
Steve groaned at her, clearly he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to be brain-dead. "you're a woman, you're all complicated compared to us brain-dead men." Clint stated. "i mean, you think about things that isn't food, sex, or sleep." he admitted, looking amused as Steve snorted. "you are such a caveman Clint..." "thank you." "that wasn't a compliment!" Steve complained before he sighed. "i'm to tired to yell at you." he groaned. "you nearly sucked it off." "it's called a cock." "don't say things like that!" Steve demanded, going bright red again. it was so cute how innocent Steve really was. "... you've been... trying to..." and he hid his face again, mortified. "you knew how i felt all along! i was horrible at hiding it!" "yes, you kind of where." Clint admitted with a chuckle. "i'll make food." Steve promised as Clint looked up at her. "you don't want me to return the favor?" he asked, pouting a little. it was his favorite part, reducing Sigyn to a writhing mess. "well, i can do it tonight." he decided. "and this time Steve can help me." " you what?" "do to Sig what we did to you." "..." Steve went bright red again but he did look interested. "you ARE going to sleep with us of course. we can't have our husband sleeping in another room." "h..h..husband!?" "well, not officially. remind us later to marry you." "w..what!?" oh it was fun screwing with poor Steve's head.

Bruce nodded. "probobly, he's going to be too strong for the one he has. he's going to snap it the next time he uses it." Bruce admitted with a sigh. "i don't mind being freinds with girls." Loki pointed out. "i had a best freind back at the Academy, her name was Sigyn." he admitted. "we used to play a ton of pranks..." he frowned. "but i... can't seam to remember what happened to her." "you married her and she got banished to earth." "...bummer. but your right, Sigyn is the only sorceress, or sorcerer that could force me into a form, even if i don't want to be in it. even Odin can't do that." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "oh, well i can understand being afraid to admit something." Loki admitted. "it must be hard for you, to have not realized that you liked men. don't worry, i won't get mad if you sleep with a woman." he promised Tony. "sleep with another man and i'll hurt you." he warned before he frowned, confused. "i...don't know. i remember lots of things. like i hate Thor, and Odin. and that i'm very afraid of a massive Green Monster named the Hulk." Bruce choked and clamped down hard on his laughter. "and i remember that i hate eggs... can't stand eggs.. they're so gross..." he blinked at Tony. "you're the one just standing around." he complained. "i can't get tot eh bedroom on my own and you stopped walking. besides, i'm not that tired yet."
"Ahhh, I see. Yes, I sometimes think about how to widdle away countless centuries that don't include having sex for all of them."She snickered looking amused at the boys teasing each other, "Sucked what off?I didn't do anything."Sigyn smirked looking amused as she watched steve blush, before nodding. "we did. We just didn't know how to not make you run away if we seduced you...of course, you gave us the perfect excuse to do it."She said looking at clint, sighing quietly."Not now..."She shrugged a little looking away because it was so hard for her, to trust. To be able to trust them both to not hurt her. despite being as strong as she was, they were her equals in phyiscal strength, so she was struggling to trust after so many years of locking everyone out,even loki. So now, at moments, she had to step back to get her bearings. "Feed me first, then we wont have to get up again all night."She smirked a little blushing as steve looked interested, "Clint!Stop teasing him."She ordered sucker punching him lightly, nudging steve. "Come on, I want to eat. And Loks' back, I want to see how he is."she said straightened her clothes and headed for the door.

"Good. Now he can't whine at me and say no."Tony decided smirking before nodding. "Yep, that's who's in the other room screwing the pretty boys, so I wouldn't try to take them away."He teased before blushing a little, smiling."Well, at least women are fairly interesting sometimes....and I only want you.No one else."he muttered before shooting bruce a look, starting to laugh."Well, we'll keep the hulk away from you. And its not my fault you keep talking."Tony pointed out before helping loki to the couch so he could sit down, "Now, do you want food?" "No!don't let him anywhere near the stove!Stark, don't cook!"Sigyn yelled down the hallway as she walked into the room.
Clint laughed a little. "i don't think about sex ALL the time! i think about food too! and football on occasion." "good lord, shut him up." Steve demanded. "before i get annoyed." he demanded, scowling at Clint who laughed and shook his head. "well... i guess you're not wrong... i probobly would have run away..." "you're such an Uke Steve." "a what?" "a bottom." "my bottom?" "...the woman in the gay relationship." "i'll take that as a compliment... there's no way i want to share my gender with you." he grumbled as Clint snickered, the Assasin taking her hand and offering her a comforting smile, gently kissing her knuckles. silently forgiving her for changing him. he'd get angry about it again, but for now everything was alright. "...hey Clint? did you get contacts?" "" "no? but they're so green... they're beautiful.." Steve admitted, looking rather amazed as it was Clint's turn to turn bright red. "you... you think so?" Clint asked, completely embarrassed about being called beautiful, but relieved that Steve didn't think he was a freak. "what do you guys want to eat?" Steve asked as he led the way. "something fast, i'm starving." "having orgasms does tha... OW!" Steve had punched Clint in the arm, hard.

