
"That's true. Apparently I inherited a gene from my father, good liver and all that."He snickered before looking thoughtful as he considered the fact that loki had only had five partners. "It disturbs me some that you practically got raped by a horse."he said snickering a little before nodding. "We'll find him a girlfriend. I know alot of girls."he snickered before nodding. "I know it is. I don't mind you as a guy, just you as a girl would be amazing."he smirked teasing the other, because at this point, loki was loki, and while it disturbed him some to be with a guy, it really didn't freak him out nearly as much as it had. he could talk himself around having issues about it, as long as he didn't consider why he'd refused for so long to consider he was bi. "...It amazes me that humanity finds so many ways to torture each other without the other worlds coming up with it."Tony huffed as he rinsed out his hair, wincing a little as it ran into his eyes. "No. Bathtub's worse then a shower, and I prefer being clean over just not smelling, thanks though."He offered a small smile before smiling, wondering what had posessed him to bring it up. "Waterboarding is...pretty much drowning someone, to stimulate the effects of drowning, without actually drowning. Ironically enough, I was in a desert. Drowning in a desert would have just been sad."He grumbled as he finished washing off, avoiding looking at loki now, worried about how he was reacting to the news, having never told anyone exactly what happened in that cave, it gave him no basis to figure out how someone would react. Turning off the shower he sighed, reaching for a towel."Come on, I want to check on the puppies, and see this car you were telling me about."He said moving away from the deep thoughts.

Sigyn looked up at the other worried for a moment, before nodding."I know you will be, and I love you to."She muttered smiling up at him blushing ever so sliughtly. "Good. And Howard seems to be as bad as tony, obsessing over things. Probably got it in his head to find you, and couldn't get it out."he rolled his eyes a little before laughing as Steve watched the light show. Grinning as they set out to set up the rest of the party, grinning as she nodded."Definitely going to be loki. He already has teh costume. I'll go tell him."Sigyn smirked to herself as she jumped off her seat, having no qualms about interrupting whatever tony and loki were up to, after all loki had played some really bad music for her and clint(even if he didn't remember it) and interrupting tony's sex life, even if he was resisting, was well worth getting yelled at for. "Loks!I have something for you!Are you done showering!?"Sigyn yelled as she bounced into the bedroom, sitting on the edge of tony's bed as she waited for a answer, the bag holding the iron man colored cheerleading outfit sitting in her lap.

Groaning a little tony looked at loki."She's your ex-wife. Go see what she wants."He grumbled looking sulky that his private time was being interrupted, even if he wasn't having sex, or getting a blow job, he'd been enjoying the naked time, even if it had been getting to serious for comfort.
Loki snorted. "i'd beleive that Sigyn was magically enhancing you're liver before i'd beleive that." he pointed out with a small chuckle and a shake of his head. "i am beautiful as a girl." Loki admitted with a snicker. "i'll show you sometime... i don't like being naked as a girl, it wigs me out a little bit." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Tony?" Loki asked softly before he sighed and simply wrapped his arms around the other. "...i won't let you shower alone ever again." he promised softly. "my being here makes it better, right?" he asked. "i'll make sure to be here always... and... if i have to, we could always go Japanese style. they scrub outside of the tub using buckets of hot water." he admitted with a smile. "and then they soak after. we could scrub you up, rinse you off and skip the soak... or i could just wash you in the shower. maybe that would help?" he wondered. "oh! the Puppies! they'll need feeding!" he agreed, snapping the water off with a flick of his wrist and tossing a green towel into Tony's face with a laugh before he scowled at the door. "...i'll be right back." he grumbled, stalking out the door, completely nude, glaring at Sigyn. "what?! i'm having naked time!" he complained. "you got laid last night damn you, you shouldn't be picking on me already! whats that?" he asked before he grinned wickedly at her as he noticed it. "it's PERFECT!" he purred, wiggling his eyebrows at her. "so when do i have to have him up there? lunch maybe?" he asked in an undertone as they perfected the last little details of Tony's party.

"Steve smiled at her before shacking his head. "Howard probobly just wanted to rub it in my face that HE'S the one that rescued me. the egotistical pompous asswipe." oooh! Clint was CURSING! that was new. "would you be nice?!" Steve demanded, even though he was laughing. "poor Loki probobly hasn't even gotten laid yet." he teased with a grin as he started on Tony's favorite dinner. certain that Loki was going to have Tony up there for lunch time at least.

Loki grinned as he waved Sigyn off and carefully hid the cheerleader costume where Tony wouldn't find it before heading back into the bathroom with two puppy bottles filled with warm milk. "that woman is a pain in the ass." he complained. "she gave me lube and some condoms and told me to practice safe sex." he complained with a roll of his eyes. "now, this is how you feed a puppy..." he informed Tony, showing the other everything he needed to do. once the pups where fed Loki got dressed and settled the puppies into their bed to sleep off their meal before he grinned as he opened the doors tot he Garage with a dramatic sweep of his arms. "my Baby!" he informed Tony, indicating a large, beautiful purple lamborghini.
"....You know, so would I."Tony snickered a little smirking a little. "Yea, I could see being naked as a girl would be weird....but i bet I can totally make you feel better about it."he said before smirking, totally enjoying the idea of loki as a woman. Before sighing softly, leaning into Loki a little, resting his forehead against his shoulder."Yea, it's better. Especially if your going to give me a blow job every time."He snickered before raising a eyebrow."Maybe. Though I'm fairly certain someone in NYC would have a problem with me bathing outside."He looked amused at the idea, before nodding. "They will."He said yelping as he was hit with the towel, amused as he finished drying off as loki felt the room. "I know I got laid last night, no need to tell me. I just was trying to help YOU get laid."She teased amused as she handed the bag over, nodding a little. "We'll be ready by lunch, just get him up there by then."She said standing, kissing his cheek. "Have fun, Loks."She teased as she left the room.

"Well, considering that youc children were accidents, and I'd make a horrible father, safe sex isn't that weird to tell you to practice."Tony teased as he pulled on a pair of jeans, grinning as he let the other help him feed the puppies. The genius even more happy and pleased with being able to take care of the puppies, and even more so when he saw the car. "It's beautiful, reindeer. And I get to play with it?"Tony grinned as he already moved towards the car, so totally enchanted by the car that it wouldn't be that hard to distract him from the party starting upstairs. Starting to work even before loki gave him perimission, and sulking when he was ordered upstairs for lunch.

