A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

She hadn't expected the story to be pleasant, battles usually aren't. But to hear that he had to learn how to survive in a jungle on his own at such a young age pulled at her heartstrings. "Since you willingly shared that with me, I'll tell you of my first fight with Queen Beryl. In this life anyway. We had tracked Queen Beryl's lair to the north pole. By the time we left for that trip, the inner scouts and I had all been united with Venus being the last one to join us and it had come out that I was the moon princess we'd been searching for. As well as that an ally of ours had been a prince in the silver millennium, one that I'd been in love with back then on the moon." She watched carefully for his reaction before continuing. "Queen Beryl had brainwashed him to fight against us. So we were at the north pole walking to the final location. Beryl had dispatched the Doom and Gloom girls to kill us off. They made tricks to lure, disguising themselves as people we cared about. They picked off the scouts, one by one. The last one, Mars, took them out with her. I was left to fight alone. After a brief fight against our ally and him dying protecting me one last time, I fought her. Using the silver crystal in the moon wand and calling forth strength from my fallen friends, I managed to defeat her and made the wish for us all to forget and live normally."
Gohan nodded as he looked at her, he could understand lose, he had dealt with so much of it himself. He looked at her and nodded his head. He smiled, "Well now here we are doing okay, funny how our mistakes in those battles can really haunt us huh," he said idly as he looked over at her with a smile, "well all that ends well as they say, I guess," he said as he looked at her, he walked with her and walked away from the area, just walking with her was fun, and he had learned so much from her. He looked at her, "sometime I will have to tell you about Namek, and the battle that cost me my father this last time," he said honestly as he smiled figuring they had said enough sad things for one day. He picked a flower and put it in her hair and nodded, "it looks good on you."
Serena smiled back at him with a nod. "Those mistakes made us better because we learned from them." She nodded in response to him saying he'd tell her about Namek and the battle that cost him his father seemingly for good. She too had known they'd said enough sad things for one day. She smiled and kissed his cheek after he'd put the flower in her hair, a blush tinting her own cheeks. She was enjoying the time with him.
Gohan took out a number and handed it to her, "if I am never not near you and you are going to fight someone, call, I will be there right away to help you and fight by your side, and I don't plan on dying any time soon, that just won't be something that is my style," he said with a smile as he looked her in the eyes, he took her hand and walked with her, towards her home, he was less worried today that someone would see her, he figured he could play off as an average school boy that she happened to know and not the demi saiyan warrior who he was sometimes as well. "Oh, my teacher is a green alien too, he isn't small though," he added as he walked with her. He walked her all the way home as a gentlemanly young man he was. He smiled as he stopped at her door, "thanks for everything today."
Serena pocketed his number before writing out her own and giving it to him. "Same deal goes for you. Call if you need the help." She leaned against him as they walked towards her home. "He's clearly very strict I bet. Maybe I'll let Luna nag at him for a while." She giggled at the thought of Luna nagging someone else other than her, even a green alien. She was actually a bit reluctant to leave once they were outside her door. "You're welcome. And thank you for today as well." She wanted to kiss his lips, but out of fear that Luna might be prowling around outside, she kissed his cheek instead, just before the feline advisor landed on her shoulder. She reached to scratch behind Luna's ears with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow Gohan." With that, she turned and headed inside, waving to him before closing the door.
Gohan smiled and waved as he kept her number, he was sure that if either of them found problems most likely it would be her. He flew home quickly as he knew he had to be home to head to bed and so that his mother wouldn't worry about him. He wasn't sure if he would feel youma but he might figure out in the days to come. He figured that he had a great time with Serena, and he knew that it was that great time that made him so optimistic about the future between himself and her. He was glad that things were going so well. He got home smiled as he hugged his brother and played with him before heading to bed, luckily the next day was a day off from school which was going to be so very nice.
Serena worked on her homework with a grin on her face even as Luna tried over and over to get an explanation out of her. While Serena hadn't been used to keeping something from Luna in a while, her new relationship with Gohan was something she wanted to keep to herself for a while longer. She was happy things were going so well between him and her and in turn feeling optimistic about it. Once her homework was done, she headed to bed, a smile on her face even though there wouldn't be school the next day.
The next morning Gohan woke up, early way to early, as he felt something in his bones that bothered him a whole lot. It was something pretty damn strong, it was a couple of them two, one felt like something familiar the other felt like something he had never felt before. He got up out of bed as fast as he could. He knew that this was something that was trouble. He didn't want to wake his parents and he slipped out and found his training gi outside of his room. He quietly grabbed the purple outfit and put it on himself. He would have to be world hero again this day he felt like was a horrible omen

