
Tony startled a little as he was suddenly held, leaning into the taller man after a moment, shifting, pressing his face against the other’s chest as he wrapped a arm around his waist, sighing quietly. Taking the comfort offered and refusing to let the tears fall, definitely not ready to confront the emotions this child had brought up. “Good.”He muttered relaxing fully, not quite sure how to say everything he wanted to, but summing up with a single one then. Pulling away he rubbed a hand over his face, “Lets go see sigyn.”He said unwilling to examine his feelings over howard and the feelings of abandonment he felt with thor. Having refused to grieve for the father he hadn’t known, he was so not going there right now.

“Sig?”tony called as they got to the door, knocking quietly. “Hold on...”Sigyn growled quietly as she shifted, holding the small girl in the crook of her arm, mother and daughter having been bonding as sigyn read, shifting to lean further into the curve of steve’s body as he held them both, her legs resting in clint’s lap. After reassuring herself that their daughter was well protected she relaxed.”Okay, you guys can come in.”She said resting her cheek against desiree’s blond head.
Loki smiled as his lover leaned into the comfort. sometimes, if Tony was really upset, he seamed to think he didn't deserve comforting. which was rather upsetting. "you have a way of understating everything love." Loki admitted with a smile. "let us go then, and see Sigyn." he agreed, following Tony up. pausing just long enough to give Tony a heated kiss to help the man calm himself down just a little more.

Clint smiled as she adjusted her position and he just automatically started to rub her feet since they where right there. "hey guys, any news?" "yes. one of the Ladies of the Court stole Tony's sperm." Loki admitted, looking like he was going to laugh. "she seamed to think her baby, because it was almost full Aeser, would have higher ranking than my babies. she seams to forget completely that Tony is King now, and that no one here likes Cherum, who assured Her that her baby would be the future King. i had a great deal of fun making her cry. we'll be having a new little boy or girl in the Family soon." because whether Tony wanted or not, Loki was keeping the baby.
Tony smiled a little. Whule he was upset,he wasn't upset that much yet.given time,he'd probably get there but at the moment he just hadn't had a chance to really freak out yet.groaning a little he smirked as he kissed loki back,feeling better as they walked in.

Sigyn sighed in pleasure as clint rubbed her feet,ehile she hadn't been up and walking a lot her feet still hurt from being swollen and pregnant. Looking startled at loki's words she glanced at tony to see how he was doing. "I'm fine.its not like I don't already have kids.this is just one more..."he said sounding awkward and out of sorts. Sigyn frowned shooting a worried glance towards loki,wondering just how well tony was going to deal with this,before huffing out a sigh."it seems wrong that cherum used your trust in tony against him.he needs punished."she decided watching her friend's face before shifting"tony come here."she ordered waiting until he obeyed and sat on the edge of the bed to shift desiree into his arms,looking relieved as tony became so focused on the wiggling happy little girl he momentarily forgot the problem."hey pretty're going to be a heartbreaker,I can see it.I know these things."tony teased the little girl amused that she was simply enjoying the sound of his voice and giggling away.
Loki sighed at Tony and shook his head, well aware that the man was in shock. "Cherum will certainly suffer my wrath." Loki stated with a vicious grin. "but we suspect he might also be involved in the attempted murder." Loki admitted, shaking his head. "Cherum hates us both and he's made no secrete about that in the least." Loki admitted, his eyes narrowing. "neither has his daughter." Loki admitted before he grinned as he watched Tony move over to Sigyn and her boys. "Look Tony, she loves you! clearly Desiree knows already whose going to spoil her the most." Loki teased with a smile as he watched Tony with the baby girl, his head tilted. "she's truly beautiful Sigyn." he admitted with a smile. "you make wonderful babies." he teased her with a grin. "we'll have to be very careful that my boys never fall in love with your girl, imagine the scandal!"
