
Loki huffed. "you are not." he grumbled, glaring at Tony even as he ate his eggs. the entire platter full. "Pepper would be delighted to be your secretary again." "no way in hell." Pepper corrected. "i still have to work Stark Industries." she pointed out. "i'm staying on Midgaurd, with Fenris." she admitted simply. "i'll be sleeping here though. it's no worse than a commute." she admitted simply. "why can't i teach?" Loki complained with a small sulk. "as if i'd like one of those snot nosed little brats.... er, young... little angels..." Steve snorted and Clint snickered. "you don't have the disposition for school teaching Loki." "well... true. can i be the Dean then? i'll get to tell people what to do." Loki mused as he grabbed the Ketchup that had randomly appeared and smothered a large pickle with it. Fandal happily stole the egg platter ack now that Loki had finished with it. "good, because everyone should know how completely amazing i am!" Sleipnir stated with a sniff, lifting en eyebrow when one very brave... and very snooty Lord approached. "My Leige..." he stated with a deep bow. "But i was wondering why you are... fraternizing, with such... people." he sounded as snobbish as he was and he sneered at the entire ensemble. "they are but Mortals and dirty bloods." "oh Cherum." Loki stated with a shake of his head. "Tony's mother was a human. he's one of those 'dirty bloods' you speak of with such low disregard. all these 'dirty bloods' here that he is 'associating' with are his family. you just sneered at his family Cherum. you sneered at the Kings family." Cherum had gone very pale as he realized that this wasn't Loki manipulating the king, but rather his King bringing his family with him. oh crap. "Tony, this is Cherum, a very high level aristocrat who rather hates anything that isn't an Aeser by blood. he's always hated me but he's actually very useful if you can get him to stop sneering at everything he finds distasteful. it's Odin's fault of course for encouraging such vile behavior, but i'm sure he can be taught better. and if not, you can always kill him." Loki admitted with a shrug, making Cherum sputter. both because of the death threat and Loki's insults, but because that 'blue skinned freak' was actually sort of almost sparing his life.
“Because you’ll find some other magical student you’ll like more then me, and then were will I be?”Tony said sulking a little before smirking. “You’re about to have some of those snot nosed little brats you know.”Sigyn said leaning forward enough to look at her ex-husband looking amused and a little interested in the pickle before stealing the ketchup and smothering her eggs in it. Oh yea, definitely two pregnant people at the table. “You are your father’s son.”Tony teased looking amused at sleipnir’s attitude as he reclined in his chair, looking very relaxed and pleased as he ate, a basking lion overlooking his kingdom. Raising a eyebrow as the lord approached he glanced at the table around him. Sigyn winced at the ice cold anger that showed in usually amused eyes before watching him focus on Cherum, leaning back in her chair to watch in amusement, because she doubted tony would kill him, and it would be nice to watch him get put in his place, and if anyone knew how to deliver a scathing dressing down it was tony stark. Having spent her lifetime getting scorned for marrying the ‘blue skinned freak’ and being a seer by this man and others, it was going to be interesting to see tony deal with him.

“Does that mean he disliked Thor so, for associating with the mortals and dirty bloods? I mean, cause if my father put up with this kind of behavior without causing a thunderstorm, I think I might have to offer more praise for having more self control than I thought he did.”Tony said studying the lord, before turning to look at clint. “May I burrow your bow please?”he asked holding out a hand for the bracelet, the wicked laughter under all that temper promising something to be a warning and entertainment both. Closing his fingers around the bracelet he triggered it to change into its full form, balancing it on the flat of his palm as he leaned on his elbow as he stared at the man. “I made this as bound and unable to access my magic, Cherum. I was mortal, for all intents and purposes. And if you do not get away from me in the next moment, I am going to ask my brother’s forgiveness and test out just how good the craftsmanship is while I use you for practice.”
Loki rolled his eyes. "no Tony, i can assure you that there will never be another student i like more than you. Jotun are quite singular in their affections and i would very much never allow another student to suck my cock the way i let you do." he pointed out, his eyes glittering with amusement as one of the braver Aeser snickered and started mouthing Loki's begging, making both Clint and Steve shove their fists into their mouths to keep from laughing. everyone sobered as soon as Cherum approached and watched with various expressions, some pleased, some annoyed, some indifferent, many more than a little worried about how their new King would react to the radical.

