
Steve just glared at Tony again, Clint struggling not to laugh at Tony, especially since he knew Loki would heal away the bruise with a touch. no one marked up tony but Loki after all. "i know it's shocking Steve... i know." Clint murmured, stroking Steve's hair. "they twisted up your body without your permission, that's shocking and horrifying, i know. but it's going to be alright." he promised softly, glancing at Sigyn as she came closer, Steve snuggling into her. "i'm scared." Steve whispered, gently taking Desiree and cradling her. "i'm scared... what if... what if..." he shuddered and whimpered and fell silent, unable to voice the fear that his lady parts weren't enough to sustain a baby, or she was mortal and doomed to die before everyone else or was mutilated because Steve was a bad baby carrier. "what if i ruin the baby!?" Steve finally managed to choke out. "i'm going to ruin the baby.... they made me something weird and now i'm going to ruin the baby!" "god Steve of COURSE you're not!" Clint stated firmly, shocking Steve. "nothing could ruin a baby! she could come out as a monkey for all i care and i'd still love her!" Steve could only gape at Clint who was smiling. "everything's going to be fine. we'll have Frigga and Hela check you and the baby everyday just to make sure, alright?" "..yeah, alright." he agreed softly, looking more than a little stunned.
Tony glared at the archer as he slowly got up off the floor, knowing what the man was thinking, gingerly touching his jaw to make sure the man hadn’t broken it. “It’s bad steve, but we got you.”She muttered smiling softly as desiree cooed at her father, sighing quietly as she shifted, gently stroking steve’s hair. “You wont love, you wont. I promise, there’s nothing you could do to mess this child up.”She promised before smiling at clint then grinning at steve. “I agree. I’ve already raised a serpent, horse and a little girl, what makes you think we wouldn’t be able to make sure everything’s alright?”She teased a little reaching out, tugging his head down to kiss him lightly. “This is our child, steve, you’ll be fine. Between me, frigga and hela, not to mention loki and tony, we have enough people who will make sure your okay.”She muttered. “Are you that stunned they love you this much?”tony asked tilting his head, looking at the stunned super solider, tilting his head slightly.
Steve sniffled a little as his hair was stroked and his baby cooed at him. he'd never, in his entire life felt so safe. even his own mother... "that's right... you did..." Steve muttered, relaxing as he realized that there was no way his baby could come out as odd as Loki's had... not that he thought anything about Jor or Fen or Sleipnir for being born animals... but it was a releif to know that even if his baby was an animal, it would be alright, because Sigyn had already seen it all... "i..." he blinked at Tony, looking more than a little shell shocked. "no ones ever... i mean... they just..." he screwed his face up, annoyed that he couldn't articulate what he wanted to say. "no ones stayed with me when they realized how weird i was..." he finally admitted. "i lifted a car off a girl once, and she was so freaked out that she dumped me the day after." he admitted. "and i fell from five hundred feet and after the soldiers i had been working with wouldn't even look at me... i.. i never... i knew that Sigyn and Clint wouldn't leave me over something like that but... it's.." "it's one thing to know and another entirely to actually see it." Clint supplied, Steve nodding. "we love you Steve, more than you'd ever know. of course we won't leave you. we need you." "i love you too." Steve whispered, sagging into his lovers again. "i'm sorry. i was just so... so..." "freaked out?" "yeah..."
“I did indeed. And gotta tell you, nothing will ever beat being handed a small serpent and saying it was my son. Definitely weird.”She said looking amused because she knew it was making him feel better before tilting her head as she looked at tony. “Well, considering their oddities, are you really surprised they’re not going anywhere, capsicle?”Tony teased, “You have one who’s been alive for 4 thousand years, and the other can look through people’s clothes if he wants to. Not to mention the rest of us. We’re all kinda odd.”Tony said smiling as he leaned against the wall, having every intention of waiting and walking down with them to the hall. “....Bitches.”Sigyn growled sounding annoyed that the people steve had cared for once, had hurt him that much. Shifting she snuggled him, “Love you.”She muttered hugging him tightly smiling. “Well, it’s not every day you find yourself pregnant. You’re allowed freaking out. You saw loki, it’s a normal guy reaction to freak.”She pointed out. Tony sighed quietly, running a hand through his hair..”I’m sorry guys to interrupt, but we have somewhere to be....”
Steve giggled a little and Clint snickered and shook his head. "well... that had to have been... more than a little traumatic." he mused, choking on his laughter. "i can totally see Loki making his first child into a prank..." Steve admitted with a smile, relaxed now. "it's just... a surprise." he admitted. "my own mother didn't even want me after i turned seventeen." he admitted softly. "yeah... Loki did freak out a little bit." Steve agreed, looking much less upset now as he straightened up and wiped his eyes again before turning to Tony. "Cherum and whats her face right? i've forgotten her name.." he admitted, shaking his head as he tickled Desiree's toes, smiling at her. "you're not going to be an only sibling now. i hope you get along with your little brother or sister." he chirped, smiling at her as he followed Tony into the dining room where Loki was talking to Fenris about why one steak was superior to the other.
“It was. And its not even like I could act like it was, since loki was still all protective and stuff, and growled at me when I got to close...”She pouted a little before tightening her hold on him.”Well, we want you. And you’ll never turn your own kids away like she did to you, like tony wont ever treat them like howard treated him.”She said. “hey, what is this, discuss tony day?”Tony pouted a little before nodding as desiree giggled at steve. “Cherum and Satra. And yes.”Tony grinned amused as they headed for the hall, looking bemused at the sight of one of the realm’s most powerful sorceresses, one of the best archers, and one of the best warriors oohhhing and awwing over a newborn as they walked, not even really aware he was just as bad with the twins. “Would you two give it a rest? Fenris is always going to think both meats are perfectly fine, since he eats it raw half the time.”Jor said slumping into his chair looking amused as he listened to loki and fenris, smirking as fenris just growled at him. Wincing a little as each member of the family arrived, watching the tension grow higher as they gathered close, ready to listen to cherum.

