
Loki smiled a little as he brushed his shoulder back, offering Tony the comfort that he could without crowding the other. "Tony. i highly doubt that it was your fault." Loki complained with a shake of his head. he listened intently, his eyes blazing with fury. "and of course, your shithead father believed him over his own son, the fucker. Tony that was NOT you're fault! you cannot seduce someone who doesn't want to be seduced!" he informed the other. "he willingly had sex with you and then decided to blame you for his own choices and that is WRONG! HE was wrong!" Loki informed the other. "i bet he tried to claim you raped him too, didn't he? well that's a lie, point blank." he informed the other. "is he still working at Stark Industries?" he was, until Fury walked in and fired them all. "i'm REALLY going to make that little bastard wish he was never born!" he growled as he gently took Tony's hand. "i'm so sorry that happened to you." he admitted softly, laying his forehead against the others. "i'm going to go to the realm of the dead and i'm really going to make Howard Stark suffer!" he decided with a growl, gently stroking Tony's face. "you are no means to an end Tony... i'm with you because you make my entire world brighter. you make my life worth living." he whispered softly. "i love you." he admitted softly.

Steve smiled a little and nodded. "i'll take mine the same way." he admitted. "do you want anything different on yours? there's peppers, some ham...uuuh.. tomato..." Steve was digging through the fridge, ass sticking out and Clint had momentarily been distracted by that wiggling butt. "it's not your fault, because you're not the reason why i had to be saved." Clint stated simply before he grimaced and set a hand over his eyes. "they ache a bit..." he admitted softly, a tinge of fear still in his voice. "what if i never gain control? what... what if i'm... disabled like this for the rest of my life...OW!" Steve had punched Clint in the arm. "shut up Clint, you know very well that's not going to happen. if you can't gain control, then Sigyn, Hela, or Loki will find a way to give you control." Clint blinked, looking startled. clearly he hadn't thought of that. "now stop sulking, kiss Sigyn good morning and set the damn table." "Sir yes Sir!" Clint chirped, looking amused as he gave Sigyn a good morning kiss and set about setting the table, looking much less depressed and frightened now.
"If you knew me then you wouldn't sound so sure about that."tony snickered a little though he was warmed that loki didn't even have to hear to think it wasn't his fault. Smirking slijtly he shook his head."oh no, for once my father sided with me.though that was probably more because andrew tried to claim that I was trying to steal his idea by seducing father had bren disgusted with my sex lifs,but he knew I had no reason to steal ideas when I was running circles around most people."tony snickered a little before shrugging."but I did seduce him reindeer,I was bored and he was interesting.he didn't persue me."though that had been probably a setup by andrew,to make sure the less cynical 16 didn't turn on his,making him fall in love had protrcted the 22 year old."he does...well did until i fired enough.My father was amused by him so he kept him around."mostly because it annoyed tony.and by the time he'd taken over, andrew had moved up the food chain enough that tony rarely had to see him,o it really hadn't occured to him to fire the man,even if every time he saw him drove tony to drink himself stupid....well more then he usually did.closing his eyes as loki rested his forehead against his, struggling to get the words out but not able to get the 'I love you' out,ven if he knew loki wasn't andrew,in all the years since he'd never said the words,not even to pepper.he'd always goyten his point across without saying the words." brihten my world to."he muttered blushing ever so slightly as he pulled away looking guilty,hoping loki understood the silent I love you because he wasn't sure if he could say it.

"Make mine the same.its okay."sigtn said giggling a little as she watched steve's ass,also distracted by the siht before looking at clint tilting her head a little before nodding."true."she muttered though she still knew it was her fault for thor trying to kill him,she wouldn't argue about it."well,you're bodys still working on being a're going to ache for awhile."sigtn muttered before smirking as clint got hit."you're a are married to one of the most powerful sorceresses in asgard, another sorcerer luves down the hall,not to mention the kids.did you really think wed let you go without having some control?"sigyn teased as she kissed him looking amused at clint's reaction to be ordered about tugging on his collar to get him closer to steal another kisz."you're going to have to wear this all the timd. I'm liking it."she teased as he set the table.
Loki nodded. "it's because i know you, that i know it's not your fault. you would never rape someone or force someone." he admitted simply. "well... he still hired the little shit head." he pointed out. "and everyone knows you where ten times Smarter than Howard was at the age of death, by the time you where two." he pointed out with a smirk. "he might not have persued you tony, but he still let you have him. you might have shown interest, but you back off if someone is honestly not interested in you." he pointed out. "you would have backed off then too, but he wanted you, and he used you, and that makes him wrong. he used you Tony, can't you see that? he let you seduce him so you would like him, and used you to advance himself in the world. if i see that bastard, i'm going to really make him wish he hadn't let you seduce him! i'll turn that bastard into a gorgeous woman!" he growled, looking delighted. "then he'll have ugly men panting after him constantly! or maybe i'll just put an irresistible charm on him?" he mused. "and set it only to men." he rubbed his hands together. Loki beamed at Tony, looking ever so happy. Loki didn't need to hear the words 'i love you' to know that was what Tony was saying. he pulled Tony into a deep kiss and then wiggled his eyebrows at him. "i bet a round of teasing Steve about being a pervert would make you feel better. i hear that he was wearing a corset and stockings last night." he admitted with a wicked little grin.

