
Loki snorted a little and shook his head a little. "it's frustrating. she won't even go to bed with me anymore." he grumbled, sulking. "i hate sleeping alone..." he muttered with a sigh. "oh? do you want to distract me Mister Stark?" he asked with a smirk at the other, licking his lips a little at Tony, chuckling a little. "yes. she likes Barton, and Rogers too." he admitted. "she's frightened of her feelings, and even more frightened of the consequences." he admitted. "she's been alone for so long, just me and her, that she's terrified of opening herself up to a new person. not to mention the threat of that fucker Odin." whoa, Loki cursed! Loki NEVER cursed, not a human curse anyway... he REALLY hated Odin. "how many broken bones did you get?" Loki asked with a grin, examining Tony. "i don't drink enough to be able to function when i drink more than four shots of Summerdew. and i had half a bottle." he admitted with a shake of his head. "besides, you're more brilliant when your sober." Loki admitted with a chuckle as he worked on his shots, gulping them down one after another and ignoring the stares he was getting. most people couldn't handle straight espresso. "never Sigyn's, i don't look good in heals." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "and you finally caught part of the prank. congratulations, you'll be less shocked as your fellow Avengers." he admitted with a chuckle. "we do go shopping together though." he admitted with a smile. "go ahead and Ask Stark, you know you want to."

Clint flushed a little as he set the bow down. "sorry, you startled me." he admitted, watching her. "so i haven't been forgotten then?" he asked, sounding annoyed, and hurt. "or do all asgaurdians go two weeks after sex without a word, or even a sign that it was anything more than just a good laugh?" ah, Clint thought he was the brunt of a cruel joke. thinking Loki had been laughing his ass off at Clint's naivety. "why are you here?" he asked, sitting down on his bed. "i had only just convinced myself that you weren't going to come back. i was going to move on, go for Steve maybe..." well that would make things easier, later.
"Hm, you should get laid. never sleep alone then."Tony snickered a little before flushing as he looked at the other."And no,definitely not me distracting you."He said before tilting his head slightly, "Hm. She'd be good for them both, if she can accept it."He mused before his eyes widened at loki's cursing, surely he hadn't just heard what he thought. And that made him even more curious, because he hadn't even heard that much hatred for thor, he was interested. "Enough. Couldn't type for a week, made working on my car a bitch."He grumbled annoyed because pepper had slammed the hood of his car on his hands, which in turn had broken some of the small bones, which had just pissed him off even more into lashing out. "It's good to hear you admit I'm brilliant."Tony snickered a little rolling his eyes as he watched loki drink the espresso as he sipped his latte. "Hm, well, you did kiss me. and didn't find it at all disturbing your supposed lover was sleeping with Clint. Wasn't that had to figure out."he said blushing ever so slightly at the mention of the kiss before adopting a look of innocence, raising his eyebrow. "Ask what?I don't want to know anything."

Sigyn looked at him, swallowing hard as she watched him set the bow down her shoulders hunching, not looking like the calm collected goddess for a moment, before tensing, the illusion hiding how she really was reacting to him. not about to hide just how scared she was, projecting a look of calm towards the man, even if she knew if anyone could figure it out, a assassin trained to see the subtle change between illusion and real. Looking startled at his words she bit her lip trying not to consider him with steve before taking a shaky breath, glad he couldn't see just how upset she was as she wrapped her arms around herself. "...No, you haven't been forgotten."She whispered, wincing as her voice came out husky and small, scared. "...I'm sorry. I didn't mean...I should go...."She muttered her hsoulders feeling tight and her eyes filling with tears, having not known what to expect with suddenly showing up, but being yelled at wasn't one of them. taking his words as scorn because she was scared of her own feelings, instead of realizing he had been hurt by her running away.
Loki chuckled a little as he shook his head. "as a Jotun, i cannot simply, 'jump into bed' with someone Tony. we are exceptionally emotional creatures and we are very..." he struggled to find a word. "we cling, desperately to the few people who we are close to. physical affection is common, hand holding, hugs, kisses, all are common, but actual sex is reserved only for people we have an honest emotional reaction to." he explained simply. "yes i can have sex with just about anyone i want to, but it's difficult, and there is very little actual pleasure unless i'm so horny i can't stand it." he admitted with a shake of his head. "oh, they'll accept her. it's them accepting each other that's going to be hard." he admitted with a smile. "damn, she broke your hands?" Loki asked, shocked. he wanted to ask where she was, but he didn't want to push the issue. "well you are brilliant, for a human." Loki admitted with a grin before he smirked even more at Tony's mention of the kiss. "i did kiss you. it was a very nice kiss. one of the best i've ever had." he admitted with a chuckle. "oh there are so many things you want to ask me. why is Sigyn living with me? why are we pretending to be lovers, why did i kiss you? what am i planning, what did i mean when i said i didn't want to attack new york, why is Sigyn so scared.... the list is endless."

Clint looked at her intently, eyes picking out the strange little flickers on her facial features, scowling as he realized that she was hiding. hiding behind an illusion. "haven't i? it's been two weeks Sigyn. i know that Loki is gay, so it wasn't because of him that you where hiding from me." Clint complained softly, swallowing thickly. "why didn't you come back?" he asked, noticing the tears as he took her wrist in his hand. "please don't leave me again. i don't know... i've never felt like this before. for anyone... please... just tell me... what i did wrong..."
"Ahh...interesting."Tony frowned a little looking thoughtful, and a little hurt. Because if it was a common thing, he wasn't feeling as good about getting kissed. no matter how much he might deny it, the man had felt something at being the person loki wanted outside of sigyn. but...his eyes shuttered a little as he looked down at his cup, sipping his latte. Not willing to look at the emotional reasons why that bothered him. "Well, that's true I suppose. It'll be interesting either way."he mused before nodding slightly. "She did. With my own car. It wasn't pleasant."Tony sulked a little before smirking at someone acknowledging he was brilliant. because of his own past, he so rarely felt worth something if he wasn't being reassured he was brilliant, was smart enough to keep up. He had to the the world's biggest self hating narcissist, because he hated himself just as much as he loved himself. Which was alot. Flushing at loki's words about the kiss he swallowed hard before sighing. "...Why is she scared?Is there a threat we should know about?"He asked, settling on work things instead of his own emotional minefield.