“Bring them in.”Tony said as he settled into his throne/chair, looking at loki before turning his attention to the doors, wondering just how much bullshit he was going to have to listen from cherum.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "will i get like that? all snarly and possessive?" "no. you're ot Feral. you'll be protective, but you won't chase people out of the room intending to draw blood." Clint promised. "me and Sigyn might react to your pregnancy though, so you'll have to be aware of that." Clint warned, Steve nodding. "i would never turn my children away!" he promised. "but Tony! i thought the world revolved around you?" Clint asked, eyes dancing with wicked laughter. "you always want our attention don't you?" he teased with a chuckle as he cooed and chirped at his darling little girl. "but File Mignon is always going to be better than a Chuck steak of all things!" he complained, shaking his head. "i suppose Raw, they all do taste almost the same though." he reluctantly agreed. Heimdall bowed to Tony and then opened the doors, two guards dragging in the two prisoners by the shirts, tossing them into chairs and magicking their hands and legs down so they couldn't be a danger. it was Loki who addressed the issues of book theft, stealing from Royalty, and attempted line theft. "But my lord! i was only trying to help! Lara is a perfect match for you! can't you see that the Jotun freak is using you!? he needs to be...." there was no chance to stop Loki, he was suddenly in front of Cherum and he had backhanded the man so hard he split the man's lip, splattering himself, and the floor with blood. "Don't you DARE call me that!" Loki snarled, his eyes glowing blood red with rage.
“No, but we probably will.”Sigyn frowned a little looking thoughtful as she looked up at steve. “We better get this thing straightened out, before you get to pregnant....we’re going to be way protective...”She muttered looking thoughtful before smirking at tony. “It does, but when your attention gets me punched, I’d rather skip it....and loki’s going to be pissed you hit me. I think I have a bruise.”He whined a little looking amused though as steve cooed at the baby. Tony sighed quietly as he leaned back in his chair, staring at loki, tilting his head, not even really paying attention to what cherum was saying, more intent on staring at his mate’s ass, after all, they hadn’t started having sex yet-tony having been worried about hurting the new mother- and he was a little sex starved. Frowning as he focused again on the lord yelling at him he stood, watching loki as he walked towards them.

“Hmm...this is gonna be good.”Sigyn muttered to clint, “Ten bucks says cherum doesn’t make it out of this room alive.”She muttered.

