
Loki smiled a little. "you where never a very good merchant of death you know." he admitted. "you cannot hold yourself responsible for the mishandling if your weapons Tony. you didn't know any better back then. like a child who steals candy because his father is a professional thief. only, unlike that child, you stopped when you realized it was wrong." he admitted simply. "how could you have let her go, when you didn't know she was unhappy? it's easy to let her go now, now that you know, but weeks ago you didn't, and that makes all the difference..." he paused. "i think Fenris has a crush on her." he admitted, making a face. "i'm unsure how she'll react to that..." he admitted before smirking at Tony. "you're not ready to handle me Man of Iron." he teased with a mall shake of his head. "you never make sense Tony. your techno babble confuses us all." he admitted with a yawn. "good night. i'm going to go out tomorrow and pick up my car." he admitted. "i love my car..." he admitted with a grin. "you'll probobly love it too, once you see it." he admitted as he stretched and settled into his side of the bed. "...thanks for not leaving me alone Tony..." making it so Tony had a reason to stay, a reason to convince himself to stay. an excuse so Tony didn't have to say he was staying because he wanted to. much less traumatic.

Clint snickered a little. "Thor is pretty oblivious sometimes. but even he can't be that oblivious." he admitted with a shake of his head. "he is stupid enough to cause trouble though, especially if his filthy father told him to." he grumbled with a small scowl. "i doubt they'll have sex." Steve commented. "Tony's still too... traumatized about Pepper and he's even worse about pretending he's not attracted to Loki." "you did give Loki that cheerleader outfit right?" "you gave Loki WHAT!?" Steve demanded, more than a little shocked. "S'mores!? i'm in!" "what are S'mores?" Steve asked, looking curiously puzzled and Clint nearly died. "you... you don't... of course you don't. we're fixing this now!" "hey! Clint! don't shove! quit it!"
Tony frowned, sulking."I was very good, I'll have you know. I sold plenty of things."He said sulking even if he didnt care really. "I realized it was wrong, when I got blown up by my own weapons.Totally a selfish reason to stop."He pointed out before squirming a little."True...but I know alot of things, I should have known."He grumbled before laughing. "No it doesn't.You understand me."He pointed out not even going into the topic of if he could handle loki or not. "...I will most definitely want your car. I bet I could make it into a clean energy car, now that I got the kinks worked out."he said sounding thoughtful, yawning as he settled back into the bed,snuggling into the bed."You're welcome.But no stealing the blankets okay?or going down to see my car.Its mine."He yawned as he settled in close to loki.

"I wouldn't be so sure. I have questions about thor's intelligence. I kept tellign loki not to hit him so many times in the head."Sigyn grumbled glad that the asgardian prince had returned home for the moment, before smirking. "True, but I could still hope.And I did.Though I didn't tell him what was in the bag when I handed it to him,he can figure it out on his own."Sigyn snickered nodding."A cheerleading outfit. In iron man colors."She replied in response to steve's demanded, before staring at the man already turning on the stove to make smores, "Children!Stop shoving."Sigyn scolded, sounding like a mother more then she had before, looking amused.
Loki shook his head. "no. that's not when you stopped. you stopped when you saw the ten rings holding Gulmeira hostage with weapons that you created. that's when you made the Iron Man. because being a good person, doesn't just mean that you don't bully the other kids on the playground. being a good man means you stand up to those bullies even though you're afraid." he admitted with a smile. "you realized you where a bully, and so, you became the complete opposite, and stopped the other bullies from being even worse than you where. and that takes a special kind of courage." Loki admitted with a smile. "i understand you most of the time." he corrected with a chuckle. "i'd like that. My car would really be the best in the world then. imagine, my car got worked on by Tony stark himself." he teased with a grin. "i won't touch your car." he promised with a grin. "i never did." he assured Tony. "besides, these are MY blankets. i can steal them if i please. you're the one who tears them off innocently sleeping Gods." he grumbled.

Clint and Steve both snickered at that. "Loki is pretty bad-ass in the fighting department." Clint admitted, Steve rolling his eyes. "must you curse so much?" "yes, i must." they where like an old married couple already. "so Loki might not realize what he has then. he probobly hasn't even looked at it yet." Clint mused as Steve tried to wrap his head around the idea of a man in a girls costume. yep, that was causing some 'man' problems down below. "tell HIM, not me!" Steve complained. "shut up and sit down before i kiss you quite and tie you in place." Clint ordered, which made Steve choke on his tongue.
" make it sound like a had a straight line plan going on there. I really didn't. I just wanted revenge, and if I fixed the world in the process...well, I'm amazing. And not just at fixing cars"he snickered a little looking over at the other, before frowning."You're a jerk, you know that?I was ready to go make sure you didn't mess it up or something."he grumbled."No they're not. Not anymore. They're in my tower, on my...well sorta on my bed, I own it, they're MY blankets."Tony said smiling as he shifted, tugging the blanket tighter around him."Besides, if you're innocent, then clint's a poor shot. Now shush, I want to sleep."Tony said rolling on his side, slinging a arm around loki's waist and snuggling against him.

