
"I'm sorry!hold on,I'll be there soon."sigyn yelled sounding upset but not panicked because she knew he could shoot blind.but even despite that knowledge she needed to be near him to watch his back for her own peace of mind,trusting steve to take care of himself,smiling slightly at the sounds of pepper's explosions and fenris' furious snarls from the rumble."I got this.go!"joe snarled at his father as mother and son set about ending the fight as quickly bscause sigtn really wanted to know if tony was fine or if loki had simply been hoping that it was okay. Not trusting loki's judgement on healing things.

When they finished the fight,nd shield agents were calmly escorting the underlings out she frowned as they walked into the main room glancing at loki."I thought you said their leader was up here...and why does it taste like magic?"she muttered wrinkling her nose a little,because to her magic always tasted,sensed different for each weilder, because she was a seer,and each user of magic had a slihtly different taste to uit in the strands of fate,so she was better at sensin things then loki when it came to picking out different sorcerers, just because she could see how their fate was influenced by it,even if she wasn't actively seeing a vizion,the strands were still there."...anf you said tony was okay?"she said walking next to clint still,worried about his eyes,and really worried about the billionaire who was no longer there.
Clint cursed as he was clipped by a bullet and ducked behind a post, muttering to Jarvis. he could see.. but it was too bright in the basement for his night vision, everything was blurry and disfigured, so he was relying on Jarvis to Aim. he'd never been without sight before, and in the midst of a battle it was taking all of his self control not to panic. having Steve and Sigyn so close was definitely helping. the fight was over quickly, and Loki coughed up a bit of smoke from one of the explosions, shaking his head. "he was. he was bound with Tony's magic... oh.. oops..." Loki muttered, cringing. "i hadn't realized that.. well, we'll catch him. no one escapes shield..." too bad Viper was already dead for his failure... "apparently the reason why Tony was making such amazing technological advancements, is because he has direct access to his own magic... Sig, Tony's a Demi-God... and it looks like he's a natural born." Loki admitted, looking even MORE worried. "didn't Odin declare that none was to sleep with a mortal? he could have Tony killed because of that breach. granted, the law was only made forty years ago, and Tony is forty three... but i don't think Odin will care much about that..." Loki admitted, fidgeting, nervous and worried and all around upset.

"so.. Tony's like me?" Clint asked, blinking a little as he squinted, struggling to see through the blinding light. he smiled when Loki handed him a pair of dark sunglasses. "much better, thanks." Clint muttered. he was handling this a lot better than he should have been. probobly because of his new Bow and Jarvis, helping him to realize that just because he couldn't see, didn't mean he was helpless. out of the fifteen men they'd faced, nine of them Clint had taken out himself. "we'll all go home." Loki promised her with a smile. "oh, we're going back to Spain?" Clint asked, looking excited. "i'll pack my swimming trunks." Loki glanced at Sigyn and bit his lip to keep from laughing as he prepared a Transporter Ring. a large circle of runes designed for one time transportation of multiple people. Hela, Sleipnir, and Jor assisted, and in a matter of seconds, all the inhabitants of Stark Tower where now sitting in the Manse of Manhattan. which had recently bee bought by a very reclusive millionaire... not even fury had realized that it was Loki and Sigyn who now owned the most expensive house in Manhattan. they where right on the beach, three floors tall with two basement levels and an attic. there where three pools, two inside and one outside. everything was exactly the way Sigyn wanted it too. "...this, is not in Spain." "Spain was just a vacation." Loki chirped with a grin. "make yourselves at home. i'm going to check on Tony."
Sigyn's eyes widened as she struggled to process what she was hearing,odding dazedly."whatever tony did to hold him must have snapped as soon as you moved him away. ."she muttered sounding stunned."but it does explain why he looks a decade younger then he really is,hes aging like a asgardian...and why alcohol seems to have so little effect...and some of what hes done...though you'll have to explain hes still one of a kind genius.."she trailed off knowing loki would understand just how upset tony was going to be to rlthink he was losing the one thing that made him unique,his intelligence because she knew it had been the only thing so many people had valued. What set him apart was that he'd done it by instinct, where even most asgardians had to be trained for years before they started to get close to what tony had done by accident.she knew he was going to be upset until he came to terms with everything."no odin won't care but it might protect him from getting hurt over what hes created...we'll just have to wait loki,there's nothing we can do but teach tony control now that he's broken his bonds.."

"Sort of."she answered clint smiling relieved at how calm he was."it seems he was born instead of changed,rhough I wish we would have discovered the bonds before they broke,it would have been interesting to see who set them in place."she mused because binding a child's magic to protect them until they were ready was something almost all asgardians could do,even if they weren't great at magic,so it didn't really narrow down who could have been responsible.sigtn grinned as they were transported to the house tilting her head."no its not spain.I was working in spain for a bit."she grinned pleased that the prank had gone so well.