Tony neared loki, grabbing his wrist, dragging him down for a kiss, sulking a little. “It is totally unfair your a tall freak, love. I mean, I hurt my neck looking up.”He teased, though his use of the word freak was tinged with a humor of a old joke, but it was often that tony complained loudly and longly about the man being so freakishly taller then him. Looking at cherum he sighed quietly, shaking his head.”You just don’t learn do you? You do know why lara had a chance to seduce me do you not?”He questioned, wondering just how anyone had figured out loki had given him permission, or if they’d always assumed he’d stray. Summoning his iron man gauntlets he punched the man, watching him fall to teh floor, feeling a sick satisfaction at seeing him like that. “Now cherum. Answer.”
Clint nodded and Steve frowned, confused. "why would you be way protective?" "because you are not Feral." Clint stated. "you have no magic and no instincts to protect yourself, so our Feral Magic and instincts are going to be twice as bad because we have to care for you as well as protect you and the baby. we're going to be pretty bad." he admitted, smirking as Steve groaned. "i'm not taking that bet." both Steve and Clint complained, shooting grins at each other.

Loki snarled at Tony when he was grabbed but relaxed when he realized it was Tony, huffing as he kissed the other back. "don't call me a freak." he complained, as he always did. but he didn't mind when Tony said it. because Tony loved him, and he loved tony. "she had a chance to seduce you because you're just using the filthy Jotun for babies!" Cherum stated firmly, Loki bursting into laughter, laughing and laughing. Clint, Steve and Bruce where laughing as well. really, Cherum was an idiot. Tony hadn't stayed Sober, addiction free, and sexless for so long since he'd started having sex, drinking, and smoking. and after all that panic from Tony over having a baby, yeah, Cherum was WAY off base. "the only reason why Lara got into Tony's pants is because i TOLD Tony to go have sex." Loki stated simply, startling Cherum so badly that he gaped at Loki. "he doesn't do well when he can't have sex, so i told him to go get a woman and get laid. he chose Lara because in his drunken stupor... he's adorable when he's drunk, he thought Lara was me. or looked enough like me for him to pretend."
“And we’re powerful our instincts are going to be running things, since we have you and the baby, and desiree to take care of....we’ll just have to go with it from day to day.”She muttered because she just knew that this pregnancy was going to be interesting.

Tony smiled against the other’s lips as loki kissed him back, pouting a little at being scolded even if it was what loki always said before looking at cherum. Staring at the man before starting to laugh. “No, no oh no that’s not it.”Tony said snickering, even as the rest of his family started to laugh, twisting to look at them. “And you guys!You don’t have to find it so funny. I am perfectly capable of being a sober, abstinent and addict free person. No need to laugh so hard.”Tony sulked before looking at cherum. “I am not an adorable drunk!” “You so are.”Sigyn snickered, laughing as even desiree and the twins joined in on the laughing, the cooes sounding loud in the air as the others calmed down. “Lara has a child, because I was foolish enough to think there wouldn’t be consquences to not refraining from having sex.....”Tony frowned a little looking down at cherum, “So, anything else to say before I send you on to niflehiem, to play fun and games with hela? Who isn’t overly happy with you two.”Tony said eyeing the father and daughter, not overly impressed with the silent sorceress, wincing as the doors opened, before gaping a little as thor, the thunderer, formerly dead prince of asgard, walked into the hall.
Loki huffed a little. "it is funny." Loki stated with a snicker as he shook his head. "and you ARE an adorable drunk! you get all sweet and cuddly and tell me you love me hundreds of times. along with everyone else." Loki admitted with a grin. "now that i'm not pregnant anymore, i will allow you to have the weekends to get as drunk as you want." Loki promised with a smirk. "no more than that though, the twins need you on the weekdays." he warned with a nod. "and actually Tony, Lara is pregnant because after you passed out, she cast a spell on herself and basically artificially inseminated herself with your sperm." he admitted. "i watched the Video footage." he admitted. "so it's not your fault at all." Loki promised Tony. "and besides, i did ORDER you to go get laid." he admitted with a smirk. "Y..You can't! you can't send me to Niflhiem! i haven't done anything wrong!" he wailed before freezing in stunned shock as Thor walked in. "...Tony..." Loki hissed, drawing his lover back, away from Thor, hopeful... but wary. "Hela?" "it's not me." Hela assured them. "someone, has been dabbling in Necromancy." "Thor?" "shit!" it was Falder, he had appeared out of nowhere and was approaching the man. "God... Thor is that.." he made a strangled sound. "is it really you? you aren't dead? i didn't kill you!?"
“I am not.”Tony sulked looking annoyed with them. “You are. You cuddled me last time, and tried to write poetry to tell loki how amazing he was.”Sigyn snickered amused with the idea. “Really?I mean, wont that mess them up or something?”Tony said remembering howard as a drunk, not looking as enthused at the idea of getting drunk as you’d think he’d be. The man had found a new way of coping, and didn’t need just as much alcohol, having come to terms with it. Looking startled at loki’s words he relaxed a little, “Well...that is good.”He muttered glad that he hadn’t messed up, before frowning a little. “You did, but I didn’t have to listen...”he muttered feeling a little guilty still before looking at cherum. “I can do anything I wanted, and since you endevored to betray your king it is a fitting punishment...”Tony said looking confused, but letting loki draw him back.

