A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

Gohan looked at her and pressed his lips against her own for a long moment as he pulled her into what could only be called a very passionate kiss, he looked into her eyes and then smiled, "I am sure that she does exist in this time period, who knows she might be working to come back to see you, I am sure that she might pop up sooner rather than later," he said as he held her in his arms, "Plus, I am sure you will have a daughter in the future, though I hope that it is our daughter, who knows in one of those time likes I might of had a daughter, and maybe now you will have two daughters and not one," he said being positive.
Serena was shocked but happy when Gohan pulled her in for the passionate kiss. She smiled back at him warmly, feeling reassured by his words. "You're right. I'll see her again." It had warmed her heart to hear him hope that a daughter she has would be their daughter. She liked the sound of that. But she decided to tease him a bit. "Planning on proposing and you still haven't told your mother we're dating? And wanting a kid so soon too? Whatever will she think of that?" She giggled.
Gotham turned a bright red color as he knew just that what she was saying was true, yet, he knew how it would go down. First reaction would be that she would be upset and wanting to see the woman. Yet, when she told them they were going to school and were not uneducated she would be happy and soon that thought would turn to the I want grant kids talks. Still at the moment Gohan looked a good deal like the tomato as he looked at her. He smiled as he was happy that he help her feel better about the situation. "Good point then, I guess I will have to tell her sooner rather than later."
Serena giggled as Gohan turned bright red. It was cute how red he had gotten of her suggestion of a proposal and her mention of his mother. "It would only be fair. It wouldn't do for her to find out we're together after you've proposed. Then of course you still have to meet my parents. My mom's been asking about you since one of those times you escorted me home to see them. And my father.....very overprotective. " She then thought of something. "How old were your parents when they got married?" She wasnt asking to pressure him and he'd know that due to the genuine curiosity in her tone. "And do you think your father can see us?"
"Well your right, I think I will have a lot to do, but it will be worth it in the end," he said giving her a smile as he looked at Serena with a smile on his face as he looked at her."my parents are different, my parents agreed to marry when they were 12, my father though a marriage was a type of food when he agreed but he stuck to it. They were married when they were 18," Gohan commented as he smiled looking at her. His parents were as different as it could possible be found for anyone. Well her parents might be the challenge but he could impress.
Serena giggled. "Your dad sounds really honorable to stick to that promise when he didn't know what it meant. Not many guys would've done that." She smiled. She had a good feeling he wouldn't have too much of a problem impressing her father. "I'll take you to meet my parents after the tournament. Right now we should get back to the others so we can continue the triple date."
Gohan smiled as he nodded his head, "Well that will work, I am sure I can tell my mother then too, and you can talk to her then too, she will be there, I think Goten is going to enter into the junior division of the tournament," he said looking over at Serena as he slipped up and then walked with her towards where he could sense the others were as they headed towards the movies.

Trunks and Yamcha walked with Lita and Mina, the four of them got to the movies and than got the tickets for all 6 of them knowing that they could most likely watch a similar movie together and enjoy their time watching the moving in each other's company.
Serena's eyes widened at hearing his mother would be at the tournament. "So wait? She's gonna see us fight?" She was a little nervous at that. It also meant she might really have to step her game up in training to impress Chichi. But she would worry about that when they returned to training tomorrow and try to enjoy the rest of today.
"Yeah of course, everyone will come to the world tournament, it is like the biggest thing there is," Gohan said with a smile as he walked with her to the others and took the ticket and walked into the seats and found a spot for just himself and Serena as the movie started. He wasn't going to watch the movie so much as he was there to just spend time with Serena. Yamcha and Trunks were no there so much to watch the movie either, they were their cause it seemed like a fun place for a date, and that it was such a fun first date for the two of them.
"Didn't know that." She silently wondered if her own family would show up to the tournament as well." She settled into a seat with Gohan and leaned against him to watch the movie. Lita and Mina did the same with their dates. All three girls were just happy to be out and have the break from training and fighting, rather than the choice of movie.
Gohan walked with Serena as he knew that she would have to talk to her parents to update her on how she was doing, he stopped at the door and let her walk in. He wasn't ready for the talk with them yet, but he knew he could if he had to. He waited outside as he leaned against the wall wanting to give Serena the most amount of time alone so that she could talk to her parents and explain what she had been up too and also catch up with them as well. He smiled as he thought about his day it had been a true blast.

Trunks took Lita to meet his mother who was standing outside, he took her and let her spend sometime letting her get to know her, his father, and himself though in Mirai's opinion, this Trunks was so more bratty then he had ever even dreamed of being. He still let her enjoy the talk with his parents who were happy to see Trunks again before he took Lita back with himself to the Lookout, why they were not really his parents they were close enough.

