
"No not really.I just knoe better then to displease a pregnant woman."tony snorted amused before raising a eyebrow,smirking slightly."I'll give you a blowjob while you watch,so you can enjoy."tony smiled a little smirking at clint."its not that bad. I'll have pepper have the cleaning people clean before you go home."he said before smirking."you're not getting sex?" "...I never said you couldn't have sex.just not in the bedroom since I couldn't help out."sigyn sulked a little looking at the boys."steve be nice!"she scolded thr blond looking up at him for teasing clint brfore giggling as loki teased clint and steve,and tony eho all looked horrified."...they've been fighting in the gyn to work off sexual frustration.I'm sorry."she giggled shaking her head."guys he's just teasing you." "...good."tony said looking a little weirded out at the idea of loki's balls disappearing.
Loki snorted. "not that he's learned not to displease a pregnant Man yet." Loki pointed out with a small snicker. "i would like that Tony. i really would." he admitted to the offer of a blowjob, licking his lips. "i'm not going to have Sex if Sigyn can't enjoy it too." Steve stated firmly, making Clint pout, though he did wink at Sigyn. Clint loved getting Steve all frustrated and annoyed. "yeah, good." Clint muttered, cupping himself to make sure everything was there, Loki rolling his eyes as he returned to his book. "i am bored of you now. go away." he demanded of Steve and Clint, who both rolled their eyes. "sorry, Sigyn's not bored with us yet." "then take her with you, i want my Blowjob and Tony's not going to give me one with you two lackwits and my darling sister watching on." "...good point." Steve muttered as he moved over and hefted Sigyn up effortlessly. "Garden, bedroom, or pool?" he asked her, wondering what she wanted to do. Clint followed, carrying the books that had been in her pile, well aware she'd get annoyed if he forgot them.
“I’m giving you a blow job, that makes up for whatever else I do.”Toyn pointed out. Sigyn giggled a little as she watched her two men, shifting to rest her head on steve’s shoulder, giggling harder as clint cupped himself. “Want help making sure it’s all there?”She chirped, looking interested in the idea before pouting as they were ordered out. “Loki!” “....are you so sure a audience would keep me from performing?”Tony asked tilting his head, looking amused.

“Okay, okay we’re leaving.”Sigyn whined smiling as she snuggled into steve’s arms giggling as he carried her. “I don’t feel fat when you do this.”She said smiling up at him before tilting her head, smiling pleased at clint as she realized he had her books. “Pool. I want to swim for a bit. And hela said I could still do that, since it’s not to tiring.”

“So, you wanted something?”Tony smirked as he looked down at loki, dropping to his knees, resting his head on loki’s lap, so calm and relaxed from getting some of the anxious energy out, that he was truly calm.
Loki rolled his eyes. "most of it anyway." he agreed, looking amused. "well, i can't be certain you'd care, but Clint and Steve would certainly try to stop you, and Sigyn would be trying to give you pointers, which is highly distracting." Loki admitted with a shake of his head as he watched the trio leave. "yes. yes i did want something. God Tony i'm so freaking Horn all the damn time." he groaned, tangling his fingers into Tony's hair and shivering because as big as he was, he couldn't control Tony. at all. meaning he was at Tony's complete mercy. and god did he love that.

Steve snorted. "you're not fat." he stated, as he always did. "you have a baby in there love, it just needs room to grow." he stated with a smile. "you look more beautiful then ever." "hmm... she looks prettier when she's screaming in ecstasy." Clint mused. "but still very beautiful." he agreed, snickering as Steve glared at him. "you are such a dog!" he complained with a shake of his head. "pool it is." he agreed. "the water is also buoyant, so you won't put stress on your hips. might be a good idea to go to the pool every day, just for a bit of exercise." Steve admitted with a smile. "i just can't beleive how gorgeous you are like this." he admitted as he gently settled her on a bench, Clint changing her clothes into a swimming suit. "god... there's a little baby us in there..." Steve murmured, gently setting his hands on her belly as the baby started to kick, his face lighting up. "he's an active little guy, isn't he?"
“Ah, so you’ve had to have sigyn give you pointers before?”Tony said raising his eyebrow a little before smirking as he picked the other up and stood, “Come on then. You can watch my amazing video career while I do this.”He smirked as he walked to the bedroom, smiling as he settled the man onto the bed, fussing with the pillows to make sure his mate was well taken care of and comfortable, because no matter how horny he was, the man had definitely turned into someone who’d fuss over every small detail. Huffing pleased finally with the assurance loki was comfortable he smirked as he magicked the man’s clothes off and turned to put the DVD in the tv he’d gotten to work in asgard. While he was still working on how to get them to work for others who wanted one, he had this one just for himself. Smiling as he laid down next to loki, shifting to rest his cheek against the baby bulge, absently brushing his tongue along loki’s cock, definitely not looking in any type of hurry as he enjoyed himself, glancing at the screen. “Now watch. See, we’re going to use sigyn’s bed first.”he hummed pleased with himself even as he turned his attention to loki’s cock, having been so hammered the night before- having actually taken some asgardian mead with him instead of drinking midgardian stuff- he didn’t notice the slight funny thing about the girl he’d picked up. He’d picked up someone that could pass as loki’s female twin. Definitely weird that.

