
Loki shrugged. "i'd rather have an idiot for a brother, than a bastard for a father.. oh wait..." Loki mused playfully, chuckling a little. "Natasha's not much better for remembering things you know." he admitted with a chuckle as he watched Tony wrap the present. why Tony had wrapping paper, he would never know, but it was useful to have at least. "your really very good at that." Loki admitted, impressed by Tony's present wrapping skills.

"true." Steve admitted with a laugh before nodding. "it was pretty frightening. Pepper is the one that had to make him stop after the fire department arrived to put out a fire that wasn't here. it was just smoke from the burning waffles." he admitted with a grin. "that is disgusting Tony!" Clint complained. "i'm bleaching this later!" "no you are not! you can't bleach a table like that! you'll ruin the Varnish!" Steve complained. "i'll clean it!" he promised as he worked on another batch of batter. he had to bite his lip when Tony presented the present, he knew very well that it wasn't Clint's birthday. "uh... t..thanks." Clint stammered, looking mortified. he'd forgotten his own birthday again! "wait a minute! it's not my birthday!" Clint complained, glaring at Tony. "my birthday isn't until March!" "May." Steve corrected automatically which made Clint pause. "...oh... what month is it?"
"Hm,you sound surprised. You shouldn't be. I'm amazing at everything I do."Tony sniffed primly, carefully not mentioning his abysmal cooking skills.

"I would have paid money to see that. It's amazing no tabloids picked up on the fact that he nearly smoked himself to death."Sigyn snickered a little. "Why?It's not like I didn't clean it off after."Tony said looking amused. "Steve's right, just let him clean it later."Tony rolled his eyes before smirking a little."You are very welcome."the billionaire said before starting to laugh."IT's not, but you are getting a present." "It's january. Hence why it's so fucking cold in NYC."Tony said snickering a little as he glanced at the other man, shaking his head amused. "Open it."He ordered wanting to know what clint thought of the state of the art, modified bow, tony having gone out of his way to make something so amazingly light and cool, that it was going to be amazing.
"the Tabloids did pick up on it, but they assumed it was him doing more experiments, so they didn't bother printing anything." Pepper informed them as she walked in, supported by Fenris. she was gaining strength every day, and could now even walk around her room with very little assistance. "and don't worry, i made sure the table was very clean after i was done with it." that made a lot of the people in the room turn to gape at her. they'd never heard Pepper say anything so lewd before. "what? i live with Tony... of course i can be nasty on occasion. is one of those waffles for me?" "of course." Steve assured her with a chuckle. "hey Fen, haven't seen you in a while." Clint admitted with a grin as he watched the boy. it was pretty obvious that the boy was head over heals in love with Pepper. "fine... you guys are jerks... making me think it's my birthday..." he grumbled as he unwrapped it, blinking at the simple Bow, his head cocked. it confused him, he had expected some bulky massive, stuffed full of crap he didn't need compound bow. this was a normal, simple, long bow that, was rather pretty. it even came with arrows. he stood up, picked it up and pulled back the string as fluid as always and he grinned. "you got the tension just right." Clint mused, Loki flicking his fingers, a large Target appearing in the air. Clint moved in a flash, drawing an Arrow, docking it, aiming and releasing in a matter of seconds, the Arrow hitting dead center. "very nice." Clint mused, examining the bow. "where's the Tech? i know it's in here somewhere..."
Fenris smiled fussing a little as he helped pepper into a chair, nearly choking on his laughter at pepper's words. "And it was such a good nasty, it was awesome to have sex on my table."Tony grinned at her, amused at their reactions as everyone stared at her. "Hey clint. I've been playing games with pepper, and reading some of tony's books. I dont spend alot of time on earth, so I was reading to find out things."Fenris said so proud of himself for having discovered the books to read. Acting more adultish with each passing day, as he realized just what pepper needed from him, and the young wolf not wanting her to feel weird if they started dating. He just wasn't sure how to go about having a relationship. Tony smirked as he watched clint play with the bow, looking so very pleased with himself for coming up with a simple bow, having refrained from going over the top as he'd guessed clint wouldn't like it. "Are you so sure there's tech to it?"Tony smirked settling in to eat, making the assassin wait just because he could as he started munching on his waffle.

"Stark, you tried to engineer a better waffle maker. You can't not put tech into something. Especially when you know he's going to be using it to save the world and all of that."Natasha pointed out snickering a little. "Run your thumb along the silver edge on the right."The genius said, humming in amusement as a female voice greeted the man, "It's connected to jarvis, anything you want to know about the shot your going to take, you just have to ask. Like wind conditions or distance or whatever. You can turn it off, by stroking your thumb over it again and using it as a regular bow."Tony said looking to pleased with himself for that to be all he'd done. "....What else did you do tony."Sigyn said simply. "Oh, you know. Made it better."Tony said before taking the bow and running his thumb along the whole length, grinning as the bow folded in on itself into a simple man's bracelet, much like the metal band sigyn had given him. Which is what had given him the idea. While the bow looked like wood, it was lightweight metal, not really aware of sigyn staring at him like he'd done something insane.