Clint swallowed hard before starting a little, letting out a quiet little watery giggle. "he's going to be so disappointed he wasn't here to witness you figuring that out."she muttered swallowing hard, not looking at him, but not resisting as he touched her wrist, feeling so tiny as his hand swallowed most of her forearm, so much tinier and fragile despite being asgardian then the man in front of her. like loki, she relied more on magic to defend herself, then being physically imposing. "...I...I've only ever had Loki. I mean, as myself."She shuddered avoding his eyes, admitting that in four thousand years only loki andn him had ever seen her come undone in pleasure in her real form instead of a illusion was hard for her,"In four thousand years, only loki's ever seen this...during sex. And I scared me how much I just wanted to be with you. It wasn't you...well it was, but not because you did anything, but because you scared me by making me want you."She muttered staring at teh floor as she let the illusion go, melting into her real form, not liking hiding from him, looking so distressed at upsetting him as she moved to stand in front of him, nudging his legs apart to stand between them as he sat on the bed, hesitating for a moment before sliding her fingers through his hair. Needing the touch.
Loki smiled a little. "i kissed you, because i like you Stark." Loki informed him. "i kissed you because i want you... i kissed you, because i couldn't not do so, because you where there, and you'r damn sexy, and you smell good." Loki admitted as he stared at Stark, realizing quite immidiatly that he had phrased that wrong. "i have never wanted to be intimate with someone so strongly as i do you, but i don't know if your... open." he admitted. "your own car, ouch." he muttered with a shake of his head before he sighed a little. "Odin... when we where young, just barely over the legal age, it became evident that Sigyn was a Seer. she can peer intot he future, and see the best course of action with which to prevent, or produce the results that she saw... Odin wanted her for her powers... he wanted her for a fourth wife." Loki stated, looking at Tony with a rage in his eyes. "she would have been nothing more than a Slave, forced to See when he desired, and forced to do nothing about her visions, which would have caused her a great deal of pain. she has the visions for a reason, after all. so i protected her, and he's never forgiven me for taking away such a weapon, and he banished her to earth, telling her she could only return to Asgaurd, when she promised to be what amounted to a sex slave. so yes, i would say that Odin is a threat, but we are, as of now under Thor's protection. and Odin will not dare to enrage Thor, because for all his idiocy, my brother is very much more powerful than Odin is now."

Clint rolled his eyes. "the way he acts? i'm rather stunned that no one else has noticed... then again they all think your his girlfriend so...." he snorted a little, amused by the Avengers blindness. "i think Tony knows." he admitted before focusing intently on Sigyn, feeling stunned. "so... you left, because you where scared?" he asked softly, feeling like a dick now. "oh Sigyn..." he muttered, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a tight hug. "i'm sorry.. i thought you where using me so i was angry, i shouldn't have yelled at you." he muttered. shaking his head as he leaned intot he touch to his hair, setting his face on her chest, his chin brushing her cleavage. "please don't leave again." he pleaded. "i can tell you when no one else is here, and you can come visit me if you don't like the others..."
Tony stared at the man in front of him, chewing on his lip a little, his eyes still guarded. Not wanting to trust the words, not after a lifetime of screwing up things. and knowing what to do with having a man wanting him that much, or that he was interested in it. not trusting loki, not trusting himself. So he refused to deal for now. Refusing to consider that he focused on the second half of loki's words frowning slightly. "...She saw what would happen. Here. With new york, if you hadn't attacked."tony said studying the man in front of him, putting the puzzle pieces together before his features tightened, angry. "No wonder she freaked when we mentioned odin."The man muttered feeling bad for bringing it up before sighing softly. "Well, at least we know thor wont be taking her back."He mused frowning slightly, wondering just what he had done to get her to earth, but not saying it. Figuring the two deserved some privacy. "So tell me, does your brother know she's here? I mean, in new york, with you, and not wandering the world?She didn't seem pleased with the idea of thor knowing where she was."He said, wanting to know just how much he was going to have to hide from his teammate.

"Hm, we've gone through a great effort to make people think we're together."She muttered before smirking. "And Tony only knows because Loki had his tongue so far down his throat he probably gagged. I feel bad for the playboy, he stands no chance of resisting."He said snickering a little before growing serious, wincing a little as she stared at the floor. "I...I was. I've never been myself. And loki doesn't count, because he'd rather be screwing you then me."She snickered a little because she'd been lonely, for so very long it had scared her badly to want him. "No...I knew you would be angry. You were right in yelling..."She muttered shuddering as his chin brushed against her breasts, closing her eyes before nodding, looking nervous. Scared of trying to be herself, of not being someone else's fantasy....he wanted her, as her. It was a interesting, good feeling. "...I wont.And the others are okay...well. Natasha isn't, she's going to kill me in my sleep or something, but I would like to stay. I mean, not all the time, I have work and loki to look after, since he'd probably die if I didn't cook for him, but..."She stopped, looking down, flushing as she realized she was rambling a bit."...can I stay tonight?Loki's probably going to come back here, and I so want to see the morning after for them. He's on a date."She smirked a little, needing to step away from the emotional mess between her and clint for the moment. "With tony."
Loki smiled a little, letting Tony back away from that topic of discussion. well aware of the emotional trauma Tony was already working through. he considered the best way to help Tony as he stirred a spoon in his hot coffee. "yes, she saw what would happen, and i happened to be the very best way to prevent it. the earth would have been complete decimated without me there to... curb, the Chitauri... and if they hadn't succeeded, what's coming next... would certainly have." he admitted with a small sigh. "unfortunately i couldn't... the Chitauri..." he swallowed thickly, looking like he was going to be sick. "no one was supposed to die..." Loki whispered, a familiar traumatized tone in his voice. sometimes Tony spoke the same way. "we are not certain what's going to happen next. the Vanir have not seen fit to show Sigyn what is coming. we're blind now... it is a... horrible feeling." Loki admitted. "especially for Sigyn, who has never been without a certain direction before..." he looked at Tony. "she's invested in this so much, even if she wanted to, she can't back away now..." he snorted. "hell... she's the reason Rogers didn't die when he hit that water..." he admitted. "even an Aeser wouldn't have survived a crash landing like that..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i don't know what Thor does, or doesn't know." Loki admitted. "but even if you stay silent about it, the others wont. Sigyn knows this, and that upsets her, because she's afraid that Thor cannot be trusted... honestly... i don't either." Loki admitted with a grimace. "and doesn't that hurt like a bitch... not knowing if your own brother will betray you..." he sighed at that and closed his eyes. "i don't even know if Thor knows why i hate Odin so much..."

