
"Well. At least I'm not the only one sho knows hes going to be pissed."zigyn snickered a little before nodding."no.yelling at thor is hardly ever worth the effort since he doesn't listen,but at least asgard is nos aware there's a new demi'll protsct him."sigyn sighed before frowning a little. "Find steve...its not like him to not be in touch...I'm worried."sigyn muttered truly scared for the man before looking up startled moving over to clint,hesitating then wrapping a arm around his waist."come on,you need to rest."she muttered nudging him back towards the bedroom not wanting to have this conversation in public."I changed you into a demi were dying clint. Thr knly way I could savd you,was to force your body into bding part asgardian...the eyes are just a manifestion of the'll probably find your eyesights might have gained some new talents to."she said overexplaining because she was scared. She was rarely scared,ut ahe knew what clint was like in a fight,she was actually worried he'd lash out at her.

"Badly."tony said pale as he considered his injuries wincing."I don't know ehat to tell you. They surprised you I guess...not sure why you didn't blast them except they might have beaten you unconcious with the first blow...I dunno reindeer,I just know they hurt you."tony sighed wuietly holding the man's hand. More at ease with liking him,needing to touch them then he had been before loki got hurt. Looking akused as he watched the man fall asleep,looking around before climbing in bed with him,snuggling him as he fell asleep to.
Bruce nodded. "i'll get on that." he promised. "i had hoped he was at the hospital with Tony." he admitted shaking his head. "i'll call Fury too, if Steve isn't there, then he can help me look." he admitted as he watched Clint freaking out. "i have letters in my eyes! LETTERS! and not even letters that i can read!" Clint complained, completely panicked. "i can't beleive you made me a Demi God! what the hell is wrong with you!? didn't Loki say it was dangerous!? maybe i didn't want to be a Demi-God?" he was just ranting now, too confused, upset, and angry to do anything else. "i don't care about new talents!" he raged, running a hand through his hair. "i still haven't gotten over the LAST set of changes i want through, and i was a teenager then! wasn't there ANYTHING else you could have done!? now i'm some kind of... kind of..." he paused breathing hard. he was a freak, but then, so where most of the avengers. he sat down, right there in the hall, and started to sob into his knees. this was too much. just too much. and he still felt itchy, sort of tingly all over as the magic worked on his bones and muscles and skin, fixing the damage of battle and age.

Loki snorted a little. "stupid human brats... this is why i hate kids. i'm never having them." oh dear... he'd forgotten his own children... that was not going to end well. he didn't even twitch when Tony crawled in with him, though he did groan as the blankets where shifted away from his body.

meanwhile... they'd found Steve. fighting Hydra, or who he had thought was Hydra, in the middle of the park. he was dressed in jeans and a T for once, but acted as if he was still in spandex. he kept hurling sticks at things, thinking it was his shield, and battled invisible enemies that only he could see. he screamed for a man named Bucky, and attacked anyone who got close enough to touch him, thinking they where another enemy. he was in a full blown mental breakdown.
"They say something about your eyes.if you'd let me look,I can read."sigtn snapped to scared to be calm before taking a deep breath to calm herself,shuddering a little. Refusing to be to scared of her husband."me?I thought I was doing a good thing saving you after I got you killed! And it is dangerous. I nearly killed us both,id appericiate it if you were a little more grateful to be alive!"sigyn said starting to lose her temper.she wasn't good at not yelling, at not being hurt that he wasn't okay with this.though she logically knew why he wasn't okay, the woman was still hurt."..oh clint.."she muttered her anger disappearing as she moved to sit next to him, biting her lip not wanting to touch him,scared that he'd freak out again."I'm sorry clint...I was scared...I didn't know ehat else to were dying.."

