A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

Gohan smiled as he was glad that Serena decided to help clean up the kitchen, he looked over at her and reached his hand out, "okay, you get the dishes and put them in a stack, I will was them, and put them in a different stack and dry them when I am doing cleaning. You can also put the leftovers up and we should be able to get though all of this really quickly," Gohan said as he smiled washing two dishes his and Serena's first.

"Yeah, I know, well it had to happen," he commented as he walked in and rested with Lita before kissing her lips softly, "Now, it is nice to think we have kitchen duty off too," he said as he pulled her closer to himself kissing her a second time, this time longer then the first.

"Well, I was just making a um point, I know she will do a great job, they look so cute together, we will have to sneak in and watch them in that tournament they are having," he said with a smile as he rested full from having a huge meal. "Now, I am curious who all will join it, that should be fun to see. These things are just fun, I won it on my third try myself."
Serena smiled. "Works for me." She headed back and began gathering up the dishes, taking them back in the kitchen to Gohan. Once she'd gotten them all, she started bringing the leftovers back to put them up.

Lita giggled and kissed him in return. "It is nice that they did that." She snuggled closer to him with a soft smile.

Queen Serenity smiled softly. "They do look cute together. It's obvious they'll have a long life together. Granted he doesn't decide to be like you and refuse to return after getting killed. There will always be evil out there attempting to destroy the peace. I am quite interested to watch them in the tournament. Serena's always had a strong heart, it'll be interesting to see in person the strong warrior she's become."
Time passed fast, and it was the morning before the start of the prelims for the tournament, Yamcha, Trunks and Gohan were prepared, each of them were pumped and ready for the fight, it seemed that a lot of people were entering this year, way more than the average amount. Gohan had no clue how many strange creatures would be there, but the number was going to be pretty high. He woke up feeling a strange feeling on the lookout someone new was there, it felt odd but the person felt familiar to him very much but he wasn't sure why, the felt a bit like him but in a way different at the same moment. He looked over to see if Serena had picked up on this yet.
Lita, Mina and Serena were prepared for the tournament as well. They'd already been given a heads up by the guys that there would be a variety of other combatants entering. Serena was nervous and excited at the same time. Her parents and little brother were going to be there to watch her compete. She woke up a little dazed and sensed something as well. "Gohan...you feel that?"
"Yeah I feel it, it isn't very strong, but it is a strange feeling like someone I know but I can't remember," Gohan commented as he looked at Serena. He figured it was important enough to check up on before they headed out to the tournament. He walked with her and headed down the hall the feeling growing stronger as he took each and every single step towards the thing that felt so similar to other things. He blinked as he looked out at the figure surprised to see such a figure up there on the look out of all places.
Serena walked with him towards the source. She was intrigued to see the source behind the feeling. Her first instinct was that who ever it was wasn't someone who was there to hurt them.
Gohan looked at young pink haired woman sitting next to a dark haired young girl, they looked innocent enough, and not like they were there for any reason other then to visit maybe. He blinked surprised to look at them, confused as well unsure who they were as he noticed that they looked at him as if they knew him.
Serena's eyes widened. She'd know that pink hair anywhere. She stepped forward slowly. "Rini...? Part of her hoped. Even with Gohan saying that he felt like he should know them. In her mind, she was replaying his words from their date where he'd said maybe she'd have two daughters instead of one...their daughters.
The youngest of the two a small dark haired girl with a orange gi like her grandfather hugged her and smiled as she looked over at her older sister for a moment and then waited for a reaction by Rini who seemed a bit stuck, Gohan looked at the pair and blinked the pink hair was this her maybe even his future children, he wasn't sure at all, but something told him that might actually be the case. He looked at the pair and smiled a bit as he waited for the he guessed shy pink haired one to do something.
Serena was a little shocked when the younger of the two hugged her since she didn't remember meeting this little girl before. But she looked back to the other one, still sure the pink haired girl was Rini and saw the girl was definitely older.

The pink haired girl turned around to look at Gohan and Serena with a smile. "Hi Mom." She moved to hug Serena tight. "Been a while, I know."
Gohan was lost he had never seen either of these two, and he was surprised to look at them. They looked well one looked a bit older then Goten, maybe the same age as Chibi Trunks and the other looked Goten's age. It was odd to see them but he shook his head as he looked down to see the black haired one hugging him as well. He blinked as he looked down and smiled a bit. He was sure they were related to him perhaps, he wasn't sure as he looked down he ran his hand though the dark hair of the young girl.

"Daddy, it is good to see you gain," she said with a soft voice, as she looked up and then stepped back, "hello, um mom, dad, I am Pan, your um..future daughter."
Serena smiled at the little girl. "Hello Pan. So what brings you and Rini to this time? Not for scout training is it? If so, you girls picked an interesting time to show up."