“Uh huh...and that room’s making me huge.”Sigyn sulked a little before tilting her head to look at clint, laughing ever so slightly. “Me screaming in ecstasy is what got us in this predicament.”Sigyn said looking amused before nodding. “I might do that. I’ve always loved the pool, it’s always so pretty.”She said smiling as they got to the pool. While it was a constructed pool, it was frigga’s creation, and the woman had made sure that it looked like a natural created pool with rocks and water and plants and everything. Flushing a little as she looked up steve, she bit her lip a little.”thanks.”She said smiling quietly despite the months together, seeing them react to her like this, when she was so used to people wanting someone besides her, was still new to her. “...there is...”She smiled grabbing clint’s hand, tugging him closer, resting his hand against her stomach as the baby kicked at them.”Look, it’s already your guys kid. Practicing fighting and everything.”He said smiling quietly before nodding. “yea, he is. He spents most of his time kicking me blue.”she grumbled good naturedly, because despite the hardships, the woman loved being pregnant.
Loki snorted. "oh my yes. she has no fault so long as i'm doing her of course. but i'll never forget the time i had that guy in the bathroom and i was giving him the best blowjob of his life and Sigyn's just suddenly THERE and telling me i'm not doing it right!" he complained. "needless to say the cute little guy fled at the very sight of a woman." he grumbled before grinning as he was picked up. "i love how amazingly strong you are." Loki purred. he moaned and groaned in delight while he watched the Video, wondering if he hadn't seen that woman somewhere before? before all thoughts where swept away. he came far too soon and he panted hard before he went entirely stiff, his eyes wide. "Tony? get up." Loki demanded. "Tony? get Frigga and Hela... Tony... for Fucks Sake man i'm in Labor! get the bloody damn healers!" Loki demanded. of course, once Hela and Frigga got there, they told Tony to stay out. "you're magic is too strong, it might disrupt Loki's birthing process." was Hela's explanation. "go and tell the others that Loki's in labor, but make sure the mortal components of your crew understand that they won't be allowed to be anywhere near loki for a few days at minimum. he'll be FAR too overprotective to let anyone near them. he might be alright with you, but then again, he might not. it depends on if the Twins are fully healthy or if they are sick. i doubt they'll be sick, but sometimes they come out a little weak and that would drive Loki's over-protectiveness up even more." and then silencing wards went up, and Tony was left to wait while Loki delivered the babies.

Steve chuckled a little. "that's right. it's all the rooms fault." Steve assured her with a chuckle. "besides... you can't tell me you regret it." he teased with a grin. "isn't sex well worth the squirming martial artist in your belly?" he asked, his eyes twinkling to show he was only teasing her. "i like the pool too." Clint admitted with a smile. "my Hawk loves it too." "yes, Talon certainly adores the trees there." for some reason, Clint had found it necessary to give his Hawk form it's own name. he had also discovered, he could summon Hawks to himself, and communicate with them. making them perfect messengers and delivery birds. "now you behave for your mommy." Clint mock scolded, humming a few bars of his favorite lullaby, which always seamed to settle the little tyke down when Sleipnir raced into the room. "Fathers in Labor!"
Tony’s mouth fell open at that news, for a moment at a loss for words as he considered that before starting to laugh. “Poor reindeer. Oh man, I’m so glad she never felt the need to give me pointers.”He snickered before smiling slightly.”Well it helps that you don’t weigh all that much you know.”He teased even as he took care of loki, raising his head after a moment, blinking stupidly. “What?I mean what?!”Tony said as his mind caught up to what loki was telling him before scampering out of the room to go get hela and frigga, looking startled as he was told he couldn’t stay.”W....oh.”He said quietly staring at the floor before nodding. “I’ll go see to the others.”He muttered upset that he couldn’t stay, and vaguely hurt that no one had thought to tell him that. “I’ll be with sigyn and the boys.”He said before leaving.

