A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

Serena felt better upon hearing that Gohan knew the people who had the dragonball. Both she and Luna followed Gohan out of the machine and over to Yamcha and Puar. Luna rode on Serena's shoulder, curling around as she looked over the two. Serena was her usual cheerful self and smiled warmly as they walked with Gohan. "This will make things easier."
"Yeah Gohan, who is your girlfriend, does your mother know about her," he said with a smile as he looked at the young man. He patted him on the back before he looked at Serena, "Well, I am Yamcha, former a lot of things, it is a honor to meet you," she said with a warm kind tone as he looked at her. "I am guessing you came for the dragon ball," he said as he held it up, "mind if I come along with you two?"

"I don't mind do you," he asked looking over at Serena as he look the ball into his hands, it was the dragon ball he needed, "Well, my mom doesn't need to know I have a girlfriend yet, I will tell her in time," he said with a smile, "you should so join the tournament this year it will be fun even if you won't win," he said the ex bandit and professional baseball player.

Puar looked at the cat and blinked floating around Serena, "your cat looks really different," Puar said in a high pitched tone as she looked at her, "I am puar, it is nice to meet you," the cat said respectfully.
Serena giggled. "I'm Serena. Nice to meet you as well. I don't mind if you come along." She smiled as she listened to Gohan before nodding in agreement.

"I'd like to think I don't look that different at all. I just happen to look similar to most house cats other than the crescent moon and my ability to talk." Luna spoke up. Serena giggled again. "Be nice Luna." She looked to Puar. "It's nice to meet you as well. Don't mind Luna, she's only used to one other talking cat."
Yamcha smiled as he got on the transport as he shook his head at Puar, "come along Puar don't cause them any trouble got it," he said softly as he looked at them for a moment, this was going to be interesting, he hadn't seen the dragon in a long time, since Cell really, he hadn't done much then, but he still trained a bit here and there, just to keep in shape mostly. He figured that just seeing the dragon would be worth the trip alone.

Gohan smiled as he looked at the interaction between them, and got back in letting Yamcha drive the transport, as he was way better of a driver then Gohan happened to be he sat in the back so he could sit with Serena as well so he could be closer to her as they went. He figured that having Serena close would be much more fun. Though he knew his chances were limited given the fact hey were very much not alone in the transport. Still with the fact that he had no chance it would be enjoyable to just be near her.

Puar blinked and nodded, "Well then, I should take you to meet my family, they all can talk," Puar commented as she floated over to the transport before getting into it.
Serena got back in the transport with Luna and the others. She smiled when she saw that Gohan was going to sit next to her. She reached for his hand, squeezing gently. She was happy to be able to have him sit closer to her now since he wasn't driving. Even with them not being alone, she was happy to just have him near.

Luna gave a look of interest. "Are you and your family native to Earth?"

Serena couldn't help but giggle again before looking to Puar. "It's been over a millennium since Luna was around any other talking cat besides Artemis and they're not exactly from Earth."
Gohan smiled as he looked at the interaction between the two cats and said nothing as he slipped his arm around Serena carefully as he held her close as they went along. He could tell this was something big for Luna to meet Puar another talking cat. It was interesting, he had never meet puar's family but he knew talking animals well a couple, and his dad told him stories of other ones that he knew. "My dad knew a talking fox once who would wear human clothes and had a job," he said with a smile as he looked at the others.

"Well, yeah, I am, um as far as I know and as long as I know we come from earth," Puar replied as she looked at Luna and nodded her head, "it wasn't the same big deal to Puar that it was for Luna. Then again she had to put up knowing Oolong and he was a talking pig.

Yamcha smiled as he was glad that Puar had someone to talk to that was also a cat, he flew the transport back quickly to the look out before letting the group off there. "Well, we can make a wish any time," he said as he looked at the group before turning the machine back into the capsule.
Serena leaned her head against Gohan's shoulder with a soft smile. She too watched the interaction between Puar and Luna. Besides Luna, the only other talking animal they'd known was Pegasus and he didn't really count since he was really a priest with an animal form. "And yet we're not used to seeing talking animals on a regular basis that so freely let it be known that they can talk. Luna and Artemis usually hide that ability in mixed company. Like I hide my crescent moon most of the time."
"Shenron I summon you," Yamcha called out as he smiled looking over up, as the sky darkened, it grew as black as night, just as he said, lighting came down from the sky as a huge dragon appeared out of nowhere, it was massive, making anything that looked at it look tiny by comparison. He looked up as he felt something close to aww at the dragon, It was so big so powerful and could so much. It only showed him how little he was able to do in comparison with the great dragon.

