A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

Serena nodded in agreement to his whisper, since Jadeite too was supposed to be dead. She couldn't help but fear that maybe Gohan was right about something bigger being up.

Serena was proud when Gohan won his fight and headed to the ring for her match. It was only upon seeing Boxy that she remembered him. An old shadow creature from when she first started as Sailor Moon and the search for the rainbow crystals had been on. Of course she couldn't just turn into Sailor Cosmos now, but she powered up the most she could. She was then attacked, ducking and weaving the boxer's movements. Finally she was able to get some hits of her own in. After a while, she aimed a well placed attack at his boxing glove, remembering that was a weak spot from the first time before hitting him with a modified version of one of the Mars powered attacks, taking him out and winning the fight.
Gohan cheered happily as he then hugged Serena and then smiled as she walked over to him, "watch this next match up, it should be very interesting, Krillin and Yamcha were from the same fighting school, they have been friends like how you and your fellow scouts are, they are my father's best friends," he said to her as he looked at the two and was curious what would happen.

Krillin smiled and powered up, as he looked at Yamcha, when one looked at the pair, somehow Krillin looked so much older then the ex-bandit when he was really three years young, how Yamcha managed that he had no clue. Yamcha had smiled and kissed Mina before getting into the ring, causing Krillin to smile, "So, it seems that you found someone good job buddy," he said with a smile before he took on a serious fighting stance.

Yamcha nodded a thanks, and prepared himself as well. Soon the two of them were off, Krillin attacked fast hard, using his power as he attacked Yamcha. Yet the gulf between them was now rather massive, Yamcha was so much stronger then he had been before the training, he was hardly even the same fighter, and Krillin had hardly trained only doing so cause his wife forced him to. He was knocked from the ring in the first pass giving the match for Yamcha.
Serena was excited and had watched the interaction between Yamcha and Mina before Yamcha went up to fight. She couldn't help but playfully tease Mina for giving Yamcha a good luck kiss. All three scouts had watched the match up between the two friends with interest. But they weren't all that surprised to see Yamcha win. Serena looked to Gohan. "This next match up will be interesting. Mina's going up against an old enemy from the negaverse, one we fought when we were still starting to try and get the silver crystal back together. She hadn't joined up with the rest of us yet."

Mina grinned and kissed Yamcha before heading out for her fight with Jadeite. Having heard who she was going against from Serena, she quietly transformed on her way out to the ring. It turned out to be a good strategy as it gave her full ability to use her powers rather than modifying them against him. It took her some time, but eventually she managed to win too.
Trunks managed to win easily with out any trouble before Yamcha even hardly had the chance to hug on Mina and enjoy being with his victorious girlfriend. Now Vegeta smile as he got into the ring, everyone knew that this was going to be the big match. Vegeta wasn't going to go hard on Lita, he mostly wanted to have a talk with the woman, he wanted to make sure she was right for his son. He got into the ring, Gohan, and Trunks both watched it carefully as did Yamcha. Vegeta cracked his knuckles as the prince waited for Lita and smiled.
Mina had detransformed before rejoining the others and squealed in delight at having won. But she was really anxious to see how Lita's fight would be. While Vegeta might not go hard on Lita, she was still going to give her all. After all the saiyan prince would want the best for his son and she knew that. Lita stepped out into the ring, opting not to transform but she would use her full powers as needed. No modifying or holding back just cause she was in civilian form. Even with Serena's parents in the audience. Though she too felt like someone extra was in the audience, but shrugged it off for now as she took a stance and readied for the fight.
"Lita, come I wish to see your determination, I wish to see your heart, one can only see this in a fight, with the exchange of fist," he said as he kept powered down himself taking up a defensive position, "Mirai is not my son, but is my son, I want to know that he will be taken care of by a good woman, come and I shall see if your intentions and your convections are true," he said as he waited holding his ground, he figured he would be able to block her attacks, but he wanted to see the look in her eyes, the feeling he got from her over all, he would be able to tell soon, he was good at this, and he already almost was sure of her to begin with.
Lita nodded in understanding. "Fair enough. But I request in return that you do not hold back if you were planning to do so. I would rather it be a fair fight and as I have no desire to hold back on you, it would be best if you treat me the same." Since he had taken a defensive position, she knew that put her on the offensive and she was fine with that. She attacked, rushing up with plans to throw a few punches to start.
Vegeta smiled at her words, they were the words of a warrior, he blocked the first punches easily as he was impressed her form was good, her faith was good too. He turned and watched her attack quickly dodging her attacks, but one caught him, and he smiled at her, "your good enough, you act like a woman should you shall be perfect for him, he is to soft sometimes, and needs a strong hand around," Vegeta said before stepping out, "I didn't enter to win, just to see how good you were," he said looking at her and smiling a proud little smile on his face as she won.
Lita smirked. "Oh yes, he's been quite fond of my cooking too. You're welcome to try it sometime. Just give me a heads up before hand Prince Vegeta." She smiled back, glad that she had won the match and had gotten Vegeta's full approval. She too stepped out of the ring and headed back to the others, hugging the other girls before kissing Trunks with a huge grin on her face.