Steve nodded as he pulled out the ingredients with a chuckle. "are you watching my ass?" he demanded, Clint just nodding as Steve tsked and rolled his eyes. "why did i find the two of the most perverted people in the world to be my lovers?" he wondered aloud. "it's like one big cosmic joke..." he grumbled as Clint smiled at Sigyn, clearly amused by his third lover. "my whole body aches." Clint admitted. "but it's a good ache, like i got a really good workout yesterday." he admitted with a smile before grinning sheepishly. "...i was in a bit of a Panic... i didn't... know that you could do that..." he admitted, biting his lip a little as Steve laughed a little. "i love it when he goes all Captain on my ass." Clint whispered to Sigyn with a snicker as he growled into her kiss. "i kind of like it too." he admitted with a smirk. "i'll keep it on just for you." he promised with a smile. "i love you." he promised softly. "i'm probobly going to be mad again... but it's just cus i'm scared..." he promised her, resting his forehead against hers. "Steve's cooking..." he warned her. the Super soldier having gotten impatient for food, had started making the omelets himself.
"Hm, he did. But my father excelled at doing things to make me uncomfortable, so it wasn't something new."Tony said looking thoughtful before grinning. "I was more interested in toys at that age then rebuilding my car."he said before frowning slightly as he considered that. "I...I know he used me. I was his ticket into keeping his internship. And having amazing sex. Cause you know, even after Iike I couldn't stay away, and he let me seduce him anytime I wanted...though by 17 I was so disgusted with myself I ran the other way and never looked back..."He muttered thinking it over, not about to mention when loki was already pissed off that he'd only kept having sex with andrew because he'd been stuck in the same lab with him, by a sadist of a father who rather liked putting tony on the spot, and had known that the need to prove that he was worth something to andrew would drive tony to work even harder and obsessively then he already did. That year before he'd quit and went back to school had been complete and utter torture to the stark heir. Smirking a little at loki's idea he nodded a little. "I like it. He'd make a good woman, but I doubt you'll get the chance. He was fired when I cleaned house, so he's probably been arrested by now."He muttered before yelping a little as he was pulled into a kiss, kissing him back before looking at loki."That's just mean. I like it."he grinned as he got up, before staring. "Just how do you hear these things?"He asked in amusement as he picked up myka, and letting loki carry clayton as he headed upstairs. Indeed looking forward to teasing steve.

"Of course we are."sigyn said smirking a little. " could be a worse joke. You could have ended up with Tony. We have limits, few that they are. He has none."Sigyn pointed out before looking at clint looking relieved that it wasn't worse. "Good. It shouldn't be a worse ache then that...and I definitely wont let you stay stuck,love."she muttered smirking. "We're definitely going to have to be Captain in bed sometime. It'd be great."She giggled before nodding a little. "I know...just bear with me. I don't do this well."She muttered closing her eyes because she knew he knew just how freaked out him yelling at her made her, and it made her feel bad, like she was adding to the stress when he was already under so much strain. Pouting as she pulled away, "Hm, I better help him."Sigyn said grinning as she started helping steve cook. "So I don't know what's worse, Clint in a collar, or steve in stockings and a corset, or loki in a iron man outfit. I think I want all of these in my house, all the time."Tony grinned as he walked into the room, definitely back to his normal self.
Loki huffed. "i'm definitely torturing your father next time i visit Hela in Niflhiem." he growled before he had to chuckle at the other. "yeah, i guess you would be more interested in toys." at least Tony had toys, Loki had Thor's old broken things, which gave loki a chance to be very creative with his 'toys' which usually consisted of parts of dolls and puzzles with missing pieces. "i can understand why you had such a problem letting me seduce you now though." he admitted. "though, i'm really glad it wasn't what i was imagining..." he admitted sheepishly. "i was worried that Howard, or that Obediah man Pepper's always bitching about might have... you know... molested you." he admitted sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head. "or another student at your school raped you or something." he admitted with a sigh. "Sigyn always did say i had too much of an imagination..." he grumbled before he smirked a little. "oh, it won't be hard for me to find him. and if he's in prison... well that's all the better then, isn't it?" he asked with a smirk. "oh. i have my ways." he admitted with a grin as he headed upstairs.

"...there is no way in hell that would EVER happen and you mentioning it just killed about a dozen new species that haven't been born yet because you made God cry." Clint started laughing at that. Steve said the funniest things sometimes. "oh, i agree. i can just imagine him pounding into me, snapping orders all the while." Clint admitted with a snicker. "it would be hot!" he admitted before he smiled at her, taking her hand. "i know... i'm not too good at it either... i've never had a real girlfriend before. me and Nat sort of just, fucked, you know?" he asked softly. "but i'm emotionally invested in this one and it scares me a bit... i keep waiting to fuck everything up..." he looked over at Ton as Steve twitched and whirled on the two. "Who Did it!? who told! Clint i'm gonna fucking KILL you!" Steve raged, lunging for Clint who squealed in horror and raced out of the room, shouting that he hadn't told anyone anything! Loki snickered as he shook his head, smiling innocently at Sigyn. "and how was your night my dear? i mean, before Clint freaked out. he seams to be doing well now at least."
"Yea, well, now you know."Tony shrugged a little looking amused before starting to laugh. "Oh, now that is a thought to be imagining. My father hated and was disgusted by my sex life,even if he made no move to tell me to stop, and Obediah hated having me around because I kept pointing out mistakes he made. Definitely wouldn't have wanted to spend enough time in my company to do any of that."Tony snickered so very amused at the thought that loki had been thinking. "Besides, you can't rape the willing. And by 16 I was having sex with anything that moved...well, at least on campus anyways. I kept to having sex with people near my own age, for the most part."Tony said snickering before nodding. "Definitely to much a imagination. Nothing to traumatic, just being naive."He said looking amused before nodding. "That's true. That would be amusing....I am sure you could find out."he said amused as they walked upstairs.