he smiled. "i can't imagine why." he admitted with a shake of his head. "but then, i don't understand most of the things you do." he admitted with amusement. "Loki is very good at getting whatever he wants." Clint agreed with a smile. "and i have a feeling Tony doesn't actually want to fight it all that much." he admitted, shaking his head. "that's gross Sigyn. really gross." he complained. "i'd rather have steve if i have to have a man, at least Steve doesn't make me what to strangle him every few minutes." he admitted with a smile before he sighed. "we where both wrong." he decided, kissing her forehead before he laughed. "no, Nat's fine, mostly. she might scowl at you for a while but i'll explain why you where gone for so long... we where lovers before we realized that we didn't love each other that way..." he admitted with a grimace. "anyway she should be better..." he promised as he smiled at her. "it's alright, i'll be gone fairly often myself with missions and shit." he admitted with a shake of his head. "and Loki can't really be THAT bad? surely he knows how to cook something?" of course he could... so long as it came in a box and had instructions... but he was awful at shopping. he never got the right things because he always got overly distracted. "of course you can stay tonight!" he agreed with a grin. "i'll give you a grand tour!" he promised before he paused. "do i have to keep you a secrete from Thor? i know you don't like him. Loki said so last night..."
"Well. No wonder you didn't tell anyone. No one would have believed you."he said looking vaguely disturbed before wincing as he watched loki, his eyes sad."Hey. Sometimes you have to sacrifice a pawn, to save a king."Who knew, tony played chess? "You saved the world from worse. Even if it's like a kick in the teeth to remember."He said his voice holding that same traumatized tone before frowning a little. "Maybe they think it's time you live without a look. Maybe she'll get involved in life, without looking towards a future."Tony said, knowing it wasn't a comfort because to have nothing to go on after so long of seeing what was coming, had be horrifying. Looking startled at the knowledge steve had survived because she interferred he tilted his head a little. "....She's been involved with us all, hasn't she? Made sure the avengers became who we were meant to be."He snorted a little shaking his head, because he knew some of the others wouldn't be happy with that, hell he wasn't happy with it, but he knew what he had been, knew that he was better now then he had ever been. "It must. You will have to wait, and see."Tony said before sighing."And we'll fight him for her, you know, if we have to. Clint likes her, steve's attracted to her even if he wont admit it, and natasha will protect her because of clint. Not to mention bruce wants to study you two like lab rats, we've both been working on the whole magic-science thing."he said blushing ever so slightly as he finished his drink."Well....I better be going. Work to do, making sure you don't steal jarvis, things to do."he said scampering away from his own urge to hug the worried looking man.

"Hm, there's reasons for it.I'll tell you eventually..."She muttered flushing a little looking away from him, because while she wanted to trust him, needed to, she didn't want to want to go over that. like loki said, she was running from the emotional trauma that was waiting for her when she considered what was waiting for her in asgard, and her relationship with loki was to wrapped up in it. "He doesn't, but he also doesn't want to admit he's attracted to loki. It's traumatizing for our billionaire."She giggled a little before smirking, raising a eyebrow at the admittance to wanting steve, but not commenting on it for a moment before smirking. "Well, if you feel the need, strangle him. he'd live."She said giggling a litle before looking unsure about that. "...she's still going to kill me in my sleep."She grumbled having seen the looks the assassin gave her but looking relieved that she knew the relationship between them now. "And he really is. I bet tony's about the same as him. They can cook, if they have boxes with instructions on them."Se giggled a little before pulling away, looking pleased to be given a tour before paling slightly at the mention of thor. Biting her lip she swallowed. "I...yes. It would be a good thing thor doesn't know I'm with you, at least for now."She muttered, knowing she wasn't going to be able to hide forever, but she didn't know what to think of the asgardian prince, and that scared her. "Come on, lets go on that tour."She said heading for the door.
Loki shrugged. "and even if you had, what good would it have done? the Avengers wouldn't have been formed if i'd just come out and told the world 'hey, you're being invaded by aliens! watch out!" Loki snorted. "you would have had me admitted to the psych ward." he muttered, staring into the coffee. "it's more like being gutted... like everything inside of you is being spilled out..." he muttered, shaking his head a little. "it still sucks, it's still terrifying.." Loki admitted with a sigh. "i hate not knowing what's coming..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "not all of you actually. you, Clint, and Natasha didn't need any help becoming what you where meant to become. Steve needed to survive, his crash landing in the ocean was a surprise and he couldn't be dying prematurely. Bruce as well, almost died prematurely." he admitted. "she had to stabilize his vitals while he transformed the first time. after that, the Hulk took over the stabilizing... the alternate personality was a surprise as well." Loki admitted. "i suppose it must be a coping, or a survival thing." he mused before he smiled at the other. "it's alright, she's attracted to Clint and Steve both, so if Steve and Clint can be attracted to each other. Sigyn is very emotionally traumatized, and not just because she was alone for so long." he admitted. "she's going to need Clint's self assurance, and Steve's Empathy to heal her scars." Loki admitted before he grinned at Tony. "you only needed to ask." Loki admitted with a grin. "i can't show you the same kind of magic we use, but i can help you advance your own technology." Loki admitted before he hesitated. "can i come with?" he asked Tony. "Sigyn finally gave in and went to Clint and... i...i don't like to be alone..."

Clint nodded. "when you trust me a little more." he agreed, offering her a smile to let her know she wasn't upset about it. "everything is Traumatizing to Tony." he pointed out with a smile. "Loki could be good for Tony. he's never been the same since... well, the disaster that was Pepper." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i just might." he grumbled. "he turned my underwear into a pink lace thong before i left your house in Spain. i had thread crawling up my ass for the entire two hour trip!" he complained, sulking at her. "no, Tony can't cook box meals either. he gets too distracted by other things and everything burns." Clint admitted with a snort. "that doesn't stop him from trying occasionally." he admitted with a shake of his head. "he nearly brunt down the entire tower last time." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'll ask the others to keep it silent for now." he promised as he led the way out into the tower. "the first twenty levels is all legislation, the paper pushers and meeting people. which is... yuck. the next thirty levels are for the workers. they build and explore and just all around do geeky things. the next twenty levels... that's where we're now. is housing and such. Tony has the very top level, there's a recreation level, it's got a living space and stuff. that's the level where we all hang out together when we're feeling social. were on floor fifty six." he admitted with a smile. "yeah Tony's a little over the top. we tend to live on the top three or four floors." he admitted with a chuckle. "we're on floor sixty seven right now. which is where me and Nat sleep. i sleep there, and she sleeps on the other end... according to her, its so she doesn't have to see my face in the morning...." he smirked. "she's a grump in the mornings."
"Well, thats true. Though I'm still thinking you need put in the psych ward."tony snickered a little staring at the other before nodding. "That to.But we both have people to help us cope."He said tilting his head a little, even if he refused to let the other's help him, he was coping....some. "Huh. Well, clint'll be relieved to have forgotten her. No one should forget a woman that beautiful."he snickered a little before sighing. "So she froze him, and hoped I'd fish him out of the sea?Definitely a risk that."he pointed out before looking a little pale at the idea of how close he'd come to not having his best science bud. Of all of them, he related to bruce the best, because he didn't get yelled at for doing the tech babble. "Well, I'm fairly certain they are. At least on steve's side. Haven't figured out things on clint's side."he looked amused before biting his lip. "...She'll be fine. They'll take care of her loki."He said knowing the other man was worried about sigyn. "Hm, but its not nearly as entertaining trying to figure it out without help."he said looking amused before studying the other. Tilting his head a little before nodding. "Let's go tehn. You can watch me figure out magic. And maybe surprise sigyn and clint in the middle of sex. Great blackmail stuff that, since he wont give me the pictures he took of me drunk."He said pouting a little as they headed back towards teh door.