"But I don't know why I have to go could just feed me down here Sigyn..."Tony whined sulking as he carried Myka, even as Sigyn carried Clayton, so put out at being dragged away from the car that he didn't even notice loki had disappeared awhile before to go get himself ready for his cheerleading debut. "No I couldn't. Because everyone wants to..."Sigyn smiled a little. "Wish you a happy birthday."Jor said smiling as he settled on the couch, natasha tucked under his arm as the startled looking genius looked around at them all. " all knew?"He frowned looking annoyed that they were actually celebrating, to confused at the idea of people wanting to celebrate with him to know how to accept it.
Loki snorted a little. "you mean you'd rub my breasts and play with my lady bits." he complained with a shake of his head. "nope, not gonna happen." he teased with a chuckle. "oh, i can do that!" Loki promised, looking rather excited by the idea. "mmm so many blowjobs... it's like a Jotun's heaven." he admitted with a grin. "i'll make sure to have him there." he promised with a snicker. "shut up Tony! Hela was completely planned!" he informed the other with a grin. "and Jor was my amazing little miracle, Fen was my special surprise, and Sleipnir was my unfortunate delight." he stated with a node before freezing, too shocked to move. he'd remembered something! "you're doing very well." Loki praised Tony's feeding the puppy. "they need a lot of cuddles at this stage. the more you handle them now, the better they will be as they get older. right now the more sights and sounds they are exposed to, the less timid they will be as they get older." Loki admitted with a nod. "the more people they are introduced to, the less likely they will be violent as well, so we have to take them for a lot of walks and introduce them to a lot of people." he admitted with a grin as he watched Tony. when Tony saw the car Loki had to snicker. "yes, you get to play with it." he promised with a nod.

"no, most of them forgot. well, two people forgot." Clint and Bruce blushed. "i hope you don't mind Tony. it was my idea. i wanted to show you how much you're loved by all of us!" Pepper admitted with a smile, sitting in the recliner with a warmed up towel wrapped around her legs. because her body temp was so high now, she got cold easily, or she would until she had gained complete control. "...Loki what on earth are you wearing!?" "Tony's birthday present." Loki admitted with a grin as he popped a hip, looking perfect in one of Tony's Rocket girl costumes. he had even grown a pair of breasts for the occasion, though the tight short shorts did very little to hide the 'mighty package' that was Loki's cock. "...i'm disturbed, in so many ways..." Pepper admitted with a sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose, Loki looking quite pleased by all the attention he was getting as he stalked over to Tony, gave him a kiss on the lips and posed again. "come on Tony! it's a party! it's time to have fun!" Loki demanded with a grin. "and look at all your presents, food and cake!... what kind of cake is that? can we have some now?" "no, you cannot! we have to eat dinner first!" Pepper complained, Clint and Steve both pouting. they wanted cake too.
"Well, yea. You knew I'd want to do that."Tony said snickering a little, pouting when he was denied. "Well, I'll try to keep you in heaven then."He snickered before smirking as loki tried to explain his children. "You, have to much time on your hands, if you're thinking of them like that. I mean, seriously?"Tony snickered amused before raising a eyebrow, "What?You look like I did when I forgot I changed Steve's sugar for salt for his coffee."Tony said looking thoughtful before shrugging it off as he helped the puppy, blushing ever so slightly as he was praised. It was a rare occurance, though it was getting more common these days. "Well, I'll make sure they're cuddled. Cause you know, we have enough women in the tower, they wont get to walk anywhere."He snickered before settling in to work.

Tony tilted his head as he looked at his friends, before smiling slightly at pepper. "Are you okay?Being up I mean?"Tony said fussing over the woman as he walked further into the room, for the moment not touching the emotions it brought up to see all of them ready to celebrate with him before his head snapped around as he made the connection between loki disappearing, and loki wearing something interesting. Turning to look at the man he was at a loss as he took in the sight of his boyfriend, studying him. "Yea, I think we're all a little disturbed."Natasha said rolling her eyes a little. "I could have lived without this sight."The assassin whined a little teasing them as Tony kissed Loki back. "Okay you two, knock it off."Sigyn said throwing a pillow at tony, snickering as it smacked the genius in the back of the head.

"Are those all for me?"Tony said even as he kept a arm around loki's waist, already drifting towards the table with presents on it. "They are, but you're eating first, Stark. Come on Tony, food first."Sigyn said babying him just as much as she mothered any of the children she'd raised, grinning as he pouted but did as he was told, settling at the table, but pulling loki into his lap, "My rocketman.You are definitely staying in my lap all night."Tony muttered swallowing the moan as loki settled on his rock hard cock, definitely torturing them both. But again, he was the birthday boy, and sexual torture-teasing he means- is what tony stark did best. "What's for dinner?"He said craning his neck to look at what steve had made.

"Chicken alfredo and tiramsu. Your favorite.Along with some asgardian ale, since you've tasted all of earth's disgusting crap, I thought I'd treat you, and let steve cook, while I got you something to drink."Sigyn said looking amused as she poured him a glass and settled into her own seat, amused as she watched fenris help pepper to the table, watching as tony's family settled around the table. Glad to see that they were all indeed here, and able in their own subtle way, to tell tony he was cared for.
Loki smirked. "you better. you've never seen anything until you've seen an annoyed Asgaurdian." he warned with a chuckle. "nah, that's how i used to explain them to others." he admitted with a smile. "honestly, it took some real skill to get out of trouble each time i wound up pregnant... well, except for Sleipnir." he admitted with a snicker. "honestly, the ruse of being married worked even though i was pregnant from another man... makes you worry a bit, doesn't it?" he asked, wondering if maybe Thors brain deadness was hereditary? "i was just a bit surprised that i remembered something, that's all... are you picking on Steve again? can i help?" Loki asked hopefully. "there are enough women in here for that, but they're you're puppies, don't let the girls hog them." he warned with a smile.