Natsha cursed as she came into the park,having gotten back just in time for the call that steve was losing it." any ideas how to get to him?think we can get his attemtion without hurting him?"natasha said as she caught sight of bruce walking into the park turning to look at captain.glad that while he struck out anyone he hadn't hurt anyone yet. Thouh she had no idea how to fix this,she had a idea of what caused it.
Clint snarled at her. "no! you'll do something else weird to them!" he complained, clapping his hands over his eyes so she couldn't look. knowing he was being irrashional and childish, but unable to care... it was his eyes! they where his only living. it was his ability to see better than anyone else that made him who he was, the amazing Archer he was. if he lost his eyes. if they changed... then what would he do? he couldn't be an Archer, and archery was his life. he had always been an archer, even longer than he'd been a Barton, longer than he'd been an Agent. he'd picked up a Bow and arrow for the first time at four years old, still living in an orphanage because his mother had been sick in the hospital, and his grandmother couldn't get custody because she was blind. his eyes where the only thing he had going for him, to have them threatened so suddenly... anyone would break down. "...i'm sorry too..." he whispered. "i shouldn't have yelled at you. i'm scared... what is... what is going to happen to me?"

"not a clue..." Bruce admitted. "i'd normally call Clint and Sigyn, but they're dealing with a breakdown of their own right now. Sig had to turn Clint into a Demi God and it affected his eyes. he's completely freaked." he admitted, shaking his head. "so i came when Fury told me that Steve was becoming a danger. at least he hasn't hurt anyone yet..." he muttered, shaking his head a little. "we might have to... knock him out." Bruce admitted as Steve attached a statue, decapitating it rather easily. "oh that's going to give me some nightmares..."
Sigtn flinxhed dropping her hand watching him for a moment trying to decide what to do to help. Resting her forehead against his shoulder she hesitated before wrapping her arms around him."I'm sorry...I know. I wish I could have asked first.."she swallowed hard knowing this probably woulsnt be the last fight they had about it,but at least this was the past for now."you'll live'll be stronger...your eyesight will probably get better...godhood usually manifests as talents you already have...let me see the runes love...I miht be able to tell..,at least get a idea..."she muttered looking worried.

"Bloody hell.he's going to hate that."natasha cursed knosing just how badly her partner was going to freak paling slightly."yea...that's definitely going to be nightmares.."she agred watching steve decapitate the statue."well..since we have to deal with him without the two who'd really get to him...we can do this.."natasha muttered to herself before heading towards steve."steve?rogers, its me natasha. Can I help?"he asked watching him ready to leap away
he shuddered as she touched him, but he didn't pull away. "...was i really dying?" he asked softly. "i can't remember... it wasn't like the last time. there was just, pain, and i remember desperately trying to reach someone, but i couldn't see who it was. i can't remember..." probobly because he hadn't actually died this time, which seamed to be much more traumatic. he finally looked up, opening his eyes, letting her see the runes. there where dozens of them, tiny, but very legible. runes for almost everything. thermal optics, like what a snake used in the darkness, he could spead his eyes up, making everything else look like it was in Slow motion, he could even 'zoom in' to see things further than any human. he now literally had a hawks eyes, or even better. he could even see ultraviolet, and X-ray if he wanted to. he had, literally, the best eyes in the nine worlds... not that it would be much of a comfort to him, especially as he had to learn how to control it first.

he nodded. "yeah he burst into the kitchen screaming to know what she'd done to him... his eyes are..." he hesitated and then. "weird now. their really green... like, glowing green. like... my green." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i thought Hulk was going to jump him." he admitted, looking vaguely disturbed. "Get out of here!" Steve raged at Natasha, "Civilians aren't supposed to be here! Bucky! get her out of here!" Steve demanded to empty air before pausing. "Bucky!!!" it was a panicked sound this time and he dove for someone, landing hard on the ground, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Bucky don't leave me!!!" "...yeah, we're going to have to do this the hard way, before the men in white coats come..." he admitted, glancing at her. "don't suppose you have any tranquilizer on you?" he asked as Steve attacked whoever wasn't bucky in his mind, swinging fists and flinging imaginary weapons and Clint sighed. "alright, i got this." he muttered, crouching and waiting for the right moment before pouncing, grabbing Cap in a bear hug. Steve did the only thing he could do, he stated to scream, kick, bite, wriggle, and all around flail. Bruce helped as Steve tossed his head back hard, twice, shattering Bruce's nose, whose eyes flared green at the pain before fading back to their pretty gray blue. "let's get him back to the tower! tie his feet so he stops kicking me!"
Sigtn nodded wincing,letting him go when he flinched.looking sad before she read the runes,"you were. Posioned and gunshot, the posion was of asgardian make...not something I could combat or fix fast enough to keep you from dying from it as a human....once you were strong enough I had a chance to fix it."sigyn sighed wuietly as she read the runes,eyes widening slightly."I know this isn't what you want...but you hsve thermal optics,you'll be able to find targets without seeing it...x-ray and you can slow things down into slow motion to shoot at it...almost anything you're eyes could have gotten a upgrade got it. Hawk's eyes,you'll see things from far away...but it'll be difficult to get a handle on until you learn control."she whispered quietly,looking away from him staring at the floor.bracing for whatever else he was going to say.

