
Tony was amazed as the week past, just how quickly he was picking things up. He’d thought that once he was aware of what he was doing, that the magic he’d been using naturally would stop as he sought to control it. Looking amazed and pleased though that he was finiding it this easy. He was so looking forward to fighting, because he wanted to see just how much he’d learned, and if the others were just praising him because he knew he was hovering on that edge of no return. The man was fragile, more so then he’d ever admit to anyone, and worrying over loki-he wasn’t a idiot, he’d known loki was hiding something, even without pepper and natasha telling him- but now he really was worried. Running his hands through his dark hair as he stopped in teh bathroom door, shaking his head a little. “You know, if you don’t quit throwing up, you’re not going to get to enjoy my shower.”Tony said looking worried and upset, but trying to hide it as he considered the man in front of him as he started stripping down to shower. Trying hard, to act normal even if the panicked look in chocolate eyes said it was anything but normal.

Meanwhile Sigyn had recovered some, at least enough to get up out of bed to get a bath. And since she’d sent the boys down to the gym to work off some anxious motion(i.e. They’d been driving her insane with the fussing and taking care of her, and she’d needed a break) she’d decided to bath by herself to relax. Though she felt nauseous and tired, she wasnt about to tell them that, because she just knew that it would get her fussed over even more. But even if the desire to bath had gotten her out of bed, it hadn’t gotten her any further then the door to the bathroom, and she’d sat down on the ground to wait for either them to return or to get the strength to go back to bed.
Loki grimaced a little at Tony and he smiled sheepishly at the other. "i just ate something b...." he blanched, turned to the basin again and returned to retching. "...must've been those eggs..." Loki mumbled, resting his head on the cool porcelain once he was finished. "it's just a stomach bug. i'm not running a fever and it's not affecting my magic so it's just a bug or a virus. nothing too bad." Loki promised, looking utterly wretched. he'd been up three times last night to puke. fortunately, most of the time he could keep down his food. it was only in the mornings and at night that his stomach hated him... and when he ate tomatoes, smelled eggs, or saw milk... "Hela's finally back up to full power, so she's going to give me a once over now that Bruce has assured me it's nothing human." he admitted, sitting up and flushing before moving to the sink to brush his teeth... using Tony's toothbrush. Loki usually cleaned his mouth with a spell, the fact that he didn't this time, meant he needed the comfort of doing something manually. "there, mouth clean." Loki chirped, already feeling better, as he always did after he hurled. he'd be fine now until about two in the morning.... unless he smelled eggs, saw milk, or ate tomatoes anyway. "i think it might be food allergies." Loki admitted as he started stripping his own clothes down. "you're so damn Sexy." Loki growled. he'd been nearly insatiable lately. he only had to look at Tony with his shirt off and he'd jump the man.

Steve and Clint where well aware that they where driving her insane and so they did as she ordered and went to beat each other up... well, Clint TRIED but he still wasn't a match for Steve. they came back, panting and sweating and blinked at her as they realized she was sitting on the floor and with a grin they declared it was couples bath time, helped her into the bath and stared up the water before arguing affectionately about whether to use bubble bath or that jello stuff that made the water thick and goopy, perfect for bath-time fun. making no mention of Sigyn's weakness lest she kick them out again.
“Uh-huh. I’ll tell steve that his eggs made you sick. It’ll be amusing.”Tony said eyeing the god, not like he actually believed it, but the man was cynical enough, and panicked enough that the genius was starting to think of things that it could be, and he was so not believing that it was a allergy, because it would be his luck to have gotten loki pregnant despite the steps the man had taken to not have that happen. Not that he was going to mention it, because he was soooo not ready to actually consider it. Snickering slightly as he brushed his teeth.”Must you use my toothbrush?Your going to get germs and stuff all over it.”Tony sulked a little, just because he could, and he wanted loki to laugh. And tony worrying about where loki’s mouth was when he was using his things, was definitely amusing. Looking down at himself, tony blushed ever so slightly, even in a scar free body, the man was self-conscious. “Hm, I know. Are you joining me?”Tony smirked as he turned on the water and stepped back into the shower, looking amused as he wetted down his hair, ever since loki had taught him to deaden the feeling of water pounding on him, and loki showered with him, he was easier about getting in the water.