Yamcha on the other hand got tickets that night to go see a baseball game, and spent it with Mina while the others were busy, he spent it showing her how the game was played and telling her the rules. It was fun for the old pro, as he got to have fun explaining what happened on each and every single one of the plays in the game. He took her hand and left not long after heading back to the Lookout to most likely just get some rest.
Serena explained to her parents a bit more about the tournament that she was going to be in. She also told them how she was training with Mina and Lita and mentioned how all three now had boyfriends. Of course her parents had long ago known she and Darien were no longer together. It didn't stop the expected slight blow-up from her father though. She quickly calmed that down though and as nervous as she was, told them to come see her at the tournament and they would meet him then. Of course her little brother made his smart remarks and she popped him. With a smile and a promise to talk to them soon, she left to head back to the lookout with Gohan.

Lita enjoyed meeting Trunks' parents and she talked with Vegeta about what she knew about the Saiyan race as well as learned what he knew of the Silver Millennium and its downfall. Overall it was good and Vegeta of course gave his half-approval based on her lineage from Jupiter. He'd give the rest depending on how she did in the tournament which she felt was fair. Part of her wished that she'd still had parents of her own for him to meet.

Mina enjoyed learning about baseball. It made her slightly wish that she had the chance to see him play. She was just as ready to get some rest as he likely was by the time they headed back to the Lookout.
Gohan smiled as he picked up Serena and carried her in his arms back to the lockout, tired himself, he soon found himself asleep in bed with her cuddled up against himself. The others were little different each of the three pairs extremely happy that they were able to spend time together and be together without training as normal people for one day. It was a positive day that meant a lot to each and every single one.

Gohan woke up the next morning and stretched and started to train with Trunks that morning fight with his friend, as Yamcha trained with Piccolo, he was strong enough now to pretty well hold his own against the namekian in a fight. The two fights comabined not that long after it started, Piccolo and Gohan vs Trunks and Yamcha as the four of the battled back and forth quickly zigzagging around the lookout and around the sky around the look out making lots of noise as they struck loud sound firing energy waves at each other as they kept the fight very even till they all came down to the ground having seen the errors in their attacks and defenses.
All three girls awoke to the sounds of the fighting outside and gathered near the door to watch. They watched the two fights become one and waited until all four fighters had come down to the ground before going over to them.
Trunks smiled as he looked at Lita, "um do you mind if I work with you today cooking all day," he asked blushing as he was happy that she was awake for a bit," he said with a grin on his lips as he thought about the idea of helping her make a large meal and spending time with her was amazing. He figured he would be able to try out new things he had learned and that he would get help in his own cooking skills too.

Gohan smiled as he sat down and watched Serena, the beautiful blonde grabbed his attention the moment she was outside. He looked over at her and looked at her with a smile on his face, "Well now, There is someone I want you to meet today, the person is coming to teach you some skills, he has gotten permission to do so actually," Gohan said looking at her with a grin on his lips.

Yamcha smiled as he looked at Mina as he walked up and slipped his hands around her waist, "So, what is up, got some news for you, I have a connection who wants you to do a photoshoot for a big calendar," he said as he looked at Mina, then he looked over at Lita and Serena, "as well as you two, they want you all to join some special calendar shoot for some seriously nice cash tomorrow."
Lita smiled softly. "Not at all. It'll be nice to have you in the kitchen doing more than just staring at me." She teased. She overheard Gohan talking with Serena. "Is your guest staying for dinner?" She'd rather know now if she had to adjust for an extra person or not.

Serena's eyes widened and her grin was huge. "Really? Are they coming here? Are we going to meet them?" She was practically bouncing up and down with excitement.

Mina looked at Yamcha curiously. "Us? For a photoshoot? Have they even seen us before?"
Gohan nodded to Lita, "yeah you will need to make way more food," he said as he looked at Lita for a long moment with a smile as he looked at her, he was happy and it could be seen in his eyes as he looked at Lita for a long moment before he looked at Serena, "Well, yeah, he will be here shortly," he said as he looked at her and then sat down as he knew it wouldn't take that long maybe a dozen minutes or so max.

"Well, true, but it is hard to not watch you, your so sexy," Trunks admitted openly as he looked at her, "well led the way, I want to improve my cooking skill, and you might need my help, who knows," he said with a smile as he slipped his arm around her and looked down just a bit at her as he smiled innocently at her.

"Yeah, they said they did, they saw us at the movie theater yesterday, and said that was about all really that they said," he said as he looked at Mina for a moment before shaking his head, "anyhow, whatever you decide on is fine by me," he said to her and the others quickly as he could understand avoiding the photo shoot, he could make a call or two and then cancel, it was random thing it seemed to him when he got the call after all.
Lita giggled. "Will do." She blushed at hearing Trunks. "Let's go lover boy." She pulled him after her back inside and towards the kitchen. With Gohan's words in mind, she knew she'd need the early start to get everything done in time.

Serena was jumping up and down now. Even as excited as she was, she wasn't going to press Gohan to tell her who it was. She figured since he hadn't outright told her on his own, that he'd wanted it to be a surprise and she was fine with that.

