
Clint and Steve laughed a little at her comment and shook their heads. both of them very, very satisfied. they'd buggered each other, and her, until they where limp kneed. they hadn't actually given her sex, but they did take turns giving her oral so she could have her orgasms and pleasure as well. Hela had said that would be alright so long as they didn't get too rough. "wow. Tony did a number on the place." Steve mused with a smile as he looked around. "i'll get the Lysol." "i'll get the bleach." "i doubt they are up yet. they must have been going all night."

Loki's hand reached out and snagged the Cigarette suddenly, taking a deep drag of his own before giving it back to Tony with a groan. "that... was... awesome." Loki groaned with a smile. "i no longer have the urge to hump your leg. i do think that you literally fucked me right out of my heat." he admitted with a smile as he watched the other. "feeling alright? want me to get Steve? i think he and Clint and sig are at my house." he admitted as he stretched, ignoring the many bruises, bite marks, and rope burns on his body. he felt better than he had in his entire LIFE! " bastard..." Loki complained, realizing the Cock Ring was on him still. and active. he wasn't hard, too satisfied for that, but it meant he couldn't have his normal 'after shower' masturbation.
Tony started a little as loki took his cigarette, frowning slightly as he looked up at the man, taking it back and blowing smoke before looking uncertain, “...I thought pregnant people couldn’t smoke. I mean, isnt it bad for you...”Tony said looking annoyed as he studied the other man, blowing the smoke out the window, having moved all the way over here so loki wouldn’t be exposed to the smoke. So clint was right, no matter how much he was in a absolute panic and losing his mind, tony stark was already in love with his child, and had every intention of protecting them, even if it was from loki to. “Good. Cause I could use some time without getting jumped. Not that it wasnt fun, but I want to get some work done.”Tony snickered a little before frowning slightly as the other mentioned his mood, before deliberately not saying anything about it, before smirking. “I am a bastard, as your brother didn’t marry my mother.”he teased a little before smiling a little. “I’m going to go get some breakfast, then go down to the lab if you want to come down and talk after your shower.”He muttered stretching himself as he stood, kissing the other lightly as he headed for the door, to relaxed at the moment to worry about the panic hovering just out of reach. To satisfied to worry about it.

“Yea...I suddenly feel the urge to dress in tony’s colors, just to blend in.”Sigyn snickered a little as she looked around before nodding. “Then we have time to clean. Definitely not climbing out of bed yet, if they did all this.”Sigyn said before staring at the billionaire walking out of his bedroom, dressed in black sweats tony looked no worse for teh wear for his allnight pounding session, if anything he looked like he spent the night in his lab, though there were scratch marks were loki’s nails had dug in along his arms and back, along with a perfect bite mark on his shoulder. The man definitely looked like he’d spent the night having sex, though instead of tired, the genius looked like he was energized by it. “....Good morning.”Tony stopped at the front of the hall, flushing ever so slightly as he realized they were home, having not realized they were back yet.
Loki smiled a little as he watched the other. "mmm, Human's are not supposed to smoke. as it can affect the Fetus. with my magic, as long as i don't smoke a pack a day, or drink too excessively, the fetus won't be harmed." he promised. "it's like a filtering system, only the good things can get in. that's why we don't have issues with still births or any development issues because if the Baby doesn't form properly, the Magic steps in and helps the baby." he admitted sleepily. "a random puff here and there won't hurt the children, and i don't intend to drink at all. i'll have to be careful with what kind of magic i do as well. though, at this stage, the more genetic material you give me... that being cum, the healthier the babies will be." he admitted. "granted, after that Marathon it will be at least a week before i crave your genetic material." he admitted with a smile. "you loved getting jumped." he teased with a chuckle before whining. "can't you take the ring off first? Tony? Tony!..." he complained, sulking as Tony left before he smiled, looking down at his belly. "did you see that, little ones? Daddy loves you." he chirped, looking so damn happy he thought he was going to cry as he rubbed his belly and settled into the shower. he'd just have to forgo the jerking off this time.

Clint and Steve both offered her scowls. "please, i'd rather not be sick this early in the morning." Clint grumbled, Steve nodding his agreement. "lord, we have to clean up their mess?" Clint complained, Steve fixing him with a look. "what do you mean WE? i'm the one who does ALL the cleaning in this place." he pointed out making Clint smile sheepishly before turning to gape at Tony. "holy hell Tony, did you piss him off?!" Clint demanded, examining the claw marks Loki had left behind. "christ, he drew blood..." Steve muttered, looking amused. "well. at least you had a good night. where did you put the bleach?" Steve demanded. "i have to wipe down every surface of the house, just in case you touched it with your sex."
Tony raised a eyebrow before relaxing, shutting the window as he realized it was cold out, but he’d wanted to smoke more then he’d not wanted to freeze. But if it was okay, he wasn’t going to freeze since loki’d said he was okay. “Ah. Well, that’s actually fairly cool.”Tony said looking interested in the idea, oh yea, definitely going to be a interesting project as the genius got to study a magical pregnancy. It was going to be interesting. “...I see how it is. Give you everything, and I don’t get anything for a week.Damn.”Tony sulked though he to, was to satisfied to be really interested in sex yet. Grinning as loki complained, he smirked as he walked out of the room.

