
"Ah, I'm sorry Steve."Sigyn muttered resting her head on his chest, tugging clint closer, getting held by both men, it was nice. "Yes, revenge does have a way of making one feel better."She snickered a little before looking startled, tilting her head a little. Blushing ever so slightly, "Good. Cause you know, I would have hated to make sure you survived the ice, to have you hate it."She teased a little, relaxing completely.

"...Well, uh, how was I supposed to know if they're working if I didnt try them out? I mean, I'm still human. The bots just uped the ante, a little harder to kill these days."Tony snickered blushing a little because he hadn't really had a idea for the nanobots when he'd put them in, he'd just wanted to see what they would do if he did have them in his system while he wore the iron man suit. "It was fairly amusing, actually."Tony muttered before looking at the other, tilting his head slightly."I'll show you a surprise. A private dinner table, and I'll give you the world's best surprise."He smirked a little tugging the other closer, stealing a kiss before shrugging. "He does mean very..."Tony stopped as the same chill went up his spine, looking just as annoyed and disturbed. "...yes. We're not sigyn, we shouldn't be getting feelings."Tony sulked before sighing softly. "Let's go to the prison, by the time we get done there, my table at SubZero's should be open."He said grinning a little at the idea of both clubbing and having a private dinner in the city's most expensive club with loki. If he was going to show up with a guy as a date, he was going to come out with style.
Steve shrugged a little. "there's nothing to be sorry for, you didn't kill Bucky." he stated simply. "and even if you did, it doesn't matter. i'm happier here than i have ever been in my entire life." he admitted with a smile. "i might have another psychotic break, but that's alright, because i know you'll be here to help me." he admitted with a smile.

Loki snorted a little. "did you even program them to DO anything? or are they just on a 'fix everything' protocol?" he asked, looking amused. "private dinner table?" Loki asked, looking slightly confused. "am i getting a present?" Loki asked, eyes glittering with surprised delight. "no one besides Sigyn has ever given me a present before." he admitted as he chuckled a little into the kiss. "mmm i like that present, lemme have another." he ordered, pulling Tony into one more kiss before shaking his head. "i've had sensations like this before, but aside from there being danger close by, i've never really gained any sort of sense about it." he admitted. "as far as i can tell, Frigga, or one of my aunts is warning me, but that's supposed to be 'against the rules' so i'm not sure how accurate a guess that is." he admitted. "what is SubZero?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "we're not going to Antarctica are we? i might be a Frost Giant, but i hate the snow." he complained, shaking his head. "are you sure you want to see Andrew after seeing Howard? we could wait for a while..."
"Well, yea. Helping people is kinda what I do...and I kinda need you. Besides loving you, I need you to make sure Clint doesn't kill me next time he sees loki in a thong, or what tony's not wearing."Sigyn said giggling a little tiredly, sighing as she snuggled into them.

"Fix everything. I might figure out something once I decide what to do next."Tony said refusing to squirm because he'd done it simply because he could. "Hm, a private dinner table, and maybe. Giving a blow job in public is highly amusing. Though I might have to go shopping on our way to dinner..."He said smiling a little laughing as he was kissed again. Resting his forehead against the other's he frowned slightly. "Damn.Well, that's two warnings in a the last few hours. first sigyn, then this. We'll just have to be careful."He muttered before laughing. "How can you be a frost giant and hate the snow?"He teased before smirking. "It's...a club. A dinner dance club kind of thing, you have to be rich, beautiful or rich AND beautiful to get in. Thankfully, I'm both, and its a fairly cool club....and I've never taken a date in with me. Picked up people there yes, but never shown up with someone."he blushed ever so slightly. "I want you to be the first."He smirked before biting his lip, before nodding. "I do.I...I'd rather get it over with quickly instead of traumatizing myself twice, at least this way, it'll kinda blur together as a whole 'abuse Anthony day'.... besides, you'll feel bad enough for me if I see them both, you'll have sex with me in the club.I have a feeling."He teased nuzzling the other a little as they left niflehiem.
he smiled a little. "well, i'll make sure Clint doesn't take his ire out on you." "i'll have you know i've NEVER struck a woman!...well, there was that one, but she was trying to kill me, so i don't think that counts..." Clint mused as Steve snorted. "no it doesn't count then. now hush, we're trying to sleep." "bossy bossy." "i'll make you wear a sexy bunny costume." "shutting up."

