
"No you don't. I'm sure I've won some fight."he said before smirking. "I'll definitely make sure she gets rough. Maybe I'll send clint with her."The billionaire smirked before looking up at loki looking thoughtful. "hm, that might work.Even if she's not asgardian, it should bind her so she could use them a little at a time."He muttered looking amused but pissed when he came back. "Yea, and no they're not making her a lab rat. She's spent enough time in my lab just watching, she doesn't need to be here."he grumbled before laughing, his mood broken at his suggestion. "No. Save it for board of directors. I'll have fun with that, after we get her settled."And he indeed was already calling happy to come get him and pepper, flicking a glance at loki."Will you go do me a favor?There's a guest room between mine and yours. Will you see that it has things she'd like? Like magazines and other boring woman crap. We'll be there soon, happy's on his way."he said looking amused because he was putting pepper in the most protected of places, between him and a sorcerer, across the hall from steve and bruce, with clint and natasha just a stairwell away on their own floor and as far from thor's rooms as she could get. "Go home, reindeer games, set up the room, and get some sleep."

"Fine. And not really, well I should,cause god knows I could use it, but I can run on less sleep, my own magic will keep me from being to worse for the wear for missing a few hours."She muttered rubbing a hand over her face, because despite needing less sleep to function, she usually did sleep the full 8-9 hours if she could. "...eggs would be nice."She said smiling at him."What are you doing up?Surely your not doing tony's paperwork. Make him do it."
she smirked. "no you haven't." she muttered as Loki bit back a laugh. "does falling asleep in the argument mean that she's won this one?" he asked with a grin. "i'll take a look at her once her genetics settle. trying to design runes to match her won't work until she's completely settled genetically." he admitted with a shake of his head. "she most certainly does not need to be here." he agreed. "have fun with Natasha." he ordered with a grin as he gently picked Pepper up, supporting her in his arms as he carried her down the stairs letting her sleep. "i'll get her anything she needs Tony, i assure you." he promised. "i won't leave her alone either, my children can make themselves useful." he decided with a smile as he headed back to the Tower and settled Pepper into her new room, changing the bed into something much more soft and comfortable. he could tell just by looking at her that her skin hurt. he settled her into place, made her comfortable and settled into his won room to sleep with an alarm that would wake him if Pepper woke.

Steve had to chuckle at that and nodded. "i know how you feel." he admitted with a smile as he shook his head. "eggs it is, scrambled? omelet? over easy? hard boiled?" he asked already pulling out the eggs and looking at her to see what else she might want. "...i don't sleep." he admitted simply. "i sleep like, two hours, at most." he admitted. "less if i take a catnap during the day... and yes, that's Tony's paperwork. i'm doing it for lack of anything else to do." he admitted. "one can only work out so long, and i don't really have any hobbies..." he admitted with a shrug as he started cracking eggs.
" have no idea how nice it is to be the one cooking for once. Loki's hopeless."She muttered smiling at him. "So glad me and loki wont be the only ones up at odd hours."She snickered at his admittance to doing tony's paperwork. "You need hobbies. Or a girlfriend. Or boyfriend. Or both."Sigyn said, being tired made her a little less sneaking about getting around to a topic then she ually was, tugging the paperwork over in front of her, "Clint said his company's a mess. You think he'll actually fire everyone, and start over?"Sigyn said looking at the man who probably understood tony best, after loki of course.

"She resting well?"Tony muttered sleepily as he slipped into the bed with loki, to tired and upset at making a mess of his company,even if the mess was to make things better, he knew things were going to be hard for awhile. To tired to want to resist the urge to sleep with the asgardian. Shifting, he rested his head on the other's chest, smiling slightly
he smiled and started scrambling up the eggs. "you want some cheese on this?" he offered, his head tilted. "i always put cheese on my scrambled eggs, Clint's pretty hopeless too... though he can actually boil pasta." he admitted before he glanced at her, startled by the suggestion that he get both. "ah... yeah i'll work on that." he muttered, blushing hard. "it is a mess." he admitted. "you can tell by the paperwork. three fourths of it contradicts itself." he admitted with a sigh. "but it has to be done, especially the money management parts... i already have enough evidence to have almost all of the upper management, and the Board of Directors arrested for money mismanagement, fraud, and theft. Fury has the information, but unless Tony takes the steps to have it investigated, we can't do much." he admitted. "honestly, once he realizes just how much they fucked up his company, i bet every single person from the assistant manager position and up is going to be replaced." he admitted. "but that's only if he notices." he admitted. "i've told him a couple of times, but i don't think he really get's it. Tony's not very good with money. not on a small scale like what we're dealing with here." he admitted. "a few thousand dollars doesn't seam to be a big problem to him."

Loki smiled as he felt Tony settling in next to him. "hmmm yeah.." he admitted. "she hasn't woken up yet. i have monitor spells up to let me know if there's a problem." he promised. "hmm your warm." he mumbled, ever so happy to have someone sleeping in the same bed as him. "did you have fun?" he asked, running his fingers through Tony's hair, knowing from Pepper that it soothed Tony, at least a little bit.
"Yea, cheese sounds good."Sigyn said before laughing,"Is that you're nice way of telling me I switched one husband who can't cook, for another? Though I have to give him credit, loki can cook it if it comes out of a box."She snickered before watching him blushed, pleased with herself before sighing. "That's what Clint said. And he's going to talk to Natasha about getting Tony to do something. Well...the man drives a car worth more then most houses, a few thousand dollars doesn't matter to him. The fact that he's a genius and ADD just makes trying to deal with his company even worse for him because it means he has to only pay attention to one thing at a time. But he CAN do it, he just doesn't like it." "And he's already done it. The only person in upper management who kept their job was Pepper, and he had the rest arrested. Tomorrow's New York Times is going to carry news that Stark cleaned house and lost his temper bad enough that he actually broke the door when he slammed into the director's meeting. And that tony's going to hire whoever he wants, no matter how experienced. He was going on and on about how he's going to hire people...I started tuning him out when he started to babble a little into tech stuff and how he was going to dress loki as his secretary and put him out in the front office to supervise the's seriously sleep, and sex, deprieved.."Natasha said grinning as she walked into the room, pleased that they'd finally gotten tony's attention for long enough to do something about Stark Industries.