Sigyn smiled back at him, looking relieved he wasn't upset about it before nodding slightly. "So it is. Tony's never learned to cope I think, he just shoves it aside."She said biting her lip as she thought about that, "...I heard he tried to give up. Iron man I mean."She said quietly, looking curious but worried about tony more then curious, needing to know so she could warn loki just how much of a emotional mess he was about to set off if he pushed tony. Eyes widening at that, biting her lip to keep from laughing."hmmm, I'll have to make up for it. That's just mean. How"She smirked looking down at her own clothes, smirking as they changed into a hot pink bra and the pink thong, smirking as she followed him, changing her clothes back into normal clothes after awhile. "...yea. NEver letting tony cook again."she said giggling before loioking curious about the tower. "It is a little over the top. Definitely.But so is Stark."She looked amused before giggling at clint's words."Are you sure she's the grump?IT might be you."She teased kissing him lightly, stepping back."Besides...her being farther away, just means we can be as loud as we want."she teased, having every intention of driving him insane before tilting her head. "Tony and Loki's back."She smirked, pleased to know loki was with tony, sensing his magic as they came to the tower.
Loki smiled a little. "i probobly do actually." he admitted. "i don't cope well to things... usually i just crawl into a cupboard and hide there until i feel better... small dark spaces make me feel better." Loki admitted with a shrug. "Closets and cupboards where the one place i could go where no one would bother me." he admitted with a smile. "she is gorgeous isn't she?" he asked with a snicker as he shook his head. "no, she froze him and arranged to have Shield discover the emergency signal that kicked on due to a mild electrical surge in the machine when part of it dethawed... you found him three days before Shield was supposed to. it actually worked out much more nicely." Loki admitted as he drained the last of his coffee. "i'm not certain they can Stark." Loki admitted softly, but didn't explain why. "very well then, i'll just look over your shoulder and laugh at your pathetic attempts then." he teased with a smirk. "she won't be having sex. she's too tired, emotionally i mean, to get horny." Loki admitted. "they're probobly working through their emotional issues. i have a picture of when we all got drunk." he admitted with a smile. "Clint gave it to me when i begged. here see?" he handed the picture to Tony, who was cuddling the naked Loki, Natasha was cuddling Tony. "i'm thinking of photoshopping some pants onto me and having this framed."

Clint smiled and nodded. "and i think Loki and you are both the same." he admitted, gently kissing her forehead. "he did. he actually lasted three weeks, but Pepper..." he sighed. "she just, started going more and more crazy and the fights got worse and worse. Tony was paying her all the attention in the world, but his anxiety attacks where getting bad... they just couldn't handle each other, so she slammed the lid of a car down on Tony's hands, and left." Clint admitted softly. "she was the first person Tony ever really loved. and he's not ever going to get 'over' it..." Clint admitted. "but, he can learn to love again if he'll only let Loki close." Clint admitted before his mouth watered at the sight of her in a pink bra and Thong. "oh myu god... your not nice." he groaned, shaking his head. "now i'm horny." he complained even as he stood up and led the way out. "yeah, i guess Tony is pretty over the top. but all of this is all run by clean energy, the Ark Reactor is starting to be a viable energy source. Tony's just worried about letting it out into the public, for fear that someone else will make a weapon out of it." he admitted before pausing. "well, i could be the Grump i guess." he agreed with a small chuckle before he laughed outright at her statement about not needing to be quite. "shall we join them?" he offered with a smile. "or head back to my... our room for a nap?"
"Hm and I had my lab,which is a glorified cupboard really."tony snickered before wrinkling his nose."its scary how much we have in common."he pointed out before grinning."glad I could surprise even sigyn. I live to serve, and I love giving people surprises."he said before staring at loki trying to think of words to reassure the man but knowing that there was no guarantee that sigyn would be fine."they'll figure it out.and you're there if she needs you."he muttered before pouting."damn. Ill have to surprise them later."tony smirked before blushing as he took thr picture before handing it back."no you can't do that. I don't cuddle so you just need to burn the evidence of that freak occurance."tony said as they walked into his sleek and beautiful lab."make yourse-""sir,ms. Potts is on thr phone." Tony swallowed hard his look somewhere between pain and hope."put her through."he said as he picked up thr phone."hey pep-sorry..virginia...I know but...okay..."while the others didn't know loki's superior to human hearing could hear that tony stark,the man who took no shit from anyone, was allowing his ceo to berate him like he was 5."I'm sorry I missed the meeting. I had things to take care of. Just senf it over now and I'll look at it.bye p-virigina."tony said tiredly as he hung up moving to his computer to open his email,actually forgetting he wasn't alone. The others didn't know he let her treat him like that,hich was probably a good thing as she would have already gotten a visit from the avengers if they had.

"We are but at least we acknowledge we need help.tony doesn't."she pointed out blushing,hating that she'd hurt him by avoiding the situation for 2 weeks. Wincing a little."damn. No wonder hes all over the place right now. I thought maybe I was just having problems reading him, but its not. Its him being all over."she sighed wuietly as she considered just how many blows tony could take in such a short time knosing it had only been in the last 6 months his relationship had imploded."poor tony."shd muttered hating that when he had needed her the most,pepper had just left.she really really wanted to hurt the other woman."hell let loki close, I know he will.because he needs someone otherwide..."she trailed off because she had a sense of what would happen to a depressed man that far gone without letting anyone in.and thr world needed iron man,ot to mention tony stark."sorry was just trying to make up for loki putting you in a thong."she teased amused at his whining before nodding."yes...humanity has a frightening tendancy to turn its best things into weapons.,but tony'll figure out.or if not loki'll help."she said before smirking."nap. I'm sure tony and loki can entertain thdmselves for awhilr."she smiled heading back towards his room,hinking he actually meant a nap. Snuggling up to him sounded amazing.
Loki chuckled a little as he nodded. "it's not all that frightening really. all children who are neglected and abused have the same behavioral patterns." Loki admitted. "or mostly so." he admitted with a smile. "well, Sigyn can't see everything after all, she only knows the best way to prevent, or encourage a thing that's supposed to happen." and not all the things that she made true where good things. but they where necessary. "i will always be there for her." Loki admitted softly. "we have always been there for each other." he admitted, opening his mouth to continue before he paused as he heard Jarvis, his head tilted. he frowned as he heard her yelling at him and he felt a strange overprotective rage swell up inside of him. "Tony." he stated, wrapping his arms around the other as Tony worked on his Computer. "Tony... why do you let her hurt you like that?" Loki demanded, his voice worried, confused, and angry. "she has no right to say such things to you Tony. you where saving a massive Heli tub from crash landing in DC. you did right by missing some silly meeting. you are not worthless, and you are not a waste of time, and you are CERTAINLY worth Ten, of Pepper Potts." he promised softly. "you gave up everything for her Tony, and i know you did. you gave up an entire aspect of your entire life for her, she has no right to speak to you like that."