Sigyn laughed but looked amused and relieved as they didn’t comment on it, smiling a little as she settled back into the bath, “Just use the jello.It’ll be fun.”Sigyn commented shifting to snuggle into clint’s lap, being just as touchy feely as she wanted, insecure enough with still be weakened to need to be touched almost constantly, as if reminding herself she was protected and loved, even as the need drove her insane. She was so hating being this weird and out of sorts.
Loki snorted a little. "i really think he might be poisoning me." Loki teased. "he never did forgive me for making all of his underthings vanish." he admitted before he snorted at the other. "Tony, i shove my tongue in your mouth on a regular basis. and i put my cock in your mouth, i highly doubt you're worried about germs." Loki pointed out. "and of course i'm joining you in the shower!" he growled with a lick of his lips. "god you turn me on." and without even a hesitation he was naked, on his knees and sucking Tony off like a madman. he wasn't sure why he was so horny all the time, he'd certainly never felt like this before, save the after sex high that he had after a marathon. but he wasn't coming down from a marathon, he was coming down from throwing up! it was so weird and he was getting highly frustrated. so he washed Tony up and declared he was going to Hela to make her 'fix him' and headed down to talk to his medically inclined Daughter. he let Tony join him of course. Loki had no idea what could be wrong, and he was sure he wasn't pregnant. he'd never been morning, or night sick with his other children. and he'd certainly never had food aversions, and he'd never been dizzy, though he'd been emotional as hell and had the weirdest cravings for red clay, paper, and pickled eggs. and it had to be the earth paper, with the blue lines, the collage ruled notebook paper. of course loki had to sit through Hela's 'you should have come to me sooner' chastisement.

Steve sighed but obediently poured in the strawberry scented... and flavored jello stuff into the water, watching it slowly congeal around the cuddling couple with a grin. Steve absolutely LOVED to watch Clint and Sig. especially if Clint was chained up or tied down in some manner. "so. Loki got us a few things." Steve admitted suddenly, going bright red. "magic... sex toy... things." he admitted, coughing. "there's a lot of things in there that are... weird." he admitted, looking confused. "once Hela clears you for.. you know... that, would you mind explaining them to me? because i don't see how a silk tube is kinky..." he admitted, looking baffled as Clint laughed. it was adorable how Steve was kinkier than anyone else in the house, but was still too shy to actually talk about it.
“Oh yes, I can see it now. Cap caught posioning former enemy. It would make a good headline.”Tony snickered a little before shrugging, “True, I’m not really. Though I might worry if you’re going to keep throwing up. I don’t need sick.”Tony sulked a little, moaning as loki sucked on him.”’re going yourself some damage...if you keep...doing that...ohhh...”Tony moaned as he gripped the sides of the man’s head as he fucked his mouth, shuddering as he came. Looking amused as loki decided to go see hela, rolling his eyes as he finished cleaning up. “hela’s going to yell that you didn’t show up sooner.”Tony teased snickering a little as he settled into a chair to watch loki get yelled at for not showing up, and to find out what was going on.

Sigyn smiled softly as she ran her fingers through the water, smiling tiredly as she rested her head on clint’s shoulder.”Really?”she looked interested as she looked up at steve, smirking. “Well, you could always give me a show you know, you and clint. I could at least watch.Definitely if your going to play with toys.”She giggled a little looking amused as she watched steve blush, “You know, hawk, its quite adorable that he has a kinky streak to put tony’s to shame, and yet he’s still blushing over it.”Sigyn muttered in clint’s ear, slipping her fingers under the collar they’d made sure was waterproof, having made it so clint never got to take it off, tugging clint down for a kiss. “Besides, I could do work involved if I let you two do it all.”Sigyn smirked looking at steve, teasing him
Loki snorted a little. "no, they would make it much more dramatic, insisting that i was carrying the captains child and he killed be to cover it up. you know how newspapers are." Loki stated with a wave of his hand. "i won't damage myself. shut up and cum." Loki demanded, humming happily as he swallowed down all of Tony's seed. once Hela finally got down to examining him, she hesitated a little and glanced at Tony. "Father... do you, know what happens when a Jotun settles on a life mate?" "we dote on them infuriatingly..." "yes... and you go into heat." "..heat?" "a period of extreme hormones where all you want to do is fuck with the intent of breeding." "well, i have been unusually horny lately." "yes. and you're also pregnant." there was a long, long pause and then. "you must be joking. we took every precaution... i make Tony wear condoms! i have my genetic imbibers turned off! i can't be pregnant!" "you are." "but i'm not craving paper! or red clay, or pickled eggs! i ALWAYS Crave paper, pickled eggs and red clay!" "yes, but your babies are not Feral Father. these babies are..." "b..babies?" "yes. twins. they are very much sorcerer babies, you won't have the same effects." "but i... i turned off... i can't be..." Loki's eyes welled up with tears. "i... Tony doesn't want... i..." Hela sighed and looked at tony. "he's in shock. i won't be able to reason with him right now... oh hell. you're in shock too aren't you?"

