
“It is. But it disturbs me when it’s my step children telling her how awesome I am. Its a little creepy.”He whined a little looking amused though before nodding. “she did fail. And cherum and the others will be easy to deal with, especially now that cherum no longer has a chance of having my son to use for his own ends.”He said thoughtfully looking worried as he stepped into the room, smiling slightly when he saw thor. Thor yelped, startled at being jumped on, before shifting, wrapping his arms around the other weakly, because while he was alive, and his body the same as when he died, he still felt weak. Gently stroking Fandal’s hair he sighed softly.”Shush, fan. It’s okay. I know it wasn’t you.”he muttered glancing up at his son and brother, raising a eyebrow at loki.”....are those babies?”He said studying the two, looking amazed though as he considered that he was a grandfather, because there was no other reason he could think of that tony stark would have a child with him, and it made his heart warm to see him so happy.
Loki grinned. "yes, you mortals have issues like that." he agreed with a chuckle before winking at Tony and watching Fandal have the breakdown he needed. "God... Thor. i killed you." Fandal gasped, his face buried in Thor's chest. "i killed you... but now you're not dead and i'm SO sorry..." he whispered, swallowing thickly. "yes. babies. don't touch them i'll chew your hand off!" Loki snarled, baring his teeth at Thor before he shook himself hard. "sorry... still a bit Feral..." he muttered sheepishly. "This is Antonio, and this one is Antonius. Sigyn, Clint and Steve have a little daughter too. but Steve's pregnant so i wouldn't expect seeing them too soon." Loki warned as he sat down so that Thor could see the babies properly without having to get up. "alright you two, wakey wakey and meet your old grandpa." Loki soothed as the twins fussed to the sounds of Fandal still sobbing. "it's been a rough bit for Fandal... i'm sure he'll calm down eventually." Loki assured Thor. "by the way. we're killing Cherum." he warned Thor, since Thor had, at one point, liked Cherum. "sedation, attempted assassination and assisting Line Theft." he admitted as he tickled Antonio's toes.
Thor smiled tiredly as he shifted to sit up,absently stroking fandal's hair."I know I'm sorry...I knew it wasn't you fan."he muttered sighing quietly just trying to sooth him before raising a eyebrow at loki as he snarled."I can live with not touching them."he said amused. "Don't worry.hes been snarling at everyone.'tony reassured amused that his father looked so confused at the idea of everyone having kids."I am not old."thor made a face smiling slightly even as he looked the kids over,"they look like tony." "I know. They're going to be amazing."tony grinned before smiling slightly amused at thors surprised then annoyed face."what happened?I want to know everything."thor said wanting to know why cherum was dying,not questioning that they were doing it,but wanting to know what was going on.
Fandal was, fortunately, calming down, clinging to Thor and not letting go. accidentally killing the man you loved, and then having that man attack you because a bitch of a necromancer wanted revenge was not conductive to sanity. "well at least Thor's used to it." Loki mused. "he has dealt with me through my other children." Loki admitted with a shrug. "they have Tony's magic." Loki admitted with a smile as he looked down at the twins. "they're going to be the most powerful sorcerers the realm has ever seen." Loki was SO proud of that too. when Thor asked what was happening, Loki told him. explained exactly what Cherum and Lara had done, explained how most of the lords had planned on killing Loki and Sigyn, how some of them had planned on stealing the twins, all the plans that had put in place and how Odin had really fucked everything up and what they where doing to fix it. letting Tony have his chance to calm himself down. at one point, Loki decided that Thor was alright and let him hold the twins and Fandal had fallen asleep, still clinging to Thor, leaving Thor quite unable to move. it was hilarious.
