
Odin was silent as he met the eyes of his enraged adopted son, and the avengers standing behind him, trying to decide how to respond, before looking at heimdall.”You will see them to loki’s rooms?We will see to this accusation soon enough.”Odin said, since he thought he was doing everyone a favor, that he was doing what was best, it never occurred to him that he would lose the challenge, not recognizing the demi-god in front of him, not realizing tony stark was the one he’d been trying to stop from ever existing. Turning to look at the court as they gathered, indeed they had been gathering for thor’s funeral, he waved a hand. “We shall postpone sending my son to valhalla until this is dealt with.”

“Loki...come..please.Loki...the babies...”Tony muttered wrapping a arm around loki’s waist, tugging the man closer to him, looking anxious for both loki’s safety and the twin’s. Having no doubt that the king of asgard was not above having them killed if he could get around it. “Loki. Take us to your rooms.Now.”Tony growled, putting enough demand and command that even without magic you knew he was dangerous.

“”Sigyn struggled to seperate the present as she was seeing it, and the present as she was living it. Because despite the vanir being in control for the most part of her seeing, the death of a thunder god- a god who was such a part of nature that nature itself rebelled at his death- that the strands of future and present were blurring for her, keeping her for seperating them. Wrapping her arms around herself she trembled, scared for both herself, loki, and the child she carried. Trusting the boys and tony to keep them safe, even through the blur of what she saw, she trusted them.” know...Thor told you...”She said struggling to focus, to find the god in the crowd, hoping that thor had known they trusted and loved him, that he hadn’t been alone at the end..”Tell us. What past here?”She said trembling, not wanting to hear what she knew was true. That thor had died, spitted on fandal’s sword, a victim to the controlling spell someone(though no one could prove it, she suspected odin or his sorcerers) had cast on the man thor had loved.
Heimdall's eyes narrowed on Odin. "You are Bound by the Challenge, Odin King." Heimdall intoned. "Be prepared in one hour, not a second longer." he warned as Loki snarled and snapped and raved, screaming Odin's sins to the world. screaming how Saigyn had nearly died because of him, screaming how Clint had nearly died because of him. he struggled against Tony, needing to hurt something, needing to kill something. he froze instantly at the order, and his lip trembled as he broke down into violent sobs as he buried his face into Tony's chest and Transported them into a dull room. it looked like a hospital room. white walls, a single white bed. a dresser and a bookshelf. there was a table and a desk and other such things. but it was blank, void of personality. empty.

Fandal was standing too close to Thor's Tomb to be entirely appropriate, but no one was going to stop Thor's lover. "he told me he loved me." Fandal whispered. "he told me he wanted to be exclusive... a couple... just me and him..." Fandal whispered, his voice broken as he grupped the necklace around his neck in tight trembling hands, a ring of gleaming gold on his ring finger. both gifts from Thor that he would now, never take off. ever. "i told him Yes..." Fandal whispered, swallowing thickly. "i told him yes... he told me what was happening... what Odin did to you... he told me it was all going to be better, and i wouldn't have to pretend anymore... i wouldn't have to hide how much i HATE him." Fandal hissed, fingers trembling. "we where... we went to the sparring room. and we where sparring. i was using my sword. i always use my sword. but it was dull. so we couldn't cut each other to ribbons and then... then... it was't dull anymore...." he whispered, voice traumatized. almost as mad as Loki. "and i was staring, i was confused because i wasn't in the ring anymore. and my sword wasn't in my hand, and there where people everywhere, screaming... Thor was laying there... i'd run him clean through... i'd... i'd...." it was clear to every single Asgaurdian that Fandal was not to blame. it was an accident. he'd been repeating the same story over and over again, just trying to understand. no one blamed Fandal, thankfully. "i'd run him through....."
Tony glanced up at clint and steve, then at the kids, knowing they’d stick close to sigyn, amused though as fenris followed him and loki, as if standing guard. Which was probably what teh wolfling was doing, the big wolf settling on the floor as tony settled loki into the bed.Cursing quietly as he realized he was completely restricted on magic, until the challenge he had nothing, muttering quiet soft nothings, even as he looked around the room. “...this is your room?”he muttered even as he sat on the bed, loki in his lap as he held him tightly, trying to focus on everything but the fact he’d lost a father he hadn’t even had the chance of really knowing.

“I know, I’ve always known he loved you fan...”Sigyn muttered as she moved closer, glancing at the tomb, wincing slightly at the so very lifelike statue there, of course it was lifelike, with sorcerers able to sculpt the marble, would it be anything else? Moving to stand next to fandal, she swallowed, trembling and shaky, but she needed to comfort her friend more then she needed to rest. “Thor only realized recently how wrong he was....he... He wanted to be better. He was trying, so hard. I am sorry he didn’t get the chance.”She said starting to cry, starting to break down, the guilt eating her alive. “I’m sorry I didn’t see it soon enough...I’m so sorry...”She muttered raising a hand to hug him, before stopping herself. Not sure if he’d welcome the touch before swallowing hard. “It wasn’t you fan, you know it wasn’t. Thor knows that, Fan, he knows it wasn’t you who wanted him dead.”She muttered swallowing hard. “Fan, come sit with us okay?Come on, until the challenge...”
Loki was sobbing and trembling, more than a little upset. but he knew the other was upset as well. technically Loki shouldn't have been able to transport at all, but Heimdall had allowed Loki the one bit of magic. so long as he only transported to the one room like Tony had ordered, Loki had been able to do it. he relaxed, calmed very quickly though and he nodded. "this is my room." he admitted softly. "i fucking hate white..." well, that explained why Loki hated the snow at least. he hated the snow because it was white, and Loki hated white because of his room, and he hated his room because of Odin and the abuse and blatant negligence.