Loki chuckled a little. "still, nanobots in your system fixing you as soon as you get hurt. if you can work on it enough, you might have an instant cure to blood clots and cholesterol buildup. no more seizures or strokes. aneurisms could become a thing of the past too with tech like that." he admitted with a smile. "i'd rather get dinner and then go shopping." Loki admitted with a sigh. "or not go shopping at all... i hate shopping." he grumbled before he smiled a little at Tony. "a club? we can go dancing?" he asked hopefully. he loved to dance. "alright, we'll go to the prison first then." he agreed as he took Tony's arm. "hold on tight, i'm going to take us directly there." he explained. "we won't have to wait for Hela that way." he admitted, transporting them to the front foyer of the prison and pausing to let Tony catch his breath. "oh, and i'm a God, Tony. sex in public isn't much of an issue for me." he pointed out with a smile as he walked up to the Guard and explaining who they wanted to see and why.
"Hm, yea. I was hoping that even if I get battered around inside the suit, it'll heal quicker. It's a work in progress."Tony smirked a little before laughing. "Fine, fine. No shopping. I'll just have to go shopping later."he said before raising a eyebrow at the look on loki's face. "yea, we can dance. I can dance, mostly."He looked amused wincing as they were transported, looking a little sick to his stomach. "Hate...that."He grumbled before laughing a little breathlessly at the idea of sex in public. This was going to be amusing. Looking around him as they were led to the prison visitor's room, tony raised his eyebrows at the blond hair blue eyed man waiting for them. While tony could easily pass for 5 years younger then he actually was, Andrew was looking every day of his 40 years old. "It's always good to see you andrew."
Loki grinned a little and shook his head. "perhaps you should have decided what you wanted the Nanobots to do BEFORE you put them in your body, hmm?" he asked with a chuckle. "don't worry Tony, we'll just dance the fast dances and rub all over each other... young people these days seam to think that's dancing, so we'll be all the rage." he promised with a grin. "sorry. i know it kind of sucks, but at least you never got sick. most mortals do." he admitted with a nod.

"Hello Tony." Andrew sneered. "so, you fire be because your bint of a girlfriend complains, and now you're tormenting me in jail? you have no case against me Tony. you might as well give up." "no case?" Loki asked before he laughed and pulled out one of Tony's Stark@ Tablets. "lets see. Andrew Anderson. here we are. the case against you and the proof of said law breaking includes, Tax evasion, corporate espionage, theft of a corporate level, oh my! here's something the police didn't know. here Tony, you'll find this part VERY interesting. apparently after our dear Howard died. mister Anderson here literally sucked his way to the top. he sucked James Grode for a promotion. then he sucked Thomas Abel for a promotion... and my my, naughty boy that you are, actually dressed up in a schoolgirl outfit and let Obediah fuck you." Andrew was looking horrifed, and very red. "shut up! that's all lies!" "oh... so you're not sucking off three of the guards for protection from the other inmates?" "NO!" "then what is this?" Loki asked, flipping the Tablet over so Tony and Andrew could both see Andrew on his knees, sucking off a guard. "seams he wasn't so upset about being Gay after all."
"well, maybe. But I made them so I can program them AFTER to, so its not that bad."Tony snorted a little before smirking. "Oh, now THAT I can do. Rubbing all over you."He snickered before glaring at the god as he winced. "Well, someone keeps teleporting my ass all over the globe. I've kinda gotten used to it."he whined.

