
Steve just flushed a little more. "she's a hungry little thing isn't she? and so small." Steve murmured with a devoted smile as he watched their daughter. "we'll have to get her some soft toys to cuddle with in the crib as well." Steve agreed as he carefully tossed a burping towel over his shoulder and burped Desiree. not even wincing when she barfed all over his back. five younger siblings would make the man very used to being puked on. "...that was kind of gross..." Clint muttered after a moment, making Steve laugh. "yes, well. you'd better get plenty of practice." he suggested with a grin.

Loki smiled a little as he shook his head. "they where stealing our books?" he asked, looking highly amused. "they ARE aware we're looking through those to see which need to remain banned and which ones don't, right? oh, before i forget, one of those books, Necromantic Articular needs to remain banned. it's some nasty pieces of work." he admitted as he handed a baby and a bottle to Tony as the twins started to fuss, smiling as he fed his baby. "...did you know that Steve is pregnant? i'm not sure if he knows yet or not, but he is." he admitted. "i'm feeling alright, we'll go visit her... i want a shield up though... and she can touch them, but her boys can't." Loki demanded sternly. he was still too overly protective to let just anyone touch his babies.

"i think so." Clint admitted, looking a little baffled. "Steve went to get food and then she started making noises..." poor Clint had no idea what he was doing, so he happily handed her over to Sigyn. "are you sure you're alright? there was so many injuries. Frigga says you'll have a nasty headache for a while..." he admitted even as he let her have the little girl so she could be fed more naturally. "Tony and loki are going to come over, Loki says you can touch the twins, but that he's going to hack us into peices if we even breath on them... i think he's still more than a little feral..."
“They were. And I know, I have no idea why they wanted them, Cherum and Elaine were strangely closed mouthed over why they wanted the books. I figured whenever you were up and moving, you could ask if you really wanted to know.”Tony shrugged a little smiling slightly as he took the bottle and fed antonio, “I’ll remind you.....and really?”Tony’s mouth fell open a little at that thought before grinning. “Good. I don’t think any of them would be overly comfortable with sigyn being pregnant anytime soon. This will be fun.”He muttered looking amused at the idea of steve being pregnant before helping loki up, settling the twins into their arms as they left teh room, silently creating a ward around them, and a shield to make sure they wouldn’t be hurt. “We’ll tell her that. They have their own kid to fuss over, and she probably wouldn’t be happy about you touching Desiree. Oh by the way, she named the girl Desiree.”He said smiling looking amused.

“You look so adorably confused.”sigyn teased as she shifted to sit up, wincing as the motion made her head ache before nodding slowly.”I’m fine...sore from being hurt, and my head hurts but fine.”He reassured yelping a little in surprise as desiree latched onto a nipple and drank with the same eagerness she’d shown for the bottle. She glanced up at clint, smiling pleased with the idea of getting to see the twins.”Definitely still feral. He’s usually like this for weeks.”She mused before looking up, smiling pleased at tony and loki as they walked in, not even aware of the slight growl that escaped, or holding up a hand,shielding her and desiree. For the first time really understanding just how feral loki got over the babes. “...Sigyn?”tony said stopping looking at the woman, “Yea...hold on...”She swallowed hard trying to keep control, because they were her friends.
loki shook his head. "Cherum is an ass and Elaine seams to think that if i am gotten rid of, then you'll fall in love with her." he admitted simply, looking quite like he wanted to teach her a lesson. "she seams to be unaware of the many, many listening spells activated whenever someone speaks of treason. she hasn't actively said she wanted to 'get rid of me' but she does wish you'd see that i am a 'dirty blooded mongrel with no tags'. oh and the ever favorite 'disease ridden blue skinned freak'... she never forgave me for outperforming both her, and her father, in nearly every single academia." he admitted. "besides, Sigyn will be unable to gret pregnant for another six months. her magic, and body, won't allow it. same as any magical who gives birth. she probobly won't be able to get pregnant until she's completely healed, physically and magically." he admitted before he smiled. "Desiree. it's a beautiful name."