Sigyn nodded smiling slightly, “I would like to see him suffer...and my almost murder?Are you serious?”She said her voice raising a little, sounding stressful, before wincing as desiree fussed. Smiling slightly as tony easy shushed the baby, before smirking. “I would never dare to spoil her.” “Yea. Okay. We all know you’re going to spoil them all.”Sigyn snicked a little before flushing at loki’s praise, snickering a little as desireee turned towards loki’s voice, recognizing her uncle’s voice. "Well, I waited long enough, she better be wonderful, and not just for me."She muttered looking up at her boys, flushing ever so slightly Before nodding. “that would be bad. Could you imagine the rumors. Ex-wife/husband has children with others, and kids end up together. That’s a fairly amusing scandal actually.”
Loki rolled his eyes. "they think it was attempted murder." he informed her. "i think they might have been involved with Thor too. we both know Odin wouldn't have been able to enchant someone's mind on his own." Loki admitted. "i didn't think about it until now, but Fandal is a sorcerer, not as practiced or as good as we are, but he had enough magic to prevent most people from enchanting him..." Loki admitted, shaking his head. "you would so spoil her. you're spoiling the Twins already." he pointed out with a smirk. "and being that this one is a girl, you'll find it even harder to restrain yourself. don't lie." he ordered before smiling as he gently stroked Desiree's tiny hand, chuckling as she clutched it. "tight grip." he chirped, pleased. "very strong, she'll be a warrior no doubt." he admitted with a grin as he watched the little girl. "well, they aren't blood related, so i don't see how it matters." he admitted with a chuckle. "besides, i doubt certain fathers of this little girl will ever let her date." both Clint and Steve chimed their agreement.
“Ah. Well that makes sense.We’ll deal with her. Frigga said I could get out of bed tomorrow.”She said before frowning, wincing as she realized what they’d missed. “he is....I blame being pregnant for not releasing that before.”She sighed softly before smirking at tony. “You spoil the twins. You know you do.” “I do not. They need food, and toys.” “They’re a week old.” “So?”Tony sulked a little before frowning at loki a little. “ARe you saying I have no restraint when it comes to females?” “Yes.”Sigyn said simply smiling as the little girl clutched loki’s figure, and made cooing noises at her uncle tony. “....I think you’re going to have some competition Loks, she looks a little in love already.”She said snickering before nodding. “I know, but you know how asgardian’s gossip.”She smirked a little before looking at teh boys, shaking her head a little. “she’s going to date.”
everyone looked pleased to find out that Sigyn could be up and about soon. that would ease a lot of her more violent instincts. "we where going to take the twins to the pool tomorrow." Loki admitted. "let them play in the water a little, you should join us." Loki chirped with a smile. "Tony the Twins can't even eat the food you're getting for them. although, they do love gumming up the soft stuff and spitting it out." he admitted with a chuckle. "makes an unholy mess to say the least, and they have no interest in the toys save for drooling on them." he admitted with a smile. "of course she loves her uncle, all children love Tony Stark." Loki admitted with a grin as he gave Tony a kiss. "she can't date until she's at least four thousand years old." "that's how old i am." "exactly."
“I think I would like that....I need to get up, and stop growling at everyone.”She sulked a little before smiling slightly before smiling as she watched the lovers argue over tony’s spoiling. Poor tony, couldn’t even stand up to newborns.”They’ll like it. I’m trying it all first, make sure its good for them. And the toys are for later.”Tony sulked making a face before shaking his head. “Not all kids, just all women.”Tony grinned a little smiling as he held sigyn back the baby, for the moment his thoughts clear and happy, not thinking about the child on the way. “She’s dating before then. I married loki at 24.”Sigyn said looking amused as she looked at her husbands amused at their stance. Before looking at loki. "are you going to tell the twins they can't date before 4 thousand?"
loki smiled a little. "but it's fun watching you growl at everyone." he admitted with a chuckle. "Tony, most of that food is going to go bad before the twins even have an interest in it, let alone are able to eat it." he pointed out with a smile. "no, it's all kids, or you wouldn't have let that two year old boy get paint all over your favorite pants when we where making you practice." he pointed out with a snicker. "the Twins can date at twenty." Loki intoned simply. "they can marry at fourty unless i am otherwise certain that they are truly, one hundred percent in love." he admitted with a smile. "i don't think they will be mature enough to date safely before then." he admitted. "the only reason why we where able to make our marriage work is because we where never able to mature as slowly as the other brats." he admitted with a grin. "in any case, Tony. i don't like leaving the Twins alone so long... let's go back and cuddle for a while before facing Cherum and that whore of a daughter he has."