Fandal swallowed thickly. "i didn't... i didn't know... i thought it was never going to be. so when i couldn't take it anymore i left him so i could stop being so obvious and then i'd go back and he never said anything..." Fandal whispered, seaming to focus more on reality now that someone had followed up on the conversation. "he was better. he was spreading the word, whispering to everyone what Odin made him do... Thor admitted to a lot of things... to a lot of people, and he was trying to make it better and that's why everyone loved him so much. because he was a good man, even if he did stupid, stupid things... he never pushed the blame. he accepted the good and the bad and he was going to accept any punishment Tony... whoever that is, gave him..." he focused on her suddenly. "you have nothing to be sorry for." he stated firmly. " are not a Vanir, you cannot know all things... Thor's death... it.. it had a meaning, a reason, a purpose, i KNOW it..." he whispered, trying to lesson the blow of Thors death by reassuring himself that Thor's death wasn't in vain. he saw the hesitation and he stepped into the hug, leaning into her, desperate for the comfort. "it wasn't me... but i still killed him." he whispered softly. "alright..." he whispered as he followed her, Steve and Clint accepting Fandal into the group, offering him and sigyn comfort. they where the most hurt by the pain, save maybe for Loki and Tony.
Tony sighed quietly as he rested his head against loki’s, wrapping a arm around his waist, leaning back against the headboard. “I can see why. It’s sorta...weird.”He grumbled looking around the room, smirking. “We’re going to redecorate. Red and gold.”He decided as he eyed the room, before huffing out a sigh. “You want a bath?The others will be here soon probably....”he muttered stroking loki’s back, more then willing to set aside his own pain and fury, and focus on his mate.

“He didn’t know. He thought you wanted others more then and their non talking rules.”She teased him a little, because it was long habit, teasing him about his flirting. “I know. He might not have been the brightest, but he was a good man, who wanted to fix things.”She muttered before laughing quietly, sadly. “Tony Stark. The metal man from earth, loki’s mate.....and thor’s son. He’s here. Probably ready to pull odin’s spleen through his nose. Definitely thor’s son, more then willing to dish out destruction.”She muttered hoping that knowing there was a part of thor, no matter how much thor hadn’t seen him, hadn’t known they were related, was going to be a comfort to fandal, who’d lost his lover. Looking startled as fandal suddenly focused on her, she cried quietly, hugging him tightly. “It will have a purpose, we will not let odin get away with this, I promise.”She muttered as they headed for loki’s room, “Oh. Fan?This is steve and clint.My boys.”She muttered wanting him to think of something else for a brief time, smiling as jormugandr fell into line behind them, a silent guard as they got to loki’s rooms. Feeling emotionally tired and physically exhausted, the barely recovered pregnant woman was stumbling a little as she walked, clinging to fandal to stay up, not focusing well as she walked.
Loki nodded. "Odin hated letting me have any other color." he whispered. "i learned to just ignore it... but i hate it..." he whispered. "lets go to Thor's room?" he asked hopefully. "i don't want a bath. i want Odin dead." Loki whispered, closing his eyes as the other's piled into the room, most of them looking quite horrified at Loki's room.

"Fandal nodded. "i never slept with them you know... i just pretended i did because Thor would pay more attention to me then." he admitted. "we talked. we talked about a lot of things. but mostly we had sex..." Fandal admitted softly. "...Tony is Thor's son?" Fandal asked, voice tight with astonishment, and happiness. part of Thor still lived... "Odin will die, even if i have to kill him myself..." Fandal whispered, his lip trembling. "and then i will prove to everyone here that Odin is a treacherous bastard..." and then he would kill himself, because he had no rights to the throne and no reason to live without Thor. "it's nice to meet you..." Fan muttered rather dispassionately. still grieving and very upset, though Steve and Clint didn't seam to mind. "Good God is this where Loki lives?!" "...but these are the quarters of a Servant!" Fandal protested, stunned. "this can't possibly be your rooms!" "...'lo Fandal." Loki muttered. "yeah, this is my room." Loki stated with a shrug. "has been since i was potty trained." "But MY Rooms are more amazing than this! fuck the SERVING STAFF have better rooms than this!" "...yes, i am well aware of that!" Loki snarled, eyes flashing with fury. "i am well aware of the abuse i suffered now shut up!" Fandal looked quite startled by that and then Loki whimpered. "i'm sorry. i shouldn't have yelled... i''m sorry." "oh my god he's pregnant again!" Fandal gasped, looking more than a little terrified.
“Well, we’re going to redo it in red and gold. The whole place in red and gold, as soon as I’m in charge okay?”he muttered before nodding. “As soon as everyone else gets here, we’ll go to thor’s rooms.”He promised.

