
Bruce shook his head. "i don't think any of us realized she was that bad." he admitted with a small shake of his head."after all, Killian was a physical threat, not a mental one. but we don't actually know what he might have done to her." he admitted with a shake of his head as he watched Tony, his head tilted. "oh, so you don't use horses for burden anymore?" he asked, wondering how to feel about that. "some people do, there are entire civilizations here on earth that can't afford, or don't beleive in technology, so Horses are still highly prized. then you have horse racing, where the fastest horse wins." Sleipnir looked very interested in that. "there are many famous horses who have beat the odds and won massive competitions. most horses are pets here in America. they just hang around and do what they want and go for long walks with their humans." he admitted. "some people aren't equipped to take care of such creatures, and some horses are highly mistreated, but most have very good lives." Bruce promised Sleipnir who nodded. content with that. "

"you and your mother are SO alike." he groaned, shaking his head. "speaking of Females, i promised Natasha i'd set you up on a date with her." he warned with a smirk. "she's the pretty red head who can kill you without batting an eye." he admitted. "you'll like her." he promised before rolling his eyes. "you and Sei would fight to the death if i'd let you." being that horses hated snakes naturally... well, Jor and Sei clashed a LOT growing up... actually, Sei clashed with a lot of people. anyone who thought they where better than him, or told him what to do, or wanted to control, contain, or restrain him in some way. which was why he hated Odin and Thor even more than Sigyn or Jormungandr or even Loki did. because they had controlled, and restrained him for quite some time. "and Fen loves to watch you two go at it almost as much as he loves to wrestle with Sleipnir." he grumbled, shaking his head. "how i survived you four is beyond me." he grumbled before he chuckled. "i have no intention of scaring Tony off. he's still trying to decide if he's attracted to me or not." Loki admitted with a small chuckle. "and don't worry about Clint, it's just because you're you that he's freaked out. that and humans apparently have nudity issues... and issues about sex... and just plain old issues... it's very... restraining." he admitted with a sigh.

Clint grinned impishly as he nodded. "i'll mention it to him. we'll have to make Thor think it's a compliment of course, just to see him smile when he's insulted." he stated, snickering a little as she promised to do that for free. "well, you could always work for me then, i could use a sexy secretary... i'll have to get a desk though... and an office to put it in... but it would be worth it to have sex while i'm in the office." he admitted with a laugh, clapping as he watched her do magic. "impressive. and comfortable too." he mused as he checked the collar to make sure it wouldn't pinch or yank on Fenris. being a stepdad was a shock, but he intended to be the best damn stepdad he could be!.... thank god they where all fully grown and he didn't have to worry really about taking care of them, save Fenris. he wasn't sure if Fen was... special, or if he just matured at a much slower rate, but he clearly needed some serious parental attention yet. "i think Loki's claimed that position, but you could certainly go and 'help' them with sarcastic comments and annoying behaviors. i'll even help." he promised with a grin.

he smiled as he walked Fen down the road, ignoring how they where getting gaping looks as they literally walked a Wolf down the road. "... Sigyn, hey.. calm down." he ordered, gently taking her hand. "first of all, i didn't HAVE to marry you. i wanted to, because i love you and i don't want Lumpy to take you away from me when i've only just found you." he admitted. "secondly.... don't you think the three thousand or so people who saw me fighting in New York might have blown my cover?" he asked, looking amused. "i don't do undercover work anymore Sigyn." he informed her. "so my 'secrete identity' is fine." he promised, sounding amused. "third... thank you for being honest." he murmured, kissing her temple. "i know it was hard to admit that... probobly thought i'd be angry, or feel guilty." he muttered. "but... well, in the end it was something you felt you had to do, and if you have no regrets, then that's what matters. you can always go back into the modeling business in another forty years or so. it's not like people will recognize you, we're not all that smart, and unless your frozen, no one will pay any real attention to reoccurring faces." he admitted, grinning as he watched Fen bark at things. "...hey, uhm. i don't want to be insulting but.. is he? you know..." here clint hesitated. "special? that sounded so wrong... i'm sorry it's just he acts... very young. i was wondering if it was because he matures slower or if, you know, there was something not fully formed in his brain or something... that happens in humans sometimes..."
Tony smiled slightly relaxing as he realized he wasn't totally at fault, that none of them had considered it. "no, not here anyways."He said smiling as bruce explained, "We could go to the races sometime, there's a few famous tracks here in the city."Tony said looking amused before grinning. "How much money did you blow in the races tony?"Natasha asked as she ate her doughnut, looking amused at the man. "Oh, just a few bucks."He said not about to admit as a younger teen, the man had spent a inordinary time at the track, because it was one of the few places he could blend in, that none of the jockeys or horses cared that he was the Tony Stark, he was just a kid who had money to burn. "I'm going down to the lab, hollar when Steve gets back."Tony called as he left the room.

"Hm, very beautiful."Jor said remembering seeing the woman, before smirking."I always do like females who can kill me."He snickered a little before pouting a little."I would not. Killing him serves no purpose. Besides, it would upset mother. And you survived because mother wasn't going to raise us on our own, she'd probably would have killed you for leaving."He pointed out snickering a little before laughing. "Only you would end up with a guy who cant decide if he's bi or not. Ah, I see. I'll try not to tease him to badly then. Humans are very do realize this is going to cause fights right? Mother despite living here for so long, just doesn't think like a human."He mused, while he wanted to watch things and mostly amused by fights, he was worried about how the human/asgaridan relationship would work. As he observed the two races were just too different to live easily together so it worried him his parents were trying to have relationships with mortals.

"Heh. That would be awesome."Sigyn giggled before flushing, "You could go work for pepper, be her helper, and I could be your assistant. There's probably enough work at stark's company to keep us all busy...not to mention, probably a desk. Tony's desk...even if he doesn't use it."She smirked at the idea of using tony's desk before nodding, amused that he was being so careful about the collar, guessing at his reasoning. He might not have been prepared for the kids, but he was willing to take care of them. "Ah, well loki's claimed any position that involves tony, but we'll definitely go give them a hand."She snickered. Smiling as they were gaped at as they walked she startled a little as he took her hand, flushing ever so slightly, relaxing. "I know...I wanted to marry you to.And...well, humans are stupid most of the time. And you were above the crowd, not that easily seen, or video taped."She pointed out, revealing that while she hadn't been involved, she'd been somewhere close enough to watch, and make sure none of them were seriously injured. having been ready to step in if it came down to it. The only one she hadn't been able to stop was tony, and she'd never expected him to fly into the portal. Not about to admit good hard it's been to admit to , it's how awkward she was feeling trying to figure out how to be married.