Sigyn smiled as she rubbed a hand over her stomach, shaking her head. “No, I really can’t say I regret it, even when he’s using my stomach as a practice dummy.”She said smiling before biting her lip to keep from laughing at clint. It was adorable that he’d named his hawk, even if she had no idea why he had. “Good. You can come swim with me then, and enjoy the trees.”She teased smiling as clint ‘scolded’ their child, sighing in pleasure as the babe calmed before looking up startled.”What?He still has a few weeks...”Sigyn looked startled even as tony walked in after, before wincing at teh look on his face. Damn. She hadn’t thought to warn him he couldn’t stay....”I was told to come wait with you guys.”Tony said his voice small and scared, as if he was already worrying over what was going on, and how he was going to handle this. Oh yea, he was definitely freaking out inside now that the reality was his children would soon be here.
Loki nodded a little. "she was a hellion." he complained. "besides, you sure as hell don't need pointers." he stated with a smug little grin before he decided that having a baby now was a good idea.

Steve smiled as he leaned up and kissed her. "i hope it's a little girl." he breathed with a smile. "someone we can put in adorable dresses, and put her hair up in all kinds of fun ways, and most certainly NOT teach her how to act like Natasha." "it's a boy, i'm sure." Clint admitted with a grin. "he'll be all cute, but macho. toughest kid in the whole nine realms!" and they both paused as Sleipnir came in and Tony after. Sleipnir blinked at Tony and then smiled, gently taking the man's hand. "it's alright Tony." Sleipnir promised. "no one but healers are allowed in anyway, and even then, Hela will probobly be chased out by Loki." Sleipnir admitted. "Loki's going to go Feral in defense of his weakness, even Frigga is going to have to be cautious with how she handles him." "too true." Hela stated as she walked in, four long stripes down her face. from the right side of her forehead to the left side of her chin. "i was too slow in 'getting the hell out of his face'." She explained. "i'm sorry we didn't warn you Tony. i was sure it was in those books Loki had gotten for you... didn't Loki tell you?" Loki had of course, but Tony had somehow always missed that part. "we'll all stay together." Hela promised with a smile as Natasha, Pepper, Bruce, Jor, and Fenris joined them in the room. Fandal joining them soon after. it was going to be a long wait.

or not. only an hour later Frigga was there with a smile. "Tony? Loki is asking for you." she informed him. "i want to warn you, Loki is very volitile right now. he might very well attack you if you're not extremely careful. right now, Loki is not a husband, he is a feral cat protecting his cubs. you need to move slowly, no fast or harsh movements, speak softly, wake the babies and Loki might very well decide you don't deserve sex for several months." she warned, smiling as she led Tony back tot eh room, though she didn't enter with him. Loki was sitting up, smiling down at the blanket in his arms. "Tony?" Loki asked, sounding very tired. "Tony come meet your babies... Antonio and Antonius." he breathed, beaming at Tony. "come see you're babies."
“I want to be surprised.”Sigyn said amused because she could figure it out, but she didn’t want to disappoint eihter of them, so she was keeping it a surprise. Giggling a little at steve’s words, “Oh, you don’t want her acting like her aunt?”She teased before laughing, “I wouldn’t be so sure. Loki and tony are having kids you know, they’re going to be pretty tough.”She said before looking up at tony, smiling slightly as she pulled tony to sit down next to her, silently amused that tony had missed that part of his studying. Wondering if he remembered any of what he read at the moment really. “ okay?”Tony said looking up worriedly at his step daughter before biting his lip. “He might have....I don’t remember.”he muttered as he stared down at the floor. Glad to ahve his whole family crowded around him.

“Hm?”Tony asked scrambling to his feet as frigga came in.”Really?”He asked before nodding. “I’ll be okay.I can be calm.”Tony said because now that his kids were there, he wasn’t sure he wanted to get close to the helpless babies, so sure he’d mess them up. “Hey, reindeer.”Tony said smiling slightly as he walked slowly into the room, edging closer to the bed. “...they’re sure you want me meeting them?I mean...I’ll mess up or something if I get close....”Tony muttered even as he got to the edge of the bed, craning his neck to look at the babies, not even really aware of climbing into bed wiht him so he could get a better look at the babies he held.
the boys both grinned. they loved to debate the gender, but they would be utterly happy either way. "if she's a girl, she should be pretty and demure, like her mother." he stated witha sniff. "wearing black leather and flirting with man is NOT the ideal way a woman should act." ah, so basically he just didn't want his lovely girl to be noticed by boys. he was such a father. Clint was even scowling now too. "damn straight she won't be wearing leather and flirting with boys! i'll find a stick... no, i'll just shoot anyone who dares make eyes at my daughter!" they where so funny. they both smiled asTony came in and wrapped their arms around him, offering him comfort. "Clint and i won't be allowed in the room with Sigyn either." Steve admitted. "i don't have any actual magic, but i give off sort of an electronic signature that can mess with other peoples magic." Steve admitted. "Clint's the one that noticed it." Steve admitted. "it happens when i'm really really emotional."