"Good."Tony muttered laughing softly as he shifted, "Hm, warming then you, frost giant."he mtutered tiredly, sounding amused and teasing before nodding."Definitely fun. Showing up with fury to arrest them and natasha to make sure they behaved was lots of fun."He muttered relaxing fully as the other played with his hair, starting to fall asleep.
Steve chuckled a little. "actually. i think you downgraded." Steve admitted with a smile as he got the cheese out of the fridge and grated it onto the heap of eggs, well aware that when food was cooking, you where going to attract multiple people. who should be, but wasn't sleeping. like Hela, who was in the living room playing with a Stark Tablet. "actually, Tony never ran his company. not once. before Pepper was doing it, he left everything to Obediah." Steve admitted simply. "so... no, Tony actually can't run his own company. oh he tries, every few weeks he remembers he has to do something, and he sits down to do it, and then he gets bored, or distracted, or doesn't understand it and just abandons it." he admitted with a smile towards Natasha before he nearly dropped the spatula. "what, he JUST did it?!" he demanded, more than a little surprised as he pulled out the plates. "i didn't even know he was gone..." he admitted with a shake of his head as he started to snicker at the thought of Loki being dressed in a miniskirt. "so Tony's attempts to pretend he's not attracted to Loki aren't going well. what a surprise." Steve mused with another laugh as he handed Sigyn a plate of eggs before handing Natasha a plate as well. "at least Pepper will feel better knowing that Stark Industries is in good hands for now." he mused. "she'll worry about it otherwise, sick or not." with Fury in charge, for now, no one would DARE steal or undermine the owner and the CEO. "i smell food." Sleipnir stated as he walked into the room. "and i smell juicy gossip too." Steve snorted at that and handed the boy a plate of eggs, snickering as Sleipnir scowled at them. "...what on earth ARE these? mushrooms?" he asked, examining his eggs intently. as always, overly picky. "mushrooms with cheese? i like cheese..." he admitted with a nod as he nibbled on the food. "...hmm, i like it." he decided just as Hela came in and grinned. "oh, it's a late night party, how fun." she stated, wining at Steve who went bright red. "are you the host?" "no i most certainly am not." "what a shame. the host gets a kiss you know." " she ALWAYS like this?"
"Ahh, well I'll just have to remember to not let him cook."She snickered a little amused as she thought about it. "Ahh, I see. Yes, he definitely does not seem one to be good with business."She said knowing tony was intelligent enough to probably understand the work, it just didn't interest him. "Did you know he had a business degree?I think it's the only degree that he nearly failed in getting. He just doesn't do well with business, when he'd rather be tinkering with something." "Him and loki went to get pepper back to the tower. He was worried enough to go now, and deal with things...seems pepper can still convince him to pay attention to things."Natasha snickered a little before nodding. "It isn't, but he's to tired to realize that yet." "He probably wont realize it. It's sorta like business. It's something he doesn't want to deal with, so its getting shoved aside in favor of dealing with pepper, and the business for now."Sigyn said grinning as she smiled starting to eat."Thanks steve. And anyone who'd ever consider stealing from tony right now, is a idiot.It'll be fine."Natasha said, pretty sure it wasn't going to be, but she also knew that given the chance, tony would hire people based on their merits, their own standings, instead of whatever corrupting obediah had allowed to rule him. "They are. Just eat the eggs and cheese, Slepinir."Sigyn said rolling her eyes a little as she looked at her son before laughing at hela. "The host would be your father's boyfriend, so I wouldn't suggest kissing him. And yes, she is. She's young, more hormonal, and loki's daughter. It was bound to be rated into a overrated sex drive."Sigyn said rolling her eyes a little.

And indeed, in the morning, which found Tony sitting on the edge of pepper's bed when she woke, the newspaper waiting for her."I thought you would enjoy reading the paper today."he grinned holding it out to her, amusement and absolute glee at causing such chaos showing in his face. Maybe he was more then a match to his god of chaos and mischief, even if he wasn't immortal. Holding it out to her he grinned as she read the headline. 'Stark hiring new minions.'
he nodded. "he only has a business degree because he paid the school to pass him." Steve stated with a grin. "he failed the class, but they changed his grades because he couldn't take over Stark Industries without it and he didn't want his asshole of a dad's legacy to go to anyone but him." Steve admitted with a grin as he shook his head. "so Pepper is here? good... those idiot doctors that where treating her wanted to experiment on her, the bastards." he grumbled, shaking his head. "as sick as pepper is? i'm pretty sure she's the only thing he's going to focus on for a while." Steve admitted with a small chuckle and a shake of his head. "oh, he'll realize it soon enough." steve admitted with a chuckle. "a man can only hide his feelings for so long after all." Steve admitted, Sleipnir smirking as he considered saying something about Steve hiding his own feelings, but didn't say anything as Hela glared at him. "i'll suggest to Tony leaving Fury in charge of the hiring for now. he'll do background checks on everyone and make sure they're squeaky clean before they get hired into the upper management. the lower management will probobly be risen up from the lower 'grunt' ranks. after all, a department manager who hasn't done anything wrong deserves the chance to rise up the ranks." he admitted, chuckling at Sleipnir's pickiness. "but what if i want a kiss?" Hela asked with a pout. "everyone has a cute human but me." "i'll take a kiss." Bruce stated as he walked in, half asleep. "and a coff of cuppee..." he paused, frowning a little. "cup of coffee."

