
Tony looked curious tilting his head at the idea of what the two were talking about. It was interesting that a created demi god had ended up with such a rare talent."he was'd he end up with it,if its so rare?"tony asked as his curiousity got the better of him before smiling a little."well I guess your callsign is even more apporiate now that you're actually able to change into a haek."tony teased still looking worried."well at least I won't be the only powerful demigod living'd get lonely if I was the onky one."tony teased trying to cheer clint up because he knew just how terrifying it could be to have someone you love in danger. Because despite all the healing they had done he knew she was still hurt. Tony made a face at loki's explanation because he hadn't been totally sure what the man had been talking about when he asked about strands earlier,he'd just known he could spare the magic to was mostly because he had no training,so he hadn't learned to see his magic like the others did.

Meanwhile sigtn stirred a little turning her face into steve's chest."steve?"she muttered quietly sounding scared.even not fully awake,the woman knew subconsciously that she had no access to the magic that had always been part of her.
Loki smiled. "it was already in him actually. he relies so heavily on his instincts and his senses that the Wild was always there. it just took magic to give it the life it needed." he admitted with a smile. "the reason it's so rare is because most people cannot bring themselves to let go of their human thinking." Loki admitted. "even children born with the ability, find it very hard to let go of their human mind, and embrace the animal mind." he admitted. "my children do so naturally, because they have two natural born shapeshifters as parents." he admitted. "and because... well, they have me for a father. i'm not exactly a normal parent." he admitted with a chuckle as he picked up the puppies and fed them their formula. they where growing fast, and where already starting to take their wobbly first steps. "well... i don't know how powerful i am..." Clint admitted with a shrug. "but it would be fun to learn how to use magic together." he admitted before he tensed. "Sig is awake." he stated before he raced down the hall to go to Sigyn.

"morning." Steve murmured. "i'm right here. Clint went to go check on the food situation." he admitted softly. "Loki is going to be here soon too." he promised. "i don't exactly understand what happened.. but Clint has magic and he went completely insane for a little bit... i didn't know he could turn into a bird." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "i don't think he did either, because for an hour that's all he babbled about."
"Ah that makes sense."tony said as he considered that.because for the most part he'd discovered asgardians didn't think like mortals did,but he guessed that was a big step away from thinking like a animal and relying on your instincts that much.before he snickered a little"no you could never be termed a normal parent."tony teased his lover as he took one of the puppies to feed,amused that they were starting to try and walk"well I don't know how powerful I am either, and I have no training either. And you know,having our lovers as teachers is going to be great.just think about the punishments if we mess up"tony said snickering a little at the idea trying to distract the other from worrying to much looking amused as he took off."damn..hes going to drivehwr insane.shes going to hate it.."tony muttered knowing a thing or two about bsing helpless.he'd hated it and he hadn't had thousands of years to get used to being all powerful.sigynwas going to go insane becauae he had a feeling her recovery was going to take time.

"I...don't...know either.I feel weak."sigyn whispered souding scared and confused enough of her emotionsamd brains scrambled from the attack she wasn't sure exactly what had happened.sigyn giggled a little shaking her head."I didn't know he could either,but its not surprising..and I'm sure he did.he does love to babble"she muttered as she raised a hand to magic erslef a glass of water,staring blankly as nothing appeared."....."she stared at her empty hand as her conscious mind informed her that she was without magic....human for all intents and purposes.
Loki chuckled. "while Asgaurdians don't think the same as humans, that is because we are too long lived, and don't have the same... issues, that humans do. for example, Steve doesn't think the same way that Bruce does, even though they are in the same temperament, they grew up knowing different kinds of 'no's' and 'don't do that's.' so they think differently. just like the Japanese culture thinks differently than the american, though not much of a gap, since they are still heavily influenced by each other. Asgaurdian's still have 'i am a human' thinking, we just don't think the same way people from earth do, because we have our own moral codes and things we can, and cannot talk about. no longer thinking like that, is very, very hard." Loki admitted. "animals don't care about propriety or clothes or about others. they care about food, they care about sleeping, they care about raising offspring. it's very hard for humans to stop thinking about everything, and focus only on what is truly important." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "Thor would probobly find it fairly easy..." he admitted with a grin. "did you want me to punish you my love? i have this wonderful feather." he teased with a smirk.

