A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

Serena smiled. "We'll manage it. As we have before now." She blushed at his compliments. "Maybe. A truly innocent and pure heart can have that effect I've been told. I look back on some of the things I've done as Sailor Moon and try to look at it as someone outside might. I've given some enemies a second chance...healed them with the crystal. Another....I told her I still pitied her even after she had just tossed someone I care about to what might have been a fatal death. I made that jump too, intent on still protecting that person. Needed her to help save us both. Between her and another ally, we survived...just barely at the end."

Lita nodded in understanding. "It is quite a difference." She grinned herself. "Though it feels a little better to go down fighting."

Mina chuckled. "Lucky for you that you did not come to London while I was working alongside the police there." She smiled softly and reassuringly. "Nothing wrong with looking back to the old days, days that helped to shape who you are now."
Gohan looked at her and nodded his head, "I understand that, it is good that you did that, that you gave them a second chance," he said as he looked at her, and rested on his back as he knew that this young woman and he were a great deal alike, "there is something you might be able to learn, it is something very powerful, the most powerful move I know, but it will take a lot of work, but without my dad here it would be good if someone could use it," he said to her softly as he knew that move was the one that had saved them almost a couple of times.

"Well, I have to admit, I didn't die fighting, I was shot by a beam of energy standing still," Trunks said rubbing the back of his neck as he looked at Lita, before he looked at her, "so what do you do for fun, now that you can't fight or when you couldn't?"

"Yeah, I payed my dues, um," he commented with a smile s he looked at her, "The Kaio-Ken,I think I might be able to show you it, and help you learn that, it amplifies your attacks making the way stronger for a moment, but it also is very draining and if done wrong dangerous as well," he said as he looked over at her.
Serena giggled. "I've always been the type to try to see the good in everyone. Even when most other people wouldn't." She looked at him in interest. "Oh really? I'd like to give it a try."

Lita grinned. "Well, I cooked and baked. Still do. Serena has sworn my cooking is some of the best she's had. And she's got quite the appetite. Which reminds me..." She looked in Serena and Gohan's direction. "Hey Gohan?! Have you been witness to her eating yet?!" Her tone was full of playful teasing and answered by a groan of embarrassment from Serena.

Mina burst into giggles over hearing Lita taunt Serena. "Poor Serena." She then looked back at Yamcha. "I thnk I'd like to try. Nothing wrong with trying and it might be a good help in the long run."
Gohan looked at her and then heard Lita and smiled, as he looked at Serena and nodded his head, "Oh yeah, we goto the same school when I meet her she was having a huge pile of food, it was really amazing, never seen such a cutie eat so much food at one time," he said as he looked over at Lita and smiled for a moment as he enjoyed teasing Serena as well.

"Well Lita, your cooking will be in high demand, Trunks and Gohan can most likely match Serena in eating," he said with a grin as he knew that he could use that to turn it on the two of them and cause them to blush in turn. He knew that the saiyans were by nature large eaters of food. He looked back to Mina, "Well, we will work on it, I have to say, your powers were really cool, and fitting of you as well," he said with a smile.

Trunks blushed as did Gohan at Yamcha's comment and each remained pretty quiet for a moment, Trunks though did look at Lita, "Well, um your going to have to show me some of this cooking, I haven't had a good meal in a rather long while," he said to her honestly.
Serena rolled her eyes at the teasing from her boyfriend and friend. "You guys are cruel." She pouted and crossed her arms in mock anger. She then sneakily aimed a finger in Lita's direction, smirking in satisfaction when a resounding 'Ow!" was heard from Lita. "Serves you right Lita!"

Mina snickered at the exchange by everyone else, but even more so at what Serena did to Lita. "Looks like even now Amara gets you Lita." She then blushed at hearing Yamcha. "Thank you."

Lita rubbed her arm where she'd been hit by Serena's sneak attack. An arm where she'd been pinned by the older former scout in question in spars before. A sneak attack that even now left a glow of influence belonging to the planet of Uranus. She grinned having heard Yamcha. "Well I shouldn't have too much a problem. I know a couple of blonds I've been meaning to yank into the kitchen to learn again anyway." She then smiled at hearing Trunks. "Maybe I will one day."
Trunks looked at Lita's arm and rubbed the spot as he looked at her, "Well then, I think you have your work cut out for you then," Trunks said with a smile as he looked into her eyes and smiled as he looked at her, "whenever is fine, I am going to head in myself, I will talk to you in a bit," he said with a smile to the brown haired young woman. He got to his feet, and thought about something, "tomorrow I will have to show you my sword, it is pretty cool."