"Probably not. I'll tell him in the morning, he can surprise tony with it."Sigyn said amused as she watched them, tilting her head slightly as she watched steve's reaction before laughing. "Clint, stop harassing the good captain. It's not his fault you can't behave."Sigyn teased glancing at steve, smirking as she shifted clint's clothes so seamlessly into a cheerleading outfit that she knew it would take him a bit to notice, leaving it just long enough for steve to notice, then changing it back before clint caught on. Definitely doing it to see how steve would react. "No choking. You have to live to eat smores."Sigyn said as she set a plate of food on the table in front of them before slipping into one of the chairs and nibbling on her food. Well, at least they were making progress in slowly introducing steve to the idea of them flirting with him
he smiled a little. "most people don't plan to change Tony. but you have to be brave in order to accept those changes." he shrugged. "on purpose or not, for good reasons or not, you did an amazing thing, and you should be proud of yourself for it." "i did know i was a jerk." he admitted with a smirk. "Tony. the only reason you are even touching these blankets is by my goodwill. do yu know, what these blankets are made of?! they are made from the silk of a Silkder. do you know what a silkder is? it is a three thousand pound spider. do YOU want to fight a three thousand pound spider for it's web? i didn't think so." he stated, narrowing his eyes at the other. "if you can afford them, THEN you can have them, and since only Adgaurdian Royalty, and banished or not, hated or not i AM royalty, is allowed to have them, there's no way you could have a set of your own. so play nice or i'll make you sleep on common place earth silk, or worse, cotton." he stated in a superior tone, simply because he loved to argue with Tony before he gasped as he felt Tony sling an arm around him. "...fine, you can claim the blankets..." he grumbled, giving in because he liked the way Tony held him.

Clint snickered a little and nodded. "agreed." he, well. agreed. "i wont stop harassing him, it's my job to make him mad." " much are you getting paid for that? because i can still kick your butt Clint." Steve warned, Clint just laughing, unaware of the sudden illusion settling over him. Steve just choked again and averted his eyes, going bright red. "i... er, have to go... to the bathroom." he decided, fleeing the room before someone noticed how hard he was.
"I don't care what they're made of, their in my tower."he said snickering before raising his head to look at loki, looking thoughtful as he did indeed consider killing a spider that big."You know, it'd be kinda like playing jonas and the whale. If I can kill one of those, I bet I could deal with this spider of yoursz."He said snickering a little before pouting. "Fine. I'll play nice, cause I don't own anything cotton. So shush."Tony rolled his eyes smiling a little against loki's shoulder, closing his eyes."Ha. I knew hugging you would shut you up."he snickered sleepily as he fell asleep.

"Not enough, since he's doing it for free. He's the special agent with a real job in this relationship, though he's supposed to be paying me to harass loki and tony...."She sounded thoughtful before smirking slightly as she watched Steve leave. "Goodnight cap!"She called after him looking amused as she slipped into her husband's lap,snuggling him and closing her eyes as she rested her head on his shoulder."You should dress as a cheerleader sometime. In steve's colors.He did like that illusion alot."She smiled tiredly, kissing his cheek as she got up. "I'm going to bed. Enjoy your smore."She smiled at him.
Loki snorted. "that was a really BAD idea Tony." he stated, shaking his head. "flying intot eh monster that wanted to eat you... SUCH a bad idea..." he muttered. "but with the Iron Man suit, i bet you could... though, you have to do it without killing the spider or it releases a gas that disintegrates everything. we usually do it in teams. a few enrage the spider and distract it, while the others collect the web." he admitted with a yawn. "it's fun sometimes... so long as you keep ahead of the spider and there aren't any babies in the nest.... then it's a shit hole in hell." he amditted before he snorted. "i didn't shut up because your hugging me..." but that was a lie and they both knew it.

Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "i don't think you should get paid for something you already do." he pointed out with a grin. "i'll have to wear a skirt." he agreed with a grin. "i'll join you." he promised, cramming his Smore into his mouth, grabbing Caps as well and snatching up both cups of hot chocolate, which he carried back to the bedroom with him.

in the morning Loki was the first one up and he headed out early. it was Tony's birthday in a week and Loki wanted to get Tony a present. then pick up his Car. he hummed as he walked down the street, not bothering to put on another identity. what was the point when the Avengers knew the truth? it was a bad idea. he wasn't sure how it happened, but suddenly he was struck in the back, hard. he shrieked as he felt something break and he collapsed to the ground, cursing as he rolled over to yell at whoever had run into him, and came face to face with three men, each holding a crowbar. the last thing Loki thought about was how pissed tony was going to be before a Crowbar connected to his head, cracking his skull and he knew no more. the kids got in several blows before the police where able to pull them off. it was an hour before someone thought to call the Avengers. had he been human, he would have died just from the blow to the head. thankfully he wasn't human, and for now... he was still alive, but he was in critical condition, and he was in surgery when the Avengers got there,trying to fix the internal bleeding and the mass of broken, and even shattered bones. things where not looking up for loki Liesmith.
Sigyn growled quietly as she paced waiting for more news about how loki was, glancing up as the lights flickered. "I...I cna't be here."she said quietly as she stepped away from clint, taking a step back towards the door. The woman wasn't emotionally stable enough to control the magic flickering through her, and it was fucking with the electronics. She couldnt risk being near any of the patients, and loki, not until she steadied enough. "Go. I'll wait outside. There's a park across the street."She said smiling as she stole a kiss, waving him on,"go. Tony needs you guys more then I do."She muttered watching the billionaire who looked a moment from a emotional collapse. And even though he looked calm as he stood near the ER operating doors, the man was definitely not doing well as he dialed home.