“Fandal!No.”Sigyn moved to get up even as jormungandr and fenris beat her to it, drawing swords just as the hammer spun towards fandal as if to strike him. Yes, it was thor, but it wasn’t thor controlling himself. And yet, the desperate pain in his eyes said that the once prince knew what he was doing, the man trapped in his body even as he attacked the people he cared for. Tony growled as he threw up a shield, closing thor in with him as he moved closer to thor, before glancing at the others.”Get the twins and desiree, and loki and sigyn out of here.Hela?any ideas?”he asked as he turned to face the reanimated dead man.
Loki smirked. "you're so lucky i'm not a jealus lover." he teased with a snicker. "you kissed Clint you know. on the lips. full on snog." he teased with a grin before blinked as most of the humans stared at him. "snog? have you been watching the British TV shows again?" "...maybe." he mused before turning to Tony. "so long as you don't appear in front of them drunk, it will be fine." Loki stated with a chuckle. "in a few weeks, when i'm more calm, i'll probobly join you." he admitted. "as long as we aren't drunk in front of the kids, it will be fine." he promised. "and i do know you need SOME outlets." Loki admitted with a smile. "and you did too have to listen, i was this close" he held his fingers close together. "to hiring a whore and having her tie you down and ravish you against your will." Loki paused. "in my defense, i was hormonal and annoyed because you where upset." he admitted with a smile. "plus, i love watching you fuck other people."

Fandal gasped as the Hammer came down, doing nothing to protect himself. he was too lost to the Sea of Guilt to stop Thor from 'taking revenge' against his unwilling murderer. "Thor..." Fandal whispered, sounding so heartbroken it hurt. but he was dragged back by Steve, who shoved the twins into Fandal's arms and made the man run for the nearest exit. Steve wouldn't be a part of this battle, not while he was pregnant, so he and the others that couldn't fight fled... save Cherum and his slut of a daughter, they where still stuck to their chairs. "if this is Necromancy, and i'm sure it is, then someone has to be closely connected to him! see that wrap around his wrist? it's made with a mix of his hair and hers, it's the focal point they used to start the body control and forced Thor's soul back into his body." Hela explained. "Cutting that now won't do us any good, but if we can find the person who did the spell and kill her, then we can Free Thor." Hela explained, dodging a blow from a hammer. "i'll go start looking!" Sleipnir promised, spinning on his heal and racing out the door, well aware that it had to be someone in the Lords Chambers, in the Staff's Chambers, or hidden. he'd search the Lords Chambers first, all of them where in separate cells, they'd have an easier time of controlling Thor without interruption.
“I did not!Sigyn didn’t kill me, you’re lying!”Tony flushed looking embarassed before laughing quietly at loki’s words.”Your’re cute.”he muttered amused with the man’s thing for british tv, before flushing slightly. “Okay then....if you’re sure.”he muttered looking nervous still at the idea before his eyes went wide. “...are you serious?I wasn’t that upset.”He grumbled, even if he knew he had been. Without having any outlets, tony stark had been days away from totally losing his mind.

