also a sorceress,she was perfectly capable of making our outfits without loki's help...even if I'm sure he wss laughing his ass off as she did it."tony grumbled before nodding."of course its getting framed."tony said standing."come on,we better get ready to go if we want to make it to spain before they decide we're not coming."

"Must you be wear those shorts?if your going to be with me,you have to wear something these."she said screwing up her eyes and smirking as his shorts morphed into iron man swim trunks. Grinning at him she nidded as she changed into her oen dark blue swimsuit, heading for the sea."lets go then. And yes we'll feed banner to onr. Seeing him and a shark battling would be epic."she decided smirking at her husband."...soooo hoe long do you think it'll take for stark to mention his suits are still pink?"
Clint made a face. "we'll probobly walk out of there with rabbit ears and the teeth of a giraffe or something." he mused with a grin, shaking his head a little. "we're still going though, right?" he asked, his head tilted a little. "honestly, am i the only one who paid attention when Loki was dropped off? Thor explained everything." Bruce complained, rolling his eyes. "Loki's magic is heavily restrained. he can do simply 'magics' like changing the color of our clothes, but anything that requires messing with the way our bodies work or look is beyond his abilities. he couldn't give me breasts..." there was a pause. "Sigyn probobly could though." he admitted with a grimace once he realized that Loki's bed-mate was a sorceress. "is that why Loki took his time in returning you?" Steve asked, looking at Tony. "he didn't have the magical strength to transport you back?" "i don't understand why Sigyn didn't just do it. unless she's trying to pretend she doesn't exist?" "alright, let me pack my swim trunks." Clint demanded. "if we're going to Spain, i insist on going swimming." he ordered, loping off to get his swimming gear. it only took him five minutes, and soon they where off again.

Loki laughed a little. "i LIKE these shorts!" he complained with a grin as he shook his head at the shorts. "really? must you?" he complained, but didn't change them back. because they where not 'living' their particles wouldn't fight him. changing his clothes was well within his ability. though he couldn't do anything to animals, plants, insects, fish, or people at the moment. and the thigns he could affect, he had to be touching. that wouldn't matter in another few weeks, already Loki's magic was working on the restraints, and soon he wouldn't be hindered at all. "within the first three minutes i'm sure." he admitted with a grin. "
"Something horribly like that, probably."Tony said making a face before nodding. "Of course we're going. Its not every day one gets invited to a god's house."Tony said looking amused before nodding at Bruce's words. "probably."He agreed about not listening to thor before looking thoughtful. "Yea, when I grabbed him he used alot of magic to get us both safely to his house."He looked amused before tilting his head, "Because Sigyn was to busy sniping at Loki and eating dinner to get the 'fucking cur' out of her house. Really, I dont think she's pretending to not exist, she just didn't care if I was there since Loki could get me back soon enough."Tony grumbled looking annoyed before nodding, "Swimming sounds good."Tony grinned as they were all leaving to get their things, fairly pouncing up and down as they traveled, wondering just what they could expect.

"You can have the back...when you're not with me."Sigyn said looking amused because she knew he'd change them back if he really wanted to. And she was really looking forward to the day that he was free from his bonds, they'd really have fun pranking people then. "Well. This is going to be fun."She grinned as they started exploring.

By the time they returned home the woman was happy and contented as they walked up the back steps to the deck, turning her head slightly at the sound of the jet,smirking at loki as she leaned into him, wrapping her arms around him, and kissing him lightly as the jet landed on the beach, the small airplane perfect just for the avengers."We could really freak them out, make them think we're having sex up here."She muttered running a hand down his back as she rested her hands on his hips tugging him closer. Flirting with a gay man just amused her greatly....and freaking out the avengers amused her even more.

"...are we totally sure we want to go up there?"natasha asked as she turned off the plane, leaning back in her seat for a moment looking amused because she'd caught sight of the couple on the deck waiting for them. The swimsuits they were wearing didn't leave much to the imagination."Definitely. Did you see how naked she was?"Tony grinned as he undid his seatbelt and started to get out of the plane.
Bruce snickered a little as Clint and Steve rolled their eyes at Tony. "he's not much of a God." Steve pointed out. "so because you went with him, he depleted his magic much faster than he intended. fascinating." Bruce muttered as he pulled out his Stark@ Tablet and made a few notes for himself. he was as fascinated by the magic as Tony was. "so in other-words, Sigyn doesn't like you." Steve stated, smirking at Tony. "did she really call you a cur?" Clint asked, looking deeply amused. "so she sort of just, pretended you didn't exist. that's hilarious." Steve chirped, laughing at Tony.

Loki laughed at her and shook his head. "i don't care what i wear." he admitted with a smirk. "but this will be much more amusing for the Avengers to see me in." he admitted, admiring the red and gold boxers. "very fun." he putted with a grin. he too was happy and content when they returned. they'd found three caves, and Loki had discovered a shell the size of Thor's head. "hmmm" he murmured as he leaned into the kiss, snickering through his nose. he knew exactly what she was doing. "mess up your hair a little." he breathed as he ruffled his own hair and crinkled his shorts, making it look like he'd torn them off and yanked them back on in haste. "you're enjoying this far too much." he teased, breathless from trying to hold in his laughter as he ignored the jet plane and kissed his best freind. using a minor illusion to make it look like they where battling for tongues. he didn't care how much he wanted to freak out the Avengers. he was not putting his tongue, in her mouth.

Clint, Bruce, and astonishingly Steve, agreed with Tony's statement and they followed out of the plane and into the sandy beaches, Clint grinning as he caught sight of the massive conch shell Loki had found. "check it out! that sea shell is as big as Thor's head!" Loki had to laugh at that as he headed down the stairs to great their guests. "i thought the same thing when i found it an hour ago." Loki admitted with an impish little grin as he opened the door and let all the Avengers in. "Sigyn will be down shortly. she wanted to dress a bit warmer. it gets cool in the house with the AC on." the house was the Epitome of 'spoiled rich man'. there where three very large, wide screen TV's in the three rooms they could see from there. there was a massive tropical fish tank full of various sharks and stingrays. there was the latest and greatest Stark@ Laptop sitting on the table. it was the newest, and the best on the entire market and it ran well upwards of a thousand dollars at the moment. and it was running what looked like a processing program. "have a seat." Loki offered, flashing Tony a smirk as he wiggled his hips, his ass well defined by the Iron man swimming trunks he was wearing. "we still don't have any Alcohol." he informed the hopeful Stark.
ote='Moon Struck Fox' pid='1384871' dateline='1394204683']
"Uh huh...told me i better not shit on her floors or give her fleas either. Apparently she doesnt think much of humanity." "Or just didn't think much of you."natasha pointed out snicker.