"Pepper?"Tony said quietly, his voice soft and scared as he stepped into a doctor's office, ignoring the looks he was getting from the nurses as he got them to leave, needing the privacy as he braced for losing loki. Having not been ready to admit that he wanted loki, needed him, but he knew he couldn't do without him. And so, despite knowing she needed rest, the man was talking to the one person who'd always been there when he needed emotional support.
Clint looked worried as she stepped back and he hesitated, glancing at Tony and then at Sigyn, torn between who he needed to help more. "go with Sig." Steve ordered. "me and Bruce will be with Tony. we know him best." he promised Clint who nodded and followed Sigyn outside, taking her hand. "he'll be alright, i'm sure of it. i mean, he's a god isn't he?" he asked, offering her a shaken smile. worried about who would dare attack someone who was living in the Avengers Tower.

Pepper answered on the first ring. "Tony! i just heard... i'm so sorry." well at least she sounded much better, not in the least bit tired. "all the kids are here in the room with me." she admitted. "they didn't want to go tot he hospital, something about their magic interfering with his... i didn't really understand." she admitted. "he's going to be alright Tony, you'll see..." Pepper tried to reassure him. "he's too stubborn to go away now. not when he finally got what he wants most." she admitted. "i'd be at the hospital with you, but Hela says i'm too weak to be moved yet... even though i feel fine." she admitted, well aware that Tony would worry about her too. "you wait and see, Loki will be up and bitching about your bedding in no time."
Sigyn sighed looking up at the man, frowning slightly, shifting to wrap her arms around him, shivering as she tried to to cry, hiding her face against his chest as she clung to him. "He is a god. But he can be killed. I-I know he can be."She shuddered shaken because of all the visions she'd ever seen, loki's death, anyone's death she cared for, the kids, clint's, the rest of the teams now....their deaths were constantly changing for her now, and it scared her badly to think this might be loki's. "...I don't think anyone knew he was living here. I mean...we teleported straight to the tower, and didn't go out into the city....he left to go get his car from our house..."She muttered almost reading his mind, but having been worried about it to, until she'd realized that most people probably didn't know where loki'd been staying.

"Good. I didn't want to worry about them....and it's the electronics. Apparently magic, if the user is emotional enough, fucks with them.Sigyn had to leave to."Tony said, so even falling apart, the man was observant. Swallowing hard he laughed quietly."...I can't lose him, pepper."He muttered before laughing, even if he sounded concerned. "Take care of yourself pepper, steve and bruce are here."he smiled strained before sighing quietly."I hope so. I wouldn't mind being bedded. I mean...yea..."Tony trailed off as he thought about what he was admitting to, before swallowing glancing up at bruce and steve as they joined him, but returning to his conversation. "Tell the kids it'll be okay. I'll let them know more when I know."
Clint wrapped his arms tightly around her, holding her tightly. "yes, he can be killed, but not by some punk kid with a Crowbar." he muttered, scowling as he realized she knew what he was thinking. "well they'll know tomorrow. a reporter showed up just after we did, curious and Bruce gave a statement. by tomorrow everyone will know that Loki was a martyr during New Yorks attack. those three punks will wish they had never been born after that story hits the papers." he admitted, shaking his head. "i think he was out looking for a present for Tony..." Clint admitted as he bit his lip. "the police found him clutching a plastic bag... they took it as evidence against the kids but they'll have it back by tonight." he admitted, closing his eyes as he simply held her.

"oh. poor Sigyn..." Pepper muttered softly before she turned away from the phone. "Sleipnir no! that's not food! turn back into a human there's not enough room on the bed dammit!" well, at least Sleipnir was comfortable. "can't you shrink or something like Fenris and Jormungandr!?" "do i look like a pony to you?! i'm not a shapeshifter you know!" "don't worry Tony, you won't lose him. he loves you, don't you know?" she asked with a smile. "anyone who waits this long for you, has to be love." she teased gently. "and you've wanted Loki since the day he 'kidnapped' you. don't try to deny it Tony. i know you better than you do." she admitted. "they'll stay here with me until we get word, hang in there Tony." she reassured him before he hung up. Bruce and Steve offering him worried smiles. "it's going to be alright, i'm sure of it. after all if The Hulk couldn't hurt him, what good could a couple of brats do?" Steve asked, Bruce nodding. he was barely holding on to his Anger. the Hulk was furious that Loki had been hurt. "Mister Stark?" a doctor asked as he walked in. "Mister.. er, Liesmith? is out of surgery. he's going to live, though he'll probobly limp for the rest of his life... and, well.. that's if he wakes up." the Doctor admitted. "he's in a severe Coma right now, there's very little brain activity. there is a chance he'll pull through, but it's minor." the man admitted softly. "we have him in recovery right now. if your very quite, you can go in and see him. one at a time."
"Yes...that would be a definite saddening death. After all, Thor's beaten him with a hammer, not to mention you guys thrashed him around new york.NO crow bars going to work."She said cheering a little at the idea before smiling viciously. "Good. There are going to be some very unhappy new yorkers dealing with the punks...not to mention tony when he gets it together enough to wonder what happened to them."she snickered a little before smiling. "Well good. I'd have hated for him to go through all this, and not get tony's present."She smiled a little tensing slightly as she glanced to the side. "Clint."Natasha said as she approached the two, there was worry in her face and determination. "Fury just called. He needs us in Istanbul."