"....What?I did?Really?"Sigyn paused looking anxious at the idea, because in her life, gods and goddesses really were in control of things. And while she'd had a long time to get used to humanity as a whole, the whole religon thing was sorta lost on the goddess, so she really was anxious at the idea she'd killed some new species. "It would be hot."Sigyn agreed with clint before smiling as she held clint's hand back, offering him a small smile."I know. So did me and loki, which wasn't nearly as pleasant as it sounds...granted, sex was good...but we weren't what each other wanted."She muttered snickering a little before smiling, "It scares me to.And we'll be ok, we have steve to help. He'll keep us from fucking up to badly."She muttered before looking surprised as steve wheeled on them. "I didn't!"Sigyn winced yelping as clint ran out of the room, shaking her head as she looked up at loki."You and your ways. You're going to tell Steve he didn't tell you, otherwise I'll tell tony about that time you did that thing."Sigyn smirked, the pure wickedness in that smirk saying that she would indeed drag up some embarassingly amusing predictament for tony to laugh over. "It was very,very good...Definitely leaving Clint in that collar..."She chirped happily, as tony laughed at that." He went blind for awhile but he's okay for now. He's still adjusting."She sighed quietly studying the two men in front of her, smiling pleased with how relaxed Tony was and how happy Loki was."So how was your evening?"she said working at the two, accused as Tony blushed
Loki smiled sheepishly. "well... you never know. i've seen humans doing disgusting things to each other like that." he admitted with a shrug. "i'm glad that didn't happen though. i'm not sure i could help you through a raping." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i'm simply not qualified... but i can certainly help with this." he admitted with a smile. "it's just building confidence! and i bet helping me play a few tricks on a certain ass hole in Niflheim could help!" he admitted with a smirk. "we could tell Howard all about how you saved the world and watch him freak out! it would be funny." he admitted. "and of course we can go see jackass in jail and torment him too. it might give you a bit of closure to face the people who made your life so miserable. it certainly helped me when i told Odin what i thought of him." Loki admitted. "

"no, you didn't. Steve was just making a joke." Clint promised. "he was basically saying that him and Tony is such a sin against Nature that Nature threw up." he admitted, Steve grinning. "oh! i like that one Clint!" he admitted with a laugh. "gross. you and Loki, i think i threw up a little in my mouth." Clint teased, Steve rolling his eyes. "they haven't had sex since they first got married if Loki was telling the truth." Steve admitted to Clint who chuckled a little and nodded. "true enough." he admitted before smiling at Sigyn. "yeah, Steve's really good at refereeing..." he agreed. "he'll keep us calm enough i think..." he decided before running out of the room in terror as Loki laughed. "who says it was MY ways that found out?" he asked with a smirk before he paled. "you wouldn't Dare! wait! i'm telling him i'm telling him!" he promised, racing out of the room after Clint and Steve. well, one of him did, those illusions where a pain in the ass sometimes. "blind? i bet he didn't handle that too well... he looks to be alright now at least.. right?" he mused before he laughed. "maybe i'll get a collar? i bet Tony would love clipping a leash to me and bossing me about! what do you think Tony?" he asked before he grinned at sigyn. "i got laid!" he informed her, ever so proudly. "and we even managed to work through a few of our emotional issues!" he admitted with a nod. "i'm planning a trip to Niflheim so that Tony can face his bastard of a father, anyone you want me to kick for you?"
Tony looked amused and pleased that loki wasn't running away from him,in fact was just wanting to help."I could definitely get behind torturing howard like that. He'd die when he learns just how much I did that he didn't."tony snickered before nodding."and I'll talk to fury about getting in to see andrew...and it might. I just ignore both of them when I could instead of dealing with them."tony mused

"Oh.well..that makes sense.tony is a crime against nature by himself."sigyn giggled a little blushing ever so slightly at her mistake."oh, loki tells the truth most of the timr amazingly enough for a god of lies.we haven't had sex since we were really the age he is he acting right now."sigyn assured the two men before rolling her eyes as she looked at loki."because Steve threatened to dismantle jarvis if he spied anymore,tony was to drunk last night and so that leaves only you and your ways."sigyn teased rolling her eyes a little."I totally will if you don't go and tell steve."zigyn threatened. "Oh come on reindeer,I want to know these secrets.let the good captain beat of clint for awhile."tony whined a little. Sigyn rolled her eyes before smirking glancing at the interested looking billionaire even as he started eating the omletes Steve had been eating."I think I like the idea of you under my command."tony smirked. "Hes doing okay for now. His sight is back,but hes still adjusting."sigyn said before smiling glad that loki and tony had gotten through some of their issues."good.and no,everyone I want to cause harm to is still among the living."sigyn shrugged a little tilting her head as she tried to figure out what steve and clint where up to.
Loki smiled at Tony. "it would really make him pissed off for sure!" Loki agreed with a laugh. "although, it's pretty hard to die when you're already dead!" he pointed out with a smile. "and Fury is all about torture and misery, he'd definitely let you see Andrew." he agreed with a grin.