"True. That would be fairly awesome.But for now, I think I'll take a break from working....though maybe I'll try and talk to fury. You guys could use to sorcerers on the team, besides thor. He's horrible at magic, if me and loki-in his disguise of course, cause you know he's loki and fury might blow up if he knew, you'd have healers on sight, not to mention battle magic beyond thor's lightening."She mused already turning the idea over in her head, before looking at fen, smiling slightly. Amused that he sounded so concerned. "Not in the way you mean, but yes. Unlike the others, Fenris took more after the wolf side of his nature, then the human. While he's younger, puppish for a human, for a wolf his age, and he does age slower then humans do, so he's still young compared to the others, he's still a puppy. Sometimes I wonder what loki was thinking having sex with another was bound to make interesting children."She muttered shaking her head a little amused. Because loki had always managed to have the most interesting fathers for the children. snickering to herself as she remembered loki pregnant, and wondering if clint would realize it was loki who'd carried the kids, not her.
Sleipnir considered that. "i would like to race." he decided, nodding. "i can look like a normal horse. a Akhal Teke, you humans call it. or an Arabian horse." he admitted. "i'm one of the most beautiful horses on earth so i'm told." he admitted with a smirk. "and even with only four legs, i am far superior to any silly human born horse." well... it seamed that all of Loki's children had Egos. "i'll let you know." Bruce promised with a small chuckle as he shook his head a little. "come on Sleipnir, lets find something entertaining to do." he offered, the boy shrugging as he tossed the magazine onto the table, wondering how long Thor would be stuck in the bathroom.

he snorted a little. "alright then, he would kill you if he could. you know he doesn't have much for remorse and guilt... if he was human, i'd say he was a sociopath." he admitted before pausing. "he might very well be, but at least he's not a psychopath..." apparently there was a difference. and there was. a sociopath hadn't yet done criminally insane things, like manipulating people into a massive death cult, or shooting up a school just to see people scream. he was capable of it, but he hadn't done it. "you have a point, Sigyn never would have let me leave her alone with you four." he agreed with a chuckle. "well, i like the challenge." Loki admitted with a chuckle as he stood up and stretched and changed his clothes, grinning. "ah, it feels so wonderful to be able to use Magic again." he admitted as he flexed his fingers. "most of the avengers don't think like humans either. i think we'll be fnie." he promised with a grin at the other. "besides, your about to seduce a human of your own, are you not?" he teased with a chuckle. "come on, lets see what your brother did to Thor."

Clint shook his head. "oh no, no way, i am NOT working in that place! you can forget it." he stated with a shake of his head. "Stark Industries is a mess since Obediah 'left'. the bastard. most of the people 'in charge' are corrupt idiots, it's no wonder Peppers going insane. what she really needs to do is fire everyone and get a whole new upper staff." he admitted. "but she won't because they won't listen to her." he paused. "actually. we might be able to get Tony to fire them all. Shield did do some digging, enough to have every one of those bastards arrested... i'll call Fury later, we'll arrest them while Pepper's in the hospital. Fury will arrest them and then Stark Industries will stabilize at least a little bit." he mused before he grinned. "i wonder when Tony will realize that Loki's not going to go away if he ignored him?" he mused with a grin. "it will be interesting to watch." he admitted with a nod before he smiled at her. "i'm glad." he admitted, kissing her cheek. "it's not the best situation, but i'm glad for it anyway." he admitted with a smile. "where you watching me?" he asked with a grin. "Tony told me that you saved Bruce and Cap." he admitted, looking amused, and thankful. "did you ever save my life?" he asked, curious. hell, he was an assassin, anything giving him a longer life span was worth a thanks.

"Loki can't use Magic though." he pointed out. "those things around his wrists, the Tattoos, they stop him don't they?" he asked curiously. "and even if he could, wouldn't Thor suspect something?" he asked, looking worried. "it would be nice to have you on the Avengers team though... we could have sex after battles." he stated with a grin as they entered the Dog Park, people gaping at the massive Wolf suddenly amidst their tiny dogs. many of the tinier dog owners left. fearful of the massive beast eating their dogs. "so it's alright then? he doesn't need any special attention?" he asked, looking relieved that Fenris was developing normally, for him anyway. "wait... i thought you where their mother?" Clint asked, looking startled. "well, you are their mother, you raised them." he decided before unhooking Fenris from the lead and showing him the Frisbee with a grin. "ready? GO!" he yelled, flinging the disk through the air. "so Loki is the Father and another shapeshifter was the mother?" he asked, curious about the way Asgaurdians viewed sex and children and the like.
"Ill see what I can do. I'm rich,and it is the aport of kings."rony snickered as he left the room looking amused.

"Iblnow. We'll just have to watch and make sure uncle doesn't do anything."jor said before grinning as they headed for the door,knowing whatever sleipnir did it was going to be great."if you want to go spend time with your human we're old enough to entertain outselves."he said snickering as they followed a sick looking thor into the living room."I don't think can eat more of the sugar things. It did not agree with me."thor said looking sick.

Sigtn's eyes widened at the explanation on what had been going on wondering if tony knew. While he did own the company she also had the sense that the man's had was working on so many projects that even if he was told,repeatedly, every day to day business probably didn't stay with him unless you made sure you had his attention."he still owns the company.just make sure tony is actually paying attention when you tell him,and he'll clean house while shes know he'd do anything to make pepper's life easier."she said before smiling."hell realize it about the time he realizes he sleeps better with loki in the room instead of in a drunken stupor."she snickered knowing tony was doing everything he could to ignore it."I and natasha,unlike tony,didn't have a suit to protrct you,and you are just human. I made sure you didn't get to badly injured with loki's war."she sihed before nodding."Budapest. I coulsnt stop the explosion,but I did make sure you to lived until your backup arrived."she smiled because while she hadn't been able to stop the car explosion,it had been eady to heal them rnough to make sure they lived."not right now. But jor's good at breaking bindings. Hell set him free...but you're right anyways. We can't let loki join,can't afford to let thor know hes free."shd sighed before raising a eyebrow."I thought you were to tired to think abiut sex."whe teased before shaking her head."he doesn't.hes smart,you don't have to talk to him like a little kid,but hes just better suited to life as a wolf then human."she said looking amused at his relief fenris was okay. Having just discovered he was a stepdad,he was doing a fairly good job."I'm their mother in the sense that I read them bedtime stories and bandaged scraped knees, but I didn't carry them."she smirked wishing she had a video camera so she could record his reaction as she took the frisbee from fenris when he brought it back and threw it again"in a sense. But loki's the mother in this equation,not the other shifter."you should have seen him pregnant, he was wuite adorable really."she said before starting to laugh at the look on his face.
Sleipnir smirked a little. "of course it is the sport of kings." he stated witha sniff. "anything with horses is the best of the best." he gave Bruce a funny look when the man coughed into his hand, making a sound that sounded more like 'Glue' than anything else before he led the way into the living room where he entertained Sleipnir and Hela with a card game. Hela was more interested in Bruce, than she was in the game.

"Loki chuckled a little and nodded, looking pleased. "and if he does, i can prank him now." he admitted, baring his teeth. "i'd kill the bastard... but we did grow up together." he admitted with a sigh. "it's hard to want to kill him, when we've saved each other's lives so many times." he admitted with a shrug before he looked at Thor with a raised eyebrow. "are you ill?" he asked. "don't get me sick, earth diseases are nasty." he complained. "you probobly ate something bad, sometimes earth food doesn't get cooked all the way and it makes you sick. go lay down for a while, the Man of Iron gave you a room i think. you'll feel better after a nap." Loki informed Thor. looking for all the world like he'd forgiven his brother, as he always did. Loki had an explosive temper. he blew up easily, but the fires died down quickly. he lifted a wrist to his mouth and nibbled on it, ignoring the bandages re-wrapped around his wrists, acting as if they still itched. well, the did, but not because of the markings.