"i... no of course not, tThor was just... misguided. i mean... not misguided he was.. just..." Cherum stammered and stuttered, Loki rolling his eyes as he quickly and efficiently cut into a piece of breakfast Ham. "Thor did have a most amazing ability for self control when it came to dealing with people." Loki admitted as he watched Cherum sweat. Clint smirked and handed over the Bow without issue and watched as Cherum started to quiver, worried about what might be about to happen to him. everyone whispered in stunned amazement at Tony's admission to being bound and to having made the bow while in that condition. "oh by all means Tony, no need for forgiveness, i'd rather see for myself how well the Bow works. and against an old, ornery, bigot like him would be the perfect target practice." Cherum whimpered once, and fled. not about to risk his lords wrath anymore than he already had. "...that was kind of fun." Steve admitted, looking amused. "now i see why you like to intimidate people so much Clint." "of course it's fun." Clint stated with a roll of his eyes as he took the Bow back and let it wrap around his wrist. "i don't do anything unless i want to, especially if it's fun." he admitted with a grin. "so, we're looking into the Academy first?" "yes, and then the Grand library." Loki admitted. "Odin had many, many books banned, though he wasn't allowed to burn them." he admitted. "we need to go through the books and see which ones where banned and why."
Tony smirked a little as he watched cherum stammer, before tilting his head. “So I can see. He wouldn’t have had a court if he didn’t.”He mused before smirking wider as cherum quivered, before he raised the bow, a arrow appearing in his fingers as he fired, grinning as it went to the far end of the hall, and nailed the door just aside cherum’s head. “Definitely a perfect bow.”He said as he handed it back to clint before looking over the crowd, trying to decide how well everyone was reacting to his near violent way of dealing with things before smirking as he leaned down to kiss loki. “Let’s go get the day started. I have a feeling once I’m out among the people and they get to talk to me, its going to be a long day.”Tony grumbled because he was quite aware of how things worked, looking interested as he stood, holding out a hand for loki. “So, how many of our teachers do you think are still at the academy?”Sigyn said as she got up, following the others out of the room, a arm wrapped around steve’s waist to walk, though she wasn’t tired yet, she knew there was a limit to how much strength she had. She was starting to hate being pregnant, though she loved the child, and wanted them, she wasn’t used to being weak, and watching the child drain away her strength was hard. Maybe loki could help? She’d have to ask him later, after they went to the school and library. And she had a idea, she wanted to see about doing, but it meant talking to clint and loki without steve around...maybe she could get tony to distract him?Thinking as she walked she was pleased as they got to the academy, even if the teachers hadn't been nice, and the children cruel, for so long it had been the only home she'd had.
Loki snorted a little. "oh, it was more Odin." he pointed out. "Thor didn't have much to do with politics, all the idiots 'in charge' are of Odin's crew." he stated simply. "like minded bigots for a bigot King." he admitted simply before laughing as Cherum shrieked in terror as the Arrow lodged itself next to his head, several people laughing as they watched the once feared man flee in terror before what essentially amounted to a child. "most people won't bother you too much. you're too new and they are uncertain of your temperament." Loki admitted. "mostly it will be children." Loki admitted with a smile. "they will be exceptionally curious about all of us, and as you may well know, it is nearly impossible to quell a child's curiosity." he had seen Tony out on the streets, children of all ages begging him for an autograph and babbling about how amazing he was.

the Academy was the same as ever, massive buildings with tons of rooms. the library half empty and the students woefully ignorant of how to REALLY manipulate and control their magic. the teachers where testy and hated teaching and where barely above the abilities of the students themselves and Loki sighed. "there might not be anything for it. the Teachers are just as idiotic as the students are." he complained. "we might not be able to get away with not teaching." Loki admitted, looking troubled. "i can't beleive this... Odin's destroying these kids lives and no one even realizes it. most of those teachers are going to have Magic Wasting Disease by the time they reach five hundred, and the kids won't be much better..." Loki was looking very, very upset. Magic was his passion. his LIFE. it had been everything he WAS for a very long time, and to see so many potentially gifted students not being properly taught... it would be like if Tony walked into a school for the mentally gifted, genius's of all kinds, being taught their ABC's over and over again. "i'm sorry Tony..." Loki whispered, resting his head on Tony's forehead. "i HAVE to fix this!"
“Ah, well me and children get along.” “Because you function on the same maturity level.”Sigyn quipped smirking. “Do not. And children like me because of me, not because of everything a adult would care about.”Tony said having for so long learned to trust the curiosity of a child more then the flattering of a adult, because a child would not lie, if they were curious, it was because they were curious, not because they wanted something from him.

