
"I do. And I'll definitely be calling you.Probably in the middle of a fight, reindeer, cause you know, I'm amazing and don't have to really pay attention to win."tony snickered a little before nodding."And of course the armor is amazing." "...I'm not most people."Tony pointed out tilting his head a little as he watched steve turn even redder before scowling back at clint as the man scowled at him. Shifting a little he dipped his head, resting his forehead against the other's as loki nuzzled him, smiling slightly."That I do."He muttered nudging him a little. "And I will. Now, I'm going to bed. I haven't slept in like two days. That cat nap at the hospital doesn't count, sicne it was in a hospital bed."he whined a little.

"I meant you'd be better at teaching them to cook, or being nice then clint is."Sigyn frowned a little, "Besides. I lost my temper more then was apporaite raising those four, I could probably use help next time."sigyn smiled up at steve, tilting her head a little, looking worried she'd offended him before snickering. "True. They'd all definitely starve to death. Though, as rich as he is, tony would order food." "How do you think I lived this long?"tony snickered a little as he stared at steve, a eyebrow raising a little as he looked at the woman laying in steve's lap and the small smile playing on her lips. Sigyn smiled softly before sitting up, "Do you want me to kiss it and make it better?"She muttered to her husband, her voice going that seductive purr as she pressed her lips against his arm, yelping as natasha and jor hit her with a pillow."Get a room mom. It's disturbing."Jor grumbled rolling his eyes a little.
Loki scowled at Tony. "if you call me in the middle of a fight i'll curse you impotent for three days!" he grumbled. "and we all know you can't go without sex for that long!" he teased with a grin. "if you're saving the world, you should be focused on saving the world." he stated with a chuckle. "of course you're not most people, if you where, you wouldn't be mine." Loki admitted with a smile. "i'm ready for sleep too." he admitted with a sigh. "i'm tired and those hospital beds are horrible. and their sheets are itchy and uncomfortable. and they wouldn't let me wear clothes and their food was bad." he complained as he let Tony lead him into the bedroom. "oh! you have Silkder silk blankets! and sheets too! however did you get them!? only Asgaurdian Royalty is supposed to have these!" he admitted as he snuggled into the bed, sighing happily. "you're my most favorite person in the world Tony."

Steve smiled a little. "being that they are, who they are, i think that's understandable Sigyn. besides, all parents lose their tempers at their kids. even mine yelled at me." Steve admitted. "and i was the golden child. i had good grades, i never got into trouble, i kept my room clean... mostly. and even i drove my parents to desperation most days." he admitted with a smile. "your kids turned out pretty great, so i'd say you didn't loose your temper too bad." "yeah mom, you where great. and you never struck us, not once... well, okay there was that time when Jor Fen and i snuck into the women's bath and you spanked us, but that was the only time i can recall." Sleipnir admitted with a smile. "you where a great mother, especially since you where always there for us when we needed you, no matter what you where busy doing at the time." "yes. yes i do want you to kiss it better." Clint stated with a grin. "come on. i'm 'tired' too." Clint stated as he stood up and stretched, smirking at Steve who had gone bright red. "i'll... be right there. i'm grimy from working out this afternoon. i want to take a shower first." Steve admitted as he started clearing the dishes, Clint lifting an eyebrow. "here... i'll, uh... do this..." "no you wont! the LAST time you tried to wash the dishes you broke them all!" Steve complained with a sniff as he stalked off, Clint rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "i... wasn't allowed in the kitchen when i was younger." he explained. "so i never learned how, do anything." he admitted with a sigh. "come on, lets go to the bedroom. i want to make things special for Steve tonight. besides, i still have to give you that favor i owe you." he teased with a grin.
"That's mean. To even threaten it."Tony pouted before laughing a little as he got up, helping loki to the bedroom. "Yea, that's exactly why I don't spend any time in hospitals. A pain in my ass, and definitely annoying."Loki said before smirking as he let the other man sit down, changing into sweat pants and sliding into the bed, shifting, snuggling against the other. "You brought them with you when you moved in. Said you weren't sleeping on Earth silk since it was inferior."Tony snickered leaning over to kiss him lightly. "I'm pleased I'm your most favorite person. I should be everyone's favorite person."She smiled softly, yawning as he relaxed.