Steve just blushed even harder as Clint laughed and nodded. "so... go and get the toys then, eh Captain?" Clint purred, making Steve shudder. he loved it when Clint called him Captain during sex. Steve wasted no time in getting out of the bath and returning with the magical sex toys. two cloth magical cock rings, just like he had gotten for Tony. two magical vibrating eggs which could go off with just a whispered word, no matter the distance. one female Orgasm Control Collar. which worked the same way as the cock rings, only went around a Woman's throat. three sets of magical restraining sets. which would keep anyone, even Clint, master Lock-picker, and Steve, who could pop his wrists out of their sockets, in place. three pairs of Blindfolds that left a person unable to see, hear, or smell. several different kinds of oils, and a paddle which would only hurt as much as the person being hit liked, no matter how hard you swung it. once you reached the limit, it wouldn't hurt you at all. "so?" Steve asked, flushed with mortification, yet harder than hell. he knew what those restraints where.
Tony studied loki as he listened to hela, tilting his head slightly.”So much so in fact, he’s been wearing me out. Which is saying something.”he muttered looking amused before he calmed, the emotions on his face closing down, as carefully blank and in shock as he ever was. Even if he had suspected it....”I...I need to work. I told pepper I’d have the car done today, no matter how much training or magic I had to work on...”Tony muttered before fleeing the room himself, not trusting himself to not say something hurtful, and barricading himself in his lab, and while he’d said he was working on the car, the moment he’d stepped into the lab, he’d started working on steve’s new outfit, the new project making him actually concentrate on it instead of a car he’d been working on forever, his head needing to process that yes, he was going to be a father. Totally starting to come undone.

Sigyn smirked a little as clint purred, shuddering a little. “He’s so very obedient...”She muttered smirking as she shifted, looking at the things loki had gotten them, before smirking as she started to explain everything. “Come on. We should go to the bedroom, I’m washed up and I want to watch you tie him up.Then we’ll play with the rest of these things...”She purred as she picked up the paddle, smirking as she smacked it across steve’s thigh. “I’m definitely going to like this...”
Loki whimpered as he watched Tony flee and he did the only thing he could think of. he buried his face in his hands and started to cry. not because Tony had fled, but because Tony had needed to Flee. Loki wasn't sure they could salvage this... wasn't sure Tony even wanted to be a Father... he ignored Hela trying to comfort him and vanished, he wanted to be alone. he went to his and Sigyn's house, he just needed to calm down. surely Tony wouldn't leave him after this? he hadn't broken Tony, right!? he was just going to hide until Tony wasn't mad anymore... that was all.

Clint chuckled a little and nodded. "he really is." Clint agreed with a smirk as he rubbed the collar around his neck, loving how it was always on. he always gave it a few strokes when he was in the mood, the leather collar just turning him on all the more. "oh god... she's going to be mean.." Steve groaned, eyes glittering with delight. he loved it when Sigyn was mean. he gasped as he felt the smack to his leg, startled as he pouted at her. "i thought it was Clint's turned to be punished?" "no way! i'm ALWAYS the one who get's punished!" Clint complained. "well, you're the one whose a Bad Dog." Steve teased, making Clint shudder as he raced into the bedroom to get properly tied up, Steve snickering. "i love how easily he gives in."
“Hm, you like it when I’m mean.”Sigyn smirked looking amused before looking at clint, “Hmmm he does give in easily.”She muttered smirking as she let steve help her out of the tub grinning before she paused, sensing the wards around the house,even if she had no magic, she had enough to be aware when the wards around the house were crossed. “.....something’s wrong. Hold on.”She said growing serious as she leaned against the door, concern flickering over her face. “Jarvis, what’s happening?”she called knowing the AI would know if something had happened, and why in the world loki wasn’t in the tower anymore. “Ms. Sigyn....sir laufeyson is pregnant....and Tony is upset.He is down in the lab, and loki left.”Jarvis said, sounding as upset as he ever could, the fact that the AI, who was pretty much a extension of tony, was this upset, meant the billionaire was coming undone. Wincing as she looked at her boys she sighed quietly, knowing that sex was going to have to wait...not that she could have had sex(at least not without hela yelling at her) but she could have watched. Wincing as she realized she was going to have them wait she sighed quietly. “So...who wants to talk to tony, and who wants to go with me to the house?”
Steve grinned. "i so do." he agreed with a laugh as he shook his head before pausing as she froze. "...i'll talk to Tony." Steve sighed. "out of everyone, he dislikes me the least." Steve admitted with an amused grin. "fuck... i can't beleive Loki is pregnant... wasn't he taking ALL of the precautions? either Tony has super sperm or Loki's magic decided it wanted him to be pregnant." Clint mused. "yes well, either way it happened, it happened and tony thinks he's going to be a crap Father." Steve admitted. "once i manage to calm Tony down, it should be fine." he reassured them. "it's not like i haven't done it before. i'll get Bruce to help me." emergencies came before Sex after all. so, with that in mind he headed downstairs into Tony's Lab and watched Tony work for a moment. "is that my new suit?" Steve asked curiously as he approached. one did not simply delve into the topic with Tony stark. you let him babble at you first.

