A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

Gohan was glad to see that his brother wanted to train, he was shocked though when he found out his own mother had trained the young boy in the martial arts and that he was already so very strong. He enjoyed his brotherly time with him as he knew that he wouldn't be able to keep him out of the martial arts tournament, that most likely his little brother would enter as well, it was going to be interesting to see how that all played itself out and how the tournament went but he knew that he was going to have fun training and being around Serena.

Gohan went and headed to school the next morning not to go to school, but to meet up with Serena, he waited for her as he sat on a bench and looked at a clock nearby, he had decided to make the stop at capsule corps for them to save them the time and had in his hand the dragon radar. It was a round object that would tell one where the dragon balls were located at in the world. He saw that two were pretty close, he would have to ask Serena if she would want to go after them on the way to the lookout.
Serena had been glad that Luna and her parents took things so well. Especially her parents. They didn't even inquire if the friend was a guy or a girl, which was weird by her father's standards. Especially if it included her spending nights with the friend over coming home. They gave her full reign to stay over at the friend's if she needed to, but they insisted that she call at least once if she spent a full week or more at a time there so they knew she was alright.

Luna on the other hand had insisted on at least coming with her for the day out with Gohan, not because she didn't trust Serena's judgement in getting involved with the boy and other people he knew, but because in the end they were all on the same side and she wanted to know for herself who her princess would be around. And so, Serena and Luna headed out the next day to meet up with Gohan. When Serena saw him sitting on the bench, she smiled and walked over to him, kissing his cheek. "I hope you don't mind, Luna wanted to come along."
Gohan smiled as he looked at the pair of them, and nodded to Serena, "this is Luna, it is a honor, I have only known one talking cat before, and you look more normal then her," he said taking a capsule from his pocket to create a hovercopter for them to travel in. It was a good sized one, made for moving around in and for going places. He opened the door as he let Serena carry Luna on to the ship, "Well we are headed off to the Lookout, it will be a bit before we get there."

He rode in the machine quietly as he knew that they would have a busy day, he passed back the radar, "each of the markers is a different place where a dragon ball is, when we get them all, we make a wish to Shenron, the great dragon," he explained as he looked ahead focusing on driving his way to the lookout. He was sure it was confusing to the cat and girl, but he hoped that it would make sense in time.
Luna chuckled. "But is the other one you know also an alien? Don't be fooled by the mark on my forehead. It just signifies that I am an advisor to the Lunarian royal family. I'm actually from the planet Mau." She was already beginning to like Gohan. Both Serena and Luna had been surprised as the capsule revealed the hovercopter.

Serena looked at the radar. And noticed the markers on it. "They show up on the radar when they're close then? And Shenron, when you say he's a great dragon....how big are we talking?"
Gohan shook his head, "I don't so, her name is Puar, and well, she is a shapeshifter too though, which is pretty cool in and of it self," he said with a smile as he looked back at the pair of them before he nodded to Serena to answer her first part of her question. He smiled though at the second, "Shenron is a huge dragon, when he is summoned he will fill the sky, and cause day to turn into night, I have only see it happen a couple of times, but it is something else," he commented back to her as he went to the look out lookout and landed on it carefully.

Outside Dende was standing, with cane in hand as he looked at them. The place was empty minus Dente, Piccolo and a odd black looking guy named Popo. Gohan helped the two guest out as they could look around the area. Dende was the smaller green guy who was the guardian of the planet. Dende smiled as he bowed to Serena and walked up to her, "Welcome, it is a honor to have you, I am Dende, guardian of earth, who might you be?"
Both Serena and Luna's eyes widened at Gohan's description of Shenron. "That sounds quite incredible. Not too many beings have that sort of power to make that sort of an effect." Serena mused. Hearing that, made her all the more interested in eventually seeing the great dragon.

Serena stepped out with Gohan's help, Luna jumping down from her shoulder to stand next to her. Serena bowed in response to Dende with a smile. "We are honored to be here. I am Serena, also known as Sailor Cosmos, a protector of Earth. I am also known by few as Princess Serena of the moon kingdom." When she righted herself, a golden crescent moon had appeared on her forehead. She then gestured to Luna who bowed in greeting. "This is Luna, one of my faithful advisors."
"Oh neat, I haven't see one of your kind before," he said with a smile on his face looking at the cat and then looking upwards at Serena with a grin on his face, "I am Dende, I will help however I can, I am a healer as well as everything else, if you get hurt, I can help you get fixed back in no time at all," he said politely as he looked at the pair and felt a presence behind him walking and smiled as he knew who it was.

"So the Luna Princess and the Mui adviser right," he said as ahe looked at them, his tone a bit different as he looked at them. "I have combined with the original guardian of earth, and while I don't look it that part of me is hundreds of years old," he said looking at Serena and Luna for a moment as he sat down, his voice still as calm as ever, "Now, you are going to train here, it is harder to train and you will need to do more work, Gohan, I am going to train you personally this time, don't expect anything else," he said looking at the pair, Gohan nodded his head.

