
Steve flushed at the shocked looks he was getting and Clint laughed a little as he nodded. "i like that idea too." he growled as he let her go over to Steve as he darted back into the bathroom to grab the lube. Steve moaned as he kissed her back, gripping her butt as he slid his tongue into her mouth, like he'd heard the boys in the trenches talk about. kissing was perfectly acceptable to talk about, if you where with only your guy freinds. so he knew a bit about kissing at least. he moaned as she squirmed under him and he pressed his cock against her belly, rubbing gently, too turned on ot to get some sort of stimulus. he squealed, startled as he suddenly felt fingers probing his ass. "what are you DOING!? you can't touch there!" "... where else is a guy supposed to put his cock?" Steve blinked a little, looking stunned. " mean that... you put your.. in my..." "yes, i do it to Sigyn on occasion too, don't i Sig? now just relax Steve, if you don't like it, i promise to stop." he promised, rubbing his fingers against Steve's ass, making the man shudder, it felt good already. finally he nodded and buried his head in Sigyn's breasts to distract himself as Clint prepped him... it hurt, but in a good way, and god did it feel good. especially when Clint stroked just there!

Loki smiled a little. "cars are cool." he agreed. "and as smart as you are, they're probobly a piece of cake for you." he mused with a grin. "i bet you could put one together in your sleep." he smiled at tony. "that's a great idea! i'll ask her tomorrow when she'd not being perverted." he agreed with a nod. "just don't let him turn into the massive green monster or you're on your own." Loki warned with a grin. "that guy scars the buckles of my pants. besides, we're only better at it than most because we're the best at everything." he stated with a happy little smirk. "i'll definitely stick around, and not just because you're smarter than me." he promised with a chuckle. "it was still mean of him to shoot your things, i'll turn his bow into something nasty!" he decided with a nod. "...but not the one from his grandmother... that would be a little too cruel even for me." he mused before he beamed at Tony, glad that he was letting him stay and rushed off to get another glass of whiskey. "you really shouldn't drink so much. it will kill your liver." he warned even as he gave Tony the alcohol. he stayed up for a while longer, asking questions but eventually, he did fall asleep, curled up on the floor, looking as innocent as a little kid. in a sense, he sort of was. Asgaurdian's matured physically very quickly, but mentally they weren't considered adults until thirty or forty years of age. most didn't get over the 'girls are icky' stage until that time as well. Loki had gotten over it at twenty two, and had been more mature at twenty three than Thor was now. but that was what a crappy childhood would get you.
Sigyn moaned as steve grabbed her butt, whimpering quietly as he kissed her, tongue tangling with his as he pressed against her, hips rocking up, wanting him in her, needing him. yelping as he squealed, she looked up at him in surprise, "He does. And it's amazing."Sigyn muttered burying her hands in steve's hair, gently stroking the strands sighing in pleasure as steve played with her breasts, resting her legs along the side of his hips, rubbing against him, reaching between them to slide her fingers around his cock, moaning quietly as she guided him into her, knowing it was going to be a sensory overload enough to distract him from what clint was doing."ohhh...."She moaned her eyes wide as she looked up at him, moving her hand away, rocking her hips a little, groaning as he slid deeper into her. "Come on clint, this is going to be amazing..."she whimpered, wanting to see them both, feeling cut off even if she could feel clint resting along her thigh, could feel what he was doing to steve.

"Sometimes. and not asleep, drunk. Its harder drunk."Tony snickered a little before laughing."You'll have to ask her when she's asleep then. her and clint are horrible."He said looking amused before laughing. "Scares the buckles off your pants,huh?I think I'm jealous."He pointed a little looking amused before nodding."Definitely to cruel. We'll do something to the one I'm building."Tony promised looking at the other before frowning slightly, "IT will not. Stop complaining about it."Tony grumbled rolling his eyes as he sipped his whiskey, amused that the god was acting so young. he'd have to ask sigyn just how old mentally the man was at this age. When loki woke up the next morning though, tony had made him comfortable, though hadn't moved him back to the bedroom, or even the one attatched to the lab, he'd just made him a little doggy bed of blankets and pillows to make sure he was comfortable right next to where he was working on bruce's bike. While he had cat napped, tony had found himself unable to sleep agian, now that loki had given him a whole new project. a motorcylce engine, and totally kicking himself for not thinking about it before. "Jarvis, can you tell bruce to come down here?"He called smirking as he looked at loki,"Morning sleepy head. Feeling better?"He said sounding surprisingly chipper for having only slept a few hours, grinning up at bruce when he came in."I have something I need you to try for me."
Steve moaned as he buried his face in breast, sucking and licking as his fingers stroked her stomach and sides, panting against her as he felt Clint working his fingers in and out of him, teasing the flesh, working the flesh and smiling as Steve moaned, hand wrapped around his cock felt so amazing... and what came next was completely mind blowing. "wait!" Clint demanded, pulling Steve's hips back and sliding a condom onto Steve's cock. Clint always insisted on wearing a condom, to prevent unexpected pregnancies until Sigyn actually wanted one. then Steve was working his way into her, going slowly because it simply felt so good. "so tight, so warm, it feels, so amazing..oh...oh my GOD Clint!" Steve gasped as he felt Clint slipping inside of him, gritting his teath. "god, what have you been eating to grow that thing!?" but he wasn't fighting, and wasn't protesting, and wasn't trying to run away, so clearly he didn't care so long as the pain stopped soon. "oh my GOD Clint! Do that again!" Steve demanded, gasping hard as Clint laughed. "would you make up your mind Captain!?" "no!" Steve groaned, rocking his hips. fucking Sigyn, even as he fucked himself. GOD did this feel good. why had he waited so long to do this!?