"Hey,I'm not a civilian captain."natasha said glancing at bruce nodding."I do.hold him,lets get him out of here."she growled quietly as she pulled the syringe,waiting until bruce had a hold on him and slipping the needle into steve's arm."I'm sorry."he muttered waiting until steve slumped before looking at bruce."you okay?"he asked slipping a arm under steve's,helping bruce get him back to the car to get him back to the tower.hoping sigyn and clint where stable enough for the moment to help steve.knowing there were probably the only two who could help.
he swallowed thickly. "so someone in Asgaurd tried to kill me..." he whispered, closing his eyes. "...Thor, tried to kill me...." he whispered. "and he damn near succeeded... i thought he was my freind, but... i guess he had us all fooled." he admitted, closing his eyes once she read the runes. looking out them, frightened him a little. who knew what he would see, or how he would see it now. " heat vision?" he asked, his head tilted. "and night vision?" he asked, sounding slightly more interested now as he opened his eyes again. they where too weak right now to actually use the magic they had given, they needed more rest, but Clit didn't know that. "well... how long will it take me to learn how to control them? if you tell me years i'm going to get really angry." actually, it would probobly only take a week or two, knowing how stubborn Clint was, and how dependent he was on his eyes. "i wish Thor was here." Clint growled. "i could really go for a bit of murder right now." he admitted before he sighed and leaned against her. "i'm so tired... and everything... sort of itches, deep inside... it's annoying..." he admitted. "will i have magic now? like you and Loki?"

Bruce nodded, holding the Cap as best as he could, but he was a squirmy little bitch, and even using the Hulk's bit of strength he could access as a human was barely enough to restrain the Captain long enough for the drug to kick in. the crowd that had gathered clapped, impressed with the careful way that they had handled 'the crazy man', Bruce dropping Steve to clutch his nose. "oh GOD no i'm not ok!" Bruce complained, his nose gushing with blood now. "he shattered my nose! god this hurts!" he groaned, trying to clear his head. "talk about an instant headache!" he complained as he helped her carry Cap to the Car and back to the Tower. "Hela! where's Sig and Clint? Clint's having a major mental breakdown, he doesn't seam to recognize anyone." Bruce admitted, Hela blinking in surprise. "well... Clint's having a psychotic break of his own... so..." Hela admitted, looking hesitant. "i'll go tell her..." Hela promised, turning and heading up the stairs while Bruce carried Steve to his own bedroom. maybe something familiar would snap him out of it. the tranquilizer wouldn't work for long. not with that super serum in his system. Steve was already starting to stir.
"Yea.that's what I was thinking.and I'm sirry...I hadn't considered he'd go so far to try and kill you. I'm so sorry..I should have known being mortal would put you in danger..."she swallowed hard tears in her eyes as she struggled for control before nodding slightly."yea. Both actually."she said smiling slightly."and it'll be a few months,or weeks if you really work at it...but don't try. You'll strain them to don't want to hurt yourself."she said wuietly looking worried about him pushing himself to hard before smirking that deadly little smirk,sigyn might not be as bloodthirsty as clint and natasha,but she could be just as cold when someone had hurt someone she cared for."that'd your body'll probably be taller,more're body's trying to adjust...and maybe. Considering how much I had to rework to change you, you will never match me or loki for magic,but you might be able to do a bit."

"Yea a broken nose will do that. Just hang on hela can heal it as soon as we get back."natasha said looking nervous as steve started to stir,hoping clint and sigyn were together enough to help. Following bruce and steve downstairs to steve"s room ready to traw him again if he needex it.