Pepper rolled her eyes at him. "i'm fine, i had a really super long nap." she promised, probobly for the tenth time. "and Fenris is here to help me. i can rest here just as easily as i can in my own bed. so long as i don't try to walk across the room on my own, i'll be fine, i promise." she reassured him with a smile. "all those are for you." Pepper agreed with a smile. "oh, and all that is for those puppies." she informed him, indicating a few shipping boxes piled up in the corner. "i think Loki bought them an entire store." "just the things they needed. dog beds so they can stay with us no matter where we are, more formula, training books, training halters and leashes, they'll need to be trained as soon as they really start bouncing around so they get used to the feeling of them. collars, name tags, wet food for when we start to ween them, toys of course, dog food bowls, a few dog water dishes so they won't get thirsty if we have to leave them alone. puppy pee pads so they can be house trained, gates, so they can't get into certain areas, like Tony's lab or the kitchen. some treats and a clicker for when we start training, brushes so we can brush them, tooth brushes, because dental hygiene is important for dogs too..." Loki continued rattling off a few things before he was interrupted by another pillow, this one hitting him right in the face. "we get it Loki, they need that stuff, shut up and let Tony enjoy his birthday." Clint demanded with a grin.

"i also got a shock collar for Clint, since Sigyn seams to be having trouble training him." he stated with a smirk as Clint rolled his eyes. "happily." Loki groaned as he wriggled on Tony's lap, grinning as he leaned back to whisper in Tony's ear. "and these tits are all for you tonight." he promised. "you can play with them all you want, for however long you want... i'd give you the... below, part but i can never seam to get it right... and it makes me wince when i try to get rid of my boys..." he admitted, pressing said boys into Tony's cock. he grinned as he fed Tony small bites of Alfredo from his fingers and nuzzled the others neck playfully once and a while. after dinner was the presents. Bruce got Tony a special tool kit. it was one screwdriver, with every size head available. a wrench where the head could come off, with every size imaginable. a mini blowtorch, everything Tony would need for working on a car, or an iron man suit. all in one convenient case. Clint got Tony a years subscription to both playboy and playgirl as well as a book on 1001 sex poses for you and your partner. many of which only a person with Loki's flexibility could pull off.

Steve had given Tony a set of the man's favorite brand o bath supplies and beauty products. all in Tony's favorite scent. Loki had immidiatly stolen the bubble bath for himself. as well as the bath salts and the scented oils. it was Pepper's present that was probobly the one that would bring tears to Tony's eyes. inside of a leather bound scrapbook, was excerpts from Tony's life. all the good things he'd done. fromt he age of twenty, when he discovered a new way to do open heart surgery that cut the risk down by 12% to the time when he saved everyone from the alien invaders. even things he hadn't been aware of, like the time he'd helped a lost kid find his mother, which was a photo instead of a clipping from a newspaper. at the end, there where pictures of all the Avengers, some in groups, some singular, laughing, smiling, or making funny faces at the camera. there was also a statue. golden, though it wasn't real gold, of a muscle bound man standing in a cliche superhero pose and etched into the bottom it read.

'Tony Stark

The Worlds #1 Superhero

Greatest Man Alive
"That is fairly worrying. Especially when you were pregnant more then once, and sigyn none at all."Tony said thoughtfully before nodding."It would explain why odin's trying to get ahold of sigyn still,even though she's proven to be powerful in her own right."He said thoughtfully before nodding."I always pick on steve, but I better not do anything else, since I want to ask him about his sex life."He snickered a little nodding."I wont let the girls take the puppies.They're mine."he smiled slightly.

Tony smiled a little at pepper's complaint."Just making sure.And I know you'll be fine."Tony said smiling as he leaned down to kiss her forehead before grinning at all the stuff for the dogs. "well, he knew that we'd need alot of stuff. He just saved me from going and getting it."Tony mused as he looked at all the stuff, amused as loki rambled on for a bit, snickering as clint hit him with a pillow. "Yes, loki, let me enjoy the sight of you as iron man."he smiled.

"Really?"Sigyn raised a eyebrow, sounding interested."Kinky."She snickered looking up at her husband as she started to eat. Tony smirked shuddering as loki whispered in his ear, wrapping a arm around his waist, tugging him close."Yea...getting rid of mine would make me wince to.It's okay. I like you male, you know."he muttered shuddering as he moaned quietly as loki pressed into him, flushing as he realized just how many of his friends were watching him. Granted, he was a playboy, and they knew he had a insane amount of sex, but it was something else to let his friends watch him get played with. Smiling as he ate he grinned as he started opening presents. Amused as he got tools, or toys in the case of loki's kids. Puzzles and things from the different realms that shifted forms to whoever was using it, and would change when he solved one. The perfect presents for a man who had everything. Smirking at the bath supplies he pouted despite not liking baths, as loki stole his supplies. Grinning at Sigyn's present as he unwrapped the bracelet, a shield bracelet that could tap into sigyn's magic for a brief time, to give him a shield until he could get suited up, since he wasn't always in the suit when a fight started.

Smirking as he looked at the wrapping paper, he glanced up at pepper, "You know, its good to know even pepper potts isnt the best at everything."He teased a little as he opened it, frowning when he saw the scrapbook and pulled it out. Resting his chin on loki's shoulder as he started looking through the book. "T-thank you, pepper."Tony said sounding like he was being strangled as he pushed his chair back and nearly dumped loki on the floor in his rush to get up. Walking out of the room and the sound of his bedroom door being shut was heard in the near silent tower. It wasn't that he didn't like it, or feel touched that she had tried to make him feel better about him(because he knew that was her intent) but the sight of so many things he'd done right, had helped with, just made his father's voice sneer at him from the corner of his head, and seeing the statue had sent howard stark howling. No matter how many times he tried to escape it, tried to see himself as better, his father's voice from beyond the grave was there to put him down, and it was usually worse on his birthday. He knew it was just his own mind beating him up, and not really the ghost of his father, but the sound of howard stark in his head had him nearly in a panic attack at the reminder that so many people needed him to be the best and he was falling short, and as he slid down to the floor, his back resting against the door to keep anyone from coming in, pulling his legs up to rest his head on as he curled up,hands tangled in his hair, he knew he had to be alone to get a handle on himself before he totally lost it. Forgetting that loki could teleport into the room.
he shrugged a little. "you think Odin wants a baby from Sigyn?" he asked, looking vaguely grossed out. "you're right, that would explain a lot. Sigyn is exceptionally powerful, and so is Odin. no doubt the old bastard thinks her offspring from his loins would be very powerful indeed." Loki rolled his eyes. "he's forgetting that he never has a hand in raising his children, he leaves that to the women usually, any child he made Sigyn bear would never obey him anyway." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "good, we can't let the girls corrupt our puppies." he agreed with a grin as he watched Pepper be fussed over. considering it was usually Pepper who was fussing, it was a bit of a strange sight.