Loki laughed a little and nodded. "true, when you're drunk, you get very silly ideas on what things fit in what holes." he teased with a smile as he shook his head. "Steve won't be much better once he realizes how good Sex feels." Loki foretold with a small chuckle. "they're making a monster and they don't even know it." thank god Loki was wrong. Steve was always going to be shy. which was a good thing because neither Steve nor Sigyn seamed to have any compunctions against having sex anywhere they pleased. "it will! but don't worry, i'll make Steve give you one of his." Loki promised happily. in all honesty, right now, like most young asgaurdians, Loki drifted between twelve and seventeen mentally. how he acted depended entirely on his mood. if he was grouchy, angry, or overly tired he acted younger. happy, or serious feelings and he was on the older age of the spectrum. Loki groaned as he woke up in the morning, sitting up and rubbing his eyes, yawning a little. "tired..." Loki complained, blinking at Tony. "you didn't sleep at all." he accused. "i feel alright." he assured Tony with a yawn before looking at Bruce, who looked slightly amused. "did you sleep here all night Loki?" Loki just nodded and yawned again before Bruce's eye twitched. "Tony... what did you DO to my Bike!?" Bruce demanded, looking it over. "you... you... you didn't even ask!"
Sigyn yelped as clint yelled, looking up at him in surprise, so startled at having forgotten a condom that all she could do was stare. Whimpering in desperate need as steve pressed into her slowly, leaning up to kiss steve lightly, grinning as she realized despite his words, he wasn't fighting to get away, gasping as she rocked her hips up into his, laughter escaping in a breathless moan as they moved. Eyes widening as she steve's eyes, coming hard as she came undone under both them, body tightening painfully tight around steve's cock, even as her nails left score marks along clint's arms as she tried to ground herself, yelping as she saw and felt the magic lights shattter like so much glass, though it wasn't dangerous, it said just how very much she'd lost control, having lost even control of the background magic she usually was very good at controlling. Whimpering as she slumped back into the soft pillows, her skin feeling painfully aware of where everyone's body was touching her.

"Hey, I'm pergfectly capable of figuring out what things belong in which holes, thank you very much."Tony said rolling his eyes a little amused at where the whole conversation was going before laughing. "Probably. Hopefully they remember this is my house and not theirs, cause if I catch them having sex on my kitchen table, I might cry."He said looking amused even as he watched the younger-well, younger acting man-go to sleep. "You're the one who told me to fix Bruce's bike.Its all your fault."Tony said using a screwdriver to point at loki rolling his eyes. Indeed, the man seemed to thrive on simply having a idea, instead of like actually needing sleep. at one time it'd been pepper who'd needed to make sure he took care of himself, but she'd damaged their relationship enough that it would probably have to be loki who demanded he rest. "He was sleeping on a creeper. I at least upgraded him to the dog bed."Tony said looking amused at bruce's words before resting his forearms across the seat of the bike, "I fixed it. And its back together, don't get your panties in a twist. It only took a few hours."He said looking ever so pleased with himself despite being yelled at."....You were having sex when I was going to ask for permission. I figured going ahead and fixing it and apologizing later when you were angry, was better then interrupting the hulk's sex life."Tony reasoned looking amused. "And I changed it. Bruce Banner, you are the proud owner of the world's first clean energy motorcycle."
both men where moaning as they rocked and moved against each other. Steve was quite clearly enjoying himself, if the way he was moaning could be believed. he sounded so vulgar, it was so cute. he moaned hard as he felt her cum he followed soon after, flushed because he felt he had cum too soon, but laughed breathlessly when Clint cursed and followed them in orgasmic bliss. "...too much teasing i think." Clint muttered, panting hard, tired. "god Steve, if you clenched down any tighter you'd have squeezed my cock off." he complained with a groan as he carefully, carefully eased his way back out, Steve uttering a very embarrassing mewling sound, Clint breaking into laughter as Steve flushed hard and clapped a hand over his mouth to keep from making that sound again. "that was... uhm... really amazing.' Steve admitted, shy again, but smiling as he carefully eased himself out of her, shuddering hard. "does it ALWAYS feel like that? now i know why everyone in this house is so perverted..." Steve muttered as he snuggled Sigyn, Clint laughing a little as he flopped on to the other side of Sigyn, snuggling her as well. "god, the suns already coming up. lets get some sleep and resume seducing Steve in the morning." "...aren't i seduced now?" "i suppose. i just want an excuse to have more sex." " you need an excuse?" "no. but it's fun to think up excuses." "'re so weird Clint."

Loki smirked a little at Tony, just as amused as his... lover? was. "you cry, i'll turn them into goldfish." he promised with a snicker before he sulked as he woke up. "so? you went and actually did it..." Loki muttered, not entirely sure why he was arguing. "come on, you're not making any sense, you're going to bed." Loki demanded. "and if you don't, then i'll use my magic to MAKE you go to bed." he warned with a smirk. "this is a Dog bed?" Loki asked, looking down at the cushion, looking puzzled. "why do you have a dog bed down here?" "we had a saint Bernard for a while." Bruce admitted. "and Tony's taking a liking to Fenris, and offered to keep him down here if both you and Sigyn where busy or gone. Fen doesn't handle being alone too well apparently." "...well, it's comfortable." Loki admitted with a smile. "don't touch my things Tony!" Bruce complained. "if this thing blows up, i'm SO going hulk on you!" Bruce warned, eying up his bike with obvious suspicion. "and who says i was even having sex!?" "the hickies on your neck." Loki pointed out ever so helpfully. he got a glare for his efforts. "oh... you... i hate you both." Bruce complained even as he examined the bike before he wheeled it to the back entrance so he could take it for a test spin. "he sounds angry, but i don't think he really cares." Loki mused once Bruce was out of earshot. "come on you, we're going to bed... or you are at least." he ordered, nudging Tony to the bedroom. "i'll stay in bed with you though." he promised. "i'll keep the nightmares away."
Sigyn shuddered as steve pulled out of her, giggling a little at steve's mewling, and clint's complaining. "Don't complain, hawk-boy. You know you enjoyed that."She teased raising her head to look at clint, looking at steve, amused that he was being shy, even tangled up in a pile of limbs. "Hm, mostly. Though we probably overdid it with all the teasing....granted, clint gets off on teasing me, so it will probably feel that way...but I have things to do tomorrow, not all the time for sex...though sex is fun...."Sigyn babbled a little, so tired that like tony, she was rambling. "Shhhh you two. I want to sleep. And he is weird."She muttered shifting, snuggling between them, sighing quietly. Content to be wrapped up in them and sleep. When she woke up, she frowned, trying to figure out how to get out from the tangle of limbs without waking either of them, needing a few moments to herself. Squirming carefully out from between them she got dressed quietly, heading to the kitchen to cook, knowing the food would bring the boys soon enough. Glancing up at hela she smiled at her daughter, tilting her head."You look happy this morning.Eggs?"She said waving a spatula a little, trying to relax, and not sure why she was feeling totally uneasy about her new found relationship, even more then just being married, this whole three way relationship, and seeing just how much steve trusted her and clint, she was feeling at a loss on how to be in a actual relationship.