"Oh don't pretend your not enjoying it just as much."she said breathless with laughter as she felt the illusion settle around them.rolling her eyes a little."if I didn't know you'd rather be frenching stark then kissing me, I might be insulted."she teased because like him she had no desire to kiss beyond the gentle kisses and nuzzling. Stepping back she messed up her hair waving a hand to change her clothes into loki's clothes, looking like she'd hastily pulled on a pair of his jeans and a nice sweater.definitely looking like a freshly tumbled siren. Grinning she whistled a little as she followed loki downstairs.

"You knew we were coming you could have at least had alcohol."tony grumbled looking even more out of sorts because his house looked much like this, a rich mans place. At the movement his eyes were drawn to loki's ass before he made the connection to what he was wearing."nice. But its not accurate. Currently my suit's pink." " owe me money, liessmith.i told you it wouldn't take him that long to bring it up. Besides, I made him chsnge thdm back before you got here."sigyn said giggling acting like it'd bedn loki the whole time."now,cur,yourr being rude. Like a untrained puppy. Are you going to introduce me,as everyone already knows loki?"sigyn said as if shed known they'd bedn making fun of a littony for it and decided to just keep the joke going.

Tony's eyebrow twitched a little at the insult."sigyn everyone. Everyone,igyn."
Loki laughed and nodded. "it's great fun." he agreed with a smirk. "i'd rather kiss a mule." he grumbled with a sneer. "who knows where that filthy thing has been." he mused with a shake of his head. "besides, i love kissing you." he admitted with a grin. "just so long as i don't have to put my tongue in your mouth." he admitted with a grin as he bounded down the stairs, truly enjoying himself. "i do not allow inferior items in my home." Loki stated with a sniff. "if you MUST get drunk, i have some Elvish Wine you can sample." he stated simply. "Summerdew is far beyond anything you humans are capable of." he stated with a superior look. "i did NOT!" Loki complained. "i have to be TOUCHING the machines to affect them!" he complained with a scowl at her. "stop getting me in trouble!" Loki complained, smirking at her. "i'll get you your money... or would you rather it in... favors?" he asked, grinning slyly at her as he went into the parlor and pulled out a gleaming bottle made of glass so clear it looked as if it was made of perfectly frozen ice. inside was a glittering liquid that looked like the perfectly blue waters of a rare ocean.

"he always behaves like that Darling. he was badly trained as a puppy." Loki informed her as he poured out tiny little shot glasses of the glittering blue liquid. "would you like a sample?" he offered her, and everyone else a glass of the delightful blue waters that was apparently called Summerdew, which tasted like warm summer sun on your skin, and of blueberries mixed with the faintest touch of the taste of ice-cream. "for goodness sakes." Loki complained, scowling at Tony. "she meant names you heathen. Sigyn, darling. this is Bruce Banner, the man of green rage. Clint Barton, the clipped falcon. Steve Rogers, the frozen child, Tony Stark, manner-less mutt, and Natasha Romanoff, who lies as well as i do." out of all of them... Natasha was the only one who hadn't somehow been insulted. Loki was rather impressed by Nat, to be honest. any human who could 'trick' the god of lies was impressive. he took a tiny sip of the Summerdew and sighed softly. it tasted wonderful, and had the same amount of alcohol as Russian Vodka. without the bitter, acrid taste. being that each avenger had only gotten a tiny shot glass full, there was no chance of getting drunk.
"Hm, don't be to hasty. If any mortal has nearly as much experience as you, it's stark."She teased before nodding. "Yes, keep your tongue to yourself. I have no desire to kiss like that."She smirked amused because she really was enjoying harassing the avengers. "Interesting."Tony said tilting his head at the idea of elvish wine before his eyebrows went up."You didn't?"he said then remembered what bruce had said, and how loki had responded to the teleporting. A spell like his suit would keep a constant drain, loki couldn't...but..."Sigyn!"He growled. "What?They're back to red."Sigyn said looking amused before smirking at Loki as she followed him to the bar and sitting down as she studied the others. "You know I'll always take favors over money."She purred as she took the glass, sipping the summerdew. "....I told you. They're creepy."Tony muttered to clint as he joined them at the bar, looking at the happy couple.

Tony rolled his eyes looking at loki."I would have gotten there."He said looking annoyed. Sigyn laughed quietly as she sipped her drink, before nodding hello to them all, both natasha and sigyn looking at loki in curiousity. "It's good to meet you all.I've been curious."She said smiling at them, because she had been. the only reason she hadn't gone with loki to meet with them before, was because she was also trying to avoid thor, thinking for a moment she added smirking. "I see Natasha is the only one who didn't get insulted. I think I'm jealous." "Don't be."Natasha assured looking amused though a little disturbed to, eyes widening as she sipped her drink."Oh.That is amazing. Thanks, loki."She said sounding a little choked, having never thought those words would pass her lips. Tony nodded agreeing with her words, holding up his glass for more. "Come on. Pour another."He said smirking a little as he glanced up above the bar, nodding towards the sign. "Cute."He said rolling his eyes at the 'come in peace, or leave in pieces' warning sign.
he chuckled a little. "he's not even close..." there was a pause. "well... he might be close. it's not like i've had a lot of sex in my lifetime. maybe if i was a human it would be a lot..." he frowned, actually pondering it now. "well, perhaps Stark is a little more experienced than i am. but unlike him, i learn my lessons well." he stated with a smug little grin. "no Stark, i didn't." Loki teased, highly amused. "i am no longer capable of causing mayhem from a distance. i have to be touching the items to affect them now. and once i let go, the effect tend to go away. i can still make minor color changes that are permanent to clothing. and minor transmogrification works so long as i don't try to change anything other than the shape or color. i can't even affect size anymore." he admitted with a sigh. "life has become such a bore." he admitted, sulking like a petulant two year old who'd gotten their video game taken away. he chuckled as he nuzzled the top of her head before sitting down with her, sipping at his Summerdew.