"i am NOT letting you put a shock collar on me! no way!" Clint protested, Steve grinning. "he didn't say no to a regular collar though. we could dress him up as a sexy kitten and chain him up and have our wicked way with him." Steve mumbled under his breath before flushing as he realized several people had heard him and where now gaping at him in stunned shock. "...sorry..." he muttered as Loki snickered as he teased Tony. "oh i love this one!" Loki admitted, pointing at one of the puzzles. he'd had a lot, an extremely lot of time on his hands as a child. Frigga was always entertaining Thor, and Odin and the rest of the Asgaurdians wanted nothing to do with Loki, so by the time he could be left on his own he was. by the time he was three and potty trained, he spent most of his time alone until he met Sigyn. that meant a lot of puzzles and solo playing games. "why didn't i think of this?" Loki mused as he carefully wrapped the bracelete around Tony's wrist.

"...shut up and open it Tony." Pepper demanded, sulking as he picked on her. "Tony? are you alright?!" Pepper demanded, looking horrified that her present had upset him. "i'll go after him." Loki promised as he stood up and brushed himself off. "he's just self hating right now. that's all." he promised Pepper before following after Tony. he didn't even bother trasporting, he just walked through the bathroom door and settled down next to Tony, letting him have his quiet time for a moment before speaking. "you know, Odin told me, often, that i was a good for nothing curse and a waste of space. that i would never amount to anything or do anything right." Loki admitted, looking at Tony. "the best day in my life, was when i proved that bastard wrong. i was the top in the Academy for young sorcerers. the teachers didn't dare mis-grade me." he admitted, shaking his head. "i beat Thor in the ring, without magic, so many times it made Odin's teeth crack because he was gritting them so hard. i saved, an entire species from extinction, and i stole the one thing Odin wants most, right out from under his nose!" Loki grinned viciously. "and the best part about it is, is that he can't say, or do anything about it!" Loki admitted, smirking at Tony.

"you've proven your father wrong so many times, it isn't funny. your father told you that you would never amount to anything.... and yet you are the biggest name in history right now, and you're fixing to be an even bigger name with that clean energy engine." Loki pointed out. "bigger a name than Howard Stark's ever was. he told you that you where worthless. and yet you became Iron Man, and became a Hero, inside the suit, and outside of it. he told you, that you would never do anything right." he picked up the scrapbook. "well this right here just proved him wrong again! giving pepper the CEO position, proved him wrong! saving pepper even after she was horrible, proved him wrong! letting me into your life, proved him wrong! and he can't do a single shitting thing about it, because he is DEAD, and YOU are Alive and you can spit, and shit on his memory! Howard is DEAD Tony. he WASTED his life doing something you managed as an accident! imagine that? you're so brilliant you do good things without even meaning to." he admitted with a smile. "you are the bravest, most intelligent man i know. you are the number one superhero, not because you always win, but because you actually care about the people you are protecting, and you will always do your best to keep them safe. you are the worlds best man, because of all the good things you have done for this world. better medicine, better protection. sure, you've made some mistakes, but that is what people do, and you learned from them." Loki admitted simply. "you learned, and you made yourself better. and that makes you ten times the man that Howard Stark ever was. we both had shitty childhoods, we both had abusive or negligent fathers... and yet we grew up to love, and be loved. we have freinds, despite their efforts to break us. we have a life worth living." Loki promised Tony with a smile, giving the other a gentle kiss. "you, are worth living for." he promised softly. "you are worth every single act of kindness and love you are given. you deserve that love Tony." he promised, pulling the other into a loose hug, loose enough that Tony could pull away, and tight enough to offer comfort.
Sigyn smirked at Steve, though she to looked startled at his words."No, no he didn't. I think we should invest in a collar."She snickered amused as she kissed steve's cheek, nudging him a little. "Definitely a good puzzle. It'll be nice for those long hours when I need to think."Tony grinned as he watched loki look at the puzzles, snickering at loki's sulking as he put the bracelet on. "Well, it be fair, I only thought about it after you got hurt. otherwise he was getting porn for his birthday. You getting hurt made me realize he's human, he might need a temporary way of protecting himself."Sigyn teased loki looking amused but pleased that tony liked the braclet, a thick iron thing that was definitely a man's bracelet.

"No. I'm serious. You run my company, you fuss over me, definitely take better care of me then I do, but you can't wrap a present. I have to enjoy it."Tony said snickering before nodding tightly as he left the room. "I'm okay."He yelled after himself as he shut the door. Barely turning his head as loki sat down next to him, raising his head slightly as he listened. "...I did create a arc reactor in the middle of a desert, with spare parts. That's fairly good to."He muttered struggling to not hear his father's voice, and focusing instead on the man talking to him, smiling slightly. Studying the other for a long moment, kissing him back, shifting to cuddle closer as he was hugged. "I am a good man..."he muttered, more to himself, reassuring himself he was indeed everything loki told him he was. After a few minutes he straightened, pulling away. "Come on. We have a party to get back to, and a CEO to reassure that I did indeed enjoy her gift....and I want to watch you walk around in that outfit more."Tony grinned as he absently groped the jotun's ass as he stood, already opening the door to walk out. "Sorry. Had to take care of a little problem of Loki sitting in my lap."Tony said with a watered down version of his usual perverted grin as he settled back in his chair, tugging loki back into his lap, glancing around. "Okay, can we have cake now?"He asked, his quiet understated way of asking please, just to ignore the fact that he'd had a mental breakdown for the moment.
Steve smiled sheepishly as Clint snickered. "i could go for a cute kitty costume if Steve is going to dress up as a sexy Fox, or maybe a sexy wolf to chase me." he teased, only making Steve turn even more red and punch Clint on the arm. again. which caused another round of mild bickering that the two men seamed so good at. "it's a good present." Loki admitted with a smile. "now i don't have to worry about him so much." he mused with a chuckle. "besides, as amazing as his liver is, i don't think he's entirely human." Loki admitted with a laugh. "never take it off, ok Tony?" Loki asked, stroking the bracelet, making it glow. "now only you can take it off." he promised with a smile. "anyone who wants to do you harm, won't even see it." he admitted before snickering as Pepper scowled at him. "i told you i was never going to live this down." she complained to Sigyn. "i'm blaming you for this when Tony brings it up every year for the next lifetime." she grumbled.