When loki reached the door tony was already starting to stir,the arrival of everyone having alerted the nearly comatose man that he wasn't alone,and though still mostly out of it, the shields he'd instinctively set to shield him with radiated deadly,feral anger.prepared to defend himself until he recognized where he was or who was there.
Loki nodded a little. "it must have been an instinctive reaction to bind the bastard. Tony's magic working on it's own to protect Tony." Loki mused. "and it does explain so much..." Loki admitted with a grin. "its amazing what he's been able to achieve." Loki admitted with a nod. "even with his magic bound, Tony's still been using it, naturally. that's... simply amazing! even i wasn't able to do that!" Loki's magic had been so wild as a child, he'd had to work three times as hard to achieve control, but that was part of why he was such an amazing sorcerer now. "he's going to be upset, but he'll calm down once he realizes the truth." Loki admitted with a smirk. "he's still, and always was smarter than everyone else. including Asgaurdians... but, what i don't understand... neither Howard, nor Maria where gods... so..." he paused, gaping at her. "Howard said that Tony wasn't his son... and Andrew later commented that Tony wasn't a Stark! Howard isn't Tony's Father! how the HELL did i miss that?!" Loki demanded, more than a little stunned.

"Odin gave the order that all naturally born demi-gods where to have their magic bound if they where living on earth." Loki pointed out. "Tony's magic was bound by one of the dozens of Mages that came down to do the deed." he admitted. "i don't think Odin even knows how many bound Demi-gods are down here..." he admitted. "but most humans don't have contact with magic like tony did when i arrived here on earth. that constant contact, and his own brilliance probobly weakened the bonds enough that when faced with enough life threatening danger, they snapped." Loki mused, Clint and the rest of the Avengers scowling at Sigyn. "you made us think you where living in Spain on purpose!" Pepper complained, looking amused. "hey... can someone fix me? i think i have a broken arm." she admitted, examining the mass of bruises on her arm. "i've got you." Hela promised with a chuckle as she set about healing the various injuries.

loki hesitated when he felt the magic, and he slowly uncurled his own, letting Tony's magic feel his. Tony's magic might have been bound, but it would know Loki... whether or not it accepted Loki as a non-threat was another matter entirely, and Loki didn't move until Tony's magic decided for itself if Loki was safe or not.
Sigyn nodded looking amused before smirking. "Loks, just think, if he's doing this by instinct, how good he's going to be at a Greater Working."She smirked at the idea, because greater workings took skill, patience, and a ability to keep straight exactly what needed to be done in the exact order. Which tony had in spades. And it was a good thing, because since asgardians were so much warriors, it was very rare to find a sorcerer-much less a untrained bond one- who could bat in sigyn and loki's league without trying. "I know, someone would have noticed if they were.."Sigyn said before looking at loki, startled before starting to laugh. "because you assumed like tony probably did, that it was just wishful thinking on howard's part, since it was such a common insult in his house. He probably never considered there would be a truth to it."Sigyn pointed out before tilting his head slightly. "Damn. I had forgotten he did that, I had hoped it was a parent binding him...but..."She shrugged before sighing. "It'd be interesting to know who his father was though....and true. Between you and thor he's been exposed enough to weaken whatever bonds held him."She mused watching loki leave before shrugging, "No, you all assumed we were staying there permanantly, we said we were staying there, and we were. You just assumed it was longer."Sigyn snickered a little before sulking as she looked at her husbands. "Does this mean I'm not getting laid tonight?"she whined as she helped hela heal the ones who were hurt.

Tony frowned slightly as he started waking up, recognizing his lover even if he wasn't concious really yet. Sighing quietly the half god blinked slowly, frowning. "I feel hungover...but I don't get hungover...what the hell is wrong with me?....and you magicked my hair long!Reindeer, what the hell?!"Tony said wincing as he sat up, he might be healed but his body was still tender from getting shot, definitely still feeling the effects of both being shot, and breaking the bindings. While there was no true danger to breaking the bonds, he was still suffering from the backlash of breaking them.
loki smiled at her. "i know!" he stated, looking incredibly excited. "can you imagine the Grand Working we could do, us three together!?" Grand Workings where almost impossible to achieve with just two people. even if they where of Loki and Sigyn's skill. there hadn't been any Grand Workings since Odin had taken the throne. although, Loki suspected that was why. the Sorcerers Academy was often very under budget and under staffed because Odin didn't think Magic was worth 'the waste of resources', but Loki and Sigyn both knew it was because Odin feared the magical might of real sorcerers like Loki and Sigyn. had the Academy been up to par, there would be many sorcerers of Loki and Sigyn's ability, though probobly not power. "being how powerful Tony is, i'd say his Father has to have a middle, to large magical reserve. someone of Thor's Magical strength to mine. that will widdle down a few suspects at least. then we just have to take that group, and find out who visited earth fourty three years ago... fourty four i mean, and we'll have a very select few capable of being Tony's father..." he paused. "why do we need to know who his father is anyway? i doubt he'll be any better than Howard was." "of course you're getting laid." "yes, how else are we to punish you for playing pranks on us, if not through brutal sexual teasing?" "...not exactly what i was thinking there Clint." "so? it was what i was thinking."

