
Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "Sigyn has quite a few ideas in mind that she could use help with. it would be very good for your magic to get exercised regularly." he admitted with a nod. "and then there's the Charms, Spells, Minor magics, Mage Magics, Greater Magics and Grand magics that you'll be able to play with. as strong as you are, you could probobly manage a Minor working, if not a Mage working by yourself as well." Loki admitted with a smile. "most people can't do Working's on their own. that's why it's called a Working, because you have to Work together. anything above a Magics level sorcery is known as a Working." Loki explained. "Charms and Spells are for the weak level sorcerers. and those who haven't been trained. things like simple illusions, transporting, and runic works are in those classifications. the Magic's classification are for trained sorcerers of small to large capabilities. the Workings are very hard, and go from Minor Working, Mage Working, Great working, Greater working, and Grand working. me and Sigyn together can do Minor and Mage workings on our own, and together we can do great, and greater workings. no one has been able to work a Grand Working since... well since years before Odin took the throne." he admitted. explaining because he knew Tony was curious. "i'll get you my Grimoir and let you practice the spells in there if you'd like." he offered with a smile.

Steve blinked a little at her. "a Date?" he asked, curious as he wrapped his arms around her waist to help steady her. "you me and Clint?" he asked curiously. "we're not going to a fancy restaurant are we? i don't have a suit... the last one got all busted up in the fight with those Viper Terrorists." he admitted. "oh! i know! we could go to that really cute looking Mexican place." he mused. "you like Mexican food right? they have really great enchilada." he admitted with a smile. "and we can go in slacks and button ups." he admitted with a nod. "it would be fun. and we could go to the movies after. there's a great romance out, Clint would hate it but you'd love it. and i rather like romance movies."
"Cool. I'll talk to her about it."Tony said before tilting hsi head snickering slightly. "you know, its a good thing I'm as intelligent as I am, otherwise this whole magic thing would be totally lost on me."He said looking amused as he listened to the descriptions, looking curious as he considered what he was hearing. "But what about thor?I know you said he's weak at magic, but he's definitely got a powerhouse punch with that lightening storm. He nearly overpowered my suit with a strike."He asked curious on how that worked before grinning widely. "I would like that. It can go right next to my book on quantam machenics and string theory."He snickered a little before sighing softly, "...this is to weird. I feel..."He stopped shrugging a little before tugging the man closer for a kiss.

"Yes, a date."She smiled before shaking her head a little. "I was thinking just you and me. Cause me and clint have had a date by ourselves, I thought...I mean, we could just do something ourselves."She said looking nervous, biting her lip a little. Despite what he said, and how much she loved them both, she was still insecure enough to wonder if steve wanted both of them, or if she was just part and parcel to having a relationship with clint. Yea, she knew she was being stupid, but sometimes four thousand years worth of problems rode her hard. Looking amused she shook her head. "No, no fancy stuff."She muttered before nodding. "I do. And I love the movies."She said looking pleased with the thought, snuggling into him.
Loki nodded. "Sigyn loves to tamper with things, almost as much as you do." Loki admitted with a chuckle before his shoulders sagged a little. "i lost that spark a long time ago." he admitted, shaking his head. "but..." then he smiled. "when i lost my memories, i forgot about what made me stop experimenting... remembering how good it felt to make my own spells... i'm going to start working again, and this time, no stupid ass holes are going to make me stop." he admitted with a nod. "Thor is a high level sorcerer. he's never trained it though, which can lead to severe complications. he has the power to match me and sigyn, but without Mjolnir, his hammer, he has no way to access it, because he's never been trained. Mjolnir takes his magic out for him, and creates lightening. much like a person cannot control fire until they hold a lighter." he admitted. "later in life, Thor runs a very high risk of contracting bad magical diseases. so long as you use, and properly exercise your magic, there is no risk. and people who have too little magic to exercise has no risk as well. but Thor's magic could very well turn on him as he approaches middle age." Loki admitted. "it won't be for another three thousand years before he enters the danger zone, but it's still a problem he refuses to acknowledge." Loki admitted before smiling at Tony, kissing him back. "i know it's weird, but at least you'll still be kicking it when we are." he admitted with a smile. "the only one we really have to worry about now is Nat. and i know she and Jor are planning on turning her into a Demi-God as well." he admitted. "now... lets get home." he ordered, smirking. "i want that 'sample'."