Pepper nearly jumped as she realized Tony was sitting next to her and she frowned at him, annoyed with being startled. she took the paper and lifted both her eyebrows in simple, stunned shock. "Tony!" she gasped. "tony you fired EVERYONE?! Thats.. i! but whose left!? whose running the company! i have to... ugh..." she groaned as she realized she was too weak to sit up. "Tony, you need to get me Happy... like... right now..." she groaned, scrubbing her face. "and i need to set up interveiws for people... and... and..." "you need, to sleep." Loki stated as he walked in with a plate full of food for both pepper and Tony. "i thought you might like some breakfast." Loki admitted. "i talked to Natasha. She and Director Fury have been left in charge. they will do the hiring." he promised. "and he's going to leave a person or two of his own to make sure a mass problem like this doesn't happen again. they will follow your orders to the letter, but only if you stop struggling and get the rest you need. everything is well in hand. now eat your nasty eggs with cheese." Loki HATED eggs. it was fine so long as they where in things, like mayonnaise, pancakes and bread. but if he could taste them? it was game over.
"I did not know that. that's fairly amusing. 100 bucks says his dad never found out he paid for his degree."Sigyn snickered because for some reason, the idea of the asshole's legacy being paid for by a playboy who didn't want it for himself but so that no one else could have it, made her laugh. She knew tony hadn't cared about his company beyond wanting to prove his father wrong, and that he could indeed run it....even if he couldn't. Natasha nodded."yes, she's here. And that's exactly what pissed tony off enough to blow a 100 thousand dollars in making them turn her over to him. They didn't want to let him take her out of the hospital since he wasnt next of kin."Natasha said smiling a little. Sigyn frowned watching her son smirk, shooting him a little before nodding. "he probably will. He'll get bored after a few interviews and go back to trying to help pepper. And being seduced by loki."Sigyn snickered a little before rolling her eyes at her daughter. "You're going to disturb the humans hela, apparently they have rules about sex and nudity."Jor said smiling as he walked into the room, kissing natasha's cheek as he settled into a chair.

Tony grinned, laughing at her reaction. enjoying her startlement before shaking his head. "Nooo, don't freak out. They had to go. And I didn't fire everyone. Just the board. and the other upper management....well, really only you and me are left out of the original management."he hummed sounding thoguhtful. "No. You're not to work, at all."He ordered smiling. "I get to boss you around for once."He said smiling up at loki as the man walked in stealing a plate of eggs and starting to eat. "Besides, natasha's perfect for hiring people. She's a human lie detector. Maybe we should send clint and sigyn with her?They're good at reading people to."He said to pleased with himself to be really annoyed with pepper being in his house again. Despite her saying she didn't mean it, her words had hurt deeply, shaken the man up badly. "Ignore loki. He's a grumpy because I wont let him near my car. After all the work I did to it, no one's allowed near it, but he's still grumpy over it."He said smirking, having every intention of getting her talking about something besides work....and he was taking a break from work himself so he could observe and see how her body was accepting the changes going on.
Steve smirked. "the old bastard did find out actually. but he never said anything." he admitted with a chuckle. "because Howard never even went to collage." he admitted as he shook his head. "he didn't beleive that you needed an education to do something that came so naturally to him. he just assumed Tony would be as good at it as he was... he was never alive long enough to be proven wrong." he admitted simply. "Pepper doesn't HAVE any next of Kin, that's why she has Tony listed as her contact." he admitted. "legally, they couldn't stop Tony, as he IS on her list of people to contact and such. there's a word for it, but i forget what it is." he admitted with a shake of his head. "...did he really blow a hundred thousand dollars?!" Steve demanded, wide eyed and shocked as Clint staggered into the room, rubbing his eyes and looking sleepy... and fresh from having sex. which he kind of was. "Loki will win." Clint muttered as he slumped into a chair and blinked at the cup of coffee that had suddenly appeared in his hand, courtesy of Steve. " and Jor?" he asked, blinking at Natasha as Hela blinked at her brother. "they DO!? why ever for!?" she demanded, more than a little stunned. "yes, we're weird like that." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "speaking of, where is Tony, Loki, Pepper and Fenris?" he asked. "that can't be a good combination there."

Pepper groaned and shook her head, wondering whether to be angry at Tony or amused. she settled on Tony. "don't ever change Tony." she ordered with a weak little chuckle. "you never could tell me what to do." she admitted as she rested. "alright, i'll let you tell me what to do, so long as it's something i want to." she decided. "Natasha is good at things..." Pepper admitted with a sigh. "i guess i can trust her to hire good people..." she muttered as she slowly ate her eggs. "i am not grumpy because you wouldn't let me touch your pretty red car with the gold highlights with the clean energy inside of it... and i certainly didn't go down while you where sleeping and clean my fingerprints off of it to hide the evidence. i'm grumpy because i woke up in a cold bed because someone... i won't name names... pulled all the blankets off the bed and then left!" he complained, scowling at Tony as Pepper giggled. "i remember that, you where obsessed with that car for months. you finally got it to work?" she narrowed her eyes at him. "how many times have you blown yourself up?... maybe i should have your life insurance increased..." she mused as Loki laughed.
"Since when does the law ever get in the way when doctors declared her that she was a danger, and she had to stay so they could figure out what to do? Not that they cared that tony was the one who fixed things the first time around. Since he didn't share the formula when he did it, they don't know what to do. And yes he did, because he got tired of arguing with them about the law, so you know him. Threw money at the problem and made it go away."Natasha pointed out smirking slightly at clint, leaning over to look at him, "You have a hickey. A fairly large one actually."She teased. "Loki always wins."Sigyn said smiling slightly at her husband, though refraining from being to touchy feely, now that she was sure about steve's feelings, she didn't want to upset him more then he had to. "...he's experienced. Considering you're having sex with a old woman," "Hey!" "-you have no room to question my relationship, brother."Natasha teased a little looking at the sleepy man. "I don't know. Apparently walking around naked is against the rules. And you wont want to interrupt either parents sex lives, it will make their humans testy."Jor supploed looking amused at his sister before laughing. "No, definitely not a good idea. Fenris might still be asleep, though it's more likely he's searching for father, since he spent the day with mom yesterday."