"Hela?what is it?"sigtn said craning her neck to look at her daughter from where her and clint where sitring on the floor.
he shook his head. "it's not your fault that Thor turned out to be a backstabbing bastard Sigyn." he stated, offering her a scowl. "i married you because i wanted the chance to love you the way i knew i could... i might be a little upset at you right now, but that doesn't mean i don't love you. i do." he promised, taking her hand. "this is just... another challenge that i have to get through... and i can get through it..." he muttered, biting his lip. "i'm sure i can." he admitted with a sigh. "i just... need a little time is all." he muttered. "it's... my eyes..." he struggled to explain just why this was such a big deal to him before he sighed, failing. how could you explain something like that? "well... maybe i'll be able to beat Steve from time to time now." he mused, hating to admit that this was a good thing... but at least he wasn't dead. "...Steve had a full on emotional breakdown in the park. Natasha and Bruce had to drug him to get him here. can you see him or should i use magic to keep him asleep for now? i need to fix Bruce's nose, Steve shattered it." "he what? that's not like him..." "Steve didn't know it was Bruce..." "...damn that is bad..." Clint muttered with a grimace. "come on Sig, let's see what's wrong with Steve." "he keeps screaming for someone called Bucky." Bruce explained, having follwed Hela. "can you heal my nose Hellcat?" he asked hopefully, Hela giggling at her nickname as she examined Bruce's banged up face. "ouch. he got you good... i won't be able to heal this straight..." "as long as it stops hurting."
Sigyn sighed quietly, "True."She muttered blushing ever so slightly at his words, relaxing, realizing that he did indeed still mean the words, tightening her grip on his hand, that showed just how scared she'd been that he'd turn away from her. Shifting she rested her forehead against his shoulder, "And you're not going through it by yourself you know. Between me and loki we can help you get control..."She muttered before nodding. "I know...I don't....know exactly, but I know how important it is for you. I promise it'll make it better, not worse, love."She muttered swallowing hard before looking up at hela, paling. "No...we'll be right there."She muttered pushing up off the floor, helping clint up. Raising a eyebrow at her daughter, before smirking at bruce. "You'll look good with a crooked nose. More rugged, you know."She teased before stepping into Steve's room, holding a hand at her side, prepared to knock steve back to sleep, moving closer to the man as he woke up."Steve?It's Sigyn and Clint. You okay?"
he offered her a hesitant smile and nodded. "i know... i know i'm going to get angry about this again, but it's... i'm scared." he admitted. "even though you're here, i still don't know... if i'll ever be able to shoot a bow properly again with eyes like these... and their so... so... weird!" he complained with a sigh. "i don't understand why freaky things always have to happen to me... first it was haunted houses. then it was gods, now this." he grumbled, but considering the way he was snuggled up to Sigyn, it was mostly just hot air. "you know... we just can't catch a break." he muttered, shaking his head. "if it's not one of us, then it's one of the people we love. ugh." he grumbled. "we're like Fate's plaything." "more like Fate's bitch." Bruce commented. "she bends us over and gives it to us whether we like it or not." "...lovely imagery there Bruce." "your welcome." Clint just snorted. "you have been spending WAY too much time with Tony." "probobly."

Steve groaned as he rolled onto his side, trembling on the bed as if afraid. "S..Sig? you have to... run away..." Steve pleaded. "please, run away, he'll get you... you have to... to protect Clint..." Steve pleaded. "i have... to, save Bucky..." he stated, struggling to his feet. "they're coming... i have to... have to stop them." "stop who Steve?" "Hydra. and the Natzi. i have to stop them." "fuck... he's having a flashback..."
"Well, as long as you're aware we're going to argue about this again..."She muttered before sighing softly, barely hiding a flinch because it truly scared her to argue with him. "They're weird, because you're not used to them.You'll figure them out."she muttered but looked relieved that he was snuggled up to her, "WE can't. But at least tony's not here to watch this. He's losing his mind as it least he didn't know you nearly died...or steve's like this...he's probably losing it as it is..."She muttered staring at bruce."...Definitely to much tiem with tony. You are never to mention that imagery to tony, we'll get a descriptive and unpleasantly detailed description on how fate owns us."sigyn whined a little.