“...”Sigyn stared at the man, at a loss for words, because no one had known fandal hadn’t slept with any of them.”You always did know how to get to thor the most.”She muttered teasing him a little before smirking. “Oh yea, tony’s thor’s son, with all the pigheadness and the attitude to go with it....and I wouldn’t worry about odin not dying. Tony’s has enough magic that he makes thor’s lightening look like child’s play, and give loki a run for his money....he was bound as a child, and despite that, was doing magic.Odin has no chance, I promise.”Sigyn muttered before nodding. “I know, and yes it is.”Sigyn muttered wincing as the snarl that twisted tony’s features, even as loki yelled, it was obvious tony was gearing up to strike out at fandal for daring to upset loki more. Tony was definitely not in the most control at the moment, and if he’d had magic,he would have definitely already been smacking fandal into the floor, before shushing loki quietly, rubbing his back.”Its okay, see, you didn’t upset him. Come on. I want to see thor’s rooms.”he muttered getting to his feet.

Sigyn snickered a little at fandal’s response to loki being pregnant, nodding a little. “He is....with thor’s grandchildren. If your nice, he might even introduce you to thor’s son.”She teased the man a little, knowing they’d freaked out fandal more then once with the kids, so watching him consider what the new pregnancy would bring, amused her.
Fandal flushed a little. "...he'd get all angry and we'd have really angry sex and it was AMAZING okay!?" he demanded defensibly, wondering why he was being defensive. "Tony... Thor must not have known about him then... Tony was thought to be human. Thor talked about him sometimes, after the Chitauri." he admitted. "Thor really liked Tony. said that Tony was a brave warrior." he admitted, shaking his head. "Odin will have no chance in hell." he agreed, his voice wavering, but he was being strong now that he had something to focus on. someone to focus on. "...nope... not upset..." fandal quickly reassured Loki before looking at Sigyn. "are you INSANE?!" he demanded in a hiss. "don't you remember what happened the LAST time he was pregnant! he ate all of my socks! well, the left ones anyway." Bruce made a sound in the back of his throat that was clearly repressed laughter. "he made my shoes into bunny slippers... that hopped away! he trned all the water in the baths neon green for a MONTH, and everyone who bathed in it turned PURPLE for Othor's Sake!" he complained, Loki giggling. "i forgot about that. that was fun." he admitted as he slowly staggered to his feet and headed for the door, leading the way up to Thor's rooms... which was bigger than most peoples houses, had a bed big enough to hold all the Avengers comfortably and a private small soaking tub. the blatant difference was heart shattering. "i want eggs...." Loki complained as he snuggled tony on the bed. "and sex..." "you can have sex later." Steve promised Loki. "but i'm not sure about the eggs..." "i'll get them." Fandal promised, moving over to a long corded rope which he pulled, summoning a servant. he ordered a 'full lunch for far too many people and some eggs' and the server bowed and vansihed, returning five minutes later with enough alcohol to drown a giraffe and more food than even Thor, Sif, the warriors three, and all the Avengers combined could eat.
Sigyn giggled a little at how defensive fandal got, smiling slightly. “No need to be defensive, I know how amazing angry sex can be.”She said looking amused before nodding. “Thor didn’t know. Tony didn’t know until recently, after he nearly died and his magic saved him.”She said smiling a little. “See, he’s not upset.”Tony said smiling slightly as he looked up at fandal, looking curious about the man he’d heard about, even as he stared at him...surely he wasn’t hearing right? “Oh...I forgot about that....He never did anything to me!I forgot he was a horror to the rest of you while pregnant.”Sigyn whined looking amused though as they all walked to thor’s room, sighing quietly as they looked around thor’s rooms. It was heart breaking indeed. “We’ll have sex after I’m king. Just think, I’ll get to not only boss you around, but everyone else..”Tony muttered as he laid back on the bed, muttering in loki’s ear as he absently stroked loki’s back, more then willing to distract both of them with the thought of sex....and was seriously considering throwing everyone out so he could have sex...finding something disturbingly kinky about screwing loki in thor’s bed.

By the time the hour past and loki was calm, it was quite obvious that despite his confidence, tony stark was coming undone. He was totally freaking out at the idea of having to face odin, and what if he actually lost?He’d be leaving loki alone. Huffing out a sigh as he moved to the edge of the bed he closed his eyes as he slumped over his knees, struggling for calm and peace knowing that he had to leave within minutes to get down to the dueling ring.