“Sorry. But its and gold in’s sorta cool, in a obnoxious Stark kind of way.”Sigyn snickered a little before laughing as teh boys argued. “Just tell tony to clean. It’s not like he couldn’t magic everything clean when he gets moving.”Sigyn pointed out before gaping slightly as she stared at the billionaire, oh yea, he’d definitely had a sexathon. “No. Though he’s probably pissed now,,he’s not going to enjoy his shower as much as normal.”Tony said snickering to himself as he smoked, definitely going to be a chain smoker until someone convinced him to stop, and he was actually wondering why he’d bothered to stop, glancing at his arms to look at the bloody claw marks. “Hall closet. And what do you guys want for breakfast?” “You’re not cooking, stark. Sit. Relax. And stop smoking. Its not good for you.”Sigyn scolded lightly as she walked to the kitchen, while she couldn’t stay up and movign for long, she could get them breakfast, starting to make waffles, figuring tony could use his comfort food. "It wont kill me, I can filter the bad crap out of it with magic."Tony said, taking loki's words about the kids, and applying them to himself having figured it out as soon as the other said it. So he was getting all the benefits of smoking, without any of the problems. No matter how self-destructive he was when he was stressed, he was also keeping himself from getting to badly, with not drinking continuously and actually starting to sober up, and making sure the smoking wasn't going to cause problems.
Loki smiled a little. "i have books." he assured the other. "on Jotun pregnancy." he explained further. "i left them on your desk." he admitted with a stretch. "i knew you'd want them once you calmed down a little." he admitted with a smile. "besides, i didn't say i was going to wait a week, i just said i wouldn't be craving it." he pointed out. "after all, you still eat ice-cream, even when you're not craving it." he pointed out with a chuckle. "we'll probobly have sex tonight you insatiable brute." he teased with a grin. "go play with your toys, i'll join you once i'm finished with my shower." he promised.

