A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

"I see, that is good, your friends are important to you and you would fight for them, and support them in any way," Yamcha commented as he looked at her. He knew that he had friends much like her, especially Goku and Krillin. The three of them had gone though so many odd adventures from the time he battled the invisable man, and the mummy to help Goku, to the battle against the rabbit and the red ribbon armies."Well, I think the Mina part of that combination is pretty impressive without the Sailor V or Sailor Venus side of that, on her own," he said as he leaned back putting his arms against the ground. "If I was a younger man, I would make a run at Mina before I made one on Salior V honestly," he said as he smiled at her.

"Well the whole time pretty much," he admitted as he looked at her, "I have never seen a person so good at cooking work, ever," he added as Trunks focused on Lita. "You are very good at this cooking stuff, it is most impressive," he said with a kind tone as he looked at the brown haired woman, "perhaps I might be able to pick up on a thing or two just from watching you cook."

Gohan nodded his head as he thought about his earlier statement, "Yes, I think you can learn the Spirit Bomb in time," he said as he relaxed as he felt her working so well on his body, "the move isn't so undifferent, one gathers the energy of things around himself or herself. They take a small faction of all the living power of all the beings, and they add it together to form the attack, in short it is an attack made from the life energy of a whole area, somtimes even the life energy of a whole planet put together into a single attack, it takes a while to form, but it is very powerful," he explained as he figured she would enjoy learning that fact.
Mina nodded. "I would fight for them. Even without us being sailor scouts...I would fight." She smiled and blushed a bit at his words. "Thank you." She thought for a minute, as if contemplating something. "So, what's holding you back from making a run at Mina now?" She knew exactly what she was asking....knew that Yamcha was likely old enough to be her father but she was the soldier of love after all.

Lita smiled with a slight blush. "Thank you. I like to give it my best, because cooking deserves no less. Even when I'm cooking just for me." She moved closer to him and kissed his cheek. "Much as I love those two blonds, it's nice to get compliments from someone else, even if you haven't actually tasted it yet."

Serena kept working, moving her hands lower on his back. She listened closely to his description of the Spirit Bomb. "A whole planet? Must get pretty big. Though I do believe Mina and Lita would be happier if I learned that technique. If only so I wouldn't be forced to truly use the crystal. The crystal really has drained me quite a lot the few times I've really used it."
Yamcha looked at her and smiled at her comment, so many times, he had battled when he knew that he had no chance of winning, he did it to help his friends in whatever minor way he could. He would again if it was needed. He looked at her as he blinked and decided after a moment to throw caution into the wind, he had died once already, and unlike Tien and Krillin, he aged with such great grace, that he hardly look any older then when he was a twenty something. He leaned in and pressed his luck to, aiming for a kiss with the beautiful blond.

"Your welcome," he said as he watched her, "I am surprised you cook for yourself, I figured you would have a serious boyfriend in your life, I mean, seriously, no offense to the blondes, they are beautiful women, but you outclass them in every possible way," Trunks commented as if it were a simple mater of fact, and in his mind it was one.

"Yeah, it is, though it is a trump card a last ditch attack, it won't drain you at all, just takes forever to form," Gohan said as he thought about it, "it also would be worthless against someone with a pure heart, it would only bounce of them, I remember when I was young that happened to me," Gohan said with a smile as he remembered that memory, "tonight mind slipping into my room again?"
Mina smiled. With all her previous times of being unlucky in love, she wasn't going to turn down a chance for a good try this time. Even if it was with a guy so much older than her. Seeing him lean in for a kiss, she closed her eyes and leaned in to meet him, her lips pressing softly to his.

Lita grinned. "Nope. Hard to have a boyfriend when most guys are afraid of me because of how strong I am and how well I can fight. A lot of guys I think would prefer to be able to play that 'hero' who could save the day and protect their girlfriend and have the girl never be able to really fight. I wouldn't mind having a guy 'save' me sometimes. But I don't want to feel like I shouldn't protect myself in the event he isn't there."

Serena nodded in understanding, even though she knew he wouldn't really see it with her sitting behind him. "It makes sense. Prevents any unnecessary casualties that way." She blushed. "Actually, I was gonna ask if I could. Luna and Artemis have gotten quite cozy in mine now that they're reunited for good. It's kinda unnerving." She chuckled.
Yamcha felt her lips against his, it felt so good to kiss her, it felt so heart warming for the ex-bandit how had such a horrible track record to kiss this woman. He would do what he could to prove that he could handle her, and he knew he wasn't an averge human either, few could do the things he could, but he was sure that he would charish this chance having a new one a chance to have success in love again.