Clint shrugged. "i'll have to do that. we'll get Natasha to help him and nag him." he decided, smiling as he watched Fenris barrel down the grass, racing with dogs. the other pet owners relaxing as they realized that the big monster wolf wasn't going to eat their animals. "i'm sure Loki will find an easy way to make him realize." he admitted with a chuckle. "they where in bed together this morning. Jarvis told me." Clint admitted. "so he's already about halfway there." he admitted with a snicker. "...damn." he muttered, looking at her with shock. "i KNEW it!" he finally declared, looking delighted. "i TOLD Nat that there was someone watching out for me that day! HA! she said i was insane, but i knew better!" he admitted with a grin. "the shrapnel missed my jugular by centimeters! it was what saved my life." he admitted with a grin. "Loki doesn't like to fight anyway." Clint mused. "he wouldn't make a very good Avenger..." he smirked. "we could make him into our cheerleader. i bet Tony would notice him if we stuck him into a tiny skirt." he admitted with a grin before sighing. "of course, with him free... we have to worry about pranks." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i'm never too tired to THINK about sex." he teased with a grin. "i AM a man you know. Sex is all we really think about." he admitted with a shake of his head before nodding. "so, we'll get him everything he needs to be comfortable. a big ol bed. they make them for dogs, we can stop at the Pet store and get him everything he might need. let him pick out some toys and stuff... bored kids are never a good idea." he admitted with a smile before choking on his tongue as he realized that Loki had been the carrier of his children... then he started to laugh, wildly. "oh! oh my GOD! we have to get a video camera and tell Tony this!!!!"
"Just tell mother. She wouldn't have a problem killing him."jor said even if he knew it was a lie.while she might not like him,shed known thor long enough to hesitate at actually killing him. Smiling as he moved over to watch the card game so thor wouldn't realize he was laughing."I am. I think it was the food,rother. And I will go use the room the man of iron made me."thor said looking pleased that loki was no longer angry at himbefore pausing and staring at the man as hd itched his wrists."ehat did you do brother?"he said looking concerned. "Father,don't'll make it worse."jor scolded.

"definitely. He just needs nagged into paying attention.and I know he doesn't do it on purpose but its so annoying to realize you've been talking to him for awhile and he talked back,and he still didn't hear a word you said."sigyn smiled." tony has to admit it and they'll be happier for it."she said smiling before blushing slightly."ill have to wotk on my stealth skills if you knew I was there."she sulked and shuddered not about to tell him that he'd died before she'd gotten to him,his jugular in shreds.only healing him and giving him a good portion of her own blood had kept him from bleeding out.while it hadn't changed him fundamentally,her asgardian blood had given him a momentary boost enough to survive. She'd heard enough of loki's talk to natasha on the helipad to not tell him he'd died,not wanting him to feel like he owed her something,and really it didn't matter,since he did survive the explosion,"you'll have to tell natasha.I get the feeling you don't get to tell her shes wrong often."she teased before snickering."tony'd definitely notice a cheerleader,especially if he was in iron man colors."she smiled."we'll stop at the pet store on our way home. Miht as well pick up everything he wants or needs while we're out."she said amused that he was taking so well to her kids,having not bedn sure how a human would react to such...diverse children. Nearly dying from laughter she just laughed harder as fenris whined leaning against her as she changed colors from lauhing to hard to breath."I'm okay,fen.really."she smiled before nodding."we'll have jarvis record it for us and definitely tell tony when hes least expecting news like that."
he shook his head. "you know she only kills the evils. Thor is a bastard but he's not Evil, he truly thinks he does what is right. he is misguided, and a bastard, but he's not truly evil." he admitted with a sigh as he shook his head, nodding. "take a nap Thor..." he agreed before flushing darkly and looking away from Thor, dropping his wrist to his side as Hela studied her father. "i... couldn't handle..." Loki mumbled, raising his arms and clutching his forearms, a very familiar position that Thor knew all too well. Loki only did that when he was feeling incredibly vulnerable. "i figured in death, at least i would be welcome..." Loki finally stated, Hela's eyes widening. "Sigyn had to save me, and she brought me here to recover..." Loki admitted with a sigh, not looking at his brother, this time in 'shame' rather than anger. he tossed Hela a wink to let her know he was lying though. "he needed quite a few stitches." Bruce admitted, not about to take it easy on Thor after what had happened.

he chuckled a little. "yeah it is pretty annoying." he agreed. "but it's part of who Tony is. there are tricks to gettign his full attention. calling him Anthony is one of them." he admitted with a nod. "and catching him outside of the Lab is another." he admitted with a shrug before he laughed. "i didn't know you where there, i just... i was pretty sure i was dead." he admitted. "i looked up and i could see my mother and grandmother reaching out for me... they raised me you know. my dad and grandfather where both deadbeats. by the time i was three months in the womb, both had gone." he admitted. "and then they made shooing motions and i sort of felt like i got drop kicked back into my own body." he admitted with a chuckle. "it was the weirdest sensation. Near Death Experience they call it." he admitted, looking at her. "i'm SO going to tell Nat." he admitted with a snicker. "we'll pick up a cheerleader outfit while we're out too, and change it to Iron Man colors and give it to Loki to surprise Tony with. we can claim it's a prank if Tony doesn't react well." he decided with a chuckle. "you know. i think i'm in shock." he admitted suddenly. "your kid is a Wolf and i'm talking about buying him a dog bed and somehow i'm alright with this..." he frowned. "maybe i'm insane?" he wondered. "or could be i'm just too used to weird crap after living with Tony and shit..." he mused before he grinned as she broke down into laughter. "we need to do it while Loki is there, just so he can enjoy the reaction too, he'll get a kick out of it. you tuckered out yet Fen or do you wanna go a few more rounds?" he asked, picking up the Frisbee.
Lthor's eyes wifened as he stared at his brother tears misting his eyes."I am sorry brother...but I am glad she saved you.." "do you see now that your actions have consquences,point break?"yony said as he walked into the room looking concerned and confused, his hair sticking up every which way frowning as thor weent to speak before running out of thr room,soon the sound of him being sick could be heard."what fid you give him sleipnir?"jor said wuietly.

Sigyn sighed a littld.maybe he'd fedlokay with almost dying if he knew it really had bern flying?"no I didn't know. Not all of your lives were as easy to follow as stark's. You and natasha are the two I knos the least about. But that wasn't a near death experience clint. That was your mother and grandmother,sent by hela to tell you to come back to the world, snd that dropkick was me restarting your heart and tranfusing enough bllood to give you a asgardian's healing ablitiy so you didn't bleed out. Now before you worry,it was only temporary, it only lasted until your own body caught up and replaced thr blood you lost.its dangerous to do like that,for both og us,but id had few choices that would have guaranteed you lived,nd you had to live."she sighed.hontesy came hard to her,not because she lied a lot, but because she didn't want to upset him ot make him regret this marriage when they were just figuring out how to be together.grinning she nodded."loki'd love it. It'd be perfect cause tony has a thing for cheerleaders."she smilrd before shrugging."probably a little of both. The shock will eventually wear off and you'll probably be upset at being stepdad to four 'kids' who remember the roman empire as a fond memory."she said looking vaguely worried about that timE. Having figured he was pretty much in shock,she was worried what would happen when it wore off. "We can go. I want a nap,after we go shopping."fenris said as he shifted back,careful to make sure no one was watching him do so before standing and walking with the two adults towards the entrance to the park.
Loki shook his head. "it is not your fault. Odin would simply have killed me if it wasn't for your speaking up for me." he muttered simply. he knew that as a fact to say the least. while he hadn't tried to kill himself, Thor didn't know that, and it would make the man feel even worse for yelling at Loki for being with Sigyn. "oh, a laxative..." Sleipnir admitted. "and food poisoning." he admitted as he examined Bruce's cards. it wasn't cheating if Bruce wasn't paying close enough attention to make sure his cards where hidden.

