
Sleipnir nodded. "he was able to defend himself from Clint after Sigyn collapsed." Sleipnir admitted. "a fully solid magical shield..." he smirked. "Clint can turn into a bird." Sleipnir admitted with a laugh. "i do not know if Sigyn will be willing to talk to you for a while, but we'll see... we also have to take into account Clint. if he is too Wild with you here, you might not get to see her at all. he sees you as a threat after all, and his magic is new, and he's running very Hot." Sleipnir warned. "he won't be able to control himself if he thinks you're a threat. of course... i could always restrain him, or make him sleep..." Sleipnir mused. "i don't know how strong his magic is yet, he might be able to break free of my spells." he admitted before studying Thor intently opening his mouth to speak when the lights went out. "...well, Father got laid at least..." Sleipnir mused, sounding highly entertained as Loki's magic burst through the tower, turning the lights back on. "have you ever wondered why you've never met your Grandfather Borr, Thor?" Sleipnir asked, his head tilted. "Borr was a powerful warrior, yet why is he never mentioned, ever?" Sleipnir asked.

"it is because Borr was turned into Snow, and instead of helping his own father, Odin took the crown, and claimed himself King before, what he thought, his soon to be dead, father." Sleipnir explained. "right after, he decided sorcerers where a threat, and arranged 'accidents' for all of the strongest to be killed, and for the funding and such to be cut back, leaving sorcerers weaker, and less capable." Sleipnir explained as he made some hot tea, even handing Thor some Poptarts. "Borr didn't die though, and he placed a very heavy curse on Odin." Sleipnir admitted as he sat down, sliding the coffee to Thor while he enjoyed a cup of hot Tea. "when Odin returned to wage War on the Jotun, Borr activated the curse... Loki." Sleipnir explained. "you see, Odin was forced to take in Loki, because if he didn't, the Odin would loose all of his power. magical, physical, political... he would lose it all, so he took in my Father... but he knew that my Father was too strong magically, and knew that if he let my Father stay then he risked his power anyway. everyone knew by the time Loki was a year old, that he was the most powerful Sorcerer born since Alfhadel." Sleipnir stated. "So Loki was a threat from both sides, keep him and lose to Loki's unimaginable magical might, or leave him to die and lose all of his power. so, instead, Odin convinced everyone that Loki was a menace and a bad child, and abused my Father as much as he could without being caught." Sleipnir stared at Thor. "and he used you to do much of it. not that you knew any better, you where only a child after all." he admitted. "Loki knows this too, but it still hurts him, so much." Sleipnir admitted. "Loki is nothing more than Odin's curse, but here he finally has a chance to be more than Odin." he admitted with a smile. "i can take you to Borr if you'd like. Father found him shortly before all the mess with New York and Manhattan. Borr can tell you everything i told you and more."

Loki laughed a little as he snickered. "wow, full blown power outage, very impressive... i blew up an entire house." he admitted with a grin as he clenched his inner muscles tightly around Tony before he made a motion in the air and the lights turned back on. "all i had to do was fix the circuit breaker." he admitted with a grin as he rolled his hips back, teasing Tony. "you're not done are you? what happened to all that Stamina?"
Thor looked amazed that tony had learned so quickly, even though he didn’t use magic, he’d watched loki long enough to know just how much control tony had without any training. “Then I will talk to loki if I can’t talk to her...there is...there’s things that need to be said, and I would rather tell her, but if I cannot...”Thor shrugged helplessly looking pained because despite everything, it hurt the big hearted man that someone was so scared of him. Looking startled for a moment before laughing quietly as the lights went out and came back on. “Well, he’ll be in a good mood at least.”he said htoughtfully before frowning a little, shrugging. “Not really.Father said he was gone, and that it wasn’t to be spoken of.”He said before staring at his nephew, at a loss for words, nodding silently in thanks for the pop tarts and coffee as he listened. “...Father wants them both dead. He’s used me to do it, but I will not do it any longer. I love my brother, who is not my brother by blood, but by heart, and I care for the people in the building here...I do not want more harm to come to them from my actions.”Thor said sounding pained looking away from teh man in front of him, staring down at the table. Though he wanted to talk more to sleipnir, he also was being reserved because he wasn’t sure if tony and loki knew he was tony’s father, and he wanted to talk to them both first.

“I’m very impressive.”He muttered before pouting, “...then again, not that impressive if you exploded a house...”he pouted groaning as loki tightened around him, shifting back into his chair, relaxing as he groaned, resting his hands on the other’s hips as he thrust up into him. “Hmm,definitely not done, but thor’s in the house. Trying to decide if I rather have sex or go what he wants.”Tony groaned a little as he thrust up into the other, moaning slightly as he fucked the other, the thunder god momentarily forgotten.
Sleipnir nodded. "i'll see if she and Clint would be willing to let you see them, but right now she's much too hurt." Sleipnir admitted. "she barely survived. another minute wasted and she would have been dead.." Sleipnir admitted, horror in his voice. he wasn't hers by birth, but he loved her all the same. she was the one who had taught him how to walk, how to talk, how to read and how to act like a human. she had been his sole caretaker for over a thousand years after Loki turned him human. she would always be his Mother. "yes, Odin wants Sigyn under control... under HIS control, or dead. he is afraid of them, and he will be afraid of US. we are the Avengers, Thor. all of us now, and we are now the biggest threat in all the nine realms and Odin will not let that stand. you may very well be forced to make a decision. your brother and freinds, or your father." Sleipnir admitted. "because whether you beleive it or not... Odin will not hesitate to kill you too if you defy him. he is beyond reason, and far beyond sanity." he admitted, shaking his head. "i really wish Father would learn to put up silencing wards...." he grumbled, "they're going for a second round... we might need to prepare for a second blackout..." he sighed and looked at thor, studying him. "oh and Thor? i'll forgive you, this once, for using the Whip on me." Sleipnir stated, leaning in close. "but hurt another horse, hurt one of the people in this building... and i will kill you." Sleipnir warned before he straightened with a smile. "i'll let you wait here for Tony and Father. enjoy you're poptarts." and with that, he vanished, no longer wanting to deal with his Uncle.