As he put his boots on he looked at the phone to call Serena, but he worried that this might be to much for her even. He also didn't want to get her into any trouble he knew that she had seen a lot of danger and he figured he could handle it and let her avoid putting herself at risk again. He felt so badly for her, to lose the ability to fight with your friends, that had to be horrible. He had an idea, but he wasn't sure if she would agree or her friends would agree with his plan. He flew into the sky powering up to super saiyan right away, he would draw the others attention he knew if they were anywhere near where he was. He flew fast over the land, cutting across the land like a jet fighter going far faster then one of them as well.

He found them pretty fast actually, they were out in the plains that were in the middle of nowhere luckily, Gohan landed as he looked at his foes. Both were far more powerful then he first though, he felt a third power, as he landed he looked at the group. One of them looked like he was related somehow to Freeza which was a horrible sign, One of them, he figured was some type of Youma. Then there was the third one a demon like figure who was extremely powerful, he was worrisomely powerful. He hadn't noticed it meant he could hide his ki level too. It worried him a great deal. At least know he was sure Vegeta and Piccolo would know where he was and hopefully were on their way as well.
Serena woke up early as well, having the feeling that something wasn't right. She grabbed her clothes and scribbled a note for her parents and one for Luna, saying she was taking a walk and she'd be home later. With the notes in place, she quietly left the house. She started sensing negative energy and headed in that direction, frowning.

The further through town she got, the more she realized that the source of the energy was outside of her area. That alone didn't bode well. Even though she did start to sense Gohan as well, she was still troubled. Ducking into an alley, she transformed and jumped to a roof to get a better idea of how far she would need to go. She figured it would be too far for roof hopping and she didn't want to call on Pegasus for the ride. She closed her eyes and started to focus, her body taking on a slight pink and white glow before she disappeared from her spot.

She reappeared near the very spot the danger was in a flash of white light. She looked at the scene and was concerned seeing Gohan and the others as well as the enemies they happened to be up against.
Gohan looked up to see Serena and blinked, she had noticed too, he smiled as he was glad to see her, and worried too. He got up and moved down the hill, he dodged a strike from the one who looked like he worked for Freeza, he was slow, not so good, he knocked him back, off his feet into the ground, for a moment. He then had to dodge the demon one. He looked at the large guy and dodged a blast quickly as he came up on the otherside, he was stronger than anyone he battled sense Cell. Gohan looked at Dabura and focused his energy into his hands, as he pulled them back.

"Kame.hame...ha," he called out as he fire the signature beam of the turtle school of martial arts. He aimed it at the demon who was able to use his own black to cancel his attack. Gohan had lost track of the other two, as he had to focus on the enemy who was in front of him. He dodged another blast as he was able to see that this guy was no joke at all. The weaker one had made his escape it seemed, which was good cause now he could hopefully focus on this guy, as he hoped Serena could take care of the other one. Gohan moved back and blocked a kick taking the fight into the sky as he ducked another attack and countered, before blocking an attack. It went back and forth trading attacks, it was easy to see that neither side in the fight had a real edge of any kind between them.
Serena had seen the youma disappear and tried to sense it out, feeling it again just in time to knock it back from trying to grab her from behind. "Celestial Fire Surround!" She cast the flame attack at the youma watching it screech in pain before hitting it with another attack to finish it off. She then turned back around to watch Gohan send his attack at the demon and see the attack canceled out.

"World Shaking!" She sent the ball of energy right towards the other enemy. The guy that Gohan was fighting gave her a bad feeling and she wasn't quite sure if the two of them would be enough to take this guy out. She hoped that some others Gohan knew would show up and help out.
Gohan was being driven back, the demon used a blast to counter the one Serena used to out of his mouth canceling it out as well. Gohan watched this and continued to fight, the problem was that he was wearing himself out far faster then his foe was wearing himself, out. It was not looking good, it really wasn't. He knew that he was not ready for a fight like this, he dodged another attack but just barely before being knocked to the ground hard, he bounced up as he dodged a blast that was way to close for comfort. He looked up as a beam of light come out of nowhere it was a beam that was in a straight line. Gohan looked up and felt that the other two were coming fast, he smiled as he prepared to attack the demon.