Loki blinked a little. "yeah i wouldn't try to take Sigyn's men. she's scary possessive." Loki admitted with a smile before rolling his eyes at Tony. "i only started talking because you started yelling at them." he pointed out before he smiled at Tony. "i know, but i also know that you sometimes can't help yourself. if you get scared, or upset, or something, you're going to seduce a woman because it's comforting and something you know. so i won't get mad when you do it." he promised, kissing Tony's cheek. "besides, it might be kind of fun 'punishing' you for infractions. i could get a paddle and some rope and really show you who your lave mate is." he teased with a grin. "i would like some fo..." he paused to blink at sigyn as Steve laughed and went into the kitchen to cook for everyone. "Sigyn!? oh my god you're OLD!!!!" he gasped, looking horrified. "and that means... that means I'M OLD!!!!"
"Football is not worth the effort you put into thinking about it. Think about what kind of bow you're going to make Tony make."She said smiling, "That should shut him up for awhile."She snickered a ltitel before leaning over to kiss Steve lightly, "So cute."She muttered nudging clint, "Don't tease him for not knowing about it. You;re being mean."She smiled looking up at him, offering him a small timid smile glad that he was with her for the moment. "They are pretty awesome aren't they? I didn't get a chance to tell you that, but they are cool."Sigyn said smiling at clint, a smile dimpling her cheek."And it's a long story. We'll tell you after dinner."She promised smiling. "And noodles and bacon."She said giggling as steve punched clint.

"...because they didn't tell me anything!"Tony whined looking annoyed at loki before sighing, nodding slightly."Well, at least you know me well enough to not expect much more out of me."he muttered looking relieved though, before smirking."Hmmm I do like that."he said though he tensed a little. There was reasons tony stark didn't do bondage, and it was nothing to do with not liking being in charge, and everything to do with his time in afganistan. but if it made loki happy, he was willing to try. Snickering as loki noticed sigyn. "I'm not that old!You're a 6 months older, old man. And you just past your 4,587 birthday last week.I'm still younger for another six months."Sigyn said smiling as she walked over, pausing. "Can I hug you?"She said needing to reassure herself that it was really loki and he hadn't died on her.
Clint scowled. "i don't need a new bow! the one i have is fine!" he complained. "why do all of you people insist on making me get a new bow when i like the one i have!?" "maybe because it's old and we're afraid it's going to snap in half if you use it one more time." Steve mused. "or maybe it's because we enjoy tormenting you." "it's my job to be mean to him." Clint admitted with a smile before he blushed again and looked away, glad that he wasn't ugly at least. they could pass for human eyes... maybe. "noodles and bacon?" Clint asked, looking baffled as Steve chuckled. "that's a pretty odd request Sigyn. bacon in noodles... i've never heard of such a dish, you might have to show me how." he admitted, looking curious about a new meal to make.

Loki just shrugged. "so long as you come back and sleep with me, i don't mind... i don't like to be alone, especial at night." he admitted, shaking his head, blinking as Tony tensed. "hey... if you don't want to, i won't make you." he promised. "i don't do rape..." he admitted, snuggling into Tony. "i'm so old! i'm old and hideous and OLD!" Loki wailed, burying his head in his hands. "and here i was thinking i was still around twenty years old..." he groaned with a sigh. "hug me? why wouldn't you? you've never asked before." he complained, frowning at her as he leaned away, suddenly suspicious. "you're not going to do something gross ar you? like kiss me? because i already told Tony that girls are gross." he complained. "i still don't beleive i was dating you, that simply can't be possible..." "well where do you think your children came from?" Steve asked, Loki freezing in stunned shock before he paused. "...probobly from Alrei." he mused. "he is one sexy bastard. not as sexy as Tony... or that guy." he stated indicating Clint. "but sexy nonetheless." "...wait..." Clint muttered, glancing at Sigyn with laughter in his eyes. "if you where... fornicating, with a guy, how did you have children?" "oh. shapeshifters can have babies. i probobly carried them in a shifted womb." "...YOU carried?" "well, i do prefer to be the submissive while in bed, though i can take either position." " didn't know that Father is the one that carried us?" Hela asked, looking amused as she walked in. "i have pictures of him pregnant with Jormungandr." Hela admitted with a snicker. "he looked like a beach ball." "hey! i was probobly super adorable when i was pregnant!... IF i was pregnant... who are you now?" "Hela. your only daughter." Hela admitted, taking everything in stride with a smirk.
"Because you're stronger then you were. I don't want you snapping it in the middle of a fight, and tony does it because he likes fucking with your head."Sigyn snickered a little before nodding. "Yep. Noddles and bacon. Cook the noodles, and cook the bacon, seperate, then when they're done you mix them together. They're good."