Loki smiled a little as he moved over to Tony. "some things happened Tony. what do you remember?" h asked before he snorted. "i didn't do it!" he complained with a smile. "don't worry, Sleipnir will cut it once you're feeling better. you're going to be sore for a few days, but otherwise you're not hurt." Loki promised, carefully helping his lover to sit up. "there." Loki muttered, summoning up a massive amount of pillows to support Tony. "try to take it wasy, and i'll explain what happened." he promised. "do you remember what Howard said? that you weren't his son?...well, it's true. Howard Stark, in fact, is NOT your father. in any way. you're a Demi-God Tony, a naturally born one. and an amazing one at that. you've been manipulating Magic without even realizing it. it took me until i was two thousand and ten to be able to manipulate magic the way you do." he grumbled playfully before he set a hand on Tony's. "the bindings on your magic where much like mine." he explained, showing Tony his black tattoos. "only yours where internal. being exposed to Thor, Sigyn, and i... not to mention the kids, all that ambient magic weakened the bonds holding your magic out of your reach. it made you entirely mortal. something that's very dangerous if done when you're too old, which suggests that your magic, and godhood, was bound before you where even four or five years old. most likely, it happened when you where around three years of age." he admitted. "it's going to take a little bit of effort, but you've been using your magic naturally so far, so i doubt it will take you long to have complete control over your magic." he assured Tony, looking worried, wondering how tony was going to react to all of this.
"It would indeed be grand. I'll have to think on something we can do, to test just how much control he has."Sigyn said sounding pleased with the idea, tilting her head as she considered that. "And even then the group who would have come to earth, with the magical talent, would narrow it down."Sigyn mused before nodding slightly. "True, but loks, you're thinking it through like you are his lover, who odin hates, and its blinding you to the obvious fact."Sigyn smirked. "If its someone who supports Odin, and can cause even more problems for him, which given just how talented tony is, is likely, odin wouldn't be able to execute him without causing problems at home. Even if his father has had nothing to do with him, family means something to asgardians."She pointed out before looking at steve and clint, giggling a little before pouting. "Well, you were thinking wrong. I can't be punished like that. I thought you were the one who was getting tied up and kept out of things tonight, anyways."Sigyn snickered as she looked at the archer, gently running her fingers through his hair, pressing a kiss to his forehead, glad he was okay.

"I...we were taking the cars to the party right?I think I got in a fight. If it was with the chairman, it wasn't my fault!"Tony whined a little as he rubbed his stomach, he was feeling sore and tired before sulking as he shifted to gather the fairly curly brown hair in one hand to pull it back, not even really aware he had just magicked himself a ponytail holder to keep it in place before frowning. "What.Are. You.Talking.About."Tony growled looking annoyed and unsure about what he was hearing before looking away from the other man, though his face was closed off, and shut down, the magic in the air held a taste of bitterness, and pain."I'm not a demi-god, reindeer."
Loki nodded. "he has a rather impressive amount of control already." he admitted. "he's been using his magic to make that Bow. he made the Clean energy engines before we arrived, so i don't know how much magic he put into those, but i suppose it doesn't really matter." he admitted, pondering that. "i am his lover." Loki pointed out before he blinked. "'re right, if it's someone like the Warriors Three, or Tyr, Odin won't be able to lay a finger on Tony or risk ostracizing some of his strongest supporters. even if it's a political opponent, if they are high enough on the food chain, Odin won't dare risk the wrath of the entire opposition." he admitted. "this could, in fact, be very good for us, if we can figure out who his father is. i'll send Sleipnir up to look. he's the best at finding stuff like this out. and he loves to spy."

"you talked me into it!" Sleipnir chirped, chuckling as he hopped to his feet and headed out to find a sliphole into Asgaurd. "of course you can be punished like that. we'll throw in a few spankings too, just to be sure!" Clint decided, Steve laughing a little. "nah, we'll punish you both and chain you still and make you watch me..." and he stopped went bright red and clapped a hand over his mouth. stunned that he had been about to say what he was sure he wasn't supposed to in polite company.

"no, the chairman actually likes you. some terrorists came tony. a man named Viper wanted the Iron Man Suit you where supposed to give to the military... he was working on outdated information. he shot you right here." he explained, touching Tony's side where there had been a gaping hole just hours before. "you are actually." Loki admitted. "but this is a good thing Tony. it means that, for one, Howard has nothing to do with your genius. you must have gotten it from your mother. no Asgaurdian i know has any sort of intelligence." he admitted with a smile. "it also means that if your Blood Father is high enough up on the Asgaurdian food chain, Odin won't be able to touch you, which means that you can take full and complete credit for your amazing clean energy engines and that remarkable Bow of Clint's." Loki admitted, gently taking Tony's hand. "you're a Demi God Tony... and i know that's a frightening thought, but you always have been. and those scars you hate so much are even gone thanks to the healing magic." he admitted, kissing Tony's forehead. "it's amazing how much control over your magic you have." Loki admitted. "and think of all the amazing technology you can make now, with your own source of magic! you can even get things humans aren't supposed to have." he admitted with a smile. "it's really not so bad Tony... i promise."
"I know you are, but you can't think like that. Think like a king."Sigyn said rolling her eyes a little before grinning. "exactly. He can't risk upsetting everything, not with me, you and whoever his father is standing on this side of the line and willing to pit everything against him."Sigyn said smirking a little looking amused as sleipnir left, rolling her eyes a little. It always amused her so much her son loved spying. Looking at steve, her mouth falling open a little as she considered that. "....I think we have something to attend to. Excuse us."Sigyn said grinning as she slipped her fingers under the edge of clint's collar, and a arm around steve's waist to pull them towards her bedroom, grinning as she caught sight of the floor to ceiling fish tank that was the outside wall, having every intention of enjoying their company.