"yes really." Frigga stated with a smile as she watched Tony go into the room, chuckling. "i love it when you call me that." Loki admitted with a smile as he watched his precious babies sleeping. "i named them after you, you know. and you can't hold them.... i don't know if i could handle that yet." Loki admitted. "i trust you, but my instincts are all..." he frowned. "there's someone outside the door." Loki growled, baring his teeth in a very feral way. "chase them away!" it was Hela with a large tray of food for both Tony and Loki. the new mother only relaxing once Hela was gone. Frigga wasn't kidding when she said Loki was extremely volatile. Tony, come here." Loki demanded suddenly, grabbing Tony's hand and smiled at him, reassuring him before gently setting his hand on the Twins bellies. they where so tiny. each baby grabbed a finger and held on tight, a shocking amount of strength for such tiny beings. "they like you, see?" Loki asked, smiling at Tony, hesitating before he carefully unwrapped the blanket. "Sit." Loki demanded. "you're not practiced enough to hold standing up yet." Loki informed him. then, without a word, Loki carefully arranged Tony's arms and settled little Antonio with his darker hair into Tony's arms, the baby huffing and whimpering as he was moved before settling down. Loki looked absolutely happy. "there." he breathed with a smile. "i feel better now." Loki breathed, pleased that his instincts had recognized Tony as a good caretaker for his babies. a good mate."
"So I noticed...its going to be weird with three tony's running around.we'll have to think of something else to call them."he decided before shrugging."okay...I can not hold them. I mean they're to tiny to be trusted with mr..."he muttered sounding utterly serious with the idea,and he was. Looking startled as loki's snarled he nodded."I'll go take care of them."he promised getting up looking amused as he took thrle tray of food from hela before shooing her away and returning to the bed. Looking startled as he was suddenly grabbed, looking even more startled as the babies grabbed onto his fingers,looking slightly panicked now that they were actually real,that he could touch thrm and they depended on him for things. Following the instructions to sit without really being aware of ithe looked even more upset as the baby was put into his arms, though he did shift to get comfortable,making sure they both were well settled,glancing up at loki."you're being awfully trusting of a man who has no idea what babies need..."he grumbled because despite the burrowing the kids,tony was so so screwed up over the idea of having his own he coulsnt see he'd br okay.
Loki smiled a little. "my little angels." he murmured softly as he nuzzled them. "once they develop personalities, it will be easy to nickname them. for example, one could be Monster and one could be Demon." Loki teased with a grin. "or one could be Hellion and the other Chaos. there's no telling." he admitted with a nod. "of course you know what babies need." Loki stated with a roll of his eyes. "i have been training you myself you know... probobly the only reason why i'm trusting you. even Sigyn i couldn't bear to let touch my babies right away." he admitted as he smiled at Tony and Antonio. "your doing perfectly." he assured tony as he rocked Antonius. "my little Angels." Loki breathed, face etched in delight as he smiled at Tony. "i'm going to sleep for a little bit." he admitted, looking exaughsted. "don't let anyone in." he ordered softly. "not even Sigyn." he ordered even as he gently settled Antonius down on the blanket once more and curled in to sleep. "remember to support the head." he mumbled, sighing a little, and then he was out like a light, just like the twins... or rather, just like one of the twins, Antonio was wide awake and studying his Father with eyes that clearly came from Tony.
“Hm, that sounds good.”Tony muttered looking amused before sighing softly. “Well...I guess I might...I mean...I didn’t drop any of the practice kids...”He muttered looking amused as loki talked to the kids, nodding a little. “I wont let anyone in.”He promised smiling a little as he held his son, content to just watch over his family.

A few days later Sigyn smiled slightly as she looked up at clint. “Tony’s going to drive me insane if he doesn’t stop. For a man who wasn’t sure he wanted kids, he doesn’t shut up, ever, about them.”She snickered as she walked, a hand resting on her hand, glaring at him as he hovered. “Stop. Even hela said it as okay to walk a little bit every day. I’m not like loki, I’m only on bedrest cause I get tired easily.”She said looking annoyed at her husband as tehy walked towards tony and loki’s rooms, amused that they were finally allowed meeting the kids. Amused even more that tony had dragged steve to the gym to work off some of his excited energy, all of asgard in the last few days had learned just how hyperactive their king could be. She wasn’t even sure if he’d slept since loki had the twins. “I promise I’ll la-”Sigyn started to say as they got to the top of the staircase to go down a floor to loki’s, her foot hitting the top of the stair and triggering the spell that had been left just for her, barely having time to comprehend the tripping hex that was on the stair before she was falling, so off balance by her pregnancy that she had only a moment to decide either to protect herself or the child as she flung what’s left of her magic into a protection for the child, curling up around her stomach as she fell down the stairs. Hitting her head against the last stone step, managing to knock herself out, curled around her stomach, the child protected and sigyn only battered.
Loki had been rather volatile, and had attacked a maid when she came in despite Loki's orders to go away. needless to say no one else tried to sneak a peak of the Royal Heirs. he'd even attacked Bruce when the man came with food when the babies where having screaming matches. Bruce still had bruises from the encounter. still, he was finally calm enough to allow visitors at least, and most of the children had already stopped by to coo at the little babies, though they where all chased out when Sleipnir dared to touch a tiny hand. they could LOOK but NOT touch. and Loki wouldn't allow strangers near his babies either. one of the Lords had come to visit the 'precious wee ones' and Loki had put the man in the hospital, despite the fact that it was one of the Lords who Loki actually liked.