Loki smiled at Tony and nodded. "exactly." he agreed. "you are an amazing man Tony Stark and Howard was a filthy bastard who doesn't deserve your attention. even if he's dead, he should stay dead." he assured Tony. "he has no power over you now." he promised, kissing Tony's forehead. "you are an amazing man." Loki agreed with a smile. "the best man i've ever met." he promised, simply holding Tony before he snickered. "she's so good at getting an emotional response from you. she's like the most annoying little sister ever." Loki complained. "we're never going to get rid of her if you tell her you liked her present you know." he teased with a smile as he wiggled his ass into Tony's hands. "did Loki help!?" Clint demanded with a grin, yelping as Steve punched him. "stop being vulgar!" "you started it!" "no one was supposed to hear me!" "well that was a stupid idea!" "i'm SO kicking your ass Clint!" "bring it on Princess!" " don't get sex tonight." "what!? no! i'm sorry Steve! really i am!" Loki started to laugh at that. "yes! Cake!" Bruce and Clint chorused, Steve rolling his eyes as he pushed the cake, Tony's favorite, with the candles on it. Loki lit them with a snap of his fingers and they all sang the billionaire playboy philanthropist his birthday song.
"....Why...oh why did I get saddled with these to."Sigyn complained rolling her eyes as they bickered, shooting a amused glance at loki, the look in her eyes to happy, to relaxed to really mean it. "Good, you worry to much. And considering he's chugging that ale like its the last thing he's ever going to get to drink, you're right about his liver."Sigyn snickered. "I wont, don't worry. I'm not a man who goes throwing away advantages in a fight."Tony smirked as pepper scowled. "I know, but think about it this way, it pleases him. Which is what you wanted."Sigyn pointed out to the complaining redhead.

"....well, I am really amazing. My sex life proves this. And I've elevated drinking to a olympic sport."Tony snickered teasing becuase he needed something else to not think about his father. "She is a fairly annoying little sister. Thank god she's going to be running the company again, that'll keep her out of my hair eventually."The brunette snickered before nodding. "I know, but I'm not getting rid of her now. She put me up when I was at my worst, she should get to see me now."Tony smirked before laughing as he held loki close smirking at clint. "Definitely. You know he's good at it to."he looked amused as it started another round of fighting, shooting a glance at sigyn. "Are either of them getting sex tonight?" "Well, maybe with each other."Sigyn said with a amused look as they started digging into his cake.

hours later tony smiled as he laid back in his bed, for the first time in years, truly, deliously happy on his birthday. Sipping the tumbler of ale he looked up at loki as the man came into the room, "Come here."he demanded swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and sitting up, smirking as loki came close, wrapping a arm around his waist, pressing a kiss to the man's stomach. "You, are lovely in this outfit."He muttered his nose nuzzling against the other's stomach. While the man usually didn't show signs of being drunk, the man had drunk enough asgardian ale to start feeling the affects of it. More touchy feely when he was drunk, and definitely more horny. He loved loki, wanted him, and was drunk enough to act on the desire without really giving it a thought of what he might be doing.
both men pouted at her when she complained and they both kissed her cheek. "he really likes the Asgaurdian drinks... i might have to get him a sampler." Loki admitted with a smile. "it's really amazing how well he handles it. Thor can't hardly drink as much as tony drinks." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "it's really fairly impressive." he admitted as Pepper groaned. "yes, yes. i know... he's happy. woohoo." she grumbled, but she was smiling as she watched Tony. ecstatic that the man was so happy.

"oh yes. and you could fill an Olympic pool with all the alcohol you imbibe in a month." Loki mused with a snort. "running the company will only keep her out of your hair for about twelve hours a day." he pointed out. "because i know for a fact that Hela is putting a limit on how much Pepper is allowed to work." he admitted. "..i think my Son is in love with her." he admitted, sounding amused. "Fenris asked me how a person goes about telling someone that you love them. i almost died." Loki admitted with a shake of his had. "and considering you put up with her when she was at her worst, i think you're equal." he admitted with a chuckle before he scowled a little at Clint before he smirked at Tony. "i am good at it." he growled playfully before he snickered at Sigyn's misfortune. "oh, we're not getting laid then." Steve stated with a sniff. he wondered how turned on Sigyn would get if she watched him and Clint going at it.

Loki grinned as he watched Tony, his head tilted as he came close, moaning softly as he felt the kiss to his flat stomach. "of course i'm lovely." he muttered with a smirk. "i'm always lovely." he admitted with as much pomp as he could. "i have other costumes too." he admitted with a grin. "you're finally drunk. aren't you?" Loki asked with a chuckle, his head tilted. "shall i suck you off again?" he offered, running his fingers through the others hair, shivering. "next time you shower... i have a surprise for you." he promised with a smile. "i think it will help you're anxiety over the water... i hope so anyway." he admitted as he stroked his fingers down the others neck. "i love it when you touch me." Loki admitted with a happy little sigh, leaning into the nuzzling.
"Hm, I might have to try that. I mean, I do have a pool downstairs. Filling it with alcohol would be amazing."Tony hummed a little looking amused before pouting."Damn. Well, its good for her, but that just means I'll have to come up with something else for her to do...really?"Tony paused thinking over the idea of fenris being in love with her, snickering. "That's a little odd. I mean, I would have seen your daughter in law naked...definitely weird."Tony smirked as loki scowled at clint. "You are." "Nope."Sigyn snickered watching the two.

"Hm, true. But seeing you dressed as iron man is hot. I might have to let you use my suit sometime just to see how good it looks."He muttered against the other's skin, before rolling his eyes up to look at loki from where he was still pressed against the other's skin."Hm, I think I am."He smiled before shaking his head, teeth nibbling at the flat planes of loki's stomach."hm, no. I have a better idea."He muttered humming quietly. "Oh?I like surprises. Especially when I'm naked in the shower."He shuddered as the other stroked his skin,hands sliding under the waistband of the short shorts and tugging them down, and without warning slid his mouth down over loki's cock with the practiced skill of a man who'd done it before, even if it had been years since he'd sucked someone off. There was just some things tony stark didn't forget, even if he wanted to sometimes, and sex in any form wasn't what he forgot.