"Serena, do you want to have a look around, I should tell you to be careful, don't go into any random rooms," he said looking at her knowing that some of the rooms were not places one would want to spent any time in. "he showed her the kitchen and the bedrooms of the place as well as the areas where they could train.
"There is only myself and my partner, Artemis here on Earth. We were sent to Earth after the fall of the Moon kingdom by Queen Serenity to awaken the princess and her court to their powers should the need arise, while the princess and her court were sent to be reborn." Luna explained.

Serena grinned and nodded at Dende before looking to Piccolo. "I believe I'll have my work cut out for me then. How I fight is not so much close combat compared to how Gohan and yourself fight. But I'll definitely give it my all." Serena was amazed as to the arrangement of the place. "Gohan, if we're going to be busy training and searching out the Dragonballs, what are we going to do about school?"
Gohan paused as he smiled and looked at Serena, "We will have to miss it," he said as he looked at her, he had a feeling school meant a lot more to her then it did to him. He could see this when he saw the look in her face, "the hunt for the dragon balls won't take long at all, really a couple of days, we can do that over a weekend, but we will have to miss it to train," he said with a nod of his head, "no point in school if the world is blown up, but I will teach you," he said pointing to himself, "I have only been in school a sort while and had to teach myself for most my life, I am sure I can handle teaching you too," he said with a smile as he looked at her, "we can study together, and there is no grade so you will get an A every time," he said as he knew that he could handle that role as well.

"Now, there is one room in here that you must avoid at all cost," he said pointing to the room, "go in there and well lets say that place is hell on earth, one day in there is like a whole year on earth, I did one day once with my dad, it was not easy, and I don't think it would do me any good to try it again," he commented as he made sure that she knew that was there and to void it, "this room also is dangerous but you can use it, you dream up a foe, and the room will bring the foe to life, you then fight the foe in your mind, you wake up when the fight is over."
Serena nodded in understanding. She'd figured they'd miss school. "I was finally getting used to actually caring about school. But you're right. No point in it if the world is blown up." She then burst into giggles. "Well considering what I've known of you, I'm not going to worry too much. I was more worried about you and how your mom is going to take it."

She widened in shock as he told her about the one room where a day in is like a year on earth. "I'll definitely stay away from there. The other one I think I'll avoid too. I'd never get any sleep in there cause the fights would be over too quick."
Gohan smiled as he nodded his head and then looked at her, "as long as I study my mother will be okay with it, she let me go to an alien world, I can talk to her about this and let her stay with Goten," he said with a smile as he looked at her, walking with her outside again, he looked for Luna, "okay, you need to find out which of your friends wants their power back and than we will go after the dragon balls," he said with a smile as he looked at Serena before he gave her a slight kiss on her cheek.
Serena nodded with a smile. "Least I'm covered. I told my parents about the tournament and that I was going to be taking lessons with a friend and wouldn't be home quite often. Long as I call every now and then so they know I'm alright, I'm good." She smiled as Luna hopped up on her shoulder and blushed from the kiss on the cheek. "Right." She then walked off a bit and pulled out her communicator, pressing a button to call all of the former scouts, minus Darien. After a few minutes of talking with them, she told them goodbye and hung up, putting the communicator away. She turned to Gohan with a small smile. "Only two of them want to fight again. My friend Lita, who was Sailor Jupiter and Mina, who was Sailor Venus. I'm not surprised that the outer scouts didn't want to return either. Michelle's got her career as an artist and violinist and Amara has her career in racing. Trista's raising Hotaru and not having her powers means she's free from her post at the time gate."
Gohan nodded his head as he looked at her, and then looked at her, "Well lets go find the dragonball than so we can make our wishes," he said with a smile as he looked at her, "we shall go to the closest one which is right below us if you can believe it, on the ground below us which happens to be a wooded area from what I can remember. He looked at her as he smiled, "now, I guess we can take the hovercopter or we can fly or something your choose, I will leave it up to you right now," he said as he looked at her, knowing they were going to have support made him feel good about their chances for some reason.
Serena smiled a little more now. Even though she would have preferred all her friends to return to fight, she was happy with the two she would get. "Right below us huh? Well it depends I guess. If we're not coming back here at the end of today's search then we should take the hovercopter for Luna's sake. Otherwise, we can just fly and I'll leave Luna up here."
Gohan looked at her, "we can stay here tonight actually, but lets take Luna with us, she will love it, it will be fun," he said with a smile as he got into the machine and took off after the both of them had joined him, finding the first one was easy, it took no work at all, it was in a tree, he picked it up and showed Serena the orange ball the four star ball, "this one is the one that my father had when he was a kid actually," he explained to Serena and Luna, "Luna my dad is a saiyan, just so you know," he said as he hadn't explained that fact to the cat yet.
Serena smiled as she looked at the ball. "If your father had the ball, how did it end up here?" She already had a feeling that getting the other dragonballs wouldn't be quite so easy. But again, it would be worth it in the end so she wasn't too worried.