"Wow."Sigyn muttered before looking at loki, raising a eyebrow. While it was possible, she'd seen what tony's suit had done, folding down on itself, but it was almost like what a god could do with metal, folding it on itself easier then a mortal's means could do. But if anyone could do it without magic, she'd just seen proof tony was that person. It was just amazing that the mortal's mind had considered trying to collapse it and still being able to assure that it was as strong as a regular full bow.
Pepper rolled her eyes. "he was half drunk and i was too horny to care. it wasn't all that great." she informed them, Clint and Steve both laughing at Tony's 'bust bubble'. "'ve... been, uh, reading Tony's books?" Clint asked, looking quite frightened. "which books!? if they have naked women in them, you stop reading them right this instant!" "like i would let him read porn." Pepper complained with a roll of her eyes. "he's been reading Tony's old textbooks from school, math, science, history, Tech science, things like that. he's actually very smart." she admitted, smiling at Fenris. "i think being on earth has been good for him." "actually. i think being with you has been good for him." Loki admitted, smiling at Pepper. "he's really grown up a lot since he started taking care of you." he admitted with a nod, pleased that Pepper seamed so attached to his son. "he really has." Pepper agreed. "i'm very impressed with him." she admitted, smiling at Fenris. "i'd be so lost without him right now. he's always there to make me feel better." especially when she had her dramatic mood swings, screaming one moment and then sobbing into her hands the next. Fen was so laid back, that he knew exactly how to help her through it all.

"...why does Jarvis sound like a girl?" Clint asked, looking a little weirded out. "don't tell me Jarvis likes to cross dress too?" "i'm really going to hit you Clint.." Steve grumbled, making Loki laugh. "i hate to admit it." Clint grumbled with a sigh. "but this is a pretty kickass Bow." he admitted with a smile. "is there anyway to connect the Voice of the Bow to an earpiece, so that enemies can't hear Jarvis talking to me?" Clint asked curiously. while he didn't really need someone to tell him how far something was, or the wind conditions, if he was doing a single assassination, it could be useful, so long as the bow didn't give away his location. "what?" Loki asked, looking stunned as the Bow folded in on itself, his eyes wide. he'd seen the Iron Man Suit do something quite similar, folding into a suitcase.. but this... this was just like... "he's more advanced than i thought..." Loki muttered. "he's... touching on the technological aspects of Magic. i didn't knw mortals could do that!" he admitted to Sigyn. "i wonder if he'd be upset if i offered to turn him into a Demigod?" "oh, see. now THAT is cool." Clint admitted, looking excited. "how do i turn it back!?"
"Heyyyyy. Sex with me is always great, even if I'm drunk."Tony sulked glaring at his adopted sister who'd once been his girlfriend, making a face. Fenris looked startled at clint's look before shaking his head."N-no."fenris stuttered a little as he looked at his mother for help before looking relieved as pepper spoke. "I enjoy reading. And I'll be able to understand tony when he starts talking."The wolf said looking pleased. "Definitely been good for him to be with pepper."Sigyn teased looking amused as fenris slid a plate of food to pepper, taking care of her. "I'll always try and make you feel better."Fenris said smiling at the red head.

"Because I was horny when I was making it?"Tony smirked, shrugging."because I was trying to see what I could do. No real reason, just playing with the programming."Tony smirked a little. "You can't hit him steve, he'll enjoy it to much. We'll have to chain him up and not let him join us, now that he's wearing a collar."Sigyn chirped a little before smiling as she watched clint admire the bow. "It already is. The upper curve, that silver piece there, is a earpiece, so if you want to, you can use it."Tony said having already thought about it. "It's almost like a god's bow...I've seen some of the guard's bows do that..."Sigyn muttered as she watched the two men talking about the bow. Smirking slightly as she shrugged. "He probably wouldn't care. He already thinks himself a god you know."Sigyn pointed out teasing a little. Tony grinned as took the bracelet showing clint the engraved hawk on it, "Press your thumb over it. It's set to recognize you, so no one else can use it unless you program them in. Which is fairly easy, as jarvis still works in this form of the bow to, so just slide your thumb along either edge to activate and tell him what you need. Which is fairly handy if you need to get in touch with any of us, or anything beyond just making sure no one else can use it."
she rolled her eyes. "i'd have been more impressed if you hadn't missed your mark Tony." Pepper commented, making the table laugh. "oh Fenris, i wouldn't be sure about that. most of the Time Tony isn't really using real words. he just makes them up to make himself sound smarter." Clint warned, Pepper hiding her laughter behind her hand as Loki scowled at them. "he does not! if he did i wouldn't be able to understand him!" "you don't understand him, you just pretend to so people don't think your stupid." Steve remarked, making Loki's eye twitch. "i'm going to turn you all into rabbits and feed you to Fenris." "he wouldn't eat us, would you Fen?" Steve asked with a grin as Clint laughed. "of course he wouldn't! Fenris is very loyal to the people he likes! and i know he likes me and Steve!" Loki just sulked.