Tony laughed quietly litsening to the arguing, amused before flushing at pepper's words."No I didn't, but I know that if he wakes up, I'm telling him how much I like him."he said pouting a little."And I did not. He was still a annoying little shit then, I wouldn't be attracted to him then."he whined smiling as he hung up before laughing softly at steve's words. "that's true....he did turn like a foot of rumble into pebbles with that..."he said before looking up at the doctor, looking pale and worried as he considered what he was hearing before frowning slightly. Wondering if the man had shut down simply to heal his body. Remembering thor telling him something like that once. "Thank you. I would like that."he muttered glancing up at steve and bruce."I'll be back."He muttered as he followed the doctor to the recovery room, moving to sit down at the edge of the bed, slipping his hand into loki's as he looked at his face, tears filling his eyes." have to wake up,reindeer games. I've gotten used to have another smart person around besides bruce..."He muttered, keeping up the quiet mutter of talking to simply not allow himself to think. and he'd probably stay there until someone told him to leave.
he grinned a little. "and don't forget what Bruce did to him." he admitted. "i mean, for gods sake he left a crater in solid concrete..." he pointed out with a smile. "i'm pretty sure there's already angry new yorkers. there where a lot of little kids there when those punks went after Loki, who was unarmed and didn't even have a chance to defend himself." he admitted with a scowl. "if Tony doesn't shit up those kids then i will." he growled before looking up at Natasha, scowling. "now!? but Loki's in the hospital! how can he expect me to just..." he sighed and shook his head. "Sig..." he knew Natasha wouldn't ask unless it was world trembling. something bad was going down in Istanbul, he needed to be there. "i need you to go back to the tower, alright? your kids need you right now too, and i have a feeling i have to go save the world..." he admitted, shaking his head. "they're going to call Pepper as soon as they have news." he promised, kissing Sigyn's forehead. "please.. go to the Tower, i have to know you're safe..."

Pepper snickered at him. "Oh Tony... what am i going to do with you? you wanted to bed Loki the second you had him in the Heli carrier as your prisoner. do you think of him in handcuffs and a gag often Tony?" she asked, a wickedly delighted tone to her voice. it wasn't often Pepper got to tease him. "he was pretty adorable after you had him captured, all helpless like that." maybe getting him thinking about sex, would ease his worry just a little. "take your time Tony." Bruce muttered as he set a hand on Tony's shoulder before letting Tony go into the room. no one else tried to kick Tony out. Loki looked pretty terrible though. his face was a mass of bruises, his let leg, and right arm where in casts and from what the medical chart said, Loki had his entire hand smashed. he would be lucky if he ever used it again. good thing he was left handed...
"Good.Someone should be angry over this...besides us I mean.And I think tony's going to be pissed as soon as he cleared his head enough to really think about what happened. "Yes, now.I'm sorry clint..."Natasha said wincing a little knowing this was hard on the man. "Yea...okay.I'll go home."Sigyn said leaning back, eyes worried and scared for him. "Be careful okay?If I have to worry about you and natasha in the hospital along with loki, I might go insane."She muttered teasing him a little leaning up to kiss him gently, before teleporting back to the tower, texting him to let him know she got there as soon as she settled into the room with the kids and pepper, to scared for both loki and clint now to be able to stay alone.

"...I do not.Nope.Definitely not."Tony growled his tone holding a thread of lust and annoyance that she was indeed teasing him. it really wasn't often that she had a chance to tease him, because he so rarely had cared about who he slept with, besides her, that teasing usually didn't worry. "This is just mean, pep. I mean...he's not going to be able to have sex for awhile."The billionaire whined before looking up at bruce, nodding quietly. looking loki over he stepped back out of the room, glancing at the two. "...what happened to the morons who did this?"He said his voice holding a thread of anger, showing just how very pissed he was. when he was really pissed, he rarely yelled. if he did, it was jsut surface angrer, annoyance. It was when he got quiet, that you really had to get worried about what he'd do.

What they found in Istanbul was a complete bloodbath, as the russian and czech mafias turned on each other. While they were usually allies in moving drugs and women through the city that had been named the gateway to the west, someone had caused enough deaths within the top levels of both gangs in the city that it was quickly turning into a bloodbath as each retaliated against the other, blaming each other when there was no evidence beyond supicion that it had been them. Fury had asked them to go because both Natasha and Clint had dealt with the assassin supected of the killings before, and he was hoping they could stop the killing before to many civilians were killed. And they had managed to run down who they suspected of starting the trouble, a hired assassin from out of the city, and they thought someone hired him to get the gangs warring. Now if they could just catch him and show the leaders of the mafia who had started it, they could stop it.

