
"I-no. I'll give advice on boobs."Tony stuttered a little swallowing hard as he stared back at teh otehr, looking out of sorts as he watched loki walk away. "I know. And you know he isn't...he wont. To much like someone else I know, to admit he needs help."She nudged him because she knew tony stark wouldn't seek help, until he came totally undone. but she thought they could help, before it came to that point. Hopefully...Sighing a little as she watched Tony she sighed. "I don't know. Not now. Let him sort out that you're not totally bad, before you spring the whole truth on him. He's got enough problems with what he's starting to suspect about himself."She pointed out, because seh knew that no matter how much tony would want to deny it, he had to be suspecting something was odd about how he was reacting to loki. "Simple kisses are good....good thing he doesn't have his suit, otherwise you mgiht get fried."She teased.

"Hm, it is. Definitely, even if I'm the one opening the present all the way."She grinned, knowing clint and the others couldn't hear them, but leering at the assassin anyways. "Definitely not ready. You're going to be lucky if he doesn't try to pull your spleen our through your nose."She muttered starting a little as he took her hand, looking up at him, her eyes growing concerned as she swallowed hard. pain and a fear for the unknown showing in her eyes. Because she was so moved by clint and steve, she was afraid of just how they would react to finding out she didn't have a lover, but a husband. Though it would help she didn't sleep with him, but it was still going to be hard to explain, and it scared her even more to reveal exactly why everything had happened. Hopefully she'd have time to explain before they found out. "Good.Now, I have a bird to go catch."She giggled a little as she swam out towards the sea, amused as clint played in the waves, actually looking like a little kid he was so excited over the sea.

"I did, but only to get my suit. IT wasn't that horrible."Tony said rolling his eyes raising a protective hand to his chest as loki stared at his chest, resting a hand over where the arc reactor had been, pain and depression filling those whiskey colored eyes before nodding a little. "Well, it's a little less nerve racking to not have shrapel in my chest."he muttered before nodding at that it had to hurt, it had. "I can. Sort of. I'm still redesigning it to work."he said, his voice holding that depression that was ususally left alone, because none of the team had figured out how to breach the subject of pepper leaving, and tony trying to set aside iron man for awhile...because as soon as she was gone, his obession had returned as he fought to keep the depression back. "....You did what you did. I have my own past as a killer, to make up for. It's okay, loki."Tony said shrugging off the words, not about to let the depression drag him under again, because he'd been enjoying the mini-vacation, and he didn't want to ruin it by having a panic attack, not here. Glancing towards teh surf he smirked a little."You better watch out, it looks like your girls getting bored and seducing commoners now."he said flicking a look towards loki.
Loki smiled at her. "i don't need help." he grumbled, glaring at empty air. it wasn't like he could seek professional help anyway... "alright, good point." he agreed with a sigh and shaking his head. "i hope he doesn't have a complete mental breakdown when he realizes that he's gay, bi-sexual." he mused with a grin. "of course, if he does... i'll be there to comfort him." he purred, laughing a little. "i doubt i'd get completely fried." he admitted with a grin. "he'd like the kiss too much to kill me." he admitted with a snicker. "do enjoy opening love." he purred with a grin. "i think he needs to get laid as much as you do. it's a shame the good Captain is too oblivious to realize that you have the hots for him. he's like a little boy sometimes, honestly. all of them are rather... stupid, though." Loki admitted with a snort. "i haven't exactly been hiding my gayness..." he admitted with an impish grin. "happy hunting!" he called out, laughing at his lover before he turned his attention to Tony. "sigyn! look! it's a fish!" Clint chirped, looking excited. he'd never swum in the ocean before. he'd had lakes, rivers, and pools. but never the ocean. "this place is really amazing! i can't beleive Loki of all people live in a place that's so beautiful..." he glanced at her. "what's the story between you two anyway? isn't he, you know... evil?"

no i'm pretty sure it was the screams of the terrified." Loki teased with a smile. "shrapnel? is that why you had that thing in there?" he asked curiously. "i'd always wondered." he admitted, blinking at Tony, his head tilted. "Tony, are you alright?" Loki asked, looking vaguely worried. "it's most certainly not alright." he grumbled, looking rather disgusted with himself as he shook his head before glancing at Sigyn with a smirk. "yes, she's bird hunting." he admitted with a snicker. "at least someone will get laid tonight." Loki admitted with a yawn, clearly completely unconcerned about his woman flirting with another. open relationship? considering how open Asgaurdians where about sex, they probobly didn't care if their lovers fucked other people. "can i touch it?" Loki asked suddenly, his eyes examining the scar again. "i've never seen a scar so close before... most asgaurdian's don't scar." he admitted, his fingers carefully stroking the mass of flesh there, looking utterly fascinated. "it's really kind of... pretty." he muttered. "like a star bursting across your skin... a mark of how amazing and special you are..." he mused, flashing Tony a smile. "it feels like flesh, i had always imagined it would be hard, like a callous, but it's really sort of soft..." he admitted before he leaned in and brushed his lips against Tony's. "don't swell on pain Tony." Loki breathed. "there are good things, just around the horizon." he whispered, lips sliding against Tony's with every word before he slid away and went back to the rest of the group to distract Natasha so that Clint and Sigyn could have their moment.
"You do to."She muttered snickering a little before nodding. "Hopefully. If not, we'll figure out what to do next."Sigyn said looking concerned before snickering. "You do overestimate how good your kisses are."Sigyn teased her husband amused that he was worried about tony, not about to mention she was worried about tony to. Looking at steve she nodded, snickering. "He is. But I'll get to him after I see to the featherbrain. Don't make fun, they all seem to be a little more focused on themselves, instead of you."Sigyn teased looking amused as she laughed at clint. "You're such a little kid. Have you never swum with fishes before?"She said concentrating a little, spelling the small silver fish closer to him, amused as they swum around his legs. looking around her she nodded slightly. "Actually, loki of all people, would be the one to have a beautiful place. thinks the world is made for him, and the beautiful spots are his."She snickered before her face closed down a little, growing serious, biting her lip a little. "No, he's not evil. "She snapped a little before sighing,watching him because she didn't want to discuss new york, not when she wanted to have fun, and get them to trust her and loki. to show that they weren't evil, or out to rule the world. Biting her lip she tried to think of something he;d understand, without her having to share everything. "We live together,for four thousand years, it's a friendship and love....and boredom sometimes.."She smirked moving closer, having every intention of distracting him until she could trust him enough to tell him everything, resting a hand on his chest, trailing her fingernails over well defined muscles.