Tony raised a eyebrow, "I'm not dating pepper, and considering you all fucked up my company because I didn't care enough to pay attention, is probably as much my fault as yours."He mused for a moment before glancing over at loki, looking amused. "Something I find interesting?Now that covers alot of things."Tony said as he took the tablet, shaking his head. "So I can see. I must say, you did horrible after you finished sucking my cock. At least I only finished your homework, not promoted you.You weren't that good at sex."Tony mused laughing as he looked at the picture of the guard, smirking slightly. "No, he doesn't. It must be me that upset him then."Tony raised a eyebrow. "So,tell me, was it me being so much better then you that bothered you the most?Or was it just money to you?The whole thing?"he said, his voice going cold, though there was a brittleness under it, the young teenager he'd once been wanting nothing more then to believe that he'd been loved briefly, even if the cynical 35 year old told him he was being stupid.
Loki chuckled a little as he shook his head. "anything can be programmed 'after' Tony. if you know how." he admitted with a smile. "how do you think i knew they where there in the first place? i hijacked a signal from one of them to check and make sure they were in there on purpose, or if they where a nefarious scheme by some random evil doer." he admitted with a grin. "besides, i could Transport you to Jotun, that would really be a punch in the gut." he admitted with a chuckle.

"We fucked up your company because you let us you self serving little idiot." Andrew hissed. "we fucked up your company because you didn't deserve to have all the money that came in!" he snarled. "you are nothing but an eyesore, even after all theses years you still can't get over me can you!?" Andrew demanded with a vicious smirk. "making you fall in love with me was one of the easiest damn things i've ever done!" he admitted. "it got me my ticket in after all. everyone knew how much Howard Stark hated you, making you fall in love with me and then breaking your heart would be my easy ticket in. and it was!" Andrew stated. "everything i ever said or did in your direction was only to get the money, the prestige, the power! and it worked time and time again. the look on your face when i took your project away from you is one of the things that keeps me laughing in this pathetic waste of life." Andrew admitted simply before blinking as Loki stood up and stalked through the wall. "what the HELL!?" "be silent you cretin. Tony might not be evil enough to take his revenge on you, but i am." he admitted, his eyes narrowed as his hand snapped out, touching Andrew's forehead with a bare brush of a single finger. a glowing rune popped up on Andrew's forehead and the man slumped, down for the count. "he's going to fall in love." Loki informed Tony. "with the most heartless man in this building. he will be heartbroken, just as you where. perhaps that will teach him to respect people's emotions."
"I'm the self serving idiot?I just wanted to work. I'm sorry I trusted a board of businessmen to take care of things."Tony said watching the other man, before shrugging as if it didn't bother him. "I've been over you for years, if you haven't noticed, I've dated quite a bit since then."Tony pointed out before frowning slightly. "You didn't take it. I gave it to you, you idiot."Tony grumbled turning his head slightly to look at lokim looking thoughtful as loki touched him. "...Loki, you should have just left him alone."He said quietly but didn't tell him to reverse it either. Huffing out a sigh he ran his fingers through his hair, making the slightly longer then normal strands stand up on end. "Let's just go. I'm hungry and SubZero serves the good liquor..."Tony muttered mentally retreating from the emotional battering he'd just taken. Even if he knew loki was there, the man was suffering, and after a lifetime of dealing with things, he wasn't willing to let anyone in, not even loki. Loki'd have to work on getting him to open up again, now that he'd confronted his demons for the day.
Andrew sneered at Tony again. "you're nothing but a fraud. you're not even really a Stark! honestly, how you never realized is beyond me!" he stated before he slumped to sleep, Loki scowling at the man. "no i should not have. he hurt you. i will allow no one to hurt you." Loki growled, his eyes bleeding red as his Jotun nature asserted itself before he calmed himself and offered Tony a sigh. "i never should have suggested this... i had hoped it would help, but it just fucked everything up even more... i'm so sorry Tony..." Loki whispered before he smiled a little at Tony, glad that the other wasn't too pissed off at him. "yeah... i could go for some liqueur..." he agreed softly before he frowned. "your hair is getting long." he fussed, trying to fix Tony's hair before he pondered it. "you'd look fairly sexy with long hair..." he admitted with a smiled as he took the others hand. "i love you Tony. you know that right? and i know you love me too, even if you can't say it right now." he promised. "i don't need to hear the words to know it... but i do Love you, with all my heart, and all my soul, and i will never leave you." he promised. "come on... let's go get you drunk, and maybe i'll even be talked into sucking you off more than twice."