"Ahhhh...that's true. Definitely their father's children."Sigyn snickered a little but pleased, relaxing as she realized that her kids indeed didn't think she was so horrible. "Granted, we caught lady Sif naked, but that was the only time you ever spanked us. Nor did you threaten to send us to the corner like father did."Jor said looking amused. "I can do that."Sigyn smirked looking amused before rolling her eyes. "You are so cute. You're just going to get sweaty again."Sigyn teased watching steve, kissing his cheek before looking at clint in amusement, wrapping a arm around his waist as they headed for the bedroom."Well, thats okay. Me and steve will just take care of you."She smirked a little before flushing slightly, thinking about what he was going to do."Oh?So what special thing are we doing?"She said sounding curious as they walked into their bedroom.
Loki snickered a little and nodded. "i know it is." he admitted with a smirk. "but if you're going to risk your life by talking on the phone in the middle of a battle, then i'm going to have to punish you properly. you'd probobly enjoy a spanking too much." he teased with a chuckle sighing as he sat down in the bed. "earth silk is inferior." he mumbled. "certainly you have to agree?" he mumbled, already half asleep as he kissed back. "hmm. you can't be everyone's favorite. then i'd have competition." he mumbled. "and i'd hate to have to kill everyone just so i can keep you all to myself..." he muttered with a smile. wondering if Tony understood that by saying 'favorite person' he was really saying 'i love you Tony Stark'. probobly not.

Steve just went red again as Sigyn teased him but he nodded. "good point. well let me take care of these dishes then." he mumbled, Clint chuckling a little. "this is true, i'd be pretty helpless without you and Steve. Natasha certainly isn't going to take care of me anymore." he admitted with a snicker. "well, i went to the store and got a few things before i met with my... you know, accident." he admitted, touching his chest. there wasn't even a scar left. "i picked up some scented and flavored lube, and some special bath jelly. we could all take a bath together. you know, since he's a virgin, it should be special." he admitted with a smile. "my first time certainly wasn't, and i always sort of regretted it. i don't want Steve to regret anything, you know? plus, i think you'll enjoy the lube and bath too, since girls like being pampered... well, normal girls, Natasha hates it." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i feel kind of sorry for Jor..." Clint admitted as he stripped off his shirt and stretched before he froze, gaping at the doorway to the bathroom where Steve had stepped out, bright red and so shy he wouldn't even look up. how he had gotten ahead of them, was a mystery, but Clint was pretty sure he was going to die. Steve was dressed in nothing but that stupid pink apron from before. just like Sigyn had shown him before. "...oh my god..." Clint choked, so turned on it wasn't funny as Steve fidgeted. "i... you seamed to.. really like it" if Steve got any more Uke, he was really going to kill Clint.
"Ahhhh, I see. And yes, definitely enjoy spankings to much."he snickered a little shifting slightly, resting his head on loki's chest, missing the words that went unsaid, just undering some of the meaning, that he was cared for. "Of course I agree, but its still makes you a spoiled brat."Tony grumbled tired, shifting snuggling down into the bed, yawning. "Don't worry about that, I wont be going anywhere. I'll be with you."He muttered starting to fall asleep.

"Definitely wont. She's taking care of Jor now, though in truth, he's probably doing a fair job in trying to spoil her."Sigyn muttered before looking up at the other, raising a eyebrow. Startled but pleased, "Hm, if you call nearly dying and becoming a demi-god a accident."She teased a little, looking amused before grinning. "I like it. And mine was...violent. Dueling with loki with magic made interesting foreplay."She hummed a little before laughing, "I do enjoy being pampered. And I'm old enough to deserve it."She snickered a little starting to undress, pausing as she started to undo her jeans, staring at steve. "..."she turned staring at her darker haired lover, before gaping a little at the blond one. "He's going to be the death of you, if he keeps trying to please you."Sigyn teased snickering at clint's reaction, flushed and amused, so turned on her stomach hurt as her body tightened, wanting the man in front of her. Taking a shaky breath she struggled for control so she wouldnt simply jump the man. "We were planning a bath. Relax.Joining us?"She said smiling at steve as she stripped all the way down, walking closer to him, though she wasn't shy about nudity, there was a hesitance in her look, waiting for him to find some flaw, something wrong with the beautiful woman in front of her. While she knew she was good looking, being herself, being with them, made her nervous.
Loki grinned a little and nodded, smiling at Tony as he ran his fingers through Tony's hair. he loved how soft and messy the others hair was. "i've always been a spoiled brat." Loki mumbled. "i'm a crown prince after all." he admitted with a yawn. "good.. i hate being alone." Loki mumbled, in a matter of seconds, he was fast asleep.