Sigyn smirked a little as she walked out into the bedroom, smirking as she walked towards clint. "I have something for you."She said her eyes lit with wicked laughter that said she was going to indulge in mischief making as she held up a simple black leather collar, wondering if he really would indulge her and steve, or if he'd protest.
Loki laughed a little. "please don't, i don't think you're life insurance would cover 'drowning while intoxicated'. besides, the alcohol would burn on the more sensitive parts of your skin." Loki warned with a grin. "and yes, Fenris is completely smitten with her. and i think she might like him back." he admitted with a chuckle. "no offense to you, but he's more her type... she needs someone she actually has to take care of. you're a little too independent." he admitted with a smile. "Fenris needs her in a way most people wouldn't." he admitted as he watched Tony, making a face. "i really didn't need that imagery, thanks." he grumbled with a chuckle as he watched Sigyn deny her lovers sex... or rather, she and Steve denied Clint sex.

"i'd rather not. i'm slightly... a lot claustrophobic. i'd have a panic attack in that thing." he admitted with a shake of his head. "yeah, you're drunk." he admitted with a laugh before gasping and moaning as he felt those teeth against his skin. he'd forgotten how sensitive his stomach was. "oh my GOD! Tony!" Loki gasped, arching as he felt the other swallow him whole, trembling against the other as he struggled to maintain control and not start thrusting wildly into that tight, hot heat. "f...fuck, Tony..." he'd had blowjobs of course, Sigyn was very good at them... but this was Tony, and he was twice as good as Sigyn. "s...s..s...shit...." how did Tony know how to DO this!? god he was amazing! Loki was so high strung that he didn't even have time to warn Tony before he was cumming, gasping hard before he flushed red. "i...s..sorry..."

Clint lifted an eyebrow at her. "...why fo i suddenly get the feeling that running away is a good idea?" he asked, looking amused before he blinked at the Collar, snorting a little as he picked it up and put it on without a fuss. "hmm... you know... this isn't bad." he admitted with a smile as he touched the collar. "where's Steve?" "...struggling with this damn thing." Steve complained. "why do you insist on me wearing women's clothes?!" Steve complained, flushing hard as he stepped out in a gorgeous Corset and fishnet stockings... which proved without a doubt that Sigyn could get him to do anything. Clint was already sprouting a boner just looking at the other man. "oh my god Sigyn." Clint breathed. "you are a genius!"
"Ahhh,okay."Tony looked amused though at the idea of loki being claustrophobic, it was such a normal fear that it was amusing to him. "Hm, maybe.I want more ale."He muttered laughing a little as loki moaned as he bit him. Holding the other's hips still to keep him from thrusting into his mouth, not wanting to gag. It'd been long enough that he wasn't sure he'd be able to breath if loki started fucking his mouth. Yelping a little as he swallowed, gagging a little, not because loki tasted bad, but he hadn't been ready for it. Straightening he wiped his mouth he smiled a little, flushed and pleased. "It's okay. Especially given how I abused your mouth this morning."he snickered a little as he leaned back, absently stroking himself through his sweat pants as he studied the other."Hmmm,whatever shall I do with this...there's so many things to do..."Tony smirked watching the god.

"It might be."Sigyn giggled a little pouting as he picked it up without a fuss, sliding her fingers under it and yanking him close for a kiss before turning her head to look at steve. Smirking a little. "because, you have the legs for it...and clint definitely likes it."She smirked as she turned in clint's arms, pressing her ass back against the newly sprouted boner, squirming a little. "I know. I am a genius."She giggled a little waving steve closer, leaning up to kiss him even as she pressed back against clint. TEasing them both. "Besides, you shoudl be glad you're not in stilettos. I thought about it."She teased the super soldier.
Loki chuckled a little and shrugged. "Odin liked to put me in a chest if i got too annoying." he admitted sheepishly. "i've never really gotten over it." he admitted, rubbing the back of his head before he laughed a little. "i'll get you some more tomorrow." he promised before groaning as that hot mouth wrapped around him, gripping Tony's hair as he struggled to control himself. "yeah, but unlike a human, Jotun actually have nerves located within the throat." Loki admitted with a grin. "it makes giving Blowjobs quite pleasurable." he admitted. "the harder you fucked my throat, the more i liked it." he admitted with a chuckle. "god... i haven't had someone suck my dick since Sigyn..." he admitted, licking his lips as he watched Tony stroking his cock, dropping to his knees and batting Tony's hands out of the way and burying his nose into the hidden flesh with a moan and a grin. "since you're the birthday boy, and i'm your Rockette, you can do whatever you want to me." he promised with a purr.

Clint smirked at her. "what, you wanted me to protest? where you going to tie me up and make me behave?" he asked, licking his lips in delight at the idea, kissing her back happily. "i do not have the legs for it!" Steve complained, even as he examined his legs self consciously. "hell yes i like it." Clint growled, making Steve flush and cough into his hand. though he stopped trying to look at himself. and it wasn't like he didn't... sort of enjoy it. considering the way his bare cock was already hard. Cling moaned as he felt Sigyn pressing against him, rubbing against her as he gripped her hips so she couldn't escape as Steve moaned into the kiss, smiling a little. "fine, but Clint has to wear something embarrassing next time." he demanded, Clint laughing as he nodded. "you got it Captain... now... how are we going to play tonight?" he mused, licking his lips. "i'd break an ankle if you tried to make me wear stiletto..." Steve pointed out with another blush, gasping as Clint's hand wrapped around his cock and stroked. "well, we'd just have to make you lay on the bed then, wouldn't we?"
"Ahhh, that would be helpful for giving a blowjob."Tony said looking thoughtful at the idea before snickering. "Ha!So you remember having sex with sigyn now?"He teased amused and pleased that loki was starting to remember some things, whining as his hands were pulled away, before a startled moan escaped as loki pressed against him. " make a good rockette..."he muttered letting his head fall back onto the bed, before smirking, "Come here. I want to watch you riding my cock while I lay back and watch."Tony purred a little. Oh yea, the birthday boy was definitely drunk, otherwise he'd probably not be doing this yet, but drunk he was being more open and needy about what he wanted then he normally would have been about having sex with a guy.