"Oh."Tony frowned looking down, wincing a little as loki touched his side, glancing down at loki's hand as he touched his side. Biting his lip a little as he considered that, he was upset and confused, but the tormoil going on under that quiet stillness was well hidden. "....When I can get up and moving again, I want to go see Howard."He said after a moment thinking, while he wasn't sure how he felt about any of this, he knew there was someone he had to see about it, if only to get his head straight. Feeling hurt that instead of telling him that he was hated, at least with him being a genius he had thought he'd understood why howard hated him, but this...this wasn't his fault!He'd had no hand in his conception and it hurt him badly that howard hated him for it anyways. Yawning he shifted, resting his head on loki's shoulder. "....I'm tired...and don't want to see anyone....I'll deal with the others when I'm up and moving again..."he muttered already drifting off to sleep, having every intention of avoiding his friends until he figured out how he was feeling about being a demi-god.Definitely to surprised and hurt, both heartsick and physically hurt, to get his bearings well.
Loki nodded. "i'm bad at thinking like a king, that's why Helblindi is in charge of Jotunheim." he pointed out with a chuckle. "and you're very right, as smart as Tony is, people are going to be amazed by him, particularly the other sorcerers. Odin won't dare risk their ire." Steve was still flushed as he was pulled from the room, Clint laughing as he realized that Steve was going to put on another masturbation show. "wow..." Steve muttered, examining the massive fish tank, highly impressed. "who comes and feeds them?" Loki did actually, every morning and evening he came in for a few minutes to take care of the animals... or at least, an illusion of him did.

Loki offered him a small smile. "you'll only be bedridden for a day or two at most." Loki promised him. "your body just has to adjust to the sudden influx of magic." he explained softly, stroking Tony's hair. "i'll see what i can do about you're hair too. Sleipnir went off to play spy." he admitted with a chuckle as he wrapped his body around Tony. "i love you." he promised. "even if you are, like... ten times better than me at magic." he promised. "i won't let anyone in." he promised, watching Tony sleep, worried. if Tony rejected himself, his very magic could attack him... causing a magical backlash sickness that was more often than not, deadly. but Tony wasn't one to deny something so powerful within himself. Loki was certain that Tony would be fine...
"Loki. He sends a illusion over here every morning and night to make sure they're taken care of."Sigyn grinned as she watched the two men, settling on the little niche having every intention of watching steve. It was going to be quite great, seeing the normally reserved captain masterbating.

"Oh...that makes sense. Sorta like blowing a fuse when you feed to much energy into it..."Tony said before smiling. "I better let sigyn cut it, she's the girl, better at styling things..."tony muttered as he fell asleep.

