A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

"It is a honor too meet you each, Mina, Lita," Gohan said softly with a kind tone, "I have been watching out for your princess while you can't" he said with a smile as he noticed that they were all very different from one and other. He looked at the group. For a moment before he noticed Trunks returning to the lookout he was in his normal out fit with his capsule corps jacket on as he landed and looked at the others who were gathered around. "Well, I am late again it seems,' he said as he looked at the group gathered, "I am Trunks Brief a pleasure to meet you," the young purple haired man said with a smile as he looked at Lita and then Mina, he smiled as he remembered Mina, "Your Sailor V, aren't you" he said quickly towards her.

"Well now, here is what is going to happen, since I can't train all of you at once, I will each take a training partner and work with them during the next 6 months to prepare for the tournament, each of you will work on using your skills and working as a team, I will work with you of course, but you will have to work together," Piccolo said as he looked at the girls and focused on them, "Each of you may choose who you want as your sparing partner, I figure that would be fair, human's have such odd customs anyway," he said before walking off for a moment.
Mina of course beamed with pride. "The one and only." She loved getting attention from her days as Sailor V. Serena and Lita both rolled their eyes at their friend's antics. "Here we go again." Serena looked at Gohan. "I told you she'd love the attention." The three girls had listened to Piccolo and nodded to in understanding before they looked back to Gohan, Yamcha and Trunks. "So how are we doing this?"
Gohan looked at the group of them and looked at Serena, "I am going to train Serena personally," he announced as he looked at her taking her hands in his own hands as he looked at the other two that were there. " now you two, pick someone to train with there is only two of them and two of you, wait Trunks train with Lita you will focus better that way, and Mina you get to train with Yamcha," Gohan commented.

Trunks nodded his head as he looked at his sparing partner and out his hand out and smiled a bit."well it is nice to meet you Miss lita, mind if we spar a bit later or see what we can do too train."

Yamaha hadn't figured on helping train a person. It he nodded his head," well I will do my best. The human smiled as he put out his hand,"well, I remember you too, they had a commercial they would play about you at the baseball stadium every couple of,days," he commented as he shook her hand gently.
Serena blushed. Granted she'd figured that Gohan would have some hand in her training at some point if not all of it but she'd also known that it might not have been possible for other reasons. "We don't exactly have the sort of training clothes that you guys all do though. Remember, we fight evil in miniskirts."

Lita shook Trunks' hand with a smile. "Nice to meet you too. It's been a while since I've had a good spar. Looking forward to it."

Mina shook Yamcha's hand as well. "They played it that often? Nice. Well, most I can say I'm looking forward to this."
"Yeah, having a namekian who can create things with magic helps there," Gohan said as he handed Serena a outfit like his but fit for her body and not his of course. He smiled as he looked at her, and then kissed her cheek softly. He took her hand into his own and smiled as he led her away from the others, "We are going to train, but I want you to train on using your magic skills as much as your physical ones on me, okay," he said looking at her as he held her softly in his strong arms, it was so nice to do, he couldn't help himself sometimes.

"Yeah, well, good, um, we can get started soon, we just have to get you squared a way to a room, and then we can figure out a good way to start working out together," he said as he looked at the brown haired woman, she was cute, he thought to himself as he nodded his head, "so, Lita, why don't I let you attack me, I will be able to defend as best as I can, it will test and press both of us well and help us both get better."

"Yeah every single day, it is really cool, well during baseball season anyhow," he said as he looked at her and then walked over behind, "I am not like the others here, I am just a normal human," he admitted as he led her to her own room, "I am pretty good, and I think I can teach you a few trick as well," he said to her with a kind smile on his face. He felt like he would do his best to help prepare Mina for whatever problems she might have in the coming days. He would take his work as seriously as possible. Though the young woman did put him on edge and made him feel a bit nervous a reminder of his young days when he was afraid of all women.
Serena smiled as she took the outfit from Gohan. "That definitely does help." She walked with him. "I'll see what I can do. Granted I've never really tried to use them without being transformed though." She loved being in his arms and smiled.

Lita nodded in understanding. "Shouldn't be too hard." The guy was cute, even with purple hair. "Right now? What's the rules?" She wanted to know if their first spar was going to be all contact or include energy as well.