"Hm, I was considering it."Sigyn teased smirking as she watched steve examine his legs, before nodding. "But you look so good."She purred amused that even if he was protesting, he was enjoying it to. Tossing a amused look at clint as he gripped her hips, before nodding."Definitely. Clint's dressing up next."She teased before looking thoughtful as she watched clint stroke steve, smirking. "Hm we could. But I'm kinda enjoying the idea of being fucked like this...and sucking steve off...I haven't gotten to yet."Sigyn whined as she stretched down, spreading her feet just a little wider as she pressed back into clint, her tongue sliding along the hard ridge of steve's cock, teeth nibbling at clint's hand as she reached it, before licking her way back up, like she was playing with a lollipop.
he grimaced but nodded. "yeah i remember that now." he admitted with a sigh as he shook his head. "and it is very helpful." he admitted with a grin as he suckled on Tony through the pants. "you want to what!?" Loki asked, looking stunned before looking nervous. "are you sure?" he asked, hesitant before he nodded, magically prepping himself. he'd worry about manual preparation later, when Tony wasn't so drunk. "you won't be mad at me in the morning, right?" he asked, looking cautious. "i don't want you to be upset once your sober..." he admitted as he slowly stripped Tony of his pants and gave him a few long licks on his cock. before straddling Tony and rubbing his slick ass against the other's cock before gripping Tony in a hand and slowly sinking onto the cock with a loud moan and a toss of his head, shuddering as he sank down all the way and gripped that cock in a tight, hot heat. "fuck Tony, you're big..." he moaned, sounding delighted by that.

Steve grimaced a little and offered her a rather feminine pout. "i guess it doesn't look so bad..." he grumbled, protesting simply to protest. protesting because he felt he should protest. "i am?" Clint asked, sounding just a touch worried about that before shrugging. "well, if Steve can do it, then i can too... he muttered before smirking at Sigyn's idea and nodding. "i like that idea!" he admitted with a grin as he slid his hands into her, stroking her inner walls with his oh so talented fingers as Steve squeaked in surprise at the sudden feeling of a tongue on his cock before he moaned an ran his fingers through her hair, shuddering every time Clint's hand tightened. finally Clint let Steve go so Sigyn could have all the fun she wanted and he grinned as he gripped Sigyn's hips and slowly started to slip himself inside of her with loud moans. "god Sig, you always feel so good." he moaned, Steve giggling breathlessly as he struggled not to thrust. he wasn't sure how Sigyn would react to that, but he doubted it would be a pleasant reaction.
"You heard me, loks."Tony muttered looking up at the man, before smiling slightly. "I never regret drunken escapades."He muttered watching the other, groaning as he thrust up a little as the other licked his cock. "I promise, I wont be mad at you."He said though he wasn't sure if he'd not be upset with himself when he sobered up, but for the moment, he was sure he wanted this. Shuddering as he whimpered as the other slid into him, he groaned, laughing quietly. "Now you know why I'm so popular."He teased hands coming up to grip the other's hips as he thrust up into him even as he pulled loki down onto him. He was definitely enjoying fucking him. Leaning up to tangle a hand in his hair he kissed him hard, pulling that talented mouth to good work even as he came hard shuddering as he clung to the man riding him.

"You are.Don't worry clint."Sigyn teased looking amused, moaning as clint played with her, squirming in place,, smirking as steve squeaked. Shifting she slid her mouth down over steve's cock, rolling her eyes to look up at him even as her teeth scraped over sensitive skin. "You can thrust you know."She muttered as she pulled back for a moment, groaning as clint slid into her, shuddering. "So do you...oh gods..."She muttered before sliding her mouth back over steve, her mouth moving over him at the same time as clint fucked her, eyes widening as she came, screaming her orgasm around the cock filling her mouth.
Loki hesitated only a second more before he decided to trust Tony. and if Tony was upset in the morning, well, Loki could handle that easily enough, he'd just suck Tony off again. that solved all bad moods. "oh my god, Tony!" Loki whimpered, leaning into the thrusts, loving every moment of attention that the other was giving him, shivering and shuddering as he was fucked, gasping as he came all over Tony, groaning eagerly. "g..g.od..." he moaned, his ass clenching tightly around the other, milking Tony for every drop of seed he had while using his magic to neutralize the sperm, keeping himself from getting pregnant. he doubted Tony was ready for that. "fuck... that was amazing. it's been way too long since i've had sex." he admitted with a grin as he slumped down next to Tony. "you're the best Tony." he mumbled, wrapping his arms around the other. "did you have a happy birthday?"

"of course i'm going to worry, you can be rather sadistic if you want to be." he pointed out with a smirk as how watched her deep throat Steve, who looked like he was giving everything he had not to start thrusting a new hole into her throat. "a..are you sure?" he asked, panting hard before he slowly started to thrust into her mouth, slowly gaining speed the longer she didn't protest. Clint was moaning eagerly as he thrust into his female lover, head tipped back as he held her in place by the hips. Steve came hard spilling down her throat as she screamed around him and Clint laughed breathlessly as he came before he froze, his nails biting into her, completely frozen. not orgasm frozen, but completely lost in fear frozen, and a strangled, terrified sound escaped his throat as he started to tremble. "...Clint? Clint what's wrong?" Steve demanded, carefully removing Clint's hands from Sigyn before he bruised or cut her. "Clint!?" "...c..can't... i can't see..." Clint whimpered, voice mired in terror. it was his eyes resetting, turning off as they basically re-calibrated themselves.
Tony growled as he held the other as loki came, resting his head against loki's shoulder as he panted, shifting to pull out of the other as he shifted, getting comfortable on the bed, "I did. First one in a long time."He muttered shifting to rest his head on the other's chest, yawning. "Goodnight, reindeer."he muttered as he drifted off to sleep. In the morning though Tony was already up and out of bed by the time Loki got up, having gotten up to feed the puppies and both man and dogs were downstairs in the lab, obsessively putting his new tools to good use as he started working on clint's bow. Having retreated to the place where he felt most comfortable, to try and get a handle on his feelings. While he wasn't angry with loki, or truly angry with himself, he was trying hard to figure out how to handle having had sex with a guy again. He felt....weird. Weird was a good word for it.