"I did. And no I'm not."Tony frowned a little before nodding, "steve took the dog away when I tried building a suit for it. Said it was totally inapproaite to want a mascot for the team, in the form of a irondog."Tony said, as loki said, he didn't make alot of sense when he was totally, absolutely tired, even more then when he was drunk. Drunk, he tended to make more sense, tired he rambled. "It's not going to blow up. If I can run my car on it, I'm pretty sure your tiny little bike can handle it. Now go test it out."Tony grinned still to pleased to be upset with the threats. as they were the normal threats actually. "Jarvis."Tony said responding to bruce's question on how he'd known he was having sex before watching him go, before frowning at Loki as he was nudged."Am not. Can't sleep. Bad things happen when I sleep. I go to sleep here, and wake up in a desert, but the desert isn't real, its just me...and then I'm in space, but its not space...I don't want to sleep. I remember things."
Clint grinned a little. "i so did. particularly when Steve walked out in that Apron." "i'm going to hit you." Steve grumbled as Clint laughed a little. "yeah i have things to do too you know. we can't just sit in bed all day and.. you know." Steve muttered with a flush as Clint examined the scratches Sigyn had left in his arms. "hmm. i wonder if these will scar?" "why does it sound like you want them to?" "it's a physical manifestation of the claim Sigyn has on me. why wouldn't i want them to scar?" " weird..." he grumbled, rolling his eyes as Clint snickered. soon they where sleeping peacefully. in the morning, it was really only Steve she had to worry about, Clint slept like a log, and sometimes not even a battle could wake him up. luckily for her, Steve was so worn out, that he didn't wake up like he normally would, he just groaned at the loss of body head and snuggled closer to Clint and went back to sleep without ever really waking up. Hela smiled at her mother, sipping on a cup of hot herbal tea. "i am happy this morning. i got laid last night, it was amazing! if i knew Earth Men where this good at sex, i'd have left Nifelheim a long time ago!" she admitted with a smile. "how about you? you look a little unnerved this morning." she admitted. "having trouble dealing with the fact that you have a husband that actually loves you?"

Loki snickered a little and shook his head. "Irondog... after how many drinks did that idea come from?" he asked curiously, smiling a little. "are you sure he didn't send the dog away because it was too big?" Loki asked with a chuckle. "or perhaps to save it from your insanity?" he asked with a smile as he urged Tony towards the door to the bedroom. "come on sleepy head. into bed." Loki demanded. "don't worry Tony. i can keep the memories away." he promised. "not all the time, but for now, i can make sure you get a real rest." he promised, bullying Tony into bed. "Jarvis! tell the rest of the people here that they are not to bother Tony, as he is catching up on a months worth of sleep." he ordered. "if there is an emergency, let me know." he ordered before tucking Tony in and kissing his forehead. "now, close you're eyes." he ordered softly, setting two fingers to Tony's forehead and pushing out his magic. Tony had no chance to resist. in seconds he was deeply asleep, dreaming of laying on a warm beach with nothing to trouble him aside from the half naked women laying on either side of him, and the almost naked Loki who was rubbing sun tan lotion into Tony's skin. a Stark Paradise.
Sigyn flushed a little as she watched clint examining his arms,rolling her eyes a little."Probably. They're still bleeding, which says they're deep."She yawned snuggling down to sleep. Sigyn rolled her eyes a little looking at her daughter as she turned off the stove and started eating."Not all earth men are good at sex. I'm fairly certain the residents of the tower are sigularly talented in that area."She said blushing ever so slightly. "Husbands."She corrected."It seems I've managed to find two who love me.Or at least, I think so. I know clint does, not sure if steve's decided on that yet or not..."She muttered pushing her food around her plate, indeed she was geniunely unnerved at having two people love her after so long of having no one. While she knew the kids and loki loved her, it was different then having a relationship, and she was so very scared of screwing up. Starting a little when jarvis announced that tony wasn't to be disturbed she smiled, glad loki had bullied him into sleeping, "Ask loks if he wants some food while he's standing guard,jarvis."she said, distracted for a moment before focusing on her eggs again, looking at hela in quiet desperation." do I do this?I mean, you know clint's going to hate me when his eyes start fucking up...he's not going to be functional until he gets control, and I can't rush that, it'll just take time..."and trailed off starting down at her plate, genuinely scared that the boys would pull away from her as clint's eyes changed.

"Alot. And after 49 hours of not sleeping."Tony muttered blushing a little before frowning. "No, I'm pretty sure it was because he didn't want a mascot, not because it was to big."Tony sulked a little because even as he said it, he knew it was because it was to big and steve hadn't thought he'd take care of it. Well, at least he thought that steve hadn't believed he'd actually be able to take care of something living, not realizing that steve had just realized that the tower just wasn't big enough for a st. bernard who would want room to run around. "Good...just want to sleep..."Tony muttered as he was bullied into bed, accepting the idea of sleeping as soon as he realized that he wouldn't be remembering anything. "Yes, sir."There was a pause then."Ms. Sigyn wants to know if you want any food thsi morning, sir loki."Jarvis said even as tony snuggled down into the bed, shifting into a actual restful sleep instead of his usual tossing and turning drunken stupor.
Clint looked entirely too pleased that the marks on his arm might scar. he really was weird. "oh, really? well Bruce was amazing last night, i've never had such an amazing orgasm!" she admitted with a grin. "i get the feeling he hasn't had many girlfriends before. he seams so shy." she admitted. "i had to practically strip him myself in order to have sex with him." she admitted with a giggle. "how do you love someone?" Hela asked as Jarvis reported that 'Loki didn't want food right now, but if Miss Sigyn would be so kind, would he fetch the Car from 'home' wherever that was, and that he did not need to repeat everything that Loki said. and that he is a stupid machine with too many of Tony's qualities to be funny'. "...sometimes i think Jarvis does that just to annoy people." Hela admitted with a chuckle. "Clint will be angry, yes. and upset. i was talking to Natasha and she told me that his eyes are the only thing he thinks he has. he can still be an archer with fake hands, or false legs. but if he looses his eyes, he has nothing, or so he thinks. just be patient with him, he's never been through something like this. it's like the time Dad caught the Magic Flu, and couldn't use his magic for a month. remember how angry he was, and how scared? it's the same thing. Dad was so dependent on his magic he could barely function without it, Clint is the same way with his eyes. you just have to coach him through it. he won't leave you, and neither will Steve." she smirked. "besides, you already have Steve wrapped around your little finger."