Steve blinked, looking surprised. "is... is that ok?" he asked, looking curious, but worried. "won't Clint be upset?" "upset about what?" Clint asked as he walked in, blinking a little. "oh, you mean the Date Sig wants to take you on?" Clint asked with a grin. proving that he wasn't as oblivious as everyone thought he was. "no i won't be upset. you two don't know each other very well yet. you need a chance to be alone and explore each other a little." he admitted. "besides, there's no way i'm going to sit through a two hour love fest in a movie theater, yech..." "'re just SO romantic..." Steve complained before he offered Sigyn a smile. "alright, a Date it is. it would be nice to have you to myself for a while." he admitted, giving her a kiss. "let me get ready." he ordered, glaring at Clint. "no you can't help." Clint pouted before he flashed Sigyn a smile. "go have fun, Steve's good at that romance junk." he admitted shaking his head. "i'm SO not..." he admitted, making a face. "you'd better get ready too. wear something pretty alright? i'm working with Nat tonight training some rookies." he admitted, looking quite visions. "we have to make sure those new Shield Agents are up to par." Clint loved beating on some newbie agents.
"Despite the scare you gave me, its a good thing you forgot. If you remembered something you loved. And now you can help me tinker and play with things"-insert perverted smirk here."since I can do my own spellworking now."He looked pleased with the idea before making a face. "Ah, I see. Though you would think he'd want to get control of it. I mean, I'd assume he'd be better with the lightening if he're brother's a idiot."Tony decided after listening to loki's words grinning. "Good. We totally have a team of long lived avengers now. I like it."he snickered before nodding, as they transported home, smirking as he instinctively took them straight to his bedroom, grinning as he pulled the man down onto the mattress next to him as he kissed him.

"Well, yea."Sigyn muttered before jumping a little, snickering as she looked up at clint, looking amused. "'re not as oblivious as I thought."She teased blushing ever so slightly. Glad that clint understood without her having to explain. Snickering at clint's words she rolled her eyes."It's okay,steve. We don't need him. We have each other for romance."She snickered a little looking amused as she kissed steve back and slid out of his lap."Go get ready."She looked amused as she watched him go before snickering at clint, "I'm definitely wearing something pretty."She looked amused as she waved a hand, smirking as her clothes changed into the soft black dress and 'fuck me' black stiletto heels. She looked cute and sexy, without being over the top, just cute and ready for a night on the town. Rolling her eyes at clint's plans for the night, "You enjoy beating on them to much. Be careful, you don't need to get hurt training some newbie."She teased kissing him lightly.
Loki chuckled a little. "yeah. i remember everything now." he admitted. "i hadn't realized it until just a second ago though." h admitted, shaking his head. "i really have to work on my observation skills." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "you have to remember, Odin has drastically cut back on sorcerers. he fears our power. Thor grew up hearing that Magic is a weakness and a crutch. that it's useless. never mind that it's magic that grows his food, warms his bath, makes his clothes, protects the city, powers the city, heals the wounded..." Loki rattled off, shaking his head. "but Odin doesn't care, so long as no one can threaten his reign." he admitted, shaking his head. "Thor is stupid, but only because Odin made sure he was. Thor used to be smart. he used to bring home good grades, but Odin heavily discouraged it, saying that school and magic was useless, and that you could only rely on your fists." Loki admitted. "it was one of te only times Odin denied Thor anything. not that Thor realized it." he gasped as they where Transported, having not expected it before he laughed as he collapsed into bed next to Tony. "very impressive." he admitted with a grin, kissing Tony back, magicking their clothes gone and pouting. "aw... your scar is gone..." he mumbled, stroking where the mass of scars on Tony's chest had been. "i never did get to gie you your surprises..." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "i'll give them to you now, shall i?" he asked, nuzzling Tony's neck. "the first is a nerve deadening charm." he explained. "it completely turns off your sensation of touch, so you won't feel the water on you." he explained with a smile. "i hoped it would make the water less traumatic for you."

Steve grinned a little. "he just plays stupid so people won't expect too much of him." he teased, Clint shrugging. "i'm a spy, noticing people and what they're thinking is what i do." he admitted before grinning. "it's a good thing we're a threesome then." Steve agreed with a laugh. "we'll get some romancing into Clint eventually... or kill him with boredom trying." he admitted with a smile. Clint was drooling at her by the time Steve came back in a pair of slacks and a blue button up shirt. "...he is such a brute." Steve complained affectionately before he realized what she was wearing and swallowed hard. "hey, they aught to know what they're getting into!" Clint complained as Steve rolled his eyes and offered Sigyn his arm with a grin. "shall we, my Lady? let us depart from the common neanderthal." "...i think i was insulted in there somehow." "mmm, yes indeed."
"So odin didn't only just turn thor against you and sigyn's, who's greatest weapon is magic, but he cripped his own son. Damn, he's as bad as howard is...No. Worse, since he's in charge of a kingdom."Tony said shaking his head. "hm. I live to be impressive."He muttered kissing him before looking down, looking startled to see that his scars were indeed gone, before shaking his head."Water's still traumatic you know, just because the scars are gone, doesn't mean the memories faded."He pointed out before smiling,"Though I bet that helps."He muttered sighing softly as he slid his hands over the other's body, tugging him on top of him. "You should do all the work this time, and ride me, as I've had a traumatic week."He teased stealing a kiss.