"No, definitely not."Tony scowled a little before nodding. "One of my own bombs blew up when a enemy fired it on a vehicle I was in. Nearly shredded my heart, the arc reactor kept it from doing so."He said watching loki, before swallowing hard swimming back a little turning to watch steve and natasha as they swam, amused that the rest of the team were so relaxed, "..I'm fine.And okay its not alright, but it happened, and you're not doing it again. Are you?"Tony said frowning a little at the other man before looking startled at the other's reaction to sigyn flirting. Before tilting his head. Well, maybe after so many centuries, sex with one person could be boring?He could see that. "I...I guess."Tony said lowering his hand from his chest, swallowing hard. Even without the arc reactor, the scar was something he usually kept under his shirt, it was actually fairly amazing he was actually here, swimming. as he usually avoided having his chest bare and water. Tensing at the god's touch he swallowed a little. "Hm, some scars can be, but money can buy alot of corrective surgery."he muttered jerking back as he was kissed, staring at the god wide eyed, looking so confused and startled. Frowning as he stood there for a moment before following after loki, wondering just what the god was up to, and wanting to know why loki was actually helping his lover get laid with someone else, amused vaguely at natasha glaring towards clint and sigyn, amused though because while he didn't know for sure, he suspected the two partners had had a romantic fling that had ended badly, but he wasn't quite brave enough to ask.
he smiled at her and nodded. "oh. i am well aware of how good my kisses are." he stated with a smirk. "i just know how deeply rooted Tony's problems are." he admitted with a small chuckle. "if i have to, i'll spell his clothes off and lock him in a bedroom with you and Clint." he promised with laughter and mischievousness glittering in his eyes. "no i haven't actually. i mean, i've been on missions where i have to get wet, but i've never swam in the ocean, or been able to pay attention to the wildlife before." he admitted, his eyes widening as the silver fish swam around him. "sweet." he breathed, reaching down and running a finger down the smooth, slimy scales of the fish with a delighted laugh as it darted off. "Loki is a bit self centered, not nearly as bad as Tony is though." he admitted with a laugh before he shrugged at her as she snapped at him. "hey, if anyone has the right to hold judgement it's me. he was in my head after all." he pointed out. "but that's what confuses me. he insisted that i not kill anyone." he admitted. "i've killed more people working for Fury than i did under the control of Loki. it's... confusing." Steve admitted. "and i don't like being confused. Loki was viscous, violent, cruel... and now, all of a sudden he's none of these things for apparently no reason." he admitted before pausing as she mentioned being bored, lifting both of his eyebrows before he hesitated a little as he shuddered at her touch. "is Loki not... satisfying?" he asked softly, swallowing thickly.

Loki grimaced. "oh that must have..." here he paused, trying to find an appropriate adjective. "" he finally stated, looking slightly annoyed at being unable to find a better word to explain. "all things Unholy No!" Loki assured Tony, looking panicked by the idea. "i have enough nightmares, thanks." he muttered dryly. "i never even wanted to do it in the first place... but..." he shook his head. "never mind." he muttered before grinning at the other and stroking the smooth scar flesh, his head tilted. "and you have a lot of money." he agreed with a smile as he stroked the skin. "it's a sign of your bravery." Loki decided with a smile as he kissed the other and headed off, looking quite smug and pleased, but he made no mention of it, and the others didn't seam to have noticed them at all. so clearly it wasn't humiliation on Loki's mind when he kissed Tony. "Natasha!" Loki chirped, grinning at her. "want to go exploring caves? i was going to bury Bruce in the mud, but i can't seam to find him." Bruce was up on the beach, sunning himself. it wasn't often that Bruce got to simply relax. "oh don't glare at me! you'll hurt my feelings!" Loki complained, pouting at her extravagantly. if anyone would realize that Loki was gay, it was Tony now. but would he? "fine, if you don't want me to drop you in bat guano, do you want to go play the X-Box? i have Halo." "i'm in!" Steve declared. he wasn't good at things just yet, but he took to video games like a fish to water. and he hadn't played Halo yet. "i have Zombie games, and Mario Kart, and a few other games too if Halo's not your thing. how about you Tony? double team on League of the Dead?"
"You wouldn't dare!"Sigyn's eyes widened at loki's threat looking amused as she moved to clint. Tilting her head towards clint she smiled as the fish darted around him,amused that he was so pleased with it. "Tony is fairly bad, though you have to give loki credit, he's had thousands of years to work on character flaws."She snickered a little before wincing at that, looking away. Because it had been her idea, to make sure that no one would get killed....and as a way to draw natasha and the others in. Swallowing hard she nodded slightly."True.If anyone does, its you."She muttered turning a little watching the sea for a moment, chewing on her lip. "....You would have never become the team the world needed, if Loki hadn't been a enemy for you all to hate...and more important, to defeat. He's a master at illusion, he was what this world needed him to be."She said turning to look at clint, her eyes sad, and haunted. After so many months of watching loki have nightmares, of centuries of knowing what was coming, and second guessing her way of dealing with it, it was weird to be in the middle of the events she'd seen. No longer knowing what was coming, it was like her gift for prophecy had gone silent to let her find out on her own what the future held. She didn't want to talk about this, didn't want to consider it, not when she didn't know just how much she could trust the avengers, not sure what would become of them. "Hm, he is. But sometimes change is good."She smiled a little as she rested her hands on his chest, nails scraping over a nipple lightly."...not interested?I could always go see the playboy..."She muttered stepping back from him, looking amused. wondering what he'd do.

"Yes, well it did."Tony said snickering a little at loki's look, amused that he couldn't come up with a better word. Relaxing at loki's words,"What?"He said his mouth falling open a little as he considered why loki would have done something he hadnt want to do. Looking out of sorts as he watched loki swim away before sighing softly, considering what he knew then glanced at the woman flirting with CLint. Surely not. Not even loki would pull off a illusion that grand. He had to be wrong, just had to be. Ah. So tony'd figured it out, but unwilling to accept it, since it meant also accepting loki's interest in him, and he was definitely not ready for that
. "He's on the beach."Natasha said smiling a little because it was good to see bruce relaxing before making a face at loki."I'm fairly certain you're feelings are harder to hurt then that."She pointed out before shaking her head."No thanks. No caves."Natasha shuddered a little, not only because she didn't like the enclosed space, but because seh wasn't about to leave clint on his own with sigyn. Tony smiled a little as he swam over, brushing a hand through his hair. "of course I'm in. Got to show you I'm the god here, and totally rock on league of the dead."Tony grinned as he headed for the beach, totally okay with leaving clint with sigyn, because well, if a man wanted to have sex, who were they to interrupt? And well....gotta say, he was interested in what sex with a goddess would be like. Not that he was willing to look at the idea that he was even more curious about what sex with a god was like.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "Tony is bad compared to anyone." he pointed out. "still, i can't imagine what Loki must have been like as a snot nosed teen if he's this bad now." Clint admitted, looking highly amused. he studied her as she winced, wondering what that meant, clearly it was a sensitive subject. "so New York was... about us? bringing us together?" he asked, looking baffled and more than a little annoyed. "that was a pretty crappy way to go about it you know..." he admitted with a shake of his head, not about to start a fight with a goddess that could turn him into a guppy. "he was a scapegoat... a whipping boy." Clint gasped, suddenly understanding. the world had needed an enemy, and Loki had been that enemy... "The Chitauri would have invaded us, even without Loki, wouldn't they have?" Clint asked, wide eyed and stunned. yes, in all honesty, they would have. and they would have nearly decimated the earth, but the humans would have survived by dropping bombs on the massive mother-ships, which killed the drones. it was what came after that would have left the earth dark, dusty, and lifeless. "Loki gave us the heads up we needed, and the kick-start to get us working. he gave us the chance we needed to survive, and to win... son of a bitch... it's classified too, you don't want anyone to know... hell they can't know yet. they wouldn't handle it very well..." he groaned, shaking his head before he gasped at the fingernails on his nipples, shuddering at her. "fuck..." he growled, wrapping an arm around her hips. "don't you dare leave me alone like this!" he complained, hard and aching for her. "what about... Loki?"