Loki was much harder to deal with. he had crawled under the bed, and was refusing to come out. it was a very old childhood habit. when Loki was upset, even as a six year old, a sixteen year old, a sixty year old, he crawled under the bed so no one could find him or bother him. usually Sigyn could talk him out, but he refused to even respond to her. too wrapped up in Misery at the pseudo rejection by his Mate. while Jotun did not spiral into mass destruction at the loss of their mate, they did fall into a very heavy depression for some time afterwords. Loki was acting as if Tony had already told him to 'get lost'.
Sigyn snorted a little, looking amused though worried. “Tony likes us all, you know that. He just happens to not yell at you when you go to the lab, the least.”Sigyn pointed out because it amused her that the only people that usually could come and go as they pleased to the lab was steve, bruce or loki. “calm him, and if you need to, call. We’ll put him and loki on the phone together.”Sigyn said looking very worried, because she had no idea what was going to happen.

Tony glanced up as the two came in, before returning to the boots he was working on, nodding quietly. “Yea. As requested, sexy and leather, with the captain america look.”He said because while the pants were a dark blue leather, a vest much like clint’s, metal chainmaille links so tiny, so tightly woven that it looked like a solid plate, metal and leather woven together to offer more protection then the spandex. But the boots he was working on were much like loki’s, the soft butter soft leather made to form over calves, the ankles stiffer to offer better support and so a enemy couldn’t break his ankles, and the knives tony was currently was putting into the inch thick soles said they were going to be deadly. Grinning as he babbled some, the panic in his voice making his normal babblign even worse as he explained everything he’d done to the shield, and much like clint’s bow, the shield could be folded down to a bracelet, stronger and more then capable of taking a pounding.

Sigyn sighed quietly as she walked into the bedroom, tired from even the short walk before resting a hand on clint’s arm. “Wait here I might need your help.”She muttered as she laid down on the floor, crawling under with him, snuggling up to him, gently stroking his hair.”Reindeer, come on sweetheart. Tony needs you.Come on, please talk to me...”She muttered hoping that he’d snap at her for daring to use tony’s nickname for him, since tony was the only one-per the billionaire’s orders- to be allowed using it.
Bruce and Steve both listened to Tony babble with slight amusement. "it is Sexy." Steve agreed, examining the suit, touching it before jerking his hand back, shocked. "Tony is that... is it made of METAL?" Steve asked, sounding shocked. he hadn't known clothes could be made out of metal. "that's... that's..." "really cool?" Bruce supplied, Steve's eyes glinting with delight as he nodded. "really cool." he agreed. "won't it get cold in the winder though?" he asked curiously as he fingers the metal and cloth material again before he obediently tried out the sheild just like Tony told him too, laughing when Bruce hesitantly shot the shield with a gun. "so... Tony." Steve mused once Tony had calmed a little bit. "a baby huh? that's really kind of exciting... i get to be the god father right?" "...i thought i was going to be the God-father?" Bruce complained and Steve shot Bruce an annoyed glance. "what do you know about babies?" "pediatric ward." "five younger siblings." Steve countered, the two men scowling at each other. it was mostly fake though, an attempt to make Tony laugh,

Clint nodded, waiting just outside of the bedroom as he had been told. Loki didn't react when she snuggled him, or when she stroked his hair, but he sure did when she called him Reindeer. "Don't Call Me That!" Loki snarled, though he didn't attack her, he just curled up into an even tighter ball and started to tremble. "no one can call me that...." his voice was wet, his lip trembling as he fought back tears. "he doesn't want me... won't ever be called that again... doesn't want me..." Loki hadn't even done this when Asphard, the father of three of Loki's children, had left him for a 'prettier fuck toy'. Loki hadn't even uttered a sniffle, he'd just shrugged and waved as Asphard left and never mentioned him again. actually he got really angry if anyone mentioned Asphard, or asked about the Children's ancestry. Loki shutting down like this, truly proved just how much he loved Tony. "...doesn't want my babies... doesn't want me..." Loki muttered. "he hates me now. i'm just going to stay here..."
“It is.”Tony chirped sounding pleased.”And no. The inside’s leather and fur see?”Tony said showing him the lining that was indeed a thin layer of leather and rabbit’s fur to keep from rubbing his skin raw. Oh man, the man was so panicked he was actually manic. Smirking a little as Bruce shot the shield he returned to working on the metal pieces on teh boots, flicking a glance at the two. “...Babies.”Tony corrected but didn’t laugh, the panic just deepening as he stared down at the boots in his hand, though the light flickering on the far end of the lab showing just how upset he was, he was actually losing his iron clad control.