Loki laughed. "Tony with as much magic as you have, only turning out the lights IS impressive. it speaks of very great control." Loki admitted with a laugh. "you should be pleased you managed to maintain that much control, instead of blowing up Manhattan." he Pointed out with a grin before he moaned happily as he felt Tony moving about inside of him again. "fuck. fuck, yes... i love it when you fuck me." Loki moaned eagerly, arching against Tony. "Forget Thor... he won't do anything... oooh god don't stop!"
Thor nodded slightly, “I know. I thought she was dead when I came...I am glad she isn’t.”Thor said, having seen the state the sorcerers and seers in asgard was, he’d assumed that they’d managed to kill sigyn. And it pained him to consider that the woman had nearly died because he had been so blind. “I know. I knew that you had all found a spot here....”He stared at the table, shuddering a little. “I will not stand by him...I cannot. Not anymore.”He said quietly before laughing quietly, “Just mention it to tony. Surely if your father wont, he would make sure no one can hear.”he said amused before wincing glancing up at sleipnir, surprise in his face as he nodded slowly. “I.....there is no forgiveness for how I treated you, or how I’ve treated those in this house, but I shall endeavor to correct the mistakes.”He said before smiling, “I will.”he said as he settled back into the couch and started to eat as he waited.

“Ah, I see. That sounds better.”Tony snickered a little as he looked up at the other, “Well, considering I saved mahattan, it would suck to blow it up.”Tony snickered moaning as the other moved with him, lowering his head to slid his mouth over the other’s skin, teeth grazing a nipple before laughing, “I’m definitely not stopping.”he snickered a little before shuddering, gripping the other close as he came again, wincing as one of the glass screens for his computer splintered into a million pieces, though it didn’t fall to the floor, it was definitely unusable. The fact that he hadn’t caused damage further then a few hundred feet from him was more impressive then if he’d blown the whole circuitry for the city.
Sleipnir nodded. "Father gave them a right bashing... how many are in Comas?" Sleipnir asked with a twisted little smirk. "good." Sleipnir stated firmly. "one should not stand with a madman." he stated simply. "and i might have to. i might not be of a mindset to humans, but it is very awkward listening to my Father... well, i suppose you don't want to hear about it anymore than i do." he admitted with a shake of his head. "there is no forgiveness deserved. but then, that is not why forgiveness is given." Sleipnir admitted simply. "you are honestly trying to change, so, for now, i will forgive you. i won't forget, but i will forgive." he assured the other before taking off.

Loki laughed a little and nodded. "mmm yes. it would suck to blow it up... oh GOD Tony." Loki mewled at the attention to his nipples, half tempted to make them into breasts for his lover. they where in the way, but Loki loved they way it made him feel when Tony played with them. he decided against it when he realized he wasn't even sure which way was up. he gasped and arched, splattering the both of them with his seed as Tony came again, loving the way Tony's magic rolled across him like that. "f..fuck that... feels SO g..good!"
“All 5 of the sorcerers, plus odin’s two personal seers.”Thor said before smiling slightly. “Yes, it is very awkward. Though if you’ve been living here this long, you must know that tony has almost no shame.”Thor snickered a little as he watched the other leave.

“Hm, I am a god.”He snickered a little as he watched the other coming undone, sighing quietly as he shuddered. “It does.”Tony growled before wrapping a arm around his waist and standing, leaning loki back against the glass walk and fucking him against it, having every intention of making sure loki couldn’t walk for a few hours.

By the time tony finished, it was getting dark out, and along with turning the lights out, breaking his computer the casualities of his sex life amounted to the hood of his car, the glass door as he’d broken it, his lab table and the new shield he’d been working on for steve, pieces and parts laying scattered and broken on the ground, the billionaire laying in his chair, panting as he looked at the god sitting in his lap.”we...we should go upstairs...your brother’s probably wondering if we’ll ever come up for air....”he panted quietly setting loki down on the floor and stumbling to his feet, feeling a little weak himself, having actually burned off enough magic that along with not fully recovering from saving sigyn, that teh man was feeling shaky as he pulled on his jeans.
Loki groaned, limp as a rag doll on the hood of the car where he'd last been taken, chuckling a little. "i don't care about Air anymore." he moaned. "that was fantastic..." he moaned, wriggling his wrists, which where attached to the front of the car via a few electric cording. "god that was fun. i haven't been tied up i ages..." he moaned, happily banishing the electric cables away so he could stand up, grinning, clearly on a sex high and in a very good mood. Jotun where very sexual creatures, the more they got, the happier they where until it was like they'd smoked a pound of cannabis. Loki was going to be very laid back for several hours after this. he simply magicked his clothes back on, and then magicked Tony's in place, ignoring the cloth band that was still wrapped around his cock. "lets go see Thor." Loki decided with a hum as he practically floated to the stairs and up to the kitchen where Bruce was entertaining Thor at the moment.

"Thor! how good to see you!" Loki chimed happily, altogether forgetting how to feel angry or annoyed, Bruce's eyebrows shooting up to his hairline. "...good lord Loki, are you high?" "high? yes, i suppose i am... isn't sex wonderful!?" Loki demanded, Bruce choking as he quickly fled. "...i guess he doesn't like sex." Loki mused, humming happily as he headed straight for the fridge, well aware that Thor had seen Loki like this before. hell, as much sex as Loki and Sigyn had at one point, every Asgaurdian had seen Loki like this. Loki took out a massive bowl of fruit salad, sat down in front of the fridge and started to eat. "Tony! Tony... try this! Earth fruit is so good... you're really good too... mmm just one more round maybe?" Loki asked hopefully, eyes fixed on Tony's crotch.
“Neither do I, but I need a break.And food.”Tony groaned as he laid in his chair, studying the man on the hood of his car, smirking slightly at the sight of him tied up. Amused that the man was pretty much high from having sex. He could definitely get used to this. Even if he needed to get some work done. Rolling his eyes as he looked at the cock ring loki still had on.”Only you would want to wear a cockring around all the time.”He teased looking amused as he followed the other upstairs.