"well if he buys her boots and weapons, she'd love him forever." Clint admitted with a laugh before he blinked a little. "well i certainly didn't do it on purpose." he pointed out before giving her an incredulous look. " and Loki where fighting when you had sex?" he asked, looking rather amused. "mine was in a side alley with the school slut." he admitted with a snort. "i had to take Penicillin for a week after that, but it cleared up. i went to a very religious school, so we didn't know about sex, sexual diseases, or contraceptives." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i know you do." he admitted with a smile. "i'm pretty good at giving massages too." he admitted with a grin. "and i know how to give pedicures. Nat taught me..." he paused. "...that really should have been my first clue now that i think about it." he admitted with a wrinkle of his nose before he simply gaped at Steve, who looked mortified, but rather pleased at the reaction as well. "a... a bath? but i... thought we..." "you thought we where going to toss you on the bed and have our way with you?" Clint asked, Steve nodding sheepishly. "well. if you where a whore like i am, we might have done it that way. but your not. your a virgin, so we have to make it special." "...special?" "yes. you want to enjoy it right? so we have to make sure you're relaxed." "but... i'm horny now..." Steve complained, Clint choking as he bit back a laugh. "well, i might be convinced to give you another Blowjob to take the edge off." he promised with a chuckle as he watched Steve devour Sigyn with his eyes, swallowing thickly. "i've... never seen a girl naked before..." he admitted, looking rather awestruck. "are they all like this? so flat in the belly?" he asked, hesitantly stroking her stomach. "i never realized boobs would look so..." "appetizing?" Clint supplied, looking amused as he watched Steve carefully explore Sigyn's body, as if he was afraid of getting his hand smacked if he touched her wrong. "she's gorgeous isn't she?" Clint asked, Steve nodding. "beautiful..." "so why are you so shy?" "...i heard women get mean if you touch them wrong..." "oh good lord Steve, she's not a cat!..."
"Oh, I'm sure he's going to get weapons and boots. And not just from earth, he has the nine realms to shop in."sigyn snickered before smirking, "We were. We were 24, newlyweds, and way to stressed. We fought alot."Sigyn said before looking at him, before starting to laugh."Oh..oh that is great. Only you would have sex in a alley at a religous school...does natasha know this?I can't believe the jokes have stopped."she teased before shuddering a little. "Yes it should have been, but pedicures are fun."She teased before looking at steve. "Yes, special.Though..if we're going to have romance, we need teh right lighting..."She smirked a little as she twitched her fingers, dimming the eletrical lights and lets soft balls of light fill the room, like captive starlight. "Hm, well clint's horny to. You in that apron is a definite sight."sigyn teased a little shuddering a little, so horny that even the air ghosting over her skin was almost to much. But she was willing to set it aside for the moment, to make sure steve was enjoying himself. Flushing softly as she watched steve watching her, "No, not all are like this. I work hard to look this good."She muttered a soft moan escaping as his fingers trailed over her stomach, shuddering like a fly stung horse as he touched her, trying to hold still so he could explore as much as he wanted. "Thanks guys, its nice knowing I'm amazing."Sigyn said though the smile on her face said she was indeed relieved to know they wanted her that much, looking amused before her eyes widened slightly at his words, turning to look at clint, wicked amusement shining in her eyes. "Well, at least not at the moment."She said amused because she could be a cat, sometimes. " "Just touch."Sigyn said simply, trying to keep the quiet, desperate whine out of her voice.
Clint Snickered a little before he pouted. "now i'm feeling jealous... Natasha's going to get better weapons than me..." he muttered before he grinned at her. "so Loki's first time was a bit of a bust too." he mused. "yes. Mom and Gran thought it would be the best place to, 'tame my wild nature'. they pulled me out as soon as they realized i was being beaten for missing prayer time and got an STD on top of it." he admitted. "but yeah, that was a pretty awesome year. i made four of the nuns quit." he admitted with a snicker. "and Natasha's first time wasn't a picnic either, she can't tease me for mine, because i know hers. but i can't tell you, i promised not to unless she told mine first." he admitted with a shrug. "lighting?" Steve asked, looking startled as the orbs floated around, looking highly impressed as Clint reached out and stroked one. "wow! that's really cool!" Clint mused as Steve flushed and tugged on the Apron, as if trying to mae it cover more. shy still, but also pleased that they liked him. "oh." Steve muttered, swallowing hard as he realized looking beautiful was hard work. he was going to have to tell her she looked nice every day. to show his appreciation for her hard work.

"oh!" Steve gasped as she shuddered, looking worried. "did i touch you wrong?" "no, she's just overly sensitive. sometimes when you're really horny, a single touch can be multiplied." he admitted. "she's just really horny." he admitted with a smile. "you should help her with that." "well... what do i do?" there was a pause as Clint stared at him and Steve flushed. "i grew up in the twenties ok!? we didn't have sex ed back then! i don't even know where babies come from! sex wasn't talked about back then until after you where married. and even then, only to the prevailing parent or to your wife. hell, you couldn't even live with a woman until you where married unless it was with your mother... so no, i don't know what to do!" "easy tiger.." Clint mused grinning at Steve. "i'll show you what to do." he promised. "move over and watch carefully." and with that he started giving a sex ed lesson with Sigyn as the subject. he showed Clint each part of Sigyn's external organs as he touched each one, and showed Steve what she liked the best before showing Steve how to give Oral with tongue, teeth, and lips. then, just to be cruel, he showed Steve how to properly finger, before moving away and letting Steve try, who was as hard as a rock and could no longer be hidden under the Apron.