Steve nodded. "yeah, Loki told me you'd be bedridden for a few weeks." Steve admitted. "he ad Hela had to save you... but i didn't understand most of what was happening." he admitted. "i do not love to babble!" Clint complained as he walked in, sulking at them. "Breakfast isn't ready yet." he admitted, forcing himself to be calm, not to hover, not to fuss. she wouldn't like it, he knew that, but it was hard not to fuss over her. "i don't exactly know what happened, but whatever happened i nearly killed Tony." Clint admitted as he settled next to her, looking worried. "...Sigyn? are you alright?... do you need me to get Hela?"
"That makes sense....since I'm both earth and asgardian,does that mean I get to ignore the rules for both?I mean cause I would love not getting yelled at for being a oversexed idiot who only thinks with my dick....and yes a reporter actually told me that once....the fact she was riding me at the time just made me laugh at the insult."tony snickered before laughing."thor would probably find it easy. Though clint is world's smarter then him,clint and thor do share certain instinctive responses to things."tony hummed a little looking amused."hmmm,I wouldnt mind being punished. After all I've explored all the mortal ways of sex and kink,I'm sure asgardians have come up with more."tony said smirking as he kissed loki lightly looking curious."stop please.this is to much"jor pouted as he pushed a plate of waffles to them"and you better go talk to mother.if shes awake shes probably freaking out."

"Damn.."sigyn sighed quietly rubbing a hand over her face."I don't know either...its all jumbled...I remember not feeling well..when we were on our date..then nothing."she muttered before smiling up at clint."then why do you do it all the timd?ven during sex."she teased before growing serious eyes widening slightly."tony's okay right?"she muttered before shaking her hand." don't get her...I know whats wrong...I magic.."she said quietly,looking so scared and vulnerable. Since shed never had her magic bond,not even as a child, she'd never had to go without,so not having any magic at all until she recovered scared her badly,enough that she coulsnt hide it.
loki rolled his eyes at tony. "no, not really, but you ignore them anyway so i suppose the semantics doesn't really matter." Loki mused, chuckling a little. "you'll do what you want to and piss on anyone who tries to tell you otherwise." but loki liked that about Tony. "really? she insulted you while you where screwing her brains out? there must have been something wrong with her." he decided. "i certainly can't manage the brainpower to insult you when you're fucking MY brains out." "...gross Loki." Bruce complained as he walked in, smiling a little. "Hela sent me in for food. she wants triple of everything." he admitted with another yawn. "...she's moody this morning." "she's magically exaughsted. just feed her a ton and let her sleep all day and she'll be fine." Sleipnir promised Bruce who nodded. "oh, we can come up with many things. unfortunately, i doubt you'd like the things some asgaurdians seam to... tentacles for one thing." Loki admitted with a smirk. "riding animals for another. oh yes, those stories are true too. Thor had this thing going with a mountain goat for a good long while. don't even get me started on Tyr." Bruce was gagging dramatically and Loki laughed at Jors attempts to shut him up with food... it worked. "you're right, i better go talk to Sigyn... stay here Tony, ok? the less people int he room, the better. she's going to feel very insecure."

Steve nodded. "you just collapsed." he explained softly. "just... out of the blue. you where walking and then you collapsed and you're nose started to bleed..." he admitted. "i called Bruce and he got Hela and then Loki and Tony where there and... that's when i fail to understand what happened." Steve admitted, shaking his head. "i'm just glad she wasn't alone when it happened. can you imagine her in the hospital?" Clint asked, looking quite horrified by the idea. "i don't babble during sex!" Clint complained, sulking before he nodded. "yeah i never touched him. some sort of barrier kept me from getting to him... i guess i realized he wasn't a threat, cus after the second rush i decided he wasn't worth the effort" "Jumped out of a fifty story window?" Steve asked, sounding amused as Clint flushed. "...yeah..." Clint muttered sheepishly before he looked shocked. "no magic? it will come back, right?" "yes, it will come back." Loki promised. "it's going to be alright Sigyn." Loki promised, smiling at her, taking her hand. "remember when i caught the Magic Flu, and i couldn't use my magic for three months? this is just like that. only it's because seers and sorcerers where yanking at your magic." he explained, stroking her hair. "you're not alone here. we're going to help you." he promised. "it will only be for a month or two." he promised. "you always did heal fast, and Clint and Steve will protect you and see to your every need." "the food!" Clint gasped, racing back out of the room to get Sigyn's food, Loki rolling his eyes. "well, Steve will provide your every need anyway..."
Tony snickered a little."I generally do.but it'd be nice to not get yelled at for ignoeing the rules...thouh now that I think about it,pepper's going to yell no matter what..."tony sulked a little before nodding again."yea well screwing her in the back of the berlinetta probably hadn't been the most intelligent thing I've ever done...not a lot of room in there.."tony snickered a little before his eyes glazed a little at the idea of screwing loki's brains out."I'll keep that in mind."he said laughing as bruce complained before staring at loki as if trying to figure out if he was making fun of him or not."...I think...I shall keep with my own kinks on second thought..."tony said not sure if loki was making fun of him or not.tony looked before before nodding."I have no desire to get anywhere near her at the moment. Shes going to be temperamental nd I excel at pissing women need to make it worse.."he snorted laughing as he watched loki leave.