Loki made a face and nodded before he flashed Tony a look that Tony would very much recognize. a look of pain, old trauma, and... fear. fear of not knowing what was coming next, what fresh hell would be unleashed upon him. but then it was gone and Loki was as annoying as ever. "what in the world is he doing up there?" "Bruce doesn't like water much." Steve admitted with a smile. "apparently he doesn't know how to swim." ", i won't be allowed to feed him to a shark to see who will win?" Loki asked, pouting a little at that, Steve snickering a little. "no, i wouldn't suggest that. unless you WANT the big green guy to break apart your house." "she'd kill me!" Loki gasped in horror, shooting a wary glance at Sigyn in the hopes she hadn't heard his idea. "as if you could beat me Stark." Loki sneered at the man, eyes glittering with amusement. "come on then!" he ordered, grabbing Natasha's wrist in one hand and Tony's in the other and he practically dragged them out of the water, Steve laughing as he followed. leaving Clint and Sigyn, thankfully alone. Loki knew she'd take Clint up to the bedroom or off to a cave and would make things comfortable with sound eliminating 'spells' and other such things to keep anyone else from hearing them.
"Hm, worse. It was fairly amusing to watch him and Thor duke it out sometimes though.They were both worse then ever."She snickered slightly before swallowing hard, tilting her head a little. "I know."She growled looking away from him, shuddering ever so slightly, because it had been a shitty way to do it, but it had been the best way to make sure earth survived. "A year later. And destroyed everything, because the avengers had not been aware, had not been ready....we weren't sure if you would survive this attack, but we could give you a fighting chance."sigyn muttered not watching him, her eyes hurt and pained, because no matter what, she held herself more responsible then loki, because she had been able to see what was coming, but had not had a better way to stop the attack besides declaring war earth, forcing nick fury into creating the avengers. "No one but me, you, and Loki knows. Though I am sure Tony and Thor suspect...have guessed something was wrong. But...."She shrugged because she so didn't want to go into this right now. "We have better things to discuss then world invasions."She muttered laughing as he grabbed her, leaning into him for a moment. "Hm, let me worry about loki."She muttered kissing him slowly, "I would never dare to leave you alone when your hard and aching for me..."She purred a little, sliding a hand over his chest before teleporting them both to the bedroom, smirking as she stepped away from him. "So, sex or world discussions?Cause really, I'd prefer sex, but if you want to discuss loki instead..."She smirked as she stood in front of him, before her eyes shuttered, a flicker of pain passing through them."I can be whoever you want, for a night, hawkling. Any fantasies..."She muttered looking him over, because only with loki, had she ever had sex as herself. Others, always, she'd played to men's fantasies, being whoever they wanted. But once, she would like to be herself...and hoped that maybe, she found someone to be herself with. And the thought scared her badly, even if she wanted him still.

"We'll teach him to swim later."Tony said snickering a little before grinning. "Hm, Loki does make alot of money. We could destroy the house, see who wins between a hulk or shark."Tony said thoughtfully. "Hey, hey I didn't agree to this."Natasha said looking annoyed before letting him drag her anyways, knowing that she wasn't going to have a choice, and trusting clint to take care of himself for once. Glancing over at the billionaire who was being oddly quiet for him, as they headed inside to play. Wondering just how long tony's silence would last. "Hey, rock of ages, can we get some drinks? I mean, if I have to prove I'm better, we should at least level the playing field and let me be drunk before kicking your ass."
he snorted a little. "considering the big head Thor had when he fell... i can beleive that." Clint admitted, looking amused. "how bad did they kick each others asses?" he asked curiously before he grimaced at the tone of voice she spoke in. clearly, Loki wasn't the only one affected by that. "shit..." Clint muttered, looking a little pale as he realized that Loki, had in effect, saved the entire earth by letting them chase him. "remind me to thank him at some point..." Clint muttered, shaking his head. "i won't tell." he promised softly. "it's his secrete, i won't ruin it." he promised. "we do have better things to talk about." he agreed, his pupils so big you almost thought he was high. and he was, high on Sigyn. "f...fuck!" he wheezed, curling up over himself a little as they where transported. "damn.. Tony was right... that is horrible. give a guy some warning would you?" he demanded, panting hard before recovering as he stood up and growled at her, aroused and wanting. "Sigyn? shut up and kiss me." he demanded, pulling her in close and kissing her. making no requests, because he'd never been so attracted to someone as he was to Sigyn. he'd wear her out that night, and himself too.

Loki snorted. "no because Sigyn will then turn all our asses into rabbits and feed us to a snake." he warned, shaking his head. "i'm kidnapping you." Loki stated to the sulking Natasha with a grin. "i need you to partner with Steve so i can tag team with Tony. then all of us can gang up on Bruce." Loki rattled off happily. he finally rolled his eyes at Tony, picked up his phone... a land-line, and made a call, speaking to someone in very fluent Spanish. ten minutes later, there was all manner of booze and liquor available. Loki refused to drink the human stuff, but he did enjoy his Summerdew, and so... he was just as miserable in the morning when Sigyn and Clint started to urge them all out of their hangover stupors. "Good God! Loki where the HELL are your pants!?" Clint demanded, Loki groaning as he sat up, wearing nothing but his special custom made boots. black leather held together with real gold clasps. "...uuuugh... i don't know... i lost them..." Loki groaned, Bruce groaning. even the hulk had gotten drunk. "we where betting... if we died, we had to lose an article of clothing.. Loki kept dying..." "Tony kept shooting me in the back!" Loki whined, scowling at Tony. "you have betrayed me!" Loki wailed before he, and everyone else winced. "oooh that wasn't a smart thing to do...." Loki whimpered, clutching his head. Clint just started to laugh.
"Hm, very badly. Of course I won each fight, so it really didn't matter who won between them."She snickered before nodding slightly, "I wouldn't bring it up, unless he does. It's like poking a bear with a stick otherwise."She warned before smirking as he looked at her, before wincing. "sorry...I hadn't thought about long since I teleported someone besides myself."She said blushing ever so slightly, having been to aroused to consider what it would do to him to teleport. "Fine."he growled kissing him back, amused and pleased he hadn't asked for anything else, just her.