Steve was all too eager to help himself to Sigyn's body, touching her delicately, teasing almost as he tasted female flesh for the first time. "she tastes good..." Steve muttered, honestly surprised as he buried himself into her folds with his tongue. fingers stroking her inner thighs as he explored a woman's body.
"Don't worry I'll get tou weapons to."she teased a little before nodding,"it seems like evryone in the tower's first time was kinda a bust."she looked amused before tilting her head."yep. Set the mood and all that."sigyn said eyes widening as clint touchdd thd ball of light, having not considered that being her lovers,meant that her magic would recognize them, and as such would make their touch against anything she created almost painfully arousing."n-no."she shuddered as she looked up at steve's worried face smilkng ever so slightly."you're just to sexy for me to be calm around."she teased looking amused.

Eyes widening at steve's question she swallowed hard,"its okay steve.don't get so worked up."sigyn muttered reaching out to rest her hands against his arms,just wanting to calm him turning to look at clint."oh damn.."she muttered because she knew that he enjoyed watching her come undone. Even as cljnt played with ber it was obvious she was coming undone, one hand buried in his hair and the other resting on sgeve's arm,fingernails digging in as she strufgled not to fall over. Soon enough she'd lost her grip on english,and her wuiet moans of pleasure were given in asgardian.

"please...more...steve...sigyn whimpered as her legs went out from under her as he explored, the sight and feel of him exploring her ever so delicately had her crashing through a hard orgasm,meeting clint's eyes as she slid towards the grounf,incapable of catching herself,and trusting them to not let her fall and hurt herself
Clint beamed at her. he loved his weapons. "well, Peppers was pretty good." Clint admitted with a grin. "she had the candlelight and everything from what i heard. Tony made it extremely special for her." he admitted with a snicker. because Pepper was almost as old as Tony was, so she'd been a heck of an old lady when she finally lost her virginity. "oh god..." Clint moaned as he touched the orb, feeling his cock throb quite painfully. it nearly drove him to his knees. "...sorry." Steve muttered, looking down at his hands. "i guess i'm nervous..." "that's why we wanted to make it special, every one is nervous their first time." Clint assured Steve, who looked a little skeptical. "i sure as hell was. i heard it hurt the first time." Clint admitted with a snort. "i didn't realize they meant the girls felt the pain..." Steve uttered a short giggle at that before he watched in fascination as he drove Sigyn wild. it was the most erotic thing he'd ever seen in his life! when it was his turn, he felt more than excited as he explored her body. he felt her orgasm, but wasn't entirely sure what had happened as Clint carefully caught her with a laugh. "...did i do it wrong?" Steve asked, looking worried as Clint burst into laughter. "no Steve, you didn't do it wrong. you made her orgasm so hard her legs gave out! that's a very GOOD thing." " when you sucked me off..." he muttered, blushing again as Clint nodded. "exactly. now you have to give her a minute to calm down or she might pass out. her body is thrice as sensitive after an orgasm, so it's always a good idea to let the woman calm down a little bit first."
Sigyn stared at him for a moment."..tony with a virgin.that's kinda a scary thought."she smiled before swallowing hard glancing at clint."...don't touch the much...seems we're all connected now..."she growled low with lust,her body strung tight before smiling reassuringly at steve.we didn't get the special time our first time around.we want to mske yours amazing."sigyn smiled before snickering at clint's admittance."you goof. Well...dors getting a std count as it hurting for you?"she teased looking at him."...nothing wrong..."sigyn winced a little as clint caught her,shuddering struggling to calm down,resting her head on his shoulder."hey steve...why don't you go run us a bath?I want to bath..."she muttered pulling away from clint carefully,standing up on her own.though on shaky legs,she was moving under her own power. "I'm okay.really."she reassured steve smiling slightly.
Clint chuckled. "Tony's actually very good about rocking a woman's world. Pepper said it didn't even hurt." Clint admitted with a grin. "though, she might have been too exaughsted to notice." he admitted with a laugh before he nodded. "yeah. no touching the magic." he agreed with a wince as he looked down at his rock hard hard on. "nah, it didn't hurt, it just itched a lot." Clint admitted, Steve making a face as he examined Clint's cock. "you've been tested since then, right!?" "Of course i have!" "just making sure." Steve stated with a smile as he got to his feet to go run a warm bath for all of them. "Hey Steve! put in that white packet too! it makes the water nice." Steve blinked before dumping the packet into the water and watched with amazement as the water half congealed, like a half set Jello. it smelled nice too, like Roses. "wow. it feels almost like lubricant." Steve muttered as he ran his fingers through the warm water, flushing as Clint snickered. "that's what it's supposed to feel like. it's for bath-time fun." Clint admitted. "and it's good for relaxing in too, because it holds the heat a lot longer." he admitted as he stripped off the last few articles of clothing before helping Steve out of the Apron. "you're putting that back on after the bath." Steve had to laugh at that as he slipped into the bath with a sigh. "this is nice." he admitted with a smile. thank goodness they had a bath capable of holding six people.