Gohan took a deep breath and blinked as he was contacted by his father, he was told not to wish him back, that he didn't want to return. Gohan sighed as he felt something "Shenron, I wish for you to Bring back Trunks into this time and place as we need him greatly," he said as he looked at the dragon, who granted the wish and a young man appeared nearby as he looked over surprised that he had been brought back from his time period. "Now Shenron, I want you to give back the powers of Lita the one known as Sailor Jupiter and Mina the one known as Sailor Venus," he again granted the wish as his eyes turned red. Soon the dragon balls rose into the sky and shoot off the dragon gone and the sky back to normal.
Serena and Luna watched the whole display with awe. Both were surprised at the sheer size and obvious power that Shenron possessed. Serena looked to Gohan and heard him sigh before he'd wished for Trunks to be brought back instead. At that point, it was easy to figure that somehow Gohan's father had made it known that he didn't want to return.

When the wish was made to give Lita and Mina back their powers, Serena's body had glowed white, before beams of green and orange had shot up from her and headed off in a direction that Serena and Luna knew would lead back to Tokyo where the aforementioned girls were. The glow around her died down just before Shenron disappeared and the dragon balls shot off across the world. Serena jumped up and down happily knowing that eventually she would have two of her friends back alongside her to fight.
Gohan watched as the things flew from Serena and looked at her and then smiled as he walked over and hugged her in his arms gently, He looked up to see the sun starting to head down in the sky, it was a heck of a view, "Well now, they will find there way here, and we can help them along if we need to even," he said with a smile before he turned to Trunks.

"Sorry, I need your help it seems my world in danger and well your the only person I could ask for help," he asked the future version. Trunks nodded his head as he thought about it, "It is okay, things are quiet and this will give me a chance to work up some ideas that I can use for the future, we need some, and things re good over all though," he said as he looked at Gohan, he respected him enough that he would go along with it. Plust to see him as an young adult, it reminded Trunks of his own teacher who died, Mirai Gohan. Trunks looked around, "Well, then, I am going to go talk to my father, I will catch you later," he said waving as he took off and headed out.