Steve snickered and nodded. "he really is." "Loki, tell the truth!? say it isn't so!" "don't have to tell a falsehood for it to be a lie." Loki commented simply. "sometimes a twist on the truth is plenty to play a trick." he admitted with a smirk. "and besides, Tony was sober enough to convince me to have sex with him last night, so he couldn't have been THAT drunk." he pointed out. "besides, you're only angry because you can't figure out how i do it." he complained with a sniff. "and no, Tony, i am NOT giving you that kind of ammo against me." he complained with a roll of his eyes. "i'm already under your command, Master." Loki purred at Tony, looking mischievous. "i am here to pleasure you always." he purred snickering as both Steve and Clint made fake gagging noises. "gross! Loki's being loving!" Steve complained playfully. "Run away! my eyes! they burn!" Clint yelled dramatically before he blinked. "aaaugh! they DO burn!" he squealed, rubbing his eyes in an attempt to make them stop. thankfully Steve was more intelligent and turned on the cool water and pulled Clint's eyes under them. "...much better..." Clint breathed as Steve rolled his eyes. "woah!!!" Clint muttered, gaping. "you're all.. you... oh my GOD!" "...X-Ray vision." Loki guessed as Clint clapped a hand over his eyes. "he's seeing everything under our clothes, possibly even our skin." "nope. just the clothes... Loki, i'm going to regret this, but why are you wearing pink lace panties?" "they feel nice. i got them from Steve." "YOU DID NOT!!!"
"Uh-huh, he was kinda listing when he walked out of here last night." "I was not." "You were to. It was kinda adorable, considering you never show any signs of being drunk."Sigyn teased looking at the billionaire amused, even as he pouted. "But, you love me reindeer. I should know everything."he whined a little looking amused though before raising a eyebrow, leaning back in his seat. "Good. You know, the world lives to pleasure me. You just take it a step further and help."Tony smirked looking amsued before looking at the other men, before sulking. "Hey, just because you all want to know how amazing I am in bed, doesn't mean you get to make fun of my boyfriend."Tony snickered looking amused before wincing as he watched clint freak out. "you okay?"Sigyn asked raising half out of her seat, ready to help him again before stopping, realizing he was okay. Settling back in her seat she smiled slightly before gaping a little. "Now, that would definitely be handy."Sigyn looked amused as she looked at loki. "I think I'm jealous you're going through steve's underwear instead of mine."Tony said frowning a little, sulking as he looked towards his boyfriend. "Stark, every girl in manhattan and most of the US knows you don't wear underwear, kinda can't go through a drawer that doesn't exist."Sigyn pointed out.
Loki chuckled a little. "it's impressive how much asgaurdian wine he was able to drink." he agreed with a smile. "and i do love you, very much so, but you are not learning about that." he stated simply. "or that other thing, or that last thing either." he admitted with a grin. "and i live to serve." he purred at Tony with a chuckle. "besides, we pick on them often enough, we might as well let them have their attempts at humor." he teased with a smile as he smirked at Tony. "she does have a point Tony. besides, i was making fun of Steve for wearing Girls clothes." "i'm going to kill you one of these days Liesmith, i swear to god." "well, you can of course, but then Tony would be upset. and Sigyn too. she does like me after all." "...damn." "in any case, i actually pilfered these from a store." Loki admitted. "i got them specially for Tony, since he loved seeing me in the rockette outfit so much i figured maybe i'd wear cute underwear for him too."
"You're right, it was a impressive amount of ale."Sigyn said snickering a little before smirking as tony pouted at not getting to know about things. "Hm, you're going to serve me, later."Tony said smirking as he glanced at the other two men before nodding. "True. And they are amusing."Tony snorted before pausing, thinking about it. "Ahh, well making fun of steve is always good."Tony snickered amused as steve protested. "If you kill loki, you're never getting laid again, cap."Sigyn muttered around a mouthful of food, before grinning as tony stared at loki before looking at Tony again. "You do realize you live in the city with the world's biggest victoria secret's store right?" "..."Tony stared, shifting in his seat a little as he considered that, glancing at loki. "We're going shopping later."He snickered a little, jumping a little as sigyn brushed against his arm as she reached for more omletes. Sigyn froze mid reach, trembling ever so slightly as her eyes went unfocused, watching a part of the future spool out in front of her, the parts tied to Tony, but not understanding what she was seeing. Which wasn't nearly as odd as it sounded, she almost never understood things until events started happening, but she knew tony was in danger, they were all in danger now, but she got the sense that it was tony who was the main focus of this event coming.
loki chuckled a little and nodded. "it was very impressive. especially since Bruce is still drunk from the three glasses he had last night." Steve admitted with a grin before making a face as Loki smirked at Tony. "with pleasure." he purred back before nodding. "exactly, and it's so easy to do it. i mean, look at him! he makes it so easy!" Loki complained with a grin. "what's Victoria's Secrete?" Loki asked curiously. he wasn't one to do shopping really. or read magazines or newspapers, so he didn't know the names of most of the stores. "shopping? do we have to?" Loki asked with a sigh. "fine..." he grumbled, sulking about having to go watch Tony buy things. it never occurred to him that he was going to be the one gettign things. "Sigyn? are you alright?" Loki asked, gently steadying her as she came out of the trance. "what did you see? anything specific we need to be aware of?" he asked, looking worried.
"I posed for a victoria's secret magazine last year, you know the bra and underwear one, that you spent the whole time making fun of me for. It's a store."Sigyn snickered looking amused even as tony nodded. "yes, yes we do."Tony smirked to himself. Sigyn nearly jumped out of her skin as she felt loki touching her arm, swallowing hard as she turned to look at him, frowning slightly. "I the middle of a fight...somewhere. I knew you guys were there, I could hear clint bitching about his eyes, Steve yelling as he fought.., but I couldn't see anyone.. I could hear them though. Except tony."She looked frightened, trembling a little. "I couldn't see the fight, but I knew something had gone wrong....I don't know, loks."She muttered looking scared, because predicting for people she cared for, scared her more then anything, because she didn't know if she was influencing it to happen, or if she was supposed to stop it. Being a seer was truly a misterable talent.
Loki blinked at her a little and then. "oh. well if you say so." he mused, wondering if they made Lingerie for men? without breasts he couldn't fill out the upper parts of the outfits. and he didn't want to walk around with breasts all the time. they where always in the way. "easy, easy.. it's alright." Loki promised softly. "the Vanir wouldn't have given you the Vision if you couldn't change it." he promised her. "something might go wrong, but you've had visions like these before. it's just a warning so we can be on our guard. that's all." he reassured her with a smile. since his Mother was a Vanir, he had witnessed many, many visions. Frigga had used to make a game of it, between her and Loki when Odin was gone or distracted. so he was fairly good at telling one vision from another. "now, drink some hot tea and try to calm down. there's no point in overly worrying. Tony was probobly out getting more booze or seducing me." though it was clear Loki didn't beleive it. "are you alright Sig?" Steve asked, worried. Clint still had his hands over his eyes, seeing through peoples clothes was freaking him out a little. "maybe she should lay down?" Clint suggested, peeking through his fingers. "Steve can make his amazing triple hot chocolate." "i could." Steve agreed. "yes, go lay down Sig. me and Tony are probobly going to go with Hela to Niflheim, so we won't be in any danger there." he assured her.
Sigyn shuddered a little as she tilted her head towards loki, shifting to lean against him, resting her head against his shoulder. Taking the comfort of a man who'd been sorting through her visions as long as she'd been having them, not to mention helping frigga. Between frigga and loki, they were the only reason sigyn hadn't been driven insane by what she saw, when every touch was a trigger, giving her glimpses, strands of the present for her to follow if she wanted to. Swallowing hard she giggled a little looking at tony. "What can I say? Skipping a fight to have sex sounds like me."Tony said his smirk his usual one, though his eyes were serious. "I'm fine..."Sigyn muttered smiling up at steve, smiling as clint peeked through his fingers, changing the colors of her underthings to iron man colors, with a mini fake arc reactor to teasing clint because she knew he could see, and it amused her and she knew it'd annoy him to see her in tony's colors and not his."Hot chocolate sounds good."She smiled as she kissed loki's cheek, "Be careful, you know the dead never play nicely, especially when confronted with someone they don't like."She muttered worried about tony seeing his father. "Hey sig?Will you take care of the puppies?"Tony grinned holding up the puppies who'd been cuddling in his lap, looking amused as she silently took them and headed for the bedroom.