"Besides hes a demi god,they really can't get sick,otherwise loki would have caught something by now."sigyn snickered moaning quietly as she sank into her bath smiling slightly as she closed her eyes settling into the water."this feels're definitely spending more of tony's money on this clint."she teased before cracking a eye nudging steve with her hip."you okay?I mean we did kind of surprise you."she smiled wondering bow he really was feeling looking amused though."hes definitely cooking for me in that apron next time we have the tower to ourselves."she teased looking at clint.
Steve rolled his eyes. "he might have carried it over from his human half you know." he pointed out. "but yeah, if Loki could get an STD, he'd definitely have it. honestly i'm surprised Tony doesn't have one." Steve admitted as Clint chuckled. "he does wear condoms you know." "oh, yeah i guess your right." Steve muttered. "so we need condoms?" "i have some." Clint promised with a chuckle. "and i promise to spend a large chunk of Tony's money on kinky bath supplies." he promised with a grin as Steve rolled his eyes. "i'm alright. i just... thought i broke you is all..." he admitted sheepishly before he went bright red at the mention of hte apron. "i'm never going to live this down am i?" "nope. but at least we didn't take pictures... speaking of..." "no WAY are you taking a picture of me!" Steve broke in, as red as a tomato. "it's not gonna happen! forget it!" "aww... shame."
"Huh. Never considered that.Though, just think about it this way clint, you being changed is a good thing. Besides the obvious, now you can keep up with me and Steve, and we wont have to worry about hurting the human."She pointed out before laughing. "Me to. Even with condoms, you know he's a alcoholic, probably doesn't remember half the time."She said thoughtfully, though she knew that if there was anything the genius remembered, it was wear a condom. Tony was intelligent enough to know just how bad it could go. "Good...and tell him. Cause you know, he'll pout cause he's not getting any of the kinky sex supplies, not to mention not having sex."Sigyn giggled a little before blushing a little."Definitely not broken. Just getting ready for the next round."She said looking forward to seeing just how much he lost control when they got around to actual sex. "Ahhh...hold on."Sigyn smirked, that wicked little smirk. "JARVIS!" "Yes, miss Sigyn?" "Did you get catch steve in the apron in our room?" "Yes." "Good. I want a copy. And make sure Tony doesn't see it." "Okay, miss sigyn." "See.Definitely getting a copy of that and framing it."Sigyn giggled as she washed with the scented soap, just enjoying being with them.
Clint snorted. "i could have kept up with you as a human." he complained with an upturned nose and Steve smirked. "you still complain when i hit you Clint." he pointed out. "i can crush rocks the size of your skull in my hands." "...alright so maybe i couldn't have kept up with you..." Clint grumbled, sulking a little. "i think that's the one thing Tony never forgets." he admitted with a grin. "oh i am so going to tell him." Clint admitted with a grin as he soaked in the tub. "though he could have all the sex he wanted if he just gave in to Loki." he admitted with a chuckle as Steve sighed, feeling relaxed and happy. this was a lot of fun, he'd never imagined that being in a relationship could be like this. "Jarvis! You Traitor!" Steve yelped, covering his face with his hands. "you're not supposed to watch when i do things like that,. i TOLD you...." "oh?" "...he made a snide Tony comment about my... techniques when i was... er... self abusing myself..." Steve muttered, more than a little mortified as Clint burst into wicked laughter. " least Tony won't see it." e groaned, hiding his face. "i am never wearing that thing again!" he complained, Clint chuckling as he leaned over and nuzzled Steve's neck. "not even for Sigyn?" he asked pouting as Steve froze and glanced at Sig, swallowing thickly. "we...well i... m...maybe..."
"I've gone three days without eating before and showed up to the fight drunk, and still wiped the floor with thor's face.But its not need to sulk.You'll just have to get used to the new body.Definitely wont be getting old anytime soon."She teased a little before snickering, "True.Probably has a wallet full of condoms or something. And he will...eventually. He has issues."Sigyn snickered because she knew tony was resisting for his own reasons. Sigyn smiled, resting her head on steve;s shoulder, giggling a little. "No, you told me to not watch in your room, never said anything about ms. sigyn's room."Jarvis said, indeed sounding alot like tony in a mood. "Ohhh...well, I'm sure we could give you techniques for your self abuse."Sigyn teased nuzzling her face against his shoulder, before smirking at steve. "Maybe?Oh good. it was cute."She muttered shifting, sliding a hand over his chest, smirking as talented fingers started sliding lower, amusement in her eyes as she wrapped her fingers around steve's cock, giving him a experimental tug, a tease, having every intention of getting out of the tub before they had sex.but foreplay oh yea, definitely was going to tease him. "Hmm...we really should give him help clint, so jarvis doesn't get to make snide comments."