Sigyn winced a little shifting to snuggle against his back, wrapping a arm around his waist. “Tony calls you that. He always does.”She muttered before sighing quietly. Realzing just how much loki loved tony, maybe...maybe it would be okay. She just knew tony was panicking, that he had no intention of leaving loki, he just couldn’t get his head sorted out. He needed loki, because only loki could help him figure it out...but if she couldn’t get loki together, it was going to be a mess. “Loki liesmith, stop being a idiot. You know he wants you. He always has. And suddenly finding himself a father without time to think it over, is shocking, but you know him. He’ll be okay. He likes kids, at least the idea of them. He just thinks he wont be good with them.”Sigyn sighed frowning. “Clint, you’ve known tony longest. Come here, explain to my idiot ex-husband why tony’s panicking.”She said hoping that clint would be able to reach loki when it was obvious she wasnt.
Steve nodded, examining it. "yes, i see. very cool." Steve admitted with a grin before grimacing as he realized that Tony was really panicking. and not just a 'oh, jeeze, that was really shocking' but a 'ohmyfuckinggodwhatthehellamigoingtodo!?' sort of panic. the sort of panic that made people pass out and hyperventilate. "east Tony, breathe." Steve suggested. "Breathe slow and deep, jut calm down." Steve murmured soothingly, pressing a bottle into Tony's hand. the strongest Asgaurdian alcohol that Loki would allow Tony to drink. it wouldn't affect Tony's mortal blood, but would still sooth the man a little bit with a few good swigs.

Loki shook his head a little, but he didn't respond. though, he did relax just a little as she spoke, reassuring him even if he didn't truly beleive it. "Howard Stark." Clint supplied, Loki snarling as he jerked up to attack Clint for DARING to say that man's name. he just ended up yelping as his head struck the wooden frame of the bed. "really Loki, you think Tony would be alright having his own children, when the only role model he's ever had was a child abuser?" Loki had gone completely frozen. "Tony's scared out of his skull right now, thinking he's going to hurt a child..." "children..." Loki corrected without thinking. "that he probobly already loves?" Clint continued as if Loki hadn't said a thing. "Tony's petrified that he's going to do it wrong. that he's going to hurt the babies, or the kids. he's terrified he's going to ruin them the same way Howard ruined Tony." "Tony Isn't Ruined!" "i know that, you know that, but that's not what Tony thinks." Loki paused again as he pondered that and then, finally, slowly he uncurled, crawled out from under the bed, and vanished. he didn't appear in Stark Tower right away though. first he got New york Pizza. then he got about a dozen Baby books for Tony. then he got a few sex toys, magical of course. which included those fun little magical cuffs, and body paint that changed flavors randomly. then he went to Stark Tower after buying Tony's favorite brand of whiskey, left the books upstairs and went downstairs with the pizza, sex toys, and whiskey.
Tony focused on the talking to him, eyes immediately going to the bottle in his hands and being tony, who drank because it was the only way to make his mind stop racing, to stop the memories from drowning him, ignored both sigyn and loki’s advice about not drinking it all at once, and downed the whole bottle before steve could stop him. Yea, he’d probably regret it later, but he needed his mind to stop.

Sigyn sighed quietly as he relaxed, annoyed he wasn’t beliving her before wincing as loki hit his head, “Hey, easy there.”She scolded lightly before relaxing, realizing it was exactly what loki had needed to hear. That tony wasn’t upset with him, but the idea of exactly how he was going to be. “You know tony doesn’t believe that, any more then he’d believe he’s better then howard ever told him he was.”Sigyn muttered knowing that tony stark had finally gone over that edge he’d been hovering on, and hoping loki could talk him down after this, because otherwise it was going to be ugly. Squirming out from under the bed she sighed softly, looking up at clint.”text steve, tell him loki’s probably going to be there soon.”She muttered leaning against him as she let him help her back out to the car, trying not to worry about what was happening in the tower.

When he got downstairs the lab was dark, and damned near silent, though the sight of steve sitting next to the lab table said where tony was. Because despite the bottle of alcohol, tony’s panic had driven him back into childhood habits, and like loki, he’d hidden from his howard’s wrath, and he was hiding under the lab table, and despite not talking to steve, he wasn’t letting the man leave either, the slight sound of tools saying that he was still working on steve’s boots. Yea, tony stark was definitely lost in his own little world for the moment, and more then a little plastered already.
Steve and Bruce glanced at each other in muted horror as Tony swallowed down the whole thing. all they could do now was wait it out...