"...not enjoy his shower? Tony what did you do to him?" Clint asked, looking amused. "and does he look as bad as you do?" he asked curiously. "actually." Hela stated as she walked in, plucking the cigarette from Tony. "it can filter, MOST of the bad stuff. Loki's filter is working double, even quadruple to protect the infants. if you smoke too much human cigarettes you, WILL feel the effects. the chemicals in here can kill parts of your magic if you smoke too much." she stated simply. "keep it under a pack a day and you should be fine." she promised. "i can get you some Pipeweed if you REALLY have to smoke. it's a lot like Tobacco, only not bad for you... very bad for mortals, don't let Natasha inhale any of the smoke, but not dangerous for Asgaurdians. i just came by to give Father a checkup." Hela explained. "Shock and extreme stress can disrupt the magic flow." she explained. "last night was a fairly big shock to his system, i just want to make sure everything is working correctly." she admitted. "i'm fine, i checked the magic flow just a second ago." Loki came in, dressed in his most sexy of outfits. "like i'm going to trust YOU." Hela grumbled, Loki scowling. "i have had FOUR of you brats. i know what the magic is supposed to feel like!" Loki complained as he was sat down and sulked as Hela examined his stomach. "...the magic is fine and the Fetus's are very stable. a bit larger than usual." "sex marathon." "that would do it."
“I did alot of things to him.And he’s looking worse.” “We know that.”Sigyn pointed out smirking a little. “...he’s still wearing a cock ring. Can’t enjoy his shower jackoff.”Tony supplied snickering as sigyn whined, she should have known better then to actually ask him what he’d done. Tony sulked looking up at heal frowning ever so slightly before shrugging. “No, I’m good. There’s still alcohol in the house, I can drink.”Tony said simply trading addictions as easily as one might change clothes, and while he wanted to smoke, her words about the babies being in danger would keep him from actually smoking. “He’s in the shower.”Tony said when hela said she’d come to check up on loki. “We never belive you loki, when you’re checking on yourself.”Sigyn said looking amused as hela examined him, but looking relieved as hela said they were very healthy, smirking at hela.”Do you like the redecorating they did with their marathon?I think I’m going blind.” “I kinda like it.”Tony said as he looked around him smiling a little as he took a plate of waffles from sigyn and started eating. “Hela?You might want to check tony to.”Sigyn muttered quietly to hela, shooting a little to the genius who was eating with a single minded focus that bordered on obsessive. He was definitely trying not to think about the pregnancy, though it was obvious to that he was relieved at the news that everything was fine as his shoulders relaxed.
Clint and Steve both started to laugh at that, amused that Loki was being restrained by the very cock rings they both where wearing under Sigyn's 'magic word'. so they wouldn't 'get up to anything' without her. not that they would. it was only fun if she was watching. "i'd rather you smoked." Hela stated simply. "smoking will only hurt YOU. Drinking can affect the babies. as they absorb you're genetic DNA every time you have sex, they can also collect inebriation from you if you drink too much. a few drinks here and there won't hurt them, but being blinding drunk all the time can cause some complications." she admitted. "stick to smoking. and don't worry. you being drunk as a seaman last night won't have hurt the babies." she promised him. "it's hideous." Hela stated, grimacing at all the red and gold and Loki chuckled, throwing in green highlights. "there. much better." Loki chirped, watching Tony eat. "Tony's fine." Hela stated as she glanced at the billionaire. "he's in a heavy state of Denial and in a minor state of shock. nothing to be worried about. he's not depressed." Loki relaxed at that too. "now then, Father." Hela stated. "since you've been through four of us, i fully expect you to know what you need to do to stay healthy." "no sparring, more self exercise. long runs. no sex based, blood based, or magic over a singular level." Loki intoned obediently with a roll of his eyes. "no transporting after i am six months along, and no shapeshifting after seven unless i want to give birth to animals instead of babies." Hela nodded. "good. and go over those books with Tony." "i will." "i'm going back to have some more sex with Bruce." "have fun."
Sigyn snickered a little at that two, looking at the boys. Smirking slightly as tony looked up at hela, looking like a deer caught in the headlights, or a cat backed into a corner. Oh yea, definitely caught between his two addictions, he was at a loss on how to deal, because while he believed hela that it was okay, the reasonable-well, not so reasonable man- didn’t want to saddle the kids with more problems then they’d already have with having him as a father so he wanted to refrain from all things that could cause harm....the fact that it was his only way of dealing, he had no idea what to do. So even if she said smoking was okay, or a few drinks were okay, the man was only hearing the problems it could cause, and was already shrinking away from doing those things, as he didn’t want to cause harm. “Good.”Sigyn muttered relaxing, pleased that tony was okay, amused that the billionaire wasn’t even listening to them, before sighing quietly, smiling as she ate, trying not to feel left out that loki was having another baby, and she was being left out. Because while she loved the kids, she hadn’t carried them, and here loki was, already pregnant even if there were tony’s mental problems over it, they were still having kids. It was so adorable it made her heart ache.
Loki chuckled a little as he watched Tony, his head tilted. "Coffee won't hurt him." Loki pointed out, Hela grinning. "no, Coffee won't hurt him, and the boost of Caffeine might actually be good for the both of you right now." she admitted, lying only a little. it wouldn't hurtt them in the least. but it certainly wasn't going to assist them in any way. but Tony needed SOME sort of addiction. "and make sure you have enough sex Loki. the more genetic material you can get from Tony, the healthier the babies will be. you'll have to stop once you can't walk anymore of course, but you know all that." Hela stated simply. "and i'll get Tony some Pipeweed. that won't hurt him or the babies." "thanks Hela, though i'm not sure Tony will like the taste, he can try it at least." Loki mused. "if anything i'll get him some weed." "what, the Cannabis? yes that should be fine as well." she agreed with a nod. "though it might intreupt his ability to be a genius." "hmm good point. still we could try it at night when he's too restless to sleep." loki agreed with a smile before glancing at Sigyn, reaching under the table to take her hand and give it a small, gentle squeeze, comforting her. he knew how she felt, he also knew that those charms she had put on herself to prevent pregnancy, weren't working correctly because she had set them for a Demi-God and a mortal human. too bad Steve wasn't a mortal human. he had a feeling she was going to start getting morning sick herself. Steve would be so excited.
Tony looked up at that, studying the two before smiling. “I like coffee.” “oh gods. We’re going to suffer through him drinking obnoxious amounts of coffee now.”Sigyn whined looking amused though as tony pondered needing to have sex to make sure the babies were fine. It was definitely a sight to see to watch him think things through. “I’m always to restless to sleep.”Tony pointed out smiling slightly. Sigyn tilted her head slightly as she squeezed loki’s hand back, leaning over to kiss his cheek, “You’ll be fine.”She muttered knowing he was still worried about tony.

Nearly two weeks later Sigyn smiled tiredly as she climbed out of bed, smirking as she glanced down at the two boys sleeping in the bed. Having worn them out the night before, after hela said it was okay to go back to having sex, as long as they weren’t to rough, the woman was tired and achy, in a good way. And though the past two weeks had been hard on them all as tony went back and forth between fierce denial that he was going to be a good father and a manic workpace that had kept him in the lab for hours on end, it was obvious that they were all tired, emotionally worn out because tony himself just couldn’t get a handle on his emotions long enough to settle into being just being happy, though it was obvious that he was also cautiously happy about being a father...even if they had all had to witness the shitload of coffee he’d bought simply because he had more money then sense at the moment, and there were just way to many flavors of coffee for him to buy.