Clint and Steve glanced at each other, shaking their heads. "i'm just worried, that's all." Steve muttered. "mom used to collapse..." he admitted softly making Clint blink. "your mom collapsed during pregnancies?" "yeah, a lot. something about seizures and stuff..." Steve admitted with a shrug. "it was scary..." he admitted. well it certainly explained why he was so overly protective. they both gasped as she went tumbling down the stairs, Clint recognizing the flair of Magic he screamed in rage as Steve raced down the stairs after her, hovering over her as Clint Shrieked and dove down the stairs, spreading wings and diving fast for Hela and Frigga. then he swept up to Tony and Loki's rooms, using every bit of self control he had to knock slowly and poke his head in only when Loki gave the okay. "Tony, Sigyn's been attacked, magical, need help." Loki's head whipped up, his eyes flashing as he gathered up his twins and formed a magical shield around himself, just in case, which would allow Tony to go and check on Sigyn without worrying about his lover.
”Really?I’m sorry. I’ll be careful, promise.”Sigyn smiled a little looking up at steve, offering him a small smile even as she fell. Even across the palace tony felt the flair of magic, feeling the rage that backed up clint’s change and raising a hand, ready to strike out even though he knew it was clint on the other side of the door. “What?”he looked startled, having not realized what had caused the rage before looking at loki, offering him a worried smile. “Good. You’ll be okay. And I’ll be right back.”She muttered moving over, kissing him lightly before rushing out after clint, moving into the room hela and frigga had moved her into, muttering to clint. “Grab one of the guards, lock down the palace. I don’t want anyone in the private wing unless they want to commit suicide and need help doing it.”He said knowing the task would give clint a few moments to get control....and wanting clint and hopefully steve out of the room long enough to figure out what was wrong. Wincing as he walked into the room, before stepping back.”Fuck....she’s in labor....”He muttered sensing the change in magic, watching the unconscious woman. Knowing it was dangerous, but it was possible to deliver a child if she had help, even unconscious. “Steve, clint. Come on. We’re going to go see to the nobles in the palace.”he said moving back from the door, sparing a glance towards hela. “When you can, come find us.”He said before slapping both clint and steve with enough magic to force them out of the room, knowing they wanted to stay, hell he wanted to stay, but they couldn’t. By the time he'd got to the public halls, tony stark was in a roaring bad mood, and willing to inflict some pain on his court to see that someone paid for this.
Loki nodded, cradling his babies as they started to fuss, catching on to Loki's nerves. Clint just nodded and raced off, not to get the guards, he didn't trust them, but to get Heimdall himself. the large Guardian of Asgaurd immidiatly locking down the palace so tight that not even Loki or Tony would have been able to go in or out. Heimdall then blocked off the private wing with a painful set of wards that would electrocute anyone trying to get in, and stain their skin green so that Tony could deal with them later. alarms where already going off and the castle was being evacuated to the 'safety' areas. "Yes, she's in labor." Frigga agreed. "out." she demanded, already in the process of picking up a knife. she would have to cut the baby out. "i'll be there as soon as mother is stable." Hela agreed, Clint and Steve pale as ghosts as they turned to follow. by the time they reached the public halls, they too where furious. the lords had all taken shelter in one highly protected room with guards lining the walls. the staff and others had taken shelter in another wing. making it so very easy to find them. "My Liege!" it was Loki's favorite Noble, the one who actually approved of Tony, and him married to Loki. "what has happened? are we under attack?"
“Lord Tristan.”Tony stopped as the lord spoke to him, swallowing hard to think around the rage that made him want to lash out. Only the distant thought of this was a man loki liked, that liked him and approved of his marriage kept him from hurting him. “Lady Sigyn has been attacked. And I want to know who it is.”Tony growled softly, lowly so only the man in front of him could hear before watching the other’s in the room, not even really aware that he had created his iron man gauntlets, the repulsors flashing ever so slightly in time with his heart. “She is in labor.”He muttered before pausing to look at clint and steve, “So, how do you want to question, and who do you want to start with?”He asked the two men, stepping aside in favor of their right to protect their mate, instead of his rights as king. Definitely more then willing to let a assassin and super soldier hurt some of his nobles, especially when some of them were watching with guilty wariness, as if wondering what he’d found out.
Tristan nodded to Tony, polite and proper as always. he knew it bothered Tony to have people bow to him. "What!?" Tristan hissed, his eyes wide with stunned shock. "someone dare... someone..." he took several deep breaths and then held his breath for a long moment, forcing himself to calm down. Tristan liked Sigyn, always had. Tristan was one of the few people who valued intelligence over money, looks, or power. he had thought Loki and Sigyn to be brilliant and delightful, and he had taught them both on occasion as children, maths and reading and the like.