"Good. Cause I've gotten used to sleeping next to you."he muttered before nodding. "I know...but I still want to try."He muttered smirking as loki wailted, trying not to laugh. "I know, but you were hurt, I don't want to hurt you by hugging you. Though..."Sigyn smirked before leaning in and hugging him, planting a kiss on his lips before pulling away."Stop whining about cooties. You kissed me all the time. Ask these guys.We had them believing we were actual lovers for awhile." "They did. It was fairly amusing."Jormugundr said looking amused as he walked into the room, before watching tony to see how he'd react. Tony smirked watching clint and sigyn, raising his eyebrows."I want to see those pictures. I'd bet he'd be cute pregnant."Tony said refusing to be startled, "You're not surprised...whyy?"Natasha said staring at tony. "....I have a degree in comparitive religon. They covered vikings...and norse legends."Tony said smirking amused that clint looked so disappointed that he wasn't freaking out at the idea of loki being pregnant. "And those two are your sons, Jormugandr and Fenris."Sigyn said nodding to the two men as they walked into the room.
Clint scowled a little. "i can't be that much stronger." he grumbled. "i am NOT gettign a new bow!" he growled before blinking. "that sounds kind of bland. noodles and bacon..." "not if you add seasonings. buttered noodles and bacon go good together. and so does macaroni and cheese, and even that Japanese Ramen Noodles you love so much." "Ramen is the food of the Gods." Clint stated with a sniff before he paused. "Bacon would be good in Ramen..." he muttered, Steve chuckling as he watched Tony and Loki interacting. "good, because i won't let you stop." Loki stated in a superior tone. he smiled as he leaned into Sigyn's hug. he'd always loved Sigyn's hugs, even when they where only two and three years old. "did we really!?" he asked, blinking at her before he made a face as she kissed him. at twenty, he had still been in that 'affection is for girls' stage. as most young Gods where. Loki grew out of it much faster than the other boys had, because Sigyn was all he'd had, and he'd desperately needed the comfort she could give him when he realized Odin would never, ever be proud of him no matter what he did. "i WAS adorable and i refuse to be told anything different!" "well here, look for yourself." Sleipnir ordered as he hopped onto the couch next to tony, flipping open a massive leather bound journal that was stuffed full of pictures, letters between loki and Sigyn, old school records, and drawings. "see? oh, i'm Sleipnir by the way. i was your special little accident." he informed Loki with a grin as Loki blinked at Sleipnir. "my what!?" he looked down at the picture, to reveal Loki as a pregnant... female horse. "...oh my god.. i didn't..." "not on purpose." "oh my god... how do you 'not on purpose' have sex with a stallion!?" "he chased you for five days straight and jumped you when you couldn't run anymore." "...damn..."
"We did. Clint over there freaked out a bit, since you helped him sleep with me."Sigyn snickered a little laughing as loki made a face. Rolling her eyes as she kissed his forehead she stepped back, studying them before laughing as loki looked at the picture. "It was a very interesting time trying to explain why my husband was a horse."Sigyn smirked watching loki."If it makes you feel better, you did try to run away first, you just didn't get that far away."She teased before shifting, settlign down onto the couch next to him, smiling as fenris pressed into her legs. Absently stroking the boy's hair she smiled softly, "So, any questions loks?I mean, you don't know anything...."Sigyn said looking at the man, worried about how he was handling things.

"You look pleased with yourself."natasha teased clint from her seat at the island, up on a barstool, amused that clint seemed to be helping steve try and cook...well...more getting in the way of the good captain.
Loki had to grin at that. "well. i AM amazing. of course it would be easy for me to trick men into sleeping with you." he teased with a grin before looking down at the picture. "oh. look, here's one of me normal... well mostly normal." he stated, blinking at the picture of him glaring at the camera with all the rage in the world, belly swollen and wearing nothing more than a dressing gown that barely came to mid thigh. "wow. i was adorable!" Loki chirped happily. "why am i glaring?" "because Mother was taking a picture. you where very unhappy, you thought you where fat." Hela admitted with a giggle. "that's me in your belly actually. see? here's where you where pregnant with Jormungandr." she explained, showing Loki another picture, where he looked about ready to attack the camera. "you where even worse then, because he was your first. Mother said that you where so protective of him, that for the first three months after he was born, anyone who went near him was immidiatly attacked. even the nurses." Hela admitted Loki smiling a little as he looked at the pictures before he looked over at Sigyn. "i don't know..." he admitted, biting his lip, looking upset now. "...i don't know what i don't know..."