"Ahhh, why not gang up on wonderboy?"Natasha snickered amused as she looked at tony. Groaning in the morning as the two walked into the living room, shifting, snuggling closer to tony who she was using as a pillow, though thankfully the genius was dressed mostly, looking comfortable laying there on the floor, though he would probably freak out once he woke up enough to realize that he was using loki's arm as a pillow. "I did not.You moved in front of me, is all."Tony groaned as he rolled away as loki sat up, whining a little as natasha moved away. even the alcoholic had gotten plastered. "Loks, don't yell."Sigyn scowled laughing quietly, looking contented and quiet, amused at loki and everyone's predictament. "You want breakfast, Clint?"Sigyn said glancing at the man. "Well, I guess I should cook for the rest of you to. I mean, you are here."She supplied after natasha gave her a half hearted glare, to hungover to be truly frightening yet. "Loks, go get some clothes for the guys. I'll get something for Natasha, since you all have seemed to misplace them."She said smirking as she neared clint, "And here I thought it was us, who was supposed to lose our clothes last night, not them."She muttered to him as she headed for the kitchen to cook.
Clint could only laugh at that. all brothers fought of course, but Loki and Thor fighting must have been the stuff of legends to be sure! "he must be pretty torn up about it." Clint mused, watching Loki distracting everyone. " he Helping us!?" Clint demanded, more than a little stunned that Sigyn's live in lover was actually assisting her in getting laid by a man he was sure Loki really didn't like. he decided to ignore that too as he was transported, and spent the evening showing her exactly what a 'real' man could do. he practically worshiped her body.

"uuuuugh." Loki groaned. "no. you shot me. you wanted to see me naked, you pervert." he complained. "although, i am gorgeous, so i can see why." Loki admitted before he whined. "Sighyn... turn the lights off..." "that 'light' is the Sun, and it can't be turned off." Clint commented, looking highly, highly amused at the sight of the Cap and Bruce spooning. they where adorable, and completely straight too for that matter. well, Bruce was completely straight. Cap had a man crush on Clint. "yeah i could go for breakfast... and a camera." "there's a camera on the third shelf. you can keep it. i don't use it." Loki slurred, Clint snickering as he took the camera and started snapping pictures of everyone. "this is great blackmail." Clint admitted with a laugh as Loki groaned. "didn't misplace them. i Unmade them." "so Remake them." "can't... t's easy to unmake something, you're just unraveling it... but t's not easy to remake something 'less your entirely sure how it was put together in the 'firs place... Tony told me to make sure we couldn't cheat. so i did... in retrospect, 'wasn't the best of ideas..." Clint snickered a little and shook his head. "you left Loki alone with Tony. what else did you expect to happen? they where made to create chaos you know." Loki was already staggering off to find clothes for everyone, and the Captain had woken up, fully clothed, and raced into the nearest bathroom to be ill. he wasn't good enough at drinking to maintain control over his hangover. Bruce was looking absolutely cheerful, no hangover to speak of.
"No I didn't!"Tony sputtered, wincing as the noise made his head ache before making a face, even if he turned a little to look at loki, smirking as Natasha rolled away from him, refusing to get up yet. "Well, not really. I could turn it off."Sigyn said looking amused as she flicked her fingers the windows darking a tad, just enough to not be painful. "This is fairly adorable really."Sigyn smirked looking at the cuddles going on before shaking her head as clint took pictures."Hm, you'll have to show natasha she was cuddling Stark, she wont believe you otherwise."She snickered a little before sighing. "You just wanted to see me naked, loki. I know, I'm gorgeous, but you didn't have to unmake my clothes for it."Tony smirked throwing his own words back at him, wincing as he sat up. "True.But I wasn't really thinking about what they'd do to my retrospect, I'm just glad they didn't burn it down or soemthing equally unpleasant."Sigyn smiled snickering as cap rushed off to deal with his hangover. The only one who seemed really worse for the wear was natasha who didn't normally drink. Tony practically lived on alcohol, and the others were looking well.

By the time Loki came down with clothes sigyn had eggs and bacon on the table, smirking a little as she settled at the table to eat, watching tony watching loki, even if he wasn't being obvious about it. So maybe loki wouldn't have to work as hard as he thought?Shaking her head she sighed, knowing that no matter what tony did if he watched loki, he would fight to not be attracted. Glancing at clint as he sat next to her, she swallowed hard before focusing on her food, starting to eat. "I have to get to work...."She sighed glancing at loki, starting to pull away now that she was clear headed enough to do so, scared of just how attracted she was to the man sitting next to her, even just wanting into the room, he'd made her want to strip him down again. "Oh?Romance book covers?I thought you wanted thor for that."Tony teased looking at her. "No."She said simply wincing at the mention of thor, cause while she didn't think of him being as bad as odin, she didn't trust him either."I just have to do some magazine work, next week the author is flying in to help with the photo shoot for the book."Sigyn mused, focusing on work instead of sex, even if she knew loki was probably staring at her oddly, and natasha was looking annoyed.
Loki smirked a little. "you so did." he complained before sighing as the windows darkened. "thanks Love." he muttered, rubbing his eyes. "it's so adorable." Clint agreed with the Goddess, snickering a little. "Stark, i don't have to strip you down here to see you naked, Youtube has more than enough pictures." he pointed out with a smirk. "yeah you're pretty lucky in all honesty. if i'd been down here, there probobly would have been broken furniture." Clint admitted with a grin as he studied the drunken Natasha. Bruce was humming as he stood up and stretched and followed to help Loki carry the clothes. "it's so not fair that you don't get hangovers banner!" Loki grumbled, grouchy now that he'd woken up properly and realized his head hurt, his mouth tasted like ashes and dirt, and his plan to seduce Tony had gotten no further than a kiss. he watched Sigyn as she set the table and staggered over to help her, knowing she would have no pity for his hangover. so he helped her before he started pulling things out of the fridge. a strange tuber that was clearly not from earth, a few aspirin, some sort of blueish green milk, and some raw eggs. he crushed the aspirin into a fine dust before he chopped up the tuber. Sigyn at least knew what Loki was doing. the worlds best hangover cure. he whirled it all up in a blender, groaning loudly at the pain that caused before he dumped everything into separate glasses for everyone to drink. this, thankfully, was perfectly safe for humans. and it worked fast too. within ten minutes, anyone brave enough to drink the concoction was feeling much better. their headaches had certainly stopped at the very least.

"do you want me to go with you?" Loki asked her. "i'll just need ten minutes to get the pests out of the house and myself presentable." he admitted with a smile as Clint rolled his eyes. "i'll need to pull Clint aside for a private word as well..." he mused, watching with amusement at how fast the man had gone pale. "but that can wait." Loki decided, Clint blowing out a relieved breath as Loki tossed an amused wink at Tony. "Thor is not allowed near Sigyn." Loki stated simply. "she can't stand him." he admitted simply. "not that i can blame her for that..." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "don't mention my brother, or any asgaurdian in her presence again." Loki warned, his tone serious and warning. even now, he was protecting her. "you go get ready love and i'll kick out our lovely house guests. we'll have to do this again, i actually had fun." Loki admitted with a grin. "and isn't that a scary thought?" Clint mused. "particularly since none of us where pranked." he admitted with a grin. "oh. you where." Loki stated with a grin. "it will just take you a long while to realize how." he admitted with a chuckle. well wasn't that a frightening thought. " didn't make me pregnant did you!?" Steve demanded, wide eyed and horrified. "because i've read the comic books, i know you can do that! make a man pregnant with eggs that you lay...." "...he needs to read no more comic books." Loki informed the rest of the avengers, looking rather disturbed by Steve's statement. "no i didn't lay eggs in you. good grief what HAVE you been drinking... oh, right..." Loki muttered, remembering that he was the one who had supplied the alcohol.
"Hn, but youtube doesn't do me justice."Tony snickered wincing as the sound made his head ache. "Hm, but you probably broke my bed.So you did break furniture."Sigyn teased a little looking amused. "Help me up."Natasha muttered looking up at clint as she staggered to her feet, wincing as the world tilted. "Hm, you're just annoyed that you didn't get to see him go battle a shark. Stop whining, loks."Sigyn said smiling a little because she knew loki was sulking about not convincing tony further then just a kiss. Though looking at the billionaire, it was obvious his world was still tilting on its axis, and not because of the alcohol. "...that looks disgusting. What in the world is it?"Natasha said as he watched loki. Tony smirked."Hangover cure."He supplied, while he hadn't known what it was, he'd seen enough similar concotions to guess what it was. Downing it without asking what the tuber was-cause well, if the two gods had wanted to kill him, it would already have been done- smiling as his head cleared."I need more of this. I could drink all day and not feel a thing." "You already do that mostly."Sigyn pointed out.