Tony's eyes widened as he stared at the man in front of him, "What are you talking about?"Tony said his voice raising a little before looking at loki, tilting his head slightly. "It's okay. They didn't tell me anything I hadn't already guessed...except for whatever the hell andrew was talking about at the end...but..."He shrugged a little before letting the other man fuss with his hair. "I'm not growing it out like thor's. Or yours. It gets weird and curly when its long. But I'll let it go for a bit."Tony said letting the other man hold his hand before offering a small smile. "I know."he muttered quietly as he stared at the ground as he let the other man transport them to the club, before laughing quietly. "Oh, you think I'll have to talk you into doing that?"He said raising a eyebrow as they walked into the club, sighing in quiet peaceful pleasure as he felt the music thrum through his body, nearly scattering every thought out of his head as he listened to the pounding music as he made his way upstairs to the dining room, which was somewhat sound proofed, enough that they could talk without having to yell at each other, and without even pausing he ordered a whiskey on the rocks, downing the tumbler even as he slumped into his chair, before getting another drink. "So, should I start baragaining now for those blow jobs?"
Loki frowned a little as he shook his head. "probobly trying to say your not worth your father or something equally idiotic." Loki admitted with a roll of his eyes. "and no matter what they say, it's nothing but lies anyway." the God stated dismissively. "curly? oh that i want to see!" Loki admitted with a smile as he gently kissed Tony's cheek. "well, no. but my jaw might get tired after three or four of them, then you'll have to talk me into it." he admitted with a grin at Tony. "i'm out of practice you know." he chuckled as he followed Tony into the club, his head tilted as he examined it, ordering himself a White Russian, one of the few earth drinks he didn't mind. he sipped at it with a a sigh as they stepped into the sort of sound proofed room. "are all human clubs this loud?" he asked with a wrinkle of his nose before he laughed at Tony and glanced around before sliding underneath the Tablecloth and slowly unzipped Tony's pants. "when the waiter comes, i want a Steak." he ordered with a grin as he started to torment Tony with his wicked tongue. taking his time this time. he still hadn't forgotten Tony's teasing earlier. he's show Tony who was REALLY the best! and that was Loki!
"No, you don't get to see my hair curly. It gets all tangled and annoying....though it usually takes pepper reminding me to get it cut to get out of the lab to cut it."Tony muttered before laughing. "Ahhh I see. Well, I'll make sure you get plenty of practice."He snickered a little before nodding, "Yea, mostly. Humans like not being able to hear each other as they fuck on the dancefloor."Tony snickered because he knew that loki would probably take him literally about the fucking on the dance floor when it was usually just looking like it."Steak it is."Tony said smirking a little as he leaned back in the booth, stretching out a arm along the back as he watched the club through the one way window, glad no one could see into the resturant, otherwise they'd get a show of loki under the table despite teh tablecloth. Tangling one hand in loki's hair as he watched the club he smirked as he rocked his hips up into his mouth. Amused as he ordered their food, closing his eyes as he let loki take his worries away for awhile. Groaning as he came, he sighed quietly, absently stroking loki's hair, and despite enjoying the blow job, his mind was a million miles away.
Loki snorted. "we'll see." he mused, a playful twinkle in his eyes as he shook his head. "we'll make sure to go out and get your hair done... of course, i could probobly just magic into the right length, might take a bit of guessing though." he admitted. "Sleipnir is the best at 'beauty' spells, as vain as the little bastard is." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "he's also very good with a pair of scissors too." he admitted. "he used to love cutting all of our hair. we never had to pay for a barber." he admitted before blinking. "i thought humans didn't like it when they had sex in front of each other..." he complained, looking confused. "are you messing with me!?" he demanded with a small frown. "because that's MY job..." he complained before grinning as he worked on Tony's length, humming as he swallowed down the cum. he knew Tony was distracted, but he didn't mind, he'd be pretty far off too if he'd had a day like Tony's... only he probobly would have gone and hit under the bed for a few days until Sigyn dragged him out... ou wait, that had really happened. he tucked Tony back into place and slid out from under the booth just as the server came back, the man gaping at Tony and Loki as Loki blinked at him. "what?" Loki demanded as he examined a phone. "i found it Tony." he lied, giving the waiter a convenient and none perverted excuse as to why Loki was under the table.
"Well, he is your son, does it really surprise you he's a vain little bastard?"Tony teased a little before smirking."Now that, is fairly amusing. I'll have to see if he'll cut cap's hair while he's asleep."he said looking amused before grinning at loki's confusion."I am.Though I don't mind a audience, but that's because I've very good at sex."He snickered a little as he sipped his drink, smirking a little as loki came back out from under the table, looking amused as he started eating his steak, rolling his eyes as he took the phone from tony. "Good. I have things to work on over dinner."he said looking amused as teh waiter left, glancing at loki. "he knows who I am you know, he's never going to believe you weren't under the table."Tony teased a little, quiet through most of dinner, though if loki talked to him, he did respond, but he wasn't his normal, techy self. Glancing out towards the club he smiled slightly. "I owe you a dance, don't I?"He muttered leaning back as he finished eating.