“...Loki,it is good to see you.”Thor said snickering a little before watching bruce flee before glancing at the other two men. “He enjoys sex. He just doesnt want to hear about your and tony’s sex life.”Thor said rolling his eyes as he watched the two, remembering what he’d been like with sigyn, he was actually amazed that the two had gotten out of the lab in just a few hours instead of days. “No.I want to eat, and check on sigyn.And I have to get some work done.”Tony said because while he did enjoy sex, the man had also figured out the solution to a problem he’d been having with steve’s shield as he fucked loki over it(well, sorta it just happened to be on the table they’d been using) and he wanted to see if it’d work. “It’s no use trying to talk to him right now. He’ll just keep wanting to have sex.”Thor said looking amused, and awkward as he studied the two. “You seem to have accepted being a demi-god well tony...”Thor said sounding awkward, because he was so not sure how to bring it up. It’s not like the man had any other kids he’d ever had to do this for. It was weird! “I am.It’s quite enjoyable knowing that I have even more to discover and make, more then I thought I had.” “Ah, trust a engineer to want to use magic to make things.”Thor teased looking amused at his son’s view on being a demi-god.
Loki grinned a little as he nodded. "yes... yes... i like the cock ring." Loki agreed, licking his lips. "oh well that's too bad, because you know, Tony and i have AMAZING Sex." Loki admitted with a nod. "really amazing sex... you know he... oooh look they have coconut in here..." Loki murmured, entirely distracted by the food again. "Work? why work? we should have more sex. sex is more fun... i could suck you off while you work." loki mused with a nod as he licked his spoon very suggestively. "thor! Thor... Tony is AMAZING!" Loki breathed. "he can siphon magic already!!!" Loki breathed, so ecstatic over Tony's amazing skills that his desire for more sex was momentarily forgotten. "he can make shields, and control his magic! he didn't blow anything up while we where having sex! well, he sort of blew up a few little things, but it was so cool! Tony let's have sex, i wanna show Thor how amazing you are!" "no, Loki! you can't have sex in front of other people!" Steve complained, Loki staring at Steve, the man having just come in for food for Sigyn, since Clint was too anxious and Wild about Thor being there to come himself. "...but why not?" "because it's creepy, you don't want Thor to see tony naked do you?" "NO! he's mine! Thor stop looking at Tony this instant!" "oh dear lord... tony what did you DO to him!?" "he fucked me boneless." "LOKI!"
“...Is he going to be like this all the time we have a marathon?”Tony asked as he eyed his lover, shifting slightly as he watched him lick that spoon. “Definitely. And if you want to get any work done afterwards, you’re going to have to lock the door until he calms down.”thor snickered a little before looking at the billionaire, looking amazed. “Which is actually more impressive then if he’d broken more things. Good job Tony.”Thor grinned though he didn’t know the in and outs of magic, he knew enough to know what tony was already doing was extremely impressive. Proud of the man even if he had no hand in his magic learning, it still pleased him that his son was so skilled “No. I have work to do, and a lab to clean up.”Tony whined a little not about to have sex in front of his father before smirking at tony. “Don’t listen to him, reindeer, he just doesn’t want to know how much better at sex I am then he is.”Tony smirked at steve before laughing at loki’s reaction glancing at steve again.”It’s true. It seems he gets hyper when he has alot of sex.Sorry.”Tony said sounding not in the least bit sorry. “How is sigyn?”thor said looking up at steve, wanting a different topic then his son’s sex life.
Loki nodded. "yes. you have to lock the door. but that won't really stop me because i can go THROUGH the door." Loki chirped, looking quite pleased with himself at the realization that doors couldn't stop him. "it's a Jotun thing!" Loki admitted with a nod. "mated Jotun have been known to have sex constantly for a week or until they pass out... no, actually i think it's just until they pass out, which can take a week... or... hmmm..." Loki paused, head cocked as he tried to figure out what he was trying to say. he seamed to forget his train of thought fairly quickly though. "you're being nice." Loki growled at Thor, narrowing his eyes at the man. "stop it, i don't like it. you're up to something, you're only nice when something bad is going to happen... i want you to leave and stop talking to Tony." Loki was of course, super possessive and protective of his lover in this state. Jotun had been known to rip other Jotun to shreds for interfering with mating, or threatening their mates.

"Sigyn is fine." Steve said tightly, rage in his voice, eyes narrowed at Thor before he turned to the fridge, nudging the overly protective Loki out of the way. "it would be best if you did not ever utter her name again you backstabbing bastard." Steve stated, grabbing the pot of spaghetti and getting Loki to warm it up with a snap of the tricksters fingers. "in fact, it would be better if you never showed your face here again." Steve snarled as he headed down the hall with the massive bowl and three forks. even Loki was gaping at Steve in stunned amazement, looking at Thor. "...i think he's mad at you..." Loki admitted. rather obviously. "i've never heard Steve swear before..." Loki admitted. "or snarl..."
“Not if I shield the door, reindeer. And you know I can do it.”Tony threatened, though the mischief in his eyes said he really wouldn’t do it, even if he wanted to work. Shaking his head a little, “I have to work. Not only does steve need a new outfit, pepper would probably kill me if I just had sex and didn’t get anything done.”Tony said looking amused as loki forgot what he was saying before wincing a little as thor flinched. Thor swallowed hard as he tried to figure out how to deal with loki’s possessiveness, he should have guessed,but he hadn’t considered how they might take his presence.