"If you want."Sigyn said squirming a little before sighing quietly, smirking slightly as Clint paled. "Don't be mean,Loki. I'm a adult. Perfectly capable of having my own conversations with a man I just had sex with."Sigyn said looking annoyed at her husband, taking her own feelings of being out of sorts and confused, out on him. though she knew he wouldn't take it to much to heart. Tony frowned looking startled, before he thought harder about it. Realizing that Sigyn hadn't been avoiding the avengers just because, she was avoiding thor. "I am sorry, lady sigyn.Forgive me?"Tony asked, giving her the puppy dog look. "That look works better on loki and unintelligent people, but you're forgiven."Sigyn teased kissing his cheek before she left the room to get ready to go.

"....I need to take his comics away. I so don't want to consider what loki does...."Tony said eyeing the god, before smirking slightly. "I'm fairly certain whatever the prank is, we're going to kick ourselves for not seeing it earlier."he said swallowing hard as he looked after sigyn, curiousity in the look, his brilliant mind already thinking over what he'd seen, what the kiss meant. Sighing he stood, finishing his breakfast."But we better go, before Fury wonders where we wandered off to, or worse, pepper realizes I'm skipping my meetings for the day."He said his voice closed off, because while they were no longer together, pepper still ran stark industries, which made things awkward, but he hadn't been able to convince himself to fire her for simply leaving her, not when she did such a amazing job running it. Glancing at clint for a moment, smirking. "Unless of course, you want to stay and talk with loki. I'm sure there's plenty of interesting things to be said."He snickered because he was so enjoying watching natasha twist and turn, not sure how to react to clint sleeping with sigyn. "Thanks for the informative, interesting night."Natasha scowled a little knowing she was overreacting, but having no idea what to say, or do with the feelings that were eating her alive.
Loki chuckled a little. "you mean to say that they shrunk you 'down there'? or you're naturally that small?" he asked with a snicker. "it would have been awesome to see him get fed to a shark. the shark would have won, i'm sure of it." Loki admitted with a nod. "i'm good at sulking though." he complained with a sigh, shaking his head. "it's a Blood Tuber and Milk from a Jotun Summer Seal." he admitted simply. "the Blood Tuber is full of Vitamin C and potassium, and the milk is just because i like it, and it works just as good as coconut water for re-hydration." "impressive." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "the milk also hyper activates the aspirin, which kills your headache faster." he admitted. unfortunately, the concoction tasted just as disgusting as it looked. the red of the blood tuber mixed with the nasty color of the milk, making it a mud brown sludge color. and it tasted like it too. "ugh, Blood tubers, so disgusting." he groaned as he poured himself a glass of just the blue green milk and gulped that down. it tasted like fresh spring water, amusingly enough. there was also the faintest taste of salt, like the water had been purified from ocean water.

"she has a point stark, but i can arrange for you to have a case delivered of the milk and the tubers. they won't go bad so long as you keep them refrigerated." he admitted simply. "i'll write up a recipe to go with it." he promised before he grimaced a little and pouted at her. "but i like being mean, i'm good at it." he complained with a sulk. "fine, i won't give Clint a man to man talk." he grumbled with a sigh before looking at Tony's puppy eyes... oh hell, had he just cum a little? yes, yes he had. it wasn't right that Tony could look that good. "it definitely works on me..." Loki muttered under his breath to Sigyn, flashing her a smirk as he stood up and stretched before he glared at Tony. "i do NOT lay eggs in people!" he complained, tossing his head with a sniff. "i have creatures that do that for me. like the Lake Squid i threatened you with earlier, i could still get one." he warned, eyes narrowed, playfully. "oh, of course you are. i mean... it's really quite obvious, and i'm sure you've ALL noticed by now. you just haven't made the connection." Loki sing songed quite gayly. "now, skip off you lot. we'll invite you again later, go on, shoo, scat. i have to make myself pretty for public consumption." Loki ordered. "no! i'm fine, thanks. no need to talk to Loki! i'm sure he'll be just fine without me!" Clint stated, already scarping for the door. "your very welcome Natasha." Loki stated with a grin as he leaned to her ear. "you know... my son is coming for a visit in a month or so... maybe you'd like to meet him? he loves women who can kick his ass." Loki teased Natasha before shoving her out the door and watching them all leave with a sigh. "well... that went rather well, don't you think Sig?" he asked with a grin. "i kissed Tony... he looked so adorably confused and horrified."
"...I am not small!"Tony sputtered eyes widening as he looked at the god. "Ah, that is very impressive. I could probably do other medications with the tubers."He said thoughtfully, looking amused at the idea of what he could do with inter-galatitic foods. "You shouldn't have gotten so drunk then."Sigyn said refusing to feel bad for the drunk people. "I wont use it just for drinking, I'd just enjoy researching it."Tony said looking thoughtful before smirking as loki got teased.

"I know you are, but leave this alone, Loks."Sigyn muttered looking annoyed before smirking at loki's near coming at the look tony was giving them. "maybe you should make him pout more."Sigyn muttered amused that the man was so affected by tony. "Well, that's good to know."Tony said smirking, amused that loki was getting so bent out of shape. "....Hey!I havent done anything to deserve meeting that squid. Stay away from me."Tony scowled a little looking disturbed before grinning at clint's near running out the door. "Also, here. Just in case you two want to be like normal people and call, instead of writing letters."Tony said looking awkward as he tossed a starkphone towards sigyn, before following clint out. "Hmmm, I might take you up on that."Natasha said smirking as she left. "And it did."Sigyn said blushing ever so slightly before snickering."Definitely. Leave him alone for awhile now, he'll have to think about now.And me to. I don't want to talk about it yet, loks."she grinned as tehy headed out for work.

Though two weeks later Sigyn was still avoiding the topic of sex or their marriage. though loki was still trying, sigyn had managed to worm out of talking about it, in getting her husband to talk about tony instead. which was highly amusing. Straightening her hair as she leaned back in her seat, she sighed quietly looking at loki."Why didn't they ask Stark to fix this?I mean, he's closer to the HQ instead of us."She pointed out glad that they were going to the flying base, at least there was less chance she'd run into clint while they were in the air fixing computers, instead of arriving at avengers tower. Looking definitely unlike herself, a tiny mousey librarian geek, instead of the drop dead bombshell she usually was. though she was still hot, in that intellectual beauty instead of supermodel.