Clint smiled sheepishly as he nodded. "wow, she must have been hungry... is she always going to eat like that?" he asked, curious. truly in love with his little daughter, just terrified he was going to hold her wrong, or feed her improperly, or drop her. "it's alright Sigyn." Loki assured her, gently taking Tony's arm and pulling the man back a few steps, carefully shielding the man, who suddenly had both babies. Sigyn would find Tony much less threatening with the babies in his arms, and Loki was finding it hard not to react to Sigyn's Feral instincts, part of him frantic because SHE was GROWLING at HIS BABIES. even though he knew that wasn't it at all. "do you need us to leave?" Loki asked her, voice soft and understanding. "we can come back later when you're not so new to this."
“ that it?Well. She’s not that good looking.”Tony frowned looking annoyed with the idea before sighing. “Well, we’ll deal with her along with whoever caused this thing with sigyn.”he said grinding his teeth to not lose his temper with the name calling. “Good. They’ll feel better with that. And it is.”Tony smiled slightly.

“For awhile, yea. She’s new at the whole having to eat thing, after all I ate for the both of us...and now she’s all on her own, and doing her magical thing. Definitely going to eat for awhile.”She smiled looking up at clint, wincing a little as she looked up at loki, panic in her eyes, not sure what to think about this new desire to hurt him. Tony looked startled as he had the twins, but let loki protect him, shifting them so he’d be able to get free, afraid just what teh two new parents would do to each other. “ it’s okay.”Sigyn said relaxing after a moment as Desiree gave a soft burp and turned towards the new voice, even if she was still holding onto her mother’s hair, the new little one wanted to see who was talking. Apparently not feeling threatened. Accepting both her daughter's reaction to the new people, and clint's not hovering or reacting badly to having someone else there, she could relax “I’m okay.”She promised relaxing back into the bed with a quiet sigh, wincing slightly as she realized loki wasn’t much better then her at the moment.”Sorry...I didn’t mean to growl at your kids...”She said understanding what bothered him teh most.
Loki snorted. "it does not matter that she is ugly. she is the highest in Rank aside fromt he Royal Family, who is of age and gender 'appropriate' for you to marry." Loki stated simply. "therefore, she has been spoiled rotten all of her life, and truly expected for Odin to force a marriage between her and Thor. since she cannot have that, then she will turn her attentions to you. it is a purely sycophantic measure for both her, and her goat of a father to glean more power in Asgaurd. remind me later to show you how to strip a Lord of his or her title. the lords that attempted to kidnap or kill will have to be severely punished with instripment and possibly banishment."

"well. i suppose as long as she's happy eh?" Clint asked with a smile before he gently set a hand on her shoulder, trying to sooth her nerves. "it's alright Sigyn." Loki soothed, offering her a smile. "i know how it feels." he assured her as she relaxed. "it was upsetting to me too, remember? when i first had Jor and i nearly gutted you because you where too close too soon?" he asked, smiling. "the feelings fade with time, and we won't touch the little one, or even look at her." this was said more to Tony then anything else. he slowly came forward and sat down in the chair that Clint had abandoned and held his hands out to Tony, taking one of the baby's. "this is Antonio." he stated, letting her see the beautiful baby boy. "and that one is Antonius." Loki introduced, Antionio making burbling baby noises as he sucked on anything that got too close to his mouth, including Loki's shirt, hair, fingers, chin and his own body parts. "how are you feeling?" Loki asked, worried. "they said you where tripped down the stairs. the kids are terrorizing the Lords, looking for the culprit as we speak... and Cherum and his slut of a daughter are stealing our books. the ones we're trying to decide need to stay banned or not. Tony's going to have to ward the place, i can't. my magics..." he made his fingers pop out as if mimicking an explosion. "frazzled. it's fine when i do something to protect myself or the babies but when i went to summon my clothes this morning, they shredded themselves.... and they where my favorite pants too..."
“Huh. Well since when have I ever done the apporiate thing?”Tony sulked a little at the idea rolling her eyes. “We’ll deal with them after this.”he decided sighing quietly.