"ah, that makes sense."Sigyn looked amused as she looked up at clint, nodding. "We have a couple thousand years now, we'll get him some romance skills."She said giggling a little. Amused as clint was drooling, looking up at him. "Now clint, you better stop thinking about me. cause you do have to go beat on some new trainees."She teased amused before giggling as steve noticed what she was wearing, slipping her arm into his. "We shall.Goodnight clint."Sigyn said grinning as she kissed the archer, amused as they left. Amused as they walked, because both the resturant and threater weren't that far away, and she didn't want to drive any of tony's cars, she didn't drive enough to feel confident driving them. "When's the last time you went on a date?"She said looking up at the man next to her, curiousity and love in the look, because clint was right, they didn't know each other well.
Loki nodded. "indeed." he admitted. "he's also heavily suppressed people who would have been amazing sorcerers if they'd just had the proper training and good teachers." he admitted. "Odin is so power hungry, he left his own father to die just to get the throne." he admitted. "that's essentially how he ended up with me. i'm Odin's curse." Loki admitted. "i found out when i went to Jotunheim and found my grandfather trapped in the form of Snow. it's been too long now though, he can't be changed back, but i was able to give him a semi solid form..." Loki admitted with a smile as he nuzzled Tony's chest. "emotional scars are hard to heal." Loki agreed. "and i'll shower with you as well, so maybe that should help too." he agreed with a smile. "oh, i would like that." he purred, lowering his head to suckle on Tony's cock, humming happily as he pleasured his lover... and himself. he created a special magical pouch to collect the sample, so he didn't have to worry about it as he sucked his lover into orgasm, and then teased him with a masturbation show.

Steve chuckled a little and nodded. "you have a point, he can't spend that much time beating up people." Steve admitted with a grin. "i do have some new trainees to beat." he agreed with a grin as he kissed her. "try not to attract too much attention, alright love?" he asked with a smile before slapping Steve on the ass and running away, laughing. "...why do we love him again?" Steve asked Sigyn with amusement. "he's such a little kid." he grumbled, happy to be out in the fresh air, walking. "ah... well... no..." Steve admitted, flushing brightly. "i've never been on a date... never had a girlfriend before either. i didn't even know i liked girls until i saw you flirting with Clint." he admitted. "for some reason, i wasn't as annoyed as i should have been. took me a few days to realize why." he admitted, looking a little sheepish. "it wasn't until i realized that i wanted to jump you as much as i wanted to jump Clint that i stopped... er, you know... hating you.." he admitted, blushing even harder. because for a while there, he really had hated Sigyn for taking Clint.
When they were done tony growled quietly as he collapsed onto the bed next to loki, looking amused and while he was panting, he wasn't in the least bit tired. the man had had amazing stanimia when he was simply mortal, as a demi-god, tony stark was going to be the stuff of legends. "So, now are you going to please me in another way, and show me this magic bloodline chart?"Tony grinned at the jotun, looking way to pleased and hyper. poor loki, getting saddled with a man who thrived on both sex and knowledge, and excelled at both. Loki was definitely going to be busy as tony settled into his new life, because tony would be testing his limits, and see if he had any anymore.