Sigyn to, was testy and pissed by the time they got to the end of their tour, even as weak as she was, the flickering magic that was in her hands, was much more trained, steady then the teachers. “We could re-teach them all. If...if it is corrected now, we might be able to save the teachers.”Sigyn said looking as troubled as both loki and tony looked, not enjoying the cold fury that tightened tony’s features, knowing that the man was understanding just how deeply this affected the children. Grinding his teeth tony nodded. “I know, I would never forbid you from helping,you know that.”Tony said looking anxious, wondering if loki had misunderstood his dislike for him teaching, tony having only not liked it when he was feeling jealous of the thought of loki finding a student he liked better, or because he knew loki didn’t have the right temperment for teaching. Tony knew they needed to change this. “we’ll all teach. Me and you, sigyn and the boys. I mean, if we’re all helpign out, maybe we can change this....”he ground his teeth flicking a look around before shuddering. “Odin couldn’t have done this on his own. Yes, he made the rules and everything, but there was someone who enforced the rules despite knowing they were harming children. I will see them punished.”He growled, knowing he was goign to freak out the asgardians so soon after gaining control, but the man was going to protect these children, the precious magic born children who made him think of how his and loki’s children would be, and he was going to see that everyone who helped odin destroy his kingdom punished.
Loki smiled a little and nodded in agreement. "Children are wonderful. if they don't like you, they tell you exactly why." he agreed with a chuckle. "one told me he didn't like me because 'you look funny and make Daddy angry'. it's really kind of nice.... granted, being told i look funny is..." he shrugged.

"it's been over three thousand years since we where taught. the slow degradation of capable magic users has intensified since then. any fully capable sorcerer must have been banished before they could 'cause problems'." Loki muttered. "which means that someone is in the school, watching for 'problem children' like you and i where. we're going to have to find the problem, root it out, and find out if it was Malice, or fear of Odin that made them do it." he mused. "i don't think most of these teachers even realize the Danger that they are in." Loki admitted as he looked at Tony, looking relieved. he knew the real reason why Tony didn't want Loki teaching. he was afraid Loki would get bored with him, or that Loki would get hurt and be dead before Tony could get there to save him and the twins. "you have to understand Tony, that if this was an order from Odin, no one would dare go against it. if whoever is at fault was only obeying orders against his will, we cannot punish him. an order from a King, is complete. there is no breaking that order without signing your own death warrant. if the person doing it, is doing it gleefully, then i will torture him into insanity myself!" Loki promised, taking Tony's hand. "i'm going to send messengers out. each with a letter. anyone banished by Odin, will be ordered to return." he decided. "we can decide for ourselves then, who needs to stay banished, and who was banished out of his selfishness. if we can find proper sorcerers in that group, we might have a better chance of fixing the problems here. in the meantime, were going to have to close the Academy completely and go through the curriculum, and the books, and see what needs to be fixed. no doubt the Main Library Banned Books section is full of the higher level sorcery books. the library here is only full of lower level and mid level abilities." he looked at Sigyn. "we'll speak to all the teachers and the people in charge here. we'll fire anyone who won't 'reform' and hire people who actually know what the hell their doing... if we can find any."
Tony smirked a little, tugging the man closer.”You’re perfect, not funny looking.”He muttered looking around the school before sighing softly. “Someone knew....”he muttered. “We were problem children, beyond just being as good at magic as we are....we were naturally able to control many children didn’t have the skill to do that?”Sigyn muttered horror filling her eyes as she turned, pressing her face against clint’s chest, to emotional and hormonal to be calm about it as she cried quietly, mourning that this had ever come to pass. Tony smiled slightly, though vaguely concerned at how relieved loki looked. “...I know, I know, but I want to hurt someone for this...this is...insanity!”tony said annoyed that the person he really wanted to hurt, was already dead and he could no longer do anything about it. Squeezing loki’s hand he smiled nodding. “Write it, and I’ll put my seal on it, so they know its not you playing a trick or anything....not that you’d do something like that, but they might worry.”Tony muttered looking concerned before nodding. “Let’s go speak to the headmaster and tell them that we are closing the school, and we’ll set up something to go through the books, because I don’t want either of you wearing yourselves out. You can read the books at the palace and rest.”Tony said eyeing the two pregnant sorcerers, not about to let them wear themselves out, not when this was a problem that would take time to fix. Sigyn nodded absently, looking at loki. “If we can’t, we can have small groups, and we can teach that way. Between me, you, and tony. Not to mention clint, who’s getting a good handle on things, and natasha, and oh the kids...we can have a few classes as it is...”She said before a slight frown tightened her face, worried that the world would no accept them because she was her, and loki was himself, and the guys and natasha, and tony were demi gods...she was worried asgard’s prejudices would overrule their common sense.