“Yes, I’m sure she will be.”Sigyn muttered sighing softly as she shifted the baby, smiling as desiree cuddled against her, shifting to make sure they couldn’t see her. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t help hiding her daughter. “I remember. It was disturbing. Definitely, especially when Jor started hissing at me.”She muttered pouting a little. “I can do that, no looking. I can cuddle my own son.”Tony said shifting antonio into loki’s arms as he cuddled the other, smiling as sigyn turned to look at them. “...Oh, look. He’s already picked up tony’s habit of sucking on anything that gets near his mouth.”Sigyn teased smiling a little. “Hey, hey s-e-x talk near the babies.”Tony whined covering antonious’ ears looking at the woman worriedly. Sigyn sighed softly as she shifted Desiree into clint’s arms, tired still and not wanting to hurt their child as she laid tiredly back against the pillows. “My head hurts. I have a concussion, and you know how head injuries are...And a few broken ribs,but Frigga fixed them.”She said smiling before looking confused. “Books? Really?There’s more to that. We’ll have to ask them.”She frowned looking confused before gigglign a little. “I’m sure tony apperciates you not being in the pants.”She teased. “I do, but he gets prissy when I make him stay naked all the time.”Tony teased pouting a little.”How long’s that going to last?” “A few weeks. He-we’ll recover faster now that our bodies aren’t supporting babies and creating magic for them. It wont be bad.”She promised smiling a little at loki, knowing he hated being magickless as much as she did.
Clint had to smile at that and nodded a little. "Jor was a precious little snake tongued baby." Loki stated with a smirk. "especially as he came out as a snake." he admitted with a nod before he smiled a little. "he really is Tony's son. he drinks his body weight in a single sitting and he sucks on everything and simply cannot keep his hands to himself... Tony, they are babies, they don't know English yet." he pointed out with a shake of his head. "we won't have to worry about no sex talk until they are at least five, maybe four if we're unlucky. they won't give a damn what we talk about until then. though, at the age of two, when they finally start talking, we will have to limit our curse words. because they can, and will repeat us." he admitted before leaning forehead and gently stroking Sigyn's forehead. a common 'dampening' spell that would ease the headache for a little while. "my magic is singularly focused right now." loki explained. "so long as i am Feral and overprotective, my Magic will be too. it won't be controlled by anyone right now, not even me." he admitted as he stroked Antonio's tiny tuft of hair. "Steve's here." Loki informed them as Steve came in with a tray stuffed to bursting with food. "sorry it took so long. all the cooks where moved with the staff when the alarms went off, so i had to make it all myself. oh my look at them, they're perfect!" Steve chirped as he examined the twins, but didn't touch. because he had common sense. "i made breakfast for you two as well, here, help yourselves."
Sigyn giggled at the news, looking up at tony. “Yes, that definitely sounds like tony.” “I can keep my hands to myself.” “No you can’t. Your groping loki right this moment.” “Am n-”Tony stopped looking down from where he’d wrapped a arm around loki’s waist before dropping his hand, blushing ever so slightly. Blushing harder as he was teased. “I don’t care. They’ll figure it out sooner. They’re our children, they’re smart enough to figure out we’re talking about sex. Especially with these three, they can’t stop themselves.”Tony sulked at the teasing. “’re saying we’re worse then you? Not possible.”Sigyn snickered a little before relaxing, sighing in relief as loki eased her headache. “Thanks.”She muttered before smiling pleased as steve came in, shifting to get closer to desiree, protective even if the little girl was his daughter. “They’re my sons, of course they’re perfect.”Tony smiled a little sounding pleased even as he shifted antonious just enough so he could get some of the food, still careful to not look at desiree, not wanting to work up sigyn again.