"gross Tony... just gross... still, at least it doesn't sound like you." he taunted as he examined the bow and then the Bracelet, looking very impressed. "oh! i like that idea." Steve admitted, grinning at Sigyn. "i could have you all to myself for a night, that would be fun." "no it wouldn't!" Clint complained, sulking more than a little as he pouted at them. "i have too, that's why i'm so impressed. tony's accessed a higher form of technology by doing this. and now that i think about it, doesn't his Clean Energy look familair? almost all of Asgaurds electricity is powered by something very similar." he admitted. "Tony might very well be on his way to stopping a lot of the wars over energy. his clean engines and clean power runs on only a few dollars a week, unlike Gas or electricity." Loki admitted as Clint pressed his fingers over the Hawk and watched it transform into a Bow once more, whistling. "alright Tony, i'll admit it... this is one impressive Bow, and i'm glad you talked me into letting you build me one." Clint admitted with a chuckle. "how does it handle physical attacks? say, if i decide to beat someone's head in with it?" he paused and then blinked several times and then cursed. "eyes are funny again.... woah... Loki, you're like, chiller..." Clint mused as he examined the people int he room. "infrared?" Steve asked curiously, Clint nodding. "this could be useful..."
"...."Tony sulked glaring at his ex girlfriend as he ate looking annoyed before making a face. "I do to. Just because you don't know what the copehagen implication and how it deals with entanglement physics and effects the world, doesn't mean that I'm making up the words."Tony twitched a little before looking at steve. "I thought you were nice, cap."he pouted. Fenris smirked a little, "I like rabbits more."The wolf quipped grinning a little as his mother laughed, because she knew that the young wolf actually hated the taste of rabbit meat, and usually avoided it.

"..I was curious okay, it was kinda like the nanobots....and you wish I'd make it sound like me. Imagine, I could tell you how steve's looking as he dresses up like wonder woman while he's fighting."Tony said smirking. "Hm, you know, clint did have a time by only seems fair that you get a whole evening."Sigyn said looking serious as she considered her fiancee, smiling ever so slightly before nodding as she looked at steve. "...It' is.It's...weird. I might have to look at that car, I mean, if it's running on something close to what the asgardians are using, we might have more trouble then we counted on."She muttered because she didn't think odin would take kindly to having a mortal figure out how asgard's systems worked. "Thanks. "Tony said looking slightly embarassed at the praise. While he was used to people liking things he made, clint was usually so against anything that involved tech or him doing anything for clint, it was putting him on the spot before grinning a little. "It's lightweight titatium, the same stuff I made my suit out of. It'll hold up to a beating. And even more, watch this...sigyn, if you would be so kind, try catching it on fire." Sigyn looked confused but took the bow from clint, letting the metal heat up between her hands before her eyes widened. "You made it heat repellent. No matter what he does to it, its not losing its shape."She said sharing a look with loki, because it was so close to what a asgardian would do to his weapon, that she was seriously feeling confused at tony's ablity to do it. "Natasha told me about the bomb that nearly...killed them. I wanted something that wouldn't be a danger to them if they ended up in a fire, or something else that would normally threaten the structural integerity of it.And ice wont make it brittle either, no matter how cold it gets."Tony explained before glancing at clint, tilting his head a little thinking over clint's new sight. "You wouldn't have to be in sigtht to target if you could find the heat signature. Very useful."he mused.
Loki looked amused. "oh, when did you study quantum mechanics Tony?" "quantum... what? you mean he's really not just making up words?" "nope." Sleipnir stated. "Asgaurdians use quantum physics allt he time. we learn about it in school..." "you never went to school." "no, but Jor tutored me once i was turned human." "valid point." "i'm not nice at all, whatever made you think that?" Steve asked, looking mildly confused before he too pouted at Fenris, Clint sulking as he crossed his arms and made unhappy faces at everyone.

"...what about Nanobots?!" Pepper demanded, the rest of the table looking curious as they realized that Tony had done something stupid without Pep's permission again. " know... it would be kind of awesome to rig up a few cameras. Steve does look sexy in that spandex of his..." Clint mused, completely distracted by internal images, Steve groaning as he set a hand over his face. "...that's it! i'm changing my outfit!" "black leather!" Clint demanded, Steve going bright red. "shut up Clint!" Steve demanded, Loki chuckling a little. "your boys sure are lively in the mornings." Loki teased Sigyn before he frowned. "if Tony's stumbled across the right formulas... he might very well have made something even better than what Odin's got in that silly little castle of his." he admitted. "but you're right, it could cause some serious problems if thor or Odin finds out..." he admitted, looking worried. "very nice." clint mused, examining the lightweight titanium. "what is the string made out of? it's not like anything i've ever used before." "is that what you wanted the raw Silkder thread for Tony?" Loki asked, looking startled. "i thought you where going to use it in your iron man suit." raw silkder silk, or thread, was as strong iron, yet as flexible as string. it couldn't be cut, and couldn't be snapped either. it was used often in weapons. nearly anyone could use Silkder thread, but it took a lot of effort to make it soft for making clothes and bedding out of. Loki reached out and took the Bow gently, dropping his hands to subzero temperatures, the flesh turning Jotun Blue up to the elbows as frost and frigid air curled around the bow. "very impressive!" Loki admitted, returning his hands to normal. "tony? can i talk to you for a second?" Loki asked, looking slightly worried.
"A few years ago when I fished the tesseract out of the sea. I was trying to figure out how the doorway-entrance thing worked from our world to yours."Tony said snickering at clint's reaction making a face at him before looking at steve. "well, the all american hero kinda offers the idea that your nice."Tony said smiling a little wincing at pepper's demand, barely resisting the urge to squirm. "Oh..Uh...nothing?"He said looking around at the table. "I didn't do anything with them!"Tony protested his innocence. "It would be.....maybe we should get him to wear the spandex to bed..."Sigyn said her eyes going a little unfocused before looking at steve. "I like black leather. He'd look good in it."She mused before smirking at loki, nodding. "They are.better then yours who can't stay out of his lab long enough to be lively."She teased before looking worried. "Yes...and you know he's smart enough he'll keep pounding away at the formula until he's discovered everything it can do."She muttered because she knew just how obssessive the billionaire could be, working on a problem no matter if he'd done what he'd set out to do, he'd keep working if he thought there could be more to do.