Clint nodded. "Tony has only ever listened to Pepper. she's the only one he truly trusted to have HIS needs in mind, not her wants. even us Avengers, he can only trust so far because of all the people who have betrayed him." Clint admitted. "she won't tell him to get help, because she wants to think that it's all his fault, because she doesn't want to accept her own blame." he admitted with a sigh. "he's... i think he might be Bi-Polar, or close to it, and if he's not careful, he's really going to go mad. or worse, he'll sink into depression and take a flight without his suit." he admitted, showing just how worried he really was about Tony. "Loki is probobly the only one who can reach Tony right now." he admitted. "if anyone can help Tony stabilize, it will be him." Clint mused with a smile as he watched her. "humanity has a bad habit of being violent." he agreed, shaking his head as he took her hand and smiled. "but world peace can't be that hard. after all, we have eight realms that manage it don't we?" he asked smiling. "we humans can't be that far behind the rest of the worlds." he mused as he led the way back to his room. "let me take a shower, i'm all sweaty and nasty." he muttered, wrinkling his nose.
"Well, I never really thought about it that way."Tony said looking amused before smirking. "To bad. I could totally win the lottery if she could see everything."he said, not that he needed it,but it would be amusing. Tony yelped a little as he felt the other's arms around him, tense in the man's arm as he stared at the computer screen. "...She didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. I am reckless, I am a waste of time to the people trying to do business with me. It's not that hard to hear really."He muttered though his voice was sad as he absently pushed one of the car parts around his computer screen to look at it better, swallowing hard. Because he knew, even if he didn't admit it, if loki was acting like this, the other avengers woudl blow a gasket. "Now. Are you going to let me work, or do I have to kick you out?"He sounded annoyed, but it was only covering the heartache pepper had inflicted.

"...but now she's not. She's not thinking past not wanting to accept she's to blame for some of his problems, and is instead hurting him worse. Fuck."She cursed softly before nodding. "He might be. It would explain some of the manic fits, and bi-polar does crop up in geniuses alot."She muttered looking worried because she'd thought about it to. That tony would commit suicide, either taking a fall out of the tower, or picking a fight he couldn't win. "Loki'll bully him into getting help. it'll be okay."she said sounding pleased before giggling. "Hm, eight realms have indeed done it. Earth seems to like being the black sheep. But we'll get world peace, after all, we have the avengers."She giggled a little before kissing him."You are, but you smell good. Like a guy."She teased nudging him towards the shower. "Go wash up, I'll be waiting."She smiled as she climbed into bed, snuggling down. Actually asleep before he'd even gotten the shower on. To emotionally exhausted to stay up and wait for him.
Loki chuckled. "she's a model and i make almost as much money as she does and together our income doesn't even come close to matching your annual income." he teased with a small chuckle before he scowled. "Anthony Edward Stark." Loki hissed, spinning the man around and pinning him in place with hands on the others hips, Loki's eyes blazing. "That woman could not be more wrong if she was calling me a sweet little kitten! you are a brilliant man, you are gorgeous, wonderful, and your obsessions only make you all the more endearing. you are a narcissist, but what's not to love about you!? you're so smart that even i don't understand some of the things that come out of your mouth and that only makes you all the more amazing. you are only reckless because you are saving the lives of people who don't give a damn, and don't really matter and that makes you a hero! if you weren't reckless, the entire world would be DEAD! if you weren't reckless, most of the Avengers would be DEAD, Pepper would be DEAD and if she can't understand that, then she doesn't matter! and who gives a damn about some stuffy bastard sitting an a high chair thinking hes better than everyone else? just because he's a CEO doesn't mean you have to scrape to him, that's peppers job now and good riddance to it, because you'd be a lot less useful if you where in her position. your job, your purpose is here, making the world a better, and a safer place. and she's a fucking bitch to throw it in your face like that. she's a bitch, and she's a god damn liar for it too."

he nodded. "i don't have proof, but he's always a little bit more depressed when he's talked to her. i think she yells at him." he admitted with a small scowl. "Bi Polar and PTSD on top of Depression.. yeah he's a mess, but i can give him a hand on a few of the issues. i've had PTSD and depression so i at least know how it feels." he admitted. "haven't had issues in years, but i still remember how it feels." he admitted, looking at her. "he's probobly yelling at Tony right now. Loki doesn't seam like the kind of person to let someone else talk bad about themselves." he muttered with a snicker. "i'd almost want popcorn and a front row seat for that one." he admitted before shaking his head. "i don't usually smell like a guy?" he asked curiously grinning at her before he headed into his shower and got cleaned up in record time, joining her in a pair of soft sweatpants and a T-shirt, and a set for her. "here, i thought you might to crawl into something more comfortable." he admitted sheepishly.
"Hm, true, but it would be epic all the same time win the loterry."Tony smiled a little startling even more at the sound of his full name, looking up at the man pinning him with wide eyes, swallowing hard. " are a pussy cat sometimes...."he muttered looking out of sorts as he started at the man in front of him, so very wanting to believe what he was hearing. that he was worth something. "...really? You're not just humoring me?I mean, I knew I was smart but if you can't follow..."he muttered slouching a little following the other's lecture, staring at the floor, becaues he so desperately wanted to know he mattered. "I really would be useless as CEO...I mean, look what I did the first time around..."He perked up a little bit, bouncing back into his normal depression then the deep depression pepper usually left him in, faster then he usually did. Loki had indeed managed to shake some sense into him, for now at least. "...Now. Are you going to help work on a new computer, with magic? I want to see if I can get screen to be even better, like reality instead of just a hologram."he said nodding towards his screen, already twisting to close down the project pepper had sent him, moving on to the project he wanted to do, and not the one she wanted. Because he wasn't dating her anymore and while he still owned Stark industries, they didn't need him to figure out every project. He wanted to do the projects that spoke to him, and mixing magic and tech did do that.

Sigyn's eyes widened at that, swallowing hard."bloody hell. well, we better pray loki never hears her talking ot him, otherwise he'll probably commit cold blooded murder."She muttered before looking at her lover, remembering what he did for a living. "Well, then again, you could go help him to. It could be a bonding experience."She teased before nodding, "And between me and loki, we've suffered enough mental issues to know how to handle tony. It'll be okay. And he definitely isn't one to let anyone talk about themselves badly. If I wasn't afraid it'd like blow up in my face, I'd get popcorn."Sigyn snickered before smirking. "You do, but you smell sexy all sweaty. Makes me think of sex."She said blushing slightly before looking amused at the clothes, not saying the obvious that she could have made her own, kissing his cheek. "Thanks. Definitely more comfortable."seh said changing into them, sighing softly as she shifted, snuggling into him, resting her head on his chest before her stomach growled. "...we should get food before our nap?"
Loki narrowed his eyes at Tony. "i most certainly am NOT!" he complained, pouting at Tony. "there are moments where your knowladge of earth technology... and only Earth technology, far outstrips my own... sometimes." Loki muttered, as if ashamed to admit that someone else was smarter than him. "your not a management type Tony. paperwork and people are most certainly not what your good at. and Pepper doesn't mean what she says. she's just lashing out because she's hurting and your the best, and easiest target." Loki promised. "i won't tell anyone she's taking her problems out on you. the last thing we need is Hela deciding that Pepper would make a lovely tree..." he muttered, making a face. "i can actually help with this." Loki agreed. "we use the same technology on Asgaurd." he admitted. "here, you see this Hologram that you use? you can actually amplify it by adding..." he went into a long launch of formulas and ingredients, explaining to Tony how to harvest more natural energy, like the Ark reactor, which was astonishingly close to the 'Dark Energy' that they collected in Asgaurd.

