An unexpected twist in the shadows of the blue moon (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MPKDragon)

Krystal smirks even wider as she rolls her tounge around his cock and gently nips at it with her teeth. "That's the idea, aibou." She told him telepathically, her smirk only widening. It was almost as if she were the Cheshire cat the way she smirked up at him. Neither of them knew that joey was outside her room, stroking himself. They were to involved in pleasure.
"Oh fuck!" He pushes his cock deep down her throat shooting rope after rope of cum down her throat. Yugi holds onto her hair as he cums and his body drops limp. There is a flash and atem looks down at krystal. "Havig fun are we my love?" He smirk and holds her ead there for a few.
Krystal answered telepathically. "Yes. I was. Do you want some fun time too?" She asked looking up at her handsome pharaoh. "Yugi could probably use a rest you should keep in control for the beginning of duelist kingdom." She added, smiling a little.
Atem smiles. "Sure." He lets go ove her head and pushes her to her feet and up agianst the wall were he kisses down her neck playing eith her tits. "I love you krystal. And it fills my heart with joy when i see your beauty." He pins er hands above her head and begins to kiss her deeply.
He smiles breaking the kiss. He lets go of one hand and lifts her leg up positioning his cock at her entrance. He smirks and pushes it deep inside her before pulling out to the head and plunging it back in. He keeps repeating this more as a tease. "So you have been a very naughty girl lately my love."
"Hmm, I have been, haven't I?" She said her expression sort of a cross between guilt and arousal. Just then, a wave of of energy went past her. "Atem, did you feel that shockwave of energy? It felt like someone we both know to be dead." She said, as memories of ruby pass through her mind. She didn't know what to think, but she knew he was there. Not in the room, mind you, but he was on the boat.
Atem stops and lets her go. "I felt it too krystal." We should get dressed and go look around the ship. He could be here." He pulls out and goes to get dressed. A look if concern fills his face. 'Could it really be ruby and i hope he has forgiven me. I would hate to lose him agian.' He thinks to himself.
Krystal got dressed as well, putting on a blue and red cocktail type dress with a celestial print. She kisses Atem's cheek chastely. "It will be alright my love. I'm sure he'll forgive you. You can't control who you fall in love with." She said with a small smile, hugging him before taking his hand and walking out of the door. Krystal focused on Ruby's energy, easily finding him. She looks at Atem concerned. "There he is. I'm gonna go talk to him." She said, kissing his cheek and walking over to the crimson haired man. "Ruby?" She asked tentatively, a look of sadness and nervousness in her eyes.
The red haired man turns and looks at you. "Uh its robert." He raises an eyebrow. "And do i know you?" He eyes krystal up and down and then looks towards atem. "Holy cow its you!" He rushes over and shakes atems hand. "The king of games i cant believe it."
Krystal raises an eyebrow. "Robert? His real name is much better." She commented to Atem telepathically, smirking a little. She wondered why he didn't remember. It was true that she hadn't had her memories of silver millennium until she was 14, but Rubeus looked past that. He looked around 22. "Why don't you remember me ruby?" She thought to self as she shook his hand. "I'm Krystal. Nice to meet you Robert. I'm still gonna call you ruby though." She said with a smirk, poking his chest playfully as she always had done.
Atem blinks and smiles. "Easy now krystal." Ruby looks at her and shrugs "i guess thats fine. Can i call you cutie." He smirks and eyes you up and down. Atem raises a brow and clears his throat. "Easy now shes taken ruby." Ruby smiles and laughs "too bad your a lucky one yugi to have a babe like that." Atem smiles at krystal. "You can sya that agian."
Krystal looks to her boyfriend, "I didn't do anything. Just wanna see how long it takes for him to remember." She told him telepathically, smirking right back as he called her cutie. The bracelet Ruby gave her when they were teens in silver millennium appears on her wrist, almost as if it knows that's him. "Huh, i don't remember putting this on today. It should still be in my box" she commented to Atem telepathically outwardly giggling and saying "Down, Atem."
Ruby looks at the bracelet and rubs his forhead stumbling a bit. Atem catches him. "You alright robert?" Ruby nods "yeah i just got a little light headed was all." Atem leans him agianst a wall and turns to krystal. "Go get some water." He turns back to ruby. 'Hello atem.' Ruby says within atems mind. Atems eyes grow wide. 'Ruby you remember?' Atem responds after krystal had left. 'Of course who else would it be. Just dont mention it to krystal i want to play around a bit.' At this atem glares at ruby. 'Your still not over her are you?' Ruby smirks at atem. "Nope"
Krystal appeared a few minutes later, looking at them. She could tell something was up, but didn't voice it. "Here ruby, some water." She said with a smile, handing him the cup. She was a bit worried about him. Krystal looked to Atem, talking telepathically. "Why do you think the bracelet just appeared Atem? It's so weird." She told him, looking at it, a grin on her face as she remembered the night he gave it to her. The night he stole her fist kiss. Krystal looked again to ruby and smiled at him lightly, concern in her eyes. "You okay ruby?"
Ruby takes a drink of water and smiles at krystal. "Yeah im fine cutie thanks" he smiles at atem "thanks for the hand...yugi." Atem scoffs and looks away "yeah." 'Turely krystal i font know and i really dont care.' He responds to her. "Im going to go find joey and the others." He leans over and kisses krystal and walks away.
Krystal looks to Atem. "Alright love. I'll catch up." She says, looking at ruby. She raises an eyebrow. "I've never seen him be quite so cold. How curious." She said, looking to the flame headed man in front of her, clicking her heels on the floor as she looked away at the bracelet. She poked his chest again. "So, tell me about yourself? I'm quite curious. You remind me of someone I used to know." She said with a cryptic smile, sensing something different about ruby, but again not voicing it. The pieces fit though. Could the bracelet have triggered his memories? That would explain Atem's sudden attitude change.
Ruby smiles. "Oh nothing much to say about me, i lived in a small town most of my life. Its okay lots of cute girls. But none as cute as you." He stands and smiles inching his face closer to hers. "So are you and yugi serious? Or is there room for a wedge." He winks and looks down at her lips.
Krystal blushes. "Its complicated Ruby. Very complicated." She said, wondering what would happen if she closed the space between them. She had shadow magic. She could get away with it. Krystal backed away just slightly, the tension to much. She crossed her arms. "Be careful, or you might get hurt. Atem is very jealous." She said softly, backing away just a tad more, trying to stop looking at his lips. She wanted to kiss him so bad though. She knew if she did though, Atem would probably kill him. She just got her ruby prince back. There was no way she was letting him go again. It hurt to much last time.
"Atem? Whos that another playmate?" He comes in close pressing his body agianst hers. "Come on krystal i know you want me. I know you want to kiss me like last time." He doesnt realize that he let it slip out but grins as he leans in to kiss her.
Krystal is startled by the kiss, but as soon as their lips meet, she knows. "He's gonna hurt you for that Rubeus." She told him telepathically, failing at not kissing back and mentally yelling at herself for it. "Damn him and his ability to make me putty!" She yelled inside her head, unsure what to do. she really didn't want to see him get hurt. krystal sighed inwardly. 'just what i need right now. as happy as i am to see you ruby, krys wars volume two isn't exactly something i can handle right now. You guys are friends; can't you just share me?' she told him sighing in her mind.
Atem returns and sees whats happneing. He comes over and puches ruby in the face. "You son of a bitch!" He grabs ruby's coller and pulls him up to face him. "How dare you kiss my beloved!" Ruby smiles and rubs his cheek. "Hey atem didnt expect you to be back so soon."
Krystal sighs. "Here we go again... I'm gonna go call my sister." She said flatly before disappearing back into her room, getting her phone and calling Usagi.(Serena)