“Maybe watching, its horrifyingly embarassing you know, to growl at everyone. I bit steve yesterday cause he got to close to me.”Sigyn whined a little. “....shut up loki.”Tony glared at his lover looking annoyed before scowling slightly as he looked down at sigyn and desiree. “Well, I could you know, you magic to get it out. It’s not like they were ruined...”he grumbled, not about to admit that it was indeed all kids. “I agree. That sounds good.”Tony said smiling a little before getting up, “Let’s go then.”he said the anxiousness over leaving the twins alone returning now that he wasnt focusing on other things.

Later tony smirked as he shifted, leaning back into the man laying behind him, for once letting loki spoon him instead of cuddling the man, smiling slightly at the twins laying close to his stomach, looking amused at the mostly sleeping kids, gently touching their fingers, amused as they grabbed at his hand. “.....I wish thor would have gotten to do this....everything would have been different....”he muttered finally, breaking down through the grief over his father, and over never having gotten to known him, bonding with the man who had fathered him. Confronting the feelings in the face of having to adopt a child that he hadn’t wanted to create, but had found himself wanting anyways.
the boys grinned. "i liked it." Steve pointed out. "oh, don't let me forget to see Hela sometime today, i've been feeling a little nauseous lately. i think i might be getting a cold or something." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i don't want to infect anyone if i am." he admitted. "besides Tony, i've seen you at fun parks signing autographs for kids because you're bored and like to see the kids smile." he pointed out with a smirk.

Loki smiled as he snuggled his lover, loving the cuddles. "hmmm.. Thor loved you, you know." Loki admitted softly. "when he brought me back here for my sentencing, you where all he could talk about. you amazed him, and he called you his Brother." Loki admitted, not about to admit that Thor hadn't said a single word in Loki's defense. "he was very impressed with you, and he changed, just for you. i'm sure he's watching us from Valhalla with a smile on his face, glad that we finally have some happiness." he admitted with a smile. "he would have been very proud of you, so very proud. just like i am."
Tony sighed quietly, smiling at antonio gribbed his finger and popped it in his mouth. “well, he was fairly fascinated with my suit...”He muttered before frowning shaking his head. “Not just for me. He did it for you to, you know....”he muttered sighing quietly, at a loss to deal with the grief that was threatening to tear him apart. “ one’s ever been proud of me before....I mean...not because I was me. Howard was proud of what I could do for him, not me....I so wanted him to be proud....”he sighed quietly, biting his lip. “Reindeer...what if I mess up this kid more then anything else?Will it be harmed because it’s adopted?”His own childhood issues threatening to drag him under.
Loki smiled a little. "no, he wasn't just fascinated by your suit. it was your character. your willingness to risk your own life to protect others. a 'True Warrior' he called you. he said you had the 'True heart' of an Asgaurdian... which, is, kind of an insult actually but he meant it in the best possible way." Loki teased with a soft smile. "all of the Avengers are proud of you Tony. Pepper is proud of you for going on, even when the very act of living hurts. Clint is proud of you for always sticking to your ideals. Natasha is proud of you because you can tell Nick Fury where to shove it, and not go back on your decision when he yells at you. Bruce is proud of you, for never caring about what a person is, only who they are. i am proud of you, because you are a noble, brilliant man. and my children are proud of you, simply because you embraced them without judgment." he admitted. "Thor was, and probobly is proud of you, for doing what is right, no matter how hard. for making something you hate doing, work in your favor, as well as everyone elses." Loki kissed him. "and you won't mess up the new baby, how could you when you know how much it hurts? you know, what not to do, because you where raised badly. you know how not to hurt a child, how not to ignore them, you know how painful it is to be neglected and to have far too many expectations forced on your shoulders. this new baby, will have a freedom that you never knew, because you know how much it hurts to be caged."