Loki smiled a little. "and why should he keep his hands off me? i rather like how clingy he is." Loki admitted before he scowled at Tony. "i didn't give you permission to stop touching me." he complained, grabbing Tony's arm and replacing it, ignoring the quiet snickers from Sigyn's boys. Loki knew he was going to pay for that later too. he loved it when Tony punished him. Steve made no remark to her actions regarding Desiree. he had spoken to Jor at great length about it. Jor who had witnessed the very thing happening three times already. he simply helped her eat, knowing she was upset with so many people being in the room. Loki seamed to realize it as well because he made the excuse that the twins needed a bath and led Tony out of the room, blowing out a sigh of releif. "now i know why she would look at me with fear when i snarled at her. holy crap i almost pissed myself."
Sigyn smiled a little looking amused as loki wrapped himself up again. “We’ll go over those books again in a few days. Maybe whatever tehy stole will tell us what they wanted with it.”She muttered smiling slightly even as she watched annoyance flicker over tony’s face. Knowing that tony didn’t mind holding onto loki, he just didn’t like people dragging him along with things. Tony nodded as they left, cuddling the baby in his arms, sighing in relief to. “Oh good, then I’m not the only one with the weak bladder. I thought she was going to strangle us.”tony muttered as he helped loki back towards their rooms.

Sigyn sighed tiredly as she laid back in the bed, cuddling desiree and resisting the urge to growl at the boys for being to close. While she had generally accepted their presence, she was still hurt, and her instincts were making her overprotective.”Now I know how loki felt....we should get some sleep...Desiree’s sleeping....”She muttered looking down at the babe in her arms, gently stroking soft blond hair, somewhere between steve’s bright blond and clint’s dirty blond.
Loki nodded. "i'm sure. i'm also sure they had those books on them." he stated simply as he nuzzled his baby. "Tony can, of course, have Heimdall strip the two prisoners naked, just to make sure they aren't hiding anything of course, and tell us what was taken of course." he mused with a grin as he watched Tony. "pregnant Females are often much more controlled then pregnant males." he admitted. "she would have mauled us of course, had we dared look, coo at, or dare i say it, touched her baby. but we probobly would have survived the encounter. she's also in a lot of pain which makes her instincts all the worse. honestly, i'm surprised she didn't chase us out as soon as we arrived." he admitted as he nuzzled his baby again, smiling down at his little Antonio. "come on then. they really do need a bath, and then you can go and speak to our... valued guests."

the boys seamed to notice her discomfort, or Clit did at least and he drew them both back to the far side of the room to give her a chance to calm down. "you get some sleep love." Steve assured her. "we'll stand here and guard the door." he had learned that much from Loki and Tony. Loki always calmed when Tony promised to guard the door. "get some sleep and if anyone shows up, we'll chase them away." or talk to them long enough to hear the news and then send them away. same difference.
“Ah, I see. Though I’m fairly sure she might try to maul clint or steve if they get to close.”He snickered a little though he did feel for his friends, because he knew she was in pain,and had a feeling that she was going to be a roller coaster as she fought to not demand them to get away. “Well, Sigyn was always the more in control of you two.”He teased a little as they got to their rooms, snickering as they settled into giving the twins a bath. “Can’t I just leave the valued guests there for awhile?I mean, turning a feral sigyn lose on them would be awesome.”Tony smirked a little.

Sigyn offered a small sad smile, because it made her anxious to know that she was reacting like this to them, before relaxing, settling desiree down on the bed next to her, sighing quietly as she started falling to sleep. “Good. Chase everyone away.”She muttered yawning as she fell asleep.
Loki chuckled. "didn't i try to maul you when you first appeared?" Loki asked with amusement. not precisely true, though tony had moved too fast one time and loki had snarled and chased him from the room and barred him from entering until that night and only for the promise of food. "well, that would be fairly interesting." Loki agreed. "but do you really want her to be in the same room as a person who probobly just attempted to murder her and her child?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at Tony. "we'll leave them there for a while, but we're not sending Sigyn in." he ordered simply as he tilted his head. "i want my turn at the nobles too." he admitted after a moment. "many of them are... i am annoyed with them." he finally decided. "i desire to teach them a proper lesson."
"No but you did forbid me to come in till I bribed you with food."tony said looking amused as they walked pausing for a moment as he considered that before wincing."you're right. I won't get to ask questions.she'll just kill them."he smiled as they washed up thr babies,looking amused that the twins were splashing.despite his fears,he was doing okay."we'll I'm annoyed with thrm to. Id love you're help taking care of them."