"I will definitely never change. I'm to old to try."he teased before pouting. "I'll be telling you what to do all the time now."Tony decided before laughing. "She is good.Don't worry."he said looking amused before turning to look at loki, his eye twitching a little as he studied the god. "...I'm telling clint you have the hots for him and had sex with a illusion that looked like him."Tony said looking annoyed that loki had been touching the car that he'd spent so long getting to work. He had his own personal reasons that he was obsessed with the car, beyond the fact that it was a beautiful creation. "Its my tower, can't really steal the blankets when I own them."He said with a prissy little sniff before frowning at Pepper. "...I did not blow myself up. Or dropped onto this one. I only did that once, when I was first building the suit...and I only made it explode once, and that was because I was using the arc reactor to power the thing until I found a better way to do it."Not about to admit that he'd plugged the car into his chest- as he'd been working on the car before the mandrain incident- so he could feel just how much the car was draining the energy. Of course it was running on a different arc reactor now that he had it working, but he'd needed the live feed directly tied to him instead of having to get up to see the computer....yea, he'd just wanted to see if he could do it."Hey fenris."He muttered avoiding looking at either of them as he looked at the wolf in the doorway, "Come on in. We have a guest."he grinned at the kid, treating him like he treated everyone else, as he petted the wolf's ears.
he snorted a little and shook his head. "good point." he muttered with a sigh. "sometimes, i wonder if there's really nothing money can't fix." he admitted with a shake of his head. "of course i have a hickey, i had awesome sex, unlike you miss Granny." he commented simply as he took Sigyn's hand, feeling... highly unnerved. he needed the contact. "i like older women." he admitted with a smirk. "well as long as Fen doesn't get too hyper, i don't see Pepper having any issue with him being in the room with her. she's too tired to handle energetic pups right now." Steve admitted with a smile as Clint nodded. "if he gets too hyper or energetic we'll take him out to the park." he promised. "it would be a good idea to do that everyday anyway, young pups need a lot of exercise... i might take him out on my morning runs." "run?" Sleipnir asked, looking curious as Clint nodded. "yeah, me and Steve usually go out for a run right away in the mornings and again in the evenings just to keep in shape and because it's rather fun." "can i come too?" "sure." Steve agreed when Clint glanced at him. "i like Sleipnir, and Fenris really does need the energy outlet."

she snorted. "you're barely middle aged." she complained. "you have plenty of time to change." she teased with a smile. "you just don't want to..." she admitted with a yawn. "you always tell me what to do, i usually ignore you." she admitted. "mostly because you have no idea what your talking about." she admitted before she smirked at him. "by the way. i bought Disneyland." Loki snorted at that. "i think you're a bit loopy Pepper." he admitted with a smile. "but that's good, it means that you're brain is settling down. no more panic attacks and no more outrageous rage filled outbursts." he promised as she nodded. "good... i hate being angry all the time..." she admitted with a sigh as she pushed her plate away. "too tired to eat..." "i'll see about making you a vitamin shake." Loki promised. "and considering those where MY blankets, from Spain, it WAS stealing them or do you ALWAYS have blankets made of the Spit of the Silkder?" loki demanded with a raised eyebrow. "he blew himself up, but don't worry, Sigyn made sure he didn't die." he promised with a chuckle. "she didn't have to intervene so he was fine." Pepper just snorted and snuggled into the blankets and bed and closed her eyes before she blinked at Fenris. "...i guess i am loopy... i'm seeing a giant wolf..." "no, that's real. this is my Son, Fenris." "....Loki?" "yes Pepper?" "you're a pervert..." Loki started to laugh, he couldn't help it. mostly because Pepper wasn't wrong. "go to sleep Pepper." Loki ordered with a chuckle as he patted his son on the side, just as you would a big dog. "Fen, this is Pepper. she's very sick right now so we have to be calm and quite when we're in here, alright?" he informed the wolf. as long as they set specific 'rules' Fenris never had any problems.
"Probably not, considering just how many problems tony's made go away over the years."Sigyn pointed out before laughed softly, startling a little as clint took her hand, looking at him, a look of concern crossing her face as she looked at him. "I'm planning on having amazing sex. I don't sleep with people hours after I meet them, unlike some people I know."Natasha teased. "As long as tony or loki tell him to stay calm he will."Sigyn shrugged looking amused as the men decided to take the boys for a run, looking amused cause she couldn't decide if clint was just coping, or if he'd actually come to terms with having stepkids who were so weird. Sighing as she rubbed a hand over her face she stretched, relaxing. "You okay?"She muttered as she looked at clint, curious about his mental state, and not only that, but how he was feeling physically. Not wanting to tell him not to run, but wanting to tell him to take it easy, but not sure how he'd take her concern." careful on your run okay?"She muttered kissing his cheek.

"True. Compared to loki, I'm still in diapers."He mused before staring at her."...I want disneyland. That would be great."Tony said looking amused looking pleased though that her mind was settling. "Hey, I'm going to take some blood, okay?Then head on down to the lab. Just have jarvis find me if you need something."He said as he took out the syringe, gently drawing blood before looking at fenris. "He is. He has sex with animals. Very perverted. Though is it perverted if he changes into animals to?"Tony mused looking amused. Well, maybe clint's surprise wouldn't be a surprise after all....though considering tony's degree in comparative religon was definitely something no one would expect him to have....he'd been bored, and well it sounded intresting, and he'd learned alot about vikings and their religon. "Sleep, pep."he stood looking amused as fenris whined quietly, nudging at his leg, agreeing to behave before looking at the bed, making another whining noise as he nudged tony off the bed. "Okay okay I'm moving. Just keep her company,and come find us if she needs anything okay?"Tony said snickering as the wolf nodded, and carefully climbed up on the bed next to pepper-the bed was huge, so there was no chance he was crowding her, and laid down to keep her company.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "i deserved that sex." Clint stated with a sniff. "besides, as i recall, Loki actually helped me get laid." he admitted with a grin. "i'm alright." Clint promised. "just a small anxiety attack." he promised, kissing her knuckles. "i have medicine for it, but i can't take it on an empty stomach." he admitted. "i'll feel better in a half an hour or so. and we're not going on a run this morning. it's too crowded to go running right now, and i'm a bit too sore to go running. Steve will hit the indoor treadmill and we'll go running later this evening." he promised. "when i'm not so sore." he admitted as he kissed her neck, Steve carefully not watching them as he sipped on his own coffee. glad that he'd at least have his morning and afternoon runs with his major crush.