Loki grinned a little. "no, not really. but he's extremely vain. he's even worse than you are." he pointed out. "it must be from being a stallion most of his life, no god is THAT vain naturally..." he mused. "although, i suppose if it came from being a horse it is natural... sort of..." he admitted before he smirked at Tony. "you'd let people see me naked?" he asked with a grin. "see me as i cum?" he was well aware that Tony would say that he didn't care, but if it was ever put to the practice... well, Tony stark WAS very possessive. "you always have things to work on, i brought you out here so you wouldn't work." Tony mock complained, stealing the phone back. "at least eat your steak without going all nerdy." he teased with a smirk as the waiter left. "oh, you never know. but at least he'll have something to talk about." Loki mused with a snicker. he kept the conversation flowing, but didn't really draw Tony into it, mostly he was just entertaining himself by pulling Tony into the conversation at random moments, where Tony would nod, or agree to things that Loki KNEW Tony had no idea of. like agreeing to dress up in a pink bunny suit. Tony had nodded, so, later that week, Loki would bring it up again and get Tony to dress up in a pink bunny suit... well, when Tony was feeling better anyway. "mmm, you do owe me a dance." Loki agreed with a grin. "and then we can go shopping, since you wanted to so badly... but we have to go to a place i'll like too, ok?"
"Uh-huh. And its not natural, its decidely weird is what it is."Tony snickered before nodding, smirking a little."I would. I mean, everyone should know I'm making a god scream in pleasure."Tony snickered a little before laughing as the phone was stolen."Finnne. I'll not work for a few hours, but when pepper beats me for not getting anything done, I'm telling her its your fault."he mock complained looking just as amused before snickering. "True. Tony stark, having dinner with a man, who suddenly appeared from under the table. Definitely something to talk about."he snickered. And it was true, tony had no idea what he was agreeing to, just chasing the thoughts around his head and listening to loki talk because his voice was calming. "K. I'm sure you'd like victoria's secret. Just think, you can get something else to scar clint with if he's going to keep seeing through our clothes."Tony snickered as he got up, tugging loki with him and heading down for the dancefloor, drawing the man closer to him, dancing easily with him. Though he might say he couldn't dance, he wasn't doing half bad at it. After all, if anyone could do the bump and grind, it was tony stark.
Loki laughed a little and nodded. "yeah he's a weirdo alright." he admitted with a chuckle before he pouted at Tony. "you don't make me scream that much..." but that was a lie, and they both knew it. if Tony really turned all of his attention onto Loki, the god would be little more than a mushy pile of pleasure and satisfaction. "Pepper is on leave remember? she's resting so she can't beat you up. it would be bad for her health." he admitted with a smile. "i could always be under the table again when the waiter comes back." Loki teased. "give him a show this time." he offered with a laugh before he blinked a little. "hmm... i guess that would be fun. do they make mens lingerie?" he asked curiously. "i like the way it looks on me, but i hate wearing breasts every day, and the tops never fit right without breasts." he grumbled. "i don't understand how women do it." he grumbled, shaking his head before he laughed. "are you going to get a pair of panties too then?" Loki asked with a smirk as he followed Tony out to the dance floor, finally understanding what Tony had meant by fucking on the dance floor. some of those people where really getting into it! actually so was he! this was fun. he was laughing breathlessly as he and Tony where chased out, because loki had gone that step too far and kissed Tony with his hand down Tony's pants. Loki had freaked out SO many people! "that was fun! we'll do that again, right Tony?!"
"Yea, keep telling yourself that."Tony snickered, amused because he knew loki was lying to himself if he didn't think tony could pour all that obsessive nature into sex. "Hm, she is, but she has those freaky little fireballs, and probably would do something unpleasant, like catch me on fire or something."Tony shuddered before shrugging. "No, but they make lots of different underwear. You'll just have to look."Tony said looking amused before making a face. "No. I'm definitely not getting underwear."Tony said snickering as they danced. "we'll do it again, I promise. we'll bring the others though. I have a feeling clint and sigyn would enjoy dancing. Especially if they convinced steve to come."Tony said looking amused as they headed for victoria's secret. By the time they left, the billionaire was to tired and exhausted to even consider sex, having not even been paying attention for what he'd blown over a thousand dollars on. Barely awake enough to let loki get him home and into bed before he past out. between the emotional tormoil, the alcohol(for once, he'd actually gotten drunk on regular alcohol)and just being happy with loki, he was wiped out.