Gohan smiled at the interaction between friends it was so much fun to be with others like this when training, he smiled as he looked at Serena, "Well, I have to go spar with Piccolo, please stay out of trouble okay," he said to her softly as he kissed her cheek and slipped way form Serena to go find his teacher.

"Well this will sure be interesting," Yamcha mused to himself as the long dark haired man stood on his feet again, "all of you come around, I am going to teach you all something now, how to fly," he said as he looked at them, "without using any powers at all, it isn't hard and well, I am sure you will be able to master it," he commented as he tossed out the transport, "but we are going to the ground, if you mess up and fall here and miss the look out, yeah, it won't end so well."
Lita blushed a bit when Trunks had rubbed the spot on her arm. She nodded and watched him go inside. "I'll look forward to it." She stood as well.

Serena rolled her eyes with a giggle at Gohan telling her to stay out of trouble. "I'll try." She watched him leave before going over by Lita.

Mina listened in curiosity as Lita and Serena walked over to where she and Yamcha were. All three nodded in understanding at what he meant the end would be if they messed up while up so high. The three girls headed on inside the transport and took their seat.s
Yamcha looked at the group of them as he took a deep breath, "you all have live energy or Kai, you use this and it grows overtime, I am sure it is in each of you all living things have it. Now, the key to flying is two steps, first you have to learn to bring out your kai, without this you can't fly, it is tricky but not that hard," he said as he looked at them, before taking off and heading to a empty grassy field that they could try this out. "You will all find a place sit down as if you were in meditation, then reach your hands out and try to focus your kai onto the spot between your hands, you will feel it at the core of your being, when you pull it out you will now, and then when you all get it, I will go over how to fly," he said as he landed and got out of the transport.
The three girls nodded. Once he landed the transport, they got out behind him. Each took a spot on the ground, leaving space between them. They held their hands out as he had instructed and tried to focus their kai. Mina was the first to get it, with Lita being second. For Serena, it was obvious that she was trying to focus without calling the crystal to activate from within the brooch on her chest, as the brooch flashed from time to time before she finally got it as well.
He looked at the kai they created, he had a feeling that this would be the case and it was, they had elements of their own natural elements within the key, nothing bad, but it would make for a interesting thing later if they worked on it he could think of Lita using a Kamehameha wthat had the added effects of having electricity inside of the attack. "Okay, now here is the next step, the hard step," he said as he looked at the group, "you put that natural energy under you as you fly, the energy the kai keeps you in the air, it is invisible in this state, but it works this way, the best way I have been told is to think happy thoughts ironically," he said as he looked at the group of females.
Figuring that now came a part they needed to stand for, all three girls stood up, still managing to focus on their kai. Slowly they began to push it under them. Serena had the been the first to get the next part, lifting slightly, though the change in balance threw her off slightly as she leaned forward but managed to right herself quickly. The other two weren't long to follow.
Yamcha knew they had gotten the lesson, but he could also see the sun setting off in the distance. "Okay, here is the deal, I want you to fly up to the look out, it is your final test, of your skill," He said pointing upwards towards the lookout and looking right at the three of them, "If you fall I will catch you and carry you up the rest of the way, it will be save," he said as he rose up and joined the three of them in the air, as he wanted to test them to see if they had understood and got the lesson that he had given them or not, knowing this would be a good challenge for each.
The three girls looked up then between each other. Silently it was decided that Serena would try first. She pushed herself up slowly at first. About halfway up, she gradually sped up. Lita was the next to follow with Mina after them. It wasn't long before the three had managed to make it back up to the lookout. All three beaming smiles of pride at each other as they waited for Yamcha to catch up.
When they got to the top they would see what would be a rather epic battle going on between two super saiyans, Gohan, and Trunks, it was a sparing match, but it was epic, each hit rocking the look out as the moved across the sky like flashes of light, or lightning moving against each other going nearly all out as they tested each other. At points the whole sky lit up a shade of blue before the color fade away. Yamcha as he got up sat and watched himself looking up as he knew what was happening. The two landed crushing blows on each other hitting each other with power moves and light moves and all types of attacks as they battled tooth and nall before both hit the lookout near the girls, they moved at each other giving each other powered up hits before disappearing again, this time only gohan came hitting the ground hard, as he transformed out of Super Saiyan back to normal.