Loki scowled at her a little when he was told to take it easy. "..." Loki stared at her for a moment as she spoke, not seaming to comprehend that she was even speaking at all before he left, Clint sighing a little. "...if it wasn't for the fact that Odin has no control over Loki getting pregnant, i'd swear this was just another attempt to weaken us." Clint grumbled. "the Timing is almost too perfect, you know?" he asked as he helped her to the car even as he texted Steve

Loki glanced around the Lab dispassionately, worried by how dark it was. "Leave." he demanded of Steve who nodded and fled before Tony could notice the change in his guards. Loki studied Tony for a moment before he slid the Pizza in Tony's direction and frowned when that received no attention. Loki sighed, closed his eyes and poured soothing, calming, loving Magic into his voice as he started to sing. "Hush now, my Darling, be still now, don't sigh..." Loki soothed. "Dream like you're rocked by the stream." it wasn't exactly the same lyrics, but Loki doubted that tony wished to be addressed as 'my baby' no matter his mindset. "Rest now, remember, my lullaby, and i'll be with you, eternally. Drift on a Dream, that flows through my arms, rest now as i sing to you." Loki sang, his voice soft, quite, filled with magic that he hoped was calming Tony, instead of pushing him deeper inside of himself. "I see you working, so peaceful and Calm, beside you, i'm smiling too. Here in my life, safe from all strife, sitting here i'm smiling too. hush now my darling, be still Love don't sigh, Dream like you're rocked by the stream. Dream and remember my sweet lullaby, and i'll be with you while you dream. and i'll be with you, eternally."

(words are different a bit XDD but here's the actual Song. River Lullaby)
Sigyn smiled a little, shaking her head. “No, that’s definitely not something Odin has control over. Though we should have realized it when he was being so....affectionate.... Of late.”Sigyn winced because she hadn’t even considered that loki might go into heat. Smiling tiredly as she nodded. “It is, but if anything, it’ll make tony be even more determined during the fight....we just have to make sure he’s not going insane before then.”She muttered running her fingers through her hair, a small sad smile turning her lips. Because she liked children, always had. And she was so not bringing it up with the boys, like loki, having no idea how to ask their opinion on children. Because they were so young, at least compared to her, and the want for children, to feel a child growing in her, was so old, she had no idea how to bring it up. But...for now she’d focus on trying to figure out how to live with loki and tony, and take care of odin. “Let’s go home. I want some cuddles.”She looked amused as he drove back towards the house.

Tony was quiet as he responded to the music, the sounds of him working slowly stopping, and though the only thing visible from under the table were feet and knees, having slid back into a corner to hide. “ that a new york pizza?”Tony asked quietly after loki finished the song, though he still sounded disconnected, his voice not even holding the panic anymore, drunk enough to have checked out totally, so he was focusing on the offerings of food and company, instead of what had sent him spiraling out of control.Even if he could feel the panic behind the alcoholic haze, he was for the moment in control. While he’d broken, it had been that final shove loki had been afraid of, it wasn’t unfixable,he’d just have to work to put things back together again. Because he knew he was going to be horrible, a absolute failure, so the emotional and mental scars that he’d mostly refused to deal with for the past 20 years, was making him start to deal with it....if anything, he’d be better off for dealing with it, but at the moment he was a mess.
Clint nodded. "i didn't know Jotun went into heat." Clint admitted softly. "honestly i... i don't think Loki realized it either." he admitted softly. "could that heat have effected Loki's ability to control when he got pregnant?" yes. and condom or not, Tony had still cum down Loki's throat, and that was all that the magic had needed. "oh, Tony's very much insane..." Clint admitted with a sigh. "it's whether or not he can regain his sanity." he admitted, shaking his head as he kissed her. "i want to cuddle too..." he admitted after a moment, sounding so... emotional. "...Sigyn?... do you think... someday... we might. you know... have kids?" he asked, sounding hopeful. "i've... well i've always wanted a little girl to spoil..." he admitted before pulling out his phone. "oh... Loki wants us all out of the Tower. Steve's going to meet us at your house. the one with all the fish that's not on the beach."

"yes. pepperoni, just the way you like it... i have Sex toys too if you're interested." Loki admitted. letting Toy retract from the panic, from the cause of said panic. understanding now what was really wrong. "come on out here, i'll show you what i got." Loki offered. "i have this wonderful body paint, it changes flavors every few licks. it has coffee, whiskey, dark chocolate, ice-cream, Kahlua, and Tiramisu." Loki admitted, reading the package of the body paint, which was a brush and a jar of what looked like blue ink, the same color as Loki's markings actually. "i have new bondage toys too, so you don't have to tie me up with electric cabling anymore. which is fun, but i'm tired of you bitching because i snapped them." Loki teased. "i won't be able to get out of these, ever." he admitted with a grin. "imagine how helpless i'll be... mmm i love being helpless under you." he admitted, giving Tony something new to focus on. "i'm still horny as fuck, all the damn time Tony." he whined. "and no one else is here, so we could have sex almost anywhere." because he knew Steve was evacuating the Tower.
“Neither did I, but we should have known something was weird.”She sighed quietly before nodding. “Probably. Loki knew tony wasn’t ready for kids, was probably trying not to get pregnant.”she sighed quietly before nodding.”True.Hopefully he can get a handle on things.”She said looking anxious before looking up at him, blushing ever so slightly. “I would like that.”She said quietly before nodding.”let’s go then.”She said smiling as he turned around to go back.Worried even more that steve was getting everyone out of the tower, hoping loki knew what he was doing.”I love you.”She muttered as they got back to the house, looking at steve worriedly when he arrived.”How is he?”She asked wanting to know how tony was doing, worried.