Sigyn frowned a little thinking about it."I'm sorry...I don't know what happened but I'm sordy you were alonr to help shouldn't have had to.."sigtn muttered resting her head on his shoulder before wincing at the idea of her in the hospital."I would have died in a hospital...since humans wouldn't have understood what to do.."she said looking worried at the idea before snickering at clint's words."you do to.very opinionated and cute to."she teased before looking relieved a little."tony must have shieled himself...for not knowing what hes doing,hes catching on quickly.."sigyn snickered before staring at clinr shaking her head."you could have killed yourself."she muttered looking at him in amusement before looking up at loki with fear.not because she thought he'd hurt her,but for the moment she was scared of everything.nodding hesitantly as she wrapped her fingers arounf loki's she swallowed hard."oh...well...that's stupid.stupid seers and sorcerers...they probably hurt themselves as much as they hurt me.."she mused before relaxing and while she hated not having it,she realized loki was right,she'd recover her magic in time"I do have people to take care of me.."she said laughing a little as clint ran off."be nice loki.hes adorable and worried..."she muttered though she knew the fussing was going to make her insane,it was nice to have someone care thag much about her to want to fuss to.
Loki chuckled a little and shrugged. "since when does getting yelled at bother you? the only time you even listen to yelling is when it's pepper." Loki pointed out with a grin. "you had sex in a car?... that does sound fun." Loki admitted with a grin before snickering at Tony. "yes, perhaps that would be best. truthfully humans are a bit more creative in their sex." he glanced around and then leaned in to whisper in Tony's ear. "i want to be tied up. i want to be helpless for you." he purred with a smirk. "i want you to stuff me so full of your cum that i drown in it." he teased, well aware he was making Tony squirm. "i want you to tease me for hours with random toys and then make me cum just by telling me too." "Loki! stop that!" Bruce demanded, blushing hard as Loki laughed and skipped away.

Steve shook his head. "you don't need to be sorry about anything Love." he promised with a smile. "i had fun last night, and i'm glad i was there with you when it happened. besides i wasn't alone." he admitted. "Hela was there in a matter of minutes and Loki and Tony where there shortly after." he assured her. "it's a good thing Clint wasn't there though, he might have attacked us." he teased with a smile at Clint before he kissed her forehead. "you just worry about getting better, alright?" he ordered with a smile as Clint pouted. "i wouldn't have... i knew i'd be alright... it's not like i just jumped without a plan..." "...yes, you kind of did. you didn't know you could turn into a bird." "...well... no..." Loki offered her a smile. "yes they where very stupid, and they're in even more pain since i gave them a very good power blast before i undid their ties to you." Loki admitted with a nod. "he is worried, and he's running hot too." Loki warned her, smiling. "he's going to be turning into a bird all over the place. i'll work with him on it." he promised. "and his eyes as well." he promised, kissing her forehead. "i have to teach Tony anyway, so Clint won't be much of a problem." he assured her as Clint came back in with food for the three of them. "you eat and then rest." Loki ordered. "and try not to kill Clint when he gets clingy. he can't help it."
"True and maybe you.ud hate to have you yell at me."tony smiled before grinning widely."I've had sex in a lot of cars. The berlinetta was just the most awkward and just because I got called a idiot...there's not enough room in there for sex gymnastics."shuddering as loki whispered in his ear he swallowed hard even as he shifted in his seat,feeling like his pants were strangling him,flushing as he jumped at bruce's scolding, surprised at the man"s presence, having forgotten he was there."I to go work in my lab."tony said before fleeing to the lab so he could take care of his 'issue' in privcy.

"Okay if you say so."sigyn said though she still felt bad for ruining their date,ven if it hadn't been her fault. Looking at cljnt she smiled slightly slumping back into the pillows,exhausted from even the little bit of effort to get up."I'm resting."she muttered before smiling at clint's pouting."oh leave him alone steve. He can't help it if he doesn't plan things."she teased yawning quietly before looking up at loki, looking startled before wincing."damn...I won't be able to help him.."she winced a little already imagining the fights that were going to come as clint not only dealt with his eyes,but changing into a falcon."wish I could help...but I guess you'll have to..and loki?don't forget hes there, when tony starts distracting you. I don't want you corrupting my lover or anything."she teased looking amused as she smiled at clint."thanks love."she said shifting to sit up."I'll try not to kill him..."
Loki shrugged. "i don't yell. there are much more effective ways to get my point across. Sigyn says that when i get mad my voice sort of goes soft and 'hissy'... i don't see it myself, but then, i don't listen to myself when i'm pissed off." he admitted with a chuckle. "Sex Gymnastics?" Loki asked, looking highly amused before Bruce snorted at Tony. "sure. you're going to 'work'..." Bruce teased, shaking his head as he gathered the food for Hela and headed back to his own bedroom, Sleipnir laughing at his poor step-daddy.