"Yeah, I have a whole lot of work to do to get back to where I was," he said as his outfit was ripped up and he was bleeding a good bit as Trunks came down in not so much better shape. Both were soon healed by Dende as the two warriors were rather tired form their work out and sparing match against each other. It was the first time for Trunks he had ever beaten Gohan in a match, he felt happy, but he also knew he had to work a lot too.
The three girls were in absolute awe as the two saiyans sparred. Sure Serena had seen Gohan fight before, but it still amazed her every time she saw it. Mina and Lita were both amazed at the fighting and the effects the sparring had on the sky. When the two saiyans landed, the girls had touched down too. They watched as Dende healed them before Serena moved over to Gohan, impressed. The last times she'd done fighting midair like that, it hadn't been with the incredible speed and strength that Gohan and Trunks had moved.
A roar came form Gohan as he looked at Serena and smiled, "I am not nearly as good as I should be," he admitted openly to her as he smiled, "Now, I saw that you flew up here, good job, I am really proud of you," he said as he leaned in and kissed her, not worried about anyone seeing him do so, he turned to Lita and smiled, "could you help with the cooking, I am sure I can make up for it or Trunks can, we will both owe you greatly,' he said with a smile as he looked at her, "I am going to go take a bit of a rest, I still feel not so great," he said as he wondered off a bit.
Serena smiled softly when he kissed her, a blush tinting her cheeks when the sounds of twin 'Awws' could be heard from Lita and Mina. "It's still impressive nonetheless Gohan. Especially compared to the battles I've been in. Go get you some rest. Maybe I'll give you a massage later." She winked and watched him.

Lita chuckled and looked to Trunks. "I'll help anyway I can. Just point me to the kitchen."
Gohan looked over at Serena and smiled as he blushed a bit as he looked at her and then nodded his head, "Well now, I will look forward to that," he aid with a small smile on his face as he looked over at Serena and then got to his feet and walked into the housing area and laid down on his bed. He knew that he was going to have to work hard, but at least he knew just how much work he needed to do know fighting Trunks had shown him just how much weaker he was now, then when he battled Cell.

Trunks nodded his head as he looked over at Lita, "well now, if I remember right, it is right in that direction, it is the third door on the right side,' he said pointing in the direction of the right building that stood off to itself, it was apart form the main building that made up the lookouts upper buildings. Trunks was pumped as he pointed it out, he couldn't wait to see just how good of a cook that Lita happened to be, he was excited to taste her food.
Serena giggled and watched as Gohan left to go inside. She was going to wait a bit before going in after him. She knew a massage would make him feel good and was eager to give it to him. After a while, she headed on inside, telling Mina she was going to go see Luna and Artemis. She did peek in on the two cats and smiled at the picture they made before heading on to Gohan's room.

Lita nodded. "Thanks. It'll be a real treat for everyone. Been a while since I've cooked for anyone besides me." She headed on inside, following Trunks' instructions to the kitchen. After introducing herself to Popo and ensuring him that she was not planning on putting him out the kitchen, she set to work cooking. Gladly accepting help from him as she worked.
Yamcha smiled as he watched the others, he felt good about the future, he could tell that Gohan and Serena were such an adorable couple. He got to his feet, as he called out Puar, and smiled, "so you been having fun with your distant cousins," he said with a grin as he knew that it wasn't distant, but they were able to all talk and they were all cats so he figured they had something in common at least.

"Yeah it was fun, far better then hanging around Oolong," the high pitched floating cat commented as he flew around Yamcha causing the ex-bandit to smile a bit as he walked with the cat, heading to find somewhere to wait till the meal was ready. He sat next to Trunks as he looked over at him, "How is your mother doing," he asked politely, as he knew if fate would of been a bit different he might of been his own son.

"She is doing well, both of them," he said with a nod, "Things are getting better in the future, we are starting to rebuild the cities, perhaps in a dozen or so years, thing will be nearly back to at least to what they are now," he mused as he looked over at Yamcha, "it is nice to be here though, to see my father and Gohan," he added.
Mina smiled softly as she watched Gohan and Serena. She was glad Serena found someone who clearly made her really happy. She also watched the interactions between everyone else. Silently, she took a seat and just observed and got lost in thought, not really hearing the discussion between Yamcha and Trunks.

Serena peeked into Gohan's room with a soft smile. "Ready for that massage? I think the food's still gonna take a while. Lita's a perfectionist with her cooking."
Yamcha moved over and sat next to Mina as he tapped her gently on her shoulder. "Well now, penny for your thoughts?" he asked her as he gave her a kind smile, "I am all ears, and I have been told from time to time, that I am pretty good at listening to people," he commented with a smile as he looked at the young woman. He figured based on her looks that she was thinking about something.