Loki snorted. "i was blue at the time." he stated simply. "so yes, i was indeed, 'funny looking'." Loki admitted with a grin. "not many people have the skill to naturally attune themselves to magic." Loki explained at the confused looks. "what Sigyn, Tony and i do so naturally is simply because we are so fine tuned to our own power, that we can use it much more effectively and efficiently. our magic can even show us HOW to do what we do. Tony is such an intuitive mage, that his magic literally shows him how to use it. which is why it's so easy for him to manipulate and control it. his magic likes him, it wants him to use it." Loki admitted with a smile. "people who get magical diseases, get sick because their magic is neglected and it becomes annoyed with their host and turns on them." Tony would understand perfectly, so would Sigyn and Clint and the Kids. anyone who used Magic knew that it was sentient, it could think, it felt happy or sad or angry. the happier the magic, the more it would let you use it without a fight.

"oh the book sorting is easy." Loki stated with a wave of his hand. "there's a complete updating register. you have to state why a book is banned when it's sent there, and no matter what you SAY when banning the books, the Truth is always printed because it was a Vanir enchantment to prevent people from trying to destroy knowladge and the like. we just look at the list, see what was banished and why, and cross the books off once we decide what needs to come back and they'll just come straight back to the available libraries. the libraries themselves are shelved by spells, so it's not a lot of work." Loki promised with a smile. "but there are a lot, and i do mean a LOT of books to go through." he admitted with a sigh. "it's the teaching that's going to be hard... we might have to split the levels up according to skill, instead of age." he admitted. "Clint could easily teach the youngest, he does very well on the meditative techniques that the beginners need to know. Sigyn could teach the most experienced. she's better at explaining the in depth 'theoretical' stuff that is needed once you start working without a spell or a chant." Loki admitted. "we'll have to do testing then of course, which is going to be a further pain int he ass..." he grumbled before swinging a door open, a short, fat little man sitting in the room doing paperwork.

"What in the Blazes!? Who dares!? i'm busy! you little brats know better than to interrupt me when i'm... oh... oh dear..." the man paled as he realized he'd been yelling at the strongest sorcerer alive and the new King. "hello to you too Bumblebee." "That's Bruglebud!" "Bruskwise." Loki stated with a regal, uncaring wave of his hand. "His Majesty the King is extremely displeased with the state of things here." "B...But i've run the place just as i was told! those little brats wouldn't need magic anyway if they'd take to weapons training like proper Aeser!" "...well, i suppose we have our answer then. shall i have him sent to the dungeons my liege?" Loki asked Tony, head tilted curiously. "or would you like to have him dealt with here and now?"
“Ah, that explains why we’re better then some.”Tony said looking thought at the idea, wondering what in the world he’d done to get his magic to like him so much, but he figured clint’s understanding came from sigyn, since she changed it, it made sense that he got her gift for knowing what to do. “Well, then you get the easy task. You’re pregnant, you’re supposed to be taking it easy.”Tony said looking ready to set his heels down and refuse to let loki do anything for awhile, the man despite still being wigged out at the idea of being a father, had already accepted the responsiblity of making sure the child was well taken care of....even if he had to make sure they were protected from him. Because he had no doubt that he was going to be horrible, so he’d make sure the others were well enough to protect them. Not about to admit to anyone the fear that he was truly, deathly afraid he was going to harm the twins, not just mentally but physically and emotionally, because he knew even without saying it, that if he voiced the fear, loki would hang him from the cieling by his heels until he decided to start make sense.

Sigyn nodded at that, smiling slightly. “We’ll set classes tomorrow, splitting them up again so they can be settled to where they needed to be.”Sigyn said before starting a little as bruglebud came in, shifting to stand closer to steve and clint, because the little man scared her, despite being as good as she was, he scared her. Tony raised a eyebrow, glancing at clint.”He just called me a brat.” “You are a brat.”Sigyn pointed out. Tony studied the man, “So you do not think that magic is part of a true aeser’s gifts?That you would condemn a child to not being equal, just because they rely on magic instead of weapons? I think I’m insulted, since it is my aeser blood that gave me magic.”Tony hummed before looking down at loki. “I like the sound of that. My liege...”he muttered before sighing quietly. “Deal with him now, I’d rather not have to think about him again.”