Tony wheeled his creeper out from under the car he was working on, looking up at bruce."What?"he said sounding annoyed. because the longer he'd not heard from loki, the more annoyed he'd gotten, though the more he realized he did want to talk to loki, the more agiated he was getting. the man was being forced to confront feelings he'd managed to hide for 35 years, and he wasn't happy, or stable enough to do it alone. though he was trying. "I'm working.Did you need something?"He asked having made jarvis turn off all his calls and turn up the music, he wasnt aware fury had tried to get ahold of him.
Loki nodded. "i suppose, i guess i never thought about it." he admitted. "i never have to take medication, my magic, weak though it is, kills anything foreign in my body." he admitted with a shrug. "no colds for me." he bragged with a grin. "besides, it's Stark's fault we all got drunk. he wouldn't stop bitching about the lack of human alcohol, so i ordered someone. remind me to thank Mahano." Loki ordered before smirking at her. "oh i'll make him pout." he growled, licking his lips. "i'll make him beg..." he purred, only a little disturbed by how badly he wanted Tony. "you don't want me to stay away from you." Loki teased with a smirk as Sigyn caught the phone and pocketed it. they probobly wouldn't call. not while Sigyn was in denial. "i'll send you a call when he gets here." Loki promised Natasha with a grin as he waved them all off, glancing at Sigyn. "very well, then we shant speak of it yet." he promised with a smile. "i think they will handle the truth well, when we tell them." he admitted, looking at her. "we saved their world, there's no need for you to be so guilty about it." well if that wasn't the pot calling the kettle black.

"they can't get ahold of him." said the young man with short curly blond hair and eyes of a dull sort of brown. he was like the epitome of 'common guy.' he even wore wire rim glasses. "remember to call me Koi." he ordered, looking amused. that was his alias. Koi, Elli Smith. technically he was employed by the FBI, but he was on call for any of the major government and military branches that had an emergency with their computers or electronics. Fury had called in Koi once before, when an enemy hacker managed to slip in a major virus through Sheilds firewalls. Tony had failed to find and fix the problem, being that he was faced with an intelligent Virus that ran away, literally, whenever he found it. Koi came in and in twenty minutes he'd built a trap in the software, chased the Virus out of the Hard-wires and bam, problem solved. Koi was pretty sure that Tony still hadn't forgiven him for that. he opened his laptop and started tapping away. "apparently, the Hacker is back, but instead of a virus, he's just shutting down every system one at a time. this should be a nice little challenge." he admitted with a grin as he stepped onto the bridge in his perfect custom made leather boots. black leather with gold clasps that no one but maybe the avengers would recognize. considering he had gone on about how wonderful and expensive they where during the game of Strip Halo when Loki had refused to 'un-make' his boots. "wow. this is a mess..." Koi muttered as he looked around the place, a smirk on his lips as he walked over to a port, plugged in his computer and got to work.

"yes, Tony i need something. Fury has called sixteen times in the last hour. they've nearly completely lost HQ, everything is going offline and Fury is panicked because they can't alter the course of the flying boat. it's headed straight for DC, the white house. get off your ass and go save them!" Bruce demanded, pointing straight up into the sky. "they've already called in some guy named Koi, but they don't know if he can do this on his own... what kind of name is Koi anyway?"
"Dont. I dont want to know."She grumbled making a face at just how much loki wanted tony. it was vaguely disturbing, and more then a little worrying, how much a single mortal was rocking their peaceful life. Raising a eyebrow at loki she smirked,"Pot, kettle, black."She teased rolling her eyes a littel as she settled in to work.

"Koi.You sound like a fish."Sigyn grumbled a little, before sighing."You'll have to call me something else adorably cute. Like Dante.I like dante."She mused following him around, acting like his helper, only because she refused to let him go anywhere without her making sure he was okay. "You better hope stark's not here, he's probably still sulking that you fixed it last time...not to mention in a foul mood over everything else."She pointed out before rolling her eyes as she settled into a chair to wait. "Koi,Good.At least someone's capable of answering a phone."Fury said looking as unstressed as he ever did, though he did look concerned as koi got to work. "Stark should be here momentarily, Bruce was dragging him out of the lab, if you should need help."Fury added watching, so at a loss with the tech, that he didn't even try to understand.

"....DC's nice this time of year. Let it go there."Tony sulked but did as he was ordered to anyways, sliding out from under the car before glaring. "It's a goddamned fish, and I'm going to string him up if he's messing up things.Stupid bastard, probably cant do it on his own."Tony said scowling, taking his bad mood off out on everyone as he suited up and within moments was on his way to the flying boat. And even shorter he was walking into the bridge, for once not drunk, and looking good with being totally sober. "Koi, you need a helper this time?You might have brought someone with a higher IQ then her cup size."Tony scowled a little at the woman watching him, before he settled at one of the stations with his own laptop, already starting to work, and pretty much ignoring the other two.Not to mention fury.
'Koi' flashed Fury a grin. "hello Director, it's nice to see you again. unfortunately i probobly am going to need Stark's help on this one." he admitted. "i'm great with viruses and glitches and other such things, things that are inert, built already into the system or added there but this is a living thinking person on the other end." he admitted with a sigh. "i hate people... Dante will you get me that second laptop? i can slow the bastard down significantly for now." he promised as he started typing quickly on his laptop, his eyes narrowed as he focused everything he had on this enemy. "holy crap! he's aiming this thing at the white house!" Koi rolled his shoulders, cracked his back, knuckles and neck and then went back to work. "i can fix that." he muttered, typing furiously, muttering under his breath as he worked, his eyes flicking back and forth across the screen. "found you, you son of a bitch." he muttered. "i'm rerouting a sub program to locate the signature." he informed Fury. "watch that second laptop for me would you Dante? let me know when we get a hit. no one can hide for me for long." and that was true. since Koi had been working, if the FBI looked for an internet criminal, Koi could find it. "alright i'm setting up dead ends... that should keep this guy busy for a moment."