"I'll try not to."Sigyn laughed grinning as clint took off running before looking up at steve, "Because he's a little kid. Between the two of us, we're older then most people would ever dream about. Clint makes us feel young again.At least he does me. I don't feel quite as....jaded, or as cynical as tony is when I'm with him."She giggled a little before she looked up at him, before she started laughing, wrapping a arm around his waist."Wow.I think the world's playing a joke on me. I marry a man who didn't know he liked guys until we had sex, and then I find you who didn't know he liked girls until he met me....definitely a joke in there somewhere."She said looking amused as she leaned up to kiss his cheek as they walked into the resturant, smiling as they found a table by the window, because like loki, she liked to people watch, and even if she was paying attention to steve, she liked watching the city that had become home, not because it was were she was born, but because this was where she was loved.
Loki chuckled a little as he watched Tony rest, setting a hand to his throat and magicking the sample into his hand, the little glowing orb filled with swirling drops of Tony's cum. "you bet." Loki chirped. honestly, he was excited to have a man who could keep up with him, sexually and intellectually. all the things they could do together! he cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders and wrists, loosening up before he smiled at Tony. "try not to ask questions until i'm done, i won't have the energy to restart if i get distracted." he warned before he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, settling his hands around the floating orb of cum. suddenly, Loki's eyes snapped open, glowing the emerald green of his magic as emerald swirls filled the air, Loki's bright blue Jotun markings flowing into view, bright blue tattoo like markings that encircled his entire body. then, without warning, Runes began to flow out of the ball, so tiny they could barely be read, they flowed out, millions of them as the sperm inside was dissolved by magic and settled into the spell. it took a half an hour for the flow of Runes to stop, the cum all used up. Loki held his hand out, all of the runes settling into his hand, forming a massive, writhing black ball that Loki took and pressed, hard, until it was as tiny as a marble. Loki then created a quill and a sheet of paper and dipped the quill into the writhing marble, set it to the paper and watched as the Quill began to write furiously for a further ten minutes. then it was done, and Loki dropped the spell and snatched the peice of paper out of the air, panting slightly as he examined it, eyes widening. "excuse me a second..." he ordered, turning away from Tony dropping to his knees and raised his arms to the sky. "Thank You! whoever you are! Thank you SO Much for making me Adopted!!!!"

Steve pondered that and then nodded. "i'm not old enough to need to feel young again." he admitted with a chuckle. "but he does make the world a lot less frightening." he admitted with a nod. "he even helped me set up a Facebook... why i need it, i don't know. but i have it now." he admitted with a shake of his head. "well, in my defense, i think i was always too wrapped up in Bucky to realize i was attracted to women." he admitted with a smile. "but there is a joke in there somewhere. i'm surprised Tony and Loki haven't come up with it yet." he admitted, smiling as he settled by the window. "i love to watch the city." Steve admitted suddenly. "i always have... just to see what people are like." he admitted with a smile. "sometimes, you can tell a lot about a person, just by how they walk down the street."
"Awesome. And I'll refrain from interrupting."He looked amused as he settled in to watch, looking amused at the sight of the glow with cum in it. There was definitely jokes to be made, but he was to excited about the idea of the working to be making them. Eyes widening as he watched loki's markings swirl into view he swallowed hard, trying not to lower his head as explore the markings on his lover's body. Oh yea, tony definitely had a god's hunger to explore now that his body didn't need as much rest. Eyes widening as he watched the quill write, he tilted his head in curiousity. "Whatever for...?"He said looking surprised as loki dropped to his knees before starting to laugh, the intelligent man already putting the pieces together from what loki had said, even without seeing the paper. "Does this mean I have to change my name to tony thorson?Cause I kinda like being tony stark."The billionaire said, sounding amused, and a little in shock. The problems and benefits both of being thor's son would hit him later, but for the moment he was numb and happy loki was indeed not odin's son.

"Ah, well.That's true. But I am. And he does, its a little less...dark with him being so outrageously childish sometimes."She giggled a little before grinning at him. "No one understands facebook, but everyone has one....though I had to take mine down when fans kept asking me to have cybersex with was disturbing, even if it made loki laugh."She said looking amused before shrugging. "The fact that neither tony or loki have made it yet, just proves how obsessed they are with each other at the moment...give them time, they have to come up for air eventually."Sigyn snickered before nodding as she looked at him."Me to. People are never aware just how much they give away simply by walking...take tony, he walks into a room like he owns it, and in all probablitly he does, but he always hesitates before walking in, if someone is there, as if he's not sure that he'd be welcomed. And clint runs from room to room heedless of anything but what he's trying to do."She smiled a little. "It always amuses me to watch people..."
Loki cast an amused glance at tony, as if very well aware of what the man was thinking. as Loki dropped to his knees and the magic vanished, so did he bright blue markings. "no, you won't have to change your name. not in this realm anyway. the Asgaurdians will vary between Tony Stark and Tony Thorson." he admitted. "if someone ever calls you Mariason, or Battird, just punch them in the face." loki ordered. "it's an insult, like calling you a bastard not worthy of a father, sort of insult." he admitted. "the question now is... do we tell Thor?" he mused as he sat down next to Tony, looking worried about him. "are you alright?..."