"Well now, I think we can stay for a bit," Yamcha commented as he saw that Popo had the food waiting, it was a lot of food and I t looked good, even a human like Yamcha could be a bit hungry so he headed in that general direction to have a bite.
Serena returned the hug with a huge grin. She too, turned to see the sunset. "Thank you. It means so much to me to have them back." She watched the interaction between Trunks and Gohan with a soft smile. "Has he ever told you how it feels to see a past version of himself? I've been on the past looking to the future...it's weird." She giggled softly. She turned to see Popo had the foot waiting. "I could definitely use some food too."
"Yeah it will be odd for him," Gohan said with a nod of his head as he looked at her and then headed in to get something to eat. Gohan ate with the other enjoying the food, He loved to eat and this was good enough to enjoy. He ate his fair share as the night grow later and later. He waved to Yamcha who was headed to rest in one of the room and found Serena again after having the large meal he would head to bed too. He slipped his arms around the woman and kissed her lips, "I shall see you in the morning, if you want you can slip away and head to my room tonight," he whispered to her before taking his leave of her.
Serena ate her share too of the food, waving to Yamcha. Luna had already left to head to the room that would be hers and Serena's. With a soft smile, the blond kissed Gohan. "Might take you up on that." She winked and headed to her room, preparing for bed, letting her hair down from its style. With a soft smile, she settled into bed and went to sleep. A couple hours later, her sleep turned fitful before she woke up in a sweat, panting. Carefully, she snuck out of bed, making sure not to wake Luna and headed to Gohan's room, knocking softly. "Gohan?"
Gohan heard the knock at the door, he had a good feeling of who it was, the young man was at that moment only in his boxers ad he heard it. He walked over and opened the door quietly as he looked at Serena, he blushed as he did so waking up fully and smiled at her, "Well, hello Serena, I figured you wouldn't be able to make it. I am glad that I was wrong about that," he said with a warm smile on his lips as he looked at her, he was a pretty in shape man who worked hard to keep in said shape. He took a deep breath before he leaned over and kissed the blond on her lips softly.
Even in her current state of slight residual panic from her dream, she was still able to smile back at him. She was quite a pretty sight, in a lightweight pink gown that she'd kept in a subspace pocket, her hair flowing down to her ankles now that it was out of the normal hairstyle. She blushed as she took in the sight of his state of undress, her eyes lingering a bit long on his muscles before she looked back at his eyes. She kissed him back with a smile. But due to the dream having scared her so, she was a bit shaky.
Gohan can feel this in the kiss and looks at her as he breaks the kiss, "What is wrong fair Serena," he asked softly as he looks into her blue eyes for a moment and holds her still. "I can tell something is on your mind and I think most likely it is vexing you a great deal," he commented as he looked at he worried about her and worried about what was troubling her as well, as he walked and sat next to her on his bed. He listened carefully to her words not saying thing as he waited for her to explain what was bugging her so. He figured that waiting for her answer would give him the answer he needed to be able to help her with her issue.
Serena had remained quiet until they were on her bed. "Bad dream. I know I shouldn't have let it get to me, but I couldn't help it. It was us; you, me, Yamcha, your teacher, Lita, Trunks, Mina against that Demon, some youma and a couple of old enemies that Mina, Lita and I along with the other scouts had faced. It was terrible. Innocent lives at stake....everyone dropping to death....until it was just you and me. I had to watch as your head was blown off. It felt so real..."Her voice had started to break and she started crying. "And after you were killed....I was forced into a....plaything for the Demon and one of my old enemies, Prince Diamond." She was shaking hard now.
"I won't fail, we won't fail it is okay,' he said as he held her in his arms, he didn't so anything elsle as he let her rest against him laying back on the bed," he kissed her against putting his arms around her and letting her rest snuggled up against him. It was a new feeling having someone like this. He let her cry into his arms as he rubbed her back gently, for a good long moment knowing that it would help her if she felt comfortable and relax, "I, no we will get strong enough to win, no matter who we are against," he whispered to her softly as he knew that he could help her deal with her fears at least a bit.
Serena slowly began to relax as Gohan comforted her. She nodded as she laid her head against his chest, causing herself to blush when she remembered that chest was bare. "You're right. We'll win. We have to. Everyone's counting on us." She'd stopped crying and had relaxed in his embrace. She felt safe from all the danger, dream or real. Her breathing was more even now. "Hey, Trunks gets to meet Mina after all." She giggled, thinking of something happier.
"Yep, that will be neat to see, I am sure they will get along just fine," he said as he looked down at Serena. He held her tightly, "why do you sleep here with me tonight to be sure nothing bad happens like those horrible dreams again," he said softly to her as he let her continue to cuddle against him for a good long moment. He let his hands slide around her holding firmly against his body as he yawned, "I am tired good night princess," he said softly as he fell asleep quickly soon after, he had a smile on his face as he was rather happy to have Serena near him as he slept.
Serena nodded. "I'm sure they will too. Mina will love the attention." She smiled and was glad he'd asked her to stay with him tonight, especially since she'd been planning to ask him that anyway. She pressed a gentle kiss to his chest before closing her eyes. It wasn't long before she was asleep too, a soft smile of content on her sleep as she slept peacefully cuddled with Gohan for the rest of the night.
The next morning Gohan woke up and slipped away from Serena early that morning, he kissed her lips as he got up and slipped on some clothes leaving her in her nightgown as he walked out and headed to meet his teacher. He figured that Serena could sleep in some as she would need the sleep to help her adjust to things. He smiled as he looked around for a good moment, seeing the sun slowly coming up he was confronted by Piccolo and that showed the start of the morning work out or sparing match. The noise from the match woke up Yamcha at last as he watched the two before joining in himself working with the two to improve his own skills as they moved around not powered up working on form as they battled in the sky and on the look out itself.
Eventually Serena woke up and headed back to her room to get dressed. Just as she finished putting her hair back up, her communicator went off and she answered it to the happy squeals from Lita and Mina. Both having just realized they had their powers back. They hadn't expected to get them as Serena had phrased her question hypothetically to them. She gave them a short run-down of what had happened with a smile. They told her they'd try to use the Sailor Teleport to get to where she was. In response, she told them to let her know if that didn't work for them and she'd arrange for them to be picked up. Finally, they disconnected and she heard the noises from the match, drawing her curiosity along with Luna's. The pair heading for the source and watching from a safe distance.
The three of the Z-warriors moved fast, against each other, Gohan attacked by both Piccolo and Yamcha as he prepared a defense, no going super saiyan which meant the field was level if not in Piccolo's advantage, they moved fast as they attacked going at each other fast, the movement was near blinding as they ended up exchanging attacks Gohan keeping on the defensive for a good while till he knocked Yamcha down out of the fight as he then focused on Piccolo. He attacked his mentor next as he moved fast at him, winning the exchange as he game down and landed on the ground with the other two.

"Well now, your Lita and Mina right," Gohan asked as he looked at the two new females and smiled politely. "I am Gohan, and well welcome, we have a situation, um as I am sure Serena told you about already,' He said politely to the group of them as he looked and bowed to the group. He felt that it was nice that he got to meet more people his age, and he knew that the brunette and the blonde were his age.

"I am Yamcha, it is also a pleasure to meet you all too," he said with a smile as he looked at the group of newcomers, this was the first time he had been here but he knew he was going to need to seriously train to have a chance to not embarrass himself at the world tournament later. He smiled with a kind look, as he looked at the youngsters. "Trunks our last member will be here later, he is with his parents at the moment."
Serena had been super excited when the girls showed up. And in awe as she'd watched the three males fight. She looked around and saw that Luna was no where around and realized that Mina must have brought Artemis and the two cats had gone inside.

Lita, the brunette nodded. "Nice to meet you too. I'm also Sailor Jupiter." It was obvious that Lita was the tallest of the three girls. "Nice to see that our princess has been in good hands."

Mina grinned. "I'm the lovely Sailor Venus and was Serena's doppleganger til her hair went all extra light on me."

Serena laughed. "Girls, stop it." She teased.
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