Loki chuckled a little. "you probobly did a great job taking care of that Dog." Loki admitted with a nod. "but a Saint Bernard is a little too big for a place like this." he admitted, wondering where his present to Tony had gone to. it was actually sitting in the police station, waiting for the trial of the three brats. Loki was going to have to get Tony a new one, a better one. he smiled as Tony went to sleep and stroked his hair. he relayed his response to Jarvis, getting a headache when he realized that Jarvis was repeating everything, and shook his head as he 'cloned' himself, grinning as he closed his eyes so he could pour as much magic into 'himself' as he could, making it solid. he dressed his clone in jeans and a T-Shirt instead of the usual outfit, and sent him out into the world. he didn't bother telling anyone what he was planning, they didn't even see 'him' leave. though they saw 'him' return with a wrapped box, with a massive bow on top and carry it downstairs to wait for Tony to wake up.
Sigyn laughed not at all finding it odd to have this conversation with her daughter like some humans might."so did I. Steve's shy to. Its always the shy ones you have to watch out for."she giggled a little before looking thoughtful and nodding a little."Im pretty sure tony programed him that way,just because he could."sigyn snickered before frowning in thought before nodding."you're right...we'll just have to make sure he knows we're here for him,and that he'll be okay"she muttered before smirking."I miht but I'm pretty sure its clint's finger hes wrapped around."

Later when she watched him walk in sigtn frowned at him."it would have been a courtesy to tell me you were leaving so I didn't worry.and I picked up your car to.....and loki?have fun."she called after him not really angry with him for leaving cause getting a look at that present just reminded her that he would have gone and gotten it with or without permission,because it was tony's birthday. Smiling to herself she went to look for the boys wondering what her men had gotten up to.

"...if thts a box of car parts you took out of my car and need help putting back together,I'm going to be annoyed."tony muttered as he shifted as the man sat on the bed before looking confused as he sat up."you were here the whole time,I could tell in my dreams..."he frowned because even deeply asleep he'd been aware of 'loki's' presence,not realizing it had been a clone."...okay whats in the box?"he asked seeing the birthday wrapping paper and trying to not get to worked up that someone he was dating,had actually gotten him a present withoit prompting from him.pepper didn't count since she knew everything about him,but loki to his best knowledge had never been told when his birthday was.which meant he'd made a effort to find out.
Hela giggled. "Steve's a virgin too isn't he? how was he? for a first time i mean?" she asked with an impish grin. "i heard he walked into your room wearing nothing but an apron." she teased with a grin, well aware that if Steve found out, he was going to completely dismantle Jarvis, Tony or no Tony. "i think Tony programmed Jarvis to be like him so he wouldn't be alone." he teased with a snicker. "and Clint's wrapped around Steve's finger. you watch, Steve will tell him to do it, and he'll do it. but if you ask Steve to do something, he won't be able to refuse. i know exactly what i'm talking about." she admitted with a grin.

"oh, i didn't leave." Loki assured her with a smile. "i'm just an illusion, i'm still down with Tony. he has worse nightmares than i do, i didn't want to leave him alone, and the police wouldn't give me back my present. something about Evidence... i think their just jealous because i have a loving man." he stated with a sniff before grinning at her. "thanks for getting my Car, Tony wanted to tinker with it!" he admitted before smirking at her. "i always have fun." he promised before heading down the stairs.

"no, i didn't dismantle your car, though my car is here now if you want to play with it." Loki admitted with a smile. "i sent a physical 'clone' of myself to get this for you. i didn't want to leave you alone." he admitted as he offered the other the gift, which was very large, and fairly heavy. "you have to open it." Loki complained. "i'm not going to just tell you!" he teased before he winced. "uh... hold on..." he muttered, realizing the package was leaking. "i have to change the box..." he vanished into the lab and then came back out a few moments later with a new box and fresh wrapping paper and a damp cloth that smelled faintly of bleach that he rubbed over the table the box had been sitting on. "there!... all better.... you might want to sanitize your hands..." he warned, handing Tony a bottle of hand sanatizer before handing him the box back. "there, now open it!" once open, Tony would see why Loki had needed the bleach. inside where two adorable little puppies. one was a Pug, and it was fairly damp, showing that loki had dipped it in water and dried it off... which meant the leakage had probably been puppy pee. the other puppy was damp too, it was an adorable little Yorkshire terrier. "i wasn't sure which one you'd like, so i got both!" Loki admitted happily.

Sigyn giggled nodding. "It was. And it was...good. Very,very good. I think it was because he was so very happy about it...And he did."Sigyn smiled looking amused at the idea, blushing ever so slightly. "Hm, I'll have to try that out. See what I can get him to do."She smirked looking thoughtful at the idea.

"Good.And he only has worse nightmares because you don't remember yours."Sigyn pointed out before smirking, "They might just be jealous."She agreed rolling her eyes."And you're welcome."She said watching him go before remembering why loki had been getting a present. Wincing a little she headed for pepper's room, knocking lightly."You up?"

"Good. And I will, when I get some other projects out of the way."Tony yawned rubbing a hand over his face as he woek up and sitting up, frowning as he took the heavy box, trying to figure out what it was before frowning at the liquid on his hand. "...Thanks, I think."Tony said sounding bemuased as he wiped his hands with the sanitizier, before opening the box, his mouth falling open a little."...I'm not good with living things. Ask pepper, plants come to my house to commit suicide."He muttered even though he picked up both puppies and settled the squirming balls of fur in his lap, absently stroking them as he looked at loki."Are you sure about this?"He asked, as if he was sure that loki was playing a joke on him, and that they werent his to keep.
Hela giggled at her mother. "make him dress up in a cute little dress Mother! he'd look ever so adorable!" she admitted with a bright happy smile, ever so innocent. Loki paused when he saw that look on his daughters face, knowing that it only meant trouble he decided to pretend he hadn't seen a thing. "no, i'm pretty sure Tony's is worse." he admitted with a nod as he continued on his way grinning at Tony a little. "oh, i think you'll change your mind when you see my baby." Loki admitted with a snicker and smiling at the other. "your welcome." he chirped happily. "and you are too good with living thins. you're good with women, and with me, and with the other Avengers. besides, the reason Plants die is because they can't tell you when they need something. these little fellows can." he pointed out. "besies, i'll help you, i'm good with animals... sort of had to be, considering what my children are." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'm making the pet store deliver everything we need. these guys where abandoned by their mother for some reason, so we'll have to bottle feed them, but i can show you how to do that." Loki promised, smiling shyly at Tony. "is it ok?" he asked nervously. "i originally got you something else, but the Police stole it and won't give it back, so i got you these little guys since you seamed to love your Saint Bernard so much... these guys are small enough to live in the city too, and their adorable!"