he smiled and nodded. "he really is outrageous, and very hyper, and happy." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "whats Cyber Sex?" he asked, looking baffled. "anything that makes Loki laugh can't be good..." he mused, shaking his head. "i'm not sure they will now that Tony is a god." he pointed out. "he was hard to keep up with before, imagine what he's like now!" he admitted with a smile. "Pep has a walk too. very confident, as if she knows her orders will be followed. and Sleipnir too. he walks into a room like he kows he's gods gift to... well, everyone." he admitted with a smile. "Bruce sort of sneaks in, as if he's terrified of being noticed... though, it's getting better now that he has so many freinds." he admitted, pondering. "i'm thinking Enchilada, how about you?"
"Oh good,cause tony thorson doesn't sound as awesome as tony stark."Tony mused before tilting his head a little as he considered that. "I can definitely punch someone for insulting me. Even more so if I can put my suit on first."he snickered a little as he shifted, shrugging slightly as he glanced at the man sitting next to him. considering that before shaking his head."No...not yet. I...I don't trust him.Even if telling him would offer more protection, seeing how he treated sigyn...and you...I don't want to be means to a end with him, I need to figure out how to be a god, before I'm stuck with a self-serving father. I already had one, I don't want another."He muttered shifting, resting his head on loki's shoulder.

"Cyber sex is..."Sigyn looked amused and tried to figure out how to explain to the man."sending messages on the computer, pretending to act out sex...or you can do a video chat and do it that's quite ineresting, between lovers, but when I kept getting harassed by people I don't time clint's on a mission and he's on his way home, we'll get him to have cyber sex with us. It would be quite the punishment for him."She mused before nodding. "I think I'll go with the enchilada to."She said smiling slightly as she struggled to ignore the pounding of her head. while it wasn't common for her, her migraines were getting worse, and it was driving her insane. But she was determined to enjoy the evening, because she loved the man across from her, and needed him to know she enjoyed his company.
Loki chuckled a little. "well, a lot of people chose different last names once they reach an appropriate age. i chose Liesmith. you're old enough now, in human years anyway, to choose your own name as well. there are still a few dicks out there who insist on calling me Leaufeyson, but it's easy enough to ignore them." he admitted. "i can understand that." Loki admitted. "very well, we will not tell Thor." he agreed with a nod. "but please remember... Thor only treated me the way he did, because he grew up under Odin's hatred of me. Thor knows no better. Odin has never had a chance to influence Thor about humans, or about halfbloods. he never saw the need. Thor will let no one use you, even if he does himself." Loki promised. "and you have Sigyn and I to protect you." he promised with a smile. "Thor would not dare risk the Avengers wrath by attempting to use you." he promised. "you are probobly the safest person in Creation right now." he admitted with a smile as he simply held Tony. "do you want the other Avengers to know?"

Steve blinked a little. "sounds... weird." he admitted, shaking his head. "we didn't even have television when i was a kid. we had radios if we where rich enough to afford one." he admitted. "there wasn't anything like computers, or even cordless phones. most people didn't even have their own phone, you went to a phone box and dialed the operator." he admitted with a chuckle. "it would be interesting to try it though..." he admitted, smiling at her. "at least i didn't blow up the TV set like Thor did." he mused. "and i'm gettign a lot better at this technology stuff, even if i can't work my phone yet... Sig? are you alright?... you're a bit pale..."
"Ah. And you are such a good liesmith. and silvertongue."He teased smirking ever so slightly before nodding. "Good. And I will try...though it stands to reason thor is trying to use sigyn for the same reason odin wants her...I don't know. I just feel weird about trusting him, and seeing as listening to myself has kept me alive this long, it seems better to not tell him for now."He said smiling before nodding."True. Thor's a idiot, but even he has to see the downside of picking a fight like that."He mused before shifting, thinking about it as he snuggled his mate. " you think they'd be okay with it?I mean...they were okay with me not being stark's son..."He said for once sounding just as vulnerable and confused as he felt.

"It is weird. But entertaining to."Sigyn said snickering a little before smiling. "I was born in a time when you still had to send messagers out to memorize the message because humans didn't write anything down for the most part. It is very weird to be in this time..."She agreed before laughing. "Well, you're more intelligent then the thunderer, you don't hit everything. And I'll help you with your phone.."She looked amused before nodding, though her face was tight with pain and she was growing paler. "Fine. I'll going to go to the bathroom."She muttered as she got up, barely making it a few steps before she dropped, and as she did anything, it was a graceful collapse to the floor, a slow trickle of blood leaking from her nose.
Loki chuckled. "Silvertongue sounds so naughty." he teased with a grin. "i chose Liesmith so no one could turn it into a nasty joke." he admitted with a chuckle. "exactly, Thor doesn't realize it though, he's been manipulated far too long to really realize why he wants Sigyn for himself. Thor needs some very heavy mental therapy, but i doubt he'll ever get it. even if Odin was dead and gone right now." he admitted. "it is good to trust your instincts. your magic will often tell you things that you yourself are not aware of." Loki admitted. "i think the Avengers will be fine with it." he promised. "they don't care who your father is, after all. they care about you, Tony. genius billionaire playboy philanthropist." he teased with a smile as he kissed the other.