Thor looked up at steve nodding quietly as he hung his head a little. “I will not, s...captain.”Thor said correcting himself, realizing that he’d lost a friend. Closing down the emotions threatening to overwhelm him before nodding. “He is angry...I shall go.”Thor stood realizing that there was no point in staying, holding out the book towards tony he’d been holding. “See that Sigyn gets this will you?She will know what it is.”Thor said quietly, ignoring his brother for the moment, talking to the more reasonable half of the couple....though calling tony stark reasonable made him laugh inside. “I will speak to you later, loki.”Thor said quietly as he left. Tony frowned watching him go, tucking the book under his arm before looking at loki. “So, work, sex, or see sigyn?”The man asked, because while he wanted loki to calm down he was also intrigued with fucking him into silence, and while he was worried about thor, he also couldn’t bring himself to care at the moment, since he’d caused so many problems. Not realizing that the man had had a change of heart, and that thor was trying to do much of a emotional mess himself to be able to see someone else’s heart.
Loki pouted at Tony. "but Pepper doesn't give you sex!" he complained, sulking that he was being ignored, he was already starting to calm down though. "and sex is amazing! and Pepper is just... just..." he frowned, trying to think of the right word to call her.

Steve narrowed his eyes at Thor again, as if baffled by his compliance before he stalked off, Loki growling at Thor before gasping as he saw the book, his eyes widening. "Thor... you..." Loki was utterly stunned before he looked at Tony, wide eyed before finally. "see Sigyn." he decided. "or rather, you see Sigyn. i need to... Thor was..." Loki made an aggravated sound as he struggled to make his mind function properly before he simply vanished with a small popping noise, appearing next to Thor, walking besides the man. "you changed your mind." Loki whispered, voice hoarse. "you came here to apologize." Loki stated, examining Thor. "you understand, finally what Odin's been doing... to Sigyn... and to you... you're leaving him, aren't you?" and Loki sounded so amazed that it almost hurt. as if Loki had never imagined that Thor would ever be good again. "i'm still high..." Loki admitted, shaking his head. "i can't make my words work right." he complained. "Steve might never forgive you." he warned. "especially since you nearly killed Clint." he warned. "you did bad things Thor..."
“No she doesn’t, but she’ll yell at me if I don’t work. And I dare you to finish that sentence.”Tony snickered a little at loki’s searching for a word for pepper.

“I’ll go see sigyn then.”Tony muttered before getting up and heading for the bedroom, knocking on the door.”Clint, is it safe to come in?The thunder-dolt is gone.”He called waiting for a answer.

Thor nearly jumped out of his skin as his brother appeared at his side, looking annoyed to finding the man there even as he walked down the sidewalk. Having fled the tower, but not able to return home, he’d just been walking, though the stormclouds gathering overhead said just how much he was feeling lost, despite the cold emotionless look on his face. Not even responding to the amazement in loki’s voice he nodded slightly. “I am.”He said simply before nodding.” is quite rare you do not have words, brother."The man said smiling slightly growing serious."I know.”he said knowing that he’d lost his friends, and hiding just how much it hurt that it was all his fault before clearing his throat a little. “The book. It’s a asgardian law book. It shows everything that a king can do....and what one must not do.”thor sighed quietly. “Sigyn can look, but mostly it’s a lawbook saying that as much power as odin has over the asgardians, he’s also bound to protect them to. By harming her, and grandfather, he has broken that promise, and since she is the one most harmed by his crimes, Sigyn has a right to challenge him on it....or if she cannot, she has a right to choose a champion. A asgardian champion....and since it is a king who harmed her, she is allowed to choose any champion...even a prince of the blood. I’d suggest asking tony. He’s more then odin’s equal, and he wont think twice about doing what needs to be done.”Thor said simply, not even realizing that he’d ingracefully told loki that he knew who’s son tony was, having run for the library the moment he found out, both what odin had done, and who his son was. And having crammed for the last 12 hours to find a way, a legal way to get odin off the throne without a bloodbath....
there was a long pause and then the wards went down and the door was unlocked and Clint peeked out, glancing around as if checking to make sure Thor really wasn't there before he opened the door and let Tony in, immidiatly shutting and locking the door after, though he didn't put wards up this time. satisfied because he trusted Tony to tell the truth. "what's that?" Steve asked curiously after he swallowed his bite of Spaghetti. "a book?"

Loki huffed a little at Thor's joke. "i'm high! i can't help it." he grumbled before he shook his head. "i never thought you could even read." Loki admitted with a smile. "Odin did his damnedest to make sure you where as... well, stupid as possible. i suppose Frigga was able to teach you behind Odin's back then." he mused. "she did the same for me too, but it was easier to teach me, since Odin didn't... hover, over me so much." Loki admitted. Odin had kept a very, very close eye on Thor. "you've been speaking to Sleipnir. he told you what happened to Grandfather... i was able to give him a semi solid form, if you want to talk to him... well, he can't really talk..." Loki admitted before he froze, staring at Thor with wide eyes. "you... you mean we don't... have to wage a war?" he asked, sounding so hopeful it almost hurt. "you know Tony will kill him... don't you?" he asked, worried about Thor. "there will be no other choice... he's far too gone for saving... or for mercy." he admitted softly. " know then. about Tony's... lineage..." Loki sighed. "Tony is afraid of you." he admitted softly. "i know you would never hurt him... but after being raised by Howard... Tony is... frightened of how you might try to use him." he admitted. "i know you would be a very good Father to him, if he gave you the chance, i just... don't know how to help him accept that you won't hurt him." Loki admitted, biting his lip. "Tony is... very close to the edge..." Loki warned. "it might be best if you didn't let on that you knew just yet... he's one hard push away from shattering and... i don't know if i'll be able to put him back together..." Loki admitted, voicing his worst fears. before the messes, and the horrors and the like, Thor and Loki had often spoke their troubled hearts and worried fears to one another. "you know that you will never be King if Tony makes the challenge..."
Tony looked amused as clint looked around, though he was quiet until clint decided he was safe. “Yea. Thor left it for sigyn.”Tony said smiling at the woman as she nibbled on her food. “What?”Sigyn looked startled frowning, before looking at the book, setting her plate aside and holding out a hand, frowning as she read the title when tony handed it over. “I dont want a law book...he’s finally gone senile I think.”She muttered.