Pepper was indeed up, and was struggling to wrap a present with shaking hands. Fenris was trying to help of course, but he wasn't any good at wrapping presents either. "oh, Sigyn! this is for Tony." she admitted with a grimace. "i normally have a professional gift wrap for me, since i'm so terrible at it, but i don't have the option this year." she admitted with a groan. "i get him a present every year." she admitted. "and i figured i better make sure i get him a really good one... to apologize for all the crappy things i said to him... but i can't get the stupid thing wrapped!" she complained, sighing as she sank back into her pillows. "i'm so tired all the time i can hardly even eat." she admitted, blushing hard. "when it gets bad, Fenris actually feeds me..." she admitted, offering Sigyn a rather sheepish smile. "do you wrap presents?" she asked hopefully, indicating the torn, taped, and torn again wrapping paper around the present that looked like a five year old might have done it. tony'd probobly laugh his fool ass off of he realized Pepper wasn't as perfect as he thought she was.
"No, well...I might. But Clint'll kill me if he breaks his bow because I was tinkering with a car instead of making him a new weapon. Man just can't keep his hands off his weapons, you know he'll be in the archery room even if we tell him to take it easy."Tony said before looking down at the puppies, frowning slightly. "Well the women don't want me longer then a evening, and the other avengers and you have other people to take care of them if they need it..."He muttered, because that was what truly scared him, about having the puppies, being in a relationship. That he'd fail, when someone relied on him, like he'd failed so many other aspects of his life, starting with his father's expectations of him. Laughing quietly at loki's words he nodded hesitantly. "Yes, I could see where good with animals would be a good thing with them."He muttered looking down at the puppies, a slight wrinkle between his eyes as he studied the two. They'd been abandoned, and knowing that, he couldn't make loki take them away, not when he knew what it was like to be abandoned. Huffing a litlte he shrugged. "They are fairly adorable aren't they....fine. They can stay."He smiled slightly, wrinkling his nose. Realizing he needed a shower."Want to shower with me?"he said, deciding that since it was his birthday, he deserved some pampering, and if that included letting someone shower with him for the first time in years, well so be it.

Sigyn paused in the doorway, before laughing quietly at the sight of her son trying to get the tape off his fingers. "Oh good. I was wondering if you remembered. I figured I better make the rounds, make sure everyone got something, before he drags himself out of the lab and whatever loki has planned for him."Sigyn smiled before sitting on the edge of the bed. "You know he doesn't care, pepper, you know about the presents or anything?I mean, yea, you said alot of stuff to him, and it hurt, but he'd be the first one to tell you it wasn't anything he hadn't heard before."Sigyn said trying to make the woman feel better before nodding."I know pep, but you'll get stronger with time.And I do. Four thousand years worth of birthday presents, makes for excellent gift wrapping skills. But you know, I think he'd probably enjoy seeing this present, and knowing you tried wrapping it for him."She said, smoothing the rough edges and finishing taping them down.
Loki pondered that and then nodded. "i know how to solve that problem." he admitted. "i'll get him an Elvish Bow to use until you can make him a new one. it will stand up to his strength very easily." he admitted. "and the women don't want you more than an evening because they're sluts who only want to claim they've slept with Tony Stark. the Avengers rely on you more than you'd think. most of them don't make enough money to survive on their own, like Bruce for example. and Steve, they've be homeless right now, and foodless if not for you." he admitted with a smile. "just because you can't cook, doesn't mean that you don't support them." he pointed out with a smile. "i knew you'd say yes!" he admitted, beaming happily at the other. "i have the milk formula on hand for when they get hungry, most of their supplies will be here by this evening. now all you have to do is name them!" he admitted, looking so very pleased that Tony liked the presents he had gotten him. "a shower?" he asked, looking surprised before nodding. "sure, i could use one." he admitted, sniffing himself. "i stink a bit." he admitted with a sigh as he hopped out of bed and stretched. "do you feel better? after a good nights sleep? i can't do that all the time or you'll go insane, but i can do it at least once a week. every three or for days at most, though that's taking a bit of a risk." he admitted as he watched Tony, carefully settling the pups on the dog bed that Loki had slept on earlier.

Pepper chuckled. "how could i ever forget Tony's birthday?" she asked with a smile. "you might remind the men though. Steve will probobly have remembered, but i doubt Clint even knows the date today, let alone that it's his birthday, and Bruce can't even remember his own birthday, let alone other peoples." she admitted with a shake of her head. "why are men so pathetic?" she asked with a sad little smile. "i know... and that's what makes it worse..." she admitted softly. "he already thinks so poorly of himself. i shouldn't have added to it... i'm hoping that this will help." she admitted, patting her present before she grimaced. "he'll never let me live it down." she groaned but nodded, deciding to let it stay the way it was. "i ordered a cake too, i wasn't sure who knew it was Tony's birthday. he usually hates to celebrate it, but i think maybe Tony deserves to be surrounded by the people who love him today." she admitted with a smile. "will you go and get it? i'd send Fen, but he doesn't seam to understand the concept of money..." she admitted, smiling at the boy. "he's such a sweetheart. you where such a good mother. well... you still are i'd think. i mean, you can't really outgrow being a mother, can you?" she asked curiously.
Tony tilted his head looking thoughtful."I think he'd like that. Though you might ask Sigyn to get it, he might forgive her a little easier if she's getting him pretty toys to play with."Tony said proving that he did indeed know his friends well enough to know clint was going to be pissed at his wife for some of the foreseeable future. Frowning slightly as he considered that he petted the puppies ears, nodding slightly. "Well...I guess I do. Though I might have to offer more advice, if they're both going to start having sex more."Tony snickered before nodding quietly looking bemused as he considered what to name the pups. "Myka for the pug, and Clayton for the yorkie."He hummed pleased with his choice before nodding a little, "A shower. I've been in the lab for days, haven't showered. It's my birthday, I figured I should at least shower."He muttered before nodding as he made sure the pups were settled before getting up and heading for the shower."I did. Feel more rested, anyways. And I'm used to going without sleep, its okay once a week."He shrugged as he paused in front of the mirror, wincing as he looked himself over, despite the sleep, he still looked haggard. Starting to undress he took a deep breath, bracing for what came next. Because ever since his capture, and subsquent torture by water, the very thought of putting his body in it, drove him insane. Which was why he was letting loki shower with him, definitely a distraction seeing loki naked, and he hoped it was a strong enough one to take his mind off everything else. "You sure you want to shower with me?"He teased looking at the god as he stepped into teh almost room sized shower, closing his eyes briefly as the water hit him.