"Well, I like a woman who is strong, I think it is part of my Saiyan dna, to prefer our women Strong and able to protect themselves and handle themselves," he said with a smile as he looked at her. He knew this would be a woman even his father would of approve of. He smiled as he walked over slipping his hands around her waist and looking down at Lita, "So, I don't mind who saves who as long as you don't mind mind being with the guy from the future."

"Well of course, I would rather you be here," he said as he looked over at her as he got up, she had done a great job, he reached over and helped her up as he smiled pulling her into his arms, "Now, I think it should be time for dinner soon right, cause I am really hungry," he said as he looked at her, knowing that it was something they most likely had in common.
Mina was enjoying the kiss and what it meant. All too reluctantly she broke the kiss. There were questions she just had to have answered before they got too involved. "Are you sure you're up for this? I mean, just like how Serena has a Lunarian background, so I have a Venusian background? And how likely are you to get jealous? You already know there are guys who go gaga just because of my time as an idol as Sailor V. And it's not like the girls and I don't have guy friends that you don't already know. We do after all."

Lita winked. "Helps to have a woman who can cook enough to match your appetite too." She then blushed as his hands went around her waist. "I don't mind at all. Though I do think it's safe to say your time might be another timeline at this point. Least I hope it's safe to say that." She grinned. "Now, mind helping me move this food into the dining room so everyone can eat?"

Serena smiled softly, glad to have been able to help him out. She loved when he pulled her into his arms."Makes two of us It should be about time. Knowing Lita, there's gonna be quite a spread."
Yamcha took in what she was saying, it was odd to thing about that, his problem most of the time with Bulma was that she got jealous of the girls who had crushes on him due to his status as a professional baseball player. He smiled as he looked over at her and then nodded hsi head, "I am fine with it, it is good, I am past all those types of day, even I ever had them," he said with a smile as he looked at her, "It is natural, no worries about that actually. It is perfectly natural, and well, it is part of who you are, and that is good with me."

Trunks looked at her as he smiled, it did make sense to him, he liked the idea of having a girlfriends who knew how to cook. He was realyl excited to taste the food that was cooked by Lita. He nodded, "Yeah, I am starting to think that too, I think I will need to stay in this timeline and everything, perhaps, I was brought back to tell me, that I should stay here now that the other world doesn't need me anymore," he said as he looked her before heading to find Gohan.

"I am looking forward to it," he said as he got up and walked over to the door to see Trunks and nodded his head as to tell him that he was on the way. "It seems as though you were right," he said as he looked over at Serena, and held the door open for Serena so that she could pass him on the way to the dinning area.
Mina grinned at his answer. "Good." She hugged him and planted a soft kiss to his cheek. "We should probably head in. Food should be done by now."

Lita grinned as she grabbed some dishes of food to carry out to the dining area. She really went all out and it was obvious. She soon had a line of entrees and desserts ready for tasting.

Serena giggled. "Told you so." She started to pass him. "Any chance I might get to try being on Nimbus alone?"
Yamcha smiled as he nodded his head, getting up and walking into the room, he looked over to see that Trunks was there and Lita was there and a whole lot of food, he smiled as he looked at the mass variety of types of food that had been place before them. He could tell this woman knew how to cook, even as a normal human he had to like that fact. He looked at Trunks then her, Mina was right, they were as good as a couple, if they were not already. He found his seat taking a little bit of everything, to try it out he smiled as he knew that the saiyans were going to be happy.

Trunks and Gohan sat down across form each other and looked over the food, it was so impressive, the smells were enough to make a full man hungry. Each of them started to stack up impressive amounts after waiting for the others to go first knowing it would be respectful for them to get the amount of food that they wanted for their meals. Trunks then Gohan went next as they had rather full plates in front of them, before they decided to start trying the food, both with huge smiles as each of them were very impressed.
The three girls grinned. Lita of course was beaming in pride and anticipation as to what the guys thought of her cooking. Mina and Serena were both excited to be able to sit down with everyone and have their friend's cooking once more. True to Serena, she piled up her plate with some of everything. Mina and Lita of course got some of what they wanted. All three girls were soon eating as well.
The food disappeared from every plate rather quickly, Gohan, Trunks and Yamcha all loved the food as they had the main course as well as the fact the deserts were pretty much perfect. Each one of the males were content with the meal as he looked at the remaining food which was much less then it had been when the group started to eat. It was so good that a naturally sleepiness feeling hit at least two of the three males who had eaten the food.