“Uh-huh.That’s just your excuse.”He teased before wincing a little, “Well, he succeeded mostly, but mother and fandal made sure I could read.Some of those training sessions and sex sessions with fandal were just him teaching me to read.”Thor said wincing, because it embarassed him to admit that he’d been nearly 30 before he’d learned to read well, and only because fandal had realized he couldn’t and while they had had sex, most of their sex sessions had been him teaching thor to read. “I have. He was very amused that you were having sex...which by the way, you need to set sound wards. You’re disturbing your children.”Thor teased a little before sighing, looking away. Nodding quietly. “No, it wont be a war. Sigyn would have seen it if it came to war, much like she did with you attacking earth.”Thor sighed softly before nodding. Wincing as he realized that his friend, his son was scared of him. Hanging his head a little he ran his hand through blond hair as he watched it start to rain, to emotional to get a good handle on making it stop as they walked. “I do....When he broke the bonds, the bloodline charts on yggdrasil recorded that my son was alive and well. The norns sent me a message to tell me.”Thor said before looking at the other, before nodding. “Well...I was wondering how to tell him.I will let him decide when to speak to me.”Thor decided after a moment looking worried about his friend, scared that tony would break. Looking away he sighed quietly, “.It is a trial by combat, tony will be rightful king if he wins, which I cannot imagine him not doing so..”Thor sighed quietly. “ Let tony make the challenge if he wants to, if sigyn will allow him to stand as her champion...if...if she does not want to risk the very slim chance of him losing, I will step in and fight him. I wont let Odin be king...but Tony is a better king then I would be.”Thor said, knowing because the man was broken, breaking under the strain of what he knew he had done for his father, and the blond thunderer was falling apart even if it was well hidden.
Steve blinked a little as he frowned as well. "oh, there's a bookmark..." Steve muttered. "Thor wouldn't have just... left you this, here let me see..." Clint demanded. "i've studied a bit of law." he admitted as he flipped the book open and began to peruse, his eyes widening. "oh my god... listen to this! AS Per the Ancient Laws of the Vanir, so stated by the Ancient Gods long forgotten, all Rulers must here this and Obey. A King is Ruler only for so long as He, Or She protects and guides their subjects. the King is honor, and duty bound to forever accept and aid All of his peoples including those seeking sanctuary or adopted into their realm. if a King fails to Uphold his duty to his Peoples, then the one who has been harmed, or those who have been harmed, may contest the Kings right to the throne. they will do Battle themselves, unless they are incapable due to injury, sickness, or age, if this is so, then they may Chose a Champion, even one of the Ancient Lineage to do battle for them. The one who Defeats the King, will then take up the Throne, and become the new Ruler, honor bound to guide and protect... Sigyn, don't you understand!? he personally hurt you, he personally tried to kill you, he personally interfered with your life and banished you without cause... you can Challenge his authority as King! and you can choose a Champion, since you are both injured and ill!"

Loki smiled and nodded. "Fandal is a good guy... i think he's known all along what Odin was doing. he was one of the few people who didn't hate me simply because Odin did." Loki admitted. "he always did have a..." here Loki smirked. "tender Spot for you." he teased wagging his eyebrows, teasing Thor like he always did, though not about learning to read. never that. "....i forgot about that." Loki admitted, flushing hard all of a sudden. "i suppose he heard me..." he clammed up suddenly, not about to admit to Thor of all people how Tony had reduced Loki into a mess of sobbing pleads to be allowed to cum. "well... i'll make sure to set sound wards next time.." Loki decided, coughing a little. "you do realize that i never really wanted to attack New York?" Loki asked softly. "it was... so god damn horrible... i..." here Loki shuddered violently and wrapped his arms around himself. "i had to... do that to you, get you banished.. so you would have ties to Midgaurd and the people here... so that... when the Chitauri came, you would defend those people..." he whispered, sounding rather horrified. "i was... i was so fucking scared i'd killed you..." he admitted with another shudder.

"bloodline charts?" Loki asked, looking baffled. it was actually a pretty serious crime that Odin had, not only never told Loki about them, let alone taken the 'little jotun brat' to see them, but had not added Loki to the Charts after adopting Loki. willingly or not. "i still can't beleive you of all people have a son... thank all the unholy that it wasn't TYR!" Loki stated, shuddering. "it was either you, Fandal, Tyr, or Hogan... honestly? i'd really, really hoped it was Fandal." he admitted with a laugh. "it would be best to let Tony approach you. once he realizes that you're trying to help... once all of them realize, i think they might forgive you." he admitted. "i've been explaining to them as best i can that Odin hurt you too, but it's going to take some time for the pain to settle. they don't... really understand what Odin is really like. how he can make doing the vilest things, seam like a good thing to do for the People." Loki admitted. "you where being manipulated and you know that now. we just have to make them realize that you where tricked into doing what you did...mostly." Loki muttered. "you would make a good King Thor. you always do what is best for the People as best as you can, you just don't always know who to trust." Loki admitted. "if Tony is King, he will need you to help him. it might take a few years Thor, but they will trust you again. the only one whose Mortal now is Natasha after all, and Jor's going to fix that as soon as he marries her... my little chickenshit son, too scared to propose."
Sigyn frowned looking at the book before looking at clint, raising a eyebrow.”You studied law?”She teased a little. “Hm, well he is a assassin, he better know which rules apply to him before he breaks them.”Tony said looking amused before he stopped, staring as he considered what he was hearing. Thor had given them a way to fight. Nodding after a moment she swallowed hard, tears threatening to fill her eyes, to weak and tired to be in control.”I shall challenge him then.”She muttered looking slightly shell shocked, because she had never considered using the law to get around odin, oh she felt guilty now, if only they had thought of it sooner.