"Hm, true. If anyone would remember, it would be the one who knows his social security number."Sigyn teased before nodding. "I'll remind them. Tony'll be distracted with loki for most of the day, so we'll have something awesome ready for him when he gets around to leaving the bedroom."She giggled a little before laughing."They're pathetic so the species will survive, otherwise womankind would probably kill them before we procreated."She snickered before sighing quietly, resting a hand against pepper's arm. "...I know Pep. I'm sorry..."She said eyes sad before smiling."I'm sure he'll like it, whatever it is. And he wont, he might even take pictures of it before unwrapping it."She snickered before frowning slightly, "Well...we'll make sure he knows he's loved today."She said slightly worried that tony would be really annoyed with them for celebrating without asking him, but hoping it would be okay. "I will.And fen is fen. He's never had to worry about money."Sigyn smiled pressing a kiss to her son's forehead as the boy looked up at her. "Why should I?You always took care of things, mother."Fenris said smiling at her shifting to snuggle against pepper, yawning as he settled back down for his nap. While he acted younger, it was obvious to that he was in his early 20s, settling into being more grown up because he sensed that's what pepper needed from him, and he wanted her as his mate, wanted ot take care of her. "No, no that's not something I can outgrow. Maybe someday you'll know the feeling."Sigyn teased bending down to kiss pepper's forehead to before standing. "I better go check on the other's."She said walking out to go check in with steve and clint.
Loki pondered that and then nodded. "you might be right. i'll suggest those Dwarvish long blades too, and maybe a few Elvish arrows to go with it. enchanted of course." he mused with a chuckle. "and you know very well that if you offer sex advice to Steve he'll kick your ass." he pointed out with a grin. "i don't like how little sleep you get... it worries me. humans aren't supposed to function on the sleep of a god after all." he admitted, gently taking Tony's hand as he watched the other. "Tony? are you alright?" he asked softly before pausing as he watched Tony get undressed. "mmm scars..." he mumbled, thoroughly distracted by Tony's body as he ran his fingers along the multitude of scars along the others body. "so handsome." Loki mumbled, completely uncaring that he was getting his Silker pajamas soaking wet. unlike earth silk, silkder silk was completely unbothered by wetness. he leaned down and nuzzled Tony's chest with a small grin. "you look so sexy, you know that right?" Loki asked, grinning brightly at Tony. "maybe i should give you a second birthday present and show you how a man sucks?" he offered, examining Tony's cock.

she snorted a little. "honestly... how that man survived before he hired me is completely beyond me." she admitted with a chuckle as she shook her head. "we should surprise Tony! a surprise party!" she decided with a grin. "it won't be hard what with Tony being so distracted all the time, he'll never notice even if he does come out early." she admitted, looking pleased by her idea. "...of course, it might give him a heart attack...." she muttered, biting her lip a little. "anyway, you go check on the others and make sure they remembered." she ordered, yawning a little. "i need another nap..." she grumbled. "i hate this.. i hope Fury isn't ruining Stark Industries..." he was actually doing a very good job, and Pepper would find her life much, much easier now. "oh!" Pepper stated, remembering. "look! i have some control over it now! watch!" she closed her eyes and suddenly she was glowing and she snapped her fingers and a fireball appeared in her hand. it vanished in seconds, and it seamed to completely exhaust the woman, but to have that much control without a teacher was very, very impressive.
"....I want weapons now to. I could totally find something awesome, maybe put the sword with my suit."Tony pondered that before smirking, "Yea, probably, but offering it and watching him blush and watch clint and sigyn react to it would definitely be worth getting beat up over."Tony snickered amused before huffing. "I function fine on as little sleep as possible. Stopy worrying, I didn't sleep long before I reached adulthood, its not that terrible really."he said looking down at their joined hands, shuddering a little as the other touched him, "I'm fine."he swallowed his eyes closed, forcing himself to let go of loki's hand, not wanting to cling to the man as he stepped into the water. "Of course I know I'm sexy. I'm tony stark, always amazing, always beautiful."Tony said smiling at the other before raising a eyebrow, grinning. Raising a hand, tangling his hand in loki's hair and pushing him down to his knees. "Well, I am the birthday boy, I should get some kind of sex after all, I'm tony stark.I'm actually amazed I've made it this long without doing anything. Do you know this is the longest I've ever gone without getting a blow job or having sex of some kind?"Tony said looking down at the man, babbling just a little to distract himself from the water and the fact that it was loki on his knees in front of him. Babbling because he knew he needed to really deal with his fear of water, and he wanted to create a good memory of water, to erase the other.

"Not very well, probably."Sigyn snickered before nodding. "Does it count as a surprise party when you could probably tell him about it, and he still wouldn't know about it?"Sigyn snickered before nodding. "Take a nap, sweetheart. And send Fenris to get us if yo uneed anything. And I'm sure Fury is doing well, I know natasha's been talking ot him, to see if there's anything tony needs to do personally. Don't worry."She said smiling before her eyes widened in surprise, leaning down to hug the woman tightly."Thats amazing pepper, really. Now rest, you want to be able to get up for tony's party don't you?"She teased before leaving. "Clint?Steve?Did you two remember it's tony's birthday today?"She said smiling slightly as she found her lovers.Still unnerved a little at having found herself in a relationship like this, but willing to work, needing it to work.
Loki smiled. "i'll get you some nice weapons." he promised with a small chuckle. "it would be worth watching the reaction, i'll have Jarvis record it for you." he promised with a grin. "i'm staying down here though." he warned with a smirk. "it's my job to worry about you." he stated with a smiff. "i've already adopted you, and soon i will have properly seduced you, and then you will be my mate. so i have to worry about you. it's Jotun Law!" but his eyes where glittering, informing Tony that Loki was lying. "you are Tony stark." he purred, nuzzling the others check, feeling that massive scar on his chest. "oh." Loki gasped as he was 'forced' to his knees, looking up at Tony, rather surprised. he hadn't expected the other to agree. "well, we can;t have that, now can we?" Loki asked with a smirk as he ran his tongue along the others cock. slow at first, letting Tony adjust to the fact that a man was sucking him off before he sped up, carefully building up on the pleasure before he suddenly struck, swallowing Tony to the root. swallowing around that thick cock with a happy little moan as he pushed his hands down and pulled his pajama pants down enough ro release his own flesh, stroking himself as he bobbed his head, letting Tony thrust as he pleased.

Pepper snorted. "good point." she grumbled, looking amused. "yes, i do want to be able to get up for the party." she agreed with a smile as she slumped into the bed. "Fenris has been helping me... he's a great guy." she murmured before drifting off. asleep before Sigyn even made it to the door.