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere. I don't run, you know that. Beisdes, clint's here with me. And I can protect you both."Sigyn said quietly easing closer to the bed, crouching down next to it, nodding as she looked up at clint."Damn...well..."She swallowed trying to think of how she helped loki through his, not sure how well it would work with steve. "Sweetheart, do you think anyone's going to get through me, and my awesome amazingness?I'll protect you...and bucky.... . Do you remember where you are?You're at tony's, remember Steve?You already beat hydra, steve, and the nazi..."she muttered the ego and comfort pouring into her words a blend of what she did with loki, usually shocking him into seeing her again, and what she thought steve needed most, to belong, to be cared for.
Clint snorted. "oh yeah.. we're going to argue about this a lot." he growled before he smirked. "and we're going to finish it with angry sex. there's nothing better than angry sex." he admitted with an impish grin before he groaned. "Tony is already close to his own snapping point after what happened to Loki. we simply can't afford to have Tony break down too. probobly best that Tony is at the hospital right now." he admitted with a sigh as Bruce smirked at them. "oh i am so going to mention that imagery to Tony." he admitted with a snicker as Clint groaned and followed Hela. "no... have to... run... everyone runs... everyone leaves me..." Steve muttered, tears filling his eyes. "i can't lose Bucky too..." who would have thought that Steve would have abandonment issues? "...i..." he frowned, confused. "at.. Tony's? but Tony's dead. he left. he's dead..." Steve muttered. "everyone's dead. all around me... all dead. Bucky's... dead." he muttered. "Clint's dead too... saw him. all bloody and cold. dead..." he muttered and Clint scowled a little. "i am not dead Steve Rogers!" Clint growled. "and i'm certainly not going to leave you!" and with that he did the one thing he probobly shouldn't have. he kissed Steve, intensely. with tongue. Steve sat there, frozen, too stunned to move before he punched Clint hard in the face. "Clint! what the FUCK!?" Steve demanded, so shocked that he snapped out of it. "you... you... you just kissed me!" "i did... felt wonderful too... though i could do without the rough foreplay." he admitted, rubbing his new black eye as steve sputtered and spluttered.
"I've never had angry sex. I'll have to take your word on that."She snickered a little before nodding. "he is. Tony can't know about this, until after it's taken care of."Sigyn agreed before groaning. "noooo. You can't do that. Telling tony is cruel."She whined before looking at steve, frowning slightly. "Hey, we're gods now you know. Well, I was always a goddess, but Clint's a demi-god. He's not going anywhere, even if we argue about it."Sigyn rolled her eyes a little looking up at her husband worried, not sure how to make this work before startling as cling kissed steve, staring, and resisting the urge to squirm. That was just to good of a picture. "...You like rough foreplay, birdbrain. And you probably shouldn't have done it...cause that means I get to do this now..."Sigyn smirked at Clint, before leaning forward, sliding her fingers through steve's hair and kissing him slowly, just as intensely as clint's kiss, before leaning back to look at him. "clint...sorry. Gotta tell you, super soldier's better at kissing."She turned looking up at her husband, snickering, her eyes hazed with lust and worry, amusement bright in her eyes though. Teasing clint, and knowing he'd know she weas just giving him a hard time. He knew exactly how good she thought he was.
he nodded. "it's amazing." he admitted with a smile. "it's like your rage amplifies the pleasure." he admitted with a laugh before he sighed. "Tony might find out anyway, but we won't tell him." he agreed before he focused on the problem at hand that was Steve. "yeah i do, but that was a little too rough." he admitted with a chuckle as Steve continued to splutter and stutter in shock before he went bright red and tense again as Sigyn kissed him. too shocked to kiss back, but too shocked to fight too. "i...i...i...i..." Steve stated, completely broken... and very hard. "well at least we know he wants us... you want me to take care of that for you Steve?" Clint asked, palming Steve's erection, making the Captain America moan and nod. "i..i...i..." but ht was nodding, and he was unbuttoning his own pants, so he was certainly willing. "what do you think Sig, should i suck him off, or do you want to?" "oh god..." steve moaned, shuddering hard. "this is wrong, so wrong..." he groaned, but didn't fight as Clint unzipped that zipper. "tsk... no underwear captain?" "i d..don't like the feel of these modern underwear, they're too...oh my god!" he gasped, shutting up as Clint wrapped a hand around Clint's length and stroking it. "wow, it's bigger than i thought." Clint admitted with a grin as he smirked at Sigyn. "i can't imagine how this would ever fit inside of me." "...oh god oh god oh god oh god..."
"Ahhh, I'll have to remember punches aren't good."Sigyn teased looking amused as she glanced at steve before looking at steve again."Hmmm...that's true. Definitely very interested."She mused before looking at clint,"I think you got the job this time. I have every intention of taking care of you."She hummed a little, sounding pleased and amused as she watched them,"Who knew he was packing a weapon that big..."She teased a little looking at clint, undoing his pants, settling on the floor in front of him, making sure steve was watching them. "hm, me to. We'll have to test it out. I mean, I bet it'd feel amazing to have him working that into you..."She hummed quietly looking amused as she slid her mouth down over clint's cock, teeth scraping along sensitive skin teasingly.
Clint snickered a little as Steve went bright red, wondering what the hell was wrong with these two! "alright, and then i'll take care of you once we leave Steve a puddle of goo on the floor." he promised with a grin at her. that was one of the good things about Clint, he never left his partner unsatisfied. "god yes." Clint growled, stroking Steve up and down, watching the super soldier tremble and gasp. "i'll have to make sure to train him well though, i wouldn't want him to injure me with this thing. don't you dare thrust steve, i don't want a gaping hole punched in my throat." he teased with a snicker before he yipped and moaned, arching into Sigyn's mouth. "fuck! Sig... give a guy a warning... god that feels good!" he moaned before lowering his own mouth onto Steve, grinning as the super soldier came completely unglued.
"Hmm he'll definitely be a puddle of goo on the floor."she agreed blushing ever so slightly at the promise of pleasure because she knew clint loved watching her lose control.raising a eyebrow at clint's yip and complaint she ran her teeth a little firmer over his length,the look on her saying that if he was goinv to bitch,she was going to stop. Rolling her eyes a little she smiled around clint watching steve,needing to know he was okay with this.