“Tony?Time to go.”Sigyn said her eyes sad and worried as she looked at tony, glancing at loki and steve, worried about how silent tony had gotten over the last hour, wondering if he really was ready to fight. Maybe this was a worse idea then they thought? Even if it was their best option, letting tony fight when he was this upset, maybe they should do something else...
Fandal flushed brightly. "sorry..." he muttered sheepishly. "it's just that people keep whispering about how i wasn't good enough for Thor anyway." he admitted with a sigh. "i mean, they've always said it... but he's dead now and..." he cut himself off so fast it almost looked painful. "he wasn't a horror! he was a damn nightmare Sigyn! he set Sif on FIRE!" Fandal complained. "he turned every single teacher at the academy into ducks! he filled Tyr's entire room with fish! dead fish! OLD dead fish!" Fandal complained, focusing on the horrors of Loki rather than the horror of what had happened. "he ATE the FRONT YARD!" "it was tasty." Loki admitted with a nod, smirking a little as he relaxed nto Tony's touch, relaxing into Tony even if he felt guilty... he should have been comforting tony...

"Tony.." Loki ordered suddenly, pulling the other into an upright standing, instead of slouched. "don't forget, you're amazing. Odin is old and stupid, you are young, powerful, a genius, and nothing less than perfect." he assured his lover, smiling at him. "now. remember. when you Kill Odin, we get to have sex on his bed." he reminded Tony. "and moreover..." he leaned in to whisper something into Tony's ear. "i figured out how to make myself completely a woman for you, and i want you to take my feminine virginity tonight." he purred, smiling at tony. "Odin took everything from us. don't let him win tony."
“Its okay. And you know thor didn’t think like that. Does anyone else’s opinion really matter?”Sigyn muttered hugging him a little before laughing at fandal’s words, shaking her head. “See, he wasn’t like that to me. And sif deserved it, she made me fall down the stairs. And...and the ducks were just funny. And tyr likes animals, we thought he’d like the fish.And the yard, well he was kinda a horse at the time.”she said proving that it hadn’t just been loki’s brainchild that had given birth to some of those pranks.

Tony startled a little as he was pulled up, looking at loki, smiling slightly. “Hm, I am fairly perfect aren’t I?” “Not to mention humble.”Sigyn snickered a little. Tony raised eyebrow shuddering as he listened to loki purr, looking down at him. “Definitely not losing now.”The demi-god smirked as they headed for the dueling arena, yea, definitely was in a good mood now as he considered all the ways he was going to have sex with loki, in odin’s bed. Cause he had every intention of letting fandal have thor’s rooms if he wanted them, which meant he was going to take odin’s....and defile every surface of them if he could.

“Odin Burrson, do you have any words?”Tony said as he stepped into the ring, both thor’s sword in his hand, and magic cracking around his fingers as heimdall lifted the ban on magic, even if he wasn’t holding thor’s hammer, it seemed the man was channeling lightening. Oh yea, odin was about to get his ass handed to him, and by the very man he had tried to kill. “You weren’t supposed to exist, halfing!This throne is mine. You shall not have it,I will make the brat watch as I slaughter you.”Odin snarled and with those words the deadliest duel asgard had seen in centuries was started....though it was deadly not because odin was in any way tony’s match, but because tony was intentionally making it a cat-and mouse game, batting odin around like a cat with a mouse. And as the whispers grew as teh crowd realized they were witnessing the passing of a king, and the making of a new one. And a hour past, simply because tony was enjoying the revenge for his father, enjoying watching odin become more desperate before he called down lightening, and struck the man dead before he panted, slumping slightly

“Tony Thorson, by right of combat and blood, I name you king of asgard.”Sigyn said as she crossed the arena on shaking legs, not because he scared her, though she was shaken by the casual show of power, but because she was so exhausted and emotional that it was hard for her to focus. Needing nothing more then to lay down, she was worried about the child she carried, but as a seer, part vanir, only vanir could see the passing of a crown from one king to the next. And she didn’t trust any of the others in the court enough to let them close to tony, who was looking as worn out as she felt. “The king is dead, long live the king.”She said quietly as she pulled his head down to press a kiss to his forehead, the kiss a blessing, a praise as she settled the cold iron crown on his head. "Thank you sig."Tony muttered even as he looked at her, smiling tiredly even as he moved past her to find loki. Ignoring court and bystanders, in favor of his better half. To anxious to reassure loki that he was fine, to worry about what his new subjects would think of him.
Loki smiled at Tony and nodded. "you are." he agreed. "now go out there and make me horny." Loki ordered as he followed Tony to the ring, Fandal following at a more sedated pace, wondering how this could have happened. Loki seamed to think that Odin was involved. Fandal wouldn't doubt it in the least. Loki watched with high strung nerves as the battle first started, ten minutes in he was as relaxed as a cat in the sun and he looked as if he wanted to crawl into the magic barrier around the ring and bask in Tony's magic. Steve waited for Sigyn to 'crown' Tony before he was in the ring, helping her to stand, Clint soon following, causing a hush of whispers to ripple through the room, which only increased as Tony went straight for Loki. Loki didn't wait for Tony to do anyhing, he did it himself. he grabbed the others shirt in white knuckles and kissed the other, hard, transporting them to Odin's rooms. which looked earily identical to Thor's rooms. "god you made me so HORNY. did you know that Jotun are aroused by power? well we are. fuck Tony you PLAYED with the old bastard and it made me so HOT!" Loki babbled, his pupils so dilated you couldn't even see green. yeah, they where having loud passionate sex.