Loki nodded. "yes, some people just have a natural understanding of their innate magic. we're not entirely sure how or why, but we do know that anyone can achieve harmony with their magic if they use it properly and often." Loki admitted simply. "it was actually Sigyn's ability to harmonize her magic that kept the Seers and Sorcerers from killing her days earlier." Loki admitted before groaning as he realized tony was on his 'pregnant people are helpless' kick again. "Tony stark! if you don't stop mollycoddling me this instant i'm going to be very annoyed with you and not let you have sex for... three days!"Loki decided... though he wasn't sure he could actually manage that himself. Loki wasn't the least bit afraid of Brugelbud, no matter how many times the tiny little beast of a man had whipped him for his 'insolence' Loki wasn't scared a single bit. the portly little bastard had never laid a finger, or a whip on Sigyn, but she'd patched him up on a number of occasions. "Bruglebud just sneered at Tony. "you are no King, you are a child playing with things you do not understand. you will never be welcome here you filthy little upstart, and someone will kill you, and you're precious filth of a family before long. you wait and see!" he snarled, Loki snarling back. "You DARE THREATEN MY MATE!?" Loki demanded, his Skin doing that sexy little blue markings thing it did when he employed strong magic, Brugelbud screaming as Loki's magic ate the little man alive, Loki baring fangs as his eyes bled red as he watched the last of Bruglebud vanish. "Excuse me a moment." Loki ordered, fleeing into the bathroom to hide. he hated showing his markings. hated letting people see how weird he was. not a Jotun, not an Aeser. not a Human, not a halfbreed... he hated being so different.
“You can do stuff!I told you you could work on the books.”Tony said scowling at being scolded. Glancing at brugelbud he studied the man, before looking at sigyn as the woman flinched. There were such few things sigyn was actually scared of, that he was interested in seeing what was going to happen. Looking startled at being sneered at he paused, trying to figure out what to say, flinching a little. So much like howard...Swallowing hard he opened his mouth to reply before loki beat him to it, his mouth going dry as he watched his mate go sexy, shuddering a little. “I’ll....I’ll take care of him. Go on, see to the others.”tony muttered to the rest of his family before running after loki, walking into the bathroom without even trying to talk to loki, knowing the man would turn him away. “Hey, mate mine, can you do that sexy little marking thing while we have sex?”Tony asked as he smiled slightly at loki, offering him a almost shy hesitant smile, as if he wasn’t sure loki would want him. Despite everything, tony stark knew something about being different, and he just wanted to be accepted, and to be able to accept loki without the man doubting him.
Loki rolled his eyes and shook his head a little as Steve and Clint wrapepd their arms around Sigyn, a barrier between her and the pudgy little idget. Loki gasped as Tony walked in and tried to hide his markings with his hands, which where covered in markings. "i hate it when i look like this..." Loki whispered. "they used to... call me things, in school when i worked on the higher level magics... they still had higher level magics back then..." Loki admitted, trying to rub them off. "they come out when i get really really angry... and... i'm so hormonal that i was just... Furious when that fat little fucker threatened you..." Loki admitted, his voice wavering. he was clearly terrified of what Tony might think of his 'freak streaks' as the children had once called the blue markings on Loki's skin. he knew that Tony wouldn't really care, but they where such a sore spot that Loki couldn't help himself. he was too emotional, and much too hormonal and he just sat down and started to cry. "i...don't..know...why...i'm...crying!" Loki wailed, so mixed up inside it hurt. "i'm...never...getting...pregnant...again!" he sobbed, angry with himself and angry at Tony for not being disgusted and angry at Bruglebud for making Loki loose his temper and just all around angry at everything.
“You are old, darling, if you remember when they taught higher level magics.”Tony muttered teasing him a bit, though his eyes were sad as he sat down next to loki, gently taking his hands. “Well, I was fairly furious to, getting threatened is never fun. Do you think asgard would be impressed if I showed up as iron man?”He muttered as he shifted, tugging the other into his lap, fingers gently running over the marks, such a loving touch that loki had to know he was actually looking at them, “You think the twins will have these?They’re kinda sexy...I should be prepared to defend my daughter from the advances of horny teenagers when she gets that age....definitely going to have to prepare.”Tony muttered wincing as the other wailed, his thoughts derailed as he looked at the sobbing man in his lap, “Because you are pregnant, and you don’t do well with emotions.”He muttered before leaning back to look at him, a slight hurt and panicked look in his eyes, never pregnant again? Which was a weird reaction from a man who wasn’t sure he was going to make it through this pregnnacy. “Reindeer, calm down. You’re going to cause yourself some harm, and I’d have to punish you.”Tony growled, his tone demanding enough to say that he expected to be obeyed, to worried about the man sitting in his lap to be calm and collected.