Mina seemed to think about things. "Tell you what, the girls and I will discuss it after dinner and we'll let you know. Deal?" Part of her wanted to just go ahead and convince the others to go along with it. But another part of her, was on alert and suspicious that it could be a trap they would be walking into.
"Well now this is the Luna Princess," a friendly said as someone knew appeared with a grin on his face as he looked around and grinned at seeing one of his best friends, and his son, "Well Gohan, you sure have grown a lot," Goku said with a huge smile on his face as he looked around, the halo over his head a good sign of the fact that he happened to bed dead still. He looked around and waved to Dende and Piccolo for a moment, "So, a lot has changed since I have been gone."

"It is good to see you to dad, and I am glad they let you down here for a day," he added with a smile as he looked at Goku, "Serena, this is Goku, my father," he said pointing to Goku as his father had a happy but goofy look on his face as he looked over at Serena and Mina and Yamcha in turn. "Well, hey, I am just visiting, but I have heard a lot about you all actually."

Yamcha smiled as he saw Goku, he had nodded to Mina's comment as he saw his old friend, "Well, Mina, lets talk somewhere private if you don't mind, Goku, it is good to see you again," he said with a smile as he looked over at his friend for a moment.
Serena looked in surprise and awe. "It's nice to meet you too. I've heard some about you as well." Whatever he had come to teach her, she was going to focus on getting it right since he would only be here for the day. She was curious as to how much he'd heard about her and the others.

Mina watched with a grin. She was glad that Gohan's father was able to be here even if it was just for a day. She looked to Yamcha. "Yeah sure. Your room then?"
Goku smiled, "Well, good, I am glad," he commented with a smile as he looked at her for a long moment and then looked at his son, "So, the reason I am here besides meeting you, Serena is to help my son and you train, I was going to spend today teaching you new skills that I know that he nor you know," he said looking at the pair, "I only have today, so I figured we can work on it all day, till that dinner I overheard was being made then when it is ready, we can have dinner before I leave to head back to otherworld," he explained as he looked at the pair again.

"Yep," he replied as he led her into his room, he just wanted to talk to the blonde scout. He slipped into the room and sat down with her, "well, I was wondering, I am a bit worried, I do need to meet your parents I figure, but that actually worries me a great deal honestly," he aid to Mina as he looked at her, "I wish to marry you as soon as you are old enough for such a marriage," he informed Mina looking at her a bit red unsure how she would take that bit of info.
Serena nodded in understanding. She figured she'd ask him what all he knew at dinner. "Well, the sooner we get started the more time we have to work. There'll be time for side talk at dinner. So how are we starting?" She was tamping down her excitement over learning directly from Goku.

Mina listened to Yamcha carefully. After he was done talking, she didn't react at first as she was letting his words sink in. Once they did, she blushed bright red. "Really? You want to marry me one day?"
Goku nodded his head as he looked at her, "I want you to focus, reach up, and focus your mind like that crystal that you got, I want you to feel everything around yourself," he said as he looked at her giving her a calm look, "then you will feel there power and pull some of that power into yourself like how you would pull the energy from your crystal," he said clamly as he looked at her, "the more you can focus, the larger area you can tap into for its power, always make sure to take just a bit of energy as to much could hurt the person or animal that you are working to take the power from, the energy will be focused in your hand above you, a ball of blue light, that can be your weapon, cause of your work with the Crystal, I believe you can learn this move," he said to her with a smile. "Gohan, you are going to learn the instant transmission, it shouldn't take you to long to learn it but it will give you an edge in any fight and you might need that."

Gohan nodded his head in reply as he would wait and help Serena master her move before he worked on his new move as well. He smiled as he watched her and sat down as he figured he could pick up a lot from this observation of her.

"Yes, I do, I was to slow the first time I found someone, and it turned out it wasn't meant to be," Yamcha commented honestly to Mina, "now, that I have someone else I am surely not going to mess up and wait around to ask this time. I do want to do so, and it would be a great honor for me as well," he said as he looked at the blonde scout.
Serena nodded and closed her eyes. She held her hands out in front of her as if she was using the crystal, but the crystal remained dormant in her brooch. She began to focus like he said, slowly drawing a bit of energy from different things. She kept it small due to being on the lookout. Like he said, a ball of blue light formed in her hands. Even though her eyes were closed, she knew the energy in front of her wasn't the crystal. It didn't drain her like the crystal would have. She slowly opened her eyes and looked to Gohan and Goku for approval.

Mina's smile grew and she jumped onto him, kissing him. "I'll be looking forward to that. The day you officially ask." She winked before kissing him again.
Goku watched and smiled as he saw that Serena had it down just as she should. He knew that her skills with her crystal would help her, he had heard a good deal about the sailor and princess of the moon. He smiled as he sat down nodding his head as he smiled, "it is perfect, you did it right, I knew you would be the right person for such a skill, I am glad I was able to help you learn it," he said with a smile as he knew that she would be a good wife for his eldest son, of course only this day before he showed up here did he learn he had a youngest son too.

Yamcha smiled as he returned the kiss and looked at her, "when you are old enough, it will be official," he said softly to her as he pressed his hands against her backside gently himself holding her tightly in his arms, enjoy the series of kiss between himself and Mina.
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