Tony smiled a little, "Let me go change. I have no desire to meet my dad in oil stained pants and a tank top."Tony said as he headed for the bedroom, returning dressed in grey slacks and a dress shirt, for once not looking like the lab geek that he was, but a CEO who spent more time behind a desk then under his car.
Loki smiled at her and nuzzled her before handing her off to Steve who wrapped his arms around her. "was that a vision of the future?" he asked curiously. "it must really suck to see such frightening things... but at least you know you can change the visions, right?" he asked with a smile. "everything always turns out right in the end for good guys." "...this isn't exactly a comic book Steve..." Loki teased with a smile. "and you would SO skip a fight to get laid. after all, i'm the best you've ever had." he teased with a wink. "maybe someday int he far future, when i feel like it, i'll rock your world instead." he teased with a chuckle. Loki would top or bottom, he didn't care which way it went, but he knew Tony preferred to Top, and loki was all too happy with that arrangement. he paused when Clint growled and blinked at the man, who was sulking at Sigyn with his eyes narrowed. "you're going to pay for that." Clint warned, licking his lips. "i'm going to tease you for ten whole minutes!" "why? what is she doing?" Steve asked, looking confused as he examined Sigyn. "i'll make the Hot Chocolate." Steve promised with a smile as Clint gave Sigyn a gentle pat on the ass as she picked up the pups, Steve grinning as he started on the hot chocolate.

Loki grinned as he waited for Tony to get dressed, changing his own outfit into silk and leather, looking like a very rich dude who didn't have to work a day in his life. "you lok ever so handsome." Loki purred as he grinned at Tony, Hela meeting them at the front door. "i'll be catching up on some paperwork." she explained to them. "i'll have one of the Ghouls bring Howard in for you." she promised, running a hand over the door, making it glow as she opened it into the plains of the dead. everywhere you looked it seamed like it was nothing but fog. but a few steps in revealed a massive wrought iron gate that creaked open at Hela's command. inside, was a massive black castle that hela strode into, grabbing a tiny creature that looked like nothing but shadow, mist, and a black, tattered cloak. "Fetch Howard Stark for me." she demanded. "take him into meeting room A." the creature uttered a few short hissing noises before rushing off, Hela leading Tony and Loki into what looked like a sitting room, with a Tea service and a few snifters of brandy already set out. "i forgot how pleasant it is here." Loki admitted with a smile. "Niflheim is actually split up into seven levels. you have the first level, which is for the normal souls of normal people who led good lives. levels two through eight are various people who must atone for certain sins. they must cleans themselves of evil, working their way up until they reach the top level. then there's level Nine, for the ugliest of souls who will never repent. people who rape kids, torture people simply because they like it, and so forth are down there." he admitted. "the people who die as heroes go to Vanaheim, which is connected to Asgaurd." Loki admitted. " Howard Stark will be somewhere between level six and eight, for his child abuse and negligence, so it might be a moment before he can get here." Loki admitted as he sat down and helped himself to a tiny finger sandwich, a cup of hot Sweetsteep tea and a buttercrumb cookie.
Sigyn smiled a little as she snuggled into steve's arms, nodding a little. "It is. Though it was something I probably could have told you without a vision. A fight in the near future, you guys are you, and it's obvious clint's going to be off his game for awhile, until he gets control...but...yea, I can change them."She said looking amused at steve's words, because even if she was to cynical to believe she'd always win, she was heartened by steve's belief. "I would, and maybe. I'm sure I've had better, longer sex sometime in my life."Tony teased looking amused before shuddering a little."Oh, you're making the decisions now are you?"Tony said raising a eyebrow looking amused before looking at clint in confusion. "No I'm not, besides you know he-"A amused look flicked towards tony as she picked up the dogs. "Can't see it."Sigyn smirked as she flounced out of the room, looking to amused with herself, yelping a little as she got patted on the ass as she left. By the time steve brought her the hot chocolate she was wearing iron man pj's...just because she was amusing herself now, because clint had reacted so well to it. "Steve, tell him I'm allowed wearing whatever I want."She pouted smiling as she looked at him, taking the glass of hot chocolate."Thanks, love."She muttered.