the large crowd did not disperse because Fandal soon took the stage, and the man spoke in the true, clear ringing tones of a man in the Army. telling them all that Thor had told him and more. explaining about Loki's long abuse and neglect. speaking of how Frigga was bound into marriage with Odin against her will. and finally. speaking his theory about why Thor was dead. "i cannot prove that last part..." "But I Can." a new voice intoned. it was Frigga! she was back! she glided smoothly down to Sigyn and wrapped the woman in a hug. "you did wonderfully, Daughter of the Vanir." Frigga breathed, stroking Sigyn's hair. "you have done all that we have asked for you and more." she smiled at her. "now you will have a choice. you can keep the Gift, keep the Sight, and know that your children will never be cursed. or you can give up the gift, and know that your children will never be cursed." Frigga stated, smiling at Sigyn. "forever and always, you will be our daughter, no matter you're choice." Clint and Steve settled their hands on Sigyn's shoulder, offering her comfort, and no pressure. letting her be the one to decide.
Tony groaned as he was pulled into a kiss,smirking a little as he raised his head looking around as his own eyes dilated."no I didn't,but that explains why you jump me every time I do something."tony teased smirking as he looked around the rooms,grinning as he changed everything to gold and deep red, a more subtle version of the bright iron man colors."ibcould get used to this.."he smirked kissing her again."reindeer, shoulsnt I be out there talking to my nee subjects,reassuring them I'm a good guy?"he asked prpoving that he indeed would be a good king,nobmatter hoe much his sex drive demanded he fuck loki senseless,he was worried about the people to.but as he gripped loki against him he pickex the other up,slamming him into the wall,his thoughts of doing the right and proper thing forgotten as he ripped lokis clothes away,for once wanting to simply rip the fabric instewd of just magicking them away.

Sigyn winced a little as she listened to the whispers grow louder as loki and tony disappeared,knowing that the asgaddians were going to have a problem with loki being at their king's side. And as she listened to fandal speak,she knew that if anyone tried to get his away tony's reaction was going to br the stuff of legends in the sheer violence.looking up startled as she heard frigga speak she smuled sadly as she wrapped her arms around the other woman before stepping back to look at her."I did not save your son,and you say I still have done all that the vanir asked of me?"she said quietly,sadly because even if she didn't exactly like him,he would have liked the chance to get to know the new thor.and thr guilt.of not bring in time to save him,and keep fandal from being hurt so badly,pained her.biting her lip at the woman's words she swallowed hard,shifting to lean back into steve,snuggling into his chest and holding clint's hand.looking thoughtful before sighing softly,looking at frigga again."I shall keep painful as it is sometimes,I want to have them,to safeguard the future as much as I am able."she said looking up at her boys,wanting to know their thoughts.
Loki smirked at Tony. "yes, it does explain things doesn't it?" he asked with a grin. "Jotun are ruled y the most powerful, therefore, physical and magical prowess are highly, highly attractive." he admitted. "that doesn't stop us from loving pathetic weaklings of course, but we do get highly aroused when we watch people who are much stronger than us, beating other people who are stronger than us." he admitted kissing the other again. "no. you stay here with me and fuck me properly." Loki growled. "and then i'm going to turn into a woman, just for you, and let you fuck me ALL over again! and then i'm going to turn back into a man and ride you like you've never ridden before!" Loki loved to 'ride' Tony. it was one of the few times Loki felt comfortable being in control, sitting on top of Tony and fucking himself on Tony's perfect cock. he groaned as he was slammed into the wall, taking care to enforce the magical barrier around his belly. this was going to be a rough one. and god did he love it.

Frigga smiled as she kissed Sigyn's forehead. "Thor's death was unseen even by us until it was happening." Frigga explained. "i knew there was no chance for you to save him, no one could have done anything, but if you are not careful, you may very well loose Fandal. he is spiraling low, you must watch him carefully." Frigga warned before smiling at her. "then the gift is yours to keep." she promised with a smile as Steve and Clint smiled. "peace should rule for some time Sig. i'm sure we won't have to worry for at least a hundred years or so. right?" Steve asked with a grin as Clint snorted. "i'm just glad that it's over with for now. but we'll keep a close eye on Fandal. whats really nice is now that Odin's old Rules are gone, we can turn Nat into a Demi-God without repercussion." "we might even be able to go down and find all the Demi-Gods that Odin had bound." "you can fix the academy." "it's going to be fun." they promised, smiling at Sigyn as Frigga chuckled and kissed each of their foreheads before taking the stage and showing proof of Odin's misdeeds. the word of a Vanir was enough, for they could not lie. when she told them, all of them of Loki's sacrifices, many of them looked very, very guilty. when she told them of Loki's abuse, many of them looked sick. Children where to be cherished, anyone who hurt a child the way Odin had hurt Loki, was punished with Death, where they where usually stuck in Nifleheim for the rest of eternity, never allowed to move on into the summerlands. even though Odin died in combat, the gates of Valhalla would forever be closed to him. no one seamed to have a problem with Loki anymore. at least there was that.
Tony smirked as he looked down at loki,gently stroking his hair out of his face."well I'll just have to keep doing amazing things,though I'll not get to beat on anyone for awhile.unless I can convince steve to fight with me."he muttered smirking slightly as he gripped the other close."I am am I?that sounded like a order."he growled because even witgout being a king,tony was a dominant man,the kingship was perfect for a man who acted like he was better then anyone else...even if it was all a act.tony rarely thought he was good enough.tony froze as he looked at loki,his hold on the other gentling as he remembered the man was pregnant.even if he wouldn't admit it.he was already in love with the teins."are you sure your up for a marathon,cause gotta tell you,I'm going to fuck you over every surface in here."