Yamcha smiled as he got up, "Thank you for the meal, I think I am going to head in early," he said to the group as he slipped off and started to find his bed, yawning softly as he had a rather great day, so much had happened, and he knew that all of it was rather good.

Trunks went over and started to grab plates and started to pick up the dishes to clean them up himself one at a time for Lita so that she wouldn't have anything to worry about, he used it as a challenge to himself to press his skills of speed and accuracy as well. He moved back and forth cleaning each dish before getting the next one as he tried to clean each dish as fast as possible.

Gohan on the other hand slipped outside and called nimbus so that Serena could see if she could use the cloud. He wasn't sure if she could but he figured she might as well give it a short to use it on her own. He knew that she had been able use a lot of skills. Yet, he didn't know if she would be able to use this, if she was pure of heart, she would, if not she wouldn't it wasn't that hard really to figure out.
Mina smiled. "I think I'm going to head to bed too before Artemis gets a chance to nag at me. Good night." She stood and headed off to her room, undoing the bow in her hair as she went. She was feeling optimistic about where things were headed with Yamcha.

Lita was beaming with pride now having seen the guys enjoyed her cooking as much as Serena and Mina did. She softened as she watched Trunks move back and forth to clean the dishes. She hadn't expected it, having no problem with doing it herself but it was a nice surprise.

Serena smiled and followed after Gohan. She dampened down her excitement on the chance to see if she could use Nimbus.
Gohan smiled as he looked at Serena, as he jumped on the cloud, "you moved the cloud by your movement, you tilt to turn, you pull up to pull up, and down to go down, it is pretty basic stuff, the challenge of course is just if your pure of heart, those who aren't can't ride it like the original owner of this thing, Master Roshi, he is far to perverted to be able to ride this cloud anywhere," Gohan explained as he looked over at Serena and smiled as he jumped down and looked at her for a good moment or two, "now, go ahead give it a shot."

Trunks moved till he was done, it was a test for him to see just how much work he would be able to do and how fast, he smiled as he finished as he took a cup of water and drank it. He then looked at Mina, and kissed her cheek, "there you go, clean kitchen, now I must head off to bed as well, I am beat," he said with a kind look as he slipped off to bed too.
"Far too perverted? He sounds worse than Rei's grandfather." Serena jumped on the cloud a little nervously and was silently grateful when it didn't just drop her. She then tried to control it the way he'd taught her. Her plan was to move it in each direction just a little bit, but it was as if it had picked up on her nervousness and only obeyed half of the commands. "Well that's definitely better than what I was expecting." She looked at Gohan with a soft smile.

Lita blushed when he kissed her cheek. She watched him go off to bed with a smile. She could definitely get used to treatment like that. She then stood and headed off to bed herself for the night.
"Well, he is perverted to a large degree, from what my father and his friends have told me before, but I think it is cause he lived alone on a island just himself his turtle for so many years, he is like a few hundred years old after all," he explained as he looked at her and then sat back and watched her fly the nimbus, it wasn't perfect, but it work, he smiled as he was sure that Serena was having a heck of a time at trying it. "Well, good," he said as she finished, "my parents have both rode it, as has my brother and one or two others, so good job," he said with a smile as he looked at Serena.
Serena's eyes widened after having been told how old Master Roshi was. "A few hundred years old? I guess I can understand the pervertedness then. Though I would love to see him try something on Lita." She giggled at the thought of Lita giving the old man quite a shock. She then jumped off of nimbus and smiled. "Thanks for letting me try."
"Yeah, he drank from the fountain of youth a long time ago," Gohan said with a nod of his head, "Oh, I am sure he would try something, he lives with my father's best friend and his wife, his wife was first our enemy, a killer cyborg designed just to kill us off, she is a good person now, I think they even have a kid, go figure," he said shaking his head, "yet, I am sure he tried something on her before, and got knocked though a wall," he added with a small laugh as he knew few could match that man for pervyness.
Serena giggled. "Poor guy clearly needs to be set up on a date. Though if he doesn't change his attitude, he won't be able to have one." She leaned up and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before covering her mouth as she yawned. "I think it's time we get some sleep. I'm sure these next few months are just going to get tougher by the day."
Two months came and went for the group as they prepared, two months closer to the world tournament, and two months closer to the fight that would mean so much to them as well. It was a big time for each of them, Gohan had grown so much stronger during that time period, he wasn't even close to hitting super saiyan two again, but he was getting closer then he was when he started. He was having fun getting to know Serena, Lita and Mina. They were a interesting group, he found them to be fun to train with.