"you're only curious because you think they are something special to have defeated me. but i'll remind you, i wasn't trying that hard, and i was never much of an Asgaurdian." he pointed out with a sly little grin. "...that was you 'not trying very hard'!?" Steve demanded, his eyes wide as Loki laughed. "of course not! think about it, i am a lie smith and a mage. i could have gotten more power by pretending to be you're president, or taking over for the one eyed beaver." Loki pointed out with a grin. "i was bored, and angry at Thor, why shouldn't i have broken his toys?" "earth is not a Toy!" "well sure it is. besides, i didn't do any worse than what you humans could easily have done on your own. don't deny it. in fact more of your precious people and buildings where destroyed when those Twin Towers of yours where brought down." well. there was no denying that. "although, i have to admit being impressed. i never thought you would be able to completely wipe out the entire Chitauri nation." he admitted before smirking as she thanked him. "terribly sorry Stark, but unfortunately in large quantities Summerdew can be very lethal to mortals. a single serving is perfectly safe." he reassured the panicked Bruce, Steve, and Clint. "but a second might very well leave you... well, dead. or sleeping for a year or two. it varies from human to human." "that's hardly reassuring." Bruce muttered, Loki chuckling as he swallowed down the last of his own drink. "cute?" Loki asked, looking confused as he looked up and he snorted. "Sigyn, you wanted them to think you where harmless remember?"
"Well, that's good to know."Tony sulked a little at having been tricked before smiling a little at the sight of loki sulking. "I feel the love, loks. I'll just go back to be being boring and all."Sigyn smirked eyeing the billionaire sitting next to her, "Though, we do have him here. He'd make things interesting."She said looking at loki, smirking at him. TEasing him because she was teh only one who knew he was gay, so teasing loki, was hardly fair since the other's didn't get the whole joke.

"You weren't, but Banner did whip you around like a chew toy, and I did see Barton try to put your eye out. I'm interested."Sigyn muttered watching them argue, tensing a little, because she was worried that the avengers would actually not believe loki on why he had done it, and not prepared to be asked about her involvement in his planning. "Well, I'm fairly amazing you know, destroying whole races and all."Tony grinned a little looking up at Loki before pouting slightly."Fine.Water's good then."He said smiling as Sigyn got him a glass of water, before smirkign at bruce."At least he told you. He could have just let me drink it."He pointed out to his friend before snickering at loki's reaction, nodding. Sigyn glanced at the sign, before lookign at loki. "...I live with you. they'd never believe I was truly harmless. I figured it was better to not lie to them."Sigyn pointed out before sighing as she leaned back relaxing truly. "So. anything you want to ask since you have both of us here?I assume you came for a reason, besides enjoying loki's sparkling conversation?"Sigyn said amused as she glanced at the gathered avengers, wondering if this was a good idea, but figuring this was the reason they'd come, to see just how loki lived when he wasn't being watched.
Loki chuckled a little. "your the most interesting thing in my life, my love." he promised her before glaring. "we are NOT adopting that filthy mutt. i'm still certain he has flees, and who knows what he's rolled in to accumulate that stench?" he complained, sulking again, which made the men of the Avengers snicker, not realizing that Loki was gay... though, really, how could they have not have guessed? "in my defense, he startled me... i expected something entirely different, not the 'caveman' approach... though, how much brain power that hulking green thing has is a mystery to me..." he admitted. "and i will agree that the flightless bird is a good shot, he's just useless at everything else." "hey!" "hmm. the Chitauri where a parasitic race at that. it was almost like you completely eliminated the entire population of mosquitoes." he admitted with a smirk. that was why he'd chosen them in the first place. they where filthy, disgusting, and where entirely expendable. that Tony Stark and the other humans had managed to completely eliminate every last one of the mongering bastards was simply a bonus. "mow if you could manage to eliminate a race that was actually properly capable of fighting back, then i'd be impressed."

"actually, do to his... uniqueness, Banner might actually survive more than a single glass of the Summerdew... i wouldn't put it to the test, but he might." Loki admitted, sounding amused as he yawned. "hmm, you do live with me." Loki purred, grinning at her. "and you are, admittedly, anything but harmless." he stated, licking his lips. Clint, Bruce, and Steve all looked like they wanted to be sick. "yeah. why the hell did you invite us here?" "amusement mostly. it's not like you'll be able to find this place after you leave." Loki pointed out. "it's actually a simple enough process that i can just get the electronics in the house to modify your mental patterns without my ever even having to use a drop of my own magic." he admitted with a grin. "if you ask very nicely, i'll hide you're 'headquarters' for you." he teased with a grin. "you're electronics are so easy to manipulate." he admitted. "it's also fun to watch you be paranoid." he admitted with a laugh.
"Good."Sigyn smirked glancing at Tony, leaning into the man, sniffing a little, smirking as teh man tilted his head to the side. "I do not have fleas!" "he smells like liqiour and cigarettes. It's not all that bad really."Sigyn mused smirking as she moved away, snickering as Tony shifted in his seat a little. "Alot of things are a mystery to you Loks, though you would think after dealing with thor, you'd be used to caveman approaches."Sigyn pointed out smirking as Natasha laughed. "Thor does have his moments."Natasha said looking amused. "Oh. Be nice, loki. I'm sure the flightless bird is good at sex. He lives with Stark. It's probably like a requirement or something, to be good at sex."Sigyn said giggling a little, smirking at Natasha's dark look. Oh, so she did find a sore spot. Interesting.. "....Yes. But alot of people would be glad to be rid of mosquitoes. So I still did someone, somewhere, a favor. I'm still awesome."Tony said refusing to admit that it was a less then stellar victory.

"Hm, just remember that, next time you tempt me to bite you."She said smirking because she knew how the others would take it, even if she meant the time he'd convinced her to shapeshift- at present she could only change into a housecat, she didn't have his talent for it- and he'd made her move when she was napped. She'd bitten him bloody for interrupting her nap. "Amusement, and because we knew Stark wouldn't shut up. Figured you'd all rest easier with meeting me."Sigyn said because she wasnt about to admit to the prank yet, after all, it was all the more amusing the longer it took the avengers to realize they were living in New york, not spain. "Oh, speaking of amusement, did you enjoy your present Stark?Cause you know, I'd be willing to pose for you. If you wanted a look at a real superhero."Sigyn said laughing out loud as she waved a hand her clothes easily changing into a form fitting version of the iron man outfit, though it was asgardian metal so lighter and less bulky then earth's metal. "I should get to join the team. I'd be awesome."Sigyn grinned at Loki, "So what do you think?Though....It needs a color change."She said concentrating for a moment before changing the tradional iron man colors to green and gold to match loki's armor.
Loki shrugged. "Crabbs, flees, it's all the same to me." the God of Mischief stated with a shrug. "Thor at least aims for body parts." Loki complained. "that beast just grabbed me by the leg and started flinging me around, who does that? no one!" Loki complained, sulking even more. "and Thor is an idiot. he can't even work a toaster, despite being on Asgaurd filled with a LOT more complicated machinery that he has to work with, every day. for all that is Unholy, how hard is it to push down a lever? no. he can't even do that. he broke FIFTEEN of my toasters!" Loki growled. "fifteen!" he rolled his eyes. "if that molting cur is good at sex then i'll eat my own boots." Clint went bright red at that, furious as he glared at Loki. "i am TOO good at sex! i've had plenty of sex!" "did you know that lying to the god of lies is a very bad idea?" Loki asked, smirking at Clint who went even more red and looked away. "i'm sure i could teach you a thing or two." Loki leered, smirking as Clint went pale and started stammering that he wasn't gay. Loki just laughed. "and what does being gay have to do with teaching you where babies come from?"