Tony smiled a little as he tugged the box closer, getting a slice of pizza and nibbling on it before smirking.”You got me more things to torture you with?”he said sounding amused, for the moment staying where he was as he listened to what the other was saying. “you got me alcohol flavored body paint?You really think I’m a alcoholic don’t you.”He said looking amused before easing his way to the edge of the table so he could look at the other, before grinning. “You broke the ones I needed for steve’s shield, you deserved to be bitched at.”He whined before smirking.”I love having you helpless.”He smirked focusing on fucking the other before his eyes widened slightly in panci as his mind reminded him what fucking lead to. Yea, sometimes being as smart, as talented as he was at thinking about more then one thing, was a horrible, horrible thing. Swallowing hard he stopped staring at the other as he sought to get control, “...give me that whiskey.”He ordered holdign out a hand for the bottle near loki’s leg, downing half of it as it was handed over, starting to feel a little numb. It was good that he was half asgardian, otherwise he would have definitely had alcohol posioning by now.
he shook his head. "he was acting weird, but i just thought, what with the stress, that they where just fucking like bunnies. Loki get's like that after a long round of sex, does he not?" Clint asked with a smile. "how could we have known?" he asked, shaking his head. "i'm sorry but you being a Seer doesn't mean you're omnipotent." he pointed out. "i love you too." he murmured, smiling as Steve appeared. "Drunk as a seaman. but functioning at least. Loki sang him some funny lullaby." Steve admitted, looking baffled. "i honestly didn't know that Loki could sing. it's... weird." he admitted. "i left when Loki propositioned Tony for Sex."

Loki smirked a little. "i love it when you torture me." he pointed out. "even if i don't seam to when you're actually doing it." he teased with a smile. "you ARE an Alcoholic... but then again, so are most Gods. you'll fit right in." Loki chirped with a grin. "besides, you're the one that tied me up in them, i didn't know they where important, i thought they where scraps." Loki admitted with a chuckle before he handed Tony the whiskey. "it's really going to be alright Tony." Loki promised the other. "think about this logically for a moment. i know you're drunk, but try." Loki ordered. "i am the strongest sorcerer in existence right now. Sigyn is tied in second place with you. we have Steve, who raised all five of his younger siblings practically by himself. you have Bruce, who worked in pediatrics for three years before he met with his accident. you have Clint, who doesn't know much about taking care of babies, but knows the values that a child should learn. do you REALLY think that ANY of us, would let you ruin your kid? do you really think, that i wouldn't step in, and slap you around until you behaved better?" Loki demanded, crossing his arms. "this isn't just a Tony Stark baby, Tony. this is an Avengers Baby, and ALL of the Avengers are going to help us. we're not alone... YOU, are not alone."
Sigyn made a face a clint sulking slightly."he does."she muttered annoyed that despite being a seer,she'd been as blindsided as the others were,she'd just assumed tony was doing what he always did,hanle stress with sex."he'll probably do better once he gets this out of his system.."she muttered worried about her friendvlooking slightly amused though that the man had been drunk.typical tony."he can't,notbreally.but he knows lullabyes,and paired with magic it can relax whoever's listening."sigtn said hoping that loki would be able to get through to the billionaire.

"Well that's good ro know."tony said smiling slightly as he ate,pleased to know that no matter how much he protested at the time of it happening,loki did enjoy the sex. His self confidence having been shaken enough by the recent evemts that he'd started doubting the one thing he'd always been good at.amazing sex. "True.though I'm pretty sure I'm better then most.I've drank thor under the know."he muttered swallowing hard before laughing."true...I'll just use the handcuffs now instead of the cables."he hummed pleased with the solution and making a mental note to keep the handcuffs handy. Frowning slightly as loki addressed the source of his panic he edged closer to the man before pretty much climbing into the god's lap,shuddering a little.struggling to focus around being drunk,needing to know he'd be okay."...I won't mess them up..."he muttered though he didn't believe it,he alsobtrusted thr others to make sure he didn't scare his child. Though panic was still gripping him,he knew he needed to think of something else,desperately needing to,raising his head and smashing his mouth into loki's,shifting to press the other into the floor, reverting to old habits,using sex to distract himself.
Clint grinned at her. "Loki is going to get a good round of sex tonight at least." he mused. "until either he passes out, or Tony does." he mused with a chuckle. "well he sounded pretty good to me." Steve admitted with a shrug. "it really did seam to work, along with the Pizza Loki got from New York.... i brought the toys..." he admitted, blushing furiously. "i didn't want Tony to soil them..." more like he was still hoping to get laid.