he snorted a little. "i wouldn't doubt it. is it just me or is Loki a touch overprotective?" Clint asked, wondering if it was because Loki had so few freinds, or if it was a Jotun thing. "i could help him. although, i know that Pepper is just upset and she feels bad about picking on Tony so i don't know if i could actually hurt her... but i could scare the shit out of her!" he mused with a smile. "well... lets have sex after our nap?" he offered with a smile. "i'm wiped out." he admitted with a chuckle before snuggling into her, sighing a little before he paused. "...yeah, i'm hungry too... Jarvis? can we get food?" "there is a Pizza on it's way now Sir." "great, thanks. i love Pizza." Clint admitted with chuckle. "you want any particular toppings? i'd cook something, but i'm not allowed in the kitchen, and Bruce would kill me if i made a guest cook her own food."
"Hm, I bet if I ask her, sigyn would make you a cat."She muttered cheering up a little at teasing loki before smiling. "Only sometimes?I don't think you're doing me enough justice. I'm amazing."Tony said, arrogant mask settled back into place. "Definitely not management. Did I ever tell you about the time I threw up on another CEO's shoes?Definitely had been drinking to much at that party."He snickered before nodding, pushing buttons before sighing. "I lnow..."he muttered, well at least he hoped that was pepper's reasoning and not because she really did hate him. "hmmm..or clint deciding she'd look like a good target...or hulk a good toy to whip around, cause I don't think seh's like you. Wouldn't survive that."He snickered a little before grinning as they settled down to work, looking pleased and happy to be focusing on work.

"Just a touch. He doesn't have alot of friends, and jotun are protective of the people they care for.... which now includes you,since I care for you, you get protected, feathers."She teased a little, before nodding. "well, you two can have fun scaring her, maybe she'll stop making tony feel worse."He said smiling slightly before nodding."Definitely sex after our nap."She yawned "No, just cheese and pepperoni."Sigyn smiled giggling at his admittance. "Ah, so you and tony aren't allowed in the kitchen. That's fairly amusing."She said giggling before shifting, snuggling into him. "It'll be awhile before the pizza's ready, lets nap until it gets here. Jarvis, let us know when the pizza arrives."She called, torn between the need for food, and the need for sleep. Between her own magic draining her and the emotional tormoil, the girl was tired. After a bit she stirred when Jarvis woke them for food, she nudged clint, careful to not startle him. "Clint?Food's here."She muttered before slipping out of bed, figuring her absence would wake him up, heading for the kitchen.
Loki snorted. "she would turn me into a cat." he grumbled. "she has before, when i've annoyed her a little too much..." he admitted with a grin. "apparently putting on her dress and pretending to be overly flamboyant isn't something she takes kindly to." he admitted with a snicker. "but damn did i look good in her dress. of course, i look good in everything." he admitted with a chuckle as he lifted an eyebrow at Tony. "if you keep drinking like that, you're going to die before you even hit the age of forty. and then who would i annoy? certainly not Sigyn, she fights back. usually painfully." he admitted with a grimace as he shook his head. "i'm pretty sure we don't want Mrs. Potts dead Tony." he pointed out with a grin as he settled in to work with Tony, glad to be doing something familiar that he enjoyed. "if Potts calls again, can i answer the phone?" he asked with a smirk. "i bet she doesn't know i'm on Earth again does she?" he asked, nibbling on one of the black ring of runes around his wrists. they tended to itch and his other hand was too busy holding something in place for Tony.

Clint pondered and then nodded. "i suppose that's true. Thor doesn't exactly speak kindly about Loki, and i doubt he had many freinds growing up with Odin hating him so openly..." he mused, shaking his head. "you must have been the only freind he's ever had..." damn, now he felt really, really bad for Loki. "oh good, that's what i usually get." he admitted with a grin before pouting. "hey! i'll have you know i can make a mean pot of boiling water!" he stated with a sniff before smiling as he wrapped his arms around her and slipped into a doze before he groaned as she nudged him awake. fortunately, he never struck out when he woke up, he lay quietly to check and see where he was. which had saved his life on more than one occasion. playing dead was amazingly effective. he groaned again as she got out of bed, sighing as he stood up and stretched, following her after snatching up his wallet. much to th Pizza guys delight, Clint gave him a fifty dollar tip. which was a great consolation for having to get up to such a high level carrying six different pizzas, all of them large. one for each avenger. because Bruce refused to eat pepperoni, he only liked sausage and bacon. Steve liked Canadian Bacon with both kinds of olives, Steve only liked pepperoni... Tony liked everything on his, the more piled onto his Pizza the better. which, amusingly enough, was how Loki liked it too. "Jarvis, let everyone know the Pizza is here would you?" Clint asked before dropping the Pizza's on the table and snatched up his Pepperoni and set Tony and Loki's 'junk' Pizza on what looked like a dumbwaiter, which would carry the Pizza atraight up to Tony's personal workshop were he was hiding.
"Now that I can believe."Tony snickered at the idea of him being a cat because he annoyed sigyn. "Yea, I could see that being annoying. Did you go to work for her dressed like that?Cause I could totally see you posing for playboy."Tony snickered before rolling his eyes. "I'm not going to die. I've been drinking like this since 16, and no worse from the wear. I'll be fine."Tony said smiling a little before smirking."Annoy clint. It's highly amusing watching him freak out when you fuck with his bow."Tony said smirking a little before glancing at loki, tilting his head slightly. "Fine.IF you want to freak her out that badly, you can. She'll probably call again, seeing as I'm not working on what I said I would be."He said shaking his head before nudging the other with his foot. "Don't do that."He said rolling his eyes as he let the bow settle onto the workbench as jarvis said their was pizza. "You know what jarvis?send the pizza back upstairs. We're going to eat upstairs."he said heading for the elevator. "You should be pleased. I'm getting fresh air and all that. I've been told I dont leave down here enough."He snickered looking at loki, actually just needing to get away from work....and his email...for a bit. And harassing the new lovers amused him.

"Definitely didn't have alot of friends.And thor's a oaf."Sigyn grumbled before grinning as they got the same food. "....boiling water does not count. By that definition both loki and tony can cook."She teased. glad she didn't get hit as she walked away from him, looking amused at the tip clint handed over. "You know, most people don't give their pizza guy 50 bucks in tips." "Why not? I give mine 100 sometimes."Tony said as he walked in, getting the pizza out of the dumbwaiter and settling on the couch with loki. "Captain un-american!Your pizza's here."Tony grinned smirking as he watched steve walk into the room, looking amused as he watched clint and sigyn digging into his pizza. "You sure there's enough pizza?I could make myself something."Sigyn muttered as she settled on one of the other couches with clint, sighing quietly. Eyes widening as the room faded around her, and the future spun out around her.