"It is. needed a good bowstring, and I figured silkder would hold up better then normal string to the compression of changing into a bracelet."Tony explained before smirking. "I still have a few feet left of what you gave me. I'm going to use it on the suit to."He said looking amused watching loki drop the temperature, smirking as the air around the bow grew cold, but the bow itself stayed the same temperature. "Hm?What?I'm being impressive, clint so rarely tells me I'm amazing, I want to listen more."Tony said looking at loki tilting his head, looking worried before getting up and heading for the small office he kept in the tower for when he actually needed to do paperwork and such.
Loki chuckled a little. "well, that's unnerving." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Tony stark, set loose on all the nine realms. yikes. there wouldn't be a virgin left." he teased with a chuckle, offering Tony a small kiss. "Tony Stark! are you LYING to me!?" Pepper demanded. "you did something to yourself again didn't you! if i had the strength i'd pummel you!" "easy Pepper, you're going to wear yourself out again." Steve warned, looking like he was resisting the urge to start laughing. "...well... i suppose i could make my new uniform out of black leather..." Steve muttered, Clint sulking. "why does he always listen to you, even though it was my idea first?" he complained, pouting at her. "no one listens to me." he complained, though his eyes where twinkling with laughter. " "i don't like my men that lively, they wear me out." he complained. "i suppose it's good that you have two of them though, now they'll wear each other out, instead of you." he teased with a snicker before he sighed a little. "i'm worried Sig... Tony's going to attract a lot of nasty attention on this one. it's one thing to power houses and vehicles, it's another to make Asgaurdian level weapons. Odin is going to see all of this as a direct threat now..."

"i know Tony, but it's important." Loki admitted softly, handing the puppies off to Pepper who smiled as she fussed over them. "Tony.. i hate to tell you this, because what you've achieved in that bow is nothing short of... amazing! you're light years ahead of what any earthling should be capable of." Loki admitted, biting his lip. "but your clean energy, and the weapon you just made are easily of asgaurdian quality." Loki explained. "you understand what that means don't you? it means that as soon as Odin becomes aware that you are capable of making such things, on your own no less, you're going to be a target. a big one." he admitted, looking worried. "Tony... Odin fears anything that can become better than him. and you're well on your way to doing that. if he finds out, he'll try to have you killed!"
"Oh, you're worried about me and those beautiful asgardian virgins now?Hmm..."Tony snickered a little before kissing loki back before wincing at pepper's words. "...Uh...yes.And it wasn't anything bad!I just wanted to see what they'd do."Tony whined a little. "Do you want me to beat him up, pep, find out what he did?"Fenris offered looking amused and struggling to not laugh. "Because I'm amazing, and should always be listened to.And I listen to you. Usually obey to."Sigyn pointed out to her lover, smiling as she rested her head on his shoulder before nodding. "I'm worried to...the only thing that might save him is that thor knows we're living here. Odin might, might, think it's us helping tony protect himself and the others, instead of building them on his own."She muttered.

Tony looked hurt before his face closed down, reacting like he'd had so many times when howard scolded him for coming up with things. Swallowing hard he frowned slightly. Biting his lip as he tensed, because he knew that it would kill him to say what he said next, but he would try. "...I'll stop creating things....Stark Industries have enough new things to sell for the next century without me making anything new...I'll just be iron man, and work on the suit.."He muttered staring at the floor, backing away from the idea of making things, actually considering giving up a big part of his life, because he didn't want loki to have to worry about him more then just being iron man already made the man worry. While he knew it was a stupid idea, and that he probably couldn't give it up, be dammit he could try.
Loki smirked. "i am worried about all those cute asgaurdian virgins. your just too handsome for your own good, they might mob you." he teased with a laugh. "Tony stark!" Pepper complained before she smiled sweetly at Fenris. "oh no, we wouldn't want you to break a fang on Tony's hard head!" she stated, offering Tony a glare as Loki laughed. "it's alright Pepper, really it is, i've checked them myself, they're harmless." "but he didn't KNOW that when he USED them, now DID he!?" "well of course he did, even he's not THAT stupid." Loki stated with a tsk, because he knew very well that's exactly what Tony did... but it was his duty to protect Tony from his own idiocy.

Loki flinched at the hurt look on Tony's face and moved forward, settling his hand on Tony's face. "Tony! that's not what i want!" Loki complained. "right now, things are dangerous, that's true. but once Odin and Thor are dealt with, we won't have to worry about them anymore. i don't want you to stop creating things tony! it's so amazing what you can do!" Loki admitted. "you're more of a genius than i ever was..." he admitted. "you can do so much good with the things you've made. and i know you can make more amazingly fantastic things." he admitted. "but, we need to keep the Clean energy hidden from Thor right now." he explained. "we need to make it seam as if Sigyn and i helped you make that bow. i know it will be a lie, and i know it's not fair, but i would rather lie, and let you live to far outstrip anything us Asgaurdians are capable of, then tell the truth and see you dead." Loki admitted, pulling Tony into a tight hug. "i'd die if i lost you Tony... you're all i have in this miserable existence..." he admitted. "just for now... we have to keep your amazing miracles a secrete. and as soon as we're safe, we'll reveal all of your miracles to the world... all the worlds... ok?" Loki asked softly, hoping he had fixed everything. "i still have things to show can you make my theories truth, if you don't invent anymore?"
Tony frowned slightly as he watched the other's face, his shoulders slouching a little, turning his face into the other's hand, taking comfort in the touch. "okay. Cause I have a idea for cap's suit. and some non rippable pants for bruce when he goes hulk..."He muttered relaxing as he realized he didn't have to stop, before sighing quietly. "Which means I can't tell the board yet about the cars...thor's blind, but I'm pretty sure someone would notice them if I showed anyone..."he muttered looking put out and hurting because it was to much like andrew stealing his idea, even if he knew the intent was totally different, the memories were to close to the surface for him to be easy about it. Shifting he wrapped a arm around the other's waist, resting his head on his shoulder. "okay....and I'll definitely help you with your theories, no matter what they are."He grinned a little, pleased with the idea and willing to do whatever he wanted, as long as loki was with him.