“.....have you convinced him that the cat shit coffee is ridiculous and overpriced?”Sigyn said smirking as she walked into the kitchen, waving loki away from the stove, “I’ll cook. You make his damned Luwak coffee.”She said, though she was pretty sure tony refused to move on from the civet coffee simply because the rest of them were mildly disturbed that it was made by letting a cat eat it first then shit it out....they were just having to deal with tony’s quirks, which all things considered, were going more harmless pranks then truly upsetting or dangerous towards anyone. Feeling sick herself, but having been so focused on loki and tony, not to mention just spending her time with the boys and recovering, she hadn’t realized yet that it wasn’t simply just being tired from being denied her magic, but being pregnant.
Clint and Steve where completely worn out, covered in love bites and long scratches... and most of them not from Sigyn at all. they liked to beat each other up, even in the bedroom... funnily enough, Steve was usually the submissive in the bedroom, loved to give up his control. but only to Sigyn. he so totally owned Clint's ass. Loki wasn't showing at all yet, but you could feel the difference to his magic now. it was fuller, yet much more internal as it focused on feeding the babes, giving them their own Magical core. "nope." Loki stated simply as he went to flip his Omelet. he had gotten over his 'eggs are bad' and now wanted them all the time. like, every meal all the time. every meal and in-between all the time. he had even entered Sigyn's bedroom at four in the morning, kicked Steve awake, made the good Captain make him eggs. that was when Steve showed Loki how to make his OWN 'damn' eggs. Loki chuckled as he headed for the Coffee machine and started it up with a twitch of his fingers. he refused to touch the coffee, considering it had come out of shit. so the beans where ground, magically, put in the filter magically, and made in the coffee pot with no touch at all. Loki wouldn't even Drink it... though, that was because anytime he tried to drink anything with caffeine in it, he immidiatly had to go puke. which included chocolate. which was very, very upsetting to Loki, who had thus banned anything cocoa from entering the house. Steve and Clint had a massive hidden stash in an airtight container so Loki wouldn't smell it.
”Tell him he needs a new addiction. I heard him up last night walking around. The caffeine’s going to drive us all insane.”Sigyn snickered a little because making fun of the billionaire when he wasn’t around amused her, especially when it was obvious he was dealing about as well as anyone would expect him to. Between sex and coffee, tony stark was coping. “You know, steve’s still not forgiven you for waking him up to cook.”She teased amused as she finished the food, sliding it onto a plate, leaning over to kiss loki’s cheek. “You’re good for him, loks.”She muttered wanting to reassure the man she was afraid who worry he was to much for tony, after all, loki was a hormonal bitch when pregnant, and she was way to used to soothing his emotions when he was pregnant. Wincing as she smelled the coffee she ran barely made it to the trashcan before she was throwing up the breakfast she’d eaten.

“...his cat shit coffee is making me sick. Tell him to get rid of it.”She whined as she looked up at loki, more amused then upset, having for a few days gotten sick randomly, she hadn’t really considered there was a cause, because she’d always been more prone to following loki’s lead when he was pregnant, as if her body was having sympathy pains for him, and she tended to get as sick as often as he did...poor woman was going to be blindsided by being pregnant. "Get rid of what?"Toyn asked as he walked into the room, his brown hair sticking up every which way, looking pleased and happy, more relaxed then he had been in days. Though the fact that he was carrying steve's finished outfit, was probably the cause of that.
Loki chuckled a little. "i think the more we have sex, the more hyper he gets." Loki admitted. "he might be part incubus." he mused playfully. "besides, he has to have something Sig! he won't smoke, despite my repeated reassurances that it won't hurt me or the babies. he won't drink because of me and the babies. he won't go fuck strangers because of me and the babies... although, i would like to watch him do that. that would be hot... so hot..." and Loki was off in dream land, imagining Kinky sex. "i'm not. i'm entirely too bitchy. but he's stuck with me, so i don't care... do you think i look fat yet?" Loki asked, looking worried. "i've gained ten pounds... do you think he'll still think i'm sexy when i look like a beached whale?" he asked before moving over to her, gently cradling her as she became ill.