“He is.”Thor said blushing ever so slightly, not about to admit that him and fandal had settled into a relationship...because he so knew his brother wouldn’t let him hear the end of it, and fandal still flirted with everything that moved, so he was so not sure about the relationship,despite it having been a on again off again thing for the past 3 thousand years.”Oh yes, we heard how you had to beg. It was quite disturbing.”thor teased a little, after all, he had higher then human hearing. “I know you didn’t. It took me a little while to put the pieces together....but once I realized that Sigyn was here, in new york, I realized that there was a reason you were here to....I hadn’t known you two had been workign together...and I am sorry for how I reacted in finding out...I just hadn’t been prepared to finding your marriage broken, and her in the tower.”He winced a little before smirking. “I’m hard to kill brother, do not worry so.”he muttered nudging the other before staring at the other man.

“....Yes. Every birth of the royal line and court is recorded on the charts, even for the halfings. It is...”A thunderously angry look crossed his face.”I see father failed to tell you about them, since he did not want you....”Thor huffed out a sigh.”If tony hadn’t been bound as a babe, his birth would have been recorded and noted for me to look for when he got older....he would have had help with anything, and with howard.”Thor scowled slightly at the thought of howard before smirking.”Why me of all people having a son?I’ve had sex you know. Lots of it. Definitely could have had a kid or two.”he teased before wincing, rolling his eyes.”Well, I see how it is. Fandal’s loved by everyone.”He said rolling his eyes a little before sighing quietly. “I will let him decide then....”he stared at the sidewalk before sighing softly. “;...No. If I did the best for the people, I would have noticed before now something was wrong. And I will be there for tony, when he needs me to be. I will not leave him on his own.”Thor said looking a little annoyed that loki would even think that he would consider it, before smirking. “Don’t tease him so. He’s nervous. You’ll just make him even more scared.”Thor sighed before glancing up.”I should be going. I can distract father until you are ready....but loki, you know you are going to have to bring them to asgard, the challenge can only be issued from there....come without warning. I shall have heimdall keep watch for your signal that you are ready to come home.”
Clint nodded. "Natasha did to. nearly everyone whose braught in for the special training takes a few lessons on Law." he admitted simply. "we need it for entering into contracts and such. as well as defending ourselves if we're caught." he stated with a nod. "you'll have to go to Asgaurd to do it, and you're too weak right now." he admitted. "but, we can decide on who to chose. it can't be Thor, he would never be able to kill his own father. and Loki certainly cant as he's not seen as a true Asgaurdian." Clint frowned. "but those are the only two bloodborn Asgaurdians that we really have a connection to unless one of Loki's children are acceptable? the good thing is, is that Odin would never expect it, and Heimdall, being that he is a Gaurdian of Asgaurd, will have to enforce the law. Heimdall is Above the King in matters such as this." he admitted. "if we can strike at just the right time, Odin will have a very public humiliation."

Loki smiled a little. "you know, if you just TOLD Fandal that you want to be a couple, he'd be glad for it i'm sure. he's a terrible flirt, but i think he really does care about you very much." Loki admitted before he went bright red. "...Tony had a Magic Ring on me..." he muttered, more than a little mortified as he realized he was still wearing it. "he didn't let me cum for FOREVER..." he grumbled. "i am SO making him pay for this." he grumbled, shaking his head. "i still have nightmares..." Loki admitted with a violent shudder. "they aren't so bad so long as i sleep with Tony though." he admitted. "just so you know... my bonds are also broken." Loki warned, flashing his tattooed wrist. "if Tony fails, i am the second most affected. under Asgaurdian law, i was adopted, and thus, i am able to lay a claim, no matter what anyone would think of it..." he admitted, lifting his lip in a snarl. "i doubt Tony will loose, but i have to have a contingency plan, just in case." he admitted before making a face at Thor. "i definitely kicked you in the head too many times during fighting lessons."

Loki blinked a little at Thor, completely clueless. "ah, i take it that this is a grievous error in Odin's judgment?" Loki asked curiously. "i'm going to assume then, that i'm not on it either." he admitted with a shrug. "no matter, it is probobly good that Tony was bound. Odin would simply have ruined his life the way he ruined ours. at least with Howard the damage can be undone, no matter how awful it was for him." he mused. "i don't know... you just... it's weird somehow." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "Thor, you cannot blame yourself for this." Loki growled. "it is nor more your fault than it is mine or Mothers!" he shook his head. "you think Frigga didn't know what was going on? i assure you she did, but she, like me, was too afraid of Odin to do anything about it. not until now. you where raised to always obey, never question... you where brainwashed Thor and you cannot be held accountable anymore than Clint can be for what i made him do." Loki smiled at his brother. "things will turn out, as they are meant to Brother." he promised softly. "tell Odin that Sigyn is in a Coma, no brain activity." he ordered softly. "it will distract him enough to give us a chance. i need to go and speak to Sigyn and Tony." he admitted. "will you be alright?"
“Ah, that makes sense.”Sigyn said looking thoughtful as she slumped back into her pillows, frowning slightly.”No, it can’t be thor, and the kids wouldn’t be recognized either....but there are no other princes...”She sighed quietly. Tony winced a little swallowing hard, becaues it was hard to admit this,but he was going to tell them anyways, so maybe he could do this? “...I am thor’s son.I can challenge odin.”Tony said after a moment staring down at the blankets, not wanting to look at them, really really not wanting to see their reactions.”WE will have loki’s help,and thor’s, to time going after him correctly.”

“...don’t you have your own flirt to worry about, instead of mine?”Thor questioned blushing a little before smirked slightly. “Stop, I’m disturbed enough to hear it. I dont want to know what you’re going to do to him....besides you knew he was a bastard when you met him, you can’t punish him for following the urge to torture you.”Thor snickered a little before sighing softly.”Good.You and tony are good for each other’s nightmares.”He muttered before tilting his head, nodding. “I doubt he will fail, he has a leg up on father on the magic, but it is good you will be there to.”He said before wincing at loki’s words.”....shut up.It’s not my fault you kicked me.”thor whined looking annoyed with loki for mentioning the defect, because thor had always felt inferior this his over the top intelligent brother, and only fandal and his mother’s reassurance that he was intelligent, just not scarily so, had kept him from being worse off then he was.