Clint smirked and opened his mouth to say something, nearly choking when Steve shoved a bread-roll into his mouth. "not a word." Steve hissed, bright red, which was all the answer Natasha needed to know why Clint looked like he had just won yet another archery competition... or more like a rooster, strutting around. "Clint! get OUT of the way! Sigyn! restrain your mutt of a husband! i can't cook with him touching my ass!" then he clapped a hand to his mouth, looking horrified that he had just told everyone that he was being felt up.
"...oh, and it didn't have anything to do with my amazing sex appeal?Just all you?"She teased. "Hm, well it might have been some of you. You were posing for playboy after all."Tony snickered looking amused before laughing as she looked at the picture. "You were miserable to be in the house with. I had to make sure the house had alot of sweets, fruits, and sugary crap."She looked mused before sighing quietly nodding. "For three months, even I had issues getting close to Jor. Of course, I turned you into a bunny half the time so I could cuddle him." "....a bunny..."Tony snickered looking at his boyfriend. "Uh-huh. He was cute and cuddly, I got to hold both bunny and baby."sigyn snickered a little before shifting, wrwapping her arms around loki tightly, "I'm sorry. I wish I could help. I didnt mean to upset you."She sniffled, upset now to, before frowning at the yell before sighing."Hold on, I have to go rescue our demi-god before he gets himself beat up."She muttered kissing loki's forehead as she stood.

Natasha snickered smirking."Ahhh...I see."She smirked. "Clint!Get in here. I'll turn you into something soft and fluffy if you don't let Steve feed me in the near future. Besides, didn't you feel him up enough already?"Sigyn growled wrapping a arm through clint's, kissing steve's cheek."I'll get him out of here. And he's not a mutt. Maybe a molting hawk, but not a mutt."She giggled a little as she dragged clint out of the kitchen. Tony smirked looking up at clint, raising a eyebrow. "....You'll need glasses. I mean, a good pair.And a new bow."Tony said studying clint, studying the new demi-god, and wanting him to know that he didn't find the changes all that weird, after all, they were a little weird.
Loki smirked. "well it had to be all me. you're so shy it's embarrassing." he teased with a snicker. "and i don't remember you having any sex appeal." he mused, eyes glinting with laughter. "of course i was miserable to be around." loki stated with a roll of his eyes. "even i have to admit that i'm impossible to live with." he admitted, flashing Tony a smirk. "good thing i already caught myself a man. and a rich handsome one too." he purred, Sleipnir rolling his eyes as Hela snorted. "caught is right. you practically killed him when you tackled him." "hey! i didn't have to try THAT hard! i'm gorgeous after all!" "conceited too." "so? who wouldn't be if they where as beautiful as i am?" Loki asked with a smirk before he frowned, upset that he had upset Sigyn. "don't cry... my memories won't be gone for long. they will come back, we Gods can't suffer from permanent mind and mental damage, our magic won't allow it." he reminded her, scowling as she kissed his forehead. "i'm not a little kid you know!" he complained with a sigh. "she's not listening to me..."

"....shut up Natasha." Steve demanded, blushing even more as Sigyn came in to get Steve. "oooh, bestiality? you kinky girl." Clint teased, wiggling his eyebrows, yelping as Steve hit Clint over the head with a plastic dish. "don't be vulgar!" he demanded before smiling at Sigyn as Clint pouted. "but i waited so long to get him Sig... how can you stand to keep your hands off him!? look how cute he is in his little apron!" "....i'm going to kill you Clint!" Steve complained, blushing furiously. he was wearing an apron. a pink frilly one that Tony had gotten for Pepper. he needed to keep the food off of his clothes! "...i don't need a new bow Tony!!!!" Clint raged. "and i don't need glasses!... well... maybe i need a pair of shades..." he conceded. " don't think their weird? i mean... they're so... weird!" he admitted, shaking his head a little. "i'm going to have to get used to them... and Steve does think they're pretty..."
"I am not!"Sigyn whined flushing though, because it was so painfully true. Despite being laid back and definitely more open then most humans, she was painfully shy for a god. "...And when he threw me out my own window. He definitely had to try hard."Tony said smirking a little pressing a kiss to loki's hair. "Are you ever going to let that go?"Sigyn questioned. "Nope. I was digging glass out of my clothes for weeks, never letting it go." Sigyn nodded sniffling a little before nodding."Okay. I wont worry to much."She muttered. "No she's not,but she did just get married, paying attention to her husband is more important then listening to you whine."Tony teased loki.

"You knew I was kinky, but not even I would do you as a hawk. You might try loki."Sigyn teased before smirking at clint, running her hands over his back before leaning back into the kitchen so she could look at the apron. "STay."She ordered clint, smirking as she headed back into the kitchem, leaning against his back, nuzzling him a little. "I do like the should wear this...and only this..."She smirked before her smirk widened, leaning back into the living room to make sure clint could see them before casting a private illusion just for her and clint, wondering how long it would take for clint to realize she'd given him a vision of steve naked....except for that apron. wondering how long she could screw with him until his control snapped.