He blinked as the Demon must of known it too and made his escape as fast as he had gotten there he was gone, he had some interesting skills. Gohan got up from the ground and brushed himself off as he looked in the direction that the demon had gone. Serena was right, he really did need to get himself back into fighting shape or he was seriously going to be in trouble. He wasn't sure if that guy was the least of his problems, he had a bad feeling that some of his normal enemies were working together with Serena's enemies now.
Serena's eyes widened in shock as her attack was canceled out. She'd never had her attacks just canceled out like that and that attack had never been canceled out to her knowledge when it was under control of Sailor Uranus. That alone had her concerned as to just how powerful this guy was. She watched as the Demon escaped and took that opportunity to get closer to Gohan.

She ran over to him, concern on her face. "That guy....canceling attacks....What sort of stuff are we in for? Do we need to go after him?" She had seen the beam from no where as well before the demon had escaped.
Gohan looked over and shook his head, "He is strong almost as strong as Cell. I don't think we should now, I don't think we are strong enough to win, I have this bad feeling that guy wasn't even the boss of his group, plus I don't think we could even find the headquarters, most likely it is hidden so well, we won't find it and will just wear ourselves out looking for it." he said looking over at Serena with a worried look. He looked over and saw his teacher land nearby, he smiled as he looked at Piccolo who was wearing his normal outfit standing there with a stoic look on his face as he looked at the two.

"Gohan, you have gotten to soft in the last 7 years," he said calmly as he looked at him. Gohan knew he was right, that guy wasn't as strong as Cell, but he wasn't nearly as strong as he had been when he was a young teen either. It was kind of embarrassing. He knew Piccolo was right. He nodded his head, "I know, it is time to return to training, I just hope that we have time to get into gear again," he said looking over at Serena for a moment as he gave her a smile he hoped would bring up her spirits as well.
Serena nodded. "That's what I was afraid of. At least I didn't try the silver crystal on him. That would've been too much a risk." She too was worried and Gohan's assessment of the guy didn't make things better. She too saw Piccolo land nearby and her eyes widened as she took him in before she remembered what Gohan had told her and realized Piccolo was Gohan's teacher.

She smiled softly at Gohan in return to his before looking back and forth between Gohan and Piccolo.
"Wait a second," he paused as he looked over at Piccolo isn't the world championships coming up," he said to his mentor as he looked at him, pausing for a good moment or two, before he looked at Serena, "Serena, I bet that these guys are waiting for that moment to do something maybe they will even enter into the tournament and fight in it or something so they can break out the best fighters in the universe and defeat them," he mused to her and Piccolo. He thought about it more and the more he thought about it the more sense that it made to him. He felt for sure that it was going to be a place they would be at. He remembered reading a flyer about the event. It was to be held in 6 months in the normal place.

"Um Serena, do you think you can be allowed to enter in the tournament, it will be different but I promise it will be our best bet to find those guys again any time at all," he said as he looked over at her, "I know Piccolo, I will have to start training, and getting ready, I know and I will do so, I will be ready come tournament time you can count on it," he said as Piccolo nodded his head, he had a purpose again to get ready for it felt like he had a goal too, now to get stronger.

Piccolo we will be by your place tomorrow or the next day, "I want to show Serena where it is and talk to Dente, about something," he said with a smile as he waved off the Namekian, "Serena question, I have on my mind for you, how much do you miss fighting with your fellow sailor scouts?"
"I don't see why not. I did travel through time and was gone for days while up against the Black Moon clan. But we'll see how things go. If things happen where I have to actually ask my parents to let me do it, then I'll need to learn some sort of fighting so I can give them a good reason."

She listened to him talk to Piccolo about training and visiting the Namekian's place. She looked to Gohan in confusion. "I really miss them a lot. I got used to them being around to fight with me so it's been hard doing it alone.
Gohan smiled as he looked at Serena and pulled her into a hug, "I have a plan," he said as he looked at her, he did have a plan, he had been thinking about it for a long time, and he knew that his plan would work. He also had a second plan which was rather simple, so much so that he knew that it was needed to help deal with the problem perhaps as he would do something that needed to be done as well. "There are dragonballs as I told you they grant you any wish you want within reason," he said as he looked at her and smiled.

"Next week we can go and collect them, you and me, a trip, it will be fun, it is how my father used to have adventures when he was a kid actually," he said with a smile, "Now the dragon on earth grants two wishes, per year, we need to do this fast so that we can make a wish to get my father to return to this world, and the second wish can be to return your friend back their powers," he said with a smile as he knew that the wish would in fact work. He knew that they were going to need all the help they could get in the battle against this new force they were going to be going up against, and he also had a feeling that they could help each other.
Serena returned the hug. She looked up at him and listened intently. The idea of going on a trip to collect the dragonballs did sound fun to her. She liked the idea of his suggestions for the two wishes. "Think your father will willingly return now though? Considering he'd stayed away in attempt to keep danger away?"