"you're a bastard, you know that?" "it is a assured fact that i have worked very hard to maintain." Loki admitted, examining his fingernails. one of his cuticles had a nick in it. he was going to have to get himself another manicure. "i like it when you bite me though." he pointed out with a smirk. because while he hadn't thought it funny at the time, he thought it was hilarious now. "that and Thor will leave me alone if he thinks you lot have me in your sights." Loki admitted simply as he glanced upwards with a rather dangerous look on his face. "still i'd take Thor over Odin Any-day." he growled, his eyes narrowed before he smirked at her, running his eyes down Sigyn's body, licking his lips. "you look much better in my colors." he purred with an impish grin as he buried his dace in her neck and whispered sarcastic things about the avengers for her ears alone. musing about the looks on their faces when they realized they'd been had.
"I don't have crabs either!"Tony snarled looking very annoyed. "Hm, I'm fairly certain thor's probably flung you around a few times."Sigyn muttered amused at his loki. Natasha laughed nodding a little, "As bad at it is, you're right. Your brother is technologically challenged, even Steve over there got used to the toaster, not to mention Tony's been trying to teach him and failing." "I did not fail, I just stopped trying."Tony sulked annoyed at the idea before grinning at clint. "Maybe I should make it a requirement then?"the billionaire said looking amused. "Oh, but Loks, if he doesn't want you, I can be whoever he wants. I mean...look. He can have natasha, without having natasha, or an actress. Or I know!He could have himself as a girl. That would be really trippy.."Sigyn grinned as her illusion flickered to show clint who she said as each word crossed her mouth, smirking at him as she looked at him, dressed as clint in his vest and jeans, only being a bitch about it because she saw just how much it was bothering natasha. Wondering how much longer she could push without the assassin snapping.

Reaching out she smacked loki in the arm."Don't. You're going to bleed, and I refuse to bandage it." "You could just heal it, couldn't you?"tony asked looking curious. "I could, but if he's going to damage himself, he deserves to bleed."Sigyn supplied before smirking. "I know you do, which is why I don't do it."She pointed out before wincing a little her eyes shuttering at the mention odin, unconsciously leaning closer to loki for comfort. "I do. Definitely.You'll have to remind me how good I look later."Sigyn muttered tilting her head to the side to let him nuzzle her neck, giggling happily as he spoke, knowing they looked liked a couple ready to run off to the bedroom.

"I told you they were creepy."Tony stated looking at the others. "Definitely. We should go, and leave them alone."Natasha said scowling a little looking amused as Sigyn straightened, pulling away. "Oh no, you can't. I prepared dinner. You have to at least stay and eat. Otherwise I'll have to go find a shark to feed it to, and that's really to much effort."Sigyn said. "Besides, Clint wanted to swim.I think he'd have a problem if we left early."Tony said still snickering over loki making fun of clint's sex life, though it did get him wondering about loki's. Not even really aware that he was more interested in loki's side of things, then the supermodel practically sitting in loki's lap. If he had been aware of that, he would have most definitely been freaking out by now.
Loki chuckled a little at Tony's outrage. it was so much fun to piss that man off. "my brother is all around challenged." Loki grumbled with a roll of his eyes. "he can barely function on his own." at least Loki was claiming Thor as his brother this time around. " know, there WHERE toasters around before i was frozen." Steve complained, shooting Tony an annoyed look. "failure to teach Thor anything, is not much of a failure." Loki admitted with a grin. "it's like failing to teach a newborn how to talk, it simply can't be done." he admitted before offering his 'lover' a laugh at her blatant manipulation of Natasha, watching her turn into various people with amusement in his eyes as Clint sputtered and choked at how he was fine thank you very much, he didn't need a shape-shifting goddess to help him with his love life. "my but he did make some funny sounds when Natasha was mentioned." he mused with a smirk. "perhaps an unrequited love?" "just shut up..." Clint demanded, his eyes focused quite intently on his hands. "you do look cute as a woman though, Barton. perhaps i shall have to 'tap that' as you mortals say." that only made Clint turn green.

"i am not going to bleed, i'm only picking a cuticle. it is uneven and flawed and it bothers me." Loki complained, scowling at his fingers, even as he stopped picking at it. the various avengers struggled to choke back their laughter at such a feminine thing coming out of Loki's mouth. "Healing also takes a great deal of energy to accomplish if you're not explicitly trained. Sigyn is well trained, but even for her, Healing is a challange because you have to fight the person's body every step of the way. the more serious the injury, the more you have to fight the bodies natural defenses. it takes less effort to simply slap a band-aid on it." Loki admitted with a shrug. "that's why Asgaurdians still have bandages and healers, not to mention broken bones. most healers wont touch you with magic unless it's urgent. and if the person they're trying to heal is a sorcerer himself? it's an even more difficult task, save for people like my mother, who knows how to make the body, and subject magic, work with, or even for her, instead of against her." Loki admitted simply. "but depending on magic to heal every wound can be very bad too, because the subject body will start to fail to close it's own wounds, taking the lazy way out and simply waiting for magical assistance. like taking too many headache pills, or relying too heavily on sleeping aid." Bruce was taking notes again.

Loki barely held back a wince as he realized he'd hurt her by mentioning Odin and he wrapped his arm around her. offering what comfort he could. "creepy? how is it that we are... oh that's right, you humans are squeamish when it comes to affection." Loki mused, sounding rather bored. "Loki. i was wondering, you say the body fights you, when you heal them. what about transforming, or moving them?" "transforming a person takes a great deal of effort yes. only the most skilled and powerful sorcerer, or sorceress can achieve a thing like that. Sigyn is actually very skilled in Forced transmogrification, while i never really got the hang of it. oh i can change a person's skin color and such, but i can't turn them into a cat. the ability to fight the person's body is much to difficult for me. mostly because i'm very impatiant." Loki admitted with a grin. "and also because i'm so used to transmogrification being easy, due to my own skills in self adjustment." he admitted. "normally, a person is very good at Self, or Other. not both because the fundamental differences are too vast to be simply 'tweaked'. like the difference between working on motorcycles, verses working on Airline jets." he admitted. "transporting someone is the same principle, when Tony grabbed me just before i stepped 'Between', he actually tripled the risk of my magic failing, and killing us both. as it was, he drained my reserves to almost dangerous levels."