A few days later sigyn winced as she rubbed her forehead, the headache that had been plagueing her for days was screwing up her concentration, wincing as she did up her dress, huffing out a sigh. While she didn't want to go, she wasn't about to ruin tony's night by refusing to go either. The genius deserved some attention, especially after they'd shaken him with the idea of what odin would do if he found out about his inventions. "Did anyone get tony out of his lab?It'd suck to go to this party, and not have the man of the hour show up."She snickered a little because she knew loki had gotten him, but tony by himself would have probably skipped out on the presentation of the clean energy cars if left to his own devices, and lost track of time. Thank god loki and pepper were able to convince him to leave the lab most days.

Tony smirked a little as he did up his tie, tilting his head towards loki."Are you sure this is okay?I mean, I can always delay until later showing them the cars..."He said still not looking sure about it, despite loki telling him it was okay as long as it appeared sigyn and loki had helped him figure it out instead of figuring it out on his own.
Loki smiled a little before he looked curious. "non rip pants? you'll have to make some very stretchy material... if it's uncomfortable, he won't wear them... maybe you could make them into undershorts? like, a tank top and boxers so he can wear them under his normal clothes. that way he'll never be naked." he pondered. "i have no ideas on Steve's suit other than please, PLEASE don't make it red white and blue. i know he's gay but he doesn't have to broadcast it." he admitted with a smile. "i know this really sucks." he admitted. "but when all this is over, i'll tell the world about your remarkable achievements." he promised with a smile. "and if i turn you into a Demigod, Odin won't be able to do anything about your technological advancements... of course... technically, you have to be dying before i'm allowed to do that..." he admitted with a shrug. "but it's something to look into for the future." he admitted with a smile.

Steve and Clint both moved over to her, helping her put the final touches on her dress. "yes, Tony's out... for once." Steve promised with a smile. "Loki even has him dressed up all nice and spiffy." he promised. "are you feeling alright? are you sure you want to go? you've had a headache for some time now... maybe you're getting sick with something?" Steve asked, fussing over the other, worried.

Loki smiled at Tony and nodded. "of course this is alright." he promised the other. "you deserve this." he promised, setting his hand on Tony's shoulders. "remember. you are brilliant, and this is something that this world needs. we don't have to say a word about it, Thor will simply think that you got the idea and the knowladge from us. we simply won't deny it." he promised. "everyone else will know that this was your idea." he promised, kissing Tony's forehead. "now come on, i have a special present for you once we're done with the party." Loki admitted with a grin as he took Tony's hand. "we have to hurry or Pepper and Sigyn will be angry at us for being late though..." he warned. "and Pepper can set things on fire on purpose now, so we have to make sure to stay on her good side. thank goodness she's too uptight to be a super-villain."
Sigyn smiled a little as the boys helped her with her dress, looking amused. "Wow. Tony looking spiffy and like a businessman. That's fairly amazing."She giggled a little wincing as it made her head hurt before nodding slightly. "Sick maybe...if it's not gone at the end of the party, I'll let loki try to figure out. He might not be good with healing magic, but he's good at figuring out what's wrong."She muttered though she suspected it was odin's seers and sorcerers trying to make her weak, vulnerable to whatever they were sending, be it a sickness or a attack. But since she couldn't do anything about it without making things worse and there was only so long the spell could remain in effect, she'd wait to see what came next, trusting the boys to take care of her.

Tony smiled looking at the man, relaxing. "I do, don't I?"he muttered leaning down to kiss him before smirking. "It's a good thing your brother is dim, otherwise he wouldnt be that easily fooled."He muttered before looking up at the slightly taller man, raising a eyebrow."You have a present for me?Can I have it now?"He asked as they headed for the elevator to go to the garage, for once not holding the party at the tower but at the stark expo building, wincing. "I know. She threatened to light my hair when I tried to explain about the nanobots. And she'd be scary as a super-villian. Worse then you."He teased as they met up with clint, sigyn and steve on their way to the party."So, who wants to drive loki's car?"he called already heading for his, though the vehicles were supposed to be at the party already, he'd had a last minute panic attack and brought all four home to do one last test on the two cars, motorcycle, and kids toy car. Thankfully he'd had the kids car already taken back, and bruce was driving his motorcycle, so he just had to get the cars back, and then pepper couldn't yell at him
Steve chuckled and nodded. "yeah, it's pretty frightening." he admitted with a smile. "alright. after the party we'll have Loki doctor you up. in the meantime... i suppose offering you an aspirin wouldn't be much help, would it?" he asked, sighing a little as they led her to the Garage.