“Well, steve kept goading me you know. Told me I couldn’t lie it all down....really didn’t think I would, until I set that nuke to outer space...”he muttered thinking about it because he really hadnt considered he’d sacrifice everything until then, before frowning, glancing at loki. “’true heart?”He said sounding amused. Before nodding quietly looking amused as he relaxed, something in his chest as he realized that he had a family that cared and was proud of him, that no matter who else in asgard didn’t care for him, he could face it because he could do this. “Well...that’s true. The baby will be okay.”he muttered, he’d probably have another panic attack later, but for now he was okay. Sighing as he yawned, he stretched, smiling as the twins went to sleep.”we better get some sleep, we have to get up early to deal with cherum and his daughter.”He hummed, yawning a little.
Loki smiled a little. "well, the Capsicle does know how to push buttons and boundaries." Loki pointed out with a chuckle. "yes, true heart... Thor was disgusting like that." Loki admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "truly disgusting. but, i do have to agree with him. you have a good heart." he admitted with a smile. "and all the babies will be alright." he promised. "they will grow up willful and strong, and proud of their fathers.... and mother, in the case of Desiree." he admitted with a smile before he settled down and went to sleep with Tony. waking in the morning to panicked pounding on the door, Steve rushing in once Loki let him in. the poor captain was babbling and panicked but from what Loki got out of it was that Steve was pregnant and was having a panic attack trying to figure out how to tell Sigyn and Clint, worried that they'd be angry at him for it, though, no one was sure why he thought that, not even Steve.
Tony groaned as he rolled over as loki let the man in, before yelping as he proceeded to roll right off the edge of the bed, sitting up after a moment. His hair sticking every way, frowning hard. “...Why didn’t you set the wards so I couldn’t do that?”he grumbled still sleepy and annoyed, looking at steve and loki over the edge of teh bed before frowning. “Steve, why are you panicking? You already have one kid, its not going to be that much more to have another.”Tony said running his fingers through his hair trying to straighten the strands as he got up, wincing as the babies started fussing at the sound of steve so upset.
Loki snorted a little. "i set the wards to keep you from rolling on the babies." he pointed out. "i never thought about you falling off the bed." Loki admitted with a chuckle as he watched Steve panicking. "i don't know! i'm fucking Pregnant! i didn't even KNOW i could get pregnant! i'm not a Demi-God! what if my baby is all malformed because of the Super Serum!? what if Clint and Sigyn don't want another baby!? oh god i'm going to be sick...." he groaned, crouching and burying his head in his knees, Loki chuckling. "one. Sigyn wants a lot of babies. she's always wanted a lot of children. two, even if you're baby does deform in the 'womb' Hela and Frigga can, and will fix it before the baby is even born." "what, really?" Steve asked, looking stunned. "so... so i don't have to be worried?" "not in the least." "b...but i'm... i don't HAVE a womb!" "let me see." Loki demanded, shaking his head as he set his hands on Steve's belly, lifting his eyebrows. "well... that's interesting..." Loki muttered, looking stunned. "did you know you have a set of Ovaries?" "i...have...WHAT!?" Steve demanded, more than a little shocked as Loki winced. "apparently you have internal feminine organs..." "so... so... oh i'm going to Hel and i am KILLING Howard Stark!" "no doubt, Howard intended on trying some... breeding experiments on you." "he's fucking DEAD!!!! how did no one NOTICE this while i was at the DOCTORS!?" " haven't BEEN to the doctors since you woke up. and the doctors you saw in WWII would have been in on the secrete." "...good point. i'm going to kill the doctors too."
“You should have set them to keep me from falling out. I blame you for my sore ass.”tony groused before frowning a little, “No you’re not, but you’re almost a demi god. And...steve, you already have one child by blood, and Desiree’s not affected by the super serum.Calm.”Tony ordered his eyes worried as he got up off the floor cuddling antonio as the baby fussed before sighing in relief as the man started to calm down. Before looking as stunned as steve. “....Not if I get there first. Hela said I could visit when I want, do you want to go have a howard bashing day? I did once, it was quite fun to tell him everything that he would get pissed about.”Tony said sounding thoughtful before sighing, “Now. Do you want me to go with you to tell sigyn and clint?”He asked worried about his friend.