“It is. And you are not, though we will correct that as soon as father is not on the throne. You are adopted, you and the children should be on it....and sigyn, because she was your wife, no matter that she is no longer, if she has children her child will be recognized as a royal”Thor said looking thoughtful because while the child would be second to any loki and tony had, simply because tony was royal by blood, if something happened, sigyn’s would also stand to inherit, as it was, she was still one of the ladies of court, and could have the titles that went with it. “ horrible as Stark was, it was better then having him in asgard.”Thor agreed worried about his son but also knowing that he could survive it, as long as he wasn’t given that final shove that broke him.Maybe he will recover now... “.....I know.”Thor huffed a sigh, because no matter how he tried to tell himself it wasn’t his fault, it was still hard for him to not do so. “I will do that.And I will make sure that no one mentions tony’s status.I can give you a few weeks to give him some training,so hes not running on instinct,and so sigyn is well enough for the journey."thor said because he knew he could delay odin for a timd,and he wanted to make sure not only tony had the training that he needed because despite his confidence in what tony figured out on his own, as a father he'd feel better if he had some formal training...and as weak as she was he wasn't sure if a trip on bifrost would kill sigyn."go I will be fine,loki."thor said as he waved the jotun away smiling as heimfall to return the crown prince to asgard.
Loki smirked a little. "just want to see you happy, brother love." Loki teased. "Fandal would be good for you." Loki admitted. "and besides, you're just jealous of my superior sexual abilities." he complained with a grin. though, to be honest, Thor had very likely gotten laid a lot more often than Loki did. "besides, isn't it the little brothers job to disturb the elder?" he asked curiously. "i was pretty sure it said so in the 'Annoying Little brother's Guide to bothering big brothers'..." he mused playfully. happily accepting Thor as his brother again. "besides, we both know i love it when Tony's a bastard." Loki admitted with a grin. "just don't tell him i said that... although, now that i think about it, this is really weird. i'm screwing your son with the intent to Marry... technically i should be asking your permission if i think about it." Loki mused. "very strange... besides, you're not Stupid Thor." Loki stated with a roll of his eyes. "just highly oblivious." he pointed out. "you can learn anything you want to, if you put the energy and focus into it. i mean, you did find a solution to every single problem we've had so far in what, a night? that's fairly impressive Thor." Loki admitted, hating how his brother felt stupid. Thor wasn't stupid he was just... socially inadequate compared to most of the human race. for an Asgaurdian, most of them only needed to know how to smash things. and Thor knew a lot about battle tactics, much more than Loki would ever know. actually... Thor would probobly be a lot happier as head of the Armies than he would as a King.

"i have to say, thank the Unholy that i AM adopted. imagine if i wasn't!" Loki gasped with a shudder. "even Asgaurdians cut the line at incest." Loki admitted with a snicker. "i do hope Tony wants kids..." Loki admitted softly. Loki loved children, adored babies, and he had secretly told Thor once that he wanted at least a dozen children so he could have his own army of children that would take over the world. "and Howard is still an influence on tony. Tony wouldn't be nearly as genius as he is without Howard there to egg him on, even if that wasn't Howard's intention." Loki mused. "thank you Thor." Loki stated, gripping his brothers arm. "i'll train him well... he won't lose." he promised, watching Thor leave, before heading straight home to tell Sigyn.

Steve nodded, looking a little frustrated. "what about one of the Warriors Three? one of them would be willing to stand in for Thor surely?" he asked, frustrated as Clint shook his head. "could you imagine one of those boneheads as King?" they all paused and turned to stare at Tony, wide eyed. " the hell are you Thor's Son!? he's an idiot!" Clint complained, gently teasing Tony. "well... we have our Champion then." Steve mused, looking worried. "but can Tony beat a King?" "he can." Loki informed them as he walked through the door, Clint offering Loki an annoyed glare. "i'll train him myself, in fighting and in magic. we have a week, two tops. before Odin get's antsy again. Thor is covering for us." he admitted, looking at Sigyn. "he's not listening to Odin anymore." he explained. "he realized that Odin was wrong and he's helping us now." Steve flushed a little, feeling rather bad about the way he had spoken to Thor. "i have enough time to train Tony." he admitted. "and we have enough time to get you stable enough to ride the Bi-Frost. if, by some chance, Tony fails, then i will issue a follow up challenge and finish the Job." "is Thor aware that he will never be King if Tony becomes the champion?" "yes, he knows. he'd make a better Army General than he would a King anyway." Loki admitted, looking at Tony. "it's entirely up to you Tony. it has to be your choice. there are a few other options we can take if you don't want to be the one to do it."
"Yea definitely not jealous." Thor rolled his eyes a little before smirking."well it must say so,since you excel so well at being both annoying and disturbing."thor said looking amused before laughing outloud."I won't have to tell him since he already knows you enjoy being a bastard."thor smirked a little before wincing." is weird.and though you don't need it,you have permission to marry my son...though if tony heard us like this you know he'd tell me where to shove my permission."he looked amused before sihing quietly looking away.while he wanted to believe loki,he knew how intelligent he was."I'll leave the thinking up to tony. I'll be happier with the army."he said unknowingly agreeing with loki's thoughts."and I did, but I also knew the laws loki. He might not cared if I could read them,but he made sure I knew my ringhts as a king.once I remembered that I knew were to look,you didn't."thor shrugged a little before smiling slightly."yea. Thank god you two aren't related,to disturbing for words....and I am sure tony wants kids,someday."thor reassured the man though he seriously questioned that.given his own childhood, that tony would ever want any.