Steve smiled a little at her. "being that he's a master spy and a top assassin, you'd think he would already be capable of such a thing." he pointed out with a smile. "hey, it's alright, Clint knows you're ill. he'll let Loki help him." he promised with a grin. "besides. he's super excited about being able to turn into a Hawk." he admitted with a nod. "Tony doesn't distract me." Loki stated with a sniff and a smirk. "i distract Tony." "...gross Loki." Clint complained, making a face at the god who just laughed, patted Sigyn's hand and headed to the lab to... 'assist' Tony. "why are we made at me this time?" Clint asked, looking baffled as he and Steve helped her sit up and supported her with a mass of pillows. "...Sleipnir and Jor cooked... i should be worried about that, right?" Clint asked, prodding at hsi waffle as if he expected it to attack him.
"You wouls think so,maybd on missions he does.otherwise he doesn't seem to."sigyn looked amused before sighing quietly."and I know he will...and that he is...but he won't be happy when he keeps changing shape until he gets control."sigyn said worried about clint before smirking rolling her eyes at loki."true.unlike you,tony is obsessive about work,he needs distracting sometimes."she looked amused rolling her eyes as clint complained,sighing quietly as they helped her sit up."nothing yet...but you're going to fuss,and its going to be horrible...I know you can't help it,I can see just how tijtly we're bond now,but its still going to suck.."she muttered hating that she couldn't just accept the fussing,but it made her feel weak and she'd try to let them fuss since for the moment,she really is weak and helpless."and no,sleinphir and jor can cook.only be worried if its loki or tony cooking."she snickered a little.

Tony looked up at his lover through the glass door of the lab leaning back in his chair, having decided that his lab was the perfect place to have sex.after all he'd known loki would join him soon enough and jarvis would warn him if anyone but loki was coming down...and he'd never had sex in his lab before so he was interested in doing it with loki."come to help me with the problem you made?"he asked as he eeclined back in his chair,his pants halfway down his thighs as he stroked himself.
Steve nodded. "he's too excited to be annoyed about it now. and he won't change later on because he won't be so excited about it, right? that's what loki meant when he said Clint was 'running hot'. he's so excited, his magic is just itching to do something, like Tony when he suddenly fixes a problem he was having with one of his experiments and he just HAS to go do it RIGHT then and THERE." he smiled a little. "you weren't here at the time, but Tony had an idea while showering and he ran all the way from the top room, to his lab completely nude just so he could see if the idea would work." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'm trying very hard not to fuss..." Clint admitted, rubbing his chest. "but i can FEEL you... tired and in pain and frightened to death...." he admitted, grimacing. "sorry,... that wasn't the right thing to say... well.. loki was trying to cook eggs..." he admitted with a snort. "even i can cook eggs... sort of... so long as their scrambled i can make them." he admitted with a sheepish little grin,. Steve snorting. "thank goodness we can cook then, isn't it Sig?" he asked with a grin.

Loki smirked at Tony a little. "i did indeed. Jarvis, Frost the glass." he ordered, the large glass panels going white to hide them if someone like Pepper came down without knocking first. "i thought you didn't want me to have sex in you're lab?" Loki teased as he settled in-between Tony's legs, batting Tony's hands away and engulfed the length in his mouth with a happy little hum. he didn't even bother teasing, he just went straight for the goal so Tony wouldn't yank out all of his hair again. besides, he'd teased enough.
"Exactly.hes going to keep shifting randomly because hes so excited he can actually can do it."she said before starting to snicker."you know, was just thinking tony would never interrupt sex to work on a project,but if hes interrupting showers ..."she grinned amused and distracted by the thought that tony might leave loki in the middle of sex to go fix a problem."I know your trying not to..and I love you for it.."sigtn offered clint a small smile wincing at his description of her emotions trying to calm down so the man wouldn't feel to bafly."never,ever let loki cook.hes liable to burn something down"she said before nodding in agreement with steve."it is a very good thing."

Tony smirked a little as loki came in,atroking himself for a moment as he looked up at him."well uh...I decided.."tony hummed in pleasure,blushing ever so slightly at admitting he'd never brought anyone here when he'd fucked on nearly every other surface in the world....and it was hard concentrating with the mans mouth on him.sliding his hand into loki's hair he was careful to keep his hold gentle, knowing he'd hurt loki the last time even if the man hadnt complained, and was trying to not hurt him"...I've...uhh..never had sex in my lab...and since I'm not working on..."tony moaned trying to think clearly as his hips jacked up into the others mouth,his concentration horrible with loki's mouth on him"anything explosive...that its okay...and I wanted you to be the first.."he muttered blushing because for tony,here was no more sacred place then his lab,this was his sanctuary,and even if he let others in,it was a rarity he let them stay long.
he nodded. "but then he'll calm down, and he'll stop transforming." he promised with a smile. "and anyway, even if Tony does abandon sex for a project, i don't doubt loki's done it too." he pointed out with a grin. "gross..." Clint complained. "Tony having sex is bad enough, but do we have to talk about LOKI having sex?" "you just don't like him because he overpowered your mind." "no. i don't like him because i saw into HIS mind!" Clint countered with a grin. "he is one sick bastard. even when he was trying to take over the world, the only thing he could seam to think about was how cute i looked in those leather pants." Steve started wot laugh, he couldn't help it. "D..Does loki... know you know?!" "NO! you think i WANT to be teased for the rest of existence!?"