Clint kissing her..steve holding her.....being pulled away...both dropping out of sight, dead...thor standing before her, already pulling her towards the throne...screaming to get away....forced through a marriage to thor, named queen..a slave, forced to see... a single hope stretching, starting to break....

Startling as she came back to the present she frowned as she realized tony was crouched in front of her, trying to get her attention, flinching as her eyes went past him, meeting the tall blond's as he walked in from the balcony. And within moments of Thor stepping into the room, sigyn was gone. "Hey point break."Tony said standing slowly, not sure what had happened, but sure whatever it was, it wasn't good. "What is my brother's wife doing here?"Thor said his face thunderous-and for a thunder god that was a interesting look- before looking at loki."You weren't supposed to see her again, Loki."
Loki rolled his eyes as he nibbled on his wrist again. "no, she made me take her dress off." he admitted with a laugh. "and i have posed for playboy.. and Playgirl as well." he admitted with a grin as he shook his head. "i do hope so, but if you need a kidney, don't come looking for me, because i'm not a viable donor." he warned with a smirk as he shook his head. "i'd rather not get shot in the ass, thank ou very much." he pointed out. "besides if i screw with him, Sigyn will beat me." he pointed out with a chuckle. "don't do what?" Loki asked, looking confused, clearly not aware that he'd been chewing on himself. "you just want to pick on Clint and Sigyn." he teased with a laugh as he followed the other up the stairs.

Clint frowned a little. he rather liked thor. the man was stubborn sure, but so was Loki and Tony. so what was so bad about Thor? "hey. do you know how terrifying it is for a Pizza guy to come into this building? high tipping is the only reason why they actually come up." he teased with a smile. "Sigyn, unless you can eat an entire Extra Large Pizza by yourself, i doubt we're not going to have enough." he promised. "we always get extra so we can snack on it later." he promised her. "it's fine. i promise. eat your pepperoni." "don't call me that Tony!" Steve demanded, rolling his eyes as he walked in with Bruce who was snickering as he helped himself to his own Pizza. "Sig? Sigyn!?" Clint demanded as she came back, shocked as she suddenly vanished, looking up at Thor, gaping at the men. "Thor! when did you get back?" Clint asked, fighting not to react to the knowladge that she was... was... MARRIED, to Loki... suddenly, everything made sense. Loki married Sigyn to keep her from Odin.

Loki tossed his head up, staring at Thor with a clearly challenging Look, brushing the back of his hand along Tony's arm, a silent explanation to properly explain. "she was banished to earth because she married me. you think that i would stay away from her once i was banished to earth as well!? i am no longer an Asgaurdian Odinson." Loki spat. "Odin will never have her as his slave and neither will you. she is MY wife and MY Love and i will fight you to the death to protect her if that is what it takes. is that what you want Thor? To Kill me!? isn't that what you've ALWAYS wanted!?" Loki demanded, baring his teeth at Thor, distracting the man from Sigyn's location. "have you people not ruined my life enough as it is!? have i not tried to be the best bastard son i can be?" Loki demanded. "have i not tried my damnedest to make you and your Father proud of me!? i have NEVER been good enough! and do you know why!? because Odin never wanted me! he stole the throne from his father and i was his curse!" Loki snarled. "and when i finally found happiness, he wanted it for himself!" Loki snarled, turning on his heal and turning his back to Thor. "You are not my brother and They Are not my Family! and they NEVER where!"
"'re going to have to tell me what issues. I want to see you in those."Tony snickered a little. "Well, of course you're not. That's why we have cap and clint. They're both in insanely good health."Tony pointed out snickering a little."You're chewing on your marks. Don't. It'll make it worse."Tony said snickering before nodding. "Of course I do. They're adorable, and clint is just to amusing, and watching natasha's head explode is going to be fun."

"Ahhh, yes. I could see that could be a problem. Running into any of you would be a terrifying experience."Sigyn snickered a little before smirking as she settled in to eat. "I probably could. Get sick and not able to eat later, but I could."She said looking amused. "You're eating candian bacon on an american pizza. I'll call you want I want."Tony snickered looking up at steve. "A few minutes ago. I went to check on my brother and found out he was here."Thor said looking annoyed before looking at loki.

"The realms are still under asgardian rule, laufeyson. And odin's ruling on your marriage spans the realms. She will be returned, Loki. You knew the ruling, either you stayed away or she was returned when she accepted her place, or if your marriage was broken. You are attracted to starkson, you are not married. Return her to asgard, Loki."Thor said hsi look softening for a moment sighing. "We were proud of you, but then you betrayed odin by marrying her. She is needed in Asgard, would you truly deny that she would do great good from there? Return her, allow her to marry someone truly worthy of a seer."Thor sneered a little every bit as arrogant as he'd always been. so blind by his loyalty he wasn't thinking.

Tony looked hurt at not being told, but willing to wait to see what they could do to calm things before he demanded a explanation, typing on his phone quickly before sliding his phone discreetly towards clint, making sure thor couldn't see. the notepad open and 'She has loki's phone. Get out of here, and call her. We'll get her somewhere safe to go, just make sure she doesn't run to far.' Clearing his throat Tony turned to face thor, having every intention of creating a big enough scene to give clint a chance to leave. "Point break, you cannot simply kidnap a woman for not being married." "I can when she is a asgardian citizen under terms of exile. She will be returned to where she belongs, or killed. Per the law, only her marriage to a prince protected her, and that is no longer valid. you have 24 hours Loki. I must report back to father."Thor said, not realizing that the wording of the law didn't mean just a prince's marriage, that any marriage, where the sigyn and the person she married cared for each other, would give her a out. Glaring at his 'brother' for a moment before leaving the room, leaving a devastating scene behind him.
Loki chuckled. "i have a copy at my house actually. i'll show you when i get them." he promised, snickering. "i'll even sign them." he promised before he shook his head a little. "sorry, they tend to itch when i try to use more magic than i'm allowed." he admitted simply. "it's like a warning, 'don't do that you idiot, you'll kill yourself'..." Loki explained, flashing Tony a grin. "i was tempted to charge one of these new batteries with my magic, but i can't. it would take up too much of my energy." he admitted with a shake of his head. "they are rather adorable." he agreed.

Clint snorted. "now that's just not nice." he complained with a grin as Steve rolled his eyes at Tony and hoarded his Canadian Bacon Pizza before pausing as he realized shit was about to go down.

"oh, so now i am Leufeyson am i? just as always, when i do something you don't like, i am not your brother." Loki sneered. "you have no idea what your messing with!" Loki hissed. "you cannot simply control what she sees, nor can you stop her from acting on them! the first time she makes true something you don't like, you'll have her locked up, or locked in. she would rather DIE then be your Slave! and i would rather kill her than see her faced with such horrors! you want her!? you don't know how to keep her! you don't deserve her anymore than i do! you look at her and see a weapon and a pretty body to fuck! she was never yours in the first place! she belongs only to the Vanir who give her the visions! take her, and she will live a life of pain, misery, and madness! you will KILL her Thor, if not her body then her mind!" Loki snarled, flexing his fingers. "i will kill you Thor!" Loki hissed, his voice dripping with poison and rage. "i will kill you for hurting her like this. i may not love her the way a husband loves a wife, but she is my Life, and i will protect her till my own death if i have to. do you want to see me dead, killing your comrades brother? do you really want to start a War!?" he demanded, seething as Thor left, letting loose a scream of rage, magic crackling down his body as Clint dialed the phone and told Sigyn what was happening.