"You're going to be stronger. I'll bet you a hundred dollars you snap your bow the first time you try to use it."Tony mused smirking a little before nodding,"You'll definitely need the glasses. I mean, I assume its affected your eyesight?I bet I could make special lenses to compensate for whatever vision your using at a time...or to be just regular sunglasses at times...."Tony leaned closer, the engineer and sciencetist coming to the forground."Oh, they're definitely weird, but not like 'oh my god get away from me' weird, but more like how I felt awkward with the arc reactor...Weird, differnet, but cool."Tony frowned a little, "What's the runes?If you get me a list of what I'm trying to work with, I can see about getting glasses..."
Loki smirked. "you SO are... makes me wonder how you got so many freinds." he admitted, looking around the room at all the people, blinking as Sleipnir whispered in his ear making Loki laugh. "really!? i introduced her to them?! that's funny!" Loki stated with a laugh. "i might not be shy, but i'm as antisocial as they come! i'd beleive Thor introduced her before i'll beleive I ever made freinds on my own!" he admitted with another laugh before he gasped. "i threw you out a window!? WHY!?" he demanded, horrified before he pouted. "i knew her first... she should pay attention to me.." he complained, sulking as he snuggled into Tony. "that's alright, you'll never ignore me, will you Tony?"

Clint snickered. "i was thinking maybe more along the lines of a dog." he admitted with a laugh. "and i wouldn't touch Loki with a thirty foot pole! who knows what diseases he might be crawling with!" "hey!" "...what am i, a dog!?" Clint complained, sulking at her, pouting as she went back in. "Sigyn!" Steve complained, going bright red. "i...i c..can't that!" he protested, mortified. it hadn't taken Clint long at all to realize, and he was sort of just sitting there, daydreaming with a goofy smile on his face. "Sigyn! you put my clothes right this instant!" Steve demanded, trying to hide his Nudity by pulling down the apron as much as he could. "what if someone comes in!?" god he was adorable.

"snap what?" Clint asked, dreamy eyed as he stared into the kitchen with that goofy grin before he snapped out of it and blinked at the other. "i don't think i'll need glasses. Sig says i'll learn how to control them in a matter of a month or two..." he admitted. "but it might be nice to hide them if i have to..." he admitted. "i don't know what the Runes say, Sigyn does though, and Hela i thin cold read them. ....that doesn't make me feel any better tony..." he grumbled, rolling his eyes.
"Well, thor sorta did, though we met you first."Tony mused before nodding, snickering slightly. "You were having a take over the world moment....its a long story, but you were saving us by threatening us. Throwing me out a window was part of that..."Tony smiled before laughing, "Yes well, she's only had you for 4 thousand years, let her enjoy having people she cares for."Tony muttered smiling as he shook his head. "I'll definitely ignore you. Not on purpose, but I'll definitely end up in my lab."He muttered looking amused.

"You are.A horny, annoying one."She teased looking amused before laughing as Steve tried to hide. "No one else can see it but me and Clint, don't worry."She muttered before pouting as she returned to him his clothes,nuzzling his neck."Damn.Finee....if you must have your clothes."She muttered before heading back into the living room to wait on their food.

"your bow, birdbrain."Tony rolled his eyes frowning slightly before pouting. "Probably not, but it would be nice to have them if you wanted them. I mean, for the next couple months you're not going to have control. Sunglasses might make it easier until you do..."Tony said before shrugging."I'll see what I can come up with..."Tony pouted slightly looking at clint, looking vaguely annoyed and hurt. "Well, I'll just not try to help then."He grumbled annoyed."Just think about it this way, you'll never have to worry about hulk if he decides to whip you around. I bet you'd live through it now."He said thoughtfully his overeager mind already thinking of different things clint could probably do now that he wasn't mortal.
Loki blinked a little. "you people like Thor? i'm not entirely sure i want to be your freind anymore..." that caused a ring of laughter as Hela snickered. "no Loki, well they do, but they certainly don't trust him." "well... that's alright then i guess." he mused as he blinked at Tony. "can't i just help you when you're in your lab? then it's not really ignoring me." Loki admitted with a smile. "it's being really focused." he admitted, nodding. "besides there will be days where i'll probobly ignore you too, i have my own research and stuff." he admitted. "magic is very complex, i want to discover new magic!" he hadn't spouted off that dream since they where both still in the academy, innocent tot he ways of the cruel and heartless world.

Steve was just a blushing beauty at that point, he couldn't even talk he was so embarrassed. there where other people right there!!! why did gods have to be such perverts. he sighed in relief as she gave him back his clothes and offered her a hesitant kiss on the cheek before he resumed his cooking.