"oh. let me take care of this." Clint ordered, cracking his knuckles and then his neck, Steve smirking a little. "this is going to be interesting." he admitted, looking calmer already now that Clint was soing his thing. Clint made them all line up in a row, treating them all like unruly school children. he paced up and down them, informing them that he was angry, that Tony was anrgy, that the entire royal FAMILY was very, very Angry, and he promised if the people who where the cause for that anger turned themselves in, they wouldn't be tortured to death. they had hits right away. three confessed to stealing from the Castle for extra money. two admitted to openly slandering Loki and spreading discomfit whenever they could. one admitted to trying to poison Loki, which had failed, and two admitted to have tried to kidnap the royal babies for use as blackmail against the crown. no one admitted to trying to kill Sigyn. so Clint shook his head, and informed them that they where ALL going to be punished. Lord Tristan winced, swallowed thickly, but accepted this decree. he was the only one. the others cried, howled, screamed that it was unfair, but they did not struggle when the guards took each prisoner to a separate cell. "now we let Natasha have at them and we'll find out even more." Clint stated, his voice tight and his face furious before everything crashed down as Hela came in. "...Hela... Sigyn... the baby... are they alright!?" "the baby is just fine." Hela admitted, looking a little hesitant. "we are... unsure of the damage that Mother has at the moment... but she's stable." for now.
Tony nodded, his smile like blood spilled under moonlight, quiet and vicious, “Yes. She fell down the stairs. She is...hurt.”Tony muttered because he didn’t know just how much damage the fall had caused, but he’d been in the room long enough to know that she had been hurt more then just being forced into labor. “Do as you will then.”Tony muttered his dark eyes amused as he watched clint, doing his best to look very very angry when all he wanted to do was laugh. Swallowing hard he sighed quietly. “I’ll have to ask Loki, I don’t know how far someone would have to be to trigger the spell...they might not have been in the palace...”Tony muttered looking at tristan, tilting his head. “It wont be so bad. Just remember whatever she does, Natasha’s not the scariest person you all could be facing right now. Wait until Loki figures out sigyn’s been hurt.”he muttered knowing that given his feral mood, his husband was going to be epically vicious over this. Actually, it might be worth just watching to see that. “I decree what is unfair and fair in this realm, idiots. When something wrong happens in my home, I will see that someone is punished. ”Tony said raising his voice as he spoke watching the prisoners leave before looking at hela. Paling as he swallowed. While it wasn’t good, it wasn’t horrible. Swallowing hard he he rubbed a hand over his face before looking at the other two men. “Go see her. I’ll go tell loki and come down, see how she is.”Tony muttered hugging them both before heading to see loki. “Reindeer?”He asked knocking on the door.

Meanwhile sigyn was resting, going back and forth between conscious and unconsciousness, suffering a concussion, and a few broken ribs, the labor and strain of it, not to mention her own low magic reserves, had her wavering between both life and a coma. Stirring slightly as she felt her boy’s coming in, she whimpered quietly.
Tristan growled at the idea of Sigyn being hurt and he shook his head. "make them pay Tony." he suggested. "make it understood, right now, that this is unforgivable behavior." the man muttered. "put the fear of God into these people." Tristan muttered. "if it was a spell that made her fall down the stairs, or a specific triggering spell, then a person has to be within a certain distance, unless you are one of the very few, such as loki or Sigyn, who can tie spells into the magic of the palace... which i think, only you, Sigyn, and Loki can do. whoever did it, has to be in the castle." Tristan admitted. he wasn't in the least bit powerful, he could barely make candles light on their own... but he still studied the process because it fascinated him. and because he didn't like to be ignorant. "i'd let Natasha have at them first, and then unleash Loki onto them." Steve commented. "But WHY are we being punished!?" one of the braver Lords demanded. "Obviously, it is because whoever has upset our King and his family, has not yet confessed." Tristan remarked as they where led away.

Loki snarled as he heard the voice, but was a bit too panicked to really realize who it was. "Tony?" Loki asked hopefully, touching the others magic. "two people tried to come in, but i warded the door. Heimdall has them now." Loki admitted. "they where already in the wing when the wards went up." he admitted, sounding frightened, the twins starting to whimper. "hush now my Angels, hush now. i know, Mommy's upset..." Loki murmured softly, trying to sooth the babies.