Mina smiled softly and reassuringly. "It doesn't matter to me. I'm more for love anyway being the soldier of love and all." She giggled. "They obviously think you'll be of some help anyway so look at the bright side of it."
Gohan nodded his head as he looked at her, "Well we can work on it, it will help so that your skills are better so that when you do transform, you will be able to use them then a lot better," he explained with a smile as he looked at her. He walked around her and looked at her for a moment longer before he let his hands grope her backside softly and smiled at her, "Okay try it, try to bring forth your power, and we will test it right here and see what it does."

"The rules are, land a hit and I will do you one favor, land two hits and well yeah two favors," he said as he took up his guard and prepared himself for the defense, "use whatever you can to get a hit on me Lita, you will need the help trust me on that one," he said as he was confident in his own skill and abilities. he powered up a bit still to be sure, he knew that this female had a higher ki level then the others it was most likely from training that she had already done in life, still he was impressed by her.

Yamcha smiled as he looked at her, and nodded his head, "that is a neat thing to be have the power over," he said with a smile as he looked at the woman. Love that was a spot he had horrible luck in. He never had good luck but he was one who figured that maybe one day he would find someone. He looked at her and smiled, "we can train together, I know a lot of exercises that can help, but question if your the soilder of love, than love is the thing that give you more power right," he said with a smile feeling a bit proud of himself.
Serena set the outfit she was given down somewhere safe before turning around determinedly. She closed her eyes and focused, attempting to draw her power forward. It took a minute but eventually there was a white glow about her. Upon feeling the glow, she opened her eyes and grinned. "That's a nice start."

Lita nodded, a green glow surrounding her. She ran forward and started to attack, going with punches first. Every now and then, she'd add an electric charge to her punches.

Mina nodded. "You could say that. Granted the love I have for the other scouts is different from a romantic love but it's helped us out of many a bind."
Gohan watched the princess as he kept a close eye on her. He could tell that her plan was to pull forth her aura in this form, he smiled as she was able to do so. He found it beautiful to see her with the white glow, it made her look a bit different, something that the young man did in fact very much like as he stepped back quietly to look over the woman who stood before himself smiling a bit. "Good, well at least know we know it is possible," he commented with a small smile on his face.

Trunks watched the attack come at him, she was fast far faster than he thought she would he. To color the half saiyan impressed would be a correct assumption. He moved back pressing his feet against the stone tiles as he cut to the right, he avoided all the attacks that came his way. The attacks slowly got closer to himself, he could tell that the woman who he was fighting was damned determined to hit him. He tried to adjust his rate of turning moving to the left when he made a mistep, which gave Lita a good combination on him, fell backward stun a bit by the electrical power of the second part of the attack, before getting to his feet still stinging for his mistake, but with a lot of respect for Lita.

Yamcha nodded his head as he looked at the blonde young woman, "that is true, love of friend..s is important," he said feeling for some reason more nervous around this woman than most other really pretty much all going back to his days being a bandit. He looked at her, "So, I am going to go for a run around this little place a few time should be good enough to get some work in," he said as he looked at her, "would you care to join me?"
Serena was smiling with pride that she'd been able to manage such a feat. Even though she no longer had the powers of Jupiter and Venus at her disposal, she still had the others. She decided to see if she could pull one now, her choice being the flames of Mars. She touched her index fingers together and focused, feeling the heat as a flame built above her fingers.

Lita grinned a bit. "Well now that was a workout right there. That was me going easy and being nice. I could've just used one of my normal attacks and let it follow you around until it hit you." She smirked.

Mina nodded with a smile. "I could use the warm-up. It's been a while since I've done laps for volleyball practice so I might be a bit out of shape on that. But it'll be a good start."
Gohan smiled as he looked at Serena and pressed arms across his chest as he felt her odd powers, he smiled as he thought about a way to train her, "you have to try your powers, it is like using a muscle the more you do so the more you can use them. You remember your skills better," he said as he looked at the flame that was on her finger. He smiled as he watched her fire and knew that the elemental skill she had was most impressive, "fire huh, okay, try water, now."

Trunks smiled, "good use one now, I want to see you full attacks pull them all off, I don't want you to hold back at all," Trunks said with a smile as he turned super saiyan in front of her, "I need to be tested to and I need to work on my defense as well," he said with a smile as he looked at Lita, he knew he had to keep pushing himself as he smiled at her with his green eyes focused on Lita.