Loki laughed a little and started sucking on Tony all the more, before he gasped and jerked his head up, staring at Tony, wide eyed with stunned amazement that he was the only person to have EVER sucked off Tony stark in the lab... if that wasn't an 'i love you Loki' nothing was! "...i love you SO much." Loki admitted before he smirked. "i bet there's all sorts of kinky things we could do in here... but first..." and with that, lowered his head again. "you can pull you know... just don't yank out my hair." he ordered with a chuckle as he swallowed the other down.
"Yea as soon as he gets a handle on it...though lnowing clint its going to be weeks before he calms down that much..."shw giggled a little before sighing quietly before laughing."most likely. Loki's just as obsessive."she sounded amused before frowning slightly,glancing at clint eyes widening."loki does have a serious problem focusing on amything if hes attracted to anyone...though if it makes you feel better,clint, as soon as he met tony he stopped fantasizing about you and wanted to get stark out of his pants."she giggled smirking."though I wous avoid telling him despite that.loki aould mever let you hear the end of it if he knew you got a look in his head."she said sounding calm and happy as she finished eating.

Tony moaned closing his eyes as he rested his head back on the chair whining in annoyance as loki lifted up off his cock after a moment raising his head to look down at the other,tilting his head slightly bluahing a little."don't look at me like that..."she muttered looking away embarrassed at the admittance because despite knowing that loki knew he was loved,this was such a obvious statement that the billionaire was feeling weird about it.feeling emotionally vulnerble he laughed after a moment."I won't. "He muttered absently stroking the others hair as loki lowered his mouth back to his cock,moaning quietly.
Steve laughed a little and nodded. "this is probobly true." he agreed with a snicker. "Loki's highly obsessive." he agreed with a chuckle as Clint made a face at them both. "well... so long as he's not looking at my ass anymore." he decided with a chuckle. "frankly, i'm just glad he's not evil." Clint admitted with a snort. "i always thought it was weird... watching him do all that evil shit... and yet his head... you know? it didn't match up. now i know why." he admitted with a nod. "besides, i'm traumatized for life after seeing what loki thinks about when he's bored. it's not a pretty sight, beleive me."

Loki snickered at the look of annoyance on Tony's face before he adopted that googly eyed 'lovey dovey' expression that he knew Tony loved, and hated. "Look at you like what?" Loki breathed, grinning at him before he resumed his work, sighing happily as tony Came, swallowing down every last drop. "mmm i never got to give you you're second surprise." Loki purred with a smirk. "wait here." he ordered. "if this is going to be the first time in the lab, then it's going to be hard, Kinky, and fun as hell." he stated, clapping hi hands together and opening what looked like a hole in empty space. he reached in, the hole was barely big enough for his arm, and felt around. "ah! here we go." he pulled it out and out came a large purple velvet bag which he tossed to Tony. inside was three bottles of Lube. each one with different erotic purposes. one warmed up, one cooled down, and the third made you tingle. there was also a dildo which, according to the card that was attached to it, would grow to specific sizes and girth on command. it would also fuck you on it's own, and even vibrate. there was also a tiny little ring made of fabric that would tighten to fit perfectly around the base of a cock, and would magically prevent orgasm until the 'set' word was spoken. "what do you think?" Loki asked with a smirk, well aware that most, if not all of that was going to be used on him.
"He is.I remember once that he didn't leave his office for a month because he was trying to rewrite his whole grimior with spells he'd only created to use on was a interesting month."she snickered a little before smirking."yea...definitely not evil.mischievous playful,but not evil.he might be able to play the part but his heart was never really in it."she snickered a little."its probably a good thing that he doesn't know you saw his head..he'd find it as embarrassing as he did amusing...I've seen the inside of his head.almost as messy as tony's is...and yes I've seen the inside of stark's head and yes its as chaotic as the rest of his life and not a place id look twice."she winced a little because she'd only looked into tony's mind for a few sefonds when he'd discovered he was a demigod,only because she had been trying to get a good reading on him.she knew loki would yell at her for the breach of social niceisties and looking,but she had to know if he posed a danger to himself or loki,so she could help him because he became dangerous...what shed found was extraordinary and scarring all at once...sorta like the genius himself."though the two of you...I didn't look into your heads..I didn't want to explore unless you gave me permission but the few glimpses I made me feel safe."she muttered blushing a little, though she still felt vulnerable,they made her feel safe.