Loki smirked a little. "i can't help it if i go mad from pleasure." he pointed out. "i'd say anything if it just meant i'd get to Cum, not that it ever works you wicked Brute." Loki complained with deep affection. "i nearly passed out the last time, god was THAT ever GOOD." Loki purred before he gaped at Tony. "you drank THOR under the table!? THOR?!" Loki demanded, more than a little stunned. "let me check your liver... just in case..." he ordered before he smiled at the other, wrapping his arms around Tony, comforting him and holding him. "you won't. i'll make very sure of it." he promised, gasping as he was suddenly kissed, moaning as he tangled his fingers into Tony's hair and kissed back, laying himself out, submitting to Tony because it just felt so good to submit. thrusting his hips against Tony's, grinding simply because he could, and it would be more distracting. "T..Tony. wait... mmmm i wanted... to... haha... fuck in the pool." he moaned, trembling against the other. "and on the dining room table. and on the carpet in the community room..."
"Id put good money on loki passing out before tony does."sigyn snickered before looking up at Steve with a teasing bright smile."your worried about tony soiling you things.when he has a whole set of his own?"she giggled as she leaned up to kiss Steve nudging him towards the bedroom."I think you just want to get laid."she teased roxking her hips into his. Even as weak as she was,she wanted him.

Tony grinned pleased at being undoing loki that much,his panic and worry momentarily forgotten, focusing on fucking loki until neither of them could walk before frowning."I'm the wicked brute?you're the one who kedps jumping me!"he whined. Grinning in amusement at loki's concern he nodded,"yea. Before you got back the guys wanted to see who would be better. I gotta say I was proud I could still be coherent enough to go to a meeting and not get yelled at by pepper for being was wuite amusing."he hummed a little pleased groaning as he was kissed back.smirking he moaned as loki grinded against him,going to his knees and picking him up, wrapping loki's legs around his waist as he teleported them both to the dining room,smirking as he banished loki's clothes as he laid the god out across the dining room table.he was definitely going to fuck loki on every surface he could as he tried to outrun his panic and absolute terror. Despite wanting to belueve he'd be okay.the only thing that would help him,was time.he couldn't believe he'd be okay,because his only comparison for parents was howard and odin,maria having died before he was old enough to really remember he was losing his mind and put all that energy into fucking loki until they were boneless.
Steve pouted at her. "he doesn't have ALL the things we have..." he complained, Cling laughing as he shook his head. "no, but Loki can make anything he wants. why steal ours?" he asked, eyes glittering wickedly as Steve sputtered a little in denial before giving in with a groan as he was kissed, wrapping his arms around her waist before he smirked and picked her up, tossing her carefully over his shoulder he smacked her ass as he headed up to the bedroom, Clint laughing as he followed.

Loki chuckled a little as he shook his head. "i can't help it! i'm horny!" Loki complained. "i didn't know i could go into heat!" he complained, sulking. "no one mentioned uncontrollable urges to fuck without stop..." he grumbled. "i'm really going to kill Helblindi." he grumbled before he grinned a little. "you're so funny sometimes." he admitted with a smile. "thank god you have magic to keep you're liver alive." he mused before he gasped as he was picked up and moved, moaning eagerly as he swept the dishes off the table, ignoring how they broke on the floor before he spread himself out, panting a little. "god. yes, Tony... fuck me!"
Sigyn giggled a little looking at clint."who knew cap would be so eager to get laid once he had sex."she teased yelping as she was picked up,giggling as she was carried.

Tony grinned growling quietly as he head the plates break.yep he was definitely far beyond thought or reason,moving into that realm of feral need to be with his mate.

" smells like sex in here...we might have to burn down the tower."sigyn muttered though she looked amused as they got back to the tower, shaking her head as she looked at the broken dishes, spuder webbed windoes and flickering lights.oh ywa,the two men had enough sex that even tony's near perfect control had started to slip, and the magic was showing...the most obvious change in the tower that said just how far gone the man had been was that instead of the neutral brown and golds the tower had been,every was no iron man colors. Snickering quietly she sighed."you think either of them are up?"

Even after a nightlong marathon,that had ended with loki unconscious and tony barely on his feet,tony was still awake,sitting by the window and smoking.he'd given up the habit after Afghanistan but for most of his teenage years he'd smoked and drank when under pressure,and since he was trying to sober up some,he was smoking.
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