"Good, I figure some work like this will help us both get back into shape, then we can figure some better stuff to do," The ex-bandit commented as he lead her in the laps around the lookout, it was fun, he hadn't ever thought about being a teacher of his fighting style, maybe he should have before this point. He kept the pace smooth as they moved, keep it so that it would push Mina but not push to much.
Serena let the fire disappear when he told her to try water. She then thought of her two former guardians with their control over water. She decided to show off Neptune's over Mercury's power. After all, Mercury's powers brought her something that might be useful to her in battle. She held her hands up as a ball of water formed, taking a planetary shape. She pushed it off, grinned as it dispersed into the powerful Deep Submerge attack of Neptune.

Lita smirked as she watched him turn super saiyan. "As you wish." Since she'd hinted about her thunder dragon already, she wasn't going to just use it right away. Leaves appeared around her and circled her before zooming in his direction, each leaf a sharp weapon in itself. Her oak evolution attack was a sort of distraction.

Mina ran the laps with Yamcha, smiling. Granted she couldn't try to use her attacks out of form like how Serena and Lita were doing, but it was better for now. Since it would be more fair to Yamcha. Plus she'd eventually train with Piccolo and she knew she'd be able to try then if the girls didn't help her.
Gohan smiled as he watched her attack and then nodded his head as he smiled, "good job, very good job, I want to see how good you are at this type of stuff and well honestly I think it looks good,' he said as he prepared for Serena and stepped back as he prepared for the events that would come after, "okay, I want you to defend against me, I want you to think fast and figure out how to avoid these softballs I am going to throw at you. He said as he took a bucket of soft round balls and prepared to throw them.

Trunks smiled as he looked at Lita and knew that the attack was a diversion, he was a master of such attacks, he used his hand to create a small burning attack and fired the large ball and dealt with the leaves as he looked for her and figured what she would do, he had a plan for dealing with her homing attack, he wasn't sure the nature, but he could get a good idea of what she could do.

Yamcha stopped after a while and turned, "Well, I want to see what you can do, maybe you can push me to catch up with the others and maybe I can help you some with some of the tricks I know in combat," he said with a calm look as he went into the clear area and charge up, as he knew he was most the least powerful, but he needed to get way stronger to help out and sparing with Mina was the best way of doing that.
Serena nodded and prepared herself for the oncoming attacks with soft balls. Again, she had decided to hold back the Mercury bubbles as it would be an easy out but again would be her secret for an advantage because of what it did. That didn't mean that she wouldn't use some of the other planetary powers, including that of Mercuy. She'd already decided she'd switch it up and even just plain dodge them.

Lita had taken advantage and moved after sending off her Oak Evolution to hurry behind in attempt to attack him from behind. She quickly charged up electricity between her hands and tossed it at his back.

Mina had nodded in agreement with Yamcha. "Alright then." Seeing him charge up made her feel a lot better. She focused in the same way Serena had done, causing an orange glow around herself. "Prepare to dodge this." She pointed a finger as an orange crescent formed at the tip. "Crescent beam!" She let the attack go, it maintaining its shape as it became a beam of energy headed for him.
Gohan smiled as he knew that she could use her powers but didn't it was good to be able to dodge just without having to relay on the, but the speed of the throws soon picked up as he threw the balls harder and faster, as he had to go a harder on Serena then he was, he knew that she would be able to challenge her with the fast hard throws of the balls she would have to push herself till she had to use her powers.

Trunks was looking ahead of himselef as the electricity came at him, as the electrcity hit him, he fade out, showing that he was just an after image of himself standing there to trick her, he was above her flying high in the air looking down, he waved, "Well now, it wasn't so bad, I mean your really good, If I didn't use a similar attack I wouldn't of been able to predict it at all."

Yamcha knew that this was not going to be easy, but this was a test for himself more then maybe Mina. He took a deep breath as he activated Kaio-Ken, he normally never used this attack, but he had learned it from King Kai himself. He had a red bright aura as cuppled his hands, "Kamehameha," he called out as he fired the signature beam of his fighting style to intercept the crescent beat, he was presssed back for a moment before he was able to use the Kamehameha as a canceler against the Crescent beam before the red aura faded away from him. "That was a nice attack," he said as he looked over at her.
Serena had continued to dodge without using her powers for a while after the speed of the throws increased. Relying on her increased speed from all those days of hurrying late to school. She then goes for using a defensive power of Saturn, bringing up a dark force field around herself before following up with a Mercury power to freeze the balls in mid air and an old attack of her own. She summoned her tiara, powering it and adding the flames of Mars before tossing it towards the frozen balls, watching as the tiara sliced through them all before returning to her outstretched hand in true boomerang fashion. "How's that for a combo?" She smirked.

Lita was surprised as the after image disappeared and she looked up at him. "Well, didn't see that trick coming. Could be quite useful. Think you could teach me that sometime?"