"you're disgusting coffee is making Sigyn sick, it's disgusting." Loki growled, narrowing his eyes at Tony. "this is your last cup of that Crap, you're getting a new one." he demanded, rubbing circles in Sigyn's back. "maybe you should see Hela?" he suggested gently before blinking at the suit. "oooh you finished it!" Loki gasped, grinning as he glanced at Sigyn, his eyebrows wiggling as instantly he looked exactly like Steve, and was dressed in a carbon copy of the suit Tony was holding. well, in appearance anyway. he couldn't do what Tony did with such simple magic. "so. what do you think? is Steve sexy?" Loki asked, flexing his muscles. "wow... it's really weird having muscles.. i don't like it, i can feel my brain cells dying!" Loki immidiatly transformed into Tony and he sighed. "aaah that's better. i can see the answers to the universe! Tony! give Tony a kiss!" the fake 'tony' Demanded, wiggling his eyebrows before he paused. "...would this be masturbation, or incest?"
“Most definitely. You should stop doing that, so he can get some sleep.”Sigyn snickered a little because while there had been no marathons, she knew the billionaire was getting laid on a regular basis, if only because the man had a addiction. “I know I know, but the coffee’s annoying. He’s hyper.”She grumbled before smirking a little. “And here you were worried he didn’t want kids, he’s trying hard you know, to be good.”Sigyn snickered because she found it quite endearing actually, that tony was trying so hard to be a good dad, despite loki’s reassurance. Having asked him about it once and gotten a vague answer of ‘they’re already crippled with me as a dad, don’t want to do anything else to them.’ it was fairly despressing, though slightly amusing, that tony stark was such a obsessively good person, would be a good dad, and could still be this broken. “...You are not fat. And I think tony’ll want you whatever you look like...though you might be able to convicne him to have sex with someone else, once you can’t.”She pointed out even as she threw up.

“...Okay.Bag’s almost done anways.”Tony said shrugging a little, not in the least upset that they were dictating what kind of coffee he got. “I will.When she gets up.”Sigyn groaned still feeling sick as she slumped into a chair, looking amused as she watched the other two. “I did. And he is.”Tony snickered looking him over. “Are you calling my boy stupid?”Sigyn growled, the protective grumpiness in those growled words actually making tony take a step back before he looked at loki, “Weird, is what it is. And change back. It’s weird enough you changed into steve, I’m not making out with myself.”Tony said smiling at hela as she came in.”Good morning.”he chirped,a morning person despite the fact that he rarely was up in the mornings, it was more along the lines he got up when he got up, and since he rarely slept alot, it was at all odd hours.
Loki chuckled a little. "He's a God with more magical power than i have now." he pointed out. "ever since i've been training... and of all the unholy does his magic feel so good..." Loki purred. "what was i saying? oh right, that much magical power, he really only needs an hour or two of sleep a night anyway. you only sleep because you want to." he pointed out. "i on the other hand, have to, because these babies are making me exaughsted." Loki had taken to taking naps during the day. as was common with Jotun pregnancies. "of course he wants Kids, who wouldn't? he's just freaking terrified of them." he admitted with a grin. "i'm actually making freinds outside of the Avengers. Helblindi has a daughter. i'm kidnapping her for a day, let Tony get some practice." he admitted with a nod. "she's SO adorable! all blue and cute!" Loki gushed. "you'll get yo play with her too of course, her name is Hessa. which is a stupid name for a little girl, but she's not mine so i don't say anything." Loki admitted with a grin before he practically drooled at the suggestion of watching Tony fuck other people while he was too fat too.

"are you really alright Sig?" Loki asked, looking worried as he stroked her hair, his head tilted. "you don't usually get this sick when i'm pregnant. i mean, you puked when i puked but this is pushing things a bit far..." but Loki knew, he'd checked her himself, but she wouldn't beleive him because she was a jerk sometimes. "well, Steve is smarter than most muscle bound idiots." he admitted. "but he's still not as smart as me and i proved my theory that the more muscles you have, the more your brain is suffocated." he chirped before grinning at Tony. "but i like being like this. maybe i'll go masturbate and make you watch? oh wait! Stark!" he looked down expectantly at his cock and whined when it didn't work. "it's not FAIR Tony!" he whined before grinning at Hela, wiggling his eyebrows a little. "Hela! Sigyn is sick." "Mother?" Hela demanded, scolding Sigyn as she ran through the scans. "...well, that explains why your magic isn't recovering..." Hela mused, lifting an eyebrow as she glanced at Steve, "and why Steve and Clint's magic levels have been siphoned off a bit. don't worry they'll be fine." she assured Sigyn. "you're pregnant Mother." she informed the woman. "the baby isn't getting enough magic from you, so it's feeding off of Steve and Clint as well. it's perfectly normal." she promised the entire room as Steve gasped, pure delight etched on his face. "i'm... i'm... i'm..." and he promptly fainted which make Clint, who looked adorably sleepy groan. "it's too early for death threats..." he whined. "you're going to be a father." "WHAT!?" Clint demanded, clasping his arms around himself. "You told me the spells would keep me from getting pregnant!" "not YOU you idiot! Sigyn is pregnant." "oh thank god... oh my GOD! we... we need to go to the hospital! we need to buy bottles! we need baby clothes and a crib and... and... and..." and Clint promptly passed out to, Hela snorting. "they are never living this down Sigyn. i hope you know that." Loki commented, prodding Steve with the tip of his favorite boots.
"Very true....loki!focus."sigyn teased as she watched the man think about tony before making a face."I know but you'd think he'd want to take naps with you."sigyn snickered a little before nodding."I find it amusing tht hes more terrified of children then he ever is over life threatening situations."she said before her eyes widened."you made friends?wow."she teased her ex husband though she was indeed surprised,neither of them had made friends easily.before she smirked slightly."you better not give him any warning,if you do hes liable to lock himself in the lab...oh gods I forgot how girly you got when pregnant..."she whined playfully amused at how he was was so unlike him she couldn't help but find it endearing.