"my bow?" Clint asked before he scowled at Tony. "my bow is fine!" "you shouldn't try to talk to him when he's distracted like that. you won't get anywhere with him." Loki teased Tony. "he's got the brain the size of a pea, it can only focus on one thing at a time." "i'm going to hit you Loki." "you wouldn't! i'm still frail, old, and injured!" "...frail and old my ass." Clint grumbled as he shook his head. "high tech sunglasses would be pretty cool." Clint admitted with a grin. "i'd be like James Bond." he mused with a snicker before he paled. "No! no i don't think we need to test that theory!" "yeah... Hulk is scary." Loki agreed. "let's not make him come here." Bruce snorted and Loki glared at him. "and who are you!?" he demanded, Bruce looking quit speechless. Loki could remember the big green man, but not the guy who became the big green man... of course, being whipped around like that had probobly been traumatic enough that Loki remembered even with memory loss. "foods done! Clint!" Steve complained, glaring as he passed by Clint, the assassin just snickering as Steve handed out bowls of noodles and bacon to everyone.
"They did like him,for a bit,until he tried to kidnap me and kidnap clint."sigyn said tilting her head slightly before watching the other couple amhsed at how much more accepting tony was now that he had almost lost loki."well that's usually do stay in the lab with me,but I thought you might be bored if you think you're twenty...though I could probably put you not having any of the hangups we have as older people to good haven't learned that somd things aren't"oh yea tony was sleep deprieved and rambling."you want to discover..lnew magic?"sigyn said startled before remembering bow.old he thought he was,and what he'd wanted to do at the academy.smiling she looked at tony then loki.again." are dating one of.the world's most intelligent people.if.anyone can bslp,he can."

Sigyn smiled blushing ever so slightly as she was kissed.before snickering as she went back to the livinf room."clint,just stop know hes going to make whag you say."she teased her husband as she sat down next to.him grinning at loki's words. "True.he has only enough blood to work one head."tony snickered.before nodding."I donf helpful the glasses will be get you're powers under control,but it'll help till then"tony mused snickering as loki noticed.bruce."that's loki."he said smiling as he handed loki a bowl. "Thanks steve.."sigtn smiled shifting to make room for.bim on the loveseat with her and clint.
Loki shrugged. "Thor can't help it really. he's never seen the side of Odin that i have. he thinks his father is all powerful and is never wrong. but i know the truth, Odin is nothing but a power hungry old man who lacks true control over himself and his magic." he stated simply before he smiled at Tony. "i could never be bored if i'm with you. besides if i do, i can just seduce you." he chirped happily before he gave Tony an odd look. "nothing is impossible Tony, even the laws of physics is just a guideline." he pointed out before grinning at Sigyn. "well, i might be old now, but i don't remember anything after my twenty first birthday. not even graduation." Loki had graduated an entire four years early. most people didn't leave until they where thirty, or after. Loki didn't give up on his dream for new magic, until he'd finally created his own spell using pure Dark energy from the space around them. it could have been a massive breakthrough, but it had been rejected, simply because Loki had made it, and no one liked Loki. it had crushed Loki, after that, he never studied again, he just worked on making his own magic better, stronger. turned bitter by all the hate around him.

Clint sulked. "i don't need a new bow..." he grumbled. "my grandmother gave me that bow..." well, no wonder he was so clingy. his grandmother had died only a year after his mother. and that had only been two years ago. it didn't hurt much anymore, but they had been so poor, that he clung to anything that they had been able to give him. "imagine how you would feel if you broke it Clint." Steve commented suddenly. "instead of using it, why don't you hang it on a wall where you can always see it? maybe even have it framed or something. you're too strong to use it now. you don't even wince when i hit you now." "...fine." Clint grumbled. "you can make me a stupid bow, but it better be amazing..." Clint grumbled, Loki chuckling as he watched them all. "you are all rather amusing."
"True.only we ever really got to see odin as who he really is."digyn smiled slightly. Tony laughed quietly making a face."not in the lab.Ill have to put in a bedroom downstairs in the lab,I'm not having sex in my lab."tony smirked a little "probably a good you can do everything you planned on,instead of getting derailed by me and marrying me."sigyn said because while she'd known it was hatred for him that drove a lot of it,she also knee being married and the resulting problems blew up in their faces

?sigyn winced a little kissing clint's cheek."I know how you feel,but.."she trailed off when steve spoke nodding."exactly. I'll gwt a nice frame and all."sigyn promised lauhing at the look of excitement on tony's face. "Sit"natasha ordered snickering as the man tried to get up,the billionaire ending up sulking as he ate "that's our shole goal in life,father,is to be amuskng for you."jor said rolling his eyes as he settled on the couch next to natasha.
Loki nodded. "most of the Aeser haven't seen Odin's truth yet either, so they hate me because he hates me, even though they don't know why, they feel that Odin has to be right, because he's never wrong." Loki admitted with a shrug. "it sucks, but what else can we do?" he asked with a pout at Tony. "you don't want to bend me over your desk and pound me senseless?" he asked, looking ever so adorable with that pouty face on. "you don't want to make me kneel while your working on some car and make me suck you off?" "good Lord Loki! you can't talk like that in front of other people!" Bruce complained, both him and steve bright red. "..i can't? why not?" "it's improper! it's rude! it's... it's..." "it's against the human rules." Bruce informed loki when Steve failed to articulate. "...oh. and since i live with humans, i have to live by human rules... fine." he grumbled before he blinked at Sigyn. "why would being married to you prevent me from exploring magic? if i can explore magic here on earth, and you where always so supportive, i don't beleive it." Loki admitted with a shrug. "whatever happened, it certainly couldn't have been your fault."