Which is how a few days later tony found himself fussing over thr thought of leaving the twins with frigga,"aren't you supposed to be the one making this big of a deal not being with them?"jor snickered a little as he stepped into the bedroom,glancing at his father. While everyone knew frigga was perfectly capable of protecting the twins for the bit tony and loki weren't with them,it also made tony feel better to have more then one guard with them while they went to deal with the nobles. "Shut it jor. "Tony said looking annoyed with the teasing as he fhanged his clothes into formal asgard wear, wanting for once to look like a king and not his usual casual wear.
Loki grinned a little. "oh yes. it was Clint i tried to maul." the man had been too close to the door for too long and Loki had actually mauled the man a little. "hand me the shampoo would you?" Loki asked, keeping a careful eye on what Tony was doing, but he was handling his baby just fine, and was careful not to get water in the babies face or ears and the little ones seamed to simply ADORE the water.

"no. i'm not nearly Feral at the moment. this is Tony's first time leaving his babies with a babysitter, be nice." Loki demanded, unbothered because Jor had a lot of practice with babies, being the eldest of four, and being a healer, Frigga was even more practiced. "it will be alright Tony. Mother will send word if they so much as bump a hand." Loki promised. "and she is a healer, even if something does happen, she's there to fix it right away. and Jor is a powerful warrior, he won't let in a soul." Loki promised, already dressed in his Lords Cloak. which wasn't all that different from when he'd tried to take over the earth. "now, everyone has had a turn with the lords, even Natasha, and we have a list of nearly every single infraction they've pulled. Cherum and his nasty little slut of a daughter are in separate cells just like the rest of them. it's going to be easy to pass judgment on them. and Pepper wrote you're speech this time, about 'equality'. meaning that Lords can be punished just the same as commoners, and that commoners have the same rights as Lords." he smiled. "the common folk will have a much better life now that you've made it impossible for a Lord to be able to do whatever they want to the common." he admitted. under Odin's rule, commoners had no rights, and the Lords of his kingdom could go into any house, take anything they wanted, and do anything they wanted. including rape, or murder if they so desired. with Tony in charge, that would stop.
"If it makes you feel any better tony,clint still hasn't left the room.even when sigyn threwtened bodily harm if he didn't give her some space."jor snivkered a little it was amusing to see a man who hadnt even wanted kids this upset over leaving them. Tony twitched a little before sighing,"I guess you're right...and jor babysat your other kids and they're okay..."he said still looking unsure before they left grinning slihtly."I would have loved to see pepper with them...Im sure that was a sight to see..."he said smieking at the idea of how foerce his ex girlfriend could be before pausing to read the speach nodding.."well once again,shes made it sound like me who wrote it."because it was and even as he spoke to the prisoners,having every intention of punishing them after he spoke,it was his words,his ideas.but like so many other times,pepper was better at writing what he was trying to say so that everyone could understand him instead of his normal over the top technical speaking.
Loki snorted a little and shook his head. "Clint is as Feral as she is. he won't risk leaving her alone when she's hurt. thank goodness they have Steve there to mediate." Loki mused as he gently tickled a baby belly and smiled as they squealed. Godly babies matured at a rapid pace. both Antonio and Antonius where aware already. they would grow normally, but by the time they where six months old, they would probobly be babbling. not walking, but certainly babbling. and by a year they would be repeating everything and learning how to walk properly. "Pepper went in and set herself on fire." Loki admitted with a smirk. "i used the camcorders to record it. it was awesome. i'll show you later." he promised as he nodded. "now come on." he demanded. "we don't want to be late." he chirped with a wicked grin as he led the way before freezing in front of the first 'cell' which was a square stone room with a single door and a one way window in the door. "...Tony? isn't that the woman you had sex with?"