Luna looked at Gohan with interest. "A saiyan huh? From the planet Vegeta. How exactly did a saiyan end up here on Earth, protecting it?" She'd heard of the race during the Silver millennium and knew of their fondness for fighting.
He smiled at her comment, "Well when they are used for a wish, they are sent off into the corners of the earth and have to be found yet again in the future a year later actually," he explained as he looked over at Serena for a moment and smiled, "It has been 7 years since we last made a wish and well this is why they are all over the place again," he said as he put the ball into a bag and then looked over at Luna right after, "send to earth to kill everyone then lost his memory as a baby, thus he became well the hero of the planet or one of them," he said with a smile. "I am half saiyan myself, my mother his human," he explained as he looked at the cat, "the only full blooded Saiyan left is Prince Vegeta, but he is married to Bulma Briefs the owner of Capsule Corps with a son, and he isn't causing any more trouble."
Serena's mouth formed into an 'o' as she took in Gohan's explanation about the Dragonballs. "A sort of test in its own right as to how badly someone wants to use them then. Makes sense really." Luna nodded. "It was a good thing for the Earth then that he lost his memory as not even the outer scouts were reborn yet to protect it. Saiyans are quite a ruthless race. A heavy counterpart on their own to the peaceful nature of the Lunarians." She looked at Gohan. "Why were the Saiyans so dwindled in number?"
"Yeah, it was much harder on Namek when we got their dragonballs, you even needed a password to use them," he said to Serena as he looked out the front of the machine, "Well your right, the saiyans are not a nice people, I have battled 3 of them myself during my life, but the were killed a long time ago. After my father was send to earth, A evil, I mean evil to the point of making Saiyans look like boyscouts Space Lord named Freeza blew Planet Namek up. My father later killed him in battle," he explained as he looked at the radar, "two ahead in that cave," he said pointing ahead of himself.
"A password? Talk about security." Serena listened quietly along with Luna as Gohan explained about the end to the Saiyans and the fight with Freeza. "What happened to the people of Namek?" Luna asked, knowing Serena wanted to know as well but that the lunar princess had been too scared to ask herself. Serena perked up when Gohan mentioned two more ahead of them. "Let's go then."
"Well Namek is gone," Gohan replied as he looked over at them, "but they are fine, they live on a planet called New Namek, it is pretty neat, they were all revived by the dragon balls and are doing really well, they have their own dragon balls on that planet too," he explained as he smiled at the pair before he looked in the cave as he saw a large bear, he motioned for Serena to be quiet as he saw the balls on the other side of the bear resting on the back wall, moving as carefully as possible Gohan grabbed the bears before he heard the animal wake up, "run now," he said as he took off to running to the transport.
Serena let out a breath she'd been holding at hearing that the Namekians were fine and living on a new planet, even if they had had to be revived first. "I'm glad they're alright then." She and Luna both watched quietly as Gohan snuck to get the balls resting on the back wall of the cave. Serena didn't need to be told twice, let alone once, for she turned to run for the transport as soon as the bear started to wake up, holding tight to Luna as she ran.
They found almost the rest of the balls that day, they were not that hard to find, mostly one was under some ice water, one was in a lake and one was found in different fields in the same area. He felt good as they returned back to the transport looking for the last one that there was.He pushed up the speed as they headed to the great desert, it was a large place and mostly empty, the ball was moving though, "It seems like someone had the last ball already he said as he looked back at the other. Just one more but who knew who had it, it could be friend or foe.
Serena was surprised they'd found so many of the balls so quickly and easily, even with the help of the radar. When she heard Gohan say that it seemed someone had the ball already, she bit her lip nervously. She was hoping at the easiest that it was someone friendly had it or even an animal over a possible foe. "Here's hoping we don't have any real trouble getting it."
The ex-bandit Yamcha was out in the desert relaxing as he looked around, he had been checking out his old place as he found the ball laying around. He walked outside and saw a capsule corps transport, he blinked as he had no clue what it was. He went back to having long hair as he shield his eyes, Puar was by him floating in the air as they stood there looking at the machine as he came towards them. He couldn't help but wonder who was on it.

Gohan smiled, as he saw Yamcha and Puar, "they are friend good friends, pretty powerful ones actually," he said as he landed the transport and got out, "well Luna the cat that is the one I told you about," he told the talking cat as he pointed to the one that was floating by the man. "His name is Yamcha, he is a human, one of the powerful ones actually," he told the others as he got out of the machine and started to walk over.
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