Loki shook his head. "i have told you before that i am around four thousand years old." Loki pointed out. "i think they'd be impressed. especially if you can incorporate Magic into it like you where thinking of." he admitted with a nod. he shuddered as Loki stroked the markings, hating how they where sensitive when they where visible like that. "they might... it's hard to tell." Loki admitted with another shudder. he stilled as soon as Tony ordered him to calm down and he sniffled a few times and gave off few hiccups and then relaxed into him. "i lied... i do want to be pregnant again." Loki murmured. "i'm sorry, i... i don't know what came over me..." he whispered, shivering against the other. "they used to torment me... about the Marks... and Brugelbud used to say the most awful things about how i would ever belong anywhere, and how no one would ever love me once they saw my 'Freakishness'... he used to whip me you know. he wasn't allowed to touch Sigyn because she was protected by the Vanir, but no one cared about me. he used to love whipping me until i bled, or until i screamed, whichever came last..." he admitted with a shudder. "i hate them... i hate these... things..." Loki whispered, stroking his markings. "i don't even know what i am..."
“I know, but then you say things like that, and I remember how old you are.”He muttered before smirking.”Good. Then I can be amazingly threatening on a whole new level.”Tony muttered smirking as he watched loki shudder, running his fingers over the markings, having every intention of driving him insane. “Well, we’ll just have to wait and see.”He muttered before smirking slightly.”Well good....though we should make sure I don’t like damage these first ones before you decide you want more...”he muttered before sighing quietly.”Well, I think you got him back for the whipping..”he muttered his voice sad because he hated that his loki had gone through that, before lowering his head, biting loki’s neck,sucking, leaving his own mark. “I do. You’re mine.”He growled possessively before shifting. “Now, since I’ve done my kingly duties for the day, can we go to bed?there’s still surfaces of our rooms I want to defile."he muttered trying to distract him.
he nodded a little, looking amused. "i suppose it would be a shock for you to know then, that i personally knew President McKinley?" he asked with a snicker. "or the introduction of the Teddy Bear? yes that WAS a fun day. i even got one for Sigyn. it cost an entire two dollars at the time. it was one of the fanciest ones they had." he admitted with a smile. "she let me do whatever i wanted for an entire week after that she was so ecstatic." he admitted, calming down now and shuddering again at the touch to his markings. "stop it..." he complained halfheartedly. he'd never realized how nice those felt... no one had ever dared touch them, not even Sigyn... though that was more fear of Loki's rage than fear of the markings. "you won't damage the babies." Loki promised. "you'll see." he murmured with a smile. "tell you what. i'll get a baby for us to borrow for... mmm an hour." Loki decided, smiling up at Tony. "we can borrow various children for a while, an hour a day or so, and i'll teach you everything you'll need to know about every age of child. there's plenty of kids here, and no one would mind letting you practice on their children once they know you're practicing for your own babies.' he admitted with a smile before moaning eagerly as he was sucked on, gasping a little. "yes... god yes... i wanna have sex... right here!" Loki demanded, leaping to his feet and sweeping the desk clean. "i've always wanted to sully this fucking desk!"
“Stop. Just stop. That’s unkind to tell me, and you’re making my head hurt.”Tony whined at the idea of everything his lover had seen, even as he laughed at the idea of sigyn, so serious powerful sigyn, being so ecstatic over a teddy bear. He’d have to remember to get her another one. “No.”Tony muttered at the order to stop, before smiling a little, “well...I guess that would be okay. I mean...I wouldn’t be with them that long...”Tony muttered calmly accepting the idea of borrowing a children for a bit, before laughing. “Fine fine, sex on the desk...though you might have to teach, just so you can have sex on your own desk.”he snickered at the idea, his worries momentarily forgotten.

Nearly 6 months later tony slumped back into his chair, looking tired and strained, rubbing a hand over his face. While he enjoyed life, especially being a king, the strain of becoming a father and ruling things was starting to show. Because no matter how much he tried, or how much loki reassured him that he was doing okay, he was afraid of failing, both as a king and a father. And being restricted to having no sex, or not drinking, or smoking was wearing the man out even faster, not to mention that there were still numerous women trying to seduce him no matter how much he said no, and it was getting harder and harder to say no. He just wanted a stress free day, just one. Stirring when he heard the door to his office open he smiled at loki, smirking slightly at the sight of the very pregnant man. Despite disliking being stuck in asgard since loki couldn’t travel anymore, he was always glad to see loki, his heart always aching at the sight of his mate so round with his children. “You have a good day with sigyn?”He said shifting his seat away from his desk so loki could sit down with him, looking interested. Knowing both pregnant ones were taking it easy now that their pregnancies were further along, and he was amused that they’d gone shopping for baby furniture together instead of inviting any of the three fathers. Amused because it was quite adorable to watch them ohhh and aww over things when steve, clint, and tony just stared at the usually very serious sorcerers like they’d finally lost their minds.