Tony frowned slightly as he sipped the glass of whiskey at his side, not even bothering to roll out from under the car as he drank, the genius having woken after tossing and turning from nightmares that were unfortunately his own past instead of something his mind made up, the man had simply decided to let loki sleep instead of waking him. Knowing the other needed his sleep, he'd headed down to the lab to get some work done, since working on the beautiful piece of machinery was the only thing that calmed his mind enough he didn't end up in a screaming mess about afganistan, or thinking about teachers that had left him scarred for years, and still hadn't really recovered. "....You know reindeer, I'm going to tie a bell on you so I can hear you coming in."Tony said as he sighed quietly rolling his creeper out from under the car to look at the man standing next to it, he should have known loki wouldn't sleep if he wasn't in the room.
Clint chuckled a little at the image of a drunk Sigyn pounding on Thor, even Steve was grinning at that thought. "well, at least i won't get old." Clint mused with a grin. "...Jarvis! i demand you stop sounding like Tony this isntant and never watch me when i'm doing... naughty... things, ever again!!!" Steve, well, demanded, face as red as a tomato. "you're such a pervert Jarvis!" he complained with a sigh. "though, considering who made you, i shouldn't be surprised..." he grumbled before punching Clint on the arm. "shut up Clint! i don't need any help with... that!" he complained before going frozen as Sigyn stroked him, swallowing thickly. he had the hots for clint, that was true, but there was something about Sigyn that made him feel all weak inside. "a..ah..." he groaned as he felt her hand wrap around his cock, thrusting hard as she tugged. "that's... not fair.." Steve groaned. "why's it feel... so much better... than when i do it?" he complained as Clint snickered and kissed Sigyn. "i think your right. but we'll have to watch how he does it first, before we can offer any pointers." " want to... watch me... oh god..." Steve hid his face in his hands again, more mortified than ever. they really wanted to watch him... do that!?

Loki looked incredibly... innocent, standing in the doorway in nothing but a dressing gown and a timid look on his face. "i... i had a nightmare..." Loki admitted, voice soft... as if expecting to be turned away. he was, of course. Odin had always mocked Loki for having nightmares, and Thor had never cared that his brother was frightened. in fact, both Thor and Odin got very upset when Loki woke them for any reason at all. "can i... stay here with you, for a while?"
"Yes, capsi-captain."Jarvis corrected himself, because he'd been ordered to not be like tony, and well, tony called everyone by their nicknames. Snickering a little at steve's protests sigyn smirked, "Hmm you really shouldn't. You should only be surprised Tony's not down here offering pointers on sex. Though if you give him enough time, he probably will."Sigyn snickered a little resting her cheek against steve's shoulder, smirking a little as steve thrust into her hand. "Cause human contact is always better then by yourself."Sigyn said kissing clint back before nodding in agreement. "True. We should...give him a show to watch. You know, live action porn."Sigyn snickered, nudging them both."Come on. Bed's more comfortable."She said scrambling out of the bed and drying off, already heading for the bedroom, pointing to the bed."Now steve, go lay down. We're going something.Over here."Sigyn smirked as she looked up at Clint, burying her hands in his hair and dragging him down for a kiss, leaning into him, having every intention of getting fucked against a wall...or the dresser...or anything that gave steve a good show, cause she had every intention of winding him up enough that he enjoyed his first time.

Tony tilting his head a little as he sat up on his elbows, watching the man."So did I. Come on, reindeer, you can help me work on the car."He said reaching out and pulling another creeper over, laying it next to his so loki could join him. While he knew loki didn't want to work on the car, or that he'd even let the other touch it, he needed to work, needed the distraction besides loki simply being there. Because loki's presence was giving him a whole another thought to chew on, falling through a wormhole...nearly dying...tony was definitely suffering from PTSD, and had no idea how to handle things. So, he worked, and in this case, was helping loki feel better.
Steve groaned a little. "i hate Tony... i hate Tony SO much..." he groaned before he blinked at Sigyn. "he wouldn't DARE! i've already beaten him up once for walking in without knocking and catching me... you know..." he grumbled before biting his lip as he moved into the hand stroking him. "live... action what?" Steve demanded, stunned. he knew what a porno was of course, they had them all over, even int he 1920's. but he'd only seen a few naughty magazines. he followed them into the bedroom, harder than ever and practically trembling in need as he went and laid down on the bed, watching to see what would happen as Clint grinned. "we're going to put on a show. feel free to touch yourself, but don't cum!" Clint demanded before pressing his mouth to Sigyn's, kissing her intently as his hand slid down, pinning her against him even as he slipped to fingers into her, moaning into her mouth as Steve gasped, and watched with wide eyes.