"Okay frigga.thank you."she muttered glad for the knowledgeable that there had been nothing to stop thor's death before looking at fandal,nodding quietly."we will take care of him...make him spend time with tony and loki."she muttered worried about the man before nodding excitedly."I'll have loki help mr fix the academy now that the rules have changed."she said pleased with that before looking up at thrm"come. We'll go to my rooms.I need to rest...tomorrow is going to be busy."she said as she led the way through the palace,while it wasn't as ornate as thor's had been,they weren't as bare as loki' was obvious that her rooms were the guest rooms,as she'd never truly been welcome,even if as was her right as loki's wife,they should have had rooms equal to thor's.despite how the crowd had responded,he had a feeling all their troubles weren't done.but for thr moment she was going to rest and not worry.
Loki laughed and nodded. "it was an order." Loki purred slyly, KNOWING it would make Tony assert his dominance. "of course i want a marathon, it's ME! and don't bother being gentle." Loki ordered, patting his belly. "Magically protected. you could shoot a bowling ball at it and i wouldn't even have a bruise." he promised Tony before shuddering with a hitching gasp. "fuck yes. every surface. every last one... lets start on the bed. i want to SOIL it." Loki moaned as he launched himself onto the bed and wriggled in his ever so enticing way that he KNEW drove Tony wild.

Frigga smiled at her and nodded. "good." she stated with a smile. "and perhaps Sleipnir wouldn't mind taking care of Fandal for a while." she mused with a wink. Frigga was, without a doubt, a matchmaker. she was the one who had first introduced Sigyn to Loki. most of the couples in Asgaurd where actually introduced through Frigga. it was a bit too late though, because Sleipnir was already taking care of Fandal, shoving food and drink into the inconsolable man's hands and demanding he both eat and drink. neither boy said anything as they examined Sigyn's room, which was little better than Loki's. instead they carefully settled her into bed, and cradled her as they slept. they knew Jor was already getting Natasha and Pepper. everything was going to be alright now... maybe.
Tony growled a little relaxing though as he realized that the babes were going to be okay, as he glanced towards teh bed, groaning as he watched loki. Oh yea, definitely was going to show the man who was king around here.

In the morning sigyn smirked as she sat up in the bed, resting her head on clint’s chest, snuggling him even as she sat up, for the moment to much effort to get up. “...Do you think they’ll show up for breakfast?”She said while it wasnt a rule that they had to go to breakfast, most of the court usually had breakfast in the dining hall, ruled over by odin or thor. And now she was curious to see if Loki and tony would drag himself out of bed to see to his newly acquired kingdom.

Tony yawned as he ran his hand through his hair, sending the spikes every which way, having been up ever since loki had drifted off to sleep, the man was to anxious and grief stricken-not that he’d admit it- to sleep. And he knew there were things he had to see to, but he wasn’t ready to face teh day. Even though he could do with less sleep, he usually tried to get some. But for the moment he was to upset to sleep, though he was glad to see that loki was resting peacefully. Smiling as he looked at the sleeping god he crawled back into bed, having been pacing, and cuddled up against him, gently kissing him. “Reindeer, time to get up sweetheart.”he muttered.
Steve and Clint both chuckled a little. "i doubt it... we could hear Loki screaming all the way from here remember?" Steve asked with a smirk. "i am SO bringing it up." Clint agreed. "Tony! oh god Tony! don't stop! don't be so mean! Tony, PLEASE, let me CUM!" he wailed in an almost perfect mimicry of Loki Steve burying his face in Sigyn's shoulder to laugh.

Loki whined a little as he was kissed and cuddled, covered in bruises and claw marks and tooth marks, just like Tony. god that was fun. "i don't want to..." Loki whined even as he sat up and staggered into the bathroom to pee. "i want Eggs Tony..." Loki complained as he staggered back out, fully clothed, though without hiding the very possessive Bite Mark on the side of his neck. "the Asgaurdian's usually convene for breakfast in the dining hall. you can adress them all then." he promised Tony, knowing he had been worried about it last night. "Pepper and Natasha are here too." he admitted. "i can feel them in one of the many guest rooms... we need to get Sigyn a new room. she's been stuck in the guest quarters her entire life... well, until Odin banished her to earth anyway." Loki admitted. "and i'm burning my room." he informed Tony. "it will be burned and i will cackle as it does so."
“Very true. It was quite disturbing really, especially since I was to tired to enjoy sex myself.”Sigyn pouted before laughing, nodding. “You have to. You know tony’ll love hearing about it.”she snickered knowing that the demi-god’s pride in being a sex god would just keep his ego inflated for awhile longer. “Come on, lets go get breakfast. I want some.”Sigyn said as she got up, smiling slightly.