Steve and Clint both looked up at her, still half asleep and Bruce blinked at her from where he was cooking pancakes. "SHIT!" both Clint and Bruce gasped, booking it for the door so they could rush out and get Tony a present, Steve rolling his eyes. "i remembered at least... or rather, Natasha called yesterday and told me." he admitted. "she called Clint too, but he wasn't paying attention to her." Steve admitted with a shrug. "have you eaten yet? i can make you some pancakes?" he offered standing up to take over the breakfast that Bruce had abandoned. "have the kids been able to get out and get a present for him? we could take them out later if they haven't." "don't worry about it." Sleipnir ordered. "i took them to the Nine Realms to get their presents." like Loki, Sleipnir was a master at finding those little 'slipholes' that allowed a person to travel without the use of the Rainbow Bridge. which meant it couldn't be tracked. and more importantly, meant that Sleipnir could go beyond the rainbow bridge's capabilities. "we all have presents for Tony." he promised with a smile as he shook his head. "we have presents for everyone actually, since we're not sure when people's birthdays are, so we're completely set for an entire year unless we make new freinds."
"That'll be my birthday present to myself then, talking to Rodgers about sex."Tony snickered a little before smiling, tilting his head a little. "You just made that up. You don't have a law that says that."he said thoughtfully before smirking as he was nuzzled,snickering as loki looked up at him, blushing ever so slightly. "Everyone tells me to just give in and have sex with you. I figured it's my birthday, I might as well."He grumbled a little groaning quietly as the other tongued him, closing his eyes. "Hmm, no we can't have that."He muttered absent;y stroking the other's hair, a little weirded out that it was a guy on his knees in front of him, but it wasn't that so much. It was loki that he was seeing, not just the gender. Closing his eyes as he shifted them, leaning over loki to rest his arms against the wall as he braced himself, making sure loki wasn't getting hit with the water. Groaning as he watched loki stroke himself, trembling a little as he thrust down the other's throat, using the hand buried in his hair to hold him still as he fucked his mouth. Groaning as he came he swallowed hard, bracing himself to make sure he didn't fall over. Suddenly, water wasn't bothering him as much, especially with the sight of loki stroking himself and dripping wet.

Sigyn giggled a little watching as clint and bruce raced for the door, rolling her eyes a little. "Natasha always remembers. And Clint was otherwise busy know being angry with me, then seducing you. It kinda distracted him."Sigyn giggled a little amused as she sat down at the table, shaking her head. "No I haven't eaten, and pancakes sound amazing."She said looking thoughtful as she considered what hela had said. That she could get him to do anything she wanted, she'd have to test it sometime. "We all got him something he'll probably hole up in his lab with for the next year and not leave."Jor said snickering a little, glancing at his mother as he kissed her cheek as he sat down next to her. "Did you get something, mother?" "Of course. As if I'd ever risk pissing off loki and not get his lover something Tony'd actually enjoy."Sigyn snickered a little because she'd spent all that anxious worry over if clint would live or not, or if loki was going to be okay, or anything else she'd worried about in the last week, into crafting the present she was going to give the man who had everything.
Loki snorted a little and shook his head before he smirked at Tony. "prove it." he teased, wiggling his eyebrows. "well, you shouldn't listen to 'everyone'. you should do it because you want to." Loki informed Tony loftily. "after all, you wouldn't climb to the top of the Eiffel tower and then jump off without your suit because 'everyone' told you to, now would you?" he asked grinning at Tony. "mmmm certainly not on your birthday." he teased before helping himself to the others cock. good lord but Tony tasted amazing. he never gagged, never choked, as Tony helped himself to the tight little throat. he even moaned as Tony came, swallowing down the cum as he stroked himself to his own completion, the semen splattering onto the floor of the shower as he panted and smirked at Tony. "there, how was that? do you want another just to make sure i really am the best blowjob you've ever had?" he asked with a superior little smirk. after thousands of years, Loki would be amazing at oral sex. "you look so sexy, all soaking wet like that." Loki admitted with a grin. "as wet as we are, you could probobly fuck me no problem." he admitted with a giggle as he pressed a kiss to the others inner thigh. "hand me that shampoo would you? i've always wanted to wash your hair." Loki admitted, his eyes fixed on those silky strands.

Steve nodded. "valid points." he agreed with a smile. "you do realize he's going to be mad again once his eyes start doing wacky things right?" he asked, blinking at her. "i'll make you a big stack." he promised with a smile as he resumed cooking, humming as he worked. "Loki would be pretty annoyed if we forgot Tony's birthday, but i don't think he realizes that most people don't know when Tony's birthday is." Steve admitted. "last year, none of us but Pepper knew and he spent his entire birthday tinkering in his lab like any other day." he admitted, shaking his head. "i don't think Tony's ever had a good birthday."
"Hm, I do want to...I mean...I do but...this is awkward. It would be easier if you weren't someone I cared for. Doing one night stands is so much easier."Tony said sounding frustrated because one night stands he was good with, he could have just brushed off wanting to be with loki as a whim, but actually wanting him, needing to be with him, was driving the man insane. "You know, I probably would have, at one point in my life."He snickered moaning as he realized that loki had no gag reflex, panting as he looked down at loki as he came, his toes curling into the wet tile as he considered what the other was saying. "Now that, was amazing. Better then any of the whores I've ever had in the shower."he mused shuddering as loki kissed his thigh, tightening his hand in the other's hair. "I'll consider it. But first, wash my hair."he said looking amused as he stepped back, letting loki stand up as he handed him the shampoo. Flushing at loki's words he tilted his head. "Oh, are you saying I'm not sexy when I'm dry?"He said looking amused, and turned on. Yep, he was definitely considering fucking loki right now. While he'd probably backpedal and freak out after, he was actually considering it, which was a big step in itself.

"...I know. They should start soon, but I'm hoping we at least get through tony's party. Neither clint or tony need the stress today."she sighed softly watching him cook, because she didn't want clint to feel bad for messing up the party, and she wanted tony to have the birthday he never had. "Probably not, but it'd still annoy him."She said before nodding. "He never celebrated. Even as a kid...I talked to him once, when he was at MIT the year his parents died...he didn't even mention it was his birthday. We just worked on his car all day. I don't think he ever realized that he was working on a car with a girl, he just talked.It was kinda amusing."she snickered a little because she had been worried enough about the 21 year old genius to step in on his birthday, to give him some company on his birthday. It was just amusing that the playboy who couldn't walk through a room without wanting to get laid, hadn't realized he'd worked on his car with a girl who normally would have had him panting. Granted she'd been in disguise, but she'd still been hot. "I hadn't realized that he'd always been alone on his birthdays, even when his parents were around....I...I didn't follow your guys lives closely, I past through every once in awhile."She sighed quietly, being a good mother, having raised her kids for so long, it hurt her badly to see tony so mistreated by his parents, and she hated herself a little for not realizing it, even if it had been what shaped the man.
Loki laughed a little. "i understand Tony, it's alright." Loki promised with a smile. "i'm a little freaked out too." he assured the other. "but i'm a Asgaurdian... or a Jotun rather. we tend to get rid of our anxiety by doing acts of sex... in my case, lots and lots of 'self abuse'." he admitted with a chuckle. "we won't do anything you don't want, or don't feel ready to do, i promise... and i am never leaving you alone with any of the avengers ever again, particularly not if their drunk. who knows what they'd get you to do!" he stated, quite horrified by the idea. he decided to stop worrying once he had Tony's cock in his mouth. "oooh you think i'm a whore?" Loki asked, pretending to be completely flattered, eyes twinkling with playful laughter. "you know, if i was a woman i would be completely insulted right now... although, considering i can turn into one, maybe i should be insulted?" he mused, head cocked as he considered that before he shrugged. "well, you are sexy when you're dry, but you're just a little bit sexier when your wet. a true achievement indeed considering how sexy you are normally." Loki admitted with a grin as he worked shampoo into Tony's hair, humming happily. he simply loved Tony's hair!