Loki smiled a little. "i don't think you can buy Disneyland Tony." he pointed out, looking highly amused. he watched Tony take blood and smiled at Fenris. "she'll be alright." he promised, knowing his son was very empathetic. "i am not perverted!" Loki complained with a roll of his eyes. "my partner at the time was another Shapeshifter. due to the shapeshifting gene being a double recessive, they where locked onto a singular form." he stated with a shrug. "nothing perverted about it!" "... i sense your protesting a little too much." Pepper teased with a smile, Loki grunting in annoyance. "shut up Tony.." Loki demanded, crossing his arms and sulking before he smiled at Fenris. "keep an eye on her, ok? come and get us if she needs anything or if she appears to be in pain, alright?" he asked his son before kissing Fenris on the forehead. "you're my good boy." he praised, giving Fen an affectionate rub before heading out after Tony. Pepper just smiled as she snuggled into the Wolf. "thanks for staying." she whispered. "i'm scared to be alone... but if i get too hot... you have to move. i don't want to burn you." she mumbled before going to sleep.
"oh, you deserve sex now?"Sigyn teased raising a eyebrow before studying him a long moment. "okay."She muttered looking pleased that he was indeed going to be okay. Shuddering as his lips brushed against her skin."Take it easy then.Steve?Make sure he takes care of himself. If natasha's to be believed, he'd ignore it if he was hurting." "He ignored broken ribs, from going through a windwo when loki attacked the city. he's a danger to himself."Natasha snickered a little. Sigyn smiled resting her head against clint's shoulder, though it was steve she was watching, a quiet curious look on her face as she thought about what her and clint had discussed. Maybe it wouldnt be that hard after all.

"Someone has to own it. I'm fairly certain I could buy it if I wanted to."Tony said snickering looking amused at loki's protesting."Definitely protesting to much."he agreed with pepper as he left. Fenris gave a soft chuff, looking up at his father as he laid down, relaxing, as he settled in to sleep, content to watch over the pretty later.

Later that evening sigyn nearly jumped out of her skin as fenris landed on her legs, yelping as her son shook her shoulders."Mom, mom, mom, the pretty lady needs help!She got hot and she told me to leave. I have to go find dad now."Fenris babbled, like a overexcited puppy as he scrambled out of her lap and racing towards the lab to get his dad and tony. Having told his mother because 1, she'd been the first person he'd seen, and 2 his mom was amazing, and she knew how to fix anything. Cursing quietly and regretting that clint and steve were out on their run, she walked into the bedroom, looking worried. Hating that she hadn't had a chance to talk to the woman, and that it would take a few minutes until people she knew showed up. "Pepper?I'mSigyn. I'm going to touch you okay?I can help with the heat."Sigyn said crossing the room, resting her hands over the other woman's, shuddering as she used magic to let the heat slide over her own body, mimicking and dispelling the heat just as quickly as pepper could create it. She wasn't good with runes, she couldn't bind her, even temprarily, all she could do was make sure pepper didn't burn anything or herself.

"Dad!"Fenris ran down the stairs and ran face first into the glass door, causing tony to crack his head off the car he was under, having had to take a break from serious work, and working on his baby for a bit while he made loki stand aside and not touch. "Dammit, what is-Is pepper okay?"The man said as he rolled out to look at the overexcited puppy. "No!She got hot and told me to leave. You told me to come get you." "Bloody hell. I'd hoped she could go longer without warming up...I'd hoped having her here, and not stressed would make it easier..."Tony sighed even as he hurried towards the bedroom.
Clint smirked. "i always deserve sex." he stated with a chuckle. "after all, if i can make you so lost to pleasure you can't even talk, i deserve sex." "i'll watch him." Steve promised with a smile as he drank the last of his coffee.

"i'm pretty sure Disney is owned by stock owners now." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "so it would be fairly hard to actually own Disneyland, you'd have to own ALL of Disney first." he admitted. "an item i'm sure not even you could buy." he admitted.

Pepper was writhing on the bed, whimpering in pain. it hurt, god it hurt! it felt just awful... like she was being burned all over. "no... don't touch... i'll urn you." she groaned, sobbing a little as she shook her head. "it hurts! it hurts so much..." she whimpered, her lip bloody from struggling not to scream. thankfully, Loki had already fireproofed almost everything in the room. she gasped as she felt the soothing coolness spread, and she gripped Sigyn's wrists, so desperate for the cool releif the woman offered her, that she was holding on tight in case she tried to let go.