Bruce glared at Tony. "Tony! Pepper is in Washington right now!" he hissed. "and so is both Natasha and Clint!" he snarled. "that thing goes down and they're hurt, if not dead, now move your ass!!!" Bruce demanded, quite sick and tired of Tony's self depreciation. "shut up Stark." Koi stated simply as he explained what he was doing as the second laptop dinged. "we found one location. send an agent or two. it's probobly not the actual location." he warned Fury as he slid out of Tony's way. "i managed to slow him down, but i work with viruses not people, i don't know how to lock him out. you! move!" he demanded of a random person sitting in front of one of the few working computers, wary of the idiot pushing buttons he shouldn't be pushing. he didn't need to talk to stark to offer him the backup he needed. he plugged up the little holes that Tony left open, he helped coral the foreign entity, he was basically playing Tony's sidekick, which was all the proof that anyone needed to know that Koi was a fucking master. "shit, this is the same bastard!" Koi snarled, his eyes narrowed as the laptop pinged again. "second location. not the main Computer address again..." he muttered, his eyes narrowed as he glanced at Tony. "this bastard isn't working alone..." he warned. "there's a second person in the system... heading him off." Koi warned, already working to strike off the person from entering too far into the system, even as he worked to bring up the rest of the systems. "our destination has been rerouted Fruy. we're now aimed for the middle of the Atlantic." he stated. "it'll still be a rough landing, but we wont die a fiery death..." the second laptop dinged again. the guy was very good at covering his tracks. skipping from IP address to IP address. from Canada, to Mexico, to Ireland to Spain.
"I got it."Dante said passing over the laptop even as she moved to sit next to him and work. "What?Reaim it.Now."Fury glared looking annoyed that someone had dared to target the capital. "

Tony paled a little as he realized that not only his friends, but the woman he loved despite it blowing u pin his face, was in washington. Nodding a little as he flew, desperate to get there in time. "Hold on, I can help with that. I enjoy locking people out of things."Tony sneered a little at the computer screen as he indeed worked on doing exactly what needed to do. Amused that Koi was playing his sidekick on this. "You know, I might get you a iron man suit, kid sized. I mean, you could be my sidekick all the time."Tony growled sounding amused at koi, using humor to distract him as fury got some agents to go to each address they spat out at them. "No one gets to play better then me. I wont allow two people to outthink me. If reindeer games can't, no two bit, arrogant stupid computer geek gets to do this to my computer system."Tony growled before smirking as he dumped both hackers into a 'safe' server, smirking as he'd dumped them onto his own computers, which left them to deal with jarvis in what amounted to tony's personal playground. "Now...Jarvis. tell me where they are."he said trusting his AI to be better then even the best hackers trick. "Spain, sir." "Reindeer games. I should have-"Tony scowled looking annoyed about to work himself into a fine temper at loki for doing this before stopping, really taking in the appearance of what had been in front of his face the whole time. "....You need new shoes. And for her to stop playing on a starkphone I built myself."Tony said calmly before looking at sigyn and loki, smirking a little before returning calmly to his computer to work out where the hacker was, not about to give either god the satisfaction of seeing just how fucking bent out of shape he'd been for the last two weeks. Having been taking it out on his friends, and everything he worked on, instead of dealing with the person that had caused it. And he felt horrible, because he could see himself acting out, fucking up the friendships he really did cherish, and unable to stop himself.

Sigyn raised a eyebrow as she looked at the phone in her hands, frowning. it didn't look any different then any other starkphone stark industries built, but tony had figured it out."....don't know what you're talking about stark."
Koi snorted. "i have far more amazing superpowers. i save the country almost every day. have you ever seen people when the stock market is jeopardized? now that's a crises." he teased. "besides, you're just glad that i'm not stealing your thunder this time, i know when to take the backburner. i prefer not to be noticed." Koi admitted simply. and that was true, Loki hated being the center of attention unless he was with people he liked and trusted then he was a major Drama Queen. "whose Reindeer Games??" Koi asked curiously. "and these assholes aren't two bit. they must be using million dollars worth of technology right now to have pierced this firewall. i knew i should have rebuilt that fucking wall, but No. Fury assured me it wouldn't be needed. he'd get someone else to do it. i'm assuming that someone was supposed to be you, and he just never got around to asking." he glared at Fury when the man cleared his throat. which was all the prood they needed to see that was exactly what had happened. "idiot. you really need to leave the electronics and systems to people who actually know what they're doing... sir." Loki stated, sneering at Fury who had the decency to look a little sheepish.

"Spain!?" Koi asked, looking stunned as he examined the computer. "remind me to get a look at your AI stark, Jarvis is amazing." even Loki had to admit, Jarvis was one sexy machine. Loki looked up at Tony, confused for a moment before he went red as he realized he was caught and he tucked his pants over his boots. "i'll keep that in mind Stark." Loki promised, scowling at the computer. "Spain...." he muttered, glancing around before he closed his eyes and touched the screen, taking a deep breath, holding it before exhaling, diving his mind into the system, fixing what a computer couldn't normally fix and tracing the comuter through the hole the hackers had left when they pierced the firewall. "no. only one is in Spain." Loki corrected as his laptop dinged twice and them ran a dangling chimes. "the other is in... Greece?" Loki pulled his mind back into himself, looking baffled. "that's... unusual." Loki muttered. "the guy from Spain looks like a scapegoat, because the guy from Greece sort of piggy backed on Spain's IP. how did Jarvis miss that?" he asked Tony, looking baffled. "he doesn't usually miss things like that." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i'm rebuilding the Firewall." he stated, glaring at Fury, who didn't seam to realize anything was amiss at all. "how about lunch Stark?" Loki offered. "i know this great bistro. we can talk about syntax's."
"Hm, well I'll let you deal with the stock market. It sort of bothers me."Tony said before smirking a little. "Just like a good sidekick does.You'd look good in red and gold."he looked amused before scowling as he worked. "Reindeer games is a bastard who has a fetish for weird helmets and pissing me off."He growled before frowning slightly. Thinking it over before nodding, shooting a glance towards fury. "Yea, he never asked. I've been fairly busy."he said looking annoyed that this was happening since fury hadn't had enough sense to ask him quickly, looking amused though as koi scolded him, amused that the man was looking sheepish.

"No. It's mine. Stay away from my AI."Stark scowled ignoring loki and sigyn focusing on the computer screen instead, ignoring the man who'd made him go insane for two weeks. Tilting his head a little as he watched loki do his thing, tilting his head slightly. "Jarvis is good, but even he misses things sometimes. Kinda like how I don't see everything, all the time. I'll help, between the two of us, we should be able to build something."Tony said already starting to build the firewall, looking amused as fury walked out to check on other things, "Fine. I could use some lunch."he said stretching, rubbing a hand over his face before looking at sigyn, studying her for a long moment. "...if you're avoiding barton, you might want to leave. He's supposed to be returning from DC within the hour."He said simply, interested in seeing her reaction smirking as she stood. "I'm going home then. You okay, koi?Getting home by yourself I mean."Sigyn said not overly sure about this date with tony, but knowing loki was going to do it anyways, she knew tony was going to freak if he figured out he was on a actual date instead of just getting lunch.
Koi snorted a little and nodded. "i'll deal with the stock market then. and i don't look good in red." he stated simply, shaking his head as he realized Tony was more than a little pissed at him. "more like you where mired in self depression and ignored him anytime he called to ask you." Koi commented simply as he started building up the new Firewall. "i just want to examine his programming Tony! you can share! it's not like i'm going to strip him naked and play with his bytes." "....that sounded so wrong..." one of the soldiers whispered, causing the others to snicker. "i just want to see if i can make my own. probobly won't be as impressive as Jarvis is, but at least he'll lock the door when SOMEONE forgets." he complained, shooting a smirk at Sigyn. "hmmm. point taken, and in your defense... i think i missed this last time." he admitted. "tit looks like the person in Greece is the guy doing the work, and is hiding behind people who probobly don't know what it is they're hacking." he mused, his head tilted a little as he tapped up the last strip of code for a new Firewall, and added his own magic to it, which would fry any IP that wasn't approved. "there. that should keep the snot nosed little shit heads out." Loki stated with a final few taps before he closed the lid and slumped in his seat with a sigh. that little bit of magic had worn him out. he wanted a nap... no, he wanted to get laid.