Loki shrugged. "you're not nearly as fragile as the babies are. if i added a ward for you, it would have weakened the wards protecting the babies." Loki informed tony with a shrug. "i'll kiss you're booboo's better when we're not having a mental breakdown issue." Loki promised as he indicated Steve. "you're right. Desiree's not hurt by the Super Serum... it will be fine... i'll be fine..." Steve muttered, still sounding panicked and more than a little in shock, but he was calming down. "Tony... the man turned my insides into a ladies!" Steve complained. "i get first dibs! you already had some revenge!" he complained, shaking his head. "i would like to beat up Howard Stark, yes please." Steve stated, setting a hand on his belly. "god... i really didn't realize i could get pregnant... is it only because the lady parts or would i have been able to get pregnant anyway?" "no. you don't have enough magic to cradle a fetus so you wouldn't have gotten pregnant." Loki admitted, wondering if that was going to set off another rage fest... nope, Steve looked furious, but he controlled himself. "yes..." Steve finally muttered, looking like he wanted to be sick. "god... i have lady parts... i'm never going to hear the end of the jokes..." Steve whimpered, looking close to fainting. "Howard put lady parts in me... i'm going to cry..." and Steve buried his face in his knees and did just that. "don't worry Tony. he's just hormonal. his HCG is high enough to cause mood swings. "i'm not moody!" Steve growled, glaring at Loki. "i feel better already... i just needed to cry." Steve stated, stalking out of the room, Loki snorting. "he's going to be even worse than i was."
“See?Desiree’s perfect, you shouldn’t worry about the new kid.”Tony said his voice soft and calm, trying to help him before grinning. “Well, I guess that’s true. We’ll go beat up on howard, as long as hela says its okay for you and the baby.”He agreed before wincing, “So what about clint?I mean, HE is a demi-god.”He said looking thoughtful and worried before standing up, and moving over to sit next to him, wrapping a arm around his shoulders, wincing a little as the man stomped out of the room.” you think they’ll be in the meeting hall when we deal with cherum?Should we wait?”

Sigyn smiled slightly as she moved towards the edge of the bed, looking amused as desiree fussed, “Shush sweetheart, we’re going to go out, I promise, soon. Daddy just has to get back.”She promised clint having gone to search for steve when the man hadn’t returned in a reasonable amount of time, looking anxious about her husbands
Steve had to smile a little and he nodded. "your right, i don't have to worry. i mean, i already knew i was weird, this is just another weirdness, that's all." he decided, Loki liftign an eyebrow. wondering if Steve felt badly about himself, thought himself a freak or something. but no, Steve was fully aware that the Super Serum was experimental. "yes, Clint can get pregnant as well, but he has anti pregnancy charms on himself. he can't get pregnant right now. no one thought Steve could get pregnant so they must not have bothered, or the spells faltered or faded. i don't know." Loki admitted before smiling at Tony. "let's wait until they can watch. you go with miss moody." he ordered, indicating the Captain who was stalking downt he hallway. "i'll stay here until Jor and Frigga come by to watch the twins and then join you in the Hall." he promised.

Clint came back into the room, looking worried. "Hela said Steve left about five minutes ago pretty upset. she won't tell me why, said it had to be Steve who told us. he probobly went to Tony to calm down. you know how Steve gets when he's upset." Clint admitted as he studied her. Steve always went to Tony when he was extremly upset, because Tony was his best freind and knew how to calm him down. Steve didn't like to upset Clint or Sigyn so he went to Tony to calm down and focus himself before going to Sigyn and Clint for the comfort he needed. "ah, see? there he is with Tony." Clint mused as he watched Tony trail behind Steve... and Steve looked rather annoyed instead of upset now. "Steve? are you alright? what's wrong?" "i have lady parts inside of me." Steve informed him. "and if you make ONE joke about it, i will hurt you, bad." Clint blinked, looking more than a little shocked. "...uh, Lady parts?"