"...I'm going to kill him, you know, when we're done.Making us crawl through this shithole.."Natasha muttered to clint as they eased their way quietly through the abandoned apartment building. She was in a foul mood that they'd been dragged away from Loki and the other's sides to deal with a assassin they had dealt with before, and who had slipped through their fingers. Barely registering the gunshot that spun clint to the side, as it was shortly followed by a explosion, bringing the building down on top of them. Scrambling she grabbed clint, scrambling to hide under one of the steel tables at the end of the hall,hoping for some protection as she pressed her hands against the bullet hole. Cursing quietly as rubble piled up around them,even as the table held, and managed to not collapse all the way."Clint?"She muttered glancing at him, frowning. Realizing that there was something wrong besides the bullet wound and probable broken bones from 10 tons of rubble coming down on them, seeing how pale he was. Not realizing the bullet had been a hollow point, filled with poison."barton?You still with me?"
it was Bruce who finally called the Tower, letting Pepper know that Loki had come out of surgery and what the prognosis was and that Loki was in a pretty deep Coma ad might not wake up. he told her that if he did wake up, he would probobly need to walk with a cane for the next thousand years and that he might never regain the use of his right hand. the doctors had wanted to remove it, but they had told the man no, in case there was something Hela might be able to do. "they're rotting in jail right now." Bruce admitted. "once i explained to the police that Loki was a good guy, they where quite eager to make sure the little brats stayed put. granted, they where pretty eager to begine with, considering that bad guy or not, they attacked Loki with no warning and he was unarmed. when i added on that Loki can't even use magic, well the police where pretty damn pissed." Bruce admitted. "they won't be getting free, and they're being charged with assault and battery and attempted murder. sixteen or not, they'll be going to the big boy prison for that."

Clint grumbled. "not before i do." he growled, shaking his head. "who in the hell's bright idea was it to make the two mobs start fighting!? we have to figure that out before we kill the bastard." he grumbled, shaking his head before gasping as he felt pain, hard pain... he'd been shot. damn that always sucked. this felt... different somehow. there was... burning, and he couldn't move. it was getting hard to breath. "p...pi...poi...sin..." he managed to choke out through a mouth that was filling with blood, coughing hard as he struggled to breath through the lung full of blood. the bullet had nicked his lung, and it was filling with blood. "Tell.. Steve... Marry, Sigyn..." he demanded before going limp. the only thing saving him now, was the minor amounts of Sigyn's blood and magic still floating about in his body. it hadn't all been used up the last time he'd been hurt this bad, so it had gone dormant, waiting for the next time it was needed. it would keep him alive for a half an hour or so, at tops. he needed an emergency room, and he needed it now.
Tony looked tired tilting his head slightly before laughing softly. "I'm amazed you havent gone all hulk and gone to see the brats."He said looking amused even if the amusement didn't reach all the way to his eyes. Glancing back towards teh recovery room he sighed, knowing he wanted to stay, but also knowing loki would yell at him if he did. He needed sleep, real sleep in a real bed, and not stretched out on a hospital bench. "We better go back to the tower, see the kids, make sure they're okay.And sigyn."Tony muttered looking defeated, tired.

"We'll have to ask him that."Natasha grumbled. Moving, shifting to rested clint's head in her lap, eyes widening. "Hey, no, hawk, stay with me okay. You're married to sigyn."Natasha was crying softly before her eyes widened, hands searching clint's vest, she knew he had his cell phone, hell Tony had made each avenger a personalized one, so they could always be in touch. Hands shaking as she dialed the phone, "Sigyn!?Sigyn, its nat. I need you he-" "What is it?Bloody hell."Sigyn cursed as she teleported, wincing a little as she crouched under the rubble with them, eyes widening as she looked at clint. "I can't take you both."Sigyn said looking up at natasha. "Get him out of here. I can live until fury digs me out. Go!"Natasha ordered slumping back against the wall as she watched the two leave, praying that sigyn could do this.

Tony looked up startled at the sight of sigyn and clint appearing in the living room, barely dropping the plate of food he had been holding in time to catch sigyn as she stumbled."Steve!A little help here!"He yelled as he took Clint from Sigyn and laid him down on the couch, looking at the sorceress. "I can save him."Sigyn said holding out a hand, letting letters appear in her hands, looking up at Steve. "If...if I don't come out of it...there's letters for loki, clint and the kids. Make sure they get them."She muttered knowing she had precious few moments, "I need him in the bedroom. And silence.And once I start... I can't be interrupted. It'll kill us both..."She said scared, and worried because while she was tired, and this was less then ideal moments to do this, she knew this was her only chance.
Bruce smiled tightly, his eyes flickering from blue to green as he looked at Tony, showing just how close he was to loosing control. but he and Hulk had a pretty tight agreement now, and he was only fighting himself, instead of himself and the Hulk. "alright, come on... i have some new sleeping stuff to try on you anyway." he admitted with a shake of his head as he helped Tony get back to the Tower, Steve trailing along behind to catch if Tony collapsed.