It was indeed just over a day before tony was up and moving, though he still wasn't talking to anyone, and even getting sigyn to cut his hair had amounted to him handing her a pair of scissors and pointing to the long hair as he sat on the floor in front of her in the living room as the threesome couple watched the princess bride. "Hey tony..."Sigyn muttered smiling slightly, worried about the usually loud, witty man's silence, tilting her head back to look at loki, looking worried even as she combed her fingers through the soft brown strands, starting to cut them even as she smirked, looking vaguely amused that tony had only come out of the bedroom when they'd told him they were watching princess bride. Glancing up at steve she looked worried and torn, having no idea how to break through the armor tony had built up around himself, and his heart as he struggled to accept things, and hoping either of her husband's had a good idea for this, because she was at a loss.
Steve smiled as he watched Tony come out, he wasn't too worried, he'd seen Tony like this before. and so had Pepper, who was watching with them, munching on her popcorn while explaining to Fenris that R.O.U.S's did not actually exist. "morning Sigyn." Loki chirped as he sat down next to tony, shaking his head at her glance. no change in Tony. "hey, Tony?" Steve asked suddenly. "you where going to make me a new suit, right?" Steve asked, looking rather sheepish. "well... i was... i, er... have an idea on what it would look like... if you wouldn't mind i mean. i just..." he went bright red and glanced at Clint and Sigyn, leaning over to Tony. "i wanna look sexy when i fight bad guys..." he admitted, sounding oh, SO mortified to be admitting that to Tony. "i heard that." Loki teased, Steve sputtering. "You heard NOTHING!!!!" Steve squealed, Loki laughing. Steve knew that if they acted normally around Tony, then he would know they didn't care about who his father was, or wasn't. "hey, you know... i bet you could beat me in the ring now." Steve teased Tony. "Clint still can't, but you where always a bit better than Clint was." "Hey!"
Tony was quiet, relaxing as he let sigyn cut his hair, nearly jumping out of his skin when steve talked to him. Turning his head he looked up at the good captain, a small smirk curling his lips. " want something that'll get you laid after the fight?I can do that.I'm good at getting people laid."Tony said quietly studying them, relaxing even more as ideas that nearly tumbled out of his mouth, now that he knew he had magic, there was even more ideas, and creations the man wanted to use, now that he had no limits to what he could create. Well, he knew he probably couldn't do somethings, but the man had come to accept there was more he could do, so he wasn't willing to accept that there was limits to what he could do. Loki was right, tony was going to be deadly good, because he was a genius and he no idea what was possible or not, so he wouldn't allow something as silly as other people's limits stop him. Eyes widening as he considered that, smiling. "I'm always better then clint. it doesn't take someone's husband setting me up for me to get laid. But we'll have to test that out, when we get home."Tony said now that they'd broken the mood for the moment, he was back to himself for a little while. Looking up at loki he smirked. "I want to go see howard after we watch the movie. I want to see pepper proven wrong about those rodents."He snickered a little as the wolf looked interested.
Steve choked a little and sulked at Tony. "you didn't have to say it so loud Tony!" he complained. "now i'm never going to hear the end of the teasing..." he groaned as Clint smirked at him. "oh. you'll get teased alright... OW! why do you always have to hit!? why can't you be cute and passive like Sigyn!?" "because unlike Sigyn, i tend to implode when i don't punch something that annoys me." Steve grumbled, Loki snickering a little. "use black leather Tony. Sig LOVES Black leather, don't you Sig?" "mmm Steve in black leather..." Clint purred, going misty eyed just thinking about it. "yummy! OW!" he complained, rubbing his arm when Steve punched him again before he scowled at Tony. "i didn't need Loki to set me up! she was just fine seducing me herself! it was YOU who was getting in the way!" he complained. "well... no, you where flirting with Loki.. it was Nat who was getting in the way..." Clint conceded with a sigh. "oh Tony, honestly... you can tell they're fake!" Pepper complained as she pointed at the R.O.U.S's on the screen. "they don't really exist..." she grumbled with a glare at Tony. "don't confuse Fenris! it took me two hours last night to make him understand that a Snipe wasn't real! and the Jackelope before that!" she complained. "not to mention the Unicorn and Trolls!" "actually, Unicorns and Trolls do exist. Unicorns live on Alfheim and Trolls live wherever they want to, because who the hell is going to stop them?"
"Yes I did, I need help coming up with the exact perfect look for the sexy captain."Tony chirped looking amused at the threesome sitting behind him, snickering. "Cute and passive, huh, sigyn?"The billionaire eyed the sorceress looking bemused at the description, yelping as she pulled his hair a little as she finished cutting. "I'm still holding scissors, stark, don't make me use them."Sigyn threatened before nodding, going a little misty eyed herself, "I can work with black leather. Definitely....hmmm...."Tony eyed the other man for a long moment, letting out a quiet pleased hum as he managed to change steve's clothes into a close fitting black leather version of his suit, and the soft knee high boots that were definitely more like loki's then anything found on earth. Though the outfit looked more like a pinup girl's outfit then something to fight in. Smirking before changing his clothes back to their orginial form. Yes he might have the skill to make them last, but until he got used to his new status he'd be making things the old fashioned way."Impressive. It took loki a few tries the first few times he tried changing someone's clothes."Sigyn praised quietly, looking amused and pleased that teh man was talking again, and even more pleased that he wasn't a danger to himself, it seemed he had everything well in control,even if he was still working on accepting it. "uh-huh, you let her seduce you, instead of you seducing her. You suck, barton."Tony teased looking amused at clint's reasoning. "He does. Quite well in fact, as I'm sure you can ask steve."Sigyn quipped looking pleased with herself, because while she usually didn't hit clint, like tony, she was fairly snarky and sarcastic most of the time, even if she made sure it wasn't mean, just teasing. Taking great pains to not hurt his feelings, either of their feelings with their teasing actually.

"I'm sure somewhere, snipes are real. I mean, why would you have a snipe hunt without them.I went on a few in elementary school."Tony said, only arguing because he wasn't about to admit that the snipe hunt trick had worked more then once on a him, he'd been so desperate to not be alone after his mother had died when he was 5, that he'd allowed the other kids to trick him into going to look for things that weren't real. "There are more things in heaven and earth, pepper, then that are dreamt of in your philosphy. Just because you don't see them on earth, doesn't mean they're real." "....Yea, I'm fairly certain he's back to being himself. He only qoutes shakespeare when he's feeling snarky."Jor said snickering from where he was snuggling with natasha on the loveseat.
Steve rolled his eyes. "cute and passive in your dreams." he muttered. "i made you SCREAM last night Barton." "...yes... yes you did." Clint grumbled, sulking at Tony. "he BIT me!" he complained, Steve looking amused. "in a VERY tender place! just because i asked him if he was going to play with it all night or DO something... how is that warrenting a bite on the ass!?" "you did jump pretty high, it was hilarious." Steve admitted with a snicker. proving that, he could loosen up a bot, just not as much as everyone else could. "holy shit Stark!" Steve stated, looking amazed, Pepper sulking. "it took me WEEKS to learn how to control a fireball! that's not fair!" she complained, pouting as Loki laughed. "i told you he was a genius." Loki pointed out. "and, because he was accessing his magic through the bonds, he has much more fine tuned control than most sorcerers are capable of. and his power reserves are immense! once he gains perfect control, i'm going to teach him how to access the Dark Energy pools." Loki admitted. "then he'll only have to use his own magic, when there aren't any Dark Energy pools to access." he admitted. "you'll also recall that the first time i tried changing someone's clothing, my magic was still too wild to do anything with." he admitted with a grin. "i had a chaotic magical core." he explained when Pepper looked curious. "i actually had to unravel my core, and put it back together again before i could use my magic the way i wanted it to be used." he admitted. "many of my first 'pranks' was actually just my magic acting on it's own when i was angry, annoyed, or upset." Loki admitted. "i didn't get the perfect control i have now, until i was closer to three thousand years old."