"Ugh bunny.. this is gonna be one hell of a duel tournament. I found Atem. Rubeus too." She told her sister with a sigh, who immediately frowne;d. "How are you taking it penguin?" She asked her sister, looking out the window. Krystal sighed again. "As happy as I am to see both of them bunny, they've only known each other 20 minutes and already their at each other's throats competing for me. I don't even know why I should be surprised." She lamented on to her sister, who just listened on the other end of the phone.

"Penguin, it will be okay. I'm sure they'll work things out this time if only for your sake. Both of them would hate to see you cry the way you did when ruby committed suicide in silver millennium." Krystal smiled a little at the thought of the two of them being friends again and her having her boys back. That would be the best thing ever. She laughed a little. "I hope so, bunny." She said before hanging up the phone and going back out to see what Atem and ruby were doing.

She walked over to both men and poked ruby's chest. "You, I'm mad at." She said flatly to ruby before turning to Atem. "And you need an attitude adjustment. Shall I call princess Uranus and tell her you're making trouble for me again? Or are you gonna behave?" She raised an eyebrow at them, eyeing especially Atem.
Atem and ruby run into your room and glare at each other. "Who do you like more?!" They say together. They glare at each other. "She likes me more no me!" They shout agian. Yugi pops into your head. 'Why dont you show them both that you like em like what happend earlier. With me and atem' his voice faids and atem and ruby begin to growl at each other.
Krystal walks into the room and closes the door and locks it. "I hope it works, yugi." She told him, and she slowly took off her dress, revealing her sexy lingire. "Now, stop your fighting or the dress goes back on and I leave." She says with a wicked smirk, walking toward them. "How many millenias is it gonna take you two to realize that I love you both? Now, lay down.both of you."
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