“It’s not thor, you know that. Fandal!Go.”Tony ordered growling as he watched steve get him away, glad that the other’s were leaving, nodding at hela. “I see it. Is there any chance of reasoning with him?Is there any of him left?”he asked even as he parried a blow with a sword as thor swung at him, growling as he worked, hoping to buy sleipnir time to search. Not realizing that it was Lara, who among her crimes against her king, was a necromancer, and since loki had moved her into actual private chambers instead of a cell given her pregnant status, she had plenty of time to work the spell she had known would hurt tony the most. Oh, tony was going to be pissed when he found that out. But for the moment he had his hands to full with dealing with his father who wasn’t his father, parrying the blows even as his heart broke, even as he fought to kill him, it was killing tony to have to.
he snickered. "you did." Clint admitted. "Sigyn thought it was hot. you Asgaurdians don't seam to understand the concept of cheating." "what's that?" Loki asked, a little bit confused by the term. "...well, maybe i might have been overreacting due to the level of hormones in my system." Loki admitted, letting Tony have his lie.

"Unfortunately no, you can't reason with him. i mean, you could, but it wouldn't do any good. Thor is in there, he us fully aware of what's happening and i know he's horrified by it, but he's nothing more than a puppet right now. he has no control, he can't even speak without permission from his 'master'." Hela explained. "He can hear us too. so he understands that we should be able to free him if we can just find whoever is controlling him. we just have to keep him from hurting us until then. get that damn Hammer away from him." she demanded. "we might be able to restrain him if we can just get that Hammer away from him. and as soon as the connection is Cut, i HAVE to immidiatly re-anchor his soul to his body or he'll die again."

Sleipnir on the other hand, had started at the wrong end, and was pausing to look in each window to see what the prisoners where doing. he had already shaken three awake, which would make Thor stumble if it was them, he was listening intently through a listening spell for Jor to yell 'there, sleipnir! it's them!' but nothing so far. and Sleipnir had only just started to like Thor, he wasn't about to let the old bastard Die again.
"Cheating is when you go behind your lovers back and have sex or do stuff with someone else without their knowledge or permission...don't worry it confuses me to."sigyn snivkered at loki's question.

"Fuck...damn..."tony cursed in the beginnings of asgardian loki and sigtn were teaching him,and every mortal language he knew.cursing because no matter how good they were,thor had a death grip on his hammer. Yelping as thr man stumbled,thor kicking the hammer away as he stumbled.

"Sleinphir!that's them.get them to cut the magic now."jor demanded over the spell after nearly a half hour past and sleinphir shook lara, even through the spell thr angry shriek from the woman as sleinpnir obeyed could be heard.

Tony swallowed hard as he caught thor as he fell,lowering him to the grounf,loooking up at hela in a near panic,not ready to let thor go again.
Loki blinked a little. "oh..." he frowned, contemplating that. "well that explains why Tony was so reluctant to find a one night stand. human sentiment. how strange." Loki mused, teasing all the humans in the room.

Sleipnir wasted no time in shaking Lara hard, but he couldn't just kill her! Tony's baby was inside of her!... no, but there was something else he could do. "It's Lara! i can't kill her!" Sleipnir warned. "but i'll be able to prevent her from using her magic!" yes, the very thing that they had done to Loki. he struck her hard over the head when she struggled, and then began the long chant once she was unconscious, binding the Magic into her, preventing her from ever using Necromancy again.