Tony looked even more annoyed at the look he was getting before frowning."like that."he snarled in annoyance groaning as he came. Slumping into his chair he blinked stupidly as he considsered the man in front of him."oh it is is it?"he snickered as he watched loki,looking more interested in the magic then in the pouch for a moment until he realized exactly ahat he was holding.snickering a little as he studied the things in his hand before he pulled loki to his feet and magicked his clothes off,settling him up on the lab table."I think I'm going to be using these."he growled lust thick in his voice as he slid the cock ring onto loki,lowering his head and sliding him mouth down over his cock.yep definitely was going to be a kinky night in the lab.
Steve laughed a little and shook his head a little. "what's a Grimoir?" a Grimoir was something that every student of the Academy received. it was basically a journal, where they put down anything they learned. from schooling, to real life experiences, to experiments. anything that a person thought was important. some Grimoir, went from family to family, sharing knowledge. others where started new, but all Grimoir where very personal and often, they where very heavily protected. "you've seen inside Tony's head?" Clint asked, lookign shocked. "was it as traumatic and horrifying as people think it is!?" Clint cocked his head. "i don't mind if you're in my mind." he assured her. "it's fairly empty anyway." that made Steve laugh and he kissed her gently. "yes, i agree. i don't mind if you look in my head either." he promised, looking amused before he hesitated. "it won't hurt, right?"

Loki laughed a little as Tony snarled at him. "of course it is. it's us, isn't it?" Lok asked with a smirk as he shook his head, watching Tony examine the toys. "of course we're going to be... ipe!" he jumped, startled as his clothes where banished and he sulked at Tony. "i'm anoyed that you can do that already." he complained, grinning as he sat down, shuddering as he felt the cloth settle on his cock. "Tony. wait...ooooh my God! you haven't... oooh hell yes... activated the... mmmmm...." he moaned. "you have to... tell it to... Activate... and then set a word... to make it... release me..." he panted. "once you set the word, it will only respond to you, so that i can't turn it off myself." he explained, groaning as the thing tightened perfectly and the magic settled into place. "oh i am going to regret giving you these..."
"Its prettu much a magic journal,to record experiences spells and magical things and all that...for a month he pretty much kept a record of everyrhing he was going to do to was fairly amusing."she snickered a little before wincing a little as she nodded."I have...and its...hes a mess."she said not willing to break tony's trust more then that and say everything she saw,but she also knew that the boys needed to know,just in case tony really did have a breakdown.because despite all the help loki had given him,the self confidence, the stark heir's head was a snarled tangled mess that was going to need friends to help him keep it together.relaxing at their reassurance that it was okay she smiled slightly."no it won't hurt...but it will have to wait until I have magic I can create a bond for all of us like the one clint has with me..but I like being in your guys heads...I feel safe,loved."she said because more then anything,being safe mattered to her when she'd spent most of her life under odin's furious exile. Tensing a little as she frownex,sensing the thunderer's arrival even without magic,reverting to a animal instinct without her magic,reacting like a prey animal who'd just seen a predator she panicked and scrambled weakly to get under the covers,ince she was to weak to get out of bed, trembling as she pressed up against clint's and steve's legs,hiding,holding still.

"True."tony mused looking amused as loki jumped tilting his head.pleased he'd gotten such a reaction from him"why?shouls I not be able to?"tony snickered as he sucked on the cock in his mouth taking his time as he considered what word to use before grinning as he raised his head."I think...I shall use..."tony teased as he stroked a hand over loki's cock,"stark."he said activating the ring even as he lowered his head back down to the mans cock.while he might not be howard stark's son,in his head,in his heart the man would always be tony stark,genius billionaire philanthropist playboy.glancing up at loki he smirked." might.but I'm definitely going to enjoy it."
Steve and Clint both laughed. "and some of those things weren't at all harmless either, where they?" Clint asked with a smile. "i know Tony's a mess." Steve admitted. "how could he not be? tortured in Afghanistan, he almost died in new york, Pepper almost died and then she went off the deep end. his father made sure his childhood was hell and he's never had anyone to hlp him before now. he's a hell of a mess, but Loki can fix him, and what he can't fix, time and us good freinds of his can." he admitted simply. "honestly, i'm surprised he didn't have a complete meltdown before Loki ever showed up." Steve admitted before both boys grinned at her, happy that she was so content and safe with them. Clint stiffened as he felt the magic of the Thunder god and his furious instincts kicked in again as he started locking the door and window, barricading them, wrapping the room in magic, and cocooning Siyn in magic as well, crouching in front of the door, bow in hand, just waiting for the bastard to come in.

"Uncle Thor!... er... bad timing..." Sleipnir admitted, looking rather sheepish. "i wouldn't try to get into the room with all the magic around it. Clint's gone a bit Feral and anything with magic he seams to think is a threat. he tried to attack Tony last night after Sigyn had a.... accident..." Sleipnir knew Thor was an ass, but he also knew that Thor would never try to kill someone in such an underhanded manner. at least with assassins you had a chance to fight back. "and i wouldn't bother Father or Tony.. their... busy." Sleipnir admitted with a snicker. "Hela's so grouchy right now she'd probobly charm your balls off... and Pepper just doesn't like you." he admitted, wondering if Thor still hadn't realized who he was. at least he could be nice... when he wanted to be, he knew if he started a fight now, then the entire Avengers would get involved. and as much as he hated Thor for his own personal reasons, he didn't want the idiot dead.