Hawk smiled at her. "i can see Mom and Giigii." he whispered, trying to reach up, trying to catch his mothers hand. he wouldn't let them shoo him away this time... he wanted a hug before he went back to life. he never noticed Sigyn's appearance, already unconscious, as limp as a rag doll. Steve gasped as he rushed in and saw Clint, bleeding all over everything. something inside of him broke as he stared at hte letters she had handed to him, looking up at her with wide, astonished eyes, Bruce taking the letters. "i'll see to it that they get them." Bruce promised. "Make sure i don't have to." he ordered giving her a tight hug. "i'll stand guard." he promised as Hela nodded. "i'll throw up a few silencing barriers so you aren't disturbed by the noise of the city or the Tower." she promised. "and then i'm going to Asgaurd to beat some sense into Uncle." she decided as she cast the ward, which was different from runic etchings, she turned to Bruce. "no one gets in Bruce." she ordered, the man nodding. "not a soul." he agreed, giving Hela a kiss for good luck as she left.

up in Asgaurd, Hela wasted no time slamming open the doors to the Throne Room. pausing only to give Odin the Deferential Bow he was deserved. even though she hated him, she had to give him her loyalty and honor him, he was still her King. "Thor!" she raged, glaring at him. "you've FUCKED UP!" she stated, throwing a newspaper at his face. on it was Loki's explanations for everything. how he had gotten Thor in trouble with Odin so he would be sent to earth, and thus form ties and a bond with the planet and be much more eager to defend it again. how Loki had set himself up as a bad guy to make sure Earth had a chance against the invading Chitauri, which would have come to earth whether Loki helped or not, simply because Earth had the Tesseract. "Loki is dying." Hela stated, her voice trembling in rage. "my father is dying, because three earth kids went after him with crowbars... long metal poles. he didn't have the magic to defend himself, and now he doesn't have the magic to heal himself because you've blocked it! and now Clint is dying as well!" she spat. "he was shot in the chest because some God sent a human assassin after him! i don't know which god yet, but one of your precious Aeser just killed one of your freinds! are you happy with yourself NOW uncle!?" Hela demanded. "stay away from earth!" Hela demanded. "we're fighting to save two of the only reasons why Midgaurd isn't a smoking pile of rubble! and the other Avengers won't take kindly to your presence after you all but betrayed them." she stated before turning on her heal and leaving, letting Thor deal with that news on his own.
"I will."Sigyn said offering Bruce a fragile smile even as she disappeared into the room, settling down to do what needed done. And praying that she wasn't to late, or that she wasn't going to kill them all.

Thor's eyes widened as he caught the newspaper, "I did no such thing. Now let me read."Thor glared at his niece as he read the paper, paling even more. So shaken at the news that not only clint was dying, but so was his brother. Not able to get the words together to explain himself, to why he had done this. Couldn't she understand that this was for the best?But she was gone before he could find the words. Sighing tiredly, waiting to see what would come.

Tony frowned a little as he walked into the hospital nearly twelve hours later, still looking tired and worn but better then he had when he left, slipping into the hospital room. Staring at what he was seeing. While loki wasn't healed, his hand had straightened out some, even as he watched he could see the bones straightening. Wondering...surely sigyn wasn't stupid enough to try to fix things, even as she healed Clint?He snorted a little. Okay, so she was. But he knew that he couldn't help, not until she broke the barriers herself."Come on, reindeer, you have to get up. You're ex-wife is being stupid again."Tony muttered slipping his hand into loki's, sitting down to just be with him.

Sigyn shuddered as she slumped down onto the bed, so exhausted that she didn't even notice she was half laying over the world's newest demi-god, her head resting on his chest so she could listen to his heart beating under her ear, not even aware that she'd woken him up as she fell into sleep, the wards and spells finishing what was needed, and snapping. Though she was still alive, her breathing was shallow and strained, even a goddess could die from exhaustion. But now that the wards were down, and hela could tell she needed help, they could get her. It seemed all three were going to survive, though if clint and sigyn's relationship would was another story.
Hela snorted. "you did Thor, and hiding the truth from yourself will do you no good." she stated, turning on her heal. "you should be glad. i talked the others from coming with me to beat you to a pulp." she admitted simply. "and i'm not talking about Loki's other children either." she admitted simply as she headed back to earth.

Loki didn't wake though, his magic was on overdrive, trying to heal everything it could, saving him from death even as Sigyn helped him. because what the doctors had missed, was a very vital thing. one that would have rather severe ramifications that not even magic could fix. but he reacted to Tony's touch, fingers wrapping tightly around Tony's, holding him because it made him feel better, even if he wasn't consciously aware of it.