"I try."Tony smirked smiling at Hela. "Have fun with paperwork, and may you have better luck with it then I did."Tony snickered a little looking around him as they walked into, wrinkling his nose a little as he followed loki into one of the sitting rooms, barely pausing before he picked up the snifter of brandy and sipped it. "This place is decidely creepy, if pleasant at the same time. It actually kinda reminds me of my college dorm."He said sipping the brandy as he listened. "Interesting. Kinda like Dante's seven levels of hell."Tony mused looking thoughtful to jittery to be sitting as he paced and drank. Definitely a good thing he didn't feel alcohol like normal people, otherwise this meeting might be uglier then loki had figured it'd be. Tensing a little as he heard footsteps, Tony wrinkled his nose and forced himself to sit down next to loki as howard stark appeared in the doorway. "Good evening, Howie."Tony said with a familiar sneer, the usual snark in the tone that hide just how torn apart the man was at confronting his father again.
Steve chuckled a little as he nodded. "yeah, us getting into trouble is something we do best." he agreed with a smile. "i think i'll start practicing how to control my eyes right now." Clint decided firmly before he hesitated. "only, i'm not sure how to do that..." he admitted with a sigh. "longer sure, but i was off my game last night. i was so wound up and it was all your fault that i came early." Loki complained, pouting at his lover. "i'll show you whose the best tonight when you're least expecting it!" he decided with a smirk. Clint just glared at Sigyn when she commented on no one else being able to see it. "but I can see it!" he complained as he stalked after her. "and it's SO wrong!" he complained as he followed her into the bedroom. Steve followed after with hot cups of super chocolate as Clint liked to call it.there was real melted chocolate in those cups! "...please change. i can't stand to see Tony staring up at me from my own bed..."

Hela snorted. "i have no issues with Paperwork. particularly since i can clone myself." she admitted with a sniff. "have fun!" she ordered as she vanished, Loki chuckling a little. "not much of a hostess is she?" he asked with a grin as he helped himself to the refreshments. "hmm. this is just the place where she greets guests, arranges contacts, and collects the new souls for testing. most of it is automated, which means she doesn't really have to do anything, but if there's a problem, usually she's the only one who can fix it." he admitted before smiling a little. "yes, i suppose so... if i knew who Dante was." he admitted, taking a sip of Tea as Howard walked in. "Good evening Howard. please, have a seat. my name is Loki liesmith and i will be the mediator for today. as this is you're first time having contact with the living, i will tell you the Rules." Loki stated, acting highly professional, hoping that it would give Tony the confidence he needed. "First, there will be no physical contact between you and the Living." he warned. "should you attempt to touch the living, you will experience great pain as your soul tries to rip itself apart." he warned. "Second, you will not be able to leave this room until a Ghoul comes to collect you and return you to the pits. attempting to leave without a ghoul, will cause you to feel extraordinary pain as you're soul tries to rip itself apart. third, attempts to bribe, blackmail, or otherwise threaten either myself, or the living while in this room, will add on your sentence, and may even result in you being moved into a deeper level. do you understand?" Loki demanded, staring at Howard. "good. please have a seat. you will find yourself able to enjoy the food." the dead didn't need to eat, though people who starved others would often feel starved themselves as repentance. he took another sip of tea to calm himself down. he wanted to strangle the bastard. "your Son, Tony has come to visit you today." Loki admitted, glancing at Tony. "remain Civil and i won't have to hurt you."
Sigyn laughed looking amused as the boys complained, sipping her chocolate her clothes changed into captain america pj's. "Better?Dude, I could totally go out and fight in this. Could you imagine?I could stop a fight in its tracks looking like cap in this.Or maybe dressed as clint..."Sigyn giggled a little as she shifted her clothes into a version of clint's vest and pants, now that she wasn't focusing on her visions, she was acting silly, almost like she was high. Which was her usual mode of shifting gears, and not worrying about what she'd seen. Needing to get back to the here and now, and not the future. "And we'll work on your eyes. There's ways to help with that. You just need to work on your control."She muttered shifting to snuggle against clint as she drank her hot chocolate, calming, struggling to act like a adult instead of the silliness she wanted to give into. Because she was really, really worried about what tony was facing in niflehiem, even if she trusted loki and hela to get him safely there and back, she wasn't sure he was mentally ready for it.

"No she isn't, but she is your daughter, so its not overly surprising."Tony pointed out looking amused as he sipped his brandy before making a face. "Remind me to make you read the inferno when we get home. You'd enjoy it."Tony snickered a little amused as he watched the annoyed look on howard's face at being talked to like he was a child, flicking a glance between tony and loki. Nodding when loki asked if he understood he sat down, sipping one of the brandy glasses, so much like his son that it wasn't funny going straight for the alcohol, before focusing on tony again. "What do you want Anthony?" "Tony."Tony corrected looking annoyed with being called his full name, as he usually only got called it when someone was annoyed with him, and hearing howard say it had always grated on his nerves. "Your name is Anthony." "...Only you ever called me that, you know."Tony made a face, already starting to lose his temper, struggling to keep it together, and knowing his father was enjoying needling him. "I know, but Tony is so...common." "I was a child prodigy, didn't get much more uncommon then that.Besides, I came to tell you failed. And I did something you never thought I could."Tony smirked studying him. "What, learn to not have sex with everything that moved?" "I found the good captain. He made such a good capsicle, that he woke up when we warmed him up."Tony smirked, pleased to see howard's eyes widen at the news. "You what?" "I pulled Steve Rodgers out of the sea, howie."Tony said reverting to teenage rebellion of calling howard howie, the more Howard refused to use tony's chosen name, the more tony acted out. "Finally.Something worth your time."Howard said studying his son.
Steve snorted a little. "i'd rather you fought in something a little more protective than a pair of PJ's." Steve admitted with a smile as he shook his head. "well i am good at control most of the time, but how do i control my eyes?" he asked with a small frown. "at least i'm not seeing through things anymore... though now that Loki and Tony aren't here to torture me it's almost sad..." he admitted with a grin as he looked Steve over before running his gaze over Sigyn. "you're all high strung... we should help with that." he decided, Steve laughing as he leped Clint strip of her shirt and flip her onto her belly. there, Steve straddled her, grabbed some warming oil from the bed-stand, and proceeded to massage her back, while Clint worked on her feet. the two of them doing what they could to turn her into a big pile of mush.