"True. Though thankfully he hasn't spent the whole time as a hawk.and steve's good for them."he agreed before grinning,"that's awesome. I always knew pepper was totally capable of being badass."tony grinned a little as they walked before stopping,startled at loki's question before stepping back to look at the woman before paling."it is."he said his eyes worried,eondering what the hell was going on before wincing at the words she was screaming. Definitely hearing 'I shouldn't be here.I'm carrying thr kings child' was enouh to make any playboy's blood run cold,much less tony stark eho had no idea what had happened beyond having sex that night.
Loki chuckled a little. "i heard the story of how she kicked that man, Killian's? ass." he admitted. "i have to admit, i'm a little afraid of her now." he admitted with a grin before he frowned as he watched the woman. "wait here." he demanded of Tony. "go and get the tape of where you had sex with her." he demanded as he walked into the room and shut the door, offering her a vicious smile. "so. you think that just because you tricked the King into sleeping with you, that you deserve rights?" Loki demanded, watching her. "i know exactly what you did you little slut. you seduced him, fucked him, and then used a spell to knock him out. then, while he was out, you removed that little rubber thing that humans use to protect themselves from pregnancy, took his sperm, and impregnated yourself with it. do you understand that the crime of Line Theft, and no doubt paternal blackmail, is a high crime that will see you stripped of your child, whether it is the King's or not, bound to mortality, and banished to the place of the crime, Midgaurd?" Loki asked, studying her. "you're very lucky that it was ME, who heard you screaming in here, and not Heimdell." he stated simply, staring at her. "what say you to these accusations?"
“Yea, she totally killed killian. It was awesome.”he snickered a little before nodding. “I’ve always been a little afraid of her.”He agreed before frowning at the woman tilting his head. “Okay....”he said flicking a look towards loki, not sure how the man was going to react before leaving. “I do. He impregnanted me. It wasn’t my fault he was so drunk he was careless with the rubber thing.”Lara frowned as she looked at loki, resting a hand on her stomach. Before her eyes went dark, cunning as she studied the prince in front of her, smirking a little. “Besides, even if you convince him that it was a crime, and strip me of the child, my child will be loved by all. A true blooded asgardian...instead of a jotun half bred.”She growled wincing at sound of cracking metal as tony neared the cell to hear that last part. “...Loki?”
Loki smiled a little and nodded. "it will be alright." Loki promised before going into the room. "Tony is never careless with his rubber things. he's had sex asleep and he still puts them on." Loki informed her. "which means you stole his lineage." he stated before he smiled at her, letting her insult him. "yes. but you see. even if my babies are half blooded Jotun Freaks... they will still be King before yours." Loki purred. "my babies, will be superior because they where formed by love, not by hunger for power. my babies are already magically stronger than you." Loki informed her. "one of them, WILL be the king of Asgaurd, and yours? if it even IS the spawn of the King, will only ever be able to amount to the Prince." he flung his hands out at her, power wrapping tightly around her. "i have Bound you, magically. you will not be able to leave designated areas. you also won't be able to harm the baby in any form." he informed her. "because just to make my revenge upon you all the sweeter. i will take your baby from you, and raise it right next to those half blood Jotun Freaks you hate so much. i will shower your baby with all the love and affection i do my own blood. and your baby will grow up, only knowing you as the psychotic bitch who stole the kings sperm." Loki stated with a smirk. "your baby will only know me as it's mother, and Tony as it's father. you won't even be a footnote in history class." Loki stated, looking very, very smug. "you have achieved absolutely nothing, other than your own pain and a punishment that even i didn't deserve." Loki stated, smirking at the woman. "we will have your designated rooming available for you within a few days. once the baby is born, we will test it's lineage. if it is Tony's, we will keep it. if it is not? then we will give it to a nice couple who haven't had a baby yet." Loki informed her. "Hesha and Hori perhaps. or Talblindi and Orcam." both couples where of 'mixed breeds'. "either way, you won't be keeping the baby, you clearly cannot be trusted with one."