In the morning Sigyn grinned as she walked into the living room, pausing at the sight of the flowers, smirking at clint as she picked up the small card with them. "Think Tony's feeling guilty about something?"She said snickering as she stroked her fingers over the light blue flower petals before frowning as she read the card, glancing up at her husband. "Did you get me flowers?"She said sounding confused, wondering why she was getting love notes with flowers, because she hadn't thought he felt guilty enough about yelling at them to get flowers, but maybe she was wrong. Returning confused because the more didn't sound like clint or steve writing it, but not really making the connection she'd picked up a stalker now that she'd required and want being seen in public as often....some fans just went to far, and it'donly get worse..

"Hey, will you hand me that screwdriver?"Tony said having woken early and gotten up despite the alcohol induced headache as he looked up at loki, having retreated to the one place that made sense to him, his lab. Working on the bow, his hair sticking up every which way, nodding towards the small precision screwdriver at his left, not wanting to let go of the pieces he was holding together on the bow.
Loki chuckled a little. "i will." he teased with a smirk. "that's true, and she's even gaining control already, despite Fenris not knowing a thing about Magic. he has just enough to transform into a Wolf, but that's about it." Loki admitted with a smile. "i suppose i will. maybe i'll buy something for everyone." he decided with a smirk. "Steve would love to get a few pairs of lacy underwear. and i know Natasha's, Peppers, and Sigyn's sizes." he paused. "i better not buy my kids any though, they're old enough now for it to be seriously creepy." Loki admitted with a laugh. "we'll definitely get everyone to come! Hela would love dragging Bruce here, and Sigyn would be a great hit with all the ladies. and Nat and Jor are lewd enough in the Tower to enjoy this place!" Loki admitted with a grin. "Pepper and Feris wouldn't like it much i don't think. Pepper is a little too conservative and Fenris doesn't like loud noises or heavy crowds. they'd be fairly miserable on the dance floor." he mused with a chuckle as he helped Tony home, tucking him into bed and feeding the puppies before going to bed himself.