Loki chuckled a little. "no, not really. but i've learned that certain 'rules of nature' don't apply to you." he admitted with a chuckle. "i've never heard of anyone doing what you can do without any training at all." he admitted, looking utterly giddy. "i can't wait to see what you can do once you DO have training!" he gasped as he felt the hand tightening around his cock and moaned, distracted again as he tossed his head back, completely unaware that Thor was in the house. "oh my god... Tony you sadistic ass!" he moaned, trying to thrust into that tight, warm heat. but it was clear that Loki loved being teased, loived being held at the edge... especially since he had gotten the stupid thing... still, this was the first time Tony would have sex with magic involved, Loki was curious to see what weird, weird little things would happen.
"Oh no not at all."sigtn snickered a little before nodding "true.and I think he'll be okay, once he has enough time to actually deal with it instead of keeping getting hit eith things."she mused before trembling as she felt clint's magic go up,pressing close to steve's legs,only relaxing a little when she felt the barriers go up,but she was nearly mindless with terror.""she asked after a moment resting her head on steve's stomach.

Thor tilted his head as he watched his nephew."tony has magic?"he looked thoughtful instead of surprised at tony's demigod status, wondering just what his son had been hp.but for the moment that wasn't the main reason he'd come, and he wasn't about to interrupt loki and tony to find out."sleipnir,you know it was no accident.but she lives?"thor asked his eyes worried. A out both his former sister in law and for everyone else. He might be a idiot,but he did care about his friends.

"Are you telling me Im a crime against nature?thanks reindeer."tony snickered slihtly amused at the man because he was so giddy."me'll be fun finding out."he agreed before laughing."you knew I was a sadistic ass."he pointed out as he shed the rst of his clothes and tugged loki to the edge of the yable,smirking as he poured some of the warming lube into his hand,moaning as he coated his coat,watching loki's face the whole time before smirking.grabbing the others hips he positioned himself,pushing into loki's slowly,moaning at how tiht he was.while he wanted it rough,he also went slow so he wouldn't hurt loki to much."oh feel amazing.."thr man muttered resting his head on loki's shoulder.
Steve smiled a little. "yes, we're safe. see? Clint is protecting us." he promised softly. "he won't let anything in." he assured her, giving her a kiss and gently stroking her hair. "he's a very good mate." Clint growled at that, pleased by Steve's praise and Steve winked at her. it was rather easy to deal with Clint when he was Feral like this. stroke his Ego, give him meat, and the man was silent and happy. it was a bit weird that he was growling, when he was a bird though. considering it was Clint, who knew why he did the things he did.

"yes, Tony has a lot of magic." Sleipnir admitted. "he's already doing things with it, despite his lack of training. it's really amazing. he made an Asgaurdian Level Defenders Bow all on his own." Sleipnir admitted before he looked at Thor. "i wasn't sure if you knew or not. Father made sure the ones who attacked her wouldn't be doing so again, but i wasn't sure if you'd put the pieces together... yes, she's alive, terrified, magickless, weak as a kitten and hurting so bad she's half feral herself, but alive." Sleipnir admitted. "i wouldn't try to go near the door though. Clint is a Demigod now, and he has a lot of Magic on hand, and the instincts to use it. he'll see you as more a threat than anyone else in the nine realms save Odin." he warned. "Clint will go for the throat, he's too Wild right now to care about anything other than protecting his Mate." he warned.

Loki laughed. "you should think of it as a compliment. not many can deny nature herself." he teased with a laugh before he groaned. "i did know that you where a sadistic ass." he grumbled, moaning as he settled into place on the table, shivering as he wordlessly used magic to give him the prep he needed so that Tony didn't have to go slow. "god... Tony... yes... so good." he moaned, arching as he quivered. he wanted to cum, and yet he couldn't. "nnnnn fuck you're so big... god don't go so slow! i'm a shapeshifter damn you i won't break and you won't hurt me... fuck me!" Loki mewled, thrusting back, burying Tony's cock to the hilt in one big thrust. "f...fuck.. ye,ee,esssss...."
Sigyn slowly stopped trembling, swallowing hard as she shifted, kissing him back before laughing quietly at the praise. “He is a very good mate.”She muttered shifting to look at the other man, “...clint come lay down love, its okay. You’ve made it safe.”She said quietly.