"shh, love. it's alright." Clint whispered, letting his magic gently stroke hers. something he did often, simply because it reassured him that she was there in the night. there and healthy. "it's just me and Steve." he promised, taking her hand as Steve gently took the other, neither of them bothering Frigga, who was working on stabilizing the woman. it was Steve who got up and fetched the wailing baby from it's crib in the corner, gently rocking it and making soothing sounds to try and calm it.
“I will. Definitely”Tony muttered smirking slightly.”But first I’ll let the rest of the team deal with them, then I’ll get down to business.”he muttered having every intention of putting not only natasha and clint’s talents for violence to good use, but fenris, hela and jormugandr’s to very good use as he terrified his court.”Thank you...that is good information. And better then trying to ask loki right now.”He muttered smiling at the man, though it was strained. “You are being punished because someone was foolish enough to think to kill what I wanted to protect. You are all fools.”Tony said his eyes dark and hard, definitely working on terrifying the lords and waiting to see who would break, at least suggesting that someone was dead, though he left it open ended enough to be the children, or loki so he knew they were going to be truly frightened by the time he got around to handling things. But right this moment, he needed to take care of loki.

“Yea, it’s me. And I have good news.”Tony said quietly as he walked into the room, wincing at that.”Damn. I hadn’t considered that.”he said looking annoyed that he hadn’t thought of someone already being here. Moving to sit on the bed he gently picked up antonio, snuggling the child gently before looking up at loki.”Sigyn fell down the stairs, and delivered. The babe is well, and she is stable.”He reassured though he didn’t sound nearly as sure as you would think he would be. Definitely scared of what the woman was going through.

“...clint...steve...”Sigyn muttered quietly as she turned her head to look up at them, whimpering quietly in pain as it made her head ache, making a distressed sound at the sound of her little girl, turning her head up to crane her neck to try and see steve and the baby, anxious to make sure the baby was fine. “Desiree...I want to name her desiree...So she knows, she was wanted....”Sigyn muttered blinking stupidly at clint as she shuddered, even though she was struggling to help frigga heal her body, to not fight the woman’s healing, she was thinking of her child, that if something went wrong, she wanted to know her daughter would know she was wanted.
Tristan smiled a little and nodded. "Loki's probobly not entirely sane at the moment. you might consider repeating round one to the staff and guests." he suggested. "you never know what they might own up to." he admitted before heading to the group of people being gathered up. a lot of the Lords gasped when they realized one of the Royal Family was dead. most of them didn't much like the Royal Family, but they didn't have the guts to do anything about it either. someone had done the unthinkable, and now everyone was paying for it. "

"Good news?" Loki asked hopefully, sagging against Tony in relief, simply glad that the other was there. "it's alright, Heimdall grabbed them before they could do anything more than try the door handle." Loki promised. "it just frightened me." he whispered. showing just how Feral he still was. normally, Loki would have simply struck the people down himself, but with babies to consider, he didn't want to risk them if it exploded into a magical fight. "she 'fell'? or she was pushed?" Loki demanded, baring his teeth. "i felt the magical pulse, i know someone just tried to kill Sigyn." there was a pause. "how are her boys?" loki asked softly, wondering if Sigyn was really stable, or if Tony was lying to make Loki feel better. he supposed it didn't matter...

"we're here love. we're here." Steve promised her with a smile. "don't move, you're badly hurt." he ordered softly as he simply knelt down and settled the beautiful baby girl into Sigyn's line of sight. "Desiree, i like it." Clint agreed, Steve nodding. "Desiree Hope." Steve suggested. "i know you Asgaurdian's don't have middle names. but, i think it would make her sound wonderful. Desiree Hope Bartsonson." "...not Rogerson?" "no. we can name the next baby after me." Steve promised, with a watery smile. "so you have to be here to see it, ok Sigyn?" he ordered, stroking her hair. "we won't leave you. Desiree needs her mother, so make sure you don't leave us, alright?"
“I will. As soon as they get back from visiting with Sigyn....Hela?Will you tell your brothers, there’s a few things I want them to take care of?”he muttered to the woman, smirking to himself. He was going to give her children free reign to do whatever they wanted short of killing them, to figure out what had happened.

“Yea. Sigyn and the baby are...okay.”He said smiling a little as he sat on the edge of the bed, leaning over to kiss his forehead. “Good...just relax love.”he muttered soothing both babies and loki, muttering quietly before wincing. “A tripping hex tied to the steps she was talking down.”He muttered,”Pissed and scared. Clint’s already yelled at the lords, and I’m going to have them do a repeat performance with everyone working here. But I sent your children to deal with the others for a moment, while they went to see Sigyn. Figured she’d feel better with them.”He muttered gently stroking loki’s hair, actually looking scared and shaken. “She’s stable, I promise. That’s what hela said.”He said seeing the look on loki’s face.