"sure. here." Loki said as he yawned in the morning, screwing the piece into place with a dab of magic without even taking note of what he was doing as he slumped into his usual seat with a sigh. "you look sexy with you're hair sticking up like that." he admitted with a smile as he picked up the puppies and expertly fed both of them at the same time. "they're going to start walking soon. we'll have to put the gates up..." he admitted with a yawn. "until then, i have a playpen they can play in until we can puppy proof the dangerous parts of the Tower." he admitted with a nod, rubbing his eyes. "good morning by the way. how are you feeling this morning?"

Clint blinked a little at her, half asleep as he took a long swallow of coffee. "no... should i have?" Clint asked, looking confused. "maybe it was Steve? or one of the kids?" he wondered, his head tilted. "it wasn't me." Steve admitted as he walked in, in his usual workout clothes followed by Sleipnir and Fenris. the three having gone for a brisk early morning run. "it wasn't us either." Sleipnir admitted as he sniffed at the flowers. "hmm, they smell nice though. maybe it was Father?" Sleipnir mused as Steve picked up one of the notes. "you are the sparkle in my eye, and the light in my life... this was certainly not from Loki, this is a love poem." Steve mused. "a rather nice one actually. maybe it WAS Clint and he's too embarrassed?" "what? i don't even know what a sparkle in the eye means... sounds kind of painful to me..." "...alright, it certainly wasn't Clint." Steve muttered with a roll of his eyes.
Tony raised a eyebrow snickering a little. "You do realize you just used magic instead of a screwdriver right?"Tony teased though he did let go of the piece he was holding and added the screw despite the magic holding the piece in place. He was just waking sure. "Don't get used to it.I'm going to cut it soon."Tony said smiling slightly before looking at the puppies laying in their bed next to him."Good. And I'll have steve and sigyn start puppy proffing things. They'd be good at it."He said before wincing a little. "For once, hungover. My head's killing me."he whined a little.

"No, its just romantic letters makes sense if they're from you."Sigyn mused glancing over at steve, for a moment distracted by teh sight of steve all sweaty before focusing again. "And it wasn't me. Definitely don't want to romance my mother."Jor said as he walked into the room, picking up one of the other notes, amused that each of the dozen roses seemed to have a personal note, "No, the only person father's writing to is tony, and even then probably not. As stark would laugh his ass off."Jor mused. "...yea, definitely not clint."Sigyn giggled a little looking amused before sighing, reading the rest, looking a little freaked out as the poems covered from sweetly romantic to outright vulgar...."You know, I wish this was some twisted joke from loki, at least it'd be a little less weird."She grumbled, waving a hand to make them disappear, determined to not give it to much thought, and not consider the cold feeling that ran down her back, much like it had to tony and loki the night before.
Loki blinked at Tony. "...didn't you ask me to hold that in place while you got the screwdriver?" he asked, clearly still half asleep, and thus hearing things wrong. "do you have to?" Loki complained with a pout. "you look so adorable like that..." he grumbled before he chuckled. "they would be good at it." he agreed with a nod before he leaned over and kissed Tony's forehead, the hangover magically disappearing. "curing Hangovers is one of the few healing magic's i CAN do." he admitted with a smile. "between Thor and the Warriors three, i was always curing hangovers. they'd get very grumpy otherwise." he admitted with a shake of his head.