"Steve nodded. "Clint will accept his new eyes once he gains control over them, he's just scared right now. i know how that feels." Steve admitted with a smile. "while i'll always be grateful i didn't die... very very grateful i didn't die, it was still a very large shock to find myself in a world where women wear more tattoos than they do clothes and have flashing lights on everything." he admitted. "i was so stunned that i actually hid under my bed for three days." he admitted with a smile. "i was frightened and i yelled at everyone and unfortunately i took most of my rage out on Tony. he just rubbed me the wrong way, and he looked like Howard... who i hate almost as much as Tony does." Steve admitted as he handed out pancakes. "we should throw him a party!" Steve decided, grinning. "it's not like he'll notice what we're doing after all." "Pepper already thought of that. here, she made a list of things we'll need. apparently she was so worried we wouldn't be able to set everything up that she wrote a list and went right back to sleep." Hela admitted with a chuckle. "i went to check on her and Fen handed me this." she admitted, shaking her head. "and you shouldn't be upset mother, a lot of people have miserable parents. look at Father. Tony might have had a crappy childhood, but with so many freinds around, he finally has a real family. a family that loves him. now... what are streamers and why are they important?"
Tony relaxed, sighing quietly as he studied the man. Grinning at loki."Hm, I can get behind that. I've done alot of sex acts to ignore things."he said looking thoughtful abd amused before nodding slowly. "I know you wont."He muttered before smirking. "You do realize I spend a good portion of my adult life ineberiated don't you?"He muttered before the conversation died as loki sucked his cock before smirking. "Hm, no. Just better at that then a whore. Though, considering you've practiced more then human whores after four thousand years, does it really count?I mean you've had alot of time to practice."he teased before tilting his head a little, smirking. "Hmmm..You'll have to change into a woman sometime..."He said looking amused as he let the other shampoo his hair. "Hmm, I'm just all around amazing like that you know. Sexy all the time."he muttered nearly moaning out loud as he let the taller man wash his hair. Swallowing hard as it came time to wash it out, he cracked a eye at the other. "If I freak out, I apologize in advance."He muttered, he'd avoided putting his head undre the water so far, having barely let loki get his hair wet so the shampoo would work. He sighed softly at loki's curious look he smiled sadly."Do you know the term 'waterboarding'?"

"I know...and I know its scary...I just can't...I'm scared steve."She muttered looking up at him, smiling slightly before getting up to wrap a arm around his waist, giving him a hug before going back to eating her pancakes. "Well, hopefully we'll be able to help him.I dont like the idea of him being frightened..."sigyn said before smirking a little. "Tony rubs most people the wrong way, and he of all people, would understand why you hated him. After all, he was pissed at you for being the wonderboy that his father spent his childhood looking for.So don't bve upset you took it out on him."she said having a feeling steve felt badly for it before nodding. "He most definitely not notice. We'll get pepper's party ready, and we'll all show tony he has people now."She decided before grinning. "Streamers as decorations. And I'll take care of them."Sigyn grinned as she got up, closing her eyes for a moment and holding out a hand, watching as the streamers of light formed, sparkling and definitely something tony would find more fascinating then everyday streamers.
Loki laughed a little as he nodded. "living as long as i have, there are only a few things that really bother me now." he admitted with a shrug. "when you're as old as dirt, sometimes literally, you aren't as affected by day to day things." he admitted with a chuckle. "ten years is like a blink for me, so if you need that long, or longer, i'm perfectly fine with that." he admitted with a smile. "and you spent a good chunk of your childhood inebriated too." Loki admitted with a roll of his eyes. "how your liver isn't dead is a mystery." he mused. "i've actually only have a very few partners. five." he admitted. "there's the father of my children of course, and then the horse that sired Sleipnir... may that beast rot... although i suppose i'll thank it before i guy it and make it into a stew." he mused. "Sleipnir really is a very lovely boy. i should find him a girlfriend." he muttered. "sure, i can change into a woman any time." Loki promised with a smile. "but i'd rather you get used to me as a guy first, this is my preferred form, and i'm not going to sprout breasts every time you come into a room." he warned before blinking a little at the other. "freak out? Tony what's wrong?... waterboarding? no... is that... is it bad?" Loki asked, looking incredibly worried. "...would you feel better in a bathtub? i can go run a bath for you... or... uh, i could magically clean you? you don't get as clean and you can't get rid of the oil in your hair or skin, but you won't stink at least..."

Steve smiled at her. "there's nothing to be scared of. Clint has never hit a woman, not even Nat." he promised. "and i'll be right here with you." he promised. "i'll help you and Clint both through this." he promised, kissing her forehead. "i might not be as perverted as you and Clint, but that doesn't mean i don't love you both." he promised before he snorted. "i don't feel bad about it anymore. me and Tony had a long talk about it when all was said and done." he admitted. "i still don't understand why Howard would waste his time looking for me, the man knew i couldn't stand him." he muttered with a roll of his eyes before clapping, impressed with the light show. "that;s really cool!" he admitted, stroking one of the lights, his head tilted as Hela read the next item on the list. confetti to fall on Tony and a camera to take his stunned picture. candles for the cake, the cake to be picked up at a famous (Tony's favorite) Bakery, the presents to be wrapped and put in plain view of Tony to torment him. (the man couldn't resist a present) Tony's favorite dinner to be made. Steve promised to do that, since he knew what it was. Tony's favorite birthday music... which was the same as all the other music... and a scantily clad cheerleader to cheer Tony on. Steve volunteered Loki for the position.
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