Loki groaned as he walked in, slowly sinking into the chair. he was very close to being put on bed rest, as a male's body wasn't exactly meant to carry that much weight. but Loki was used to that, he knew it was going to happen. he was quite pleased with how well Tony had handled the 'practice babies' with Parents watching everything, amused as Loki explained and showed Tony how to do everything from feed and burp, to changing diapers, to settling them down. he even showed Tony how to properly punish a toddler, and then an older child. just so that Tony didn't really have too much to worry about. Loki knew Tony was still worried, but at least now the man was prepared. "no i did not." Loki stated with a sniff. "Tony... i want you to do me a favor." Loki demanded suddenly. "you're about to go mad." Loki admitted as he stroked the others hair with a smile. "i want you to go to earth for a night. it only has to be the one. i'd rather it was two or three but i know you won't stay away that long because you're all worried and crap." Loki complained. "i want you to go to a bar, drink yourself silly, take a woman back to stark Tower, and fuck her senseless." Loki demanded as he cracked open a can of Coconut water that he made Clint get him from midgaurd. "it has to be Stark Tower because i want Jarvis to record it for me so i can watch. i'm tired of not being able to have fun." Loki complained with a sulk. "and in about a week, i'm not even going to be allowed to get out of bed... stupid man hips... i really should have thought to turn into a woman before i reached the point where i couldn't transform... but i REALLY don't think that would have been any easier..." he admitted with a sigh. "when you come back from fucking someone, would you bring me some pickles? they don't make them right here..."
Tony smiled a little as he looked at the man in his lap, pressing a kiss to his head, rubbing a hand over his face as he relaxed, just loki’s presence could make him relax. “What?You didn’t have a good day?What happened?”He asked looking startled before frowning ever so slightly as he looked at the other man.”....what?”Tony stared at the other, leaning into the touch before shaking his head. “No, loks. I’m okay. I mean, if these idiots would stop trying to get me to sleep with their daughters, I’d be better.”he grumbled closing his eyes, digging his heels in about it because despite how he usually acted, the man was at heart extremely loyal, and it pained him to consider sleeping with someone else. “And it probably wouldn’t help. Otherwise Sigyn wouldn’t be on the verge of bedrest either.”he pointed out because he knew sigyn’s bed rest was mostly because she was still easily tired and not because her body couldn’t handle it. And even the bed rest for her was just a precaution, her giving into steve and clint’s worry, instead of her wanting to do it. “ go tell me to fuck someone else, and then give you pickles?”He frowned looking confused at the idea.
Loki huffed. "i sat down in a rocking chair and couldn't get back out." he grumbled. "two of the sellers had to lift me out. Sigyn thought it was hilarious the traitor. we're not speaking to Sigyn right now." he informed Tony loftily. "and don't you DARE laugh!" he complained before he smiled at Tony. "you know. i distinctly remember, when we first started dating, that i wouldn't find if you had sex with other women." he mused, tapping his lips. "and as sex addicted as you are, i'm really quite assured of your loyalty to me by staying completely sex starved for the last three weeks." he admitted, offering Tony a smile. "go have sex so i can masturbate to it." he ordered before snorting at Tony. "yes, pickles. i want pickles... EARTH pickles. you know the ones i like, they sell them at the Mart of Walls. which is a stupid thing to name a place that doesn't sell walls... or wallpaper." he muttered rolling his eyes. "with the pieces of garlic and carrots and stuff in the jar with the pickles?" he asked hopefully. "i want those... a lot of them... like, twenty jars of them." he ordered, licking his lips. "oh, and some Nacho cheese too. not the chips, just the cheese."
Tony bit his lip as he looked at his mate, swallowing hard to keep from laughing. Really his lover was quite adorable like this. “Well, at least sigyn had teh common sense to not sit down after that.”he said struggling to not laugh, wishing he’d been there to see that before sighing quietly, resting his head on the other’s shoulder. “...It hasn’t been that bad...I’ve been working mostly.”He muttered before sighing softly, “Fine fine.Pickles and sex, I can do that.”he said looking amused at loki’s complaint about walmart.”I’ll get everything. You know of anything sigyn wants?”He asked as he got up, setting loki on his feet as he changed his clothes back to normal slacks and a t-shirt, definitely looking ready to have sex. Kissing loki hard before leaving, yep. Now that he was willing, and had permission, the man was definitely on his way to earth. Not realizing that there was one following him out, because while they didn’t know everything, most of asgard had quickly realized that their king had a sex drive to put most gods to shame, and he wasn’t getting any from loki now that he was to pregnant. Yep, there were some enterprising asgardians willing to do anything to get loki away from the king and Tony married to a more suitable person. Poor tony, trapped by the very favor his mate asked from him.