"you so do. and you look wonderful." he agreed with a smile. "so sexy." he admitted with a grin. "Thor is very Dim, and Odin thinks far too little of the human race. he wouldn't beleive you could come up with this stuff yourself even if he watched you do it." he admitted with a roll of his eyes. "so we're fine." he hoped... "no you can't have it now." Loki stated with a chuckle. "you'll just have to wait. i can't have you getting distracted while you're giving the presentation." he teased before he blinked at Tony. "why would you try to explain yourself, when you know you did something stupid? honestly Tony." he complained with affection. "i can't be there to protect you from Pepper all the time you know." he admitted with a smile. "still, those Nanobots are very'll have to keep playing with them, who knows what else you'll be able to get them to do. besides, i was a terrible super villain." he complained with a sniff. "i was far too dramatic." he admitted with a grin. "no one but Sigyn is allowed to drive my baby!" Loki seethed, frightening Bruce and Clint both, as they had been about to fight over who got the honor. Bruce sulked but hopped on his motorcycle and drove off as Loki handed Sigyn the keys to his car before hopping in with Tony, offering him a grin. "Sigyn should feel honored. she's never been allowed to drive my car before... i hope she doesn't drive too recklessly... what if she scratches it?" he wondered, looking over at his precious car. wondering if he aught to drive himself... but he didn't want to leave Tony alone... the man might bolt again...
"But, I want it now!It'll distract me from my presentation wondering what it is. And you still haven't given me my shower cure."tony pouted because the last few days he hadn't really showered, more washed up in the sink because he just didn't care enough to shower, and loki hadn't complained he smelled, so he was okay. And when he'd gotten a shower to get ready for the party, loki hadn't joined him because they would have gotten distracted so...yea, he wanted both his shower surprise and the new surprise now. "Because she was glaring at me!I thought if I explained, she wouldn't fry me."Tony su;ked before smirking a little. "I'll definitely keep playing with long as you're playing with me to."Tony said giving him that perverted little smirk before nodding. "Definitely to dramatic. That was way to dramatic."Tony said rolling his eyes as he slid into the car. "I feel special now."Sigyn snickered as she took the car keys smirking to herself as she watched tony and loki exit the garage, before tossing the keys to clint. "Steve gets to drive home."She said snickering as she slid into the car, snuggling against steve, because she knew she couldn't focus enough to drive, smirking to herself as she let the men drive her, and while she knew loki would freak out, she also knew if she told him why she didn't want to drive, he'd be okay with it....eventually...

"Sigyn is the least reckless person I know. And you know she'd fix it before you saw a scratch, I mean, she turned my suit pink, I'm fairly certain she can take care of your car."Tony teased as he drove to the expo center, driving straight into the party room, smirking at the steady purr of the engine. "I bet you someone tries to buy my car tonight."He said smirking at loki as he looked over, his eyes widening when he saw clint driving, choking on his laughter as the other couple pulled in after him, all the vehicles parked and on display to the board and the rest of the guests who'd turned to stare at them. Because they knew he was unvieling a new project, but he'd kept what it was exactly a surprise.So seeing him show up in a car was a surprise.
Loki chuckled a little. "i know. i'm sorry." he muttered, kissing Tony's forehead. "we'll take a shower together tonight and then i'll give you you're other surprise." he promised with a smile. "and she was glaring at you because you did something stupid." he teased with a grin. "you really should have known better than to antagonize her." he admitted with a laugh. "besides, i was intending on being dramatic so you would stop me. or do you REALLY think super villains really pause in their plans to conquer the world to monologue?" he asked with a smirk. "Pepper certainly wouldn't, she'd just kill you and then be on her merry way." he pointed out. "...that doesn't make me feel any better Tony!" Loki complained, offering his lover a small glare. "turn around! i want to drive my car..." he complained before watching as the board of directors gaped at him... well, the new board of directors anyway, all of them fresh from business school. most of them anyway.

"YOU LET HIM DRIVE MY CAR!!!!" Loki roared, making a beeline to his vehicle as Clint got out, laughing as Loki examined every inch of his baby. "my poor, beautiful car! what did you DO?! drive her through a mud field, go Drag racing!?" Loki demanded, looking for scratches, dings, dirt. "...well... there's nothing wrong..." Loki muttered, looking highly suspicious at Clint. "i'm watching you like a Hawk!" Loki growled before tossing his head and stalking off, the board of Directors staring at him with amusement. Clint just kept on laughing as Pepper buried her face in Fenris's chest to hide her own laughter. Loki was such a Diva. he really was. "isn't that.. you know.. the guy who tried to take over the world?" one of the new board of directors asked Pepper who laughed and shook her head. "no. he's actually the one who sacrificed almost everything to save it. he made himself a whipping boy." she explained, the rest of the board looking highly impressed that someone would willingly accept punishment for something that wasn't their fault. "so, what have you got for us Mr. Stark?" the chairman asked, looking excited. "Mrs. Potts hasn't even given us a hint!" he complained, pouting at Pepper who laughed. the new staff seamed to be very well chosen.
"Good. I need a good shower."Tony huffed before pouting. "Well, yes, but I wasn't trying to antagonize her."Tony sulked before staring at the other, before nodding. "Most of the ones I've met have, actually."Tony said sounding thoughtful before snickering. "No, I'm not turning around, and stop being such a drama queen."Tony said rolling his eyes a little looking amused at the young staff. it was so refreshing to see such young people....the fact that he was going to have fun screwing with the new kids who didn't know how to handle one eccentric, genius billionaire was just a bonus to having a compentant staff.