"well then." Loki stated, taking several deep breaths. "if that's the way he wants it..." he muttered, closing his eyes and taking in several long, deep breaths before his eyes snapped open and he snapped his hands out, looking like he was mimicing a man tied to a cross. the black Tattoos on his wrists where writhing and suddenly they exploded outward, hovering inches over his skin as a massive, deep pulse of pure magic left Loki, spreading outwards. everyone on earth would feel it in some manner, most would ignore it. the pulse of magic spread through the nine realms. every being would sense it. Thor would even feel it, but he would not know what it was. Odin would feel it, but would brush it off as inconsequential. Frigga would feel it, and would feel the call of her sisters in Vaniheim. she would return home to the Vanir, ignoring Odin's words. Loki sagged to the floor, gasping as the Tattoos settled back in place and Loki grunted as he rubbed them furiously on the carpet. god they ITCHED! "what the hell was that!?" "me, summoning my army." Loki stated simply. Sigyn would know instantly what Loki had done. because she had Seen just enough of the future when deciding on Loki's actions in new york, to know what came next was inevitable. their Children would come, Hela with her Reepers and the Legions of the undead. Fenris, who went where he wanted. Jormungandr, who lived on earth as a god. Sleipnir, who raced amidst the worlds beyond the rainbow bridge and the roots of the world tree. the Jotun would feel the call from their King, and would await orders, Helblindi in charge, but honor bound to obey Loki's call to arms.

the Fire elves would join Asgaurd, simply because the Jotun where working for Earth. the dwarves where ever loyal to Odin and the Aeser. the Vanir would join Loki, or rather Sigyn, as much as they where able, but they could not directly interfere. the Light elves would feel sickened by the fact that Odin wanted Sigyn for nothing but a slave and a weapon, and would join Loki. the Dark Elves would simply wait and see. picking up the fight on whoever won. yes, the nine realms where about to dissolve into the biggest war since Agaurd took on the Vanir at the beginning of time. on one end you had the Aeser with Dwarves and Light elves. on the other you had the Midgaurdians, fighting simply because they where being invaded... again, with their Hellish army and frost giants and Elves of light. this was going to be one hell of a battle.

"...what the hell is going on?" Steve finally demanded.
Tony paled as he watched the two brothers stand off,shuddering as loki's magic rusged over him,while he didn't know ehat it was he was standing to close to the god to know feel it,eyes shutting for a momdnt as the magic disrupted the arc reactor making his heart misz a few beats.while magic usually didn't bother him,this was to much.looking up startled as sigyn appear.

"Loki! Don't!please.send the armyback now!"she demanded while she knew it was inevitable she could put it off because something was wrong. This wasn't shat she'd seen,the moment of battle she'd been waiting for. She could feel something was wrong."we can't do this nos. If we battle now, the world eill burn. I did not save it just to see you destroy it. Send them home!"she ordered needing him to do it because for the momrnt,she looked ready to collapse. Between exhausting herself between world hopping as she teleported to make sure thor couldn't find her, and the visions that were nearly driving her to her knees she was losing it. The future kept buckling,changing to quickly for her to change,lready sinking towards the ground as natasha caught her,easily picking up the smaller woman before swallowing hard looking at loki."will he really declare war to have her?or will he try to bargain first?we might have time to figure out something to do,besides war loki.listen to sigyn."tony said looking nervous not wanting this to go badly yet,not when he didn't know the whole story.he needed to know everything so he could plan."loki lets not take a pge out of my book and attack first.plan is the first order of businesz."tony said calmly looking at the enraged god and ignoring the teammates that were staring at him like he'd grown a second head.tony stark,planning first?weird definitely.
Loki groaned as Sigyn demanded him to recant his command. he didn't want to, but he would because she had told him to. he trusted her inexplicably, so he would do it... no matter how much he would suffer afterwords. he staggered to his feet, panting as he flung his arms out once more, the Tattoos bursting out and another pulse of magic went through the realms, telling them not to attack. Loki cried out, a sound of pain and agony and he immidiatly fell to the floor and started rubbing his wrists and chewing on them violently, like a wild animal struggling to escape a trap. "what the hell is happening to him!?" Bruce demanded, moving forward to try and stop Loki from chewing his wrists into a mess.

"Don't touch him." a new voice demanded, a thin, white hand gripping Bruce's wrist. the boy, for it was a boy, hand couldn't even wrap all the way around Bruce's wrist. "The Markings on his wrist are Semi Sentient. they do not like that he was able to circumvent their purpose." the boy explained. "he will attack you right now if you try to touch him. not even Sigyn would dare approach him right now." the boy stated calmly as he watched Loki twist and writhe. the boy was... beautiful, there was no other word for it. he was so beautiful it was impossibly to tell him boy from girl save for the lack of breasts. "he will calm down in a moment." the boy was right, of course. Sigyn could have tol them all of this herself. she'd seen him in this state before, when Loki was first cast to earth, he used his magic around the markings, and he'd gone into this state. mindlessly struggling to just stop the itching and burning. it had lasted five minutes and he'd bloodied his wrists so badly he had to go in for a few stitches. then he was too weak to get out of bed for several days. he'd only be bed ridden for a day at most after the Call, but it was still frightening.

"and who are you!?" Steve demanded, standing in front of Sigyn and Natasha, protecting her as Clint aimed his Arrow at the newcomer who smiled. "i am Sleipnir. Loki's son... don't ask about my mother please." he ordered, mirth in his voice as Loki started to calm down, gasping through a blood filled mouth. "he's safe to approach now." Sleipnir stated simply. "don't worry Mother." Sleipnir assured Sigyn, she had raised him after all, and he loved her. he had always called her mother. "the call for battle has been canceled, i was just too close to care to go back when i felt the disbandment." he admitted. "it's been a while since i saw you, so i decided to see if everything was alright... i can see it's not..." he admitted, examining Loki, who was half asleep as Bruce tended to his wrists. "God Loki." Bruce complained. "some of these are going to need stitches..." Bruce complained, shaking his head as Loki snorted. "lost my temper... shouldn't have done that...." Loki mumbled, Sleipnir chuckling as he helped himself to a chair and sat down, watching the proceedings with almost a bored look on his face. "by the way Mother." Sleipnir stated suddenly. "so long as you are tied into a marriage where love of the marital type is found, Odin cannot touch you." aah that was Sleipnir, he loved 'law' of all kinds. if anyone knew loopholes around the Gods 'rulings' it was Him. "i get to be in the wedding right?" and he was clearly just as weird as Loki was.
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