“Definitely. Just think, now you can fit in with loki, he has lady parts sometimes to. Though I have to admit, having sex with him as a female is very interesting.”Tony said looking thoughtful as he considered that, remembering how they’d celeberated him defeating odin, before focusing on steve again, before nodding. “Well that makes sense. If they weren’t aware they probably didn’t bother to defend against it.”Tony said thoughtful, stealing a kiss. “See you there.”he said looking worried about leaving loki alone, not liking it but following the order to go with steve.

“What?”Sigyn looked startled then scared, wondering what in the world could be wrong, picking up desiree as the babe fussed as she sensed her parents upset. “Yes I know. And no one has a calming effect like stark.”She snickered a little at the idea that anyone could be calmed by tony, who was so off the wall and over the top that it was a miracle the man was sane. But whatever helped steve, it was good. “Hey...”Sigyn looked up worried glancing at tony’s serious look before looking at steve, before her mouth fell open a little. “Well, you definitely have the bone structure to have lady parts. Can sigyn give you boobs, I mean, you’d make a pretty girl.”tony supplied instead, making the joke clint wasn’t allowed to make. Teasing steve the same as he always did, so steve would know that this changed nothing. Sigyn’s mouth fell open tilting her head raising a hand, before letting it drop, wanting to check it out with magic, but much like loki’s her magic was untamed and uncontrollable at the moment. “What’s wrong?You look to serious.”She said looking at steve, trying to figure out how having lady parts could have upset him this much.
Steve glared at Tony furiously. "Tony... if you don't stop, he's going to hit you." Loki warned, looking amused. "besides, it's a little different, i choose to have lady parts. he had then inserted without his knowladge." Steve just huffed. "be safe." Loki purred, kissing the other. "i'll have Feris walk me to the dining Hall." he promised, not about to be alone when there was such danger around.

Clint nodded, fighting back his own worry. "i'm sure it's nothing, you know how Steve worries about the silliest things." he tried to comfort. "i know right! Steve is completely insane, going to Stark of all people." he complained, looking amused as he shook his head before staring at Steve in confusion. "Shut up Tony!" Steve snarled, giving Tony a good Tap to the face.... well, alright, he laid Tony hard to the floor with a single punch, but it was tony's own fault. "nice hit love." Clint chirped. "now why don't you explain whats going on?" "i have ovaries. and a womb. lady parts..." Steve suddenly looked nervous again and his eyes welled up with tears. "i'm pregnant..." Clint nearly froze and then he had Steve in a tight hug as Steve started to cry again. "hush now... whats so bad about that?" "i don't know..." Steve whimpered. "i'm not sad! i don't know why i'm crying... i don't like it.. he put lady parts inside me..." he complained with a hiccup, Clint grimacing. what a way to find out. poor Steve, everything was all happening to him all at once. of course the man was going to be emotional.
Tony made a face as he was glared at, before nodding.”True. Sorry steve.”he smiled slightly before kissing loki back.”Good.”he growled not about be okay with loki walk around alone.

“I know, but he’s not been feeling well for days.”She muttered looking up at him before snickering. “Definitely insane.”she agreed before staring at tony, yelping as tony hit the floor, “Sorry steve. I don’t mean it, really. You punch to hard.”Tony groaned as he laid on the floor, letting the threesome have their quiet moments, and hoping the three would forget he was there. “Yes, explain please.”Sigyn agreed with clint, looking anxious before looking startled, then hurt and upset that this had been his reaction, not understanding that he was just upset with the lady parts, not the fact that were having another child. Swallowing hard as she stood, shifting desiree to one arm, nudging clint over so she could cuddle against steve to, resting her cheek against his shoulder, “it’s okay,I promise.”She muttered rubbing his back, wincing as desiree let out a piercing wail upset that there was so much strong emotion going on around her, reaching out towards her daddy, wanting steve.
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