Thor smiled slightly brushign a kiss to fandal’s head before looking up at loki.”very used to it. I still have a bite mark on my arm from when you were pregnant with Hela.”the thunderer snickered a little before smiling. “I am glad, brother.”he muttered glad to see both his friend who happened to be his son, and his brother so happy. Looking bemused and annoyed as both tony and loki explained, looking startled as loki let him hold the twins, looking amused before looking up at loki and tony. “You did this on purpose.” “Did what?”Tony smirked as he took a picture, pleased to have a picture of thor and the twins, smirking. “Bury me in bodies. You’re making sure I’m not going anywhere.”Thor sulked snickering a little. “Well, you do need to rest.”Toyn said smirking, nudging loki. “We should get some sleep. Busy day tomorrow, and I want to spend time with steve tomorrow, see how he’s doing...”
Loki smirked a little. "he tried to hold her while i was napping. i did not take very kindly to the usurping of my parental position." Loki admitted. "i grew fangs didn't i? or was that when Jor was born?" Loki asked, well aware that he had not grown fangs at all. "of course i did it on purpose." Loki stated with a sniff. "now my offspring will be assisting you when i make your demise." it was a very old joke. Loki only claimed he was going to cause someone's demise when he was feeling particularly mischievous. it usually warned for an oncoming prank... granted, if Loki said he was going to obliterate, destroy, murder, kill, torture or anything else... it was usually best to run for the hills. but Thor was used to Loki's pranks at least, and Loki hadn't done any nasty pranks in years. so at least Thor wouldn't be turned into a woman or something. "i'm not sure Sigyn and Clint are going to let us visit Steve, he IS pregnant... and very upset." Loki pointed out as he reclaimed his babies and twiddled his fingers at Thor, turning the man's hair purple. "try to rest Brother." Loki demanded suddenly. "you're going to be weak, you where dead after all." Loki warned. "no sparring until AFTER Hela has cleared you. and no sex either!"
Tony laughed quietly. “Now that, I can believe.”Tony snickered looking vaguely weirded out that his lover had grown fangs. “That was with hela. It’s why it scarred.”Thor smirked a little well aware it hadn’t happened, before sighing softly.”Well, if you must plot my demise....”Thor muttered yawning, sighing softly. Amused as he settled back to rest, knowing that he’d have a prank played soon enough. “Well, I’ll see how it goes. Maybe offer to take him to see Howard, hela said we could see him.”Tony said looking annoyed with having his best friend so worked up that sigyn and clint were going to be hell to deal with. “....Really?”Thor whined looking disappointed on the restriction on sex before nodding. “Fine.Go.”he ordered watching the two leave, smiling as he settled down with fandal to sleep.

The next morning tony smiled as he sat cross legged on the bed as he played with the twins with one hand and was reading over paperwork with the other, though it was obvious he wasn’t really paying attention to the academy plans he was supposed to be looking over, more intent on the twins sitting next to him, having gotten up to work and play with them so loki could get some real sleep. Glancing at loki as he woke he smiled a little. “You think they’d be calm enough for a visit?”Having waited to go until he could ask loki his opinion, after the brief visit of seeing steve freaked out right after the fight, he needed to reassure himself that his best friend was okay
Loki nodded. "right." he agreed, looking amused. "and i will plot your demise, and the twins will help me carry it out! for they are amazing... your hair is blue by the way, tah!" he chirped with a grin as he skipped off.

Loki blinked blearily at Tony before he huffed a little and closed his eyes again. "i don't know. we'll have to go see." he admitted with a yawn. "we should check on Thor too... i want to make sure it wasn't a dream." Loki admitted as he stood up and stretched, picking up one baby and nuzzling it's belly with a grin. "come on then slowpoke, let's go." Loki demanded, heading out. luckily for Loki and Tony, Steve was feeling much, much better and was even smiling as he let Clint rub his belly. which helped with he morning sickness. he perked up at the sound of a knock. "Come in! oh Clint stop growling!" Steve demanded. "resume paying attention to me." he demanded, Clint snorting as he returned to rubbing his lovers belly. "i think we've created a monster." he admitted with a grin at Sigyn. "now he's going to expect to be pampered all the time."