"I'm fine.juat cat eat early in the morning and I don't feel good and I hate it."sigyn grumbled even as tony loomed at her before promptly dumping the freshly made coffee and getting rid of the beans."sorry sigyn.ill find something that won't bother you."the brunette said looking her over.sensing something different but not knowing what it was.before smirking as he studied loki."go riht ahead and try that."he smirked as loki complained about masterbating."but if you change back I'll help you with that."the man said smirking at his pregnant lover.sigyn sighed as she looked up at hela,"I'm tired,and I feel sick."sigyn whined looking at her daughter.looking anxious as she realized shed been affecting the boys without meaning to."what is it?"she said sounding panicky before shaking her head."no!I can't be!I used a spell for that."she muttered because despite wamting kids,and knowing the boys did to,it still made her uneasy to be so when she hadn't planned on it.for a moment so lost in her own thoughts she didn't hear the boys reacting until she heard clint hit the floor.""I know."she responded to loki's words amused because the boys were so never hearing the end of it."nos what am I sulpposed to do?I can't faint."she whined. Tony smirked slightly shaking his head." least I didn't faint.that's something." " had a panic attack."sigtn pointed out. "Never said I was peerfect,just that I didn't faint."tony said looking amused.
Loki blinked at her. "i don't want to focus." he complained, rolling his eyes. "besides, i won't let him take naps with me or i never get to sleep." he grumbled. "Tony's so horny i think HE might be the one in heat." he admitted with a snigger. "i did make freinds." he admitted with a grin. "oh, alright i made A freind." he corrected himself with a roll of his eyes. "oh, he's not getting any warning." Loki admitted with a smirk. "in fact, she'll be here tonight." he admitted. "i am NOT girly! how DARE you!" he complained, only pretending to be furious. "Do these pants make my ass look big?" it was a very old joke. "you should have gotten rid of that Coffee before you even bought it." Loki complained. "it comes out of SHIT Tony! think of the diseases!" Loki complained, as he always did. "try that Columbian Vanilla Bean coffee, that looks really good." Loki admitted before he scowled. "i can't drink Coffee..." he whined. "don't buy the Columbian Vanilla Bean until i can drink some too!" he demanded before sulking at Tony's constant refusal to remove the cock ring. "you're so MEAN Tony!" Loki whined. "i'm ever letting you play with my breasts ever again!" he complained.

"Mother. did you set the spell for two Demi-gods, or for one Demi-God? you do realize that Steve isn't exactly human right?" she asked, looking amused. "by the way... someone needs to renew the spells on Steve or he's going to get pregnant too." "Steve can get pregnant?" "yes." Hela admitted, looking amused. "well... you could poke them with a stick... or molest them, that might be fun." Loki commented, poking Steve with a stick he'd conjured. "Tony... if you had the mental capacity to faint, you would have fainted." Loki teased with a grin. "you got so drunk you didn't even know your own name there for a moment." he teased with a chuckle as he shifted back into himself and continued to prod Steve, who was either playing dead, or was still unconscious. "by the way, we're having a guest tonight, so make sure all the sex toys and booze is picked up. also, we really have to figure out which of the puppies keeps crapping on the bathroom floor."
"Maybe he is. God knows he has the sex deive to wear out anyone...and don't fuck him,I don't think he'd enjoy being pregnant."she teased very aware of who was in charge.and it was definitely not loki."poor tony."she muttered amused because she knew he was going to panic even if spending time with a kid would be good for him. Raising a eyebrow she smirked."not yet."sigyn said her usual response to the joke.tony frowned slightly shrugging."despite being from shit,it was rated the best in the world. I wanted to try it."tony said shrugging not in the least upset about having to give it up.truthfully he was doing well for not having drunk more then a few sips of alcohol and no cigarettes in two weeks."there's other more interesting parts to play with."he said no in the least upset with loki's threat. "...did tony stark just admit breasts weren't that important?" "..shut up.besides he won't keep the threat.hhe enjoys me being a bastard to much to do so."