When he returned Tony smiled, blushing ever so slightly as he walked into the study, amused at the sight of the two pregnant people, carrying a jar of pickles, a bag of nachos, a video for loki, and looking more relaxed then he had in weeks. “How are you two doing?”He said walking over, leaning down to kiss loki before looking at the books they were looking over. Groaning a little. “Don’t you two ever rest?I’m sure the library can wait until after you guys have the kids.” “No, I’m bored, and since I’m not allowed doing anything I’m going to read and work.”Sigyn whined as she rubbed her rounded stomach, she loved being pregnant, feeling their child kicking at her....when she wasn’t complaining about not getting to do anything, or couldn’t sleep or being emotional or....yea, it was awkward for a woman who wasn’t used to being like this, but it was also a wonderful experience to.
Loki glared at Tony. "you're laughing at me!" he complained, sulking quite intently. "you've been working too much." Loki complained. "you're going a bit crazy love." he stated simply. "good. pickles and sex... but don't get sex on my pickles!" he demanded with a nod, kissing the other quite intently before smiling as he headed off to be entertained by someone else.

Loki was reading a book he hadn't been able to read before, quite focused on his reading as Tony came in. "Pickles!" Loki gasped delightedly, holding his hands out for them, popping the cap and munching on one as he resumed his reading. "i haven't had the chance to read this one." he admitted simply as he chewed. "it's simply fascinating." he admitted with a nod. "besides, we need to be able to do something. Healer Frigga has put me on bed rest." he complained. and indeed he was laying on the bed. "so i have to entertain myself somehow." Loki admitted with a smile as he watched Tony. "you, look MUCH better." Loki admitted, looking delighted. "Jarvis recorded it for me right? i tried to masturbate in the bath last night, but my freaking belly kept getting in the damn way." he complained, sulking. "i demand a blowjob tonight!... and a Chair that either wheels, or floats so i can go sit in the sun sometimes."
“Hey are you sharing those pickles?”Sigyn demanded holding out a hand for one, grinning as tony stole one from the jar for her when loki refused. “Well, as long as it’s fascinating. Anything good in it?”he asked interested, like always, in hearing more magic things, cause god knows the man didn’t find enough things on his own to incorporate into projects. “Thanks. I feel better.”Tony said blushing ever so slightly, not liking that loki had been right to send him to earth, sulking a little over the fact before holding up the disk in his hand. “Yep, all rounds and over every surface we used. All here for you.”He said smirking. “.....You used my bed didn’t you?Tony, that’s mean!”Sigyn whined looking at the man before twisting to look at steve and clint as they came in. “Tony had sex in my bed!”She whined. Tony snickered a little looking at loki, leaning down to kiss him again. “It’s only for a little while longer, then you can masturbate to your hearts content....or I can have sex again.”he mused smirking. “I can definitely give you a blowjob. And a chair”He muttered looking amused.
Loki smirked a little and denied Sigyn Access to the pickles, claiming it revenge for laughing at him when he got stuck in the chair. he sulked when Tony gave her one anyway. "traitor." he complained, though there was amusement in his voice. "good." Loki stated with a smile as he examined the disk with a lick of his lips. "i'm saving this for when i can actually get off on it." Loki decided as he handed it to Tony. "hide it with the rest of the sex Jarvis recorded for us will you?" he asked hopefully. "...Tony! Gross! damnit Man!" Clint complained, offering Tony a scowl before he paused. "wait. i thought Loki wasn't allowed to have sex?" "i told him to go get laid." "oh." Clint blinked a little. "well you're nicer than Sigyn is. she won't even let me and Steve have fun together." "be nice Clint. it's no fair if we can get laid and she can't." Steve stated simply. "besides, i like her more than you." Clint gasped, clutching his chest. "you're so MEAN to me!" he complained, making Loki laugh. "oh! Blowjob! Tony i would love you! i can't even tell if my balls are there... you have to check for me." that made both Steve and Clint snort. "what, you're afraid they might just randomly disappear?" "they've been known to. they always come back of course, but... god i was JOKING." Loki assured them at their utterly mortified looks. "so... you're balls don't just walk off?" "...Sigyn, have you been beating them over the head or something?"
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