"Fenris! are you alright?" he asked, looking startled. "you broke your nose..." he muttered, worried about his son. he'd hit the door damn hard. "it's a good sign Tony." Loki promised. "i did say it was going to be miserable. her body came down from this once, a second time is only going to be easier." he promised. "we just have to try and ease her pain and keep her from setting anything on fire until then." he promised, already running up the stairs, settling on the bed on the other side of Sigyn. "good work Sig. good thinking." he praised her with a smile. "Fen! go and get Hela!" "already here." Hela assured her father as she walked in. not even bothering to hide the hickey on her neck. "we have to kill the nerves." he informed Hela who nodded and set to work, killing the sense of feeling in Pepper's body, which helped relieve most of the pain. Loki was working on checking her DNA and reaffirming the charms to make sure no one was set on fire. you knew the instant that Hela killed the nerves, because Pepper stopped trying to scream and struggle and she just fell limp and sobbed twice before passing out. "there, she'll be alright now." Loki promised. "we'll reconnect her sense of feeling once we're sure this stage has passed." he promised Tony, smiling at Fenris. "you did very good." he praised. "she's much too hot to touch, but you can come closer now." he informed both Tony and Fenris. "i have the bedding charmed to be completely fire proof, but she's going to need new clothes..." he admitted. "and a bath. she just burned every bit of body hair off..." he admitted, looking vaguely amused as he gently stroked her hair out of her face and checked her pupils while Hela ran entire body scans that floated over the bed in a 3d map of color that she could actually touch. "here Tony. come see." Hela ordered, this is her Genetic code the way Asgaurdians see it." she explained, letting Tony look at the map. which was a common DNA strand... but each little genetic prong was labeled. "see here? this is how Killian Changed her. it's quite impressive. he basically gave her a very localized form of Magic. regeneration is something only the most skilled healers on Asgaurd can manage. i could maybe pull it off. on myself." she admitted. "but this Killian guy gave it to her. she'll never have to worry about being hit by cars. the Fire reflex is a side effect of the regenerating atoms overheating." she admitted. "it can be controlled. quite easily once she can find the trigger. it's probobly anger."
"No, no you wont sweetheart.Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."Sigyn said swallowing hard as the other gripped her wrists. While she didn't burn her up, where her palms were touching the woman, she couldn't block the heat, it was to close of a contact. she could cool it as it spread through her system but skin to skin it was to close, but she didn't even try to let go, knowing hela could fix it later.

"I am.It hurts though."Fenris whimpered quietly gently touching his nose as he followed the other two upstairs. "I know, but its still sucks to see her like this."Tony muttered looking startled to see sigyn before relaxing realizing she was helping. Both fenris and tony did move closer, the boy sitting next to tony and leaning against the billionaire as they watched pepper, twin looks of concern on their faces. "I'll watch over her until she's better."Fenris decided. "well, at least she wont have to worry about shaving."Tony mused before smiling as sigyn created some clothes for pepper, watching in slight amazement as she changed the bedside table into fireproof lightweight clothes and put them on the woman. "We'll wait on the bath, until she's awake."Sigyn said before looking amused as tony stared at the 3D map, eyes wide as he considered. "So that's why some rejected it. Because their bodies were rejecting the magic since it hadnt been part of them orginially." "Basically. Like when you create a half godling, its why it takes so long to create, because we can make sure the changling survives, but we have to change everything instead of just a few parts of the DNA code."She said looking thoughtful before holding out bloody and raw hands. "Hela, heal this for me would you?I don't need clint yelling at me for getting hurt.And anger is usually a trigger." "And pain."Tony said shuddering a little."Because it'll lash out to protect her, if she's hurt."He smiled slightly. "We'll help her gain control."Sigyn said resting a hand on the billionaire's shoulder, wincing a little. while the skin was healed, it was still tender.
Pepper whimpered as she was touched, hoping that whoever it was was right. Pepper vaguely recognized Sigyn, but wasn't entirely sure who she was. Pepper didn't really care, because the woman was making the pain less. "i'll have Hela fix it as best as she can." he promised Fenris. "i think she'd like that Fen." Loki admitted with a smile as he gently ruffled the others hair. "you really think she's worried about shaving?" Loki asked, laughter in his voice. "good idea, she wouldn't handle to waking up naked in water i don't think." he admitted with a chuckle as Hela played with the 3d map of Peppers DNA. "oh my... you know this thing, whatever it is, is a good thing right now." Hela informed them all as she indicated a spot on the map. "these are Cancer cells... Pancreatic Cancer to be exact. she wouldn't have survived. i think that's what actually triggered the reversion." she admitted. "her body recognized the danger and reverted back to this state to fight off the danger. it's probobly why she's so thin right now, pancreatic cancer causes weight loss. she's probobly been having bad stomach pains too." Hela admitted with a shake of her head. "but she doesn't have to worry now, the fire magic in her basically just killed off every last bit of cancer. she doesn't even have the tumors anymore." Hela admitted. "turning people into Demi-Gods is a very dangerous and complicated procedure that often kills the person being changed, and runs a risk of killing the God attempting it as well." Hela stated, Loki nodding. "it takes a very powerful God, someone like Loki, or Sigyn, to have any chance of success. i might be able to do it, being that i can tell which human would be capable of accepting the foreign magic." she admitted with a smile.

"oh mother..." Hela sighed as she gently took Sigyn's hands and worked her magic into the flesh as effortlessly as Frigga could. Frigga had eagerly trained Hela in private when she had realized how natural Hela was at it. "there, all better." Hela stated with a smile as she carefully magicked the last traces away. leaving pink skin, not even a hint of a scar. "come here Mongrel." she ordered Fenris, carefully setting his nose before healing it as well. "there, hows that, does it feel right? no funny kinks?" healing noses was trickier than one might think. "hmmm." Loki mused as he examined the Map, nodding as he reached out into empty space and pulled out two leather bracelets which he carefully laid flat and started etching magical runes into. he wasn't as clever as his son Jor when it came to symbol magics, but he wasn't a bad hand at runes either. "there. these will keep her Magic restrained while she learns to control it. i can't block ALL of it." he warned. "that would cause great pain for her, but i can restrain how much comes out at one time. she won't explode, but she can still burn you and singe wood and set paper on fire." he warned as he carefully strapped them onto her wrists. "i'm using bracelets in case she ever needs to have complete access, like if she's being attacked or something." he admitted smiling at Tony. "so don't piss her off or she might decide to blow you up." there was a weak chuckle at that as pepper woke up. "hey..." she muttered. "i feel a lot better..." she admitted, slowly sitting up for a half a second before she slumped back, still too weak to sit up on her own, but feeling well enough to try. "did you fix me?" "...sort of."
"Good.Hela and mother are amazing.They can fix everything."Fenris said smiling up at his father. Sigyn looked up startled, tilting her head as she considered what pepper having cancer meant. "So if she hadn't been threatened, Toyn's equations would have held. But its protecting itself, and her, because seh got sick."Sigyn said thoughtfully because her and loki's magic did much of the same thing, if for some reason they were under attack and couldnt conciously respond, their magic lashed out. "And of course she probably just chalked up the pain to having to deal with the company. Pepper what am I going to do with you..."tony muttered resisting the urge to hold her hand before looking interested in the process of changing a mortal to a demi-god. "And it still has a high chance of killing us. A single mistake, even with a good candiate, under less then ideal conditions runs the risk of failing."Sigyn said thoughtfully.Having not really thought about it for centuries really, since she'd never made bonds strong enough to any mortal to ever consider it.