Mina nodded. "It works as a good decoy attack. I used to decoy for the princess," She gestured towards Serena. "in the Silver Millennium. Even did it for a while when I was awakened to my powers, while still searching for her and even once to protect her when it seemed an enemy had discovered she was Sailor Moon."
"Well most impressive actually," he said as he looked at her, he knew that she had some rather interesting and unique powers at her finger, he smiled as he looked at all the balls drop to the ground and nodded as he smiled, "you are a most impressive woman," he said as he sat on the ground of the look out and smiled as her, "able to combine various attacks to add to a combination attack."
Trunks nodded his head as he looked at her, "Well that is actually a rather low level move, it should be really easy to teach it to you. He landed on the ground and looked over at her as he nodded his head , "your going to get good with some work, way better, I think I can so you a whole new level of skills," he commented to her as he smiled looking at her he thought about her attacks, "I used a similar diversion attack once, they work well, though mine was a bit more..flashy."

"I see, that was neat, let me show you one of my favorite tricks, this one is close ranged, try to defend against this with your skills." hes aid as he slide out his food and charge up again using the kaio-kin a second time as he prepared himself before bursting forward toward her with a great acceleration on his movements, "Wolf-Fang-Fist," he called out as he leveled the fast melee combination towards the woman, it caused his speed and power itself to grow as the combination was his signature strike.
Serena smiled and sat down next to him. "Fighting alongside the others all that time, gave me insight on how they work together. The field was Saturn, the ice was Mercury, the tiara itself with boomerang feature....was my first ever attack as Sailor Moon and the flames of course were Mars. The tiara and flames....was a combo Sailor Mars and I had done often in our beginnings." She smiled in nostalgia.

Lita could only grin. "Well no one really expects leaves to hurt." She snickered. "But hey, I'll take the work that comes with getting stronger. I'm just happy to be able to fight again. I was honestly getting bored."

Mina dodged a lot of his movements, running back as she did before finally jumping up and flipping over him to land a kick to his back.
Gohan nodded his head, "Yeah, I understand that, I used to fight with my dad's best friend, we battled together a lot back in the day, and with my father, and the other too, and I t can be fun to work with them," he said with a smile as he remembered some of the good times that they had together when he was growing up. "anyhow, your doing well, perhaps we can take a bit of a break for now, and get something to eat," he suggested as he looked at Serena kindly.

Trunks shook his head as he looked at her, "yes, I can understand that, my father loves to fight, but it is in his nature, I am actually glad myself to not have to do so," he said with a smiled as he looked at her. He was different then the others, his prospective effected and colored by his very different and very tragic life that he had lived up to that point in time. He still once in a blue moon had nightmares of the android and things that happened when he was young.

Yamcha watched her dodge the moves, she was good, really good, he pushed forward as she flipped behind him to avoid the attack, as he turned his put his hands to the sides of his head and used one of his best friends techniques. "Solar Flare," he called out as he created a massive blinding light that would blind anyone around where he was aiming it at, he pulled back not following up the attack as it wasn't needed, but he knew that Mina wouldn't underestimate him at least now.
Serena smiled before releasing a sigh. "Thing is, with such powers at my disposal, I have to remember which are the most dangerous. There is one with Saturn....a very dangerous and powerful one. But it's focused into a known weapon of Saturn. The silence glaive, if its point touches the ground completely, it could destroy quite a large area if not everything. Even a fraction of that attack used by the glaive pointing downward but not touching the ground, can be quite destructive. And as Mina and Lita can attest, I have to hold off using the full power of the silver crystal...for it can be draining. I can focus it, through my crescent wand and that'll lessen the effect on me." She stood up with a smile. "Food sounds good."

Lita looked at him carefully. "Your father, prince of the saiyans?" She had learned of the race's existence as well during the Silver Millennium but the information had never had the chance to be passed to Serena during those days.

Mina had turned her face away from the blinding attack. It did its job definitely, but she still attempted to sense him out. When she thought she had an idea of where he was, she used her own 'love me chain' attack, the "chain" taking the shape of hearts as it whipped through the air
Gohan wanted to cause Serena to be a great bit surprised as he handed her a little bean, it was green and it was tiny, he smiled as he looked at her, "eat that and you will be full," he said as he knew that he was giving her a senzu bean, it was bean to fill up an average human for a good while and someone like them for at least a pretty long time. He also knew that it helped recharge a person and give them more energy then they had before they took the bean and ate it too. He took one and ate it himself as he smiled at Serena.