Loki looked so relieved that he wasn't being yelled at, that it was almost sad. "'ll let me touch your car!?" Loki asked, looking so amazed you almost wanted to laugh at him. he lay down on the creeper and slid under the car, but he didn't dare touch anything. instead, he asked questions. like what that part was, or how Tony was going to connect the engine to the Clean energy generator, or id he needed the number two, or the number three wrench.
"yea, I know, but since when does the threat of violence ever keep tony from doing something?"Sigyn teased snickered a little. "You know, Porn. know, me and clint are going to have fun while you watch."Sigyn smirked as she glanced over at him, groaning as she was pinned, hips rocking into the man's hand as Sigyn clung to Clint. "Ohhh..."She whimpered quietly, hands sliding along Clint's chest, a quiet desperate whisper the bond between goddess and demi-god tightened, and Sigyn remembered something she'd forgotten. That changing him, had left her even more vulnerable and desperate to his touch then she already was. And she suspected the longer they were with steve, and the super soldier developed his own bonds between them, it would get harder to resist and stand strong against either of them. And that scared her, but not enough to clear her head from the lust she was feeling as she ground herself against clint's hand, turning her head to look at steve, eyes blown wide with lust. "...I thought you were supposed to be doing something, steve."She teased a little.

Tony ground his teeth to keep from yelling, not angry with loki, but with thor and odin for hurting loki this badly, because he'd seen the man be so strong, it scared him that loki was so relieved to not be yelled at. "Well...maybe not touch it. I'll let you look."Tony snickered a little as he explained, and soon enough he was doing the science babble as he explained and worked. When he finished the hookup he leaned back, smirking as he glanced at loki, studying the other man for a long moment, looking at the sleepy tired god, screwing up his courage-after all, he was the tony stark, who seduced everyone, he could steal a kiss couldn't he? Smirking to himself he leaned over kissing him slowly,gently.
Steve sighed. "good point..." he groaned, shaking his head before he gaped at his two lovers. "you're... going to... just like that?" he asked, more than a little stunned. "is... is it really alright for me to..." he couldn't finish that thought, Clint was already working on Sigyn, stroking her in that perfect way of his. Steve was too stunned to move as Clint abandoned her lips in favor of sucking and nibbling on her neck, moaning as he ground himself against her smooth flesh. because while she was desperate for his touch, he was just as desperate, if not more so, for hers. it was a two way street. "i...i..." Steve flushed hard as clint snickered and nuzzled her as he slipped another finger deep inside of her. "go on Steve... if you do a real good job, we'll let you pick the position." "b..but i don't... know any positions..." "well, we'll tell you some." he promised, Steve swallowed thickly but nodded and wrapped a hand around himself, breath coming out in a stuttered gasp. "he's so cute, isn't he?" he teased Sigyn. "god.. i can never get enough of you. the more i touch you, the more desperate for more i am." he moaned as he kissed her again.

Loki blinked at Tony, looking wary as he saw Tony gritting his teeth, but relaxed as Tony simply kept talking, laughing at Tony's possessiveness. "i have a car you know." Loki admitted with a smile. "it's my baby. i worked hard for the money to buy it, and i upgraded it's motor myself." he admitted with a smile. "it would be great if you could put an amazing engine like this in her." he admitted. "..." he gasped into the kiss before he relaxed and kissed back, breaking it off with a shy smile. "see? that wasn't so bad, was it Tony?" Loki asked with a grin. "kissing a guy isn't all that different from kissing a woman... only a guy actually knows how to kiss back." Loki stated with a grin before he yawned and leaned over, kissing Tony's cheek. "thanks for letting me help Tony... it was fun, can i help on your other cars? i can get all the parts you need." he decided. "since i don't even have to get out from under the car to get them."
"Yep, just like that, and of course."Sigyn moaned laughing quietly at steve's stuttering, whimpering quietly as he worked on her. Because clint had been so very good at discovering how to pleasure her the most, it was shocking. And she just knew he was going to teach steve, which was okay, but it was going to be interesting. Having never had a lover who'd cared enough-besides loki- to want her to enjoy it as much as they did, it was overwhelming to her. Sigyn moaned her legs spreading a little wider as he thrust another finger into her, her head tilting her back as he nuzzled her neck. "Hmm...we could always show know, a quick guide on doggy...or missionary...or..."Sigyn whimpered nodding her words trailing off into asgardian, blinking hard as she tried to focus enough to speak english."he is.And I know...I can't...get enough..."She moaned one leg wrapping around his waist as she ground against him, eyes widening as she came, nails biting into clint's shoulders tight enough to draw blood as she clung to him, trying to anchor herself.