In the audience, a Lunarian queen sat watching with pride. Pride for her daughter and the two guardian scouts that stood with her still. Proud of the warriors all three girls had become. Including seeing Lita against the saiyan prince.
The demon walked into the ring and won his match easy, it caught Gohan's eyes as he looked at the battle, Gohan knew that his foe was this man, and he knew that this man had gotten a whole lot stronger as well. Gohan could tell that the red demon was going to be a heck of a challenge in the future. Goten walked in the ring and smiled as he waved to his big brother and Serena.

"Yeah, I think it will be fun to watch this one, grandkid vs son right," he said with a smile, he had seen so many good fights, he was glad to see that Yamcha and Gohan win. He was glad to see Trunks happy as well, it was such a fun time watching this fight unknown to the group down fighting.
Rini stepped into the ring smiling at her parents. She was going to enjoy this fight against her uncle albeit Goten didn't know she was his future niece yet. But to make her parents proud too...that was going to be the real kicker for her.

"This will be interesting." Queen Serenity smiled. To not look out of place, she was in a t-shirt and jeans. "Nothing against you Goku, but I do believe that Rini will be the victor of this one." She didn't have visions and she couldn't see the future. But she did have faith that their granddaughter would beat her uncle.
Gotten attacked fast as he didn't let up using the basic strike abilities that he could against mini moon, he was somewhat well along but he had so much to learn as he was not yet a super Saipan though he was close to it. He worked hard attacking quickly, moving fast and attempting fast strikes

"My son most likely will lose but he is so nice and such a good boy, I think the age difference is the deciding factor," Goku said with a nod of his head as he looked over at the Queen. "So if that girl is both of our grand kids doesn't that make us distantly related or something," he said as he smiled at Pan who hadn't entered.
Rini was dodging just as quickly and attempting counter attacks of her own. She flipped back out of close range and into the air as she seemed to form a sword of energy in her hand. "Space Blaster!" She brought it down in a swipe, using a portal quick to get behind him and shoot a Neptune based attack before using another to end up right over him. "Silent Wall!" Rather than the usual effect the Saturn powered move would have of forming a field around her, it formed one around Goten, trapping him between the two attacks.

"Age difference and parentage I believe." Queen Serenity smirked at seeing that Rini had obtained the other planetary powers that Serena now held. "Distantly related....I wouldn't say, just a nice bond between two families."

Serena had been impressed with Rini's ability to call up a version of the Uranus sword without it being the actual sword. She also liked the way Rini had used the moves of the four former outer scouts altogether like that. She looked at Gohan with pride. "Seems she's been taught well."
Gohan was surprised by her skills as he watched, Rini was pretty good, talented at what she did and skillfull too. He smiled as he nodded his head as he looked at Serena, he wasn't surprised, she was a caring woman, and well he knew that she would be a great mother some day as well.

Goten saw it and dodged just by a fraction or two as he looked around, and took a deep breath, before charing up to super saiyan. This caused both Gohan and Goku to blink in a great amount of surprise as the development. "You strong, your fact to, that was a really cool trick you had, but it is my turn now," Goten said with a friendly smile and his tone matched his friendly kind tone. Goten pulled back enough from her as he copied the move his father had shown him in the one day they were together, "Kamehameha," he said firing the high powered energy blast at Rini.

"Maybe, but don't underestimate that kid, that is remarkable, I wasn't able to go supersaiyan till I was in my 20's and Gohan didn't do it till he was 13, Goten is only 7," Goku said with a prideful smile at his son. "even if he does lose, he is a special talent," he mused glad to see his son showing his own skills in the fight.
Rini was surprised that Goten had managed to dodge her combo. She watched as Goten turned super saiyan, grinning to herself because Goten had been one of her teachers in her time. She gathered energy in front of her. "Lotus Crystal Wave!" Firing the pink blast, powered by her own version of the silver crystal right at Goten's blast, hers pushing back some against his.

"I never said I was underestimating him Goku. It seems Rini is handling the silver crystal in a way I've never seen done as of yet. She's only a teenager and is managing to wield it for such a high powered attack without showing any sign that it's draining her. Neither I or Serena were that lucky at that age without the help of the crescent wand."

