An unexpected twist in the shadows of the blue moon (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MPKDragon)

He continues to eat her out using his cock as a gag to muffle her moans. "Your going to sleep well tonight." He thrusts into her mouth and fingers her pussy while he licks and sucks her clit.
Krystal keeps on moaning, looking at ruby's cute ass and giving each cheek a squeeze. She love his ass. It was so sexy. She could feel herself getting ready to cum again. She was so horny. She loved it. Krystal ran her hands from the back of his neck to his ass, giving him a tight squeeze. She wondered if he wanted char back.
Ruby licks and finger her pussy keeping his cock deep in krystals mouth. "After this i might fuck you real hard." Thoughts of being with his son again crossed his mind. "I will see you soon son." He said in his mind making sure krystal could not hear his thoughts.
Krystal didn't need to read his thoughts to know what he was thinking about. It was just to bad she was already pregnant. She didn't want to burst his dream bubble though. Truth be told, she wanted to see Charoite as well. Almost achingly so. She wanted to see both of her boys. Her little marik and charoite. She knew though that char would be born first. Krystal moaned out softly, still sucking his cock as thoughts of char ran through her mind.
Ruby pulls his cock from her mouth and gets btween her lega rubbing the tip of his cock agaisnt her pussy lips. "Ready krystal?" He smiles and licks her nipples teasingly. He smiles at her. "You uave become quiet the slut recently. You always did like it when men oggle your perfect figure."
"yes, ruby I am. besides. I thought you liked me this way, all naked and exposed?" Krystal said with a smirk, kissing him, her wet pussy rubbing up against his big cock, tiny moans escaping her mouth. she wondered what life would be like with her, ruby and atem. would it be a constant fuck fest? she wasn't sure she'd be able to handle that, particuarly with kids running around. Krystal took a breath. "you want him, don't you ruby?" she asked, curiosity in her eyes.
Ruby nods. "Yes but im glad that for now i have you." He smiles and kisses her back pushing his cock deep inside her thrusting in hard and fast. Kissing her passonatly. "Krystal i love you and im glad i have you once agian.
Krystal smiled and kissed him back, running her fingers through his crimson hair. "I love you too, ruby. I always have. There wasn't a second in this life that I didn't wish you were in my arms, my crimson knight" she purred, pulling him close to her as he thrust, moaning a little.
He smiles. "Good thing atem is okay with sharing you." He rubs her breasts and kisses her neck thrusting harder and harder into her. Yugi groans and rolls over still asleep even though the bed is practily bouncing.
Krystal nods. "Yes it is. I think though it partly because he feels responsible for your death in silver millennium. That he doesn't want to see me have to go through that pain again." She said, still playing with his hair. She giggled a little at yugi's cuteness, and wondered what Atem was doing, if he was reliving memories of them or sleeping like yugi. That caused her to giggle more as she remembered how loudly Atem used to snore in silver millennium.
He smiles. "Hes a good kid. No wonder he was bound to atem. But do you really think he can beat pegasus?" Ruby leans down and kisses her neck as he thrust harder into her. "And his friends do you think they will stand by him?"
"And i bet we will be there as well." He smiles and kisses her thrusting faster and faster. Yugi rolls over on his side facing them still asleep. Atem mind gently touches both of them showing images of the past, a dream he is having.
Krystal smiles at the dream Atem is having. It was about their childhood together before Atem fell for her and she ruby and him would play knights and princesses in the garden. "Remember this days, ruby? Those were the good days, but I love how we're together now." She said, giving him a kiss as she feels him thrusting more and more. She knew her and his son would be coming soon. After her and Seto's were born.
Ruby smiles and nods kissing krystal again. "I do believe we will be together for a very long time." He chuckles. "I doubt atem or myself will give you up easily." He continues to thrust in deep holding on to her breasts.
Krystal smiles and moans. "That's very good, because I wouldn't want to loose either of you." She said, kissing him softly and pulling him close as ye thrust inside her. Being able to have both of them in her arms at the same time was amazing. She had both her loves, and this time she didn't have to choose between them.
Ruby smiled and held er tightly as they continued on through the night. The next day they reach the island and set forth on there new journey.

"You know seein pegasus really pisses me off." He clenches his fists. "Relax yug." Joey said putting his han on his shoulder. "You got exodia back from your new girl friend remeber." Yugi sighs "ture but i still want to win this with out them." He looks towards ruby. "Here take them. Keep them safe." Ruby looks shocked. "I-i will yugi i promise." Ruby smiles and looks at krystal. "Ready for this?" Yugi looks at her as well ad smiles.
Krystal smiles. "Of course. It will be okay." she told him, her expression confident. She knew that the journey to beat pegasus wouldn't be perilous, but she was sure her atem could handle it, and if he couldn't, she'd beat pegasus up instead. He had always been rather afraid of her. Not that she blamed him. Krystal was not only a top ranking international duelist, but also a champion fighter as well. She could beat up men twice her size. Not only that, but she was immune to his millenium eye. Though it was true Krystal was a powerful shadow weilder, she was also the princess of the blue moon, a planet of ice, meaning she could simply reflect what he gave out back at him. It was good to be princess.
Yugi smiles and they all walk through the forest. Yugi falls back and looks at krystal. "How are you feeling. No mornig sickness?"
Krystal smiles and shakes her head. "No, I'm fine, Yugi-chan. I took a potion to stop it before we landed. Its a potion I learned from Beryl-sama before she went bad." she told the smaller boy, giving him a soft kiss. She loved making him blush. He was just adorable, and she took his hand, walking through the forest. She was happy to have not just atem, but yugi and ruby too. She loved Atem and ruby, But, she also loved yugi too. it was different though. Her love for yugi was deep but different. she couldn't really explain it.
Yugi blushes a bit and smiles. As the group walks into a field the see a few duelist already batteling. "Man i cant wait to get into my first duel. Eh yug?" Joey says pumping his fist. Yugi nod and spots Weevil and lest krystals hand go and runs after him. Ruby runs after him followed by joey.
Krystal follows them, catching weevil easily with her superior height and super speed. "I should beat you up for what you did on the boat, little moth." she said, her eyes narrowed. She settles for simply choking him a little, though. "caught the bug guys!" she yells, Smirking at them. It was time to duel. "alright short stuff. beat yugi and maybe i wont beat you to a pulp." she said, setting him on the platform. this would prove interesting. She kissed yugi for good luck. "Beat him, lovie. i need to let off steam."
Everyone even weevil blinks at krystal not really knowing what to do. Atem takes over and is the first to speak. "You stole threw away a peice of my grandfathers deck you will pay for that."
Krystal smirked. "Beat him, atem." she told him telepathically, putting her backpack down and pulling out as many chairs as they would need, and one extra for Bakura, as she sensed him near. "come sit with us, Baki." she told the thief telepathically, smirking to herself as she sat. It had been a long time since she had seen him, poor ryou nearly had a heart attack when she glomped him during class. She knew her theif was lurking in his body, as atem inhabited yugi's.
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