Hela was there the second that the barriers broke, having felt it all the way from Asgaurd. she didn't even bother trying to go through Bruce, she just appeared directly into the room and fed her mother some magic. enough magic that Hela felt tired, exaughsted, but it would keep Sigyn more than alive, and Hela would be fine after a good nap. "sleep well mother." "what happened?" Clint asked, wrapping his arms around Sigyn. "i feel... funny. itchy..." he grumbled, wriggling on the bed, Hela smiling. "she did the only thing that would save you Clint..." "...what did she do?" "...she turned you into a Demi-God. you'll be a lot like Steve now. strong, fast, heal easily, never get sick..." "she changed me?" "yes... sleep. you need the rest." Hela demanded, Clint frowning at the ceiling but obediently closing his eyes. oh Sigyn was going to get an earful later. he couldn't beleive she'd done this!
Sigyn sighed quietly, shifting into a easier sleep as she was given enough magic to not die, shifting at the sound of clint's voice. Relaxing even more, cuddling against him as she sleep.Not even awake, and she was reassuring herself that she'd be fine. When she woke Sigyn smiled tiredly as she stumbled to her feet, checking to make sure clint was fine, even if he was asleep, and heading for the kitchen. Smiling sleepily when she saw everyone waiting for her. "...What?" "You look like death warmed over, mother. You should sleep more."Jormugandr said as he wrapped his arms around the shorter woman, even if she tall and strong, for the moment she was his fragile mother, nudging fenris away as the wolf pup nearly bowled them both over. "Wait fen. Let her sit down."Jor said laughing as he got sigyn sitting down. While she was more then fine, she needed to rest just to really recover. "Okay okay, fen. Come here."Sigyn said smiling, gently stroking fenris' ears as she started eating the eggs and bacon jor sat in front of her. Avoiding thinking about clint yet, because she knew he wasn't going to be happy, even if it was what needed to be done. "Where's natasha?"She asked worriedly. "On her way back from istanbul. Her and fury are trying to figure out what went wrong there." "How's loki?"Sigyn said looking at the others, needing to know what was going on since she'd been asleep nearly 24 hours.
Steve was nowhere in sight when she woke up, Bruce was in the process of making breakfast for everyone. "you really do look awful." Sleipnir admitted, looking mildly concerned about his mother and Father. "Natasha is mostly unhurt." Hela informed them all. "and i did get my hands on the assassin who shot Clint. i went back and napped him. he's dead now." Sleipnir informed them. "but he was paid by an Aeser to take out Clint. someone, doesn't like him being married to you mother. i'm glad you where able to save him, i like him." and for Sleipnir, that was a high compliment indeed. "no change." Bruce admitted with a sigh. "and i haven't seen Steve all day, i'm a bit worried about him. he was acting... weird." he admitted with a shake of his head. "the doctors are amazed at the speed of recovery Loki's going through, Mother." Hela accused, her eyes narrowed. "please tell me that you didn't do what i THINK you did." she growled. "you know VERY well i would have fixed everything you already did, if Loki's magic hadn't done it himself! you know he broke the bonds on his runic shackles!" she growled. "he was fine and you put yourself at risk for very little reason. you need to THINK about these things!" Hela chastised, pulling her mother into a tight hug. "i can't lose you Mother..." she muttered. Hela had always been closer to her mother than to Loki... and not just because Loki tried to kill any boy she brought home either.

in the hospital Loki opened his eyes and blinked a few times before glancing at Tony. "Tony?... where am i?" Loki asked, voice rough with pain. "i have to pee..." he paused, hesitated, looking confused. "...Tony?... i can't remember my name..."

there was a pause as Bruce's phone went off and he nodded. "Loki's awake." he informed them after he spoke on the phone. "but there's a... problem." he admitted with a grimace. "he's still got that Limp and... well he... doesn't know who he is. he recognized Tony, so that's a good thing, but he can't remember his name. partial amnesia. the knock to his head did some pretty good brain damage." "brain damage will heal on it's own. we can't fix that." Hela admitted. "the brain is too complex for foreign magic to aid in the healing. but it will heal easily enough, might take a few weeks..."
"Hey, I look amazing considering I just made a demi-god."Sigyn whined a little before smiling at hela. "good. Saves me the effort of finding him. And of course they don't want me married. A mortal is easier killed then a Aeser husband though, and getting me to go home again would be easy if he was gone."Guilt was in those words, for not having considered that her husband would be at the mercy of gods who'd see him as a problem, as easily killed. "We better find steve. He's probably reacting badly..."Sigyn said worried about the super solider, because she knew how clint being hurt had to affect him. Wincing slightly at hela's accusation, she barely refrained from squirming. "I did no such thing, whatever you are suggesting, not that I know what you are.Besides, his magic wasn't doing it fast enough, giving him a kickstart helped...not that's what I did."Sigyn muttered before shifting, hugging hela tightly back, "I know sweetheart.But if I was going risk my life saving clint, I figured I might have as well given your father a wasn't a bigger risk then what I was already doing, love."She muttered stroking hela's hair,"But we're all fine. I promise."She muttered before staring at bruce, looking startled before nodding, agreeing with hela. "We'll just have to see how much he remembers, and what he's missing when he's stable enough to come home. There's nothing to do besides that."Sigyn smiled a little pleased though that loki was awake, though she was worried.