"Yep, Prince Vegeta," He said with a nod of his head, "I am from a different future, thought, in my future earth has pretty much been whipped out completely," he said honestly as he looked over at the brown haired woman, "everyone here but myself has been killed, and things are really or were really bad," he said as he looked at Lita, figuring that he be honest with her.

The attack was good, Yamcha moved back fast, but the edge of the chain cut though his right arm leaving a decent cut as he landed on his feet a good bit back and looked at her and then took a deep breath, "Well you rather good, Mina,' he said with a nod of his head as he looked at his shoulder it seemed that she got the first hit on him with that chain attack. He was very impressed by the skills of the blonde woman, she had a lot of skill and abilities.
Serena took the bean and looked at it curiously as she sat back down. So far, Gohan had given her no reason not to trust him. And so she would believe him now, popping the bean into her mouth and eating it. "Quite an interesting little piece of food. But it does as you said. But let's continue that break a bit more."

Lita frowned in concern at hearing what had happened to Trunks' time. She then glanced in Serena's direction, a flash of memory in her eyes before she looked back to Trunks. "Sorry to hear that. It's not the first time that the girls and I have encountered someone from the future, a future similar to yours. Though they were from one further, thirtieth century in which the Earth had been pretty much destroyed and healed and restarted so to speak."

Mina smiled. "Thank you." She was impressed as well. He did well against her attacks even for someone that was human.
Gohan smiled as he looked at Serena, as he looked at the others sitting down and pulling her down onto his lap, "It will be fun to fight with friends, your friends seem really nice, and they seem pretty strong too, I think in time we will all be ready for whatever it is that faces us," he commented as he held Serena in his arms, it was a nice feeling to do that, on he was really starting to love actually. It grew on him quickly and he couldn't see not having Serena as his girlfriend or in his life now.

"It happened, well, we won in the end, so maybe the world will reheal in time," he commented as he looked at her and smiled, "Well anyhow, being here is nice, I get to see my mentor and my father, they both died in my time, though I wouldn't tell Serena that, I actually saw Gohan of my time die personally," he said with a sigh, "So, you like to fight, you like to use electric attacks and what else?"

"Thanks, lets call it at that," Yamcha commented as he looked over at her, "I can't use the Kaio-Ken so many times, I have to really work to get back into fighting shape myself," he said with a smile as he rubbed the back of his neck, "So, Sailor V, what was it like to be an idol," he asked as he smiled looking over at her, "I know that being a pro sport player, things could get somewhat troublesome with expectations like doing so well and such."
Serena was really enjoying being in Gohan's arms. "Remember, they were once my guardians. It was their duty to protect me. They had to be strong." She laughed. "While I was not originally supposed to be a scout....I'm glad I've had the chance to be. To have strength of my own. The silver crystal is strength of my heritage as a Lunarian princess...but not my strength. No matter how often it reacts to my emotions."

"Maybe it will. But with or without help is the question." She was thinking of how she and the other scouts had learned that it was their powers plus the silver crystal that healed the planet. She sighed. "If not for Serena, Mina and I would still be dead after our battle with Beryl. She's seen us die twice by the forces of the same enemy....and once more by another." She then smiled. "What else would you like to know?"

Mina giggled. "I know the feeling. I haven't fought in months. Being an idol...was fun. Though tiring at times as well. I was happier though to be fighting and protecting Serena again though."
"Well, I see, that is a good point," he said as he held her, pressing her back against him as he looked over her shoulder, "Now, we will just have to get used to this world, and this new age, I figure that my parents didn't want me to fight, but I didn't have a choose in it either," he said softly as he held her, "well, you do have a good heart, I can see why you were able to make people like you and want to protect you, I think it is something that you have that draws people to you, in a way you like my father in that sense."

"That is all, for now," he said with a smile as he looked at her, giving her a winning smile as he nodded his head, "I have died once too, against the same person who killed Gohan's father," he said as he nodded, "it is a different feeling being dead," he commented as he thought about it, "but I wasn't dead so long, just a bit, so I don't know what it is like so well," he said honestly.

"Here is a fact for you, when I was young, I would of turned red and fated before we even spared," Yamcha said honestly, "I was afraid of talking to beautiful women, and just beautiful women scared me for some reason, I think it was mental block or something," he said as he looked over at her, "I have gotten over it, but it is still kind of fun to think back to those olden days when I was a simple bandit roaming the desert looking for adventure."
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