Tony smiled amused as he got up anyways, laying on his side as he watched loki get up, sighing quietly as he magicked his clothes into every asgard wear, pretty much loki’s outfit, just with dark red highlights instead of green. “we’ll get you eggs tehn.”he said wrapping a arm around the man’s waist as he nodded, walking with him. “, what do I say? I mean, I assume sigyn and the others talked to everyone after we disappeared, but yea....”he said frowning slightly, worrying over it, but pleased that pepper and natasha were here, maybe he could get pepper’s help coming up with a good speech? “We should go find pepper.”he decided, yep, like always, he relied on pepper to help him when his own genius couldn’t come up with the words. “Wow.Now Yes, we’ll give her rooms near ours, a whole suite, since I am sure there’ll be times when she wants some peace from the boys, and lock them out of the room.”She snickered a little before grinning.”I agree. You should burn it. I’ll help.”he said smiling as tehy headed out of the room. "But we might need to refrain from cackling, you want them to like you, you know."
Loki chuckled a little as he shook his head. "i have already written you a speach." Loki promised, magicking it into hsi hand and handing it to Tony. it was very well written, Loki was Silvertongued after all. it was a reassurance that Tony would do his best for his people, and not just himself. a promise to raise the standards of the Magical institutions and to assure that all who wanted, or needed an education would be given the chance. adult or child. not just those who could afford tutors. Loki knew that Tony would like that. there where other things in the speech that just screamed Tony Stark, loki really knew his lover. there was mention of forming a new council with which to give Tony assistance and advice which would consist of Loki, Sigyn, Fandal, Heimdall, and two people who where voted in by the general public. which was standard for a new King. there was a lot of dithering, a few very amusing jokes, and a reassurance that many of the very brutal or unfair laws would be re-written or tossed. "why the hell should i try to make them like me Tony?" Loki asked, feeling annoyed. "many of them KNEW i was being heavily neglected. and if they didn't they suspected, and yet they all helped make my life a living Hell anyway! i don't give a flying SHIT what those people think of me...." there was a pause. "sorry... mood swing..."
“Oh good, less things to fuss over.”Tony muttered even as he took the speech, reading it over, his mouth falling open a little as he stopped in the middle of the hall. “...this... This is really me. I mean, not just you trying to sound like me, but really things I would do.”He said frowning slightly flushing and embarassed that despite everything, he didnt know loki as well as loki knew him. Not realizing that he did, the man just didn’t realize how much he knew despite his genius. Sometimes his own head got in his way. Looking startled as he started walking again he paused to look down at the man under his arm, tugging loki closer to press a kiss to his head. “It’s okay. And...I know, they just made things worse, but we’re making things better right?And I can’t be with you all the time. I want to make sure they like you well enough to not hurt you.”Tony muttered, oh yea, he was paranoid enough to have considered what would happen if someone wanted to hurt him, he wouldn’t be the target, but loki would be.

“Are we moody this morning?I have your eggs waiting for you.”Sigyn said as a way of peace offering as she appeared in the doorway to the dining hall, smiling as she stepped into the hall, having been waiting for them to get close enough to sense, wanting to walk in with them, simply because she didn’t trust any of the court enough to not want both steve and clint near the new king and his mate.
Loki smirked a little. "Pepper helped." he admitted. "and Steve." he admitted with a chuckle. "i admit i might have been... you know... a little obsessed with you for a while after New York...." he admitted sheepishly. "...i don't want them to like me..." Loki whispered. "not now... not when they all practically betrayed me..." he admitted softly. very much aware that sif and two of the warriors three where listening very intently. worried about Loki being so close to the new king, but not about to interfere if Loki wasn't out for revenge. "i'd rather just go home and make them find themselves a new King. maybe a few hundred years of Civil War will make them see sense." he mused, though he wouldn't really do it. "by the way, i had an idea last night. you know how you where working on..." he rattled off some science thing that made Sif's head whirl but that Tony seamed to understand. "well what if we..." and some more science tech babble that even made Steve and Clint groan as they watched Loki walk in. "yes. i am moody." Loki stated with a vicious growl before he beamed. "Tony said i could burn my old room. want to come with? we could burn that horrible room you where trapped in too. you're going to get a whole Suit according to Tony." "speaking of Tony." Steve remarked. "how about those silencing Wards?" "Oh Tony! please, Let me Cum! you insufferable bastard, i hate you! please let me cum!" Clint mimicked, making Loki go bright red and offer a glare to Tony. "you overly possessive ass hole. you made SURE everyone could hear you claiming me!" he complained, sulking as he sat down and stole the entire Egg Platter, ignoring Fandal's cry of rage at having his favorite breakfast being stolen.
“Ahhh.Okay. Not feeling as bad now.”Tony said smirking a little before laughing, “Oh, so I just did you a favor when I tackled you while you teleported?You had me at your mercy.”he snickered remembering how this whole thing had started, dipping his head to kiss the other, a soft growl escaping. “Fine, don’t make them like you. I just have to make them love me, which isn’t going to be hard, cause you know, I’m amazing. And awesome. And....I can’t do it reindeer.I wont let them war among themselves when I can stop it....”Tony muttered his eyes sad as he dipped his head, staring at the floor for a moment. Not about to admit that it was thor’s death that had spurred the man into wanting to really be king, instead of just wanting odin off the throne. He wanted to do his father proud, even if the man wasn’t there to see. “You were having thoughts besides about sex?Fuck...I’m going to have to do better...”He grumbled before grinning, as he considered the mechanics of getting that to work with the new suit he was working on before looking at sigyn in amusement.