Clint went pale as he realized he really HAD died. "fuck..." he muttered, looking like he wanted to be sick. "i am SO glad i retired..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "still, it was nice to see my mother and grandmother again... and i'm alive now... so. no big deal." he decided. "i'm going to have nightmares tonight." he admitted with a grimace. "thanks for saving me. i'll buy you a cake." he promised with a week smile. "so getting your blood didn't really do anything to me?" he asked curiously. "it just saved my life long enough for me to heal enough not to die again... i can handle that...." it was still weird to think about. but then, blood transfusions always weird-ed him out a bit. "yep... i'm now, definitely in shock...." he admitted, shaking his head. "Roman Empire!?" he demanded, stunned, gaping at her. "you know, that's kind of cool." he admitted. "my step children are gods older than America is..." he muttered, wondering if he was going to faint. no, he was a manly man! manly men did not faint like little girls... "i think we could all use a Nap." he agreed, shoving the shock back so he could have a panic attack later, in private. "we'll go to the pet store first and get you some toys and the such." he promised Fenris. "then we'll get that cheerleader costume... maybe pick up a few prey animals so you can hunt a time or two... DO you hunt?" he asked Fenris. "some dogs hunt, but your not a dog so..."
Thir winced."I should have done more for you brother."thor sihed quietly."bruce,you better watch your cards."tony said as he watched thor leave before looking around disappointed to not see steve,nd really worried that it was taking him this long to get back. Before he looked at loki smiling slihtly."want togive me a hand?I coulf use a new prespective besides bruce and clint's."he said because he bounced ideas off the other two men for very different reasons.bruce would gi e him a sciency answer,and clint would give him a real world answer.and now he wanted a gods....not that he was just looking for an excuse to be in loki"s company.

Sigyn winced at his reacgion"to much honesty?you'll have to tell me if I'm being to much. I've lived with loki,and we've always just said everything no matter how if you dknt want to're going to have to give me boundariez..."she muttered looking concerned."not that I want to.lie to you but I don't wnt to make this getting to know rach other while married even more awkward then it already is....I do to.have nightmares I mean. When I'm not to tired from marathon sex I mean."she teased him a little before nodding."you're human. I couldn't change that permeanently without a major working. Giving you my blood just gave you a bit of time to let your own body heal itself."she smiled because she wasn't about to tell him how long loki had howled over the fact she'd been that reckless without someone-him-there to watch out for her. Because in truth she'd shared her own godhood,her own source of power,no matter how short the timehad been, she'd done it and was lucky she hadn't killed them both."yea hela's the youngest,and was born the year alexander the great died." Around 330 bc then."you okay?"she muttered wondering id they should skip shopping so he'd have a chance to really deal with what fate had dumped in his lap smiling slihtly though as fenris started running around the 2 story pet store they'd found a few blocks from the tower."I'm a wolf remeber?of course I and jor usually go after bears in alaska."fenriz grinned at clint's qurstion
Loki shrugged. "it is done." he stated simply. "and besides, what more could you have done when Odin hated me the moment he set eyes on me?" Loki asked Thor. "not even Frigga could protect me now." Loki wondered if Thor realized that Frigga had left Odin to rejoin her sisters in Vanaheim. "sure, i'd love to give you a hand." Loki agreed, putting just enough of a tone in there to give it a slight sexual innuendo. "what are we doing? are we playing with the imagery again?" he asked as he followed Tony to the lab, sounding rather excited and Hela hummed. "that's the happiest he's been in a while. Tony always knows how to make Loki feel better. it's a shame Tony doesn't know he likes men yet." she muttered, sounding highly amused. "not that it's going to stop father from seducing the cutie." she mused as Bruce glared at Sleipnir. "you little cheat!" "are you really that surprised?" ", not really.."

he blinked at her a little bit and then. "no not too much honesty, just... too much at one time i think... i just need to digest a bit." he promised. "i don't have nightmares all that often anymore." he admitted. "i'm too used to the things i do." he admitted with a shrug before smirking at her. "well, maybe we'll just have to have marathon sex every night so you won't have the energy to dream?" he offered, smirking as he followed Fenris around, picking up various things he thought the boy might need, including a dog bed so big it was almost a bed bed. "i thought Sleipnir was the youngest?" he asked, startled. technically yes, but being a magical horse, he had grown up within two years. and had lived in the stables instead of the house. so while in age he was younger, he was actually the oldest out of everyone, even Jor. because while Jor was just learning how to crawl... and slither, Sleipnir was out racing the stars... and being Odin's personal bitch. "oh..." he frowned and then. "i'm a little disappointing by that... it would be awesome to be partly god." he admitted with a grin. "i'd live forever and leap tall buildings in a single bound!" he stated with a grin as he picked up a massive rawhide bone that was almost as long as his entire arm. "does Fen like rawhide?" he asked curiously. "good god she's old... good god your old! i know Loki said he was old... but that's Old!" he stated, more than a little amazed.
Thor in fact didn't know. After all, he didn't see his mother every day, so he hadn't thought it odd that in the day he'd been home, that his mother hadn't been there. Tony glanced at the other, frowning slightly, sensing what the other was saying, and blushing ever so slightly. "No we're not. sadly. We're going to be working on that stupid suit Pepper was yelling at me about."he said gesturing to the images on his screen, before sighing. "I don't know how you can help, I just need someone to talk to while I tinker with it."he said sighing as he looked over the parts, before rubbing a hand over his face, "Jarvis? Music please."He said not paying attention as the music started before looking at loki. "The problem is, that their suits don't have either me, or jarvis in it. It's like giving a monkey the keys to a car, and expecting them to drive like dale earnhart."He sighed quietly before frowning a little, tilting hsi head as he realized they weren't listening to the usual AC/DC, but divinyl's I touch myself. "Jarvis?" "ms. Sigyn asked me to play this the next time you two were down here." "...damn."Tony grumbled before focusing on what he was working on, blushing ever so slightly.

"ahhh, okay."She said looking worried still though before looking amused."I don't know if its a good thing or a bad thing you got used to it."She said looking thoughtful before grinning."Hmm, I could definitely get behind having sex as therapy. That would be great."He said before tilting her head."Technically, he is. But he spent his childhood as a horse, not a shifter. He was mature at 2 years, where even Jor didn't hit teens until he was nearly a hundred."She said thoughtfully before laughing. "Ah, I'm sorry. You're not superman."She teased a little before grinning as fenris snatched it out of his hands."Yes I do."fenris said carrying it around as he went back to pcking out more toys before pouting. "Heyyy...Do I look like I'm old?Don't make me feel old, cause then I'll feel weird about sleeping with you."She whined, because it did weird her out a little bit, to be with someone considering just how old she was.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "that's not so bad. what's wrong with the suit? i thought you liked working on your iron man suits?" he asked looking confused. if it was an iron man suit, why would Tony not be in it? or Jarvis? it was like... "are you building this one for an Avenger?" he asked, wondering if maybe Clint's 'bow and arrow superhero' was getting a makeover. or maybe it was that Rhodes fellow? "...whats wrong with the music?" Loki asked before he focused on the lyrics. "...ah." he muttered, shaking his head. "Jarvis? this song is giving me a headache, and i feel slightly unwell, would you play ACDC for me?" Loki asked hopefully. "and play 'Face Down Ass up by 2 live crew(nsfw) when Clint and Sigyn get into bed with each other." he ordered, smirking a little as he shook his head. "really, i cannot beleive her." he stated simply. "everyone knows we don't need to masturbate." he stated with a superior sniff. "Sir. Rogers is back." Jarvis informed him. "hey Tony." Steve stated as he walked in, looking troubled. "so, apparently Pep wasn't hearing voices in her head. she was just hearing voices... from across the street..." he explained. "and she's still hearing voices, even though the noise canceling muffs. so on the plus side, at least she's not crazy..."