"and... what happens when your magic gets too low?" Bruce asked, looking vastly curious and Loki sighed and closed his eyes. "...i get very sick, where i will run about a fifty fifty chance of living or dying. if i drop too low, too fast, i simply die." he admitted simply, feeling pleased by the ringing silence that went on after that. "you can see why i tend to do things by hand." he stated dryly, looking highly amused by the various reactions he was getting from that. "are you finally going to tell me what your making Love?" he asked Sigyn when she mentioned Dinner. "or will it remain a surprise? i do hope it has earthworms in it." he admitted, looking at the other avengers. "i simply love earthworms, so versatile, and simply delicious, Tony can tell you how good she is with them. he had some of her earthworm Lasagna when he invited himself over for dinner." he stated adopting a pleasantly puzzled look when most of the avengers looked like they wanted to be sick. save Bruce, he'd eaten a lot worse than just worms on his travels around the world. thank goodness Sigyn never used earthworms in her meals.
"Yes, but not the fancy pretty ones I have." "Just because you add tech to it, puppy, doesn't mean its better. Just more annoying when you break it."Sigyn said smiling at the captain. "Don't worry, someday he'll figure out he's overcompesating for having a disappointing dick, with all that impressive technology."Sigyn said with such a air of pleasantness, it took tony a moment to realize he'd been insulted. "I do not disappoint in that department."Tony growled from between gritted teeth. "Hmmm, so he did."Sigyn looked amused as she watched the assassin, tilting her head a little before wincing, realizing she'd actually managed to really upset him. While she might get off on jerking their chains, she usually tried to steer clear of emotional issues, as she had her own emotional issues she didn't want anyone prodding, so she avoided others. Not realizing that the unrequited love was just on natasha's side of the fence, and clint was resisting giving his partner everything she wanted. Which just really was pushing the female assassin into a corner, and she was starting to go insane having to work with him all the time. "...No.You're not worthy enough to 'tap this' archer. I mean, if I'm going to be in this form, I should at least get to try and shoot you with arrows, and not have sex. We can have sex anytime, this is a rarity."She giggled a little.

"....Girl."Sigyn insulted grinning a little as natasha and tony snickered, tilting her head at loki's magical explanation. "We try to avoid healing each other, because for that time either of us are injured, we're even more vulnerable, because not only am I draining my own magical reserves, but I'm forcing loki's body to let me change it. Easier to bandage it, really."she said sighing quietly as she leaned into loki, closing her eyes as he held her, shoving away the thoughts of odin.

Sigyn smiled a little at the look on both bruce and tony's faces as both focused on her. "What about you, sigyn?He said you're good at other but we just watched you become everyone else."Tony questioned, not accusing, but in that quiet intelligent query tone that said he'd stepped back from the playboy, and the genius was in residence. "I am. I can only change my actual body into a cat. And the clothes, are easy to change because they're not fighting me. But my body..."She smirked a little. "Simple illusion. While you can't see through it, I'm still me behind it. But if I wanted I could make bruce be the other guy without pissing him off, or really make Clint into a hawk. Or you into a dog."Sigyn said offering a smile because it amused her to see the two scientists working so hard to figure out magic.

"Which is why I made him wait until later to take tony home. he could have probably done it, but he most likely would have killed them both."Sigyn said looking amused at the looks on the avengers' faces before smirking at loki. "Surprise. I'll go get food if you get them to the dining room."She said her laughter trailing after her as she heard loki's words. "W-what?!I did not eat earthworms!What the bloody fuck...."Tony sputtered spitting out the water he'd been drinking, glaring at the god as he choked. Glaring even harder as they were taken into the dining room, looking at the food supiciously. "What is it?" "Paella, tacos and chips. We're in spain after all, spainish dinner."Sigyn said smirking as natasha looked at her. "You cook?" "....I live with Loks. Can't trust him to make food. I'd be eating burnt meat and fries."Sigyn said, shrugging not mentioning she'd been on earth so long that cooking regular food was second nature instead of simply magicking something.

Loki smirked a little as he shook his head. "i can tell you, without a doubt, the more fancy and expensive something is, the more pissed off you are when it breaks. i nearly neutered the bastard at work, you know the one Sigyn, sort of round and missing his hair? he sat on my brand new computer, remember?" Loki asked with a grin. "the only reason why i didn't gut the bastard was because he was the one that had to write out my check..." Loki admitted with a sigh. "working sucks." "tell me about it." was the agreement of Bruce, Clint, and Steve. "you have a disappointing everything Stark." Loki stated simply, deciding to ignore the fact that Clint looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole and die. he'd get over it. "he would make a lovely live target. he's very bouncy." Loki admitted, smirking at the Archer. "you'll have to try you're luck love, i might even have a Bow and Arrow in here somewhere." he admitted, glancing around the room, Clint making faces at them. "like i'm about to let you shoot at me." he complained, rolling his eyes. "you people must be out of your minds."

"excuse me, but i am not a girl." Loki complained. "i work very hard to maintain this level of perfectionism for you, you could at least appreciate it." Loki complained with a sniff. well aware that Sigyn knew that Loki didn't give a damn on her thoughts about his body. he kept himself perfect for himself, and the men he ogled. but he wasn't about to admit that. "not to mention that it is actually better for the body to heal on it's own. it builds up a body's defenses." he admitted with a smile.

"illusions are simple enough, that with practice, even a few mortals have managed it. admittedly, you use your technology, but it's basically the same effect. you use illusions every day, do you not Stark? those 3D renderings of all your fancy gizmos and gizmots that you can interact with? that is a form of illusion. you cannot actually touch it, but you can still manipulate it with your own flesh and blood. what we, Sigyn and i, do is very similar. it is simply an outward projection of an image that coats, and hides what we perceive. it's simple enough that i can even do it now, with my limited reserves of magic, so long as the target is within a certain distance. as such." and in his hand, a beautiful rose bloomed, blue, with strips of white running down the petals. he handed the rose to Sigyn. "so long as i focus a small amount of attention to it, it exists. drop the illusion..." the rose flickered and faded away, revealing a simple butter knife. "of course, when dealing with humans, magic is a lot easier, because you have very few defenses against it. mostly because you've never experienced it before. Sigyn could transmogrify you lot with very little difficulty, but would find transforming me much more difficult, because not only would my body fight her, but my magic would as well."