"I did."Sigyn winced as loki roared, watching him examine the car. "Just calm down loks."Sigyn said before snickering at tony's words as he got out of the car. "...does it make you feel weird hawkeye, that the reindeer is watching you like a hawk?"Tony said the billionaire looking amused as he watched his lover stalk off. Fenris smirked as he wrapped his arms around pepper, pressing a kiss to her head,"Father is such a diva."he muttered rolling his eyes a little before smirking as he watched tony. "Well thats cause I told her not to. I wanted to be the one to show you that not only can it be done, but that I did it multiple times."Tony grinned, that perverted look on his face, because he was tony stark, and he could make anything a double entrandre. "Tony, just show them the car, they don't want to know about your sex life. They've probably seen enough of it on youtube."Sigyn said smirking as she leaned into clint's arms.

Tony rolled his eyes,"Cap, will you pop the hood on the lamborghini for me?"Tony said as he reached into the car to turn it back on, "I'd be wasting so much gas just letting these babies idle here...."Tony said looking amused as he popped the hood, smirking at the slight glow of the arc reactor as he raised the hood to show the board. "If they ran on gas that is. I dropped one in my personal car that I built around the engine, and then when the last board told me it would never work effectively, or be able to put it in older models, I dropped one in the Lamborghini and the motorcycle...and the kid's car..."
Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "yeah, you are starting to smell a bit." he agreed with a snicker before he blinked. "...really?" he asked, looking baffled. "it must be a human thing... or a megalomaniac thing..." he mused with a smile. "i AM a Drama Queen! i have the panties to prove it!" Loki complained, sulking before he snorted. "try to be at least a little nice to the young things, hmm Tony?" he asked with a grin before he glared at Sigyn. "You let that BEAST of a man drive my baby!" he complained. "i will not speak to you for 't least an hour for this affront!" "wow... what a punishment. silence for an entire hour. whatever shall we do?" Steve mused, Clint snickering. "he really is!" Pepper managed to gasp out throug her giggles before she offered a glare at Tony for his bad jokes. most of the young staff blushing hard as they tried to figure out of Tony was really going to do THAT in front of all of these people...

"oh WOW!" the chairman gasped, looking entirely impressed. "in the Children's toy too?" he asked, looking amazed. "but it works on batteries, not on an engine! he was already examining the little toy car, Bruce laughing as he backed up before he was crushed by the throne of excited people wanting to look at the clean energy engine on his motorcycle. "DON'T TOUCH MY CAR!" Loki squealed, trying to chase people away from his purple baby. "you're getting fingerprints and greasy hand marks all over it!!!!" he gasped as an explosion rocked the building, smoke filling the air and Debris falling all over everything. "Ah, the Avengers. all together in one place, and weaponless." a gruff man growled as he stepped forward, him and twenty other men all holding heavy artillery. "i am Viper, and you're new toys are mine!" he hissed before he paused and stared. "those aren't weapons you IDIOT!!!" the man in the viper mask raged, grabbing one of his white masked followers and shaking him hard. "no matter! we'll just take Tony Stark himself then! he'll fetch a pretty ransom at least!"
"Hey!I don't smell, I did shower before the party you know."Tony sputtered before smirking. "...I should get to see your panties more. It'd inspire me to work harder."Tony decided before pouting. "I'm always nice."He said looking amused. "Loks, my head hurts. I figured me driving was a bad idea."Sigyn said sounding just as annoyed as loki before nodding. "Hm, I'm sure I can enjoy the silence. Maybe we could make it last longer?"sigyn muttered. "Don't glare at me!It's not nice."Tony said scowling at pepper as he watched the chairman look at the cars.

"Yea. All a battery is a mini-engine, without all the extra parts. A battery is just a power source. And since the arc reactor is just a good battery, trust me I know from experience it really is just a battery, the toys work."Tony said looking amused before wrapping a arm around loki's neck, pulling him into his side, tugging him away from the car. "Leave them alone, reindeer."he muttered nearly falling to his knees as the explosion knocked him off balance, already raising his wrist, Sigyn's shield flairing to life to offer him some protection as he faced the man. "I don't make weapons anymore, snakeboy."Tony said edging closer to the windows, having every intention of drawing the man's attention towards him while he gave loki and sigyn a shot at his back, not to mention clint who had his bow, and natasha who was already making her way towards them, hustling the board of directors towards the door. Tony talking because it gave everyone a chance to get on the ball, hating himself a little for having not done the intelligent thing and brought the suit with him, but he'd assumed he wouldn't need it. Definitely never making that problem again. "Though I gotta say, I wont be worth as much as you seem to think I will be.They find me annoying most days."Tony said.
Loki laughed a little at Tony's sputtering. "yes but you didn't use the shampoo i like." he teased, well aware that tony only ever used the one shampoo. Loki loved the smell of it. "you have a headache?" Loki asked, forgetting his ire in favor of fretting over Sigyn. "it's rare for you to have a headache..." he admitted. "how long have you had it?' he asked before he was distracted by the people touching his precious car. "leave them alone!? their dirtying my car!" he complained before wincing as they where attacked, scowling as he realized that there where still terrorists out to get tony. "oh? no more weapons?" Viper demanded before he grabbed the man to his left and gave him another firm shaking. "All of your information is WRONG!!!!" "B..But... the Suit! the Iron man suit! he was s..supposed to present it to the government!" the man wailed, Pepper snapping to attention. "Ariel Rodriguez! you slimy bastard!" Ariel, which was a stupid name for a man, had worked for Tony until he was fired just before Pepper canceled the order for the Government to have an iron man suit of their own. so while the idiots information was a few weeks outdated, it had been correct at one point. "USELESS!" Viper raged, tossing Ariel off into the background.