he smiled a little. "that must be really weird." he agreed. "you lived here for a long time though, so you at least got to see the advances taking place right? it's not too bad of a shock." he mused. "that must have been really interesting. to see so many intelligent discoveries." he mused, blinking at her. "of course i don't hit everything. you never know when something is going to hit back..." he admitted, looking worried. "are you sure you're alright?... SIGYN!" he gasped as she dropped, gathering her into his arms, stroking her hair. "Sig!? are you alright!? please wake up..." he pleaded, realizing he had drown a crowd he shoved his phone into someone's hands. "Dial number three and tell the man on the phone whats happening." he demanded, well aware that Bruce could get to Hela faster than anyone else could. Steve wasn't sure if this was magical or medicinal, so he figured he'd just have Hela come. sure enough, five minutes later, Hela was there, shoving through the crowd, wearing a doctors outfit. "Out of the way!" Bruce roared, the people parting like the red sea to let Hela through so she could check on her mother.
"I know, but I'm not the one who gave it to you."He pointed out smirking a little before sighing quietly. "Thor needs to get help. Both medical and magical."The man decided before hesitating, nodding a little. "Well. we'll tell them."He muttered kissing him back before laughing quietly before jumping out of his skin. "Sir?Ms. Sigyn has collapsed on her date. Ms. Hela has gone to see her, but I would think that sir loki should go to."Jarvis interrupted, and within moments tony was scrambling to his feet. "Where are they?" "El Captainico's, on lexington, sir."jarvis supplied.

"Yea, it is weird. And despite living through it, some things still confuse me, and it has been fairly interesting true."Sigyn said looking amused before laughing."Hm, so glad you learned that lesson instead of like thor."She muttered. "I'm sure..."She muttered though she didn't respond to his words, she turned her head into his hand a little. Though it was having medical results, as soon as Hela got a look at the magic surrounding her mother, itw as obvious it was magical issue as it looked like chucks of them had been ripped out. And it had been. When odin had realized that he couldn't get thor to force her back, and that her marriage did indeed protect her completely, he'd set his seers and sorcerers-the ones that hadn't taught her and loki, didn't feel the need to protect her- to finding a way to destroy the seer. And they had. By overloading her system, by both magic and visions, forcing her body to handle to much, and in turn imploding when she fought to shake off the symptoms. She would recover, but like pepper, it would take time. If she'd considered it, she would have set wards, but even she hadn't thought odin would be that desperate, because to kill her like this, meant killing the sorcerer who'd cast it. More then ever, she'd need steve and clint as she started to get her bearings again, because until she healed, she'd have little, if any, magic.. She'd be as helpless as a child, and for a woman who'd always been able to do magic, it would be traumatic.
loki smiled a little. "Thor will never accept help." he stated with a shake of his head. "he doesn't even go to the healers after a battle unless Frigga makes him." he admitted simply before looking up at the voice of Jarvis, his head tilted before he paled. "i'll take us there Tony." he promised. "i might need you to help me with magic, don't use it until we're certain Sig is alright."