"I know. You told me about it once. Really?Never took you for a car guy really.At least not to getting under the hood."Tony said snickering because it wasn't unusual for him to be tinkering with a car, because cars made sense to him, he could engineer one in his sleep, and it was what he did to relax. But he couldn't really see loki doing that. Snickering he nodded."We'll go get it, and I'll drop a engine like this in it. It'll be fun.And prove to the stupid scienctists working for me, its not just my car that I built ground up that can take the strain of the engine, but it can replace old engines to."he grinned before blushing slightly as he watched the other, offering a small timid smile as loki broke the kiss. "No. It was fairly good actually...though, how is it only guys know how to kiss back?"He teased looking amused before sighing. "You're welcome. And it was fun. You don't just stare at me when I explain. I tried telling Clint about the car once when he asked what I was doing, and nearly got shot for my efforts."He snickered before nudging him."You can, but first you're going to go to bed."
Clint smiled as she whimpered, moaning back. he loved to drive her wild, loved to hear her lose control, loved to see her completely break under his pleasure. "god yes." he growled with a grin. "lets do it." he panted. "missionary first, i think he'll be the most comfortable with that." he admitted with a nod. "personally i think we should sandwich him." he admitted with a grin. "take both his virginity at once." "that one!... god i want that one!" Steve gasped, startling Clint, who had almost forgotten he was there. Clint laughed a little and kissed her deeply. "what do you think love, feel like taking Steve's cock Doggy style while i ride him from behind?" he asked with a grin as he slipped in a third finger and rubbed deeper inside, just the way she liked it moaning eagerly as she came, Steve whimpering. "please... i can't take any more..." Steve pleaded, Clint smirking. "i think we reached his limit love. how about we show him what sex is now? i'll get the lube." he promised, kissing her deeply.

Loki smiled a little. "i'm curious about it, since you seam to love it so much, there must be something very special about cars. so i want to learn to help. besides, i wasn't about to let some knuckle-dragger grease man NEAR my car! i HAD to do it myself!" he admitted with a smile. that was cute, Loki wanted to help, simply because Tony loved it so much. "i'm not sure where it is..." Loki admitted with a sigh. "i mean, i know it's at home... but i don't know where home is..." he admitted, shaking his head. "i'm sure your smart engine can work in anything." he admitted. "maybe you better put one in a motorcycle too, just to prove it doesn't just work on cars... use Bruce's!" he demanded with a grin. "but don't tell him or he might say no!" Loki was so naughty. "because huys are better." Loki informed Tony with a nod. he was so funny sometimes. "well, i didn't understand all of it." Loki admitted. "but the parts i didn't understand i was able to fix together in my head with the parts i did understand." he admitted. "it was like a really tough lesson. i always liked those the best." he admitted with a scowl. "he shot you?" he asked, looking worried. "where you hurt? do you want me to turn him into a bulls-eye and let people take shots at him? i can do that you know... and i'm not..." he paused to yawn. "tired. can't we stay up a little while longer?" Loki was afraid the nightmares would come back.
Sigyn nodded a little agreeing with missionary before her head snapped around,looking at steve startled at his words."yea.lets do it. I definitely like that idea."she purred quietly panting,whimpering as she came down from her orgasm nodding in mute agreement,to overwhelmed for words as she kissed clint back before pulling away and kneeling on the edge of the bed and leaning over to kiss steve eagerly,burying her hands in his hair as she considsred just what they were going to do she slid down onto the bed next to him,practically squirming in place in eagerness.

"Cars make sense to me. Ever since I was young, cars were fascinating to me. Something to let my mind wander over,cause you can always improve,even if they're completed,there's something to do."tony's eyes widened a little though at that admittance that he'd been the reason loki had learned. Swalloeing the supiciously warm feelings that clogged up his throat he smirked a little."sigyn knows where home is.just go ask her to get it."he determined before lauhing."you're right.I need to prove its not just a car engine to..I think I will hook it up to bruce's motorcycle. He'll apperciate it after he gets over being mad about it."tony snickered a little ahaking his head slightly."well I don't know about all guys,but we're definitely better then most."he smirked studying the man before smiling,genuninely smiling that small sweet smile that was so rare for the billionaire."well if you like touh lessons,you should stick gives me someone to talk to and you have just enough different perspective that you sometimes see a problem I don't."he smiled before shaking his head."he almost.did but considering this is clint we're talking about if he'd really wanted to hit me,he would have instead of putting a bullet in the engine block.....I think he figured the car would upset me more then a bodily wound."he snickered a little."besides,igyn would have a problem with you turning him into something else."he said before sighing."if you want to get a sore back from laying out here and watching me,fine by me.just don't be surprised if you fall asleep."tony said downing the last of his whiskey holding the glass towards loki."there's a decanter on the desk will you get me some more?"he asked as he started working again
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