Serena watched the show between Rini and Goten with awe.Goten as a super saiyan at his age, and Rini wielding the silver crystal for an obvious high powered attack without being drained. Both children were impressive.
Gohan put the max of his power into the counter, he couldn't keep it back and he pushed back letting it pass as he deflected it with his blast, but he was pushed back and as he was, he hit the side of the ring, and his foot then hit outside causing him to lose the match. Goten let out a sigh as he felt down on himself a bit for losing but he had at least tried his best in the fight. Gohan who smiled at his little brother. "Well brother, I did my very best, sorry I didn't make it any father," he said with a innocent tone as he was like his father so pure of heart.

Gohan smiled as he messed with his little brother's hair, "you did fine Goten, with work, who knows someday you might be the strongest of us all," he said with a kind tone to his voice before he looked over to his daughter or future daughter and smiled towards her proud of her as well for what she had done in the fight.
Rini smiled as she stepped out of the ring too after winning against Goten. She stopped in front of her future uncle and hugged him. "You were great out there. Keep it up okay." She wanted to build the little guy up.

She then walked over to her future father. "He will be quite strong. I did learn from the best warriors after all." She winked.
Gohan smiled as he looked at Rini, "Well yeah, but it isn't me, it is your grandmother who trained him, and maybe Vegeta," Gohan said with a smile, "good job Rini, it was impressive, you learned well too, I am very proud of you," he said hugging his future daughter for a moment before he looked around. "Well now, tomorrow we find out the matches for the round of 8, should be interesting," Gohan commented s he looked at Rini then the others.

Trunks looked at Lita and smiled, he was so happy his father approved of her, and that she won. He knew that his father wasn't interested in the tournament, especial with Goku not in it, but still it was kind to test her. He sat with an arm around Lita as he had watched the rest of the matches, they were fun, he knew that the matches in the future were going to be far more challenging. It was going to be hard, and the Dabura guy had moved on too. Yeah, that guy was strong very strong.
Rini giggled. "I know Grandma trained him. He's one of the people who trained me." She hugged him in return and hugged Serena as well.

"So its back to the lookout for the night then?" Serena asked Gohan with a smile. "Is it just me, or did anyone else sense a familiarity from the audience?"

Lita leaned against Trunks smiling. She watched the other matches with interest as well.
"Rini go find your sister, I am sure she is sleeping or training or who knows what," he said as he looked at Rini, before he looked at Serena, "no, not a chance, we have a hotel lined up for us all, we all have our own rooms, you me and the kids, um and Lita with Trunks and Yamcha with Mina," he said with a smile as he looked at her and offered her his hand so that they could head to the hotel, it was going to be much easier the next morning when they had to come over for the drawing if they only had a short distance to walk versus having a long distance to walk. It would work out very nice, and he knew that it would be nice to be in a nice hotel too.
Rini nodded and went to go find her sister.

Serena smiled with a blush. "Oh. That sounds better. Are we sharing a room with the kids or will they have their own?" As glad as she was to have the kids around, she wasn't quite sure she wanted to share a room with them.
"Well they sort of have their own room, I was told by Chi-Chi that she wanted to keep them so she could spoil them as much as possible while she could," Gohan said with a smile, "meaning they will eat well, and be treated well with her," he commented to Serena as he pulled her closer to himself and kissed her lips gently for a long moment letting the kiss last longer then most any between them to that point. He broke it only after a bit as he smiled, "Well, I can carry you to the hotel if you want, I don't mind," he said with a playful tone to his voice as he looked at Serena and smiled.
Serena couldn't help but giggle. "They'll be well taken care of then. Does she know what they are to her?" She returned the kiss with a smile. "I'd like that. It's been a while since you've carried me really. I've missed it." She blushed a bit.
"Yeah I told her, and well she was so happy, I couldn't believe how happy she was, the idea of grandkids I think has been something she has been looking forward to for a while, so both my parents officially approve of us together," Gohan commented to Serena softly as he picked her up and carried her, not flying but in his arms as he kissed her lips again gently as he carried her out of the room and towards their hotel room. It was nice sizable, and with plenty of room on the large king sized bed for the both of them. He didn't put Serena down till he laid her gently down on the big bed.
Serena giggled. "Those girls are going to be downright spoiled. She might also be happy that there will be some females in the family. Can't have been easy on her being the only woman." She wrapped her arms around his neck while he carried her, laying her head against his shoulder. She smiled as he laid her on the bed, loving the softness of the bed. She pulled him down for a deep kiss.
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