“Poor loks.”Sigyn muttered rolling her eyes as she was growled at, to used to him being moody as she walked towards their seats, ignoring the people staring at them as tehy settled into their chairs. “Oh, you mean the ones that didn’t silence, and made sure everyone could hear the amplified sounds?It was quite good to know they worked.”Tony said ignoring the sulking jotun at his side as he got breakfast for himself, smiling slightly at fandal’s cry of rage. “ are a bastard you know.”Sigyn snickered as she watched the new king. “I know. But he enjoys it.Now shush. I have a speech to give.”Tony said as he stood, gesturing to his throat to make sure the spell was in place to make sure he was heard as he started to give the speech, though he tweaked it here and there, it was good, and they’d done well makign it sound like him. Smiling as he sat down, he leaned back in his seat as he watched the crowd, wondering what their reaction would be.
Loki snorted. "yes, except for the part where Sigyn was pissed at me for days after." loki pointed out. "she made me sleep on the couch!" which was a lie. Loki couldn't STAND to sleep alone. he hadn't slept alone except for when he was being punished by Odin, otherwise he crawled into bed with Sigyn, or Fandal on occasion, but usually Thor or Frigga, especially when Sigyn was banished to earth. "i know. i wouldn't ask you to." Loki promised with a smile. "you will be a good King Tony. you care about people... you care about THESE people." he admitted. "i don't like them, but that's because i'm me." he admitted with a shake of his head. "you don't hate them, as a matter of fact i don't think you're even capable of the emotion." he admitted with a smile. "besides, i wrote that speech weeks ago." he pointed out. "so no, i wasn't thinking about anything but Sex." he promised with a grin before giving him a glare as he realized he had, indeed, been broadcasted to nearly everyone. "jerk." he complained, not that he really cared, but if he didn't protest then tony would do it ALL the time, and Loki was NOT about to let THAT happen. the people where silent as they gaped at their new King and Loki rolled his eyes as one by one, they started to clap. pleased that the King seamed to actually care about how they lived their lives. maybe now the 'poor' could get the things they needed. like access to healers and an education. "can we examine the Academy after breakfast?" Loki asked hopefully. "i was thinking of becoming a Teacher." he admitted with a smile. "oh look, there's Natasha!" he stated, watching the woman walk with her deadly grace doubled. she'd been turned into a Demi-God. she smiled at them as she sat down, Pepper following. whispers coming up amidst the court as everyone realized that most of the new Kings entourage where humans. or had been once anyway. humans and Loki's brats... they weren't sure what to think about that. "i never did get to race the earth horses." Sleipnir complained with a sigh as Fandal snorted. "why would you want to? they are surely no challenge for you?" "who cares about challenge? i just wanted the attention." " make it entirely impossible to like you." "why thank you, i do try."
“Ah, I’m sorry.”Tony muttered indeed he looked quite contrite in the face of the pregnant man’s wrath before smiling slightly. “Good. And I’ll try. I mean, I suck as a CEO...but that’s cause I hate paperwork. Here I can delegate....maybe I’ll hire pepper again?”Tony mused before snickering, “I hate howard.”He pointed out before smirking as he ate, amused as loki protested being broadcasted to everyone. “I know.”He said pleased with the insult. But he’d just done it to make sure no one would try to get him away from loki....not that he believed it work, but he had every intention of staying with the man, and didn’t care what anyone thought. Smiling pleased as he watched everyone clap he relaxed before lookign at loki, nodding slightly. “I would like You can’t teach. I mean, what if you find a handsome student you like better?”He pouted a little before looking at natasha and pepper smirking as jormugundr and fenris came in after her. “Good morning Nat. Pepper. You both look well.”Tony said smiling at the woman, before looking at sleipnir. “Don’t look so displeased. I have to go back to earth soon. We’ll go to the races. I want to win something.” “....You already have more money then what you know what to do with, whyever do you want to win?” “Because I can.”Tony said smiling pleased with the idea.
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