"Don't move Stark!" Viper demanded, aiming what looked like a small Cannon straight for Tony's chest. "we can't have you getting any smart ideas. after all. Venom, Scales! deal with the others!" "Sir yes Sir!" yelled two of the men, who had golden masks instead of white. they wasted no time in shooting off the mini cannons, blasting the floor into pieces, sending the Avengers tumbling into the basement levels below. now the Avengers where split into three different locations, and they each had their own team of white masked freaks to deal with.
"I do, and I know. About two days, it wasn't so bad at first, but its getting worse the longer it sticks around."Sigyn said looking up at loki looking amused as loki complained as the car was touched. Tony's eyes widened a little as he watched viper and the man, "Sorry, it seems you've been running on bad intel"Tony said swallowing hard as he looked at the cannon, raising his hand a little, seeing the air slightly where it rippled, seeing sigyn's shield between the two of them. "Ah, but that's why we have the others."Tony said watching slowly as the others fought before shifting, knowing he was going to get hit, but willing to risk it as he lundged for viper, gasping as the small cannon fire burned his side as viper fired at him, both of them crashing to the floor as he hit the man. Blue white magic pouring down his hands as he reacted instinctively to being hurt badly scrambling backwards as the magic bound viper up and literally left him helpless at tony's feet.

Swaying on his feet as the bonds that kept the man's godhood repressed snapped, not to mention the blood pouring down his side he stumbled a little before slouching to his knees, "Loki!"he yelled looking around and realizing that he was alone on this floor, and knowing he was probably making a mistake, but he was quickly losing his fight to staying conscious before his body realized that he did indeed need to go down and stay down, no matter that he was in the middle of a fight as he was being changed from mortal to immortal, mortal to god, without any help from loki. He needed protected, otherwise the enemy was going to have a chance to kill him, before any of the others could get back up to protect him. But the magic pouring out of him didn't care, and the last thought on tony's mind as he slid to unconsciousness was of loki.

"Loki!go after tony,we have this."sigyn yelled over the sound of panicked shouts and scrambling to get over debris to check on the others even as she tossed small firballs at the mdn still firing at them, shieling everyone as best she could.she couldn't stip bullets for long,t was to much energy,but she could shut the gunmen down long enough to give the rest of the avengers a chance to get their bearings and take care of things.
Loki nodded. "it's probobly not a normal headache then, i'll take a look at it later." he promised before being entirely distracted by the group of terrorists. no Asgaurdian would be after the iron man suit, and no Asgaurdian would simply rely on a bunch of humans, so the likelihood of these guys working for Thor or Odin was slim... but there was that niggle of doubt, after all... there where very few coincidences when it came to gods. he didn't have time to worry about it though, as the floor caved in, sending them tumbling into the basement with Clint Jor Natasha and Steve.

"Viper roared as Tony lunged, firing on the man. Viper didn't need an excuse to kill Tony after all, he'd get paid if Tony was alive or dead, along with the rest of the Avengers. he had no chance though, not when Tony Stark was involved. he felt himself be completely immobilized, like all of his muscles had locked against him. he had to smirk as he watched Tony go down, good, the man was dead... now he just had to figure out a way to see himself freed.

"God Damn It Sigyn! my eyes have gone all fucked up again! stupid eyes!" Clint raged as he took his ire out on the terrorists who where trying their damnedest to kill the avengers. on the other side of the basement, separated by the massive support wall, they could hear Pepper raging and small explosions rocking the building. clearly someone had lost her temper again. hopefully Pepper remembered to blast the enemy, and not her allies. "Jor! help your mother!" Loki demanded even as he followed Sigyn's orders and transported himself up, snarling as he saw Tony laying in a pool of his own Blood. "Tony!" Loki yelped, rushing over to his lover and gently cradling him, gasping as he was launched away from Tony by a rush of magic. Tony's own natural magic protecting him even while unconscious. Loki wrapped protections around himself and crawled forward again, more cautiously before gasping at what he saw. Magic and Nanobots alike, working on Tony's injury... all of his injuries. including the scars that Tony felt so self conscious about. the over flux of Magic was also making Tony's hair grow. Loki had to smother a laugh, it was down to Tony's waist already! his lover was going to be furious, but it wouldn't be hard to cut the hair. Tony was certainly alive, and nearly safe from any physical attack. but magic... or guns, could still hurt him, so Loki gently picked Tony up, and transported him to his hidden house, the one he and Sig had lived in before they'd moved in with the Avengers. he settled Tony onto the bed, and wrote Tony a note in case tony woke up before they got back... doubtful, but possible, and transported himself back tot he fight. "Sig! Tony's safe, i took him to our house... finish them off, we have their leader immobilized upstairs!" no they didn't. without close contact to Tony's magic, the bonds had snapped, leaving Viper free to escape.
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