Clint chuckled a little. "i've been doing this since i was a child, of course i got used to it. i make it okay by never hurting an innocent life. the men and women i took down, deserved to be taken down." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i can totally get behind sex as a therapy as well." he admitted with a smile. "ah i see, so he's, er, more mature because he grew at a much faster rate..." he muttered. "... animal children are confusing." he groaned with a sigh before laughing as Fenris snagged the massive Rawhide bone. "Fen! we got a cart for a reason, you don't have to carry ALL of that." he promised with a snicker before he looked at her. "you are old." he pointed out. "in a human standpoint anyway. but your not human, so i can't treat you like one." he admitted with a grin. "besides, i've always liked older women." he admitted as he watched Fen finish and then dragged the heavy cart back to the register and down the street after paying for it. because there was no way in hell he was carrying all of that. "next time we go shopping, we're getting him a harness and a sled and he can push his own toys back home." he grumbled, shaking his head. "god i think we bought the whole store." he teased Fen with a grin. "one last stop and then it's nap time baby!"
"It's the fact that I've built a suit for someone who's not me. And they're using it as a weapon, no matter how protective rhodes is being with it, the army's still using it for their own ends. And I do like working on MY suit, not one that doesn't have jarvis in it, or me. I mean, the suits good. My usual amazing work, but part of what makes me good, is Jarvis is constantly feeding me info. And I'm smart enough to process everything at once. Do you think rhodes, or even a normal soldier, could keep up with the suit?....I just don't like giving over something to a goverment I don't trust...."Tony grumbled, because he hated sharing his suit, and absolutely refused to let anyone else have access to jarvis, or anything like him, as he was afraid of just how easily it would become a weapon. "Nothing."He muttered looking amused though as Jarvis changed it to AC/DC, before laughing even if he was blushing a little. "She's bored. Apparently Clint's not doing his job of satisfying her enough if she's still playing pranks a day after her wedding."Tony complained before looking pleased that the man was back, before startled at Steve's words. "Well, that is a plus."Tony muttered before swinging to face Loki. "Can you spell something, and not have to be around to hold it?I mean, I know sigyn held my suits pink from across the world, but that was big. How small can something be and still be spelled?"He said his mind already chewing on the issue.

"...I told you. Interesting children, we have. Loki's fault, I blame it all on him."Sigyn said snickering before nudging him a little. "Don't try to understand, all it'll do is give you a headache. Instead think about tony trying to figure all this out."She snickered before looking thoughtful. "But it's MINE!"Fenris called as he held the bone. "True. Remembering I'm not human when I do odd getting undressed in a room...I mean, seriously?Tony whined to loki about him getting undressed in front of him. And older women huh?"She said snickering a little amused as they pushed the cart, before nodding. "Next time we'll send tony and loki with him.It'll do them good to kid shop, since loki can get pregnant."She snickered at the idea before giggling a little. "I think so to!It was a good store."Fenris grinned at Clint, looking pleased with his whole cart of things. "Wonder which would be more amusing, seeing loki as a woman as a cheerleader, or watch him as guy. Either way, fairly amusing.Wait here, I'll go run in and get the costume"Sigyn said snickering as she darted into the costume shop and picked it up, grinning as she walked back out grinning. "Tony's going to kill us all."She snickered as they walked into the tower, looking amused as fenris ran off to tell hela and jormugandr about his shopping trip, with clint and sigyn following at a slower pace as they pulled everything with them.
Loki frowned a little, his head tilted. "so, why don't you build in certain special features into the soft and hardware system in order to make sure that it can't be used against innocents or something? because... you have to know that when you get old and unable to defend the suit, or if you die in the line of duty, they'll take your suits anyway." he pointed out. "so... how will you stop that?" he asked, his head tilted. "and don't feel bad, no one trusts government." he promised with a smile. "oh, Clint did his best, but he is only a human after all. and an out of practice one at that. we fight for fun Tony, and out endurance is much higher than most humans can keep up with..." he pondered. "except maybe for you. you might possibly by able to keep up." he admitted, sounding amused before he blinked at Tony. "well... it depends on what you want it to do. i can spell something to play music at a touch almost endlessly, so long as it's only a single song. i can charm something to change it's color for all eternity or until a certain time has passed. i can charm something to be invisible, but external things? like transforming you into a rabbit? it will always wear off after a year or so unless i'm constantly putting my energy into the transformation. why, what where you looking to do?"

he chuckled a little. "well, genetically speaking, it IS all Loki's fault." he pointed out with a grin before he started to laugh in delight at the idea of Tony struggling to understand how it was possible for a man to get pregnant. "good idea. we really need to pick up a video cameras... oh! my phone takes video!" he decided with an impish smirk. "and Jarvis will record any traumatic expressions on Tony's face too." he mused before rolling his eyes at Fen. "is he always that possessive or is it just the puppy in him? because if he's food aggressive, he's getting sent to K 9 school. i'm telling you." but there was laughter in his voice to let her know he was joking. "oh Loki has to do it as a man, or Tony won't realize he's attracted to men... though, if you think about it. being that Tony is Bi, Loki is the perfect man and the perfect woman for him." he admitted with a smirk. "when Loki replicates himself... how real are those clones?" he wondered, snickering a little as he nodded. "oh yes he is. but it's SO going to be worth it."
"....You're not supposed to think of things I hadn't already thought of."Tony sulked even as he turned towards his computer again to start working on the software needed to make the changes Loki had thought of. While he complained, it was obvious he also liked the input when his mind refused to put the pieces together. "Besides, I'm not going to get old or die. I'm amazing, I'll be around forever."Tony snickered a little before smiling slightly. "Ahhh, yea. Being out of sex practice would be a depressing state of affairs."He said glancing at the other man, blushing ever so slightly as he considered keeping up with loki. Glancing at steve he smirked a little before he looked at loki."He said pepper's headphones cant cancel the noise out. Could you spell her a pair of earplugs, like a small pair that I make so its not obvious she's wearing them, and just have them block everything when she's wearing them. Or maybe I can set it so she could change the volume, maybe not block it all, but most...."Tony said his mind already spitting out ideas as he worked on the goverment's version of his suit.