"i'm starving." Loki admitted with a smile as he stood up and led the Avengers into the very nice Dining room. "oh do calm down Stark, did you not enjoy the food?" he asked, his head tilted. "you certainly ate more than your share of the meal." Loki teased with a smirk. "i love Spanish food." Loki sighed with a smile, grinning as he went into the cupboards and pulled down some very nice silver edged plate-ware. "i can cook better than that! i make a very lovely dinner... so long as it comes in a box with step by step instructions..." Loki complained, pouting at her as he motioned for the Avengers to have a seat. "please, make yourselves comfortable. we have water, sparkling water, pomegranate juice, orange juice, mango juice and Coke." Loki offered, opening the fridge to get drinks for everyone. "oh, i love the little shrimp. they taste the best." he stated with a smile as he snitched a small taste.
"I remember. And then I had to listen to it for like, a month. I'm making him call you next time, Stark." "Why...?" "Because, if you listen to him whine enough, you'll just make him something new to shut him up. Definitely better then me putting up with it."Sigyn mused before nudging clint a little, "You are bouncy, but I was thinking you could take a shot at Loki?I mean, look at him. He's begging to be shot."She teased teh avenger, unlike loki, she usually did try to make up for upsetting people.

"..."Sigyn stared at him for a long moment, her eyes dark with laughter as she flicked a glance down, her smirk widening. Showing that while one had to work harder, it was possible to change someone else's body. "I do apperciate it. In all its forms."She said wondering how long it would take him to realize he was female, and wearing iron man's clothes. " wrong..."Tony muttered swallowing hard as he looked at the hot female in his clothes, definitely something wrong with this.

"Yea, I do."stark said his mind already working on what he could do with a little bit of magic added to it, before biting his lip to keep from laughing outloud. Not about give away the prank to soon and see how long loki took. "So beautiful."Sigyn muttered smiling as she took the rose, before looking at the avengers. "Humans are frighteningly vulnerable, despite everything you all do to each other."She mused before she left.

"It was good, but-Bastard."Tony grumbled realizing he'd been pranked as he caught sight of sigyn's face, the woman looked like she was going to die from laughing to hard. " can thor, by that definition."Sigyn teased shaking her head a little as she sat, amused as the others took seats and got something to eat. "Don't use your fingers."Sigyn scolded slapping his fingers lightly as he stole a bite, before starting to eat herself, content to just eat and enjoy their company. "So. Are we going in the ocean or the pool?"She said offering clint a amused look, having pegged him as the one who would want to go swim, having seen his reaction to seeing all that water. That and the man looked like he could bench press a small car, she bet most of his time was spent exercising....and the captain...hmmm... shuddering a little she fought down her instinctive reaction to having this many good looking guys in the room with her, after all it'd been a really long time as in the last decade she hadn't connected close enough to anyone to be willing to have sex. So she was almost drooling at getting to oggle the avengers...well except tony, because well, like steve she'd figured out he was batting for the other team despite his reputation.
Loki scowled at her. "it was a pain, Sigyn! i had to redo, ALL of my files, by hand! because i hadn't had time to backup the processors. it took me three weeks!" Loki hissed, annoyed still about all that work lost because some idiot had sat down where he wasn't supposed to. "oh he is SO not shooting at me. he left marks Sigyn! marks, on my precious skin the last time." he complained, pouting because he'd caught on to her plan, and was acting quite flamboyantly gay now, just to see if ANY of the Avengers would make the connection or not. if they didn't, well, it would be all that funnier when they finally did realize. "besides, i already have the best Stark Lap available on the market. it's really quite an amazing piece of work, i have to admit." he admitted grudgingly. "the PCU capabilities alone well made it worth the amount of money i had to put into it." he paused and glanced at the man. "you're still an annoying little beast, but at least you make yourself useful to those of us who actually matter." Loki mused with a smirk before he paused and frowned, wondering why everyone was looking at him like that.

"...all my?... of for.. Sigyn that's just a low blow! you know i can't change myself back!" he complained, cocking his hip and laying a fist on it. such a feminine move that looked completely natural in the form he now had. admittedly, he looked very, very nice as a woman, and he tossed his hair and stalked off, hips wagging. "Stark! stop looking at my gorgeous ass!" Loki demanded, tossing Sigyn a wink. clearly not caring in the least what his body looked like, because he could change himself back anytime he wanted to. but he didn't want the Avengers to realize that just yet. "and yet, as vulnerable as they are, they can achieve the most amazing things." he admitted with a smile. "admittedly... they are capable of some very amazing, and beautiful things." he admitted. not about to actually admit to having great respect for the human culture, but he'd hint at it. in all honesty, he was a big fan of the human race.

"i enjoy using my fingers. then i can lick them clean." Loki stated, running his firm pink tongue along his graceful long fingers, well aware that he was being unnecessarily arousing. "hmmm delicious." Loki murmured, still with breasts and a woman's body, running his tongue along his fingers in such a manner was very much bound to get some reactions. "...Tony?... are you turned on right now?" Bruce asked under his breath so that only Tony could hear him as Loki grinned at his woman. "besides Love, the Spanish ate with their fingers, and still do quite often. since it is a Spanish dish, i was only trying to acclimate myself to the culture we now live in." he teased with a grin as Clint leaned over. "i find it very odd that we're having a good time with Loki of all people... he hasn't really... been cruel at all today. hell he's barely even been unpleasant..." he muttered, shaking his head in shock. "i'm actually having fun." he admitted, grimacing at that thought. "and Sigyn is really an amazing cook." he admitted as he took his first bite of the food. "this is amazing..." he admitted, shaking his head a little. Loki smirked and leaned over, whispering in Sigyn's ear. "are you getting horny?" he asked with smirk. "does the good Captain turn you on?" he teased, grinning. "if you want... i could arrange for a few... solo interactions."
"You healed them. Within hours, as you remember."Sigyn pouted out amused that the man was acting so gay, and even more that the avengers didn't notice. eventually when Stark did seduce him, the shock was going to kill them all. it was going to be so hysterically funny. "Oh, so you actually matter?"Tony teased looking vaguely annoyed with the other man for saying it like that. "Hm, no, but I do, and your computer makes him easier to live with."Sigyn teased leaning over to kiss loki's cheek before leaning back studying him for a moment, shaking her head at just how feminine the move was as he cocked ahip. "Hm, you make a good woman though."Tony called after him, tilting his head as he started at the man's ass. "So they have, though its amazing you're admitting that."Natasha said amazed and loki's words and curious as they all settled in to eat.