"After i've finished reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy." Loki ordered simply. watching the interaction between father and son. "now Tony, don't be so modest. defrosting Steve is one of your lesser accomplishments. you could always tell him how under your control Stark Industries is now 30% more profitable. or you could tell Howard about the clean energy engine which is now fixing to make a trillion more dollars than his greatest invention ever did. you even invented an entirely new element and turned it into a power source. hell, you even took his silly little giant Arc reactor and fine tuned it... in a cave." he pointed out. "you could even tell him about how you became a superhero, and saved the entire planet form decimation, and are probobly going to do so again." he admitted. "you could even tell him about your lover, and how your Stark Tower is hosting... how many superheros and honest to goodness gods? at least Steve honestly respects you." he pointed out, knowing from Steve that Howard had hated how little Steve cared who Howard was, and point blank ignored the pompous ass when he could... which was usually. "how many times has Steve gone to you for advice today? four times?" Loki asked with a smile as he sipped his tea. "it could be said that every single accomplishment Howard ever managed, you've outstripped ten fold." he mused as he nibbled daintily on his cookie.
"Hm, but they're such good looking pj's. I beat thor once wearing pj's."Sigyn muttered before looking thoughtful, "well.It's magic that's changing your eyes, I think if we get a handle on what flicks the ablities on and off...maybe we can help..."Sigyn frowned a little before smirking, "It is almost sad. Though I'm sure when they get back, tony'll be in a mood to torture everyone again."She said before yelping as she was flipped on her stomach, yelping again as she was straddled, before relaxing under their hands, sighing quietly. " two are to good at this..."She muttered smiling as she glanced over her shoulder at them.

"Well, does it really count as me being in control, when I let pepper do the paperwork?"Tony mused smirking as he watched howard looking even more sour with each word that crossed loki's lips. "Clean energy engine?" "Hm, yes. I took andrew's idea-I mean, my idea- for a electric engine, dropped a arc reactor in it, and put it in my car. It purrs like a damned kitten."Tony snickered a little calming a little as loki talked. "A cave?"Howard questioned, honesty looking curious about the man's life, even if it was only because he was getting ready to be a bastard again. Howard just couldn't help but needle him. "Hm, Obidah sold me out to some terrorists, nearly died from one of my own bombs, and built a mini arc reactor.It was awesome."Tony snickered. "Well, I did always tell you were going to get blown up by one of your own experiments one day." "True, but you thought I'd make a mistake. This wasn't my personal mistake."Tony mused before smirking a little. "Let's see...there's you, sigyn,hela, jor, fenris...thor sometimes, steve clint natasha...that's 6 gods and 3 other heros." "Well, its good to see you keeping better company."

"Hm, they are fairly better then mere mortals. Better alcohol to. And well, does him getting sex advice count as steve asking?I mean, he looked so awkward I had to give it."Tony snickered because he knew howard was going to lose it eventually. "...speaking of lovers, how is andrew these days?"Howard said, his voice curious though there was cruelty in that look, having not realized loki was sleeping with his son and might react badly, just striking out at his son for being so very good at everything, cruely snapping out at tony who had always been unable to hide just how much andrew had hurt him, even the merest mention of the man had always made tony violent. Tony's eyebrow twitched as every confidence he'd built spiderwebbed, hairline cracks threatening to break. Even if he hadn't slept with andrew since he was 17, the mere mention of the man who'd first broken his heart was enough to shatter the 35 year old's concentration. "Fine. Going to jail actually. Stealing from me is a bad idea."Tony stood finishing off his drink, glancing at loki. "This is pointless. Let's go home." "You always were scared little bastard, Tony. So unwilling to face the truth?" "What truth?" "That you'll always be alone."

"Just because you hired andrew to prove that point to me doesn't mean its true howie."tony said watching his fathers face.he'd suspected for awhile howard had hired andrew to let tony seduce him,he hadn't actually thought even howard would be that cruel,but watching the surprised then sour look on howard's face, he realized he'd underestimated how much howard had wanted to prove that no one would ever want tony for anything besides what he could do for them. Feeling his face go still forcing himself to show no emotion tony glanced at loki as he stood."8 have work tobdo at home.lets go."he said heading for the door.
Steve and Clint both chuckled as they worked on her sore muscles. "we are good at this." Clint agreed. "i had a lot of practice though, Natasha always demanded massages." he admitted with a grin as Steve chuckled. "i used to massage a freind of mine, Bucky." he admitted. "Bucky was the first guy i ever loved. never told him though, because back in the twenties, men just did NOT like other men." he admitted, Clint nodding. "yeah, you where yelling for Bucky when you had your breakdown." "i was?... i don't remember anything about it." he admitted with a shake of his head. "it's just a big blur."

"well, it's still your company, you where simply smart enough to know that you needed someone else to do the stuff you aren't so good at. compared to Howard, who very nearly ran Stark Industries into bankruptcy because he didn't want anyone else to have control." Loki mused. "pepper has done an amazing job of running your company. you should be proud of the fact that you where smart enough to appoint her as CEO. she still has to answer to you if she wants to run any major changes." Loki pointed out. "he's even inserted the Clean energy engine into a motorcycle to prove it is universally adaptable. Tony already has all of huis buildings working off that same principle. he'll never have to pay an energy bill again. he's completely off the grid, and working on a money manageable component for the rest of the world." Loki admitted, enjoying the look on Howard's face. "in a matter of years, the Battery is going to be a history project. it's all going to be clean energy, made by Tony Stark."