"Very true. I'm telling him that next time he gets annoyed at not being able to discipline them."Sigyn snickered before nodding."We'll record it. And make sure we're not in the lab. Don't want him accidently blowing himself up or something."Sigyn smiled looking amused before laughing at clint's words. "He's always that possessive over his food, but he'll share food with his pack. Which includes all of us, except probably thor, because we're all together and family....even if we're a little dysfunctional."She teased a little before laughing. "Ah, well we'll have him do it as a guy.And you're right, tony can have whatever he wants given his mood, cause god knows loki's weird enough to go both ways."She snickered before staring at her husband."....That's twisted. And they're as real as he wants them to be, he can make them touchable."She grumbled shuddering at the mental image of that. "Dammit clint."She whined before grinning. "It will be worth it."She smiled as they got all of fenris' things to the room next to clint's, while him and natasha had a whole floor to themselves, there were a few bedrooms on the floor, and sigyn would rest easier having her youngest,the one who usually needed the most looking after, so close by. Putting the bed out she turned looking at clint, wrapping her arms around his waist as she leaned into him."You're being so good about all this. Thanks."She said for the first time since thor had arrived yesterday, truly calm and relaxed.
Loki smiled a little. "isn't that why you wanted me here? to point out the things your too amazing to have to worry about?" he asked with a smile. "your brain is too brilliant to think of simple solutions." he admitted. "and... well, i can actually make sure that you don't get old..." he admitted. "we'd have to be married though." he admitted. "and it would have to wait until well after we've dealt with Thor." he admitted with a shake of his head. "but it is possible to give a mortal a Gods lifespan." he admitted with a smile. "so you could very well be around forever." he admitted with a chuckle. "because i'm well known for breaking the rules." he admitted with a smile. "actually, if you have a pair of earrings, i can charm them to filter out noise within a certain distance." he admitted. she won't be able to hear birds singing, but at least she wont hear people talking about her behind her back." "i'll go get some." Steve promised with a smile, looking relieved. "she's a bit of a mess though. she's really depressed and suffering from PTSD. apparently Killian did some pretty bad mental and emotional things to her. she was ashamed about it so she never said anything. she's honestly worse than you are Tony." Steve admitted with a sigh. "but she... she's been setting things on fire again Tony." Steve warned. "whatever Killian did that made her glow? it's coming back."

he snickered a little. "has he EVER been able to discipline them?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "and your right, we SO have to not be there, i don't want to end up as a smear because of a lab accident." he admitted with a chuckle. "ah, so he's an Alpha, or high up on the chain of command then?" he asked with a smile. "so long as he doesn't bite me when i ask for the potatoes. and it's not like anyone else is going to want to chew on his rawhide or eat his dog treats..." he mused with a snort. "i think everyone is angry at Thor... did you hear what Sleipnir did to the man? fed him a laxative and then gave him food poisoning. that's just wrong." not that Clint could blame the boy, especially since Thor STILL wasn't really aware of who Sleipnir was. "a little? we have SO many problems." he admitted with a laugh. "but it works for us, at least we won't ever be bored." he admitted with a smirk. "...can YOU make touchable illusions?" he asked, wiggling his eyes at her. "at least we know Loki really IS made for Tony." he admitted with a laugh. "you can make our room... you know, not make noise right? because i am NOT having sex if Fenris can hear us." he warned as he smiled at her. "i'm going to have a panic attack in private." he admitted to her. "i'll breath into a paper bag, scream a little, maybe cry and then i'll be alright." he promised. "i rather like your kids." he admitted. "as little as i've been with them so far, i can tell their good kids." he admitted. "and it will be good practice. for if we ever have kids." he admitted as he stripped off his shoes and groaned as he sank into the bed. "god i'm tired... that Cart was heavy... did he REALLY need ALL of that soft dog food?" he asked, sulking at having had to push the cart all the way back up to the Tower. "i'm going to take a nap. want to join me?" he offered, smiling at her before gasping as the music started as soon as she sat down. he could only gape as he heard the lyrics. "TONY!!!!"
"True. Doesn't mean I don't get to complain when you think of something simple."He muttered before looking amused before raising a eyebrow."Really?That would be awesome. I could have as much sex as I want and never worry about getting to old and needing vigara or having a heart attack from it...and of course after we deal with thor."He said looking amused at the idea before looking thoughtful. "Thanks steve.I apperciate you looking after her."tony said looking at the good captain, and he was. He hated that he couldn't take care of her. "I'll see that she gets help."He said not about to admit that he needed help to. Because while he knew he had his own triggers, moments that sent him back to that cave in afganastan, he'd been so careful about avoiding any of them, that it had been a truly long time since he'd been that bad off. "Fuck!"Tony cursed as he looked down at his hand, looking at what he'd done to his computer screen. While he didn't usually use them, he did occasionally use the see through glass tablets and..."Bloody hell."He cursed as he held his hand up, brushing the glass off his lap and looking for a towel to wrap up his cut up hand, having tightened his grip to tightly and shattered it. "Fuck...I need...uhh..blood samples. Fuck, I thought I fixed that. That's stupid. My equations shouldn't be able to reverse like that, this is stupid and now I'm bleeding and fucking hell..."The genius was rambling a little because despite everything, he didn't do well with seeing his own blood, it sent him back into that hell hole in the desert, blood always rattled his cage.

"Well...he likes to think he did."Sigyn snickered before nodding. "Yea, something like that. His father is alpha, so whatever that makes fenris, there you go....I really didn't ask who loki slept with, I like being able to sleep at night, and if I consider it, it makes my head hurt."she said snickering before smiling. "He doesn't like potatoes, so no, I wont bite you."She teased a little before nodding. "hm, I did. and yes, I'm fairly certain everyone's angry with him....have thinking tony and loki are down there in the lab planning something."She muttered before raising a eyebrow. "Hm..."sigyn purred smirking at him as she created a illusion of steve leaning against his back, pressing tight against him. "Definitely can. Took awhile to learn how though."She teased before letting the illusion fade before studying him and nodding. "I can. And I'm setting the door not to open unless we want it to, even if its broken or kicked in.Complete, absolute privacy."She said smiling before flushing a little. "They are."She said before pausing in the middle of pulling off her boots, staring at her husband for a long moment, at a loss to what to say to the idea of kids. cause while she'd already raised some, it was something different to consider carryhing them. Swallowing hard she laughed looking amused."Probably not, but he did convince you to let him get it."She teased as she nodded, stripping down to her underwear and climbing in bed with him, gaped at the song, before shaking her head. "No. Loki. I played 'I touch myself' for him and tony, this is his revenge...though tony's probably laughing at the idea."She mused before smirking as she looked at her husband. "And besides...there's nothing wrong with doggy style."She teased kissing him.
Loiki chuckled and nodded. "i could be banished for it though... oh wait..." he mused, looking highly, highly like he wanted to laugh. "i already am! whatever will Odin frighten me with then?" he wondered. "in any case, i doubt that you, being you, would ever need Viagra." he admitted with a chuckle as he shook his head. "it's no problem Tony, i was glad to get out of here for a while. i was starting to feel sort of trapped." he admitted with a smile. "working with Pepper gave me something new to focus on." he admitted before jumping as Tony started cursing. "Tony, that's enough." Loki ordered, creating a cool cloth that he laid over the cuts, hiding the blood from Tony's view and disinfecting them at the same time. "let me see, you can worry about Pepper once you get her blood work. it's probobly a new mutation. working with genetics and DNA the way Killian was always has unusual effects." he stated as he carefully examined Tony's hand and carefully magicked each piece of glass out, working as methodically as a surgeon to make sure he didn't make the wounds worse. "this is probobly not your equations reversing, but rather whatever Killian did expanding around them. Steve hand me that first aid kit." he used the gauze and wrapping to bind the injuries, thankfully Tony hadn't cut himself bad enough to need stitches. "there, all better. come on, we can go to the hospital and see what's going on." he promised.