Loki and Tony appeared in an instant, and took it took Loki only seconds to realize what was happening. "Tony, come here." Loki demanded. "you haven't been trained yet, but you can help us. set your hand on Hela's shoulder, and then on mine, reach inside and find those threads of power." Loki instructed. "once you have them, push them into me. keep doing this until i either tell you to stop, or you only have four strands left. take anymore than that out and you'll go into magical shock." he warned. "are you ready?" he knelt and set a hand on Sigyn's shoulder and closed his eyes, slipping into her to heal her magic as best as he could, while Hela worked on the body and mind. people where taking video and pictures, where tweeting and bloggign and facebooking about how Tony stark and Loki Liesmith where working to save a woman who was apparently dating Steve Rogers. it would be all over the news. it took an hour, but soon Hela and Loki had her stable, and Loki was panting hard as he took Tony's hand. "how much magic do you have left?" he demanded. "if you have two strands to spare, i could use them." he admitted. "remember, don't go under four strands, i won't have the energy or the magic to save you if you go into magical shock."
Tony nodded in agreement to the orders as they were transported, for once ignoring the crowd around them as he knelt next to loki, resting a hand on hela and loki's shoulders as he closed his eyes, shuddering a little as he felt the connections to his magic. While he'd been using it, to see it, was something totally different. By the time sigyn was stable the man was panting with the effort, nodding quietly as he held loki's hand, not even really aware that people would probably realize he was dating a man, but he didn't care. "Enough. I'm tired, but stable."He muttered closing his eyes as he slid the magic into loki, while he was running low on magic, it wasn't dangerously low. He'd recover in a few hours, he was tired, and worried but he was okay. Opening his eyes after a minute he looked at loki, "...will she be fine?I should probably go get clint, if you can get her and steve home..."He muttered glancing at the two where steve was still holding sigyn, worry etched into his face, and really hoping that clint hadn't seen any of the tweeting, blogging, or facebooking. This wasn't something that should be seen without knowing that his wife was okay.
Loki nodded and gently took the two strands he was offered from Tony, and the three he was handed from Hela and twisted them together, snarled and slammed every last ounce of that magic through the connections, breaking the strings that the seers and sorcerers where using to affect Sigyn, and he knew all too well that every last one of them was now nursing a three day long migraine... or a three week coma depending on their power levels and if they had any defenses up. he sagged, panting hard, trembling as he looked up at Steve, who looked like he was going to burst into tears at any moment. "she's fine now... but she's going to be very weak. weaker than Pepper was." he warned, Steve grimacing. "she's not going to like that." he admitted, gently wiping the blood off of Sigyn's face. "bring Nat too." Loki whispered, sounding exaughsted. "and then eat as much as you can and go to bed. it will help your magic recover..." he admitted with a jaw cracking yawn, kissing Sigyn's forehead. "she's fine now." he promised again, staggering to his feet before promptly collapsing. "legs fell asleep..." he mumbled as Sleipnir and Jor appeared, having gotten word from Jarvis on what was happening. Sleipnir took Steve and Sigyn, leaving Loki in the capable hands of Jor. unfortunately for Tony... Clint had seen the blogs, and was crawling the walls because Fury and Nat wouldn't let him leave until someone came and got him.
A breathless slight scream ripped out of sigyn's throat as loki broke the connections, though she was better off then hse had been, and would be better then the others affecting her, it was still a startling blow to a already vulnerable woman. Slumping back into steve's arms she panted quietly, even if she was still out of it. "No, she's not going to like it....maybe I'll make her something.But she's okay, steve."Tony reassured resting a hand on his friend's shoulder as he stood, sounding just as exhausted as loki, "I will. she can take care of clint."Tony muttered as he teleported to the carrier.

"hey, be careful. No need to give yourself a concussion."Jor scolded his father lightly as he caught loki's arm, keeping him up on his feet before transporting them home. Helping loki to bed and letting steve and sleipnir fuss over sigyn.

"He's going insane...didn't want him trying to fly a plane in this condition, he'd probably wreck it."Natasha said as she looked at tony's face, trying to see if sigyn was safe or not. Worried before opening the door, wincing a little. "Clint?"Tony yelled as he walked into the archery room, instinctively pulling a shield around himself just in case clint attacked him, not sure what to expect from a assassin who's wife was down and hurt. "Clint, sigyn needs you at home."
Loki carefully soothed the torn nerves and eased the pain down as much as he could, Steve crying out in fear when Sigyn screamed her pain. "i wouldn't." Loki protested, smiling at Jor. "make sure Tony eats, ok?" he asked before slumping into bed, dead to the world. he had used every last bit of his magic to heal Sigyn's magic as much as possible. it was all up to her now. he wasn't at risk for magical shock, but it was a very close call.