"Thanks,hela. And you know I couldn't keep her from burning my hands, just the rest of me."Sigyn whined rolling her eyes a little at her daughter before laughing as fenris squirmed his way over to his sister. "I am not a mongrel!"Fenris winced before smiling, "No, its all good. Much better then the last time you healed it, or when you healed Jor's.He still has a bump on his nose from it healing wrong."the wolf said teasing his older sister. "And it would be dangerous to try and block it all."Tony mused thinking about it before nodding. "Good idea. I'd rather her be able to get them off if she really needs to....and she would never blow me up. She hasn't raised my life insurance yet."Tony snickered a little before moving over to sit next to her, looking down at her. "Don't try to get up. Just rest."Tony muttered smiling slightly. "We found a way to help you. You were dying pepper...killian's serum was just changing you back, to protect you..."Tony babbled a little trying to find a best way to explain what she needed to know. "You'll live. You'll be okay."
Loki smiled a little and nodded. "they are amazing." he agreed before watching Hela work. "that's right. the internal threat kick started the entire 'crash' for lack of a better word." Hela admitted with a smile. "Cander is something even Gods get, and die from. though it is much more rare, and only those Gods who don't have magic get it. but once it's there, even i or Frigga could combat it. early cancer yes, but by the time Pancreatic cancer can be detected it's too late." she admitted. "so Pepper's own, newly formed Magic did it. she'll never have to worry about Cancer again. or any true diseases. oh she'll still get the occasional cold or food poisoning, but she won't have any serious diseases." Hela admitted with a smile as Pepper shifted in her sleep. Loki just smiled as he watched the two, well aware that he might loose his chance if Pepper wanted Tony back, Tony would always love Pepper and Loki was very aware of that. but Loki was also very fond of the 'if you love it, set it free' motto. Tony wasn't his to keep, if Tony wanted to love someone else, Loki would let him, so long as Tony was happy, Loki would he happy for him.

"you are such a mongrel." Hela teased, as she always did. "you did very good today Fen, letting us know right away like that. you saved Pepper from suffering a lot of pain by telling Mother as soon as you saw her." Hela admitted with a smile. "you should be proud of yourself." she admitted as she turned to watch her father make the bracelets. "don't forget to make them fireproof Father." Hela teased, Loki rolling his eyes. "i'm not stupid Hela." but as soon as she turned her back he added a few more runes, smiling sheepishly at Tony. "dying?" Pepper asked, frowning. "no. i was just a little overworked, that's all. i was fine." she mumbled with a sigh. "i'm just tired." she promised. "there's no pain anymore. i don't even have a headache just now." she smiled. "this will be a nice vacation." she admitted before taking Tony's hand. 'thank you Tony." she muttered. "i'm sorry i couldn't love you..." she admitted with a sigh before she went back to sleep, Loki grimacing a little. well, at least he'd get to 'keep' Tony. "we should let her sleep." Loki informed them. "come on, everyone out. Fen will you stay?" Loki asked his son, knowing Fen wouldn't leave anyway after his vow to protect Pepper. "come and get us when she wakes up so she can get some food. she'll be weak for a while."
"Huh.I wonder why."Tony said looking thoughtful about the idea of why the gods got it rarer then humanity. "I have a theory that the same thing that allows us to do magic, and be immortal, also allows our bodies to not succumb to sickness."Sigyn said looking thoughtful before watching loki as tony and pepper talked. She knew her ex-husband, knew waht he was thinking. "Am not!"Fenris protested before smiling happily at his sister's praise. "I am."he assured looking amused. "That's debatable."Tony teased looking amused as loki added the runes, looking amused. "No, you were sick. Cancer sweetheart, but killian's serum saved you. It's okay, you're okay."Tony said smiling as he looked at her, flinching slightly as she admitted to not loving him. "Just sleep, pep."He muttered pressing a kiss to her forehead as he stood. "I will. Do not worry."fenris said smiling happily as he shifted and curled up on the bed next to her, snuggling down to sleep. "I'm heading to bed. You coming?"Tony muttered glancing at loki, to tired and stressed to avoid the fact that he wanted to sleep next to the man.

"Good run?"Sigyn said her whole face lightening up when she saw her husband and steve back from their run, pleased to see them. Tired and wanting a good snuggle even if she was sure that she couldn't convince steve to join them yet. she had every intention of slowly seducing him.
"humans degrade faster." Hela stated. "and almost all of the Gods have some form of magic to protect themselves with. even Odin, and Thor have some form of magic." she admitted. "it's like a super charged vaccine that kills anything and everything that could be dangerous to us. unfortunately, there are a few magical diseases that are very deadly for a God, but Pepper doesn't have enough Magic to have to worry about those." Hela admitted. "and people like Father know how to use their magic without making themselves sick. people like Thor, could very well get sick as they age." she admitted. "a shame Odin hasn't come down with one of the Magic eating diseases. that would really make my day." she admitted with a viscous grin. "Cancer?" sh asked, looking completely panicked before she looked like she wanted to be sick. "you mean... that creep saved my life!? oh gross!" she complained, Loki laughing at that. "thank god he's dead or i'd never live this down!" Pepper complained, shaking her head and sighing. "so i guess i have to be a fireball for the rest of my life?" "no. it IS controllable. you can learn how to control it and burn, and even heal only when you want to." Loki promised. "you have several well qualified teachers right here in this room actually." he admitted with a smile as he followed Tony out. "...are you alright Tony?" Loki asked softly, worried about the billionaire.