Clint snickered and nodded. "it's basic Pack mentality. Fenris simply has to realize that Loki isn't at the top of the pack..." he paused. "actually, i'm not sure who is." he admitted, frowning. "it's either Steve, tony, or Bruce... not entirely sure.." he admitted. "maybe i should ask Loki?" he asked with a grin. "after all, if he did it with a giant wolf, well that's something Tony really needs to know about." he admitted with a smirk, smirking even more at the idea of Tony and Loki planning even bigger retribution. "oh my god." he moaned, swallowing thickly as he felt Steve's smooth muscles tight against him. "dammit Sigyn now i'm all turned on again." he groaned, sighing a little. "so i take it you have a thing for Steve too huh?" he asked with a smile. "you know... there are three way marriages these days. their not technically legal, but they are slightly accepted by the general public." he admitted, licking his lips. "you totally deserve to have two doting men at your side." he teased with a smile. "and it's good that we have the privacy we need. the kids are great, but if they pull a Jor and pop in here when i'm trying to get laid, i am going to be super pissed." he admitted. "though, i'm more worried about Tony and Loki interrupting than i am Sleipnir or Fen." he didn't mention Hela or Jor because he just wasn't too sure about them yet. the might do it... just to see Clint turn colors. "...dammit." he groaned. "it's only been a few hours and that brat already has me wrapped around his fingers..." he groaned before shaking his head before perking up at the idea of 'Doggy style'. "oh hells yes." he growled, pulling her into a tight kiss. eager to get laid before that nap.
"Ahhh, kinda hard to be threatened into behaving when you're already doing the worst punishment they have."Tony snickered a little before smirking."Why thanks. I definitely have no intention of ever needing it."He snorted amused before looking startled, so startled at being ordered around that he actually stopped rambling for a moment, before nodding slightly."That makes sense. It changed her on a genetic level, makes sense that its mutating to work around what I did to it..."He said swallowing hard and quietly looking around teh room as loki removed the glass, shuddering a little. even if he wasnt watching, the pain was still freaking him out a bit. "Well, hopefully she wont freak out when we show up.I dont want to upset her, but I do want to see how she's doing."Tony said looking amused, nudging loki,calmer now that he couldn't see that he'd hurt himself, the bandages reminding him he was at home, and not in the middle of the desert."You have enoughg magic to just teleport us there?Cant really drive like this, it'd hurt."

"...probably steve. Tony listens to him better then he does bruce."She pointed out before smiling slightly, "But we'll ask loki. It is a definite thing tony needs to know about."He snickered a little because she just knew if she told tony about the kids dads before loki was ready, they were so going to get pranked in return. "hm, is that such a bad thing?"Sigyn muttered complaining before flushing ever so slightly."Yea. And I know....loki already suggested that...I just haven't figured out how to seduce him. I figured he'd probably resist a three way marriage, as he's from the 40s, and they were kinda weird about sex and relationships and all that."Sigyn said smiling slightly, but pleased that he was okay with the idea of a three way. "Yea, I'd be pissed since they'd actually be in the least Jor stayed out of the actual bedroom this morning.....and I dont trust any of them not to interrupt if they could."Sigyn said laughing."Don't worry about it, he wraps everyone around his fingers."She teased before smirking as she pounced on him, having every intention of enjoying sex before napping."So you've recovered from our marathon last night then?"she teased straddling him, amusement bright in her features, for a moment her whole world narrowing down to this moment and not everything that scared her about being married or about what could happen.for once not focusing on the future, but this moment, this man.And that was probably the best gift clint gave her, a life outside of working to make sure the best possible future she'd seen.a chance to just live.
Loki nodded. "well, the worst punishment is death, but Odin would then have to kill everyone who ever turned a mortal into a half-blooded god." he admitted. "and there is a LOT more than you'd think. he can't be seen as actively 'picking' on me or people will start to wonder what he has against me so much, after all, he did take me in. if people start to suspect, they'll realize he's hated me all my life." he admitted. "and then people will wonder why, and he simply can't have that." he admitted with a smile. "there, all better. i even numbed the nerves a little to help with the pain." he promised, brushing a small kiss over Tony's palm. "and a kiss to make it better." he stated, doing it in such an offhand manner, it clearly wasn't a conscious thought. "yes, i can transport us there." he promised with a smile. "if you really needed, i could drive you, you know. i am very good at driving." he admitted. he'd practiced very hard to be able to drive, he had a drivers license and everything. but he wrapped an arm around Tony's waist and they where in the hospital in a second... coupled with that punch to the gut sensation.

"Tony?" Pepper asked, sounding tired. "Tony is that you?" she asked, looking around the room before relaxing as she realized it was indeed Tony. "Tony i'm sorry... those things i said. they weren't true..." she muttered, clearly exaughsted. her body was failing. Killian's super gene was taking it's toll. "i didn't mean them. i was just so frustrated..." she whispered. "your board of directors fought me at every turn... i couldn't get anything done because they didn't want me there. Obediah was paying them off and they didn't like it that i wouldn't do the same..." she mumbled. "i'm so tired Tony..." she admitted. "i think i did something... not okay though..." she admitted, looking at him. "i told the military that they couldn't have a suit... i don't think we're getting military funding anymore..." she admitted before frowning as she noticed Loki, flying into a panic. "oh my god! is that Loki!? Tony run! it's Loki! he's here to kill us all!!!" "...i'm so flattered." Loki mused. "she wasn't even in Manhattan at the time and she's still afraid of me." he mused, which made Pepper gape at him. "do calm down, i'm here to help Tony help you. it looks like her body is trying to go back to it's original state, only because her body accepted whatever Killian did to her, it's going back to that state instead... it shouldn't kill her, but it's going to be miserable."

he nodded. "yeah good point." he admitted with a chuckle. "he listened to Pepper at one point too, but she's been such a bitch lately that she's pretty well on the bottom of the totem." he admitted with a shake of his head before smirking. "Loki is going to be so pissed at us." he admitted with a laugh. "but that's what he gets for playing nasty, and BAD music while i'm trying to get laid." he mused with a smile. "it shouldn't be too hard. i know he's liked me for a while. but i was working through my issues with Natasha and didn't really... you know. pay much attention to it. it might be easy, i mean, they had hippies during WWII didn't they?" he asked curiously. "or where they after?" he wondered, his head tilted a little before he chuckled a little. "maybe i should just go and kiss him?" he wondered as he gave her a tiny kiss. "not even in the slightest, i'm just too horny to care about pulled muscles and pain." he admitted with a laugh as he began to lavish his woman with all the attention he could give.
"Well that woumd probably explain some of the legends about the super humans. Half god half mortals."he muttered shuddering as loki's lips touched his palm."you know that would be useful in battle. Not killing the major warnings of your body telling you to stop or you're going to die,but the small aches and pains. Killing the nerves would be interesting."tony said focusing on the idea of battle and not the spike of lust through his system."you are such a father."he teased seeing how much the kiss had been habit and not to bother him before laughing."are you insane? You're not getting anywhere near my might drive, but I don't even let bruce drive them and he drives like a old lady."

Tony gasped as he recovered,not feeling as bad this time.while it was still painful he'd been ready for it this time."yea pep its me."he muttered moving to her side looking her over,pain in his face."hey.don't sorry about didn't tell me anything my father hadn't already said. I know I'm a fuckup,but I'm trying to be better."he said smiling before he frowned."hey don't worry about the military or the board of directors.I hadn't wanted to make a suit for them anyways,and ill take care of the board while you recover okay?I do still own the company you know,ill deal with it."oh,o natshs wouldn't have to nsg him to take care of things."he said before wincing as she noticed loki."hey its okay. Its a long story but he really is here to help."tony promised before looking at loki sighing softly."so even if I found a new formula to stop it for now,her body'll keep reverting back to what killian did?"he sighed quietly."damn....she'll need help learning how to control it. We can't have her setting fire to things."he said looking at the sorcerer,ilently asking him to help,because that kind of control tony had no experience with,and loki had thousands of years worth.