"Tony having such a large reserve, and such fine control over it, is nothing short of a miracle. it says a lot about how Tony's brain works as well. he's very analytical, and he's so used to internal workings, particularly when solving problems, that he can already sense the ebb and flow of his magical core without problems. many sorcerers never learn to feel their magic. though, i suspect that's because of crappy ass teachers." Loki admitted. Clint grinning at Sigyn's quip, Steve snorting. "yeah he sucks real good... if you can get him to shut up." "hey! what is this, pick on Clint day!?" "Snipe hunting is a way to build a child's character and determination." Pepper informed them all. "and there IS such a thing as a Snipe. it's a very rare wading bird with long legs and an extremely long beak, but you certainly can't catch them with a pillowcase, or at all." she admitted. "people send kids out on Snipe hunts, mostly because it's a fun way to pass the time, and sometimes the child actually finds something, which boosts a child's confidence. though, some people do it simply to be mean." she admitted. "i went on a lot of Snipe hunts when i was younger." she admitted. "i looked it up."
Tony's eyes widened a little as he tilted his head back to look at steve then at clint. "Poor hawk, suffering during sex. What surprises me is he didn't punish you sooner."Tony snickered a little before looking even more surprised at steve's words, looking amused."...Loki!Why don't you tell me these things."Tony sulked because while he'd been hiding from everyone, amusing things had been happening, like steve loosening up enough to joke about sex. Tony blushed ever so slightly at steve's look at the clothes and pepper sulking. "Hm, but you weren't doing it through bonds, that meant he wasn't supposed to be doing anything at all. He's also a engineer, I'd pay good money to say that's why he has such good control, because he's used to working with things that can go bang if he fucks up."Sigyn said looking at fenris, looking amused as the wolfling fussed over pepper, wanting her to feel better. " "Speaking of fucking, I'll be even more impressed if he doesn't black out most of manhatten the next time he has sex."Fenris said silence for a moment reigned before both sigyn and jor snickered, much to the confused looks from tony and natasha. While it wasn't a proven fact, it was a theory loki and sigyn had been nursing over the years as they watched sorcerers grow up and mature, and start having sex. Since orgasm was the complete abandonment of control, and no one's perpared the first time they have sex, things tended to go a little wonky around a sorcerer the first time they orgasmed. And even though he was a born demi-god, it would be the first time tony had sex with total access to his magic without the bonds muting the effect he had on the world.

"Yes, yes it is. And you need to learn to shut up sometimes, barton, if both your wife and husband are bitching about you not giving good enough oral."Tony teased for the moment complely back to himself, before smirking at pepper. " disturbs me a little that you just rattled that off without thinking. Okay, now will you shush, so I can watch the movie."Tony whined sulking as he ran his fingers through his newly short, spiked hair, glad to have it back to normal,"Thanks sigyn."He muttered looking up at the sorceress as he moved to snuggle against loki.
Clint scowled a little at Tony as Steve laughed. "oh, we've punished him before, but he's a hard one to train." Steve admitted with a grin. "collaring him didn't seam to help in the least." "well i didn't know he'd pulled that american flag out of his ass." Loki complained to Tony, more than a little shocked by how Steve was acting. "my lovers are a bad influence on me." Steve stated with a shrug. "something a little more protective might be nice Tony." Steve pointed out, looking amused. loki just nodded. "agreed. he has to have a great deal of control over both himself, and his surroundings with some of the stuff he's been working on. i just can't beleive he managed to make a Warrior Class Bow without any instruction, or Asgaurdian Magical education!" Loki admitted. "i can hardly make a Bow like that... granted, i don't work with metal like Tony does, so that's probobly why he finds it so much easier than i do. he's already used to working with such things, which gives him a massive advantage when inventing things like that. i've never seen anyone manage to mix magic and earth technology before." Loki admitted, sounding very impressed with Tony's brilliance. "he's going to be very popular with the other sorcerers." he admitted, pepper smiling at Fenris as he fussed. "i'm alright Fen." she promised. "just a little bit cold today, but i'm getting stronger." she admitted. "i was able to walk into the kitchen all by myself today, wasn't i Fen?" "really? that's great news. you're recovering very quickly."

"i was wondering... Clint and tony where recovered within days... why is it taking Pepper so much longer?" "because hers was man-made, not god made. her entire body has to change slowly, or parts of it will fail. a lot of her internal organs where weak from the cancer too, which means it's taking twice as long for her body to strengthen and revitalize." Loki explained before he laughed at Fenris's comment. "you'r right! that IS going to be something to look forward too! come on Tony, lets go have sex!" Loki demanded with a laugh. "as strong as Tony's magic is, he might turn the entire Stark Tower into Jello!"