Lara frowned a little as she stared at the man, “No, no a almost full blooded asgardian will be first. Cherum promised me!”The woman screamed even as she felt the bonds wrapping around her, collapsing into a sobbing mess as loki kept talking. Tony smiled slightly, even if he looked shaken. The man was shaken enough to not be sure about loki’s reaction, because he had spent his childhood hated by a father who’d known he wasn’t howard’s son, it was paining him to think that a child of his might be subjected to that. Hating the woman for drawing the memories to the surface, even if his head told him he was being ridiculous, that loki would never do that to a child, but he was feeling vulnerable and shaken and out of sorts. Glancing at loki he swallowed bracing himself. “And we’ll deal with cherum to, lady lara. But all you have gained, is making me hate you.”Tony said quietly glancing at loki, nudging him a little smiling at the woman’s scream of outrage at the idea of her child being raised by the mixed breed couples. “let’s go. I want to stop and see sigyn.”He muttered
Loki smirked viciously. "Cherum is not in control here. and he never will be. TONY, is King now, and TONY hates pureblooded bigoted BITCHES like you." Loki hissed, his eyes glittering with overjoyed malice. "the only reason why he even fucked you, is because you look just like me. only with breasts. he only slept with you, because i insisted he go out and get laid. the only reason you are pregnant at all, is entirely because of ME." wow, Loki really was as evil as people said he was. he was just better at controlling it now. "Your child? is MY child now, you're just carrying it. because any child that is Tony's child, i will love with all of my heart, no matter the whore of a mother the poor thing has." he stated, smirking. "i will love your child more than you EVER would have." Loki stated with a viscous smirk. "You're child is mine now." Loki hissed, baring his teeth, his skin going blue, eyes going red, letting her look, letting her SEE the monster she had unleashed that was Loki Liesmith. he relaxed as soon as he saw Tony and he offered the other a smile and gently took the others hand. "alright, he'll probobly snap at us again though." he warned, glancing at him. "are you alright Tony?... you... don't mind me promising to raise her baby do you? because if it is yours... i want it... i'm sure it is yours, unfortunately... i can feel the Bond..." he admitted, biting his lip a little. "i want her baby... i want her baby to be mine... i want to love it Tony, like i love you and and Nio and Nius." Loki admitted, fidgeting a little. "you know.. it was probobly Cherum who set the tripping trap... i've never wanted to KILL someone so much in my ENTIRE life!"
Lara smirked a little looking amused as lara cowered in front of loki, crying quietly. And even more amused as he realized that loki was right, she did look like loki, and would have never had a chance if it hadn’t been loki sending him to get laid. Curling his fingers around loki’s he smiled slightly, nodding as he watched the floor as they walked. More subdued then usual, even as his own mind tossed his own emotional minefield back at him. “No, I don’t mind. It’s my kid, I should at least look after it...”He muttered not realizing he was upsetting loki for once, his thoughts chasing each other to much to realize he was upsetting loki. Smiling slightly sadly as he agreed. “We’ll take care of Cherum.I’ll even let him try to explain, after we go get the boys so they can hear the confession...”he said quietly before stopping in front of the door, biting his lip a little staring at the floor, “ wont hate it?I mean...because its not yours?”He muttered fidgetting with his clothes like he did when he was nervous.
Loki watched Lara crying and smiled, reaching out and stroking her hair. "poor misguided Child." he whispered, and somehow, that would hurt worse than anything as Loki left her there, weeping. loki winced at Tony's words, wondering if the man was rejecting the baby? it was Tony's right of course, he couldn't blame the other for it. but having been rejected himself, the idea of Tony doing it HURT. "yes, let him explain and dig a deeper hole for himself." Loki agreed, rather subdued. "what!? Tony NO! of COURSE not!" Loki promised, suddenly understanding as he wrapped Tony up into a tight hug. "i will love this new child, if only because half of her is You." Loki promised with a smile. "the baby in that woman's stomach is Mine now, i want it, i Love it, whether it is yours or not, it is a part of me and i will keep it close to my heart, forever and always, whether it is yours, mine, or a complete strangers." he promised, kissing Tony's forehead. "i will love the Child, just as surely as i love you and the Twins." he promised, smiling at Tony with tears in his eyes.
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