"Oh so you are trying to get laid?I thought we were taking a nap."sigyn teased before looking thoughtful."poor steve, getting ignored in favor of you having sex with your sister."she teased before shaking her head."hippes were after. But it might not be so bad if he reay does like you and us being married has hurt him."she said looking worried at the idea having not wanted to cause anyone hurt her to think of steve being hurt by her and clint being happy."we should just go kiss him sometime."she decided before grinning."well,if you don't care then..."

Hours later after sex and napping sigyn bolted out of the bed,tartled awake by her nihtmares,hands searching clint's chest,looking for the wound that had been so vividly real to her unconscious mind.
he nodded. "Hercules was real, for example, and was a Demi-God. half Asgaurdian." he admitted. "and i suppose it would be useful in baffle, but anything i could do would be drowned out by the rush of adrenaline anyway." he admitted. "Hela is much more of a healer than i am, she can do some pretty amazing things." he admitted. "hmm?" he asked curiously, looking baffled by the comment. clearly not aware of what he'd done that Tony was teasing him about. "yes i know i'm a father, four times over in fact." he admitted with a smile before he frowned at Tony. "there must be a car i can drive in this building?" he asked, looking amused. "i might have to get my Mercedes from the house if your not going to share." he complained with a pout.

Pepper smiled as she shook her head. "your not a fuck-up." she whispered softly. "you're one of the smartest guys i know... your just a little ADD..." she mumbled, closing her eyes. "i'm sorry i couldn't love you." she mumbled. "you deserved better." she admitted, looking ready to fall right to sleep. "the military is mad.. and the directors are mad... everyone's mad..." she mumbled. "can you fire all of them Tony? i hat them, they're so stupid... how hard is it to make a phone call to someone? they can't even do that... useless men." she grumbled before she came alive as she noticed Loki. "...he's... not evil?" she asked, giving Loki incredibly wary looks as Loki chuckled. "no, i'm not evil. i never wanted to attack New York, but i had to, to give the planet a chance to survive." he explained. "hang in there Ms. Potts. Tony is brilliant, between me, him, and Bruce, nothing can stop us." he promised and Pepper smiled, nodded, and went to sleep as Loki sighed. "yes. whatever Killian did, it seams to be... overpowering. there are Genetic remapping that can be done, but it's never been done to a human before. there's no telling what would happen... i can charm things to be completely flame proof for now." he promised as he gently cupped Pepper's earrings in his hands, tiny silver etchings appearing in the silver hoops. "that will keep her from hearing things from too far away." he informed Tony as he charmed the bed and bedding, and her clothes, fireproof. "it might be better if we moved her back into the Tower. she's going to be very weak, incredibly frightened... it's like going through cancer, only worse. and once she starts to stabilize, we're going to have to find a way to help her control what's happening. there's no telling what it's tied to. emotions most likely."

Clint was sleeping peacefully as she woke, his face content and his chest whole and unharmed, breathing calmly. no sign of any sort of nightmares at all. "hmmm... Sig?" he asked sleepily, having woken up at the touch, rolling over and wrapping her in a hug. "'s too soon to get up... 'g back 'sleep..." he mumbled, nuzzling her neck before falling still again, going right back to sleep. so exaughsted from the trauma and dramatics of the day he'd probobly stay asleep for a good while yet.
"Well, thats true I suppose. Damn."Tony sulked a little before snickering, "Are you aware you even just kissed my boo-boo like I was five?"He teased before shaking his head. "Nope. Not any that belong to me, they're worth a normal person's yearly income. Just go get your own car."He said looking amused.

"WEll, I'll let you win this one, cause you're sick."Tony said looking amused before nodding, smirking evilly. ":I'm definitely going to be doing some firing. I'll even take Natasha with me, threatening female assassin with me should be scary enough to make sure I get my point across."He snickered before shaking his head. "No, not evil.Unless you think pranking me is evil."He muttered watching her fall asleep before sighing looking at loki. "No...we'll just have to let it pass and reassert itself. Then deal with the consquences of her changing."He said looking amused as loki fireproofed everything before nodding. "I'll go tell them we're moving her to the tower, stay here with her okay?"He said looking worried, not wanting to leave pepper alone before heading out to talk to he doctors, and when they wanted to just keep her for scienctific research to see how killian's serum was replicating itself, Tony lost his temper enough that if he'd been the hulk they would have had other issues. As it was, he told them to discharge her and threw enough money at the hospital administrators that he could do what he wanted. "You ready to go?"Tony said looking annoyed and ready to deal with the rest of the people making pepper miserable.

"...yea...go back to sleep..."Sigyn muttered sighing softly as she let him hold her, shifting to get comfortable. trying to relax, trying to go back to sleep. Knowing he'd be out for awhile yet, it had just been to much of a traumatic day for a human body to be as awake as she was. But as a asgardian, she could go with less sleep, which was misterable at times when nightmares drove her out of bed. Sighing quietly as she gently slid out of bed, careful not to disturb clint she made it all the way into the kitchen and started to get something to eat before she realized she wasn't alone. Blinking tiredly at the man, she smiled."hey cap."She muttered slumping onto the barstool as she waited for her coffee to get made.
Loki frowned at Tony, looking confused. "i kiss Sigyn's injuries." he stated, looking a little insulted. "it's an earth custom! i see it happen all the time!" he complained. "and i will get my own car!" he stated with a sniff. "my car is better than yours is anyway." he stated, laughter in his voice as he sulked like a child.

Pepper smiled a little. "i always win Tony." she pointed out before nodding. "have Natasha get rough, k?" she asked hopefully. "they made my life hell so make sure she roughs em up a little." she mumbled as she smiled. "pranks are pretty funny when they're used on you." she admitted with a chuckle. "it shouldn't be hard to contain her powers. if anything, we'll use the same thing that they used on me." he admitted, showing Tony his bandaged wrists. "we often use these Rune Bands to bind children's magic when they are too strong for themselves. i had to wear something similar to these when i was younger as well, because i had more magic inside of me than my body could handle. it helped me control a small amount of magic at a time so i didn't hurt myself." he admitted. "we can tie similar bands to her specific abilities, letting her get used to turning them on and off a little bit at a time. if we have to." he admitted. "if not... i'll just fireproof everything in the tower and we'll do it the hard way." he admitted before nodding. "i'll stay here." he promised, not about to leave Pepper alone with scientists and doctors. "they wanted to make her a lab project didn't they? you want me to... show them the error of their ways?" he asked with a smirk. "a Jotun disease outbreak could be very interesting." he admitted. "particularly since it's not contagious. it only affects certain people and it's not deadly to humans." he admitted, examining his fingernails. "i can't transport her though, you're going to need to call for a car or a cab or something... make that Happy Man come and get you."

Clint grunted his agreement and went to sleep as he did as he was told. Steve was sipping at a cup of milk as he worked on a pile of paperwork. "hey." Steve stated, glancing up at her. "you alright?" he asked, looking slightly concerned. he really did like her, but he was still more than a little heartbroken that he had missed his chance to snag Clint. granted... if he hadn't missed his chance, she'd be a slave right now... "shouldn't you be asleep?" he asked, looking at his watch and blinking a little. " should definitely be asleep..." he himself only needed a few hours of sleep. most people slept to regenerate their body... Steve didn't need to do that, he only needed enough sleep to keep his mind properly functioning. which was only a few hours a night, if that. "you want something to eat? i can make something if you like." he offered, getting to his feet.
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