Clint sighed a little but smiled as he nodded. "alright." he agreed, picking at his food as Loki snarfed his down and then resumed snuggling with Tony. "i'm glad i raised my children to have their priorities straight." Loki teased with a grin as Bruce settled down next to Hela. Fenris was still with Pepper, who was sleeping again. better, but still easily tired. and a long round of Mortal Kombat on the game system had proven to be a bit too much excitement for her. for such a skinny woman, she got very competitive.
"Well, it sucks, and eventually they'll know it. We'll just take care of the world until then."Sigyn smiled a little. "...No."Tony swallowed hard shifting a little, trying to get comfortable and glad he was wearing loose cargo jeans even as he watched the other two blush. "Oh. so it would be against the rules to ask about tony's sex life?I mean, I've always wondered when he first had sex."Sigyn snickered from where she was curled up between clint and steve, nibbling on her food. "No its not. And I was in college." "...didn't you attend college at 13?"Natasha mused looking amused. "I did, but I was trying to spare the good captain's sensiblities."tony snickered a little. "Well, okay then if you don't think so..."Sigyn said smiling at her a little.

"...Our priorities are to give you grandchildren, since you seemed to think that's all we're good for." "It is. Eventually. I want little people, Jor, and you did make a adorable baby serpent."Sigyn snickered a little looking amused at the look on natasha's face at the idea.
Loki blinked a little. "it does suck... why are we protecting the world?" he asked, looking puzzled before he blinked at Tony with a grin. "well, alright, we won't have sex in your lab then." he promised in a tone that meant Loki was lying through his teeth and wanted everyone to know it, which made Hela and Sleipnir snicker. "you lost your virginity at thirteen?" Loki asked, sounding quite impressed. "i don't remember when i lost my virginity." he hadn't had sex with Sigyn until after they'd graduated the academy. shortly after, it was found out that Sigyn was a spy and they had to get married. it wasn't until three years later that Loki realized he was gay hen he got drunk at a private party and shortly after little baby Jormungandr was on his way. "i must have been old before i finally had sex." Loki complained with a sigh. "...good god Tony!" Steve complained, looking stunned. "could you even... you know. get an erection at that age?" both Clint and Bruce both nodded and Steve stared at them. "i was masturbating all the time by the time i hit twelve." Bruce admitted. "eleven for me." Clint admitted. "but most of us had parents who weren't dicks, so we had boundaries. and sex was one of them. besides, i'm more worried about the pedophilia women who seduced Tony." "yikes. they could still be out there, seducing other genius children and stealing their innocence."

"grandchildren?" Loki asked, blinking a little. "it would be nice to have a baby..." Loki admitted as he munched on his noodles. "you had four, isn't that enough?" "Jotun tend to have dozens of babies in our long lifespans." Loki admitted simply. "someday, i want another." he admitted with a nod as Hela laughed, Sleipnir snickering a little as he shook his head. "sorry, but i never intend on getting married." he admitted with a grin. and honestly, out of everyone in the house, Sleipnir was the only one who was single. granted, being mostly horse, he was probobly going to go out and get himself a harem of females. as horses tended to do.
"Because that's what we do."Sigyn snickered. "Besides, its what your boyfriend does in his spare time." "I did."Tony rolled his eyes a little looking amused. "That's cause we didn't have sex until after the academy."Sigyn snickered amused,"We were about 24."Sigyn amused looking amused as she watched everyone discuss tony's sex life. Amused that while they might protest, they were still the ones who were pursuing the topic. "Of course. I was just putting it to better use then self abuse."Tony snickered amused that they were even discussing this, looking at steve."How about you, cap?We've all shared. I wanna know."He smirked a little before making a face. "No they're not. They're not teaching anymore, I'm a pervert, but even I have some boundaries guys.....I just had none when I was young. I made sure they weren't teaching anymore."Tony said snickering a little because he'd quietly taken care of the 3 teachers he'd slept with. While he'd been a whore at a young age, hed' waited until 16 to really let loose, and then with teenagers his own age, it had only been when he was really young that he'd gone for the older women who could teach him everything. As he grew up, he'd settled into hanging out with people his own age....well at least the female half of them.