Trunks spend more and more time watching Lita cook each day, as he used the time when she did to make notes and learn tricks, one of the young man's goals was to cook for her one day, and he knew that he would have to have a lot of preparation to impress the brown haired beauty. He trained a lot as well, and felt good about what improvements he had made. He grew in quickness working on his super saiyan skills.

Yamcha, well he wasn't feeling so old, training fighting, it all reminded him of the good old days when he prepared for the saiyans or the world tournaments, each day he was pressed by Mina, and he was able to respond well. He was able master the Kaio-ken attack and even improve upon it to enable him to greatly increase his fighting skills. He was happy, he felt like he could make a difference, and that had not happened for him in a very long time. He credited pretty much all of that to Mina.
Even with all the hard work, Serena was glad she hadn't had to go through all the training as the only girl amongst the group. She had even started developing some actual muscle from all the training. It was a good experience for her. Sure there were still the few moments that she and the girls had to fight off youma but it always had the girls laughing in nostalgia when they returned to the look out.

While being active and training, Lita was happy to cook for everyone. She did still have her dream of opening a restaurant one day and she looked at cooking so much food for the small group as regular practice. She felt at home amongst the group, able to show off both sides of her with just as much pride.

Mina was taking to the training very well, like Serena, she too had begun developing muscle. Yamcha kept her adequately on her toes and it showed when she went to fight youma with the other girls. It had her wishing time and again that she had considered training with Amara all that time ago or that Luna and Artemis had been able to press them so hard.
Yamcha was the first one up that morning sitting down on as he looked out, he could feel something to the west, it was a strong presence, it felt different, and he worried that it was some decently leveled Youma, maybe a whole group of low levels with this one strong one. He said nothing as his eyes looked off in the direction. He took a deep breath as he knew others would be up and he would be able to talk to them about the feeling, it felt like it was coming somewhere with people too, odd thing to notice but he had. He wondered what was up and why so many were gathered together for something.
Mina was the next one to wake up. She stepped outside and sensed something as well, frowning. She noticed Yamcha outside as well. "Do you feel that?" She was growing concerned and she knew it wouldn't be long before the others awoke as well.

Serena woke up next, to feeling the presence. As she had been, she was sleeping next to Gohan. She shook him. "Gohan? Something's not right."
Gohan woke up and looked at Serena, for a moment getting his normal clothes on he got himself ready, "Yeah, I do, it is big, well pretty big, not as big as that demon thingy, but it seems big enough to worry about," he mused as he had felt it strongly from a city not that far away.

"Yeah, I do," he said as he looked up at Mina and gave her a small nod, "Well, we can head down there once everyone is ready, or should we go ahead and try to see what we can do and have the others catch up," he asked as he looked over to Mina a focused look on the ex-bandit's face as he asked, he was ready, he had gotten up to get a bit of extra practice in.
Serena nodded and got up before getting dressed herself. "I'll go see about getting Trunks and Lita." She hurried on out of the room to get them, having already known Mina and Yamcha were outside. It wouldn't surprise her any if Yamcha and Mina went to check it out ahead of them.

"We can go on ahead." A determined look on her own face. "We might be able to hold off some damage if we go ahead compared to waiting on the others. Normally she would've waited at least on the other girls but with something seemingly this big, she didn't want to waste time.
"Lets go then," Yamcha commented as he pressed his energy into his feet and took off pressing his power into them as he headed in the direction of the feeling he got, it wasn't far, it was a city small, but one anyhow. He landed outside of it with Mina, he was going to check this out with her, and as soon as he landed he got a really bad feeling from everything that was going on around him. He kept himself on check as he looked around for any possible signs of trouble.

Gohan nodded as he finished getting ready, he wouldn't leave till Serena left, he felt the need to protect her and watch out after her. He looked ahead and he could feel the problem that happened to be in front of himself and her. It was a dangerous foe most likely, one that would be a good test though on how much they had improved.
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