Hela moved as soon as Thor went slack, leaping onto him she began chanting as well, ripping his shirt open and pulling a long Athame from thin air, made of shadow and darkness it didn't seam to have a solid form. there was no warning when she plunged it directly into Thor's heart, making the man arch and SCREAM. then, the darkness crawled all over him, like fog it clung and crawled along him and then sank into his skin and for a moment Hela waited, breathless before she grinned. "i did it. his soul is anchored. he's alive once more, and can never again be used for Necromancy." she looked at Tony. "this is why we burn our dead." she explained. "even if we had killed Thor again, the body would still have been moving at her disposal. Necromancy was outlawed many, many cycles ago." a cycle was around a thousand years. "by a King before Odin was even born." she admitted. "there are still necromancers though, as you can see, we can't just stamp them out for being born after all. but because Lara invoked a rising, she will be sentenced to death once the baby is born. to remove a soul from the afterlife, is one of the most heinous acts. the Vanir will spare her only until the baby is born, for the baby is innocent, and they will not condemn it to death." Hela promised. "most Necromancers, invoke only Communes. the act of bringing a soul back, as a soul for a few moments so the living can communicate with the dead. that is allowed, to actually raise the dead and take control is such a sin against nature, Lara's lucky she didn't kill herself on accident in the process."
Tony startled a little, nearly leaping out of his skin even as he pressed thor’s shoulders down to keep him still, not wanting the man to cause some harm, sighing queitly as thor slumped down against his knees, frowning slightly as he considered hela’s words. “Why didn’t odin burn him then?”he said thoughtfully before nodding. “I can understand that. If you treat them like evil, and condemn them always, you’re gonig to drive them away...”He said thoughtfully but looking a little pale as he considered the mother of his child, even if it wasn’t a relationship or anything, it was still a bond to him through his disturbed him to have to execute her as soon as the child is born. Swallowing hard he looked down at the past out thunderer, who as was normal, had past out as his body adjusted to being alive again. Glancing at hela he sighed quietly. “Help me get him up. We’ll take him to his rooms, and get fandal...”
she shook her head. "the funeral was delayed, remember?" Hela pointed out. "Thor was laying in the casket when we arrived. after Odin died, Heimdall settled Thor into a special chamber that would preserve his body until he could be put to rest properly... i... honestly i completely forgot." she admitted. "and i think the rest of us did too. it's usually done right away, it is the kings Duty to see to the funeral arrangements for every citizen so we just assumed it had been done, forgetting completely that you didn't know about it. it's such a basic part of our lives that we completely forget about why it's done and who does it." she admitted, shaking her head. "most Necromancer are really very pleasant, only certain parts of their abilities are forbidden. they are actually very useful otherwise." she admitted. "the dead know things that the living do not. and Lara should have known better than to do what she did. this was a last ditch, desperate attempt to get something. probobly, she tried to kill Loki and the twins so that her baby, and thus herself, would have the highest position of power. she might even have tried to kill you as well, so that she would have no interference, or worse, new heirs to have to contend with." she admitted. "if you died, Loki died, and the twins died, she would automatically become High Regent until her brain washed baby reached an appropriate age for ruling. leaving her in charge for upwards of fifty to sixty years." Hela explained even as she, and the others, helped Carry Thor to his rooms.
“Oh....yes. I hadn’t considered that.”Tony muttered flushing a little as he realized that his own taking the crown, and then settlign into being king, that he’d managed to not do something so basic. Though it wasn’t really his fault, he’d never kn own it was a tradition, and well....things had been a little insane. “”That makes sense. The dead would offer some sort of comfort to the living...or in my case, ranting. Did I tell you steve wants to go yell at Howard?”he muttered lookign vaguely amused at the idea before paling at the thought. “Yes...I can see that. If we had died, lara would have had a kingdom for herself, because she would have made her child so reliant on her, that he wouldn’t be the one in charge, but lara...”He shuddered a little as he helped carry thor to his rooms before going in search of the others. Needing to make sure that they were okay. Pausing at his own suite of rooms he smirked slightly at the sense of feral magic, testing the wards, amused that not only loki’s wards were up, but there was a blending of sigyn and clint’s, and fandal’s magic. “Guys. Let me in.”he said smirking slightly, waiting to be allowed in, sounding a little amused at the sheer protectiveness and the idea of being locked out of his own rooms.
she nodded. "most people hadn't. those that had, probobly would have assumed you'd had a private funeral." she admitted. "but there's no need to worry about it now, other than what we're going to tell people when Thor the Dead Prince starts walking about again." she paused to consider. "we can always say that Thor's body was stolen while you where doing some midgaurdian death ritual and that's part of why we had everyone locked up. Lara won't be able to claim otherwise." she admitted with a smirk. "that would give us the ability to explain that Thor was brought back with Necromancy and i was able to simply retie his life force to his body. everything except the beginning is true after all." she admitted. "i'll stay here and watch over him." she promised, staying with her uncle.

there was a long pause and then the door opened, Clint eying up Tony and then the hallway to make sure it was really safe before he opened the door all the way. Fandal was sitting in a corner, trembling, curled up in a tiny ball with his face pressed into his knees. Loki was sitting with Sigyn on the bed, both of them curled tightly around Steve who was clutching his belly, as if afraid that something invisible might come in after Tony and strike him in the stomach. all three babies where curled up against each other, sleeping peacefully. Desiree in the middle of the two boys. "it's safe?" Clint asked, looking more than a bit Feral as he glanced up and down the hallway again.
Tony thought about that, tilting his head a little. “That makes sense. That I’d honor both world’s death rituals.”he said thoughtfully before nodding. “we’ll do that. AFter I deal with the others.”he said looking pleased as hela stayed, looking vaguely anxious about what he’d find.