“Damn.”Thor looked amazed a little as he looked at his nephew, “That is fairly amazing. It is a good thing he has loki to train him now.”Thor said looking pleased,despite his feelings for his own magic, it still made him feel protective and needing to defend the son he hadn’t known he had, which meant making sure the man had the training he needed, even if he didn’t understand why it was important, he knew loki thought it was, so he’d let loki teach tony....not that he thought he could stop it. “I didn’t know until after father had attack her what was going on, but I did see enough to know what happened.”Thor looked thunderously angry with his father for daring attacking like this. Yes, he’d attacked them, had sent the assassins, but he wasn’t underhanded enough to attack like this, his attacks had always given them a chance of fighting back. Attacking sigyn like this was like stepping on a helpless bug. “I have no desire to get attacked, I just wanted to know if she survived.”thor said looking relieved, not the relief of a man who’d had a tool saved, but the relief of a man who knew that sigyn’s death would have hurt not only his brtoher, but his friends.

“Ahh,I see.”Tony snickered a little before smiling teeth biting down on the other’s shoulder, taking his time for a moment, “You’re sure bitchy for a man who give over control for the night.”Tony smirked as he thrust into the other, shifting his hold on him, holding loki’s hips still as he fucked him relentlessly, as hard and fast and he knew how, the growling of “stark,”followed by “Loki come. Now.”Was the only warning tony gave as he came into the other.
Steve smiled a little as he watched Clint cock his head, listening to Sigyn, his eyes narrowed as he considered the danger levels before he turned and joined them on the bed, Bow in easy reach as he snuggled her, nuzzling her neck and chin in affectionate manners as Steve chuckled. "it's weird having him be quite..." "shut up and sleep Steve." Clint ordered gruffly as Steve chuckled and wrapped his arms around Sigyn as well. both of them protecting her with their bodies, as well as comforting her.

Sleipnir nodded. "Father and mother are practically jumping with glee." he admitted with a grin. "they want to try a Grand Working once Tony is trained." he admitted. "Clint has a lot of magic too... you know he was Turned?" Sleipnir asked. "Sigyn did it to save him, someone, an asgaurdian, took a hit out on him via a human assassin. Clint was poisoned with Afritis." a very deadly poison that even killed gods. "Odin is getting Senile Thor." Sleipnir stated, staring at his Uncle. "he is so power hungry he would kill even you if he thought you where a threat. even you have to see that. he is not doing what is good for the People and he hasn't been for a very, very long time. he is only doing what is good for Him, doing what he has to, or what he wants in order to maintain control. that is why he banished Sigyn in the first place. and why he's always hated Father, and even you cannot deny how differently you and Father where treated now. you see it don't you? how much Odin has always hated him... would you like to know why?" Sleipnir asked. "i hate you, to be honest, and i probobly always will... but Father, in his idiocy, still loves you. you are his Brother, even if not in blood. so i will tell you, if you want to know... for the Sake of my Father."

Loki mewled as he was bitten, god he loved it when Tony bit him! "god.... Tony... please..." Loki pleaded, arching and writhing under the other, panting and gasping and all around losing control. he gasped and moaned as Tony finally fucked him, fast and hard and PERFECT, cumming with a gutterl shout of Tony's name as he came, and came hard, trembling under the surge of magic that Tony released, only enhancing the pleasure. "oh...oh ye...eesssss."
Sigyn smiled slightly as he assessed how much danger they were in, despite her fear, it was fairly adorable to watch him acting like that. Smiling weakly as clint nuzzled her she nodded a little. “Definitely weird.”She agreed giggling a little, starting to relax.”....we’ll talk to thor after our nap.....”She muttered starting to fall asleep, though she did want to know why the man was here, she didn’t want to get up yet.

“Good.He gets in to much trouble to not have a better way to protect himself when he is not in his suit.”Thor mused before frowning, nodding slightly, looking away. Feeling guilty, and while he’d known it was wrong when he’d done it. He had still allowed his father to tell him to send the assassin. He knew he had to aplogize to both sigyn and clint ,and he would do so, and accept the consquences of his actions. You could say alot of things about thor, but the idiot knew when he was might take him time to accept it, might even break him to know his father wasn’t the one he should be following, should be protecting, but he’d known even as clint laid dying, that he had done the wrong had just taken him awhile to get around to coming down to apologize, and seeing how he was....the fact that tony was his son, and that sigyn had been hurt had just goaded him into coming sooner. “....I know.”he said looking away from his son, looking pained, “There is...I came to speak to Sigyn, when she is able.’Thor said his voice pained, because he hated reading, hated studying, but he had done so, to do the research that needed done to do what sigyn-and asgard- needed, so the crown prince was finally accepting responsibility for the kingdom that was his. “....tell me.”Thor said bracing for whatever sleipnir would tell him. Before pausing in startlement as the lights went out.

Tony growled quietly as he held the other, shuddering as he slid out of the other, his knees giving out under him, slumping back into his chair, pulling loki with him. Wrapping a arm around his waist as he held loki,wincing as he realized that the magical surge had downed the electricity for stark tower....hopefullly that was all he’d knocked out. “Reindeer?Can you give us some light?”He asked panting quietly, closing his eyes as he looked around in the dark, even if hec coudl do the lights himself, he didn’t want to. He just liked watching loki do magic.
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