Clint had felt something go wrong the second Sigyn had collapsed and he'd abandoned a mock battle then and there to check his phone. as soon as he'd seen what was going on he freaked out, and he'd gone entirely mad as soon as Loki had cut the strings. the pain Sigyn was in, she had created him, there was a very strong bond there, and Clint was letting out another aspect that his Godhood had created, but had yet to be seen. Clint was a killer, he was a beast, a raging thing that was very much in control of itself. but Clint's magic was new and was everything he was, only without the control, and now it was calling the shots. he spun as Tony entered, magic feeling magic and deciding it was a threat. Clint shrieked, leaped into the air, and slammed body, and magic into Tony's shield. luckily, Tony was a LOT stronger than Clint was. Clint shrieked again, sounding not unlike a Falcon in dive as he slammed against Tony's shield again before he decided the other magic wasn't going to attack he shrieked a third time, took off out the door that Tony had left open, and leaped out of the window... fifty stories up. Tony would reach the window just in time to see Clint shift, just like Loki, into a mighty bird of prey... a tiny bird of prey... a Peregrine Falcon, which took off towards Stark Tower.
Tony cursed as the other slammed into him, stumbling a step. Though he was stronger, the man was also exhausted from helping loki. Stumbling as he poured more magic into the shield, the man swallowed hard."Clint, it's me. Tony. Come on, Sigyn needs you."Tony said before cursing as he scrambled after the other, his mouth falling open as he saw the other dive out of the window, cursing for a moment before his eyes widened as he saw the man shift. "Fucking hell..."he slumped tiredly even as he looked at natasha, glad that clint was okay, at least he assumed the man was going home and okay. Wrapping a arm around the female assasin he teleported them home, barely aware as jor and natasha both bullied him into eating, stumbling through the steps. Tired from his first excerise in fully accessing the magic, the man was ready to sleep for a week.

"...clint...."Sigyn muttered though she was still out, teh word came out as she felt the man nearing her, the bond between them tying her as close to him as he was to her. Starting to come around, though she sounded hurt, vulnerable and ready to go out again, but being close to both her men, even if clint wasnt in the room yet, was starting to draw her back.
it didn't take Clint long to reach Stark Tower, magic speeding his flight. he didn't even bother going in the font door, he just swept into the open window, landed on the floor shifted back and proceeded to do everything he could to seal the room, magically and physically. he didn't attack Steve but he got very aggravated when Steve tried to stop him. only once Clint's 'animal' and his magic decided it was safe did he settle down next to Sigyn and start whispering to her, comforting her, and himself. thank the fates that she was fully stable, because there was no way Jor or Sleipnir was getting in that room. he fell asleep mumbling to her, and Steve shook his head and settled next to both his lovers, a silent guard. luckily, Clint had completely calmed down by the time morning came, and he took down all the protections he'd put up so he could get his lovers some food, pausing as he blinked at Tony. "..oh..." he muttered, looking rather horrified. "i attacked you! i'm sorry! i didn't... i mean... i thought you where..." "settle down." Loki ordered with a smile. "Tony explained what happened and i explained to him what it was." he promised. "your Soul Mate was in danger, it's to be expected that you didn't recognize Tony... though, i would refrain from jumping out windows next time... now..." he looked down at the plate of burnt eggs he was throwing away. "you can cook, right?" "" "damn..."
Tony smiled a little when the man came in, shrugging."I would have attacked me were wild clint,don't worry about it. Though id appreciate it next time if you don't throw yourself out of the nearly gave me a heart attack."tony said before smirking slightly."don't look at me,I can't cook either."he said before sighing."and I don't think sigyn would like it if you got her ceral.." " three are hopeless.what do you want to eat?"jor said smirking as he walked into the room looking tired though,worried about his mother."waffles."tony piped up looking pleased. "Waffles it is."the young serpenr snickered a little as he started cooking looking at clint."hows mother?"
Clint smiled sheepishly. "...honestly that was... it was so..." "you felt more free than you've ever felt in your life?" loki asked with a smile as Clint nodded. "not many Gods have a Wildness like that. Fenris Jor and Sleipnir do, but they are very rare." he admitted with a smile. "if their mate was in that much danger, they would have done the same thing." he admitted, Clint nodding a little. "i don't know how i knew, but i knew if i could just make it into open air... no matter how high or low i was, then i could get to Sigyn... it's amazing, being able to fly." he admitted, his eyes shining before he smiled at Jor. "Waffles sound wonderful. and Sigyn is sleeping at the moment." he admitted. "i can feel her now... right here." "the attack woke your magic." Loki explained. "it was dormant before, i simply assumed you didn't have much." Loki admitted. "the Magic allows you to forma very tight bond to Sigyn, allowing you to always know when she's in danger or needs help. like now, your magic is entirely tuned to her because you know she's hurt." loki admitted as he helped Jor make food, Sleipnir joining them. "Hela's going to need a lot of food. she used up all of her magic save for her Core strands." "a powerful sorceress like Hela, can use all the strands of her magic in order to achieve something without going into shock." Loki explained to Tony. "if you look, you'll be able to see you're Core, your magic strands seep out of it. much like the Sun and her Sunspots." he admitted with a smile. "i'll show you how to see it later." he promised Tony. "it takes a long bit of deep meditation, and that's only if you already know how to meditate."
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