Steve made a face as he picked up one of the nasty, vulgar ones. "oh, so gross... i highly doubt Loki wrote THIS!" he pointed out, shaking his head. "that's just wrong. it's probobly a nasty prank Sig, i wouldn't worry about it. probobly from someone who is angry that you left the modeling business. Fans can get nasty sometimes." Steve mused. "i used to get letters like this all the time back in WWII when i was the big hero. used to really freak me out." Steve admitted. "but nothing ever came of it, so i learned to ignore it." he admitted. "it will be fine. what do you lot want for breakfast?" he asked curiously as he started rooting through the fridge, Clint licking his lips as he watched Steve's ass. "how about you?" "shut up Clint. don't be vulger or i'll hit you again. how about Waffles? Tony has like, ten waffle makers, we could make a lot of them easily enough."
Tony smiled slightly as he gave his attention to the half asleep god."yes I do.I dislike it longer then this. I left it long for my most my teen years.I feel...weird with it longer then this."he grumbled the explanation cause while he did want to indulge his boyfriend he knew loki wouldn't let him do it if it made him uncomfortable."I can see where that would be a good thing. A grumpy thor is never good."he said as he finished the bow,looking down at it."think I should wrap it up like a present for him?"

"Yea definitely not something loki would least not about me."sigyn snickered a little as she leaned over to read what steve had becore nodding in slight relief at the reasonable explanation."you're probably right.they'll stop if I ignore it "she said before grinning as she watched steve to."why does he have so many waffle irons?"jor asked looking bemuzed as he helped steve cook,unlike loki most of the kids could cook."becauss he probably made half of them.bored genius at its best."siygn snivkered slightly before looking at clint."I agree.we shouls have him for break."
Loki blinked at Tony and then nodded. "makes sense." he agreed, dropping the idea then and there. anything to do with Tony's teen years was best left long forgotten. "yes, especially as he often took his ire out on me." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "you should totally wrap it up like a present, maybe even fool him into thinking it's his birthday." Loki teased with a grin. "since he can't ever seem to remember anything anyway, i'm sure it wouldn't be the first time he 'forgot his birthday'." he admitted with a laugh.

"well, he might have written this if it was written to Tony." Clint mused with a grin. "but he certainly wouldn't write all that mushy emotional stuff." he mused with a snort. "they will probobly stop. and if not, we'll get Fury involved. that will put an end to it." Clint reassured her. "Tony likes waffles." Steve stated simply. "and there was a period in his life when he decided he didn't want to have to wait so long for a big stack of them, so he tried to find a way to speed up the process... all he got was a lot of burnt waffles and decided he'd just buy a lot of waffle irons so he could make many waffles at the same time." Steve admitted as he started mixing up a few dozen bowl fulls of Batter, leaving the cooking part to Jor and Sleipnir, who each had five irons to work with. "Sigyn, don't encourage Clint!" Steve demanded, going red.
"ah, I'm sorry you have a idiot for a brother."Tony said smiling slightly before grinning. "I probably could. And I blame for natasha for him not remembering things, hit him to many times in the head."Tony said grinning a little as he got up, looking around for what he could use as wrapping paper and settled on red and gold wrapping paper-it was tony, he had alot of weird crap laying around his lab- and wrapped the bow. "Come on, lets go see the birdbrain."He said smirking happily, yesterday's trauma forgotten for the moment as he headed for the kitchen.

"Might. But it would all just be vulguar and written about how amazing tony is, not mushy touchy feely stuff."Sigyn snickered a little before nodding, looking pleased with the idea. because it worried her some, the worrying chilled feeling, but there wasn't anything she could do besides be ready. "...really? You know, I don't know what worse, tony trying to cook or him trying to perfect the way to make waffles."Jor snickered a little as he cooked. "Why not?I want to nibble on you."Sigyn said smirking a little. "Sig, don't use my kitchen table to have sex. It's bad enough I've had sex on it, I dont want you three to do so."Toyn said smirking a little as he walked into the room, looking pleased with himself as he held out the wrapped bow towards clint."Happy birthday." Natasha frowned slightly looking confused as she walked into the room, looking confused. had she forgotten her partners birthday?
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