Tony sighed auietly as he stepped into the tower,helping loki walk.while he was still weak and amnesiac there was nothing the hospital could do that they couldn't do at the tower. If anything they were better here with two skilled healers in residence.and he glared at bruce and natasha as they looked at him,having managed to stay calm until he saw the two he was pissed at,but now that he was home.."did neither of you consider that fury would call to ask if steve was under control, or if clint survived?and that jarvis would kick it straight to my cell lhone?would you two exllain why I had to hear it from fury?"he growled the only reason he was this calm.was he didn't want to upset loki.
Clint grinned at her and nodded. "definitely." he agreed with a growl, offering her a pout when she raised an eyebrow at him, moaning as she ran her teeth along his length again. "f..fuck i love it when you do that." he moaned as he enveloped Steve again, who was a panting, writhing mess on the floor, one hand tangled in Clint's hair, the other covering his mouth in a desperate attempt to not be so loud. he looked so adorable, face red and twisted in pleasure, writhing on the floor as Clint sucked him off, muffled noises spilling from his mouth as he whimpered and moaned, panting hard as he struggled to maintain some form of control. "god he's sexy like this." Clint growled from around Clint's cock, choking a little as Steve arched, thrusting. apparently that had felt damn good.

Bruce winced when he caught sight of Tony. "Tony. we didn't tell you because we where afraid you'd have a mental breakdown yourself." Bruce stated rather bluntly. false platitudes wouldn't do much right now. "there wasn't anything we, or you, could have done to help Clint and making you worry when you had to focus on Loki wasn't going to help anyone. by the time we realized Clint was really going to be alright, we had to worry about Steve decapitating statues in the park. we only just got him settled in with Clint and Sigyn..." then Bruce went bright red. "i think they're having an Orgy..." "really? Orgies are pretty fun, think they'd let me join?" Loki asked, his eyes glittering with amusement as Bruce snorted. "no, i'm pretty sure you don't want to join." "why not?" "there's a girl in it." "oh gross." Loki complained, wrinkling his nose. "never mind, i don't want to join their Orgy, i'll make my own. come on Tony, help me make an Orgy. you're super sexy, so you can be the head of the Harem." Loki promised.
Sigyn hummed in agreement zround clint as she watched steve,shifting to get comfortable,before smirking as she shifted,sliding a hand down clint's back, she was going to sin and see who lost control first,clint or steve,muttering a spelled word around clint's cock was the only warning he got as she slid her fingers under his pants waistband,lubricated fingers sliding into him,searching to find his prostate,grinning wickedly.knowing the more she made clint lose ontrol the more he was going to make steve lose it.