"so i'm vocal during sex! it's not my fault!" "you're opinionated during sex." Steve corrected. "and if you don't hush up, i'm going to chain you up again and not let you join in at all tonight." Steve warned with a smile as Clint hushed up and sulked as Loki wrapped an arm around Tony and relaxed, glad that everything was going to be all right. once the movie was done, Sleipnir moved into the room with a piece of paper. "Father, Mother, i have that list you wanted." Sleipnir admitted, smirking as he handed it over. there where four names. four very familiar names. Thor, and two of the warriors three. and Tyr was on it as well. which meant that one of those four was Tony's father. all four men where very, very family oriented, and none of them had any offspring. at least, not full blooded ones, it meant that Odin really had no chance to hurt Tony, because those four men would attack even Odin in defence of their surprise offspring.
"I'll try to make a better collar. Surely I can craft something that'll make him behave."Tony hummed a little looking thoughtful before laughing at loki's complaint. "How unobservant of you."Tony snickered a little. "So I can see. Though it is good to see you relaxing, cap."Tony smiled pleased with the other, before nodding. "I'll try on protective stuff. Maybe leather and metal..."Tony trailed off for the moment distracted by his thoughts on the captain's outfit. "It is impressive. Though I bet if we tried to pinpoint when he started working with his magic, I'd say it was in afganistan, when he absolutely needed a way out, and since then...he's just gained even more control."Sigyn said quietly looking amused at the idea of what tony had done, and that even without thor or loki around, the man had already been starting to loosen the bonds holding him. Fenris smiled a little as he settled back, relaxing as he nodded. "She did. It was quite impressive."Fenris said looking pleased before nodding at clint's question. "Without a god's power to back it up, the change is deadly. Tony and clint recovered quickly because tony is a born demi-god, and it was just returning him to his natural state, and clint recovered because mother was still with him, could mostly counteract anything that could have gone wrong simply with her presence."Fenris said snickering as tony whined. "No.I'm watching the movie. Shush."Tony ordered. What?Tony stark refusing to have sex?Maybe he wasn't back to normal yet.

"...he is quite opinionated during sex isn't he?"Sigyn muttered snickering a little as she shifted snuggling into both of them as she relaxed amused as she watched the movie. When it was over sigyn tilted her head as she took the paper, snickering a little as she read it over, before handing it to loki. "We can only hope it's Fandal, of all of them, he's the most tolerable. And thor's to stupid to have a intelligent son."Sigyn said stretching. "....It disturbs me a little to consider one of my friends could also be my father."Tony whined a little as he stood stretching, before looking down at loki."Come on.I want to go see howard. I've been hiding long enough, I dont wanwt to put it off longer."Tony said. though he had a habit of putting off things he didn't want to do, once he decided to do something, he rarely swayed from the path and put it off.
Loki shrugged. "i never claimed to be observant." he pointed out. "besides, i'm too focused on you to care about other, less interesting things like Clint or Steve." "hey!" this time it was chorused and Loki laughed. "well... i figure if i'm going to live int he twenty first century, i might as well stop acting like i'm living in the twenties.." Steve admitted with a sigh. "it's really hard..." "i think your right." Loki admitted. "if he's been chipping away at his own bonds, that would explain how he has such fine control over his magic already. he's been using it subconsciously, because he knew something felt wrong." Loki mused. "he might not have known what it was, or even that it was there, but some part of him certainly did." he admitted with a nod before he pouted at Tony's order to hush. he wanted sex, not a movie... even if loki did love this movie...

"you only like Fandal because he flirts with you." Loki teased with a grin. "Granted, Fandal flirts with everything that moves... so that's not saying much." Fandal was also a powerful sorcerer, though he rarely did magic he understood Loki and Sigyn's love for it. and he was one of the only few who had never actively tried to ruin Loki or Sigyn's lives. Loki hoped it was Fandal too. "i highly doubt it was any of them then, if we're going by brain power." Loki pointed out. "alright, we'll go see Howard." Loki promised as he stood up, blinking as Sleipnir snapped his fingers. "i almost forgot... these are for you Pepper. take one, every night. it will speed up your recovery. Hela created them for you." he explained, handing pepper a tiny bag, inside was what looked like five pinheads, black and shiny. "by the time you've taken the fifth one, you should be completely recovered." Sleipnir admitted with a smile. "you should be able to get up and walk, mostly by yourself, by tomorrow. you'll still tire easily though, so take it easy." he ordered as Loki chuckled. "Pepper, take it easy? that's like telling Tony to take it easy on the whiskey." Loki admitted with a smile as he kissed Tony, and transported them straight to Niflheim where Hela was waiting for them.
"hey my boys are more interesting then your playboy."Sigyn pouted a little. "They are not."Tony said with a arrogant sniff, smirking a little laughing at sigyn's next words. Steve should have known better then to give her a opening like that. "Hm, so it's hard, is it?"Sigyn raised a eyebrow as she kissed his shoulder looking up at him with that cutely adorable seductive face before relaxing to watch the movie.

"No, that's not it. Fandal's amusing and....well, you know. His flirting might have been a inherited trait, I mean, it would explain why tony can outflirt and outdrink anyone on the planet, and fandal's easily the most intelligent of the bunch."Sigyn snickered a little because she did like fandal, more then any of the others. "Hey, I can take it easy on the whiskey. I've cut back."Tony frowned looking amused though as he was transported. Tony made a face as he walked into the room, looking at the shade waiting for them. "What do you want, anthony?"Howard said scowling a little at his son, because he knew tony came for a reason, had almost always had a reason for visiting him even when he was alive. "When we were here last, you said I was not your son. What did you mean?" "That you are not my son. How hard is that to understand, boy genius?"Howard sneered a little. "...Just tell me who my father is then. I know I'm not your son, do you have to be so antagonizing about this?" "Yes. And I do not know, I only knew when you were born that you were not mine. There was...always something different about you. And when they bond you, your mother told me I wasn't your father." "...Damn. I'd hoped he'd know who it was."Tony said sulking a little as he looked at loki.
Loki snorted. "you only wish Sig." he teased with a smirk as he shook his head, watching Steve go bright red. as he always did when he was teased in such an open sexual manner. "well... he's not THAT relaxed yet, is he?" Loki asked Sigyn with a laugh.