Tony paled slightly looking the other’s over, tilting his head slightly before nodding. “It is. We have our nercomancer....who is also pregnant. Does something about being pregnant with my children, turn normally rational people into raving insane people?” “Yes.”Sigyn said simply as she shifted closer to steve, gently stroking steve’s hair even as she shared a slightly amused look, relaxing. If tony was calm and joking, then the crisis really had past, knowing that the engineer would never risk playing around if there was a danger to his children. “Steve, it’s okay. I promise.”She muttered though reassured everything was fine, there was a feral growl to her words, much like they’d predicted, her and clint were going to be riding that edge of way over protective.

Tony sighed quietly, glancing at loki. “he’s....alive. Hela retied his life force to his body....said it was a good thing we forgot to burn him, if this was the result.”He said looking vaguely amused, though more then a little heart bruised and battered at having had to fight his father.
they all relaxed as Tony promised the Necromancer was caught before they all tensed as they realized just who the Necromancer was. "shit... whose watching her now? she's not dead is she?" no but she was wishing she was. cut off completely from her magic, and now strapped to a bed, she was helpless and unable to hurt anyone now, least of all herself or her baby. "are you sure?" Steve whispered, frightened. he knew how to handle monsters, and people... but how could he defend himself against magic, when it could steal your very body? Steve was more than a little freaked out, and it would be a while before he was back to his normal self after that kind of shock. "can we just stay here for a little bit?" Steve asked hopefully, Loki smiling as he glanced at sigyn. it had to be hard for Steve, all these things he couldn't control. "...Thor is alive?" Loki whispered, his eyes welling up with tears. "well and truly my brother is back?" he asked. "he can see the twins?" he swallowed thickly, smiling, looking overjoyed as he wrapped Tony into a tight hug and kissed him soundly. "let's leave Sigyn and her boys here, let them calm down. Steve's pretty freaked out. Fandal will want to see Thor too..." he admitted. "i'll take the twins back tot he rooms and feed them while you bond with your father." Loki murmured. well aware that Tony wanted nothing more than to talk to Thor and find out just how the Thunder god felt about having Tony as a son.
“Slepinir and Jor are standing guard, and she’s completely bound, strapped to a bed, on suicide watch...I think they’re getting a sick pleasure of torturing her with stories of us. Seriously. I did not want to hear them tell her about that time they walked into the lab...”Tony grumbled a little sulking slightly before nodding. “You’re good.”tony said looking worried about his best friend. “I promise, and we can stay here. ”She muttered pressing a kiss to steve’s head as she shifted, laying back, letting him curl up against her, absently stroking his back. “He is. And he will.”Tony muttered looking down at his lover, sighing softly as he kissed the other back, wrapping a arm around him. “I can tell...fandal, come on.”Tony said helping fandal up and heading for thor’s rooms, trying not to be nervous about facing the thunder god. Even if he knew thor had known, it was still worrying him to acknowledge that his father, that he wanted to have a relationship with him. After so long of trying to have some sort of relationship with howard, he had no idea how to handle making one with thor.
don't forget that you play Thor.)

Loki looked highly amused by that. "really? that's awesome." he admitted with a snicker. "besides, you know you love it when people recognize how amazing you are at sex." he pointed out with a smirk. "ans i love how she knows she failed. utterly and completely." he admitted with a viscous smirk. "now we only have to deal with Cherum and the other bastards who dared break your laws, and we should be set for at least ten years." he mused with a smile. Fandal stood and headed after Loki, looking quite terrified of facing Thor. still, he moved before Tony did when he realized that Thor and Hela where talking about what had happened since Thor had died. "Thor?" Fandal asked, his lip trembling. "Burr almighty THOR!" Fandal gasped, flinging himself onto Thor and sobbing, muttering apology after apology in a desperate attempt to convey just how SORRY he was that he had been the reason that Thor had died.
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