" still would been nice to have a warniny before I had to listen to fury and try to explain why I didn't know."he whined a little because whild he knew he was overreacting nd that they were probably right in not telling him he still wasn't happy.before he raised a eyebrow "good.maybe all three of them will stop sulking now."tony grinned happy for his friends before glaninc at loki at a loss for words for a moment."if iy helps the girl in there is your ex-wife. You've had sex with her before."he teased before msking a face."hey,harem's are for women.I am not a girl!even if I agree,I am super sexy."he ehined a little as he helped loki towards his bedroom.
Clint moaned as he suckled harder on Steve who gasped and bucked again, gripping Clint's head with both hands now. too desperate for more to care about the rather feminine sounds coming out of his mouth. Clint gasped as he felt the hand sliding down. "S..Sig...ooohf...fuck..." Clint moaned, releasing Steve entirely so he could arch and lean back into the finger. "god! don't stop!" Steve pleaded, forcing Clint's head back down, locking the assassin in-between the two. Steve was rocking his hips now, fucking Clint's mouth, the assassin completely out of control of his own body as he sucked, hard and fast even as he thrust his own hips, though he couldn't control Sigyn from the position he was in, so he was at her mercy. "god... oh god... i'm close..." Steve whimpered, which only made Clint suck at his cock all the more eagerly. funnily enough, it was Clint who came first, crying out into Steve's cock as Sigyn found his prostate, spilling hard into Sigyn's mouth as he jerked, shuddered, and swallowed the load that Steve offered seconds after. "oh my god i'm going to hell." Steve complained, now hiding his face in his hands. embarrassed that he had lost control.

Bruce shrugged. "i don't know why Fury bothered to call you, you never know anything anyway." he teased. "oh, before i forget, don't mention Clint's eyes... he's... not used to them yet." he warned, Loki blinking at them all. "i was married!?" he demanded, looking horrified and stunned. "but i'm Gay!" "but you didn't know that when you had sex with her." Clint stated, which only made Loki look even more horrified. "that's a dirty lie! a dirty dirty lie! and Harem's are NOT for women! and you wouldn't be in the harem, you'd be in charge of it. every Harem has to have a master to serve." Loki admitted with a nod. "we can steal my supposed Ex Wife's men for the Harem, i bet they're pretty." Loki mused as he let Tony help him down the hall. "so who where those people anyway?" "...yeah, his amnesia's pretty bad... at least he remembers Tony." Bruce muttered. "we should warn his kids..."
Sigyn grinned around him as he complained,teeth running over his length,rolling her eyes up to watch steve coming undone.swallowing as clint came she swallowed hard,pulling away."I like you at my should happen more often."she said wiping her mouth clean,she shifted laying dosn next to steve,her head pillowed on her hand as she looked down at him,blue eyes intrigued and vulnerable.bdcause she'd known he wantec clint, could a goddess really be that vulnerable in thinking that she wouldn't be accepted?yes,it seemed that it was true.that she was scared dteve would turn her away, and clint would walk away to have steve instead of her...despite thdm talking about it,she couldn't be that trusting,not when in four thousand years she'd never had anyone want her simply for her."you okay?"she gave him a small timid smile as she considered the super soldier.