“Okay...”Sigyn muttered resting her head against the pillow, sighing quietly as the motion made her head hurt less, smiling quietly at the sight of her daughter, and right away her frantic heartbeat steadied, as if seeing her daughter safe, and protected calmed her. “It does sound wonderful...she is my hope....bartondottir. She’s not a son.”She muttered giggling a little before frowning slightly looking up at steve, struggling to focus but the concussion was making it hard, even as frigga forced her body to let her heal it, though it was going to take time, and it would be touch and go for a bit, she would survive. Frigga wouldn’t have it any other way. “...Okay. I’ll be there...don’t trust you two not to spoil her....tony’s bad enough....”She muttered quietly even as the magic healed her ribs, the bodily damage. The concussion was the most dangerous thing right now, and there wasn’t really anything to do about it, brain injuries were dangerous to mess around with, so they’d just have to let it heal naturally.
Hela nodded and cracked her fingers and then her neck, much like Clint had. "you got it." she growled, eyes flashing in delight. "we'll make sure to keep the little bastards alive for you too." she promised. "we'll only hurt them a little. so long as they don't resist." she purred with a smirk as she skipped out of the room, looking delighted to be able to torment the people who had tormented her parents.

Loki sighed and relaxed at the promise that Sigyn was, at least, okay. "a tripping Hex. they have to still be in the castle then. there are very few people here with the ability to make long distance spells." he admitted. "we certainly can't rule out people who don't have magic of course, who knows who might have hired someone or the like." he muttered. "Clint's good at yelling." Loki mumbled sleepily. "i'm going to take a nap... put up another Ward will you? and then go see who tried to sneak into the room..." he mumbled, settling the babies on the bed, as he always did. he liked to be close to them, and specific wards kept the babies from rolling off the bed or getting tangled in the sheets. and since Loki slept like the dead, still and silent, there was no need to worry about getting rolled onto.

Steve smiled. "yes." he agreed before blinking. "...oh..." he flushed bright red at having improperly named his daughter and Clint stifled his snickers into his fist. "well... Dottir then..." he muttered even as he accepted the bottle that Clint handed to him and gently fed the newborn her first bit of milk, letting Hela watch because he sensed it was an importance. he didn't even twitch when Clint took a picture, they'd already decided to keep a scrapbook of all the best baby moments. such as all of Desiree's firsts. "we can't spoil her even a little?" Steve asked, looking horrified. "but she's a daughter! you have to spoil daughters!" even Frigga snorted at that one. Clint moved over to Frigga and fed the woman his magic so that she had more to work with, speeding up the healing and ensuring that Sigyn would definitely live.
“Yes, that’s what Tristan said. Don’t worry, I am going to not leave anyone out in figuring this out.”He muttered dipping his head to press a kiss to loki’s forehead. “He is. And natasha and pepper to.”he muttered before smiling. “I will. Sleep.”he said looking amused as he watched them, setting the wards before leaving the room, heading for heimdall.

“It’s okay....we wont tell her you thought she was a boy...”She teased, sounding a little spacey still, smiling quietly as she watched Desiree take the bottle, quite glad that the little one sucked on the bottle greedily, and didn’t seem any worse for the wear despite how she’d come into the world. “...oh...well. Maybe a little. Pretty dresses and shoes.”She decided yawning as she looked up at steve, smiling quietly. “....I’m going to sleep...wake me up when she’s hungry again...I want to feed her...and I want to go see loki....”Sigyn muttered even as she fell asleep, but it was the natural sleep of a woman who was worn out, and not a coma, definitely it was obvious that she was going to be fine.

When Tony returned to his rooms he smiled slightly as he saw that loki was awake, “It seems that even some of the lords couldn’t help but be annoying. When they realized they were locked in, the idiots came to ask you to help them get away. Idiots.”Tony grumbled shaking his head at the idea, smiling slightly. “They were stealing some of the books you and sigyn were working on,and thought you’d help them out, thought they were locked in because of that, and not because sigyn had fell.”Tony stopped sighing quietly, because he was rambling a little in his worry, and he suspected that there was more to the two, after all cherum and his daughter were anything but stupid, but for the moment the genius was to scattered in his worry for both sigyn and what it meant for loki, to be really thinking clearly. “How are you feeling?Sigyn asked to see you if you were up to it. I stopped on my way back to see how she was....”

Sigyn stirred a little at the sound of desiree’s whimpers, frowning quietly. “She hungry?”She muttered quietly, blinking stupidly, wincing. Because while her head hurt, she was feeling fine, wincing as both boys hovered. “I’m okay, sore, and pissed but okay.”She reassured twisting her head to try and find desiree, smiling slightly at the sight of clint cuddling the girl.
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