"It would wouldn't it?"Sigyn smirked a little watching them, shifting slightly, setting her bowl down when she was done eating, shifting to lay down, her feet resting across clint's lap, head resting in steve's. Not about to admit to how much she shared the desire, even if it scared her silly. "....just think about it. Stark as a father."She snickered over the idea. "oh god....the science babble would never stop."Jor smirked a little before looking amused at his brother's words, because he just knew his brother was going to end up with a lot of women instead of just one.
Loki blinked. "what, like Superheros? how boring, who wants to risk their life all the time?" he looked at Tony. "i demand you quite. you humans are already so fragile i won't have you risking your life as well." he ordered with a sniff, Clint Bruce and Steve all laughing at Loki. "i guess he doesn't remember the Iron Man suit." "the what?" he asked before blinking at Sigyn, making a face. "i can't beleive i actually had sex with you." he groaned, shaking his head before he blinked at Tony, head cocked, confused. "self abuse? whats that?" he asked, his head tilted. Steve had gone bright red and was now looking away from everyone, but Clint and Sigyn would hear the muttered "this morning" he said under his breath. Clint gaped at Steve and then smirked, feeling quite pleased that he was Steve's very first Blowjob. no wonder the guy was so shy and blushy. "well as long as the teachers where fired. sicko perverts." Clint grumbled. "children are supposed to be sacred after all, people who rape, or seduce kids don't deserve to be out amidst the rest of us." Bruce stated. "you have no idea the number of kids i used to have to patch up because they where being sexually abused. especially in the third world countries."

"i wouldn't mind having a baby." Steve admitted, looking surprised as he suddenly found himself with a lap full of sigyn, offering her a smile as Clint nodded. "yeah! someone i could teach all the best assassin skills to, OW!" "you are NOT teaching a child to kill!" "...why do you always have to hit me in the arm!?" "because hitting you in the head is too dangerous. there's nothing but Bone up there. all you're brains are in your dick." "hey, that's mean!" Clint complained. "i'm impressed. clearly i'm already a good influence on you, OW!"
"No, besides I enjoy it.Tinkering with my car gets boring after awhile."Tony smirked kissing loki's head before shrugging. "I built a suit of armor to fight in. And it flies. It's fairly hard to hurt me in actually."Tony said amused before smirking at loki, "Masturbating. You know, you do it to yourself instead of someone else. Self abuse."Tony explained smirking before raising a eyebrow at steve before starting to laugh quietly. "That's fairly amusing, cap. Clint, you're goign to have to tease him more. He gets so cute when he blushes."Tony teased before nodding, studying the two men. "They are. And they aren't anywhere near kids anymore."Tony said twitching a little looking away because his teen years had been hard for him, even harder then his adult years, because his dad had still been at home. Had truly screwed up his head even more, and it'd taken him awhile to get it straightened enough to know the teachers were in the wrong.

"You'd make a good mom. You'd teach them to not cuss, or fight, or to cook. unlike clint over here."Sigyn snickered giggling as clint was punched, shaking her head, smirking as her head brushed across steve's groin at the move. Wondering just how long it would take to drive the man insane....just because she said loki had to play by the human rules, didn't mean she wouldn't ignore them if she wanted to. Steve was right, gods tended to be perverted. "No they're not. Otherwise he wouldn't be as good at seducing me. And don't whine about hitting clint, its not like it actually hurts anymore."Sigyn teased rolling her eyes a little.

"...They're fairly weird together. I mean, as a couple, they work though."Tony snickered watching the three of them.
Loki sighed a little. "well. if you like it that much, and you're safe enough i guess it will be alright." he admitted with a shake of his head. "but you have to promise to call me after your done fighting, so i know your safe." he demanded, smiling a little. "and you have to let me see the Armor, i bet it's awesome!" Loki mused with a grin before he blinked. "oh." "most people do a lot of 'self abuse' Tony." Clint muttered, shooting Tony a small scowl as Steve turned even more red, Sleipnir snickering again. "i thought talking like this was against the human rules?" " is." Steve groaned, shaking his head. "but almost everyone in this room is a pervert, so it can't be helped." he grumbled, Loki laughing at poor Steve, who seamed to be the only one in the room who wanted to change the topic. Loki wrapped an arm around Tony and nuzzled his neck, offering him comfort when he felt the man twitch. "all that experience, i bet you really know how to make a person feel good though." he admitted with a grin. "you'll have to teach me all you know. as far as i know, i'm still a virgin you know."

Steve only went even more red. "i would not! i don't have breasts!" he complained, thinking he was having his masculinity threatened. cute as he was, shy as he was, feminine as he was, he was still a man and he still had a mans pride after all. "and of course i would teach my kids how to cook, being able to fend for themselves is an important skill to have. look at Clint, he'd starve to death if it wasn't for me and Natasha, and now you." Steve pointed out before glancing at Tony. "...remind me never to leave Tony and Loki alone in the Tower... they'd starve to death too..." Loki just nodded. Steve made a small sound of distress as he felt the head rub against him and he flsuhed as most of the room turned to look at him. "Hangnail..." that was a pretty pathetic excuse. "it does too hurt! he always hits me in exactly the same spot! it gets tender there after a while." Clint grumbled, rubbing his arm.
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