"Yes I know hes not exactly human."sigyn said scoeling not about to mention she'd messed up and set the spell for one demi god not two."tony,will you renew the spell please?"she said smirking a little as tony did so,not about to let the boys get pregnant when they were already getting to deal with her and loki.smacking loki on the arm lightly she frowned."leave them alone."she demanded even as she groped them a little,not about to pass up the chance."...I knew my screamed it enough times."tony teased before frowning."wa guest?who?"he asked before shrugging"its probably clint shitting everywhere when he gets in touch with his animal side."tony snickered a little. "It is not!"sigtn said so very protective of the boys while pregnant,even if she knew tony was just jerking her around and really didn't mean it.
Loki chuckled a little. "i love it, but i get so tired." Loki admitted with a sigh. "and no, Tony doesn't do 'bottom'. thank god. who knows how nasty his ass might be." Loki mused playfully. "i never did like being 'on top' anyway." he admitted with a smirk. "though, i did fuck Tony with that amazing Dildo the other day. he did seam to like that." he admitted with a grin before he focused on Tony. "it comes from Shit Tony... shit! i don't CARE how expensive it is, Shit tastes like Shit." he stated before sulking as he crossed his arms and pouted. "why are you being mean to me? i'm pregnant with your babies, you should let me have my morning masturbation." he complained, not about to admit to loving it when Tony was being a bastard.

"aaw Steve would look adorable all pregnant with Clint's baby." Loki chirped playfully. "i wonder which daddy belongs to the little one?" he mused. "it could be either." "it's probobly both." Hela stated. "there's been Gods with three sets of Genetics before." "really?" "yep. they are always highly powerful, and fantastically GORGEOUS!" Hela admitted with a chuckle. "yes a guest." he stated, watching Hela grope her boys, who both moaned and leaned into her, despite being out for the count. "potty training works on Ferals you know." Loki pointed out. "if it didn't, Fen, Jor, and Sleipnir would be crapping all over the place too. face it, one of your puppies is crapping all over the floor." he stated with a grin. "and he's probobly doing it because he knows it pisses me off. just like their daddy." he complained affectionately. "now, do i get my morning Blowjob or not?" "not in here you don't." Bruce complained as he walked in, blinking at the felled Demi-Gods. "what did you do to them this time?" Bruce demanded, eying up Loki and Tony. "i laid eggs in their bellies." loki chirped. "they'll be fine in about nine months or so."
Sigyn smirked a little."I wouldn't tell him you think his ass is nasty.he might be offended."she teased a little as she watched the teo.tony teitchdd slightly at the mention of the babirs,but at least bringing it up no longer sent him scurrying out of the room in a panic."done complaining?"tony muttered leaning down for a kiss.

"That would be fairly adoarable."she agreed a slight dreamy look on her face as she imagined it."of course they're going to be gorgeous and powerful.have you seen its father?"she said giggling a little.tony sighed at the logic in loki's words before nodding."I'll try potty training them again...and I piss you off?"tony asked the words light and joking but there was real concern in his eyes. Distracted from who their mystery guest could be by fussing over his mate. Before nodding a little."come on,I'll give you that blow job."he said smirking at bruce before sulking."why do you always blame us?I'll have you know it was sigyn this time."tony corrected.

"...sorry're going to have to put off that blow job.we have to go to"sigun said as she started shaking the boys' shoulders,whatever vision had been triggered making her start to panic despite the good news shed bedn given.acting much like she had when she'd first had the vision of the chilturi attack, and the fact that she was panicking that much said that what it was,it was going to be bloody.
Loki shrugged. "insulting or not, i'm not putting my cock up there." he stated with a chuckle before he pouted at Tony. "Complaining is my life!" he admitted before he chuckled at Tony. "of course you piss me off." he stated witha roll of his eyes. "all the time. it just gives me an excuse to have hot, angry sex with you. and punish you. and hmmm." Loki purred, eyes glazing over as Hela snickered. "i think he misunderstands the word 'pissed off'." Hela admitted, Loki shrugging. "i get mildly annoyed at him on various random occasions." Loki admitted. "and then i suck him off and he fucks me and i'm not annoyed anymore." Loki admitted. "especially considering the only time i'm annoyed is when he hasn't properly fucked me." he admitted with a nod. "speaking of which.." he complained again, sulking at Tony. "i haven't had morning sex yet."

