An unexpected twist in the shadows of the blue moon (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MPKDragon)

Ruby chuckles . "I was so worried i forgot." He smiles sheepishly. "Sorry." He kisses her cheek "you should have said something krystal i would have felt like crap if you yah know."
Krystal looked at him curiously. "If I what ruby?" She looked at him with he blue eyes wide and kissing him softly. She was quite confused. "Does everybody here know something I don't?" She asked, looking around the room, and wondering where Atem was. She was surprised when wasn't on her other side.
Yugi talks to joey but atem is worried. 'But shes okay right ruby.' He asks telepathicly. 'Yeah shes going to be fine.' Ruby replies. Ruby looks at krystal. "I told him what happend yugi is talking to joey. But he knows." He smiles
Krystal smiles. "Alright then." She says before pulling ruby into a cuddle, kissing his head. Pete had left and rah had just returned. "Mistress, Seto is still in a coma, and pegasus has captured mokulba. I fear he will take the child's soul." Krystal nodded at rah, and looked to ruby. "I promised bunny I would keep moki safe. We have to beat pegasus." She says telepathically to both of them, formulating a plan. "Yugi, I you can master shadow magic as Atem and I have, You can block his millennium eye with your puzzle." She told the slightly younger boy, contemplating.
'Okay.' Yugi replies. 'Dont worry love ill help as well.' Says atem. Ruby smiles at krystal. "As will i my sweet." He kisses her softly. "Now what did you want to talk to me about."
She looks to chaos and rah to leave, and they disappear, and she pulls ruby in close to her. "Ruby, there's something I never told you back in silver millennium. Something I should have, but didn't. Do you remember the night we got engaged, way before I met Atem again? The night we had sex?" She asked, blushing softly and looking into his ruby red eyes with her glacial blue ones.
"Um no things are still a little blurry." He smiles at krystal. "Would you care to remind me or maybe some re living will help me remeber." He chuckles lightly looking at her still naked body.
Krystal shakes her head. "Not right now ruby. I'm trying to tell you about something!" She twitched her nose and looked at him kind of annoyed, crossing her arms before continuing. "That night you made me pregnant. 9 months later me had a son. I named him charoite. He was 5 years old when you killed yourself." She said, taking a deep breath as she waited for a responce, cuddling back into ruby and laying her head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. "I was afraid you would reject me and him if you knew, and I couldn't bear that, so I never told you about char. I know I should have. I'm sorry ruby." She breathed out looking into his eyes once again.
Ruby blinks. "I had a child..." He sits up feeling like crap that he had killed him self and let his son grow up fatherless. "What...wht happend to him....after i died?" He looks back at her with a look of dispair as he trys not to cry.
Krystal looks at him sympathetically. "You didn't know ruby. I tried to tell you that night, but you left before I could run to save you. He grew up good though ruby. Like you. He died at age twelve when the moon kingdom fell to beryl." She said, pulling him into a hug and kissing him softly. She pulls a memory book out of her special box, its a deep shade of purple suede and it has "Charoite" written on the front of it in her delicate calligraphy like hand. She sets the book in his lap and pulls him in closer to her, kissing him again. "He'd want you to see this." She whispered softly into his ear, kissing his temple softly. She hated to see him this sad, but she knew he had a right to know. He had had a right to know then, but the powers that be would not let her tell him.
Ruby looks through the book, tears rushing down his face. "Was he happy? Without me?" He clenches his eyes and trys to wipe away the tears.
Krystal wipes away his tears, pulling him in close. "No. He wanted to know you. I couldn't bear tell him what happened." She said softly, trying to kiss away his tears. "Its okay ruby. We'll have him again. You'll see." She said softly, kissing his lips. She didn't like seeing him like this. It hurt her soul.
Ruby sobed quietly holding the book to his chest. "I will see you my son i promise. I will live till i see you." He leans againts krystal and continues to sob.
Krystal pulls him in close, rubbing his back soothingly. "It'll be okay my ruby prince" she cooed into his ear softly, not letting him go. She hated seeing him like this, but she couldn't help it. She had to tell him. He had a right to know about his son. Krystal kissed his forehead softly and started to sing, the melody of their song ringing through her pretty voice. She wanted him to feel better. Seeing him like this broke her heart in two.
Ruby stand coming away fromher grasp. "I-i need to be alone for a few." He walks out of the room just as yugi walks in. He looks at ruby then to krystal. "Whats wrong? Is ruby okay?"
Krystal nodded. "After what I just told him, he needs some alone time. I'm sure he'll be around again soon." She said with a sort of sad smile, patting the empty space next to her on the bed. She needed cuddles more than ever. Krystal noticed ruby took the album with him, and wondered what he would do with it. Was was he going back to his room? She was curious, but left it alone, wanting to give him the space she knew he needed. "So, come sit with me and tell me all about you talk with joey." Krystal said, smkrking mischeiviously.
Yugi slips in next to her and leans agianst her. "Well it was mostly about you." He smiles his face turnig slighty red. "Had to explain why a beautiful girl was naked in my room." He look up at you. "Whats with that look."
Krystal smirked again. "Because I can." She said simply, cuddling into him, her expression curious. "So, what did you tell him hmm? I'm curious." She said, her expression rivaling that of a kitten as she kissing him softly, playing with his hair. "Won't you tell me?"
Atem chuckles. 'Your in for it now yugi. I know that look all to well.' Yugi blinks. 'W-w-w-what do you mean in for what?' Yugi looks at krystal his face red. "Well i told him that we met yesterday and you took me to your room and we um..." He looks down at your chest, his cock begining to grow.
Krystal smiles softly, poking his nose. "You are just to adorable, you know that? I can hardly resist." She said as her smile turned into more of a smirk and she kissed him, quickly unbottong his shirt as he took off his jacket, throwing them to the floor. She pawed at his pants a little and poked his cock, her smirk widening. "Maybe these should come off next, huh yugi-chan? she said, kissing him yet again.
Yugis face turns bright red but kisses her back. "I-if you want to i head you wernt feeling well but...." He leans over and licks her nipples lightly his hand trailing down between her legs and gently rubbin her pussy lips.
"I'm fine at the moment yugi-chan. Just you've gotta be on top this time." She said with a soft smile as she pointed to the machine that was pumping blood into her body. Krystal moans as yugi takes her breast into his mouth. She undoes his pants and takes them off with his boxers, disgaurding them with his shirt and jacket. "Your so cute yugi-chan." She moaned out, running her fingers through his hair as she did so.
He lets go ov her breast and kneels infront of her putting his cock infront of her mouth. "Can you suck it please." He looks down at her his fce still red. He reches behind him and plays with her breasts keeping his cock infront of er face.
She smiles softly. "Of course yugi-chan." Krystal said as sh licked the tip, then took it fully into her mouth. "Prefect." She told him telepathically, then looking to Atem in his mind. She sighs slightly. "I made ruby so sad Atem. I didn't want to do that. But I couldn't help it. He needed to know." She told Atem, knowing he didn't know about char either. She had elected to keep him a secret from him only because she knew how hard Atem was already taking , and blaming himself for ruby's death.
Atem smiles. "Dont worry about that yet focuse on having fun with your toy." He responds in yugis mind. "Hey!" Yugi says with a gasp. "N-not that i don't mind being called a toy by krystal. Its insulting when you do it pharaoh." He continues to play with her breasts while she sucks his cock.
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