Trunks turned and slipped inside, he sat in the kitchen to just simply watch Lita cook, he figured he never got to see what a master cook looked like, so this was a great chance. He normally got food that was created by some computer or some similar thing. His mother wasn't a cook, she was a genius and a inventor and many others things, just not a cook.

Gohan heard Serena and turned to look towards her and nodded his head as he smiled, "that sounds like a most amazing idea, plus it would be better before the meal then after when we are tired and want to sleep," he commented as he got off the bed and sat down on it giving Serena more then enough room to come over and give him the massage.
Mina looked at Yamcha when he tapped her shoulder and smiled. "Honestly, you might think it's a little silly. Or even hard to believe." She sighed and looked down. "It's just hard. Seeing everyone in love. That real genuine love. What Serena and Gohan have....what Trunks and Lita are going to have, trust me it's on their faces clear as day....I want to experience that. I've had guys who loved me because I'm an idol, guys fall at my feet when I'm Sailor Venus. I've even had guys reject me because they thought I was trying to look too much like Sailor V.." She snorted. "Not like I could've told them it was because I am Sailor V. But I've never had anyone love me for me." She snorted again. "Listen to me. The soldier of love having love problems of her own. Unbelievable."

Lita was truly a dedicated master in the kitchen. Stirring, tasting, keeping track of how long something was on the stove or in the oven. It was obvious that where Trunks' mother excelled in science, Lita was her counterpart in the kitchen. Delicious smells of food and desserts wafted from the kitchen as Lita worked, not noticing that Trunks was watching.

Serena giggled. "True. Either way you'll be much more relaxed. Though Lita's cooking might be relaxing enough on its own." She grinned and sat on the bed, moving behind him on her knees. She started to massage his shoulders, her movements firm yet gentle at the same time as she worked out the kinks.
Yamcha looked at Mina as he listened to her for a long moment. taking in her whole statement as he nodded his head, he then patted her on the back gently, "It is fine, you are right, it is easy to see four will be two couples before to long," he sai with a nod of his head as he looked over in the direction that they happened to be in, more over the direction of the kitchen. "Now that last part, well that is foolish, for them, these people, seem to be...foolish. Your persona is just a part of you, a very impressive person who is behind all of that," he said cheering her up, but also meaning the words. "I do understand the sentament though, my best friends from my youth are all married, all but me. Most with kids, like Goku, Gohan's father."

Trunks was more then amazed to watch her, he had never seen anything like this woman, she was skilled and good at what she did, he couldn't but help smiling as he watched. He remianed as quiet as possible cause he didn't want to throw her off her cooking game, finding a seat, and sitting in it quietly as he relaxed enjoying the view of the woman cooking before himself.

Gohan nodded as he felt her hands against his shoulder, she most likely could find a knot or two as he rested his eyes a bit, "Your crystal how does it work, I have been curious it had the powers of others, but you are the only one who can use it," he asked as he had been thinking about it for a long time.
Mina smiled softly. "Thank you. I guess it's hard for people to look past it. The way I am is both sides, Mina and Sailor Venus. Serena and Lita....if you'd seen them a couple years ago, you might think different. Serena was a klutz and a crybaby but once you got to know her, you could see just how big her heart is, how much she cares about others. How much she wants to see the good all the time and her determination. With Lita, guys at school were afraid of her because they'd hear these stories that followed her from another school about how she was always in fights with the boys. But you get to know her and you can see her loyalty and her enjoyment of cooking. And how much she treasures the close friends she has. But me....there is no separate part to me. It's why I treasure the friendship I have with Lita and Serena. Because they accept me for who I am, understand me because of our duty as sailor scouts.

Lita continued to move around the kitchen. She pulled pastries out the oven and set them to cool. Turned off the stove and moved pots so the items in them wouldn't cook further from residue heat. It wasn't until she'd set everything aside that she finally saw Trunks sitting there. "H-How long have you been there?"

She tenderly worked out each knot one by one. "I can access the powers of the others. But its main power reacts to me because of my Lunarian heritage. It only works that way. It can draw on the strength of others if I call for it, but it works to me. Sure if I was transformed and someone removed my brooch, it would undo the transformation. But they wouldn't be able to actually use it and call its' strength. Funny how none of the enemies that wanted it figured that out though." She giggled. Even Queen Beryl's generals were at a loss on how to reunite it from the seven rainbow crystals it had separated into once Queen Serenity sent us to be reborn. It took one of my tears to reunite the crystals after they'd been found from their hiding spots."
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