Steve and Clint both smiled as they walked in, Sleipnir following. "we're doing great. we had to do a slow jog because i'm not quite recovered from our marathon, but Steve pulled a muscle in his leg this morning so he didn't mind." Clint admitted. "Sleipnir ran laps around us, the little show off." Sleipnir just snickered and headed for his room so he could take a shower. "as much as that kid loves to run, i need to introduce him to the treadmill. how was your day?"
"Ah.That makes sense."Tony said as he considered that, gods suffered from the same aging process as humans, it just took them centuries instead of decades. "Well, maybe we can hope they'll probably die from it, and save us all from dealing with this."Sigyn mused, liking the idea of thor and odin dying from being such poor sorcerers. "Yes, cancer.And yes, killian saved you. But at least he's dead."He said laughing as she said the same thing, amused as he looked at her. "We'll help pepper. WE've had centuries to learn control, I'm sure we can help one little fireball."Sigyn teased amused as the woman fell asleep. "Just tired and scared how close I came to actually losing her."He said smiling slightly as they got to his room, walking inside. To tired to even register that loki was with him, undressing down to his boxers and pulling on a pair of sweats to slip into the bed with a sigh." know, I think I loved her before I knew it...long time really....I thought she loved me. She was always with me you know..."He muttered staring at his hands as he leaned back against the headboard.

"Ah, well at least you two were well matched."She said looking amused before looking at her son. "He is a little show off isn't he?You should have seen him as a horse. He was worse."She said amused before smirking. "tony's already going to introduce him to a racetrack, so you might hold off on the treadmill."Sigyn said smiling before shrugging."Boring mostly. Pepper had a episdoe, so I've spent the last hour helping her through that, but I think she's going to be okay."She said looking at the two, "You two want a late night snack?"
Loki nodded. "most gods have too little magic, or have enough control of the massive amount of magic they have to not be in danger. but Thor never trained his magic, he believes Magic is for women and weaklings. never mind that i can kick his ass even without Magic." Loki admitted, looking amused. "so he is at high risk for developing magical diseases." Loki admitted. "he's too young yet for such a thing to be a problem for him though. unfortunately. it will still be a few thousand years before he's at risk." Loki admitted with a sigh before he followed Tony out of the room. "she's always been there for you, i can understand your fear." he admitted with a smile as he magicked his own clothes into pajamas. wondering if he'd realize he'd just crawled into bed with Loki. "i think Pepper thought she loved you too for a while." Loki admitted. "when she realized she didn't love you, she felt guilty, and that upset her so she made it your fault when it wasn't." Loki admitted, looking at Tony. "i think she wanted to love you, because she knew how much you loved her, but trying to love you, when she didn't love you the right way, only made her feel worse about herself. just because she doesn't love you back, doesn't mean you can't love her." he promised Tony. "you'll always be there for her, and she knows that. but she's letting you go now, so you can try to find some happiness. maybe even with another woman." Loki admitted with a snicker. "that is, if you can get any of them to date you, Pepper is one scary lady." he admitted with a chuckle.

Steve and Clint both chuckled at that as Sleipnir smirked. "it's in the blood mother. in the blood. i am descended from the world Tree's most powerful horse, and a King, i have every right to be arrogant." he stated with a sniff as he sipped on a coconut water, Clint snickering. "he SO get's that attitude form Loki." Steve mused with a grin, amused by Sleipnir. "a racetrack? really?" Clint asked, lookign skeptical. "won't Thor suspect something? after all, we don't know that thor won't try to kidnap Sleipnir for his father." "he can't." Sleipnir stated. "as i am now not just a 'horse' and i have broken no laws, Odin and Thor hold no power over me, as i am not an Asgaurdian. Odin can pretend he controls the nine realms all he wants, but i can go to the Jotun or the Dwarves for political protection if it gets that bad." he admitted as he left. "Pepper had an episode? is she alright? hows Tony doing?" Steve asked, looking highly worried. "i'd love a late night snack." Clint admitted. "calm down steve, Sigyn wouldn't be here if Pepper was still in danger." "good point."
"She has. Even when I was stupid. I mean, she stood by when I was still the 'merchant of death' you know."tony said tensing a little as he realized that he was indeed in bed with loki, consciously making the decision to do it, before he relaxed looking vaguely amused. "I should have let her go sooner. Told her it was okay...but she'll find someone."Tony said smiling slightly before glancing at the other, raising a eyebrow. "She is scary."he said before smirking. "Who says a can't find a scary guy?You're fairly badass yourself over there, liesmith."Tony said before his eyes widened as he realized exactly what he'd said. Shifting he laid down, shuddering a little as he avoided looking at loki."...I should get some sleep. I'm not making sense...which is a weird problem for me to have. I always make sense."

"You are definitely your father's son."Sigyn said snickering a little before nodding. "Tony's of the opinion that thor's stupid enough to not notice.And apparently being as rich as he is, isn't enough.I think he's bored."she snickered a little rolling her eyes."besides that, with both me and loki here, not to mention jor and hela, anyone here is fairly safe."except her, but she wasn't about to mention that. "She did. And she's resting now. Tony's resting to, with company. Hopefully he'll have sex and stop being so uptight."Sigyn reassured the super solider looking amused before heading into the kitchen."I'm thinking smores and hot chocolate?Any requests?"sigyn said starting to make them something to eat.
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