"you might be right. and Fandal is very laid back, a lot like Tony is..." Loki admitted. "no matter who it is though, any one of those four would easily be able to cause severe problems for Odin, which means that Tony is very much protected."

he scowled at Howard, shaking his head. "you know. if you weren't such an impotent ass, Maria would never have cheated on you." Loki stated with a sneer. "it's no wonder you hated Tony. he had everything you never did. power, intelligence, a mothers love. you just couldn't stand that Tony was better than you in every way possible." he scoffed at Howard, shaking his head. "don't worry about it Tony. it's easy enough to find out. all i need is a sample of your blood." he admitted. "it's going to take some effort on my part, magically anyway. creating magical family tree's with only one sample of blood is very hard, but i've done it before for myself, and i can do it for you too." Loki admitted. "in the meantime..." he set a finger to Howard's forehead, and a glowing Rune appeared. "now, every time you do something amazingly world changing, Howard will have to see it. every time you save a life, make a medical breakthrough, or save the world, Howard will have to see how much of a failure he is, and how much better you are." Loki sniffed. "let's go home. i have a Major Magic to work."
"No, no he's not."Sigyn snickered a little amused that steve was so embarassed, "But that's okay. Its adorable."She muttered looking amused as she settled in to watch the movie, content in the knowledge that tony was protected.

Howard looked like he wanted to rant and rave at the two men in front of him, but he wasn't able to. Because he knew that either man in front of him would lash out, and he didn't want to be punished more then he was already was being. "Well, you can have any sample you want, though I'd prefer it be come if you want something. It's more pleasurable to take."Tony said smirking, enjoying howard's reaction to the fact that he was bi, because he just knew it bothered his straight laced, puritian father to consider sex like that. Besides....he wasn't about to admit that needles freaked him out a bit. Smirking as loki set the rune he laughed in delight, "I like it. He'll be hearing alot of things then."he said looking amused before nodding. "Home sounds amazing....and do I get to help with this major working?"He asked as loki transported them home.
Loki chuckled a little. "i can use cum too." he admitted. "so long as it has your genetic signature, or rather, you're DNA i can use it." he admitted with a nod. "i'll have to help you collect the sample of course." he teased with a smile. "and i don't think you'll be able to help, but you can watch." he promised with a smile. "a spell as mild as this, tends to go funky if more than one sorcerer works on it." he admitted. "though, if a sorcerer is underpowered, they can borrow magical resources from willing assistants." he admitted. "i won't need to do that of course, there's a very large Dark Energy reserve directly under Stark Tower that i can tap into before i even have to think about using my own magic." he admitted as he wrapped an arm around Tony and gave him a searing kiss, well aware of how much it bothered Howard. he smirked at Howard and transported Tony away, snickering. "you know... i think it's a good thing that stuck up little prude isn't your father." Loki admitted, smiling at Tony. "you know, i wish i'd thought of it, but we might have been able to talk to your mother... we're not allowed to disturb the ghosts who are at peace, but if she was in the first level, some people who are feeling guilty can trap themselves there, we might have been able to ask her." he admitted, yelping as Hela stepped into existence. "Maria Stark, or rather, Maria Arianna is at peace. she has been ever since Tony met you Father." she admitted. "she held on to the first level for a long time, desperate to make sure Tony was happy. once Tony was, she was able to move into the Dreamland's." she admitted. "as for what you did to Howard... i'll let it slide this time, but punishing the dead is MY job father, and i can't have you running around in there, doing whatever you please." "fine... fine... spoilsport."
"Well, of course you're going to help me collect it."Tony said smirking a little before pouting, "Fine. I guess I'll just have to help sigyn do a greater working or something..."Tony pouted about that he wasnt going to get to help before smirking ever so slightly, amused as they left. "I'm very glad that prude isn't my father. And considering your and sigyn's views on sex and the like, I highly doubt any asgardian father I gain is going to be a prude."Tony snickered a little before pouting, looking at hela. "Damn. Well, no...I'm rather glad mother is at peace, but I would have liked to know."Tony grumbled before snickering at hela's scolding, "You know, I think you've gotten scolded by your children more then you've ever scolded them."He teased looking amused.

"We should go out. On a date."Sigyn said as she slid into steve's lap, looking at teh good captain in amusement, wrapping her arms around his neck.Needing the distraction from how much her head hurt, and she so wanted to see what he'd do. After all, she and clint had gone on a date, so she wanted to take steve on a date, just them, and though she hadn't brought it up with clint, she hoped the man would understand why she was doing it. Because she didn't want steve feeling slighted, needing to let the captain know he was cared about just as much as clint was,despite being the last one to join the threesome.
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