She then thought about his suggestion for the second wish, to give her friends back their powers. As much as she wanted them back as allies, she didn't want to feel like they were being forced back to fighting if they were too happy in their normal lives. "As for my friends....what if they don't want to fight anymore? What if they're just too happy with their lives the way they are now? Would the dragon sense that and not grant the wish because of it?"
Gohan nodded, "Well why do you call and ask them, we have time, you can ask them if they want to fight and if any one does, then we can just wish that person's powers back, plus we can figure out something, heck I know humans who are super strong, just three mind you but they are normal humans," he said with a nod of his head as he looked at her, "as for my father, I will see about that, but it is worth a short if nothing else," he said with a grin, "plus it will be fun searching for the dragonballs a little adventure for the both of us to go on."

He looked around and knew it was time to head back most likely, "Well, I guess we both have things to do today, how about we meet tomorrow and we talk about what we have figured out," he said with a kind smile, "would you want a ride back to your house," he asked softly as he was offering to carry her all the way back to her house in his arms. He figured that she might like that idea, and he knew very well that he would enjoy that idea himself, he loved having this young woman in his arms.
Serena nodded. She felt better knowing they'd restrict it only to those who wanted to fight again. That would give the girls a choice. "We'll manage it if we all get together. "I hope your father does agree to come back. We'll need as much help as we can get. Not to mention, I want to meet him."

"Where should we meet tomorrow? Somewhere in between maybe? Or are we going to visit your teacher tomorrow too?" She smiled as he offered to carry her back home. She de-transformed. "I could definitely use the ride. The way I got here takes a bit of energy."
Gohan nodded as he looked at her, "yeah, he is strong, as strong, actually more than likely stronger than me now, he doesn't give up training as I had," he said as h e picked her up, "I figure that we can meet at the school it is a easy enough place to find, you can get there and I can meet you there, um tell your parents it is a school trip or that your learning self defense or something," he said as he looked at her, he knew he would come up with something too for his parents, but that wouldn't be that hard. He hoped that he didn't end up dragging Goten along as well though which was possible, but he would make sure his little brother stayed at home.

"You meet my teacher, and yes, we will meet him tomorrow, spend sometime there and then we will go to Capsule Corps get a dragon radar and we are off in search of the dragon balls whenever you are up for it, they are going to be all over the world, so the dragon radar will make finding them so much easier,," he said as he looked at her giving her a warm smile as he carried her though the air. He was so happy that she had helped, and he had her support now. Still he wanted to protect her as best as he could and that would mean getting stronger.
Serena nodded. "Shouldn't be too hard to get out." She hoped Luna likely wouldn't want to come along but she wasn't going to bet on it. She'd figure out how she was going to explain everything to Luna. At least she knew Luna would be likely to keep her mouth shut and not tell her parents since that would out Luna as being a talking cat. "I'll tell Luna about it. She might be able to help me come up with how to handle my parents."

She listened to him explain what they would do tomorrow. "Sounds like we'll have quite the trip regardless. But if it'll bring us some extra help in the end, it'll be worth it."
The trip wasn't that long but he could move pretty quickly he smiled as he knew that she would be able to help him with the plan and that they would be working so closely together as time went on. He smiled inwardly as he. Knew it was a chance to get to know Serena better and to strengthen a already strong relationship as well. He nodded his head in agreement with Serena as he landed in the ally across from her home.

Gohan leaned in and kissed Serena on her lips before she could leave his grasp. He smiled as he let her go."we'll see you tomorrow take care, he said with a smile on his face as he looked at her as he flew off carefully avoiding being noticed by anyone before heading home to spend the day getting things ready for e next day. He spent the afternoon training and working with his little borer as he was going to enter the tournament a fact that made gotten want to enter too.
Serena blushed when he kissed her before he let her go. She smiled and waved as he flew off before turning and heading out of the alley to her house. She talked to Luna about the whole ordeal and for once didn't get any warning or nagging from the feline. She then told her parents that she was going to start taking martial arts lessons in preparation for a tournament in a few months.

She told them that she was going to be learning from a friend and would probably not come home quite often after lessons because the friend was quite tough and kept up practice on their own knowledge every chance they get. Surprisingly, they agreed to it and wished her the best of luck.
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