"Hospital. You got hurt."He said before frowning,"You're loki."Tony paled slightly as he realized loki had amenisa, but at least he didn't foget everything. Swallowing he moved to the man's side, helping him sit up."Come on, I'll help you to the bathroom."He muttered picking up the god, carrying him carefully to the bathroom so he could do his business, trying to decide how to figure out how much he didn't remember, or what. pausing only long enough to call bruce and let him know what was going on, before he settled into helping loki.
Sleipnir shrugged. "will Clint change at all?" he asked curiously. "he might change a little. physical manifestations of Godhood can be... random." Hela admitted once she'd finished chewing her mother out and reassured herself that Hela was alright. "you see, they didn't know it, but what they did to Steve was a lot like turning him into a Demi-god." Hela admitted. "while Steve only got muscles, other Demi-Gods have completely changed in appearance, though that's fairly rare. most develop odd coloring, or markings, so there's really no telling what will happen. he might even grow a tail." "a TAIL!?" Bruce demanded, shocked as Hela laughed and nodded. "it's happened before, once." she admitted with a smile. "he'll sleep for a good long time as his body adjusts and manifests itself to properly hold all the new power. he'll probobly even be able to do small amounts of magic, since Mother is such a powerful sorceress." Hela admitted. "oh, and i yelled at Thor and told him not to show his face around here for a while." she admitted. "i can't prove it, but i'm sure that it was either Thor, or one of the warriors three that hired the assassin. they are the only ones who know enough about Midgaurd to pull of such a thing. Odin maybe. but i doubt he'd do his own dirty work."

Loki blinked at him. "Loki?" he asked, feeling the word in his mouth, it felt strange and foreign. "thank you Tony." Loki muttered, smiling at him. "you where holding my hand. when i was hurt... it helped." he admitted to Tony. "i could feel you..." he admitted, kissing Tony's cheek before he helped himself to the bathroom and then carefully limped back to bed with Tony's help. "my knee healed bad... i'll have a limp for a while." he admitted. "that happens sometimes when there's more severe damage. at least i can use my hand." he admitted, flexing the fingers. "i'll have stiffness, and i'll never be able to lift much with this hand, but that's alright. i'm left handed after all... how did i get hurt?" he asked. "i feel like someone ran me over." he admitted, wrinkling his nose. "you're angry, did i say something wrong?"
"Considering his talents, his eyesight, his accuracy, will probably be what is affected most. Godhood usually manifests as something the demi-god already was good at. If I had to guess, I'd bet that's what it'll be.But it could be random to."Sigyn muttered before sighing softly. "It was fairly cute, the demi-god with a tail I mean. Though I hope that's not going to be it. I'm going to get yelled at enough without him gaining a tail."Sigyn muttered pushing her eggs around her plate before smiling slightly. "Good. Thor needs yelled at. And probably. Odin would rather let thor or the warriors three do his wetwork. We'll just have to see what it comes to."Sigyn said looking annoyed with thor, shuddering a little. she hated knowing that she'd almost gotten clint killed, because he'd married her. Frownign a little, glancing up at bruce."You said steve's missing?"She said.

"Yes, loki."Tony said smiling slightly before flushing slightly. "Good. I felt better holding your hand to."He muttered before wincing as he helped loki back to the bed. "Yea. The doctor's weren't sure you'd survive it, so having jsut these injuries, is fairly amazing."He sighed grinding his teeth to keep from lashing out at the man even if it wasn't loki's fault, he wanted to be angry at him, for making tony care enough about him to be scared for him. "No, I'm just angry that three brats beat you up.It's nothing you did."he said sitting down on the bed with him, sighing softly. "Just rest, don't worry about me, reindeer games."He said offering a small smile.
Hela nodded. "his eye color will probobly change, and it might manifest something else, like thermal optics, night vision, zooming, all sorts of cool things that he'll be grateful for once, you know, he gets over being pissed." well, Hela certainly new her new stepdaddy well... "i doubt it did much good, yelling at Thor." she admitted with a sigh. "it will be a lot harder to hurt Clint now, and nearly impossible to kill him. if they attack him now that he's a Demi-God, people will question why Odin wants him dead. the noose is wrapping around Odin's throat. he's going to start doing desperate moves." Hela muttered, looking worried as Bruce nodded. "yeah, he vanished just after you brought Clint in. i don't think he knows Clint is fine, but he's not in the tower. Jarvis already checked." Bruce admitted. "i looked for him, but he's not in any of his usual hiding places..." he admitted, looking over as Clint, the stubborn ass, dragged himself in, looking furious... and frightened. "what did you DO!?" he demanded, trembling from the effort of walking. "i went to the bathroom and i saw THIS! what did you DO!?" Clint's eyes where now a shocking emerald green that almost seamed to glow. etched into a ring around the color where black runes, power markings, showing he had some amazing kickass power. "what did you DO to ME!?"

Loki smiled at Tony before he grimaced. "damn..." he muttered. "how bad was i hurt?" Loki asked, looking shaken now before he gave Tony a look. "i got beat up? you're joking right? there's no way. i'm a sorcerer! there is NO way some kids beat me up... for the sake of the unholy i can beat Thor up without using magic, and you claim a bunch of snot nosed human brats beat me up!?" Loki demanded, clearly thinking it was Tony who'd had his head caved in. "you must be mistaken, there is NO way...." he complained even as he settled into the bed. "i like it when you call me reindeer games." he admitted with a smile as he went back to sleep. a normal sleep this time, since Loki had cocooned himself in the blankets the way he usually did. not a blanket thief indeed.
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