Tony swallowed hard as he watched tony lick his fingers, focusing on the glass of water in his hand and downing it in a moment before glancing at bruce, flsughed and out of sorts as he shook his head a little. "Nope."He muttered as he started to eat. "Smartass."Sigyn growled a little rolling her eyes because she knew he was eating with his fingers just to have a reason to lick them clean, even if she also knew that it was spainish tradition. Loki was just taking advantage of tradition....not that she cared, or was goign to tell him to stop. "It is weird....and I think we're all having fun...."Natasha muttered as she nodded looking down at the food, wincing."It is good."Natasha said reluctantly, having really wanted it to not be good.

Sigyn jumped a little as loki's breath ghosted over her ear, shivering a little."...No."She muttered flushing ever so slightly, because it wasn't just steve, it was clint to. Drawn to both warriors, and even if she wanted to, she wasnt about to admit to wanting to drag them both off to the huge ass orgy sized bed in the master least not without getting loki to admit to being attracted to ltony, which meant for the moment she was safe, figuring both loki and tony would fight whatever attraction was there."...if you're going to arrange solo interactions for someone, you'll have to arrange one for you and Stark."She muttered because no matter how much he fought it, she had long figured out what kind of man attracted loki, and tony was definitely had the intelligence, the selfishness, and ability to utterly surprise even a god, down pat. she was actually amazed they hadn't had sex yet.
he shrugged. "he ruined my pretty face." he complained with a sulk. "agreed." he chirped with a smile at Sigyn, not about to argue that he mattered. because in the long run, he really didn't matter. not in the history of things. in a hundred years, no one would remember his name on earth, oh they would know about the first invasion, led by a human looking man, but no one would truly remember him. in all honesty, Stark was making a much bigger, and much more permanent mark on the human history. in five hundred years, Tony Stark would still be talked about as the first inventor of clean energy, just like Thomas Edison. "of course i make a good woman!" Loki called out. "i'm gorgeous in ANY form i take!" he stated with a grin. "of course i admit that, how could i not. have you seen an Asgaurdian's idea of Art? a pint of blood splashed against a wall. humans have the Mona Lisa, the Statue of David. Van Goh, Michelangelo, DaVinci, even Rapheal. and that's just painting and statues." clearly Loki had a hidden passion for art. "not to mention the literary! Shakespeare alone is more reading than we have available in Asgaurd! we have what. ten writers in all of Aeser history, and the only thing they writer about is war and battle. it's horrific and entirely too boring." he complained with a shake of his head. "they are not the most... creative of people. and don't even get me started on the Jotun. we're even worse." he admitted, wrinkling his nose.

Bruce rolled his eyes at Tony. "liar..." he muttered as Loki laughed. "my ass is not 'that' intelligent." Loki teased his woman with a grin. "i think you're right." Clint admitted with a shake of his head. "we're having fun. that's so... creepy." he muttered, shaking his head. "not very. Loki's trying to be nice because he's helpless against us. he's doing this for his benefit, not ours. if we like him on some level, then we're less likely to hunt him down and beat him up." Bruce stated calmly as he nibbled on a peice of the pork with a smile. "this really is very delicious." he admitted. surprisingly, it was Bruce who had done all the cooking in the Tower since Pepper left. if Bruce didn't cook, then Natasha did it. or they ordered out. Tony could cook well, but he had been too depressed to. it was nice to see Tony perked up a little. "how do you eat with boobs in the way?" Loki finally asked with a scowl as he dropped yet another shrimp on his breasts. "they're constantly in the way, no matter what you do... how do you FIGHT with these?" he demanded of Natasha, looking even more impressed than he had been before.

he smirked at Sigyn. "Liar." he teased with a chuckle. "i think Bruce is gay." he admitted with a grin. "he's stopped checking me out. Clint and Steve keep looking at you though, if you don't want Steve, i bet yuo could have Clint." he mused with a grin. "you know... i honestly think Tony is Bi-sexual." he admitted with a smirk. "i intend to." Loki admitted, smirking at her a little, licking his lips as he examined Tony. "i wonder if i can get him to fuck me as a man, or if he's too far into Denial for that one." he mused, smirking a little as he helped himself to more food and his sparkling strawberry water. "so when do we go swimming?" Clint asked with a grin. "it is safe to swim in the ocean right?" he asked, Loki nodding. "there are sharks, but they won't be inland until after dark." he admitted. "so long as we're out of the water before the moon rises we should be fine." Loki admitted with a grin as he finished off the rice with a spoon. "as good as always." he purred, giving her another kiss.
"True and stop. I don't want to hear about art for the rest of the night."sigyn teased because if she let him get started he was as bad as tony about tech. "Now bruce,you know I'd never lie to you.."tony muttered under his breath squirming a little as he glanced towards loki and sigyn,oy even really aware he was watching the man and not the supermodel. "Thanks.after so long cooking,id hope it was good."sigyn said blushing slightly at bruce's praise before snickering at loki's complaining."carefully.and then let you help clean up any mess I make." "You don't normally have breastz. I had no choice but to learn how to fight with them."natasha pointed out amused nodding,sgreeing with clint it was creepy.

"Hmmm I think you're right..."she muttered as she considered bruce changing loki back into male just to see if the scientist would check him out.blushing more at loki's words as she glanced across the table at steve and clint,flushed and swuirming, pupils blown wide with lust. Swallowing hard she wuickly glanced away,hoping the wouldn't notice,or if they did, that it was loki's fault. Not sure about their attraction and not wanting to draw attention if they weren't actually interested."honestly?I think so to, but tony dodsnt. So be kind loks,"she mutterrd glancing at the flustered and annoyed playboy who was glaring holes into his plate as he finished eating."hes in denial,just look at his track record to see that. Be careful."she muttered concerned about tony's mental health if loki did indeed convince him to habe sex"we can go now."sigyn said smiling as they finished eating,aving a hand to matically clear the table as she kissed loki back."thanks."she muttered at the praise blushing as she headed outside,simply magicking her tiny black bikini on as she reached the door, not even pausing long enough to wait for the others,needing the moment to calm herself before she saw Steve and clint mostly naked.
Loki pouted at her. "but i haven't even gotten started on the music!" he complained, flashing her a smirk as he kissed her cheek. Bruce just shot a smirk at Tony. "your a very bad liar, i hope you know that." Bruce muttered to the man with a snicker. "how long have you been cooking?" "about four thousand years." Loki admitted with a smile. "or longer. she was the only reason why i didn't starve to death on Asgaurd was because she'd make me food whenever i asked for it." he admitted with a shrug. "we've known each other since we where sixteen earth years old." "...holy shit Loki, you're over four thousand years old!?" "i am four thousand five hundred and fifty six next weekend." he admitted with a grin at their shocked looks. he flashed Sigyn a highly amused look. "i do love cleaning up the messes you make." he admitted with a laugh as he nuzzled her chin again. "this is a good point, i suppose they're not as annoying if you've always had them." he decided, grinning as he grabbed then and squished them together. "they're a little more sensitive than i thought the would be..." "for the love of God Loki, stop!" Bruce finally demanded, Clint and Steve laughing as Bruce went bright red and Loki adopted a puzzled look. "...what?" "you know what!" "of course i know, i just want to hear you say it." "bastard." "i'll have you know my parents where married!"