Sigyn yelped as clint's fingers dug into her hips, jerking up off steve's cock even as she wiped her mouth, holding still as steve pulled clint's hands away not wanting to get herself cut, before carefully turning in clint's arms,"you're eyes are adjust clint. It's okay."Sigyn said soothingly, gently resting her hands on his arms, "We're going to lay down okay?Just a few steps back to the bed, love."She muttered trying to stay calm, because she didnt want to freak him out more, helping him onto the bed. "It'll be okay, your sight's not gone, you're eyes are just adjusting."She assured gently stroking his hair as she settled on the bed next to him.
Loki smiled a little. "i love it when you call me reindeer." he mumbled happily. "i'm glad you had a good birthday... i'll make the next one even better." he mumbled, showing that he really did intend to be around for a long time. Loki didn't even twitch when Loki got out of bed, tired from the sex and the amount of alcohol he himself had imbibed. he woke after an hour and staggered into the kitchen to collect breakfast for himself and Tony from Bruce and then headed down to the lab, sleepily redirecting Tony's attention from the Bow to the food before lavishing the puppies with attention and touch, stroking their paws and ears and tail specifically. so they would be used to it as they grew older and wouldn't have 'don't touch that spot' issues. it would make Vet visits a lot easier as well. he also checked their teeth before smiling as he realized that Tony had already fed them. "how are you feeling this morning?" Loki finally asked as he picked up his own food, blinking at Tony.

Clint whimpered, trembling. he was so mired in his nightmare com true that he couldn't even move. Steve had to carry Clint to the bed and they both snuggled Clint, who was still, silent, and ridged. it took two hours for his eyesight to return, and Clint spent another hour sobbing in relief that he wasn't permanently blind. he was asleep in moments once he'd calmed down enough and Steve sighed in relief. "he's going to be super pissed in the morning." Steve warned softly. "there's going to be a lot of screaming." and indeed there was. Clint spent the first two hours of being awake, screaming at Sigyn and Steve, but he never raised a fist to either of his lovers. so while there was rage, and more than a little fear, there was no actual violence, and Steve was a great referee, so the fight was over a lot sooner than it might have been. Clint was still ridged and unhappy as they all settled down to dinner, but at least he wasn't about to start picking fights with anyone, though he did keep checking his eyes, obsessively, in a mirror as if to make sure they weren't going to change again.
Tony looked amused as he was directed towards food, absently watching loki touch the puppies as he ate. "...I'm okay."Tony said smiling slightly at loki, shifting to let the other sit down on the work bench with him, instead of making him find somewhere else to sit, showing that he was indeed okay with the man, just a little out of sorts. Studying his lover he sighed softly, knowing they were going to have to talk, but not sure where to start. " probably figured out that wasn't my first time..."he stuttered a little not sure where to start, but he needed to, because he'd had such a hard time accepting being with loki, because of his past. Even more then the womanizing, his one and only shot at a guy relationship had screwed him up and sent him running towards women with a ferocity most people found insane.

Sigyn nodded, "I know there will be."She said quietly, paiend because she knew there was nothing she could do. Quiet the whole time he yelled, though her eyes were sad, but like steve said, she wasn't really afraid of being hurt, but the real thing she feared was the emotional battering she was taking from watching him yell. "...what do you want to eat, clint?"Sigyn said quietly, more muted then she usually was, not wanting to start a fight, but equally wanting to help him, needing to take care of him.
Loki relaxed when Tony promised him that he was ok and he smiled as he sat down next to Tony, though he didn't touch the other yet, letting Tony invite contact first. "i figured it wasn't, no one can deep throat a man that easily on their first time. even a Jotun." he admitted with a smile. "but that's alright, i had guessed that you'd had a bad first 'gay' experience when i first started pursuing you." he admitted. "i thought i would just wait and let you tell me about it when you where ready." he admitted, looking worried. "was it really really bad?" he asked softly. "do you need me to turn someone into something nasty? i can you know, if you want me to... i can even get Hela to take me to the realm of the dead to do it if i have to!" he promised, hoping to make Tony feel a little better.

Clint blinked at Sigyn for a moment as she asked him what he wanted to eat, not recognizing what she'd asked for a moment before hesitating. "omelet." Steve voiced suddenly. "with a lot of cheese, mushrooms, black olives, and some bacon sprinkled in. that's what he always eats when he's upset." Steve admitted, pulling out the ingredients they would need, helping Sigyn care for Steve because he knew she needed it just as much as Clint did. "Clint, you're eyes aren't going to fall out, i already double checked with Hela." he informed the man. "you won't go blind again, i promise. and Sigyn promises too." "...sorry.. i just.. i was..." Clint stuttered, biting his lip a little. "i'm sorry i yelled... i shouldn't have.. it's not your fault..." well it was, but it was better than the alternative.
Tony smiled slightly glancing over at him, apperciating he was letting him decide when to touch.brushing his shoulder againdt the others he stared down at his plate he shrugged before laughing."no need to turn him into something weird. It was as much my fault as his."he smiled sadly as he ate."at sixteen, id put more notches in my bedpost then most adults would in a lifetime...I'd learned quickly people paid attention to me when I had sex with them,but none of them meant anything to me. I was bored.....did you know each year stark industries offers a internship to a MIT student to come and work?well...I really didn't mran to,but I was bored,and running circles around my professors,not to mention the other students. At least until andrew showed up for a internship here. He was...he wasn't kind,but he paid attention to me,hich was more then what others did."he smiled slightly."and he despised being gay. I didn't figure it out until I was older that it wasn't me he hated,I just made a convientant target since I'd seduced him...and then I think what hurt the worst was that at the end of the internship, each intern has to turn in a project,and he was failing and falling behind. So I wasn't until after he took all the credit and told howard that it was my fault that he'd fallen behind that I realized I was means to a end, a way to get a job permanently at stark industries."he shrugged trailing off. No wonder it had taken till pepper refusing to leave hkm alone to touch a heart of a genius who had tried to let people in as a child and only ended up hurt. Was it any surprise he'd closed himself off?

Sigyn looked up at steve with a small relieved smile."omletes. I can make that."she muttered glad to have something to make as she set out to work before looking at clint,smiling slightly though it looked strained because despite everyones reassurance she wasn't being left behind,it was hard for her to trust."well,it sorta is.but I only did it to save you."shs muttered sighing quietly."you won't go blind anymore,but your eyes are still that they're starting to recapitulate you're probably going to have to be careful...cause you'll probably switch between ablities until we get a handle on it..."she said looking worried fkr him,not sure if he'd be okay by the timd they got through this.hoping,praying their relationship survived thia trial.needing it to,because she didn't know what she'd do without either of her men.
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