“We will. I already checked on him, and he’s resting. But you can go make sure to.”Tony smirked a little before yelping, whining a little. “Hey!I’m not the one still sleeping, I was up doing work!”He whined smiling as he nuzzled antonio, smiling as tehy headed for the other’s room. Sigyn snickered from where she was reading and resting with steve in her lap and desiree sleeping on her chest as she laid back in bed, though the quiet growl escaped to, answering clint’s growl, but calming as she realized who it was. “He is going to be a monster. And yes he is, but you are going to be doing the pampering. After all, you’re the submissive in this relationship.”She teased as she slipped her fingers under his collar, tugging on the leather strip to tug him close for a kiss. Teasing him because they were all a dominate and all submissive, given to switch hitting given whatever the mood was. It was just....clint was so easy to boss around sometimes! “Urgh, if you three are going to have sex, you could have told us to come back later.”Tony whined a little smiling though as he looked at steve, tilting his head.”How you feeling?”
Loki smiled a little. "i deserved that nap and you know it!" Loki admitted with a smirk. "and you where SO not working! you where playing with the boys!" Loki teased with a smirk before he chuckled at the sound of the growling. "i was always a monster." Steve admitted with a grin as he shook his head a little. "why am i the sub?" Clint whined, even as he let himself be pulled in for a kiss. "Steve's more subby than i am!" he complained. "i mean, i did knock him up." "yes, because i let you." Steve pointed out. "or rather, because i just happened to have your cock up my ass when i was fucking you." Steve admitted with a smirk as Clint sulked. "i'm feeling a lot better actually." he admitted. "i'm still really pissed off that i have girly bits inside me, but i can get over it if it means i get to have a ton of babies. i'm hoping to plan the next pregnancy right so that all three of us are pregnant at the same time..." "BAD IDEA!" Loki gasped, looking horrified by the idea. frightened actually.
“I was to!I had paperwork and everything!”Tony whined looking sulky at loki’s teasing before smirking at steve.”You were. Its why we get along.”He said smirking at the man. “Hm, but you weren’t in charge then.”Sigyn teased looking amused as she shifted, desiree cooing before settling down to sleep again. “Well good. You worried me there, Cap.”Tony said smiling slightly, glad that the man was okay before looking startled at loki’s reaction, frowning. “Why?”He said before paling a little as he considered the idea of the two feral and extremely overprotective sorcerers being pregnant at the same time of steve being pregnant and needing protected....they’d go insane....
Steve was laughing at Tony andLoki's reactions to the three way pregnancy idea. thank goodness Steve wasn't actually that stupid!

several months later, everything was falling into place. Thor had been placed in charge of the Militia, and was thriving in the position. particularly since Fandal was so swollen with babies he looked like he was about to burst. triplets. Fandal was extremely annoyed to say the least. the Academy was open again, this time with teachers who actually knew what they where doing. Steve had popped out his little boy, who he refused to let Clint name 'Leonardo' and had overridden all of Sigyn's ideas and named the little guy Theseus. because it was hilarious to have a little Viking God named after a Greek one. Lara too had given birth and was immidiatly killed. her little girl safe in Tony's arms. Loki had gone Feral over her twice over because he felt that she needed even more protection then most. it took an entire month before he'd let anyone other than Tony even look at her. he was so fiercely protective of the little girl that no one doubted how much he loved her. Hela had already claimed her as Heir to the Under-realms... if she wanted it. being a necromancer by birth, she would have an advantage over the souls of the dead that needed a heavy hand... like Howard. who Steve had brutalized quite a bit. he's actually cut off Howard's fingers, making sure the man could never again 'tinker' with anything. Bruce and Hela where expecting as well. and for that matter, so was Pepper and Fenris. Natasha too. and she was one scary lady when pregnant to say the least! Sleipnir... poor Sleipnir... he now had four wives and two husbands, and they all wanted babies. it hadn't happened yet, but that was mostly because he made quite certain he was sterile. he wouldn't be having babies until he was SURE that he wasn't about to get mauled by his many lovers for it. all in all, the Avengers where quite happy.

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