"You got that backwards banner.I know everything.and what do you mean about clint's eyes?"tony snickered before starting to laugh at loki's reaction."you two were quite the adorablr couple." "Tony stop teasing him."natasha said rolling her eyes before looking at loki."I wouldn't try that.your ex wife is also a sorceress loki,hes liable to turn you into a newt or something."natasha pointed out. Tony pouted looking at loki."are you saying I'm not enough for you?you have to have a harem?"he asked giving loki those puppy dog eyes. Natasha nodded looking at bruce."very good thing he knows tony,otherwise wed be fucked..."she stood."I'll go warn them."she muttered going in search of jor and the others.
Steve was still holding his hands over his face, too embarrassed to face them. "no... my brain melted." Steve complained. "and i had sex with a married couple... it's so wrong." Clint laughed. "why?" "...what do you mean why!?" "you're not religious Steve, so why is it wrong?" "i... well it's... getting between..." "and what if we want you between us?" "...w..what?" "well, you see, i've liked you, a lot, for some time now. just as much as i like Sigyn. and Sigyn likes you a lot too. she's a complicated woman with a temper you know, and i'm a complicated man with an even worse temper. we need someone like you to make us, work. understand?" ", not really..." "we want you to be married with us you idiot. a three way relashionship." "..." Steve gaped at them, too tunned to really say anything. he honestly didn't realize that a person could have more than one lover. "i... guess i... like you guys too... a lot..." he admitted, biting his lip. "i felt pretty lousy for a while there, when i realized i liked both of you... and then..." "and then we got married to each other and you felt heartbroken." Clint mused, his head tilted. "you never said anything..." "how could i? loving two people... it's not right..." "of course it is... after all, Sigyn and i both love two people. are we wrong?" "no!" "then how can you be?" "because... because... i just..." he sighed, sagging. "i don't know... i'm scared... what if you don't want me really?" "of course we want you Steve." Clint mused with a smile. "we wouldn't have seduced you if we didn't.... god he's cute when he does that." Steve had gone bright red and hid his face in his hands again.

"Clint eyes changed when Sigyn turned him into a Demi-God. he's pretty freaked out about it." Bruce admitted. "i was not! there's no way i would ever be with a woman! it's simply impossible!" he complained, shaking his head before he snorted. "what good would that do? i'm an inner magic, if she changes me into a newt, i'll just change right back." he stated with a shrug. "self transformation is what i'm best at. i graduated at the top of my class, the only thing i never could get a proper handle on was healing." he admitted with a sigh before he blinked at Tony. "oh... are we dating? i'm sorry... i forgot. besides what would i need a Harem for? you're the one with the reputation." loki teased. "i wasn't sure i could keep up with you, so i thought i'd bring in a few more men to keep you entertained while i fall into exaughsted heaps." Loki grinned. "that would be fun... to exaughsted to move and watching you screw other men... sexy..." Loki was as bad as Clint was!
"Oh good, that was the state we wanted you in."Sigyn muttered watching the two talk, before smiling slightly. "Oh, so I'm complicated now am I?"She teased clint looking up at him, before smiling at steve, nodding slightly. "We need a referee, especially now since he's a demi-god with all the stength and temper that goes with it. We need you."She smiled slightly though she kept her eyes down, not wanting clint to realize that she was indeed nervous about him having a demi-god's strength, at least when he was pissed at her. She was a sorceress yes, but she wasn't about to cause him serious harm, and if he lost control enough she was afraid he'd forget just how much stronger he was now. "Hey, I'm never wrong you know. I want you."Sigyn muttered shifting, before nodding as she watched steve blush. "He is. And we're not going to change our minds, we've been trying to figure out how to seduce you."She pointed out before pushing to her feet. "Now. I'm going to go get something to eat."She muttered still feeling enough out of sorts with clint nearly dying, and then suddenly having seduced steve, that she needed a few minutes to get her head together.

"Ah. Well.That makes sense."Tony frowned slightly perking up."I wonder if that means I get to make him a new bow finally."The engineer said perking up a little before looking at Loki. "You'll just have to wait to see her. she's your best friend to, so even if you think she's icky, be nice."Tony said rolling his eyes. "Well, you said once she could force you to stay in thta form, as long as she was nearby."Natasha said looking thoughtful before snickering as tony blushed. "No...but you were...uh..." "What he means is that yes, you were, he was just to chickenshit to admit it."Natasha supplied. "Hey!I was not."Tony scowled before frowning looking at loki as he stared. "...You're reputation puts mine to shame...and how is it that you remember me, but not yourself?"he whined before flushing, backpedaling. because the man was willing to admit he was attracted to loki, wanted to sleep with him, but he was still coming to grips with his sexuality. "Aren't you supposed to be resting, reindeer?"
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