"Well I think he had sex with my know,the normal way of having kids."tony rolled his eyes but relaxing as they accepted it and didn't freak out. "So we do...and he'd be good at it.being king I mean."sigyn mused opening her mouth to respond to steve's question before loki beat her to it.nodding in agreement."and odin does.not put much stock into magic. The fact that tony can do it,and has no problem with killing him, just gives him a leg up."she said watching tony worriedly,afraid this would be the final shove.sigyn winced a little,while she'd wanted the man to see the world how it was,it pained her to know how thor had to be suffering as he realized everything wrong he'd done in the name of serving the all father."then we have time. If anyone can keep odin busy thor can."she muttered studying tony."....I'll do it.I mean...I can't be so bad as king...I have loki to help....and sigyn..."tony said more worried about the aftermath then the fight.before concern crossed his face."...will I have to live in asgard only?I mean...its not a perfect world,and I'd visit adgard live there some of the time...but I like midgard..."
Loki smirked a little. "i am very good at it, aren't i?" he asked with a smug little grin. "and Tony would tell us BOTH where to shove that permission!" Loki admitted with a laugh. "Tony does what he wants, when he wants, and cares little about anyone else's opinion on the matter save Peppers and on occasion, mine." he admitted with a grin. "Asgaurd isn't going to have a damn clue what hit it." he admitted with a nod. "you have an amazing ability to think tactically." Loki agreed to Thor's assessment on the Army. "you can look at a scene and know exactly where to place who. it's quite impressive actually." Loki admitted. "and the men already love you, they respect you a great deal more than anyone else we could put in the position." he admitted. "you have a way with Warriors." he admitted, smiling. "i'll see about having Tony put you in charge, they might not listen to Tony, young as he is, but they trust and respect you, and you won't be afraid to correct Tony if he makes a mistake." he admitted with a nod. "i'll have to ask him, i suppose..." Loki muttered with a sigh.

"Clint snickered at Tony's sarcastic comment and nodded. "you might be right about that." he admitted with a grin. "and Tony would make a much better King than he would a CEO. no paperwork." Steve teased Tony with a grin. "and Tony has more magic than anyone i've seen. it would be incredible for the Asgaurdians to see some of the midgaurdian technology. some of this stuff, exceptionally Tony's, is very, very impressive." Loki admitted. "you would make a lovely King." Loki admitted with a smile at Tony. "you always think of others first." he admitted, kissing Tony's forehead. "Thor will help you too. i was thinking he could be in charge of the Asgaurdian Army, if you become King. Thor would be happier there, and the men in the army already know and trust him." he admitted before he smiled at Tony. "no, goodness no. Odin barely stayed in Asgaurd during the first thousand years of his reign. he explored everything. all you have to do is appoint someone your Reagent and they are left in charge during your absence. so long as you show up every month for a day or so to deal with any issues, you can live however, or wherever you want. you'll want to be involved with your people though, go to the festivals and things, let people see you." Loki admitted. "it gives them reassurance that you are invested in their lives."
“You are. And he definitely would.”Thor snickered slightly loking amused, “And you must admit only a fool would disregard pepper’s opinion, and he is not that.”he looked amused before nodding.”I cannot wait to see how the other’s handle him. It shall be amusing.”He said tilting his head before agreeing. “So I can....I shall see what I can do about the army. If anyone protests tony taking over, it will be them, but I shall speak to them.”He looked amused as he left.

“What do you mean, might?I’m always right.”Tony sulked a little before grinning.”Definitely better king. I can delegate others to do paperwork for me. Which is why I have loki.” “...Is that all he’s good for?”sigyn teased. “Oh no, I’m definitely going to be having sex in alot of new places, I am after all going to be king.”He looked amused before looking up at tony, slumping slightly as he realized that it was going to be okay. Nodding, “He would be happier with the army...and if they already know him, it would be good thing to put him there, to sooth any ruffled feathers at me taking over...”he said looking thoughtful before grinning in relief.”Good. Then I don’t see any problem with this.”tony said looking very pleased that they were accepting him, that he wasn’t being shoved aside for his father, that he was okay. “So, you want to go see about that training?”Tony smirked looking up at loki.
a week later and things where going well. Clint had popped into a bird randomly all week he was so excited about it, but was quickly getting the hang of it, his eyes, and his magic. Loki suspected that Clint might have a 'second animal' in there somewhere, since he kept dipping into animal like behaviors. sometimes hawk like, but other times he was so very much not a hawk, like his sudden food aggression. Clint had nearly mauled Natasha's hand off when she tried to steal a peice of Clint's steak. so far, only Steve and Sigyn could safely remove Clint's food, any attempts drove him straight into Feral Mode and people tended to get either bitten, or scratched across the face. Loki thought it was hilarious.

Pepper was fully recovered and was attending 'magic lessons' as well and soon had good control over her own powers, and was still letting Fenrir fuss and hover all he wanted. it was Tony who was amazing, as promised Loki gave Tony the Grimoir, still full of evil thoughts about revenge on Thor and various spells that Loki had invented and learned. Loki was astonished at how FAST Tony was learning, and not just the Magic, but the fighting as well. everything seamed to be going perfectly, and Loki knew that Tony would have no problems beating up Odin... so long as he could keep Tony from worrying.

Loki was rather Ill, not that Tony knew. Loki knew he was sick, he just wasn't sure he was sick with. it wasn't affecting his magic, so it wouldn't be life threatening, but he was miserable. he was sick every morning and anytime he tried to eat anything that had tomatoes in it. the smell of eggs dent him scurrying to the bathroom and the sight of milk made him gag. Bruce was running tests since Loki didn't want to tell Tony, but the God knew that Tony was close to figuring it out... particularly since he was leaning over the toilet, heaving his guts up and Tony had just walked in. Loki was completely unaware that both Natasha and Pepper had pulled tony to the side, whispering about how they'd caught Loki getting sick the last couple of days. the traitorous bitches.
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