"...but i'm horny!" Loki complained before he froze, staring at her, his eyes wide before he nodded. "Tony, are you ready?" Loki asked, setting a hand on the others arm. "we have to end it now..." he admitted, biting his lip and setting a hand to his stomach, worried about the babies. if Tony died... if Tony failed. "i need a moment." Loki stated, his voice cracking as he fled the room, popping into his and tony's bathroom to lean over the toilet and puke. it was one thing to train, it was another to actually go and do it. could he really ask Tony to KILL someone!? it went against everything Tony stood for. Tony never killed, not unless it was a complete accident. how could he ask this of his lover?!
“Ah I see.”Tony snickered a little looking a little glaze eyed himself as he considered that. “I think you’re right.”Sigyn agreed rolling her eyes as she watched the two men. The woman looking pale and shaken as loki complained, “Loki.”She said quietly panic showing in her eyes as she shook clint harder, needing him to get up.“I am. Don’t worry. I’m good.”Tony muttered smiling slightly as he looked down at loki, before looking anxious as loki took off.

“Loki?”Sigyn said as she walked into the bathroom, having got tony to help bruce wake up the boys, she’d come to get loki. “Loki, come. We have to go.”She said walking in, “I know you don’t want him to do this, I know it’s going to be brutal, but it needs done, please, let us go.”Sigyn said looking a little sick herself, because she didn’t want to tell him what she’d seen, was praying that what she had seen was only a might-have-been and not what was happening right at the moment, but she had a sickening feeling that she was getting the play-by-play, and that they were going to be to late, and that scared her, because she didn’t want him to have to face this.
Clint and Steve where easily woken by Bruce, who simply sprayed them with the hose from the sink. they then went to gather the others who would be there. every last Avenger would go. just in case Odin tried something stupid. Heimdall too would make sure that Odin obeyed the Old, and the True Laws.

"..i'm alright." Loki assured her, even if it was anything but true. "lets go." he agreed, leading the way back upstairs. walking because he couldn't trust himself to transport at the moment. the others had all gathered, and they where all ready save Natasha, who was 'staying home' due to her currently mortal nature. she wasn't the best pleased about it, but she had accepted because Jor had asked it of her. "Tony..." Loki muttered as he wrapped the man in a tight hug. "you remember how it's going to happen?" Sigyn would declare a formal complaint, very loudly in front of Odin and many, many witnesses. then Heimdall would appear, and bind the King, and the one issuing the Challenge, preventing them from foul play. Heimdall would have no choice but to offer Sigyn the use of a Champion, both due to her lingering weakness and her pregnancy. Tony would then be bound to prevent him, Odin, or Sigyn from trying to sabotage each other. they would each be given one hour to prepare, and then they would enter the Dueling Stage where most of Asgaurd would see their epic battle. no matter if Tony won or lost, Odin would lose his throne, it would be given to Thor if Tony died and Odin banished to the Plains of Woe... where he would not be held because he was too powerful for such medieval restraints. Odin had to die for peace to be assured. so if Tony died, Loki would issue the challenge and finish what Tony started.
“No you’re not, but I’ll let you pretend its true.”She muttered walking with him. Shifting to snuggle into steve’s arms, trembling a little. Truly scared, because she didn’t want to face asgard. “I do.Don’t worry so,it’ll be fine.”Tony muttered because the man was worried, but being strong for loki, because he had no idea what was going to happen, and he was bracing for whatever might come.

When they arrived in asgard, sigyn paled as she saw the sight of asgard from bifrost, seeing the mourning black flying, her knees going out from under her even as she registered that she’d been right. She’d gotten a play-by-play, instead of having time to prepare. “No...No....”She whispered quietly even as she started to walk towards the horses heimdall-or more likely thor- had had waiting for them, scrambling up into the saddle without waiting and running towards the palace. Because it was one thing that a asgardian knew, a bone deep knowledge, that all of asgard only mourned like this,even the sky darkening with a storm, when a royal died. And she knew, even without watching the lightening streak across the clouds, which royal was being mourned. Everyone had loved their lightening prince, and it seemed even the world itself was mourning.
Loki had gone completely frozen as he saw the black flags and he knew... he just KNEW! he uttered a scream of utter and complete fury and RAGE as he leaped onto the saddle, the horse screaming with him as he took off after Sigyn, the children soon following. though Sleipnir took the time to help the less able once humans into the saddles before he took off after his parents. Loki knew it was Thor. Osin had killed Thor, and it was blinding him with a rage he'd never experienced before. he had finally gotten his brother back, Thor had FINALLY come to his senses, and now he was DEAD because of ODIN. at least Loki still had the sense of mind to stick to the plan as he thundered into the hall with Sigyn, letting her speak her rights, speak the challenge. his magic spread wide, a furious ark of magic that crackled in the air and prevented several of the sorcerers from hitting any of the newcomers with spells. as soon as the challenge was issued though, Heimdall appeared, and all magic abilities died. "YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!" Loki raged, his voice ringing clear in the air. "You abused me! you made Sigyn's life HELL! you tried to kill her husband and you tried to make her a sex Slave AND YOU LET BURR. you're OWN FATHER suffer a FATE WORSE THAN DEATH! You will DIE for your crimes ODIN!" Loki screamed, made with rage, mad with grief...
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