"i'll be fine Dante." he promised, kissing her cheek. "go on... and we ARE talking when i get home." he stated sternly. "this has gone on long enough and it's starting to affect how you live your life. it's done." he ordered before walking her out. "sorry Tony, we're going to have to walk, i drained my reserves with that freaking hacker." Loki admitted, looking tired. "i'm sorry i didn't call, Sigyn was hogging the phone and she beat me over the head anytime i touched it... and i was a bit... scared, admittedly. not that fear has ever stopped me from doing stupid shit... god i need Coffee." Loki admitted. "she's driven me to tearing at my hair!" he admitted. "so how have you been?" Koi asked before grinning. "oh, i haven't properly introduced myself. Koi Smith. Koi Elli Smith, i work for the government doing crap your too important to do." he admitted with a chuckle. "i never anticipated anyone actually knowing." he admitted, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "that's why i 'invented' Koi, so that no one would look at me and see, well... me." he admitted with a shrug. "anonymity is wonderful."
"Good.And I bet you would."He said before flicking a look towards the other man,"I was doing important work. I do have my own company to run, not to mention things to build."Tony scowled a little, more like he'd been avoiding having to think about loki and going to any of the meetings pepper needed him for. "I don't care. No one gets jarvis, and if you want to play with someone's..bytes....go see your assistant."Tony said though his voice didn't sound any different, it was obvious the billionaire wasn't happy with either of them. "Damn right it wouldn't be as good as Jarvis." "...I don't forget!You're the one who forgots."Sigyn sputtered looking annoyed. "Well, at least we found it now, we wont be missing it again."Tony said sighing quietly before watching the two."...Are you two not talking to each other?"He said sounding amused as they walked. "It's okay. I could use the excerise."Tony said before looking at the man, looking thoughtful. "'re rambling. You know that right?And I would think that being afraid of sigyn would be a normal state of being for you."Tony said before smirking a little. "I've been fine, koi."Tony said rolling his eyes before smirking, "and you would have stayed annoyomous if I hadnt seen those boots. You went on about them enough, that I remembered them."he snickered a little.

Sigyn scowled as she looked around the house, running her fingers through her hair before her shoulders slumped in defeat. She didn't want to talk to loki, didn't want to deal with being so attracted to someone it scared her. but she needed to, and she needed to know if it had been on one time thing, or if she really was still attracted to clint. For the moment ignoring her attraction to steve, because she had a bigger problem with dealing with the man she'd already slept with. Swallowing hard she teleported to stark tower, curling a lip a little as she realized that thor hadn't even bothered to set wards against magical attacks-not that she wanted to attack it-but she thought the oaf would have at least done that. Making a face she looked at the balcony, smiling slightly because it had such a nice view of the city before moving to the patio furniture tony had recently purchased, curling up in a chair to wait for hawkeye to return. Counting on being far enough away from the door to be able to leave if he wasn't alone. She didn't want to deal with natasha, not when she was feeling anxious enough without the female assassin glaring at her.
Loki chuckled a little as he shook his head at Stark. "fine then, don't share." he grumbled. "i'll just hack your system then." he grumbled, not entirely sure that he could. "besides, i want nothing to do with my assist's 'bytes'." he grumbled, shaking his head a little. "i am not the one who forgets! i always lock the door, i have to because i can't..." he paused and glanced a look at fury before falling silent. he couldn't admit to using Magic here, or more than Tony would realize who he was. "no were not. she's pissed at me, and frightened of her own feelings so anytime i TRY to talk to her she distracts me!" he grumbled. "and, as amazing as i am. i am easily distracted... it's not fair." he complained, scowling. "she's been in a horrible mood and she's been taking it out on me." he grumbled. "if i didn't want to loose every item that makes me a man, i'd complain about it being her woman time." he grumbled. "i'm so tired." Loki admitted, pinching the bridge of his nose. "all i want is to just lay on the beach and soak up the sun, but i can't even do that without nightmares, or worse... Sigyn's nightmares." he admitted, shaking his head. "i haven't slept more than six hours in a week, of course i'm rambling." he admitted with a sigh. "you're a terrible liar." he admitted before he smirked down at his boots. "i WAS drunk at the time you know. even more so then you lot where. excuse me if i forgot." he admitted with a small chuckle. "besides, these boots are amazing! they're hand crafted!" he complained before ordering a coffee with four shots of espresso, on the side, which stunned the cashier to no end.

Clint was tired, he was sore, and he was annoyed that he'd been used as a one night stand. he and Nat had three raging fights about it, before they finally realized that while they weren't happy with each other, they didn't want each other to be happy with others either. it had been an eye opening horror when Clint realized why. he wasn't in love with Natasha, but he did love her. when he'd screamed that he wasn't going to let his sister stop him from dating, everything had just clicked into place and he'd gaped at her for a long moment, stunned to so suddenly understanding his emotions... and now he was hurt, because Sigyn had not contacted him. no letter, no phone call, nothing... he'd just been a one night stand and that... hurt. "goodnight Natasha!" Clint called as he staggered into his room. "fuck i hate Washington... fuck i hate people... fuck i hate HOLY SHIT!" he shrieked, pulling his Bow down just in time to realize who it was in his room. "...Sigyn!?"
"I wont then.And don't even try."Tony said looking annoyed at that before glancing towards the assistant looking amused as he realized that he'd guessed right. Sigyn and loki weren't lovers, which left to reason...what in the world were they doing. "Hm, well that would be a problem."Tony mused watching sigyn leave before smiling slightly. "Well, that I can believe."Tony snickered amused that loki was easily distractable, "hmm, wonder what I can use that for?Surely I can distract you with something..."The billionaire said, before his eyes widened a little as he considered what he wanted to really distract the other with before swallowing hard. "She likes barton doesn't she?more then she really wanted to."Tony said snickered realizing that the woman was doing exactly what he did, hide. Grinning wider."I did that once, blame pepper's moods on her woman time. I thought she was going to put on my suit just to fry me."Tony said looking amused because it was easier to laugh then to cry, and that had been about the time when everything startled falling apart. "I don't forget things drunk. I'm actually fairly brilliant drunk."Tony smirked looking amused as he got his own latte and a small order of cookies, starving now that he wasn't working. realizing belatedly that it'd been nearly a day since he'd eaten." gay. Do you ever share sigyn's shoes, I bet she even takes you shopping doesn't she?"he said snickering a little at loki's amazement over the shoes.

"Just forget her. You'll be better for it."Natasha muttered as they reached their floor, smiling a little. "Goodnight clint."she said making her way towards her bedroom. So tired she didn't even hear clint yelling as she collapsed into bed. "h-"Sigyn started before he shrieked, wincing as she vanished from the seat she'd been perched in, reappearing by the window, her face falling into that easy blank face that didn't show anything she was thinking as she considered the man in front of her."...yes.I =...I can go...if you want me to..."Sigyn said looking unsure of her welcome.
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