Rini giggled. "To an extent you could say that. We know something big is likely to go down." She looked to Pan. She figured she'd let Pan explain
Rini was right, "yes, the battle, the one that would be the largest in sailor history and see so many key moments, for us mini Venus and Mini Jupiter too, something happened and someone is back here trying to change it, cause people started to disappear, and we have to find out who did it, though we brought stuff to find them, we will leave the stuff for you all to handle them," Pan explained as she looked at them before stretching and looking up at the pair.
Serena couldn't help but smile inwardly at hearing a mini Venus and mini Jupiter existed. "You mean it'll be a battle bigger than the Sailor wars and the fight with Chaos?" That had her concerned. She wasnt even gonna attempt to ask if mina or the others were amongst those who disappeared. "That's definitely not good." She looked to Gohan. "Think whoever it is is gonna be at the tournament?"
"Yeah of course, it is to big of a chance for them," Gohan said as he looked at the two girls," they will be there to challenge the best, beat the best and then most likely they will take out the strongest, it is what King Piccolo did, he took the names of the fighters in the tournament and assassinated all of them so that no one could challenge him. It means be careful," he said to her as he looked at the others. "Now come on, Pan, Rini we need to go ourselves," Gohan said as Pan nodded her head ready to follow and help however she could.
Serena and Rini both nodded in understanding. Serena stepped back over to Gohan. "Let's get going and make sure we beat this threat." At this point, she wouldnt care if it meant she'd have to transform into sailor cosmos in front of the audience if it meant she could protect them.
Gohan would meet the others there and landed in the parking area, he looked around to see so many fighters some were strong, he could tell that nothing was easy about this tournament, he felt so many youma in it, like they used this tournament as a chance to test themselves, he felt others too, strange it was bad though, he had a feeling that Hell had somehow released its fighters for this tournament. He saw Vegeta and Piccolo had entered as well. Yeah, hard tournament for sure. He signed himself in and waited as he slipped off to the waiting room with Serena.
Serena and the other girls were all uncomfortable with the amount of youma they were sensing at this tournament. Of course, they all signed in. Serena got the slight feeling that there was someone else amongst the crowd, but she couldn't pinpoint. Deciding to shrug it off for the time being as she sat in the waiting room with Gohan and the others.
Gohan went with Serena and the kids to the drawing room, he looked as the people were matched up, there were 128 people in the tournament this year, and they were to close to cut down anymore than that. Gohan looked at the lines for each of them, none of them would battle each other till the round of eight which was done in the stadium. Still Gohan paused as he looked at the name of the person he would battle and never had heard of it till that moment in time.
Serena sighed in relief to know she wouldn't have to fight the kids or the others yet, even though she could see it would happen eventually. She too looked at the name of the person she would battle, not surprised she hadn't heard of them. She had expected most of the other entries to be total strangers to her. She looked to Gohan. "We'll do fine."
Gohan nodded his head as he smiled and kissed Serena for luck. He went over to his first match, his foe was some guy with a wrestler custom on himself, he was able to win extremly fast knocking the man out but being gentle about it as he didn't want to hurt the guy when he won the match.

Yamcha was against a similar foe, a person who was good for a human but not special for a human like himself. Yamcha won quickly as the fight wasn't really any challenge at all for the former tournament final stage fighter.

Trunks got what he swore was one of Freeza's men, his name was even Appule, what a strange name, but he was weak too. Trunks knocked the guy out quickly as he was able to avoid his first strike and counter hard with a punch knocking the purple alien person out of the ring.
Serena had to put a bit more work into her first match. But she still managed to win eventually. Lita and Mina's first matches went similarly, though Lita had the easiest time of the three. Serena kept feeling like there was someone else around that she should know but she could wait to search it out.

Rini's match was easier than Serena's, even easier than Lita's, and that was saying something. The opponent had made a mistake by trying to grab her by her hair and in return, she tossed the other fighter so that he hit a wall. She wasn't trying to be gentle like Gohan had been.
Gohan looked at the last fights of the prelim and blinked looking over the names they had a small break before the last fights. His eyes looked over the names, Serena was fighting someone called Boxy, it was a odd name, and honestly he had no clue who he happened to be. He saw his name and blinked as he saw that he was fighting android 18 of all people, well at least she wasn't evil anymore. Then he saw Yamcha's match and almost fell over laughing, he was fighting Krilling the two were both Turtle Hermit students, he knew that the match could be rather epic, but he wondered if Krillin most likely wasn't training as Yamcha had been. He noticed that too that Trunks would be battling , he blinked Jiece of all people seriously something was up with the entrance to Hell. He noticed too that Lita would be against, Vegeta, he blinked as he double checked the name and shook his head. He looked at the match for Mina, and Jadeite. He smiled at Rini's match, it was funny but it was Goten. He saw that the last match had someone named Dabura in it against someone he didn't know as well, a Puipui.
Serena was curious and joined Gohan in looking over the list. She looked carefully. While she didn't recognize the name of the person she would be fighting, she did recognize Jadeite's and Goten's names as well as Vegeta's. "Well now that's going to be interesting. What better way for Lita to prove her fighting worth to Vegeta than against him in a fight?" She giggled and glanced to Gohan. "Think Goten can handle Rini?"
Gohan smiled and nodded his head, he figured that Vegeta would most likely just test Lita to see if she was worth his future son, he wasn't really worried about the fight, Vegeta wasn't the same man that he was before hand. He looked at her and he looked at the list, "Some of the people are suppose to be dead," he whispered to her pointing to Juice's name on the list, "I think something bigger might be up, keep your eyes open," he said as he kissed her forehead, "Goten has been trained by his mother, he will be fine," he said before he headed to the ring for the first match.

Gohan looked at 18 and smiled as he powered up as much as possible without going super saiyan. He then was attacked, her movements were just as fast as ever, she was strong and a good fighter, stronger then a lot of warriors. He dodged it fast, but he wasn't able to get in a good counter for a moment as he looked the blonde and dodged another attack, but he charged up super saiyan for a moment to get inside of her guard and knock her down with a fast punch to her stomach shocking the android to some degree as he won the fight.
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