"don't forget that you then killed all those terrorists, thereby protecting the world yet again." Loki mused. "you killed Obediah too... did you know that he liked to rape little boys Howard?" Loki asked, examining something on a strip of light that had appeared. "trapped in the ninth level of Niflheim forever. what a pity." Loki taunted. "is that why you're so unhappy Howard? did Obediah have his way with you?" he asked. "you are rather pretty for a man, almost feminine, you would have been a lovely target for a pervert like Obediah." he glanced at Tony. "you forgot Bruce. and Sleipnir. so that's seven gods and four mortals... well, Clint is a Demigod now, and Steve is considered one so really it's two mortals and nine gods." Loki mused, snorting.

"well. he DID ask for advice on what to wear to impress Clint, doesn't that count?" Loki asked curiously. "either way, Steve does respect you, even if you live your life by trying to annoy him." "Andrew is playing butt buddies with other convicted criminals." Loki stated simply. "we're going to be seeing him next, just to tie up some loose ends." Loki admitted with a smirk. "After all, i wouldn't want him to have an easy life." Loki mused before smiling at Tony. "this is hardly pointless Tony." he admitted even as he stood up and followed Tony to the door, turning to look at Howard, laughing brightly at the man. "Alone!? you think Tony is alone!? even if he didn't have the Avengers, he still has Pepper Potts. she might not Love Tony like a Lover aught, but she loves him like family. she would never abandon Tony no matter what you think. as it is, he does have the avengers, all of whome love, and are very loyal to Tony. especially after he risked his very life to save them, and the world. he has Sigyn, who likes him simply for being him. and most importantly, he has me. a Jotun, who are so loyal, they have been known to kill themselves simply because they thought it would please their lovers." Loki informed Howard. "you are nothing more than a bitter man who can't face the truth himself. you want Tony to be unhappy, because you yourself have always, always been unhappy. and more importantly, you have always been alone. you might have had Maria as a wife, but she never liked you, let alone loved you. you, Howard stark, have never had freinds, or family. you have always been alone, and now, you always will be. i will love Tony to the ends of the earth, even if i have to give him up." Loki admitted. "and you will always be the bitter father who was never good enough for anyone. least of all his son, who has surpassed you i every way imaginable."
"You were fairly out of it.You didn't want him to leave."Sigyn muttered glancing over her shoulder at steve looking vaguely worried about him, before lifting her hips a little, "Off. I want to cuddle and I cant turn around with you sitting on me."She muttered waiting until he moved and climbed into steve's lap, snuggling against his chest.

"Ah, yes. And she does. Which is fairly amazing considering how much I just didn't care about it."Tony snickered a little before watching howard's face as the elder stark looked even more sour and amazed at the idea of clean energy. "I still have to present it to the board, which reminds me, remind me to tell pepper so we can have a dinner party and everything. Even if she's bedridden for the moment, she should be there to see the vehicles being presented."Tony said before smirking. "I did, but that was more revenge then anything else."Tony said snickering, protesting because he was enjoying the look on howard's face. "N-no. I didn't."Howard said quietly as he considered obediah, paling slightly as he glanced at tony, looking vaguely curious though. "Hey, don't give me that look. I was a whore, but I had standards, and dating someone old enough to be my father was wrong."Tony snickered a little.

"Hm, but telling him he should wear iron man colors just annoyed him."Tony said looking amused before smirking. "I want to go to the prison, then out to dinner. I deserve a dinner out after this."Tony decided before twitching. "It is. It's not helpign."Tony said looking annoyed that he'd given in to seeing his father. Amused as he tilted his head a little."Sigyn likes me because I keep surprising her. She likes surprises."Tony muttered nudging his shoulder against loki's, taking comfort in the touch as howard stared after them. "He is NOT my son."Howard growled as tehy walked towards the door. "You wishing it, wont make it true, Howie. Goodbye."Tony called as they left, the bitter laughter bubbling up uncontrollably as he resigned himself to the fact that there would never be any true closure with his father, maybe with Andrew he'd have better luck.
Steve and Clint both moved back, letting her sit up. "Bucky died." Steve explained, looking vaguely upset, but not heartbroken as he had been once. "i killed the man that killed him." he admitted. "that sort of made everything better." he admitted with a nod. "it didn't bring Bucky back, but it made me feel better." he admitted with a smile as he wrapped his arms around Sigyn, holding her because she was just so nice to hold. "i'm glad i was frozen." Steve admitted with a smile. "i don't think i've ever been this happy before."

"yes well, Stark industries is boring." Loki admitted with a shrug. "you have better uses of your time. like those nanobots you currently have swimming in your bloodstream. oh, you didn't think i didn't know about those did you?" he asked with a grin. "finish fixing my precious car and then present it to the board. maybe put the engine in a go-cart, or a children's toy just to prove how truly versatile it is." he admitted before he looked at Howard. "oh, by the time Obediah met you, Tony was much too old for his tastes." Loki admitted simply. "and you weren't a whore Tony, you where seeking loving attention that your bastard of a father took every chance to deny you." Loki stated simply. "you think i was any better? at least i have the closure now of knowing why my so called Father hated me." Loki admitted. "doesn't make it right, but at least i understand now." Loki admitted with a shrug. "clearly Howard is simply off his rocker and hated you because he couldn't bring himself to be a man and hate himself." he admitted before he smirked at Tony. "it was fun to see him scowl at you for the next three days though." Loki admitted with a smile.

"you are full of surprises." Loki admitted with a smile, taking Tony's hand as he left the room, sighing a little. "i'm sorry Tony..." he murmured. "i had hoped time in the pits of despair would have softened the little bastard up. according to this, he's been stuck on level seven since he died." Loki admitted, shaking his head. "i suppose it doesn't matter. he's not your father." he decided. "he was just a convenient means to get your life started. he means very little." Loki grumbled. "he's dead, and his opinion matters not." he promised before he paused as he felt a chill go up his spine, scowling a little as he paused. "...did you feel that?"
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