he pouted when he realized he was back in a man's body. "aaw, i was actually starting to enjoy myself." he admitted with a snicker as he glanced over at his 'lover'. "start with Clint." he purred, grinning. "Steve won't allow his morals to get in the way." he admitted, grinning at her. pleased that she was so turned on by someone. he'd never seen her like this before. it warmed his heart to know she wasn't going to be unhappy with him all of her life. "i'm not as cruel as i pretend to be, you know that. i won't hurt the mechanic." he promised with a smile as he watched the others polishing off their food. Clint whooped in glee as he hopped to his feet and stripped off his pants, revealing swimming trunks underneath. Bruce laughed and Steve snickered as they followed suit. mercy be where those three very well toned. Loki felt his mouth watering as he examined those three men, his mouth went dry when he caught sight of Tony, biting his lip a little as he struggled to keep his body from reacting. "...god Sigyn i love you." Loki breathed for her ears alone. "four sexy god damn men in one house nearly naked... how in the hell did you plan this?" he asked, grinning at her, his eyes sparkling brilliantly with laughter. "it's a shame that Tony seams to be the only one whose actually gay." he muttered with a laugh as he led the way outside and into the water, flashing Tony a wink as he led the way up a small cliff. a ten foot drop that Loki flipped off of and slid into the water as gracefully as a Dolphin, laughing as he popped back up the the surface. "come on!" he ordered, floating on his back. surely the Mechanic wouldn't be afraid of a little drop?
"I don't get started and we'll never get to talk about anything else today."sigtn teased before smirking a little at bruce's words."am not."tony sulked a little looking annoyed. Before his eyes widened at the knowledge of just how old they were,the wuestions obvious in his eyes as he started sorting through everything he ever wanted to know. "Maybe we should let tony help with that expriment,loki, since he has seen so many boobs up close.he could help you figure them out."natasha snickered amused as her friend went several shades of red amused because it wasn't often you saw a silent tony stark.

"Hm,well you did say he needed lessons in sex."she muttered blushing as he grinned at her. Knowing what loki was thinking. In four thoudand years no one,not even loki,had moved her ike the two men in front of her. Usually sex for her had been a stress relief,just giving in to her body's needs once in awhild.steve and clint were moving her to actual want. Swallowing hard to get some control she looked up at him,winxing as her voice came out in a low lust laiden purr."I know. I just wanted to remind you hes not the most stable person, even when hes not being forced todeal with his denial over being bi."she muttered looking at the flustered billionaire as he stripped down to his swim trunks.

Though tony wasn't neafly as ripped as steve or clint,or for that matter natasha, it was obvious he worked out still. He was tone and slender,just not as muscular,and the scar from the arc reactor just added to the devilish handsomeness."I know. I love you to."she smirked watching everyine looking thoughtful as she watched the two assassins trying to figure out their relationship, "I was getting stark as your birthday present, everyone else is just extra."she teased him a little tilting her head towards clint and natasga."keep her away from me,k?I don't want to die before I get to play with the bird."she smirked.

Tony grinned as he jumped in,glancing at the god."you threw me out my own didn't think 10 feet would bother me did you?"he grinned as the cool water felt amazing on overheated flesh,mirking as he watched sigyn fivd in after thrm,grinning at the sight of the near naked dripping wet supermodel.
Loki sighed. "we all have to have our passions love." he teased with a smile. "well, he has seen a lot of boobs." Loki agreed with a small chuckle. "but i'd rather have his opinion on something else entirely." he admitted with a smirk as he glanced Tony up and down and leering at him. the three men just figured that Loki was being Lewd to be lewd, none of them realized that Loki was actually flirting. "he looks so cute when he's mortified." he admitted with a grin as he nuzzled his woman again before he followed her to the door. wagging his ass back and forth, well aware that someone was watching his ass. "he's still very traumatized by what i did in New York." Loki admitted with a sigh. "he needs to be on medication. to say the least." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "should i tell him why i did what i did? would that help him, do you think? or make it worse?" Loki asked softly, honestly a bit worried about Tony Stark. and not just because he wanted to jump the billionaires bones. "he'll accept me eventually." Loki purred, licking his lips a little as he kissed her again, chuckling a little. "i'm going to start with just a simple kiss..." he admitted with a grin. "and then see how he reacts to that." he promised. he admitted with a smile.

"oh what a wonderful birthday it is." he hissed with a grin as he nudged her and then devoured all that wonderful naked flesh. "i'll keep her distracted while you get laid." he promised with a laugh. "i'd like to think that i will be getting laid too, but i know better. Tony's just not ready for that sort of thing." Loki admitted with a sigh. "but all good things are worth waiting for." he admitted with a grin as he took her hand, promising her that they'd have a long talk once they had settled down from the excitement. he knew she was going to be worried about how their marriage was going to affect things.

Loki snorted. "you screamed all the way down, remember?" Loki teased with a grin as he shook his head before he examined the others chest. "i had heard the rumors." he admitted, his head tilted to the side. "but i'd never expected that you'd actually done it." he admitted. "you look very good. was it a long recovery?" he asked, his head tilted. "it must have hurt quite a bit..." Loki mused, studying tony, his head tilted. "can you still use the suit without the Ark Reactor in your chest?" he asked, curious about Tony's life. "they say that there was a terrorist that you took out." he admitted, looking over at Tony. "you just can't stay out of trouble, can you?" he asked with a smile before he sighed. "but, that's what good people do i suppose." he admitted, looking up at the sky. "i'm sorry. for what i did to you Tony." Loki admitted suddenly. "it was never supposed to... get so bad there." he admitted. "it was supposed to be a terrifying experience, yes but no one was supposed to get hurt." he admitted, swallowing thickly. only Sigyn knew that Loki had horrible nightmares about the events that had taken place between when he'd gotten Thor banished, to when he'd been captured. nightmares of all the people he'd killed, directly, or indirectly. hell, even the man he'd 'killed' for his eye, had been little more than an illusion. said man had his memories slightly altered to beleive that while it had hurt, it hadn't been deadly. none of the Avengers, not even Sheild had noticed that the only man that Loki had 'directly' killed, was in fact still working same as he always did. Loki knew Thor suspected something though.
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